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Castillo MD, MHPEd, Assistant Editor ©2012 All Rights Reserved Book Design: mervin concepcion vergara Printed by: Econofast Press, Philippines CONTENTS CONTRIBUTORS INTRODUCTION 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd & Andrea Kristina F Monzon-Pajarillo MD 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE Richard C. ,(ho, MD 3 EYE SYMPTOMS Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd & Andrea Kristina F Monzon-Pajarillo MD 4 EYE EXAMINATION Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 5.1 Disorders of the Cornea Ruben LimBonSiong, MD 60 5.2 Cataract Richard C Kho, MD 66 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, Choroid and Vitreous Pearl T Villalon, MD 5.4 Glaucoma Norman M. Aquino, MD 91 5.5 Disorders of the Optic Nerve Raul I-, 98 5.6 Errors of Refraction Juan Ma. Paoio rs. I\OnGgas, MD, MPH, MSNA 6 105 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 6.1 A Clinical Algorithm for the Diagnosis of the Red Eye Leo D. P Cubillan, MD, MPH 6.2 Uveitis and Scleritis leresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd 6.3 Tearing Alexander D. Tan, MD Self-Instructional Materials in Ophthalmology I 2nd Edition n DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 7 139 7.1 Strabismus Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd 150 7.2 Proptosis Prospero Ma. C. Tuano, MD 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 161 8.1 Retinoblastoma Rolando Enrique D. Domingo, MD 167 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases Romulo N. Aguilar, MD, PhD & Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd 186 8.3 Eyelid Malpositions Franklin P Kleiner, MD 197 8.4 Ocular Trauma and Emergencies Marissa N. Valbuena MD., MHPEd 207 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology Mary Rose L. Pe-Yon, MD 220 9 ANSWERS TO SELF- TEST 10 APPENDIX 224 10.1 Patient Census of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science of the Philippine General Hospital Marissa N. Valbuena MD., MHPEd 229 10.2 Different Types of Eye Redness Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd 10.3 Step-By-Step Diagnosis Of Ocular Emergencies Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd 241 10.4 Eye Care Rules To Remember Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd Self-InstTuetional Materials in Ophthalrn010,3y 1 Ztit1ECIII1011 CONTRIBUTORS Romulo N. Aguilar, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases Richard C. Kho, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Physiology of the Eye; Cataract Norman M. Aquino, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Glaucoma Franklin P. Kleiner, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Eyelid Malpositions Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Eye Examination; Uveitis and Scleritis ; Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases; Types of Red Eye; Step-By-Step Diagnosis Of Ocular Emergencies; Eye Care Rules to Remember Ruben LimBonSiong, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Disorders of the Cornea Leo D. P. Cubillan, MD, MPH Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila A Clinical Algorithm for the Diagnosis of the Red Eye Andrea Kristina Monzon-Pajarillo, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Anatomy of the Eye; Eye Symptoms Raul D. Cruz, MD Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Disorders of the Optic Nerve Juan Ma. Pablo R. Nanagas, MD, MPH, MSNA Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Errors of Refraction Rolando Enrique D. Domingo, MD Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Retinoblastoma Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Ocular Pharmacology Mary Rose L. Pe-Yan, MD Prospero Ma. C. Tuano, MD Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Proptosis Marissa N. Valbuena, MD, MHPEd Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Anatomy of the Eye; Eye Symptoms ; Strabismus; Ocular Trauma and Emergencies; Patient Census Alexander D. Tan, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Tearing Pearl T. Villalon, MD Associate Professor & Chair Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science College of Medicine University of the Philippines Manila Disorders of the Retina, Choroid and Vitreous Milagros H. Arroyo , MD Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd Francis Raymond M. Castor, MD Michelle D. Lingao, MD Illustrators Rolando Enrique D. Domingo, MD Business Manager Self-Instructional Materials in Ophthalmology I 2nd Edition INTRODUCTION n the Organ System Integration Curriculum of the UP College of Medicine, the medical student will have their first exposure to the field of Ophthalmology at Learning Unit IV. The Sensory Organs — Eye Module is a 4-day rotation consisting of didactic lectures, small group discussions and practicum of skills in history taking and ocular examination. Aside from the introductory lectures in Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and Ocular History and Eye Examinations, the rest of the modules will be problem based, covering the different eye problems that patients may present with in the clinic. These eye problems are Disturbances in Vision; Red Eye, Tearing and Discharge; and Deviation and Displacement of the Eye. This series of self-instructional materials is organized in the same manner, with additional topics of Retinoblastoma, Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases, Eyelid Malpositions, Ocular Trauma and Emergencies and Ocular Pharmacology at the end of the series. Each chapter specifies the specific learning objectives relevant to its content. In order to facilitate monitoring of learning by the students, each chapter also provides the student with self-test and/or cases. Students can receive feedback to their performance in the self-test by comparing their answers to the correct answers provided at the end of the book. These study materials will supplement the lectures the medical students will receive, help them in preparing for the small group discussions and serve as a quick reference for subsequent rotations in ophthalmology. Although this book was designed for the medical students of the UP College of Medicine, medical students from other schools may also benefit from reading this book. Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd smmnstructional Materials in Ophinalmolonv I 2nd Edition Marissa N.Valbuena MD, MHPEd and Andrea Kristina Monzon-Pajarillo MD INTRODUCTION An understanding of the anatomy of the eye, orbit, visual pathway and the central control of ocular movements is essential in understanding the eye diseases and other diseases which have ocular manifestations.Together with the module on "Physiology of the Eye", this module will help the student understand how the eye functions, how patients can be evaluated and examined and how the different eye disorders manifest in patients. This module is an overview of the anatomy of the eye and the student is advised to read the references listed at the end of the module for more details. OBJECTIVES After the completion of this instructional material, the student is expected to 1. Describe the different parts of the eye and adnexae. 2. Describe the functions of the parts of the eye and adnexae. CONTENT I. Orbit II. Eyeball 1. Conjunctiva 2. Tenon's capsule 3. Sclera and episclera 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cornea Uveal tract - iris, ciliary body, choroid Lens Aqueous Anterior chamber angle Retina 10. Vitreous Ill. Extraocular muscles IV. Ocular adnexae 1. Eyebrows 2. Eyelids 3. Orbital septum 4. Lid retractors 5. Lacrimal Complex V. Optic nerve A. ORBIT lies within the annulus of Zinn. The inferior ophthalmic vein passes though any portion of the SOF and joins the superior ophthalmic vein before exiting the orbit. The orbit is a pear shaped structure with the optic nerve as its stem. It is 30 cc in volume in adults and the eye occupies 20 % of the space while the muscles and fat account for the rest. The orbit is limited anteriorly by the orbital septum, which serves as a barrier between the eyelid and the orbit. It is also related to the frontal sinus above, maxillary sinus below and the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses medially. ROOF OF THE ORBIT Frontal bone Frontal bone Sphenoid body ■ Sphenoid body (lesser wing) Ethmoid Lacrimal bone LATERAL WALL Maxillary bone ■ Sphenoid (greater wing) ■ Zygomatic bone Nasal bone FLOOR OF THE ORBIT Palatine (orbital process) Maxillary bone ■ Zygomatic bone Figure 1. Walls of the left orbit ORBITAL WALLS (FIGURE 1) 1. Roof : frontal bone, lesser wing of the sphenoid bone 2. Lateral wall : greater wing of the sphenoid bone, zygomatic bone 3. 4. bone, zygomatic bone, palatine bone Medial wall : ethmoid, lacrimal bone, frontal bone, Frontal N, Lacrimal N, Superior oculomotor N Superior Ophthalmic V Superior rectus M Abducens N Oeulomotor foramen Floor : maxillary maxillary bone, sphenoid bone Levator M Trochlear N Superior oblique M Optic N Medial rectus M Lateral rectus M Nasociliary nerve Inferior oculomotor N Inferior rectus M ORBITAL APEX Figure 2. Orbital apex The orbital apex is the entry site of all the nerves and blood vessels to the eye and all the extraocular muscles except the inferior oblique. (Figure 2). There are openings through or in between bones in the orbit through which several structures Supraorbital notch Optic Canal Supenor orbital fissure pass (Figure 3). The superior orbital fissure (SOF) is located between the body and the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. The following pass through the lateral portion of the SOF that lies outside the annulus of Zinn: superior ophthalmic vein, lacrimal, frontal and trochlear nerves. The following pass through the medial portion of the fissure and within the annulus: superior and inferior divisions of the oculomotor nerve and abduscens and nasociliary nerves. The optic nerve and ophthalmic artery pass through the optic canal which also Infraorbital groove Inferior orbital fissure Infraorbital foramen Figure 3. Anterior view of the bony orbit showing fissures, canal and foramen 2. BLOOD SUPPLY A. Arterial Supply : Ophthalmic Artery (branch of internal carotid artery) Central retinal artery- supplies the retina Lacrimal artery — supplies lacrimal gland and upper eyelid 3. Muscular branches to the muscles — continue to form the anterior ciliary arteries and supply the sclera, episclera, limbus and conjunctiva and contribute to the major arterial circle of the iris 4. Long posterior ciliary arteries — supply the ciliary body. The 2 long posterior ciliary arteries anastomose with each other and with the anterior ciliary arteries to form the major arterial circle of the iris. 5. Short posterior ciliary arteries — supply choroid and part of the optic nerve 1. 2. 6. Medial palpebral arteries to both eyelids B. Venous Drainage : Blood drains to the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, into which drain the vortex veins, anterior ciliary veins and the central retinal vein. The ophthalmic veins communicate with the cavernous sinus. The blood from the skin of the periorbital region drain to the angular vein, and to the supraorbital and supratrochlear vein branches of the superior ophthalmic vein. This provides a direct communication between the skin of the face and the cavernous sinus. Bulbar conjunctiva — is loosely attached to the orbital septum in the fornices and is folded many times. This allows the eye to move and enlarge the secretory conjunctival surface.The semilunar fold is a thickened fold of bulbar conjunctiva at the inner canthus and corresponds to the nictitating membrane of lower animals. The conjunctiva has the following layers: 1. 2. Conjunctival epithelium — consists of 2-5 layers of stratified columnar epithelial cells. The superficial epithelial layer consists of mucous secreting goblet cells. The basal epithelial cells are deeper and may contain pigments near the limbus. Conjunctival stroma has an adenoid (superficial) layer and a fibrous (deep) layer. The adenoid layer contains lymphoid tissue and 'follicle-like" structures without germinal centers. and develops after the 2nd or 3rd month of life. The fibrous layer is composed of connective tissue that attaches to the tarsus and is loosely arranged over the globe. The accessory lacrimal glands (glands of Krause and Wolfring) located in the stroma resemble the lacrimal gland in structure and function. The conjunctival arteries are derived from the anterior ciliary and palpebral arteries and anastomose freely. Conjunctival veins follow the arterial pattern. The conjunctival lymphatics together with the lymphatics of the eyelids form a rich lymphatic plexus. The conjunctiva is innervated by the ophthalmic (first) division of the trigeminal nerve. 2. TENON'S CAPSULE Clinical Pearl: Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis The direct communication between the ophthalmic veins and the cavernous sinus may potentially cause a posterior and intracranial spread of infection from an orbital abscess or cellulitis. It is thus very important to monitor patients with these disorders for rapid progression of proptosis and any neurologic signs or dysfunction. B. EYEBALL The Tenon's capsule is a fibrous membrane covering the globe from the limbus to the optic nerve. At the limbus, the conjunctiva, Tenon's capsule and the episclera are fused together. Posteriorly,the inner surface of theTenon's capsule lies against the sclera and the outer aspect lies in contact with the orbital fat and structures within the extraocular muscle cone. At the point where Tenon's capsule is pierced by the tendons of the extraocular muscles, it sends out tubular reflections around each of the muscles. These fascial reflections become continuous with the fascia of the muscles and the fused fascia sends out expansions to the surrounding structures and to the orbital bones called check ligaments. Inferiorly, the Tenon's capsule fuses with the fascia of the inferior rectus and inferior oblique to form the suspensory ligament of Lockwood, upon 1. CONJUNCTIVA which the globe rests. The conjunctiva is a thin transparent mucous membrane 3. SCLERA AND EPISCLERA covering the globe anteriorly. It consists of 2 parts: 1. Palpebral conjunctiva — lines the posterior surface of the eyelid and is adherent to the tarsus. The sclera is the fibrous outer layer of the eye consisting mainly of collagen. It is dense and white and continuous 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE El with the cornea anteriorly and the optic nerve dural sheath posteriorly. It is thinnest at the insertion of the recti muscles (0.3 mm); elsewhere it is 0.6 mm thick. The outer layer of the anterior sclera is covered with a thin layer of fine elastic tissue, the episclera, which contains blood vessels that nourish the sclera. 4. CORNEA I he cornea is a transparent tissue inserted to the sclera at the limbus. It is thicker at the periphery (0.65 mm) than at the center (0.52 mm). Its horizontal diameter (11.75 mm) is slightly bigger than its vertical diameter (10.6 mm). Clinical Pearl: Herpes Simplex Corneal Ulcer Ihe Herpes simplex virus (HSV) commonly affects the trigeminal ganglion which is the main source of sensory nerve supply to the cornea. Corneal sensation may be tested by light touch - tul example, using a strand of cotton. When a patient has a corneal ulcer caused by HSV, the cornea exhibits hypoesthesia at the ulcer site. This is one characteristic of an HSV corneal ulcer that helps differentiate it from other types of corneal ulcers. There are 5 layers of the cornea : (Figure 4) Epithelium : 5-6 layers of cells, continuous with the 5. UVEAL TRACT epithelium of the bulbar conjunctiva. 2) Bowman's membrane : clear acellular layer, a modified The uveal tract is composed of the iris, the ciliary body and the choroid. It is the middle vascular layer of the eye and portion of the stroma. 3) Stroma : 90 % of corneal thickness; composed of contributes to the blood supply of the retina. intertwining lamellae of collagen fibrils that run parallel to the surface of the cornea and because A. IRIS of their size and proximity are optically clear. The lamellae run within the ground substance of hydrated The iris is a flat surface with a central opening, the pupil. The iris lies in contiguity with the anterior surface of the lens, polyglycans in association with the keratocytes that dividing the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber, produce the collagen and ground substance. both of which contain aqueous humor. Within the stroma of 4) Descemet's membrane : basal lamina of corneal the iris are the sphincter and dilator muscles.The 2 pigmented endothelium posterior layers of the iris represent anterior extensions of the 5) Endothelium : single layer of cells ; responsible for neuroretina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). maintaining the deturgescence of the cornea and failure of function leads to corneal edema. Cell loss occurs with age and injury. Endothelial repair occurs The blood supply of the iris is from the major circle of the iris. with cell enlargement and sliding of existing cells The iris capillaries are non-fenestrated. The sensory supply is from fibers of the ciliary nerve. with minimal capacity for cell division. 1) The cornea gets its nutrition from the vessels of the limbus, the aqueous and the tears. The superficial cornea gets most of its oxygen from the tears. The sensory nerves of the cornea are from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. The pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye. The pupillary size is determined by the balance between constriction due to parasympathetic activity via the oculomotor nerve and dilation due to sympathetic activity. The transparency of the cornea is due to its uniform structure, avascularity, and deturgescence. B. CILIARY BODY The ciliary body consists of 2 zones 1. Epithelium Bowmans membrane — Strome Descemet's membrane Endothelium Figure 4. Cross section of cornea 2. Pars plicata: 2 mm wide; The ciliary processes arise from this zone. The ciliary processes are composed mainly of large fenestrated capillaries and veins that drain to the vortex veins. The 2 layers of the ciliary epithelium are the internal non- pigmented layer (representing the anterior extension of the neuroretina) and the external pigmented layer (representing the RPE). The ciliary processes produce the aqueous. Pars plana - 4 mm ; flattened posterior zone The ciliary muscle is composed of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers. 1. Circular fibers: contraction and relaxation of the zonular fibers alters the capsule of the lens thus giving variable focus for far and near objects of fixation. 2. Longitudinal fibers : insert to the trabecular meshwork, influencing its pore size 3. Radial fibers The lens capsule (Figure 7) is a semi-permeable membrane (to water and electrolytes). A subcapsular epithelium is present anteriorly.The lens nucleus is harder than the cortex. With age, the subepithelial lamellar fibers are continuously produced, gradually making the lens larger and less elastic. The lens consists of 65 0/0 water and 35% protein and minerals. There are neither blood vessels nor pain nerve fibers in the lens. The blood supply of the ciliary body is from the major circle of the iris (Figure 5) and the nerve supply is from the ciliary nerves. Anterior ciliary vessels 4- Vortex veins Retinal vessels Choroidal vessels Long posterior ciliary a Short posterior ciliary a Conjunctival vessels Major arterial circle of iris Central vessels of the retina Vessels of ciliary body Figure 5. Blood supply of the eye Lamellar lens C. CHOROID Lens capsule The choroid is the posterior portion of the uveal tract, located between the retina and the sclera. The internal portion of the choroidal vessels is called the choriocapillaris (Figure 6). Blood from the choroidal vessels drain via the four vortex veins, each one located in each posterior quadrant of the globe. The choroid nourishes the outer portion of the retina. Pigment epithelium ChorlocepiNerls Bruch's membrane Larger choroidal vessels .tir• SCAM Figure 6. Cross section of the choroid 6. LENS The lens is a biconvex, avascular clear structure, which is 4 mm thick and 9 mm in diameter. The lens, together with the cornea, are the main refractive components of the eye. It is suspended behind the iris by the zonules which connects it with the ciliary body. Anterior to the lens is the aqueous and posterior to it is the vitreous. fibers Lens epithelium Figure 7. Magnified view of a section of the lens showing lens capsule and epithelium 7. AQUEOUS The aqueous is a clear fluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. Its volume is about 230 pL and its rate of production which is subject to diurnal variation is 2.5 LIL/ min. Its composition is similar to plasma except for higher concentrations of ascorbate, pyruvate and lactate and lower concentrations of protein, urea and glucose. Aqueous is produced by the ciliary epithelium. From the posterior chamber, the aqueous passes through the pupil to go to the anterior chamber and then drains into the trabecular meshwork, to the Schlemm's canal and into the venous system. Some aqueous passes between the bundles of the ciliary body and through the sclera (uveoscleral pathway). 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE Ei 8. ANTERIOR CHAMBER ANGLE 9. RETINA The anterior chamber angle lies at the junction of the peripheral cornea and the root of the iris. Its main anatomic structures are Schwalbe's line, trabecular meshwork (which overlies the Schlemm's canal) and the scleral spur. (Figure 8) The retina is a thin, semi-transparent, multilayered sheet of neural tissue that lines the inner wall of the posterior 2/3 of the eye. It extends anteriorly as the ora serrata. The outer surface of the retina is apposed to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Except at the disc and the ora serrata, the retina and RPE are easily separated to form a subretinal space, such as occurs in retinal detachment. The inner layer of the retina is apposed to the vitreous. The Schwalbe's line corresponds to the termination of the corneal endothelium. The trabecular meshwork is triangular in cross section with the base directed to the ciliary body. It is composed of perforated sheets of collagen and elastic tissue with decreasing pore size as the canal of Schlemm is approached. The longitudinal muscles of the ciliary body insert into the trabecular meshwork. The scleral spur is an inward extension of the sclera between the ciliary body and the Schlemm's canal, to which the ciliary body and the iris are attached. Clinical Pearl: Retinal Detachment In some forms of inflammation, such as in uveitis, fluid may leak out of the retinal vessels and accumulate in the subretinal space separating the retina and RPE, causing exudative retinal detachment Antenor chamber angle Schlemm's canal Anterior chamber The 10 layers of the retina (Figure 9), from the inner aspect are the following: 1. 2. Trabecular meshwork Posterior chamber Figure 8. Anterior chamber angle Clinical Pearl : Acute angle closure glaucoma The eye's natural response of dilation to environmental or chemical stimuli which can result to apposition and contact between the lens and the iris is called pupillary block. In addition, the forward-most surface of the lens is anterior to the plane of the iris insertion into the ciliary body. As a result, aqueous flow from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber is obstructed or altogether blocked. The increasing pressure in the posterior chamber causes the iris, particularly its peripheral region, to bow forward (iris bombe). Iris bombe further closes the already narrow angle and compromises aqueous drainage, thus increasing intraocular pressure (10P). internal limiting membrane nerve fiber layer — ganglion cell axons passing to the optic nerve 3. ganglion cell layer 4. inner plexiform layer — connections of the ganglion cells with the amacrine and bipolar cells 5. inner nuclear layer — cell bodies of the bipolar, amacrine and horizontal cells 6. outer plexiform layer — connections of the bipolar and horizontal cells with the photoreceptors 7. outer nuclear layer — cell nuclei of photoreceptors 8. external limiting membrane 9. photoreceptor layer — rod and cones inner and outer segments 10. retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) — The inner layer of the Bruch's membranes is actually the basement membrane of the RPE The retina is 0.1 mm thick at the ora serrata and 0.56 mm thick at the posterior pole. In the center of the posterior retina is the macula (Figure 10). It is clinically seen as a 3 mm area of yellowish pigmentation (due to xanthophylls pigments) and bounded by the temporal vascular arcades. In the center of the macula is the fovea, clinically seen as a depression and corresponds to the "foveal reflex". It corresponds to the retinal avascular zone on fluorescein angiography. Histologically, the fovea is characterized by thinning of the outer nuclear layer and the absence of the other parenchymal layers. The foveola is the most central portion of the fovea, in which the photoreceptors are all cones, and the thinnest part of the retina. All these histologic features provide for fine visual discrimination (Figures 11, 12). The normally empty extracellular space of I 1 - INTERNAL LIMITING MEMBRANE 2 - NERVE FIBER LAYER 3 - GANGLION CELL LAYER GANGLION CELL 4 - INNER PLEXIFORM LAYER AMACRINE CELL BIPOLAR CELL - INNER NUCLEAR LAYER HORIZONTAL CELL 6 - OUTER PLEXIFORM LAYER 7 - OUTER NUCLEAR LAYER 8 - EXTERNAL LIMITING MEMBRANE 9 - PHOTORECEPTOR LAYER 10 - RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM Figure 9. Layers of the retina 1500pm ILM 500µm Muller cells in inner nuclear layer #ifi —lie is al Iczry %II. AllligiNglainal es, - r, Capillary arcades ' W UM , •," XLM , RPE Cones Figure 12. Diagram of layers of the retina in the area of macula Figure 10. Macula (white arrow) the retina is potentially greatest at the macula, and diseases that can lead to accumulation of fluid causes thickening of this area. The retina receives its blood supply from 1. 2. Figure 11. Histophotograph of the retina at the area of the macula choriocapillaris — supply outer third of retina, from outer plexiform layer to RPE central retinal artery — supplies the inner 2/3 of the retina The fovea is supplied entirely by the choriocapillaris and is susceptible to irreparable damage when the macula is detached. The retinal blood vessels have a non-fenestrated endothelium, which forms the inner blood-retinal barrier. The endothelium of the choroidal vessels is fenestrated. The outer blood-retinal barrier lies at the level of the RPE. 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE 10. VITREOUS D. OCULAR ADNEXA The vitreous is a clear, avascular body, comprising 2/3 of the volume and weight of the eye. It fills the space bounded by the lens, retina and optic disc. The hyaloid membrane, the outer surface of the vitreous is in contact with the posterior lens capsule, zonules, pars plana epithelium, retina and optic nerve head. The base of the vitreous maintains a firm attachment throughout life with the pars plana epithelium and the retina immediately behind the ora serrata. The attachment to the lens capsule and the optic nerve head is formed early in life but soon disappears. The vitreous is 99% water. Collagen and hyaluronic acid make the vitreous gel-like because of their ability to bind large amounts of water. 1. EYEBROWS I he eyebrows are tolds of thickened skin covered with hair.The glabella is the hairless prominence in between the eyebrows. 2. EYELIDS I he upper and lower lids (palpebrae) are folds of skin that can close to protect the anterior portion of the eye. Blinking helps spread the tear film, keeping the cornea and conjunctiva wet. Layers of the eyelids (Figure 14) 1. EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES 2. Eye movement is facilitated by its six extraocular muscles consisting of four recti and two oblique muscles. The four recti muscles originate from the annulus of Zinn at the apex of the orbit and are named after their insertion at the sclera on the medial, lateral, superior and inferior aspect of the eye. The superior oblique, which also originates from the orbital apex, is the longest and thinnest of the extraocular muscles. The inferior oblique originates from the nasal side of the orbital wall and is the only extraocular muscle that does not originate from the apex of the orbit. Table 1 summarizes the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the extraocular muscles. Figure 13 shows the spiral of Tillaux, which connects the points of insertion of the four recti muscles to the sclera. The blood supply to the extraocular muscles comes from the muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery. The lateral rectus and inferior oblique are also supplied by the branches from 3. 4. 5. Skin — thin, loose, elastic, few hair follicles and no subcutaneous fat. Orbicularis oculi muscle — Circular muscle fibers surround the palpebral fissure which functions to close the eyelids. It is innervated by the facial nerve. Areolar tissue — under the orbicularis oculi, communicates with the subaponeurotic layer of the scalp. Tarsal plates — dense fibrous tissue layer ; main support of the eyelids Palpebral conjunctiva — adheres firmly to tarsal plate Frontal Sinus Levator palpebrae muscle Gland of Krause Gland of Wolfring Orbital fat Orbicularis oculi muscle -Orbital septum Levator palpebrae aponeurosis Superior tarsal muscle the lacrimal artery and infraorbital artery respectively. Conjuctiva Eyelash SR Spiral of Tillaux • 10.6 Melbomian gland in tarsal plate f. — Lower eyelid retractors Interior oblique muscle 4 Figure 14. Cross section of the eyelid 103 mrs. Clinical Pearl : Eyelid swelling g.g IR Figure 13. Spiral of Tillaux, showing the insertion of the recti muscles to the sclera The thin, loose skin and the absence of subcutaneous fat makes the eyelid vulnerable to swelling, such as in accumulation of fluid in allergy or infection and blood in trauma. Table 1. Muscle Origin Insertion 90' iAt)rilk;tio!I \11 7.7 mm from superior limbus 23° Elevation Intorsion Adduction III Annulus of Zinn 6.5 mm from inferior limbus 23° III Orbit apex above Annulus of Zinn (functional origin at trochlea) Behind lacrimal fossa Posterior equator at superotemporal quadrant 51° Depression Extorsion Adduction Intorsion Depression Abduction Posterior to the equator in infero-temporal quadrant 51° Extorsion Elevation Abduction III 5.5 mm from medial limbus Lateral rectus (LR) Annulus of Zinn 6.9 mm from lateral limbus Superior rectus (SR) Annulus of Zinn Inferior rectus (IR) Superior oblique Lacrimal caruncle Innervation Cranial Nerve 111 Annulus of Zinn Inferior oblique (10) Action from Primary Position Adduction Medial rectus (MR) (SO) Direction of pull Lacrimal lake Plica semilunaris (,(1 IV 1. Anterior margin a. Eyelashes b. Glands of Zeis — modified sebaceous glands ; open onto hair follicles at the base of eyelashes c. Glands of Moll — modified sweat glands ; open in a row near the base of the eyelashes 2. Posterior margin — in close contact with the globe ; along its margins are the small orifices of the meibomian glands (modified sebaceous glands) 3. Lacrimal punctum — at the medial end of posterior margin of the lid; small elevation with a central opening; two puncta in each eye, superior and inferior puncta which serves as passage of tears for drainage. (Figure 16). Lacrimal Anterior punctum lid margin Posterior lid margin Gray line Orifices of Me ibomian glands Figure 15. Lid Margin (medial portion of the eyelids). Adopted from Riordan E, Whitcher, J.2 3. ORBITAL SEPTUM The orbital septum is the fascia behind the portion of the orbicularis muscle that lies between the orbital rim and the tarsus. It serves as a barrier between the lid and the orbit Lid Margin (Figure 15) — free lid margin is 25-30 mm long and 2 mm wide. It is divided by the gray line (mucocutaneous junction) into anterior and posterior margin. 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE Superior canaliculus Common canaliculus Superior punctum ‘,."— Lacrimal sac Interior canaliculus Nasolacrimal duct Inferior punctum Figure 16. Lacrimal drainage system B. Clinical Pearl: Preseptal and Orbital Cellulitis An infection which causes inflammation of the eyelids and periorbital structures is termed preseptal cellulitis if the orbital contents are not involved, since the orbital septum serves as the barrier between the eyelids and the orbit. lo determine if the cellulitis is preseptal or orbital, we need to check extraocular muscle function, pupillary reaction and visual acuity. Restriction of ocular motility, abnormal pupillary reaction and decreased visual acuity suggest involvement of the cranial nerves in the orbital apex and would mean that the cellulitis is already orbital and would necessitate aggressive and immediate management. 4. LID RETRACTORS The lid retractors are responsible for opening the eyelids; have striated and smooth muscle components A. Upper lid 1. Levator palpebrae superioris 2. Muller's muscle (superior tarsal muscle) B. Lower lid 1. Inferior rectus muscle 2. Inferior tarsal muscle Accessory lacrimal glands of Krause and Wolfring - located in the substantia propria of palpebral conjunctiva C. Canaliculi D. Lacrimal sac E. Nasolacrimal duct- drains out to the nasal cavity The lacrimal drainage system is illustrated in Figure 16. Tears drain thru the superior and inferior puncta to the superior and infertior canaliculi, then to the common canaliculus, to the lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct and out through the nasal meatus. Fhe lacrimal gland receives its blood supply from the lacrimal artery and venous blood drain to ophthalmic vein. Lymphatics drain into preauricular lymph nodes. Nerve supply to the lacrimal gland is by a. lacrimal nerve (sensory), a branch of the trigeminal first division b. great superficial petrosal nerve (secretory) c. sympathetic nerves E. OPTIC NERVE The trunk of the optic nerve consists of about 1.2 million axons arising from the ganglion cells of the retina and has four parts (Figure 17) 1. 2. 5. LACRIMAL COMPLEX 3. A. Lacrimal gland - has orbital portion and palpebral portion self-Instructional Material, in Ophthalmcdmiy 12nd EdITIOn 4. intra-ocular portion - optic nerve head ; 1.5 mm in diameter, 1 mm long orbital portion - 3 mm in diameter, 25-30 mm long, located within the muscle cone intra-canalicular portion — 4-9 mm long intra-cranial portion - 10 mm long, and with the opposite optic nerve joins to from optic chiasm The optic nerve sheath is continuous with the meninges. Figure 18 shows the cross section of the optic nerve. intraocular intraorbital intracanalicular intracranial I he surface layer of the optic disc receives blood from the branches of the retinal arterioles. The rest of the nerve in front of the lamina cribrosa receives its blood supplyfrom the peripapillary choroidal vessels. At the region of the lamina cribrosa, the blood supply comes from the short posterior ciliary arteries. The retrolaminar portion receives blood from branches of the central retinal artery.The rest of the intraorbital, intracanalicular and intracranial portions are supplied by pial vessels from branches of the ophthalmic artery and other branches of the internal carotid artery. (Figure 19) SUMMARY Figure 17. Parts of the optic nerve Fibers of the optic nerve consist of 1. visual fibers — 80%, synapse in the lateral geniculate body on neurons whose axons terminate in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe 2. pupillary fibers — 20% , bypass the geniculate body en route to the pretectal area. The ganglion cells of the retina and their axons are part of the central nervous system and as such, do not regenerate if severed. An understanding of the anatomy of the eye, ocular adnexae, orbit, visual pathways and the cranial nerves is important in the proper diagnosis of ocular diseases and other disorders with ocular manifestations. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Dura Duane, Thomas and Jaeger, Edward. Clinical Ophthalmology, Philadelphia : Harper and Row, 2006 Riordan-Eva, Whitcher, John. Vaughn and Ashbury's General Ophthalmology, 17th Edition, New York: Lange Medical Books/ McGraw Hill, 2007 Scheie, Harold, Albert, Daniel. Textbook of Ophthalmology, Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Co, Subdural space Central retinal vein Arachnoid SELF-TEST Subarachnoid space Central retinal artery Pia Nerve bundles divided by septa Figure 18. Cross section of the optic nerve Choroid ---- Posterior Ciliary A Retina-6\ r Dura Arachnoid Subarachnoid space Optic Disc 1. An anti-glaucoma drug which decreases aqueous production acts on the epithelial cells of the A. Pars plicata B. Choroid C. Iris D. Pars plana 2. The rectus muscle tendon that inserts on the sclera nearest to the corneal limbus belongs to the A. superior rectus B. inferior rectus C. medial rectus D. lateral rectus Pia ( Central Retinal Vein Central Retinal Artery Figure 19. Blood supply of the optic nerve 3. Paralysis of this cranial nerve will result in inability to close the eyelid A. Ill B. IV C. V D. VII 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE 4. 5. The following structures are part of the medial orbital wall, EXCEPT A. ethmoid bone B. C. D. lacrimal bone maxillary bone sphenoid bone Layer of the retina that receives its oxygen supply from the choriocapillaris is the A. ganglion cell layer B. nerve fiber layer C. photoreceptors D. inner nuclear layer 8. In order to ensure good vision, the following structures must maintain their clarity, EXCEPT A. B. C. D. E. 9. Cornea aqueous lens vitreous choroid Axons comprising the optic nerve come from which cells in the retina? A. amacrine cells B. bipolar cells C. ganglion cells D. photoreceptor cells 6. Which of the following statements regarding the cornea 10. Which muscle is an abductor? is FALSE? A. medial rectus A. The corneal endothelium is important in maintaining corneal dehydration. B. lateral rectus C. superior rectus B. The water content of the cornea is less than that of the sclera. D. inferior rectus C. Normal central corneal thickness is 1.00 mm D. Corneal diameter is greater horizontally than Answers to self-test on page 220. vertically. 7. Which is not a layer of the eyelid? A. Skin B. Conjunctiva C. Tenon's capsule D. Orbicularis muscle E. Tarsus Richard C. Kho, MD INTRODUCTION This self-instructional material is designed to help the medical student acquire an overview of the biophysical elements at work within (and outside) the human eye. With the eye functioning as a sense organ, all these processes work together in order to bring about the phenomenon we call visual perception. Understanding basic concepts of light energy, its transformation in the human eye, its conversion to nerve impulses and eventual visual perception are vital in the diagnosis and management of eye diseases. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this instructional material, the student should be able to discuss the following: 1. The physical properties of light 2. The processes that occur as soon as light strikes the human eye 3. The internal bending of light as it is focused on the retina, i.e., optics and refraction in the human eye 4. Retinal processes which transform light energy resulting in visual perception 5. Basic neuro-anatomic architecture of the visual pathway, as well as topographical localization of lesions in this pathway CONTENT I. THE EYE AS AN OPTICAL INSTRUMENT A. Physical Optics -The physical properties of light B. Geometric Optics -The process in which external light energy is focused on the retina II. THE EYE AS A SENSE ORGAN A. Physiologic Optics -The biochemical and functional processes that occur in the retina to produce visual energy B. Psychologic Optics or Neuro-Ophthalmologic Optics -The conduction of visual energy to the occipital lobe (primary visual center) resulting in vision REFRACTION OF LIGHT I. THE EYE AS AN OPTICAL INSTRUMENT As light passes through a transparent solid or liquid media, it slows down depending on the density of the media. The relative unit of measurement of this capacity is called the index of refraction. A. PHYSICAL OPTICS Light is the basic stimulus for vision. The wavelength that is visible to the human eye comprises only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum of energy: air = 1.0 water = 1.33 glass > 1.40 kilometer Ymillion mp Cosmic rays The Index of Refraction or Refractive Index (n) is a constant, depending on the material; it determines the angle of deviation. It is simply a relative unit compared to air. X-rays Infra red UV waves Radio - TV Radar Radium rays invisible Hersian V 130Y visible Invisible As light passes from one medium to another with a different refractive index and at a certain angle, there is bending of light, i.e., light is refracted (Figure 2). Figure 1. The electromagnetic spectrum. Adopted from Espiritu RB.' AIR GLASS AIR This small portion, called the visible spectrum, is the ONLY portion of the spectrum that can stimulate the photoreceptors of the human retina. It extends from 380p (3800 angstrom units--violet) to 760p (7600 angstrom units--red). The wavelength of each color increases as it moves toward the direction of infrared rays (Figure 1). Figure 2. Refraction of light as it passes from one medium to another (with a There are three important physical characteristics of light: PRISM 1) Velocity or Speed Any media whose two sides are not parallel will refract light rays. Light is deviated towards the base of the prism. (Figure 3) -remains constant in vacuum , 3 X 1010 cm/sec -slower in clear air and in denser media. 2) Wavelength -size determines color; with violet (380p) the shortest, and red (760p) the longest. different refractive index) APEX light source 3) Frequency -number of complete cycles moving past a specific point over a given period of time. BASE Note: Velocity = Wavelength x Frequency Figure 3. Prismatic effect on travelling ray B. GEOMETRIC OPTICS BASIS OF LENSES Geometric optics, in-between physical optics and physiologic optics, encompasses events that occur from the moment light strikes the eye and eventually gets focused on the retina. Its principal basis is the transmission and bending of the direction of traveling light rays, i.e., refraction. Lenses can be viewed as a certain arrangement of prisms (remember that light is deflected towards the base of the prism). A converging lens (positive lens) can be thought of as two prisms joined at the base, while a diverging lens (negative lens) can be thought of as two prisms joined at the apex (Figure 4). 1!1 Ammetropia is a condition wherein parallel light rays DO NOT fall into a pinpoint focus on the retina, i.e., there is an error of refraction. They are generally classified as: • Myopia • Hyperopia • Astigmatism CONVERGING DIVERGING Figure 4. Converging and diverging lenses Myopia, commonly known as "nearsightedness", is a condition wherein parallel light rays focus at a point in front of the retina (Figure 6). It can be axial (eyeball longer than average) or refractive (corneal curvature steeper than average). POWER OF THE LENS A diopter (D) is a unit of measurement of lens power. It is a measure of convergence or divergence, and is a reciprocal of focal distance (f) in meters. D = 1/f For example: A +1.00 diopter lens will converge light rays at 1 meter. A +4.00 diopter lens will converge light rays at 25 centimeters (0.25m), i.e., 4D = 1/(0.25m). The power of the lens depends on its curvature and the difference in its refractive index relative to air. Figure 6. Myopia: Light is focused IN FRONT of the retina To correct myopia, one would need a divergent lens ("negative" or biconcave lens to neutralize the convergent effect of the myopic eye) in order to focus light rays on the retina (Figure 7). THE EYE The human eye can be thought of as a series of lenses whose main goal is to focus light rays from the external world unto the retina. These "lenses" include: cornea, aqueous, lens and vitreous The average human eye has a total converging power of about 60 diopters. The main refractive components with their corresponding converging powers are as follows: Cornea — + 40 Diopters Lens — + 20 Diopters Emmetropia is a condition wherein parallel light rays fall into a pinpoint focus on the retina (Figure 5). Figure 7. A Negative Lens "pushes back" the image onto the retina Figure 5. Emmetropia: Light is focused ON the retina 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE la Hyperopia, commonly known as"farsightedness'; is a condition wherein parallel light rays focus at a point behind the retina. It can be axial (eyeball shorter than average) or refractive (corneal curvature flatter than average). (Figure 8) is SPHERICAL ASTIGMATIC Figure 10. The front curvature of two different balls illustrate the difference in the curvature of spherical comeas (basketball) vs. astigmatic comeas (football). Types of Astigmatism : 1. Figure 8. Hyperopia: Light is focused BEHIND the retina 7. To correct hyperopia, one would need a convergent lens ("positive" or biconvex lens) in order to focus light rays on the retina (Figure 9). 3. 4. 5. Simple Myopic - one image on the retina, one image in front of the retina (Figure 11) Simple Hyperopic - one image on the retina, one image behind the retina (Figure 12) Compound Myopic - both images in front of the retina (Figure 13) Compound Hyperopic - both images at the back of the retina (Figure 14) Mixed Astigmatism - one image in front of the retina, one image at the back of the retina (Figure 15) Figure 11. Simple myopic astigmatism. One image on the retina. other image in front of the retina. Figure 9. A Positive lens "pulls frontward" the image unto the retina Astigmatism is a condition wherein the curvature of the cornea or of the lens is not the same in different meridians. Here, parallel light rays focus on two separate lines or planes. One can imagine that the curvature of the eye in astigmatism resembles one side of a football, instead of a basketball (in eyes without astigmatism) (Figure 10). To correct astigmatism, one would need cylindrical lenses (lenses each with power in two different meridians/axes) Figure 12. Simple hyperopic astigmatism One image on the retina, other image behind the retina PRINCIPLE OF ACCOMMODATION Accommodation is the mechanism through which the eye is able to increase its dioptric power allowing it to focus on a nearby object. The brain sends out signals to contract the smooth muscles of the ciliary body; this enables the zonules to loosen up, which in turn increases the lens curvature (lens thickens), and thereby increasing its converging power. Accommodation is part of the synkinetic near reflex triad, which includes convergence (to focus the near object on both foveas) and miosis (to increase depth of focus). Figure 13. Compound myopic astigmatism. Both images in front of the retina. PRESBYOPIA Figure 14. Compound hyperopic astigmatism. Both images at the back of the retina With aging (around 40 years old), there is loss of focusing or accommodative power of the human lens. Though the refractive state of the eye remains relatively stable with age (assuming one does not develop any media opacity like cataract), near vision for an emmetrope (and hyperopes, but not myopes) is practically lost because the lens cannot accommodate to focus light rays nearer the eye. One would then need "plus lenses" (presbyopic glasses/reading adds) to make up for the lost automatic focusing power of the lens for images closer to the eye. If one is emmetropic, only reading glasses for near work are needed. For ammetropics, bifocals are the norm --- eyeglasses with different refractive powers in the upper (for distance ammetropia correction) and lower segments (for near vision). II. THE EYE AS SENSE ORGAN A. PHYSIOLOGIC OPTICS Figure 15. Mixed astigmatism. One image in front of the retina, one image at the back of the retina CORRECTION OF AMMETROPIA 1. Spectacles 2. Contact lenses • soft, rigid gas permeable, hard, etc. • multifocal 3. Refractive Surgery • photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) • radial keratotomy (RK) • laser-assisted in situ keratomilieusis (LASIK) • implantation of phakic lenses • refractive lens exchange surgery The human retina is a thin, semi-transparent, multilayered sheet of neural tissue that lines the inner aspect of the posterior 2/3 of the wall of the globe. The young, adult retina contains approximately 120 million rods, and about 6 million cones. The human retina is capable of perceiving the following visual senses: • Light sense • Form sense • Color sense LIGHT SENSE:THE ROLE OF VISUAL PIGMENTS For the eye to perceive light, the latter has to be converted into the biochemical energy of the visual nerve impulse. First, it must be absorbed by the visual pigments located at the outer segments of the rods and cones. These visual pigments (rhodopsin, lodopsin, etc.) are lipid-protein complexes of a fatsoluble aldehyde of Vitamin A, plus a protein called opsin.' 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE El Vitamin A is present only in animal tissue. A molecule of its precursor (beta-carotene) derived from plants, is split into two to form molecules of Vitamin A in the form of an alcohol. Vitamin A occurs in two forms (isomers), a cis-retinal and a trans-retinal structure. Only the cis-retinal isomer combines with opsin to form rhodopsin.' These two lights subserve an angle at the nodal point of the eye called the minimum visual angle.' MINIMUM VISUAL ANGLE PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF VISION Experimentally, the smallest detectable line subtends one minute of arc (Figure 17). The big "E" on the Snellen Chart subtends an angle of 5 minutes When light strikes rhodopsin, it is split into cis-retinal (cis-retinene) and opsin (Figure 16) after passing through a series of orange intermediate compounds (lumirhodopsin, metarhodopsin, etc)' 1) A sudden reduction of sodium influx through the photoreceptor plasma membrane together with increased permeability of the membrane to calcium ions result in a relative hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane and initiates an electrical/nerve impulse. 2) The transformation of cis-retinene to trans-retinene releases energy. Trans-retinal is reconverted to cis-retinal by the action of the retinene isomerase enzyme with energy provided by the diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) dehydrogenase system. Cis-retinal, as soon as it is formed combines with opsin to form the stable product rhodopsin. This combination also releases energy which is utilized in the oxidation of retinol (Vit A-alcohol) to retinal (Vit A-aldehyde or retinene).' NODAL POINT 1 minute of arc Figure 17. Minimum visual angle FORM SENSE: VISUAL ACUITY Form sense discriminates between stimuli, i.e., to see two stimuli separately as two instead of fusing them into one. It determines the acuity of vision. Simply put, it is the minimum amount of separation between two light sources at a given distance from the eye so that they can still be seen as two. 1 Figure 18. The Snellen "Big E" and its corresponding visual angles Light energy nerve impulse orange intermediates cis-retinene + opsin Opsin cis-retinene * isomerase 1 DPN - H2.4\ \•• DPN trans-retinene (Dehydrogenase) Figure 16. The photochemistry of vision. Adopted from Espiritu RB ' energy TESTING VISUAL ACUITY USING THE SNELLEN CHART In Trichromats, all 3 colors are present but has a relative deficiency in one. Letters are constructed so that they subtend the 5dnie visual angle when viewed at distances of up to 200 ft (Figure 19). — Deuterdnornalous (green anornuly) - Trianomalous (blue anomaly) Protanomalous (red anomaly) • In Dichromats, there is total loss of one color pigment • Deuteranopes (no green) Protanopes (no red) Trianopes (no blue) Monochromats or Cone Monochromats (atypical) have only one color pigment Achromats or Rod Monochromat (typical) are totally color blind 1 minute 5 minutes 60 meters 1111 I I 0 20 40 80 80 100 distance from eye B. NEURO-OPHTHALMIC OPTICS 200 feet BASIC CONCEPTS Figure 19. Construction of the Snellen Chart for consistency Monocular vision, seen in lower vertebrates, is a less-advanced One usually measures visual acuity at 20 ft (6 m) and is recorded as two numbers: The numerator represents the distance between chart and patient, while the denominator represents the distance at which normal eyes can read the given line. For example, a visual acuity of 20/40 simply means that the patient's eye can only read from 20 ft, what a normal (emmetropic) eye can read at 40 ft. form of visual function wherein visual impressions from one side cross-over to the contralateral cerebral cortex completely (there is complete decussation)'. (Figure 21) Lett half Right half COLOR SENSE: A FUNCTION OF THE CONE PHOTORECEPTORS White light or sunlight is a composite of different colors corresponding to each wavelength in the visible spectrum (Figure 20). complete decussation Left cortex —4g RED Figure 21. Visual pathway in monocular vision. ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE INDIGO VIOLET Right cortex Adopted from Espiritu RB.' In binocular vision, there is nasal (partial) decussation of fibers from the two sides (Figure 22). As a result, both retinas send the same visual impressions to the visual cortex. Left half Right half Figure 20. The Color Spectrum COLOR BLINDNESS "Color blindness" occurs in about 10% of all males and about 1% of all females. It has a sex-linked, recessive pattern of inheritance. True color blindness (total absence of one type of photo pigment or color-sensitive cone) is rare. Most of the time, all photo pigments are present except for a relative nasal decussation Left cortex Right cortex Figure 22. Visual pathway in binocular vision. Adopted from Espiritu RB.' deficiency of one color----an "anomaly".' 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE 19 • • • • • This partial decussation of fibers at the optic chiasm is the basis for single binocular vision in humans. Stereopsis or depth perception is possible only with binocular vision. NEURO-ANATOMIC PATHWAYS These are structures which perceive, relay, and process visual information. From the external world, all the way to its end terminal (occipital lobe), the following are its components': 4111 Nasal Fiekis Temporal Fields Left t ye 4— Nasal FlaNes of Retinas Temporal Half, Lett Retina 411-- Eyes (retina) Optic Nerves (CN II) Optic Chiasm Optic Tracts Lateral Geniculate Nuclei (LGN) Optic Radiations o Parietal Lobes Corresponds to inferior visual fields (superior retina) o Temporal Lobes Corresponds to superior visual fields (inferior retina) Striate Cortex (Occipital Lobes) Temporal Fields Right Eye Temporal Half, Note that the Visual Fields and the Retina are optically Inverted Right Retina Optic Nerve Optic Chiasm IOptic Tract I Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Geniculocalcarine Tract: •Optic Radiations -Parietal Lobes •Temporal Lobes •Occipital Lobes Occipital Lobes Primary Visual Cortex Figure 23. The Afferent Visual Pathway Note that the cortex of one side receives images from the contralateral visual fields of BOTH eyes Note that the visual field and the retina are optically inverted, i.e., the right visual fields (both the right field of right eye and the right field of left eye) are projected to the left hemi-retina of both eyes and, retro-chiasmally, the left visual pathway until its termination in the left occipital lobe (Figure 23). Vertically, visual field and retinal projections follow a similar pattern of optical inversion. In addition, there is direct one-to-one correspondence between visual direction in space and retinal • location.This retino-topic organization is preserved throughout the entire visual pathway, and this logical architecture is the basis for localization of lesions in the visual pathway via visual field testing (perimetry). Understanding the neuro-anatomy of the visual pathway is the key to effective evaluation, localization, and eventual diagnosis of many intracranial lesions (Figure 24). LESION A. Right optic nerve - central scotoma/ generalized depression of the right eye B. Optic chiasm - Bitemporal hemianopia C. Left optic tract - Right homonymous hemianopia D. Left optic radiation (temporal lobe) - Right Superior Homonymous Quadrantanopia ("pie in the sky") E. Left optic radiation (parietal lobe) - Right Inferior Homonymous Quadrantanopia ("pie on the floor") F. Left occipital lobe (visual/striate cortex) - Right Homonymous Hemianopia •• B Cm* D (Temporal Lobe) E (Parietal Lobe Figure 24. Location of Lesion with Corresponding Visual Field Defects 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE SUMMARY I.THE EYE AS AN OPTICAL INSTRUMENT A. PHYSICAL OPTICS 3 properties of light: 1) velocity 2) wavelength 3) frequency B. GEOMETRIC OPTICS • refractive index (n) • prisms lenses (converging and diverging) • emmetropia • ammetropia • • myopia • hyperopia • astigmatism simple myopic simple hyperopic compound myopic compound hyperopic mixed astigmatism correction of ammetropia • spectacles • contact lenses • refractive surgery II. THE EYE AS A SENSE ORGAN A. PHYSIOLOGIC OPTICS • light sense: role of visual pigments • photochemistry of vision • form sense: visual acuity • minimum visual angle • testing visual acuity with the Snellen Chart color sense: a function of photoreceptors • color blindness • Trichromat • Dichromat • Monochromat • Achromat B. PSYCHOLOGIC OPTICS OR NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGIC OPTICS • monocular vision • binocular vision • neuroanatomy of the afferent visual pathway • lesions and corresponding visual field defects Recommended Reading 1. Espiritu RB. Ophthalmologic Optics. Manila: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences-UP-PGH Medical Center; 2001. Riordan-Eva P, Whitcher JP. eds. Vaughan's and Asbury's General Ophthalmology. 16th ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Companies; 2004. 3. Spalton DJ, Hitchings RA, Hunter PA. eds. Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology. 2nd ed. London: Wolfe Publishing; 1994. 4. Goldberg S. Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple. Miami: Medmaster Inc; 1979. 5. DeMyer W. Technique Of The Neurologic Examination: A Programmed Text. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company; 1980. 2. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Espiritu RB. Ophthalmologic Optics. Manila: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences-UP-PGH Medical Center; 2001. Riordan-Eva P, Whitcher JP. eds. Vaughan's and Asbury's General Ophthalmology. 16th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Companies; 2004. DeMyer W. Technique Of The Neurologic Examination: A Programmed Text. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company; 1980. SELF TEST 1. In the visible spectrum, which of the following colors has the longest wavelength? A. blue B. green C. orange D. red 2. What happens to the velocity of light as it passes from a medium of low refractive index, to one of higher refractive index? A. slows down B. speeds up C. stays the same D. is dissipated 3. True or False? A converging (positive) lens can be thought of as 2 prisms stacked with the bases adjacent. 4. Which of the following structures accounts for about one third (on average) of the total refracting power of the human eye (about 20D)? A. lens B. cornea C. vitreous D. aqueous 5. Match the following refractive states in reference to the location of the image relative to the retina. 1. on the retina A. myopia 2. in front of the retina B.hyperopia 3. behind the retina C. emmetropia 6. Which statement best describes astigmatism? A. The curvature of the lens is spherical. B. The curvature of the cornea is not the same in different meridians. C. The curvature of the cornea is neutralized by the curvature of the lens. D. The convergence of rays in two different axes cancel each other out. E. The best type of lens for the correction of astigmatism are prism lenses. 10. What stable product results from combination of cis- retinal and opsin ? A. metarhodopsin B. beta-carotene C. rhodopsin D. lumirhodopsin 11. What angle does the entire big "E" in the Snellen Chart subtend? A. B. C. D. 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min 12. True or False? In recording visual acuity, the denominator represents the distance between the chart and the patient. 7. To correct myopia, one would need which lens? A. B. C. D. 8. diverging (negative) lens cylindrical lens converging (positive) lens prisms Which type of astigmatism has both images focused in front of the retina? A. simple myopic B. simple hyperopic C. compound myopic D. compound hyperopic E. mixed astigmatism 13. Which condition is described as having total loss of blue color? A. B. C. D. 14. A symmetrically-growing pituitary macroadenoma impinging on the optic chiasm would most likely present with this kind of visual field defect: A. binasal hemianopia B. left homonymous hemianopia C. 9. Your neighbor who is an emmetrope develops difficulty in reading for near on his 40th birthday and asks for your casual advice. Which type of eyeglasses would you recommend? A. B. C. D. Bifocals to correct both distance and near vision Toric lens with reading adds Reading glasses for near work only Prisms reading glasses deuteranope protanope trianomaly trianope bitemporal hemianopia D. left superior homonymous quadrantanopia 15. Which of the following lesions would most likely give rise to a right inferior homonymous quadrantanopia? A. left temporal lobe B. right temporal lobe C. left parietal lobe D. right parietal lobe Answers to Self-Test on page 220. 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE Marissa N.Valbuena MD, MHPEd and Andrea Kristina Monzon-Pajarillo MD INTRODUCTION One should have a good understanding of eye symptoms to be able to perform a complete ophthalmic history and examination, which in turn are necessary to come up with accurate diagnoses.The student should have basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye and adnexae. In addition, the student should have the skills in interviewing a patient OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit of instruction, the student should be able to discuss the different eye symptoms. CONTENT PART I: The Eye as an Optical Instrument (.Abnormalities of vision 1.Visual loss 2. Visual distortion 3. Flashing or flickering lights 4. Floaters 5. Oscillopsia 6. Diplopia or double vision II. Abnormalities in appearance 1. Red eye 2. Color abnormalities other than redness 3. Ptosis 4. Focal growth or mass 5. Proptosis 6. Ocular deviation or strabismus 7. Abnormality in size Ill. Abnormalities in ocular sensation 1. Eye pain 2. Eye irritation 3. Headache Eye symptoms can be classified into three general types: 1. 2. 3. abnormalities of vision abnormalities of ocular appearance abnormalities of ocular sensation — pain and discomfort These symptoms should always be described according to a. b. c. d. e. f. onset — gradual, rapid or asymptomatic Example of asymptomatic onset is that the blurring of vision was discovered only when patient inadvertently covered one eye. duration — acute, chronic frequency — continuous or constant, intermittent or episodic degree — mild, moderate or severe location — focal or diffuse, unilateral or bilateral progression — worsening of symptoms Determine if forms of treatment have already been initiated or tried. If so, to what extent have they helped to relieve the symptoms? Are there circumstances that provoke or worsen the condition? Is this the first time these symptoms are experienced? Are there associated signs or symptoms? I. ABNORMALITIES OF VISION Is the visual loss transient or permanent? Transient loss of vision may be due to vascular disorders anywhere from the retina to the occipital cortex. Is the patient's vision worse or better in some circumstances? Patients with error of refraction may have better vision when they squint their eyes. Patients with presbyopia will read better if they position their reading material further away from their eyes. Patients with central focal cataracts, such as posterior subcapsular cataracts, may have worse vision in bright sunlight. Decline in visual acuity may be due to abnormalities anywhere along the optical and neurologic pathway. Consider the following as possible causes: a. b. c. d. e. f. refractive error ptosis ocular media disturbance (corneal edema, hyphema, cataract, vitreous hemorrhage) retinal diseases optic nerve diseases intracranial visual pathway abnormalities Clinical Pearl Determining the characteristics of a patient's symptom is a valuable tool in helping us direct our investigation towards a suspected pathology. , .777:777:71 1. VISUAL LOSS Patients can describe visual loss as "nanlalabo',' "maulap ang paningin" "nawawala ang paningin", "hindi makakita" or "nabulag" When a patient reports impairment of vision, the examiner should determine when it occurred, whether onset was sudden or gradual, whether one or both eyes were affected. If both eyes are involved, which is worse, which failed first and how much time has elapsed between the two. Actual onset of visual impairment may not coincide with the time given by the patient. Vision in one eye may have been deteriorating over the years, becoming noticeable when the patient accidentally covered one eye. One should distinguish between decreased central acuity and peripheral vision. Disturbances in peripheral vision may be focal such as scotoma, or may involve a bigger area as in hemianopsia. A scotoma is a blind or partially blind area in the visual field while hemianopsia is blindness in one-half of the visual field. Abnormalities in the central nervous visual pathway disturb the visual field more than the central visual acuity. Sudden Gradual Mild Severe check cornea for dry eye Check retina for CRAO Severe Check refraction for error of refraction Check lens for cataract and optic disc for glaucoma CRAO - central retinal artery occlusion 2. VISUAL ABERRATIONS A. Glare, photophobia Patients may describe this as "silaw" or "nasisilaw" Irritative disease of the conjunctiva or cornea especially foreign bodies of the cornea may induce photophobia. Acute inflammation of the iris may likewise make the eye sensitive to ordinary light. 3 EYE SYMPTOMS 1111 Glare may also result from uncorrected error of refraction, scratches on spectacle lenses, excessive pupillary dilatation and hazy ocular media B. Visual distortion Visual distortion manifests as irregular patterns of dimness, wavy or jagged lines, image magnification/ minification. This may be caused by migraine, optical distortion from strong corrective lenses and lesions involving the macula and optic nerve. 3. FLASHING/FLICKERING LIGHTS Patients may describe this as "may parang kidlat", "biglang may maliwanag", "may kumikislap" This may indicate retinal traction, posterior vitreous detachments or migrainous scintillations or auras. Clinical Pearl Characterizing the particular quality ofvisual aberrations can guide us in formulating a differential diagnosis Glare/ Photophobia - corneal edema, cataracts Visual Distortion - central serous chorioretinopathy, age related macular degeneration Flashing/ flickering lights - posterior vitreous detachment, retinal detachment Floating Spots - vitreous condensations Oscillopsia - nystagmus II. ABNORMALITIES OF APPEARANCE 4. FLOATERS 1. RED EYE "May lumulutang so harap ng mata","may insekto no sumusunod so paningin" One must differentiate between redness of the lids (Figure 1) and periocular area (ocular adnexa) from that of the globe (Figure 2). Floaters represent normal vitreous strands due to "normal" vitreous changes or may be secondary to pathologic presence of pigments, blood, or inflammatory cells. 5. OSCILLOPSIA "Gumagalaw o lumilikot ang paningin" Shaking field of vision may be due to harmless lid twitching (myokymia), or to certain forms of nystagmus 6. DIPLOPIA OR DOUBLE VISION "Nagdadalawo ang paningin" "doble ang paningin', naduduling" Monocular diplopia manifests as a split shadow or ghost image. Causes include uncorrected error of refraction, media abnormalities such as cataract, corneal irregularities and intraocular lens dislocation. Figure 1. Redness and swelling of the eyelid Binocular diplopia disappears when one eye is covered. This may be vertical, horizontal, diagonal or torsional. The diplopia may be more severe (2 images more widely separated) in certain direction of gaze or head position. Figure 2. Eye redness due to a conjunctivitis "Namamaga ang mata" Preseptal cellutitis Orbital cellulitis External hordeolum (Figure 3) VS "namumula ang mate; "sore eyes" Conjunctivitis (Figure 2) Iritis (Figure 4) Acute glaucoma (Figure 5) Scleritis (Figure 6) Pterygium (Figure 7) "dumugo ang mata" Subconjunctival hemorrhage (Figure 8) Figure 3. External hordeolum Figure 6. Scleritis Figure 4. Iritis Figure 7. Pterygium Figure 5. Acute glaucoma 3 EYE SYMPTOMS Eti Figure 8. Subconjunctival hemorrhage 2. COLOR ABNORMALITIES OTHER THAN REDNESS jaundice hyperpigmented spots (on the ocular surface) — examples are nevus (Figure 9) subepithelial melanosis c. thinned out, bluish sclera — congenital glaucoma, ciliary staphyloma d. white opacity - opacity in the cornea (Figure 10), a. b. opacity in the lens (Figure 11) Figure 9. Figure 10. Opacities in the cornea golf !non srtional Mnteriala6, °pi-101011i iulUgY I 3. PTOSIS - drooping of the eyelids, "Napipikif; "kirat ang mata" (Figure 12) 4. FOCAL GROWTH OR MASS in the eyelids or eye surface, "bukol","maga'; "butlig" (Figures 13, 14) S. PROPTOSIS - protrusion of the eyeball, "dilat ang mata" (Figures 15), "Iumuluwa ang mata" (Figure 16) 6. OCULAR DEVIATION OR MISALIGNMENT - "duling': "banlag"; esodeviation (inward turning of the eye) (Figure 17), exodeviation (outward turning of the eye) (Figure 18), hypertropia (upward turning oftheeye) (Figure 19) or hypotropia (downward turning of the eye) (Figure 20) Figure 11. Opacities in the lens 7. ABNORMALITY IN SIZE - cornea or globe may be smaller (Figure 21) or bigger than normal (Figure 22) Figure 12. Ptosis of the left eye Figure 16. Proptosis, right eye Figure 13. Lid masses Figure 17. Esotropia. left eye Figure 18. Figure 14. Pinguecula Figure 19. Hypertropia, right eye Figure 15. Lid retraction, left eye 3 EYE SYMPTOMS 29 Severe, localized one-sided eye pain radiating to the temporal up to the occipital area of the head may be due to an attack of glaucoma. 2. EYE IRRITATION Figure 20. Hypotropia, left eye Superficial discomfort is usually caused by ocular surface abnormalities. a. b. c. Figure 21. Small right eye Itching - Often a sign of allergic sensitivity, "makati" Dryness - Burning, gritty, mild foreign body sensation. Can occur with dry eyes or other types of mild corneal irritation, "may buhangin: "may puwing", "maaligasgas" Tearing - may be due to irritation of the ocular surface, corneal edema or may be a sign of abnormal lacrimal drainage , "nagluluha, 'palaging basa ang mata"(Figure 23) Figure 22. Enlarged left eye III. ABNORMALITIES OF OCULAR SENSATION 1. EYE PAIN Figure 23. Teaming "Masakir "makiror "mahapdi" Eye pain must be characterized in terms of location: Periocular - may be tenderness of the lid, tear sac, sinuses or temporal artery b. Retrobulbar - may be due to orbital inflammation, orbital myositis, optic neuritis c. Ocular - may be due to corneal abrasion, corneal foreign body, glaucoma, corneal ulcer, endophthalmitis d. Non-specific - fatigue from ocular accommodation, binocular fusion, or referred discomfort from nonocular tension or fatigue d. Ocular Secretions - "nagmumuta: Characterize discharge as to color, consistency, amount a. Deep seated aching, boring or throbbing pain may be due to inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. Orbital infection can give rise to severe pain. Herpes zoster may induce pain in the eye before any visible involvement of the eyelid and may persist after the disease has resolved. Tenderness, soreness or pain on pressure may be due to inflammation of the lids, corneal foreign body or any anterior segment inflammation. i. Watery - allergic (Figure 24) ii. Mucoid discharge - allergic , viral conjunctivitis (Figure 25) iii. Ropy or stringy discharge - allergic (Figure 26) iv. Mucopurulent - bacterial/viral conjunctivitis v. Purulent and copious- gonococcal conjunctivitis (Figure 27) vi. Bloody - viral conjunctivitis (Figure 28), StevenJohnson's syndrome vii. Dried matter-crusts on lashes - blepharitis (Figure 29) Figure 27. Purulent and copious discharge Figure 24. Watery discharge Figure 28. Bloody/serosanguinous discharge Figure 25. Mucoid discharge (white arrow) Figure 29. Crusting of discharge on lid Figure 26. Stringy or ropy discharge (white arrow) 3 EYE SYMPTOMS Es 3. HEADACHE LEARNING ACTIVITY Uncorrected errors of refraction and presbyopia frequently cause headache referred to the eyes or brow and comes with reading and computer work. Migraine headaches and sinusitis are frequent causes of headache. Headaches may not always come from the eye. High and low blood pressure may also give rise to headaches around the eyes. Headache from rise in intracranial pressure is usually severe and associated with nausea and vomiting. Clearly demarcated one-sided headache, originating from the ipsilateral eye, associated with nausea and vomiting, with or without ciliary injection of the eye may be due to angle closure glaucoma. Students should pair and role play. One will be the doctor and the other the patient. The doctor should take the history of the patient with any of the following chief complaint: 1. 2. 3. 4. "Malabo ang mata" "may sore eyes" "mahapdi ang mats" "banlag" The doctor will write the patient's history and the partner will comment on the completeness and accuracy of the history and the manner in which the history was taken. SUMMARY SELF-TEST Eye symptoms consist of abnormalities in vision, appearance and sensation. The student should ask clarifying questions in order to get sufficient detail to pinpoint the etiology of the ocular disorder. REFERENCE 1. Riordan-Eva, Whitcher, John. Vaughn and Ashbury's General Ophthalmology , 16th Edition, New York: Lange Medical Books/ McGraw Hill 2. Scheie, Harold, Albert, Daniel. Textbook of Ophthalmology. Philadelpia : W.B Saunders Case 1. You have a 20 year old female patient with chief complaint of blurring of vision. What questions you will ask the patient? Case 2. You have a 15-year old patient with redness of the right eye. What questions will you ask the patient? Answers to Self-test on page 220. li:111,1,)iii,l,,))(1,11111)1111,uovippocumolodndo, 111111111',1111 Teresita R. Castillo MD, MHPEd INTRODUCTION This self-instructional material is designed to assist the student learn important concepts on how to perform the basic five-part eye examination. It will explain how to examine the eye and basic visual function. 1 he proper method of basic eye examination in an individual is an important skill that every physician should possess. Performing a systematic eye examination will enable the physician to evaluate ocular complaints and subsequently provide immediate emergency care whenever the need arises. Furthermore, this will enable the physician to recognize ocular conditions that may require further referral to an ophthalmologist for definitive management. An eye examination may also provide the physician with information on the status or condition of certain systemic illnesses such as thyroid disease, tuberculosis, diabetes and hypertension. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit of instruction, the student should be able to discuss the principles of performing the live-part basic eye examination. Specifically, the student should be able to: 1. discuss the value and rationale for performing the various parts of the basic eye examination 2. determine a patient's visual acuity 3. 4. perform gross examination of the eye and its adnexae 5. 6. 7. 8. perform pupil examination and interpret its findings evaluate ocular motility determine intraocular pressure perform direct ophthalmoscopy for a systematic fundus examination report eye examination results accurately in an internationally acceptable format CONTENT I.Visual acuity testing II.Gross examination of the eye and adnexae I . Systematic examination of the eye and adnexae 2. Pupil examination III.Ocular motility testing IV.Intraocular pressure V. Fundus examination All patients should have an eye examination as part of a general physical examination. Visual acuity, gross examination of the eye and its adnexae, extraocular muscle movements, intraocular pressure determination and fundus examination using the direct ophthalmoscope constitute the basic eye examination. I. VISUAL ACUITY TESTING Measurement of visual acuity (VA) is a fundamental element of the basic eye examination. It should be performed prior to any manipulation of the eye to avoid any medico-legal issues that may arise. Distance visual acuity testing should be performed in all patients, including children. Near visual acuity testing on the other hand, is routinely performed only for patients over 35 years of age. Otherwise, this is done only if the patients have complaints with their near vision. Occasionally, near vision testing is done in lieu of distance vision testing if the latter is difficult or not possible as in instances when vision testing has to be performed at bedside. Distance Visual Acuity is generally performed using the Snellen Chart (Figure 1), which may come in the form of letters, numbers, tumbling E or pictures. eye during occlusion as this may affect subsequent visual acuity testing of the occluded eye. 3. Ask the patient to read the chart starting at the first line (20/200 or 6/60 line) proceeding until the smallest line that he/she can distinguish more than half of the figures. 4. Record the acuity using a ratio or fraction which compares the performance of the patient with an agreed upon standard. Visual Acuity (VA) = distance of patient from the chart distance at which normal eye can read the given line For example, a patient whose VA = 20/50 indicates that the patient can see at 20 feet what a person with normal acuity can see at 50 feet. Table 1 shows the various notations commonly used for recording distance visual acuity. 5. Instruct the patient to occlude his/her other eye and repeat steps 3 and 4. Table 1. Alternative Notations for Recording Distance VA E 708203 FP moo T0Z LP ED PECTD 2°63 5 5.55 EDFCZP • new FELOPILD 7 MG ss1,0ing 8 27820 E •M E aturn °O + s * 3 'EWE 2 4 • 51113EL11 5 6 * • EW3MLUE W10E1119111111 m9E311117M - -• 9 10 11 tttttt ev A, .0 7 8 + ♦ 201411116 4 0 €. • V + 1111111114M1111111t0,. B, a*. 2 Figure 1. Snellen Charts used for distance visual acuity testing. (A) Letter chart, (B) Tumbling E chart, (C) Lea Kindergarten chart The standard distance of the patient from the chart is 6 meters or 20 feet. 1 he general steps are as follows: 1. 0I Position the patient 20 feet or 6 meters from a wellilluminated Snellen Chart. In patients consulting • k'4111111=111111111111rat If the patient's visual acuity is less than 20/20 in either eye, pinhole visual acuity testing is performed to determine if the vision problem is due to an uncorrected refractive error. This is performed as follows: 1. With one eye occluded, instruct the patient to place the pinhole (Figure 2) over the eye being tested and ask him/her to try to read the chart through the pinhole. 2. Record the acuity using a ratio or fraction. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the opposite eye looking thru the pinhole if warranted. for the first time, naked visual acuity (without any correction) is initially taken. Follow-up patients who wear corrective lenses should be asked to wear their correction during the test. 2. Instruct the patient to occlude one eye using his/her palm or an opaque occluder when available. Care should be taken to avoid exerting pressure on the 5. Figure 2. Patient looking thru pinhole (white arrow) as she reads the Snellen Chart. Light Perception (LP). If the patient is unable to correctly identify the direction of the light source but is able to detect its presence, record the patient's response as light perception. If the presence of light can not be detected by the patient, this is recorded as No Light Perception (NLP). This procedure is ideally performed in a dimly lit room to accentuate the presence or absence of light stimulus. When the patient is illiterate or in toddlers who are still unable to read, tumbling E, Lea charts or picture Snellen charts are used instead. The patient is provided with hand-held cards bearing the same figures on the chart. He/she is asked to match the figures on the chart with those in the hand-held cards. As with previous methods described, visual acuity testing should be performed one eye at a time. Standard charts can not be used to measure visual acuity If a patient is unable to see the largest letter on the Snellen in infants or very young children (less than three years old). chart, distance VA is measured using the following methods While visual function can be assessed in infants, it is not possible to measure visual acuity. When evaluating vision in (listed in order of decreasing vision): this age group, the examiner should take note of certain signs 1. Reduce the distance between the patient and the chart that may indicate poor vision. The presence of misalignment until he/she is able to read the 20/200 or 6/60 line. of the eyes, pendular, jerky or rotatory eye movements may Record the new distance as the numerator and retain the be indicative of poor vision. Withdrawal or a change in facial denominator. For example, if a patient is able to see the expression in response to light or sudden movement would 20/200 (6/60) line at a distance of 10 feet, the patient's indicate the presence of vision. If vision in one eye is poorer VA is recorded as 10/200 (3/60). If the patient is unable compared to the other eye, the child usually becomes irritable to read the 20/200 line at a distance of 3 feet, proceed to once the good eye is occluded or covered. Vision may be assessed by passing light or brightly colored objects before Step 2. the baby and observing if the infant is able to fixate and follow 2. Counting Fingers (CF). Hold up one hand and ask the the moving object. Vision is recorded as presence or absence patient to count the number of extended fingers. Record of fixation. the distance at which counting fingers is done accurately. For example, if a patient can count fingers accurately up Near Visual Acuity testing is performed using near vision charts (Figure 3). Near vision charts usually contain numbers to a distance of 2 feet, VA is recorded as CF at 2 feet. or figures in varying sizes corresponding to particular point size 3. Hand Movements (HM). If a patient is unable to count or Jaeger notation. The standard near vision chart is held at a fingers accurately even at a distance of one foot, determine distance of 14 inches or 35 cm under well lighted conditions. if the patient can distinguish presence or absence of hand If a patient normally wears glasses for reading, these should be motions at a distance of one foot. A positive response is worn during testing. Since number or figure size designations recorded as (+) HM. A negative response is recorded as and test distances may vary, reporting of near VA usually reflects both the size and distance of the smallest figures that (-) HM. a patient is able to read correctly (ex. is at 14 inches, 6 pt at 35 cm). In the absence of a standard near vision card, any 4. Light Projection (LPj). If the patient can detect hand movements, use a penlight to determine if the patient can printed material such as a telephone book or newspaper may instead be used. Both the approximate type size read and the correctly detect the direction of the light source. Shine distance at which the material was held should be recorded. the light on four quadrants. Record findings as follows: good LPj: able to identify light source in all four quadrants fair LPj: able to identify light source in 2-3 out of the four quadrants poor LPj: able to identify light source in only one quadrant Table 2 shows commonly used abbreviations used in recording visual acuity. 4 EYE EXAMINATION El the eyeball. Take note of the position of the eyelids relative to the iris. The white of the sclera is normally covered by the upper and lower lids superiorly and inferiorly. If the white of the sclera can be seen all around the iris, this can be due to exophthalmos or lid retraction. On the other hand, if the lids are encroaching on the patient's pupil, this could be due to ptosis or enophthalmos. Figure 3. Near VA testing in a patient using the Rosenbaum (Jaeger) Pocket Vision Chart. Table 2. Abbreviations Used in Recording Visual Acuity VA visual acuity OD (oculus dexter) Right eye Os (oculus sinister) Left eye OU (oculus uterique) Both eyes so without correction cc with correction ph pinhole NV near vision Inspection of the conjunctiva and sclera is subsequently done. Instruct the patient to look down while holding the upper lid to inspect the upper conjunctiva. Instruct the patient to look up while retracting the lower lid to inspect the lower conjunctiva. The patient is asked to look sideways to facilitate inspection of the medial and lateral conjunctival regions. Take note of the presence of redness, discharge, lumps and masses, or any other abnormality. Proceed with inspection of the cornea and iris. The cornea is inspected for clarity as well as presence of localized areas of opacities or other abnormalities, while the iris is inspected for pigment changes as well the presence of any masses or nodules (Figure 4). II. GROSS EXAMINATION OF THE EYE AND ADNEXAE A systematic gross examination of the eye should be performed to ensure that all structures are evaluated. It is recommended that one proceed from the more external towards the more internal eye structures. The position of the eyes in relation to other facial structures is first assessed. Check for the presence of any gross asymmetry between the two eyes. Eye position should be examined from the front, above (looking down over the patients brow while seated) and from the side. These views would highlight any possible protrusion of the eye ball. With the aid of a flashlight, one inspects the lids, the surrounding tissues and palpebral fissure. The exposed portion of the eye between the upper and lower eyelids, called the palpebrai fissure should be symmetrical. Take note of the presence of redness, masses or abnormal pigmentation/ discoloration on the eyelids or periocular tissue. The eyelashes should not touch the eye and should be directed outward. The lid margins should be smooth and well opposed against Figure 4. Gross picture of normal eye. Note the outwardly directed lashes and the lids partially covering the superior and inferior limbos Patient has deer cornea, brown iris and round pupil. Pupil examination is composed of three components. are These 1. Assessment of pupil size and shape. Darken the room and instruct the patient to fixate on a distant target. Shine just enough light onto both eyes and observe the size of the patient's pupils.The normal pupil size ranges from 2 to 4 mm. Although size of individual pupils of a patient may fall within this normal range, any asymmetry in pupil size of more than two millimeters is considered abnormal. 2. Assessment of pupil reaction to light (Light Reflex Test). This test is used to evaluate the integrity of the pupillary light reflex pathway. Cranial nerve II (optic nerve) and cranial nerve III (oculomotor nerve) comprise the afferent and efferent arms of the pathway respectively. a. Direct pupillary reaction. This is performed by shining a penlight at the patient's eye. Normal response is a brisk constriction of the pupil. b. Consensual pupillary reaction. To perform this test, light is directed at one eye while the opposite eye is observed for a response. Normal response is a brisk constriction of the pupil of the opposite eye. Absence of a direct response to light would indicate a problem in the afferent arm of the same eye, while absence of a consensual response would generally indicate a problem in the afferent arm of the opposite eye. If vision is intact and both direct and consensual response is absent, it is likely that the problem lies in the efferent arm of the involved eye. In such cases, however, this finding should be associated with ptosis or drooping of the lids of the involved eye as the muscles responsible for lid opening is also innervated by CN Ill or the oculomotor nerve. 3. Assessment of the reactions of the pupils to a swinging light (Swinging Flashlight Test). This test is performed by shining a light on one eye, then swinging it across to the opposite eye. The process can be repeated several times, allowing for about one second interval for each swing. Change in pupil size of both eyes is noted as light is moved from one eye to the other. The normal reaction is for the pupil to constrict slightly and to remain constricted as light shines on it. If dilation is observed when light is shone on an eye, it means that its direct light reflex is weaker than its consensual light reflex and is suggestive of an optic nerve problem in the dilating eye. This test compares direct and consensual responses of each eye and provides an objective way to rule out a unilateral optic nerve lesion or bilateral but asymmetric optic nerve pathology. The abnormal response is called a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD). A positive RAPD signifies that an optic nerve lesion is present on the side of the dilating pupil. Note that as this is a comparative test, hence it is not possible to have bilateral RAPD. III. OCULAR MOTILITY TESTING Examination of eye movements begins by examining ocular alignment in the primary position (straight gaze). The simplest method to observe this is by observing the position of the corneal light reflections. This is performed by instructing the patient to look straight and fixate at a distant object while a light is shone towards both eyes. A reflection of light will appear in the cornea of each eye. If the eyes are properly aligned, the reflection should appear in the center of the pupil in both eyes (Figure 5). The presence of misalignment will be observed as appearance of the corneal reflection outside of the center of the pupil in the deviating eye. Table 3 lists the common abnormalities in the alignment of the eyes. Table 3. Common Abnormalities in Alignment of the Eyes Esotropia inward misalignment light reflection appears It!! displaced laterally in the non-fixating eye Ipotio -pie outward misalignment light reflection appears displaced medially in the non-fixating eye downward misalignment light reflection appears displaced superiorly in the non fixating eye upward displacement light reflection appears displaced inferiorly in the non-fixating eye ' Left Esottopia Left Esotropia Hypotropia Right Hypotropia tHypertropia Right Hypeiti opia 4 EYE EXAMINATION Figure 5. Normal ocular alignment showing comeal reflexes at center of pupils. Proceed to examine eye movement by instructing the patient to follow your finger, a penlight or a small target through the six cardinal positions of gaze. Move the target slowly through the different positions (Figure 6) keeping it roughly 14 inches or 35 centimeters from the patient. This will allow for systematic testing of each of the extraocular muscles in their primary fields of action (Figure 7). When extraocular muscle (EOM) movement is tested with both eyes open, this is referred to as version test. When performed one eye at a time, it is referred to as duction test. Observe the excursion of each eye as it moves from one position of gaze to another and take note of any limitation in movement. Also observe for parallelism of eye movements between the two eyes and presence of jerky, oscillatory or rotational movements like nystagmus in any direction of gaze. While conducting the examination, the patient is also asked if double vision occurs at any point. Figure 6. Motility examination being conducted on a patient. (A) cardinal positions of gaze to be tested following the arrows or the letter "H", (B) Examiner asks patient to follow his finger thru the different cardinal gaze positions. Normally, the white of the sclera should disappear completely with sideways movement. On upward movement, only a small part of the cornea should disappear behind the upper eyelid, while with downward movement, at least half of the cornea should disappear. In order to allow better visualization of downward movement of the eye, the patient's upper eyelids may be lifted. Results of EOM testing are recorded diagrammatically as shown in Figure 8A. The limits of gaze in the various positions are delineated by small lines while the EOM movements are represented by lines ending in arrows or circles. For duction tests a separate diagram is used to represent each eye. Version test results are presented in a similar manner except that the diagrams for each eye overlap each other. When movement in any direction is limited, the lines representing RSR LIO Sup Recii & Inf Obliques RIO LSR RLR LM R PRIMARY POSITION RMR LLR RIR LSO LIR Id Recli & Sup Obliques RSO Figure 7. Cardinal positions of gaze. Note the primary positions acting in each of the positions. muscle movement is shorter and does not reach the limits of gaze. Length of said lines should approximate the extent of imitation in EOM. Figure 8B shows the results for limitation in movement of the right lateral rectus muscle for both duction and version tests. if globe perforation is suspected, as in cases wherein a history of ocular trauma is elicited from the patient. Additional motility examinations are performed in cases when abnormalities in ocular alignment and EOM movements are noted when performing the basic eye exam. MOTION SR 10 LR 1e sf MR le provides a quantitative method for determination of 10P by measuring the amount of pressure required to indent the cornea with the use of the Schiotz tonometer (Figure 10). While this is the preferred method for 10P measurement in patients with corneal scars, its main disadvantage is that it is affected by scleral rigidity. Furthermore, this method requires that patients be placed in supine position. 2. Indentation Tonometry VERSION SO IR Right Bilateral on Ll VERSION \IP Bilateral a Figure 8. Motility examination results (A) Full EOMs shows normal duction and version test results, (B) Abnormal duction and version tests showing limitation in movement of the right lateral rectus IV. INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE DETERMINATION Figure 9. Palpation tonometry is performed by alternately pressing on the patient's upper lid using the index fingers of both hands while patient looks down without closing her eyes. Intraocular pressure (10P) refers to the pressure that is created within the closed environment of the eye. This is governed by a balance between the production of aqueous humor and its drainage. Intraocular pressures (IOP) vary from individual to individual and exhibit normal fluctuations during the day. 10P is considered normal if it falls within the range of 10 to 21 mm Hg and if the difference in 10P between the two eyes does not exceed 2 mm Hg. Intraocular pressure is measured by tonometry. Various methods commonly used for determining 10P levels follow: provides a rough estimate of 10P. This is performed by first asking the patient to look down without closing his/her eyes. The examiner then places his two index fingers on the patient's upper lid over the globe and alternately exerts pressure on the globe (Figure 9). Findings are reported as soft (normal), hypotonic or firm. Care is taken that only pressure sufficient to slightly indent the globe is applied. Note that this method of 10P determination is avoided 1. Finger Palpation/Tension Tonometry Figure 10. Indentation Schiotz tonometry gives a quantitative measurement of the 10P by measuring the amount of pressure required to indent the cornea using the Goldman Applanation Tonometer is considered as the gold standard for lop determination (Figure 11). Its primary disadvantage Is that it requires special equipment and can only be used by an ophthalmologist. Intraocular pressure measurements are based on the amount of pressure required to flatten a standard diameter (3.06 mm) or area (7.35 mm2) of the cornea. Unlike the Schiotz tonometer, the instrument requires a smooth cornea and 3. Applanation tonometry 4 EYE EXAMINATION El flattening by the fixed air puff pressure delivered against the cornea. Unlike the Schiotz and Goldman applanation tonometers, this method does not require the use of topical anesthetic agent. This instrument provides reasonably accurate readings and is generally used for mass screening purposes. V. FUNDUS EXAMINATION Figure 11. Applanation tonometry which uses the Goldman Applanation Tonometer, considered the gold standard for 10P determination takes 10P by measuring the amount of pressure required to flatten a specified area of the cornea can not be used in individuals with corneal abnormalities such as scars. This instrument is more accurate than the Schiotz tonometer in determining the 10P of patients with altered scleral rigidity. 10P measurements taken with the applanation tonometer are however affected by corneal thickness and irregular or altered corneal curvatures (e.g. in post refractive surgery patients and patients with high corneal astigmatism). 4. The air puff noncontact tonometer is a machine that takes 10P readings by calculating the amount of corneal The fundus can be examined using various methods: direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy, and use of special lenses with the aid of the slit lamp biomicroscope. It is essential that every physician learn and gain confidence in performing fundus examination using the direct ophthalmoscope as this is generally used for screening purposes. Prior to performing direct ophthalmoscopy, it is essential to gain familiarity with the instrument's basic parts (Figure 12). Ophthalmoscopy is best performed in a darkened room. Sufficient examination of the fundus can be done even in a non-dilated pupil, provided that there are no media opacities. However, a more thorough examination of the peripheral retina can be performed through a dilated pupil. Before beginning the procedure, one should ensure that the ophthalmoscope is working properly and that both you and the patient are positioned comfortably. HEAD PATIENT SIDE EXAMINER SIDE OPHTHALMOSCOPE PARTS 1 - Brow rest for examiner 2 - Viewing Aperture where examiner looks thru to see structures 3 - Polarizing Filter eliminates unwanted reflection 4 • Lens Selection Dial is used to choose lens for focusing of fundus structures 5 - Aperture Selection Dial is used to select preferred aperture for fundus examination 6 - Lens Power Indicator shows the dioptric power of the lens being used for the examination 7 - Power Switch/Rheostat is used to control strength of illumination HANDLE (contains battery) Fig 11 ro 12. Direct ophthalmoscope and its basic parts 40 Calf clonal Matc! 1. Check the light source and select the large beam aperture. The intensity of light from the ophthalmoscope should not be too much as this could lead to excessive constriction of the patient's pupil. 2. Place your index finger on the lens selection dial and adjust the lens setting to 0 diopter. The index finger is placed on the lens selection dial to allow for adjustment of the lens power during the conduct of the examination. 3. When examining the patient's right eye, hold the ophthalmoscope with your right hand and use your right eye to view the patient's eye. Use the left hand and left eye to examine the patient's left eye. 4. The patient's glasses should be removed. The examiner may also opt to remove his glasses while performing direct ophthalmoscopy. Contact lenses worn by the patient or examiner may be left in place. 5. Instruct the patient to focus on a distant target. The patient should also be instructed to maintain that gaze throughout the examination. 6. Begin to look at the patient's eye thru the instrument's viewing aperture from about a distance of one to two feet. When you look straight down the patient's line of sight at the pupil, the red-orange reflex should be visible. 7. Slowly come closer to the patient at an angle of about 150 temporal to the patient's line of sight keeping the pupil in view at all times. Turn the lens selection dial with your index finger to bring the patient's retina into focus. 8. You may place your free hand on the patient's upper lid to keep the eye open, or on the patient's shoulder to keep yourself steady. Hold the ophthalmoscope comfortably against the arch of your brow. 9. Move the beam until a retinal vessel comes into view. If the image is not clear, turn the lens selection dial up and down until it becomes clear. Follow the retinal vessel until it converges to the optic disc, which lies nasal to the center of the retina. Take note of the disc color, its margins 10. Examine the retinal vessels by moving the beam slowly along the nasal retinal vessels and the temporal retinal vessels. 11. Inspect the retinal background for the presence of hemorrhages, exudates or any other abnormality. 12. Examine the macular area. Take note of the presence of the foveal reflex. 13. Repeat the procedure with the opposite eye. There are five structures that should be observed in a systematic fundus examination: (1) ocular media, (2) optic disc, (3) retinal vasculature, (4) retinal background and (5) the macular area. Figure 13 shows these areas in an actual fundus photograph. 1) Ocular Media is observed for presence of the red-orange reflex (ROR) which is a result of the reflection of light coming from the ophthalmoscope that bounces off the patient's fundus. The status of the ROR is an indication of the clarity of the ocular media (cornea, lens, aqueous and vitreous humor) and condition of the retina. A normal ROR (Figure 14) is evenly colored and is not interrupted by shadows. The presence of any opacity in the lens or cornea, cells or bleeding in the aqueous/vitreous humor will generally appear black or create a silhouette against the red-orange reflex. Retinal detachment will also affect the bouncing of light as it is reflected from the retina and alter the appearance of the ROR. -RETINAL VEIN - RETINAL ARTERY f---- DISC FOVEA r- - - —) F,ACKGROUND MACULA TEMPORAL PHYSIOLOGIC CLIP NASAL Figure 13. Normal Fundus. Photo shows the different parts of the right fundus. and size of the optic disc cup. Figure 14. Red Orange Reflex (A) Normal ROR, (B) dull ROR due to retinal detachment, (C) no ROR due to presence of mature cataract 4 EYE EXAMINATION 2) The optic disc is examined taking note of its color, shape arid margins. In most cases, when viewed through the ophthalmoscope, the normal optic disc will appear slightly oval vertically and yellowish-orange to pink in color. Its margins should be sharp or distinct. Also note for the presence of abnormal structures such as new vessels or hemorrhages within the disc (Figure 15). A central pit or depression seen on the surface of the disc is called the "physiologic cup" which is comprised by the aggregation of ganglion cells from the retina as it forms the optic nerve. It is also the area where the retinal arteries and veins enter and exit and provides the observer with a marker for the edge of the cup since the blood vessels would he noted to bend in this area. The relative size of the optic cup to the disc (cup:disc ratio) should be noted. Approximation of the vertical cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) is described in Figure 16. Normal cup-to-disc ratios should be less than 0.5. The cup becomes enlarged when the ganglion cells die as observed in glaucoma (Figure 17). The optic disc is often used as a "yardstick"of the ocular fundus. Lesions seen with the ophthalmoscope are measured and described in terms of disc diameters. Figure 17. Optic cup enlargement (A) shows CDR between 0.4 to 0.5 which is generally considered as upper knit of normal; (B) cupping resulting from glaucoma with CDR of approximately 0.6 Figure 15. Examples of presentations of the optic disc. (A) normal disc showing healthy neuroretinal rim with distinct margins and approximate CD ratio of 0.3. (B) tilted optic disc with a scleral crescent often seen in myopic patients, (C) disc with neovascularization as seen in diabetic retinopathy, (D) disc with blurred disc margins as seen in optic disc edema 3) The retinal vasculature is composed of arteries and veins. Note that the retinal vessels emerge from the nasal portion of the optic disc. The vessels on the temporal aspect of the disc follow an arching course while those on the nasal side have a radial course. The arteries usually appear brighter red in color than the veins with a prominent shiny reflex stripe. Examination should focus \\p Figure 16. Estimation of vertical cup-to-disc ratio (A) Delineation of limits of optic nerve disc and cup, (B) estimation of cup-to-disc ratio (CDR); this is estimated by imagining a grid that divides the disc into 10 vertical portions and counting the number of grids occupied by the cup. Above example's CDR is approximately 0.5 kip it, .11 I R.Avyy I 211C1 LUIIIVI I on evaluating the course of the vessels; caliber of the arteries in comparison to the veins (normally 2:3 to 4:5); presence of pressure effects of the arteries on the more pliant veins at areas of their intersection (indentation or displacement of the veins); transparency of the vessels; presence of focal narrowing particularly of the arterioles; and presence of abnormal structures within or surrounding the vessels such as atheromatous plaques, perivascular infiltration (sheathing) or hemorrhages. 4) The retinal background is generally reddish orange in color. The retinal pigment epithelium, blood and pigment of the choroid contribute to the appearance of the retinal background. Take note of changes in its color as observed in retinal detachment or ischemic conditions. Note for the presence of pigmented lesions or other abnormal structures within or on the retina such as hemorrhages and exudates (Tables 4 and 5). 5) The macular area is located approximately 2.5 disc diameters temporal to the optic disc. There are no blood vessels in the area and it appears darker than the surrounding retina. This is due to the specialized retinal pigment epithelial cells of the macula that are taller and more heavily pigmented. At the center of the macula is a central depression called the fovea which may act as a convex mirror and produce a light reflection known as the foveal reflex. As with other areas of the retina, it is important to take note of the presence of abnormal pigmentation as well as other structures such as exudates and hemorrhages which may prevent the appearance of the foveal reflex. Table 4. Yellow-White Lesions on the Retina Yellow-White Lesions Distinctive Ophthalmoscopic Features Common Associated Conditions Hard Exudate Deep yellow with sharp margins, often circinate Diabetes, hypertension von Hippel Lindau disease, radiation Soft Exudate Fluffy gray-white; usually near optic disc Hypertension, diabetes, connective tissue disease, HIV Drusen Clusters of yelloworange spots, usually centered around fovea Age-related macular degeneration Laser Marks Clusters of yellowwhite spots, usually uniform in size and regularly distributed in entire retina or around macular area Post retinal photocoagulation Photo 4 EYE EXAMINATION Table 5. Hemorrhages (red lesions) commonly observed in the fundus Hemorrhages Source Common Associated Conditions Dot Hemorrhages Bleeding from capillaries Diabetes Flame Hemorrhages Bleeding from superficial precapillary arterioles, small veins Hypertension. retinal vein occlusion. blood dyscrasia. trauma Boat Hemorrhage Bleeding from large superficial retinal veins into the space between the retina and vitreous: sometimes these bleeds break into the vitreous cavity Trauma, blood dyscrasia. sudden increase in intracranial pressure Vitreous Hemorrhage Bleeding from superficial retinal vessels or vessels on a fibrovascular stalk extending into the vitreous Diabetes. hypertension. trauma Su bmacular/ subfoveal Hemorrhage Bleeding from choroidal vessels under the fovea Age-related macular degeneration Phot0911111. Reporting of Fundus Findings Findings on fundus examination should be reported in a systematic manner. Table 6 shows a listing of the normal and common abnormal findings encountered when performing a fundus examination. Table 6. Listing of Normal and Common Abnormal Fundus Findings Red Orange Reflex (ROR) present dull or absent (cornea and lens opacities, retinal detachment) Media clear hazy Optic Disc disc margins color shape cup to disc ratio (CDR) sharp/distinct yellowish orange to creamy pink round or oval < 0.5 blurred/indistinct (papilledema, papillitis) pale (optic atrophy) AV ratio 2:3 to 4:5 narrowed arteries, AV nicking and AV crossing defects Median light reflex normal median light reflex widened arteriolar median reflex (chronic hypertension) red orange — gray, pale (retinal detachment) pale (central retinal artery occlusion) absent — - pigmentation > 0.5 (glaucoma) Retinal Circulation Retinal Background color pigment changes. hemorrhages and exudates - hemorrhages (diabetes. hypertension) exudates (diabetes, chronic hypertension) Macula vessels exudates hemorrhages drusen absent absent absent absent present (neovascularization) macular star (hypertension) present (macular degeneration) present (macular degeneration) fovea! reflex present absent SUMMARY Acquiring the skills to be able to properly perform the basic eye examination will allow physicians to recognize potentially vision threatening conditions early so that such cases are referred to the ophthalmologist for appropriate management. Summary of the steps in performing the basic eye exam is listed in Table 7. The following is an example of an eye exam report of a 54/M patient with Left Lateral Rectus Palsy. VA OD OS Sc 6112 PH 617.5 NV J5 6115 617.5 J5 T OD soft OS soft 000111111mIeftioi 1/4, Table 7. Summary of conduct of basic eye exam Pupils equal and briskly reactive to light Intact direct and consensual light reflex (-) RAPD (+) L esotropia 1 Measure the distance and near visual acuity 2. Inspect the lids. ocular adnexae. Palpate the orbit if necessary. 3. Inspect the conjunctiva, sclera. cornea and iris. 4. Inspect the pupil and check the pupillary reflexes. 5. Check the ocular alignment and test the extraocular movements. OD 6. Perform tonometry. OD 7. Examine the fundus (red orange reflex, disc. vessels, retinal background and macula. EOMs It><)1 MX I F OS (+) diplopia on left gazes with version: (-) diplopia with duction test (+)ROR, pink disk with distinct borders, CD 0.4, AV 2:3, hemorrhages, exudates. good fovea! reflex (+)ROR pink disk with distinct borders, CD 0.4, AV 2:3, OS (-) hemorrhages, exudates. good foveal reflex 4 EYE EXAMINATION A. replace the Snellen Chart since it is possible that he is just not familiar with its figures B. instruct the patient to count your extended fingers at a distance less than one meter C. Shine your penlight on his left eye to check for presence of pupillary light reflexes D. Repeat visual acuity testing, this time asking patient to look thru a pinhole RECOMMENDED FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY This self-instructional material should be utilized as a guide to identify specific areas that should be focused on by the student concerning the Basic Eye Examination. It should be supplemented by the following small group activities to maximize the learning experience: (1) a demo-return demo session with a faculty member and (2) examination of patients at the General Clinic under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are further encouraged to practice the examination skills during their self-study session. Shown below is a gross picture of the patient's left eye. Based on the picture below, which of listed findings are present in this patient (may have more than one answer A. round, normal sized pupil B. Mild redness of the conjunctiva C. Clear cornea D. Presence of opacity in pupillary area 3. REFERENCES 1. Chandrasekhar, Ai. Eye Exam Lectures. September 17, 2002: medicine/pulmonar/pd/eye (accessed April 15, 2011). 2. Hamrah, P and Pavan-Langston, D. Ocular Examination Techniques and Diagnostic Tests. In: Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy. Pavan-Langston, D. (ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 6th ed. 2008. chap 1: 1-35. 3. Root, T. Physical Exam. In: The Eyes Have It. httpi/www. (accessed September 30, 2008). 4. Riley, HD. Using the Direct Ophthalmoscope. January, 2007: Direct_OscopeiText_Direct_Oscopt (accessed April 20, 2011). 5. The Eye Examination. In: Basic Ophthalmology for Medical Students and Primary Care Residents. Berson, FG. (exec ed). San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology. 1993. chap 1: 1-26. L. 4. Shown below is a diagram of patient looking at straight gaze. SELF-TEST Case. A 23 year old patient consults for decrease in vision of his left eye after hitting his left temple against a lamp post. He has been wearing soft contact lenses for both eyes for the past five years. 1. After taking his history, the first thing that should be done is A. ask patient to remove his contact lenses B. take the patient's visual acuity without removing his contact lenses C. palpate the patient's orbital rim for any fractures D. palpate the left globe to rule out globe rupture 2. On visual acuity testing, the patient was unable to read even the first line of the Snellen chart with his left eye despite moving him closer to a distance of 1 meter. You should Based on this diagram, you conclude that the patient has A. Left esotropia B. Left hypertropia C. Right exotropia D. Right hypotropia 5. On EOM testing, you note that the patient is unable to abduct his left eye. Movement was full on all positions of gaze for the right eye. This would imply weakness of his left A. lateral rectus B. medial rectus C. inferior rectus D. superior rectus 5. The left eye was hypotonic on palpation. To get a more accurate 10P, the best instrument that should be used would be A. Schiotz tonometer B. Non-contact tonometer C. Applanation tonometer D. None of these, since patient has history of trauma to the eye 7. You attempt to do funduscopy and note the absence of ROR on the involved eye. Fundus exam was however possible on the opposite eye as shown below. True regarding this patient's fundus would be presence of (may have more than one answer) A. normal retinal background B. enlarged CDR C. tilted disc with scleral crescent D. retinal pigment abnormalities E. normal vasculature F. abnormal macular area Answers to Self-Test on page 220. 4 EYE EXAMINATION • Disor ers o t e ornea Ruben Urn Bon Siong, MD INTRODUCTION phis instructional material intends to serve as supplementary reading for the medical students and focuses primarily on pray( in the knowledge of how corneal pathologies affect vision and of the common corneal diseases or problems that can affect vision. The discussion is divided into major headings based on how certain corneal disorders affect the two main functions of the cornea as mentioned below. The aim is to make the student appreciate the close relationship between the structure and function of the cornea, and know the common etiologies that can affect each function. It is not the main aim of this material to make the student adept in diagnosing these conditions since specialized instruments and tests, which are not available to the student, are usually required to make an accurate diagnosis. Pictures of typical cases are also presented. Students are however encouraged to apply the knowledge that they will acquire from this instructional material to actual and simulated clinical cases during their rotation. The student is advised to review the anatomy and physiology of the cornea, as well as the principles and definitions of basic physical optics before going through this SIM. OBJECTIVES After going through this material, the student is expected to: 1. Explain how corneal pathologies and diseases affect vision. 2. Discuss the common corneal diseases that affect vision. 3. Formulate differential diagnosis of corneal diseases that affect vision. CONTENT I. Functions of the cornea II. Common causes of blurring of vision due to corneal diseases A. Disruption in the transmission of light 1. Corneal scars 2. Corneal edema 3. Corneal deposits 4. Corneal melt 5. Corneal tumors B. Disturbance in the refraction of light 1. Abnormalities of the corneal epithelium and tear film 2. Abnormalities of corneal size/ shape / curvature III. Guide to diagnosis of corneal diseases IV. Principles of management of corneal diseases The two main refracting components of the eye are the cornea and the lens. Of the two, the cornea, together with the pre corneal tear film is responsible for two-thirds of the total refractive power of the eye, thus making it more powerful than the lens. I. MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE CORNEA 1. Transmission of Light: The cornea is a highly transparent tissue and this is largely due to its unique anatomy. It is devoid of blood vessels and has a paucity of cellular elements. It is composed of collagen fibrils with uniform diameter and uniform spacing and arrangement. In between the collagen fibrils is the extracellular matrix ground substance composed of proteoglycans (PG) with a constant water content of 78%, a lot less than the water content of other tissues of the body. This relative dryness or deturgescence is responsible for maintaining the homogeneity of the collagen fibrils. Since the diameter of the collagen fibrils and the distance between them is less thane the wavelength of visible light, light is notdiffracted and is therefore transmitted (Figure 1). Any disruption of the normal configuration of the collagen fibrils will therefore cause failure in the efficient transmission of Ugh'. and the cornea will appear hazy or opaque. A- 2. Refraction of Light: In order for light entering the eye to oe focused on the retina, incoming parallel light rays have to be bent or refracted. This is made possible by the smooth anterior shape and curvature (measured in radius of curvature; (Figure 2) of the cornea which is convex (thus light is bent inward or converged) and by the difference in the indices of refraction between air, tear film, cornea and aqueous humor. Therefore any disturbance in the shape or curvature of the cornea and the indices of refraction of the different structures can cause the failure of the converged light rays to be focused on the retina leading to blurry vision. radius of curvature Figure 2. Radius of curvature the cornea II. COMMON CAUSES OF BLURRING OF VISION DUE TO CORNEAL PATHOLOGY OR DISEASES A. Conditions causing Disruption in the • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Transmission of Light 0411 • • • • • • • • 1. Corneal Scars • • )10 • • • Corneal scars are usually tan to white in color. They may involve different areas of the cornea and may come in different shapes and sizes depending on the etiology and pathology (Figure 3). Scars are usually formed after an inflammatory process when fibrosis sets in. In fibrosis, new and abnormal collagen fibrils and other cellular elements are laid down in a "haphazard" manner, .4• • • •ii • • i• • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 1. Theory of comeal transparency. Since the oiameter of tne collagen fibrils (black dots) and the distance between them is homogenous (arrows) and measures less than one-half the wavelength of visible light (top), light is not diffracted and is therefore transmitted through the cornea. Figure. 3 (A) Typical appearance of corneal scar, (B) Hypertrophic corneal scar 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 15.1 Disorders of the cornea 49 causing the disruption of the normal homogenous arrangement of the collagen fibrils. This prevents proper transmission of light and is reflected back instead; thus, making the cornea appear opaque. Causes of corneal scar: a. Microbial keratitis: These are infections of the cornea which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoans (Figure 4). Invasion of microorganisms into the cornea induces an intense inflammatory response and with the actions of microbial toxins and enzymes, causes corneal tissue necrosis, melting and sometimes rupture of the cornea. During the active infection, corneal opacity is associated with marked eye redness, tearing and photophobia. Once healing ensues, either due to treatment or due to the natural course of the disease, redness and other symptoms will disappear except for blurring of vision (more so if lesion is overlying or affecting the pupillary area) which perists, as it is caused by the corneal opacity. b. Corneal trauma: This includes mechanical and chemical injuries to the cornea and is among the major causes of corneal problems in the Philippines. Corneal lacerations and perforations are usually caused by sharp objects (knife, scissors, nails, glass etc), and high velocity projectiles (iron nails due to hammering, shattered glass, darts, bullets etc). Most of these injuries require surgical management in the form of corneal repair or suturing with the goal of closing the wound and restoring the integrity of the globe (Figure 5 A). Similar to skin lacerations, healing will bring about fibrosis and subsequent corneal scarring along the wound and suture track (Figure 5 B). Depending on the extent of involvement, vision will be variably affected either by the opacity itself or the distortion of the shape of the cornea. Acid chemical burns of the cornea cause denaturation and precipitation of the collagen and lead to scar formation. In alkali burn, corneal destruction is generally more severe since it causes corneal necrosis and melting due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the cornea. Contact burns from molten metal and other heated materials can also cause severe corneal injuries and scarring. Figure 5. (A) Sutured comeal laceration, (B) Comeal scar from healed corneal laceration Figure 4. (A) Active fungal keratitis, (B) Acute bacterial keratitis c. Exposure keratopathy: The cornea is prone to desiccation if left exposed to the environment. Failure of the lids to close properly (lagophthalmos) will lead to a condition called exposure keratopathy wherein the exposed cornea (usually the inferior half) opacifies due to the drying effect (Figure 6). This condition can also lead to severe scarring if secondary microbial keratitis occurs. This problem is usually seen in comatose patients, those with CN VII palsies, lid and orbital deformities, acute proptosis, nocturnal exposure etc. Bilateral inferior corneal scars are commonly seen in patients with a history of severe measles occuring in childhood. The condition usually starts as exposure keratitis in a very sick child compounded by dehydration, pneumonia, malnutrition, immunodeficiency, vitamin A deficiency and lack of tears. The exposed cornea develops secondary bacterial infection and usually ends in corneal rupture and subsequent scarring. It should be noted that exposure keratopathy can be prevented. Figure 6. Exposure keratopathy secondary to lagophthalmos due to CN VII palsy d. Lid margin and lash disorders: Abnormalities of the lid margins may cause misdirection of the eye lashes towards the cornea.The constant and chronic rubbing can lead to surface vascularization and eventual scarring. This condition is seen in trichiasis, trachoma, chronic blepharitis, epiblepharon, entropion. It is also as sequelae of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. e. Congenital corneal scars: Corneal scars (leukoma) can develop while in utero due to anomalies during embryogenesis. Peter's anomaly is part of a spectrum of disorders known as anterior segment dysgenesis and presents as central corneal leukoma with defects in the posterior stroma, Descemet's membrane and the corneal endothelium. Strands of iris may attach to the posterior border of the leukoma. This condition is bilateral in 80% of cases and more than half have glaucoma. 2. Corneal Edema The corneal endothelium is the single most important structure of the cornea and is responsible for the active pumping of water away from the cornea to the aqueous humor, thereby maintaining corneal clarity. the human corneal endothelial layer does not regenerate when lost or injured and the endothelial cells decrease in number as a person ages. An adequate number of endothelial cells must be present throughout life for the endothelium to function properly. When the cell density dips below a critical level, the direction of the flow of water is reversed and the cornea will retain water and swell like a sponge (corneal decompensation) resulting in the disruption of the normal arrangement of the collagen fibrils.The edematous and markedly thickened cornea becomes hazy or ground glass in appearance. Affectation may be diffuse or focal. Patients will usually complain of marked blurring of vision, recurrent eye pain, redness, foreign body sensation and tearing. Causes of corneal edema: a. Endothelial dystrophy: Infants with bilateral diffuse corneal haziness and ground glass appearance, thickened cornea with normal corneal diameter and eye pressure and absence of birth trauma should be suspected to have Congenital Hereditary Endothelial Dystrophy (Figure 7). Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy, on the other hand, is usually seen after age 50, more so in females than males. These patients have an abnormally high rate of endothelial cell loss as compared to the normal population. All cases will initially present with central corneal guttata located at the posterior side of the cornea. The corneal guttata will increase in number and spread toward the periphery. With the decrease in the total endothelial cell density, corneal decompensation may ensue. Figure 7. Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy (CHED) 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.1 Disorders of the Cornea 1111 b. c. Surgical trauma : Anterior segment intraocular surgery such as cataract extraction can cause trauma to the corneal endothelium (Figure 8). Direct trauma may come in the form of mechanical contact of instruments or lens implants or intraocular structures like vitreous to the corneal endothelium. Trauma may also be indirect like inadvertent introduction of noxious chemicals into the eye. Chronic elevation of intraocular pressure (glaucoma): Abnormally high eye pressure can affect corneal metabolism and damage the corneal endothelium by causing relative hypoxia and hypoglycemia in the anterior chamber of the eye. Since the cornea is avascular, the corneal endothelium depends on the aqueous humor for its nutrients and oxygen supply. Corneal decompensation is seen in both congenital glaucoma in children and chronic glaucoma in adults. Figure 9. (A) Granular Type 3 Stromal dystrophy, (B) Avelino Stromal dYslroPhY b. Figure 8. Post cataract extraction corneal edema 3. Corneal Deposits Aside from acting like a sponge, the cornea is also like a sieve. Substances can get trapped within the corneal collagen lamellae or within intracytoplasmic vacuoles or organelles and cause opacities that will lead to blurring of vision. Causes of corneal deposits: a. Corneal dystrophy (Figure 9): This is a large group of hereditary corneal disorders sharing several common features like bilateral and symmetrical involvement, absence of any form of inflammation, absence of vascularization, and presence of proven or suspected chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal defects cause problems in normal metabolism leading to deposition of substances in different layers of the cornea. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation and histopathology. Each form affects vision differently primarily due to difference in appearance and location. Lipid keratopathy: This is usually seen in vascularized corneal scars of various etiologies (trauma, infection, immune-mediated). The invasion of blood vessels into the cornea will lead to leakage and eventual deposition of glycoproteins, cholesterol and neutral fat into the cornea. The opacities are usually yellow or cream-colored located at the corneal stromal layer typically associated with a branch or several branches of blood vessels at the core (Figure 10) Figure 10. Lipid keratopathy secondary to herpes simples keratitis c. Calcific band keratopathy: This is usually seen in eyes with chronic inflammation like anterior uyf3itis and or lysosome-like intracytnnintmi or these conditions are rare and are autosomal recessive. Examples are systemic mucopolysaccharidoses, hyper- and hypolipoproteinemias, sphingolipidoses, in phosphate metabolism. Calcium hydroxyapatite particles deposit at the Bowman's layer starting at the 3 and 9 o'clock areas. These eventually meet at the center over time to form a white horizontal band across the cornea with a Swiss cheese pattern d. sLruc-ture a result of a single enzyme defect. Most in patients with high serum calcium and disorders mucolipidoses, and an array of protein and amino acid metabolic disorders. (Figure 11). 4. Corneal Melt Corneal staining: Hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber) coupled with high eye pressure will lead to deposition of heme in the corneal stroma. This appears as a central golden brown to yellow discoid opacity on the cornea (Figure 12). Apart from microbial keratitis, corneal melt or necrosis can be brought about by Vitamin A deficiency, chemical burn and autoimmmune diseases (Figure 13). Prompt and appropriate therapy may arrest the process and lead to healing and fibrosis, leaving the cornea scarred and opacified. Corneal melting is brought about by a complex interaction and cascade of enzymatic and molecular events involving a myriad of substances and is beyond the scope of this material. Figure 11. Calcific band keratopathy Figure 13. Autcommune peripheral corneal melting Causes of corneal melt: a. Figure 12. e. Corneal staining secondary to heme deposition Metabolic disorders: Systemic metabolic disorders can cause alterations in corneal clarity due to abnormal storage of metabolic substances within the epithelium, stroma or endothelium. Abnormal substances typically accumulate in lysosomes Vitamin A deficiency: this leads to xerophthalmia, which is responsible for at least 10,000 — 20,000 new cases of blindness worldwide each year. At greatest risk are the malnourished infants and babies born to Vitamin A-deficient mothers, especially if the infant has another biological stressor such as measles or diarrhea. Prolonged vitamin A deficiency leads to external eye involvement, including xerosis (dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea), metaplastic keratinization of areas of the conjunctiva (Bitot spots), corneal ulcers and scars and eventually, diffuse corneal necrosis (keratomalacia). b. Alkali chemical burn: Strong alkali raise the pH of tissues and cause saponification of fatty acids in cell membranes and ultimately cellular disruption. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.1 Disorders of the Cornea Egi Alkaline solutions rapidly penetrate the corneal stroma, destroying the proteoglycan ground substance and collagen fibers. It also destroys the limbal stem cells, preventing normal epithelial healing. Severe scarring and corneal vascularization are seen in severe cases (Figure 14). lesion that behaves malignantly. It is a wing-shaped or triangular fold of conjunctiva and fibrovascular tissue with its apex invading the superficial cornea (Figure 15 C). Strong correlation with UV exposure has been documented. It affects vision in two ways: (1) it grows progressively towards the center of the cornea and covers the pupil area; (2) it pulls on the peripheral cornea which causes distortion of Its shape resulting to astigmatism. Figure 14. Comeal scarring and vascularization due to alkali bum 5. Corneal Tumors New growths, either benign or malignant can occur on the ocular surface involving the cornea and conjunctiva. Vision may or may not be affected depending on the location of the lesion and whether or not it will interfere with the transmission of light. These lesions are easily diagnosed by their clinical presentation and appearance and are confirmed by histopathology. Causes of corneal tumors: a. Dermoid choristoma: This congenital lesion typically occurs on the inferotemporal limbus as a smooth, elevated, tan to fleshy color, round to oval solid mass embedded in the superficial cornea and sclera. Dermoids are composed of fibrous tissue and hair with sebaceous glands that is covered by conjunctival epithelium. Epibulbar dermoids are located over the central cornea and can severely affect vision (Figure 15 A). b. Corneal intraepithelial neoplasia: The lesion appears as a translucent, gray or frosted epithelial sheet starting from the limbus and extending onto the cornea with fimbriated or scalloped borders and pseudopodia-like extensions. Blurring of vision will occur once the growing epithelial sheet reaches the central area (Figure 15 B). c. Pterygium: Strictly speaking, this condition is primarily a conjunctival disorder but due to its intimate relationship with the cornea, it will be included here. Pterygium is a benign conjunctival Figure 15. Comeal Tumors; (A) Dermoid choristoma, (B) Corneal and conjunctival neoplasia, (C) Pterygium covering the pupil axis B. Disturbance in the Refraction of Light 1. Abnormalities in the Corneal Epithelium Film components are abnormal, patients will complain of dry eye symptoms even if there is adequate tear volume. They will also complain of fluctuating vision due to rapid evaporation and break up of the tear film in between blinking. In some patients, all three and Tear The main refractive surface of the eye is the anterior cornea. An important prerequisite for any refractive surface is that it should be smooth. Presence of cracks, smudges and the like will cause degradation in the quality of the image. The outermost layer of the corneal epithelium per se is not smooth. When seen under scanning electron microscopy, the surface is thrown into dense microvilli. To make the corneal surface a perfect refractive surface, it is intimately related to the tear film, which coats the anterior surface of the cornea. Additionally, the tear film has a high index of refraction when compared to air. This physical attribute allows further convergence of light rays as it passes from air then through the tear film and the cornea. Thus, any abnormalities of the tear film and/or the corneal surface epithelium, especially over the central area overlying the pupil, can cause blurring of vision. components are affected. As in dry eye syndrome, the corneal surface epithelium can also be injured. Mucin deficiency can be caused by vitamin A deficiency, severe dry eye, alkali chemical burn, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (Figure 17), and cicatricial pemphigoid. Lipid deficiency can be caused by blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction. Causes of abnormalities in corneal epithelium and tear film: a. Deficiency in tear volume: Dry eye syndrome is a common disorder with different etiologies wherein there is decreased tear production. Most cases are mild and just cause occasional symptoms. In severe and chronic cases however, it can cause irregularities on the corneal surface due to microtrauma to the epithelium (Figure 16). Patients complains of dryness, foreign body sensation, burning sensation and blurring of vision. This condition is also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Figure 17. Severe dry eye disease with ocular surface damage due to Stevens-Johnson syndrome keratitis: This pertains to microtrauma to the corneal surface epithelium secondary to contact with chemicals (such as alcohol-based products like hair spray) or topical medications (active ingredient, preservatives or both). Presence of these superficial punctate lesions makes the surface irregular and will thus affect vision. C. Toxic 2. Abnormalities of Corneal Size/Shape/Curvature The total refractive power of the eye is around 60 diopters (D). The cornea and tear film together contribute 40 D and the rest is contributed by the crystalline lens. This 40 D is a result of a constant range of radii of curvature and indices of refraction of the cornea as provided by normal anatomy. If the radius of curvature of the cornea decreases (steep cornea), light rays will converge more, moving the Figure 16. Dry eye disease with ocular surface damage (stained with Rose Bengal dye) b. Tear quality abnormalities: The tear film is a complex structure composed of three main components: lipid, aqueous and mucin. The lipid component prevents rapid tear evaporation and mucin allows molecular interaction between the tear film and the corneal surface (surface tension). If one or both of these focal plane in front of the retina, resulting in myopia. If the radius of curvature increases (flat cornea), the opposite effect will occur, which is termed as hyperopia. If light rays pass through a cornea with variable radii of curvature, light rays will converge on different focal planes. This is known as astigmatism. Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism are collectively known as errors of refraction and are discussed in another chapter of this SIM. Only corneal diseases and disorders that result in severe errors of refraction and therefore severe blurring of vision will be discussed in this section. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I Disorders of the Cornea 1111 Causes of abnormalities of corneal size, shape or curvature: a. Keratoconus: This is a common disorder where the central or paracentral cornea undergoes progressive thinning and bulging, so that the cornea takes on the shape of a cone (Figure 18). Hereditary pattern is not prominent. Its etiology is unknown and is most likely, multifactorial. Due to the progressive bulging of the cornea, the cornea becomes abnormally and irregularly steep resulting in very severe myopia and astigmatism. It is almost always bilateral but usually asymmetrical. The patient complains of rapidly progressive blurring of vision during adolescent years which then stabilizes when the patient attain full growth. The cornea usually appears grossly clear, except in severe cases where an apical scar is visible. On profile view, one may see a focal area of bulging which is best appreciated when examined using the slit lamp biomicroscope. III. GUIDE TO DIAGNOSIS It was mentioned at the start of this chapter that one needs specialized equipments to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. The lack of such equipment should not be a hindrance for a rational differential diagnosis to be formulated as to what corneal condition is causing the blurring of vision. All one needs are a good history, an appropriate light source, an observant eye and a firm foundation of the basic pathophysiology of corneal diseases as discussed above. When blurring of vision due to a corneal pathology is suspected, the first step is to examine the cornea with an appropriate light source such as a penlight, an ophthalmoscope or a transilluminator. Determine if the cornea is clear/transparent or not. If an opacity is observed, one has to decide if it is due to a corneal scar, edema, deposition of substances, corneal melt or tumor growth. If the cornea looks clear, the blurring of vision can be due to an abnormal corneal shape and curvature or to problems with the tear film and surface epithelium. With Corneal Opacity Figure 18. (A) Keratoconus with acute hydrops, (B) Slit lamp view of comeal profile in keratoconus b. Corneal distortion due to peripheral scars or lesions: This is to emphasize the fact that you do not need to have direct involvement, like a scar, on the center of the cornea to cause disturbance in vision. This concept becomes easy to understand if one imagines the cornea as a silver mylar balloon. By looking at your reflection at the flat surface of the balloon, you will notice that the image can be distorted by either pulling or pushing the sides of the balloon, because by doing so, you change the curvature of the center. Always remember that the cornea is one whole integral structure. Flattening of one meridian causes a corresponding steepening in the meridian 90 degrees away and vice versa. This effect is seen in pterygium, scars from peripheral corneal perforations, effect of sutures after cataract surgery and peripheral thinning disorders. If the corneal opacity has been present since birth, consider a congenital etiology like Peter's anomaly or sclero-cornea. If the opacity started in infancy or early childhood, with a history of malnutrition or systemic illness at the onset of the eye problem, measles-related microbial keratitis leading to scar is an important differential diagnosis. Equally probable is the differential diagnosis of xerophthalmia with all its ensuing corneal complications. These two conditions usually involve both eyes. If there is a history of mechanical trauma or of the eye being injured by foreign bodies, then consider scars from previous corneal infections like central microbial keratitis or from corneal lacerations or perforations. Central microbial keratitis is also associated with improper use of soft contact lenses. Chemical (acid and alkali) burn usually manifests as diffuse corneal haze or cloudiness, which may or may not lead to frank melting of the cornea. If there is inability of total lid closure, exposure keratopathy should be entertained. If you see corneal opacities accompanied by lid margin irregularity and inward turning of lashes, you should think of trichiasis, trachoma, entropion, chronic blepharitis and sequelae of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Corneal edema gives the cornea a diffuse ground glass appearance. Bilateral involvement since birth is due to congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy. Bilateral involvement noted in the middle-aged or the elderly is most probably due to Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy. If the patient had undergone cataract extraction surgery, then it is most probably induced by the surgery leading to what is known as pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. If the corneal edema is accompanied by acute rise in intraocular pressure or chronically high intraocular pressure, then the cause is glaucoma. Corneal edema is typically accompanied by recurrent eye pain, foreign body sensation and tearing due to bullae formation and sloughing of the corneal epithelium. Opacities on the cornea that are golden brown to yellow in color with a previous history of blunt eye trauma is probably due to blood staining as a complication of hyphema. Cream or ivory colored corneal opacities accompanied by blood vessels growing into the cornea are due to lipid keratopathy. This is usually a sequelae of interstitial keratitis due to Herpes simplex virus, Herpes zoster virus, tuberculosis or syphilis. Horizontal dirty-white band-shaped Swiss cheese-like opacity involving the exposed portion of the cornea is due to calcium deposition (band keratopathy). This condition is usually seen in eyes with a chronic history of inflammation such as uveitis. Symmetrical corneal opacities found in a patient with a family history of the same condition should make one consider the large group of corneal dystrophies. Discrete bread crumblike white deposits is typical of granular stromal dystrophy. Macular stromal dystrophy presents as diffuse central corneal haze not accompanied by thickening of the cornea. Lattice stromal dystrophy is difficult to diagnose with just a pen light but should be suspected if recurrent eye pain is elicited in the history. Bilateral corneal opacities seen in patients with multiple systemic anomalies are usually related to metabolic storage diseases like systemic mucopolysaccharidoses, hyper and hypolipoproteinemias, sphingolipidoses, mucolipidoses, and an array of protein and amino acid metabolic disorders. Tumors or growths on the cornea can easily be seen by the naked eye. If the mass is a triangular fleshy vascular conjunctival mass with the apex growing towards the central area of the conjunctiva from the nasal side of the eye, then this is most probably a pterygium. If the mass is elevated, tan-colored, located at the outer lower quadrant of the cornea and is present at birth, the mass is usually a dermoid choristoma. If an elderly patient complains of blurring of vision and you see an elevated gelatinous vascular mass from the limbus extending to the visual axis, then you have to think of a conjunctival neoplasia. epithelium may have occurred due to lack of normal tears in patients with severe dry eye disease. Recent onset of blurring of vision in patients with long-term use of multiple preserved eye drops may have toxic epithelial keratitis. This is especially common in glaucoma patients who are usually on multiple anti-glaucoma medications. This condition is also seen in patients with a history of inadvertent exposure of the cornea to noxious chemicals or alcohol based agents. If a teenager or young adult patient complains of very poor vision and has a history of frequent change of glasses due to rapid and progressive increase in myopia and astigmatism, one should consider corneal thinning disorders like keratoconus. The cornea is clear in early keratoconus and is quite difficult to diagnose without sophisticated instruments. However, in advanced cases, the paracentral or central conical protrusion of the cornea can be seen by examining the profile of the cornea or by eliciting the tenting of the lower lid margin as the patient looks downwards (Munzon's Sign). IV. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT As a rule, corneal scars are permanent. There is no medical therapy available to turn scar tissue into normal corneal tissue. Depending on the location, size and degree of visual involvement, management is geared towards two goals, either improvement of vision or cosmetic or both. To improve vision, management is usually surgical, which may range from manual excision to laser removal to corneal transplantation. To improve appearance, corneal scars may be covered with cosmetic contact lenses, dyed by tattooing or removed by corneal transplantation (Figure 19). No Corneal Opacity If a middle-aged female patient complains of fluctuating blurring of vision occurring by the later part of the day, with symptoms of eye discomfort and irritation, a tear film abnormality must be considered. This consideration is most likely if the symptoms are associated with feelings of eye fatigue, dryness and burning sensation. If the blurring is not fluctuating and fairly constant, desiccation of the surface Figure 19. Clear corneal graft. Post penetrating keratoplasty (full thickness corneal transplant). Note radial 10-0 nylon sutures. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5.1 Disorders of the Cornea El Corneal edema due to endothelial damage or dysfunction and is also permanent because the cells do not regenerate. Definitive treatment is corneal transplantation. The role of medical therapy is to minimize pain and discomfort and to prevent secondary infections. If it is due to high eye pressure, then the therapy should be directed towards lowering the pressure to appropriate levels. Disorders that can disrupt the normal transmission of light are corneal scars, corneal edema, corneal deposits, corneal melt and corneal tumors. Scars are caused by infection, trauma, exposure, vascularization or can be congenital. Corneal edema can be congenital, due to surgical and non surgical trauma or due to chronic glaucoma. Deposits in the cornea can be caused by metabolic products, calcium, hemoglobin, iron, lipids, proteins, amyloid and other amorphous substances. Corneal deposits due to systemic metabolic disorders or from Corneal melting caused by vitamin A deficiency, chemical corneal dystrophy may recur after a corneal transplant since the burn or autoimmune diseases can lead to permanent corneal underlying condition is not corrected. Corneal transplantation scarring. Masses on the cornea like dermoid, pterygium and is reserved only for those conditions with significant visual neoplasia can block the transmission of light or alter the shape loss. Calcium deposits can be removed by chelation since the of the cornea. location is superficial while deeper ones like lipid and heme cannot be removed. Corneal transplantation may be the only Disorders of the cornea that can disturb the refraction of light includes dry eye disease, corneal epithelial dysfunction, option. and corneal disorders that affect its normal size, shape and In treating corneal melting, the underlying etiology should curvature. immediately be addressed. Surgical management is usually done later to treat sequelae, unless it is for an emergency procedure aimed to restore the integrity of the globe. Corneal transplantation is usually done. Corneal masses are usually treated by surgical removal if the indications for surgery are present. Sometimes corneal grafts are also used to restore corneal clarity. Dry eye syndrome is treated by using topical lubricating agents and/or by preserving existing natural tears by preventing tear drainage. With adequate lubrication, the health of the corneal epithelium will be restored. Moreover, all other possible risk factors that may aggravate tear quality should be removed or minimized. This principle also holds true in treating toxic keratitis. There are several treatment options for corneal disorders with abnormal shape or curvature in order to improve vision. The goal is to correct the refractive errors so that the image will be sharply focused on the retina. This is done by employing optical appliances or by surgically altering the cornea so that the shape will be restored to normal. Depending on the indications, choices may include glasses and contact lenses, incisional or laser refractive procedures, or corneal grafting and transplantation. A recent treatment option for keratoconus is corneal collagen cross-linking wherein topical riboflavin drops are applied on the cornea and exposed to ultraviolet light which promotes formation of new collagen bonds. This procedure increases corneal rigidity to stop or delay the progression of keratoconus. SUMMARY The main function of the cornea is to transmit and refract light. If the normal anatomy of the cornea is altered, it will lead to blurring of vision. Management of these disorders involves the restoration of the cornea's normal anatomy primarily through corneal tissue transplantation; excision of abnormal growths or tissues; control or removal of etiologic and contributing factors; surgical interventions to improve corneal shape and curvature and use of optical appliances to enhance the transmission and refraction of light into the eye. REFERENCES 2. Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ. (Eds) Cornea . St Louis MO, Mosby ,1997, Vol 1 to 3. Smolin G,Thoft RA. (Eds) The Cornea: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice, 3rd Ed, Little, Brown & Company, 1994 SELF-TEST 1. Two thirds of the refractive power of the eye is supplied by the: A. cornea B. lens C. tear film D. vitreous 2. To maintain the transparency of the cornea, the water content should be: A. 50% B. 67% C. 78% D. 95% 3. The following affects the normal refraction of light into the eye, EXCEPT: A. color of the iris B. index of refraction C. quality of the corneal surface D. radius of curvature of the cornea 1. The major causes of corneal scarring in the Philippines is/are: A. B. C. D. 5. anterior segment dysgenesis corneal dystrophy corneal infection and trauma surgical complications Which statement about the corneal endothelium is FALSE? A. The corneal endothelium can be damaged by intraocular surgery B. The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of cells lining the posterior surface of the cornea C. The corneal endothelium is responsible for actively pumping water out of the corneal stroma D. The human corneal endothelium retains its mitotic activity throughout life 6. What is the main mechanism of corneal scarring in a patient suffering from measles? A. deposition of blood in the cornea B. direct invasion of the cornea by measles virus C. exposure of the cornea due to poor lid closure with secondary bacterial infection D. misdirection of eye lashes towards the cornea 7. White horizontal band-like opacity across the cornea with Swiss-cheese pattern is due to deposition of what substance ? A. B. C. D. 8. amyloid calcium iron lipid 9. Steepening of the cornea caused by keratoconus leads to what form of refractive error? A. B. C. D. hyperopia and astigmatism monocular diplopia myopia and astigmatism presbyopia 10. The following are treatments options on the cornea to improve vision, EXCEPT: A. B. C. D. corneal tattoo corneal transplantation excimer laser photoablation hard contact lenses 17. You are suspecting that the patient's complaint of problem. But blurring of vision is due to a cornea you cannot see any obvious corneal abnormality after examining with a penlight. What will you do next to confirm your suspicion? A. B. C. D. dilate the pupils have refraction done measure the diameter of the cornea request for test to measure corneal curvature 12. The patient and other family members have bilateral, symmetrical corneal opacities. Your main differential diagnosis is A. bullous keratopathy B. corneal dystrophy C. dermoid choristoma D. lipid keratopathy Answer to Self Test on page 220. Peripheral corneal lesions can cause blurring of vision by: A. B. C. D. blocking the transmission of light decreasing tear production increasing central corneal thickness inducing astigmatism by changing the central corneal curvature 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.1 Disorders of the Cornea 59 5.2 Cataract Richard C. Kho, MD INTRODUCTION This self-instructional material (SIM) is designed to give an overview on cataracts. Philippine statistics on cataract suggest that medical students will likely encounter this common ocular condition in the elderly population during their clinical rotation in ophthalmology (and possibly in other departments as well), as it is still one of the most common causes of visual impairment in the country'. Being inevitable with aging and hence, in all patients eventually, physicians in every specialty should acquire some basic knowledge and skill in recognizing cataracts, giving sound advice to the patient, and making the appropriate referral. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this SIM, the student should be able to discuss the following: 1. Definition of cataract 2. Etiology and associated predisposing factors for cataract formation 3. Types of cataracts 4. Symptoms of cataract 5. Gross examination and ancillary evaluation for surgical planning 6. Principles of management CONTENT I. Definition of cataract II. Types of cataract III. Symptoms of cataract IV. Evaluation of cataract V. Ancillary tests for cataract VI. Management of cataract :ASE: 'our friendly neighbor tells you that his 78 year-old grandfather who lives with him has been complaining of )ad vision lately. Knowing that you are a senior medical student, he wants you to drop by his house, take a look at his grandfather and give them sound medical advice on what `o do next. Are you up to the task? WHAT IS A CATARACT? (DEFINITION AND ETIOLOGY) A cataract is defined as any opacity in the lens that precludes optimal vision (Figure 1). Aging is the most common cause of cataracts. The human lens is normally clear at birth but undergoes changes that result in gradual loss of its transparency over time. On average, a younger person's lens should be clearer than an older person's. In reality, this "degeneration" varies from individual to individual, with some having relatively clear lenses well into their 60's, while others already requiring cataract surgery in their early 40's. Many other factors are involved in cataract formation. These include trauma, toxins, systemic disease (e.g. diabetes, etc.), smoking and heredity.2 There are also congenital and juvenile cataracts that are seen in the pediatric population. The pathophysiology of cataract formation is not fully understood but is likely to be multi-factorial in nature. Biochemical changes in the lens are characterized by protein aggregates that alter its optical properties. These changes take the form of discoloration (from yellow to brown in increasing maturity), the appearance of vacuoles (lens hydration clefts), and aberrant migration and enlargement of epithelial cells. Other contributing factors include malnutrition, damage from ultraviolet light rays, and other causes of oxidative damage resulting in free radical formation? Figure 1. Cataract - an opacity of the lens. Upon history taking, you found out that the patient has been having gradual and progressive cloudiness of distance vision in both eyes (right eye worse than the left) over the past several years. He notes that recently, he seems to be able to read small prints better. He does not report any eye pain, discharge, itchiness, redness, or tearing. He has given up driving especially at night time, because he says he has "difficulty with oncoming headlights': Systemically, he reports having been diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes for the past 6 months, both of which are fairly controlled. Are his symptoms consistent with cataract formation? TYPES AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY Cataracts usually cause a gradual decrease in visual acuity that worsens with aging. This process of senile cataract progression and worsening of vision may take years (or decades) and can vary from individual to individual. Knowledge of basic lens anatomy enhances our understanding of cataract types, symptomatology, and surgery (Figure 2). ANTERIOR CAPSULE z 0 n n U 0 S NM. S POSTERIOR CAPSULE Figure 2. Review of basic lens architecture. Variations in cataract description and grading system have prompted efforts to come up with a unified scheme. The Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCS) 111, based on standardized photographs, is popularly used in teaching institutions for grading and comparison of cataract severity and type - (Figure 3) For practical purposes, we describe three common types of cataracts seen in the elderly population. Nuclear cataracts are by far the most common type seen in the clinics. Around middle age, the normal condensation process in the lens results in a denser central portion. With further progression, this may cause visual disturbances such as decreased acuity, color discrimination and contrast sensitivity. In the early stages, this type of cataract may occasionally improve near vision--so called "phenomenon of second sight"---as there is a myopic shift and increased focusing power of the lens (precluding a patient from seeking early consult).This apparent improvement in vision, however, is only temporary and will eventually be overtaken by the progression of cataract density. Nuclear cataracts are usually bilateral but can be asymmetric in 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I S2 Cataract 61 LENS OPACITIES CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM III (LOCS III) § (Pi Is Z NO1 A, I No), Nrs htbs NCA 11 1 11°1 NOS NC5 N06 NC6 C.) Cs lb 41 P3 PS P3 Leo T. Chylack. Is.. M_D. itirviad Medical School Boom. MA 3666 K. Wolfe, PA. U. Darkl M. Singer Cent! for C116661Calrica IN66:41. MA M.P.K. M. CrINIra Leese, suNY it Stony Note. NY Mut A. 11.66.63re., f1 D L Daley. RD tjte. Ilea, of Col dere. • Maley. CA The I Or% %gamey Crop Prone. MA Sine, Rem*. SW Figure 3. LOCS Ill their progression Cortical cataracts affect the outermost and The visual symptoms mentioned in the different types of youngest layers of the lens. Lens hydration changes produce cataracts are usually not accompanied by any ocular pain. clefts in a radial pattern around the equatorial region. This can Other ocular signs and symptoms such as discharge, itchiness, result in glare, seeing haloes around lights, and monocular redness, tearing, or foreign-body sensation are also absent diplopia (seeing double or"shadow images").This type can also in an isolated cataract. It should be noted that patients with be bilateral and quite asymmetric, with the visual deterioration cataracts may also have an ocular co-morbidity (glaucoma, depending on the involvement of the visual axis. Posterior diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, subcapsular cataracts (Figure 4) affect the region near the etc). Pre-operative evaluation and exclusion of these other central posterior capsule. Being in the center, they usually pathologies are important in prognosticating visual outcomes cause early visual symptoms (and hence, cataract surgery) in after surgery. the form of night time glare/haloes around lights and poor vision under bright illumination (as the pupil constricts while You examine his eyes with a penlight and notice that both the central visual axis is obscured by the cataract). This type pupils react briskly to light and do not demonstrate a relative is also more commonly associated with diabetes, trauma, afferent papillary defect (RAPD). You attempt funduscopy corticosteroid-use, inflammation, and exposure to ionizing but is prevented by hazy media, and you notice that the redradiation.' orange-reflex appears distorted. Using the pocket Snellen that you brought along, you noted that his best vision (with reading glasses) on the right eye is 20/100, and on the left eye, 20/70. He asks you for advise on what his options are. EVALUATION he uncorrected and corrected (pinhole and refraction) visual acuity should be recorded. In mature cataracts with poor vision, one may test for color discrimination (using the different hues of the direct ophthalmoscope) and light projection. These are fairly reliable gross tests of visual (especially macular) function and may be useful for visual prognostication in dense cataracts. Figure 4. Posterior subcapsular cataract seen thru slit lamp biomicroscope The Swinging Flashlight Test is a simple and very useful bedside examination when evaluating cataracts. If the pathology is a cataract ONLY with NO other ocular co- morbidity, then there should be NO gross RAPD, however tense the cataract may be.* This is especially helpful when assessing the potential visual outcome in dense cataracts. if RAPD is present, the patient must be forewarned about the possible existence of an ocular co-morbidity that may preclude good visual outcome after surgery. Effort must be undertaken to look for other etiology causing poor vision. Further evaluation may be warranted to rule out the existence of posterior pole pathology (e.g. diabetic retinopathy, optic atrophy, age-related macular degeneration, etc.). * In a hypermature unilateral cataract, one may actually be able to demonstrate a trace RAPD in the opposite eye—likely due to more scattering of light (and hence diminished afferent input) in the cataractous eye. Funduscopy with the direct ophthalmoscope may be difficult in the presence of significant cataract as the media is hazy. With mature cataracts, the patient's pupil might appear whitish/opaque, called leukocoria (Figure 5). With less mature cataracts, this might not be obvious. Grossly, using the hyperopic correction of your direct ophthalmoscope (green numbers), one can look through" the patient's lens at a distance of about 12 inches. Especially for cortical and posterior subcapsular cataracts, a distortion of the normally round and homogenous red-orange-reflex may be seen with this maneuver. Cataracts are best viewed via a slit lamp biomicroscope. This instrument allows for visualization of the layers of the lens and the extent of cataract involvement. In addition, the ophthalmologist uses the slit lamp to look for associated findings that may make the surgery difficult. For example, the presence of phacodonesis (lens movement), Irldodonesis (iris movement) on slit lamp exam, as well as pseudoexfoliation (from pseudoexfoliative glaucoma) on the lens capsule may indicate weak zonules and can lead to complications during surgery. Other factors that may affect the course of surgery include the presence of uveitis, posterior synechiae, nondilating pupils, shallow anterior chamber, corneal opacity and low endothelial cell count. Dilated fundus examination should be performed in an attempt to view the fundus pre-operatively. Checking for posterior pole pathology (glaucomatous optic neuropathy, optic atrophy, retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, etc.) is very important for prognosticating visual outcome in cataract surgery. When there is virtually no view of the fundus because of the density of the cataract, an ocular ultrasound is sometimes performed as part of the pre-operative evaluation. A detailed medical history is important in assessing other factors that may affect surgical outcome. These include the patient's cardio-pulmonary status (surgical risk), the presence of diabetes (non-dilating pupil makes the surgery more difficult), and even drug history as certain medications may predispose patients to intra-operative complications. Figure 5. Leukocoria Additional ancillary tests that may be performed by the ophthalmologist for surgical planning include refraction and biometry (a procedure that extrapolates the refractive outcome with various IOL powers), corneal topography (to address astigmatism), and specular microscopy (to assess the health of the corneal endothelium) among others. SURGERY Despite all the technological advances and innovations in ophthalmic science, there is still no proven medical treatment to reverse the progression of cataracts. It would be safe to say that anyone who lives long enough will eventually develop significant cataracts and require surgery. Surgical removal of the opacified lens to clear the visual axis is the only treatment option for cataracts. Visual rehabilitation after cataract removal is varied and depends on the type of procedure performed. The evolution of cataract removal and visual rehabilitation highlight one of the great success stories in medical innovation. CAPSULOTOMY z z 0 n 0 n IOL Optic 1 e e S IOL Haptic CAPSULAR BAG IOL Haptic Figure 6. Post-op appearance in Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (Manual) Phacoemulsification/Small Incision) with IOL secure in the capsular bag. Cataract surgery had evolved from intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), which leaves a patient aphakic, to extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation (Figure 6). Procedures for ECCE have evolved from manual nucleus expression and irrigation/aspiration of the cortical material with rigid IOL implantation to phacoemulsification with implantation of foldable 10Ls. Table 1 lists the characteristic features of the various types of procedures performed for surgical removal of cataracts. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 15.2 Cataract 63 The trend in cataract surgery has gone towards smaller incisions, usually 2-4mm (to minimize the surgically-induced astigmatism of larger incisions) and foldable 10Ls (to maintain the small incision during lens implantation). Phacoemulsification, a form of ECCE, utilizes an ultrasonic probe to break up the cataract into smaller pieces, which can then be removed by aspiration. Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) is another surgical option that boasts of the advantages of small incision cataract surgery without the need for a phacoemulsification machine. A shelved, self-sealing incision, usually 5-7mm, is dissected from the sclera and into the anterior chamber. The nucleus is prolapsed out of the bag and out of the eye with the advantages of a suture-less, closed system like phacoemulsification. Cataract extraction surgery has evolved into a 10 to 30-minute, surgical procedure that is often performed on an out-patient basis and under topical anesthesia. As a result of these, recovery period has shortened and the faster visual rehabilitation allows patients to return to their regular activities even a day after their surgery. Furthermore, advances in intraocular lens technology have widened a patient's choice. When formerly only regular monofocal lenses (which correct for only one focus - either distance or near vision depending on the patient's choice) were available, there are now toric 10Ls that can correct a patient's pre-existing corneal astigmatism (which cannot be corrected by a monofocal lens), as well as multi-focall0Ls that allow vision for both distance and near without the aid of spectacles. You were able to convince the patient that his cataracts probably need surgery. Before he sees an ophthalmologist, he asks for your advice on the risks of cataract surgery. What will you tell him? COMPLICATIONS OF CATARACT SURGERY In a well-equipped ophthalmic surgical operating room and under an experienced surgeon's hand, present day cataract surgery should be 99.99% successful. As with any other surgical procedure, however, complications can and do occur. Complications may range from minor to severe, potentially sightthreatening ones. Intra-operative complications include posterior capsule rupture, vitreous loss, retention of lens fragments in the vitreous and thermal or mechanical trauma from the phaco probe. Post-operative complications include inflammation and/or increased intraocular pressure. unplanned refractive outcomes, i.e., biometry was off-target or the wrong IOL power was inserted , cystoid macular edema and pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. A severe and the vision-threatening complication of this procedure is intraocular infection or endophthal mitis. The key to prevention of permanent loss of vision that can result from this complication is its early recognition and treatment. Hence, close and regular follow-up of patients following cataract extraction surgery should always be performed in order to immediately address any post-operative complication that may arise. Table 1. Types of cataract surgeries Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) n racapsular Cataract Extraction (ICCE) Manual retrobulbar peribulbar retrobulbar peribulbar Incision 180.. limbal Part of lens that is removed IOL used Anesthesia* Phacoemulsification Manual Small Incision retrobulbar peribulbar retrobulbar peribulbar 160°, limbal 2-4 mm. corneal 5-7 mm. scleral Entire lens Anterior capsule. nucleus and cortex (nucleus delivered without fragmentation) Anterior capsule nucleus and cortex (nucleus fragmented using phacoemulsification machine) Anterior capsule. nucleus and cortex (nucleus fragmented manually) No IOL (Visual rehabilitation thru aphakic spectacles or contact lenses) Rigid Intraocular lens (IOL) Foldable IOL Foldable Rigid IOL *Local anesthesia (LA) generally used although general anesthesia or IV sedation also performed in certain instances. Note that the specific route of LA used is subject to surgeon and patient preference. SUMMARY Definition and Etiology Types of Cataracts Nuclear Cortical Posterior Subcapular Symptomatology Evaluation Funduscopy Slit lamp Examination Medical and Drug history Ancillary Procedures • Refraction • Biometry • Corneal Topography •Specular Microscopy Cataract Surgery Types off Cataract Surgeries • Intracapsular Cataract Extraction (ICCE) • Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) • Phacoemulsification with IOL implementation 2. Type of cataract that gives the worst visual symptoms outdoors (in bright sunlight) A. Nuclear B. Cortical C. Posterior subcapsular D. All of the above 3. The following symptoms are typical for isolated cataract EXCEPT: A. B. C. D. E. decreased visual acuity and color perception glare haloes ocular pain monocular diplopia 4. Bedside examination most useful for evaluating and prognosticating cataracts A. Direct ophthalmoscopy B. Slit lamp examination C. Ocular ultrasound D. Swinging flashlight test 5. Complications • Intra-operative complications: • Post-operative Complications The following slit lamp findings may warn the surgeon of potential difficulties during surgery EXCEPT: A. Posterior synechiae B. Corneal Opacity C. Phacodonesis D. Pseudoexfoliative material on the lens E. Well-dilated pupil REFERENCES 1. Cubillan LDP, Olivar-Santos EO. Third national survey on blindness. Philipp J Opthalmol. 2005:30(3);100-114. 2. Riordan-Eva P, Whitcher JP. eds.Vaughan's and Asbury's General Ophthalmology. 16th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Com pan ies;2004. 3. Kahn HA, Leibowitz HM, Ganley JP, et al., The Framingham eye study. II. Association of ophthalmic pathology with single variables previously measured in the Framingham heart studyAm J of Epidemio. 1977:106 (1);33-41. 4. Stanga PE, Boyd SR, Hamilton AMP.Ocular manifestations of diabetes mellitus.CurrOpin Ophthalmology.1999:10(6); 483-489. 5. Chylack LT Jr., Wolfe JK, Singer DM, et al.The Lens opacities classification system III. The longitudinal study of cataract study groupArch Ophthalmol. 1993;111(6):831-836. 6. Awwad S. Cataract surgery. cataract_surgery.htm. Accessed April 28, 2011. SELF-TEST 1. The following factors are associated with cataract formation: A. diabetes B. trauma C. damage from UV rays D. toxins E. All of the above 6. In the setting of a very dense/mature cataract with media opacity and poor vision, the following exams may be useful for prognosticating visual outcome EXCEPT: A. Color discrimination B. Fluorescein angiography C. Ocular ultrasonography D. Swinging flashlight test 7. Which type of cataract surgery will routinely require aphakic lenses for visual correction post-operatively? A. ECCE B. ICCE C. phacoemulsification D. A and B 8. Which type of IOL is best suited for patients who do not wish to wear spectacles for both distance and near after cataract surgery? A. Monofocal IOL B. Multifocal IOL C. Phakic IOL D. Toric IOL Answers to Self-Test on page 220. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Choroid Pearl M. Tamesis- Villalon, MD INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of disorders of the retina, vitreous and choroid that cause disturbances in vision. vsented, with typ c cases discussed at Photographs representative of various vitreo-retinal and choroidal pro:_ ems wil, the end of each clinical section. The basic knowledge acquired from this material should serve as a springboard for further self study, for possible research and should be applied to cases which the student will encounter in the actual clinical setting of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. OBJECTIVES After reading this material, the medical student in ophthalmology is expected to: 1. Recognise the uniqueness of the human retina, vitreous, and choroid that lend it susceptible to certain problems. 2. Identify the elements in a patient's history and ophthalmologic examination that will lead to the formation of a working diagnosis (primary and differential diagnoses) of vitreo-retinal and choroidal disease. 3. Differentiate selected vitreo retinal and choroidal disorders according to the appearance of typical lesions, their location, etiology and pathophysiology. 4. Analyze available data and formulate a management plan. RECOMMENDED PREPARATION The student is advised to review the anatomy, histology and physiology of the retina, vitreous and chorord, as well as the optic nerve, before going through this material.The student is also advised to review the mechanics of taking a good dinical history and the method of conducting a complete eye examination. CONTENT I. Uniqueness of the Microstructure of the Vitreous, Retina, Choroid II. Diagnosis of a retinal, vitreous and choroidal disorder 1. History 2. 3. 4. Ophthalmologic examination Ancillary examinations Systemic examination III. Diseases of the retina, choroid and vitreous 1. Diabetic retinopathy 2. Central retinal vein occlusion 3. Central retinal artery occlusion 4. Age related macular degeneration 5. Retinitis pigmentosa 6. Retinal detachment 7. Vitreous hemorrhage 8. Ocular toxoplasmosis 9. Vogt- Koyanagi- Harada Syndrome 10. Choroidal capillary hemangioma 11. Metastatic choroidal tumor I. UNIQUENESS OF THE Crystalline lens MICROSTRUCTURE OF THE Lacuna developing in vitreous during syneresis VITREOUS, RETINA, CHOROID A. THE VITREOUS Subhyaloid space: between posterior hyaloid and retina The globe is filled with a gel called the vitreous. This gel is 99% water and only 1% solid. The solid portion consists of collagen fibrils that make up the meshwork, hyaluronic acid molecules, and the very few cells called hyalocites. The vitreous has a peripheral or outer layer called the cortex, and a central part, the gel. The outermost limit of the cortex is the hyaloid face, both anterior and posterior. The anterior hyaloid is just behind the lens.The posterior hyaloid is adjacent to the retina's internal limiting membrane all over the inner surface of the globe where there is retina, and is loosely attached to it, creating a potential space called the subhyaloid or preretinal space (Figure 1). The vitreous is firmly attached to the optic nerve, the macula, along blood vessels and also at the so called vitreous base (where the retina ends peripherally and anteriorly). Many disorders in vision originate from problems with the vitreoretinal interface. For example, vitreous liquefaction and anterior displacement (towards the lens) can cause undue traction on the vitreous base and may cause the formation of a retinal tear or dialysis, possibly leading to retinal detachment. Another example is undue traction of the vitreous gel and posterior hyaloid of the vitreous, on the macula, causing the formation of a macular hole, or the formation of an epiretinal membrane. Figure 1. Diagram of vitreous in relation to lens, retina and optic disc. Adopted from Yanoff P.' and posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) may also occur after vitreous hemorrhage, inflammation, trauma, and after intraocular surgery. When liquefaction and PVD have set in, patients usually start seeing "floaters" and occasionally "flashes" B. THE RETINA The human retina is a tall structure that has ten layers. In the ten layers are three main cell types that relay photochemical information through the retina , from outside inwards, and to the optic nerve, and finally into the occipital cortex. These are, from scleral (outer side), towards the vitreous (inner side) : photoreceptor cells, the bipolar cells and the ganglion cells. The axons from these cells form the nerve fiber layer, and course towards the optic disc, and into the optic nerve (Figure 2, 3). There are supporting cells that keep the tall ten layered retina "together These are the Muller cells which are structural cells, and horizontal and amacrine cells which allow multiple photoreceptors to "plug into" a smaller number of bipolar and ganglion cells. Any breakdown in the neurons, the supporting cells and the relay system itself can manifest as visual disorders. The tenlayer system is supplied by two different vascular systems. The 1. The 3 Neuron Relay System: Vitreous syneresis is degeneration of the vitreous gel (liquefaction of the gel) with eventual detachment of the vitreous from the retina. This event is a normal physiologic occurrence starting at age 45-50 years and is present in around 70% of 70-year old individuals . Liquefaction of the vitreous RPE •""10" Rods & Cones Horizontal Cells 0• 1\1 Bipolar Cells 1 , 1 1 Arnacrine Cells Ganglion Cells Internal Limiting Membrane Figure 2. Diagram of the layers of the retina showing the different cell types in the human retina. In this diagram, only the Muller cell, a structural cell that serves as a scaffold supporting the entire thickness of the multi-layered retina is not shown. Light enters the eye and stimulates the Photoreceptors (Rods and Cones). Visual information is then carried by the 3 neuron relay system: from photoreceptors to bipolar cells to ganglion cells (blue arrow) Adopted from Yanoff P.' 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 7 3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and <hnrniri INTERNAL LIMITING MEMBRANE t " " ' ••••• bes'''tl‘t ta ": GANGLION CELL LAYER • • o• NERVE FIBER LAYER ' ••.• . • cl INNER PLEXIFORM LAYER 4— INNER NUCLEAR LAYER • OUTER PLEXIFORM LAYER 4-- OUTER NUCLEAR LAYER • EXTERNAL LIMITING MEMBRANE • PHOTORECEPTOR CELL LAYER RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM 4— CHOROID Figure 3. Histopathologic section of the human retina showing the 10 layers and the choro.a. Adopted from Yanoff P.' outer retinal layers derive nutrition from the choriocapillaris of the choroid. The inner layers, from the inner nuclear layer inwards, are supplied by the retinal vasculature. Certain retinal diseases can be traced to problems of perfusion. Knowledge of the blood supply of the inner and outer retina will help the clinician predict the severity and depth of retinal involvement. 2. The Retinal Pigment Epithelium: The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is the first of the ten layers, and is the outermost layer, adjacent to the choriocapillaris of the choroid, separated only by Bruch's membrane. It takes care of most metabolic processes of the outer retinal layers, keeps the retina "dry" with its "outer blood-retina barrier", participates in the recycling of retinol and disposes of metabolic wastes of the other cells. A breakdown of the"outer blood-retina barrier"can lead to accumulation of fluid in the subretinal space and the sub RPE space. This can lead to retinal edema. A physiologic "pump" also exists in the human RPE layer and this pumps fluid away from the retina and back into the choriocapillaris, keeping the retina" dry". 3. The Blood -Retina Barriers: There are two so called bloodretina barriers that keep the retina "dry": a. b. 1111MI The Inner Blood-Retina Barrier: This is attributed to the tight endothelial cell junctions of the retinal capillaries. Any disturbance in the integrity of these tight attachments leads to oozing of fluid and/or blood, as well as lipids and proteins from the retinal vascular tree. This manifests as retinal edema, hard exudates, and/or hemorrhages. The Outer Blood-Retina Barrier: This is found in the RPE.The tight intercellular attachments between RPE cells, called "zonula occludens" keep the RPE layer leak proof from the highly vascular choriocapillaris ,nritr,r,nni tonrcrinil I F, Ili. ,F1 of the choroid, to which it is adjacent. An additional feature is the presence of a physiologic "pump" that keeps fluid contained outside the retina. C.THE CHOROID The choroid is the middle coat of the wall of the globe. It is a vascular layer that comes from the long and short posterior ciliary arteries, mostly from the short, that in turn emanate from the ophthalmic artery. The choroid is arranged in lobules , giving rise to some peculiarities in choroidal disease presentations. More importantly is its role in 'maintaining" the health of the outer retina and providing the vascular supply especially to the macular area. The dense barrier between the RPE of the retina and the choriocapillaris (the layer of choroid made of finer vessels and closest to the retina) is called Bruch's membrane. It is impermeable to fluids, and diseases involving Bruch's membrane can lead to subretinal accumulation of fluid and blood. II. DIAGNOSIS OF A RETINAL, VITREOUS AND CHOROIDAL DISORDER There are four elements needed for making a working diagnosis that involves the retina, vitreous and/or choroid. 1. History: Good history taking is a must, especially in patients where loss of vision or changes in vision are the chief complaints. Many vitreo-retinal and choroidal diseases have peculiar affectations of vision which immediately suggest the type of problem. 2. Ophthalmologic Examination: A basic eye examination should be done for all patients: 1. Visual Acuity 2. Gross Eye Examination 3. Pupils 4. Intraocular Pressure Determination 5. Extraocular Muscle Movements 6. Funduscopy Floaters (muscae volitantes) are black to gray spots and/or fibers that move about in the field of vision of the patient. They seem to float freely and may vary In number. They are commonly observed after the age of 45 to 50 when vitreous liquefaction and vitreous collapse and/or detachment have begun as part of the ageing process. The onset of this process occurs earlier in individuals who are myopic. Floaters may also be caused by particles suspended in the pre-corneal tear film. 3. Ancillary Examinations: Special ophthalmologic and laboratory examinations are done to help the ophthalmologist confirm his working impression and establish an etiologic diagnosis for patients suspected to have disorders of the retina, vitreous and choroid. Flashes (photopsias) caused by retinal problems are described as arcuate lightning like streaks of bright light in the periphery, noted with or without eye and/or head movements. Patients describe them as" gumuguhit sa gilid "parang kidlat sa gilid". Photopsias, however, may be of optic nerve origin. Care must be taken not to confuse these lightning like flashes with the visual aura of migraine headaches. 4. Systemic Examination: A thorough physical examination of all systems is done in cases where the eye problem is suspected to be part of a systemic condition or distant trauma (away from the eye). When a systemic disease is suspected, a referral to an internist is recommended. Sometimes patients do not know that they have color vision problems, and only discover it at work (seamen's pre- boarding tests, fabric factory mishaps in color choices), or unusual personal choices in colors of their clothes and similar activities requiring precise color recognition. 2. Did the visual disturbance come gradually or suddenly? The patient should be interviewed regarding the onset and development of the visual complaints. Inquire if the change in vision occurred suddenly; or whether it was gradual or rapidly progressive and where the blurring started, from the center or from the periphery. One must take pains to extract this from the patient who may not volunteer the information, thinking that it is not important or relevant. HISTORY TAKING IN CASES SUSPECTED OF POSTERIOR SEGMENT DISORDERS The importance of history taking cannot be over emphasized. The information gathered, either volunteered by the patient or extracted by the clinician helps in the formulation of a working diagnosis, that guides the clinician to request for ancillary examinations, to help confirm it. The information also gives the clinician an idea as to possible etiology, present state of severity, treatment response and prognosis. 3. What other eye problems accompanied the visual disturbance? Pain is rarely present in retinal, vitreous and choroidal disorders. The pain in diabetic retinopathy with neovascular glaucoma, for example, is due to the severely elevated intraocular pressure. Ocular discomfort and/ or redness may accompany intraocular inflammatory conditions with retinal involvement. The following are important questions to ask patients suspected of having a vitreo-retinal, or choroidal problem: 1. What is your patient's chief complaint? These patients usually complain of some type of visual disturbance. This may come in the form of: • persistent blurry vision • transient blurry vision • change in shape or distortion (metamorphopsia) • change in image size (usually smaller : micropsia; if bigger-macropsia) color vision problems : difficulty in identifying colors • (dyschromatopsia), change in shade, contrast, brightness visual field loss : (scotoma) central, peripheral, other 4. How long has this been going on? The duration of the problem is a significant information. It is also important to know how long the problem has been present, if this is the first episode, or if it is recurrent. If the problem is recurrent, be sure to ask about the timing and sequence of events, duration, interval, and treatment as well as treatment responses. 5. Which eye is involved? Laterality is as important as knowing if the same or similar problems have occurred in the fellow eye, Do not forget to ask when the problem started. If bilateral, ask which eye was affected first, followed by questions regarding the sequence of signs and/or symptoms. patterns difficulty in the dark (nyctalopia or night blindness) difficulty in bright light (hemeralopia) floaters (muscae volitantes) flashes (photopsias) 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I i Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Choroid 69 6. Were there previous consultations and treatments ? When? What medications have been used? What medications are being used? Did the patient have any eye operation or interventions like laser treatment, injections into the eye, for this or other problems? These information has bearing on the present state of the eye, if you are seeing a patient who was or is under treatment by someone eke. 7. Other aspects of the patient's history that should be considered include: be deliberately withholding information. The clinician must be observant of patient responses, reactions, attitude and demeanor. For example, history taking of AIDS patients and drug addicts is particularly challenging. OPHTHALMOLOGIC EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT The basic tools needed for an examination of a patient suspected of posterior segment disease are: Visual acuity charts : both for distance and near vision 2. Penlight : for nross examination of the eye , adnexae and pupils 3. Tonometer: .,ed to determine intraocular pressure. For medical students, the technique of finger palpation is performed to estimate intraocular pressures. 4. Ophthalmoscope: used to examine the fundus ( retina and optic disc) 5. Slit lamp: a biomicroscope that allows for a highly magnified view of the eye and assessment of the ocular media, optic nerve and retina with the help of special lenses. 6. Amster grid: a black and white card with a fine grid and a fixation point, used to detect and quantify central visual changes. 1. Family History : Is there a history of similar eye problems in the family? Is there a history of any hereditary illness? It is also very important to ask about hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Social History: Does the patient smoke? Does he drink and how much alcohol does he consume? Does he have pets and what kinds of pets (particularly interested in dogs and cats)? Does he eat raw food? Does he engage in contact sports or other unusual sports like deep sea diving, sky diving, bungee jumping, competitive weight lifting, boxing, contact sports, etc, and has he been injured in the head and/or eyes? Does he take prohibited drugs or has he ever taken any? What is his occupation? Is there exposure to chemicals or toxic fumes? Does he travel often and has he been to places like Africa, the Middle East, China? Medical History: Does he have cardiac disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, hematologic disease, cancer , pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases? Has he ever had accidents that required surgery and/or hospitalization? Has he been operated on and for what? Does he have symptoms like angina, pedal edema, joint pains, oral ulcers, intractable fever, to name a few. Has he ever had a blood transfusion and when? Has he ever had cobalt therapy? Is he on any medications for other illnesses? What are these medications? How long has he been taking these? A perfect example of knowing about systemic medications is that of ethambutol toxicity and its effect on the optic nerve. Sudden usually bilateral painless significant visual loss ( for example, sudden deterioration in visual acuity from 20/20 to 20/400) in a patient who has been on ethambutol for pulmonary tuberculosis for several months, should raise suspicion about a possible ethambutol optic neuropathy. In ethambutol toxicity, all other ocular findings including posterior segment findings, are normal. Sexual History: The presence of a history of any sexually transmitted disease should likewise be elicited from the patient. What is his sexuality? During history taking keep your mind open to the possibility that the patient may not be volunteering information because he does not think it is relevant or important, or the patient may AAr ole ninktk.dry-InInew I -)nri r, itinn Gross Eye Examination: In the absence of any systemic illness or trauma, the ocular adnexae are usually not affected in retinal disease. Except in some retinal disorders of inflammatory origin, there will be no ciliary flush or redness.The pupils must be examined for direct and consensual light reactions. Severe retinal damage as well as some optic nerve diseases can cause abnormal pupillary responses . A'white pupil" in a small child is always an alarming and significant finding. The absence of, or a faint 'red orange reflex' or 'ROW may indicate vitreous opacities like hemorrhage or inflammatory material. One must remember however, that an absent ROR can also be caused by a dense cataract or a dense corneal opacity or dense material in the anterior chamber. Visual Acuity: Vision is usually affected in some way in most vitreo-retina and choroidal posterior segment disorders.Typica l affectations in vision are seen in specific diseases. For example retinal edema at the macula can cause decreased vision and metamorphopsia. In retinal detachments, many patients report seeing floaters and light flashes before the onset of "wavy vision", actual blurring, visual field "cuts". Macular disease causes blurry central vision while extramacular retinal diseases will cause peripheral visual loss. Vitreous opacities also cause blurry vision and/ or floaters. Many retinal disorders come with vitreous abnormalities. A few affect all three structures: retina, vitreous and choroid. itraocular Pressure: As with visual acuity, there is no set attern for intraocular pressures in disorders of the retina, itreous and choroid. Retinal detachments usually cause some mount of hypotony due to the accompanying inflammatory hanges and involvement of the ciliary body in the etachment. The elevated intraocular pressures in end stage Iroliferative diabetic retinopathy with neovascular glaucoma re due to blocking of the drainage angles by new vessel irowth (neovascularization) of proliferative disease. Macular liseases usually do not cause pressure changes. Choroidal letachments are accompanied by ocular hypotony. Extraocular Muscle Movements (EOM): Patients usually ?xhibit normal EOMs in retinal, vitreous and choroidal Diseases. Long standing retinal disease with retinal scarring rnd poor vision may result in outward deviation of that poorly ieeing eye. Inward or outward deviation of the eye can be a presenting sign of retinoblastoma, a tumor most commonly 3een in infancy. Figure 5. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. Examiner views fundus using an indirect ophthalmoscope on his head while holding an aspheric lens. Patient is examined lying down. Funduscopic Findings: Fundus changes depend on the problem. The vitreous always has to be considered in assessing the status of the retina. The inter-relationship of the vitreous and the retina will be discussed in a separate section. The fundus can be examined using a direct ophthalmoscope, which allows a very limited and magnified view of the fundus. (Figure 4 A,B). The indirect ophthalmoscope is a better instrument, as it gives one a wider view of the fundus. The image magnification depends upon the lens held by the examiner. Indirect ophthalmoscopy is more difficult to learn and its use is a "must" for residents in ophthalmology (Figure 5). Figure 6. Fundus examination using slit lamp biomicroscopy with non-contact fundus lens. Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy with Special Lenses: A third method of fundus examination is with the slit lamp and a fundus lens (Figure 6).This examination allows the examiner to see details of the vitreous, retina and optic disc in high magnification. Findings of slit lamp examination depend on the disorder and will be discussed in a separate section. Problems in the vitreous and the anatomic-pathologic vitreoretinal relationships can be determined with this examination. Amster Grid Examination: This is a simple examination performed in a clinic on patients complaining of central visual problems. The patient can also perform this at home to monitor changes in central vision. He observes changes in the grid presented to him on a black and white chart (black card with white grid or vice versa) , relative to a central fixation point. These changes can be blind spots of varying densities, Figure 4. (A) Physician performs direct ophthalmoscopy on a patient, (B) direct ophthalmoscope 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, vitreous and Choroid AMSLER'S GRID mom MOMMINIMMEMM mulussmum simmummum mmummummunimmumm inummumarnmsim mommuissismum mummommommommomem mmunimmimmummummum mummemommemommumem mummummummmiumnim // // mium ummommommum Irmo miummommumm mummmmommummum u inummumummiu mummommummummomm mmilimmmummommomm INIMM MEMORIMMINIMUMMIIM WM MEMOMMOMMINIMMOIM IIIIMIII1111111111111111111M1111111111111111III ME MEMMOMOMMEM NM tattehtrottptehocht. e.. trttottothhh wear yarn nriding rnai tun. muirmy Nom rnui fir r fur t hr. youi lum writ iitro .at A Mr, kit vow eye 410t1 foam the trotiori du( 1.3o th. Litit .0 it.. . Awl rtyne we no ditilleart an antis oit IM ¢,O is 0. itiat , .er I thr .0_ then Not. entral -auloona iNtsa ....411 szairaArl. iil not. then trievonimpilocituti tr i,001,1 AnY revs k Nies may Amur inviiticits pwgrMm inroopw......1.414.1' lAiosiont MP...maw ...Ai* was w.f. doctor tahnotimeth art al the dhitahort &pow, Figure 7. Amsler grid :on lower part, note 3 examples of problems with the grid that a patient may see if he has a macular problem and distortion. The grid allows the patient to measure the approximate size of the perceived changes and note their location on the chart (Figure 7). ANCILLARY EXAMINATIONS Additional examinations may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis. Even if the diagnosis is clinically obvious these examinations may still be requested to document changes. This will help with monitoring progress of treatment.The more commonly requested examinations are: Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FA) : Fluorescein angiography is a procedure that involves the injection of a dye, sodium fluorescein, into the antecubital vein. The dye is carried with the circulation and outlines the retinal and choroidal vascular system. This is then picked up by a special fundus camera. Retinal and choroidal diseases have typical fluorescence qualities and patterns, thereby allowing the observer to confirm certain clinical observations. The optic nerve head also has typical angiographic fluorescence . Any changes seen on FA may thus, be pathologic and can then be correlated with clinical findings (Figure 8). Figure 8. Fundus fluorescein angiography. (A) Sodium fluorescein dye is injected into the antecubital vein and pictures of the retina are taken and recorded with a fundus camera, (B) Color picture showing hard exudates (clusters of punctuate yellowish dots, examples indicated by black arrows), microaneurysms (small punctuate reddish dots, red arrows), small retinal hemorrhage (white arrow) in diabetic retinopathy, (C) Fundus angiography of B showing microaneurysms (small punctuate white dots, red arrows), small retinal hemorrhage, in the angiogram seen as a small dark area that corresponds with the hemorrhage in the color picture (white arrow) Idocyanine Green Angiography (ICGA): This is similar ) FA but uses indocyanine green dye instead of sodium Jorescein.The choroidal circulation is better highlighted with :GA. It is helpful in studying problems of the choroid not seen FA. Ieular B scan Ultrasonography: In the presence of media pacities the ultrasound is a useful tool to evaluate the natomic relationships among the three structures (vitreous, "tina, choroid) and may indicate changes in the vitreous cavity Jch as the presence of densities and masses . For example, in le presence of a very dense cataract, the presence or absence f a retinal detachment can be determined. It is used to assess le density, size and height of intraocular tumors, giving clues s to the type of tumor, and possibly a diagnosis. It is also very seful in assessing the amount of and density of intravitreal laterial such as blood, and to locate intraocular foreign ladies in trauma cases (Figure 9). (blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, BUN, creatinine, etc.) and x-rays form an important part of "systemic examination" and must be done when a patient is suspected of having a certain disease. Patients can present with pedal edema, skin discoloration of the lower extremities, non healing ulcers and wounds in the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus. Figure 10. OCT of normal macula , showing retinal layers (white arrow indicates fovea, red arrow indicates choroid, yellow arrow indicates RPE ) III: DISEASES OF THE RETINA, CHOROID AND VITREOUS Examples of Retinal, Vitreous and Choroidal Disorders are enumerated in this section.Those discussed in this chapter are in bold italic print. The student is encouraged to read about each disorder in more detail and to read about the other disorders as well. Retinal Vascular Diseases : diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion • (CRVO), central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO), Ocular B scan ultrasound showing retinal detachment (yellow arrow), optic nerve shadow (white arrow). Figure 9. )ptical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Optical Coherence tomography is a "scan" of the retina, made possible by light Naves , creating images of the ten layers of the retina at the nacular area, Bruch's membrane , the choriocapillaris and arger choroidal channels, and defects in these layers. It can ilso be used to image the optic disc and cup (Figure 10). branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), Von Hippel Lindau disease Maculopathies: age related macular degeneration (ARMD), central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), macular hole, cystoid macular edema ((ME.), macular pucker Heredodegenerative diseases of the retina: retinitis pigmentosa (RP), color blindness, Stargardts disease, juvenile foveal retinoschisis, Best's vitelliform macular degeneration Tumors: metastatic tumors, melanomas, retinoblastoma, intraocular lymphomas, choroldal • Electroretinography (ERG) and Electro-oculography ;EOG): These examinations assess retinal function, by measuring electrical activity of the retinal layers. In essence, :hese are similar to an electrocardiogram( ECG). capillary hemangiomas Retinal Detachments, retinoschisis Vitreous opacities and degeneration : vitreous scintillans, hemorrhage, asteroides hyalosis, sync hisis SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION • Viany retinal diseases are part of systemic problems like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, systemic lupus erythematosus and Dther collagen diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant disease or hematologic disorders . Some of these like diabetic -etinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, collagen disease, may present with typical funduscopic findings. Blood chemistry vitritis, amyloidosis Retinochoroiditis : toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, serpiginous choroiditis Uveal Effusion : Vogt-Koyanogi-Harada syndrome Infectious Retinopathies : HIV retinopathy 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous arid Choroid DIABETIC RETINOPATHY Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of Diabetes Mellitus and manifests mainly as vascular changes in the retina. The retinal problem usually starts after many years of diabetes. After 20 years, 90% of Type 1 diabetics and 60% of Type diabetics will have some form of retinopathy. Good blood sugar control has been proven to be a key modifiable factor by wide based landmark studies, such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) . The DCCT showed that strict glucose control in Type I diabetics can reduce the chance of development of diabetic retinopathy by 76% and slow progression in those who already have retinopathy by 54%. It also reduced the occurence of nephropathy by 50% and neuropathy by 60%. The UKPDS showed that with strict glucose control there was a 31% risk reduction in progression to advanced retinopathy in Type II diabetics. It further demonstrated the importance of blood pressure control in delaying the progression of diabetic retinopathy to higher stages. In summary, these studies recommend that normal blood glucose levels must be maintained to delay the onset of , or slow down the progression of the complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic retinopathy is only one such complication, and is closely related to the onset of diabetic nephropathy. it A There are two stages of diabetic retinopathy : non proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). NPDR has 4 stages: mild, moderate, severe and very severe. PDR has 2 stages, early and high risk. The typical fundus findings in non proliferative diabetic retinopathy are: microaneurysms, dot and blot retinal hemorrhages, hard exudates, soft exudates, venous beading and intraretinal microvascular angiopathies (IRMAs). The hallmark of the proliferative stage is the growth of abnormal new vessels (neovascularization) either on the disc (NVD) or on the retina (NVE) (Figure 11). The pregnant diabetic is of particular concern and must be monitored more closely. Vision deteriorates when the patient develops macular edema which can occur at any stage of retinopathy including the earlier stages of NPDR. The standard of care is to monitor fundus changes if the retinopathy is diagnosed in its earlier stages, followed by laser treatment in the form of pa nretinal photocoagulation (PRP) when PDR characteristics are present. Macular focal and grid laser treatment can be done at any stage if maculopathy causes significant visual loss. Intraocular injections with anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (anti-VEGF) preparations are under study for the treatment of macular edema related to diabetic retinopathy. Vitreoretinal surgery is indicated if there are non clearing vitreous hemorrhage, premacular hemorrhage, vitreoretinal traction, traction and bullous retinal detachment. Figure 11. Retinal findings in diabetic retinopathy. (A) NPDR with hard exudates (black arrows), microaneurysms (red arrows), dot and blot hemorrhages (yellow arrows), soft exudates (white arrow), (B) PDR High Risk with Pre-retinal hemorrhages (white arrow), NVDs (black arrow), NVEs (yellow arrow), (C) PDR with retinal hemorrhages and extensive fibrovascular membranes (white arrows) with vitreoretinal traction. Diabetic retinopathy causes varying degrees of visual loss depending on the fundus and vitreous changes. It is, however, possible to have a patient with fairly good vision despite the resence of PDR if the macula is minimally affected. Diagnosis made with a thorough history and good clinical assessment f the fundus. To confirm the working impression and identify Ither possible retinal changes, a fluorescein angiogram (FA) nd optical coherence tomography (OCT) are performed. An icular B scan ultrasound may be requested if there are media goblems such as vitreous hemorrhage and/ or a cataract )recluding adequate visualization of the fundus. Treatment of ischpmir CRVO is retinal (scalier laser treatment similar Lo FliF' of diabetic retinopathy) when certain criteria are met, as recommended by the Central Vein Occlusion Study. Usually the non-ischemic type needs no definitive ocular treatment but the primary cause must be identified and addressed. :ENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION Central retinal artery occlusion or CRAO , is one of only two "true" emergencies in ophthalmology. It does not occur as frequently as CRVO. CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION ventral retinal vein occlusion or CRVO manifests in two types: schemic and non ischemic (also called stasis retinopathy) . rhe ischemic type is more severe. The fundus is covered with multiple splinter and blot hemorrhages . One typically finds ;oft exudates (cottonwool spots) indicating retinal ischemia. Retinal veins are tortuous and dilated. The optic nerve may lave blurry borders covered with splinter retinal hemorrhages -adiating from the disc and which appear to be following the disposition of the nerve fiber layer. Vision is very poor in this situation due to macular edema, and/or macular ischemia. Retinal hemorrhages covering the fovea also cause poor vision (Figure 12). With examination of the pupils one may find afferent pupillary defects (APD). It manifests as sudden painless loss of vision.Visual loss is severe, and residual vision just after the episode is usually in the area of light perception to count fingers . The retina is very pale so that the usually darker macula becomes more prominent and is described as a "cherry red spot". "Box tarring" of blood flow in the arterioles is oftentimes observed. Occasionally a glistening thrombus called a Hollenhorst plaque is seen blocking an arteriole (Figure 13). Figure 13. Central retinal artery occlusion showing pale retina and a cherry red spot at macula Figure 12. Central retinal vein occlusion showing numerous flame shaped retinal hemorrhages, blurry disc borders, cotton wool spots Some patients report a prodrome of temporary vision "wipeouts" several times in a span of days to weeks before the actual CRAO. This "wipeout" is very brief and lasts for a few seconds. At this time the patient's vision appears white or gray with all details gone temporarily. When vision returns, everything is normal. Even the retina appears normal except perhaps for vascular changes indicative of hypertension and arteriosclerosis. In contrast, the non-ischemic type of CRVO, shows fewer retinal hemorrhages and usually no soft exudates. The disc borders are not markedly obscured by splinter hemorrhages. However, there is definite retinal venous tortuosity and dilation. Vision and prognosis are much better than in the ischemic type. CRVO can happen to both elderly and young individuals. In the elderly, one should consider systemic vascular diseases CRAO is usually related to systemic vascular diseases like such as hypertension, diabetes and arteriosclerosis as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, collagen disease or hematologic possible causes of these vaso- occlusive episodes. In the disorders. Embolic and thrombotic phenomena must be younger individual, one thinks of inflammatory disease, considered, such as internal carotid stenosis, arrhythmias, collagen disease, hematologic disorders, etc. An FA will help cardiac valvular disease, peripheral vascular disease, or confirm the type of CRVO. An OCT may confirm or rule out the intravenous medications with particulate matter such as presence of macular edema. steroids, heroin, others. Extraocular causes may include 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Choroid prolonged pressure on the globe or massive retrobulbar hemorrhage usually after trauma. Prognosis for visual recovery is very poor. Most patients are left with vision of counting fingers to light perception after the retinal edema has settled. Treatment must be instituted within 5 minutes of the attack and comes in the form of immediate lowering of eye pressure to improve intraocular perfusion, by reducing intraocular resistance to blood flow. Some reports have pegged the "golden period" for treatment with salvage of vision, to 90 minutes from onset of visual loss. AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) is one of the major causes of central visual loss in the western world, in people over 50 years of age. It is more common in the elderly and the incidence rises sharply after the age of 75 years. There are two types, the non-neovascular (dry) type and the neovascular (wet) type. The non-neovascular type is more common and visual loss is not as severe as in the neovascular type. The neovascular type accounts for only 10% of all ARMD, but is responsible for 90% of those with vision of 20/200 and less. The basic pathology of the non-neovascular type is the accumulation of cellular debris and formation of "drusen" under the retina.There is accompanying atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium. In the neovascular type, a choroidal neovascular membrane grows under the retina from the choroid. This membrane bleeds under the retina and causes scarring and extensive damage of the retina above it (Figure 14). Age is a definite risk factor in ARMD. Other risk factors implicated, but with no established causal relationship are: smoking, cardiovascular disease, ethnicity, undue exposure to UV light, lack of vitamin C and other factors related to oxidative stress. Recent studies show that there is association of smoking to ARMD. The non-neovascular type causes gradual painless deterioration of central vision while the neovascular type causes sudden onset of central visual problems such as blurry vision, metamorphopsia and scotomas (blind spots). A good clinical examination of the fundus, an FA and an OCT are necessary for the confirmation of the type of ARMD, and for monitoring response to treatment especially in the neovascular type. Occasionally, an ICGA is needed. Management of the neovascular type is thermal laser treatment to the abnormal vascular complex, if extrafoveal (outside the foveal center). The subfoveal (under the foveal center) types are treated using intravitreal injections of antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) medications. Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a "cold laser", is also a treatment option for neovascular ARMD. There is no current treatment for the non-neovascular type. Monitoring must be done, as a few convert to the neovascular type. Patients with both Splf-InctrurtionAl WtpriAlc in Onhthalmoloav I 2nd Edition A Figure 14. Age related macular degeneration (A) Non-neovascular type, showing round patch of atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium at the macula (black arrowheads), (B) Neovascular type, showing subretinal hemorrhage and choroidal neovascular membrane (black arrows) at the macula and perirnacula types must be advised regarding managing the modifiable risk factors such as smoking, diet, excessive UV light exposure, dyslipidemia and hypertension. RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a retinal disorder belonging to the family of heredo-degenerative diseases and" ta petoreti na I diseases. It is characterized by progressive degeneration of the rods and cones, and in most cases is associated with migration of pigment epithelial cells into the retina. There are several patterns of inheritance: autosomal recessive, X-linked recessive and autosomal dominant .The first two have the earliest onset and worst prognosis. Patients with the autosomal dominant form may be symptom free until middle age. Genetic analysis has shown that the defect in most affected individuals is in the gene that encodes for rhodopsin.There are 2 types of RP: type I in which the rods are affected earlier than the cones, and type II in which the cones are affected earlier than the rods. Symptoms include night blindness or nyctalopia for most cases of type I , progressive contraction of peripheral visual fields, )Iurring of vision in some cases (with macular involvement), ind development of cataracts . Absence of night blindness is )ossible especially in type II RP. tumors, accelerated hypertension as in eclampsia or other vascular diseases like diabetes mellitus. Causes of traction detachments are diabetic retinopathy, trauma or ischemic retinopathies. (Figures 16, 17, 18) - undus findings include vitreous cells and opacities, narrowed irteries, diffuse pigmentation of the retinal pigment pithelium (RPE), bone spicule and comma shaped intraretinal Noliferation of pigmented cells, and waxy pallor of the optic iisc in the late stages (Figure 15). RP with very little or no )igment is possible (sine pigment()) and is usually type II. Figure 16. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, superior half retinal break most likely at 12:00 o'clock area Figure 15. Fundus picture of retinitis pigmentosa showing bone spicule like pigments ( red arrows) and other retinal pigment epithelial changes (gray mottling) outside the macula Other causes of night blindness (e.g. vitamin A deficiency, systemic syndromes, congenital stationary night blindness) must be ruled out. RP is usually a bilateral disease. If findings are unilateral other causes (e.g. blunt trauma, uveitis, long standing retinal detachment, retained intraocular foreign body, diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis ) must be ruled out. Figure 17. Traction retinal detachment in diabetic retinopathy: white There is no known treatment for retinitis pigmentosa. Cataract extraction may help improve vision. Daily doses of 15,000 IU of Vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate (with liver function monitoring) may help slow down deterioration of ERG changes, with no known demonstrable effect on vision. arrows indicate areas of retinal traction from the fibrovascular membranes RETINAL DETACHMENT Retinal detachments are conditions where the retinal pigment epithelium is separated from the inner retinal layers, with accumulation of fluid in the"subretinal space" (space between the RPE and photoreceptor "rods and cones" layer). Retinal detachments can be "rhegmatogenous" (with a retinal break: tear or hole) or "non-rhegmatogenous" (without a break). Causes of non-rhegmatogenous detachments are exudation and traction. Causes of exudative retinal detachment are inflammatory diseases of the choroid and retina, subretinal Figure 18. Exudative retinal detachment in eclampsia 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Choroid Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments are associated with the formation of a retinal break(s) usually located in the retinal periphery. These breaks are associated with peripheral retinal thinning of high myopia, peripheral retinal degeneration such as lattice degeneration, vitreoretinal traction during vitreous liquefaction , posterior vitreous detachment as well as trauma. The loss of vision in rhegmatogenous retinal detachments is described as a "curtain falling": with blurry vision starting in the periphery and steadily moving towards the center. Vision changes are also described as wavy vision and/or visual field cuts. The symptoms of flashes and floaters in some patients may be an early warning sign of a serious impending retinal tear and detachment. Occasionally a patient may present with normal central vision but with peripheral visual field defects due to a beginning retinal detachment. Management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is surgical. The basic principles of retinal reattachment surgery are: 1) to find the break, 2) to close the break 3) to seal the retinal breaks with a chorioretinal scar 4) neutralize vitreoretinal traction. Management of traction detachment is surgical as well. The management of exudative detachment is primarily medical, addressing the primary cause. Figure. 19. Fundus partially obscured by dark red patches of vitreous hemorrhage; optic disc is hardly seen (black arrow) ocular B scan ultrasonography must be done to determine if retinal detachment, tumors or other abnormalities are present behind the blood. The general rule is, if no retinal detachment or tumor is detected, the hemorrhage may be observed for 4-6 months and allowed to resorb by itself. In the presence of retinal detachment, tumor or other diseases requiring immediate VITREOUS HEMORRHAGE attention, vitreoretinal surgery is advised. If a retinal brea K Floaters followed by decreasing vision with no history of without a detachment is found, the break is sealed with laser. trauma are common reasons for emergency consults with the If there is a vitreous hemorrhage accompanying the traction neovascularization, surgical eye doctor. When a vitreous hemorrhage is seen, one must detachment and/or retinal consider the possibility of an avulsed retinal vessel secondary removal of the vitreous hemorrhage and traction membranes, to posterior vitreous detachment. The presence of a retinal with /or without laser treatment is considered within the break must be carefully eliminated as a possible cause of the context of management of the retinopathy. vitreous hemorrhage. This is especially true if the patient has no systemic vascular disease like diabetes or hypertension, OCULAR TOXOPLASMOSIS or hematologic disorders. Any condition causing peripheral neovascularization may result in vitreous hemorrhage, Ocular toxoplasmosis, caused by an intraocular obligate including the chronic stages of pars planitis and other parasite is one of the more common forms of posterior uveitides, sickle cell disease. Trauma, including the battered uveitis. The organism Toxoplasma gondii, is a protozoan child syndrome, should always be ruled out in children. that has predilection for the retina. The classic finding is Symptoms are sudden onset of blurry vision, frequently with floaters in the form of "many dust like particles" which are dispersed RBC, or "streaming dark lines". Massive vitreous hemorrhage can cause significant loss of vision without the floaters. Lighter hemorrhages may manifest as large clumps of floaters. Occasionally there are reports of light flashes in the peripheral field of vision (Figure 19). Management is directed at finding the cause and clearing the blood. In most cases where the bleeding is mild, retinal examination will permit adequate assessment of the situation and identification of cause.When vitreous hemorrhage is dense retinochoroiditis. There are two types of ocular toxoplasmosis: congenital and acquired. The congenital type is acquired by the pregnant immune-incompetent mother, and passed on to the unborn child. The later in pregnancy the infection is acquired by the mother, the more serious the ocular problem. The acquired type is by ingestion of the organism in uncooked food or infected fomites. The infection is easily quelled by the patient but the organism finds its way into the eye and causes an inflammatory reaction in the vitreous, retina and choroid hence, a retinochoroiditis. Scarring of the retina and choroid are prominent in the quiescent phase. Recurrences of activity are possible and can >e found at the edges of scars from previous attacks. Visual iffectation is dependent on the part of the retina affected. lacular involvement will certainly lead to poor vision Figures 20, 21). The patient usually complains of sudden onset of blurry vision, photophobia, perhaps floaters, sometimes with headache, neck stiffness an/or tinnitus. The disease presents with yellowish white patches of retinal edema, wide areas of serous retinal detachments, retinal vasculitis and/or optic disc edema. (Figure 22) There may be a heavy anterior uveitis. Later in the course of the disease the patient develops vitiligo (white patches on the skin) and poliosis (whitening of eyelashes). A high index of suspicion based on clinical presentation and findings, a spinal tap and immunologic tests will help make a diagnosis of VKH. Fundus fluorescein angiography may help define the structures involved. Patients are given systemic steroids and/or immunosuppressives. They usually require prolonged treatment with maintenance doses. The final outcome of VKH depends on control of the inflammation and scar formation. Vision is relatively good except where the macula has been affected. The course is long and indolent. Figure 20. Fundus picture showing typical toxoplasmosis scar at temporal paramacular area Figure 22. Multiple foci of serous retinal detachments (black arrows) in VKH a• Figure 21. Composite fundus picture of two scars (red arrows, toxoplasmosis, and an active lesion with indistinct borders (yellow arrow ; with hemorrhage at its upper and nasal borders CHOROIDAL CAPILLARY HEMANGIOMA :_horoidal capillary hemangiomas are benign, isolated, round , well circumscribed reddish orange tumors under the retina, of varying sizes, usually discovered as an incidental finding during a routine eye examination. On occasion the patient complains of gradual onset of blurry vision due to induced hyperopia or to serous exudation from the tumor. These rarely grow in Diagnosis is best made clinically although immunolog.: examinations are helpful. Treatment is in the form of oral antibiotics that interfere with the organism's pathway for protein transcription, such as sulfadiazine, clindamycin, pyrimethamine. Intraocular injection of antibiotics has also been shown to be an effective route of treatment. The use of steroids whether oral, topical, peri-bulbar or intra-ocular is not without hazard. size. Large ones can cause exudative retinal detachments and eventually have pigmentary retinal changes overlying the choroidal mass. These tumors have distinct angioigraphic and ultrasound features (Figure 23). VOGT-KOYANAGI-HARADA SYNDROME Management options are laser treatment, cryopexy, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (VKH) is a rare and unusual form of diffuse granulomatous uveitis. This is found more in pigmented individuals and is a bilateral disease. photodynamic therapy, external beam irradiation and transpupillary thermotherapy if vision is threatened by retinal detachment. S DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Cilurold HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME RETINOPATHY The human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) may affect the eye directly. More frequently, the eye becomes vulnerable to a number of opportunistic infections and neoplastic conditions because of the underlying systemic immunodepression. These include CMV retinitis, toxoplasmosis, Candida retinitis, Pneumocystis carinii -fection and Kaposi's sarcoma. Figure.23. Choroidal capillary hemangioma with classic red orange color (white arrow) METASTATIC CHOROIDAL TUMOR Metastatic tumors to the uveal tract are the most common intraocular malignancies. Most are found in the choroid more often than in the iris or ciliary body. Metastasis to the retina and optic disc are rare. Spread from the primary cancer is by the hematogenous route. The primaries are, in men, lung carcinomas, and in women, breast carcinomas. They may appear as bumpy elevations under the retina, with or without surrounding exudation, or an almost flat mottled lesion under the retina, also with or without exudation (Figure 24). They may be solitary or multiple, big or small. Visual symptoms occur if the tumors or exudative detachments are at or close to the macula. Extramacular or peripheral detachments may cause photopsias and visual field problems. Small tumors that do not cause visual symptoms frequently go undetected. Figure 24. Choroidal metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma with leopard skin-like mottling (black arrow) of the elevated mass, and surrounding shallow exudative retinal detachment (red arrows) The most consistent retinal manifestations are fleeting cotton wool spots (retinal nerve fiber infarcts) which are present in almost 100% of HIV positive patients at some time during the course of the systemic HIV infection.These localized ischemic areas are located at the posterior pole and may be related to circulating immune complexes. In most cases cotton wool spots are asymptomatic and blurry vision occurs only if the lesion is at or close to the macula. Diagnosis must exclude other causes of cotton wool spots (diabetic retinopathy, collagen vascular disease, retinal vaso-occlusive disease).The other ocular manifestations of disease depend on the type of opportunistic infection. The eye disease is managed together with the systemic treatment of AIDS. Intravitreal implantation of gancyclovir and foscarnet is an option . Vitreoretinal surgery is indicated when there is vitreoretinal traction, non-clearing vitreous hemorrhage and/or retinal detachments. SUMMARY It is the primary objective of this material to guide the medical student through the steps needed in order to recognize posterior segment "vitreo-retinal and/or choroidal" disorders by taking a good history and performing a thorough eye examination. One should remember that even if these problems have typical presentations, the atypical may happen. It is for the wise student in ophthalmology to unravel the mystery in each case he sees by correlating the knowledge he would have learned from this book and the clinical picture he would have obtained from his interaction with his patient . As medical practitioners we should be aware of the many different manifestations of retinal, vitreous and choroidal diseases. Just as importantly, the medical practitioner should realize that many eye problems can be traced to systemic diseases or etiologies originating from systems other than the eye, as in distant trauma. It is thus possible that fundus findings can alert the ophthalmologist regarding the presence of a systemic illness that would have otherwise been missed e.g. diabetic retinopathy. Subsequent referrals can then be made and the patient holistically co-managed with other specialists. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. American Academy of Ophthalmology . Basic and Clinical Science Course, Retina and Vitreous. San Francisco USA. LEO. 2008 Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research (DCCT) Group. The Effect of Intensive Treatment of Diabetes on the Development and Progression of Long-term Complications in Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus. N Engl J Med 1993; 329:997 Kanski. Clinical Ophthalmology : A Systematic Approacn. London. Elservier. 6th ed. 2007. Yanoff, Podos. Textbook of Ophthalmology, Retina and Vitreous. London. Mosby. 1st ed. 1994. Vol 9 Riordan-Eva, Witcher, Vaughn & Asbury's General Ophthalmology. Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 16th ed. 1999 Ryan S. ed. Retina. The Mosby Company. 4th ed. 2006 Tasman, Jaeger. Duane's Ophthalmology. Lippincott, William & Wilkins. 2009 United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group: Intensive Blood Glucose Control with Sulphonylureas or Insulin Compared With Conventional Treatment and Risk of Complications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes ( UKPDS 33), Lancet 352: 837-853, 1998 United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group: Tight Blood Pressure Control and Risk of Macrovascular and Microvascular Complications in Type 2 Diabetes ( UKPDS 38), BMJ 317: 7160-7176, 1998 Based on the data given above: 1. What is your working diagnosis of the case ? 2. Why ? 3. Is there anything else that you would want to ask the patient? 4. What ancillary procedures would you ask for? Case 2. A // yr old female consults you for blurring of central vision in the left eye, since 3 weeks ago. Right eye is "somewhat blurred" but is better than the left eye. She had cataract surgery in both eyes 10 years ago and has intraocular implants. She is not diabetic, is a hypertensive with good control with medications, has no heart disease, but is on lipid lowering medications. Your findings are: Best corrected vision OD: 20/30 J2 10P OU: 16 mm Hg OS: 20/100 J16 EOMs are normal in both eyes Slit lamp findings of anterior segment OU: clear cornea, +arcus senilis,. deep AC, + 10Ls in place, no AC cells and flare Fundus findings: OD: Normal optic disc with CD 0.3, + retinal arteriolar attenuation; Macula has no foveal reflex but otherwise normal. A few drusen are noted in posterior pole area. Peripheral retina is normal. SELF-TEST Fundus findings OS: Normal optic disc with CD 0.3, + arteriolar attenuation; there is a small subretinal hemorrhage at macula, covering fovea, around 2 disc diameter size. Peripheral retina is normal. Case 1. A 50 year old female comes to you with a complaint of sudden onset of blurry vision of the right eye since a week prior to consult. She reports that she has had diabetes mellitus for the past 15 years and is on insulin, with poor control of blood sugar. Based on the data given above 1. What is your working diagnosis of the case? 2. Why? Vision OD: Counting Fingers 2 feet OS: 20/20 .11 with correction 3. What else would you want to ask the patient? Intraocular Pressure OU: 15 mm Hg 4. What ancillary procedures would you ask for? Slit Lamp findings: OD: clear lens; no anterior chamber cells; hazy vitreous with no view of the retina OS: clear lens ; no anterior chamber cells; clear vitreous Funduscopy OD: negative ROR OS: occasional microaneurysms noted all over the fundus. Several cottonwool spots and blot hemorrhages are also seen all over the fundus. Macula appears normal. EOMs OU: normal Answers to Self- Test on page 221. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 3 Disorders of the Retina, Vitreous and Choroid 81 5.4 Glaucoma Norman M. Aquino, MD INTRODUCTION Glaucoma is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting the eye that may res;.. : v spa field disturbance or blindness. In this condition, there is death of retinal ganglion cells resulting in a characteristic opt;c neuropathy with cupping, or excavation, of the optic nerve head. (Figure 1). OBJECTIVES This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of glaucoma. After reading this material, the —edlcal student In ophthalmology is expected to be able to: 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of glaucoma 2. Discuss the eye examinations for glaucoma 3. Discuss the principles of management of glaucoma CONTENT I. Pathogenesis of glaucoma II. Patient Evaluation 1. History 2. Eye examination A. Visual acuity tests B. Refraction C. Slit lamp examination D. Tonometry E. Optic nerve head evaluation F. Gonioscopy G. Visual field examination III. Management NORMAL AQUEOUS FLOW fff Trabecular meshwork Conjunctiva Episciera vein Aqueous veal' Schlemm's canal Aqueous flow Lens Figure 1. Glaucomatous optic nerve Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness and is second only to cataracts as the most common cause of blindness overall. Worldwide, glaucoma affects more than 70 million people, of whom about 10% are estimated to be blind. In the Philippines, this condition ranks among the top 3 causes of blindness. The economic and social impact of this disease is enormous but is very difficult to quantify. The understanding of the glaucomatous disease process entails a thorough comprehension of the complex physiologic relationship that exists between aqueous humor dynamics, intraocular pressure and their effects on the optic nerve. Aqueous humor is an intraocular fluid that is vital to the health and function of the eye. It is produced in the anterior portion of the pars plicata along the tips or crests of the ciliary processes.The circulating aqueous humor enters the posterior chamber and flows around the lens and through the pupil into the anterior chamber. It leaves the eye at the anterior chamber angle through the outflow system consisting of trabecular meshwork, Schlemm's canal, intrascleral channels, and episcleral and conjunctival veins. This is referred to as the conventional or trabecular outflow (Figure 2). In the unconventional or uveoscleral outflow, aqueous humor exits by passing through the root of the iris, between the ciliary muscle bundles, then through the suprachoroidal-scleral tissues. Intraocular pressure is a function of the rate at which aqueous humor enters the eye (inflow) and the rate at which it leaves the eye (outflow). An impediment in outflow would therefore result in elevation of intraocular pressure leading to pathologic alteration and loss of the nerve fibers of the optic nerve. Although elevated intraocular pressure (10P) is the most frequent causative risk factor for the development of glaucoma, there are other factors that are also known to play a role. Thus, attempts to define glaucoma solely on the basis of IOP alone may not always be appropriate. Other pathophysiologic mechanisms, either working separately or in combination with 10P, may contribute to retinal ganglion cell death. Impaired Figure 2. Aqueous is produced by the chary body in the posterior chamber, circulates around the lens, passes through the pupil, and flows into the anterior chamber. Eighty percent of the outflow goes through the trabecular meshwork and drains into the episcleral venous system; the remaining 20% passes through the uveoscleral pathway via the interstitial spaces between the iris root and ciliary muscle. Adopted from Adatia FA, Damji KR., microcirculation, ischemia, deprivation of neuronal growth factors, neurotoxic agents like glutamate and nitric oxide have been shown to affect retinal ganglion cell viability (Figure 3). The elucidation of cellular and molecular events that occur during the glaucomatous disease process will most certainly evolve over the next decade and will provide a more definitive biologic basis for the disease. Mechanical Tissue Damage Decreased Elevated —4. Axoplasmic 10P Flow Retinal Ganglion Cell Death Vascular ..„,,,„,„,,,,,Ischemia Dysregulation 1 Free Radicals Neurotoxic Agents Figure 3. Concept of glaucoma pathogenesis . Adopted from the European Glaucoma Society. There are several approaches by which the glaucomas may be classified. Based on etiology, they can either be "primary" or "secondary'l In the "primary" form, there are no identifiable ocular or systemic conditions that contribute to the condition. These typically affect both eyes and probably have a genetic basis. In contrast, glaucomas are classified as"secondary"when there is a partial understanding of underlying or predisposing ocular or systemic events. These may be unilateral or bilateral, some may have genetic basis, while others are acquired conditions. However, as our knowledge about the mechanisms of the glaucomatous disease process continues to expand, we realize 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 15.4 Glaucoma 83 that the "primary and secondary" classification approach has become increasingly inadequate. diagnosis and proper management of glaucoma. A classification system based on the mechanism and site ofaqueous outflow obstruction may be a more appropriate approach. In open angle mechanisms, there is no obstruction to aqueous outflow by iris tissue (Figure 4). Elevation of I013 results from obstruction within the trabecular meshwork and beyond. Many patients with open angle glaucoma are asymtopmatic. They may have blurring of vision, which they usually attribute to an error of refraction or the development of cataracts. Focal loss of vision, unless severe, is rarely noticed by the patient. When meeting a patient for the first time, it is helpful to observe the patient as he or she walks into the examination room. Can the patient walk unassisted? Does the patient walk confidently or does he or she shuffle into the room wary of the surroundings? Is the patient able to locate the examination chair accurately? All these clues give the examiner an idea of the degree of visual deficiency that the patient may have. In angle closure mechanisms, the peripheral iris is in apposition to the peripheral cornea blocking egress of aqueous humor through the conventional anterior chamber angle outflow tract resulting in the elevation of 10P. It is important that the examiner ask the patient the reason for his or her visit. In particular, detailed inquiries about visual problems, accompanying ocular signs and symptoms, family history of eye disease, previous eye surgery, trauma, other systemic or medical conditions, and medications being taken systemically or topically are essential. A comprehensive history may eliminate, or rule out, some of the diagnostic possibilities or corroborate a suspected diagnosis. B. Examination of the Eye Examination should begin with an accurate assessment of visual acuity. Proper refraction, or at least a pinhole vision test, must be performed in order to determine the eye's refractive status and visual potential. The refractive status can also be a clue to diagnosis - as open angle glaucoma is found to be more common in myopes while angle closure glaucoma is more associated with hyperopes. Figure 4. Open angle vs. angle closure mechanism. Adopted from Kwon YH.s Occlusion of the anterior chamber angle can occur intermittently and is characterized by the development of peripheral anterior synechiae. Elevation of I013 is gradual in these cases. These patients may be asymptomatic or may have recurrent short episodes of unilateral pain, redness and blurring of vision associated with haloes around lights. These attacks may resolve spontaneously. An acute angle closure attack occurs when there is sudden complete obstruction of the outflow tract by peripheral iris. This is an ocular emergency. Because of the sudden rise in 10P, patients experience blurring of vision, eye redness with severe eye pain, headache, nausea and vomiting. Treatment must be instituted at the soonest possible time and is directed at reducing 10P. A peripheral laser iridotomy, which creates a connection between the posterior and anterior chamber, can relieve the obstruction in the outflow tract. In many cases, the fellow eye, which most likely is also anatomically predisposed to angle closure, should receive a prophylactic laser iridotomy. In patients found to have impaired vision, it is important to try and determine why there is such. Is it because of a simple error of refraction? Is there pathology affecting the transmission of light from the cornea thru the crystalline lens to the retina? Are the retina and optic nerve normal? Is there pathology invoMng the brain? It must be remembered that although glaucoma alone can cause visual disturbance, it may also co-exist with any of the conditions previously cited. The slit lamp biomicroscope is an ophthalmological instrument that allows stereoscopic examination of ocular tissue under good magnification and illumination (Figure 5). It is used to visualize and evaluate the various tissues and layers of the eye. Its use in glaucoma evaluation is invaluable. DIAGNOSING GLAUCOMA A. Patient History Careful history-taking, followed by a comprehensive physical examination, will most likely provide enough information for Figure 5. Slit lamp biomicroscope examination Tonometry The clinical measurement of the 10P is called tonometry (Figure 6). of 10P elevation in a particular case of glaucoma. In patients, it allows for determination whether patient's glaucoma has an open or closed angle mechanism. (Image of Iridocomeal Angle) Elevation of lop is considered the most significant causative risk factor for the development and progression of glaucoma. Therefore, it should be measured in all patients old enough to cooperate with the procedure. It is generally accepted that in the non-glaucomatous eye, 10P ranges from about 10 - 21 mm Hg (mean 16 ± 2.5 mm Hg). Most clinicians however agree that there is no sharp demarcation line between what is "normal"and "abnormarlOP. A statistically abnormal 10P is not synonymous with present or impending disease. Many people with elevated eye pressures maintain normal optic nerves and visual function. Glaucomatous optic nerve damage can, on the other hand, occur in eyes with pressures within the "normal" range. Gonioscope Mirror Ocular Lubricant Cornea Iridocorneal Angle Iris Figure 7. Principle of gonioscopy Figure 8. Structures in the anterior chamber angle (as viewed thru a gonioscopic lens) Figure 6. Applanation tonometry Gonioscopy The examination of the anterior chamber angle is called gonioscopy. This is accomplished by using a variety of special lenses that need to be coupled to the eye. Under normal conditions, the anterior chamber angle cannot be visualized through the intact cornea because light coming from the angle undergoes total internal reflection at the cornea-air interface. These special lenses eliminate this interface allowing visualization of the angle and the structures that lie within it (Figure 7). The anterior chamber angle is where the main outflow system for aqueous humour is located.This area is comprised of a series of structures lying between the iris root and the peripheral cornea. These include, from posterior to anterior, the ciliary body band (CBB), scleral spur (SS), trabecular meshwork (TM) and Schwalbe's line (SL) (Figure 8). Examination of each of these structures and their relationship to one another provides valuable information regarding the etiology and mechanism The chamber angle is considered closed when none of the angle structures are seen on gonioscopy. It is considered open when the structures anterior to the scleral spur are visible. An accurate gonioscopic assessment is essential in planning for appropriate therapy since the therapeutic approach to angle closure glaucoma differs from that of open angle glaucoma. Optic Nerve Head Evaluation The assessment of the morphologic features of the optic disc or optic nerve head is important in glaucoma evaluation. This structure can be examined clinically with a direct ophthalmoscope, an indirect ophthalmoscope, or a posterior fundus lens. The direct ophthalmoscope, although providing high magnification, does not provide sufficient stereoscopic detail. On the other hand, while the indirect ophthalmoscope provides for stereoscopic view, its main disadvantage is the small image size one can view with it.The best method to examine the optic nerve head is with a posterior fundus lens at the slit lamp. This system provides high magnification, excellent illumination and a stereoscopic view of the optic disc. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.4 Glaucoma 85 The optic disc is usually round or slightly oval in shape and contains a central cup. The tissue between the cup and the disc margin is referred to as the neuroretinal rim. In normal patients, this rim has a relatively uniform width and a color that ranges from orange to pink (Figure 9). Generalized enlargement of the cup may be the earliest change detected in glaucoma (Figure 10). It is also useful to compare the optic cups of both eyes as asymmetry is unusual in most individuals. Thick neurorethel rim 9,40,. :ka , .. • \ SW 1.4 Smarr cup Figure 10. (A) Normal cup: (B) Enlarged cup in glaucoma Focal enlargement of the cup appears as localized notching or narrowing of the neuroretinal rim (Figure 11). Figure 9. Normal optic nerve head It is a common clinical practice to describe an optic disc by comparing the diameter of the optic cup to the diameter of the disc in both the horizontal and vertical meridians. This is usually expressed as a ratio such as 5/10 or 0.5. Usually, a horizontal cup-to-disc ratio of 3/10 or 0.3 is considered normal. Cup-to-disc ratio increases slightly with age. There are also racial differences in cup-to-disc ratios. The appearance and configuration of the optic disc often provides essential information about the existence and severity of the disease (Table 1) Table 1: clinical evaluation of the optic Nerve head 1. Size and shape of the optic disc 2. Size, shape, and color of the neuroretinal rim 3. Size of the optic cup in relation to the area of the optic disc 4. Configuration and depth of the optic cup 5. Cup-to-disc diameter ratio and cup-to-disc area ratio 6. Position of the central retinal vessel trunk on the disc 7. Presence and location of splinter-shaped hemorrhages 8. Presence and location of peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy 9. Visibility of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) Figure 11. Notching at the inferior rim (arrow) If this occurs at either, or both, the superior or inferior pole of the disc, the cup becomes vertically oval. In more advanced glaucoma, the tissue destruction extends behind the cribriform plate and the lamina bows backward. The optic nerve head then takes on an excavated and undermined appearance that has been likened to a "beanpot" (Figure 12). In the normal eye, the nerve fiber layer can be best visualized with red free illumination, and appears as a pattern of striations that radiate toward the optic disc. With the development of glaucoma, the nerve fiber layer thins and becomes less visible. Diffuse loss of the nerve fiber layer may be a very important sign of early glaucomatous damage. Funduscopic evaluation of the optic disc and nerve fiber layer can be difficult in the presence of media opacities like cataracts. Detecting subtle anatomic changes in these structures through time also presents a challenge. Optical coherence tomography, scanning laser polarimetry and confocal scanning ophthalmoscopy are new imaging techniques that have significantly improved our capability for early disease detection and monitoring of disease progression. Visual Field Testing Visual field testing, or perimetry, is an important diagnostic tool in glaucoma. It also plays a critical role in monitoring disease progression. There are various ways of testing and mapping out a patient's visual field. Figure 12. (A) Normal optic disc, (B) Histologic cross section of normal optic disc, (C) Glaucomatous optic disc, (D) Histologic cross section of glaucomatous optic disc (beanpot appearance) Splinter hemorrhage usually appears as a linear red streak on or near the disc surface (Figure 13). The hemorrhage clears over several weeks but is often followed by localized notching and pallor of the neuroretinal rim with subsequent visual field loss. The confrontation method of visual field testing will quickly demonstrate gross field defects. It may be the only practical method to evaluate patients who are unable to perform well using the more sophisticated instruments used in perimetry testing. The detection of small field defects in early glaucoma may be missed using this technique. Kinetic visual field testing is performed, as the name implies, with a moving test object.The object, usually a light of variable size and intensity projected on an evenly illuminated surface, is moved from a non-seeing area toward a seeing area. The location is recorded when the patient sees the object. The process is repeated until a boundary of seeing and non-seeing is determined. This boundary line is called an isopter. Several isopters are usually obtained using test objects of different size and/or intensity. The Goldmann perimeter is an example of a manual kinetic perimeter. Static visual field testing involves the use of non-moving test spots. During the examination, fixed test spots of varying intensity of light are presented for a short period of time. The patient responds when light is perceived in each test spot. Static testing attempts to find the light sensitivity of the eye at preselected locations in the visual field. Currently available automated perimeters, like the Humphrey visual field analyzer and the Octopus, employ the static type of visual field testing. With the eye open and looking straight, the visual field of that Figure 13. Splinter hemorrhage at inferior border of optic disc eye is defined as all the space that it can see. The di rnerisiom of the normal field of vision are defined relative to fixation. The normal visual field extends approximately bu degrees superior and nasal, 70 degrees inferior, and 90 -100 degrees temporal to fixation. The blind spot occupies the area defined by the 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION l 5,4 Glaucoma 87 optic nerve head and is typically located 15 degrees temporal to fixation. Visual sensitivity is greatest in the center, the fovea, and decreases toward the periphery. By convention, the visual field of each eye is plotted as the patient sees it (Figure 14). 60° Bllndspot Fixation Superior 60 100° Glaucomatous damage at the optic nerve head produces visual field defects in the region subserved by the affected nerve fibers. The location, distribution, size and shape of the resulting visual field defect, called a scotoma, are therefore determined by the location and extent of the anatomic defect. Typical glaucomatous visual field defects include localized paracentral scotomas, arcuate defects, nasal steps, and temporal wedges (Figure 16). It is important to correlate changes in the visual field with changes in the optic disc. If an appropriate correlation is not present, other causes of visual field loss must be considered. Inferior 70° Figure 14. Normal limits of the visual field of the right eye The dimensions of the visual field can be influenced by other factors in addition to glaucoma. These include facial structure, eyelid anatomy, pupil size, clarity of the ocular media, and refraction. Many neurologic, neuro-ophthalmologic and retinal conditions also alter the visual field. Visual field changes seen in glaucoma reflect retinal and optic nerve anatomy. Retinal nerve fibers radiate from the optic nerve head and are distributed in an arcuate manner around the foveal region (Figure 15). 30 30 30 30 30 Figure 16. (A) Bjerrum's region extends from the blind spot to the medial raphe 10-20 degrees from fixation, (B) Siedel scotoma, (C) Paracentral scotoma, (D) Arcuate or Bjerrum scotoma, (E) Double arcuate scotoma (F) Temporal wedge defect. Adopted from Epstein DL.3 Figure 15. Arcuate distribution of retinal nerve fiber bundles. Adopted from Epstein DL.3 MANAGEMENT OF GLAUCOMA SUMMARY The goal of treatment in glaucoma is to preserve vision by slowing down the progression of the disease process. This involves the lowering of KW and the adoption of therapeutic strategies to protect the optic nerve from further damage (Table 2) Table 2: Treatment of Elevated 10P Medical Treatment A. Suppression of aqueous production 1. Beta adrenergic blocking agents - betaxolol, levobunolol Timolol 2. Alpha adrenergic agonists - apraclonidine. brimonidine Glaucoma is a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting the eye that may result in visual field disturbance or blindness. In this condition, there is death of retinal ganglion cells resulting in a characteristic optic neuropathy with cupping, or excavation, of the optic nerve head. Although elevated 10P is the most frequent causative risk factor for the development of this condition, there are other factors that are also known to play a role. The key to successful glaucoma management is early detection, appropriate and adequate treatment, and regular monitoring of the disease. REFERENCES 3. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - brinzolamide, Dorzolamide. oral acetazolamide B. Facilitation of aqueous flow 1. Parasympathomimetic agents - pilocarpine 2. 2. Prostaglandin analogs - bimnatoprost. latanoprost, travapost C. Reduction of vitreous volume 3. 1. Hyperosmotic agents - oral glycerol. intravenous mannitol 4. Surgical and Laser Treatment A. Peripheral iridotomy or iridectomy 5. B. Laser 1- abeculoplasty C. Glaucoma Drainage Surgery 1. Trabeculectomy 2. Glaucoma shunts and filtration devices D. Cyclodestructive Procedures I reatment should be appropriate to the type and severity of the glaucoma that is present in a patient. One or a combination of topical medications is given to lower intraocular pressure. Laser therapy is used, when appropriate, to improve fluid drainage within the eye. In instances when there is progression or worsening of the glaucomatous condition, despite maximum use of medications and laser, glaucoma surgery is done. This would involve the surgical creation of new drainage systems in the eye to relieve pressure buildup. Intolerance to medications and inability to sustain medical treatment are also indications for surgery. 6. 7. Allingham, R. Rand (ed.). Shield's Textbook Of Glaucoma. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 5th Edition, 2005 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Basic and Clinical Science Course Section 10: Glaucoma. San Francisco, CA. 2008. Epstein, David L. (ed.). Chandler and Grant's Glaucoma. Baltimore, MA. Williams and Wilkins. 1997. Higginbotham, Eve J. and Lee, David A. (ed.). Clinical Guide To Glaucoma Management. Woburn, MA. Butterworth Heinemann. 2004. Kwon, Young H. (ed.). A Patient's Guide To Glaucoma. Coralville, IA. F.E.P. International, Inc. 2008. South East Asia Glaucoma Interest Group. Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines. Sydney, Australia. 2nd Edition. 2008. Weinreb, Robert N., et al (eds.). Glaucoma In The 21st 8. Century. London, UK. Mosby International. 2000. Weinreb, Robert N., et al. (eds.). World Glaucoma Association: Consensus Series. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Kugler 9. Publications. 2010. Adatia FA, Damji KF. Chronic open angle glaucoma. accessed October 24, 2011 SELF-TEST 1. Visual disturbance in glaucoma is the direct result of: A. elevation of lop B. death of retinal ganglion cells C. obstruction of flow at the trabecular meshwork D. presence of cataract E. error of refraction At this time, generally speaking, glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. With the availability of new topical medications, lasers and new surgical technology and techniques, we are now better able to control this disease. S DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 2. The following structure is NOT found in the anterior 7. Aqueous humouroutflow thru the trabecular meshwork chamber angle: and Schlemm's canal is referred to as: A. B. C. D. E. 3. scleral spur trahecular meshwork ciliary body band Schwalbe's line lamina cribrosa Morphologic finding in the optic nerve head is NOT be suspicious for glaucoma: A. B. C. D. E. A. conventional outflow B. extraocular outflow C. infrachoroidal outflow D. suprachoroidal outflow 8. Impediment in aqueous humour outflow would result in: A. B. C. D. E. notching splinter hemorrhages drusen enlarged cup-disc ratio thinning of the nerve fiber layer 9. 4. Which of the following does NOT affect the character and dimension of the visual field of an eye: A. B. C. D. E. 5. lateral rectus muscle paralysis miotic pupil glaucomatous optic neuropathy ptosis high bridge of nose Which of the following statements is true? A. Automated perimeters employ kinetic visual field testing strategies. B. Blindness in glaucoma is reversible. C. Genetics does not play a role in the causation of glaucoma. D. Peripheral anterior synechiae are found in open angle glaucoma. E. Preservation of vision is the goal of glaucoma therapy. 6. Aqueous humour is produced in: A. ciliary processes B. pars plana C. Schlemm's canal D. trabecular meshwork E. vitreous IOP elevation optic disc edema pupillary block retinal detachment swelling of the crystalline lens Which of the following eye medication lowers IOP thru the facilitation of aqueous humour outflow: A. orinzp,a B. dorzolar C mannitol D. pilocarpine E. timolol 10. In kinetic visual field testing, the boundary of "seeing" and "non-seeing" is called: rs. olinaspot B. fixation C. isopter D. nasal step E. scotoma Answers to Self-Test on page 221. 5.5 Disorders of the Optic Nerve z Raul D Cru MD INTRODUCTION The optic nerve transmits visual impulses from the retina to the brain. A knowledge of the basic neuro-anatomy and a detailed clinical examination of the optic nerve function are essential requisites in the evaluation of a patient with visual problems. OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter the student should be able to: 1, 2. 3. Discuss the basic anatomy of the optic nerve Discuss the signs and symptoms of optic nerve disorders Discuss various tests used in evaluating optic nerve function 4. Recognize disorders of the optic nerve Identify field defects along the visual pathway 5. CONTENT I. II. Anatomy of the optic nerve Evaluation of patients with optic nerve disorders 1. 2. 3. History taking Ocular examination A. Visual acuity B. Pupillary testing C. Ophthalmoscopy Ancillary tests A. Visual field test B. Other ancillary tests III. Optic nerve disorders 1. Papilledema 2. Optic neuritis 3. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 4. Toxic optic neuropathy 5. Optic atrophy 6. Developmental anomalies I. ANATOMY OF THE OPTIC 2. OCULAR EXAMINATION NERVE A. Visual Acuity Measurement of the best corrected visual acuity is an absolute requirement in assessing visual disturbances. Corrected visual acuity should be 6/6 (20/20) or better in individuals with normal vision. The optic nerve is approximately 50 mm long and consists of about 1.2 million axons originating from the retinal ganglion cells. The optic nerve is composed of an anterior (intraocular) and posterior (retrobulbar) portions. The intraocular portion (-1mm long) can be visualized using an ophthalmoscope. The retrobulbar portion starts behind the eyeball and can further be divided into the intraorbital (-30 mm long), intracanalicular (-6 mm long), and intracranial (-10 mm long) segments. Normally, myelin covers the entire retrobulbar portion and myelination ends just behind the intraocular portion. The short intraocular portion of the optic nerve is commonly referred to as the optic disc (papilla). The longest section of the optic nerve is the intraorbital segment. The intraorbital segment is S-shaped to permit the eye to move without stretching. Within the orbit, the intraorbital segment is encircled by dura, arachnoid, and pia mater of the brain meninges. As it exits the orbital space and enters the optic foramen together with the ophthalmic artery, this division is known as the intracanalicular segment. The intracranial segment begins from the optic foramen to just before it joins the contralateral optic nerve to form the optic chiasm. IL Pupils Patients with optic nerve problems may have abnormal pupaary responses. Clinicians should be able to differentiate normal from abnormal pupils. See Chapter 4 for pupillary tests. One should suspect optic nerve problems in patients with unequal or unreactive pupil or pupils with relative afferent pupillary defects (RAPD) (Figures 1 and 2). RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE Most of the intraocular portion is supplied by the branches of the posterior ciliary artery. The intraorbital segment is mainly supplied by the branches of the ophthalmic artery. Branches of the internal carotid artery supply both the intracanalicular and intracranial segments. II. EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH OPTIC NERVE DISORDERS 1. HISTORY AND SYMPTOMS The most important initial step in the evaluation of a patient is taking a good and complete history. Pertinent details such as eye pain, headache, unilateral or bilateral involvement must not be neglected. Review of the past medical, family, social, personal history and other contributory factors are valuable information. The common complaint among patients with optic nerve disease is blurring of vision. 1111 Solf-Inonirtinnal lubtarialc in nnhtrulmolonv I lnd Edition Figure 1. Normal response to swinging flashlight test. Pupils remain constricted as light is transferred from eye to eye. RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE Short ciliary nerve Ciliary .--ganglion Ill nerve " EdingerWestphal nucleus Lateral geniculete body Posterior commissure Superior colliculue Figure 3. Diagram of light reflex pathway C. Ophthalmoscopy Direct ophthalmoscopy allows visualization of the optic disc (Figure 4). It is an indispensable diagnostic procedure in establishing proper diagnosis. It also permits not only a detailed visualization of the optic disc but also the entire fundus. Figure 2. Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPID; ;n :._tested with the swinging flashlight test. Note dilation of pupils wne- i;-.1 Any acute injury, ischemia, trauma or irritation to the optic disc can cause swelling or edema to the nerve axons. On ophthalmoscopy the optic disc margins become blurred and indistinct. Various diseases may cause optic disc edema (Table 1). Table 1. Conditions that can cause optic disc edema transferred to the affected left eye. ANISOCORIA Papilledema Raised ICP Inflammatory Optic neuritis, uveitis Pupillary control is basically an interplay between the parasympathetic (constriction) and the sympathetic system (dilation). The parasympathetic constriction pathway which originates in the midbrain pretectal area (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) sends impulses to the eye via the ciliary ganglion to connect to the cranial nerve Ill. The sympathetic dilation pathway which originates in the hypothalamus sends impulses down to the C-8 to T-2 spinal cord level (ciliospinal center of Vascular Toxic Ischemic optic neuropathy, CRVO, hypertension Ethambutol, methanol, lead Infiltrative Leukemia. lymphoma. metastasis Budge) then to the superior cervical ganglion via the ciliary nerves to connect to the dilator muscles (Figure 3). Unequal pupils or anisocoria may be a sign of a neurologic disease. A dilated pupil may be caused by cranial nerve III paralysis, head trauma, brain herniation or Adie's pupil (ciliary ganglion damage). A constricted pupil can be seen in Horner's syndrome, neurosyphilis (Argyll-Robertson pupil) or parasympathomimetic drug intake. Traumatic Traumatic optic neuropathy Compressive Meningioma orbital tumors N Vitamin B deficiency InfeCtiOUS Herpes, cavernous sinus thrombosis. AIDS Hereditary Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, drusen, myelination, crowded disc (small CID ratio) Medications Sildefanil, amiodarone, omeprazole, interferon 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I S S Disorders of the Optic Nerve 93 Table 2. Common terms used to describe visual field defects A7rtt Definition , Scotoma 015iammatic Representation general term used for area's of reduced or absent vision Central area of depressed vision corresponding with fixation point that interferes with or abolishes central vision Cecocentral a horizontal oval defect in the visual field situated between and embracing both the fixation point and the blind spot Paracentral adjacent to the fixation point Arcuate arc-shaped defect ansing in an area near the blind spot Attitudinal involves the inferior or supenor area Figure 4. Normal optic disc 3. ANCILLARY TESTS A. Visual Field Test The visual field is the area of vision of each eye with the patient fixating centrally. A basic and reliable clinical method of field testing is the confrontation test (Figure 5) This method compares the examiner's field of vision and that of the patient's. Any difference between the examiner's and the patient's visual field is confirmed and documented. The examiner is about 2-3 feet away from the patient. Each eye is examined separately. It is important that the patient maintains fixation on the examiner's nose. A test target or usually finger counting is used. Automated perimetry is requested to confirm and document visual field defects. mianopia Homonymous loss of the right or left half of the visual field in both eyes Bitemporal loss of the nght half of the visual field of the right eye and left half of the visual field in the left eye Quadrantanopia loss of one fourtn of tne visual field Table 2 lists the various visual field defects, their definitions and their diagrammatic representations. VISUAL FIELD DEFECTS Visual pathway lesions from the optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate body, optic radiation and the occipital cortex produce characteristic visual field defects (Figure 6). Optic nerve disorders result in monocular loss of vision causing various nerve fiber layer abnormalities that lead to visual full defects such as central, cecocentral, paracentral, arcuate and altitudinal scotomas. Complete destruction of the optic chiasm causes bitemporal hemianopia. Because of the crossing of the optic nerve fibers in the chiasm, disorders affecting the visual pathway posterior to the chiasm result in contralateral defects. A lesion involving the optic tract produces homonymous hemianopia. Partial involvement of the optic radiation results in quadrantanopia. A total involvement of the optic radiation and occipital cortex may produce a homonymous hemianopia. Macular sparing is associated with occipital cortical lesions. Figure 5. Confrontation Test • •• LESION Ae• BCE) c44 Ef4 14 F (Temporal Lobe) Right optic nerve — central scotoma/generalized depression of the right eye Optic chiasm- bitemporal hemianopia Left optic tract- Right Homonymous Hemianopia Left optic radiation (temporal lobe)- Right Superior Homonymous Quadrantanopia ("pie in the sky") Left optic radiation (parietal lobe)- Right Inferior Homonymous Quadrantanopia ("pie on the floor) Left occipital lobe (visual/striate cortex)- Right Homonymous Hemianopia Figure 6. Visual Pathway with corresponding visual field defects 1. Other Ancillary tests \ncilliary tests such as color vision, contrast sensitivity, visual ?yoked response, and imaging studies (ultrasound,CTscan and \ARI ) are very helpful and can provide valuable information. III. OPTIC NERVE DISORDERS 1. PAPILLEDEMA Papilledema is an optic disc edema secondary to elevated intracranial pressure. The optic nerve which is an extension of the brain is encircled by the cranial meninges. Any increase in the intracranial pressure will be transmitted to the meningeal subarachnoidal space surrounding the optic nerve. Causes of papilledema include brain tumors, intracranial trauma, meningitis, hydrocephalus, subarachnoidal hemorrhage and conditions that obstruct the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. True papilledema is almost always bilateral. Symptoms include headache, nausea and vomiting. The severity of papilledema is proportional to the increase in intracranial pressure. Visual acuity in the initial stages may be normal. Enlargement of the physiologic blind spot is an early visual field defect. Ophthalmoscopy findings include optic disc edema which causes the disc margins to become blurred and indistinct. The swollen disc obliterates the physiologic cup and displaces the central vessels forward. There is dilation and tortuosity of the retinal veins. Papilledema when fully developed will show a severely hyperemic disc with hemorrhages, nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots) and exudates (Figure 7). Absence of spontaneous venous pulsation may be noted. Once the diagnosis of papilledema is considered, neuroimaging studies should be done. Treatment is directed to the underlying cause. Untreated papilledema will eventually lead to optic atrophy and permanent visual loss. Figure 7. Papilledema 2. OPTIC NEURITIS Inflammatory edema of the optic nerve is known as optic neuritis. Any portion of the optic nerve can be affected. Therefore, the inflammation may be localized anteriorly to the optic disc (papillitis), posteriorly behind the eyeball (retrobulbar neuritis) or may even extend to the adjacent retina (neuroretinits). The foremost symptom is severe loss of vision. This is accompanied by eye pain that is aggravated by movement of the eye. A diffuse central visual field loss is a common finding. Optic neuritis is usually unilateral and RAPD can easily be detected. Ophthalmoscopy will show a swollen hyperemic optic disc with blurred margins (Figure 8). It may be difficult to differentiate papillitis from papilledema based on the ophthalmoscopic appearance alone. In retrobulbar neuritis, there may be no visible ophthalmoscopic changes of the optic disc. Neuroretinitis would frequently present with disc edema and a swollen macula (macular star). 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 15.5 Disorders of the Optic Nerve 95 Other substances that can cause toxic optic neuropathy include lead, methanol, chloramphenicol, isoniazid, amiodarone, tobacco and alcohol. 5. OPTIC ATROPHY Optic atrophy is the result of a severe long standing damage or injury to the optic nerve. Degeneration of the nerve axons causes pallor of the optic disc (Figure 9). Optic disc pallor is a sign of advanced optic nerve disease. This condition leads to loss of vision and carries a poor prognosis. Figure 8. Papillitis A demyelinating etiology, particularly multiple sclerosis, is always considered during an attack of optic neuritis. Meticulous neurologic history and examination are mandatory. A spontaneous resolution of the visual loss may occur. However, corticosteroids preferably given intravenously may shorten the clinical course. 3. ANTERIOR ISCHEMIC OPTIC NEUROPATHY Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) presents as a sudden painless, non-progressive blurring of vision in patients over 50 years of age. Occlusion of the posterior ciliary arteries typically results in optic disc edema and an altitudinal field defect. AION has two types: non-arteritic (NAION) and arteritic (AAION). The NAION occurs more frequently and is commonly seen in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease. Less common is the Figure 9. Opoc Atroohv 6. DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES Developmental optic disc anomalies when they occur bilaterally may mimic true papilledema. These congenital disc disorders are called pseudopapilledema or structural congestion of the optic disc. On the basis of ophthalmoscopy alone, they may be mistaken for papilledema. The common causes of pseudopapilledema are severe hyperopia, optic disc drusen and myelination of the optic disc. AAION which is associated in patients with temporal and giant cell arteritis. Management of NAION is directed towards the predisposing medical problem. Administration of steroids is necessary in patients with AAION. Disc margins can appear blurred in certain conditions despite absence of disc edema. Severe hyperopic (far-sighted) eyes 4. TOXIC OPTIC NEUROPATHY have significantly smaller eyeballs than normal. This results in crowding of the optic disc structures resulting in blurring of the disc margins. Optic disc drusen (deposition of hyaline Ethambutol has been known to be harmful to the optic crystals) frequently cause the disc borders to be indistinct. Abnormal myelination that extends to the optic disc results in nerve. It is commonly prescribed by physicians because a white feathery opacified disc margin (Figure 10). of the high incidence of tuberculosis in the Philippines. A slowly progressive symmetrical bilateral painless blurring of vision is characteristic of toxic optic neuropathies. Impaired color vision may be detected early and the typical visual field defects are central or cecocentral scotomas. If ethambutol is not immediately discontinued, vision may not recover and prognosis becomes poor when optic atrophy occurs. Other optic disc anomalies include optic disc hypoplasia (small disc), optic malformation (colobomas) and a tilted optic disc (seen in myopia). These abnormalities can be associated with developmental disorders of the central nervous system. 4. A visual field defect involving the same side of both eyes is A. Congruent B. Conjugate C. Congruous D. Homonymous 5. What type of visual field defect can an optic nerve disorder cause? A. Peripheral B. Absolute C. Heterogenous D. Altitudinal 6. How far away from a patient do you do a confrontation test? A. 1 foot B. 3 ft C. 10 ft D. 20 ft 7. Optic disc edema can be a result of A. Cortical blindness B. Complicated neck surgery C. Orbital meningioma D. Serous retinopathy 8. The color of the optic disc in optic atrophy is A. pale yellow B. light brown C. pastel pink D. soft red 9. On ophthalmoscopy, signs of papilledema include A. hemorrhage, macular star B. tortuous vessels, crowded disc C. exudates, hyperemic disc D. cotton wool spots, cupping Figure 10. Myelinated nerve fibers REFERENCES 1. Martin Ti Corbett ii. Optic nerve disorders. In: Neuroophthalmology the requisites in ophthalmology. Stiouis. Missouri: Mosby. 2000. 57-94. 2. Kline LB. Optic nerve disorders ophthalmology monographs. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmolgy. 1996 3. Maas EF, Tomsak RL. Diseases of the optic nerve. In: The basics of neuro-ophthalmology. St. Louis. Missouri: Mosby. 4. 1991. 241-275. Fajardo RV, Noche RR. Neuro-ophthalmology. Fajardo RR, Espiritu, RB Naval CIN. In: Textbook of ophthalmology. Quezon City: JMC Press. 1980. 115- 123. SELF-TEST 1. 2. 3. What is the shortest portion of the optic nerve? A. Intraocular B. intraorbital C. I ntraca nalicular D. Intracranial What artery supplies the intraorbital portion of the optic nerve? A. Ciliary B. Optic C. Carotid D. Ophthalmic 10. The pupillary parasympathetic pathway passes through the A. Edinger Westphal nucleus B. Hypothalamus C. Cervical ganglion D. Center of Budge Answers to Self-Test on page 221. What is the efferent limb of the pupillary light reflex? A. cranial nerve II B. cranial nerve III C. cranial nerve IV D. cranial nerve VII 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION 1 5.5 Disorders of the Optic Nerve 97 5.6 Errors of Refraction Juan Ma. Pablo R. Nanagas MD, MPH, MNSA INTRODUCTION This self instructional material focuses on providing the medical students with knowledge on how to recognize and assess patients with errors of refraction. Students are encouraged to apply knowledge they will acquire from this material to clinical cases they will encounter. OBJECTIVES After going through this material, the student is expected to: 1. Define error of refraction and other related terms. 2. Identify the various elements in a patient's history and ophthalmologic examination that leads to the formulation of diagnosis of error of refraction. 3. Differentiate the various errors of refraction and related conditions. 4. Based on information given, be able to analyze and interpret provided data to formulate diagnosis. 5. Discuss the principles of management of refractive errors. CONTENT I. Definition of ametropia or error II. Diagnosis of error of refraction 1. rtistor) tacr 2. Eyeexamirw. 3. Anallary exa— of refraction Dns III. Classification of errors of refraction IV. Management of errors of refraction Vision 20/20, a proposal for the elimination of avoidable blindness in the Philippines cited a 1995 University of the Philippines and Department of Health survey that showed that there were at least 7.3 million Filipinos with one or more kinds of error of refraction (EOR) and with a visual acuity of worse than 20/40 in the better eye. The same source said that about 30,000 were blind from EOR. Glasses are sufficient to improve the vision of these people. In 2002, the Philippine National Survey of Blindness found that of the main causes of low vision, 53% were due to EOR, 0.15% of children had visual impairment due to EOR, and that from 1995 to 2002 EOR increased from 1.06% to 2.06%. The same study showed that EOR is the main cause of visual impairment of children accounting for 33.9%. Amblyopia, usually a unilateral decrease in best-corrected vision without any apparent structural abnormality of the eye or its nervous pathway, can be caused by significant differences in refractive errors between the two eyes. High refractive errors on both eyes can result in bilateral amblyopia though the condition is not as common. In children suspected of having amblyopia accurate cyclopegic refraction is critical for diagnosis and treatment. There may be differences in the prevalence of errors of refraction among races. In a study in Singapore. they found that myopia is 1.5 to 2.5 times more prevalent in adult Chinese residing in Singapore than in similarly aged European - derived populations in the United States and Australia. I.WHAT IS AMETROPIA OR ERROR OF REFRACTION? I his is a condition where the refractive elements of an eye at rest are unable to focus light rays from 6 meters or more onto the retina. It may be caused by abnormalities in length of the eyeball or of the refract veelements of the eye (mainly the cornea and crystalline lens) or both. Errors of refraction fall into several categories,. Myopia or near-sightedness is a condition where parallel light rays (those from a source more than 6 meters or 20 feet away are considered as parallel or coming from infinity) are focused in front of the retina and light from a point at a finite distance focuses on the retina. In hyperopia or farsightedness, parallel light rays are focused beyond the retina and can only focus on the retina when the person accommodates or when convergent lens is placed in front of the eye. Astigmatism is a condition where the refractive power of the eye differs in one meridian compared to another. II. DIAGNOSIS OF ERRORS OF REFRACTION 1. HISTORY TAKING IN A PATIENT WITH ERROR OF REFRACTION As in any disorder, the patient's history guides the clinician in arriving at a complete diagnosis, particularly as to the possible type of error of refraction. Furthermore, the history can provide the clinician with an idea as to the visual needs of the patient and the appropriate treatment modality. The clinician should ask each and every patient suspected to have an error of refraction the following questions. A. What is the chief complaint? The most common presenting complaints of patients with errors of refraction are blurring of vision for distance, for near, or both.Clearnearvision but blurred distance vision indicates near sightedness or myopia. Hyperopes (far-sighted individuals) may complain of early visual fatigue when performing visual tasks (especially at near). Headache, especially after prolonged eye use, is common with hyperopes and astigmatics but is nonspecific and will have to be differentiated from other causes. As a person loses accommodation (the ability to focus at near) progressively as one ages, he or she will complain of blurring at near work. This may start around the age of forty and is called presbyopia. It is not considered an error of refraction. B. How long has this problem been going on? The duration of the problem should be extracted from the patient. Errors of refraction usually present with a prolonged historyoftheir complaints. Whether it is recurrent or progressive should also be noted. As mentioned above, one should be aware of a condition of middle age called presbyopia where the lens of the eye gradually loses its ability to focus at near objects. Sudden blurring of vision seldom results from an error of refraction except in cases of spasm of accommodation after prolonged near work or due to exposure to an anticholinesterase like some insecticides. C. Which eye is involved? Does the problem involve one eye or both eyes? Significant difference of refraction between the two eyes may be the cause of amblyopia or a lazy eye. D. Are there other associated eye problems? Elicit from the patient whether or not there is any history of redness, ocular pain, glare or photophobia, trauma or any form of eye surgery in the past. These may point to causes of blurring of vision other than errors of refraction. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I i 6 Errors of RefraLtion 99 E. Does the patient have any prior consultations? D. Funduscopic findings. Patients with mild to moderate error of refraction will present with normal findings. In cases One should be able to determine a patient's previous correction of his/her error of refraction to help determine the course of the condition. Frequent increases in the power of a myopic patient's spectacles may mean a progressive form of myopia. where the eyeball is elongated, the fundus and optic nerve head may exhibit some changes. F. Other aspects of the patient's history that should be considered include: Family History. Is there a history of similar illness in the family? Genetic factor strongly determine refractive errors of the eye. Is there any history of any hereditary illness like diabetes? Changing blood sugar levels may affect a person's refraction and cause frequent changes in spectacle correction. Social History. What is the patient's occupation? What are the patient's usual visual tasks? Prolonged near work may lead to spasm of accommodation causing blurred vision for far. Medical History. Has the patient suffered any form of illness in the past, particularly diabetes? Is she under any form of medication for any illness? These may affect vision. Sulfonamides and related compounds for example. may cause the ciliary processes to swell and cause forward movement of the lens blurring vision for far. 2. OPHTHALMOLOGIC EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT COMMON OCULAR FINDINGS IN AMETROPIA 3. ANCILLARY EXAMINATIONS The more commonly requested ancillary procedures include: A. Retinoscopy is an objective method of measuring errors of refraction by examining the characteristic of light coming from the instrument and reflected by the retina. It will reveal the type and amount of refractive error. B. The common use of automatic refractors in both tabletop and portable models has made the measurement of errors of refraction less time-consuming and more convenient. C. Keratometry. The keratometer is an instrument that can measure central anterior corneal curvature. It can be used to check the type and amount of astigmatism. It is also used in fitting contact lenses, a form of correction for errors of refraction. D. Corneal topography is a sophisticated instrument that produces a color-coded topographic map of the cornea that shows the pattern of the corneal curvature. It usually functions as a keratometer as well, measuring corneal curvatures. It demonstrates irregularities of curvature like keratoconus. E. Biometry or A scan ultrasonography is a test that measures of the axial length of the eyeball, a determining factor of the refractive condition of the eye. Typically, the patient with error of refraction will present with the following findings: A. Visual Acuity. Most patients with an error of refraction will present with reduction in vision either for far, near, or both. III. CLASSIFICATION OF AMETROPIAS Snellen charts are commonly used for distance vision testing and Jaeger or Snellen equivalent cards for near vision. If the vision improves when the patient looks through the pinhole, the patient most probably has an error of refraction that can DIAGRAMMATIC CLASSIFICATION be corrected with lenses. The emmetropic eye (Figure 1) focuses light rays from infinity on the retina even at rest or without accommodating. OF AMETROPIAS B. Intraocular Pressure. Most patients will typically present with normal intraocular pressures C. Extraocular Muscle Movement. The extraocular muscles are usually not involved in errors of refraction and a majority of patients will exhibit full movement on all directions of gaze. or heterotropia are associated Some forms of heterophoria with errors of refraction. For example, accommodative esotropia is associated with hyperopia. Figure 1. Emmetropic eye he myopic eye (Figure 2) focuses light rays from infinity in ont of the retina. An object at a finite distance focuses on s retina. In regular astigmatism, the refractive power changes successively from one meridian to the next and each meridian has a uniform type of curve. With the rule and against the rule astigmatism ,figure 2. Myopic eye hyperopic eye (Figure 3) theoretically focuses light rays rom infinity behind the retina. It can only focus convergent ight rays on the retina. -he ........... Figure 3. Hyperopic eye ASTIGMATISM In astigmatism, the refracting surface (usually the cornea) is toroidal (like the surface of an American football) rather than spherical, and therefore the refracting power of the surface is not the same for all meridians. If retinoscopy has achieved neutrality in one meridian but is still or 'against' in another, this indicates different refracting powers in the two meridians. This is a sign of astigmatism. In the illustration below, the streak at the 180° meridian is different in intensity and width than the streak at the 91-' meridian showing that the refractive power of the cornea may not be the same in the two meridians (Figure 4).The cornea may thus be astigmatic. The term "with the rule" and "against the rule' refer to the position of the principal meridians. In "with the rule" astigmatism, the vertical meridian is steepest and a correcting plus cylinder is located at or near axis 90°. In "against the rule" astigmatism, a correcting plus cylinder is located at or near 180° and the horizontal meridian is steepest. IV. MANAGEMENT OF ERRORS OF REFRACTION Since an ametropic eye does not focus parallel light rays from objects on the retina, correction of the errors of refraction entails focusing those light rays on the retina. This is done to improve vision or comfort and can be done through glasses or spectacles, contact lenses and recently, through surgical procedures collectively called keratorefractive surgery, refractive keratoplasty, or refractive corneal surgery. Other refractive surgical procedures include the placement of an intraocular lens (I0L) implant, either in front of the crystalline lens (phakic 10L) or in place of the crystalline lens (refractive lens exchange) The most common means of managing errors of refraction is either by spectacles or contact lenses. There maybe some situations in which contact lenses are preferred, e.g. anisometropia, monocular aphakia, or high refractive errors. Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of using spectacles and tic e-SeS Spectacles • Safe • Easily adjusted • Inexpensive For high errors of refraction or anisometropia • Restricted visual field t • marked aniseikonia Direction of scan • distortion of image and prismatic effect 410110 Direction • heavy weight e scar debilitating visually, cosmetically and psychologically with 180° • Relay safe Easily adjusted • suitable for unilateral aphakia Figure 4. Astigmatic reflex as seen thru retinoscope Jim • patient-parent compliance • psychological trauma frequency of lens loss;: I complications Persons with presbyopia can be helped by presbyopic glasses, presbyopic refractive procedures on the cornea, or intraocular lens (10Ls) with presbyopic components if they have to undergo cataract surgery. 5 DISTURBANCE IN VISION I 5 t Errors of Refraction El FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS REGARDING ERRORS OF REFRACTION (FAQ) FAQ 1: If a child wears glasses early, will it contribute to the progression of the error of refraction? Answer 1: No. Major components of an eye's refractive state are the cornea, the lens, and the length of the eye and their size, shape and the power are determined genetically.* FAQ 2: If I use glasses for my astigmatism 0, astigmatism go away? RECOMMENDED FOLLOW-UP It is recommended that the students be given demonstration sessions on how to properly conduct history taking and ophthalmologic examination of patients. Following this exercise, the students should be provided with clinical sessions to allow them to see actual cases of patients with errors of refraction. REFERENCES 1. Results of the Workshop On Vision 2020 conducted by ANSWER 2: Depending on the age of the patient. errors of refraction may change. In young individuals with eyes that the Department of Health on July 26 to 28, 2000 at the http://www.yision2020australia. SEAMEO-INNOTECH, are still developing, changes in refraction may occur more frequently and such conditions as astigmatism may change or even "go away". In animals, research has shown that there may be a mechanism that influences the development of the eyes towards normal or emmetropia.6 FAQ 3: If I wear contact lenses, will the progression of my myopia decrease compared to wearing glasses? ANSWER 3: Rigid or hard contact lenses have been shown to retard or even decrease myopia through the fitting of special lenses that reshape the cornea that is usually steep in myopes. National%20PIan.pdf 2_ 3_ Ophthalmology/Strabismus Panel 2008 4 TienYin Wong, Foster 1'J, Hee J, Invest. Ophthalrnol. Vis. Sci. August 2000 vol. 41 no. 9 2486-2494 http://www.iovs. cogicontent/41 /9/2486.s hort accessed 12 April 2011 5. IlAd_eod SD, Chuck RS, Hamilton R, et al Preferred Practice fbuerrr Refractive Errors and Refractive Surgery, one.aao. os9yassetaxd?id=0faa6a59-ef36-42fc-8d80-79b22c... accessed 12 April 2011 Young11.Metapally R, Shay AE. Complex trait genetics of adman* errors. Arch Ophthalmol, 2007 ; 125 (1), 38-'18 Opiel. Refraction and Contract Lenses. Basic and Clinical Sdence Course, Section 2. California: American Academy FAQ 4: Will I see better after a laser procedure (like LASIK) than with spectacles? ANSWER 4: Although a laser procedure such as LASIK ww improve vision in a large majority of patients, there may be trade-offs compared to the use of contact lenses or spectacles. These include some glare especially at night and some loss of contrast sensitivity. CONCLUSION University of the Philippines Manila, Philippine National Surveyof Blindness, published by UP Manila, Manila, 2004 Arnblyoaia, Preferred Practice Pattern, Prepared by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric 8 atOphthalmology, 1990. Exam — ROphthalmologic Optics. Manila: Department of Opfinhairnology &Visual Sciences, 2001. Head Funk W Ophthalmology, Principles and Concepts, -1.1osby and Co., 1986 As medical practitioners, you may, in the future ens SELF-TEST patients who will seek consultation for eye problems. One should bear in mind that many who complain of blurring of /. ( ~tstic of a patient with hyperopia vision may have an error of refraction. It is the most common A. He will have clear vision for near but not for far. cause of visual disability. It is therefore your role to be able R. He may have clear vision for far but easily tires with to recognize these conditions and differentiate them from prolonged near work. permanently disabling visual conditions. Referral to an C.. He has oTiary spasm. ophthalmologist is necessary for proper correction through spectacles, contact lenses, or refractive laser procedures. Early 2. In errors of refraction the presenting symptoms intervention, especially in children, can prevent amblyopia • arm a.31 S specific if anisometropia (significant difference in amount or kind of B. almost always involve sudden visual disturbances C usually iirtvor^ee vision refractive error between the two eyes) or severe ametropia is present. Intraocular pressure in isolated errors of refraction is usually A. normal B. high C. low Errors of refraction A. show no hereditary pattern since it is caused solel by the type of visual work a person performs B. cannot occur in children since the eye is still developing C. if significantly different between the two eyes can lead to progressive loss of vision Retinoscopy is A. the same as funduscopy B. an objective means of measuring errors of refraction C. a means to take retinal photographs to determine retinal changes due to errors of refraction i. 7. If the poor vision of a patient does not improve when viewing the test chart through a pinhole A. the blurring may not improve with corr... B. there may be error of refraction C. it is a sure sign of amblyopia Measurement of refractive errors A. can not be done for infants and young children B. is usually very subjective C. can be performed using automatic refractors 12. A patient can work on a computer without difficulty but has difficulty reading street signs. What is his refractive state? A. I le is probably normal. B. He may be myopic. C. l le may be hyperopic. D. He may have compound hyperopic astigmatism. 13. On visual acuity testing, a 20 year old patient had 6/6 vision but difficulty with reading Jaeger 1 print. What is the patient's refractive state? A. presbyopia B. hyperopia. C. myopia. D. no error of refraction 14. If the horizontal meridian of the cornea is steeper than the vertical meridian, what type of astigmatism does the patient have? A. "with the rule" B. "against the rule" C. "natural" Case 1. 9. In middle age, one may A. gradually lose the ability to focus for near or develop presbyopia B. suddenly lose the ability to read due to ably spasm C. usually develop hyperopia and thus lose darity of far vision 9. 11. In astigmatism due to the cornea The curvature is not the same in all meridians B. The curvature is flatter than normal C. The index of refraction of the corneal surface is not the same in all meridians D. The curves of the surface are convex Normal or emmetropic eyes looking at an object 6 meters or 20 or more feet away A. need to accommodate to c-A:us Fight on the retina B. need to squint to focus light on the retina C. should be able to focus light on the retina with the eye at rest 10. When the image of an object at infinity falls behind the retina, the patient is A. hyperopic B. myopic C. toric D. phthisic A 7 year old pupil's teacher informs her mother that her child seems unable to copy words from the white-board and squints her eyes when she looks at the board from her seat. She keeps books near her face when she reads. V OU: 20/200 or 6/60 improved to 6/7.5 with pinhole. Intraocular pressure: soft OU EOMs: full FOU: normal 1. 2. 3. With the given information would it be safe to say that the patient has an error of refraction? What type would it be, hyperopia or myopia? What examination can measure the error and lead to the prescribed correction? Casa 2. 1. A 42 year old employee complains of frequent afternoon headaches and blurring of vision after prolonged near work. She has experienced the symptoms for the last ti months. She has had clear vision for both far and near before this and has never been prescribed glasses. V OU: 20/20 or 6/6, Jaeger 1 with difficulty at about 50 cm. Intraocular pressure: soft, OU EOMs: Full F OU: Normal 2. With the given information would you say the patient may have an error of refraction? What information in the history and ophthalmic examination tells you that this might be part of the process? a Answers to Self-Test on page 221. 6.1 A Clinical Algorithm for the Diagnosis of the Red Eye Leo D. P. Cubillan, MD, MPH INTRODUCTION The red eye is one of the most frequent clinicaa ocesentationsof ocular disorders.The medical student will be able to differentiate these disorders from each other by asking certain questions from their patients during history taking and looking for specific signs when performing the ocular examination_ A rAnical algorithm is presented to help medical students arrive at an initial impression based on common eye symptoms OBJECTIVES After the completion of this learning material, the stucierc sihoulii be able to: 1. Use the algorithm on the differential diagnoses of a sed eye based on the following signs and symptoms: pain, eye 2. discharge, photophobia and itchiness complication Discuss the clinical clues, etiology /pathogenesis.signsandsyrnixorns,chagnostic work-up,treatment, and of the common causes of a red eye A. Viral Conjunctivitis B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Bacterial Conjunctivitis E. Microbial Keratitis F. Acute Glaucoma G. Uveitis CONTENT I. Differential diagnoses of the red eye II. Clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of the red eye A. Eye pain B. Eye discharge Ill. Discussion of selected causes of red eye A. Viral conjunctivitis B. Allergic conjunctivitis C. Dry eye D. Bacterial conjunctivitis E. Microbial keratitis F. Acute glaucoma G. Uveitis H. Others I. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES OF A RED EYE Red eye is a common eye symptom Or pal Is with eye disease. Red eye is seen as a result of dilation of conjunctival or scleral blood vessels in response to an inflammatory or infectious process. Another common cause of red eye is subconjunctival hemorrhage which results from trauma or injury to the small conjunctival vessels. The following are the differential diagnoses of a red eye: 1. Conjunctivitis a. Infectious i. Bacterial ii. Viral b. Non-infectious i. Allergic ii. Dry Eye iii. Toxic or Chemical Reaction iv. Contact lens use v. Conjunctival Neoplasm vi. Foreign Body 2. Uveitis 3. Episcleritis /Scleritis 4. Acute Glaucoma 5. Keratitis a. Infectious i. Bacterial ii. Viral iii. Fungal iv. Acanthamoeba b. Non-Infectious i. Recurrent Epithelial Erosion ii. Foreign Body 6. Eyelid Abnormalities a. Entropion /Trichiasis b. Lagophthalmos 7. Orbital Disorders a. Preseptal and orbital cellulitis b. Idiopathic orbital inflammation This clinical algorithm is presented to aid the medical student as well as the primary care physician in the diagnosis of the more common causes of eye disease presenting as a red eye. The common symptoms of eye pain, eye discharge, photophobia and itchiness are used for this algorithm. A. EYE PAIN The first step in the algorithm is to determine whether the patient presenting with a red eye has eye pain or not (Figure 1) Eye pain may be described as a sharp localized pain, pain when exposed to bright light or a severe eye pain radiating to the head. The symptom of eye pain divides the common dilksential diagnoses of eye pain into two groups: eye pain "cup and no eye pain group. Awe 1. Red Eye Algorithm: Eye Pain 1. EYE PAIN WITH EYE DISCHARGE For patients with red eye and eye pain, the next question will be the presence or absence of eye discharge. If there is eye discharge, microbial keratitis or infection of the cornea may be considered (Figure 2). The presence of abundant nerve fiber endings in the cornea (CN V) is responsible for the pain when infection is present yes DISCHARGE? Figure 2 MICROBIAL KERATITIS EyeAlgCritttrn: Eye Pain with Eye Discharge II. CLINICAL ALGORITHM FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF THE RED EYE 2. EYE PAIN, NO DISCHARGE, WITH OR WITHOUT PHOTOPHOBIA Ophthalmologists are the experts in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. In the Philippines, however, access to an ophthalmologist may not be easy. The primary care physician may still be the first line medical worker in the identification and initial treatment of eye disease. If there is no eye discharge in a patient with eye pain, the next step will be to establish the presence or absence of photophobia (Figure 3). Photophobia is usually described as a dull eye pain when exposed to bright lights. This pain due to the pupillary spasm of an inflamed iris. If photophobia is present, uveitis or eye inflammation, may be considered. In the absence of photophobia, acute glaucoma may be entertained. The eye pain in glaucoma is moderate to severe often with radiation to the head. _.111111H MICROBIAL KERATITIS CFSC,,ARGE? PAIN? I-7 M ACt inS 2. NO EYE PAIN, WATERY DISCHARGE, WITH OR WITHOUT ITCHINESS Patients presenting with watery discharge can be suffering from either allergic conjunctivitis or viral conjunctivitis. To differentiate between the two, the presence or absence of itchiness may be asked. Eye itchiness is very prominent symptom in allergic conjunctivitis (Figure 6). It is also worthwhile to note that the watery discharge in viral conjunctivitis is a symptom that usually presents at the onset or during the early stages of the disease. ACUTE GLAUCOMA Figure 3. Red Eye Agc-thr-. Eye Pain. No Eye as: - without Photophobia DRY EYE 7 or B. NO EYE PAIN, NO EYE DISCHARGE The second group of differential diagnoses are the red eyes without eye pain. The presence or absence of discharge is the next question to ask. Dry eye syndrome may be considered in patients without eye discharge (Figure 4). INE! DRY EYE F TYPE OF DISCHARGE? MUCOPURULENT ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS ITCHY? BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Figure 6. Red Eye Algorithm: No Eye Pain. Watery Discharge. with or without Itchiness III. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES OF RED EYE DISC1-.ARGE , A. VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Figure 4. Red Eye Algorithm. No Be Pair tea Er Di.: 1. NO EYE PAIN WITH MUCOPURULENT DISCHARGE Red eye patients with no eye pain but with discharge comprise the conjunctivitis subgroup. The type and character of the discharge will help one differentiate the possible etiology. In patients with an initial presentation of mucopurulent discharge, bacterial conjunctivitis should be the primary consideration (Figure 5). CLINICAL CLUES Viral conjunctivitis or"sore eyes" is the most common cause of acute onset eye redness (Figure 7). The main feature of this disease is the presence of watery discharge in the early part of its course. The most important information in the history that points to this disease is the history of exposure to other individuals with "sore eyes" or similar clinical manifestation. DRY EYE PAIN? DISCHARGE? TYPE OF DISCHARGE? MNTERII MUCOPURULENT BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS Figure 5. Red Eye Algorithm: Eye Pain, No Eye Pain with Mucopurulent Discharge Figure 7. Red eye with watery discharge in viral conjunctivitis 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 16.1 The Red Eye 107 ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS COMPLICATION Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) which is the more common type of the viral conjunctivitis is caused by adenovirus types 8, 19, 29 and 37 (Figure 8). Spread is through a direct contact with eye discharge. The virus may not be neutralized by alcohol. Proper hand washing is the best way to prevent In majority of the patients, the disease resolves without sequelae. In a few cases, subepithelial opacities (Figure 9) may develop in thecornea that, in turn, lead to blurring of vision.The subepithelial obes may persist for weeks or months and in some cases may - dithout scars. the disease. F - e. the cornea. B. ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS CLINICAL C Figure 8. Structure of adenovirus SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Onset of symptoms is acute. Duration varies from few days to 2-4 weeks. It usually starts on one eye and may become bilateral after a few days. Symptoms tend to be more severe in the first eye. During the early course of the disease, the discharge is watery. In some cases, the discharge may become mucopurulent when there is a secondary bacterial infection. ES Allerg&c sa cnronic or recurrent eye disease characterized by eye redness, itchiness and watery or stringy discharge Pipe 10). Eye itchiness is the most prominent feature DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP The diagnosis of adenoviral conjunctivitis is arrived at mainly through the patient's clinical history, character of the discharge and the presence of follicular conjunctival reaction seen under the slit lamp biomicroscope. The adenoclone enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test kit (Cambridge BioScience Corp, Worchester, MA) may be used to confirm the diagnosis. However, this test is not readily available. Figure 111.9rincry cistharge in allergic conjunctivitis TREATMENT Hand washing and avoiding direct contact with eye discharge is the best way to prevent the spread of viral conjunctivitis. There is no treatment needed. However, antibiotic eye drops may be given in patients with secondary bacterial infection or as a prophylaxis for bacterial infection. Mild steroid drops and cold compress may be given to help reduce inflammation. -' k I ETIOLOGY / PIIIHOGENESIS The etiology of this disease is immunologic in nature. Often, it is difficult to identify the specific allergen. The hay fever type of allergic conjunctivitis is mainly a type I hypersensitivity reaction to airborne allergens. In atopic keratoconjunctivitis, the patient has a hypersensitive immune system which reacts to many antigens. Most patients with allergic conjunctivitis have atopy or an atopic predisposition. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Eye itchiness is a prominent feature of the disease. Discharge is watery, mucoid and distinctively stringy. On ophthalmic examination, there is a pale papillary reaction on the upper bulbar conjunctivae. In atopic keratoconjunctivitis, patients present with a periocular scaly skin with thickening of the eyelids (allergic shiners). DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP The diagnosis of allergic conjunctivitis is arrived at from an adequate history and thorough clinical examination. However, the presence of eosinophils in cytologic studies of conjunctival scrapings confirms the diagnosis (Figure 11). Often this is done only in academic institutions. Figure 12. Cataract resulting from chronic steroid use. C. DRY EYE CLINICAL CLUES Dry eye disease or keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a common ophthalmic condition seen among the elderly. It usually presents with foreign body sensation and mild eye redness. ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS The main etiology for dry eye is the decreased tear production seen among the elderly. Other causes of dry eye include increased tear evaporation in patients with inability to completely close the eyelids and unstable tear film in patients with meibomitis. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Figure 11. E:s s in cc- . TREATMENT removal of environmental triggers. Cold compress and mast cell stabilizers / antihistamine eye drops may help control the symptoms. In moderate to severe cases, short-term topical steroids are needed. Oral antihistamines may also be prescribed to control the symptoms. Treatment involves the identification and COMPLICATION Vernal type of allergic conjunctivitis often occurs in young children which lasts for several years. In these cases, when steroid drops are over used, cataract may develop as a complication of the steroids use (Figure 12). In some patients, steroid-induced glaucoma may occur. Patients usually complain of a sandy and gritty sensation associated with slight eye redness and eye fatigue. The symptoms are worse with wind and dry climates. DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP Schirmers test with or without anesthesia is done to confirm dry eye. Standardized strips of filter papers are used to absorb tears. Consistent measurements of less than 5 mm of wetting at 5 minutes may indicate a dry eye. Tear break-up time may also be done. Fluorescein dye is instilled into the eye and the surface of the tear film is observed for areas of disruption. Rose bengal stain can also be instilled to identify areas with devitalized epithelial cells which can be seen in dry eyes (Figure 13). Normal tear break-up time is generally greater than 10 seconds. 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I 1 The Red Eye 109 Figure 13. Rose Bengal stain on devitalized epit2 TREATMENT gure 15. Blepharoconjunctivits from Moraxella organism. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Treatment is mainly topical instillation of aqueous replacement or artificial tears. For patients requiring tearsubstitute eye drops more than 4x a day, non-preserved topical eye drop preparation is recommended to prevent hypersensitivity to the eye drop's preservative. In severe cases, punctual occlusion may be done using a silicone plug to increase tear retention. D. BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS CLINICAL CLUES Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria presents with mucoid to muco-purulent discharge. In children, it may be associated with upper respiratory tract infection (URT1). Most often, bacterial conjunctivitis is unilateral and is acute in onset. There is a mucoid to muco-purulent discharge associated with a red eye but no blurring of vision. DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP Conjunarva~~scrapings from children with bacterial conjunctivkisandURTImight reveal gram negative coccobaci I I i (charactsistic of Hernophilus organism) (Figure 16). Bacteria from con#anctivai scraping may also be cultured on a blood agar plate to further identify the causative organism. ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS In children with URTI, the most common etiology is Hemophilus Among newborns, Chlamydia or gonococcus influenza. may be the etiologic agent (Figure 14). In adults, bacterial conjunctivitis may present as a blepharoconjunctivitis (Figure 15). Moraxella and Staphylococcus are common etiologic agents. Figural& CamSWIM coaxibaciiii. TREATMENT Antibiotic eye drops -e used for bacterial conjunctivitis. Oral antibiotics are aisc a .-..ninistered in patients with Hemophilus, Chlamydia of oci.rcv:-_,c:34 conjunctivitis. E. BACTERIAL KERATITIS Figure 14. Bacterial conjunctivitis in a neonate. CLINICAL CLUES Microbial keraLas 6 an accae infection of the cornea associated with a painful red eye and mucoid to muco-purulent eye discharge. A white lesion is seen on the cornea (Figure 17). TREATMENT Topical antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment. Depending on the severity of the condition, antibiotic drops may be applied every 15 minutes to every hour during the first few days of treatment. In moderate to severe cases, keratectomy is done. COMPLICATION Figure 17. White lesion in the cornea in a patient with microbial Walls ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS In moderate cases, microbial keratitis may result into a corneal opacity. In severe cases, such as those caused by Pseudomonas, in a few days, corneal perforation often occurs if the eye is left untreated. In these cases, corneal transplantation may be needed to save the eye (Figure 19). In the Philippines, corneal opacity accounts for 3.4% of all causes of blindness. Pneumococcus, a gram positive organism is the most common cause of bacterial keratitis. Among contact lens wearers, Pseudomonas is a common and dreaded organism causing keratitis. In patients with a history of trauma and steroid eye drop use, fungal etiology may be considered SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Eye redness is mocerate to severe associated with eye pain often accompanied by mucoid to muco-purulent discharge. If the lesion is on the central cornea, the patient will also present with blurring of vision. DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP Corneal scraping is done to determine the etiologic agent (Figure 18) 3ram stain is used to initially identify the bacteria but definitive diagnosis is achieved with culture studies in blood agar-plate and brain heart infusion (BHI) media. Sensitivity studies are done to determine the most appropriate antibiotic agent. Figure 19. After penetrating keratoplasty (corneal transplantation) in a patient with ruptured microbial keratitis. F. ACUTE GLAUCOMA CLINICAL CLUES The most prominent feature of acute glaucoma is a red painful eye associated with headache. There is blurring of vision and occasionally, patients complain of seeing rainbow haloes (iridescent vision). ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS The eye pressure is abnormally elevated (intraocular pressure greater than 23 mm Hg) due to an acute obstruction in the outflow mechanism of aqueous humor. Most often this is secondary to angle closure (Figure 20). Angle closure glaucoma may be more prevalent among Asians including Filipinos, because Asians may have genetically narrower iridocorneal angle. Figure 18. Gram positive cocci. Corneal scraping in a Pneumococcal keratitis. 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I I The Red Eye Milill Figure 20. Diagram of an angle closure SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS peripheral vision. When the eye pressure is acutely elevated, the patient will experience sudden onset of eye pain associated with headache. With the elevated eye pressure, the cornea becomes edematous resulting in iridescent and blurred of vision. DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP Applanation tonometry is done to measure the intraocular pressure. A gonioscope lens is also used to visualize and evaluate the angle structure. Automated visual field (AVF) examination and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are done to determine the extent of damage to the nerve fiber layer of the optic nerve. TREATMENT Acetazolamide or hyperosmotic oral solutions may be used to facilitate immediate lowering of the eye pressure. Topical ocular hypotensive agents are also used. Laser iridotomy is the definitive management. Surgical iridectomy may be done in the absence of a laser machine. AVF and OCT are used to monitor response to treatment as well as progression and control of the disease. Figure 22. leaume rrt gut nerve cupping in chronic glaucoma. G. UVEITIS CLINICAL CLUES Uveitis is an ocular inflammation characterized by eye redness around the cornea (ciliary injection) associated with sensitivity to bright lights (photophobia). COMPLICATION ETIOLOGY / PATHOGENESIS When glaucoma becomes chronic or is left untreated, there is damage to the optic nerve causing initial blurring of vision of the peripheral fields which eventually leads to blindness (Figures 21and 22). Almost haif of the uveitis cases are idiopathic. In some cases, the condition is associated with systemic disease such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada, Bechet's and collagen vascular disease. Others may be infectious in nature such as those caused by Herpes virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Most patients complain of eye redness associated with photophobia. On slit-lamp biomicroscopic examination, keratic precipitates are seen on the inner surface of the cornea which indicates an inflammatory reaction in the anterior chamber of the eye (Figure 23). Iris adhesion to the lens (posterior synechia) may also be seen. DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP Laboratory work-up is directed to the most likely associated systemic disease. Although most cases of uveitis are idiopathic, the identification of an associated systemic disease will help in the prognostication and treatment of the disease. TREATMENT Steroid is the mainstay of treatment in patients with uveitis. Topical steroid drops are used for uveitis located in the anterior part of the eye. Periocular steroid injection is recommended for patients with uveitis in the posterior pole. In patients with bilateral disease or when there is systemic evidence of inflammation, oral steroids are used. Immunosuppresive agents are also given in moderate to severe cases. COMPLICATION Moderate to severe uveitis is a brining disease. Common complications include cataract and secondary glaucoma. H. OTHERS 1. EPISCLERITIS / SCLERITIS Scleritis and episcleritis present with a red eye and eye pain. Some are associated with collagen vascular diseases. Topical steroids and oral NS bilDs are 7r"...'" ',7".F. ..'7,ibed for this condition. 2. CONTACT LENS-RELATED EYE REDNESS Eye redness may be seen among contact lens wearers. This results from overwear of the contact lenses, which causes decrease in oxygen supply to the cornea. This condition resolves with rest from contact lens wear. Antibiotic eye drops may be given as a prophylaxis for eye infection. 3. CORNEAL ABRASION / FOREIGN BODY Figure 23. Keratic precipitates in uveitis. 4. ENTROPION /TRICHIASIS Entropion and trichiasis are seen among the elderly presents with eye redness due to misdirected lashes that irritate the cornea. Removal of the misdirected lashes is done as an initial treatment. Permanent treatment may require cautery of the root of the eye lashes or surgery of the eyelids. SUMMARY A red eye is one of the more common ocular problems that a primary care physician will encounter. While most cases may be relatively benign, there are disorders that present potential threat to vision or in some instances even life-threatening. Figure 24 summarizes the systematic approach to arriving at a diagnosis that was presented in this chapter. Basic principles for managing the various red eye conditions have also been presented. The importance of extracting a comprehensive history as well as performing a meticulous examination of the eye can not be overemphasized. Recognizing the pattern of eye redness that a patient presents has also been shown to be helpful in arriving at a logical diagnosis. Table 1 lists non-trauma red eye conditions that are potentially threatening to vision. Recognition of these conditions is essential so that urgent referral to an ophthalmologist can be done. An overview of the more common red eye conditions has been discussed in this chapter. Subsequent chapters shall focus on a more detailed discussion of selected disorders that present with a red eye. Corneal abrasion from trauma presents with sudden eye pain and eye redness. Topical antibiotics are used to prevent infection.The condition resolves in 24 to 48 hours because the corneal epithelium heals rapidly. 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 15.1 The Red Eye (RED EYE YES NO MICROBIAL K E RAMIS PHOIOPHOBIA? ACUTE GLAUCOMA DRY EYE TYPE OF DISCHARGE? YES MUCOPURULENT UVEITIS BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS YES ALLERGIC VIRAL CONJUNCTIVTTIS COINUUNCTIVITIS Figure 24. L- anving at a dag-css e.e -esew Table 1. Serious Non-Trauma Related Vision Threatening Red Eye Conditions CHARA4 Condit Redness Glaucoma Daiisa! most prominent around the limbus Anterior LIveitis Diffuse: most prominent around 11.1111111 .11.1 1111 ) .„,.,.,. 10P up! Pain Vision Moderate to severely reduced; iridescent vision Mild to moderately reduced Moderate to severe. Mid-dilated; - on-reactive to to moderate; photophobia Moho; irregular shaped: poorly reactive to light May be affected often with headache and vomiting ght Mild the limbus Keratitis Diffuse; more prominent around Moderate to severely reduced Moderate to se iere the limbus Scleritis Focal or diffuse with purple-tinged color Endophthalmilis Diffuse yes r adidlorts =LSE Normal to mildly reduced usually bonder Moderately to Moderate to wow-. severely reduced Moderate b serer associated normal to hypotonic generally not affected with uveitis Not affected •• - 3 -.•7- Not affectedi elevated REFERENCES AND 4. A 45 year old executive, complained of severe headache and right eye pain associated with blurring of vision after watching a movie. Vision of the right eye was 20/200, not improved with pinhole. Upon examination, she had a hazy cornea with eye redness. No discharge was seen. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Acute Glaucoma B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Microbial Keratitis E. Uveitis 5. Ten nurses in the operating room have eye redness associated with watery eye discharge suggestive of adenoviral conjunctivitis. They were not allowed to go on sick leave. What would be the best advice you could give to prevent spread of this infection? A. 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid B. Daily intake of multivitamins C. Frequent hand washing D. Topical antibiotic as prophylaxis E. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers 6. Two of the ten nurses who had adenoviral conjunctivitis consulted the ophthalmology clinic 2 weeks later for blurring of vision. What might be the cause of their blurring of vision? A. Corneal opacities B. Dry Eye C. Error of refraction D. Microbial keratitis E. Toxic keratitis RECOMMENDED READING 1. 2. 3. 4. Vaughan DG, Asbury and Riordan-Eva P. General Ophthalomology. 14th ed. Appleton & Lange: Stamford, CT. 1995. Chern K and Zeagans M. eds. Ophthalmology Review Manual. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins: Philadelphia. PA. 2000. Tasman W and Jaeger EA. eds. Duane's OphthalmologyLippincott Williams and Wilkins: Philadelphia, PA_ 2011. Santos E0 and Cubillan LDP. National Survey of Blindness, Philippines 2002. University of Philippines Manila: Mania. Philippines. 2004. SELF-TEST 1. A 35 year old male consulted for eye redness. A group of medical students were assigned to get the history of medical illness. Student A asked if the patient experienced eye pain. The patient answered yes: to the first question. Student B was not able to elicit any history of eye discharge. The patient told Student C that she experienced photophobia. What eye condition would you consider as your initial impression? A. Acute Glaucoma B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Microbial Keratitis E. Uveitis 2. A 15-year-old male consulted for recurrent eye redness associated with watery eye discharge and itchiness. What eye condition would you consider as your initial impression based on the history? A. Allergic Conjunctivitis B. Bacterial Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Microbial Keratitis E. Viral Conjuncitivitis 3. A second year medical student consulted for eye discharge and blurring of vision 3 days prior to consult. She is a contact lens wearer for several years. She also complained of eye pain. On gross examination, a white opacity was seen at the center of the cornea. What is your initial impression? A. Acute Glaucoma B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Microbial Keratitis E. Uveitis 7. A 5-year-old boy consulted your clinic for mucopurulent discharge associated with cough. He had no eye pain. What eye condition would most likely explain these symptoms? A. Acute Glaucoma B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Bacterial Conjunctivitis D. Dry Eye E. Viral Conjunctivitis 8. An 80-year old grandmother has been treated for glaucoma over the last 10 years. Eye pressure control was not very successful. What kind of visual disturbance would this patient have? A. Blurring of the central vision B. Blurring of the peripheral vision C. Central scotoma D. Enlargement of the blindspot E. No visual disturbance is expected 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I ^ 1 The Red Eye OE 9. A muco-purulent discharge was observed in a newborn baby. What is the most common etiologic agent responsible for this disease? A. Chiamytha B. Hemophilus C. Pneumococcus D. Pseudomonas E. Staphylococcus 10. A 60 year old woman came in for a chronic eye redness of both eyes. Student A asked if she has eye pain. The patient said that she did not experience any eye pain but she felt some foreign-body sensation. Upon examination, no discharge was observed. Using the algorithm, what would be your initial impression? A. Acute Glaucoma B. Allergic Conjunctivitis C. Dry Eye D. Microbial Keratitis E Uveitis Seeanswers to Self-test on page 221. 6.2 Uveitis and Scleritis Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd INTRODUCTION This material is intended to serve as supplementan. -ea:..f-o for the students as part of the unit on THE RED EYE and focuses :fa how to go about recognizing and assessing patients with uveitis primarily on providing the medical student with knc 7.'1- and scleritis. Students are however encouraged to simulated clinical cases that they will encounter durina . • -owledge that they will acquire from this material to , a al,a -otation in the clinics of the department. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this instructional material, the student should be able to: 1. Formulate a working definition for uveitis, scieritis and related terms. 2. 3. Identify the various elements in a patients history and ophthalmologic examination that leads to the formula n of diagnosis of uveitis and scleritis_ Formulate a diagnosis of infiammaTcry conditions involving the sclera and the uvea according to their location and course. 4. w' uveitis and scleritis. Discuss the therapeutic goals of CONTENT I. Uveitis A. Diagnosing uveitis 1. History taking 2. Eye examination 3. Ancillary diagnostic examinations 4. Systemic findings B. Classification of uveitis C. Treatment of Uveitis II. Scleritis and Episcleritis A. B. C. Episcleritis Scleritis Uveitis I. UVEITIS Eye redness is a common complaint among patients seeking ophthalmologic consult. While not all patients with intraocular inflammation will present with eye redness, the differential diagnosis for the red eye should include inflammatory eye conditions involving the uveal tract and the sclera. DIAGNOSING UVEITIS Uveitis is a nonspecific term used to denote intraocular inflammation involving the uveal tract, that is, the iris, ciliary body and the choroid. Uveitis can involve one eye or both eyes. Inflammation may not be limited to the uveal structures alone and may also involve any part of the eye, including the sclera (sclerouveitis), cornea (keratouveitis), vitreous body (vitritis), retina (retinitis) and even the optic nerve (optic neuritis). In order to formulate a diagnosis of uveitis, it is important that a thorough, comprehensive history is extracted from the patient and an accurate eye examination be performed. Information from both history and exam provides the basis for the generation of differential diagnosis and appropriate selection of ancillary examinations for the patient. General systemic examination is done when intraocular inflammation is suspected to be a component of a systemic condition. There are four basic elements which should be considered in the formulation of a diagnosis of uveitis. 12 HISTORY-TAKING IN THE UVEITIS PATIENT Extracting a comprehensive history from a uveitis patient can not be overemphasized. The patient's history guides the clinician in arriving at a complete diagnosis, particularly as to the possible etiology of the condition. Furthermore, the history can provide the clinician with an idea as to the patient's possible response to treatment. The following are important questions regarding the patient's current illness that the clinician should ask each and every patient suspected to have uveitis. (1) What is the chief complaint? The two most common presenting complaints of patients with uveitis include changes in vision and floaters.1 -3 Often, the patient consults primarily because of blurring of his vision. Vision changes may come in the form of reduction or distortion of vision. In addition to blurring of vision, patients may also complain of photophobia, defined as sensitivity to light or eye pain in high illumination.' Floaters on the other hand refer to black or white floating "objects" that the patients appreciate in their field of vision.' These are often described by patients as "flies" or "insects" which move about in their field of vision. The onset of these changes should likewise be noted, that is whether or not they occurred suddenly or progressively over a prolonged period of time. (2) How long has this problem been going on? The duration of the problem should be extracted from the patient Furthermore, it should also be determined whether or not a similar problem has occurred in the past. (3) Which eye is involved? Does the problem involve one or both eyes? If both eyes are involved, cki the patient experience his or her symptoms in both eyes simultaneously or did involvement in one eye precede the involvement in the other eye? If the onset of symptoms difered between the two eyes, also inquire as to the interval in the onset of symptoms between the two eyes. (4) Are there otherassociated eye problems? Elicit for the presence of ocular symptoms aside from the chief complaint of the patient_ Aside from the symptoms previously mentioned (redness. floaters, vision changes, photophobia), patients with melds may also present with history of ocular pain, eye trauma or ocular surgery. Each symptom should be further c+a-actierized, particularly in terms of the temporal onset to the patient's chief complaint and relation of 7presence c' = . -ssion (improvement or worsening) of the symptoms. (5) Has the patient consulted previously? If so, were medications prescribed and used by the patient? -7 consultations made by the patient Inquire as -.= :a Des given to the patient. Gather data and treatme-: on how the pa: -1- -: responded to previous treatment as this will provide valuate information for purposes of determining prognosis. (6) Other aspects of the patient's history that should be considered include: Family history. is -_-T a nistory of any similar illness in the family? Is there any - story of any hereditary illness? Social History Does the patient have any exposure to pets? Inquire also as to the patient's diet (ingestion of raw foods), any history of alcohol intake, smoking, drug intake or travel. Medical History. Has the patient suffered any form of illness in the past? Inquiry as to the presence of any systemic symptoms such as joint pains, oral and skin ulcers, hearing problems, gastrointestinal or genitourinary problems to name a few, should also be made. Corneal Abnormalities. The cornea may lose its normal luster and clarity in anterior segment inflammation. Patients typically present with deposits of inflammatory cells on the corneal endothelium Keratic called keratic precipitates (Figure 2). precipitates are characterized according to their size, distribution and pigmentation as these provide clues as to the particular type of uveitis the patient has. Although more often confined in the inferior portion of the cornea, they may also be diffusely distributed in certain forms of uveitis. Large keratic precipitates would point to a granulomatous type of uveitis while small to medium-sized keratic precipitates are more commonly associated with the non-granulomatous type. The presence of pigmentation, on the other hand, would generally indicate that the condition is chronic while non-pigmented keratic precipitates would indicate a more acute inflammation.' 3 Sexual History. The presence of a history of any sexually transmitted disease should likewise be elicited from the patient. EYE EXAMINATION OF THE UVEITIS PATIENT The basic eye examination is performed after extracting the history of the patient. Common ocular findings in uveitis patients are listed below. (1) Visual Acuity. Vision is frequently compromised in patients with active inflammation.' Reduction in vision can also occur as result of complications of chronic inflammation. As with most eye conditions, accurate recording of vision is important as this may serve as an indicator of improvement or deterioration of the patient's condition. (2) Gross Findings. Ocular adnexae generally remain normal for uveitis patients. Generally, only patients with inflammation involving the anterior uvea wi exhibit abnormal findings on gross eye examination_ • Ciliary Injection or Peri-limbal Rush. Patients with inflammation of the anterior segment may present with eye redness generally of the cfary congestion type called ciliary injection or pen-timbal fkish. This is characterized as redness of the eye that is more marked in the area around the Embus and decreases towards the fornices of the eyes Rpm 1). The redness results from congestion tithe deeper ciliary blood vessels and therefore does not blanch with pressure or diminish with the use ofvasoconstrictors.4 Figure 2. Medium sized to large keratic precipitates which are commonly seen in granulomatous type of uveitis (A) front view, (B) as viewed thru slit lamp In cases where patients develop secondary glaucoma, the cornea may appear cloudy due to the elevation of the IOR Patients may also present with localized opacified areas of the cornea when the cornea becomes involved in the inflammatory process. Band keratopathy which represent deposits of calcium in the Bowman's layer of the cornea, may occur as a result of chronic inflammation. These lesions often start at the corneal periphery but may eventually cover the visual axis of the patient (Figure 3) and may need to be surgically removed. Pupil abnormalities. Patients with anterior uveitis present with constricted irregularly shaped pupils • Figure 1. because of the presence of posterior synechia which are adhesions between the iris and the anterior capsule of the lens (Figure 4).L23 In some instances, ciliary iniection. Note that redness or congestion is accentuated in the limbal area, hence called perilimbal flush as well. This type of redness is more commonly seen in uveitis and glaucoma 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 16.2 Uveitis and Scleritis 119 Figure 3. Band keratopathy covering visual axis of patient's eye. Its presence is usually indicative of a chronic anterior uveitis an inflammatory membrane may also cover the pupil (Figure 5). When posterior synechia is present, despite intact sensory and motor arms of the light reflex, the pupil will fail to exhibit normal pupil responses (direct and consensual). Anterior Chamber abnormalities. Protein leakage from iris blood vessels that become affected by the inflammation would affect the clarity of the anterior chamber. This is referred to as flare. One may also Flume S. Eye roil small pupil and an overlying pupillary membrane. Waft peierce or oiary injection and diffusely distributed large nonfoiAcn-faU keratic precipitates. There is also a localized area al irisMap" (ghee arrow) note the presence of inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber as a result of the inflammation. If the number of inflammatory cells within the anterior chamber becomes large, the cells accumulate and settle inferiody, assuming a level referred to as hypopyon (Figure 6). Iris changes. The iris may become thinned out and subsequently appear "moth-eaten". Nodules may also be present in the iris, either within the stroma, cared Busacca nodules or in the pupillary margin, referred to as Koeppe nodules (Figure 7). These nodules are composed of chronic inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells) and are reliable indicators of granulomatous type of anterior uveitis.' Figure 4. Posterior synechia (adhesions between iris and lens (white arrow). Pupil dilation can break these adhesions and leave pigments on the anterior surface of the lens (pink arrows) Figure 6. iniammatry cells sett* and form a level in the inferior aspect dile arena cherber lo form hypopyon Illig Self-Instructionl Materials in OUrat107101011Y I 7nr1 Frlirinn sheathing or narrowing or obliteration of the retinal blood vessels • Granulomatous nodules -composed of inflammatory cells, which present as creamy white nodules along the vitreous base or in the retinal pigment epithelium Retinal Pigment Changes - generally represent areas of inactive inflammation; these lesions are typically referred to as retinal scars Retinal Detachment - may come in the form of diffuse serous detachment of the retina or as multifocal areas of detachments Figure 7. Ins nodules seen in cases of granulomatous (A) Koeppe nodules (located at pupillary area), (B) Bussaca nodules (located at stromal area of the iris) (3) Intraocular Pressure. Uveitis patients would typically present with very soft or hypotonic eyeballs. This results from reduced aqueous humor production as a consequence of involvement of the awry body in the inflammatory process. Patients with chronic uveitis may however present with elevated intraocular pressure due to secondary glaucoma either from the development of complications from the inflammation or as a result of prolonged used of steroids.' (4) Extraocular Muscle Movement. Inasmuch as the extraocular muscles are usually not kwohred in the inflammatory process, patients would exhibit full movement on all directions of gaze Limitation of EOM movements is however, a halknark of endophthalmitis which is used to differentiate it from tweitis. (5) Fundus Examination. ?atients with uveitis may exhibit -tgs depending on the anatomic area varying fundus of the uveal tract that is involved in the inflammatory process. If the inflammation is confined to the anterior segment, patients would have nomial funduscopic findings. Patients with intermediate or peripheral uveitis may present with vitritis or haziness of the vitreous. Fundus examination may further reveal the presence of cellular aggregates in the vitreous ("snowballs') or in the periphery of the retina referred to as "snowbanking" (Figure 8). In cases wherein the posterior segment of the eye is involved, more frequently encountered findings in patients are listed below: (Figure 9): • • Cystoid Macular Edema - seen as dullness or absence of the foveal reflex on direct ophthalmoscopy Vasculitis - often comes in the form of perivascular Figure 8. (A) Vitreous snowballs. (B) Snowbanking in peripheral retina. Both findings consist of aggregates of inflammatory cells. These are findings commonly seen in patients with intermediate uveitis ANCILLARY OPHTHALMIC DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATIONS Additional examinations may be requested to aid in the diagnosis of some conditions. The more commonly requested ancillary procedures include: (1) Ultrasound of the Eye. In most cases of uveitis, a view of the posterior portion of the eye is compromised due to the presence of anterior segment pathology (cataracts, pupil membranes, etc) or vitreous pathology. Ultrasonography gives the clinician a picture of the posterior segment and assists in the documentation of presence or absence of 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I 2 Uveitis and Scleritis abnormalities of the vitreous (vitreous condensation), retina (retinal detachment, masses) and the choroid (choroidal thickening).5 (2) Fluorescein Angiography. This diagnostic procedure focuses on the evaluation of blood flow in the vasculature of the posterior segment of the eye. It is used to demonstrate the presence of leakage from retinal vessels and from the optic nerve. It also provides a method for detecting problems in the choroid and the retina. Some posterior segment inflammatory conditions may present with typical fluorescein findings such as retinal edema, irascufois. retinitis and areas of focal retinal detachment.' Doc disc as well as macular findings may also be encountered in these patients. (31 indocyanine Green Angiography. Indocyanine green „ _4—an is often utilized as an adjunct to angiogram studies. Due to its higher plasma Wang properties, which prevents its leakage Mind and choroidal blood vessels, indocyanine been found to be better in evaluating choroidal ICG is the examination of choice to confirm inflammatory process involves the choroid 6 7 been utilized to evaluate disease activity in a numitev ciforms of uveitis .° (4) Optical Coherence Tomography. This procedure non-invasive assessment of the retina, and useful in determining the presence Or absence of macular edema which is a common complication of uveitis. It has also been found to be useful in assessing response to therapy in patients with uveitis. pr000e.s SYSTEMIC FINDINGS IN THE UVEITIS PATIENT There are a number of systemic conditions that may present with uveal tract inflammation. Examples are various arthritic conditions, parasitic conditions and immunologic conditions. These diseases may present with mucocutaneous abnormalities, e.g. oral/genital sores, vitiligo, erythema nodosum; joint inflammations; pulmonary involvement or gastrointestinal pathologies to name a few. '.35,8 CLASSIFICATION OF UVEITIS Various classification methods have been employed in formulation of the diagnosis in uveitis patients. This material focuses primarily on two aspects: location and duration of the inflammation. Figure 9. Posterior segment findings in uveitis (A) Vitreous haze with macular edema in a patient with Behcet's Disease, (B) Vasculitis as evidenced by perivascular sheathing (white arrows), (C) Posterior pole granuloma obscuring clear view of the optic disc, (D) Retinal pigment changes in a patient with serpiginous choroidopathy In 1987, the International Uveitis Study Group (I USG) developed criteria based on the anatomical location of the inflammation. In 2004, the Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) classification for onset working group added criteria for duration and course of the disease.9 Based on the primary anatomical structure involved, uveitis is classified as anterior, intermediate, posterior or diffuse/panuveitis (Table 1, Figure 10) As implied by the term, anterior uveitis, this type of inflammation primarily affects the anterior segment of the eye. It can also be called iritis when inflammation primarily involves the iris. Usually, both the iris and ciliary body becomes inflamed and this is called iridocyclitis. Intermediate uveitis refers to inflammation involving the ciliary body, anterior vitreous, peripheral retina and the pars plana (middle portion of the globe). Posterior uveitis is the term used when the inflammatory Table 1. Anatomical Classification of Uveitis Classificati°n'41111 Anterior Uveitis anterior segment iritis iris cyclitis ciliary body iridocyclitis both iris and Intermediate Uveitis pars an Posterior Uveitis posterior secrnerr_ retinitis ' • c. retina process primarily involves the choroid and/or retina. Specific terminology such as "choroiditis" and "retinitis may be used if the choroid or retina is inflamed respectively. If both structures are involved in the inflammatory process, this may be referred to as "chorioretinitis" or letinochoroiditis", depending on whether it is the choroid or retina that is the primary location of the inflammation. Aleuroretinitis refers to posterior uveitis wherein the optic nerve is also involved in the inflammatory process. When ail weal structures (iris. ciliary body, choroid) becomes inflamed, this is caled ponuveitis or diffuse uveitis. Most cases of anterior and totermedhate uveitis are idiopathic in nature while most posterior aid diffuse uveitis have an identified etiology or constitute a presentation of a systemic condition. Mother method by which uveitic conditions are classified is based on the course of the condition (Table 2). As can be seen from the table, acute cases are differentiated from recurrent or chronic type by their generally sudden onset and limited duration (often less than 3 months). When the irdlammatory process persists beyond three months, these me labeled as recurrent or chronic depending on presence of periods of reactivity between periods of exacerbation. Cases with periods of inactivity are labeled as recurrent while those without are labeled as chronic cases? choroiditis retinochoroiditis chorioretinitis Diffuse UveitislPanuveitis 7-0—Je •221tr . —cr-1.1 Table 2. Climikaim of Live& based on Course of the Disease -; Jorix1 7BC* • • Sudden onset and limited duration acute anterior uveitis presents with many • cells and severe flare cells generally smaller in size and flare is conspicuous 3t: Recurrent ~~ repeated attacks of inflammation separated by periods of inactivity without treatment of at least three (3) months Cr-on ;..• ~~ persistent inflammation with relapse within three (3) months after discontinuation of treatment • cells may be absent but flare usually present Table 3 presents a pathologic classification of uveitis differentiating them to either granulomatous or nongranulomatous. Generally, granulomatous cases present as panuveitis and are chronic while non-granulomatous cases often present with an acute course, generally just involving the anterior segment. C Diffuse/Panuveitis Figure 10. 5E--s `_v or veitis is based on localization of the infiamma::- (A) Anterior Uveitis :nmary site is the anterior segment, (B) Intermediate uveitis - solves the anterior vitreous, peripheral retina and pars plena. (C) Posterior uveitis. involves the retina andlor choro: When all three areas are involved. Lastly, the various uveitides can be classified based on the etiology of the inflammation as presented in Table 4. Etiology is often arrived at after conducting laboratory investigation. With the aid of careful and thorough medical examination, one can request for the appropriate laboratory examinations that can confirm the etiology of uveitis. uveitis is classified as diffuse or panuveitis. 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I Uveitis and Scleritis Table 3. Pathologic Classification of Uveitis and Corresponding Features Features Nongranulomatou Granulomatous Structures involved usuail entire uveal tract usually anterior segment only Onset insidious sudden Course often chronic acute with exacerbations and remissions TREATMENT OF UVEITIS Characteristic Features keratic precipitates large greasy (mutton fat) fine or small posterior synechia forms during acute inflammation. often at location of nodules less likelihood of synechia formation iris nodules frequently present generally absent posterior segment with granuloma frequently spared Table 4. Etiology of welt s Group Etiology Bacterial • Tubercul:, ~~ Syphilis Viral • • • Fungal • Histoplasmosis • Coccidiomycosis • • • Toxoplasmosis Toxocariasis Onchocerciasis Parasitic Immunologic Systemic • Lens induced iridocyclitis Sympathetic ophthalmia • Reiter's Disease Sarcoidosis Collagen Disease Rheumatoid arthritis Multiple sclerosis Vascular Disease • • • • • Reticulum sarcoma Neoplastic Lymphoma Miscellaneous • • Aim. Herpes simplex Herpes zoster Cytomegalovirus • Heterochromic iridocyclitis Pigmentary syndromes A complete diagnosis of uveitis should generally include all these (anatomic involvement, duration and course, etiology) as well as the level of activity of the inflammatory process. For purposes of this manual, however, the latter classification shall not be discussed. =gm As with any oisease condition, therapeutic intervention should be based on a thorough clinical evaluation of the patient and sound therapeutic guidelines. Therapeutic goals in the uveitis patients indude (1)control of inflammation; (2) prevention and treatment of vision-threatening complications; (3) alleviation and relief of the patient's symptoms; and (4) treatment of the underlying cause Inflammatory coneoltakes into consideration both immediate and long-term caned since adequate inflammatory control is also the key it minimizing the development of unwanted complications of the inflammatory process. Drug classes that are well suited fur immediate control may not be appropriate for long-term usedue to the side effects that accompany their prolonged use. Corticostexids are the mainstay in inflammatory control of non-infectious welds. Their use in uveitis secondary to a probable infectious cause should be started only when the underlying infection has been adequately addressed. While ideal for iminnediaseinflarnmatory control, the long-term use of this class of dogs is not encouraged due the unwanted systemic andeaslartdeeffects that accompany them when taken for prolonged periods- Steroid-sparing therapies in the form of non-soesoidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and immunoinodulalosy drugs should be considered if it becomes apparent that therapy will be required for more than three months. Table 5 lists some of the various drugs currently in use for the control of inflammation in uveitis patients. The choice of which specific agent to be used is based largely on its efficacy and tolerability in a particular patient situation. Cycloplegic agents are used to prevent adhesion of the iris to the anterior lens capsule (posterior synechia formation), which can lead to pupillary block and elevated intraocular pressure. They are also used to break recently formed posterior synechia and to stabilize the blood aqueous barrier and therefore prevent further protein leakage (flare). The shorter acting agents (tropicamide and cyclopentolate) play a role in preventing new posterior synechia formation as their shorter duration of action keeps the pupil relatively mobile. Two more common complications of uveitis requiring attention and cataract formation. and treatment would be 10P elevation either the inflammation may result from Both conditions Selection of 10P lowering itself or prolonged steroid use. of glaucoma. When on the mechanism agents would depend Table 5. List of Commonly Used Anti-Inflammatory Agents used for Uveitis Cases I.Corticosteroids • • • • Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase and lipooxygenase pathways Decrease complement levels Decrease migration of lymphocvies Decreased production of vasoactise amines and interleukins Decreased circulating monocOes Decreased macrophage act* Topical • • • • Periocular • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ • elevation of 10P cataract exacerbation of infection corneal or scleral thinning/ perforation Same as topical Ptosis Scarring of Tenon's capsule Scleral perforation Hemorrhage Abscess Same as topical Weight gain Fluid retention Electrolyte disturbances Peptic ulcer disease Osteoporosis Aseptic necrosis of hip Hypertension Impaired glucose tolerance Mental status changes Impaired wound healing Menstrual irregularities ■ • bone marrow suppression terratogenicity increased risk of infection • • • • Hepatotoxicity Gastrointestinal upset Pneumonitis Stomatitis • • Gastrointestinal upset Hepatitis Systemic II. Immunosuppresive Medications -7-77'e--e.S. NZ' All Z.P.A. sratess a-c x4.. a, A. Antimetabolites Methotrexate !rj-Dloiate reductase Azathiopnne ;ter!. Mycophendez rtrubis .rre sprrne&s • Diarrhea/ • Nausea • • • • Lymphotoxicity. cross-links DNA Hemorrhagic cystitis Sterility Increased risk of malignancy ■ • ■ ■ Renal toxicity Hypertension Hirsutism Tremor ■ • • • • Renal toxicity Hypertension Neurotoxicity Hepatitis Diabetes L. Alkylating Age Cyclophosphanide B.T-cell Inhibitors 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 1 6.2 Uveitis and Scleritis medical intervention fails, patients are advised to undergo surgery. Cataract surgery is likewise advised for patients when the degree of visual disturbance warrants it. Table 6. 7 =e-e-t 2', c- between Scleritis and Episcleritis Specific therapy is also directed towards the relief of eye pain and photophobia which are common symptoms of acute anterior uveitis. Topical instillation of mydriatic/cycloplegic agents relieve pain by immobilizing the iris. Longer acting agents such as atropine and homatropine are ideal for this purpose. Episcleritis redness severe, radiating eye pain bright red bluish red rare present 4" to 5th decade zIth to 61h decade frequently females frequently females ZZ:g 111111hkess Tenderness Gender In cases where the underlying cause for the inflammatory process is identifiable, specific treatment for the underlying condition should be instituted. This is particularly important in instances where there may be an infectious process involved. Scleritis of cases 50% of cases EPISCUMITIS The choice of specific treatment also takes into consideration the degree/severity and location of the inflammatory process. Administration via the topical route is useful primarily in patients who have anterior uveitis, as topically applied drugs poorly penetrate the posterior segment. The periocular route is effective for administering anti-inflammatory agents to patients who have intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis, or cystoid macular edema, particularly if the condition is unilateral. It may also be beneficial in patients who have severe anterior uveitis found to be unresponsive to topical therapy. Periocular injections may be given via various routes: subconjunctival, subtenons or retrobulbar. The selection of the location for the injection would depend on the site where higher concentration of the anti-inflammatory agent is desired. Periocular injections of corticosteroids should be avoided in cases of infectious uveitis (e.g.toxoplasmosis) and should be used with caution in patients who have a history of corticosteroid-induced 10P elevation. Intravitreal injections may also be given in cases where the primary site of inflammation is the posterior segment. Episcleritis is a benign inflammatory disease characterized by edema and celkilar infiltration of the tissue between the conjunctiva and sclera, the episcleral tissue. It is a self-limiting condition usualy lasting for one to three weeks. Episcleritis usually occurs in the fourth to fifth decade, with females being more affected by males. Eye redness in this condition is commonly confined to the interpalpebral area and would blanch on pessuie or topical instillation of vasocontrictors like phenylephrinE Patients often complain of mild discomfort, described as sWit adze, feeling of heat or irritation in the involved eye_ Male commonly unilateral, the condition is may be bilateral in one thiud of cases.1° Episcleritis is trite- &wit:led into two clinical types: simple diffuse and nodiaiar Rpm 11). Table 7 summarizes the various lean/ES Cif tl'ese Nrio types. Other factors influencing the choice of specific treatment would be the age and general health status of the patient, and the patient's reliability, preferences and understanding of his/her condition. It is important for a clinician to provide the patient with information he would require to have a better understanding of his illness, its treatment and prognosis. II. SCLERITIS AND EPISCLERITIS The terms scleritis and episcleritis refer to conditions where inflammation involves the sclera and the episcleral tissues respectively. As with the uveitic conditions, inflammatory diseases involving the sclera and episclera are further classified based on their clinical presentation. It is important to distinguish between these two conditions for purposes of management and determination of prognosis. Table 6 lists the different criteria used in distinguishing the two conditions from each other. Figure 11. Episderis alien pieserts as a localized area of redness (A). At times, a nodule may also be present (B). Table 7. Types of Episcleritis with Corresponding Characteristics -ffignuivr Feat e Episcleritis Frequency more common Course often self-limiting (2-19 days Nodular Episcleritis . :a(es longer to resolve (4-6 weeks) Characteristic Features - injection of invoier; a-ea - often without disccr7‘art may be recurrert teccrres frequent in 3 to 4 yea's Since majority of episcleritis resolve spontaneously, these patients frequently do not seek consultation. However, since it is an inflammatory condition, patients who come in for discomfort may benefit from a regimen of topical antiinflammatory agents and lubricants. Systemic associations are found in about one thild of patients with episcleritis. This is however not correlated to the type. laterality or chronicity of the disease. Systemic conditions associated with episcleritis include connective tissue ciseases (rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, relapsing polychonckitisk 827associated conditions (spondyloarthropathits, inflammatory bowel disease); vasculitic diseases (polyarteritis noclosa. Behcet's disease, Wegener's granulornatosis, giant cell arteritis, Cogan's syndrome); infections (herpes, bacterial, fungal, parasitic) and some miscellaneous conditions ( atom. rosacea. gout). 10,11.12 - , _ with movable non-tender nodule :: :3 , -:re painful -3 associated with systemic Tne primary sign of scleritis is redness which is gradual in onset and has a characteristic bluish-red tinge that may be best observed under natural light (Figure 12). Such redness fails to blanch with local instillation of vasoconstrictors. Unlike episcleritis, patients affected with this condition often present with severe, boring ocular pain which may also involve the adjacent head and facial regions. Pain is described as severe and penetrating with radiation to the forehead, brow, jaw or sinuses. It can be severe enough to keep patients awake at night and may be exacerbated by touch. Analgesics provide only temporary relief of the pain. Aside from these, patients may also present with tearing, photophobia and at times decreased vision which results from extension of scleritis to adjacent ocular structures leading to keratitis, uveitis and sometimes even glaucoma, cataract and fundus abnormalities.1° Patients with episcleritis general/ do not develop ocular complications, although (heti% peripheral comeal inflammation and glaucoma may occur in a small percentage of cases. There have also been reports on a small number of these patients progressing Mt sdaritis. SCLERITIS Scleritis is a severe ocular inflammation which if left untreated, may become progressively destructive. Unlike episcleritis, patients affected with this condition are usually in their fourth to sixth decades of life. Females outnumber males to a small degree. The condition has been reported to occur bilaterally and is recurrent in about one third of cases. 1" Scleritis is commonly assnriated with systemic autoimmune disorders, induding rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis, spondyloarthropathies, Wegener granulomatosis, polyarteritis nodosa and giant cell arteritis. Scleritis may even precede other symptoms associated with these systemic illness. Diagnosing scleritis. As with uveitis, a thorough and complete history is essential in making a diagnosis of scleritis. Aside from the patient's major complaint and history of present and past illness, investigate as to any history of infection, injury or surgery. A thorough review of systems will also assist in determining if the ocular disease is related to any systemic condition. Figure 12. Typical redness seen in patients with scleritis showing characteristic bluish-red tinge (best seen under natural light). of Scleritis. Based on the location of the inflammation, scleritis is classified into anterior and posterior type." Figure 13 shows representative photographs of Classification various types of scleritis. Rarely, a patient may present with both anterior and posterior scleritis. 1. Anterior Scleritis. Anterior scleritis can be diffuse, nodular, necrotizing with inflammation (necrotizing), and necrotizing without inflammation (scleromalacia perforans). The most common clinical forms are diffuse scleritis and nodular scleritis. Necrotizing scleritis with or without inflammation is much less 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 1 6.2 Uveitis and Scleritis frequent, more ominous, and frequently associated with systemic autoimmune disorders. Diffuse anterior scieritis is the most common type of scieritis. It is of insidious onset and may develop over a 5 to 10 day period. Often misdiagnosed as episcleritis, it is associated with the best visual prognosis as ocular complications rarely occur. It is also least associated with a a. systemic disease. b. Nodular anterior scleritis occurs less frequently than the diffuse anterior type but is more common than necrotizing scleritis. The inflammatory process is localized to a nodule(s) 'Mach is immobile, firm and tender to touch. M in the diffuse anterior type it is of insidious onset In terms of severity of the disease, it is inimmeciate between that of the necrotizing type and posterior scleritis. Neaotizing scleritis with inflammation is the most severe and destructive form. It is characterized by the presence of white avascular areas surrounded by swollen inflamed sclera. More than half of patients with this condition haw associated systemic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener's granulomatosis and relapsing polychondritis. It is also the most frequently associated with ocular complications SuCh as peripheral corneal thinning or stromal Iceratitis, uveitis, cataract, and glaucoma. d. Neaotizing scleritis without inflammation or Sderomalacia perforans is painless condition cr,oracterized by the appearance of yellowgray nodules that gradually develop a necrotic slough or sequestrum without surrounding inflammation of the sclera. The necrotic tissue eventually separates leaving the choroid bare, covered only by the conjunctiva. Spontaneous perforation rarely occurs, although traumatic perforation can easily occur. This condition is almost always associated with rheumatoid arthritis. 2. Figure 13. Four types of anterior scleritis: (A) Diffuse Sdentis, (B) Nodular Scleritis, (C) Necrotizing scieritis, (D) Scleromalacia perforans showing choroid ,rif Fe-111-1,r1 Posterior sderitis has the lowest incidence among these conditions. It occurs twice as often in females and affects both eyes in about one third of cases. It may also be associated with anterior scleritis. Frequently, patients are older than 50 years and have and increased risk of visual loss. Patients with this condition complain of periocular pain, pain with eye movements and decreased vision. Other eye symptoms include conjunctival chemosis, proptosis, lid swelling, lid retraction and limitation of extraocular movements. Fundus examination may reveal disc swelling, choroidal folds, serous retinal detachment, uveal effusions and macular edema. B-scan ultrasonography, the key to making a diagnosis of posterior scleritis, may show flattening of the posterior aspect of the globe, variable degrees of thickening of the posterior coats of the eye (chcand sclera), associated with edema of the retrot space. Accumulation of fluid in the tenons s: manifests as the characteristic "T" sign (Figure 14) seen on B-scan ultrasound:3 Figure 14. Accumulation of lkid in lie lims woe Essissis as toe characteristic T sign in B son drama Associated Diseases. Systerric concitiors have been associated with approximate 5096 of all sderiiis Gases.':-. Table 8 shows a list of these conditions As with theitt. selection of diagnostic./laboratory examinations is aimed at confirrring or rejecting suspected systemic association and, should therefore be guided by information gathered from the patient's history and physical eamination. Treatment. In majority of cases, topical anti-inflammatory therapy is inadequate and would require systemic therapy. Treatment should be incbvidualized based on the severity of the disease, prior response to treatment and presence of associated disease. Non-infectious scleritis is treated with Table systemic corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or immunomodulatory drugs. In cases where scleritis is suspected to have infectious association, anti-inflammatory therapy should never be started without accompanying or prior treatment with antimicrobial therapy. 10,11,12 CONCLUSION It was the primary objective of this self-instructional material to provide the reader with a guide on how to diagnose patients with uveitis and scleritis. The importance of a comprehensive clinical history can not be overemphasized since the etiologic diagnosis of most of these ocular inflammatory conditions relies on the history. Secondly, one should be able to recognize the various ocular signs associated with these inflammatory conditions. As medical practitioners, you may, in the future encounter patients who will seek consultation for eye problems. One should bear in mind that not all conditions which present with a red eye is "sore eyes" and a patient may actually be suffering from another, more vision-threatening condition like uveitis or scleritis. It is therefore your role to be able to properly recognize these patients so that immediate referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management can be done. By doing so, early intervention can be facilitated and permanent visual impairment may be avoided. RECOMMENDED FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY It is recommended that the students be given demonstration sessions on how to properly conduct history-taking and ophthalmologic examination of patients with ocular inflammation. Following this exercise, it is further recommended that the students be provided clinical sessions to allow them to see actual cases of patients with uveitis and scleritis. 8. Systemic Diseases Associated with Sderitis rheumatoid arthritis (RA) systemic lupus erythematosus B27 spondyloarthropathies inflammatory bowel disease relapsing polychondritis (RP) Wegener's granulomatosis viral (herpes zoster, simplex, mumps) bacterial (tuberculosis, syphilis. Pseudomones, Hemophilus, Borellia) fungal parasitic polyarteritis nodosa rosacea gout Behcet's disease chemical injury giant cell arteritis Psoriatic arthropathy Psoriatic rash Cogan's syndrome 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE 16.2 Uveitis and scleritis 129 REFERENCES 2. 1. Smith, Ronald E. and Nozik, Robert A. Uveitis: A Clir Approach to Diagnosis and Management. Williams a- s: Wilkins:Baltimore, 1983. 2. httpi/ Accessed May 12, 2011. 3. Nussenblatt, RB, Whitcup, SM and Palestine, AG. Uveitis: Fundamentals and Clinical Practice. Mosby:Baltimore. 2nd 4. Shown are representative pictures of eye redness. Which of these pictures best corresponds to that found in patients with uveitis? ed. 1996. The Red Eye in: Basic Ophthalmology for Medical Students and Primary Care Residents. Berson, FG. Exec ed. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology. 1993. 57-74. 5. Pleyer, U and Foster, SC (eds). Essentials in Ophthalmology: Uveitis and Immunological Disorders. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2007. 6. Huang, 11 and Gaudio, PA (eds). Ocular Inflammatory Disease and Uveitis Manual: Diagnosis and Treatment. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2010. 7. Agarwal, Amar. Fundus Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography. Slack Incorporated. 2008. downloaded through httpi/ marc_frame.aspx?ResourcelD=83.Accessed November 17, 2010. 8. Foster, SC and Vitale, AT. Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis. Philadelphia:W.B. Saunders Co.lbert T. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co. 2002. 9. Zierhut, M, Deuter, C and Murray P. Classification of Uveitis - Current Guidelines. European Ophthalmic Review. 2007; 77-78. Manfred downloaded through http://www. Accessed Dec 9, 2007. 10. Pleyer, U and Mondino B (eds). Essentials in Ophthalmology: Uveitis and Immunological Disorders. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2005. 11. Sainz de la Maza M. Scleritis in http://emedicine.medscape. com/article/1228324. Accessed May 13, 2011. 12. Sainz de la Maza M, Jabbur NS, Foster CS. Severity of scleritis and episcleritis. Ophthalmology 1994; 101(2): 38996. 13. Biswas J Posterior scleritis: Clinical profile and imaging characteristics. Indian J Ophthalmol 1998; 46:195202. SELF - TEST 1. Inflammation involving any portion of the uveal tract (iris, ciliary body, choroid) is collectively referred to as A. B. C. conjunctivitis keratitis neuritis D. uveitis 3. The most frequent complaint of patients with uveitis is A. disturbance in . B. eye pair C. eye rec D. itchiness 4. Signs that would lead to a working impression of uveitis would be A. ciliary injection, irregularly-shaped reactive pupil, normal OOP with enlarged cup to disc ratio B. ciliary injection, mid-dilated unreactive pupil, corneal edema, high 10P and pale optic disc C. ciliary injection, small constricted irregularly shaped poorly reactive pupil, low lOP with normal fundus D. findings diffuse eye redness, central corneal opacity, high lOP with limitation of EOMs 5. 8-scan ultrasound findings that support presence of posterior uveitis A. B. C. D. E. 6. Inflammatory cells can present as any of the following, EXCEPT A. B. C. D. E. 7. calcific deposits in the vitreous choroidal detachment choroidal thickening funnel-shaped retinal detachment vitreous hemorrhage "snowballs" flare Keratic precipitates Koeppe nodules Posterior pole granuloma See answers to Self-Test on page 222 PRACTICE CASES Case 1. 50 year old female presents with a history of threemonth duration of blurring of vision and redness in the left .e. She denies any other associated symptoms but claims to and off eye redness in the past year. Ophthalmologic 2 - 3n revealed the following findings: Best Corrected %%ionIntraoake = s a Ws _rduscapy: OU: full 00 - essentialy normal funduscopic findings - no ROR noted due b a very hazy media Characteristics of granulomatous uveitis A. B. C. D. E. acute onset diffusely distributed fine keratic pre( often involves both eyes often involves the entire uveal tract tend to present with hypopyon _ : 1-.Jt .:.,-= EOM'S 9. histoplasmosis toxopolasmosis tuberculosis typhoid A patient presenting with localized eye reckless of four days duration associated with eye pain is shown in the photo. Upon instillation of topic . f!' ctors, yo u did not note any blanching of the .esse s patient is most likely to have A. conjunctivitis B. episcieritis C. scleritis D. uveitis 10. Systemic condition more frequently associated with scleritis A. hypertension B. allergy Right Eye Left Eye 6/21 Soft Full 6/30 Soft Full c-retscopi (+)ROR- sightly hazy merle, distinct disc borders, CD 0.3, AV 2:3, no hemorrhages, no exudates, slightly dull fovea reflex (+)ROR, slightly hazy media, distinct disc borders, CD 0.3, AV 2:3, no hemorrhages, no exudates, slightly dull foveal reflex Sit Late Findings Clear cornea, formed anterior chamber, (+) medium to large non-pigmented KP's, (++)cells,(++) flare (+) Bussaca nodules Clear cornea, 8. Uveitis may be associated with bocteriai ilections. Common bacterial infection that may ~rifest it the eye as uveitis A. B. C. D. 00 = 6/21 OS = 3/60 OD = soft OS = hypotonic (+) large nonpigmented KP's, (+) cells, (+)flare, (+) Koeppe nodules, moth eaten iris Slit Lamp Findings: OD - dear cornea, no cells or flare, no keratic precipitates, normal appearance of the iris, (+) lens opacity OS - clear cornea (+) peri-limbal flush, (+) cells/(+) flare. (+)fine. pigmented and non-pigmented keratic precipitates. (+) posterior synechiae. (+) lens opacity. (+) vitreous condensation 1. Based on the given information, how would you classify the patient's condition on the basis of disease activity? 2. Assuming that this patient has normal funduscopic findings in the left eye, what is the anatomic classification of this patient's uveitis? 3. What ancillary procedure may be useful in determining the presence or absence of posterior segment inflammation? C. rheumatoid arthritis D. hyperthyroidism 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I 6.2 Uveitis and Scleritis Case 2. 54 year old male presents with a chief complaint of bilateral blurring of vision. History reveals that the patient first experienced eye redness in the left eye about one year prior to consultation that was associated with photophobia and blurring of vision. Consult was done at that time and symptoms allegedly resolved with unrecalled topical medication. About 1 month prior to consultation, the patient noted recurrence of symptoms in the left eye and a week later, experienced similar symptoms in his right eye. He also noted the presence of oral ulcers. The rest of the history was unremarkable. Ophthalmologic examination at time of consultation revealed Visual Amity Right Eye Left Eye 6/6 6/7.5 Rosacea facies; normal pupillary reflexes; normal eyelids Gym Elam 10P BOBIS ROIIIIIIIIN clamp Fib 15mm Hg 12 mm Hg Full Full normal normal essentially normal localized redness findings temporally (pls. refer to picture below) the following findings: 1. What parts of the uveal tract is involved in the inflammatory process? Based on your answer, how will you classify the patient's condition? 2. Is the disease condition chronic, recurrent, or acute? 3. Based on the above findings, is the disease condition granulomatous or non-granulomatous in nature? 4. What ancillary procedure will you request to determine the extent of inflammation? Case 3. A 43 year old female presents with a 6-month history of red painful left eye. She had a previous episode of corneal ulcer in the same eye. Her past medical history was positive for sinusitis, rosacea, photosensitivity and pneumonia. She also had a hysterectomy about 2 years ago. Her family history was positive for glaucoma (grandfather), diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis (grandmother). The rest of her history was unremarkable. Ophtha Exam revealed the following findings: 1. iE '--,, , L 2. pa-Jent's history and eye findings, what are mmentud diagnoses? oil you differentiate one condition from _itilier? Answers tr, liactice Gases on page 222. 6.3 Tearing Alexander Dy Tan, MD INTRODUCTION Tearing is a common symptom of many ocular and sometimes even systemic &names. A thorough understanding of th lacrimal apparatus, tear film and lacrimal drainage system is necessary an order to determine the cause of a patient's tearing. Tearing is often classified into two entities: lacrimaIon or the excess production of tears, and epiphora which is the overflow of tears due to blockage of the lacrimal drainage sys:ern. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this instructional mater4. ~cKaieras snout' be able VD oelveen laairnation and epiphora). 1. Define the symptom of tearino 2. 3. Enumerate the common conditions -.not aaealssing Describe the different clinical erarnirataces and diagnostic tests used to determine the cause of tearing. 4. Describe the principles of manaoernerst axon= GiiuseS dftearing. CONTENT I. I NCREASF_D TEAR PRODUCTION ILACRIMATION ) DECREASED TEAR DRAINAGE (EPIPHORA) Tearing or "watery eyes" is a common ocular symptom with numerous causes (Appendix). Chronic tearing can be a debilitating complaint which may be a nuisance (due to constant need to wipe off the tears), and a source of embarrassment and discomfort for the patient Tearing is either due to increased production (lacrimation) or from 10-15mm impaired drainage (epiphora). The tear film has unique characteristics (Table 1). It is composed of three layers: an outer oily layer (oily secretions from Meibomian and Zeis glands), a middle aqueous layer produced by the lacrimal gland and glands of Krause and Wolfring, and an inner mucinous layer secreted by the goblet cells of the conjunctiva. The superficial oily layer functions to prevent the evaporation of the aqueous layer_ The mucous layer is important for proper wetting of the cornea The pH of tears averages 7.4 - 12mm R. antrum 5mm .;:41 fl... - 1_ Lacrimal drainage system (1=valve of Rosenmuller, 2=valve of Hasner 'polars at inferior meatus underneath the inferior turbinate) toseign bodies, misdirected lashes, corneal ulcers, etc. Tearing in these situations is the body's attempt to wash out the eye of thefrritanr Table 1. Characte- os of the Tear Film Thickness Number of Layers 3 Thickness of the Aqueous Layer 6 5 Li- Tear Volume 6 - 8 pi MA Tear Production 1.2 ;es The lacrimal drainage system begins at the punctum leading to the canaliculus to the lacrimal sac down to the nasolacrimal duct. The duct opens at the inferior meatus under the inferior turbinate (Figure 1). The amount of tears in our eye is dictated by three factors: production, evaporation and drainage. Conditions that increase production and impair drainage will result in a surplus of tears in the eye, while increased evaporation (decreased humidity, prolonged reading, eyelid retraction, etc) will lead to a relative lack of tears. Therefore, when seeing a patient complaining of tearing, the doctor, through history taking and ocular examination, determines if there are potential causes of increased tear production (foreign body, conjunctivitis, eyelid malposition). Once this is ruled out, he may consider the tearing to be due to impaired drainage (nasolacrimal duct obstruction, canalicular obstruction, etc). I. INCREASED TEAR PRODUCTION (LACRIMATION) Tearing is more commonly caused by increased production. It is important to get a thorough history and physical examination in order to determine the cause of tearing. Ask for: history of trauma, eye redness, use of medication, photophobia, and blurred vision. Patients who complain of foreign body sensation can have conditions such as corneal or conjunctival Note that patients with dry eye can also manifest with tearing -ems wing). Generally, patients with mild to moderate ry eye may complain of tearing which is mostly a reflex mechanism to compensate for the 'lack of tears Slit lamp examination show an abnormal tear meniscus. Decreased production af ters may be confirmed by doing the Schirmers *estllmeed Doty). HISTORY TAKING IN PATIENTS WITH LACRIMATION irriporiara questions to oe asked in a patient's history include the following History of trauma is asked to rule out conjunctival or corneal foreign bodies. corneal abrasions. Individuals engaged in certain occupations (Le. carpenters, construction workers, etc) are more peecksposed to foreign bodies in the cornea or conjunctiva. Lacerations may involve the lacrimal gland or any part of the drainage system which can affect the amount of tears present in the tear lake. Canalicular lacerations should be suspected when there is a lid margin laceration within 5 mm of the medial angle of the palpebral fissure. Associated ocular symptoms such as discharge, redness, eye pain, blurring of vision, foreign body sensation, itchiness should be asked. Exposure to someone with similar "red eyes" may suggest a form of viral conjunctivitis, while allergies are often associated with itchiness. Previous consults with a doctor, medications used, and history of ocular surgery should also be asked. This may suggest a chronic process or that tearing may be a result of prior intervention or surgery. It is important to establish a timeline of consultations, surgeries, and medications used in order to figure out when the symptoms started and how they responded to therapy. Onset and duration of tearing is asked. Tearing that worsens during prolonged reading or exposure to low humidity conditions may indicate a "dry eye While reading or working with the computer, we tend to blink less often which results in increased tear evaporation that, in turn, signals the lacrir- gland to produce more tears. These situations uncover t- presence of dryness or tear instability. Dry eyes are mc - , common in the elderly. Both dry eyes and nasolacrimal duct obstruction are more common in women. History of medical problems particularly allergies and/or sinus disease should also be asked. EYE EXAMINATION IN PATIENTS WITH LACRIMATION A thorough ocular examination (visual acute gross examination, EOM's, tonometry and funduscopi) is necessary to determine the cause of a patient's tearingTheeiamination of patients with lacrimation should foas on the anterior segment. Any injury or inflammation invoking the lashes. cornea, conjunctiva, anterior chamber and iris nil res.* in some form of tearing. Ectropion (outward turning of the ids) and entropion (inward turning of the ids) may cause ocular irritation that also leads to tearing. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR PATIENTS WITH LACRIMATION Schirmers Test I Tnis reflex tearing. A specially designed Whamonfilierpaper called a Schirmers strip is placed at the junction &the lateral and middle third of the lower eyelid viithout anesthetic The patient can keep the eyes either dosed or open. The strips are then gently removed after free minutes. The demarcation between the dry and wet part of the strip is noted and xs dunce from the folded edge of the strip is measured in mihmeters. Wetting of 5 mm or less in 5 minutes would support a diagnosis of dry eye (Figure 2). 11111111111111r Basal Secretion Test: Schirmers Test may be performed with topical anesthetic (such as proparacaine). This test measures the amount of tear production without the reflex component (basal secretion). MANAGEMENT OF LACRIMATION Management of lacrimation is generally directed to address the underlying cause of tearing. Management will range from antibiotic eyedrops for patients with bacterial infections, removal of foreign bodies for patients with conjunctival or corneal foreign bodies to eyelid surgery for patients with misdirected lashes, entropion or ectropion. Correction of these conditions will result in the resolution of the patient's tearing. II. DECREASED TEAR DRAINAGE (EPIPHORA) Tearing due to blocked tear drainage can be a very bothersome symptom. Patients frequently carry along boxes of tissue paper in order to constantly wipe off overflowing tears. Chronic epiphora can sometimes be caused by or lead to infections of the lids and lacrimal sac. Any point of the lacrimal drainage system can be blocked: from the punctum to the canaliculus, lacrimal sac, and the nasolacrimal duct. Punctal stenosis can be visualized directly or with the use of a slit lamp. Canalicular stenosis can be confirmed with probing while a lacrimal apparatus irrigation is often necessary in orderto diagnose nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Blockage may be due to scarring from inflammation or topical medication, from injury (canalicular transections), or from dacryoliths or lacrimal sac tumors. Punctal ectropion associated with lid laxity can contribute to decreased outflow of tears. Conditions such as Bells palsy or weakness of the CN VII may also cause physiologic pump failure of the lacrimal drainage system. Functional obstruction or lacrimal pump failure should be suspected in tearing patients with normal anterior segment examination, and anatomically patent nasolacrimal duct (as confirmed by probing and lacrimal apparatus irrigation). Epiphora, seen in patients with CN VII weakness or eyelid laxity, is due to failed evacuation of tears caused by lacrimal pump failure. This condition is managed by correcting the underlying lid laxity through a lid tightening procedure. Figure 2. Schirmer's test 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I HISTORY TAKING IN PATIENTS WITH EPIPHORA Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) should be suspected in patients with tearing who have normal anterior segment examination (i.e. no abnormal finding that can explain the patients tearing). Patients often have a long standing history of on and off tearing of the involved eye, with or without history of infection (mucoid discharge, conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis). Patients with dacryocystitis often present with history of swelling of the medial canthal area which when exacerbated results to pain, swelling and erythema (acute dacryocystitis) Primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction is more common in elderly females. Dye Disappearance Test (DDT): This assesses the presence or ce of adequate lacrimal drainage. Fluorescein is instilled on the cul de sac of both eyes. Asymmetric clearance of the dye within 5 minutes indicates relative block in the side with dye retention. Retention of dye beyond five minutes in one eye is also indicative of blockage (Figure 4). DDT does not distinguish between mechanical blockage and functional blockage. Infants with history of tearing shortly after birth should be suspected of having congenital nasolacimal duct obstruction_ DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR PATIENTS WITH -is L. Cloyantill nasolacrimal duct obstruction with dye retention in Isanoearance test - EPIPHORA Probing : a fine blunt probe can be inserted through the punctum and canaliculus in order to determine the patency of the upper lacrimal drainage system. Probing may also confirm the presence of canalicular transections in patients with history of trauma (Figure 3). Figure 3. A gauge 25 lacrimal irrigating cannula is inserted through the punctum (exits at the distal cut end of the canaliculus), confining presence of canalicular laceration Lacrimal Apparatus Irrigation: This involves the irrigation of normal saline solution through the punctum and canaliculus. Presence of fluid reflux (either thru the upper canaliculus or lower canaliculus) would indicate an obstruction. Palpation of the lacrimal sac area: Applying pressure on a distended lacrimal sac may result in mucoid reflux and confirm the presence of nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Note that obstructions involving the canaliculi or puncta will not result in distension of the sac since the tears will not be able to reach the sac. MANAGEMENT OF EPIPHORA Management d nasolacrimal duct obstruction is surgical. A daarcynollinostomy (DCR) is performed for adult patients with sysnoingsk and complete nasolacrimal obstruction. It involves a *nuking procedure, connecting the lacrimal car to the nasal mucosa. The surgery is performed under general anre5iia Dacryocystorhinostomy can be done thru several approaches: external approach through the skin (External IX* sanscanalicular using a YAG or Diode laser (TransGanalcullar VAG or Diode Laser DCR) ; and lastly it may be done ihmigh the nasal approach (Transnasal Non Laser EndosagicOOkliar6nasal Laser Endoscopic DCR). Management of uncompricated congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruaion nosigns of infection, dacryocystitis) is lacrimal sac rnassaget Remislient cases are managed with therapeutic probing (rupetring the membrane at the Valve of Hasner) which is usually performed at 12 months of age. Patients who have undergone failed probings are managed with bicanarratar titubation with silicone tubes or by performing a dacryocystorhinostorny. Epiphora in patients with CN VII nerve weakness or eyelid laxity is managed by correcting the underlying lid laxity through a lid tighteniv procedure. 19. Stimulation of some cortical areas - thalamus, hypothalamus, cervical sympathetic ganglia, or the lacrimal nucleus a. encephalitis b. diencephalic epilepsy syndrome (Penfield syndrome) c. Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) d Hypothalamic tumors e Meningitis f. Page syndrome g Pseudobulbar palsy for Parkinson syndrome • Sluder syndrome i Tic douloureux various senile dementias ji APPENDIX I. HYPERSECRETION OF TEARS A. Primary (disturbance of the lacrimal gland) B. Central 1. Central nervous system lesions 2. Corticomeningeal lesions 3. Emotional states 4. Hysteria 5. Physical pain 6. Voluntary lacrimation, such as when acting C. Neurogenic 1. Ametropia, tropia, phoria and eyestrain and fatigue 2. Caloric, lacrimal and reflex tearing - biatecal lacrimation when syringing the ear with warm or cold water and during Tension testing 3. Crocodile or alligator tears - unilateral profuse tearing when eating a. Congenital, often associated with ipsiaieral paresis of lateral rectus muscle b. Acquired with onset in way gage of facial palsy Welts paby) or sequefia riots parasympathetic fibers to the aic gangicin growing back into superficial primal nem c. Duane retractio4. Bells palsy 5. Marin-Amat Syndrome .dram ea Jaw winking phenomenon) 6. Mel kersson-Rosenthai syrwhorne OMeacersson idiopathic fits° edema) 7. Drugs: atenoidt, ciprallokacin. dexamelhasone. diazepam, ketarnine, heflaran. inorPhine, =-7 n ifed i pi ne. naloomme 8. Exposure to 9. Glaucoma 10. Horner sync:troy 11. Inflammation o _ uvea, cornea, orbit. 12. Lesions aliectirig *E a. ptosis b. entropion/ ectropion c. facial paralysis d. trichiasis 13. Morquio-Bradsford syndrome (MPS W) 14. Myasthenia Gravis - afternoon ectropion (Erb-Goldflam syndrome) 15. Ophthalmorhinostomatohygrosis syndrome 16. Parkinson's disease 17. Reflex, such as vomiting and laughing 18. Sjogren syndrome Gradenigo syndrome (temporal syndrome) 21. Raeder syndrome (paratrigemial paralysis, cluster headaches) 22 Retroparotid space syndrome (Villaret syndrome) 23. Rhabdomyosarcoma 24. Rothmund syndrome (telangiectasiapigmentation-cataract) 25. Thermal burns D. Symptomatic 1. Bee sting of cornea 2. Tabes 3. Thyrotoxicosis (Basedow syndrome) INADEQUACY OF LACRIMAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Congenital anomalies of the lacrimal apparatus 1. Absence or atresia of lacrimal drainage apparatus 2. Amn iotocele 3. Fistulas of lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct 4. Waardenburg syndrome (lateral displacement of the medial canthi with lateral displacement of puncta and lengthening of the canaliculi 5. Obstruction of nasolacrimal drainage system B. Complications from diseases such as pemphigus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and lupus C. Dacryocystitis D. Distended canaliculi with obstruction, such as in Actinomyces israelii , papilloma or dacryolith E. Drugs such as: acyclovir, silver nitrate, triflourothymidine, neostigmine, fluorouracil, etc F. Punctal eversion G. Goltz syndrome 6 RED EYE, TEARING AND DISCHARGE I 6.3 Tearing EN H. Inadequacy of physiologic lacrimal pump I. Traumatic J. K. 2. 3. determine the level of obstruction in patients witt canalicular stenosis B. differentiate an upper from lower nasolacrimal du:system obstruction C. dilate a stenotic canalicular system D. dilate a stenotic punctum remove foreign bodies in the canaliculus A. lesions of the lacrimal drainage system Tumor obstruction Nasal disease 1. Sinusitis 2. Hypertrophic rhinitis REFERENCES 1. 6. Probing is most useful in tearing patients to: Roy, F. Ocular Differential Diagnosis, 8th Edition, Fep International, 2009 Adler FH, Hart WM (Ed), Adlers Physiology of theEye. Mosby 1992 Nesi FA, Levine MR, Lisman RD , Smith's Op- Plasctic and Reconstructive Surgery, Mosby, I SELF-TEST For questions 1-5 . What is the mechanism of tearing in the following conditions? Possible answers are A: increased production B:decreased drainage 1. canalicular transaction 2. facial nerve palsy 3. after cataract surgery 4. uveitis 5. trichiasis 7. Most common location of blockage in acquired NLDO is at: canaliculus 3. intraosseus portion of NLD C. punctum D. valve of Hassner valve of Rosenmuller 8. Definitive management of patients with NLDO: A. atropine eye drops 8 botulinum toxin injection C. probing and irrigation a stewed antibiotic eyedrops E. surgery 77_ 'f Test on page 222. 7.1 Strabismus Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd INTRODUCTION Ocular motility problems are among the common ccnditions die medical students will encounter in the out-patient din' A clear understanding of the anatomy and pnysiolcqf ollribbasaibbdar muscles. knowledge and skills in history taking and physical examination of patients with motility proolenmaimillasbibmiedge of the chnical manifestations of these conditions will help the student in his interactions with the pains& OBJECTIVES After going though this material, the s7udent iscootiedbx 1. Enumerate the extraocular inuscies,lkeirmigin, is 2. Given an extraocular musde. identify Ns springs:. antagonist and yoke. 3. Given a patient with ocular croft problerok be able to eictracca relevant medical history, and be able to perform a innenabon. and actions_ complete ocular examination. irrickams basic moollity examination (extraocular muscle movement, corneal light reflex test and cover tests) 4. - Discuss the most common 'estations and principles of management. CONTENT L. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES and action of extraocular muscles 1. Osigin. insect:on, ,enervation Motor physiology A. Sherrington's law of reciprocal innervations • ^g's law II. BINOCULAR VISION Ill. A hi BLYOPIA IV. STRABISMUS 3n of strabismus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Types of strabismus: Examination of the patient Common types of strabismus Systemic illness associated with strabismus Psychosocial impact of strabismus Principles of management of a strabismic patient I. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES The extraocular muscle is a specialized form of skeletal muscle with several fiber types. At one extreme is a slow tonic type resistant to fatigue and active in holding gaze straight ahead. At the other extreme is a muscle type adapted for participation in extreme gaze. The high ratio of nerve fibers to eye mus = fibers (1:3 to 1:5) allows for more accurate control of muss movement compared to other skeletal muscles. The ratio ir other skeletal muscles ranges from 1:50 to 1:125. only 15° to 20° -from primary position before head Occurs. movement Walk 1 summarizes the origin, insertion, actions and innervation of the extraocular muscles. MOTOR PHYSIOLOGY A. AXES OF FICK, CENTER OF ROTATION, LISTING'S PLANE AND MEDIAN PLANE The axes of Fick are X, Y and Z. (Figure 1). The X axis is a transverse sods passing through the center of the eye at the civatior;volutary vertica I rotations of the eye occur at this axis. ORIGIN, INSERTION, INNERVATION AND Z axis is a vertical axis; voluntary horizontal movements ACTION OF EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES occur at this axis_ Listing's equatorial plane passes through the center of rotation and includes the X and Z axis. The Y There are six extraocular muscles controlling eye movement axis 6 perpendicular to Listing's plane; involuntary torsional the four recti muscles and the two obliques. The lateral rnowernerts occur at this axis. rectus muscle is innervated by the abducens nerve (CN the superior oblique by the trochlear nerve (CN IV) and the remaining muscles by the oculomotor nerve (CN Ill). The primary position of the eye is defined as being that when the eye is directed straight ahead with the head also straight The primary action of a muscle is the major effect on the position of the eye when the muscle contracts while the eye is in primary position. The secondary and tertiary actions are additional effects on the position of the eye in primary position. The eye can usually be moved about 50'in each direction from the primary position. Ordinarily however, the eyes move Rom 1_ .des Table 1. Extraocularmusdes -- - Origin Wow Medial rectus Insertion Annulus of Zinn 5.5 mm from medial limbus Annulus of Zinn 6.9 mm from lateral limbus Annulus of Zinn 7.7 mm from superior limbus Drre=,- ction from any Position Innervation Cranial Nerve (MR) Lateral rectus (LR) Superior rectus (SR) Inferior rectus (IR) Annulus of Zinn 6.5 mm from inferior limbus Superior oblique (SO) Orbit apex above Annulus of Zinn (functional origin at trochlea) Posterior equator at superotemporal quadrant Inferior oblique (10) Behind lacrimal fossa Posterior to the equator in infero-temporal quadrant Atilictan :1 Depression Extorsion Adduction 51Z 51* Torsion Depression Abduction E rc III aton Lbduction The median plane is a sagittal plane passing antero-posteriorly through the body, bissecting the head into symmetric parts. Table 3. Agonists with Their Respective Synergists and Antagonists B. POSITIONS OF GAZES 1. 2. 3. 4. the agonist. Table 3 shows the agonists with their respective synergists and antagonists. Primary position - straight ahead Secondary positions - straight up, straight down, right gaze, left gaze Tertiary positions - four oblique positions of gazes: up and right, up and left, down and right, down and left Cardinal positions - Right and left plus the tertiary positions (up and right, up and left, down and right, down and left) Medial Rectus Superior rectus Inferior rectus Inferior oblique for obriclue tenor oblique Inferior rectus 'Abla Superior oblique gliOr oblique Superior rectus Inferior oblique Mer:.a rectus Table 2. Action of Extraocular lAusoles From The Primary Pawky Medial rectus Superior rectus Inferior rectus C. PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND TERTIARY ACTIONS When the eye is in primary position, the horizontal purely horizontal movers along the Z axis and have only a primary action. The vertical recti have a direction of pull that is primarily vertical. However, the angle of pull from to insertion is 23° inclined to the visual axis, giving ftorsion and adduction. The obliques are incli-ed visual axis, giving rise to torsion as their prima- . some vertical and horizontal rotations as we Table 2 - actions of the extraocular muscles. Lateral rectus Superior oblique nie-or 'ectus Inferior oblique rectus Superior rectus Superior rectus Superior oblique Lateral rectus Inferior rectus Sherrington's law of reciprocal innervation states that an _ and contraction of a given extraocular musde accor-- aniedbya reciprocal decrease in innervation — action of its antagonist. For example, as the right eye —edial rectus receives increased innervation = -: a:e - ai rectus receives decreased innervation. Vessions (Conjugate binocular eye movements ) Medial rectus Lateral rectus Abduction Yoke muscles are two muscles (one in each eye) that are Superior RecL.s E Inferior rectus Depression . of their respective eyes in a given direction of gaze For example, as the eyes move to the left gaze, the right medial rectus and the left lateral rectus are simultaneously innervated and contracted. Superior Oblique Inferior Oblique cc Euclidean:10r :- Excycioductkn Eresancr D. EYE MOVEMENTS Each extraocular muscle in one eye has a yoke muscle in the other eye. Figures 2 and 3 show the six cardinal positions of gaze and the yoke muscles whose primary actions are in that 1. Monocular eye movements (Ductless) field of gaze. Ductions are monocular rotations of the eye. Adduction is movement of the eye nasally, vihie abduction is movement of the eye temporally. Elevation is upward totation of the eye. depression is downward movement of the eft. Incydoduction (intorsion) is nasal rotation of the superior portion of the vertical corneal meridian. Excydoduction (extorsion) is temporal rotation of the superior portion of the vertical L R corneal meridian. An agonist is the primary muscle that is moving the eye in a given direction. The synergist is the muscle in the same eye as the agonist that acts with the agonist to produce the same movement. The antagonist is the muscle in the same Figure 2. Cardinal Positions of Gaze and Yoke Muscles eye as the agonist that acts in the direction opposite to that of 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE I RSR LIO RLR LMR RIR LSO Sup Recti & Inf Obliques RIO PRIMARY POSITION RMR I nf Rect & Sup Obliques RSO LSR LLR LIR Figure 3. Cardinal Positions of Gazes And Yoke Muscles Hering's law states that equal and simultaneous innervation flows to the yoke muscles concerned in the desired direction of gaze. Ordinarily, a patient with a weak muscle in one eye will use the contralateral eye to fixate. If he will be forced to fixate using the eye with the weak muscle, the increased innervation needed to maintain that eye at the center will be transmitted to the yoke muscle, causing increased amount of deviation in the normal nonfixating eye. II. BINOCULAR VISION The eyes are spaced 50 to 65 mm apart. The slightly different image originating from each eye is fused in the brain as a stereoscopic image. Each eye must be directed simultaneously to the same object. The visual axis is an imaginary line that connects an object in space with the fovea. In a person with normal ocular, sensory and motor systems, the visual line in each eye intersects at the object in space and there is binocular fixation. If visual lines are not directed at the same fixation point, fixation is by one eye only. Normal development of stereoscopic vision requires binocular, simultaneous use of each fovea during the critical time that occurs early in life. III. AMBLYOPIA Andijapia is a condition in which there is a unilateral or bilateral decrease in visual acuity that is not fully attributable to organic claim abnormalities. Table 4 shows the diagnostic criteria for amblyopia.' It is usually caused by opacities in the media. high refractive errors, anisometropia (difference in refractive errors of the 2 eyes) or ocular misalignment or strabismus during visual immaturity' (Table 5). Amblyopia is a risk factor for the development of strabismus and reduction of binocularity, and strabismus is a risk factor for the development of amblyopia. is diagnosed and properly treated, The earlier an the better the chance of visual acuity recovery. However, all children should be considered for treatment regardless of age.' Amblyopia usually results in lifelong visual loss if it is untreated or insufficiently treated in early childhood. The prognosis for attaining and maintaining essentially normal vision in an amblyopic eye depends on many factors, including the age of the patient at diagnosis, the cause and severity of amblyopia, the history of previous treatment, the duration of amblyopia, and compliance with treatment. There are two principles in treating amblyopia. The first is to present a dear retinal image to the amblyopic eye by eliminating causes of visual deprivation (e.g. cataract, ptosis) and correcting visually significant refractive errors. The second principle is to make the child use the amblyopic eye by patching the better eye, or in mild to moderate amblyopia, by penalization with atropine eye drops.' TYPES OF STRABISMUS: Table 4. Diagnostic Criteria For Amblyopia' 11•111111111111r"' FindieMPOW - Unilateral Amblyopia Fixation preference Unequal fixation behavior Preferential looking 2-octave difference* Best corrected visual acuity 2-line interocular difference 4 U A. According to direction of deviation: . Horizontal - esodeviation, exooe\ 2. Vertical - hyperdeviation, hypodeviation 3. Torsional - excyclodeviation, incyclodeviation B.According to age of onset: Congenital, infantile - documented prior to age 6 Bilateral Amblyopia Best corrected visual acuity *2-octave difference is a 4-card difference in the set of Tee 4:41r." Cards, which is equivalent to multiplying or dividing the visual arse by 4 months Acquired 2. Vision less than 20/40 ear" eye C According to fusion status (whether the deviation can be controlled by fusion mechanism) Phoria - latent deviation, controlled by fusion mechanism so that under binocular condition, the Table 5. Causes of Amblyopia minvompepr- triple Refractive Myopia Hyperopia Astigmatism Visual Deprivation Strabismus Bilateral Amblyopia eyes remain aligned. MEI 2.00 D - 2.50 C difference. dece- : 1.50 D - 2.50 C difference. deQemci-r:. 2.00D-2 50 D differerce _>:e-6n; 7 NA fmacro Ptos is c eTiturp.kie catarac4. 2. 3 not present. D. gaze or fixating eye. Exam* AMMON E. Myopia 3 X 2 - X 2 3...e.1.11-ig :r 33e Hyperopia SS_:- Astigmatism 2:c2-312 3erie-bric r aoe. 733e Bilateral ptosis Sewell! Diet Bilateral corneal 7trartarternit =153 2rir1:C. opacities MESSES 111101207C sr Scaadc. aulasorral dominant. era -a.-iassve I ncom itant - deviation varies with direction of gaze or fixating eye. Most incomitant strabismus is paralytic. According to fixation 1. Alternating - There is spontaneous alternation of fixation from one eye to the other and there is no 2. Visual Deprivation Bilateral cataract According to variation of deviation with gaze position or fixating eye 1. Comitant - deviation does not vary with direction of 2. Es::-:_cc-xra *Nice-me Refractive Intermittent phoria or tropia - fusion control present part of the time Tropia - manifest deviation in which fusion control is preference for one eye for fixation. Monocular - There is preference for fixation with one eye. EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT A. Historytaking: information should be obtained about the following 1. Chief complaint DEFINITION OF STRABISMUS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Strabismus means ocular misalignment of whatever cause. When the eyes are not aligned or are "dissociated': strabismus 9. 10. Age of onset - document onset with photographs Direction of deviation Constant or intermittent Alternating fixation or monocular fixation Magnitude of deviation Associated eye complaints - diplopia, blurring of vision Antecedent or concurring illness - seizures , diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease Trauma Previous consultation, treatment - patching, glasses, surgery Maternal and birth history - maternal infection, prematurity Developmental history Family history Bilateral hemorrhage IV. STRABISMUS is present. Orthophoria refers to the ideal condition of ocular balance, so eyes are aligned in all directions of gazes at all distances even after occluding one eye. 11. 12. 13. 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 1 7.1 Strabismus 103 B. Ocular examination 3. 1. Visual acuity Children often pose a difficult assessment problem. Various tests are available for visual acuity determination (Table 6). The method of evaluating visual acuity varies according to the child's age and level of cooperation. For verbal and cooperative children, charts using tumbling E or pictures can be used. The child's fixation pattern will give a clue as to the comparative vision of the two eyes. For example, a strabismic child who can alternate fixation in his two eyes will probably have equal visual acuity. Another strabismic child who prefers one eye to fixate probably has a better vision in that eye compared to the fellow eye. Tests for ocular alignment A. Corneal light reflex test (Hirschberg method) (Figure 4) a. Ask the patient to sit facing you with head straight and eyes directed in primary gaze. b. Hold a penlight in front of the patient's eyes at a distance of about 2 ft, directing the light between the patient's two eyes. Instruct the patient to look directly at the light. c. Compare the position of the light reflex and record the estimated degrees of deviation. lit3ORTHOPHORIA Table 6. Visual acuity testing in children 150 ESOTROPIA Pre-verbal children (less than 24 months) Clinical methods ability to follow moving target. presence or absence of fixation preference. presence or absence of nystagmus 300 ESOTROPIA CSM I central. steady and maintained Preferential looking techniques (Teller acuity cards) Verbal children ( 3-5 years) Lea symbols (shapes) from 36 months of age. Literate children Snelier, chaos (letters or numbers) 2. Ocular motility examinations The following clinical protocol may be used to assess ocular movements: a. b. c. d. 450 ESOTROPIA HOTV chart (four-letter shapes), tumbling E chart Sit facing the patient. Hold your finger or a small fixation target 10-14 inches in front of the patient, with the patient in primary position (straight ahead). Ask the patient to follow target as you move it into the six cardinal positions. When examining down gaze, elevate upper eyelid with a finger of your free hand. Note whether the amplitude of eye movements is normal or abnormal in both eyes. Rate amplitude for all fields of gaze by considering normal amplitudes as 100%, and rate lesser amplitudes accordingly. To record relative over or underaction, designate normal as 0, that is, no over or underactions are present. Use 4 to designate maximum over or underaction. Underactions are rated -1 to -4 while overactions are rated +1 to +4. Note any nystagmus and if present record its direction and amplitude in specific field of gaze. Figure 4 :7-'63 Light Reflex (Hirschberg method) B. Prism Test ( Krimsky Test) (Figure 5) Was test is usually performed in patients unable to -- er with both eyes because of poor vision in one in uncooperative patients. a b. c. Ask the patient to fixate on a light. Place increasing amount of prism on the straight eye until the corneal reflex on the deviating eye is centered. In patients with incomitant or paralytic deviations, it is preferred to place the prism in front of the deviating eye. C Cover tests The validity of a cover test depends upon the patient's ability to maintain constant fixation on an accommodative target. Each eye must be able to move adequately when fixating. The coveruncover test is done to establish the presence of either a manifest deviation (heterotropia) or a latent deviation (heterophoria). The alternate tests are then performed to measure the deviation. C. 1. Cover-uncover test a. Ask the p =nt to look at a distance fixation. The examiner should be seated slightly to the side of midline, facing the patient and at an arm's length to the patient 4. Ophthalmoscopy .:onormalities '--7..4 us i- c—d be noted such as abnormal cp: z = 3: maz... ar lesions, macular displacement, macular ass or scar and retinopathy of prematurity. 5. Refraction a"-it to kroe, '-= refractive state of the patient aCycloplegia, the state in = 37 3 - 7 accommodation is - -?.'-action in children. it has a rapid onset procsuces _ 7 3. 7 •oximates the effect of with a shorter duration of = 7:: _a atropine may be necessary r_ ,5g a. COMMON TYPES OF STRABISMUS A. COMITANT STRABISMUS T. Figure 5. Krimsky Prism Test b. c. d. e. g. Cover the fixating eye wit— 3- 3=44.0e, ar'!I your hand and observe the =ler movement. Note its direction_ tr Uncover the eye and allow al a.>: 3 sec, both eyes to be uncove-ed =c-senie its tilos 4:Ir Cover the other eye any movement arc After about one second, xii..„• 7.-te observe it for any mmemere.. Repeat the test fix near using a neer '783.-.or point. cat_ents -ear Repeat the eyeglasses. if C. 2. Alternate cover test ,prism and cover test) at a a. With the - 7-3 distance" .Y 7 2: from one e,e t.allowing any periodd ".." 7 should be seated siright 7: 7- 7 facing the patient and at ar a -- 3 patient b. Place a trial prism over one eye - 7 - ng to shift the cower from one etit 7: 7. --E other_ Orient the prism apex . : 7 - 7.- 'ection of the deviation_ Choose the st-e of the initial prism to approximate t-e aeviation estimated by the Hirschbera's test c. Continue to place pris— i := c - 2 .:-. ,assiyely higher power unt ^ o me :ted in either eye (neutraliza: d. Esotropia or Infantile Esotropia nwaro aeviation of the eye usually -c or up to 6 months of age. The constant (Figure 6). Cross fixation ,5oceAation is t z :irfart. 1.5es rioht eye to look at left visual field and left eye : may be present. There may be over . 7ueS (Figure 7), causing elevation a_-:..c.-2 =IE.-action is usually appropriate for the =If 3--E-ss than +2.0 D). Non-alternating esotropia can ::: 3, Aside from the esodeviation, the patient is _ -3se normal. The child is best treated with surgery 5.3 months. 2. Refractive Accommodative Esotropia accommodative esotropia usually starts at age 2 ;ears. The child has a significant hyperopia (+3.00 to +10.00 diopters). In order to see clearly, he accommodates. Accommodation is however accompanied by convergence of the eyes. Esodeviation is moderate in magnitude approximately 30 prisms diopters. Convex or plus lenses are prescribed to correct the hyperopia (Figure 8). Constant nonalternating accommodative esotropia can cause amblyopia and should be treated. Patient should have regular cycloplegic refraction and spectacle lenses should be changed if needed. Figure 6. Congenital Esotropia, left eye Repeat tes: ;:' e3" 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT Or THE EYE 1 7.1 Strabismus lila Figure 7. Overacting inferior obliques. Elevation of the adducting eye. parent :a-- use either eye for fixation (Figure 9). Amblyopia wih intermittent exotropia and significant refractive errors should be prescribed spectacles. The decision to do surgery iiintermittent exotropia is based on patient's control of the esouppia. Treatment for constant exotropia is surgical. Figure 8. Accommodative Esotropia; (A) Esotropia of the right eye, (B) Eyes aligned with eyeglasses 3. Sensory Esotropia An esodeviation occurs in a patient with monocular or binocular condition that prevents good vision (e.g. corneal opacity, cataract, retinal scars, inflammation, tumors, optic neuropathy, anisometropia). Treatment consists of the following: attempt to correct the cause of the poor vision, full cycloplegic refraction, muscle surgery to correct the deviation. 4. Intermittent Exotropia Exotropia is an outward deviation of the eye. It usually starts out as intermittent and becomes manifest when patient is fatigued, sleepy or inattentive. The patient closes one eye when exposed to bright sunlight. The frequency and the duration of deviation may increase as the patient grows older. The exotropia can later become constant. Usually, the Figure 9. (A) Left eye fixating, (B) Right eye 5. Sensory Exotropia seewell for any reason may turn outward. An e E._-nent of sensory exotropia are the same as Princip e. - ei-.' that of sensory esouopia. B. INCOMITANT STRABISMUS. 1. Paralytic Strabismus There is limitation of action of the involved muscle. The deviation is bigger when the involved eye is fixating and in the direction of action of involved muscle. Lateral rectus is the most frec _ involved muscle as a result of abducens nerve palsy. The should have a neurologic and systemic evaluation to any underlying cause. Patients may have diabetes me or hypertension. 2. Strabismic Syndromes Motility disorders may demonstrate typical feature of a paroailar syndrome. Examples are Duane syndrome, Brown syndicate, Mobius syndrome and congenital fibrosis syndrome Duane syndrome (Figure 10) is a congenital mcf.Tity disadec usually unilateral, characterized by limited abduc-. ar Imaged adduction or both. The globe may retract and e may narrow on adduction. There may also be .:1downshooting of the eye. There may be a face 7_-7- -17 -patient to use both eyes together. Muscle correct significant face turn or a significa — gaze. Brown syndrome is caused by restriction of 7" -7...tendon sheath, limiting elevation in acc_.7. in abduction. It may be congenital or acquinillieviiiessiciltas trauma or systemic inflammatory comic,: - Congenital fibrosis syndrome is a demo, eone or more extraocular musdes williasixamaapice7 fibrous tissue muscle fibers with SYSTEMIC ILLNESS ASSOCIATED WITH STRABISMUS Right Gaze mote prescribed to aleviate If strabismus persists, surgery may be done during the otiescent phase of the disease. Diabetes meatus metaboric ease involving small vessels and causina widespread damage to tissues, including the eyes. Patents — E. - 77- -77 777_7e onset diplopia due to infarction of a aanial nerd a-c S C*1an extraocular muscle. The attducens 'ectus are most often Aimed ithe =Jammu nerve . c ved, the pupil is usually vend Recovery of oaten - ;unction usually happens sdiiiirs6rnanthr. Patching of one eye or use of prisms can relieve the dolma& Muscle surgery may be necessary if the deviation oersigH s beyond six tar Rtn. C- Illyasdieria ' gravis littiastrene grans a cnaracterized by abnormal fatigability of miliedumusides which improves after rest. Presenting complaints ands and diplopia from involvement of one or more _ should be evaluated and treated by D. Pieurcriogic conditions Cereolowasaaar disoroers arc INS space occupying lesions may nusas one °fele c nical presentations. PSYCHOSOCIAL IMPACT OF STRABISMUS Mobius syndrome is caused by a combir nerve palsies, producing mask-lice 66E' sometimes accompanied by adduction A. Thyroid disease Grave's ophthaimpa .the extraocular muse: orbital connective tiss.. orbital ophthalmoplegia are some of the dinical findings. Limitation of elevation because of inferior rectus restriction is the most common motility finding. Patients complain of diplopia that is most serge r upgaze The thymid disease should be treated. Prisms 'ectng - Js and — os and is may result in a negative impact on a child's self- image. • can cause embarrassment in children especially when they are was associated with significantly - eased by their peers. Strabismus orse general health-related quality of life in preschool children.' w Studies on the impact of strabismus have been conducted in both children and adults. By means of simulation photographs, strabismus was found to play a significant role in the selection of playmates by children', influencing decisions on inviting children to a party and in partner selection by adults.' Adults with strabismus may also suffer from discrimination in seeking employment A study among Swiss headhunters Primary Gaze Figure 10 T._ Left Gaze 3n 7 in both eyes. There is DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 1 7.1 Strabismus 147 showed that in Switzerland strabismic persons are perceived less favourably by a potential employer, and therefore have more difficulties in finding a job 8 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT OF A STRABISMIC PATIENT AIMS OF STRABISMUS TREATMENT: 1.Good vision 2. Binocularity 3. Good alignment 1.Enhance vision. Patients should be prescribed spectacles for significant refractive errors. If present, treat amblyopia by patching the better eye. An alternative to patching in certain types of patients may be instilling atropine eye drops to the better eye. 2. Manipulation of accommodation. Esodeviations are treated with anti-accommodative therapy (plus lenses for hyperopia) and exodeviations by stimulating accommodation (overcorrect myopia and under correct hyperopia). 3.Prisms. Incorporation of prisms in spectacles may be useful in patients with acute onset of strabismus and diplopia and those with small deviations. 4. Surgery. Muscles are chosen depending on the type and amount of deviation in the various directions of gaze. Recession is a muscle weakening procedure whereby a muscle is detached from the eye, freed from its fascial attachments and then sutured to the eye at a measured distance from the original insertion (Figure 11). A muscle is strengthened by resection, a shortening procedure. A measured amount is cut from the muscle which is then sutured back to its original insertion site (Figure 12). SUMMARY Under normal binocular viewing conditions, the eyes are aligned and the image of the object of regard falls simultaneously on the fovea of the two eyes. One of the eyes may be misaligned (strabismus), so that only one eye at a time viewsthe object of regard. Constant strabismus at an early age can Result amblyopia. In addition, any condition which can resuk rl pooreision can lead to strabismus. It is important that a physician is able to detect strabismus at an early age so that early teatimes can be instituted. Early treatment improves a patient% domes for good vision, binocularity and good alignment.. Iliimoveledge of anatomy and physiology and skills in exam maps! cif the extraocular muscles as well as skill in history takingisfa motility patient are important in diagnosing and treat-csorabSmus patients. REFERENCES 1. American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthainology/Strabismus Panel. Preferred Practice Parrern•Guideines.Amblyopia. San Francisco, CA: American Academy cif Ophthalmology; 2007. Figure 11. Muscle recession PPP2. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. Randomized trial of treatment ciamblyopia in children aged 7 to 17 years. Arch Ophthalknol X05;123:437-47. 3. The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, A Randomized TiW of Atropine vs Patching for Treatment of Moderate Panblyopia in Children, Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;1 20.268-2781 4. Wen, G. McKean-Cowl', R., Varma, R. on behalf of the Muki-ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study Group. General Heatt-Related Quality of Life in Preschool Children withStrabismus or Amblyopia, Ophthalmology 2011;11 8:574-580- 5. Johns HA, Manny RE, Fern KD, Hu YS. The effect of 5. Prism measurement of exotropia is done with the strabismus on a young child's selection of a playmate. prism's base oriented Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2005;25:400 -7. A. in 6. Mojon-Azzi SM , Kunz,A, Mojon DS, Strabismus and B. out discrimination in children: are children with strabismus C up invited to fewer birthday parties? Br J Ophthalmol 2011; D 95:473-476. 7. Mojon-Azzi SM, Potnik W, Mojon DS. Opinions of dating 6. When the angle of deviation is equal in different directions of gaze the strabismus is agents about strabismic subjects' ability to find a partner. Br J Ophthalmol 2008;92:765-9. -8. Mojon-AzziSMandMojonDSStrabismusandemploymetr-. the opinion of headhunters Acta Ophthalmol. 2004 .784-788. 9. Riordan-Eva, P, Whitcher, J. Vaughan and Asbury Gene. x After removing the cover in one eye, the recently Ophthalmology. Lange Medical Books : New York, Empowered eye moved outward. The patient is 10. Wilson, F.F. ed. Practical Ophthalmology. 1996. Maar- = = __ : : - : American Academy of Ophthalmology. SELF -TEST 1. The agonist in elevating the left eyes A. left lateral rectus B. left superior rectus C. left superior oblique D. right inferior oblique 2. The superior division of the oc... the superior rectus and A. superior oblique B. inferior oblique C. orbicularis oculi D. levator palpebrae 3. 4. This test will disting u is , A. cover uncover tei: B. alternate cover test C. prism cover test D. modified Krimsky test es & Accommodative esotropia is best treated 9_ When doing the corneal light reflex test, and the light falls at the center of the pupil, the eye is -.E.h„ zotropic a hypertropic E aligned B.. C • .: Example of incomitont is A. congenital es :-• B. intermittent =.-. C. accomm:::?.D. lateral recs pa 1 0. Choose the correct statement about exotropia. -,termittent exotropia resolve spontaneously as the B. C. child grows older. Exotropia is best treated with spectacle correction. Intermittent exotropes close one eye on exposure to bright sunlight. D. Intermittent exotropes usually have amblyopia. Answers to Self-Test on page 222. 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE I 7.1 Strabismus 149 7.2 Proptosis Prospero Ma. C. Tuario, MD INTRODUCTION In the real clinical setting there are several ways that the eye wil exhibit a disturbance prompting the patient to seek consultation. One of them is proptosis or a bulging eye.This self-instructional material is designed to guide the student in evaluating a patient with proptosis. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit of instruction, the medal silkier( snood be able to recognize a bulging eyeball and explain the reasons for its presence. Specifically, he should be abletoc 1. recall the relevant anatomy of the adult human orbit 2. define proptosis 3. 4. 5. recognize a bulging eye differentiate between a true proptosis and pseudoproptosis evaluate the bulging eye in terms of measurement, direction. and dynamics 6. 7. enumerate the common orbital disorders among adult discuss the various clinical examinations that are utilized in the evaluation of proptosis CONTENT I. Anatomy of the adult orbit II. Proptosis 1. Direction of proptosis 2. Measurement of proptosis 3. Dynamics of proptosis 4. Clinical evaluation of proptosis 5. Ancillary examinations III. Orbital disorders patients I. ANATOMY OF THE The globe is located in the anterior portion of the orbit such that lesions surrounding the globe will necessarily disturb the position of the globe. Anterior displacement of the globe, either axial or off-axis is the most common result of lesions in the orbit It is possible, though quite infrequent, for orbital lesions to retract the position of the globe. ADULT ORBIT A knowledge of the anatomy of the bony orbit and its contents is essential in order to gain a firm understanding of a bulging eye. The bony walls define the limits of the orbital volume. Within this space is found not only the globe The normal position of the globe in the orbit is marked by a but also its supporting structures including nerves, blood fine &awn from the superior to the inferior orbital margin. The vessels, glandular tissue and connective tissue, all of which straight fine theoretically lies tangential to the most anterior are potential origins of neoplastic growth and inflammatory portion of the globe, namely the cornea. This position may reactions. The bony walls are surrounded by the brain, sinuses vary within 10 mm anterior or posterior to this line (Figure 2). 3 and soft tissues of the face. Lesions from these structures may extend and become secondary sources of pathology in the orbit. Any disturbance of these structures can influence t`= eventual displacement of the globe. The orbit is described as a 4-sided bony cavity Ic sides of the nose. It serves as a socket for the passage for nerves and blood vessels which supply and the periocular adnexa. The orbit is shaped Be a r whose orbital margin serves as the base and the optict: as the apex. The globe, occupying one -fifth of the volume, appears 'connected- to the orbita nerve before the nerve enters the optic c ;schematic diagram of the adult orbit viewe the roof removed.' Figure 2. Normal position of the globe in the socket II. PROPTOSIS Proptosis is the hallmark of orbital diseases. While there are obviously other manifestations of orbital diseases, such as visual loss and diplopia, it is the protrusion of the eyeball that is most unique to the orbit and most striking to the clinician (Figure 3A). Figure 1.Asche-3: Stewart B and Goi::erg RA.' --- - --- J, The orbital cavity is tightly sunounded by bony walls on four sides. The medial walls are parallel to one another and are separated by the ethmoid sinuses~~(a width of 25 cm). The lateral walls, which have the same length as the medial walls (around 4.0 — 45 cm), are directed laterally and outwards, subtending an angle of 45° (Figure 1, aqua arrow) from the medial walls or the median sagittal plane (green arrow). Interestingly, a hypothetical posterior extension of both lateral walls makes them perpendicular to each other. The orbit also exhibits a lateral and outwards and downwards direction, approximately 22.5° (Figure 1, red arrow) from the medial sagittal plane, simulating the same direction of the optic The forward displacement of the globe is also termed exophthalmos. Most physicians use these two terms interchangeably, but some prefer to reserve the term exophthalmos for the description of prominent eyes secondary to endocrine disorders, such as thyroid-related eye disease (Figure 3B). Proptosis may be real or apparent. On the initial encounter with a patient with a bulging eye, the first concern of the clinician is to determine whether the prominence of the globe is a true proptosis or a pseudoproptosis. nerve. 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE I 7.2 Proptosis First, lid changes may lead to asymmetry of the lids. Quite often, the presence of a unilateral lid retraction in thyroid eye disease may give the impression of an ipsilateral proptosis (Figure 5A). On the other hand, a long-standing unilateral lid drooping in Horner's syndrome may present a contralateral lid retraction (and apparent proptosis) through the principle o Hering's law. Figure 3. Proptosis (A) secondary to a mass in the orbit, (B) secondary to thyroid eye disease Ram i Pstragroposis as seen in (A) a patient with unilateral lid milleclik Ma pollen pith Crouzon's Disease PSEUDOPROPTOSIS There are four general eye conditions that may manifest as pseudoproptosis (Figure 4). One may be able to eliminate the possibilities through the help of an accurate history and ocular examination, documentation of a previous ocular trauma or inflammation, explicit information regarding past medical histories and treatments, as well as imaging studies. Secondly. a huge globe may be misinterpreted as a proptosedetc_Itisfrequently observed among high myopes (near-sighted persons) and among pediatric patients with congenital 9auoorna_ Awareness of the spectacle history and/or perfooming refraction may detect the presence of mr: --clatter displays a huge globe or a longer axial Pseudoproptoses Lid fissure asymmetry alINSIMIIIIIMMII=C • Unilateral lid retraction • Contralateral Homer's syndrome Globe size asymmetry Coreraimal enophittairms Shallow orbit I Enlarged globe • High myopes • Congenital glaucoma Small globe • Unilateral microphthalmos • Phlhisisbulbi Old blow-out fracture Scirrhous adeno CA of the breast, kings rx stomach Figure 4. Differential diagnosis of pseudoproptosis. Adapted from Laws ER Jr.' Craniosynostosis diameter with an axial diameter > 24.0 mm. An elevated intraocular pressure in an "expandable" pediatric eyeball, as in congenital glaucoma, may likewise lead to an enlarged globe. On the other hand, the presence of an abnormally small globe (microphthalmos) in one side may give the impression of a prominent contralateral eye. Table 2. Classification of orbital tumors Primary Cystic Vascatar (tumors/anomalies) Mesenchymal (adipose/ fibrous/ osseous/ cartilaginous/ myxomatous) Ez Thirdly, a normal-sized but retracted globe (enophthalmos) may put on the appearance of a prominent contral&e -a. These conditions are caused by an old blow-out fraz:_ -e : a metastatic tumor to the orbit from a primary scirrho_ adenocarcinoma of the breast, lungs or stomach respective. intraocular Extraocular (lids) From adjacent non-ocular structures Nasopharynx/ paranasal sinuses/ cranium Metastatic Lastly, a shallow orbit causes a normal-sized globe to This is exhibited in a craniosynostosis syndrome _ Crouzon's disease (Figure 5B).The characteristic'_ as well as imaging studies are able to identify the air,:— diseases wal orbital manifestations Hematopoietic Histiocytosis Phacomatosis TRUE PROPTOSIS The causes of true proptosis may be simply cavegtiviaed iltb inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of die obi. (Table 1) The inflammatory causes are furthersabdabledirao infectious (e.g. orbital cellulitis) and non-ifeamitasa Noninfectious inflammation, thyroid eye &seam is (Mika as specific because there is an etiology apipendedseisbdeajair. namely a disturbance of the immune soon le Me Ovoid disease and the extraocular muscles. The abler to is idiopathic and non-specific because & any causal agent. s al (lacrimal gland) adjacent ocular structures The various entities that affect the orbit may appear Ovisivdselmig but a systematic evaluation procedure which includes an orbital as well as an ocular examination may nawow down the possibilities further. The following orbital evakiation is initiated to determine the etiology of the pep osier It describes the direction, measurement as well as die dynamics and clinical behavior of the proptosis. DIRECTION Table 1. Classification of orbital cleseasei Infectious Orbital cellidis Non-infectious Soesic Congenital kiwag of me time a discussion on proptosis is readily presumed to be an axial displacement of the globe in the anterior direction. This is not always the case. Because orbital lesions are varied in location within the orbital cavity, the globe may be pushed towards an off-axial direction. The direction of the proptosed globe is predicated on the knowledge of the four surgical spaces within the orbit (Figure 6). Tumors Trauma 0 - Central space • - Tenon's space • - Peripheral space O - Subperiosteal space The orbital tumors are further cassias rep primary, secondary and systemic diseases with (Aid mankstatiOns (Table 2). 6 Primary tumors may original* from am tissue noun,* found within the orbit (blood vessel nerve% connedive liSSUeS and glandular tissues). The secondary tiNTIOIS wise from structures outside the Orbit 'AfliCb include metastasis from distant primary neoplasms. Systemic diseases. like leukerria and histiocytosis, may present in the orbit simultaneously or eventually reach the orbit anytime during the course of the disease. Certain diseases like lymphoma may appear initially in the orbit much earlier before making their presence detected elsewhere unless they are totally eradicated on initial Tenon's capsule Lateral rectus treatment. Figure 6. Surgical spaces of the orbit 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 1 7.2 Proatcs s Egg 1. 2. central surgical space or muscle cone — space within the four recti muscles peripheral surgical space — bound by the four recti 1. A WYROwiri 111111111 muscles and the periorbita by the 3. Tenon's space — a potential space bound 4. Figure 8. Luedde Exophthalmometer Tenon's capsule and the outer coat of the eye the subperiosteal space- a potential space bound by periorbita and the bony orbital walls Figure 7 shows a proptosis that is off-axis. The globe is displaced forward, slightly medially and downward-The orbital mass is located opposite the direction of the proptosis. The mass must be located superiorly, laterally and posteriorly and outside the muscle cone. Clinical deduction tells us further that the orbital mass is a lacrimal gland fossa lesion, most fielly a tumor derived from the lacrimal gland. Other examples of orbital pathology in relation to direction of globe displacement are presented in Table 3.' Figure 9. Hertel Exopthalmometer two eyes.The Luedde and Hertel exophtalometers both utilize as the bases of measurement the most anterior part of the cornea and the lateral orbital margin. The examiner stands in front of the patient and places the instrument on the lateral orbital margin_The image of the cornea is reflected on a mirror on the instrument Above this mirror is a millimeter ruler used to measure forward globe displacement (Figure 10). Figure 7. Patient with Lacrimal gland tumor Table 3. Orbital lesions based on the direction of globe displacement Axial Non-axial Enlarged extraocular muscles Mass in central surgical space Optic nerve tumor Lacrimal gland fossa tumor Mucocoele from sinuses Subperiosteal abscess Sphenoid wing tumor (meningioma) MEASUREMENT An exophthalmometer is used to quantify the amount of proptosis. There are several types. A Luedde exophthalmometer (Figure 8) is similar to a millimeter ruler. It measures the globe position individually. The clinician stands at the side of the patient, places the recessed end of the instrument on the lateral orbital margin and measures the displacement of the globe by reading the millimeter markings on the instrument. The procedure is repeated on the opposite eye. .--,,,s,..rement of proptosis using the Hertel exopthalmometer A novel instrument that measures not only the anterior displacement but also the vertical position of the globe is the Naugle exophthalmometer (Figure 11). It has vertical fixation bars that are rested on the superior and inferior orbital rims rather than the lateral orbital rim. It is useful for patients with irregular or absent lateral orbital rims resulting from maxillofacial trauma. 8 The more common instrument used is the Hertel exophthalmometer (Figure9). Unlikethe previous instrument, it measures the displacement of the two globes simultaneously and thus facilitates the comparison of proptosis between the Figure 11. Naugle exoophthalmometer. From Karcioglu In order to determine the presence of a proptosis clinically without the benefit of an exophthalmometer, the examiner stands behind a seated patient and looks over the head of the patient. From this position behind the patient the examiner lifts both upper lids. The examiner observes and compares from above the head of the patient the degree of protrusion of either cornea (Figure 12). RESILIENCY It is normal to be able to retrodisplace the globe by applying your thumb over the eyeball (Figure 13). In the absence of any orbital pathology, one can easily push the eyeball posteriorly because of the compressibility of the orbital tissues such as orbital fat In the presence of a solid retrobulbar lesion. the globe is prevented from being pushed backward tovsards the orbit This is reported as negative resiliency. It is more practical to push the globes simultaneously in order to Whose comparison of the two orbits. Figure 12. A clinical method to detect the presence o' p xecs-s The normal exophthalmometry values amc - = = - 7. r measured and compared with Caucasians (Table Mare orbtstliuttii is the asymmetry between the left and right important than the actual measurement A dikeremue et nue than 2 mm between the two sides is considered Want - Table 4. Normal exophthalmometry values Aver. No Measurement Filipinos Caucasians 13.5 16.0 a DYNAMICS OF PROPTOSIS In evaluating the dynamics ofproci-:-._. are considered: 1. resiliency 2. intermittency 3. clinical behavior / pulsating por-c,...1.., 4. duration 5. clinical course "K":21-5 Form 13. tr ae r. 7 . r ?obe ireenninent proptosis refers to varying degrees of eye probusicxi as a function of change in the immediate eriviionment ofthe patient A stimulus may be internal such as a systemic infection; or external, like a change in head posture or positionlhe proptosis is noted to increase in size followed bya spontaneous resolution after the stimulus is removed. The proptosis in a child with capillary hemangioma may increase noticeably fast when he is crying but resolves soon after (Figure 14). Another instance is an adult patient with a mix or abnormally expansile venous channels. The proptosis esacerbates when he bends forward into a prone position or strains during a Valsatva maneuver. Information regarding these features may provide valuable hints in the identification of the orbital chsordec They ai eventually narrow down the choices in the Memorial diagnosis and provide a working impression from which a pbri of work-up and management shall commence. Rgure 14. Cambric hemarigioma 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 1 7.2 Proptosis Figure 15. Lymphangioma in a 10 year old child (A) shows the child upon initial consultation with a proptosed right globe with extensive conjunctival chemosis, (B) shows spontaneous resolution after two weeks, (C) shows complete resolution of proptosis and periorbital swelling. Adopted from Wilson ME, Parker PL and Chavis RM.1° Certain vascular tumors, like a lymphangioma, may produce a sudden exaggerated eye protrusion in the presence of an upper respiratory tract infection. This expansion is caused by increased vascularity in the tumor followed by bleeding within the lymph channels of the tumor, leading to the formation of "chocolate cysts". The lymphangioma is expected to resolve spontaneously within a few months of conservative management (Figure 15). DURATION Duration of the orbital disorder is important in the clinician's formulation of differential diagnoses. It may be described as acute, chronic or subacute. An acute onset is accompanied by a short history prior to consultation. It implies a rapidlyevolving disease entity like a malignancy or an inflammatory condition such as an orbital inflammatory disorder or an orbital cellulitis (Figure 17). CLINICAL BEHAVIOR / PULSATING PROPTOSIS Pulsating proptosis, characterized by rhythmic pulsations of the globe, may occur in cases of carotico-cavernous fistulas of high-flow quality. An abnormal communication between the cavernous sinus and the intracavernous part of the internal carotid develops several months after a head trauma. "Arterialization" of the venous channels of the orbit ensue and the globe exhibits dilated and tortuous cork-screw-like episcleral vessels (Figure 16). Pulsating proptosis may also be exhibited by congenital bony defects in the orbital roof of patients with orbital neurofibromatosis. The pulsations reflect the same cadence as the peripheral arterial pulsations. Figure 17. Orbital cellulitis On the other hand, a chronic condition spanning years of clinical history before clinical consultation may allude to the possibility of a benign tumor. The most common primary benign tumors of the orbit include a cavernous hemangioma and a pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland. There are subacute orbital conditions that are neither acute nor chronic. These include orbital disorders like dysthyroid orbitopathy, lymphomas and some metastatic carcinomas. They have an insidious presentation prior to a more rapid progression in the later stages of the disease. Figure 16. Arterio-venous fistula with dilated & tortous episcleral veins (corkscrew vessels) CLINICAL COURSE The clinical course describes the growth characteristics of the tumor. It also provides information on the rate and direction of evolution of the mass from the time it is first noted by the patient up to the time when the clinician starts to observe the disease process. The clinical course may be described as slowly progressive, rapidly evolving, almost stationary or at times On the other hand, there are tumors which may spontaneously regress. A capillary hemangioma grows rapidly during the first year of life, then stops and continues regressing until the early teens (Figure 20)_ spontaneously regressing. Many benign orbital tumors, such as cavernous hemangior-,a (Figure 18) and pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gianc are slowly progressive. Some benign tumors, like optic nerve sheath meningiomas and optic nerve gliomas, may stationary or at the very least, are slowly progressive inowle111. Fie 2e moues of a female child with capillary hemangioma from the tine teas detected at 6 months of age up to 10 years old. There are lc es= t-nicaled by the white arrows) one on the left upper lid and ate term Ire scalp. The regressing size of the lesion on the left upper C 5 VINMI as te patient grows older. CUNKAL EVALUATION Figure18. 56-year old male viih a imortima -erwripoinait dm* um noted 17 years prior b ileac ccnsulatria. Most malignant tumors, like thabCtr-teCsar--Irea 3- 104 cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland yes hawri; a short duration of history of less than a "east. A faster and more explosive course of rapid progiession. 'Flat a steel& 6 seen in orbital cellulitis. Occasionally. the berms clinical course of thyroid eye disease may proceed ttu IGNOC r1101:40515 after radioactive iodine therapy or surgital thponeCtorny. in as these conditions, the sudden resultant mouse can damage the integrity of the cornea Mime The patient with a true proptosis undergoes a thorough dnical evaluation. Utilizing the same routine eye examination appied to any eye patient, certain special considerations are emphasized For instance, in the gross examination, there is focused on lid and conjunctival changes. and/or lid lag are almost pathognomonic of particular attention Lid retraction thyrOid-related eye disease (Figure 21). Pupillary reaction is also doubly appraised because of optic nerve dysfunction secondary to compression by a tumor or enlarged extraocular muscles. 11It Figure 19. 19 year old female ctiagnosedw i alluse toxic goiter Her rapid proptosis of less than one month duration has resumed n severe bilateral lagophthalmos and intunous exposure Manges b the cornea Figure 21. Bilateral lid retraction in thyroid eye disease 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE 17.2 Proptosis gag Venography and arteriography have remained part of the history of orbital radiography. They are still both useful but limited in use for particular diseases with vascular dynamics. For instance, the management of carotico-cavernous fistulas demands the localization of the fistula through selective angiography before embolization treatment can be planned. Other non-radiographic tests are available to augment the information already derived from the previous examinations. They are essential in identifying the disease process so that the proper management can be instituted. In some cases, they may be used to monitor the progress of the disease in order to achieve proper timing of intervention. sk. Figure 22. Auscultation of the orbit A novel maneuver such as auscultation over the periorbital areas of a proptosed eye may reveal conditions such as arteriovenous fistulas. In such cases, bruits may be heard by the examiner (Figure 22). In addition, delicate palpation of the same area may actually reveal rhythmic pulsation CLINICAL METHODS OF ORBITAL DIAGNOSIS 1. Gross Examination 2. Palpation 3. 4. Auscultation Routine Eye Exam 5. 6. 7. Color vision Cranial nerve function Systemic examination iio and conjunctival abnormalities pulsation, resiliency, anteriorly-located mass Vision, extraocular muscles, intraocular pressure, ophthalmoscopy pupil, corneal reflexes RADIOGRAPHIC METHODS OF ORBITAL EXAMINATION 1. 2. 3. 5. Venography Arteriography Plain film Computerized tomography (CT scan) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Radiography is an essential tool among orbital patients. There is an absolute need to visualize the concealed structures of the orbital cavity. The usefulness of radiography was not evident with the first available machines for plain X-ray film because only the bony walls were readily seen. The advent of computerized tomography revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of orbital diseases because it was able to view and distinguish the soft tissues within the orbit. Further enhancement of the visualization was achieved with magnetic resonance imaging which offered a discriminating picture of the orbital apex. Plain radiography has been relegated to detection of bony abnormalities such as fractures and bony growths. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5_ Ocular ultrasonography Visual field examination — for optic nerve evaluation in thyroid eye disease, arteriovenous fistula, and optic nerve tumors Electrophysiology — for optic nerve evaluation Laboratory exams — thyroid function tests Tissue biopsy III. INCIDENCE OF ORBITAL DISORDERS After a thorough clinical evaluation using the present and past history, an orbital and ocular examination, and relevant radiographic and laboratory examinations, there is still room for epidemiological data in order to narrow further the diagnosis of the orbital disorder. Depending on which institution conducts the survey, certain orbital diseases stand out. Local efforts by different authors spanning four decades have revealed the predominance of certain tumors like dermoid cysts, lacrimal gland tumors and angiomatous new growths. The frequency of tumors is explained by the fact that these studies were conducted on histologically-proven specimens. 11,12 A more recent survey compiled all the available clinical records in the Orbit Section of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in the Philippine General Hospital. The usefulness of the following epidemiologic data is depicted in the occurrence of orbital disorders in certain ages. The differential diagnoses of pediatric and adult patients do not share many diseases in common. (Table 5) shows that the overall most common orbital diseases are inflammatory in nature, specifically thyroid eye disease. 13 In children less than 12 years old, vascular tumors, such as capillary hemangioma, are more commonly encountered 14 Table 5. Incidence of Orbital Disorders by Age Group" (arranged in decreasing order) 1111 11111.1b7dren (<12 years • Thyroid eye disease • Orbital inflammatory disease • Secondary tumors (from the paranasal sinuses • Vascular tumors (cavernous hemangioma) • Lacrimal gland tumors • Neural tumors (meningioma) • Systemic disease with orbital manifestations (orbital lymphoma) • Cystic tumors • Vascular tumors (capillary hemangioma) • Cystic tumors (dermoid cysts • Orbital infections (orbital cellulitis) • Systemic disease with orbital manifestations (leukemia) • Trauma • Rhabdomyosarcoma • Neural tumors (opt< new glioma) • Orbital inflammatory Jsease SUMMARY Proptosis is an ocular complaint and manifestation occurs rather infrequently in comparison with ot*-ie, correrion complaints such as headache, redness and biaTirg of vision. Despite its relative rarity, the complaint mint be evaluated because it is peculiarly an orbital commicAant. Ike most important value of learning the flange and behavior of proptosis is the knowledge that this manifestation cormanaes its own share of problems to the well-being of theeye There is difficulty in identifying the lesion because it ernes behind the eyeball where it is InratisiditetD mane eye examination. As such, the clinician needs 1D COndila not anily the routine eye examination but also cdrer recominended steps in a systematic evaluation of the tedlgingepe It is important to determine if the peopiosis is red ix not The differential diagnoses of pseudopiopsomis include unilateral myopia, lid fissure asymmetry and oontodaterafenopluhaimos, True proptosis, should undergo further dried evaluation, ' or clinical namely, measurement, direction and dynamics behavior. In general, the clinical considerations indude lesions that are inflammatory or non-fir_ Clinical examination is folosved bg the use of ancillary procedures such as CT scan or MN of the skull and orbit_ Other laboratory eluminatinns indude visual field tests, biopsy procedures on accessible tumors. ultrasonography. e I ectrophysiology and selective carotid cinigiugaphy. REFERENCES 1. 2. Rootman J, Stewart B, Goldberg RA. Orbital Surgery a Conceptual Approach. Philadelphia: Lippincott — Raven. 1995 p79. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Basic and Clinical Science Course Sec 7 Orbit, Eyelids and Laaimal System, 2003. 3. Zuckerman J. Diagnostic Examination of the Eye. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott. 2nd edition 1964 p73. 4. Laws, ER Jr. (ed). The Diagnosis and Management of Orbital Tumors. New York: Futura Publishing Co.1988, pp153155_ 5_ Jones IS and Jakobiec, FA (eds). Diseases of the Orbit. Maryland: Harper & Row, 1979. Chap 12. 6. Hogan MJ, Zimmerman LE (eds). Ophthalmic Pathology an Atlas and Textbook. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co 2nd edition 1962. pp739-40. 7_ Nerad JA, Krachmer JH (eds). Ocuplastic Surgery The Requisites in Ophthalmology. St. Louis Missouri: Mosby. 2001, p 355. Karcioglu ZA (ed). Orbital Tumors Diagnosis and Treatment. New York: Springer Science + Business Media Inc, 2005, pp 51-60. 3_ Fajardo RV, Aquino MV. Exophthalmometric measurements among Filipinos, Philipp.lofSurg Specialties 22:1967. Kt Wilson ME, Parker PL, Chavis RM. Conservative managementof childhood orbital lymphangiomas. Ophthalmology ,1989; 96:484-90. IL Lim GD. Symposium: unilateral exophthalmos ophthalmologic aspects. Trans Phil Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 3:0P-5, 1973. 12 Vergara M. I ntraorbital tumors. MD Journal, 10:811, 1961 13_ Tuano PC, Remulla HD. A survey of orbital diseases in the UP-PGH Department of Ophthalmology 1991 (unpublished). 14. Sy RT, Remulla HD, Tuano PC. A review of 75 cases of orbital tumors in children at the orbit clinic, Philippine General Hospital from 1980-1991. Transactions Department of Ophthalmology UP College of Medicine 2:1 December 1994 pp 66-74. SELF-TEST 1. The bony orbit is directed forwards and A. laterally and upwards B. laterally and downwards C. medially and upwards D. medially and downwards 2. The volume of the orbit is: A. 30 cc B. 35 cc C 40 cc D. 50cc 3. In which bone does the lacrimal gland fossa lie? A. trontal B. lacrimal C. maxillary D. zygomatic 7 DEVIATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF THE EYE I 2 Proptosis 159 4. The normal range of exophthalmometry measurements among Filipinos is: A. B. C. D. 9.0 - 14.5 mm 10.0 - 19.5 rnm the same as Caucasians still unknown / unreported 9. A globe with negative resiliency and positive intermittency may indicate the presence in the orbit of: A. lymphangioma B. orbital floor fracture C. inflammatory pseudotumor D. cavernous hemangioma 5. One of the landmarks in measuring proptosis using the Hertels exophthalmometer is the A. bridge of the nose B. lateral orbital rim C. pupil D. lateral canthus 10. One suspects a lacrimal gland tumor if the globe is proptosed forward, A. powrivvaras and medially B. upwards and medially C. downwards and laterally D. upwards and laterally 6. Pseudoproptosis is evident in the following situation: A. ipsilateral Horner's syndrome 11. A vascular orbital tumor which spontaneously stops growing and even regresses is exemplified by a: A. cavernous hemangioma B. capillary hemangioma C. lymphangioma D. varix B. pseudotumor C. axial myopia D. elevated intracranial pressure 7. Acute proptosis (rapidly-progressive proptosis) of the globe is noted in the following, EXCEPT: A. cavernous hemangioma B. thyroid-related eye disease C. inflammatory pseudotumor D. rhabdomyosarcoma 8. A proptosis which increases after a Valsalva maneuver is probably due to: A. a cavernous hemangioma B. a capillary hemangioma C. a thyroid eye disease D. an inflammatory pseudotumor 160 Self-Instructional Materials in Ophthalmology I 2nd Edition 12. CT scan of the orbit is most needed in a: A. proptosis with positive resiliency B. proptosis with unexplained ophthalmoplegia C. proptosis accompanied by palpable lid masses D. exophthalmometry difference of 2.0 mm Answers to Self-Test on page 222. 8.1 Retinobla oma Rolando Enrique D. Domingo, MD INTRODUCTION This self instructional material is designed to pry. 3e neisegicarisINOrmar. oirenliev. of the life threatening eye disease known as retinoblastoma. Although it provides basic informil.suldsammillositiisalso meant to encourage the student to further reading. Knowledge acquired from this material+iil i paclioe as ad as further training in Ophthalmology. OBJECTIVES After reading and understanding this 1. Identify through history taking and dues, signs and symptoms leading to a diagnosis of retinoblastoma. 2. Recognize and differentiate zxstlikinvilildimerpesentimiti signs and symptoms similar to retinoblastoma. 3. Develop an appropriate sense atimiliiiiramarficedivih a patient potentially suffering from retinoblastoma. 4. Enumerate the therapeutic -reditisawilablirma patient with retinoblastoma. CONTENT I. BACKGROUND III. HISTORY Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignancy of childhood. Its incidence is approximately 1:18000 live births'; however some series have reported an increased incidence in the last few decades. There is no known sexual or racial predilection. In non-Caucasian populations wherein uveal melanomas are rare, retinoblastoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in all age groups. In a child suspected to have retinoblastoma it is important to ask about the birth and maternal history. Factors such as preterm birth, birth weight, family history of metabolic disorders, childhood blindness and early death are important. Occasionally, a complete history is enough to rule in or rule out retinoblastoma. In our country with a very high birth rate, it is logical to expect many new cases annually. Local tumor registries in Manila and Rizal show an incidence of 7.7-8.9 (1983-1995) per million children aged 0-14 years.' In the tertiary referral center setting of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) around 80-100 new patients are seen every year. Studies have shown that the number of retinoblastoma cases in PGH increased from 40/100,000 new eye case per year (1%7-1977) to 237/100,000 new eye cases per year (1997-2001).3 II. GENETICS The development of retinoblastoma can be traced to mutations on chromosome 13. The retinoblastoma gene (RB gene) is one of the best-studied genes in the human genome. It is a tumor suppressor gene whose presence (even of a single allele) protects against the development of the tumor. Most cases of retinoblastoma are sporadic mutations. This means that one single retina cell suffers a mutation on one allele of the RB gene, then after some time suffers another mutation on the remaining allele. The loss of the tumor suppression from both alleles then allows that particular cell to multiply uncontrollably (Knudson's Two Hit Hypothesis).' In around 30% of cases, the condition is heritable. In this instance the child inherits a normal chromosome 13 from one parent and a mutated chromosome 13 from the affected parent.Therefore, all the retina cells (in fact, all cells in the body) have one mutation at birth. Retinal cells are very metabolically active and are constantly exposed to light energy and in most instances these children will develop a second mutation in one or more retina cells producing retinoblastoma. Although the average age for the diagnosis of retinoblastoma is 18 months, patients with sporadic mutations develop tumors later (mean age at diagnosis 24 months5) because two hits are needed on a single cell. Sporadic cases are unilateral. Children with the heritable variety are diagnosed earlier at a mean age of 12 months, because only a second hit is needed after birth and all retinal cells are at risk. These cases are usually bilateral with multiple tumors on both eyes. Clinically, heritable retinoblastoma behaves as an autosomal dominant trait with marked penetrance. Retinoblastoma is very rarely seen after the age of six. The most common presenting symptom of retinoblastoma is leukocoria (white pupil) also called cat's eye reflex or"matang pusa", in Filipino. This is seen in two thirds of retinoblastoma patients with intraocular tumors (Figure 1). Figure 1. Leukocoria in the right eye of a child with retinoblastoma If the tumor is located in the posterior part of the retina then the leukocoria may be constant. However, if it is located in the periphery, the cat's eye reflex might be seen only on certain directions of gaze. Retinoblastoma may occasionally present as strabismus, inflammation or mimic infection. Sometimes tumor cells seed into the anterior chamber and settle inferiorly giving the appearance of pus (hypopion) .When the tumor grows it may cause glaucoma and, later, buphthalmos or enlargement of the eye. Advanced tumors that grow beyond the confines of the globe (extraocular extension) may present with exophthalmos and an orbital mass6 (Figure 2). At this stage, intracranial extension via the optic nerve and hematogenous metastasis become more likely. IV. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A complete ocular and physical exam on a child suspected to have retinoblastoma is imperative. Unilateral visual loss usually goes unnoticed and must be tested in a child. Gross examination will usually show a white pupil. Great care must be taken to ascertain the cause of the leukocoria, as this may be caused by opacities in the cornea, lens or vitreous other than a tumor. A dilated ocular funduscopy will show a yellow, white or pink mass. Indirect ophthalmoscopy gives more panoramic and three dimensional views (Figure 3) compared with a hand held direct ophthalmoscope examination. V. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS There are several conditions that may present with leukocoria other than retinoblastoma7. A white pupil may be due to a comeal scar or opacity in the lens such as a developmental catarac (Figure 4) Cataracts may be congenital or may develop grows. A careful examination is usually ide- -.he lens as the cause of the white reflex. Awe Figure 2. Re: extraocurir earscr A firm eye and one that is larger than the fellicvi erealesgsof an enlarging tumor. An extraocular tumor. andle the gas appearance of exophthalmos might also vest* in emmocular muscle restriction and extraocular movement &soden. In these cases a systemic and neurologic evahmtiOn &the diikl should be done to detect signs of metastase. :..e:e -act presenting with leukocoria. ^ollogies posterior to the lens may also cause a cat's may be more difficult to differentiate A condition commonly mistaken for nobly _ s retinopathy of prematurity or ROP. In atIvrrec = = 7 - e retina may become detached, disorganized : • --= ke structure causing leukocoria. A history of Pine- 7 ._•=5, than 28 weeks gestation and birth weight less S- •= and/or a stormy clinical neonatal course will point the an in the right direction.8 Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) is another condition which mimics retinoblastoma. The leukocoria s : -went at birth and the affected eye is usually smaller -:halmia). There is a fibrous plaque behind the lens through a stalk to the optic disc. This is an anomaly ccogenesis which is otherwise benign. off e Coats 7: ease manifests as telangiectatic changes in the of c- ::ren_ The blood vessels leak and cause subretinal -E..aation, retinal detachment and scarring. Although patients 7.h Coats' Disease can present with leukocoria, particularly if e 7 - affected portion of the retina is large enough, a distinct retinal mass would not be seen on funduscopy. These patients are also usually older than those affected with retinoblastoma. Other more unusual diseases such as retinal dysplasia, parasitic endophthalmitis and tuberculosis may present with signs and symptoms suggestive of retinoblastoma. In all cases the need for a good history and thorough physical examination can never be overemphasized. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I C.1 Retinoblastoma 163 VI. ANCILLARY TESTS Although a complete ophthalmologic exam including indirect ophthalmoscopy leads to an accurate diagnosis of retinoblastoma in the great majority of patients, ancillary tests might be useful in the few equivocal cases. An ocular ultrasound (B scan) is readily available in most eye centers and can easily demonstrate the presence of a distinct mass (Figure 5) in cases where there is doubt especially if there is an opacity in the cornea or lens occluding the view. It should be noted that even with a thorough expert examination and after performing diagnostic procedures in many cases making a definitive clinical diagnosis of retinoblastoma may still be difficult. Foreign studies show that 10-20% of eyes enucleated for suspected retinoblastoma turn out to be pseudoretinoblastomas. In the local setting, a review done at the UP-NIH Institute of Ophthalmology revealed that 8% of submitted eyeballs with a clinical diagnosis of retinoblastoma turned out to be other benign lesions.' These were blind, leukocoric eyes in young children with a suspicious intraocular mass wherein it was more prudent to remove the eye instead of risk the possibility of leaving a malignant tumor untreated. VII. MANAGEMENT Once a patient is diagnosed with retinoblastoma the situation must be treated as urgent. Visual loss is a very serious consideration but the threat to life is of utmost importance because untreated retinoblastoma is almost uniformly fatal. Figure 5. Ultrasound photo showing a solid mass at the center. By far, the most useful ancillary procedure in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma is a CT scan.9 One particular characteristic of retinoblastoma is that calcification is seen in more than 90% of tumors and the CT scan easily demonstrates this (Figure 6). On the other hand, all other childhood eye pathologies very rarely calcify before the age of seven. Therefore, a child less than six years old with an intraocular mass showing calcifications on CT scan is almost certainly suffering from retinoblastoma. The most important objective of treatment is to save the child's life. The secondary aim is to preserve as much vision as possible without increasing the risk for metastasis. The tertiary goal is to make the patient's cosmetic appearance as near normal as possible to minimize any negative psychological impact the condition might have on a growing child. The management of retinoblastoma is performed by a team primarily consisting of an ophthalmologist, a pediatrician and a radiologist. Small and medium sized tumors (Figure 7) may be successfully treated using conservative eye sparing methods. A deadly characteristic of retinoblastoma is its propensity to invade the optic nerve, and in the advanced stage spread directly into the brain.The CT scan is also useful in documenting this and guides the physicians in treatment planning. Figure 7. Regressed small sized intraocular retinoblastoma after laser treatment The small tumors may be treated with laser, thermotherapy, brachytherapy or cryotherapy depending on the size and location. Medium sized tumors may be treated with chemotherapy combined with the previously mentioned modalities. External radiation therapy is also sometimes used, either alone or in combination, to save an eye with retinoblastoma." Figure 6. CT scan showing intraocular tumors with calcification. Larger tumors occupying more than half of the eye and with no hope for vision are enucleated. It is imperative for enucler_ez: eyes to undergo histopathologic examination to look for sigrs of extraocular spread. Tumors with extraocular extensicr have higher rates of metastasis and result in worse pica-cs Extraocular extension is an indication for chemothe---__D. operatively. In recent years there has been a focus on the uses -et:adjuvant chemotherapy to prevent recurrence in enucleation patients with intraocular retinoblastoma strwing high risk histopathologic characteristics. These factor_ rtzu3e invasion of the scleral coat, post laminar optic nerve r"..-cr and massive choroidal involvement.12 Patients with large tumors involving the orbit have rite sicrg prognosis. They are treated with chemotherapy anc —foe extensive surgery.The newer chemotherapeutic chrLr_.5 s-c".as the platinum compounds are increasing the survika -ems of these patients. Medical therapy may be done in ccr-oraelor, with radiation treatment. Retinoblastoma patients must be closely follow,: sgins of recurrence or development of new turno-s -lentabe cases are especially at risk and have been reportec 3E'setIC drier malignancies in later life.'3 Genetic courseirc b adkaed families planning to have more children is as;. -mewl SUMMARY Retinoblastoma is a life threatening eye dose r ditties that usually presents as leukocoria_ It is imper-arc e-leran a high index of suspicion and differentiae t flaw tub conditions at the first consult. A =wine lislay and physical examination combined vitt the digit legs ad lead to an accurate diagnosis necessary 1c treatment. Delay in diagnosis and only loss of vision but, more irrtn7- 3_ RB, De Jesus AA, Valera EC, Mercado, GV, - piiidemiological pattern of retinoblastoma at the Philippine General Hospital. Philipp J Ophthalmol , 2004; 29:136-139. Mclean IW. Retinoblastomas, Retinocytomas, and Pseudoretinoblastomas. In: Ophthalmic Pathology an Atlas are Textbook. Spencer WH, editor. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders. 4th edition. 333-1336. Our , Devron . Clinical Ocular Oncology. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone Inc. 1989. lac Lean IW, Burnier MN, Zimmerman LE, Jakobiec FA. AVM of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa. Washington, DC: Mned Forces Institute of Pathology. 1993. 103-105. Chua CT, Lim MC, Seah LL, et al. Pseudoretinoblastoma in enudeated eyes of Asian patients. Singapore Med J 2006; 47:617-620. Kama P, Muttineni J, Angell L, Karmaus W. Retinopathy of pematurity and risk factors: a prospective cohort study. &ICPediarr 2005; 5: 18. 9. thosh 5, Mukhopdhyay S, Chattopahyay D, Biswas K. Diagnostic accuracy in retinoblastoma. J Indian Med Assoc 2010; 108: 509, 512-513. 110 Valenzuela RM, Domingo RED, Ranche, JM, Manganip LE. A review of retinoblastoma cases at a tertiary hospital. Philipp J Opthalmol 2010; 35. http://www.paojournal. oorn/vol35no1/toc.php . Access date: July 24, 2011. 11_ Lumbroso-Le Rouic L, Aerts I, et al. Conservative treatments of intraocular retinoblastoma. Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 1405-1410. 12. Uusitalo MS, Van Quill KR, et al. Evaluation of chemoprophylaxis in patients with unilateral retinoblastoma with high-risk features on histopathologic examination. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119: 41-48. 13_ Draper GJ, Sanders BM, Kingston JE. Second primary neoplasms in patients with retinoblastoma. Br J Cancer 1986; 53: 661-671. SELF-TEST 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr. Allan Joseph L Larona cor 0140839111001s C Protects a child from retinoblastoma. D. Is a heritable defect that is passed on generations. REFERENCES 1. 2. Yanoff M and Fre BS_ Oadar Padriagy: A Color Atlas. Singapore: Gower Medical Publishing rd edition. 1992. 18.5 - 18.11. Ngelangel CA and Wang EHM, Cancer and the Philippine Cancer Control Program. Jpn J Gin Oncol 2002; 32 (supplement 1): S52-561. The presence of the retinoblastoma gene: A. Causes the development of retinoblastoma. B. Increases the risk of development of secondary tumors in later life. 2. to future Unless proven otherwise, a child less than five years old presenting with leukocoria, should be considered a case of: Retinopathy of prematurity B. Retinoblastoma C Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous D. Congenital cataract SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.1 Retinoblastoma 165 3. In a child presenting with leukocoria which accompanying sign is the least associated with retinoblastoma: A. Congestion B. Exopthalmos 4. C. Exotropia D. Hypotonia A child born at 26 weeks age of gestation with a birth weight of 1.4 kg presents with bilateral leukocoria since 3 months of age. The most probable diagnosis is: A. Heritable retinoblastoma B. Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV) C. Retinopathy of Prematurity E. Coats'disease 5. A one year old child is brought to you for leukocoria What other finding would lead you to PHPV as a primary consideration: A. Bilaterality B. Microphthalmia C. Preterm birth D. Gestational infection 6. A 3 year old child with leukocoria is presented to you. On examination the cornea is hazy and the lens is opaque. What examination would be most helpful in definitive diagnosis of this patient? A. CBC and peripheral blood smear B. Ultrasound C. CT scan D. X-ray of skull and orbits 7. 166 A four year old child with left sided leukocoria and exotropia is diagnosed with retinoblastoma, the most likely treatment modality is: A. Laser treatment B. Chemotherapy C. Enucleation D. External beam radiation Se-Instructional Materials in Ophthalmology I 2nd Edition 8. Orbital recurrence and metastasis after enucleation is most likely if the histopathologic report shows: A. Poorly differentiated retinoblastoma cells. B. Tumor seeding in the anterior chamber with glaucoma. C. Massive invasion of the choroid. D. Invasion of the optic nerve beyond the margin of resection. 9. A six month old child underwent enucleation of the right eye for intraocular retinoblastoma. The other eye was normal on examination under anesthesia. On discharge you would advice the parents to: A. Not worry since the tumor was completely remove and no further follow up is needed. B. Bring the patient back for consultation if they nu recurrence at the post-enucleation socket. C. Bring the patient back every few months to check for tumors developing on the remaining eye. D. Consult the pediatric oncologist for post op chemotherapy. 10. A man who survived bilateral retinoblastoma marries and the couple decides to have children. Your advise to them would be: A. Not to worry because the chance of having children with retinoblastoma is very small. B. Bring their children to the doctor once they see leukocoria or other signs of retinoblastoma. C. Do routine CT scans on their children every six months. D. Take their future children to be seen by an ophthalmologist the soonest time possible after birth. Answers to Self-Test on page 222. 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases Romulo N. Aguilar, MD, PhD Teresita R. Castillo, MD, MHPEd INTRODUCTION This self-instructional material is designed to he.: systemic diseases. It aims to emphasize the earn key concepts regarding eye manifestations of common rrrnary care physicians in preventing visual loss by appropri te recognition, treatment and referral to the ot÷t^,a, Many systemic conditions can present :- —ar---festations. Certain ocular signs and symptoms may sig dira gathered from an eye examination can provide the clinic' presence of serious underlying systemic disc - t.. with clues that may help in the diagnosis ar• —a-zi3e—ert-oitile underlying systemic disease. While some ocular findings may be non-specific, certain findings ma) be presence of one or more diseases. OBJECTIVES 5-c4.40.7. De able cr Upon completion of this unit of the following -c ccaarlyeai sys,emic diseases, specifically those associated with 1. To recognize charac-:ef,s, conditions Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension HIV/AIDS Thyroid Disease Tuberculosis • • • • • 2. To learn the bas`_ 2.--Ictifes of management of the above conditions 3. To determine \.%nen 3compliarlberier a patient to an ophthalmologist for consultation or treatment. CONTENT Diabetes mellitus II. Hypertension Ill. Acquired human immune deficiency syndrome IV. Thyroid eye disease V. Tuberculosis Anterior segment: tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, vitamin A deficiency, drug or heavy metal toxicity, immune-mediated diseases, metabolic diseases The eye can provide clues to the diagnosis of many systemic diseases because significant effects of these various conditions may manifest in the eye. The initial diagnosis of a number of systemic diseases may therefore be made in the course of performing a comprehensive ophthalmic examination. Lens: metabolic conditions (diabetes), steroid toxicity, Apert syndrome, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Wilson disease, homocystinuria Evaluation of the ocular fundus is particularly important in the evaluation of systemic disease since it is the only region in the body where one can directly visualize manifestations of macro and microvascular pathology. Nevertheless. various components of the comprehensive eye examination may help identify existing systemic disease.' For example • Posterior segment: diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, infectious diseases (e.g., acquired tuberculosis, syndrome, immunodeficiency toxoplasmosis), primary or metastatic tumors, drug toxicity (ex., hydroxychloroquine, tamoxifen), cerebrovascular disease, hematologic disorders, brain tumors External examination: orbital tumor, thyroid eye disease, acquired immune deficiency syndrome. tuberculosis Pupillary function, ocular alignment and motility: neurological disorders (e.g., myasthenia gravis, central nervous system defects, multiple sclerosis, optic nerve disorders, brain tumors), thyroid eye disease An outline of some of the more significant diseases, along with their ocular presentation, is summarized in Table 1. A review of the important ocular pathology seen in some systemic diseases will subsequently be discussed. Visual fields by confrontation: tumors affecting the optic pathways Table 1. Overview of Ocular Manifestations of Common Systemic I> F System/Category Disease Endocrine Diabetes mellitus Thyroid eye disease Pituitary lesions Diabetic retinopathy Thyroid orbitopathy Field loss Cardiovascular Hypertension Retinal Emboli Hyperlipoproteinemia Marian Syndrome Endocarditis Hypertensive Retinopathy Retinal Vessel Occlusion Corneal Arcus/ Xanthelasma Lens Dislocation Roth Spots Rheumatology Rheumatoid Arthritis Scleritis Keratitis sicca Uveitis Keratitis sicca Anterior Uveitis Sjogrens Syndrome Seronegative Spondeloarthropathes Collagen Vascular Disease Juvenile Rheumatoid Artnntis Herpes zoster HIV, CMV Candidiasis Infections ITS3 rnif Ocular Manifestation Syphilis Uveitis. glaucoma Retinitis Endophthalmitis !ribs, Optic Neuritis, Ophthalmoplegia Malignancy Lymphoma Leukemia Metastases Infiltrate, uveitis Infiltrative retinitis C"oroidal mass Neurological Multiple sclerosis Giant cell arteritis Myasthenia gravis Optic neuritis. uveitis Ischemic optic neuropathy Diplopia ptosis Dermatological Acne rosacea Atopy ler::: !is oa!aract I rs 1 _1 .:cose is thought to damage retinal (and renal) -,ne following ways: I. DIABETES MELLITUS AND DIABETIC RETINOPATHY 1. 3f Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is associated with a complications. These include cataracts, extra-ocular muscle palsies (Cranial Nerves Ill, IV, VI), diabetic optic neuropathy. neurotrophic keratitis and diabetic retinopathy Among these. diabetic retinopathy is the most common and may lead to permanent loss of vision if not properly attended ta Based on the 2002 Third National Survey of Phippine Blindness', the overall prevalence of visual irnpairment was 4.62%, which roughly translates to 3,673.070 Ripinos The crude prevalence of bilateral blindness a—oing Filipinos was Whet inducted 0.58% or, about 461,121 Filipinos. Re: of tandness. diabetic retinopathy, was the 4th lea: following cataract, error of refraction 3 = 2: aUCOMel tr ',sad a iipines. prevalence of 0.11%, affecting about Also in 2002, the World Health Organization (10101egrnated that there were 37 million cases of blindness due to raying eye diseases.' Diabetic retinopathy was the 5' leading cause of blindness after cataract. glaucoma. age-relmed macular degeneration and corneal opacities and accourred for 4.8% or, roughlyl.8 million persons. The pooperion at blindness due to diabetic retinopathy rangedtfoom newly Air Africa, to 3-7% in much of South-East Asia whicii recce Philippines, and the Western Paw. to 5-17%c it* affluent regions of the Americas, Europe and the Pacific.' Studies have shown that at any one erne diabetic population will have diabetic rear p~ . time, 90% of diabetics will eventually &Nem tr€ 3. ca: . basement membrane thickening, ''ary pericytes and, brea.....:L...^; of the blood-retinal barrier. As a result of these processes (Figure 1), the blood vessels weaken and form saccular dilatations called microaneurysms rigor. 2), which can leak, resulting in hemorrhages (Figure 3) and exudates (Figures 4 and 5) in the retina. Vascular remodeling takes place resulting in capillary telangiectasie :3:led intraretinal microvascular abnormalities beading (Figures 6 and 7). Because ORIAAs a- 7 • age, vessels eventually close and cause of struct-L.- Lretina, usually manifested as cotton-wool ischemia of spots or patches (Figure 4). These ischemic areas are thought to produce a special growth chemical (vascular endothelial growth factor or VEGF) which is known to be responsible *x new blood vessel growth (Figure 8). When this occurs, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy develops. .41'Permeability *COW Oodala was t am= Capillary occlusal lAcmussaiar erdotelopolls avacee-matane Retnopathy Necuasadanzatoo — 1 *• 4=C-swam 8amassica lylc,ns7..iar Mammal ',soma= —> or-ogo Figure 1. ,:it'-k.Ayerriesiz, of Rehoopothy , ,:c Retinopathy --_ _ :- The prevalence of diabetic retinopaihy has bee.- bun:: ;2E related to the duration of the systemic condocr^: (Table 2) Table 2. Prevalence of Deter RelinapiftimildlinapDimios ri the Disease Duration 111111111111111111111111111111 to- 15 yrs 16-2C yrs 30+ yrs 1111111111111111Mml Figure 2. Microaneurysms are the earliest clinically visible changes of diabetic retinopathy. They are localized capillary dilatations which are usually saccular (round). They usually appear as small red dots in clusters although they may also be isolated (arrows). Although the likelihooc between Type I and Typ= apathy varies = T_s, :=_- - efaily, the risk of retinopathy increases with Dn c- --e disease. Almost 100% of Type I patients will dew. -etir c c athy after 15 years of diabetes. The more severe form of proliferative diabetic retinopathy does not appear at all until disease duration of at least 10 - 15 years.: 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 169 Eh Figure 3. Intraretinal Hemorrhages may be 'dot' or' blot' shaped (termed 'dot/blot hemorrhages: arrow) or flame shaped (arrow head) depending upon their depth within the retina. The capillary network in the posterior retina is found in two layers; a superficial one in the nerve fiber layer and a deeper one within the inner nuclear layer. Hemorrhage within the nerve fiber layer tends to be flame shaped. following the divergence of axons. In the inner layer. hemorrhage is aligned at right angles to the retinal surface and is consequently viewed end-on when using an ophthalmoscope; these hemorrhages appear dot or blot shaped. Figure 4. Cotton-wool spots are grayish-white patches of discoloration in the nerve fiber layer which have indistinct (fluffy) edges. They are the result of local ischemia which leads to disruption of axoplasmic flow. Figure 5. Hard exudates are distinct yellow-white intra-retinal deposits which can vary from small specks to large patches. They may evolve into rings known as circinates and form large confluent plaques. Hard exudates are composed of lipid deposits. In this respect, they are also considered "true exudates." Figure 6. Venous beading (arrow heads) is a sign of changes in the hemodynamic characteristics of blood flow among diabetics. (Image source: Oculus/EURODIAB.htm) Figure 7. (IRMA) Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities are areas of capillary telangiectasia or dilatation. They are often seen in severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. IRMAs can be mistaken for neovascularizations (NVEs) but, unlike NVEs, IRMAs are intra-retinal. (Image source: Oejenafdelingen/Oculus/EURODIAB.htm) Figure 8. from (A) the importance of or new vessel lorostor ar74.. 1 re 're ,ear-es -ore Wthemic. New blood vessels may arise so or, (B) else/bee it Pe mrire-. 3 re "mrri, --ese ..seks are fragile and bleed easily. hence the 'waive retitimpatry. Table 3 presents a summary of the various s--Laig -retinopathy and its hallmark characteristics. Awes show representative photograre's ci each stage Table 3. Class''c.a-:'- = Disease Stage -tatInary Cfaractie-&, Non proliferative Diabetic z. Mild Moderate thow-ers's Hard ex-cw1=4 1A3o-ter In —I a -e—cr—a3m Severe Figure 9. 'A r `c,r -oiirferative Dooetrc Reonopathy with microaneurysms. Ira--rers-rs ../..inceIntra-scra et A., da,=. - t.-J.2Sava:r Cr Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Neovasallarzator ,/ re lsc Tot•?:. meanest r retina Fbrora...Jar stia Tracsona Reim Deactrierc The primary goal in prevention of visual loss =, of diabetic retinopathy condition. Patients wit- deper (IDDM ,Type 1 diabetes r- 7-s be ophthalmologic COIISLP.. 7-* is of five yea• already. All patients Cis. csed tc nave non =c :ent diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes -re 7_: :.` be referred to an ophthalmologist at the time of 7 :7-, a• OSiS. Diabetic patients who complain of any vis..s should be referred immediately to an eye spec s =r ;:' proper evaluation. Pregnant women with history of should Figure 10. Moderate Non-proliferative Diabetic Retincoany with typical trims of multiple cotbn wool spot. had exudates and intra-relinai 11)1- likewise be referred to an eye specialist for proper monitoring of her ocular status for the duration of her pregnancy.° Foremost in the management of patients with any stage of diabetic retinopathy is strict blood sugar control."i° Management of the eye condition will depend on the stage of the retinopathy. Patients classified to have mild to moderate 8 SPECIAL TOPKS 1 82 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases Eig Figure 11. Severe Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy with multiple microaneurysms, soft exudates and diffuse intraretinal hemorrhages. Figure 14. Grid Laser Treatment sok Figure 12. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with new vessels (arrows) at the disc and retinal periphery. Figure 15. Focal Laser Treatment Fiume 13. runduo Photograph* with tthetherthndino Ph nrocroin Anrurv!ra — ti non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) should have regular fundus examination and fluorescein angiography6 (Figure 13). Grid or focal laser photocoagulation (Figures 14 and 15) should be considered for patients with severe NPDR and/or clinically significant macular edema (CSME)."32 Panretinal photocoagulation (Figures 16 and 17) is the treatment of choice for patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.13 Complications such as vitreous hemorrhage and traction retinal detachment (Figures 18 to 20) are managed by vitreoretinal surgery.14 I / Figure 16. Panretinal pholumagulation Fives 18. Vireos hemorrhage (arrows) can give rise to profound (11 aeon the macula is obscured. Only a small amount of bleeding espied since blood dissolved in the vitreous produces a haze effect WWI =pan vision (and ophthalmic assessment). Figure 17. Laser Saws seconds/ le iteerleellmet. Medical management of diabetic setincipattle consists of controlling the following risk, (1) blood SUgar interlSiVe glycemic control lowered the risk of peogiession of diabetic retinopathy to 17.1% from 49.29k" 0 blood pessuie tight control of blood pressure (<15&85 nm Hg) led to /educed risk of retinopathy progression's; (3) serum ipidT elevated levels of serum cholesterol was associated with increased severity of retinal hard exudates severity of hard exudates associated with decreased visual acuity'607 and, (4) anemia: there was an increased risk of high-risk PDR with decreasing hematocrit." Figure 19. Subhyaloid hemorrhage (arrows) refers to accumulation of *eels blood in areas of locaized detachment. Blood accumulates between the retina and the vi re= and is often described as boat-shaped. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases LW Figure 21. Macular Star - hard exudates at the fovea. Figure 20. Retinal fibrosis and a consequence of bleeding from tr'e -e... traction on the retina, consequent ret,a loss of vision. - . as - II. HYPERTENSION AND HYPERTENSIVE RETINOPATHY Systemic arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases worldwide. More than half of the population over 60 years has hypertension's. Based on the 2004 International Data base of the US Census Bureau'', there were an estimated 15.9 million people affected by hypertension in the Philippines (in a population of approximately 86 million). In addition, there may be another 4.8 million undiagnosed cases of hypertension in the Philippines.19 Arteriosclerosis occurs as a result of intimal layer hyalinization, medal layer hypertrophy and endothelial hyperplasia. this presents as focal narrowing and straightening of ine retinal arterial walls. Arteriovenous (AV) crossing changes occurs as the condition progresses.'s Gracing systems for hypertensive retinopathy have beer preserved by various authors. The Keith Wagener Barke (KWB) aassification26 was published in 1939 which classifies the condition into four stages (Table 4). Table 4. I i Wag en e r Barker Classification of Hypertensive Retinopathy CHARACTERISTICS Slight or modest narrowing of retinal arterioles, ..thAVratio>_ 1:2 The changes leading to primary systemic arterial hypertension is multifactorial.'s In the elderly, an increase in basal smooth muscle tone occurs as a result of sympathetic activity, renin-angiotensin overactivity, cell membrane changes and progressive architectural alterations in the vessel walls. Other factors which contribute to this are salt sensitivity, volume depletion and orthostasis.27.1s Both prevalence and incidence of retinal microvascular changes in hypertension varies widely from 2-15%.20-24 The ocular picture is directly related to status of retinal arteries and the rate of rise and degree of systemic blood pressure. Arterial sclerosis occurs in the normal aging population (involutional sclerosis) as well as in long standing hypertension.'s Retinal manifestations of hypertension include vascular constriction, leakage and arteriosclerosis.25'738 Vasoconstriction manifests as generalized or focal arteriolar narrowing.2,18,25 Leakage occurs due to abnormal vascular permeability and manifests as a variety of clinical signs: flameshaped hemorrhages, retinal edema, hard exudates and optic disc edema (in cases of malignant hypertension) 2'7 '8 The presence of hard exudates in Henle's layer of the fovea presents in a star-like configuration referred to as the"macular star"5.25 (Figure 21). Modest to severe narrowing of retinal arterioles (focal or generalized), with AV ratio < 1:2 or AV nicking Ill Above changes plus bilateral soft exudates or ame-shaped hemorrhages ly Above changes plus bilateral optic disc edema Scheie, in 1953, proposed a different grading system which incorporated changes due to arteriolar sclerosis." This is shown in Table 5 and Figures 22 to 24. Vision threatening complications of hypertension include the following (Figure 25): 1. 2. 3. 4. Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) Branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) Central / branch retinal artery occlusion (CRAO / BRAO) Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) Recent studies have demonstrated an association between hypertensive retinopathy and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.28 This is shown in Table 6. Table 5. Scheie Classification for Grading of Hypertehs'.e Rs GRADE •- Blood Vessel Changes Arteriolar Reflex Changes AV aossing changes -• I broadening of the arter II obvious broadening of the airclar Igrc III copper-wire artenc es IV silver-wire artero es Figure 22 Scree Classification based on Hyperte-s - (A ) artenotar narrowing. nerve fiber layer infarcts and blot Herr•,;--^age changes —_= - . - _ '''ierfr. _ -anges =SS-Ng changes (B) Grade II: (C) Grade III; (D) Grade IV showing swollen optic nerve, retinal 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 18.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases GE (C) Figure 23. Arteriolar Reflex Changes: (A) normal: (B) broad light reflex or 'copper wiring;" A 'silver wire" B C Figure 24. Blood Vessel Changes: (A) Normal: (B) Tapering (C) Banking A Figure 25. Vaso-occlusive Diseases: (A) CRVO (B) CRAO Table 6. Association of Hypertensive Retinopathy to Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality Retinopathy Mild (KWB Grade I — II) Moderate (KWB Grade III) Description One or more of the following signs: Generalized arteriolar narrowing, focal arteriolar narrowing. AV nicking, arteriolar wall opacity (silver wiring) Weak associations with stroke, coronary heart disease and cardiovascular mortality Mild retinopathy with one or more of the following signs: Strong association with stroke, congestive heart failure. renal dysfunction and cardiovascular mortality Retinal hemorrhages (dot/blot. flame-shaped). microaneurysms, cotton- wool spots, hard exudates Accelerated (KWB Grade IV) Systemic Associations Moderate retinopathy signs plus optic disc swellingi maybe associated with visual loss onal Materials in Ophthalmology 12nd Edition Associated with mortality and renal failure No Hypertensive Retinopathy titer Patient with Hypertension Medical history, examination, appropriate laboratory investigation and management fileimpolig Retinal Examinato" •loireesige zeircestor Rooms Care HI • Routine Care • Closer monitoring of vascular risk • Exdude diabetes • Closer monitoring of vascular risk • Posible indication for treatment of hypertension and other risk factors Urgent hypertension treatment • Consider ophthalmology referral in selected patients (e.g., borderline hypertension with other target organ damage, patients with diabetes, patients with visual symptoms) Figure 26. Proposed Flow Chart for the Itrapeitca' WINNOIsisime Hypertensive retinopathy has also ee glamor ti be associated with: 1. 2. 3. Diabetic retinopathy - hoiVerVirsOn tortmed progression of DR Age-related macular oeoere•atccr - .14wrierision increases the risk for Al0C--: Seaver err ,E-se, Study' Glaucoma - Hypertensor r"..w Arcliesset~e, risk and development of glaucoma-I` The primary management of OC.1.7( 1550Cialled with hypertension is adequate brood control - Homosexuals and bisexuals Health workers Prevalence of HIV infection in the Philippines remains low at less than 0.1% of the adult population.3° Data gathered in 2009 estimated 8,700 people living with HIV/AIDS. As of 2010, the Department of Health has reported 315 AIDS-related deaths. While the Philippines is perceived as a low-HIV prevalence country, incidence had increased by 25% from 2001 to 2009. From 2007, the number of reported cases has doubled every two years, suggesting that two new cases of HIV/AIDS are reported daily (DOH, 2009)." Figure 26 shows the summed .nanage.7-e —rti:r ryzeetensive retinopathy. For complications such as vascular occiLsors, Dose follow-up by an ophthalmologist is reconvneno= - .user treatment is performed whenever indicat-?,-.! III. ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME Infection with the numan drirnonooeuciency virus ( HIV) causes immune system suppression of patient which subsequently allows opportunistic infections and neoplastic conditions to affect the eye. Individuals at risk of acquiring this infection include the following • People receiving transfusions • IV drug users • • • • Healthy sex partners of infected patients Babies born of infected mothers Hemophiliacs Prostitutes, sex workers Ocular manifestations of HIV/AIDS include the following: • • dry eye retinal microangiopathy often manifested as cottonwool spots opportunistic infections commonly presenting as Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis tumors like Kaposi's sarcoma of the lids or conjunctiva neuro-ophthalmologic lesions Cotton wool spots (Figure 27) are the most common finding in these patients. It is found in 100% of HIV infected patients. Cotton wool spots may be associated with retinal hemorrhages and microaneurysms. Patients are usually asymptomatic and these lesions may disappear spontaneously. It is proposed that this occurs as a result of immune complex deposition and/or HIV infection of retinal vascular endothelium. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis (Figure 28) affects 40% of patients with AIDS. Its presence signifies severe systemic S SPECIAL TOPICS 1 82 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases El Figure 27. Cotton wool spots (arrows) in a patient with HIV infection. Figure 29. Kaposi's Sarcoma of the conjunctiva ( imagehtml/ppages/cd_1082_084c.htm) thyroid dysfunction." Aside from Grave's ophthalmopathy or orbitopathy, this autoimmune eye condition is also known as • • • • Figure 28. CMV retinitis in a patient with HIV infection involvement. This condition may however occur in other immunodeficiency states. Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a tumor caused by human herpes virus 8 (HHV8), also known as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV). It was first described in 1872 by Moritz Kaposi (KA-po-she), a Hungarian dermatologist .31 AIDSassociated Kaposi sarcoma or KS-AIDS presents with skin lesions that typically start as one to several red to purple-red macules, rapidly progressing to papules, nodules, and plaques. Unlike the classic form of Kaposi sarcoma, KS-AIDS is often seen on the head, back, neck, muscular palate and the area of the gingiva" (Figure 29). Since ocular manifestations often imply severe systemic involvement, management should be closely coordinated with an infectious disease expert. IV. THYROID EYE DISEASE It was Robert Graves, in 1835, who described signs of thyroid disease, including exophthalmos. His name has since become an eponym for an eye condition associated with Thyroid Related Eye Disease (TRED) Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) Dysthyroid orbitopathy / ophthalmopathy While most patients with this condition present wit h hyperthyroidism and eye signs simultaneously, the oculz involvement may lag behind or even precede the endocrin e manifestations. In some instances, the eye condition ma y even present in the absence of any evidence of thyroi d dysfunction." Among patients with thyroid disease, thyroid eye disease occurs in 37.5% (25% — 50%). Severe eye disease develops in 3-5%. Women are affected five times more often than men. Smoking is a significant risk factor in the development of thyroid eye disease.34 Ocular involvement may be unilateral or bilateral. Symptoms may include excessive redness, tearing, itching, pressure, puffiness and pain. The pathophysiology of the eye findings of Grave's disease remains obscure although it is widely accepted to be an autoimmune disorder. For still unknown reasons, the body's host inflammatory cells attack tissues around the eye, specifically, the orbital fat, the directional eye muscles, and the muscles in the eyelid." Unilateral or bilateral lid retraction (Dalrymple's sign) is the most common sign ofTED.2,5" As a result of lid retraction, the upper lid margin is at or above the superior limbus. This may be due to sympathetic overdrive affecting Mullers muscle, fibrosis of the muscles elevating the lid, or hypotropia.' TED is the most common cause of unilateral or bilateral proptosis in adults.2-5 Proptosis is due to inflammation of the extraocular rnueidesand orbital fat, causing anterior protrusion of the globe and sometimes, optic nerve compression in the relatively confined bony space of the orbit. However, signc optic nerve compression can still occur without mar. 3proptosis.' Proptosis or exophthalmos can be measur, an exophthalmometer. Although exophthalmometry proptosis can be determined by viewing the patient°. Digital palpation through the patient's closed eyed used to estimate orbital compliance. Lid retraction together with exophthalmos ones riseiovahr s7 ._ § often referred to as the "Thyroid Stare' (Koc'Ner Other common signs of TED are lid lag Graefe's sign), injection over the recti In scesotropia and hypotropia.25"5 Figure 31. Soft tissue involvement = Class 2 extraocular muscles may enlarge resuitito limited motility of the eye. Thyroid eye affects the medial rectus and fallen: accounting for the appearance of esonoc Initially the muscles are swollen and dw over the recti insertions. Later the rnindm Figure 32. Proptosis = Class 3 __ The severity of thyroid eye diseasecan to the "NO SPECS" classificatiork dereteeed tar livalerer* (Table 7 and Figures 30 to 35 Table 7. Classification of Thyroso Cr: ::atv Figure 33.- Extraocular Muscle Involvement = Class 4 2 Solt tissue involvement 3 Proptosis eibillorat torizeitelf call Web= Otsti tteetisia• PIWCW Table 8. Clinical Assessment Score for Thyroid Eye Disease some 4 EXtra0CuiF Pain involveTe-: 5 Corneal invotverervt 6 nerve imiaved Disease activity is assessed using the Clinical Assessment Score (CAS) of Mouritsr (Table 8). For every criterion met, one point is assigned. A CAS of 3 or less responds poorly to immunosuppressive therapy, indicating that these patients have passed the stage of active inflammation. A CAS of 4 or more responds well to corticosteroid therapy.38 • Stanng vlMtt fluoresce n Ulceration. infiltrate. certration Pain on attempted movement over the last 4 weeks Redness : • iecease :ss 7e valor Pain at rest on or behind the eye over the past 4 weeks • Redness of one or both eyelids Diffuse conjunctival congestion involving at least 1/4 of eyeball Swelling • Swelling of one or both eyelids • Chemosis Swollen caruncle Proptosis increasing .? 2 mm over past 1-3 months Loss of Function 8 • Reduced eye movements 5° in any direction over 1-3 months) • Decreased pinhole visual acuity by on Snellen's chart over 1-3 months 1 line SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 179 may present even when the patient is in an euthyroid state. Extraocular muscle involvement may be documented using radiologic examinations which will reveal extraocular muscle enlargement." It is common for thyroid eye disease to fluctuate within the first few years of the disease. Beyond this time, the disease usually attains a stable condition. The disease may however continue to progress even when the patient's thyroid status is controlled. Figure 34. Corneal Involvement = Class 5 Treatment of congestive phase include local therapy with tear substitutes and lubricants to help to protect the surface of the eye from drying. Head elevation particularly while sleeping reduces swelling around the eyes.' Double vision can be troublesome if it affects straightforward and down-looking positions. Special lenses called prisms may be used to relieve this. In some instances, patients may also benefit from strabismus surgery.s•'•35 Steroids are used in selected cases. Since steroid use may cause a number of undesirable side effects with chronic use, they are only given as a temporary measure. Radiation is also utilized to reduce swelling of periocular tissue and subsequently decompressing the optic nerve?•34.35 When vision is threatened, early lid or orbital decompression surgery may be necessary.7•34.35 Otherwise, surgery is usually reserved for stable, inactive or the cicatricial phase of the disease with the following possible complications: abnormal staring appearance; severe protrusion of the eyes; disturbing double vision not relieved by prism glasses and drooping or sagging of tissues around the eyes. Because of its complexities, thyroid eye disease is best managed with a team approach consisting of an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist. V. TUBERCULOSIS Figure 35. Sight Loss = Class 6. Usually due to compression of optic nerve by swollen muscles (arrow). Less serious complications of TED are tearing, foreign body sensation, lid and conjunctival edema / chemosis. More serious complications include exposure keratitis, diplopia, ophthalmoplegia and loss of vision.57 Loss of vision usually results from compression of the optic nerve by swollen tissues surrounding the eye. Urgent treatment is required otherwise visual loss can be permanent. Other complications include glaucoma and exposure of the anterior surface of the eye resulting from the inability to completely close the eyelids5•' There is no single laboratory examination that will confirm the presence of thyroid eye disease. As was mentioned earlier, the condition is not related to thyroid hormone levels and According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report 201039, one-third of the current world population is infected with the tubercle bacillus. Five to ten percent of these eventually get sick. In 2008, the largest number of new TB cases was found in the Southeast Asian region, accounting for 35% of all new cases." In the Philippines, the incidence ofTB was reported to be 284.8 per 100,000 population in 2008.4° Ocular involvement in tuberculosis can be caused by either direct invasion of organism, or as a result of hypersensitivity reaction to tuberculoprotein.18 Ocular involvement is more common in patients with miliary tuberculosis, although, it may also be seen in patients with no evidence of pulmonary disease. T Figure 37. Other Manifestations of Ocular TB: (A) choroidal tubercle (B) phlyctenulosis (C) retinal periphlebitis Figure 36. (B) Busacca -cc.. (A) •cera:: (C) KDezoe -oc es 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 181 The most common manifestation of TB in the eye is granulomatous uveitis (anterior and/or posterior; (Figure 36).18 Other manifestations (Figure 37) are: Phlyctenulosis — conjunctival condition featuring a phlyctenule, which is a small pinkish white nodule near the limbus, believed to be a non-specific delayed hypersensitivity reaction • Vitritis — inflammation of the vitreous REFERENCES 2. 3. Retinal periphlebitis — inflammation of the retina~~ • venules 4. Choroidal tubercles — choroidal masses believed to contain tubercle bacilli. Histopathologically, they represent caseating granulomas' 5. Panuveitis — inflammation of the entire weal tract choroid, ciliary body and iris 6. The ocular inflammatory condition associated with TB is usually treated with topical and/or systemic corticosteroids. 7. It is however, imperative that patients be treated with the appropriate anti-TB medication prior to institution of the anti-inflammatory regimen to avoid exacerbation of the 8_ systemic infection. SUMMARY The importance of being able to recognize ocular signs, symptoms and complications of many systemic diseases is a vital part of good medical practice. It is therefore necessary for the primary care physician to be able to perform a thorough eye examination, particularly that of the fundus. Early diagnosis of the conditions earlier discussed, in particular diabetic retinopathy is crucial in the ultimate outcome of treatment. This instructional material is by no means complete. Only conditions that are more commonly encountered in local practice have been emphasized. Additional reading is recommended to supplement the information provided. RECOMMENDED READING Other systemic diseases with ocular manifestations: • Sickle-cell Retinopathy • Collagen-vascular diseases: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN), etc. • Blood dyscracias Leukemia, anemia, hyperviscosity states Others: Sarcoidosis, Herpes Zoster, Leprosy 9. American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Patterns Committee. Preferred Practice Pattern® Guidelines. Comprehensive Adult Medical Eye Evaluation. San Francisco, CA: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010. Ka nski JJ. Clinical Ophthalmology:A SystematicApproach, ed 3. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994. Cubillan LDP, Olivar-Santos EO. Third National Survey on Blindness. Phil J Ophthal 2005; 30 (3): 100-114. May 18, 2011 Tang RA, Coleman AL, Wilkins JK, Brown J, Newman SA, Skootsky S, Whitcup SM: Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease: A Slide-Script Program. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1996. 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The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:36-51. 11. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study report number 1. Arch Ophthalmol 1985;103:1796-806. 12. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Treatment techniques and clinical guidelines for photocoagulation of diabetic macular edema. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study report number 2. Ophthalmology 1987;94:761-74. 13. Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Indications for photocoagulation treatment of diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic Retinopathy Study report number 14. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1987;27:239-53. 14. Diabetic RetinopathyVitrectomy Study Research Group. Early vitrectorny for severe vitreous hemorrhage in diabetic retinoperhy_ Four-year results of a randomized 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. trial: Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study report 5. Arch Ophthalmol 1990;108:958-64. 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Evaluation of ophthalmoscopic changes of hypertension and arteriosderosisArdr Ophthalmo/ 1953; SELF-TEST _a: of func....s pictures. Picture 1. Identify the encircled lesions. Give a diagnosis. v\70 -612,1iAcontosh R Hypertensive retinopathy signs as risk indicators of cardiovascular momidity and mortality Br Med Bull 2005;73 and 7457-70 29. Mitchell P, Lee AJ, Rochtchina E, Wang IL Open-angle glaucoma and systemic hypertension: the Blue Mountains eye study. J Glaucoma 2004; 13: 319-26 30. loba l_hea Ith/a ids/ Countries/asia/philippines _profile.pdf May 21,2011 31. May 22,2011 32. httpi/ a SPECIAL TOPICS 182 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 183 Picture 2. Using Scheie Classification, give the stage In order to prevent diabetic retinopathy from becoming the world's leading cause of blindness, the following should be done: 1. of hypertensive retinopathy A. regular and proper eye examination for individuals at risk B. aggressive oral hypoglycemic therapy for type II diabetics C. aggressive insulin therapy for type I diabetics D. proper diet and exercise for the elderly population 2. A 4 year old male consults for a small pinkish white nodule near the limbus. You will order for: A. B. Fasting Blood Sugar and HbA1 C Chest X-ray and PPD C. HIV test D. T3 and T4 determination 3. Picture 3. In what disease condition is this fundus picture associated? What are the abnormal findings? A 45-year-old male consulted a doctor for a bulging left eye. He was advised to undergo an MRI. Because of the expense involved, he decided to seek a second opinion from you. You will: & B. C. D. 4. Routine eye examination of a 57 yr. old hypertensive "Idle patient revealed exudates and hemorrhages all over the fundus with distinct disc borders and an AV ratio of 1:3. This patient will have: A. An early cataract • C. D. Picture 4. In what disease condition is this fundus picture associated? What are the abnormal findings? orcer a CT scan instead go on with the MRI order a T3 &T4 determination order an HIV test Concomitant diabetic retinopathy A strong association with stroke and cardiovascular mortality Renal failure S. In the management of diabetic retinopathy, the folrowing will apply: aaloetics of > 2 years duration should be referred to an ophthalmologist A diabetic maintained on oral hypoglycemic for the past 8 years should be referred to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible C. Panretinal photocoagulation should be considered in background retinopathy D. Type 2 diabetics of > 5 years duration should be to an ophthalmologist B. 6. A 68-year-old male has had a history of BPs ranging from 170-200 100-120. On ophthalmoscopy one would commonly expect to find: constriction : =per-vile venule .- hernorrhage 7. On routine ophthalmic examination, an asymptomatic 28 year old guest relations officer (GRO) was found to have a small, solitary whitish lesion with binned margins on the left fundus. You will order for: A. T3 &T4 determination B. fasting blood sugar C. serum cholesterol D. HIV test 9. In the progression of Grave's ophthalmopathy the following may be encountered: "thyroid stare" resulting from the combination of lid lag and lid retraction B. a "frozen" eyeball C. sudden, painless loss of vision D. consistently abnormal thyroid hormone levels A. 10. Mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy is best 8. A 50-yr old female who has had Type 2 diabetes farthe last 10 years consults for blurred vision. Yon nought A. B. look for vitreous hemorrhage a ierrai order ultrasound examination tc detachment C. examine for corneal defects wrtr a ocrlicr:.- xre D. do a thorough retinal examination managed with: A. B. :17 D. panretinal photocoagulation and strict blood sugar control vitreoretinal surgery and endolaser treatment control of risk factors and regular fundus fluorescein angiography pulse insulin therapy and regular eye exams Answers to self-test on page 222. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.2 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases 185 8.3 Eyelid Ma' positions Franklin P. Kleiner, MD INTRODUCTION This self-instructional material is designed to help tne student learn the basic concepts of eyelid malpositions, their classificatior pathophysiology, diagnosis and management The eyelids are important accessory structures that give support and complement the proper functioning of the eye. Every student of ophthalmology should be able to recognize eyelid malpositions, and know theoretically their pathophysiology arc management. OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this unit of instruction, the student should be ate to recognize the four basic eyelid malpositions and knov, the basic concepts of their diagnosis and management. Specifically they shouici be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define and recognize the four basic lid malpositions: Ectropion, Enbopion, Ptosis and Lid Retraction. Discuss the pathophysiology of the different types of Ectropion. E—tropion, Ptosis and Lid retraction. •e.--action Classify the different types of Ectropion, Entropion, Ptosis and Discuss the diagnostic maneuvers performed to evaluate the feu- malpositions Discuss the principles of management of each of the four lid rnalcostions. CONTENT I. Anatomy of the eyelid II. Basic Lid Malpositions A. Ectropion B. Entropion C. Ptosis D. Lid retraction I. ANATOMY OF THE EYELIDS The eyelids are important accessory structures that give support and complement the proper functioning of the eye They provide protection, support and lubrication for the eye to enhance its proper functioning, particularly vision_ Ai abnormality or irregularity of the position of the eyelids can have drastic effects on the eye and its function. To understand the malpositions of the eyelids, a short 'edam' of the anatomy and physiology of the eyelid retractors and protractors and other pertinent eyelid structures (Forms 1. 2) is helpful. The eyelid can be divided into two layers. the artErizr which consists of the skin and orbicularis and the posperior lamella which consists of the tarsus and the cony :Acme orbital septum and lid retractors are structures bertneenne-ye two lamella. reflex closure while the periorbital portion is responsible for .•oluntary closure_ -evator Palpebrae Superior's ".'r•Jr.m Sulam =ni-wieuratc Muller s Muscle Accra-mos Rpm 11.-Asestsi d re Eyelid Schematic cross section of upper eyelid The levator muscle originates from the annuiliscfZevt. 510* above the superior rectus muscle. It is in dote, asspowcir wre-grr., t the superior rectus muscle almost throstpout held up and supported by the Whitnallt liga-rert. arc the eyelid its muscle fibers terminalleillo a broad ieriircts sheet, the levator aponeurosis, which ir-sers ruc portion of the anterior surface of the 1:35.5 Ber- ^^e e, and superior rectus muscles are inne-ia.L-t1 branch of the 3-3 cranial nerve. and its fr-rincr- s r ape'' eyelid. Closely associated with ti-e i'.^-oattielic nerves. f This is a lid retractor 7h5 angirialEs from function is eyelid open:- a as v the underside of the belly of the reeler mi..sdie and inserts on the superior tarsal border_ tt ies between Me *valor muscle above it, and the palpebral conjunctivae below, it_ It can be recognized by the vertical oriel-upon ales muscle fibers, and the superior palpebral arcade of blood vessels which wave on top of it, along the superior tarsal Nyder. The protractor of the eyelid is the orbicularis tint'' muscle, which is responsible for eyelid dosue It is the antagonist of the levator muscle. It is a circidat skier musde vbilich beneath the skin of the eyelids ad originates from the rn..: canthal tendon_ It has three portions the pretarsall preseptal and periorbital portions The pietarsal portion forms the innermost circle, and overlies the tarsus of the upper and lower lids. The preseptal portion forms the middle circle and overlies the septum. The outermost circle is formed by the periorbital portion, which overlies the orbital rim and bone The orbizulais muscle is innervated by the facial nerve (N VII).The anal and preseptal portions are responsible for involuntary c F.. - Merlon tarsal muscle biension of retractors to iideriog fornix Lockwood's ligament Inferior rectus muscle Capsulopalpebral head Swan Orticeilirts oaf wmescie Figure 2. Anatomy of Inferior oblique muscle the Eyelid Schematic cross section of lower eyelid II. BASIC EYELID MALPOSITIONS -here are four basic eyelid malpositions: ectropion, entropion, blepharoptosis or ptosis, and eyelid retraction. A. ECTROPION Ectropion is the outward turning of the upper and/ or lower eyelid margin. It can be easily recognized in patients due to the everted position of the lid margin, which creates a space or gap between the palpebral conjunctiva and the globe. In severe cases, this eversion leads to visualization of the palpebral conjunctiva. If the ectropion is carried medially, one may even visualize the punctum, which is normally not visible, since its normal position is in apposition with the globe. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 18.3 Eyelid Malpositions Etiologic classification of ectropion is as follows: 1. Senile involutional ectropion 2. Paralytic ectropion 3. Cicatricial ectropion 4. Congenital ectropion 5. Mechanical ectropion SENILE INVOLUTIONAL ECTROPION As we age, our tissues tend to stretch out and become lax. Patients who constantly rub their eyes can hasten this process. The eyelid tends to stretch out and lengthen, especially at the canthal tendons. Excessive eyelid laxity can result in ectropion Figure 5. Eyelid distraction test (Figure 3). Signs and symptoms are tearing due to the interrupted flow of tears from the lateral to the medial canthus, interruption of the tear meniscus and lacrimal pump, and at times even due to an everted punctum (see medial ectropion). In more severe cases.. reflex tearing occurs due to irritation from dry eye or exposure keratitis. Patients may also present with superficial portraits keratitis and corneal opacification. Irritation and dryness of the conjunctiva is common. Figure 3. Senile involutional ectropion of the right lower eyelid Eyelid laxity can be tested with the snap back test (Figure 4). This is done by pulling the eyelids downward toward the orbital rim, then letting them go. Normally, the eyelids snap back to their original position, even without the blinking. However, if there is laxity in the patient's eyelids, the lids do not snap back, but instead go back up slowly. The lids may return to their original position, however, in instances when they have become very lax, they may stay everted and return to their original position only upon blinking. Sende involutional ectropion is best treated by a horizontal eyelid tightening procedure. Examples are lateral tarsal strip operation and id shortening procedures such as a wedge resection tithe tarsus. Figure 6 shows a patient with senile involutional ectwopion before and after surgical correctior with a tarsal strip procedure. Figure 4. Snap back test Another test is the eyelid distraction test (Figure 5) wherein the eyelid is pulled away from the globe to see how far it can stretch out. Stretching of 6 mm or more confirms the presence of laxity. Flume t him air Senie Involutional Ectropion of both lower lids. (A) shims lie port st.rgery Note that ectropion of left lower lid is wasetitsetihteflsle iqt (B) snows the same patient after tarsal strip procedget. _. ___I • I 11-tri Frlitinn PARALYTIC ECTROPION When the orbicularis oculi becomes paralyzed in affectations of the facial nerve (CN VII), there is loss of eyelid tone. This is reversible in temporary cases such as Relitlolley_ Set prolonged cases, such as a stroke, or CN VII palsy or paresis, atrophy of the muscle can occur resulting in more per— = laxity of the eyelid (Figure 7). of earopion is done by checking on the ughtness of the ulterior lamella, checking while the patient is in upgaze or with the mouth open. huger ent invokies lengthening of the existing anterior lamella. Depereing on the severity of the condition, lengliening d the anterior lamella may be done by scar endtkiliand zunlasty or skin grafts (Figure 8). In temporary conditions, lubrication with articial 115114 ointments, and in worse cases, goggles or moist dwi: may be beneficial. Punctal plugs may be inserted as Patient's eyelids may need to be taped togedieratbedifirr avoid corneal exposure. If corneal exposure is expected to be period of time, tarsorrhaphy or suturing of may be done to effect closure. Another oc of a gold weight in the upper lid of a ectropion. The implanted gold weigr due to gravity. 77--4"r7- Figure 8. Patent with Cicatriciai Ectropion prior to surgery (A) and timing skin grafting procedure (B). CONGENITAL ECTROPION This is a form of cicatricial ectropion, usually due to shortage of anterior lamella since birth. The condition usually occurs in conjunction with some other congenital conditions such as blepharophimosis. MECHANICAL ECTROPION kaki lower Id (A)_ Nose Figure 7. •7-a:e--: eirr ,;:ezra.fsc patient's inabilitytolidedimillselellegekts (B) Tie presence of a mass or iump in the lower eyelids may weigh down on the lid and make it ectropic. Management in these cases is excision of the mass, whenever possible. CICATRICIAL ECTROPION In the normal eyelid there is a balance between the anterior lamella and the posterior lamella_ If there is shortening of the anterior lamella (skin and orbicularis muscle), cicatiical ectropion can occur. Some conditions that can cause this are scarring of the eyelid skin due to trauma, healed lacerations. thermal and chemical burns, healed infections or abscesses, and longstanding chronic infections of the lid B. ENTROPION Entropion is the inward turning of the eyelid margin (Figure 9). This inward rotation of the eyelid margin results in loss of visualization of the lid margin. The lashes are also turned in and rub against the globe. There is frequent irritation, redness and possibly discharge of the eye. Patient complains of constant irritation and frxeign body sensation caused by rubbing of the lashes against 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I c.3 Eyelid Malpositions 189 Conservative management includes the use lubricants and ointments to prevent rubbing of the lashes against the cornea and taping of the eyelid in an everted position. Surgical intervention is needed for definitive management of entropion. Entropion can be classified into the following types based on their etiology or cause: Figure 9. Entropion of the lower lid the cornea. In severe cases, corneal abrasion and scarring may occur, subsequently causing decrease in visual acuity. Entropion can also result to infections of the cornea or corneal ulceration, which if left untreated can lead to rupture of the eye. One should also examine the lid margin under slit lamp for conjunctivalization of the lid margin. Its presence signifies chronicity of the condition. One may even detect the mildest of entropions with this technique. The normal mucocutaneous junction along the lid margin lies posterior to the meibomian glands. If the mucocutaneous junction looks like it has advanced to the level of the meibomian glands, or even more anteriorly, to the gray line, or the lash line, this implies that the posterior portion of the lid margin is in apposition with the globe, making the posterior portion of the lid margin conjunctivalized. One should also examine the lid margin under slit lamp to check for its conjunctivalization. This is a telltale sign of chronic entropion. Entropion must also be differentiated from trichiasis (Figure 10) which is the inward turning of lashes and from distichiasis which is the presence of extra row of lashes, usually from the area of the meibomian gland orifices. 1. 2. 3. 4. Cicatricial entropion Senile involutional entropion Congenital entropion Spastic entropion CICATRICIAL ENTROPION Cicatricial entropion is caused by scarring of the posterior lamella of the eyelid, the conjunctiva and tarsus. This scarring causes a deformity of the tarsus, causing it to rotate inwards permanently. Frequent causes of scarring are chronic infection of the eyelids, trauma, chronic irritation from artificial eye use in the anophthalmic socket, inflammatory conditions of the conjunctiva such as pemphigus, pemphigoid or Stevens Johnson Syndrome and systemic diseases such as leprosy. Cicatricial entropion, being caused by a permanent deformity of the tarsus, is best managed by surgical correction. Depending on the severity of the entropion, management may be a wedge resection of the eyelid, a lid margin rotation procedure such as a tarsotomy or a grafting procedure to replace the severely deformed tarsus. SENILE INVOLUTIONAL ENTROPION Senile involutional entropion is caused by aging and laxity of tissues. There are four factors that come into play causing the inward turning of the eyelid margin: 1. lid laxity 2_ preseptal orbicularis overriding the pretarsal orbicularis 1 detachment or dehiscence of the lower lid retractors 4 involutional enophthalmos Detactwrent or dehiscence of the lower lid retractors to the instability of the lower border of the - -n combined with lid laxity and overriding ai rag orcitza:-Ls muscle, causes the eyelid to flip inwards. 1111111111111Menophthalmos is not always present, but may play Figure 10. Trichiasis (red arrow heads) ~~cicatricial from senile involutional • ng test: Press on the lower lid to return position. If upon releasing it, the entropic pfl into an entropic position, the entropion _ If. however, the eyelid stays in its normal - - _ : n:--=- -_: resting position after releasing the lower lid, and only turns inward when the patient blinks or closes then the patient has senile involutional entropion_ C. PTOSIS (BLEPHAROPTOSIS) laroptosis is drooping of the eyelids below the normal position. This is commonly referred to as just ptosis (drooping). The normal position of the upper eyelid is two mm below the superior limbus. If the upper eyelid position is any lower than this, ptosis is present (Figure 12). E There are several surgical procedures used to correct involutional entropion. Tarsal strip with retractor reinsertion is the preferred procedure for this condition as it adcliessesthree factors causing the entropion, namely lid laxity. lid serracsor dehishcence, and orbicularis overriding. CONGENITAL ENTROPION Congenital entropion is present in nevAxen chilerten arc may persist up to early childhood. It more ',ewer* 'ism the lower lid, but may affect the up caused by a prominent or hypertrop skin or epicanthal fold which rotates the toward the eye (Figure 11) Figure 12. Ptosis of right upper lid If lash touch to the eyes is mild, lubricarrisandpertiodictolb* up will suffice. This type of entropion is hammer opened es~~the to resolve spontaneously. As the dulds toe ssassier nasal bridge grows higher, and the medal eyelid sib macts leading to resolution of the entropion. I n moderate to severe cases, or in instances shaesponsarreous resolution does not occur, surgical couectirtse womanted This involves removal of the cress skin ad hypersophic muscle with concomitant use of everting eyelkl susses. Eye conditions may simulate ptosis and they are called pseudoptosis. When an eye is deviated downward (hypotropia), the eyelid may follow the eye mimicking a ptosis. Dermatochalasis, a condition where there is overhanging skin from the upper eyelid, may simulate a ptosis. Enophthalmos may also simulate a ptosis. A complete eye examination for ptosis should start with the basic eye examination. In addition to this, one should also check the following: 1. 2. Test for degree of ptosis A. palpebral fissure height B. Marginal Reflex Distance (MRD) Test for levator function Measurement of the palpebral fissure height With the patient looking straight ahead, measure the palpebral fissure height by recording the distance between the upper and lower lid margins with the aid of a millimeter ruler (Figure 13). Measurements taken for each side are recorded and compared. Normal palpebral fissure height is 10 mm. In cases of unilateral rincic. a difference of 2 mm between the 2 eyelids means a 2 mm otosis, a difference of 3 mm means a 3 mm ptosis and so on. SPASTIC ENTROPION This type of entropion may occur due to the constant squeezing of the eyelids and spasm of the orbicularis. The presence of irritative conditions oldie eye in association with constant foreign body sensation causes the patient to squeeze his eyelids frequently. This is also observed in conditions such as blepharospasm. Relief of the spasm by relieving the irritative condition will usually resolve this type of entropion. In bilateral ptosis cases, comparing the two eyelids is not practical. In these cases, one can judge the level of ptosis by observing the level of the eyelid. Since the normal position of the eyelid is 2 mm below the limbus, a 2 mm ptosis would mean that the upper lid margin is located 4 mm below the limbus; a 3 mm ptosis would mean that the upper lid margin is located 5 mm below the limbus and so on. However in chronic cases such as blepharospasm, botulinum toxin may be used. II SPECIAL TOPICS 18.3 Eyelid Malpositions 111111 Figure 13. Measuring Palpebral Fissure Height in a patient (A) Patient is asked to look straight ahead, (B) shows measurement of 9 mm in the right eye, (C) shows measurement of 11mm for the left eye technique may be subject to misinterpretation in cases of hypertropia or hypotropia, and extra caution should be exerted in interpretation of these cases. The MRD Marginal reflex distance method (MRD) marginal reflex distance (MRD) is defined as the distance between the lid margin and the central corneal reflex. This is taken by shining a light onto both corneas, and measuring the distance between the lid margin and the corneal light reflex. MRD1 is the margin to reflex distance of the upper lid, while the MRD 2 is the margin to reflex distance of the lower lid (Figure 14). For MRD1, the measurement is expressed in + mm if the upper eyelid margin is above the reflex or — mm if the lid margin is below the light reflex. For MRD2, the measurement is expressed in + mm if the lower eyelid margin is below the reflex or — mm if the lid margin is above the light reflex. The 2 Measuring levator function Levator function is measurement in millimeters of the amount of excursion of the upper eyelid from extreme downgaze to extreme upgaze while immobilizing the frontalis muscle. This is done by laying one hand on the patient's forehead and using the thumb to prevent the motion of the eyebrow. The patient is then instructed to look down or up as far as he can without moving his head. The difference in the palpebral fissure height on upgaze and downgaze is measured and recorded (Figure 15). The test is repeated on the other eye. 2 - 5 mm 0 1 cm A 6 mm 0 B Figure 14. (A) MRD1 is the margin to reflex distance of the upper lid (+5 mm) (B) MRD2 is the margin to reflex distance of the lower lid (+5.5 mm) cm Malmo Damps Maximum Upgaze Figure 1S. liceurement of levator function showing 6mm difference in palpebral foram begfrit mit pmt at maximum downgaze and upgaze. CLASSIFICATION OF PTOSIS A. ACCORDING TO ETIOLOGY 1. Neurogenic ptosis is caused by a paralysis or paresi6 _ the third cranial nerve. The levator muscle may be soe involved, or in the case of complete CN Ill palsy, thew is involvement of the other extraocular muscles aswe In the latter case, aside from ptosis, the e), e = soto_. deviated downward and outward. Double elevator palsy is a condition wherein the levator a _ rectus muscles are both affected by the pa--3 ,.sis or paresis of the superior branch of the CN IIL 2. Myogenic ptosis is generally caused by aticx+v or weakening of the levator muscle. Inadeqt..::- , development or death of muscle fibers lead to try replacement by fibrous or fatty tissue. An this type of ptosis is congenital ptosis. 3. Ptosis due to myasthenia gravis is aisc under this type since the uncienying pa&.: on the muscle fibers as well. Myas-. -e-gradual weakening of muscles due the neuromuscular junction, involvirc production and sensitivity of the _ acetylcholine_ Weakness may any: well, such as the extraocular rnusc- diplopia. Eyelid height may be nor— , droopasthetilaypeopessm morning but may begin to with full blown ptosis and fatigue in ihraillestotans. . ation of the condition is do- - _- _tensilon test, which resto-e 4. : Aponeurotic ptosis G3USed by -_ levator aponeurosis rrom the tarsus. _ -: may be good or normal Majority& ac4—re under thrs type. 5. _ Traumatic ptos is s caused by trauma to the *valor l• 6. Mechanical ptosis _ ...sed by the Asighing down of the unoer lid by a mass or wow& B. ACCORDING TO TIME OF ONSET 1. Congenital ptosis ptosis :-.. -esent at birth. This 2 2 ---ore commonly associated with a weak e and absence of the lid crease. As the child ge-.5 :el; the noriunctional or atrophic muscles become r_:: 8ced with fibrous or fatty tissue. The eyelid fails to ope- .vell due to the lack of muscle fibers, and, they also fail to dose well due to the rigidity of the fibrous tissue. This can be easily identified on downgaze, when the patient's ptotic = :ally higher than the opposite eye (Figu re 16 and 17) -_ levator Figure 17. Congenital ptosis 2. Acquired ptosis refers to ptosis that is acquired after birth. This type of ptosis is more commonly associated with a strong levator muscle whose aponeurosis has detached from its tarsal attachment. This is commonly manifested by a comparatively higher lid crease in the affected eye compared to the opposite eye. This difference is best seen when the patient is asked to look down. Upon asking the patient to look downwards, the ptotic eyelid will be lower than the opposite side, due to the levator detachment from the tarsus (Figure 18). 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 18.3 Eyelid Malpositions 193 SURGERY FOR PTOSIS Aside from the severity of ptosis and the levator muscle function, other factors listed below should be taken in consideration in planning for surgical correction for ptosis. 1. Bells phenomenon - The Bells phenomenon is the reflex action of the eyes to turn upwards when the eyes are closed. This protects the globe when the patient is asleep. Ptosis surgery in a patient without or poor Bells phenomenon may result in exposure keratitis. To test for Bells phenomenon, ask the patient to close his eyes as if sleeping, then gently lift the upper lid with your fingers and note the position of the eyeball. If the eye is elevated, he has the Bells phenomenon (Figure 19). Figure 18. Acqu red c:os s C. ACCORDING TO SEVERITY OR DEGREE Ptosis may be classified as mild, moderate or severe based on MRD1 and palpebral height drop/lid drop (Table 1). d rop I 1.66 fo the amount of drop or droop from the normal position of the upper lid. The upper lid covers around 2 mm of the superior limbus. In cases of unilateral ptosis, the contralateral (unaffected) upper lid may be used as the basis for normal lid position. Table 1. Severity of ptosis based on MRD1 and Palpebral Height Drop Se Figure 19. Bell's phenomenon 2. Orbicularis tone - Orbicularis tone has to be evaluated in a patient whose eyelids will be raised, to check if the patient has enough muscle tone to cause adequate closure of the eyelids. of Ptosis 11011.1D 4111111111111.1111 Mild Moderate Severe > 1 mm 2 mm ptosis 1 mm 3 mm ptosis 0 or less 4 mm ptosis This is done by asking the patient to squeeze his eyelids forcibly. Now using the thumb and forefinger, try to forcibly open the patient's eyes. One should feel the forceful closure of the eyelid against the fingers, and one can gauge the strength of the orbicularis muscle. D. ACCORDING TO STRENGTH OF LEVATOR FUNCTION Ptosis may also be classified based on the strength of the levator muscle.Table 2 shows classification for levator function strength. Table 2. Classification of Levator Function Classification Levator Function Measurement (mm) Poor 0-4 Fair 5-7 Good 8-10 Very Good 11 - 12 Excellent 13- 15 3. Tear production - In a procedure that will raise the eyelids, acequate tear production to ensure proper e.e lubrication df the corneal surface. One would not want to expose a patient with dry eye to a ptosis operation which would cause further exposure and drying of the cornea. This can be done by performing the Schirmer's test (Figure 20). Put the folded end of the Schirmer's strip in each lower eyelid, with the strip hanging out, and observe for 5 minutes.The strip with the corner cut off is traditionally placed in the right eye. * It may remain open, or closed, whichever The eyes of the patter is more comfortable. After 5 minutes, one must measure the amount of tears absorbed by the Schirmer's strip using a millimeter rule( Dry er is suspected if the result is less than 2 s visible above the limbus (superiorly) or below the limbus --ncericovi 1s (Amer." sder-41 CAUSES OF LID RETRACTION 1_ Tnyrord Opritnaimopathy - The most common cause of lid re eon is thyroid eye disease In the acute stage, id tettaction may be due to inflammatory changes in the eyelid and eyed muscles, particularly the eyelid tesotiots. Stimulation of the Mullet's muscle by circulating osiecholamines may cause it to contract resulting in lid Eniagement and hypertrophy of the levator mode map cause hither lid retraction. In the chronic Figure 20. Schirmer's test sum fibrosis ' and scaring of the muscles and septum may Another test would be the fluorescein dye test. set I% making the id retraction permanent. Lid retraction is of fluorescein in each eye, or using a fluoreseingliffillillaidle imquendy accompanied by proptosis, and this may further tip in each inferior fornix until some dye has comertiffillillidie coniteute to the appearance of a retracted lid, however conjunctiva. Examine the cornea under the diem 2 ainditions should be differentiated from each other. :a1 n. F.3-04* lliewarilkt. A Mend flare may frequently accompany the lid retraction of light. One may see if there is any superfv.present due to dry eye. liwoirlophdialmopathy (Figure 21). 4. Corneal sensation -Ina patient undo corneal sensation will serve as the alarm him that his cornea is in danger of _ patient with poor corneal sensation will IDexaggerated drying and exposure of thE- undergo ptosis surgery. This is performed with the patient seated aid inanarmeo look upwards. One may use the twisted iipolapieteaftim, pa per, or a cotton wisp to touch the comeaasende side As". the patient to grade how much of die GM= p he felt against his eye using a scale of 1 to 10 fl-kiwest 110-lict+est The goals of surgical procedures for ptosis reC-a • follow,1. 2. 3. To elevate the eyelid above -.- _ to see To elevate the eyelid high properly and cover the corn€. To maintain proper cosmetic- the p -Figure 21. Lid retraction in thyroid opthalmopathy era sat" it to dose e eyelid for perisis bickides itarsomullerectomy and levator resection for good Immix function ptosis or fascia lata 2. Anterior Lamellar shortening - This may be caused by cicatricial changes of the skin, such as in trauma or burns, or excessive removal of skin during blepharoplasty. 3. After muscle surgery - Patients who undergo recession of the rectus muscles may occasionally develop lid retraction. Surgical repair sling procedure fix poor legator function ptosis. D. LID RETRACTION Lid retraction is the abnormal displacement of the eyelid toward the orbital rim, resulting in exposure of the sclera above or below the limbos (Rgure21). Upper lid retraction may result in retraction of the eyelid above the superior limbus, while lower lid retraction results in retraction of the eyelid below the inferior limbus. Sclera which 4. Idiopathic- In some cases, no known cause can be identified TREATMENT OF LID RETRACTION All cases of iia retraction must be worked up for their etiology. Thyroid ophthalmopathy must be ruled out by requesting for the pertinent laboratory examinations: serum T3, T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Axial and coronal views of an orbital CT scan will also help to determine the presence of thyroid induced hypertrophy of muscles. To minimize effect of exposure of the globe, topical lubricants may be given. Taping of the lids may also be done at night. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.3 Eyelid Malpositions 195 Surgical management for severe retraction may be necessary. Examples of surgery performed are tarsorrhaphy, recession of 3. Entropion may cause significant decrease in vision by: A. increased tearing B. corneal abrasions from the lashes C. corneal scarring from keratitis D. none of the above levator-Muller's muscle complex in upper lid retraction and use of spacer grafts. SUMMARY The four basic eyelid malpositions — ectropion, entropion, ptosis and lid retraction - their definition, classification, pathophysiology, recognition, diagnostic maneuvers, and management were discussed. It is important to recognize that these conditions, if uncorrected wil adversely affect the eye and may ultimately affect the patien*vision. Early recognition and management can save the eye and sight of the patient. 4. A. canthal tendon laxity B. eyelid inflammation C. mass on the eyelid D. tarsal shortening 5. Entropion can be easily recognized by: inward turning of the eyelid margin inward turning of eyelashes, rubbing on the cornea superficial punctate keratitis on the cornea due to lashes D. all of the above A. B. C. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr. Catherine Vigo-Matic provided some of the pictures. 6. Kersten RC (editor) et al. Basic and Clinical Science Course 2003-2004 Section 7 Orbit Eyelids and Lacrimal System, American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, USA, 2003. 2. Beard C. Ptosis, 3rd edition, CV Mosby, St. Louis, 1981 3. Hatt M. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stutttgart, 1986. 4. Collin, JRO. A Manual of Systematic Eyelid Surgery, Churchiull Livingstone, 1983. 5. McCord Jr. CD. Chapter 5 Surgery of the Eyelids, Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, Volume 5, TD Duane, ed, Harper and Row, 1984. 6. Kersten RC, Kleiner, FR Kulwin DR. Tarsotomy for the treatment of cicatricial entropion with trichiasis, Arch Ophthalmol 1992: 110:714-717. The following can cause ptosis EXCEPT Cranial nerve III paralysis Horizontal upper lid laceration 20 mm above the lid margin C. Hypotropia D. Myasthenia gravis A. B. REFERENCES 1. Senile involutional ectropion is commonly caused by: 7. The following will predispose a patient undergoing ptosis surgery to post-operative complications EXCEPT A. absence of Bells phenomenon B. corneal anesthesia C. epiphora D. spasm of the orbicularis oculi 8. Identify the picture with lid retraction: SELF-TEST 1. The following are the factors that contribute to involutional entropion EXCEPT: A. detachment of lower lid retractors B. enophthalmos C. lid laxity D. overriding of pretarsal over preseptal orbicularis 2. Cicatricial entropion is more commonly caused by: A. B. acute blepharoconjunctivitis scarring of the anterior lamella C. scarring of the lid margin D. scarring of the posterior lamella Answers to S64---e 223. 8.4 Ocular Trauma and Emergencies Marissa N. Valbuena MD, MHPEd INTRODUCTION The medical student, either a clinical clerk or an r- l-- — De 71e first medical personnel to see a patient in the emergencyI room. After ruling out any life threatening cz,-:-.. -,,-.)- 7re swell( should assess the patient's ocular condition, perform eye examination without further harming the ee riacient to the ophthalmologist. OBJECTIVES At the completion of this study material, t.-)e ...,..rtlentsnoulid be able to 1. extract a relevant medical history Arena-nen ant,* =Kona patient 2. perform the necessary ocular exar-trugion when Oren an eye trauma patient 3. recognize the conditions which needpitsgproefergatto the ophthalmologist. 4. discuss the principles of manactementahhetninirnon ocular emergencies. CONTENT L Dour and orbital trauma Evakkatcr of patient with trauma to the eye and/or orbit 2.. infiries to the lids and adnexa I Orbital fracture 4_ injaaries to the globe S. Chemical bums I. lion-traumatic ocular emergencies 1_ Acute angle closure glaucoma 2.. Central retinal artery occlusion 3. Corneal ulcer 4. Endophthalmitis 5. Orbital cellulitis I. OCULAR AND ORBITAL TRAUMA Any patient who comes to the emergency room possible eye injury or condition should be evaluated k possible life-threatening conditions. If the patient is sta.= -a, an initial assessment of the eye should be ma.-Je any of the two true eye emergencies: chemical bum and central retinal artery occlusion. In appropriate management should be initiated and concurrently with history taking and ocular e • Immediate referral to an ophthalmologist is manca:ory_ EVALUATION OF THE EYE TRAUMA PATIENT If the globe is undamaged, the lids, palpebral conjunctiva and fomices can be more thoroughly examined. INJURIES TO THE LIDS AND ADNEXA 1. ECCHYMOSIS OF THE EYELIDS Orbital contusions due to blunt trauma may cause localized tissue damage like lid eccymosis (Figure 1) with minimal disability. Blunt trauma, however, can also cause orbital fracture and globe injury like hyphema, angle recession, iridodialysis, retinal edema and retinal breaks. Treatment of lid ecchymosis consists of cold compress in the first 24 hours followed by warm compress and analgesics as needed. A. HISTORY When a patient's chief complaint is trauma, the precise time of onset of symptoms should be determined. The patients activity at the time of injury and the site where it occurred should be asked. The history should also include an estimate of the vision prior to and immediately after the injury. An intraocular foreign body may be suspected if there is history of hammering, grinding and explosion. Aside from visual symptoms, the presence of the following should be elicited pain, foreign body sensation, bleeding, and diplopia. Previous treatment given and general medical history should also be determined. B. OCULAR EXAMINATION • 2. LID LACERATION Despite the need for a complete examination, initial effort must be directed to prevent further injury to the eye. An eye shield should be taped to the orbital rim in cis of lid laceration, foreign bodies or suspected globe rupture. Physical examination should begin with measurement of visual acuity. If visual loss is severe, check for light projection, pupillary reaction including relative afferent pupillary defect Test for eye movement, palpate the orbital rim and test for periorbital sensation. If a slit lamp is not available in the emergency room, a penlight or a direct ophthalmoscope on +10 D can be used to inspect the anterior segment of the eye. A:lac& Figure 2) can be caused by sharp objects, arias al blows from a blunt object. Injury to the globe should be first ruled out before repairing the laceration. Lacerations ineolving the lid margin and the medial aspect of the ids should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Cosmetic and functional success of lid margin laceration repair depends on precise approximation of lid margin, tarsus and skin_ Lac ations near the medial canthus may involve the The bulbar conjunctiva should be examined for hemorrhages. foreign bodies and laceration. The cornea is inspected for foreign bodies, abrasions and Iacerations.The depth and clarity of the anterior chamber are checked. Size, shape and reaction of the pupil are checked and compared with the uninjured eye. Obviously, palpation is avoided in cases where there is laceration of the cornea or sclera. The direct ophthalmoscope is used to assess the clarity of the media, from the cornea, to the lens and vitreous and to visualize the optic nerve and retina. Figure 2 laced= d te o'er eyelid. canaliculus and may require intubation of the canalicullus. Antibiotics, analgesics and tetanus prophylaxis are aisc to the patient. Serail conjunctival laceration does not need to be repaired. _aceraitions bigger than 5 mm should be sutured. Surgical 143air of scieral laceration depends on injury to other ocular struaures. ORBITAL FRACTURE Orbital fracture usually occurs with facia' -associated with globe injury. When or:. a blow, compressive forces can fractuie and inferior walls with prolapse and p^ - 7 - of soft tissues (Figure 3).This is cane-d bioir-cuat fracture Enopthalmos may develop. Diplop a damage to the extraocular muscle a of the orbital content or entrap---, — and inferior oblique within the f-E-.:ecchymosis, epistaxis, orbital emp-, the ipsilateral cheek and upper lip. CT scan provides the best assessmert X-rays may be helpful in the initial The indications for repair and timing affsepillreilfsibiiilloar fracture are still controversial_ Genesi/ =WI. iidiallions for repair include motility disturbaicelikastesfeeraocular muscle entrapment or enoptualirc Figure 4. Subconjunctival hemorrhage Figure 5. Conjunctival laceration INJURIES TO THE GLOBE 1. INJURIES TO THE CONJUNCTIVA AND SCLERA Subconjunctival hemorrhage (Figure 4) :ommonly re from blunt -ries.the is reassures _ompress. Conjunctival laceration (Figure 5) may result from trauma from sharp , •, 3l or glass. There may be subconjunctiva = - olapse of Tenons or fat. Occult sclera! laceration (Figure 6), especially at the limbus or just pos:e:.o: rectus ,nsertion, must be ruled out Signs to look out for are bullous subconjunctival hemorrhage, asymmetrical decrease in intraocular pressure, shallowing or deepening of the anterior chamber, irregularity of the pupil, and hyphema (Figure 7). Figure 6. Semi Isceraion SPECIAL TOPICS 18.4 Ocular Trauma and Emergencies 199 2. INJURIES TO THE CORNEA Corneal foreign bodies (Figure 10) and abrasions can cause pain in eye on eyelid movement. Metallic foreign bodies may leave a rust ring. The manner of removal of the corneal foreign body depends on the material and depth in the cornea. Superficial foreign bodies are removed using sterile gauge 25 needle after instillation of topical anesthetic eye drops. It is important to assess visual acuity before applying any medication to the eye. Figure 7. Scleral laceration with oyes! prolapse. Hole blood in the anterior chamber (hyphema) Conjunctival foreign bodies (Figures 8 and 9) can cause acute pain. If the conjunctiva as well as the retained foreign body are not easily movable over the sclera, or if the foreign body appears to be fixed to deeper structures, sclera! injury should be suspected_ A foreign body adherent only to the conjunctiva can be easily removed with a forceps or cotton pledget after applying anesthetic eye drops. Figures 10. Corneal foreign body (white arrows) Figure 8. Foreign body on bulbar conjunctiva Suspect corneal abrasions (Figure 11) in contact lens viewers ng of severe eye pain or among welders who do not wear protective face or eye gear when working. Foreign body in the upper palpebral conjunctiva should be suspected when there are linear corneal abrasions. Figure 9. Foreign body on palpebral conjunctiva. From Lightman S and McCluskey When the corneal epithelium is abraded or denuded, the superficial corneal news are exposed, causing pain, tearing and phoeophobia. The usual smooth glistening tear film is disrupted Using the sit lamp will confirm depth and extent the of abrasionlhe insulation of fluorescein dye on the eye surface and the use of a cobalt blue light source will delineate the abrasion More 11 B). Small abrasions can be treated with topical allthelliCS. Bigger abrasions may require eye patch or bandage contact lens. •E may also be disinserted on its root lridodialysis). This is by polycoria or the appearance of multiple pupils. ".'auma causing tear in the anterior ciliary body is the :ommon cause of hyphema (blood in the anterior 3-terior chamber is totally ai—oef) (Figure 13). V. and increase in intraocular e.d with blood (Figure 14) may result. The treatment ng - .assure is present. cornea n controversial. Among the 7 hypherna is yea:: = . alization, bed rest, sedation, suggested treats-1-, medications, antianti-glaucoma eye patch, cycle: :al evacuation. fibrinolytic agents B Figure 13. Partial hyphema Figure 11. (A) Corneal abrasion. (B) Cram swami Moat Ohm with fluorescein dye in cobalt blue fight. Penetrating corneal injury may ne 7.‘ g-arp or blunt trauma. Corneal lacerations (Rpm= may be acxompanied ' war deperxis on by injury to trie ins, tens arra retina. Sts involved eye structures aside from the cornea. Figure 14. Total hyphema 4. INJURIES TO THE LENS Figure 1 2_.Corree lacaraiiy- as rxiiciaisid by uhie antra_ Adopted torn Atlas of 3. INJURIES TO THE IRIS Blunt eye trauma can cause injury to the iris sphincter muscle, causing traumatic nos (constriction) followed by traumatic mydriasis (dilation). Associated ciliary spasm or paralysis may cause blurred vision especially for near tasks. Signs of iris injury are constricted or dilated pupils, iris sphincter tears, and inflammatory or pigment cells in the anterior chamber. Penetrating corneal injury can result to rupture of the lens capsule and cataract. Blunt trauma resulting to cataract and/or lens subluxation is often associated with posterior segment sequelae. Complete rupture of the zonules results in a free-floating lens in the anterior chamber (Figure 15) or in the vitreous (luxated or dislocated lens). Partial severance of the zonules result in a subluxated lens (Figure 16). Management of subluxated lens depends on the severity, presence of cataract and of glaucoma. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.4 Ocular Trauma and Emergencies 201 Choroidal and chorioretinal rupture (Figure 17) occurs when a greater force hits the eye, causing distortion of the globe and stretching of the choroid. Involvement of the macula results in greater visual disability. Optic nerve head avulsion results when a small blunt object hits the globe from the inferotemporal area and compresses the nerve against the orbital roof.There is sudden loss of vision. Generalized retinal ischemia ensues. There can be retinal and pre-retinal hemorrhages and retinal edema.There is no known effective treatment for this condition. Figure 15. Lens dislocated in the anterior cnamber. Figure 17. Choroidal rupture (white arrowhead) 6. INTRAOCULAR FOREIGN BODIES Figure 16. Lens subluxed superiorly (edge of lens indicated by white arrows) Cataract which occurs together with a corneal laceration is usually removed during the primary corneal repair. Cataract resulting from blunt trauma may have varying severity. If visual acuity is not decreased and inflammation and glaucoma are absent, observation is the preferred management. 5. INJURIES TO THE POSTERIOR POLE OF THE EYE Severe contusion to the eye can result in a variety of posterior segment injuries: retinal edema, hemorrhages, tears, detachment, choroidal and chorioretinal ruptures, and avulsion of the optic nerve. Severe eye trauma can cause disruption of axonal transport in the nerve fiber layer of the retina. When this occurs in the retinal periphery, it is called commotio retinae and traumatic macular edema or Berlin's edema when it occurs in the macula. The retina appears gray.The foveal reflex is lost if macular edema is present. Intra-retinal and vitreous hemorrhage may be present. In the absence of other injuries treatment of commotio rctIrsa Mild resolve in a few days but severe cases may result in retinal atrophy and retinal holes. One should suspect intraocular foreign bodies (Figure 18) when a patient complains of eye pain and/or blurred vision with a history of striking metal, explosion or projectile injury. The anterior portion of the eye should be inspected for possible site of entry. If possible, direct visualization by funduscopy should be done. Localization of the foreign body can be made by orbital x-ray, ultrasound or CT scan. MRI is absolutely contraindicated for metallic foreign bodies because the foreign body may move and cause further injury. Whenever possible, intraocular foreign bodies shoukf be surgically removed. Iron and copper foreign bodies c case inflammation and toxicity to the retina and other sr_ .7...,615 in the eye while organic foreign bodies can cause infer — —mon and infection. Inorganic foreign bodies like glass inert. Complications of chemical burns include corneal scars, glaucoma, symblepharon (adhesions between bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva) and entropion. CHEMICAL BURNS All chemical burns should be treated as trueopiilmienrc emergencies. immeoiate tap water started at the site where injury occurred bet:-i- 7.-e =lent is transported to the emergency room. A bo-F - s err and '-ocular examination should be followed by coo.: won with several liters of normal saline solution V-- _ - tubing. Topical anesthetic and lid retractor rr,al -ceded in order to do proper irrigation. The fornices shy De swabbed for particulate matter. The pH of the oc snouid be checked and irrigation continued until :el.-Aimee., 73 =7.7. Immediate referral to an ophtha s ---andatory_ Other medications for chemical bums ar-i. =acs c.cbp~egics. antibiotics and anti-glaucoma drugs. ors a•-aioese, Alkali penetrates ocular tissue race* .ire 77, do damage long after the inciting inFrit Accs bre:-_c -F. 7 _sue protein which serves as a barrier icr , on. Chemical injuries can occur frcr- ro....ta a_==-old accidents and from che— :a being r:Arn to the face. Examples of aliK _de lime aster, drain cleaner, oven clea—.a. -Imre. fragr-es. in sparklers. Examples car ac inoude battery fluid, bleach. Figure 19 acid burns or' z eyes of varying severity. The paies conitanct~. arly the area around the limbus, the more Figure 20 shows add bum resuiting , _ = Lal burn. ..:3:ion of the corneal epithelium Figure 20. (A) Aad bums ::.)— ea Figure 19. Acid burns of both eyes. OD has very cloudy cornea and pale chemotic conjunctiva. OS has very hazy cornea and moderate chemosis epithelium. (B) The area devoid of epithelium stains with fluorescein dye when viewed blue kit* 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I 4 C - .rar Trauma and Emergencies 203 II. NON-TRAUMATIC OCULAR EMERGENCIES CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION Measures to decrease intraocular pressure should be initiated. These include topical anti-glaucoma medications, acetazolamide, intravenous mannitol and glycerine. Patient should also be given analgesics. Definitive management is laser iridotomy or surgical peripheral iridectomy. Fellow eye of these patients should also undergo iridotomy if the angle is found to be narrow and occludable. Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a true eye emergency. Patients will have sudden, severe, painless blurring of vision. Previous transient visual loss (amaurosis fugax) may be present. Visual acuity ranges from counting fingers to light perception at the time of examination. Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) is observed. On funduscopy, the retina appears edematous and grey in color except at the macula, which may appear red (cherry red spot) (Figure 21). Twenty five percent of patients with CRAO have cilioretinal artery and thus may have residual central vision t fee, \tit i L Figure 22. Acute angle closure glaucoma sc CORNEAL ULCER Consider a corneal ulcer in a patient with painful red eye, eye discharge and a corneal opacity (Figure 23). There may be a history of contact lens wear, minor trauma or foreign body to the eye, or self medication with topical steroids. Patient should undergo corneal scraping for Gram staining and culture and sensitivity studies so that appropriate antibiotics can be given. Figure 21. Central retinal artery occlusion, with cherry red spot on macula. The Retina, Vitreous and Choroid chapter of this SIM discusses the pathophysiology of CRAO. Irreversible retinal damage can occur within 90 minutes of onset of CRAO. Measures to decrease intraocular pressure and to increase retinal artery perfusion include the following: inhaling oxygen-carbon dioxide mixture by breathing in and out in a paper bag, anterior chamber paracentesis, and administration of intravenous acetazolamide. Patients should be evaluated for systemic diseases like hypertension, arteriosclerosis, collagen disease, hematologic disorders and diseases that may predispose tc embolic and thrombotic phenomena. Figure 23. Comeal ulcer ACUTE ANGLE CLOSURE GLAUCOMA ENDOPHTHALMITIS Patients with acute angle closure glaucoma (AACG) present with acute eye pain and/or headache, associated with blurring of vision and red eye. Some patients may have vomiting. Ocular examination will show red eye, hazy or cloudy cornea, mid-dilated pupil, shallow anterior chamber and firm eyeball on palpation (Figure 22). Tonometry will show increased intraocular pressure. Endophthalmitis is an intraocular infection which manifests as eye pain that worsens on eye movement, blurred vision, eye redness and sweing. It can occur after an intraocular surgery, tra uma, from a leaking glaucoma filtering bleb or from endogenous source like an intravenousine_ Prompt referral to an ophthalmologist should be made Management will include vitreous culture, vitrectomy and intravitreal systemic and topical antibiotics. ORBITAL CELLULITIS Orbital cellulitis is the most common cause of proc in children. It can also occur in the elderly and in imrcompromised patients. It can be preceded by trauma o' be associated with infection in the paranasal sinuses. Appendix 10.3 illustrates a step-by-step diagnosis of ocular erne gencies which can serve as a guide to primary care --.L.Th-F:fa.ns in the emerce^7% 'oom - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Carrnvia Quito anti Dr. Jonn Alfred Lim provided some of Patient will present with pain, lid swelling and It is important to differentiate preseptal caul orbital cellulitis because they can both pres-? swelling, redness and tenderness of the eye leucocytosis. Proptosis, chemosis, limitation of eye movement and blurring of vision points to a cellulitis. Extension of the infection to the cavern., can cause bilateral CN II—VI palsy and high levet C: corn plications are meningitis and brain abce, REFERENCES As soon as nasal, conjunctival and blood GAEL the patient should be started on intravenous antibiotics. CT scan or MRI are helpful in dIF septal from orbital cellulitis, for localizing an foreign body and identifying sinusitis. SUMMARY Doctors working in the emergency Koos oboold be farnirar with the clinical presentation and 111111111111111111 dose injuied eye and its adnexae. He should be compolloot iii powiding immediate treatment while widening kodoaribjuties so the Illion-ilaumatic patient. He should likewise be ''salt emergencies like central retinal army 00:6111011 and &axe angle closure glaucoma. He should lotogrdie the conditions that require referral to the ophthalmologist 101 defirlitiVe treatment Table 1 classifies ocubr emegenoles to true emergency, urgent condition a-7 F.e—f-lageit concitirxi_ Table 1. Classiicalon of OctibrEmer-L. Therapy should be • Cherrica instituted witrtin menuaes . cerra Therapy should be • instituted with,' one to several hours • • • a: ' oceiar - - E-. • --a-rnatC Therapy should be days (whe- e . Adap:ec • • • • Mule exophta6nT,s Attila ribs Acute rer. Bkrii-:• 7_ 4_ 4loiclan-Eva P, Whitcher, J.P.. Vaughn and Ashbury's .;eneal Ophthaknology , 16th Edition, New York: Lange Medical Books/ McGraw Hill, 2004, pp 371-379 Nelson LB. 01rtsicy SE Harley's Pediatric Ophthalmology, 5th 5Ation. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005 , pp 508-525 Piefenrd practice Pattern for Acute Angle Closure 20/0031710. American Academy of Ophthalmology. 2005. Lightrnan 5, McCluskey P, Handbook for Medical Students leaning Ophthalmology, International Council of Ophthalmology, 2009 5_ Webb LA Manual of Eye Emergencies, Diagnosis and Management. Edinburg: Butterworth and Heinman, 2004 6_ Selected pictures from the files of External Disease Service ,Retina Service and Glaucoma Service of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of the Philippines Manila, College of Medicine and Philippine General Hospital. 7. Atlasofophthalmology/anteriorsegment/ anteriorsegmentpicture7cornealaceration.htm accessed October 24, 2011 8. Ocular Urgencies and Emergencies, downloaded from , accessed last August 2011. SELF-TEST 1. A true ophthalmologic emergency: A. Central retinal vein occlusion B. Chemical burns C. ntra-ocular foreign body D. Retinoblastoma 2. A patient has a conjunctival laceration. What will make you suspect an underlying scleral laceration? J unctival laceration is more man 10 mm long. B. Conjunctival laceration is located 3 mm from the limbus. C. There is bullous subconjunctival hemorrhage around the conjunctival laceration. D. Vision is 20/25. • Optc ne-' a- . gexaes a:4 Emergencies. from 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 13.4 ,,,,4 3. This condition can cause severe eye pain: A. Central retinal artery occlusion B. Conjunctival laceration C. Corneal abrasion D. Subconjunctival hemorrhage 4. The most important management of chemical burns is A. Analgesic B. Anti-glaucoma medication C. Copious irrigation of saline solution to the injured eye. D. 5. 6. Topical anesthetic A machinist comes to the ER because of eye pain and foreign body sensation he felt after working on metal. You suspect a corneal foreign body. What must you do first before instilling topical anesthetic? A. Measure visual acuity B. Measure intraocular pressure C. Do funduscopy D. Examine extraocular eye movement. The definitive management of acute angle closure glaucoma is A. Laser iridotomy B. Intravenous mannitol C. Topical anti-glaucoma medications D. Acetazolamide 7. The following clinical finding is suggestive of central retinal artery occlusion A. intraocular pressure of 30 mm ng B. Pale and grayish retina on funduscopy C. Pale optic disc D. Visual acuity of 20/40 8. One should expect visual recovery from this type of injury EXCEPT A. Conjunctival laceration B. Corneal abrasion C. Optic nerve avulsion D. Subconjunctival hemorrhage 9. The patient felt foreign body sensation while walking in the sidewalk on a windy day. Upon reaching home, he got a basin of water, submerged his face with his eyes open. Because of the persistent eye pain which was worse when he blinks, he went to the emergency room for consult. The resident on duty saw linear abrasions on his cornea. The foreign body is most likely located in the A. Bulbar conjunctiva B. Cornea C. Limbus D. Palpebral conjunctiva 10. The following eyelid laceration needs to be repaired by an ophthalmologist A. Horizontai laceration, 10 mm in length, located 10 mm inferior to the lower lid margin B. Horizontal laceration, 20 mm in length, located 1C mm inferior to the lower lid margin C. Vertical laceration, 10 mm in length, located 5 mm below lid margin Vertical laceration, 5 mm in length, located 5 mm D. from the medial canthus, involving lower lid margin Answers to Self-Test on page 223. 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology Mary Rose Pe Yan MD INTRODUCTION While pharmaceutical agents are often needed 'ix tne dorms arid reatinent of most ophthalmic diseases, it may not be as clear and straightforward in some situations. or asymptomatic patients. Patient compliance education and simple reassurance may be sufficient for mild conditions be Arced the cost of the drug. pate-7 understanding of various characteristics of the drug, and patient wilFngnessio mar trie inconvenience of applying the cwith patients the cost, dosage, side effects. anC must discuss Vices in order to achieve bette- c.-:.-r,ance and successful treatment. OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit of instruction, the —eisaf male* shoutd beagle to used for the eye and adnexae. 1. Discuss the various ways in whiciwn.qsaammitsebtxtit, with specific emphasis on drugs 2. 3. Discuss the diagnostic and theraoeuticsiiesdaphtharndogic medkations. adn i+iseeddingsaoaaularfl%Xlion. Discuss the effects of syste— CONTENT ~~ Phamicodimmics R. Plharumawallimieties 1. Ocular structures and pharmacokinetics Faciors affecting drug penetration into ocular tissues • O, is drug delivery IV. Ocular pharmacothera peutics 1. Local anesthesbcs 2 Analgesics 3. Mydnatics and mydriolytics 4. Cydopiegic3 5. Ocular hypotensive drugs 6. Anti-infective drugs 7. 8_ 9. Anti-inflammatory drugs Anti-allergy drugs and decongestants Drugs for dry eye and ocular surface disease I. PHARMACODYNAMICS Pharmacodynamics or mechanism of action refers to the biological and therapeutic effect of the drug. A drug is an agonist or antagonist if it binds at the receptor level (e.g.neurotransmitters); and is an activator or inhibitor if it binds at the enzyme level (e.g. hormone receptors). total volume of the conjunctival cul-de-sac of 30 microliters. The excess is either drained by the lacrimal drainage system or is blinked out of the eye by the eyelid. Increasing the drop size, therefore, does not increase drug absorption through the cornea; rather, there is an increase in systemic absorption resulting from increased volume drained through the punctum of the lacrimal drainage system into the mucosa of the nasal cavity and later swallowed. II. PHARMACOKINETICS The effect of drugs on the eye is dependent on specific pharmacokinetic properties, namely: The normal rate of unstimulated or "basal tear flow" is 0.5 to 2.2 microliters per minute. Tear flow is decreased with age and is increased by ocular irritation caused by many ocular medications. The available drug in tears for ocular absorption is inversely proportional to tear flow rate. Absorption - Drug absorption depends on the CORNEA, SCLERA, AND CONJUNCTIVA molecular properties of the drug, the viscosity of Absorption of topical medication is primarily by the cornea. For its vehicle, and the functional status of the tissue certain substances like hydrophilic drugs, however, the cornea forming the barrier to penetration. acts as the major functional barrier for ocular penetration. 2. Distribution - Drug distribution affects absorption The cornea is an avascular structure, allowing a direct route over time. Bioavailability of the drug at the site of of ocular drug penetration without systemic absorption. The action is affected by the compartments and barriers comeal epithelium, which is the outermost layer of squamous of the eye. cells, is lipophilic and resists the penetration of hydrophilic 3. Metabolism - Metabolic enzymes may convert drugs like sodium fluorescein, an anionic diagnostic agent. An "prodrugs" to its active form, or may transform drugs epithelial break will allow penetration of hydrophilic drugs into to an inactive form in order to lessen side effects. the corneal stroma. For effective corneal penetration, a drug Metabolism plays an important part in eliminating must have both hydrophilic and lipophilic properties. drugs. 4. Elimination or excretion- This refer to elimination of the substances from the body or accumulation of the The sclera, which is continuous with the cornea at the limbus, drug in body parts. Rates of drug clearance can be is opaque and vascular. The conjunctiva overlying the sclera is likewise vascular. Together, the conjunctiva and sclera computed. constitute less than one-fifth of drug absorption to the iris and ciliary body.The conjunctiva may function as a major depot for OCULAR STRUCTURES AND subconjunctival injections, allowing the active drug to dissolve PHARMACOKINETICS slowly and be gradually released to the tears. 1. TEARS The tear film over the cornea is composed of 3 layers: 1. Oily layer - An outermost lipid monolayer is produced mainly by the meibomian glands in the eyelid. It functions to stabilize the underlying aqueous layer and retard evaporation. 2. Aqueous layer - More than 95% of tears is aqueous secreted by the lacrimal glands. The layer is approximately 7 microns thick over the cornea and conjunctiva, and is inherently unstable, thinning centrally at the end of each blink. 3. Mucinous layer -The inner thin hydrophobic coating, composed of glycoproteins secreted by the goblet cells, functions to cleanse the tears of particulate debris. MIS The iris has sphincter and dilator muscles for pupillary constriction and dilation, respectively. The iris functions to regulate the amount of light reaching the retina, and contains pigment to absorb light. The pigment granules of the iris also absorb lipophilic drugs and act as a depot or reservoir of some drugs, concentrating then re-releasing drugs for longer periods. Drug response may vary depending on amount of iris pigmentation_ CILIARY BODY AND AQUEOUS HUMOR Tne recn cecr or capillaries of the ciliary body constantly generates aqueous humor, which occupies the anterior and posterior chambers. In the anterior chamber, aqueous exits thee)edvough the trabecular meshwork at the angle formed by the cornea and iris, enters the Schlemm's canal, goes to episderal vessels and then on to the general circulation. The ciliary body is the main source of metabolizing enzymes in the The normal volume of the tear film is 8 to 10 microliters. A single eye for drug destufication and drug removal. drop of medication is about 50 microliters, exceeding the LENS UPID SOLUBILITY The lens is thick and flexible, and is composed of densely A ngner lipid solubility increases drug penetration through packed cells with clear proteins or crystallins. Anteriorly and **epithelial cell membranes. posteriorly, the lens has an outer basal lamina or capsue_ The epithelium of the anterior capsule is the most metabolically 1111111FACTANTS active and is thus, the most prone to damage by tort Surbaants, like benzalkonium chloride (BAC), alter the cell substances. The lens is a barrier for the rapid penention inenbranes in the cornea and increase drug permeability. of drugs from the aqueous to vitreous hump( Lipcchic drugs can penetrate the lens slowly, but large proteins and PEI hydrophilic drugs cannot be absorbed by the lens from tie Same drugs formulated in acid solution are more stable than aqueous humor. Surgical lens removal changes the kineticsa Vulkane pH because of increased protonation and decreased degradation. A change in the normal pH of 7.4, however, can the aqueous and vitreous humor. causeoadar irritation and increased lacrimation. This results in lammed tear flow, decreasing available drug concentration VITREOUS The vitreous, which constitutes about 80% of the ocufair gess. andldeceasing drug penetration. is a gel-like or viscoelastic connective tissue that contains diffused small particles and high molecular weight substance% 1111111111110NICITY such as glycosaminoglycans (e.g. hyaluronic acidlardpioleins Theognolarity of tears is 290 mOsm, equivalent to 0.9% saline, (e.g. collagen). It serves as a major reservoir cf drugs ad as andisthetonicity of most ocular and intravenous medications. a temporary storage depot of metabolites. Substa-Iraseased tonicity relative to tears causes osmotic water molecular weight can freely diffuse from the oiar —italement from the eyelids and eye, resulting in immediate the vitreous. However, systemic administration o 311ition of drug solution. drugs, such as gentamycin, does not readily crosi retinal barrier. For drugs to reach the vitreous. MOLECULAR WEIGHT AND SIZE be injected intravitreally, introduced by iontccr weight polymers and additives increase the surgically implanted intraocularly. The major rouse of fit is wit amity of the drug formulation, decreasing tear film washout, arid increasing bioavailability of the drug. through the lens zonules, into the aqueous. and through aqueous outflow pathway. RETINA AND OPTIC NERVE The blood-retinal barrier resembles the blood-boin bowie in form and function, with both the retina ad bait beinc derivatives of the neural tube. Most hydooptdrc dugs an: metabolites and toxins of high molecular wieiglitull not ernethe inner blood-retina barrier formed by theendothellal cells of retinal capillaries. On the other hand Ilpoplac drugs cross the barrier easily in either direction. Some S)clismic drugs can be toxic to the retina a^-_' = FACTORS AFFECTING DRUG PENETRATION INTO OCULAR TISSUE III. OPHTHALMIC DRUG DELIVERY TOPICAL ADMINISTRATION Most ophthalmic drugs are applied topically because it is simple, convenient, non-invasive, and can be self-administered by the patient. Topical medications do not typically penetrate the posterior structures of the eye in useful concentrations, and are therefore of no therapeutic benefit for diseases of the posterior segment. 1. SOLUTIONS AND SUSPENSIONS DRUG CONCENTRATION AND SOLUBILITY The rate of C.7 Law, is linearly dependent On the ccr _ fference between the compartments on either side c- -- e barrier. A higher drug concenuation improves drug penetration. VISCOSITY is a function of molecular weight and Molectha: concentration_ Addition of an "ophthalmic vehicle' to the active ingredient and preservative complements drug action by providing proper tonicity, buffering, and viscosity to the formulation_ Vehicles such as methylcellulose and polyvinyl alcohol are water-soluble viscosity enhancers with both hydrophilic and lipophilic sites. Eyearop soiutions and suspensions are the most commonly used form of topical administration. Eye drops, however are an inconsistent and imprecise method of drug delivery. Compared to ointments, eye drops are easier to instill and cause little interference with vision. However, eyedrops have less contact time, have increased risk for contamination, and may cause ocular injury from careless instillation.Traditionally, one drop is SO microliters, which exceeds the volume of the conjunctival cul-de-sac of 30 microliters. Standard colors for drug labeling help lessen confusion: red for mydriatics and cycloplegics, green for miotics, pink for steroids, brown or tan for anti-microbia Is, teal for prostaglandin analogues, yellow or blue for beta blockers, and orange for carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. SPECIAL TOPICS I 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology 209 Instillation of eye drops may be done with the patient looking down and retraction of the upper eyelid, or with the patient looking up with head inclined backwards and retraction of the lower lid. The drop is applied to the exposed bulbar conjunctiva, avoiding the cornea to minimize a blink reflex. The dropper is kept away from the globe to prevent contact contamination and possible injury. The eyelids are gently 5. SOLID DELIVERY DEVICES Solid delivery devices allow for a more regulated release of drugs, instead of the pulsed administration of solutions, characterized by an initial period of over dosage followed by relative under dosage. closed without squeezing to retard nasolacrimal drainage and minimize potential side effects associated with systemic drug absorption. Nasolacrimal occlusion for 2 to 3 minutes; done by applying finger tip pressure over the punctum and canaliculi, may enhance intraocular drug absorption. 2. OINTMENTS Ointments have the advantage of prolonged ocular contact time compared to solutions, allowing for less frequent dosing of the medication. When ointments are applied during the day patients frequently complain of blurred vision and "oily" skin around the eye. Hypersensitivity to the preservatives and certain sensitizing agents in the ointment may occur due to prolonged contact time. Administration of ointments is done while asking the patient to look up with head inclined backwards. While retracting the lower lid, a 1 centimeter strip of ointment is placed in the inferior conjunctival cul-de-sac. When applied to the cul-desac, ointments melt immediately and spread to the eyelid margin, lashes, and skin. Ointment in the eyelid margin acts as a reservoir and increases drug contact time. An alternative method of applying ointments is by placing it on a cottontipped applicator and applying it to the upper eyelid margin and lashes. This method minimizes blurred vision and drug irritation. a. Soft contact lenses Contact lenses with high water content, when placed in soaking solutions, absorb more water-soluble drugs for later release into the pre-corneal tear film. However, rapid loss of drug from the contact lens lessens the significance of this advantage over topical administration of solutions and ointments. b. Collagen shields Collagen shields are thin membranes of porcine or bovine sclera collagen, and are similar to contact lenses in shape and application. They are packaged in a dehydrated state and are rehydrated with a drug solution before placing on the cornea. The drug is released as the shield dissolves. Topical anesthesia is placed into the eye to minimize discomfort caused by application of the shield. c. Filter paper strips Drug-impregnated filter paper strips allow for easy administration of drugs in amounts adequate for their intended clinical purpose. The use of filter paper strips prevents administration of excessive amounts and eliminates the risk of solution contamination with Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Three staining agents, sodium fluorescein, lissamine green, and rose bengal, are commercially available in filter paper strips. The concentration delivered to the ocular surface depends on the strip soak time and technique. 3. LID SCRUBS Application of a solution, ointment, or detergent, such as baby shampoo, by lid scrub is helpful in the treatment of seborrheic or infective blepharitis. This aids in the removal of oil, debris, and desquamated skin from the inflamed eyelid. Lid scrubs are also used for hygienic eyelid cleaning. The drug-impregnated filter paper strip is moistened with a drop of normal saline prior to touching the exposed bulbar conjunctiva and conjunctival cul-desac of an eye with retracted lower eyelid. Separate strips can be used for each eye to avoid cross-contamination between eyes. d. Cotton pledgets Lid scrub involves placing a strip of ointment or several drops of solution or detergent on a cotton-tipped applicator and applying it to the lid margin with eyes open or closed. A pledget is a small elongated tuft of cotton constructed by teasing the cotton tip of an applicator. The cotton pledget is saturated with 1 or 2 drops of solution, usually mydriatics like phenylephrine, and placed into the inferior 4. GELS Gelling agents transform from gel to liquid upon contact with the eye, rendering the drug hydrophilic and minimizing conjunctival cul-de-sac (fornix). complaints of blurred vision. Gel-forming agents are applied as eye drops and are converted by temperature changes into a gel-like viscosity that prolongs vision or contact time with the eye without causing blurred ocular discomfort. PERIOCULAR ADMINISTRATION Compare° w topecai administration, local injections into periocuiar tissues bypass the conjunctiva and corneal epithelurn. and delver higher concentrations of drugs with IOW lipid sdubdity such as corticosteroids and antibiotics. There are four main routes for periocular injections. Selection of the injection SINP depends primarily on the location of the target aneet- 1. 5 UBCONJUNCTIVAL INJECTION Subconjunctivai injections between the conjunctiva arc, Tenon's capsule allow for higher local drug concert-atcrs with the use of smaller drug quantities.This eliminates.use systemic effects of the drug, avoids the need for oca or systemic drug administration, and minimizes probes we" INTRAVITREAL ADMINSTRATION Because of the blood- retinal barrier, there is decreased penetration into the eye of systemic antibiotics. Intraocular infections like endophthalmitis can be successfully treated with intravitreal rather than systemic administration. patient compliance. 2. SUBTENON'S INJECTION Compared to subconjunctival injection, subtenon's ripEction between the Tenon's capsule and sclera offers ktIlle advantage and may even deliver lower quantities of drug into the eye, as well as increase the risk of globe perforaton For certain inflammatory diseases, like severe weird. cystoid macular edema, and diabetic macular edema. injection of corticosteroids may penetrate the underlying sclera. and so the drug must be placed immediately adjacent ID die site of inflammation. 3. RETROBULBAR INJECTION Drugs injected into the intraconal space for inside the muscle cone posterior to the globe) En da& aneghetics. corticosteroids, phenols, and alcohot. Fletrobulbar ilection of anesthetics results in rapid onset of anesthesia and akinesia (or skeletal muscle paralysis) for anterior segment arc vitreoretinal surgery. The retrobuIbar technique however. is a blind procedure where a needle is placed ediemely dos-7 the globe while aiming for the roust* cone. vitich c---vital structures like the optic nerve. Potential risks inadvertent globe penetration. ietrobufbar hemorrhage direct injury to the optic nerve 4. PERIBULBAR INJECTION The peribulbar technique invokes one or more injections around the globe, without directly aiming forthe muscle cone Anesthetic injected around the globe eyeing,* infiltrates the muscle cone. Although also a bind procedure, the SYSTEMIC ADMINISTRATION 1. Oral 2. Intravenous 3. Intramuscular PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY Photodynamic therapy involves systemic administration of a photosensitive drug followed by the application of nonthermal laser to produce a "dynamic' reaction which causes necrosis of the lesion. This method is used to treat choroidal neovascularization associated with age-related macular degeneration. Non-thermal light converts the drug and produces cell death of abnormal tissues. Unlike conventional laser procedures, photodynamic therapy produces minimal damage to normal retinal and choroidal tissues. IV. OCULAR PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS LOCAL ANESTHETICS Local anesthetics act on cell membranes to produce completely reversible conduction blockage of nerve impulses, resulting in sensory anesthesia and skeletal muscle paralysis (or akinesia), without structural damage to nerve fibers and loss of consciousness. Duration of the anesthetic effect is proportional to the length of time the drug is bound to nerve proteins, which depends on the chemical structure of the drug, the drug concentration, the amount of administered peribulbar technique is safer than the retrobubar technique. Compared to the retrobutpar technique. penbulbar injection Of anesthetics provides a simian anesthesia and akinesia, but drug, and the rate of drug removal by diffusion and circulation. Local anesthesia containing amide is metabolized primarily by with less rapid onset. the liver. INTRACAMERAL ADMINISTRATION LINJECTABLE ANESTHETICS Intracamerai acknirisnation involves directly plating a drug into the anterior chamber. During anterior segment surgeries. such as cataract extraction and glaucoma filtering surgery, substances can be placed in the anterior chamber, like viscoelastics to prevent damage to the comeal endothelium, sustained-release pelets to provide high intraocular drug levels for a longer duration. and unpreserved 1% lidocaine to anesthesize the iris and diary body and decrease patient discomfort. a. Lidocaine Lidocaine is the M05: frequently used injectable anesthetic. One percent lidocaine without preservatives can be injected into the anterior chamber during cataract surgery to supplement topical anesthesia. Addition of local vasoconstrictors like epinephrine to lidocaine decreases the rate of absorption into the systemic circulation, resulting in longer duration of action, less local bleeding, and lower risk of systemic anesthetic toxicity. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 85 Ocular Pharmacology MI b. B upivacaine c. Procaine d. e. Etidocaine Mepivacaine 2. TOPICAL ANESTHETICS Topical ocular anesthetics suppress corneal sensitivity. However, it can cause eye irritation and, if used frequently, localized or diffuse corneal desquamation.The onset of action is 10 to 20 seconds and the duration is 10 to 20 minutes. Moderate stinging or a mild burning sensation immediately follows instillation, and corneal anesthesia lasts for 20 to 30 seconds. Combining two or more topical anesthetics has no additive effect and can increase the risk or side effects. b. Non-salicylate non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is produced by inhibiting cyclooxygenase. The drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Like salicylates, NSAIDs can cause GI discomfort and GI bleeding. NSAIDs also interfere with platelet aggregation, resulting in prolonged bleeding time. i. Although rare, side effects include allergic hypersensitivity, epithelial keratitis, corneal edema and corneal desquamation resulting in tear film dysfunction. a. b. c. d. Proparacaine Proparacaine is available as a topical 0.5% solution. Tetracaine Benoxinate Cocaine ANALGESICS FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE OCULAR PAIN Patients may experience substantial pain from ocular conditions like corneal or conjunctival foreign bodies (even after their removal), corneal abrasion, and ocular trauma. Nociceptors in specialized pain endings of peripheral nerves, activated in response to trauma, can be found in the subcutaneous tissues and periosteum of the eye and orbit. Pain signals are conveyed to the brain through the trigeminal nerve; in turn, the trigeminal nucleus sends pain signals to the somatosensory cortical areas in the brain. Analgesics act as: (1) Peripheral acting agents, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), block the formation of inflammatory and pain mediators at the cyclooxygenase pathway; (2) Anesthetic agents, which block nociceptive signals from the peripheral source to the brain or spinal cord; and (3) Centrally acting agents, like opioids, that react with specific receptors in the central nervous system. 1. NON-OPIOID (NON-NARCOTIC) ANALGESICS Propionic Acids 1. Ibuprofen 2. Naproxen 3. Fenoprofen 4. Ketoprofen 5. Oxaprozin ii. Cox-2 Inhibitors 1. Celecoxib c. Acetaminophen The analgesic action of acetaminophen is unclear. It is a weak inhibitor of cyclooxygenase. Unlike aspirin, it has no anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, aspirin is superior to acetaminophen in treating pain associated with inflammation. Acetominophen, however, does not cause gastrointestinal irritation or prolonged bleeding time from inhibition of platelet aggregation. It can be used safely during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When used in patients with chronic alcoholism and pre-existing liver impairment, acetaminophen can lead to serious liver toxicity and ultimately death. d. Non-narcotic combinations 2. OPIOID (NARCOTIC) ANALGESICS Opioids are natural or synthetic compounds that possess morphine-like analgesic effects. They are the first drug of choice for treatment of severe acute pain affecting both noxious stimulation (pain) and the emotional component of subjective distress (suffering). Analgesia is produced by binding to various opioid receptors in the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord, thus mimicking the effect of endorphins. The amount of analgesia produced is directly proportional to dose. with no ceiling effect, thus the potential for abuse and ackfiction_ It produces a high degree of sedation and GI Non-opioid analgesics like NSAIDs are the most effective and safest for short-term use. a. Salicylates Acetylsalicylic acid, or salicylate aspirin, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties. Aspirin inactivates the cyclooxygenase pathway. The most common side effect is gastrointestinal disturbance, particularly increased gastric acid secretion. a. b. c. d. e. f. Codeine Oxycodone Hydrocodone Propoxyphene Hydromorphone Tramadol :-. a - MYDRIATICS AND MYDRIOLYTICS . a - .ng degrees of parasympathetic =7-E.' muscle produces varying degrees Adrenergic receptors of the autonomic 'e. Dus system are targeted by catecholamines, particularli. zradrenaine and affect (norepinephrine) and adrenaline (epinephr various ocular functions like pupil size, pa 1pebra ssuie. bksod vessel diameter, aqueous flow, and accommoca - 7r_ These --are two main groups of receptors: a (alpha) and F ___ several subtypes. Adrenergic nerve terminals air in the ciliary smooth muscle, iris dilator muscle. aid wOrillees muscle. Adrenergicagonistsorsympathomimetics causeasympathetic response (flight-or-fight response), like increase in heart rate and pupillary dilation. Mydriatics are used to dianeihe Dam Adrenergic receptor antagonist, anti-ackenergi:3. or adrenergic-blocking agents block the Midriolytics are a-receptor blocking agent -.- a - La constriction (miosis). 1. MYDRIATICS a. Phenylephrine Phenylephrine is a selective a-receplotagortist It 6 nxistty _used clinically for dilating the pupi ugh dilation at 45 to 60 minutes and cloaricr _-_- 77 77 - = : -It contracts the iris dilator muscle arc of the conjunctival arterioles. cau9ing and blanching of the conjuncLikra corn wasp.: 7 Other effects include widening of the from sympathetic stimulation tithe Mid& s decreased intraocular press se bom 5,4ueous production by the ciliary body_ Because a' - a^ry local and systemic side effects of plienylephrim_ ong term clinical use is unsatisfactory b. Hydroxyamphetarnine c. Cocaine 2. MYDRIOLYTICS Dapip-azole e is an a-receptor blocking agent in the iris dilator muscle, re:. 7 - in miosis and decreased intrao_ 'a c -essure_ is concentratior dep, :an "E CYCLOPLEGICS Cycloplegic agents are a E-7 an; - :muscarinics, and cr.: :• j ace--3 — the action of acetylchc e on 7s inre- . autonomic nerve fibers, and on srr: :71 e cells that la cholinergic autonomic innervation. Cholinergic innervation in the eye is seen in the ciliary body, iris sphincter muscle, agents can increase the intraocular billydniatic-cycicc with open angle glaucoma and can pressure it precipitate a- attack of acute angle closure glaucoma in J,"" -?—,W0Cfl.':,1?tde angles. 1. ATROPINE SULFATE .ective muscarinic antagonist. It is ,s a potent mydriatic and cycloplegic agent, with :st ass starting at 12 minutes and lasting up to 10 days, and cyc = 7. a 7. a starting at 12 minutes and lasting 7 to 12 -- paralyzes accommodation up to 8 days. It is .:_.• ng cycloplegic refraction of young, actively - g children with suspected latent hyperopia and acz: - -odative esotropia. In school-aged children and adults~~hov.E. er, the prolonged paralysis of accommodation 7 — ear vision, thus a short-acting cycloplegic is to prevent this inconvenience. The , c. -E• caused by atropine has been used in . . as a form of 'penalization" of the eye with arra:: . combined with optical overPer nor-; a - a :ernative to direct occlusion of the or a :-.erapy. In inflammatory conditions, a-:: better e.-s relieves pain by relaxing ciliary . lbs. atropine as formation of posterior synechiae by spasm, prevents _ide that prevents iris-corneal touch, and reduces 7--.7- :7 a=_==_a :e a and flare by decreasing excessive permeability a -led vessels. Adverse systemic reactions appear to be dose dependent. Topically applied atropine is absorbed systemically through the conjunctival vessels and the nasal mucosa. Children and elderly are more susceptible to anti-cholinergic toxicity, including depressed salivation, fever, hallucinations, convulsions, and death. The treatment of atropine overdose is supportive: preventing hyperpyrexia and dehydration. Physostigmine, in repeated doses, is reserved for severe and life-threatening side-effects. 2. HOMATROPINE HYDROBROMIDE 3. SCOPOLAMINE HYDROBROMIDE 4. CYCLOPENTOLATE HYDROCHLORIDE Cyclopentolate is the cycloplegic agent of choice for cycloplegic refraction in all age groups due to its relatively fast onset of about 20 to 30 minutes and short duration of 24 hours. Recovery of accommodation to permit reading is about 6 to 12 hours. Compared to atropine, cyclopentolate has more CNS side effects, such as cerebellar dysfunction, visual and tactile hallucinations. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 18.5 Ocular Pharmacology MI 5. TROPICAMIDE Tropicamide is a non-selective muscarinic antagonist. Like cyclopentolate, the onset is fast (20 to 40 minutes) and the duration of action is short (6 hours). The mydriatic effect is greater than the cycloplegic effect, so it is not the drug of choice for cycloplegic refraction. Unlike atropine, scopolamine, and cyclopentolate, topical tropicamide absorbed systemically has little affinity to systemic muscarinic receptors, thus adverse systemic effects are rare. OCULAR HYPOTENSIVE DRUGS The group of diseases collectively known as "glaucoma" is managed pharmacologically or surgically by lowering the existing intraocular pressure (10P). Ocular hypotensive agents each have their unique mechanisms of action, so drugs can be used alone or in combination. 1. PROSTAGLANDIN ANALOGS Prostaglandin analogs are the "first-line" treatment for most patients with open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension because of their convenience (once daily dosage) and good safety profile. The most common side effect is conjunctival hyperemia. Other side effects include reversible increased pigmentation to the eyelid skin and iris color, hypertrichosis, allergy, anterior uveitis, cystoid macular edema, and punctate corneal erosion. There is no drug tolerance with prolonged use. Latanoprost, the first commercially successful prostaglandin analogue available, decreases l01) by decreasing uveoscleral outflow. It is most effective when used in combination with Timolol. a. Latanoprost b. Travoprost c. Bimatoprost 2.11-ADRENERGIC ANTAGONISTS (j3-BLOCKERS) The ocular hypotensive effect of (3-blockers is from antagonism of the (32 adrenoceptors,in the ciliary body. With twice daily dose, 13-blockers decrease the production of aqueous humor, and have an insignificant effect on outflow. Drug tolerance has been described with chronic use of (3-blockers, making prostaglandin analogues better in terms of long-term efficacy and compliance. Systemic side effects include bradycardia, systemic hypotension, heart block and failure, bronchospasm, diarrhea, and amnesia. a. Timolol b. Betaxolol c. Levobunolol d. Metipranolol e. Carteolol 3. ADRENERGIC AGONISTS In the 1920s, epinephrine, an adrenergic agonist, was documented to decrease 10P after topical application to the eye. Alpha 2-receptor agonists in presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals of the ciliary body decrease production of aqueous humor and enhance uveoscleral outflow. When administered thrice daily, it is an effective short term therapy for patients on maximal medical therapy who still require additional 10P reduction. It is effective in preventing 10P spikes after laser procedures like argon trabeculoplasty, YAG capsulotomy, and YAG peripheral iridotomy. a. Apraclonidine Common ocular side effects include conjunctival blanching, lid retraction, and mydriasis. b. Brimonidine Unlike apraclonidine that causes mydriasis, brimonidine causes miosis. Dry mouth is the most common systemic side effect. Other side effects include headache, drowsiness, and fatigue. 4. CARBONIC ANHYDRASE INHIBITORS (CAI) Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase activity in the ciliary processes by CAI decreases aqueous production because carbonic anyhydrase catalyzes the cellular production in the ciliary epithelium of bicarbonate, an essential component of the aqueous humor. Systemic CAls, such as acetazolamide (250 mg capsule every 6 hours), lowers 10P by inhibiting the activity of carbonic anhydrase throughout the body. CAls are excreted unchanged by the kidneys. Impaired renal function may require substantially lower doses of CAls. Oral CAls can cause hypokalemia; thus, necessitating potassium monitoring and replacement. Topical CAls, as a twice or thrice daily dose, have an onset of action at 2 hours and duration of 8 hours. Topical and oral CAls do not produce an additive effect, and their combined use is not indicated in glaucoma treatment. a. b. c. d. Acetazolamide (available locally in tablets of 250 mg) Methazolamide Dorzolamide ,available locally as a topical eye drop) Brinzolamide (available locally as a topical eye drop) 5. CHOLINERGIC AGONISTS (MIOTIC) Cholinergic agonists, also known as parasympathomimetics or cholinomimetics, are biologically similar to acetylcholine. They are divided according to their mechanisms of action, into direct and indirect acting (cholinesterase inhibitor). Direct acting agents. like pilocarpine, act directly at the neuroeffector junctions of the iris sphincter muscle and ciliary body, resulting in pupilary constriction, spasm of accommodation, and reduction d 10P. Indirect acting agents inhibit cholinesterase, thereby increasing amounts of acetylcholine available at cholinergic receptors a. Pilocarpine 3oxycycline Pi 0Cdf pine is a muscarinic agonist that increases aqueous ..e erythromycin, clarithromycin, outflow through the trabecular meshwork. At a dose of 3: four times a day, pilocarpine is indicated in acute angleclosure glaucoma. It is also useful in stre-.:"jng ti' iris common. prior to laser iridotomy. Ocular side effects making pilocarpine intolerable to mans -.:..a-Lencs. Side effects include blurring of vision due to acconignonatiwe spasm in the young, miosis in the elderly with tracts. pupillary block with secondary angle-closure glaucoma. and retinal detachment. Systemic side effec-_--1, assoomed with the cholinergic activity of pilocarpine are b. . :in col d. Inhibiting folk acid synthesis. - _ amides it Pyrimethamine Trirneth C'irT1 e. Inhibition of enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, which are specific for bacteria. quinolones (fluoroquinolones) like Carbachol 7, c. ANTI-INFECTIVE DRUGS -±-e-af,-; starts with obtaining a history Anti-Infective drugs exhibit selec-u.e towicity.The dilemmas between the cells of humans and of miC100111111111191115 allow drugs to kill microorganisms while causing eniirlirnall or no adverse reactions to the host. "Spectfurn of activity' velars to whether a drug is "narrow- or broad-spec:rise', diepencing on the number of species the drug is active against. 1. ANTI-BACTERIAL DRUGS Bacteria can oe divided into C:i;an Star !maim cell shape and - = -- pm 7 ?..sing cell arrangement. Common Serratia marcescens, Proteus norficcocin, dprofloxacin, ofloxacin, a :in, gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, and ic •- Echothiophate are Staphylococcus aureus Gram-positive, and Neisseria is seen in: _ 43 ix _ Estnerthia co& ;sada/Toms aerughosa ".-e patient. A tentative diagnosis of the causative .--.icroc - :anism is made, which becomes the basis kw empiric trey- — ent using one or a combination agents. usually a .7-spectrum agent that is the least wick. The route of ad— - stration (topical application, oral ar injection, intravitreal injection, administration. a intravenous kijection. or a combination of routes) and the dose are determined. For ocular surface infections, topical appicaion is preferred. Laboratory culture of tissues or body kids is used to confirm the clinician's initial diagnosis and to determine the sensitivity and resistance of the isolated microorganism to the agents started. for Gram-negative bacteria. Reasons for antimicrobial failure include: wrong diagnosis, Anti-bacterial drugs act against bactertathroucfrvthefollowing mechanisms: drug resistance, inadequate dosage, patient non-compliance and inadequate immune response. Bacteria can mutate to cause drug resistance by: producing enzymes that inactivate the ar--.Thiotic, blocking the binding of the antibiotic to the a. Inhibiting cell wall synthesis of peptidoglycans, which is necessary for structural integrity of the bacteria. : i. Pe- ii. CephatiSpOriln iii. Ba: recec -.: - site, and preventing antibiotic entry into the bacterial cell. 2. ANTI-VIRAL DRUGS ;ge --.erfere with viral replication and on by in - siting thymidine kinase needed for nucleic acid synthesis. N. Ite' b. Selectively disrupting bacterial cell membranes. Herpes simplex virus (HSV1) is the most frequent cause of primary and recurrent eye disease, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis,epithelial and stromal keratitis, uveitis, and retinitis.Treatment of herpes simplex and of herpes zoster viral infections include: c. Selective binding of drug to bacterial ribosomes, which differ from that of humans in size and composition, thereby inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. s see- : Armnogrycosides like neomycin, gentamicir tobrarnycin, and amikacin a. Tr ifl u rid ine b. c. d. e. Acyclovir Valacyclovir Famcyclovir Gancyclovir 8 SPECIAL TOPICS 1 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology arif Admovirusos (serotypes 2, 7, g,19, and 37) cause conjunctivitis and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Currently, no antivirals are approved for ocular adenoviral infections. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is the most common opportunistic ocular infection in patients with AIDS and immune-compromised transplant patients. 3. ANTI-FUNGAL DRUGS Fungi can infect any eye structure, including the cornea, conjunctiva, lens, ciliary body, vitreous, retina and the entire uveal tract. The most common ocular fungal pathogens are the yeast Candida and the molds Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Curvularia. There are four classes of anti-fungals based on mechanism of action: a. Polyenes increase cell permeability by binding ergosterol in the cell membrane. They are fungistatic at low concentration and fungicidal at higher concentration. Resistance is relatively rare. i. Amphotericin B ii. Natamycin release in type I (Ig-E mediated) hypersensitivity immune response; and (4) the inflammatory prostaglandin pathway by blocking phospholipase A2, which prevents biosynthesis of arachidonic acid, and production of prostacycline, thromboxane A, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. Steroids decrease capillary permeability and fibroblast proliferation. They affect the quality of collagen deposition, thereby influencing tissue regeneration and repair. Corneal penetration of topical steroids is affected by the steroid base of the drug. Acetate and alcohol derivatives make the steroid molecule more liphophilic. Salts, such as sodium phosphate and sodium hydrochloride, make the steroid molecule more hydrophilic. Acetate derivatives produce the highest corneal concentration. The route of administration is determined by the location of inflammation. The dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the clinical experience of the physician, but should be high enough to suppress inflammation. Short-term, low dose topical steroid treatment generally does not produce side effects. Longterm, high dose treatment must be gradually tapered and not discontinued abruptly. b. Pyrimidines inhibit DNA synthesis by blocking thymidine kinase. It is fungistatic and drug resistance can occur. An example is Flucytosine c. Azoles inhibit fungal growth by increasing cell permeability through binding ergosterol in the cell membrane. They are fungistatic. Drug resistance can occur with their use. Examples are: i. Ketoconazole ii. Miconazole iii. Itraconazole iv. Fluconazole v. Voriconazole d. Echinocandins weaken the cell wall by inhibiting glycan synthesis. Caspofungin i. Micafungin iii. Anidulafungin ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS 1. CORTICOSTEROIDS Corticosteroids, particularly prednisolone, are the most common agents for ocular inflammation. They affect every tissue in the body and every aspect of the immune system by inhibiting: (1) neutrophil migration into the extracellular space and adherence to vascular endothelium at the site of tissue injury; (2) B-cell and T-cell lymphocytic activity by preventing Corticosteroids can be classified as short acting (hydrocortisone, cortisone, prednisolone), intermediate acting (trimcinolone, fluprednisolone), and long acting (dexamethasone, betamethasone). Ocular hypertension and cataracts are the most common ocular side effects of steroid treatment to the eye by any route. Steroids can also retard corneal healing and can increase susceptibility to viral, fungal, and bacterial infection. Other side effects include paradoxical anterior uveitis, mydriasis, and ptosis. Systemic side effects include adrenal suppression, peptic ulcer, hypertension, increased blood sugar, osteoporosis, mental changes, and activation of tuberculosis and other infections. 2. NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) Like steroids, NSAIDs reduce inflammation but without the side effects of steroids. Topical NSAIDs, however, are less effective than topical steroids in controlling anterior chamber inflammation. It blocks the cyclooxygenase arm of the inflammatory prostaglandin pathway. Ketorolac and diclofenac reduce pain and discomfort after corneal refractive surgery. NSAIDs can prolong clotting time from decreased platelet aggregation. 3. CYCLOSPORINE A Cyclosporine A is used to treat keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye). It is safe and well-tolerated. mnii 1 - /ALLLKGY DRUGS AND DECONGESTANTS antihistamines, such as pheniramine maleate and antazoline phosphate, are commercially available in combination with naphazoline, an adrenergic agonist decongestant. Second The eye, particularly the conjunctiva, eyelids, and cornea, is a generation antihistamines, such asazelastine, ketotifen, and olopatadine, also 6?...e ? ?. stabilizing effect. common sitefor allergic reactions.The immunesystemprovides a defense mechanism against antigens, such as pollen dander. A normal immune response removes ar _ _ with an inflammatory reaction that results in minimum tissue damage. Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions are exaggerated immune responses that result in tissue damage. -Twes I and IV hypersensitivity responses play a significant to,. = -_- eye disease. Type I or humoral hypersenolioir mediated mainly by histamine, involves immetteof B lymphocytes and production of Immo(IgE) that binds to mast cells and basophils cyclooxygenase arm of the inflammatory p pathway. Histamine release can result in a vice range of clinical manifestations, from life-threatening a-azrglapc ad—T shock to the relatively benign presentations at tearing, and conjunctival hyperemia. Histamine aso hypotension, tachycardia, and decreased atricneiasitular rode conduction time. Type IV or cell-mediated immune resPorse is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction involving TIlriphocyles. Avoidance of environmental allergen= management. Treatment of ocular allerry. and characteristics of symptoms. "P, 3. MAST CELL STABILIZERS as cromolyn sodium, lodoxamide, nedocromi, and pemirolast, inhibit type I immune response and release of mediators of allergic disease by preventing mast cell degranulation and calcium influx across mast cell —embr 4. NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS ,NSAIDS) •etoiciac uoinewomine is the only topical NSAID approved for beatinent of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. It inhibits cydoonygenase, an enzyme needed for the conversion of asachidonic acid to prostaglandins, an itch-producing substance in the conjunctiva. S. 00111TKOSTEROIDS SterOidS are effective in treating seasonal allergic conjunctivitis by deaeasing histamine release, preventing degranulation of mast cells, and preventing formation of various mediators. PREPARATIONS FOR DRY EYE AND OCULAR SURFACE DISEASE (OSD) 1. DECONGESTANTS •ftmphainine. Ocular decong:__ .ants, such as pherigl pilline. oxymetazoline, and tetrahydrozoine are sysligicatbenergic agonists that cause conjunctival Va500311INICNOn iD lessen hyperemia and edema. 2. ANTI-HISTAMINES Anti-histamines inhioit tne action of histamine_ They prevent further release of histamine but usualllydoesnot reverse &mica' manifestations already present ilia nasal and conjunctival itching, sneezing. congestion., and maser, aid red eyes. Oral antihistamines may be sedating (first generation antihistamines like diphenhydramine and prOmediazine) or non-sedating (second generation andigarnines like felarenackne, loratadine, desloratacine. and catkin?), depencing on their ability to penetrate the bbod brain bailer, which is affected by factors like kpophillecity and low molecular weight. Nonsedating second generation antibistamines bind less to cholinergic and a-adrenergic receptors. resulting in less adverse effects associated with first generation anti-histamines, such as CNS depression, dry mouth, blurred vision, and tachycardia. Oral antihistamines. compared to topical anti-histamines. have a deeper penetration of ocular tissues, and are therefore more effective in moderate to severe eyelid edema and chemosis. Topical administration, with more frequent dosing, provides a more direct and rapid route of relief. First generation topical Dry eye syndrome is described as a deficiency in the quantity or quality of the tears or tear film due to inadequate aqueous tear production (referred to as keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS) or to excessive tear evaporation. Dry eye causes ocular surface disease and is associated with symptoms of ocular discomfort and varying degrees of ocular surface inflammation. Treatment of OSD involves relieving ocular symptoms, healing the ocular surface, and preventing serious complications. Treatment of dry eye can be categorized into: (1) tear supplementation (seen in artificial tears and lacriserts), (2) tear conservation (seen in ointment and punctal occlusion), and (3) tear stimulation (seen in secretagogues and antiinflammatories or immunomodulators). 1. ARTIFICIAL TEARS arz.t.c.a. tears snould reproduce the metabolic, optical, 3e5 and physical characteristics of natural tears, should have a long ocular residence time, and should contain therapeutic additives to treat primary and secondary damage to the eye. Water-based artificial tears with added polymer are commonly used to treat dry eye. Polymers, such as methylcellulose (MC), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), povidone or polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), dextran, and propylene glycol, enhance viscosity, lubrication, and retention time, to promote tear film stability. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology Ells 2. OINTMENTS Non-medicated ointments containing esters of fatty acids with long-chain alcohol, such as petrolatum, mineral oil, lanolin, and lanolin alcohols serve as lubricants and create a lipid layer that retard evaporation. Ointments are indicated for moderate dry eye, especially with lagophthalmos, exposure keratopathy, or severe corneal epithelial compromise. to severe 3. SECRETAGOGUES Secretagogues or lacrimomimetics stimulate lacrimal gland function to enhance tear production. It includes cholinerg agents (carbachol, bethanecol, pilocarpine) and mucolytics (bromhexine and ambroxol). 4. ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES/IMMUNOMODULATORS Hormonal (like androgens), anti-inflammat: corticosteroids), or immunomodulatory agents (like cyclosporine) can suppress cytokine and receptor-mediated inflammatory process of the lacrimal gland that leads to decreased tear production and chronic dry eye. SUMMARY Successful diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disease require proper drug selection and administration. Inappropriate, inadequate, or contraindicated drug regimen may lead to potentially adverse consequences_ Pharmacists or other qualified drug experts must be consulted when necessary. REFERENCES 1. Bartlett JD and Jaanus SD. Clinical Ocular Pharmacology, 5th edition. St. Louis, MO: Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, 2008. 2. Flach AJ and Fraunfelder FW. Chapter 3: Ophthalmic Therapeutics, in Vaughan & Ashbury's General Ophthalmology 16th edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Companies, 2004. 3. Weitzman S and Caprioli J. Chapter 61, Ocular Pharmacology of Antibacterial Agents, in Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, 2006 edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. 4. Sutphin JE and Wells JM. Chapter S6: Medical Treatment of Glaucoma, in Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, 2006 edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, SELF-TEST Which of the following INCREASES ocular drug absorption? A. Increase in age of the patient B. Increase in hydrophobicity of the drug C Increase in rate of tear flow D. Increase in size of released drop from the container or bottle 2. Which of the following DECREASES ocular drug penetration? betweer concentration drug in , ncrease compartments of the eye B. Increase in lipid solubility through the epithelial cel membrane C. Increase in pH of the drug formulation D. Increase in tonicity relative to tears 7. 3. Which is TRUE about eye drops? A. Eye drops are easy to instill but causes blurring of vision. B. Nasolacrimal occlusion decreases intraocular drug absorption C. The bottle of the eye drop precisely delivers 50 microliters with every drop D. The volume of a drop from the bottle is more than the volume of the conjunctival cul-de-sac 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding topical eye drug preparations? A. Eye drops have a high absorption rate into the vitreous. B. Gels are hydrophobic and this leads to complaints of bluffing of vision. C. Ointments are most commonly used due to ease of application and minimal subjective complaints from patient use. D. Ointments have prolonged contact time, allowing for less frequent dosing of medication. 5. Addition of local vasoconstrictor epinephrine to lidocaine results in which of the following? A. Decrease in duration of action B. Decrease in local bleeding C. Increase in risk for systemic toxicity D. Increase in rate of absorption into the circulation 2. OINTMENTS Non-medicated ointments containing esters of fatty acids with long-chain alcohol, such as petrolatum, mineral oil, lanolin, and lanolin alcohols serve as lubricants and create a lipid layer that retard evaporation. Ointments are indicated for moderate to severe dry eye, especially with lagophthalmos, exposure keratopathy, or severe corneal epithelial compromise. 3. SECRETAGOGUES Secretagogues or lacrimomimetics stimulate lacrimal gland function to enhance tear production. It includes cholinergic agents (carbachol, bethanecol, pilocarpine) and mucolytics (bromhexine and ambroxol). 4. ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES/IMMUNOMODULATORS Hormonal (like androgens), anti-inflammatory (like corticosteroids), or immunomodulatory agents (like cyclosporine) can suppress cytokine and receptor-mediated inflammatory process of the lacrimal gland that leads to decreased tear production and chronic dry eye. SELF-TEST 1. Which of the following INCREASES ocular drug absorption? A. Increase in age of the patient B. Increase in hydrophobicity of the drug C. Increase in rate of tear flow D. Increase in size of released drop from the container or bottle 2. Which of the following DECREASES ocular drug penetration? A. Increase in drug concentration between compartments of the eye B. Increase in lipid solubility through the epithelial cell membrane C. Increase in pH of the drug formulation D. Increase in tonicity relative to tears 3. SUMMARY Successful diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic disease require proper drug selection and administration. Inappropriate, inadequate, or contraindicated drug regimen may lead to potentially adverse consequences. Pharmacists or other qualified drug experts must be consulted when necessary. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bartlett JD and Jaanus SD. Clinical Ocular Pharmacology, 5th edition. St. Louis, MO: Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, 2008. Flach AJ and Fraunfelder FW. Chapter 3: Ophthalmic Therapeutics, in Vaughan & Ashbury's General Ophthalmology, 16th edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Companies, 2004. Weitzman S and Caprioli J. Chapter 61, Ocular Pharmacology of Antibacterial Agents, in Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, 2006 edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. Sutphin JE and Wells JM. Chapter 56: Medical Treatment of Glaucoma, in Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, 2006 edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. Sutphin JE and Wells JM. Chapter 61, Ocular Pharmacology of Antibacterial Agents, in Duane's Clinical Ophthalmology, 2006 edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. 218 Self-Instructional Materials in Ophthalmology 12nd Edition Which is TRUE about eye drops? A. Eye drops are easy to instill but causes blurring of vision. B. Nasolacrimal occlusion decreases intraocular drug absorption C. The bottle of the eye drop precisely delivers 50 microliters with every drop D. The volume of a drop from the bottle is more than the volume of the conjunctival cul-de-sac 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding topical eye drug preparations? A. Eye drops have a high absorption rate into the vitreous. B. Gels are hydrophobic and this leads to complaints of blurring of vision. C. Ointments are most commonly used due to ease of application and minimal subjective complaints from patient use. D. Ointments have prolonged contact time, allowing for less frequent dosing of medication. 5. Addition of local vasoconstrictor epinephrine to lidocaine results in which of the following? A. Decrease in duration of action B. Decrease in local bleeding C. Increase in risk for systemic toxicity D. Increase in rate of absorption into the circulation 6. Characteristic of atropine eye drops A. Is an intermediate-acting cycloplegic agent B. Is used for amblyopia treatment C. It can cause blurring of vision because of its miotic effect. D. It can cause bradycardia and asthmatic attacks 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding prostaglandin analogues? -e-tt ocular A. First-line drug for open angle c hypertension B. Mechanism of action is dec =poi aqueous production C. Prolonged use results in drug :ibiera-ce D. The most common side effe..7 oypettnchosis 8. 9. Anti-microbial treatment of eye disease A. Combination of several antibiotics in a single eye drop preparation is preferred for wide microbial coverage. B. Eye drops are given twice daily for ocular infections. C. Topical administration for ocular surface infection is preferred. D. Treatment is started once the results of the Gram stain and culture are available. Characteristic of beta biodcers A. B. C. D. Dose is once daily Drug tolerance develops af-L- - Drponged use Mechanism of action is in ao_eous outflow. Miosis is a side effect Answer to Self-Test on page 223. 8 SPECIAL TOPICS I 8.5 Ocular Pharmacology 219 CHAPTER 1. ANATOMY OF THE EYE A 1 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. E 9. C 10. B CHAPTER 2. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EYE 1. C 2. A 3. True 4. A 5. A-2, B-3, C-1 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. False 13. D 14. C 15. C CHAPTER 3. EYE SYMPTOMS CASE 1. 1. When did the blurring of vision (BOV) start? 2. Is the BOV in one eye or both? If one eye, which eye? 3. Is the BOV for distance, near or both? 4. Has the BOV worsened since the onset?Or has there been some improvement? 5. Is the BOV in the whole visual field or in certain portions of it only? 6. Are there associated eye symptoms like pain and redness? 7. Do you squint in order to see better? 8. Have you consulted another doctor for this problem? What did the doctor prescribe? Was there 10 improvement? 9. Have you worn eyeglasses before? When? Are you still wearing eyeglasses now? If not why did you discontinue? 10. Do you have any other illness? Are you taking medications or have you taken medicatins prior to ASE 2 1. When did the red eye start? 2. Was there no redness of the left eye? 3. Do you have tearing, discharge, itchiness, eye pain, BOV? 4. Describe your eye discharge. How much is the discharge? 5. Are your symptoms worsening, same as during the onset or improving? 6. Are there family members or friends with red eye 7. 8. 9. similar to yours? Do you have allergies? Do you have previous consultation? If yes, what was prescribed? What was the response of your eye to the medications? How are you applying the medications and for how long? Have you self-medicated? What did you apply and what was the response of your eye? CHAPTER 4. BASIC EYE EXAMINATION 1. B 2. B 3. B,C,D 4. A 5. A 6. C C,D,F CHAPTER 5.1. DISORDERS OF THE CORNEA 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. D 12 Ili CHAPTER 5.2. CATARACT 2. 3. 4. 5. D CHAPTER 5.3. RETINA, VITREOUS AND CHAPTER 5.5. DISORDERS CHOROID OF THE OPTIC NERVE CASE 1 1. Vitreous hemorrhage OD probably secondary to Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy / Non Prokferaiine Diabetic Retinopathy OS 2. For OD: Vitreous hemorrhage because the retina cannot be seen in OD/ negative ROR. This is probably due to PDR because the other eye has NMI and she has been a diabetic for many years with poor s.. -control. For OS: NPDR because of the ex..:3-f hemorrhages and microaneurysms ano oecaLse is diabetic 3. I would want to know if she has ever been seen by an ophthalmologist and diagnosed to hake diabetic retinopathy, if laser treatment has been done for 00. I would also want to know if blurring of OD started long before in a milder fours bekwe the sudden drastic visual loss a week ago. I mil ask 'she has been seeing her endocrinokvist, because blood sugar management is necessary_ I will need an ocular ultrasound for OD and a fluorescein angiogram for 05. CASE 2 1. Age related macular degeneration wet type OS, pseudophakia OU 2. Because OS has subretinal bleeding , poor vision, and because she is 77 years old 3. 2_ 3. 6 4. D 5. D B 7. C 8 A 1A CHAPTER 5.6. ERRORS OF REFRACTION B 2_ C 3, A 4. C 5. B -6_ A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. B CASE 1 1. Yes 2. Myopia 3. retinoscopy or autorefraction CASE 2 No Patient's age, good vision for distance, patient has to put reading material 50 cm away to be able to read 'she takes vitamins, I will want to know ishesretinal problem, if ar if she has a famiy history c this has happened to her before, if anyone else in her famey has the same problem. 1. CHAPTER 6.1 A CLINICAL ALGORITHM FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF THE RED EYE 4. I will ask for a fundus fluores'.7e^ angiogram -and OCT CHAPTER 5.4. GLAUCOMA 2. E. 3. 4. 5. C A E 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C 2. 3. = A D 4. A. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A C B A C 9 ANSWERS TO SELF- TEST Eg CHAPTER 6.2. UVEITIS AND SCLERITIS 1 D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. C CHAPTER 7.1. DEVIATION OF THE EYE 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. E 10. C CASE 1. 1. Chronic uveitis, active or with acute exacerbation, CE 2. Anterior uveitis, specifically iritis or iridocyditis 3. B-scan ultrasound, due to absence of view through the pupil CHAPTER 7.2. PROPTOSIS CASE 2. 1. anterior segment, specifically the iris, possible involvement of the macula 2. recurrent uveitis - assuming that the patient was inflammation free during the one year period 3. Granulomatous type based on the slit lamp 4. findings particularly the presentation of the keratic precipitates and presence of nodules in the iris. Fluorescein angiography and OCT can be requester to determine involvement of the macula CHAPTER 8.1. RETINOBLASTOMA E CASE 3. 1. 2. 2. A 3. A 4. B S. B 6_ C 7_ A & B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. D nodular episcleritis vs. nodular scleritis Check the following: a. Response of the eye to use of vasoconstrictors and/or pressure. If blanching occurs, it is more likely that the patient has episcleritis rather than scleritis. b. Presence of tenderness since tenderness c. support diagnosis of scleritis. Check mobility of the nodule. Movable nodule would support the diagnosis of episcleritis over scleritis. A S. A 6. A 7. 8. B E 10. D CHAPTER 8.2. OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF SYSTEMIC DISEASES EVALUATION OF FUNDUS PICTURES 1 - dot / blot hemorrhages; 2 - hard exudates Picture 2: Scheie Stage 3 hypertensive retinopathy Picture 3: Hypertension. Abnormal findings: flameshaped hemorrhages, hard exudates, altered AV ratio Diabetes. Abnormal findings: Picture 4: pre-retinal hemorrhage, dot hemorrhages, microaneuryms CHAPTER 6.3. TEARING B 2. B 3. A 4. 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C Edition A B C C B A D 8. D 9. B 10. C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CHAPTER 8.4 OCULAR TRAUMA AND EMERGENCIES 2_ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9_ CHAPTER 8.3. EYELID MALPOSITIONS 1. D 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D C A D C C D C C C A A B C D D CHAPTER 8.5 . OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY 9 ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST Elm 10.1 2010 Census of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Philippiney General Hospital Marissa N.Valbuena MD, MHPEd Table 1. Number of Patien:s OPD Clinics Number of Patients OPD Clinic General Clinic New Old TOTAL 14,506 11,207 25.713 7.695 Refraction Clinic 7,695 Subspecialty C - .:.s 6.542 29,849 36.391 343 413 756 88 156 244 1.292 3,571 4.863 Dry Eye 165 915 1.080 Glaucoma 818 9,650 10,468 11 0 11 Pediatric Optithairboiog), .-a -: Strabisrr 546 3,181 3.727 Neuro-C - - 176 571 747 Orbit 272 699 971 Plastic Lacrimal 638 1.535 2.173 1,557 4,493 6,050 453 3,619 4,072 183 1,046 1,229 25,444 44,355 69,799 Cataract Contact Le - s Cornea-Extemal Diesease Low Vision Retina. Med ,_. --a Retina. S _ -- Uveieis TOTAL Table 2. TO2 Table 3. Top 10 Admissions Ciric G: cats n• NIlrnhAr 134 102 8.5 Sclero-Corneal Perforating injury 79 6.6 R e t n o bl a sto m a 74 6.2 5.5 Angle Closure Glaucoma, Primary (PACG) 69 5.7 5.3 Corneal Microbial Keratitis, ruptured 58 4.8 383 3.4 Congenital Cataract 48 4.0 Dys'..- :• -. -a "ea- 376 3.4 Corneal microbial Keratitis. bacterial 45 3.7 Diabet: =F. - 335 3.0 42 3.5 311 2.8 Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. acquire. complete Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 38 3.2 250 2.2 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 34 2.8 Cataract 3265 29.3 Corneal Perforating Injury Error o' 1.664 14.8 692 62 611 Pteryg 594 Nasola:--f-ai Da: Obstructs°. Conj Hypee.•:, f Presbyoc a TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 11.207 TOTAL NO. oidigissioNs 1,203 )Ppartment of Ophthalmology and Visual Science of the Philippine General Hospital Eli --•'- - Table 6. Top10 Diagnosis: Dry Eye Clinic Table 4. Top 10 ER Consults Diagnosis Rank Diagnosis Number Contusion eyeball + commotion retinae ± orbital wall fracture 512 20.6 Conjunctivitis, viral 380 15.3 Conjunctivitis, bacterial 203 8.2 Corneal Perforating Injury ± cataractous lens + intraocular foreign body 110 Corneal Foreign Body Number 1 DTS' mild mixed 39 23.6 2 DTS with MGD, Blepharitis 14 8.5 3 DTS mild evaporative 13 7.9 4 DTS with Tear Instability 11 6.7 4.4 5 DTS with Aqueous Deficiency 10 6.1 101 4.1 6 DTS mild 6 3.6 Comeal Abrasion 73 2.9 7 DTS with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction 4 2.4 Central Microbial Keratitis 69 2.8 Lid Laceration/Avulsion 64 26 8 DTS with Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction 2 1.2 Essentially Normal Findings 61 2.4 No DTS 2 1.2 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage 42 1.7 Mixed Blepharitis 2 1.2 DTS Moderate Evaporative 1 0.6 ETD 1 0.6 TOTAL NO. OF ER CONSULTS 9 2,490 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 165 DTS - Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome Table 5.Top10 Diagnosis: Contact Lens and Refraction Clinic Table 7. Top10 Diagnosis: External Disease and Cornea Clinic Rank Rank Diagnosis 1 High astigmatism 2 Number Diagnosis No. 10 11.4 1 Comeal Perforating Injury (CPI) 96 7.4 Phthisis Bulbi 9 10.2 2 Central Microbial Keratitis, Bacterial 49 3.8 3 Comeal Scar 7 8.0 3 Pterygium, Recurrent 42 3.3 4 High Myopia 6 6.8 4 Central Microbial Keratitis, Unspecified 37 2.9 5 Surgical Aphakia 5 5.7 5 Central Microbial Keratitis, Fungal 35 2.7 6 Cosmetic 4 4.5 6 Keratitis, Exposure 26 2.0 7 Aphakia secondary to trauma 2 2.3 7 Pterygium, Primary 25 1.9 8 Others 8 Endophthalmitis 24 1.9 9 Central Microbial Keratitis, Pseudomonas 21 1.6 Leukoma, Adherent 21 1.6 Conjunctivitis, Adenoviral 20 1.5 Adherent Leukoma 1 1.1 Anisometropic amblyopia 1 1.1 Contact Lens Related Punctate Epithelial Erosion 1 1.1 Lenticular Astigmatic Amblyopia 1 1.1 Myopic Astigmatism 1 1.1 Myopia 1 1.1 Traumatic Resorbed Cataract 1 1.1 10 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 1,292 Table 8. Top10 Diagnosis: Glaucoma Dr: Rank Diagnosis 1 Open Angle 2 Angle Closure Glaucoma, Primary Table 10. Top10 Diagnosis: Plastic Lacrimal Clinic FRank No. Primary 1 Orbital Wall Fracture 2 Nasolacrimal Duct Obs•-.. Angle Closure Suspect, Primary 3 3 Glaucoma Suspect 4 Angle Closure, Primary 5 Absolute Eye secondary tc re; glaucoma 6 Neovascular Glaucoma 7 Secondary Angle Closure f" 8 Angie Closure Glaucoma_ Cfravic 73 28 Open Angle Glaucoma Sear 73 78 9 Pseudoexfoliative -: 10 Phacomorphic • 48 No. X Diagnosis 108 16.9 97 15.2 Lid Mass 31 4.9 4 Dacryocystitis 19 3.0 5 Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. Congenital 15 2.4 Ptosis 15 2.4 6 CN VII Palsy 14 2.2 7 Entropion 13 20 8 Periorbital Contusion Hematoma 11 1.7 9 Lid Laceration. unspecified 10 1.6 10 Contusion Eyeball 9 1.4 - Acquired TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 638 TOTAL NO. OF IA Mme! SNI Table 11. Top10 Diagnosis: Neuro-Opnthalmology Clinic Ta*9. Top10 Dggr *mararta-ccgi Rank maim* MB lit 1 Optic Nerve Atrophy 28 15.9 7_3 2 Optic Neuropathy, post traumatic 18 10.2 7.1 3 Optic Neuropathy. 2° to ethambutol 14 8.0 33 6.0 4 CN VI Palsy 12 6.8 30 5.5 5 Myasthenia Gravis 11 6.3 Optic Neuritis 11 6.3 29 5.3 4.5 27 4.9 Sensory Exotropia Inter- 7.9^t E. 40 4 Recra.:- • e Pc:: - :/sta Bolo* te 6 -e Ne_rx9c Dealers . 8 Maim Reera No. 8.6 Error of Reird a..) 1 2 3 5 Diagnosis Rank 26 24 4.8 6 Optic Neuropathy, Compressive 8 7 Cortical Blindness 6 3.4 Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 5 2.8 CN III Palsy 5 2.8 Space Occupying Lesion 5 2.8 Intracranial Mass 5 2.8 8 44 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATENTS 546 CN III. IV. VI Palsy 10 2.3 Multiple CN Palsy 4 2.3 lschemic Optic Neuropathy 3 1.7 Pituitary Adenoma 3 1.7 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 176 10 APPENDIX I 10.1 Patient Census of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science of the Philippine General Hospital 121 Table 12. Top10 Diagnosis: Orbit Clinic Rank Table 14. Top10 Diagnosis: Surgical Retina Clinic Diagnosis No. % Rank Diagnosis 1 Thyroid Related Eye Disease 64 23.5 1 Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 2 Carotico-Cavernous Fistula 29 10.7 2 3 Anophthalmia 28 10.3 4 Orbital Inflammatory Disease 14 5 Lacrimal Gland Tumor 6 101 22.3 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 89 19.6 3 Vitreous Hemorrhage 68 15.0 5.1 4 Idiopathic Macular Hole 33 7.3 13 4.8 5 Endophthalmitis 24 5.3 Lymphangioma 12 4.4 6 Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy 23 5.1 7 Congenital Microphthalmos 11 4.0 7 Myopic Fundus Changes 20 4.4 8 Neurofibromatosis 10 3.7 8 Dropped 101 15 3.3 9 Phthisis Bulbi 3.3 9 Intraocular Foreign Body 11 2.4 10 Orbital Mass 10 Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, Severe 10 22 8 2.9 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 272 TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 453 Table 15. Top10 Diagnosis: Uveitis Clinic Table 13. Top10 Diagnosis: Medical Retina Clinic Rank Diagnosis No. Diagnosis No. 1 Hypertensive Retinopathy 214 3.7 1 Anterior Uveitis Acute, Active 16 8.7 2 Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 211 13.6 2 Chorioretinitis 14 7.7 3 Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 127 8.2 3 Anterior Uveitis, Chronic (unspecified) 11 6.0 4 High Myopia 126 8.1 4 Lens Induced Uveitis 10 5.5 Age Related Macular Degeneration, Non Neovascular 64 4.1 5 Panuveitis 8 4.4 5 6 45 2.9 6 Anterior Uveitis Chronic (Non-Granulomatous) 7 3.8 Pathologic Myopia 7 Clinically Significant Macular Edema 32 2.1 7 Nematode Uveitis 6 3.3 Age Related Macular Degeneration, Neovascular 31 2.0 8 Sclerouveitis 5 2.7 8 9 Endogenous Endophthalmitis 4 2.2 9 Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, Ischemic 28 1.8 Anterior Uveitis Chronic (Granulomatous) 3 1.6 Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, Non Ischemic Fuch's Heterochromic Iridocyclitis 3 1.6 10 21 1.3 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 3 1.6 Retinoblastoma 21 1.3 „ Posterior Uveitis 3 1,6 Uveitic Cataract 3 1.6 White Dot Syndrome 3 1.6 Rank TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 1.557 10 L r I REFERENCE 1. No. Astudillo P. Annual Report of Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2010 I.-. a. a.' -I • I • 11 I_ 1 I 1..‘ e_l• • TOTAL NO. OF NEW PATIENTS 183 10. 2 Different Types of Eye Redness Teresita R. Castillo MD, MHPEd After extracting a cornpre'-ensive history c-o— a ca. would be useful to take some time to evali..a: eye redness that a patient presents with This e. the clinician with dues as to the underfy redness and assist in determining -hand requires urgent referral to an L.= - redness can be classified into four main Subconjunctival Hemorrhage_ %act :ne v:sio:e vessel meeye _ Ore to first determine if ---±-iness is clue to vessels or blood due to eeding or r- rod underneath tria Di of blood foam trk (Figure 1). Subcor.,,,- :7 • -errerrhage usually -as a localized well-defined -our any good '.eas they are concealed by the acc_ — _ ±-ed blood. Attoiougn this frequently results fro — trait.—.a 7-e eye. it has been found to occur spontanec5 be due to sudden rise in pressure within the Figure 2. Conjunctival injection showing diffuse congestion that is more prominent at conjunctival fomices present no threat to vision. The most common etiology for this pattern of redness is conjunctivitis, a benign ocular infection. While there may be a variety of causes for conjunctivitis, they all basically present with this type of red eye. Ciliary Injection/ Perilimbal flush. When the injection :ne ,.moal area and diminishes towards the fornices, this is referred to as ciliary congestion appears IS pc .oca.zea Figure 1 E.. Conjunctival Injection, Congestion. - this instance. injection F:•ea IS more rnarKeo trie tor= and diminishes as the t-. . a' is approached (Figure 2). As it is the superficial cc vessels that are dilated, one will observe blanch - zredness with pressure on the eye. This type of redness also responds to topical instillation of vasoconstrictors. Conditions associated with this type of redness are usually benign and (Figure 3). Since deeper vessels are involved, instillation of topical vasoconstrictors and exerting pressure on these vessels and instillation of topical vasoconstrictors will not affect its presentation. Despite its relatively benign appearance, this type of redness is frequently associated with vision-threatening conditions such as keratitis, anterior uveitis and acute glaucoma. As both these conditions may lead to complications that are potentially vision-threatening, eye redness of this type requires urgent referral to an ophthalmologist. Figure 4. Scleral congestion in a case of diffuse scleritis. Figure 3. Ciliary congestion in a patient with acute angle closure glaucoma. The dilated vessels are deeper in Sclera! Congestion. location which gives a characteristic purple-colored tinge to the affected area (Figure 4). Scleral congestion will not diminish with pressure, nor respond to topical instillation of vasoconstrictors or epinephrine. This type of redness is typical for scleritis, which is also considered as potentially vision threatening as it involves inflammation of the vessels (vasculitis) which can cause necrosis of the affected sclera and possibly jeopardize the integrity of the globe. As such, all cases of scleral congestion should be referred to an ophthalmologist for appropriate evaluation and management. Table 1 summarizes diagnostic characteristics of selected conditions that present with eye redness. Table 1. Serious Non-trauma Related Vision Threatening Red Eye Conditions -sr.. ...1111111111111111 CHARACTERISTICS Condition Rednei INN" Vision Pain Discharge Puriil 10P,, Acute Glaucoma Diffuse; most prominent around the limbus Moderate to severely reduced; iridescent vision Moderate to severe; often with headache and vomiting ^j: Mid-dilated; non-reactive to light elevated Anterior Uveitis Diffuse: most prominent around the limbus Mild to moderately reduced Mild to moderate: photophobia No Miotic; irregular shaped: poorly reactive to light normal to hypotonic Keratitis Diffuse; more prominent around the limbus Moderate to severely reduced Moderate to severe Yes; if infectious cause May be affected if associated with uveitis generally not affected Scleritis Focal or diffuse with purple-tinged color Normal to mildly reduced Moderate to severe. usually tender No Not affected Not affected Moderately to severely reduced Moderate to severe Yes Mid-dilated elevated Endophthalmitis Diffuse 10.3 Step-by-Step Diagnosis of Ocular Emergencies Teresita R. Castillo MD, Presented is a simplified ap;.-. .:.3ctillistprimorycare physic may use when confronted with p1110115 ill die Emergency Room setting. It is assumed t.'- F nallimits seek consult in the ER primarily for conditions that -eamItoracte in onse Initial distinction that is made is —e presence of a history of trauma, hence cistr-,-_non-traumatic ocular C0f1CrtiCri Playmate A) Ocular trauma ;els to arty in*/ to the eye The injury may be due to mechanical trauma art or penetrating), chemical agents, or physical agents tarchasiadaboa Summarized are additional key features arml aoriesponckig management that each physician should know IMAM conhormed with cases of ocular trauma. The two most common complaints of non-trauma patients seek - eye cor -. on an emergency basis would be acute visual disturbance (Diagram B) and an acute red eye (Diagram C) Mese form the basis for further distinction of _ -.hat commonly confronts a physician. Note -. 1 -is that generally lead to unilateral visual c Discussed inasmuch as bilateral involvement is a:-.- stable to non-ocular etiology. Furthermore, as -_ 3ns fre.:;Jently overlap each other, they may fall under several categories. Each category of conditions is further discussed in the subsequent tables. Emphasis is placed on the key points, initial or immediate management for each case and lastly, the urgency or need for ophthalmologic consult. r (ER CONSULT) TRAUMA? YES NON-TRAUMATIC NATURE OF INJURY? SAME MECHANICAL? CHEMICAL? I 4 1 CONJUNCTIVAL LESIONS VISION? EXTRAOCULAR? • CHEMICAL BURN REDUCED iC1 CORNEA INVOLVED GLOBE INJURY SUPERFICIAL (1B-1 LENS PROBLEMS PERIORBITAL INJURIES POSTERIOR SEGMENT 10P? ORBITAL 14C1C4 OPTIC NERVE FRACTURE LID LACERATION l• LID MARGIN I AREA INVOLVED NASAL TO PUNCTUM NORMAL HYPOTONIC CLOSE GLOBE OPEN GLOBE INJURIES INJURIES CONTUSION —4D1 NO iC3) 1 YES LAMELLAR LACERATION/ rTh, ID2 RUPTURED GLOBE ID3 INTRAOCULAR FOREIGN BODY ABRASION 1183 HEMORRHAGE Diagram A. Trauma-related Ocular Emergencies PENETRATION/ PERFORATION IC5 ) IE 1E3 I. OCULAR TRAUMA IA Chemical Burns TRUE OCULAR EMERGENCY Extract information on 1. Nature of chemical (acid vs 2. alkali) Any first aid administeivict OPFITHA REFERRAL ER NIAIRAGEINEINF KEY Poem CONDITION ....•• err etc 3r45 :"..; affected epe/eses. 2 wow slier at least 1liter NSS &meal solution) using cannula_ Irriptibn 6 done wd chemical has ophthalmologist been neutaked 3. Evert eyeld and dean eye of any debris/foreign bodr make sure that conjunctival fornices are dean by sweeping them wirh moistened canon budfpledgets. AL Complete eye emmlnation. Always son with testing visual acuity! IB 1. Superficial Orbital Injuries Includes injury r.. Pecr-Jcal 537 tissues: • cher-css • COIllt_SOr'S Nenanznra laceraccrsavascrs • L Perla= basic eye exam whenever possble Always start with visual acuity tinting prior to doing any manipulation of the eye_ • Avoid forcing the eyelids open. • Lid'enactors may be used to faciNate inspection of the globe. 2. 'Beat uriaxnpficated blunt injuries rah ice compress. head elevation, analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents. Reassure that swelling usually resolves in 2 - 3 weeks. 3. Primary wound care for simple lacerations and avulsions; including Maras prophylaxis. 2. Orbital fracture '.- 7-- arc 5orrcan^15 ... • :ar arC . 'Itsarricm ECIP5. 7_ doope • • >loss • :3,,rairri eriogrerair-vc_ ocoe 1_ Complete neurologic and eye exam. Orel sensation of cheek. upper Seed's and gums (compare with conualaterai side} 2 Palpate orbital rim and eyelid (for cieptus) 3. RequeSt for orbital CThcan4_ Ice pack to the orbit for 24-48 hours. 5. Instruct patient to avoid Valsalva maneuvers (e.g. blowing of nose, straining, etc.) •-partiwit to esodoollebnialsisimi 3. Lid lacerations An eyelid Lace+ etpu.i should be treated as a case of penetrating eye injury until proven otherwise. • kik to assess edent of damage _id lacerations involving the id •narcn or those located nasal to the purictuni will 'equine ophthalmologic referral (prior to repaid. Non-urgent referral - patients should be seen within 1-2 weeks post trauma (evaluate for persistent diplopia, enophthalmia) Refer for following: 1. Examine with magnification to 1. with accompanying assess for any comeaVconjunctival globe trauma or if suspect laceration or penetration. Dilated intraorbital or intraocular fundus examination may be required. foreign body. 2 Would examination - size and 2. full thickness laceration depth_ or involvement of the lid 3. Superficial lacerations - primary 4_ wound care and repair_ Tetanus prophylaxis. 10 margin laceration is nasal to punctum (upper or lower) 4. extensive tissue loss or distortion of the anatomy 3. APPENDIX 1103 Step-By-Step Diagnosis Of Ocular Emergencies Egig IC CONDITION KEY POINTS ER MANAGEMENT OPHTHA REFERRAL 1. Conjunctival lesions Vision generally not affected if conjunctiva alone is involved. Pain or foreign body sensation, however, is usually present. This may come in the form of laceration • foreign body • subconjunctival hemorrhage • 1. Assess extent of wound if present. Conjunctival lacerations may be left unsutured if less than 5mm in length. Suturing is done in cases when length is greater than 5 mm. 2. Foreign body removal is done with the aid of moistened cotton bud or forceps after instilling topical anesthetic. 3. Give topical antibiotics in cases of lacerations and foreign bodies. 4. For subconjunctival hemorrhages, give cold compress (1" 24 hours) and reassure patient that subconjunctival hemorrhages will resolve in 1-2 weeks. Refer to ophthalmologist if wound repair necessary. Advise patient to see ophthalmologist if other symptoms develop, particularly blurring of vision. Injury to the cornea can lead to reduced vision primarily if the lesion involves the visual axis of the patient. Injury may come in the following forms: • abrasions • foreign bodies (FB) • lamellar lacerations (see Section ID2) • perforating injury (see Section 1E1) 1. Corneal abrasions a. Eye patch or bandage contact lenses for large abrasions. b. Topical antibiotic to prevent secondary infection c. Topical cycloplegic agents 2. Corneal foreign bodies a. Foreign body removal with aid of cotton pledget or small gauged needle (g. 25 or smaller) after instilling topical anesthetic b. Topical antibiotic to prevent secondary infection . Reduced vision with corneal Involvement NOTE: Despite presence of severe eye pain or discomfort, topical anesthetics should NEVER be prescribed to the patient. 3. Lens problems Lens involvement comes in following forms: • lens subluxation/dislocation • rupture of the lens • cataract formation 1. Rule out injury to other ocular structures. Treatment of sequelae of lens injury that may be present (eq. deleted lOP and severe intraocular inflammation) • Referral required in cases of penetration or presence of retained FB particularly if organic in nature. • Refer to ophthalmologist for follow-up care to check on progress of healing. Note that corneal abrasions should resolve in 24-48 hours if area involved is not large. • Advise patient to see ophthalmologist immediately should pain or BOV persist beyond this period. Urgent referral in following instances: • Severe inflammation (red eye) • Elevated lOP Follow-up for possible surgical intervention. 4. Posterior segment problems Reduced vision occurs as a resit of following conditions: • vitreous hemorrhage • retinal contusion • retinal detachment • choroidal rupture Any of the conditions listed would require referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. Urgent referral 5. Optic nerve problems Optic nerve contusion or avulsion Referral to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. Urgent referral for proper assessment. may result from orbital trauma/ injury CONDITION ID KEY Pawns 1. Contusion ER MANAGEMENT Contusion eyebar! — various intrack: _ a- Eyeball OFHMA REFERRAL Basic eye examination (to rule out other injuries) Referral depends on extent and nature of injury. 1. Topical antibiotics to prevent secondary infection. 2. Topical cycloplegic agents. 3. Watch out for development of hypotony due to leakage of aqueous from the wound. Urgent referral for proper assessment. Hyphema 1. Restrict physical activity of patient. 2. High back rest 3. Topical steroids for inflammation Follow-up consult with ophthalmologist within 2-6 days (hyphema should resolve spontaneously within this period) the ccs.-^ea 7: _ see• • • • 2. Lamellar Laceration/ Abrasions Stioccriurictuai he— -age Ste sector' C -ifore—a see Section 03) ;tetra edema' detachment See Sewn Diec vier.e 1e,(.450- see Section ICS) :4.:yriera-rc roves 3c aracterized .74 re wound. --e. > 31e= .a....crts when due "Z Bra:: doe= ar-elar aceation s a form of _ _ry injury bekig partial wounds of the cornea scera See aso Section 1C2. 3. Hemorrhage i -lenar--act a bleeding may ox-r r anous structures: S-occrfaxtival hemorrhage • see Sera 1C1) • -04:rer-a • iifIstecus hemorrhage (see Section C3) control due to presence of blood. 4. Topical cycloplegic agents (controversial) 5. Monitor loP 6. Watch out for re-bleed. NOTE: Establish level of blood in the anterior chamber. If completely filled with blood, watch out for elevation in 10P which may lead to permanent corneal damage (corneal staining) IE 1. ;Eric/wry rqures are Penetrating awl Peristalsis ghee character2ed by the presence of an enbarce and exit wound. These injuries wounds may be accompanied by injury to ocher structures like the iris and the lens. 1. Topical and intravenous antibiotics. 2. Eye shield to protect the eye. 3. Tetanus prophylaxis. 4. Advise patient regarding surgical repair. Urgent referral required in ALL instances where globe integrity is compromised. 2. Ruptured globe Frequently a result of blunt trauma, and should be suspected 1. Eye shield to protect the eye. 2. Topical and intravenous in these patients in presence of antibiotics. 3. Tetanus prophylaxis. 4_ Advise patient regarding surgical repair. Urgent referral in ALL instances where globe rupture is suspected. following: • severe conjunctival osmosis • bullous subconjunctival hemorrhage • limitation of movement of EOMs 3. Intraocular foreign body A special category of globe perforation. 1 Topical and intravenous E..-- = :7 :S_ 2. d to protect the eye. 3. prophylaxis. Urgency of referral dependent on accompanying injuries. 4. Advise patient regarding surgical repair. 0 APPENDIX 1103 Step-Ety-Step Diagnosis Of Ocular Emergencies Eigi NONTRAUMATIC RED EYE? VISUAL DISTURBANCE? LATERALITY? UNILATERAL RAPIDITY? SEVERITY? CONDITIONS GENERALLY PRESENT WITH SYSTEMIC ASSOCIATION _I NEUROLOGIC CAUSE JONCOLOGIC CAUSE J DIABETES RAPID ACUTE PERSISTENT? VASCULAR CAUSE PAINFUL EYE? JREQUIRES MINIMAL EVALUATION IN ER JREFER TO OPHTHA FOR FURTHER EVALUATION AT A FUTURE TIME AMAUROStS FUGAX YES NO EYE DISCHARGE? • CENTRAL RETINAL ARTERY OCCLUSION VASO-OCCLUSIVE CONDITIONS - I1A7 1••••• CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION YES /-(11A1 NO OPTIC NEURITIS ENDOPHTHALMITIS CORNEAL ULCER (11,1/43\4— illAs RESEPTAL I P ORBITAL CELLULITIS I1A4 Hi- ACUTE GLAUCOMA (llA9) OPTIC NERVE DISORDERS ACUTE ISCHEMIC OPTIC NEUROPATHY RETINAL DETACHMENT ) IlAio 1 4-,11A1 VITREOUS HEMORRHAGE 11Al2 UVEITIS (POSTERIOR) IIA13 IIA5 I*- UVEITIS (ANTERIOR) Diagram B. Non-trauma Ocular Emergencies associated with G II. NON TRAUMATIC EMERGENCIES 1. IIA ER MANAGEMENT KEY Po 'vs CONDITION _ Suspected in t • Previous intraocuiar gage" (cataract surgery or ilerirg operation often less dor one month prior) • I mmunocornpronsed parients 2. Endophthalmitis --:,rough history and eye examination with particular attention to previous ocular history and general health status of the patient. OPIITHA REFERRAL Urgent reTer'a to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. Broad spectrum topical and intravenous antibiotics. In addition to vtaon iloSi patients may also present mion a earful red eye_ 2. Corneal ulcer (keratitis) 1. Thorough history and eye • Primary considealion in examination with particular paiinnes•olih hiMory of conaixt attention to history of contact ienswerlens use. • Palos inairabo poem 1 Broad spectrum topical Ina kkaorjrafpior suisna antibiotics. or bream bodyerweing the e)e, thanes not plena* seen bya physidarby Preseptal! Orbital cellulitis Cannonlyanournesed in Urgent referral to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. aPhillubliblocfist 3. 2. 3. 4. 1. Acute Glaucc — a • IlluipappensisviehOthet eye • =laudations indude • onmareambanal headache Oviddlogsanieside) and on minim nausea and vomiting. 2. 5. Uveitis Antenof • Pain is precipitated by intense fight Illumination or sunlight • (photophobia). May have systemic associations depending on etiology of the inflammation. Thorough history and eye examination with particular attention to infection of adjacent tissues Broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics. Referral to pediatrician for comanagement. Urgent referral to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. Thorough history and eye examination. Eye Exam shows • red eye (ciliary injection) • hazy cornea • mid-dilated, unreactive pupil • elevated 10P May give patient analgesics to assist in relieving pain and headache. Immediate referral to ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management as this may lead to permanent loss of vision if left untreated. Thorough history and eye examination. History should focus on systemic symptoms and illnesses as well. Eye exam will show • red eye (ciliary injection) • irregularly-shaped small, Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist (within 24 hours) for further evaluation and management unreactive pupil • 6. Amaurosisfugax Visual loss usually lasts seconds to minutes only, but may last up to two hours. Vision subsequently returns to normal. 2. lOP normal or low Thorough history and eye examination. Referral to a neurologist/ cardiologist 10 None provided all eye exam findings normal. APPENDIX 1 103 Step-By-Step Diagnosis Of Ocular Emergencies Egg Central retinal artery occlusion 7. OPHTHA REFERRAL ER MANAGEMENT KEY POINTS CONDITION Thorough history and eye examination focusing on exact onset of the condition. Eye exam Marked loss of vision of very sudden onset Immediate referral to an will show • EMERGENCY Defect (RAPD) • Pale retina with cherry red spot May institute measures to improve circulation (vasodilation) 9. Optic neuritis Thorough history and eye examination focusing on history of diabetes or hypertension. Fundus exam shows large • diabetic mew of hemorrhage • Loss of vision may occur crier period of hours to days. Pain may be noted with eye movement. Thorough history and eye examination which reveals (aside from BOV) • RAPD • swollen, edematous disc Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation. Differs from optic neuritis since condition is often associated with systemic findings: • temporal headaches or sc tenderness • generalized muscle pain anckw Thorough history and eye emamination. Referral to a neurologist/ caedolooist Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation. 1 11. Retinal Detachment Most common cause is a pietisposing 1. retinal defect as seen in high mopes Patient may present with a hisaory of flashes or floaters. MstMl defect Es often described astuilain tie 12. Vitreous hemorrhage More commonly seen it padentsvials following systemic conditions 2- 1. 1. diabetes 2. hematologic cisordeis focusing on patient's refractive Thorough history and eye examination with particular attention to previous ocular history Referral to ophthalmologist not urgent but patient and general health status of the at a future time. Referral to internal medicine specialist for systemic evaluation. more marked effeu on 116110111 MI comparison to anterior wefts. Patients may also piesera with systemic finctings since underiping 1. Thorough history and eye examination. History should focus on systemic symptoms and illnesses as well. cause frequently with systemic 2. Eye exam may reveal vitreous associations. Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist particularly. history as well as accurate onset of the problem. Eye examination may reveal • RAPD if involved area is extensive • Abnormal red orange reflex (ROR) • Retina may appear pale or grey with tortuous vessels (in detached areas) 2. Problems Uveitis (Posterior) Thorough history required, evaluation and management. should be advised to consult patient. Often accompanied by ocher mind 13. Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist for further Patients predisposed if • elderly (increasing age: • hypertensive • 10. Acute ischemic neuropathy management. Relative Afferent Pupillary TRUE OCULAR Central retinal vein occlusion 8. ophthalmologist for further evaluation and institution of condensations and other retinal findings such as retinal vasculitis, macular edema and focal areas of retinal detachment. Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation and management. NONI RAUMATIC 1 VISUAL DISTURBANCE!? B RED EYE? l'AINrUL RYE? 4 1 yes NO I)Itt 11411111110N ABNORMAL LIDS? HI URRED VISION? LID INFECTIONS .. 118 1 L LID MALPOSITION 1vi!; 4- 8 1)InClIA14(41 LOCALIZED YES 14— KERAT ITIS I1A2)4— CORNEAL ULCER 41/— LID ABNORMALITY? SUBCONJUNCTIVAL 1 HEMORRHAGE CONJUNCTIVITIS 11— KERATITIS ULCER 4-- CORNEAL * ID3 L NO 14— 0 LID INFECTION al=1114. A7=0-- IIA4)-4—ACUTE GLAUCOMA 1 UVEITIS 011104--- 1-6 (11AE)46- UVEITIS [ NO SCLERITIS (iiB2 4-- SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE 1D3) SCLERITIS CONJUNCTIVITIS 1-411B3 ; r N.) Diagram C. Non-trauma Ocular Emergencies associated with acute eye redness IIB 1. Lid infections and Malpositions 2. Scleritis Problems involving the lids associated with red eye are also generally accompanied by foreign body sensation. On occasion infections may present with pain and discharge. These conditions can further be subdivided into 1. Hordeolum (Stye) 2. Blepharitis 3. Entropion 4. Ectropion 5. Preseptal cellulitis (see Section iiA3) 6. Orbital cellulitis (see Section IIA3) Redness may be diffuse or localized; may be accompanied by nodule. Usually associated with systemic conditions, most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. 3. Conjunctivitis ER MANAGEMENT KEY POINTS CONDITION 1. Pain may or may not be present. 2. Classified according to etiology • • • • Bacterial - with mucopurulent discharge Viral - generally with serous discharge Allergic - associated with itchiness; frequently bilateral Chemical - history of exposure to specific substances OPHTHA REFERRAL Non-urgent conditions 1. Hordeolum Ophthalmologic consult a. Warm compress for hordeolum only b. Topical antibiotic ointment if it does not resolve (may use steroid-antibiotic combination) despite completion of medication. c. Analgesics d. Antipyretic if accompanied by Ophthalmologic consult fever for lid malpositions 2. Entropion for possible surgical a. Tape lids to evert them correction. b. Topical lubricants and artificial tear preparations 3. Ectropion a. Tape lids to effect closure when sleeping b. Topical lubricants and artificial tear preparations 1. Thorough history and basic eye exam. Focus on presence of systemic conditions that can cause scleritis. 2. Topical steroid preparations 1. Thorough history assists in ascertaining etiology. Also ask about specific symptoms that are associated with specific types of conjunctivitis 2. Specific treatment dependent on etiology. Refrain from prescribing topical steroid preparations if infection has not been ruled out. Urgent ophthalmologic referral for further evaluation and management. Non-urgent conditions Refer to ophthalmologist if • mucoid to mucopurulent eye discharge present • recurrent condition REFERENCES 1. BMJ Publishing Group. Eye Trauma in Best Practice. June 6. 7, 2011: http://bestpractice.bmicom/best-practice/ 2. monograph/961/ (accessed October 29, 2011). Classification of ocular trauma, June 21, 2011: httpsi/ (accessed October 29, 2011). 3. Eye Emergency Manual An Illustrated Guide, 2nd ed. New 4. South Wales: NSW Department of Health, May, 2009. Khare, GD, Symons, DV. Common Ophthalmic 5. Emergencies. Int J Clin Pract. 2008;62(11): 1776-1794. Pokhrel, PK and Loftus. SA. Ocular Emergencies. Amer Fam Physician. 2007; 76(6): 829-836. Pramanik, Sudeep. Assessment and Management of Ocular Trauma, June 28, 2008: http://webeye.ophth . (accessed October 29, 2011). 7. Sherry Eugene. Electronic Textbook Injuries Chapter 23 Eye. 8. The WorldOrtho Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Sports Medicine, 2007: (accessed October 29, 2011). 10.4 Eye Care Rules to Remember Teresita R. Castillo MD, MHPEd 1. Always take and record your petiesies visual acuity Every effort must be taker __ , _ _ := a patient prior to any further _ This is done regardless of ho," - ±- eye may appear. If vision improves with patie_ a 2,e, the patient's blurring of visicr "• OUt = aerror of refraction. 2. Pupil examination: Suspect NNW andlilliews for corresponding findings pupil sargery Dilated pupil - Acute gtauarre-ersoe nassv crf associated with history of heat • Constricted pupil - Ir s- Horne- 1• Relative Afferent P c elect f3i - fetinal artery 7. Corneal abrasions should heal in 24 to 48 hours. • Daily follow-up of patient is ideally done until the corneal abrasion is completely healed. Cover patient with topical antibiotic drops to prevent secondary infection. 8. A penetrating eye injury requires urgent care. Gentle transport is of utmost importance. Place an eye shield over the patient's injured eye to protect it. If treatment is delayed, give the patient systemic antibiotics and anti-tetanus injections. 9. Consider the presence of intraocular foreign bodies if • Mechanism of injury is o,e to hammering or nigh- occlusion; optic • 3. Irrigate chemical burns. co , _4:rously with water for at least 15 minutes Instill a local anesthett net and swab the eye lids. Immediately refer tc "7".` 4. Any sudden onset of Marring of vision requires prompt investigation. =--;7.-1- s accompanied by ---- 5. Beware of ungateral eye redness Trauma =-.7.,Fr • velocity in nature. Presence of a possible entry wound in the cornea or sclera 10. In the presence of trauma with a black eye, consider presence of globe rupture unless otherwise ruled out.' Consider a ruptured globe if Patient complains of diplopia or there is limitation of EOMs Patient presents with a bullous subconjunctival hemorrhage Patient has a hypotonic eye Anterior chamber is completely filled with blood Orbital floor fracture should be ruled out if the patient complains of diplopia or presents with enophthalmia (sunken eye). aY 11. Never use anesthetic drops for continued pain uveitis (Iritis) 7 -_ siromeal ulcer _ above cases reg._ :::-thalmologTs for fur e _.a e-r%ent. 6. 7 7. !72. to and Leave some foreign bodies alone. '• .-..odies that are deep central corintra-ocular or intra-orbital. These cases should be referred to an ophthalmologist. relief. Use of topical anestnetic crops snouid be limited to facilitating examination of painful lesions or as part of performing a diagnostic procedure. Anesthetic drops should never be prescribed to patients. 12- Always advise patientsthat steroids are potentially dangerous. 5terolus con activate a dormant infection (e.g. Herpes simplex) Prolonged use can lead to the following: Glaucoma Cataract formation Steroid should be used with caution if Any break in the integrity of the globe is suspected Patient has an ocular infection Patient is immunocompromised (e.g. diabetics, patients on immunosuppressant therapy) 13. Refer all children noted to have squint or eye deviation. Squint may be a sign of an underlying lifethreatening or vision-threatening condition such as retinoblastoma or congenital glaucoma. Children with poor vision in one eye often develop deviation of the involved eye. In very young children it is important to institute measures to correct vision as this may lead to development of amblyopia. 14. Conjunctivitis is almost always bilateral. • Viral conjunctivitis is often accompanied by pre- 15. Cataract surgery operation. is the most common eye oavised when symptoms affect a patient's daily life activities. It is generally performed as an out-patient procedure (day surgery) under local anesthesia. Laser is not a treatment option for cataract surgery. Yag laser capsulotomy may be used at a later time for post-cataract surgery patients when posterior capsule opacification occurs. Cataract does not recur. 16. Not all red eyes are"sore eyes"(viral conjunctivitis). Urgent referral to an ophthalmologist is warranted if patient presents with Severe eye pain Reduced vision Mucopurulent eye discharge • Prolonged duration 17. Hospital admission is considered if the patient has • Hyphema • Hypopyon • Penetrating/peforating ocular injuries • Severe chemical burns • Acute glaucoma auricular lymphadenopathy. • Allergic conjunctivitis is always accompanied by itchiness which can be relieved by use of ice compress. Always advise patients to avoid scratching their eyes as this will just aggravate the itchiness. • 242 All cases of prolonged conjunctivitis should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Self-Instructional Materials in 0ohthalmoloov I Mel Friitinn REFERENCE 1 Calvin JL• Reich JA. 35 Golden Eye Rules. EYELectures/35_Golden_Eye_Rules.pdf (accessed August, 2008).