Uploaded by Frederik Rømer

DNA Databases: A Tool or Tyranny? Essay

Frederik Rømer
2.bde HTX Frederikshavn
DNA databases.
A tool for tyrants or the publics shield.
DNA databases have proved themselves as invaluable tools in law enforcement, but some mean
they may infringe upon public privacy. An increasing number of countries are beginning to use
DNA databases as a tool for law enforcement. These databases store genetic material gathered
from crime scenes or suspects, making it possible to instantly connect a person to a crime. As a
person doesn’t have a say in whether their DNA can be stored on a database. Many people mean
that DNA databases infringe upon human rights and privacy. These people can’t see that DNA
databases are an invaluable asset for the public safety.
When a crime is committed, time is of the essence when trying to solve the crime. Many crimes
that have been committed have never been solved because the investigation never, or to late
yielded results. Which in some cases can result in the perpetrator fleeing the country. With an
national DNA databases incredibly subtle things, like hair, skin cells, blood, semen or sweat left on
the crimes scene can identify possible suspects, which in some cases can broaden the list of
suspects if no witnesses or other significant indicators of identity was left behind. a DNA profile
can become a strong tool in the fight against crime, but also wrongful convictons, because DNA
evidence can unearth suspects who are more likely to be the criminal than traditional methods.
Some criminals can escape convictions because of strong alibis, but DNA evidence can confirm
whether a person was present at the scene of the crime, law enforcement can use this
information as strong evidence for whether a suspect is guilty.
A national DNA database can only be used to prevent criminals from fleeing internal borders. An
international DNA database can prevent criminals from fleeing to neighboring countries or
faraway countries. Without a conviction it is easy to travel internationally and a warrant for
international arrest is not issued for crimes as domestic abuse, rape and child abuse. An
International DNA database with information that the person is a suspect in these crimes can
greatly limit the chances of criminals crossing borders and evading arrest and conviction. Criminals
who have escape to third world countries before the implementation of an international DNA
Frederik Rømer
2.bde HTX Frederikshavn
database would be forced to live there or go back and expect arrest, which would keep track of
criminals and act as a deterrent for fleeing to other countries.
The article also raises some important arguments as why a DNA database may do more harm than
good for some. Their argument is as follows. Individuals on the DNA databases may be considered
potential offenders rather than law abiding citizens which can cause a lot of harm to innocent
people. Therefore, a DNA database shouldn’t be extended to the whole population as it would
portray all citizens as potential offenders and possible suspects fx. if their DNA were a partial
match to the DNA found at a crime scene they would seen as suspects and depending on the
crime be arrested. Such a system would undoubtedly wrongfully arrest of detain innocent people.
To sum up, a DNA database is incredibly controversial and there are compelling arguments on
both sides. Public safety and justice delivered swiftly to criminals is important to keep the peace,
but wrongful arrests can be exponentially harmful to a person. DNA databases are indeed a
powerful tool that should be incorporated in the toolbelt of law enforcement, but with great
power comes great responsibility which means that the use of DNA databases should be regulated
as such to protect individuals which are only suspected of the crime.
Frederik Rømer
2.bde HTX Frederikshavn
Theme (title):
DNA Argumentative Essay
Learning Goals
How did I accomplish the goals through texts, tasks, assignments, discussion, etc.?
To gain knowledge
about different aspects
of crimes in real life and
crime in fiction
Being able to analyze,
interpret texts of
different genres
Being able to engage in
conversation and
discuss the different
aspects crime
I did my very best
My oral effort throughout
the theme
My written effort
throughout the theme
My effort in group work
throughout the theme
Progressions ark
Room for
Little effort
Comments on what I
could have done
differently, how I
improved, how the
teacher could have
helped me