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Animal Testing: Ethics, Efficacy, and Alternatives

Since ancient times, some tissues and features in animal and human cells have overlapped.
This is the basis for many animal studies. They are mainly used for the effectiveness and
insulation of food, medicine, cosmetic products.
According to general estimates, tens of millions of animals are killed or maimed in research for
chemical compounds, food products, and drugs.
A common method of animal testing is to inject lethal doses of chemicals into animals (mostly
through the skin and veins) and observe how long it takes for them to die. This causes seventy
percent of living animals to die in agony.
The drug thalidomide is also one of the main causes of death in experimental animals. This
drug was actually a prescription for insomnia. The product was mainly tested on rats and found
to be completely harmless. Even young children and pregnant women are treated as a
completely safe drug for insomnia. But Professor McBride found a link between the drug and
new babies born with severe birth defects. The drug prevented the development of the fetus,
most of the children were born with a lack of external organs, and births with this indicator
reached 161 people. As a result, the drug was banned.
According to a 2013 study, ninety-two percent of drugs attached to animal isolates failed. For
sample purposes, more than ten thousand animals are required to determine the main
ingredients of the "Pesticide" drug, and the final conclusion is reached only after ten years of
practical experiments, along with spending millions of dollars on this process.
Not all animal experiments are painless or harmless. For example, toxic tests (detecting
toxicity through the skin or mouth) show that fifty percent of the animals die within fourteen or
fifteen days after the chemical is administered. They suffer from bleeding and paralysis and die.
To the remaining half, the drug is injected in two to three times more doses, and the internal
organs are pulled out from the animal's body to check the resistance potential.
But Andreas Trump says animal testing is necessary for the latest research. These studies
are also effective for the development of medicines that are useful for the human body. There
are also no restrictions on rats and mice as experimental products. To prove how valid this
theory is, Trump is conducting various experiments.
Currently, researchers at the University of Central Florida are conducting research based on
chip learning technology. The use of chip technology not only in animals, but also in the
cosmetic industry as part of the testing experience increases the high efficiency. This
equipment is the first to study the effects of experimental drugs on four organs at the same time.
This allows the chip to replace animal research.
During the last twenty-eight-day on-chip study, these twenty-eight days were considered the
minimum period for evaluating drug absorption in animals and determining the physiological
properties of cells.
As another proof, I would like to point out that in the practical experiments conducted on
rabbits, the practices carried out mainly through the drug instilled into their skin and eyes greatly
help to obtain quality medicine. But so far forty-five percent of rabbits have died of internal
bleeding from this practice.
It is clear from the above evidence that it is perfectly reasonable for organizations conducting
animal testing to pay the maximum amount of tax.