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Iroquois Confederacy Jigsaw Activity Worksheet

--The role of men and women—How were there government’s structured?--
Iroquois Confederacy
Jigsaw Activity!
Have your students become experts
on the 6 tribes that made up the
powerful Iroquois confederacy!
--How did they use the land?—What technologies did they have?--
Jigsaw Ac*vity: You need to get into groups of 6 (no more-­‐no less). Once you are in those groups count off from 1-­‐6 and write down who is doing each topic in the space provided on the last page. In your group each person will become an expert in one topic and join their expert group: #1: Seneca #2: Mohawk #3: Onondaga #4: Oneida #5:Tuscarora #6:Cayuga What does an expert group mean? You will now get into your expert group. This means that each person who has the same number(tribe) as you will come together and become experts on that tribe. In your expert group you must as a team answer the quesQons that are required. Once all of the expert groups have completed their quesQons then you go back to your original groups. By this Qme each member of your group should be an expert on a different tribe. StarQng with #1 you must teach your group members about your tribe and help them fill in each of their blanks. Do this with each expert unQl your whole sheet is filled out! Is your whole chart filled in? If so, you are done! !
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