?. ]j` stohmorm tjot ommr`ss`s tj` obbduhtnhc gdr r`v`hu`s ns o. [GVR ?7. f. [GVR ?:. b. [GVR 0. m. [GVR ?0. 6. ]j` dfa`btnv` dg [OR ? [r`s`htotndh dg Gnhohbnoe Rtot`l`hts ns o. td prdvnm` prdvnm` tj` fosnb prnhbn prnhbnpe`s pe`s nh tj` pr`s`ht pr`s`htotnd otndh h dg c`h`roe purpds` purpds` hohbnoe hohbnoe stot`l` stot`l`hts hts td nlprdv` bdlporofnenty. f. td prdvnm` tj` fosnb prnhbnpe`s nh tj` pr`s`htotndh pr`s`htotndh dg c`h`roe ohm sp`bnoe purpds` hohbnoe stot`l`hts td nlprdv` bdlporofnenty. b. td prdvnm` prdvnm` tj` fosnb prnhbn prnhbnpe`s pe`s nh tj` pr`s`ht pr`s`htotnd otndh h dg c`h`roe purpds` purpds` hohbnoe hohbnoe stot`l` stot`l`hts hts td nlprdv` bdhsnst`hby. m. oee d dgg tj tj`s` 2. ]j` j`omnhc dg o hohbnoe stot`l`ht ldst eni`ey wnee hdt nhbeum` o. tj` tj` hol` hol` dg dg tj` tj` r`pd r`pdrt rtnhc nhc `htnty `htnty.. f. tj` tj` tnte` dg hoh bnoe stot`l` ht.. b. tj ` mot` mo t` d dg dgg tj` tj` tj` hohbnoe hohb hohbnoe noestot`l`ht. stot`l stot`l`ht `ht. m. tj` tj` hol`(s hol`(s)) dg tj` tj` fusnh` fusnh`ss ss dwh`r dwh`r(s) (s).. =. Obbdrmnhc td [OR ?, oh oss`t sjoee f` beossn`m os burr`ht wj`h nt sotns`s ohy dg tj` gdeedwnhc brnt`rno, `xb`pt o. nt ns `xp`bt`m `xp`bt`m td f` r`oenz`m r`oenz`m nh, dr ns nht`hm`m nht`hm`m gdr soe` soe` dr bdhsulptnd bdhsulptndh h nh, tj` `htnty `htnty„s „s hdrloe hdrloe dp`rotnhc bybe` f. nt ns j`em prnlorney gdr tj` purpds` purpds` dg f`nhc trom`m b. nt ns `xp`bt`m `xp`bt`m td f` f` r`oenz`m r`oenz`m wntjnh wntjnh tw`ev` tw`ev` ldhtj ldhtjss ogt`r tj` tj` foeohb` foeohb` sj``t sj``t mot` m. nt ns bosj bosj dr dr o bosj bosj `qunvoe` `qunvoe`ht ht tjot tjot ns r`str r`strnbt` nbt`m m 0. O enofnenty sjoee f` beossn`m os burr`ht wj`h nt sotns`s ohy dg tj` gdeedwnhc brnt`rno, `xb`pt o. nt ns `xp`bt` `xp`bt`m m td f` s`e`m s`e`m nh tj` tj` `htnty `htnty„s „s hdrloe hdrloe dp`rot dp`rotnhc nhc bybe` bybe` f. nt ns j`em prnlorney gdr tj` purpds` purpds` dg f`nhc trom`m b. nt ns mu` mu` td f` s`e`m s`e`m wntjnh wntjnh tw`ev` tw`ev` ldhtjs ldhtjs ogt`r ogt`r tj` foeoh foeohb` b` sj``t sj``t mot` m. tj` `htnty `htnty jos oh uhbdhmntn uhbdhmntndho dhoee rncjt td m`g`r s`e`l`h s`e`l`htt dg tj` enofnenty enofnenty gdr ot e`ost tw`ev` tw`ev` ldhtjs ogt`r tj` foeohb` sj``t mot`. 7. Ng oh `htnty `xp`bts, ohm jos tj` mnsbr`tndh, td r`hohb` dr rdee dv`r oh dfencotndh gdr ot e`ost tw`ev` ldhtjs ogt`r tj` foeohb` sj``t mot` uhm`r oh `xnstnhc edoh gobnenty, nt beossn`s tj` dfencotndh os hdh-burr`ht, o. `v`h ng ng nt wduem wduem dtj`r dtj`rwns` wns` f` mu` wntjn wntjnh h o sjdrt sjdrt`r `r p`rndm. p`rndm. f. `v`h ng tj` drncnhoe t`rl t`rl wos gdr o p`rndm edhc`r edhc`r tjoh tw`ev` ldhtjs ldhtjs b. `v `v`h `h ng oh ocr`` ocr``l` l`ht ht td r`h r`hoh ohb` b`,, dr td r`sb r`sbj` j`mu mue` e` po poyl yl`h `hts ts,, dh o edhc edhc-t -t`r `rl l fo fosn snss ns bdlpe`t`m ogt`r tj` r`pdrtnhc p`rndm ohm f`gdr` tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts or` outjdrnz`m gdr nssu` m. bj bjd dnb`s f oh ohm b 3. Sj`h oh `htnty fr`obj`s oh uhm`rtoinhc uhm`r o edhc-t`rl edoh ocr``l`ht ocr``l`ht dh dr f`gdr` tj` `hm dg tj` r`pdrtnhc p`rndm wntj tj` ``bt tjot tj` enofnenty f`bdl`s poyofe` dh m`lohm, (bjdds` tj` nhbdrr`bt stot`l`ht) o. ]j` enofnent enofnenty y ns beossn`m beossn`m os burr`ht, burr`ht, `v`h `v`h ng tj` e`hm`r e`hm`r jos ocr``m, ocr``m, ogt`r ogt`r tj` foeohb` foeohb` sj``t sj``t mot` ohm f`gdr` tj` outjdrnzotndh dg tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts gdr nssu`, hdt td m`lohm poyl`ht os o bdhs`qu`hb` dg tj` fr`obj. f. ]j` enofnenty ns beossn`m os burr`ht f`bous`, ot tj` foeohb` sj``t mot`, tj` `htnty md`s hdt jov` oh uhbdhmntndhoe rncjt td m`g`r nts s`e`l`ht gdr ot e`ost tw`ev` ldhtjs ogt`r tjot mot`. b. ]j` enofnent enofnenty y ns beossn`m beossn`m os hdh-burr hdh-burr`ht, `ht, `v`h `v`h ng tj` e`hm`r jos ocr``m ocr``m,, ogt`r tj` foeohb` foeohb` sj``t sj``t mot` ohm f`gdr` tj` outjdrnzotndh dg tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts gdr nssu`, hdt td m`lohm poyl`ht os o bdhs`qu`hb` dg tj` fr`obj. m. ]j ]j`` en enofn ofnent enty y ns hdrlo hdrloeey eey beossn beossn`m `m os burr`h burr`ht9 t9 jdw`v jdw`v`r, `r, tj` eno enofne fnenty nty ns be beoss ossn` n`m m os hdhhdhburr`ht ng tj` e`hm`r ocr``m fy tj` foeohb` sj``t mot` td prdvnm` o p`rndm dg crob` `hmnhc ot e`ost tw`ev` ldhtjs ogt`r tj` foeohb` sj``t mot`, wntjnh wjnbj tj` `htnty boh r`btngy tj` fr`obj ohm murnhc tjot tjot p`rndm tj` tj` e`hm`r bohhdt bohhdt m`lohm m`lohm nll`mnot` nll`mnot` r`poyl`ht. r`poyl`ht. :. Lot`rnoe Lot`rn oe Dlnss Dlnssndh ndhss dr lnsst lnsstot` ot`l`h l`hts ts dg nt`ls nt`ls or` lot`rn lot`rnoe oe ng tj`y tj`y bd bduem uem,, nh nhmnv mnvnmu nmuoee oeey y dr bdee`b bde e`btnv tnv`ey `ey99 nh nhu` u`hb` hb` tj` tj` `bdhd `bdhdlnb lnb m`bnsn m`bnsndh dhss dg us`rs us`rs toi`h toi`h dh tj` tj` fosns fosns dg tj` tj` hohb hohbnoe noe stot`l`hts. Lot`rnoenty m`p`hms dh o. tj` tj` p`sd p`sd olduht olduht ohm m`cr`` m`cr`` dg hohbno hohbnoee bd bdhs` hs`qu` qu`hb` hb` dg tj` tj` dlnss dlnssndh ndh dr ln lnsst sstot` ot`l`h l`htt aumc`m nh tj` tj` surrduhmnhc surrduhmnhc bnrbulstohb`s bnrbulstohb`s f. tj` snz` ohm p`sd olduht dg tj` dlnssndh dr lnsstot`l`ht aumc`m nh tj` surrduhmnhc surrduhmnhc bnrbulstohb`s b. tj` tj` p` p`sd sd oldu olduht ht ohm ho hotu tur` r` dg tj` dlns dlnssn sndh dh fut hdt tj` tj` lnss lnssto tot` t`l` l`ht ht aumc`m aumc`m nh tj` tj` surrduhmnhc bnrbulstohb`s m. tj` tj` snz` snz` oh ohm m ho hotu tur` r` dg tj` tj` dlns dlnssn sndh dh dr ln lnss ssttot ot`l `l`h `htt aumc aumc`m `m nh tj` tj` su surr rrdu duhm hmnh nhc c bnrbulstohb`s >. Nh tj` `xtr`l`ey ror` bnrbulstohb`s nh wjnbj lohoc`l`ht bdhbeum`s tjot bdlpenohb` wntj o r`qunr`l`ht nh o Rtohmorm dr oh Nht`rpr`totndh wduem f` sd lnse`omnhc tjot nt wduem bdhnbt wntj tj` dfa`btnv` dg hohbnoe stot`l`hts s`t dut nh tj` Grol`wdri, tj` `htnty sjoee m`port grdl tjot r`qunr`l`ht nh tj` lohh`r s`t uhm`r [OR ?. Sj`h oh `htnty m`ports grdl o r`qunr`l`ht dg o Rtohmorm dr oh Nht`rpr`totndh, nt sjoee mnsbeds`1 (bjdds` tj` nhbdrr`bt stot`l`ht) o. tjot tjot lohoc` lohoc`l`h l`htt jos bdhbeum bdhbeum`m `m tjot tjot tj` tj` h hoh ohbno bnoee st stot` ot`l`h l`hts ts pr`s`h pr`s`htt gonrey gonrey tj` `htnty `htnty„s „s hohbnoe pdsntndh, hohbnoe p`rgdrlohb` ohm bosj dws9 f. tjot nt jos bdlpen`m wntj oppenbofe` Rtohmorms Rtohmorms ohm Nht`rpr`totndhs, Nht`rpr`totndhs, `xb`pt tjot nt jos m`port`m grdl o portnbueor r`qunr`l`ht td objn`v` o gonr pr`s`htotndh pr`s`htotndh99 b. tjot tjot nt jos jos bd bdlpe lpen`m n`m wntj wntj dtj`r dtj`r oppenb oppenbofe ofe`` stohm stohmorm ormss dtj` dtj`rr tjoh tjoh tjds` tjds` nssu`m nssu`m fy GVRB GVRB dr NORF ohm tj` m`sbrnptndh dg tjds` obbduhtnhc stohmorms wjnbj tj` `htnty jos bdlpen`m td. m. tj` tnte` tnte` dg tj` Rtohmorm Rtohmorm dr Nht`rpr` Nht`rpr`totn totndh dh grdl wjnbj wjnbj tj` `htnty `htnty jos m`port` m`port`m, m, tj` hotur` hotur` dg tj` m`portur`, nhbeumnhc tj` tr`otl`ht tjot tj` Rtohmorm dr Nht`rpr`totndh wduem r`qunr`, tj` r`osdh wjy tjot tr`otl`ht wduem f` sd lnse`omnhc nh tj` bnrbulstohb`s tjot nt wduem bdhnbt wntj tj` dfa`btnv` dg hohbnoe stot`l`hts stot`l`hts s`t dut nh tj` Grol`wdri, ohm tj` tr`otl`ht omdpt`m9 ohm `. gdr `obj p`rnd p`rndm m pr`s`ht`m, pr`s`ht`m, tj` tj` hohbnoe hohbnoe nlpobt nlpobt dg tj` tj` m`portur` m`portur` dh `obj `obj nt`l nh tj` tj` hohbnoe hohbnoe stot`l`hts tjot wduem jov` f``h r`pdrt`m nh bdlpeynhc wntj tj` r`qunr`l`ht. ?;. Nm`htngy tj` nhbdrr`bt stot`l`ht. o. Sj`h oh `htnt `htnty y jos m`port`m m`port`m grdl grdl o r`qunr`l` r`qunr`l`ht ht dg o Rtohmorm Rtohmorm dr oh Nht`rpr Nht`rpr`tot `totndh ndh nh o prndr p`rndm, ohm tjot m`portur` o`bts tj` olduhts r`bdchnz`m nh tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts gdr tj` burr`ht p`rndm, nt sjoee mnsbeds` tj` (o) tnte` dg tj` Rtohmorm dr Nht`rpr`totndh grdl wjnbj tj` `htnty jos m`port`m ohm tj` (f) nlpobt dg subj m`portur`. f. Nh tj` `xtr`l`ey ror` bnrbu bnrbulstohb`s lstohb`s nh wjnbj lohoc`l`ht lohoc`l`ht bd bdhbeum`s hbeum`s tjot bdlpenohb` bdlpenohb` wntj o r`qunr`l`ht nh o Rtohmorm dr oh Nht`rpr`totndh wduem f` sd lnse`omnhc tjot nt wduem bdhnbt wntj tj` dfa`btnv` dg hohbnoe stot`l`hts s`t dut nh tj` Grol`wdri, fut tj` r`e`voht r`cueotdry grol`wdri prdjnfnts m`portur` grdl tj` r`qunr`l`ht, tj` `htnty sjoee, td tj` loxnlul `xt`ht pdssnfe`, r`mub` tj` p`rb`nv`m lnse`omnhc osp`bts dg bdlpenohb` bdlpenohb` fy mnsbedsnhc1(o) mnsbedsnhc1(o) tj` tnte` dg tj` Rtohmorm dr Nht`rpr`totndh nh qu`stndh ohm (f) gdr `obj p`rndm pr`s`ht`m, tj` omaustl`hts td `obj nt`l nh tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts tjot lohoc`l`ht jos bdhbeum`m wduem f` h`b`ssory td objn`v` o gonr pr`s`htotndh. pr`s`htotndh. b. Gnhohbn Gnhohbnoe oe stot`l`ht stot`l`htss sjoee f` pr`por`m pr`por`m dh o cdnhc bdhb`rh bdhb`rh fosns fosns uhe`ss lohoc`l lohoc`l`ht `ht `ntj`r `ntj`r nht`hms td enqunmot` tj` `htnty dr td b`os` tromnhc, dr jos hd r`oenstnb oet`rhotnv` fut td md sd. m. [OR ? r`qunr r`qunr`s `s oh `htn `htnty ty pr`porn pr`pornhc hc hohbno hohbnoee stot`l stot`l`ht `hts, s, td loi` oh oss`ss oss`ssl`h l`htt dg tj` `htnty„s ofnenty td bdhtnhu` os o cdnhc bdhb`rh. Nh oss`ssnhc wj`tj`r tj` cdnhc bdhb`rh ossulptndh ns opprdprnot`, lohoc`l`ht toi`s nhtd obbduht oee ovoneofe` nhgdrlotndh ofdut tj` gutur`, wjnbj ns ot e`ost, fut ns hdt enlnt`m td, v` y`ors grdl tj` foeohb` sj``t mot`. ??. Nm`htngy tj` nhbdrr`bt stot`l`ht. o. ]j` ]j` h hoe oe st stoc oc`` nh tj` tj` pr prdb db`s `sss dg occr occr`c `cot otnd ndh h ohm ohm be beos ossn snb bot otnd ndh h ns tj` tj` pr pr`s `s`h `hto totn tndh dh dg bdhm`hs`m ohm beossn`m moto, wjnbj gdrl enh` nt`ls dh tj` gob` dg tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts. f. [OR ? sdl`tnl`s us`s tj` t`rl ‚mnsbedsur`„ ‚mnsbedsur`„ nh o frdom s`hs`, `hbdlpossnhc `hbdlpossnhc nt`ls pr`s`ht`m dh tj` gob` dg tj` foeohb` sj``t, stot`l`ht dg prdt dr edss ohm dtj`r bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl`, stot`l`ht dg bjohc`s nh `qunty ohm bosj dw stot`l`ht, os w`ee os nh tj` hdt`s. b. Oppeyn Oppeynhc hc tj` bdhb`pt bdhb`pt dg lot`rn lot`rnoen oenty ty l`ohs l`ohs tjot tjot o sp`bn sp`bnb b mnsbeds mnsbedsur` ur` r`qunr r`qunr`l` `l`ht ht nh o Rtohmorm dr oh Nht`rpr`totndh h``m hdt f` sotns`m ng tj` nhgdrlotndh ns hdt lot`rnoe. m. Oh `htnty `htnty sjoee pr`por` pr`por` nts hohbnoe hohbnoe stot`l`h stot`l`hts, ts, nhbeumnhc nhbeumnhc bosj bosj dw nhgdrlotnd nhgdrlotndh, h, usnhc tj` obbruoe fosns dg obbduhtnhc. obbduhtnhc. `. hohbnoe [OR ? r`qunr`s r`qun r`s oh `htnty `htnt y pr`s`htnhc pr`s`h tnhc y`or. nts nts burr`ht burr`ht y`or hohbnoe hohbnoe stot`l stot`l`hts `hts td oesd pr`s`ht pr`s`ht nts nts stot`l`hts gdr tj` pr`vndus ]j` e`mc`r e`mc`r dg RBJDE RBJDENOR NOR] ] BDLL BDLL@H @H]O] ]O]DV DV Bd. Bd. os dg M`b`l M`b`lf`r f`r 2?, 6;x? 6;x? nh nhbeu beum`s m`s tj` tj` gdeedwnhc1 Oss`ts Bosj ?;,;;; ]rom` obbduhts r`b`nvofe` (h`t dg ₿?;,;;; br`mnt foeohb` nh obbduhts) =;,;;; J`em gdr tromnhc s`burntn`s :;,;;; Gnhohbnoe oss`ts m`snchot`m ot GW[E 2;,;;; Nhv`stl`ht nh `qunty s`burntn`s ot GWDBN 3;,;;; Nhv` Nhv`st stl` l`ht ht nh fd fdhm hmss l`os l`osur ur`m `m ot oldr oldrtn tnz` z`m m bd bdst st (mu` (mu` nh 2 y`or y`ors) s) 7;,; 7;,;;; ;; [r`ponm oss`ts ?;,;;; M`g`rr`m tox oss`t (`xp`bt`m td r`v`rs` nh 6;x6) ?6,;;; Nhv`stl`ht nh Ossdbnot` 27,;;; ?6. Nhv`stl`ht prdp`rty Rnhinhc guhm [rdp`rty, peoht, ohm `qunpl`ht Cddmwnee ]dtoes =7,;;; 2:,;;; ?;;,;;; 6:,;;; 07;,;;; Jdwo. lubj ns tj` tdtoe burr`ht oss`ts4 66;,;;; f. b. m. ?:;,;;; 2=;,;;; ?7=,;;; Rdeutndh1 Burr`ht oss`ts ?;,;;; Bosj 0;,;;; ]rom` obbduhts r`b`nvofe` (=;,;;; + ?;,;;;) :;,;;; J`em gdr tromnhc s`burntn`s 2;,;;; Gnhohbnoe oss`ts m`snchot`m ot GW[E ?;,;;; [r`ponm oss`ts ?:;,;;; ]dtoe burr`ht oss`ts ]j` e`mc`r dg [@VHNBNDPR M@OME^ Bd. os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? nhbeum`s tj` gdeedwnhc1 Enofnentn`s Fohi dv`rmrogt ?;,;;; ]rom` obbduhts poyofe` (h`t dg ₿?;,;;; m`fnt foeohb` nh obbduhts) =;,;;; ?2. Hdt`s poyofe` (mu` nh 6; s`ln-ohhuoe poyl`hts dg ₿=,;;;) Nht`r`st poyofe` Fdhms poyofe` (mu` dh Lorbj 2?, 6;x6) Mnsbduht dh fdhms poyofe` Mnvnm`hms poyofe` Rjor` mnvnm`hms poyofe` M`g`rr`m tox enofnenty (`xp`bt`m td r`v`rs` nh 6;x6) Nhbdl` tox poyofe` Bdhtnhc`ht enofnenty V`s`rv` gdr bdhtnhc`hbn`s ]dtoes Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe burr`ht enofnentn`s4 o. ?>6,;;; f. ?:7,;;; b. 6?6,;;; :;,;;; 2;,;;; 3;,;;; (2;,;;;) ?;,;;; ?6,;;; 27,;;; ==,;;; ?;;,;;; 6:,;;; =2;,;;; m. ?3:,;;; Rdeutndh1 Burr`ht enofnentn`s Fohi dv`rmrogt ]rom` obbduhts poyofe` ([6;,;;; + [0,;;;) Hdt`s poyofe` ([6,;;; s`ln-ohhuoe nhstoel`ht x 6) Nht`r`st poyofe` Fdhms poyofe` (mu` dh Lorbj 2?, 6;x6) Mnsbduht dh fdhms poyofe` Mnvnm`hms poyofe` Nhbdl` tox poyofe` ]dtoe burr`ht enofnentn`s ]j` e`mc`r dg BOEEDS NLLO]PV@ Bd. nh 6;x? nhbeum`s tj` gdeedwnhc1 Rjor` bopntoe Rjor` pr`lnul V`tonh`m `orhnhcs, opprdprnot`m ?;,;;; 0;,;;; :,;;; 2;,;;; 3;,;;; (2;,;;;) ?;,;;; ==,;;; ?>6,;;; ?=. V`tonh`m `orhnhcs, uhopprdprnot`m V`voeuotndh surpeus V`l`osur`l`hts dg tj` h`t m`h`m f`h`t enofnenty (oss`t) - conh Bulueotnv` h`t uhr`oenz`m conh dh gonr voeu` bjohc`s dg nhv`stl`ht nh GWDBN @`btnv` pdrtndh dg edss`s dh j`mcnhc nhstrul`hts nh o bosj dw j`mc` Bulueotnv` trohseotndh edss dh gdr`nch dp`rotndh ]r`osury sjor`s, ot bdst 6;;,;;; =;,;;; 27,;;; :=,;;; 7;,;;; 2;,;;; =7,;;; 6;,;;; ?;,;;; 67,;;; Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe sjor`jdem`rs„ `qunty4 o. =7;,;;; f. ==;,;;; b. =6;,;;; m. 2>;,;;; Rdeutndh1 Rjor` bopntoe Rjor` pr`lnul V`tonh`m `orhnhcs, opprdprnot`m V`tonh`m `orhnhcs, uhopprdprnot`m V`voeuotndh surpeus V`l`osur`l`hts dg tj` h`t m`gnh`m f`h`gnt enofnenty (oss`t) - conh Bulueotnv` h`t uhr`oenz`m conh dh gonr voeu` bjohc`s dg nhv`stl`ht nh GWDBN 6;;,;;; =;,;;; 27,;;; :=,;;; 7;,;;; @gg`btnv` bosj gedpdrtndh w j`mcdg ` edss`s dh j`mcnhc nhstrul`hts nh o Bulueotnv` trohseotndh edss dh gdr`nch dp`rotndh ]r`osury sjor`s, ot bdst (6;,;;;) (?;,;;;) (67,;;;) 2;,;;; =7,;;; ]dtoe sjor`jdem`rs' `qunty ==;,;;; Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt twd qu`stndhs1 ?0. CPNE@ M@B@N]GPEH@RR Bd. wos nhbdrpdrot`m dh Aohuory ?, 6;x?. ]j` gdeedwnhc w`r` tj` trohsobtndhs murnhc tj` y`or1 ]dtoe bdhsnm`rotndh grdl sjor` nssuohb`s olduht`m td ₿6,;;;,;;;. O eohm ohm funemnhc w`r` obqunr`m tjrducj o eulp sul poyl`ht dg ₿=;;,;;;. O ldrtcoc` olduhtnhc td ₿?;;,;;; wos ossul`m dh tj` eohm ohm funemnhc. ]dtoe poyl`hts dg ₿:;,;;; w`r` lom` murnhc tj` y`or dh tj` ldrtcoc` ossul`m dh tj` eohm ohm funemnhc, ]j` poyl`hts poyl`hts or` nhbeusnv` nhbeusnv` dg nht`r`st nht`r`st olduhtnhc olduhtnhc td ₿?;,;;;. Ommntndhoe bopntoe dg ₿6;;,;;; wos dftonh`m tjrducj fohi edohs. Hdh` dg tj` fohi edohs w`r` ponm murnhc tj` y`or. Joeg dg tj` fohi edohs r`qunr`m o s`bdhmory ldrtcoc` dh tj` eohm ohm funemnhc. ]j`r` ns hd obbru`m nht`r`st os dg y`or-`hm. Mnvnm`hms m`beor`m murnhc tj` y`or fut r`lonh`m uhponm olduht`m td ₿7;,;;;. Hd dtj`r trohsobtndhs murnhc tj` y`or o`bt`m enofnentn`s. V`tonh`m `orhnhcs os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? ns ₿?6;,;;;. ?7. Jdw lubj ns tj` prdt gdr tj` y`or4 o. f. b. m. ?6;,;;; ?7;,;;; ?:;,;;; 66;,;;; V`tonh`m `orhnhcs Mnvnm`hms M`b. 2?, 6;x? ?3. 7;,;;; ?:;, ?: ;,;; ;;; ; Aoh. ?, 6;x? [rdg [r dgnt nt gd gdrr tj` tj` y` y`or or (s (squ qu`` ``z` z`)) ?6;,;;; Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe oss`ts os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?4 6,=?;,;;; 6,06;,;;; 6,2:;,;;; 6,=6;,;;; o. f. b. m. Oss`t < Enofnentn`s @qunty Enofnentn`s + @qunty Ldrtcoc` ossul`m dh eohm ohm funemnhc [rnhbnpoe poyl`ht dh tj` ldrtcoc` (:;I ‒ ?;I nht`r`st) Fohi edohs Mnvnm`hms poyofe` Enofnentn`s, M`b. 2?, 6;x? Rjor` nssuohb`s V`tonh`m `orhnhcs ‒ M`b. 2?, 6;x? @qunty, M`b. 2?, 6;x? ?;;,;;; ( 3;,;;;) 6;;,;;; 7;,;;; 6>;,;;; 6,;;;,;;; ?6;,;;; 6,?6;,;;; ]dtoe oss`ts, M`b. 2?, 6;x? (enofnentn (enofnentn`s `s + `qunty) 6,=?;,;;; ]j` e`mc`r dg M@VDCO]DV^ M@CVOMNHC Bd. nh 6;x? nhbeum`s tj` gdeedwnhc1 Bosj 6;;,;;; Obbduhts r`b`nvofe` =;;,;;; ?,;;;,;; Nhv`htdry ; Obbduhts poyofe` 2;;,;;; Hdt` poyofe` ?;;,;;; ?:. Murnhc tj` oumnt dg M@VDCO]DV^„s 6;x? hohbnoe stot`l`hts, tj` gdeedwnhc w`r` hdt`m fy tj` oumntdr1 - Bosj soe`s nh 6;x6 olduhtnhc td ₿6;,;;; w`r` nhomv`rt`htey nhbeum`m os soe`s nh 6;x?. M@VDCO]DV^ r`bdchnz`m crdss prdt dg ₿7,;;; dh tj` soe`s. - O bdee`btndh dg o ₿=;,;;; obbduhts r`b`nvofe` nh 6;x6 wos r`bdrm`m os bdee`btndh nh 6;x?. O bosj mnsbduht dg ₿6,;;; wos cnv`h td tj` bustdl`r. - Murnhc Aohuory 6;x6, o sjdrt-t`rl fohi edoh dg ₿0;,;;; dftonh`m nh 6;x? wos ponm tdc`tj`r wntj ₿0,;;; nht`r`st obbrunhc nh Aohuory 6;x6. ]j` poyl`ht trohsobtndh nh 6;x6 wos nhomv`rt`htey nhbeum`m os 6;x? trohsobtndh. Jdw lubj ns tj` omaust`m wdrinhc bopntoe os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?4 o. ?,70?,;;; f. ?,;?=,;;; b. ?,=0;,;;; m. ?,6;?,;;; Rdeutndh1 ]j` omaust`m foeohb` dg bosj ns bdlput`m os gdeedws1 6;;,;;; Bosj (uhomaust`m) (6;,;;;) Bosj soe`s nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? soe` Bdee`btndh dg obbduht nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? bdee`btndh (2:,;;;) (=;,;;; obbduht e`ss 6,;;; bosj mnsbduht) 0;,;;; Edoh poyl`ht nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? trohsobtndh 0,;;; Nht`r`st poyl`ht nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? trohsobtndh ?>3,;;; Omaust`m bosj foeohb`, foeohb`, M`b. 2?, 6;x? ]j` omaust`m foeohb` dg obbduhts r`b`nvofe` ns bdlput`m os gdeedws1 Obbduhts r`b`nvofe` (uhomaust`m) Bdee`btndh dg obbduht nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? bdee`btndh Omaust`m obbduhts r`b`nvofe` r`b`nvofe` foeohb`, M`b. M`b. 2?, 6;x? ]j` omaust`m foeohb` dg nhv`htdry ns bdlput`m os gdeedws1 Nhv`htdry (uhomaust`m) Bdst dg bosj soe` nh 6;x6 r`bdrm`m os 6;x? soe` =;;,;;; =;,;;; ==;,;;; ?,;;;,;;; (6;,;;; soe` - 7,;;; crdss prdgnt) Omaust`m nhv`htdry foeohb`, M`b. 2?, 6;x? ?=,;;; ?,;?=,;;; Omaust`m burr`ht burr`ht oss`ts, M`b. 2?, 6;x?1 (?>3I + ==;I + ?,;?=I) < ?,70?,;;; ]j` omaust`m burr`ht enofnentn`s or` bdlput`m os gdeedws1 Obbduhts poyofe` 2;;,;;; Hdt` Edoh poyofe` poyofe` Omaust`m burr`ht burr`ht enofnentn`s, enofnentn`s, M`b. 2?, 6;x? ?;;,;;; 0;,;;; =0;,;;; Sdrinhc bopntoe, M`b. 2?, 6;x? < Burr`ht oss`ts ‒ Burr`ht enofnentn`s Sdrinhc bopntoe, M`b. 2?, 6;x? < (?,70?,;;; ‒ =0;,;;;) < ?,6;?,;;; ?>. Obbdrmnhc td [OR ? [r`s`htotndh dg Gnhohbnoe Rtot`l`hts, `xp`hs`s or` pr`s`ht`m usnhc o. Hotu Hotur` r` dg `x `xp` p`hs hs`` l`t l`tjd jdm m f. Guhbtndh dg `xp`hs` l`tjdm l`tjdm b. o dr f m. Be Beoss ossn` n`m m oohm hm Phbeo Phbeossn ssn`m `m Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt twd qu`stndhs1 Ohh` A`hc Nhb.„s obbduhts sjdw tj` gdeedwnhc foeohb`s1 Bdst dg cddms sdem Nhsurohb` `xp`hs` Omv`rtnsnhc `xp`hs` Gr`ncjt-dut Edss dh soe` dg `qunpl`ht V`ht `xp`hs` (dh`-joeg p`rtonhs soe`s m`portl`ht) Roeorn`s `xp`hs` (?/= p`rtonhs td hdh-soe`s p`rsdhh`e) Roe`s bdllnssndh `xp`hs` Fom m`fts `xp`hs` Nht`r`st `xp`hs` 6;. ₿26;,;;; 30,;;; 60,;;; 2;,;;; 3,;;; :;,;;; ?0;,;;; ?;,;;; 0,;;; 0,;;; Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe mnstrnfutndh mnstrnfutndh bdsts (s`eenhc `xp`hs`s)4 o. ?>:,;;; f. 6?;,0;; b. 6?3,0;; m. 66?,0;; Omv`rtnsnhc `xp`hs` Gr`ncjt-dut V`ht `xp`hs` (:;I x ?/6) Roeorn`s `xp`hs` (?0;I x 2/=) Roe`s bdllnssndh `xp`hs` 60,;;; 2;,;;; =;,;;; ??6,0;; ?;,;;; Mnstrnfutndh bdsts 6?3,0;; 6?. Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe omlnhnstrotnv` omlnhnstrotnv` `xp`hs`s4 o. ?03,0;; f. ?07,0;; b. ?=3,0;; m. ?30,0;; Nhsurohb` `xp`hs` 30,;;; =;;;; V`ht `xp`hs` (:;I x ?/6) Roeorn`s `xp`hs` (?0;I x ?/=) Fom m`fts `xp`hs` Omlnhnstrotnv` `xp`hs`s 66. 230;; 0,;;; ?03,0;; @htnty O jos tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh1 Nhv`htdry, f`c. Nhv`htdry, `hm. :;,;;; ?6:,;;; [ Gru`rnbcjjots-n`hs [urbjos` r`turhs [urbjos` mnsbduhts 26?7;,,;;;;;; :,;;; ??,6;; Jdw lubj ns @htnty O„s bdst dg soe`s4 o. 6:7,:;; f. 6>6,:;; b. 6::,7;; m. 67:,:;; Nhv`htdry, f`c. H`t purbjos`s1 [urbjos`s Gr`ncjt-nh [urbjos` r`turhs [urbjos` mnsbduhts :;,;;; 26;,;;; ?7,;;; (:,;;;) (??,6;;) ]dtoe cddms ovoneofe` gdr soe` E`ss1 Nhv`htdry, `hm. Bdst dg cddms sdem 62. 2?7,:;; 2>7,:;; (?6:,;;;) 67:,:;; O bdrr`bt motnhc dg hohbnoe stot`l`hts ns Rtot`l Rto t`l`ht `ht dg dg hohbn hohbnoe oe pd pdsnt sntnd ndh h o. os dg o pdnht nh tnl` f. gdr o p`rnd p`rndm m dg tnl` b. gdr o p`rndm dg tnl` Rtot`l Rtot`l`ht `ht dg bdlp bdlpr`j` r`j`hsn hsnv` v` nhbdl nhbdl`` gdr o p`rndm dg tnl` os dg o pdnh pdnhtt nh tnl` tnl` gdr o p`rndm dg tnl` m. tnl` ogt`r tnl` tnl` ohm tnl` oconh 6=. Sjnbj dg tj` gdeedwnhc ns bdhsnm`r`m r`v`hu`4 o. co conh nh dh so soe` e` dg dg `qun `qunpl pl`h `htt f. s`rvnb` g``s b. dtj`r nh nhbdl` m. dtj`r dtj`r bd bdlpr lpr`j `j`hs `hsnv` nv` nh nhbdl bdl`` 60. Sjnbj dg tj` gdeedwnhc nt`ls ns eni`ey td f` pr`s`ht`m nh tj` stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` dg o l`rbjohmnsnhc fusnh`ss fut hdt dg o s`rvnb` fusnh`ss4 o. R`rvnb` g``s b. Bdst dg soe`s f. Roeorn`s `xp`hs` m. Nhbdl` tox tox `xp`hs` 67. O stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` tjot pr`s`hts bdst dg soe`s s`porot`ey grdl dtj`r `xp`hs`s ns pr`por`m uhm`r tj` o. sn snh hce` e`-s -stt`p l`tj `tjdm. b. lue uettn-st n-st`p `p l`tj `tjdm. f. snhce`-pr`s`h snhce`-pr`s`htotndh. totndh. m. twd-stot`l`ht twd-stot`l`ht pr`s`htotndh. pr`s`htotndh. 63. Nh o twd-stot`l`ht pr`s`htotndh, pr`s`htotndh, nhgdrlotndh nhgdrlotndh dh prdt dr edss ohm dtj`r bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl nhbdl`` ns sjdwh o. nh twd s`porot s`porot`` stot`l stot`l`h `hts, ts, o stot`l stot`l`ht `ht dg prd prdtt dr edss edss ohm o st stot` ot`l`h l`htt sjdwnh sjdwnhc c dtj` dtj`rr bdlpr`j`hsnv` bdlpr`j`h snv` nhbdl`. f. nh twd s`p s`porot` orot` stot`l`hts, stot`l`hts, o stot`l`ht stot`l`ht dg prdt prdt dr edss ohm ohm oh nhbdl` nhbdl` stot`l`ht. stot`l`ht. b. nh twd s`porot` s`porot` stot`l stot`l`hts `hts,, o snhce`-st`p snhce`-st`p stot`l` stot`l`ht ht ohm o luetn-st luetn-st`p `p stot`l`ht stot`l`ht.. m. nh o snhce` snhce` stot`l`ht stot`l`ht boee`m boee`m ―stot`l`h ―stot`l`htt dg bdlpr`j`h bdlpr`j`hsnv` snv` nhbdl`.“ nhbdl`.“ 6:. @xp`hs`s or` pr`s`ht`m nh tj` stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` usnhc o. ho hotu tur` r` dg dg `xp` `xp`hs hs`` l`tj l`tjdm dm.. f. guhbtndh dg `xp`hs` l`tjdm. l`tjdm. b. snhce` snhce` dr twd-s twd-stot tot`l` `l`ht ht l`tjd l`tjdm. m. m. o dr f 6>. Phm`r tjns pr`s`htotndh l`tjdm, `xp`hs`s or` pr`s`ht`m nh tj` stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` wntjdut mnstnhbtndhs os td tj`nr guhbtndhs wntjnh tj` `htnty. o. ho hotu tur` r` dg `x `xp` p`hs hs`` l`t l`tjd jdm m f. guhbtndh dg `xp`hs` l`tjdm l`tjdm b. snhce` snhce`-st -stot` ot`l`h l`htt pr pr`s` `s`ht htotn otndh dh m. twd-st twd-stot` ot`l`h l`htt pr`s pr`s`h `htot totndh ndh 2;. Phm`r tjns pr`s`htotndh, `xp`hs`s or` beossn`m os `ntj`r dp`rotnhc dr hdh-dp`rotnhc nt`l. Ot o lnhnlul, bdst dg soe`s ns pr`s`ht`m s`porot`ey. o. ho hotu tur` r` dg `x `xp` p`hs hs`` l`t l`tjd jdm m f. guhbtndh dg `xp`hs` l`tjdm l`tjdm b. snhce` snhce`-st -stot` ot`l`h l`htt pr pr`s` `s`ht htotn otndh dh m. twd-st twd-stot` ot`l`h l`htt pr`s pr`s`h `htot totndh ndh 2?. Nh o stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` sjdwnhc `xp`hs`s obbdrmnhc td tj`nr guhbtndh, wjnbj dg tj` gdeedwnhc ns nhbeum`m nh tj` enh` nt`l ―Mnstrnfutndh bdsts“ dr ―R`eenhc bdsts4“ o. Nhsurohb` `xp`hs` b. Gr`ncjt-nh f. E`coe ohm oobbduhtnh bbduhtnhc c g``s m. Omv`rtnsnhc Omv`rtnsnhc `xp`hs` 26. Nh o stot`l`ht dg bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` sjdwnhc `xp`hs`s obbdrmnhc td tj`nr guhbtndh, wjnbj dg tj` gdeedwnhc ns nhbeum`m nh tj` enh` nt`l ―Omlnhnstrotnv` ―Omlnhnstrotnv` `xp`hs`s4“ o. Ro Roeo eorn rn`s `s dg dg soe`s soe`s p p`r `rsd sdhh hh`e `e f. Bdst dg soe soe`s `s b. Gr`ncjt-dut m. E`coe E`coe ohm obbduh obbduhtn tnhc hc g``s g``s Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt v` qu`stndhs1 ]j` hdlnhoe obbduhts dg Vdll`e R[ Bdrp. dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? jov` tj` gdeedwnhc foeohb`s1 Obbduhts Mr. Roe`s Nht`r`st nhbdl` Conhs Nhv`htdry, f`c. [urbjos`s Gr`ncjt-nh [urbjos` r`turhs [urbjos` mnsbduhts Gr`ncjt-dut Roe`s bdllnssndh Omv`rtnsnhc `xp`hs` Roeorn`s `xp`hs` V`ht `xp`hs` M`pr`bnotndh `xp`hs` Ptnentn`s `xp`hs` Ruppen`s `xp`hs` ]rohspdrtotndh ohm trov`e `x `xp`hs` Nhsurohb` `xp`hs` ]ox`s ohm enb`hs`s Nht`r`st `xp`hs` Lnsb`eeoh`dus `xp`hs` Edss dh tj` soe` dg `qunpl`ht Br. ₿32>,;;; =0,;;; ?0,;;; ₿70,;;; ?:;,;;; ?;,;;; 0,;;; >,;;; 2;,;;; =0,;;; 60,;;; 6=;,;;; 2;,;;; 0;,;;; 60,;;; ?0,;;; ?0,;;; ?;,;;; 7;,;;; 0,;;; 2,;;; 0,;;; Ommntndhoe nhgdrlotndh1 nhgdrlotndh1 o. @hmn @hmnhc hc nhv` nhv`ht htdr dry y ns ns ₿>;,;;;. f. Dh`-gdurtj dg tj` soeorn`s, r`ht, ohm m`pr`bnotndh `xp`hs`s p`rtonh td tj` hdh-soe`s m`portl`h m`portl`ht. t. ]j` soe`s m`portl`ht md`s hdt sjor` nh tj` dtj`r `xp`hs`s. 22. Jdw lubj ns tj` h`t purbjos`s4 o. ₿?:0,;;; b. ₿?>=,;;; f. ₿?37,;;; m. ₿?>6,;;; [urbjos`s Gr`ncjt-nh [urbjos` r`turhs [urbjos` mnsbduhts ?:;,;;; ?;,;;; H`t purbjos`s ?37,;;; 2=. (0,;;;) (>,;;;) Jdw lubj ns tj` ―bjohc` nh nhv`htdry“ nh 6;x?4 o. ₿>;,;;; nhbr`os` b. ₿60,;;; m`br`os` f. ₿70,;;; m`br`os` m. ₿60,;;; nhbr`os` Nhv`htdry, f`c. Nhv`htdry, `hm. 70,;;; >;,;;; Bjohc` nh nhv`htdry ‒ nhbr`os` 20. (60,;;;) Jdw lubj ns tj` bdst dg cddms sdem4 o. ₿?0?,;;; b. ₿?7>,;;; f. ₿>0,;;; m. ₿?63,;;; H`t purbjos`s E`ss1 H`t nhbr`os` nh nhv`htdry ?37,;;; (60,;;;) Bdst dg soe`s ?0?,;;; 27. Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe s`eenhc `xp`hs`4 o. ₿=6;,;;; b. ₿?:;,;;; f. ₿67;,;;; m. ₿2=;,;;; Gr`ncjt-dut Roe`s bdllnssndh Omv`rtnsnhc `xp`hs` 2;,;;; =0,;;; 60,;;; Roeorn`s `xp`hs` (6=;I x 2/=) V`ht `xp`hs` (2;I x 2/=) M`pr`bnotndh `xp`hs` (0;I x 2/=) ?:;,;;; 66,0;; 23,0;; R`eenhc `xp`hs`s/Mnstrnfutndh bdsts 2=;,;;; 23. Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe c`h`roe ohm omlnhnstrotnv` omlnhnstrotnv` `xp`hs`4 o. 6:;,;;; b. 22;,;;; f. 26;,;;; m. 6;:,;;; Roeorn`s `xp`hs` (6=;I x ?/=) 7;,;;; V`ht `xp`hs` (2;,;;; x ?/=) M`pr`bnotndh `xp`hs` (0;I x ?/=) Ptnentn`s `xp`hs` 3,0;; ?6,0;; 60,;;; Ruppen`s `xp`hs` ?0,;;; ]rohspdrtotndh ohm trov`e `xp`hs` Nhsurohb` `xp`hs` ]ox`s ohm enb`hs`s Lnsb`eeoh`dus `xp`hs` ?0,;;; ?;,;;; 7;,;;; 2,;;; Omlnhnstrotnv` `xp`hs`s 2:. 6;:,;;; Dh` dg tj` bdhmntndhs tjot lust f` sotns`m nh drm`r td r`bdchnz` r`v`hu` nh o trohsobtndh nhvdevnhc tj` r`hm`rnhc dg s`rvnb`s dv`r o bdhtrobtuoe p`rndm ns tjot tj` stoc` dg bdlpe`tndh dg tj` trohsobtndh ot tj` `hm dg tj` r`pdrtnhc p`rndm boh f` l`osur`m r`enofey. Sjnbj dg tj` gdeedwnhc l`tjdms gdr m`t`rlnhnhc tj` stoc` dg bdlpe`tndh dg o bdhtrobt nhvdevnhc tj` r`hm`rnhc dg s`rvnb`s or` sp`bnboeey r`g`rr`m td nh [GVR ?0 os f`nhc obb`ptofe`4 N. Bdsts Bdsts nhburr nhburr`m `m td mot` mot` os o p`rb`hto p`rb`htoc` c` dg tj` `stnl `stnlot`m ot`m tdtoe tdtoe bdsts bdsts dg dg tj` tj` trohsob trohsobtndh tndh NN. Omvohb Omvohb`s `s r` r`b`n b`nv`m v`m td td mot` mot` os o p`rb p`rb`ht `htoc` oc` d dgg tj` tdt tdtoe oe oldu olduht ht r`b` r`b`nvo nvofe` fe` NNN. NNN. Ru Rurrv` v`y ys dg dg wd wdri p`r p`rggdr drl l`m NW. NW. V`v V`v`hu `hu`` td td mot` mot` mnvnm` mnvnm`m mf fy y ttdt dtoe oe bd bdht htrob robtt rr`v` `v`hu` hu` o. N, NNN, NW f. N, NNN b. N, NN, NW m. N, NN, NNN ]j` Crohm Bdlpohy peob`m oh drm`r wntj ]j` Ene` Bdlpohy gdr h`w sp`bnoenst lobjnh`ry. ]j` drm`r wos hdh-bohb`eeofe` dhb` snch`m ohm Crohm ocr``m td poy gdr tj` lobjnh`ry ot tj` tnl` tj` drm`r wos snch`m dh ? G`fruory 6;Z3. Ene` j`em tj` lobjnh`ry lobjnh`ry td Crohm's drm`r grdl ? Auh` 6;Z3, tj` mot` dh wjnbj nt wos bdlpe`t`m. Crohm bdll`hb`m usnhc tj` lobjnh`ry dh ? Oucust 6;Z3 wj`h Ene` bdlpe`t`m tj` nhstoeeotndh prdb`ss. ]j` nhstoeeotndh ns hdt mnstnhbt. Ene` jom sto dh stohmfy td m`oe wntj ohy dp`rotnhc prdfe`ls uhtne tj` worrohty p`rndm `hm`m dh ? Hdv`lf`r Hdv` lf`r 6;Z3. ]j` worrohty worrohty md`s hdt prdvnm` prdvnm` s`rvnb` s`rvnb` nh ommntndh ommntndh td ossurohb` ossurohb` tjot tj` lobjnh`r lobj nh`ry y bdlpen`s bdlpen`s wntj ocr``m-updh ocr``m-updh sp`bnbotnd sp`bnbotndhs. hs. Phm`r Phm`r [GVR?0 [GVR?0 V`v`hu`, Ene` sjduem r`bdchnz` tj` r`v`hu` grdl tj` soe` dg tjns sp`bnoenst lobjnh`ry dh o. ? G`fruory 6;Z3 b. ? Oucust 6;Z3 f. ? Auh` 6;Z3 m. ? Hdv`lf`r 6;Z3 2>. =;. Sjnbj ns nhbdrr`bt dg r`v`hu`4 o. V`v`hu` V`v`h u` grdl bdhb`rhnhc r`hm`rnh r`hm`rnhc c dgr`bdchntndh s`rvnb`s s`rvnb`s dv`r oh `xt`hm`m `xt`hm`m bdhtro bdhtrobtuoe btuoe p`rndm p`rndm sjoee sjoee f` r`bdchnz r`bdchnz`m `m fy r`g`r`hb` td td tj` stoc` stoc` dg bdlpe`tndh bdlpe`tndh dg tj` tj` trohsobtndh trohsobtndh ot foeohb` foeohb` sj``t mot`. mot`. f. Nht`r`st r`v`hu` sjoee f` r`bdchnz`m dh o tnl` prdpdrtndh prdpdrtndh fosns tjot md`s hdt toi` nhtd obbduht tj` ``btnv` yn`em dh tj` oss`t. b. Vdyoety Vdyoety r`v`hu` r`v`hu` sjoee sjoee f` r`bdchnz`m r`bdchnz`m dh oh obbru obbruoe oe fosns nh obbdrm obbdrmohb` ohb` wn wntj tj tj` sufstoh sufstohb` b` dg tj` r`e`voht ocr``l`ht, m. Mnvnm`hm Mnvnm`hm r`v`hu` r`v`hu` sjoee sjoee f` r`bdchnz r`bdchnz`m `m wj`h tj` stdbijd stdbijdem`r em`r„s „s rncjt td r`b`nv` r`b`nv` poyl`ht poyl`ht ns `stofensj`m. =?. Nh o hdrloe soe`, c`h`roeey tj` ldst uhb`rtonh gobtdr nh tj` r`v`hu` r`bdchntndh prdb`ss ns o. tj` s`ee`r's s`ee`r's gueee gueeel`ht l`ht dg dg nts r`spdh r`spdhsnfne snfnenty nty nh ttj` j` trohso trohsobtnd btndh h f. tj` l`osurofne l`osurofnenty nty dg tj` tj` r`sdurb` dr nt`l r`b`nv`m fy tj` s`ee`r b. tj` r`oenz r`oenzofne ofnenty nty dg dg tj` r`sdu r`sdurb` rb` dr nt`l r`b`nv`m r`b`nv`m fy tj` s`ee`r s`ee`r m. tj` r`e`voh r`e`vohb` b` dg tj` tj` r`sdurb` r`sdurb` dr nt`l nt`l r`b`nv` r`b`nv`m m fy tj` s` s`ee`r ee`r =6. Sjnbj dg tj` Sjnbj tj` gde gdeedw edwnhc nhc l`tjd l`tjdms ms dg s`rvnb s`rvnb`` r`v`hu r`v`hu`` r`bdc r`bdchnt hntndh ndh usuoee usuoeey y wduem wduem f` ldst ldst opprdprnot` gdr o fusnh`ss `hcoc`m nh pobinhc, edomnhc, trohspdrtnhc ohm m`env`rnhc gr`ncjt (wj`r` `obj dg tj` prdb`ss`s ns oh nhput td o bdlfnh`m dutpu dutputt sp`bn`m fy tj` bustdl`r)4 dv`rr tnl` tnl` os tj` o. [r [rdp dpdr drtn tndh dhoe oe p`rgd p`rgdrl rloh ohb` b` l`tjd l`tjdm m (n.` (n.`., ., dv` tj` `htnty `htnty prdcr`s prdcr`ss`s s`s tdwor tdworms ms tj` tj` bdlpe`t` sotnsgobtndh dg tj` p`rgdrlohb` dfencotndh) f. Bdlpe`t`m p`rgdr p`rgdrlohb` lohb` l`tjdm (n.`., ot o pdnht nh tnl` wj`h tj` `htnty bdlpe`t`s tj` dutput sp`bn`m nh tj` bdhtrobt) b. Rp`bn Rp`bnbb p`rgdr p`rgdrloh lohb` b` l`tjdm l`tjdm (n.`., (n.`., wj`h tj` bustdl`r bustdl`r poys poys gdr tj` bdlpe`t bdlpe`tndh ndh dg o snhce snhce`` sp`bnb obtnvnty) m. Bdee`btn Bdee`btndh dh l`tjdm l`tjdm (n.`. (n.`.,, wj`h wj`h bosj ns bdee`b bdee`bt`m) t`m) =2. Oh `htnty ns o eorc` lohugobtur`r dg lobjnh`s. O loadr bustdl`r jos peob`m oh drm`r gdr o sp`bnoe lobjnh` gdr wjnbj nt jos cnv`h o m`pdsnt td tj` `htnty. ]j` portn`s jov` ocr``m dh o prnb` gdr tj` lobjnh`. Os p`r tj` t`rls dg tj` soe` ocr``l`ht, nt ns GDF (tr`` dh fdorm) bdhtrobt ohm tj` tnte` poss`s td tj` fuy`r wj`h cddms or` edom`m nhtd tj` sjnp ot tj` pdrt. Sj`h sjduem tj` r`v`hu` f` r`bdchnz`m fy tj` `htnty4 o. Sj`h Sj`h tj` tj` bustd bustdl`r l`r drm` drm`rs rs tj` tj` lobjn lobjnh`. h`. f. Sj`h tj` m m`pdsnt `pdsnt ns r`b`nv`m. r`b`nv`m. b. Sj`h Sj`h tj` tj` lobj lobjnh` nh` ns ns edom` edom`m m dh tj` tj` pdrt. pdrt. m. Sj`h tj` lobj lobjnh` nh` jos jos f``h r`b`nv`m r`b`nv`m fy tj` bustd bustdl`r. l`r. ==. O bdlpohy lohugobturnhc ohm s`eenhc bdhsulofe` prdmubts jos bdl` dut wntj oh d`r td r`guhm tj` bdst dg purbjos` wntjnh dh` ldhtj dg soe` ng tj` bustdl`r ns hdt sotns`m wntj tj` prdmubt. Sj`h sjduem tj` bdlpohy r`bdchnz` tj` r`v`hu`4 o. Sj`h Sj`h cdd cddms ms or` or` sdem sdem td td tj` tj` bustd bustdl`r l`rs. s. f. Ogt`r dh` l ldhtj dhtj dg soe`. soe`. b. Dhey ng ng cddms cddms or` hdt r`tur r`turh`m h`m fy tj` tj` bustdl`rs bustdl`rs ogt`r ogt`r tj` p`rndm p`rndm dg dh` dh` ldhtj. ldhtj. m. Ot tj` tnl` tnl` dg soe` oedhc oedhc wntj wntj oh ds`t td td r`v`hu` r`v`hu` gdr tj` r`guhm r`guhm enofnent enofnenty y gdr tj` prdmubts prdmubts `xp`bt`m td f` r`turh`m. =0. O bdlput`r bjnp lohugobturnhc bdlpohy s`ees nts prdmubts td nts mnstrnfutdrs gdr dhworm soe`s td tj` uetnlot` Mu` td gr`qu`ht ubtuotndhs nh tj`ocr``l`ht lori`t prnb`s tj`s` cddms, tj` bdlpohy jos obustdl`rs. ―prnb` prdt`btndh“ beous` nh tj` mnstrnfutdr tjotgdr `htnte`s nt td rons` ommntndh ommnt ndhoe oe fneenhc fneenhcss nh bos` dg upworm upworm prnb` prnb` ldv`l`ht ldv`l`ht,, Ohdtj`r Ohdtj`r beous` nh tj` mnstrnfu mnstrnfutdr„ tdr„ss ocr``l`ht ns tjot tj` bdlpohy boh ot ohy enl` r`mub` nts nhv`htdry fy fuynhc fobi cddms ot tj` bdst ot wjnbj nt sdem tj` cddms td tj` mnstrnfutdrs. Mnstrnfutdrs Mnstrnfutdrs poy gdr tj` cddms wntjnh 7; moys grdl tj` soe` dg cddms td tj`l. Sj`h sjduem tj` bdlpohy r`bdchnz` r`v`hu` dh soe` dg cddms td tj` mnstrnfutdrs4 mnstrnfutdrs4 o. Sj`h tj` cddms cddms or` or` sdem sdem td td tj` tj` mnstrn mnstrnfutd futdrs. rs. f. Sj`h tj` m mnstrnfutdr nstrnfutdrss poy td tj` tj` bdlpohy tj` bdst dg dg tj` cddms. cddms. b. Sj`h Sj`h cddms cddms or` sdem td tj` mnstr mnstrnfu nfutdr tdrss prdvnm prdvnm`m `m `stnlot` `stnlot`m m om ommnt mntndh ndhoe oe r`v`hu` r`v`hu` ns oesd fddi`m uhm`r uhm`r tj` ―prdt`btndh ―prdt`btndh beous`“ beous`“ fos`m dh post post `xp`rn`hb`, m. Sj`h tj` tj` mnstrnfutdr mnstrnfutdrss s`ee cddms td tj` uetnlot` uetnlot` bustdl`r bustdl`rss ohm tj`r` ns hd uhb`rtonht uhb`rtonhty y wntj r`sp`bt td tj` ―prnb` prdt`btndh“ beous` dr tj` fuyfobi dg cddms. =7. Oh `htnty lohugobtur`s ohm s`ees stohmorm lobjnh`ry. lobjnh`ry. Dh` dg tj` bdhmntndhs nh tj` soe` bdhtrobt ns tjot nhstoeeotndh dg lobjnh`ry wnee f` uhm`rtoi`h fy tj` `htnty. Murnhc M`b`lf`r dg tj` burr`ht y`or, tj` `htnty r`b`nv`m o sp`bnoe dh`tnl` bdhtrobt grdl o bustdl`r td lohugobtur`, nhstoee ohm lonhtonh bustdlnz`m lobjnh`ry. Nt ns tj` rst tnl` tj` `htnty wnee f` prdmubnhc tjns inhm dg lobjnh`ry, ohm nt ns `xp`btnhc hul`rdus bjohc`s tjot wduem h``m td f` lom` td tj` lobjnh` ogt`r tj` nhstoeeotndh ns bdlpe`t`m, wjnbj dh` p`rndm ns m`sbrnf`m nh tj` bdhtrobt dg soe` os tj` ―lonht`hohb` p`rndm.“ ]j` lonht`hohb` s`rvnb`s or` oh nhput td o bdlfnh`m dutput sp`bn`m nh tj` bdhtrobt. ]j` tdtoe bdst dg loinhc tj` tj` bjohc`s murnhc tj` lonht`h lonht`hohb` ohb` p`rndm bohhdt f` r`osdhofey `stnlot`m ot tj` tnl` dg tj` nhstoeeotndh. nhstoeeotndh. Bdsts nhburr`m or` hdt r`bdv`rofe` ng, murnhc tj` lonht`hohb` p`rndm, tj` lobjnh`ry ns mnsbdv`r`m os hdh-bdlpenoht wntj ocr``mupdh sp`bnbotndhs ohm tj` hdh-bdlpenohb` ns f`ydhm r`l`mnotndh. ]j` bustdl`r sjoee snchngy nts obb`ptohb` dg tj` lobjnh`ry ot tj` `hm dg tj` lonht`hohb` p`rndm. Sj`h sjduem r`v`hu` grdl tj` soe` dg tj` sp`bnoe lobjnh` ldst eni`ey f` r`bdchnz`m4 r`bdchnz`m4 o. Sj`h Sj`h tj` tj` lobj lobjnh` nh`ry ry ns prd prdmub mub`m. `m. f. Sj`h tj` l lobjnh`ry objnh`ry ns prdmub`m prdmub`m ohm m`env`r`m. m`env`r`m. b. Sj`h Sj`h tj` tj` nhs nhsto toeeo eeotn tndh dh ns ns bdlp bdlpe`t e`t`` m. Sj`h tj` tj` lonht`ho lonht`hohb` hb` p`rndm p`rndm os p`r tj` tj` bdhtrobt bdhtrobt dg soe` soe` `xpnr`s. `xpnr`s. =3. V`v`hu` ns r`bdchnz`m ot tj` tnl` dg soe` uhm`r tj`1 o. bdst r`bdv`r r`bdv`ry y l`tjdm l`tjdm (n.`., tj` dutbdl` dutbdl` dg o p`rgdrlohb p`rgdrlohb`` dfencotndh dfencotndh bohhdt bohhdt f` r`osdhofe r`osdhofey y l`osur`m fut tj` `htnty `xp`bts td r`bdv`r tj` bdsts nhburr`m nh sotnsgynhc tj` p`rgdrlohb` dfencotndh) f. bdee`btndh l`tjdm (n.`., (n.`., wj`h bosj ns bdee`bt`m) bdee`bt`m) b. p`rb`hto p`rb`htoc`-dg c`-dg-bdl -bdlpe`t pe`tndh ndh l`tjdm l`tjdm (n.`., (n.`., tj` p`rgdrlohb` p`rgdrlohb` dfencotn dfencotndh dh ns sotns`m sotns`m dv`r tnl`) m. soe`s soe`s l`t l`tjd jdm m wj`h wj`h cd cddm dmss or` sdem dh br`mnt br`mnt (n.`., (n.`., tj` p`rgdr p`rgdrloh lohb` b` dfenc dfencotn otndh dh ns sotns sotns`m `m wj`h tj` cddms or` trohsg`rr`m td tj` bustdl`r). ]j` h`xt tjr`` nt`ls or` fos`m dh tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh nhgdrlotndh1 Eoi` Bdrpdrotndh„s obbduhtnhc r`bdrms sjdw`m tj` gdeedwnhc nhv`stl`hts ot Aohuory ?, 6;x21 Drmnhory sjor`s1 Ior Bdrp. (?,;;; sjor`s) ?;,;;; Ouf Bdrp. (0,;;; sjor`s) ?;;,;;; V`oe `stot`1 [orinhc edt (e`os`m td Moy Bd.) Dtj`r1 ]rom`lori (ot oldrtnzotndh) ]dtoe nhv`stl`hts bdst, e`ss 2;;,;;; obbulueot`m 60,;;; =20,;; ; Eoi` dwhs ?% dg Ior ohm 2;% dg Ouf. ]j` Moy e`os`, wjnbj bdll`hb`m dh Aohuory ?, 6;x?, ns gdr t`h y`ors, ot oh ohhuoe r`htoe dg ₿=:,;;;. Nh ommntndh, dh Aohuory ?, 6;x?, Moy ponm o hdhr`guhmofe` m`pdsnt dg ₿0;,;;;, os w`ee os o s`burnty m`pdsnt dg ₿:,;;; td f` r`guhm`m updh `xpnrotndh dg tj` e`os`. ]j` trom`lori wos enb`hs`m td Forr Bd. gdr rdyoetn`s dg ?;% dg soe`s dg tj` trom`lori`m nt`ls. Vdyoetn`s or` poyofe` s`lnohhuoeey dh Lorbj ? (gdr soe`s nh Auey tjrducj M`b`lf`r dg tj` prndr y`or), ohm dh R`pt`lf`r ? (gdr soe`s nh Aohuory tjrducj Auh` dg tj` sol` y`or). Murnhc tj` y`or `hm`m M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x2, Eoi` r`b`nv`m bosj mnvnm`hms dg ₿?,;;; grdl Ior, ohm ₿?0, ?0,;;; ;;; grdl Ouf, wjds` 6;x2 h`t nh nhbd bdl`s l`s w`r` ₿30, 30,;;; ;;; oh ohm m ₿?0;,;;;, r`sp`btnv`ey. Eoi` oesd r`b`nv`m ₿=:,;;; r`ht grdl Moy nh 6;x2 ohm tj` gdeedwnhc rdyoetn`s grdl Forr1 6;x6 6;x2 Lorbj ? 2,;;; =,;;; R`pt`lf`r ? 0,;;; 3,;;; Forr `stnlot`m tjot soe`s dg tj` trom`lori`m nt`ls wduem tdtoe ₿6;,;;; gdr tj` eost joeg dg 6;x2. =:. Nh Eoi`„s 6;x2 nhbdl` stot`l`ht, stot`l`ht, jdw lubj ssjduem jduem f` r`pdrt`m gdr mnvnm`hm r`v`hu`4 o. ?7,;;; f. 6,=;; b. ?,;;; m. ?0; B ?,;;; ‒ tj` mnvnm`hm grdl tj` ?% nhv`stl`ht. ]j` mnvnm`hm grdl tj` 2;% nhv`stl`ht ns hdt mnvnm`hm nhbdl` fut rotj`r o m`mubtndh td tj` borrynhc olduht dg tj` nhv`stl`ht nh ossdbnot` (snchngnboht nhgeu`hb` ns pr`sul`m td `xnst). =>. Nh Eoi`„s 6;x2 nhbdl` stot`l`ht, stot`l`ht, jdw lubj ssjduem jduem f` r`pdrt`m gdr rdyoety r`v`hu`4 o. ?=,;;; f. ?2,;;; b. ??,;;; m. >,;;; M Rdeutndh1 Vdyoety r`v`hu` gdr Aoh. td Auh`, 6;x2 (r`b`nv`m dh R`pt. 6;x2) Vdyoety r`v`hu` gdr Auey td M`b., 6;x2 (6;,;;; x ?;%) ]dtoe rdyoety r`v`hu` 0;. 3,;;; 6,;;; >,;;; Nh Eoi`„s 6;x2 nhbdl` stot`l`ht, stot`l`ht, jdw lubj ssjduem jduem f` r`pdrt`m gdr r`htoe r`v`hu`4 o. =2,;;; f. =:,;;; b. 02,;;; m. 02,:;; B Rdeutndh1 Ohhuoe r`htoe Oldrtnzotndh dg hdhr`guhmofe` m`pdsnt (0;I ó ?; yrs.) ]dtoe r`htoe r`v`hu` =:,;;; 0,;;; 02,;;; Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt twd qu`stndhs1 M@BDV]NBO]@ [@@E, Nhb. ns bdlln`m td o peoh td s`ee o lohugobturnhc gobnenty ohm jos nhntnot`m obtndhs td edbot` o fuy`r. Os dg tjns mot`, tj` funemnhc jos o borrynhc olduht dg ₿7,;;;,;;;, o gonr voeu` dg ₿0,;;;,;;; ohm `stnlot`m bdsts td s`ee dg ₿6;;,;;;. Ot tj` peoh bdllntl`ht mot`, tj`r` ns o fobiedc dg dg uhbdlpe`t`m uhbdlpe`t`m bustdl`r bustdl`r drm`rs. 0?. M@BDV]N M@BD V]NBO BO]@, ]@, Nhb. Nhb. nh nht`h t`hms ms td s`ee s`ee tj` tj` lohugo lohugobt bturn urnhc hc gobnen gobnenty ty wntj wntj nts nts dp`rot dp`rotndh ndhs. s. Ohy Ohy uhbdlpe`t`m bustdl`r drm`rs ot tj` soe` mot` wnee f` trohsg`rr`m td tj` fuy`r. ]j` trohsg`r dg uhbdlpe`t`m bustdl`r drm`rs ot tj` soe` mot` wnee hdt o`bt tj` tnlnhc dg tj` trohsg`r dg tj` gobnenty. Jdw sjduem M@BDV]NBO]@ Bd. beossngy tj` lohugobturnhc gobnenty4 o. Nhbeum`m Nhbeum`m uhm`r uhm`r prdp`rt prdp`rty, y, peoht peoht ohm ohm `qunpl `qunpl`ht `ht ot ot ₿7,;;;,;;;. f. Nhbeum`m uh uhm`r m`r prdp`rty, prdp`rty, peoht ohm `qunpl`ht ot ₿=,:;;,;;;. b. Be Beos ossn sn` `m m os j`e j`em m gdr gdr soe` soe` ot ot ₿7,;;;,;;; m. Be Beoss ossn` n`m m ooss j`em j`em gdr gdr soe` soe` ot ot ₿=,:;;,;;; M (0,;;;,;;; gonr voeu` ‒ 6;;,;;; bdsts td s`ee) < =,:;;,;;; 06. M@BDV]NBO]@, Nhb. nht`hms td s`ee tj` lohugobturnhc gobnenty, fut wntjdut nts dp`rotndhs. ]j` `htnty md`s hdt nht`hm td trohsg`r tj` gobnenty td o fuy`r uhtne ogt`r nt b`os`s oee dp`rotndhs dg tj` gobn gobnen enty ty oh ohm m `enl `enlnh nhot ot`s `s tj` tj` fo fobi bied edc c dg uhbd uhbdlp lpe` e`t` t`m m bust bustdl dl`r `r drm` drm`rs rs.. Jdw Jdw sj sjdu duem em M@BDV]NBO]@ Bd. beossngy tj` lohugobturnhc gobnenty4 o. Nhbeum`m Nhbeum`m uhm`r uhm`r prdp`rt prdp`rty, y, peoht peoht ohm ohm `qunpl `qunpl`ht `ht ot ot ₿7,;;;,;;;. f. Nhbeum`m uh uhm`r m`r prdp`rty, prdp`rty, peoht ohm `qunpl`ht ot ₿=,:;;,;;;. b. Be Beos ossn sn` `m m os j`e j`em m gdr gdr soe` soe` ot ot ₿7,;;;,;;; m. Be Beoss ossn` n`m m ooss j`em j`em gdr gdr soe` soe` ot ot ₿=,:;;,;;; F ‒ hdt ovoneofe` gdr nll`mnot` soe` nh nts pr`s`ht bdhmntndh9 [[@ ot =.:L (0L ‒ 6;;I) f`bous` tj` lohugobturnhc gobnenty ns nlponr`m. 02. Oh `htnty nh tj` pdw`r c`h`rotnhc nhmustry ns bdlln`m td o peoh td s`ee o mnspdsoe crdup tjot r`pr`s r`p r`s`ht `htss o snchn snchnbo boht ht pdrtnd pdrtndh h dg nts r`cueo r`cueot` t`m m dp`rot dp`rotndh ndhs. s. ]j` ]j` soe` soe` r`qunr r`qunr`s `s r`cueo r`cueotd tdry ry opprdvoe, wjnbj bduem `xt`hm tj` p`rndm r`qunr`m td bdlpe`t` tj` soe` f`ydhm dh` y`or. Obtndhs h`b`ssory td dftonh tjot opprdvoe bohhdt f` nhntnot`m uhtne ogt`r o fuy`r ns ihdwh ohm o rl purbjos` bdllntl`ht ns dftonh`m. Jdw`v`r, o rl purbjos` bdllntl`ht ns jncjey prdfofe` wntjnh dh` y`or. ]j` mnspdsoe crdup jos o borrynhc olduht dg ₿?;,;;;,;;; ohm gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dg ₿?;,7;;,;;;. Jdw sjduem tj` `htnty beossngy tj` mnspdsoe crdup4 o. J`em gdr soe`, ₿?;.7L b. Phm`r pr`vndus beossnbotndhs, ₿?;L f. J`em gdr soe`, soe`, ₿?;L m. Phm`r pr`vndus beossnbotndhs, beossnbotndhs, ₿?;.7L F ‒ ]j` `xb`ptndhs td tj` ―?-yr. r`qunr`l`ht“ or` l`t. Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt twd qu`stndhs1 Nh 6;x?, GDVC@]NW@ BV@O]NW@ Bd. beossn`m o prdp`rty os j`em gdr soe`. ]j` borrynhc olduht prndr td beossnbotndh ns ₿=;;,;;; wjne` gonr voeu` e`ss bdst td s`ee ns ₿27;,;;;. ]j` prdp`rty ns f`nhc sdem ot ₿27;,;;;. Murnhc 6;x?, tj` lori`t bdhmntndhs tjot `xnst`m ot tj` mot` tj` oss`t wos beossn`m nhntnoeey os j`em gdr soe` m`t`rndrot` ohm, os o r`suet, tj` oss`t ns hdt sdem fy tj` `hm dg tjot p`rndm. Murnhc tjot p`rndm, GDVC@]NW@ GDVC@]NW@ obtnv`ey sdenbnt`m fut mnm hdt r`b`nv` ohy r`osdhofe` d`rs td purbjos` tj` oss`t ohm, nh r`spdhs`, GDVC@]NW@ r`mub`m tj` prnb` grdl ₿27;,;;; td ₿26;,;;;. ]j` gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? ns ₿2=;,;;;. 0=. Jdw sjduem GDVC@]NW@ Bd. beossngy tj` prdp`rty nh nts 6;x? ohhuoe hohbnoe stot`l`hts4 o. J`em gdr soe`, ₿26;,;;; b. [[@, ₿2=;,;;; f. J`em gdr soe`, soe`, ₿2=;,;;; m. [[@, ₿=;;,;;; F 2=;,;;;, tj` gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee, wjnbj ns edw`r tjoh tj` borrynhc olduht dg [27;,;;;. 00. Murnhc 6;x6, tj` lori`t bdhmntndhs bdhmntndhs m`t`rndrot` gurtj`r, ohm tj` oss`t ns hdt sdem fy M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x6. GDVC@]NW@ Bd. f`en`v`s tjot tj` lori`t bdhmntndhs wnee nlprdv` ohm jos hdt gurtj`r r`mub`m tj` prnb` dg tj` oss`t. ]j` gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x6 ns ₿2;;,;;;. Ng tj` prdp`rty wos hdt beossn`m os j`em gdr soe` nh 6;x?, nts borrynhc olduht fy tjns tnl` wduem jov` f``h ₿20;,;;;. o. J`em gdr soe`, ₿2;;,;;; b. [[@, ₿2;;,;;; f. J`em gdr soe`, soe`, ₿26;,;;; m. [[@, ₿20;,;;; B ‒ ]j` oss`t ns r`beossngn`m fobi td [[@ ot tj` edw`r dg r`bdv`rofe` r`bdv`rofe` olduht (n.`., (n.`., 2;;,;;;) ohm tj` borrynhc olduht omaust`m gdr m`pr`bnotndh hdt r`bdchnz`m murnhc tj` oss`t wos beossngn`m os j`em gdr soe` (n.`., 20;,;;;). 07. SO^GOV@V SO^GO V@V ]VOW@ ]VOW@E@V E@V Bd. Bd. ns pr`por pr`pornhc nhc nts nts M`b`l M`b`lf`r f`r 2?, 6;x?, 6;x?, burr`h burr`htt y`or y`or hohb hohbnoe noe stot`l`ht stot` l`hts. s. O eohm nhbeum`m nhbeum`m nh SO^GOV@V SO^GOV@V„s „s prdp`rty prdp`rty,, peoh peohtt ohm `qunpl`ht `qunpl`ht tjot tjot mnm hdt quoengy os j`em gdr soe` os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? wos obtuoeey sdem dh Aohuory 0, 6;x6. ]j` hohb ho hbnoe noe stot`l stot`l`ht `htss w`r` w`r` outjd outjdrn rnz`m z`m gdr nssu` nssu` dh Lor Lorbj bj ?, 6;x6. 6;x6. Dh M`b`l M`b`lf`r f`r 2?, 6;x?, 6;x?, SO^GOV@V jos tdtoe burr`ht oss`ts dg ₿>,;;;,;;;. Hdt nhbeum`m nh tjns olduht ns tj` gonr voeu` e`sss bd e`s bdsts sts td s`ee dg tj` eohm olduht olduhtnhc nhc td ₿?,;;;,;;;. Jdw lubj ns tj` tdtoe burr`ht oss`ts burr`ht nh SO^GOV@V„s M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? hohbnoe stot`l`hts4 o. ₿:,;;;,;;; b. ₿?;,;;;,;;; f. ₿>,;;;,;;; m. ₿??,;;;,;;; F ‒ ]j` `v`ht ns mnsbeds`m dhey os o hdh-omaustnhc `v`ht ogt`r tj` r`pdrtnhc p`rndm . 03. Dh M`b`lf`r M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, R]VNM@H] R]VNM@H] JOVRJ-RDPH JOVRJ-RDPHMNHC MNHC Bd. beossn`m beossn`m nts funemnhc funemnhc wntj o jnstdrnboe bdst dg ₿=,;;;,;;; ohm obbulueot`m m`pr`bnotndh dg ₿6,=;;,;;; os j`em gdr soe`. Oee dg tj` brnt`rno uhm`r [GVR 0 or` bdlpen`m wntj. Dh tjot mot`, tj` eohm jos o gonr voeu` dg ₿?,=;;,;;; ohm bdst td s`ee dg ₿:;,;;;. ]j` `htry dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? nhbeum`s o. o m`f m`fnt nt td fu fune nemn mnhc hc gdr gdr ₿?,26;,;;; f. o br`mnt td obbulueot`m obbulueot`m m`pr`bnotndh m`pr`bnotndh gdr ₿6,=;;,;;; b. o m`fn m`fntt td td nlp nlponr onrl`h l`htt eds edsss ggdr dr ₿6:;,;;; m. Hd r`beoss r`beossnbot nbotndh ndh `htry `htry wnee wnee f` lom` lom` dh M`b`lf`r M`b`lf`r 2?, 2?, 6;x? 6;x? B Aoh. ?, 6;x? J`em gdr soe` oss`t (?.=L ‒ :;I) Obbulueot`m m`pr`bnotndh Nlponrl`ht edss ?,26;,;;; 6,=;;,;;; 6:;,;;; Funemnhc 0:. =,;;;,;;; Dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, DFR]NHOB^ R]PFFDVH@RR Bd. beossn`m nts funemnhc wntj o borrynhc olduht dg ₿?,7;;,;;; ohm gonr voeu` e`ss bdst td s`ee dg ₿?,26;,;;; os j`em gdr soe`. ]j` funemnhc hdt sdem 6;x6.e`ss Jdw`v`r, tj` dg `xb`ptndh dh`-y`or r`qunr`l`ht wos l`t. Dh ₿?,6=;,;;;. M`b`lf`r 2?,wos 6;x6, tj` gonrnh voeu` bdst td s`ee funemnhctdnstj` ]j` funemnhc wos hdt sdem nh 6;x2. Jdw`v`r, tj` `xb`ptndh td tj` dh`-y`or r`qunr`l`ht wos stnee l`t. Dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x2, tj` gonr voeu` e`ss bdst td s`ee dg funemnhc nhbr`os`m td ₿?,7:;,;;;. Jdw lubj ns tj` conh dh r`v`rsoe dg nlponrl`ht td f` r`bdchnz`m dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x24 o. ==;,;;; f. 27;,;;; b. 6:;,;;; m. ; F 27;,;;;, enlnt`m td tj` tdtoe nlponrl`ht edss`s r`bdchnz`m nh pr`vndus y`ors (?,6=;,;;; - ?,7;;,;;; drncnhoe borrynhc olduht) Ps` tj` gdeedwnhc nhgdrlotndh gdr tj` h`xt gdur qu`stndhs1 Dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, NHRDPBNOH] BOV@GV@@ Bd. peohs td mnspds` dg o crdup dg nts oss`ts. Nhgdrlotndh dh tj`s` oss`ts ns sjdwh f`edw1 Borrynhc olduht os Borrynhc olduht dh r`l`osur`m nll`mnot`ey M`b. 2?, 6;x? f`gdr` f`gdr` beossnbotndh os beossnbotndh os j`em gdr j`em gdr soe` soe` Nhv`htdry >,7;;,;;; :,:;;,;;; Nhv`stl`ht nh GWDBN 3,6;;,;;; 7,;;;,;;; Nhv`stl`ht prdp`rty (ot bdst ldm`e) 66,:;;,;;; 66,:;;,;;; [[@ (ot bdst ldm`e) Cddmwnee ]dtoe ?:,=;;,;;; 7,;;;,;;; 7=,;;;,;;; ?7,;;;,;;; 7,;;;,;;; 0>,7;;,;;; NHRDPBNOH] Bd. `htnty `stnlot`s tjot tj` gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dg tj` mnspdsoe crdup olduhts td ₿06,;;;,;;;. 0>. Jdw wduem tj` r`mubtndh nh tj` voeu` dg tj` oss`ts dh beossnbotndh os j`em gdr soe` f` tr`ot`m nh tj` hohbnoe stot`l`hts4 o. ]j ]j`` `htnt `htnty y r`bd r`bdch chnz` nz`ss o eds edsss dg ₿=.=L nll`mnot`ey f`gdr` beossnbotndh beossnbotndh os j`em gdr soe` ohm tj`h r`bdchnz`s oh nlponrl`ht edss dg ₿3.7L. f. ]j` `htnty r`bdchnz`s oh oh nlponrl`ht nlponrl`ht edss dg ₿?6 lneendh. b. ]j ]j`` `htnty `htnty r`bd r`bdch chnz` nz`ss oh nlponr nlponrl`h l`htt eds edsss dg ₿3.7L. m. ]j ]j`` `htnty `htnty r`bdc r`bdchn hnz`s z`s o eds edsss dg ₿?6L nll`mnot`ey f`gdr` beossngynhc tj` mnspdsoe crdup os j`em gdr soe`. O Rt`p #?1 0>.7L ‒ 7=L < =.=L Nlponrl`ht edss9 edss9 Rt`p #61 06L ‒ 0>.7L < 3.7 Ommntndhoe nlponrl`ht edss 7;. Jdw lubj ns tj` borrynhc olduht dg tj` nhv`htdry ogt`r beossnbotndh dg tj` mnspdsoe crdup os j`em gdr soe`4 o. :,:;;,;;; f. 3,>0;,037 b. 3,:>>,26= m. 3,370,2>? O :,:;;,;;; - Borrynhc olduht os r`l`osur`m nll`mnot`ey f`gdr` beossngnbotndh os j`em gdr soe`. (R`` oesd sdeutndhs f`edw) 7?. Jdw lubj ns tj` borrynhc olduht dg tj` Nhv`stl`ht prdp`rty (ot bdst ldm`e) ogt`r beossnbotndh dg tj` mnspdsoe crdup os j`em gdr soe`4 o. 66,:;;,;;; f. 6?,:0>,3>= b. 6?,3:7,770 m. 6;,377,6>: F (V`g`r td sdeutndhs f`edw) 76. Jdw lubj ns tj` borrynhc olduht dg tj` [[@ (ot bdst ldm`e) ogt`r beossnbotndh dg tj` mnspdsoe crdup os j`em gdr soe`4 o. ?7,;;;,;;; f. ?0,3:;,3=; b. ?0,2=;,6;7 m. ?0,6??,7?6 B Gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee Borrynhc olduht os r`l`osur`m nll`mnot`ey f`gdr` beossngnbotndh os j`em gdr soe` 06,;;;,;;; Ommntndhoe nlponrl`ht nlponrl`ht edss dh nhntnoe beossngnbotndh beossngnbotndh uhm`r uhm`r [GVR 0 Oeedbotndh td cddmwnee Nlponrl`ht edss td f` oeedbot`m td tj` dtj`r oss`ts 0>,7;;,;;; (3,7;;,;;;) 7,;;;,;;; ?,7;;,;;; ]j` `xb`ss ns oeedbot`m td tj` dtj`r oss`ts prd roto fos`m dh tj`nr borrynhc olduhts os gdeedws1 Oss`ts Nhv`htdry Nhv`stl`ht nh GWDBN N[ ‒ bdst [[@ ‒ bdst ldm`e Borrynhc olt. H/O H/O Grobtndh H/O H/O Oeedbotndh dg Nlponrl`ht Edss H/O H/O 66,:;;,;;; ?7,;;;,;;; 66.:/2:.: ?7/2:.: (>=;,6;7) (70>,3>=) 2:,:;;,;;; (?,7;;,;;;) ]j` borrynhc olduht ogt`r oeedbotndh dg nlponrl`ht edss ns1 Nhv`htdry Nhv`stl`ht nh GWDBN Nhv`stl`ht prdp`rty (ot bdst ldm`e) (66.:L ‒ >=;,6;7) [[@ (ot bdst ldm`e) (?7L ‒ 70>,3>=) Cddmwnee ]dtoe 72. :,:;;,;;; 7,;;;,;;; 6?,:0>,3>= ?0,2=;,6;7 06,;;;,;;; Dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, NHC@HNDPR HO]PVOE Bd. beossn`m nts funemnhc wntj o borrynhc olduht oldu ht dg ₿?,7;;,;;; ohm gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dg ₿?,26;,;;; os j`em gdr soe`. Nlponrl`ht edss dg ₿6:;,;;; wos r`bdchnz`m dh tjot mot`. ]j` funemnhc jos o r`lonhnhc us`gue eng` dg = y`ors ohm nt wos m`pr`bnot`m usnhc tj` stroncjtstroncjt-enh` enh` l`tjdm. Os dg M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x6, tj` funemnhc wos hdt y`t sdem ohm lohoc`l`ht m`bnm`m hdt td s`ee tj` funemnhc ohyldr`. ohyldr`. ]j` gonr voeu` e`ss bdst td s`ee dg tj` funemnhc dh M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x6 ns ₿?,6=;,;;; wjne` tj` voeu` nh us` ns ₿?,66;,;;;. Jdw lubj ns tj` borrynhc olduht dg tj` funemnhc updh r`beossnbotndh fobi td prdp`rty, peoht ohm `qunpl`ht4 o. ?,66;,;;; f. ?,26;,;;; b. ?,6=;,;;; m. ?,6;;,;;; M Borrynhc olduht omaust`m gdr m`pr`bnotndh hdt r`bdchnz`m (?.7L x ¸) < ?.6L9 f. V`bdv`rofe` olduht < ?.6=;L tj` jncj`r dg GWEBR ohm WNH L`osur`l`ht < ?.6L - tj` edw`r dg o ohm f ofdv` o. 7=. Dh M`b`lf`r M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, NHNLNBOE NHNLNBOE PHGVN@H PHGVN@HME^ ME^ Bd. `ht`r`m `ht`r`m nhtd oh ocr``l`h ocr``l`htt td s`ee o bdlpdh`ht.. Dh tjot mot`, NHNLNBOE `stnlot`m tj` conh grdl tj` mnspdsoe td f` lom` nh 6;x6 ot bdlpdh`ht ₿6,;;;,;;; ohm tj` dp`rotnhc edss`s prndr td tj` mot` dg soe` td f` ₿?,6;;,;;;. Os o r`suet dg tj` soe`, tj` bdlpdh`ht„s dp`rotndhs ohm bosj dws wnee f` `enlnhot`m grdl tj` `htnty„s dp`rotndhs ohm tj` `htnty wnee hdt jov` ohy snchnboht bdhtnhunhc pdst-soe` nhvdev`l`ht nh tj` bdlpdh`ht„s dp`rotnd dp`r otndhs. hs. Obbdrmnh Obbdrmnhcey cey,, tj` bdlpdh` bdlpdh`ht ht wos beossn`m beossn`m os j`em gdr soe` ohm mnsbdht mnsbdhtnhu` nhu`m m dp`rotndhs. ]j` ]j` bd bdlp lpdh dh`h `ht„ t„ss obtu obtuoe oe dp dp`r `rot otnh nhc c edss edss`s `s nh 6;x? 6;x? ohm ohm 6;x6 6;x6 w`r` w`r` ₿6, 6,:; :;;, ;,;; ;;;; ohm ohm ₿6,7;;,;;;, r`sp`btnv`ey, ohm tj` obtuoe conh dh mnspdsoe dg tj` bdlpdh`ht nh 6;x6 wos ₿?,7;;,;;;. NHNLNBOE„s nhbdl` tox rot` ns 2;%. Ohy nhbdl` tox f`h`t ns `xp`bt`m td f` r`oenzofe`. ]j`r` w`r` hd dtj`r t`lpdrory mn`r`hb`s murnhc tj` y`or. Sjot snhce`, pdst-tox olduhts sjduem f` r`pdrt`m gdr mnsbdhtnhu`m dp`rotndhs nh NHNLNBOE„s bdlporotnv`` 6;x6 ohm 6;x? nhbdl` stot`l`hts, r`sp`btnv`ey4 bdlporotnv r`sp`btnv`ey4 o. (?,>7;,;;;), (3;;,;;;) f. (07;,;;;), (?,>7;,;;;) b. (70;,;;;), (?,>0;,;;;) m. (3;;,;;;), (?,>7;,;;;) M 6;x61 (?,7;;,;;; ‒ 6,7;;,;;;) x 3;% < (3;;,;;;) 6;x?1 (-6,:;;,;;; x 3;%) < (?,>7;,;;;) 70. Dh Oprne 2;, 6;x?, OFVDCO]@ OFDENRJ OFDENRJ Bd. opprdv`m o peoh td mnspds` dg o bdlpdh`ht dg nts dp`rotndhs. ]j` mnspdsoe l``ts tj` r`qunr`l`hts r`qunr`l`hts gdr beossnbotndh beossnbotndh os mnsbdhtnhu`m mnsbdhtnhu`m dp`rotndhs. Grdl Aohuory ? td Oprne 2;, 6;x?, tj` bdlpdh`ht `orh`m dp`rotnhc prdt dg ₿=;;,;;; ohm grdl Loy ? td M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?, tj` s`cl`ht su`r`m dp`rotnhc edss`s dg ₿6;;,;;;. ]j` h`t oss`ts dg tj` bdlpdh`ht jos o borrynhc olduht dg ₿26,;;;,;;; os dg Oprne 2;, 6;x?. ]j` gonr voeu` e`ss bdsts td s`ee dg tj` bdlpdh`ht ns ₿67,;;;,;;;. Ommntndhoe Ommntndhoe `stnlot`m mnspdsoe edss nhbeum`s s`v`ro s`v `rohb` hb` poy dg ₿66;, 66;,;;; ;;; ohm `lpedy` `lpedy``` r`edbotn r`edbotndh dh bdsts dg ₿?;;,;;;, fdtj dg wjnbj or` mnr`btey ossdbnot`m wntj tj` m`bnsndh td mnspds` dg tj` s`cl`ht. OFVDCO]@„s nhbdl` tox rot` ns 2;%. Ohy nhbdl` tox f`h`t ns `xp`bt`m td f` r`oenzofe`. ]j`r` w`r` hd dtj`r t`lpdrory mn`r`hb`s mn`r`hb`s murnhc tj` y`or. Jdw Jd w lubj lubj ns tj` tj` pr prdt dt (edss) (edss) grdl grdl mnsbd mnsbdht htnhu nhu`m `m dp`rot dp`rotnd ndhs hs td f` r`pdr r`pdrt`m t`m nh OFVDC OFVDCO] O]@'s @'s stot`l`ht dg prdt dr edss ohm dtj`r bdlpr`j`hsnv` nhbdl` gdr tj` y`or `hm`m M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x?4 o. =,07=,;;; f. =,;7;,;;; b. =,2=;,;;; m. =,6:=,;;; M Rdeutndh1 Dp`rotnhc prdgnt ‒ Aohuory ? td Oprne 2;, 6;x? Dp`rotnhc edss ‒ Loy ? td M`b`lf`r 2?, 6;x? Nlponrl`ht edss (26L ‒ 67L) R`v`rohb` poy @lpedy`` r`edbotndh bdsts =;;,;;; (6;;,;;;) (7,;;;,;;;) (66;,;;;) (?;;,;;;) ]dtoe Luetnpey fy1 ? lnhus ]ox rot` Edss gdr tj` p`rndm grdl mnsbdhtnh mnsbdhtnhu`m u`m dp`rotndh dp`rotndhs s (7,?6;,;;;) 3;% (=,6:=,;;;) 77. ^du or` o B[O. ^dur ben`ht osi`m ydu gdr oh omvnb` r`cormnhc tj` nt`ls tjot or` pr`s`ht`m os dtj`r dtj `r bd bdlpr lpr`j` `j`hsn hsnv` v` nh nhbdl bdl`. `. ^du ^du wnee wnee t`ee t`ee yd ydur ur ben ben`h `htt td r`g`r r`g`r td wjnbj wjnbj dg tj` tj` gde gdeed edwnh wnhc c stohmorms4 o. [OR ? f. [GVR ? b. [GVR ?0 m. [OR : 73. Hdh-burr`ht oss`ts j`em gdr soe` ohm mnsbdhtnhu`m Hdh-burr`ht mnsbdhtnhu`m dp`rotndhs or` obbduht`m gdr uhm`r o. [GVR =. f. [OR =?. b. [GVR 0. m. [GVR :. 7:. Sj`h l`osurnhc tj` gonr voeu` dg oh oss`t dr o enofnenty, enofnenty, oh `htnty r`g`rs td o. [GVR ?2. f. b. [OR [OR ?6:. . m. [OR 22. 7>. ]jns stohmorm m`oes wntj tj` r`bdchntndh ohm l`osur`l`ht dg hohbnoe nhstrul`hts. o. [OR ? f. [OR 3 b. [GVR > m. [GVR 0 3;. Os us`m nh obbduhtnhc poreohb`, [GVR stohms gdr o. f. b. m. `. [jnenp [jnenppnh pnh`` Obbduh Obb duhtnh tnhc c Rtohmo Rtohmorm rms. s.Rtohmorms. [jnenppnh` Gnhohbnoe Obbduhtnhc Obbduht nhc Rtohmorms. [jnenppn [jnenppnh` h` Gnhohbn Gnhohbnoe oe V`pdrtnh V`pdrtnhc c Rtohmorm Rtohmorms. s. [oeofdi, [oeofdi, Grn`mbj Grn`mbjnbi nbi`h, `h, Vnb` ohm Rprnt`. Rprnt`. Oee dg tj tj` ofd ofdv v` ―cnv` tjohis nh oee bnrbulstohb`s9 gdr tjns ns Cdm„s wnee gdr ydu nh Bjrnst A`sus.“ - (? ]j`ssoedhnohs 01?:) - @HM -