CHAPTER 23 – PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT – IAS 16 IAS 16 applie s to the accounting for property, pla nt and eq uipment, except where another sta ndard req uires or permits differi ng accounting treatments, for example: The sta ndard doe s IAS 16, paragraph 6, property, plant, and equipment are tangible assets that are: - Held for use in production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for administrative purposes - Expected to be used for more than one period Major characteristics of PPE: - Tangible assets – physical substance - Used in business – production or supply - Expected to be use for more than one year Examples of PPE: a. Land b. Land improvements c. Building d. Machinery e. Ship f. Aircraft g. Motor vehicle h. Furniture and fixtures i. Office equipment j. Patterns, molds, and dies k. Tools l. Bearer plants – living plant used in the production of agricultural produce. It is itself a PPE but its produce is not. Recognition of PPE - benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity - Cost of the asset can be measured reliably (paragraph 7) - It is up to the management to decide whether the item should be recognized as a PPE if it meets the criteria because IAS 16 does not prescribe the unit of measure for recognition. It does not prescribe what constitutes an item of PPE. (Paragraph 19) Spare parts and servicing equipment - Most spare parts are usually carried as inventory and recognized as an expense when consumed. - However, major spare parts and stand-by equipment qualify as PPE when the entity expects to use them for more than one period. Measurement at recognition - Measured initially at cost (paragraph 15) - Cost is the amount of cash and cash equivalent paid and the fair value of the other consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of acquisition or construction. Elements of cost - Purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates - Cost directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management - Initial estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing the asset and restoring the site on which it is located and for which an entity has a present obligation as required by law or contract. (paragraph 15) Directly attributable costs - Cost of employee benefits arising directly from the acquisition of PPE - Cost of site preparation - Initial delivery and handling cost - Installation and assembly cost - Professional fees - Costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly Proceeds from samples PAS 16 has been amended such that proceeds from selling samples produced and the cost of such samples shall be included in profit or loss. - Proceeds are no longer deducted from the cost of PPE. If not yet sold, the samples are accounted for as an inventory. Costs not qualifying for recognition - Costs of opening a new facility - Costs of introducing a new product or service (advertising and promotion) - Costs of conducting business in new location, costs of staff training - Admin and other general OH costs - Costs incurred while an item capable of operating has yet to be brought into use or is operated at less than full capacity - Initial operating losses - Costs of relocating or reorganizing Measurement after recognition After initial recognition, an entity shall choose either the cost model or the revaluation model as accounting policy. - Entity shall apply the accounting policy to an entire class of PPE. - Cost model – PPE is carried at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment loss. (paragraph 30) - If the company’s investment properties uses cost model, then it should also be applied in the company’s PPE - - - Revaluation model – PPE is carried at revalued carrying amount. It is the fair value at the date of revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. (paragraph 31) If an item of PPE is revalued, the entire class of PPE should be revalued as well. Dapat sabay sabay din daw nirerevalue. If an asset’s carrying amount is increased due to the result of the revaluation, which means the FV now is higher than previous carrying amount or FV of that property, the increase should be recognize in other comprehensive income and the accumulated equity shall be recognized as the revaluation surplus. However, it shall be recognized in profit or loss. Acquisition of property - Each way of acquisition presents a costing problem for accounting purposes: 1. Acquisition on a cash basis The cost of an item of PPE is the cash price equivalent at the recognition date. Cost of asset acquired on cash basis includes: a. Cash paid plus b. Directly attributable costs (freight. Installation cost, and other costs necessary in bringing the asset to the location and condition for intended use.) - When several assets are acquired at a “basket price” or a “lump sum price”, it is necessary to apportion the single price to the assets acquired on the basis of relative fair value. For example, a land and building is acquired at a single cost of 5,500,000. At the time of acquisition, the fair value of the land is 1,000,000 and the building, 4,000,000. FV % Allocated cost Land 1,000,000 1/5 1,100,000 Building 4,000,000 4/5 4,400,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 2. Acquisition on account When an asset is acquired on account subject to a cash discount, the cost of the asset is equal to the invoice price minus the discount, regardless of whether the discount is taken or not. - If discount is not taken, the same is charged on the purchase discount loss account which is shown as other expense. - - The reason is that a wise management would take advantage of all discounts Cash discounts are considered as reduction of costs and not as income. For example. An equipment is purchased at 100,000, 2/10, n/30. Cost = purchase price less cash discount whether taken or not - To record acquisition of equipment PPE Accounts payable - - For example. A machinery is purchased at an installment price of 350,000. Down payment of 50,000 is necessary and the balance will be payable in three equal annual installments. Cash price is 290,000. Promissory note issued for the balance of 300,000. 98,000 98,000 - To record acquisition of machinery Machinery Discount on NP N/P Cash 290,000 60,000 300,000 50,000 3rd 100,000 Total 600,000 1/6 10,000 60,000 The fraction is derived from the N/P outstanding each and year and multiplied by the discount of 60,000 to arrive at the annual interest expense. - If there’s no available cash price, the asset is recorded at an amount equal to present value of all payments using an implied interest rate. For example: Machinery installment price = 700,000 Down payment = 100,000 N/P = 600,000 – payable in three equal annual installments Implied interest rate = 10% Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 is 2.487 for three periods 98,000 - - If an asset is offered at cash price and at installment price, the cost of the asset purchased at installment price shall be recorded at cash price. Installment price – Cash price = excess -> Interest expense to be amortized over the credit period. 98,000 To record payment within the discount period Accounts payable Cash - To record payment beyond the discount period Accounts payable 98,000 Purch. Discount loss 2,000 Cash 100,000 3. Acquisition on installment basis When payment of PPE is deferred beyond normal credit terms, the cost is the cash price equivalent. To record first installment payment Note payable Cash - 100,000 497,400 597,400 To amortize the discount on N/P Interest expense Discount on N/P 1st 2nd 100,000 100,000 Solution: Down payment Add: Present value of N/P (200,000 x 2.487) Total cost of machinery 30,000 N/P fraction 300,000 3/6 200,000 2/6 30,000 Interest exp. 30,000 20,000 Note Payable Present value of N/P Implied interest - 600,000 (497,400) 102,600 to record acquisition of machinery Machinery 597,400 Discount on N/P Cash Note Payable 102,600 100,000 600,000 of land is 1,600,000 and share is 90 per share. - - to record first installment payment Note Payable Cash - 200,000 200,000 to amortize the discount on N/P Interest expense Discount on N/P 49,740 49,740 The effective interest method is used in amortizing the discount on note payable as interest expense. 4. Issuance of share capital - the Philippine GAAP provides that is shares are issued for consideration other than actual cash, the proceeds shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received. - Where a property is acquired through the issuance of share capital, the property shall be measured at an amount equal to the following in the order of priority: A. Fair value of the property received B. Fair value of the share capital C. Par value or stated value of the share capital Illustration: A piece of land is acquired by issuing 20K shares with par value of 50. FV To record acquisition. FV of land is used. PPE 1,600,000 Share capital (20K x 50) 1,000,000 Share premium 600,000 - FV of share capital is used. Land (20K x 90) Share capital Share premium - 1,800,000 1,000,000 800,000 Par value of share capital is used. Land (20K x 50) Share capital 1,000,000 1,000,000 *The measurement of the land using fair value of the land is preferable. 5. Issuance of bonds payable When an entity acquires an asset by issuing bonds payable, PFRS 9, paragraph 5.1.1 provides that the entity shall measure the financial liability at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to the issue of the financial liability. Measured in the ff order: A. FV of bonds payable B. FV of asset received C. Face amount of bonds payable Illustration: A building is acquired by issuing bonds payable with face amount of 5,000,000. FV of building is 6,000,000 and bonds is 5,800,000. - To record acquisition using FV of bonds payable. Building 5,800,000 Bonds payable 5,000,000 (based to sa face value + transaction costs pero since wala nun, based lang sa face amount) Premium on B/P 800,000 - Using FV of the building received. Building Bonds payable Premium on B/p - 6,000,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 Using face amount of bonds payable Building Bonds payable 5,000,000 5,000,000 *The measurement of the building using the fair value of bonds payable is preferable. 6. Exchange PAS 16, paragraph 24, PPE that is acquired in exchange for a nonmonetary asset or a combination of monetary and nonmonetary asset is measured at FV. Exchange is recognized at carrying amount under the ff: a. The exchange transaction lacks commercial substance b. The FV of the asset given or FV of the asset received is not reliably measured. Commercial substance – new notion and is defined as the event or transaction causing the cash flow of the entity to change significantly by reason of the exchange. - The exchange transaction has commercial substance when the cash flows of the asset received differ significantly from the cash flows of the asset transferred. b. FV of the asset given minus any cash received – on the part of the recipient. - Payor’s books - - Recipient’s books Entity-specific value – present value of the cash flows an entity expects to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from the disposal at the end of useful life. Property is acquired by exchanging another property as part payment and balance payable in cash Involves nondealer acquiring the asset from a dealer. Involves significant amount of cash, therefore transaction has commercial substance. New asset is recorded at the ff order: a. FV of the asset given plus cash payment b. Trade in value of the asset given plus cash payment (in effect, it is the fair value of the asset received.) - Trade in value approach is used if the FV of the asset given is not clearly determinable. Note: the list price is often bloated to permit the seller to increase the trade in value for a used asset. The cash price of the new asset is believed to be the FV. Exchange with no commercial substance – the acquired PPE is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given. (No gain or loss is recognized) - Any cash involved is added to the carrying amount on the part of the payor and deducted on the part of the recipient. Exchange with commercial substance – cost of property is equal to the ff: a. FV of the asset given plus any cash payment – on the part of the payor - 7. Trade in - Form of exchange 8. Donation Cost = Fair Value of the Property The IFRS does not address donation or contribution. However, they explicitly address government grant. The Philippine GAAP provides that contributions received from shareholders shall be recorded at FV with the credit going to donated capital. Expense incurred in connection with the donation (registration fees) shall be charged to the donated capital account. This is because such expenses do not increase or enhance the value of the asset. But, directly attributable costs such as installation fees and testing costs shall be capitalized. Capital gifts or grants shall be recorded at FV when receive pr receivable. Capital gifts or grants are generally subsidies and therefore recognized as income. In rare case when capital gifts are not subsidies, the offsetting credit is a liability account until the initial restrictions are met. When they are met, the liability is transferred to income. 9. Construction The cost of a self-constructed asset is determined using the same principles as for an acquired asset. The cost of a selfconstructed asset shall include: a. Direct cost of materials + b. Direct cost of labor + c. Indirect cost and incremental OH specifically identifiable or traceable to construction. *if incremental OH is not identifiable, allocation of OH may be done on the basis of DL cost or DL hours. Saving or loss on construction If actual cost of construction is < the price of the constructed asset when purchased outside, the difference is not income but saving. (it shall not be recognized in the financial statements) Any internal profit is eliminated in arriving at the cost of selfconstructed asset. If actual cost of constructed asset is > the price of outside constructed asset, the constructed asset shall still be recorded at actual costs. This is because there is no assurance that the asset of bought outside is the same as that constructed. But if there is evidence that the actual cost is materially excessive, it is believed that the excess shall be treated as loss chargeable to the management. PAS 16, paragraph 22, cost of abnormal amount of wasted material, labor, or OH incurred in the production of selfconstructed asset is not included in the cost of the asset. Derecognition – means the cost of PPE together with the related accumulated depreciation shall be removed from the accounts. PAS 16, paragraph 67, carrying amount of PPE shall be derecognized (a) on disposal or (b) when no future economic benefits are expected from the use or disposal. The gain or loss from the derecognition shall be included in profit or loss. (It shall be a separate line item when recorded such as Gain from Disposal of PPE) It shall be determined as the difference between net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the item. Fully depreciated property – when the carrying amount is equal to zero or equal to the residual value. The asset account and related accumulated depreciation is closed, and the residual value is set up in a separate account. However, it is not uncommon for an entity to continue to use an asset after it has been fully depreciated. The cost of fully depreciated asset remaining in service and the related accumulated depreciation shall not be removed from the accounts. However, entities are encouraged but not required to disclose fully depreciated property. Property classified as held for sale PFRS 5, paragraph 7, PPE is classified as held for sale if the asset is available for immediate sale in the present condition w/in 1 year from the date of classification as held for sale. - Such asset shall be excluded from PPE and presented separately as current asset. PFRS 5, paragraph 15, noncurrent asset classified as held for sale (shall not be depreciated – paragraph 25) shall be measured at the lower between the carrying amount and FV less cost of disposal. - If the FV less cost of disposal is > than the carrying amount of the ppe held for sale, then there would be a decline and it would be reported as an impairment loss. The writedown to FV less cost pf disposal is treated as impairment loss. Idle or abandoned property PFRS 5, paragraph 13, an entity shall not classify as held for sale a noncurrent asset that is to be abandoned. This is because the carrying amount would be recovered principally through continuing use. Temporary idle activity or abandonment does not preclude depreciating the asset because future benefits are also consumed through wear and tear and obsolescence. Optional disclosures Entities are encouraged to disclose the ff information: (paragraph 79) a. Carrying amount of temporarily idle PPE b. Gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated PPE still in use c. Carrying amount of PPE retired from active use and is held for sale d. When cost model is used, the FV of the PPE when this is materially different from the carrying amount. (paragraph 73) Financial statements shall disclose for each PPE: - Measurement bases used for determining the gross carrying amount - Depreciation methods used - Useful lives or the depreciation rates used - Gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation - Reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period showing: a. Additions b. Assets classified as held for sale