23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY, NUTRITION & CONSUMER SCIENCE COURSE PROGRAM: BSc. FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIELD OUTREACH REPORT: THE ASSESSMENT ON THE EXTENT OF BUTCHERIES IN MOROGORO MUNICIPALITY TO MEET TFDA QUALITY PREREQUISITES PREPARED BY PILYSON, VISITANTULY G (UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT-SUA) INTERESTED IN RESEARCH, ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF FOOD INSTRUCTOR: DR. ISSA ZACHARIA A (PhD) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 1/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Groly to God, He is the creator of all living things, and we are among those livings. Our health is upon Him, and through that good health, we were able to conduct this field outreach. We praise you, God. I would like to acknowledge members who fronted line in data collection: Shuma, R., Sambila, N., Sanga, A., Paul, E., Sanga, S., Rajabu, S., Sarru, V., and Pilyson, V. (Author) Appreciation to Dr. Issa Zacharia A for his superior knowledge concerning meat and fish technology for supervising and marking our work. Special thanks to Wanda, Mirian W., a responsible young woman with her little contribution on finalizing this paper. Lastly, The cooperation showed by butchers in their working environments was essential for conducting this assessment, I appreciate it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 2/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs INTRODUCTION Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food. Some of animals like cattle, sheep and goats used as a source of meat after being slaughtered. Meat is important in economy and culture, even though its mass production and consumption has been determined to pose risks for human health and the environment. (Lawrie, & Ledward., 2006). The meat value chain start from the livestock keeper up to butchery and then to consumer. Meat from butchers are supposed to meet specified qualities and standard for the purpose of quality assurance and protection of consumer health. Butchery is the work of slaughtering animals and preparing them for sale as meat. Good quality meat depends on practices in butchery systems before meat reach consumers. A butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat, or participate within any combination of these three tasks. They may prepare standard cuts of meat and poultry for sale in retail or wholesale food establishments. (York Butchers’ Guild, 2012). There are different organization that provides standards for different food products so as they can be useful and safe consumed. In Tanzania, we have TBS that formulate standards and TFDA that mandated to ensure standards and qualities in food, drugs and cosmetics are met and followed by processors and producers. Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGE ). TFDA is responsible for regulating safety, quality and effectiveness of food, medicines, cosmetics, medical devices and diagnostics. TFDA main responsibility is stated in the Health policy, 2007 and its mandate as stipulated in the Tanzania food, drugs and cosmetics act (TFDCA) cap. 219. (TFDA, 2019). TFDA is managed as an Executive Agency in accordance with the Executive Agencies Act, cap. 245 as amended in 2009. Some functions of TFDA as prescribed in section 5 of the TFDCA include: ❏ Regulate all matters relating to quality and safety of food, medicines, herbal drugs, medical devices, cosmetics and diagnostics, ❏ Regulate in accordance with the TFDCA, the importation, manufacture, labelling, marking or identification, storage, promotion, sale and distribution of food, medicines, cosmetics, herbal drugs and medical devices, diagnostics or any materials or substances used in the manufacture of products regulated under TFDCA. For the sake of consumer health, TFDA provides quality prerequisites that butcheries must meet. So in order to know whether these butcheries meet these prerequisites or not, for the purpose of learning a field practical outreach was necessary to be carried out. Aim of the practical outreach was to assess the extent butchers meet TFDA quality prerequisites in Morogoro municipality. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 3/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs MATERIAL AND METHODS ➔ Questionnaire for data collection from different butcheries around Morogoro Municipality. ➔ Recommendation letter for carrying out practical training in their butcheries ➔ Butcher grading form ➔ Student identity card ➔ Digital camera for taking photos during the outreach ➔ Meat technology skills and Knowledge Data collected from different butcheries by visiting, asking questions and observing environmental conditions around the butcheries. Butcher grading form was used to classify the qualification level of the butcher as seen below (showing classification criteria) Main Specific attribute in question Mark Grading criteria attributes s (%) A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m XA <= 50% : Below structure and length and 2.5 m width. 10 standard environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 10 60% <= XA <= 80% 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 10 :Intermediate 5. Presence of wide glass window. 10 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 10 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 10 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 10 90% <= XA <= 100% : 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10 Standard 10.presence of electric fan or air condition 10 SUBTOTAL 100 B. Working 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 50 XB = 100% : Standard Personnel’s 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white 50 XB < 100% : Below tetron apron which should always be clean standard SUBTOTAL 50 C. 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 25 XC <= 50% : Below WORKING 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 25 standard UTENSILS 3.Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 25 75% <=XC <= 90% : 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef 25 Intermediate SUBTOTAL 100 XC = 100% : Standard https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 4/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. MSONJELA MEAT VISITANTULY G Specific attribute in question SHOP/ BUTCHER: COLLECTED Main attributes A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m structure and length and 2.5 m width. environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 5. Presence of wide glass window. 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL B. Working 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve Personnel’s 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL C. 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives WORKING 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks UTENSILS 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL BY Marks (%) 10 10 10 7 10 9 10 5 10 5 76 50 35 85 19 15 25 25 84 PILYSON, Grade Intermediate standard Below standard Intermediate Standard NB: Marks was been assigned according to the intensity quality of a specified attribute in question. For instance, presence of water sinks for washing serving tools was assigned 5% out 0f 10% because there were no sink instead, basket was there for a specified purpose. The same applied to other attributes as I mentioned that, we marked according to our observations towards the situation of their attribute. Main attributes A: Building structure and environment 2. MACHAME BUTCHER: COLLECTED BY SHUMA, ROSEMARY F Specific attribute in question Marks (%) 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m length and 2.5 m width. 10 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 10 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 10 5. Presence of wide glass window. 10 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 10 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 10 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit Grade Intermediate standard 5/16 23/05/2019 B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL 3. TOWN BUTCHER:COLLECTED BY SANGA, AYUBU ESSAU Specific attribute in question Main attributes A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m structure and length and 2.5 m width. environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 5. Presence of wide glass window. 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL B. Working 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve Personnel’s 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL C. 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives WORKING 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks UTENSILS 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL 4. MANZESE BUTCHER: COLLECTED BY PAUL, ELISHA Specific attribute in question 0 10 80 50 50 100 25 0 25 25 75 Marks (%) 10 0 7 6 8 10 9 4 0 10 64 40 30 85 15 0 20 25 84 Main Marks attributes (%) A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m structure and length and 2.5 m width. 10 environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 8 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit Standard Intermediate Standard Grade Intermediate standard Below standard Below Standard Grade Intermediate standard 6/16 23/05/2019 B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Main attributes A: Building structure and environment B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 5. Presence of wide glass window. 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 78 0 50 50 20 00 25 25 75 5. MACHAME BUTCHER: COLLECTED BY SARRU, VIVIAN Specific attribute in question Marks (%) 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m length and 2.5 m width. 10 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 10 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 0 5. Presence of wide glass window. 10 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 10 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 10 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 0 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10 10.presence of electric fan or air condition 10 SUBTOTAL 80 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 50 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white 0 tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 50 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 25 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 0 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 25 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef 25 SUBTOTAL 75 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit Below standard Intermediate Standard Grade Intermediate standard Below standard Intermediate Standard 7/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs 6. KIDIDIMO BUTCHER: COLLECTED BY SAMBILA, NICKY ALEX Main Specific attribute in question Marks attributes (%) A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m structure and length and 2.5 m width. 8 environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 10 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 10 5. Presence of wide glass window. 1 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 9 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 9 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10 10.presence of electric fan or air condition 0 SUBTOTAL 76 B. Working 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 40 Personnel’s 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white 45 tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 95 C. 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 20 WORKING 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 0 UTENSILS 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 25 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef 20 SUBTOTAL 65 Grade Intermediate standard Below standard Below standard 6. JOHN BUTCHER KIDIDIMO: COLLECTED BY RAJABU, SAUMU HAMIS Main Specific attribute in question Marks Grade attributes (%) A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m Intermediate standard structure and length and 2.5 m width. 7 environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 10 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 4 5. Presence of wide glass window. 5 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 4 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 5 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 00 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10 10.presence of electric fan or air condition 0 SUBTOTAL 55 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 8/16 23/05/2019 B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL 50 30 80 20 0 25 25 70 Below standard Intermediate Standard 7. MKALIMOTO BUTCHER: COLLECTED BY SANGA SARAPHINA L Main attributes A: Building structure and environment B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Specific attributes Marks (%) 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m 10 length and 2.5 m width. 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 10 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The 10 remaining part should be furnished with white colour 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 5. Presence of wide glass window. 10 10 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean 10 10 SUBTOTAL 100 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 3.Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL 25 25 25 25 8. X: COLLECTED BY RITTE, ROSEMARY Specific attribute in question 10 10 100 50 50 Main Marks attributes (%) A: Building 1. The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m structure and length and 2.5 m width. 10 environment 2. The floor should be tough with no crakes. 8 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit Grading criteria Since the score is 100%, Then the building structure and environment of the butcher is Standard. According to TFDA since the score is 100% then working personnel’s is at standard The Grade is equal to 100% hence the working utensils for the butcher meet the standard of TFDA. Grade Intermediate standard 9/16 23/05/2019 B. Working Personnel’s C. WORKING UTENSILS Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs 3. The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour 4. The outside walls should be furnished with white colour 5. Presence of wide glass window. 6.Presence of white ceiling roof 7.Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof 8.Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools 9.presence of toilet for attendants 10.presence of electric fan or air condition SUBTOTAL 1.Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve 2. Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean SUBTOTAL 1.Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives 2.Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of free logs hooks 3. Carcass should be hanged using appropriate 4.Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef SUBTOTAL https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 10 10 0 5 5 5 3 5 61 40 40 80 20 0 15 25 60 Below standard Intermediate Standard 10/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs DISCUSSION The guideline for our outreach to butcheries was the TFDA quality prerequisites as stipulated above on results sections. During the visit we only focused on three important aspects namely: Building structure and environment, working personnels and working utensils. In order to generalize and conclude the level of standard run by butcheries in Morogoro town by referencing the TFDA recommendation quality aspect to be met by these butcheries, it is necessary to discuss one by one (from three important focused aspect during the visit). The totality of the scores from different specified attributes and average will be discussed on each main attribute below so as to conclude on results of our assessments. BUILDING STRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT In this section, 10 subsections were assessed from each butchery. In the subsection of “The building should be permanently constructed with not less the 3 m length and 2.5 m width” most of the visited butcheries were shown to meet the standard as most scored 10 out of 10% score. Many of them were very having a huge space 2 to 3 times the recommended standard. The average of score from this section was about 8.8% score, to which it reflects that 88% of butchery buildings in Morogoro municipality have enough space as they meet the specified standard by TFDA regarding the attribute. For the case of “The floor should be tough with no crakes” subsection: Most visited buildings of butchery were having a flow with not only the tough flow but also it was covered with tiles which facilitate easier cleaning. The average score for this attribute was around 9% which reflect that out of every 10 butcheries in Morogoro municipality only one butcher does not have a tough flow with crakes. It at least reflects the reality. So in this case, the average shows standard was met. The third attribute in building structure and environment states that “The inside walls should be tiled at not less than 1.2m from the floor. The remaining part should be furnished with white colour”. Although in an economic point of view 1.2m wall with tiles from the flow is quite long, but most of the visited butcheries met this standard, as the calculated average scores were about 9% which means 90% of butcheries found in Morogoro municipality meet this standard. The forth attribute recommend appearance of walls of butcheries, as stated “The outside walls should be furnished with white colour”. After the observation from different butcheries that we visited, this was one of attribute that most of butcheries failed to meet the standard. Statistical data we collected from ten butcheries, its average score was about 6% scores out of ten. This average indicate that most of Morogoro municipality butcheries does not meet the specified attribute criteria. 6% score grades these butcheries to be in the intermediate standard in sense that they are neither below standard nor met standard. Most observed reason for failure to meet such condition was the devaluation of buildings, hence the color of wall diminishes as time goes. The recommendation that state “Presence of wide glass window.” was one of the failure to most of butcheries as about 70% of visited butcheries did not meet. Most of butcheries have only wide door https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 11/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs without presence of any kind of window. The average score for this section was below 1% which dictates the failure of meeting standard. Therefore about 99% of butcheries found in Morogoro municipality do not have either wide windows or no windows at all. So the average conclusion for this subsection was below standard. For the case of “Presence of white ceiling roof” subsection, Most visited buildings of butchery were having a white ceiling roof. The average score for this attribute was around 9% which reflect that out of every 10 butcheries in Morogoro municipality only one butcher does not have a white ceiling roof. It at least reflects the reality. So in this case, the average shows standard was met. The 7th attribute state that, “Presence of entrance door which is both dusts and insect proof”. This criteria was one of the best performed with highest average score as it was 10% out of ten, this reflect that, almost all butcheries in Morogoro municipality have dust and insect proof entrance door. Most of door were coated with a color that act as dust and insect proof. This criteria met by most visited butcheries by 100% “Presence of water sinks for through washing of serving tools” This is one of specific attribute in Building structure and environments. We graded most of visited butcheries by average of 5% out of ten as most of them were having baskets similar function to what sinks supposed to do. SO cleaning and washing of serving tools were done locally but under hygienic condition. Though they were having baskets but still they failed meet standard. “presence of toilet for attendants” In many cases we visited, we found a clean toilets with high level of sanitation. Average score for this subsection was 10% out of 10. Standard met The last attribute in question for building structure and environment was the “presence of electric fan or air condition”. Most of butcheries failed to meet the specified standard as we found that the are available but not working. Average score for this subsection was 5% out of 10 which defines that, for every 10 butcheries in Morogoro municipality 5 of them possess air condition or electric fan, hence standard does not met as required. WORKING PERSONENNEL’S In this section, TFDA basically focused on the general health's and hygienic condition of personnels (Butcher man). There were only two subsections specific attributes question that were used to assess the recommended TFDA prerequisites to meat shops/ Butcheries. The first specific attribute question was as stated, “Attendants should be healthy checked and approved to serve”. This attribute is based on healthier and general hygienic condition of the individual. Assessment of this attribute was quite challengeable, it was not easy to get information of these butcher man regarding their health. Most of them were not ready to talk about their personal health. Although some of them showed corporations by even showing their certified certificates indicating their progressive health checking. Some of them just replied by ensuring their health without showing evidence. Since data collections always have a lot of challenges, we just have to includes them as they are healthier. So we have an average of 49.99% out of 50% score, and hence we concluded that, above 90% of butcher man frequently checks their health although it’s not practical. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 12/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs The last specific attribute for this section stated that, “Each attendant should have two pairs of protecting gears include white tetron apron which should always be clean”. Most of attendants were having only one white tetron apron… very few were having two. Although sanitation of their protective gears were not effective. So the average of our data collected scores for this attribute was around 30% out of 50%, hence this means that only 60% of bucher man in morogoro, have clean and two pair of white apron which is absolutely below standard for this specific attribute in working personnel section. WORKING UTENSILS TFDA also provide prerequisites recommendation of what working utensil in butcheries should look like. TFDA pronounced four categories in this section as going to be discussed shortly below. The first category is “Presence of adequate handle- cutting facilities such as knives”. In our own assessment and observations that we have conducted, butcheries are so tentative in case of cutting facilities, they have enough but not in all places that we have visited. For instance 20% out of 25% for this category was observed hence at least to some extent they are in standard. Second category was the “Presence of electrical beef cutting saws instead of tree logs hooks”. Almost all visited butcheries meat was hang in cut by using tree logs instead of electrical beef cutting sawa. They complaining about the high cost for acquiring these cutting saws. Source of contamination of meat by cutting it with tree logs is quite high hence need to be minimized. 15% out of 25% in average were having electric saws for meat cut. The third category was basically recommend the use of hook to hang meat as stated “Carcass should be hanged using appropriate”. 99.9% of butcheries that we visited, meat was hanged in hooks, so we have no doubt in this category. Average 0f 25% out of 25% were hanged the carcass with hooks. Although most of hooks used were non stainless steel hooks. Lastly “Presence of working refrigerator for storage of unsold beef”. This was the last category in working utensils were most of butcheries have these refrigerator for storing unsold meat. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 13/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs SUMMARY A B C A1 10 10 10 10 10 8 7 10 10 9.4 A2 10 10 0 8 10 10 10 10 8 8.4 A3 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.6 A4 7 10 6 10 0 10 4 10 10 7.4 A5 10 10 8 10 10 10 5 10 0 8.1 A6 9 10 10 10 10 10 4 10 5 8.6 A7 10 10 9 10 10 10 5 10 5 8.7 A8 5 10 4 0 0 10 0 10 5 4.8 A9 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 3 5.8 A10 5 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 5 6.6 B1 50 40 0 50 40 50 50 50 40 41.1 B2 50 30 50 0 45 50 30 50 40 33.1 C1 19 25 15 20 25 20 20 25 20 21 C2 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 4.4 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 77.4 74.2 73.1 14/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs C3 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 15 23.3 C4 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 24..4 Key: A: Building structure and environment; B: Working personnel’s; C: Working utensils; Their corresponding letter (A1, A2,.....& A10, B1, & B2,....and C1, C2, C3 & C4…...) indicates the specific attributes for each main attributes. The table above summaries all the data collected, their totality and average, this analysis comes up with the conclusion that: ❏ For building structure and environment the total average of 77.4 scores was obtained which means in Morogoro municipality, butcheries are in the intermediate standard as far as building structure and environment is concerned ❏ For the case of working personel the total average of 74.2 scores was observe. This result define Morogoro municipality butcheries failed to meet prerequisite for TFDA quality concerning working personnel attribute. ❏ Lastly, working personnel performed quite well but not that much. 73.1 average scores was calculated and obtained. This comes in conclusion that bucharies found in Morogoro municipality fall in between below standard and intermediate standard as far as working utensil attribute is concerned. CONCLUSION Generally, the performance of butcheries in Morogoro municipality is not satisfy for the case of meeting TFDA recommended standard and quality, and this reference is according to our simple assessment that we have done. Working personnel attribute should be a priority for assurance of standard and by any regulatory authority. Limitations sets and penalty should be introduce as without this health of consumer will be in danger, as we observed that most of butchery man wear dirty closes, without even protective gears. But also much care on working utensil attribute as the performance in Morogoro still not good. So i'm emphasising regulatory authorities to take their responsibility. Not only the mentioned attribute, but in reality things are worse. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit 15/16 23/05/2019 Butchers assessments for TFDA qualities and Standard - Google Docs REFERENCES Lawrie, R.A.; Ledward, D A. (2006). Lawrie's meat science (7th ed.). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited. ISBN 978-1-84569-159-2. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meat on 20th may 2019. York Butchers' Guild". Yorkbutchersgild.com. Archived from the original on 2012-03-08. Retrieved 2019-05-20 from https://web.archive.org/web/20120308184834/http://www.yorkbutchersgild.com/pages/history.html TFDA, (2019). About Tanzania food and drug authority. http://imis.tfda.go.tz/index/?q=director_general_message on 20 May 2019. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SySwTX8r5NUdDlpNGqD_eO7PYdhPG6fQoDqeqc5WltE/edit Retrieved from 11 16/16