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Digital Strategy Lecture Notes: Internet History & Marketing

Aug 29:
 Syllabus
Sep 12:
 History of Internet
 The Internet was created in 1969
 The Dot Com boom occurred in late 1990s when Tim Berners-Lee created HTML, the
code that the internet we know relies on
 Marc Andreesen created Mosaic the first user-friendly browser
 From 1995-2001 every business and investor poured money into the internet without
really knowing about it
 Tech bubble popped in early 200s leading to internet winter
 2004-2008: Internet became a place where you could do things you couldn’t in real life.
 2008-2012: People begin using social media and smartphones.
 2012-2018: Almost everything becomes mobile…Web 3.0 to come?
Sep 19:
 Chap 1:
 URL= Uniform Resource Locator, converted to IP (Internet Protocol) address,
information request sent to server, browser sends data from cookies, sends back
html code displaying page
 Good websites: generate traffic, drive conversions, maximize revenue
 Chap 2
 Design for usability= limit distractions, visual hierarchies, follow website
conventions, break pages into clearly defined areas, obvious what is clickable,
format content to support scanning
 Conversion-centered design=single call to action, context, clarity,conguence,
credibility, closing, continuance
 3 questions: What are you offering? Why should I pick you? What do you want
me to do next?
 Mobile-first design is increasingly important
 Conversion rate optimization practiced through A/B testing
Sep 26:
 Chap 3 Analytics
 First gather data, servers can analyze: ID of requester, time of request,
navigation source, tech info, and geography
 Organize data gathered to summarize
 Metrics: Users, revenue, conversion rate, load time, pageviews, pages per
session, average session duration, bounce rate
 Key performance indicators (KPIs): For retail = sessions, conversion rate,
average order value, and revenue per session For lead generation: Users,
conversion rate, close rate, closed deal value, and revenue per
For media: sessions, pages per
session, average session duration, conversions Social media: new account sign
ups, posts/tweets/pins, likes/retweets/repins, average time on site
engine=searches, conversion rate, pages
Oct 3:
 Chap 4: on-site seo
 Words in the url, title tags, header tags, main content,image alt text and file
names, anchor text all determine page relevance
 Keyword targeting: relevance of search intent, traffic, competition,current ranking
all determine keyword optimization
 Chap 5 Off-site seo
Popularity metrics include: total number of backlinks, backlinks from relevant
websites, anchor text, link neighborhood, link freshness, link diversity, social
Oct 17:
Chap 6: Paid Search Marketing
 Choosing search targets: keyword selection, exact match, broad match, phrase
match all determine keyword
 Negative keywords geography and device type can also determine search
 Buying ad space: bids placed based on ad rank,
 Quality score= expected ctr, ad relevance, and landing page experience
Oct 24:
Chap 7: Display Ad/Chapter 8 Email Marketing
 Both display and email ads are focused on loyalty building and demand
 Those who are already interested in or have bought a product are targeted to
return to the website
 Can show discounts, time orientated deals or specific new items
Oct 31:
Chap 9:Social Media
 Posts can: create first time customers, increase customer loyalty, increase seo
 Paid advertising is also very useful on social platforms
 Reputation management: social media monitoring, social listening,
 Social media plans: 1. Determine objective 2. Choose platform 3. Plan content 4.
Distribute and promote content 5. Measure success
 Content types: original, user generated, co-created, curated
Chap 10:Social Media 2
 Facebook ads focus on placement, targeting, and core audiences
 Twitter users are more active than facebook users
 Pinterest can be used to show visually appeal product placement
 Yotube ads can be very effective on the right video
 Linkedin ads can be posts or messages
 Instagram new shop feature makes it ideal for social media conversions
 Snapchat and tiktok is best for targeting youth audiences
Nov 7:
Chap 11:Online Reutation Management
 Monitor brands through: google alerts
 Respond to negative content: online review sites,scam reporting sites, online
forums,press articles, activist organizations,social media blogs, info sites can all
spread negative press be sure to respond
 Respond quickly and take conversation private
 Create positive content to balance
 Wells Fargo does a good job creating positive content to hide past
Chap 12: Mobile Marketing
 Mobile= smaller display, slower typing, less precise clicking, slower page loading,
and a slower network
 Mobile users are more impatient, characterized by “snacking”, rick media is
effective, location matters more on mobile
Location based targeting, habit targeting, weather targeting, social context
Nov 14:
 Chap 13: Digital Strategy
 Demand generation=Attention, interest, desire
 Demand harvesting= turing desire into action
 Loyalty building= turning first time customers into loyal customers
 Channel evaluation must be conducted to ensure lowest cost per exposure
 Conversion rate optimation can be done through allocating resources across
channels effectively
 My team met with Prof. Mariano and things are going well.
Nov 21:
 Professor Mariano has laryngitis. I hope she feels better. The last three teams met with
Prof. to discuss the group project. I met with my team to further discuss our project.
Things are moving along well, as a few members have finished their part.
Nov 28:
 Case Study: Starbucks uses a combination of effective online sales, social media
management, and rewards programs to build a loyal brand following. By investing in
online advertising early they gained an advantage over their competition and have
become the massive brand they are today.
Dec 5/Dec 12: Group Presentations