Uploaded by Sara Nevalainen

Data Analytics & Business Law Cover Letter Excerpt

I'm minoring in Data-analytics for Management and Business Law, and highly passionate about strategy and
international business. My strengths are analytical problem solving and an initiative-taking mindset.
Considering my experience, I am confident I will be able to view any problem from either businessoriented, technical or the client’s point of view.
Even though I can manage working independently in certain tasks without issue, I consider myself an
excellent team player. I am actively participating in various student organizational and extracurricular
activities, which are described more detailed in my CV and LinkedIn. My extracurricular programs have
greatly improved my analytical problem solving and teamwork skills, and especially the Lean Six Sigma
Theory program, which I recently completed, has allowed me to better understand the complex challenges
companies might face and what approaches those might be best tackled with.
As a result-oriented and outgoing persona I see this position highly motivating and rewarding, as well as an
incredible opportunity to utilize my strengths and develop my skills further.