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embrace your energy body masterclass by jeffrey allen workbook

Masterclass With Jeffrey Allen
Embrace Your
Energy Body
Your Private Action Guide
with Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey Allen
Energy Healer and
Spiritual Teacher
Name: _______________________________
Date: ________________________________
Welcome To Your Private Action Guide
Print out this guide before the class starts so you can write down your notes as
you listen.
Ideally, you'll want to have an on-screen workbook copy (this PDF is editable) so
you don't need to use a paper and save trees. But either way, do have it ready to
write down any ideas and inspirations that come to mind during the webinar.
Make sure you’ve set aside private time for this session so you’ll be able to
focus and fully receive the benefits of the session.
Review the preparation exercises so that you can best set the space and
intention to experience this class.
Have a glance at the Masterclass Summary so you know what to listen out for.
Use the space to be creative, expressive, and honest.
Your Preparation Tips For This Masterclass
This Masterclass will be best experienced in quiet place where nothing can
distract you.
Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part in the guided exercise
that is part of the class.
Before starting, take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and
relaxes the muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during the
meditation session.
Be open to the experience and to the learnings you are about to receive.
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Pre-Masterclass Exercise
What is your intention for attending this Masterclass? What are you hoping to get it
out of it? Set your positive intentions here.
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Please fill in the quiz below to better understand your present relationship with energy
and your energy body before starting this Masterclass.
On a scale from 0 to 10, rate where you are right now. 0 being you are nowhere near
where you want to be, 10 being you are exactly where you want to be.
Rating 1-10
I understand how energy affects my life.
I can feel energy physically.
I can easily manifest my dreams and desires.
I know how to clear any beliefs that may be holding me back.
I am sensitive to other people’s energy.
I know what a chakra is.
I know how chakras play a role in my life.
I know how to listen to my intuition.
I believe I can heal myself with energy.
I have communication with my spirit guides, angels or higher self.
I know how to deal with stress and calm my busy mind.
What is the main thing you want to learn about energy and your energy body today?
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
This part is for you to take notes while you listen to this Masterclass. Fill in
the blanks as you progress. These are the important takeaway points from
this session.
Part 1 : Jeffrey’s Transformation Stories
Jeffrey’s Story: “All this change happened in my life, from that one simple change
that I made.” “Tune into your intuition, clear your energy blocks persistently, go for
the things your intuition says, even if it sounds crazy.”
What ideas or inspirations came up for you from hearing Jeffrey’s story?
Why did Jeffrey feel meaningless with his life before embarking his journey to
becoming an Energy Healer? He focused ONLY on the “Physical Body”
and neglected the “____________________________
What did Jeffrey do that synchronicities lined up in his life one after another?
He performed Energy
(answer: Clearing / Accumulation)
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Part 2 : Understanding Energy Works
According to Jeffrey, one of the common mistakes that most people make is that
they think about the ___________________Works first than the Energy Works.
Whatever problem you are facing in your life, in w_____________ , relationships,
l__________, money, or health, e______________ w__________ is the key to
getting the results you want.
We have:
(A) The E ______________________ Body
(B) The P ______________________ Body
E _______________ happens FIRST before things happening in the Physical World.
One key principle to achieve massive synchronicities is to change the way you
think. Unless you address the e____________ w____________ first, you are going
keep going back to the same p________________________.
Energy moves v____________ q ________________ , where physical things move
s ________________ and take more effort.
How to heal yourself:
Step 1: Addressing the ______________________. (answer: energy / imagination)
Step 2: Taking action in the ____________________ world. (answer: physical /
Energy ________________________ interferes your performance in life.
(answer: clearings / blocks)
Energy work is:
(A) ________________________ (answer: delayed / instant)
(B) ________________________ (answer: slow / fast)
(C) ________________________ (answer: powerful / weak)
If you want to create something and manifest your dreams:
Step 1: Create that in the e__________________ .
Step 2: Take a__________________ in the p ___________w___________ .
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Think about how many times have you had a great idea you knew could be
successful, but you didn’t follow through and make it happen. How many times
you’ve been sure of a path you wanted to take, but yet didn't quite get around
to taking it.
What idea/ project comes to mind now that you would like to pursue?
There is always the same answer to why those projects fail or don’t happen.
The answer is: There is an e_______________ b_______________ which we are
unconscious to, that stopped you from m_______________ f_______________
and creating the relationship of your dreams, the work of your dreams, the life of
your dreams.
Part 3 : How To Find & Clear Your Energy Blocks
Energy moves just as quickly as your
(answer: imagination / actions )
How to find and clear your energy blocks:
Step 1: Be Clear and be _______________________________ in your body.
Step 2: Feel and ________________________ Up Energy.
Step 3: Identify the most important thing that is holding you back
and _________________________ it for good.
Step 4: __________________________ what you want in your life.
Things start to solve themselves when your
Energy Blocks are cleared.
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Part 3 : How To Find & Clear Your Energy Blocks - Exercise
IMPORTANT: As Jeffrey is guiding you, you may also receive internal
guidance. TRUST YOURSELF. The goal of the exercise is to get you tuned
into your energy.
Go with what you are feeling. Trust your guidance, trust your intuition.
4-Part Exercise:
1. How to clear your mind and be present in your
body. Clear the noise. Focus.
2. How to feel energy in a tangible way and build it.
3. What is the most important thing to clear now?
Learn a technique for how to remove it for good.
4. Now that the block is clear, you will learn how to
create what you want in your life.
How do you feel after the exercise? What were some of your biggest insights and
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Masterclass Summary
Part 1 : Jeffrey’s Transformation Stories
Part 2 : Understanding Energy Works
Part 3 : How To Find & Clear Your Energy Blocks
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Self Reflection
The right questions can spur your subconscious to feed you the right answers. So ask
yourself. . .
How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your biggest insights and
Where do you feel you have the most energy blocks that have impacted your life the
most? What can you do right now to clear them?
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
How will you contribute to yourself and those around you after you have cleared your
energy body?
How will your life change when you have learned how to heal your energy body? What
can you create in your life now?
A Thought To Take Away
Write down a quote or phrase here that you heard in this Masterclass that resonates the
most with you.
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Additional Notes
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen
Student Stories
“Profound levels of healing”
Jeffrey’s healing session was both energizing and validating. He immediately picked up
on the very topics on my mind without any prior knowledge and helped me move
through really profound levels of healing so simply and gracefully with a lot of presence,
innocence, and joy.
Laura Fox, Radio Host
“This program helped me find a balance and stop overthinking different situations.”
As a result I am able to find solution much faster and better for myself,my work and my
families. When I feel tired I use cosmic energy and mix it with earth energy and usually
feel much better for next few hours. Really good program, basic things that everybody
should know.
Yana Smirnova
“Never before have I experienced such a detail oriented, practicable, fun and "down
on earth" course.”
I think that Jeffrey is a true leader and role model in the field of spirituality and energy
work.This is a field, so many try to explain, teach and understand. And never before have
I experienced such a detail oriented, practicable, fun and "down on earth" course. Not
to forget to mention the awesome structure on the membership site. Thank you.
Kathrin Bode
Embrace Your Energy Body
Masterclass with Jeffrey Allen