Federal State Educational Institution state-funded institution of higher education "FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY AT GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (Financial University) Department of Mathematics Viktor A. Byvshev Mathematical modeling and quantitative research methods in management Syllabus For students studying under the in the field of training 38.04.02 "Management", Orientation of master’s degree programs: "Corporate Governance", Management and International Business" 1. Name of the discipline - Mathematical modeling and quantitative research methods in management. 2. Mapping of learning outcomes (list of competences), with the relevant indicators described and subject learning outcomes indicated The section lists the graduates’ coded competencies that are to be developed during the learning process, indicators that show their development (generalized descriptions of specific actions performed by the graduate that clarify and reveal the competence content), learning outcomes (knowledge, skills) with indicators of competence development (in the form of a table): Table 1 Competence code PKN-2 Competence Ability toapply modern methods and techniques of data collection and analysis, as well as identification and forecasting of the main socio-economic objects of management. Learning outcomes (skills2, Competence development in- and knowledge) and indicadicators1 tors that show competence development 1. Develops methods, techKnow modernmethods and niques and tools for analyzing tools for analyzing and preand predicting trends and so- dicting trends in time series of cio-economic indicators. socio-economic indicators. Be able to build econometric models of time series of socio-economic indicators. 2.They use tools for diagnos- Know the tools for diagnosing changes in the state of ingя the state of management management objectsat an objectsя. early stage in order to predict Be able to choose tools forя the results of their activities predicting the performance of and prevent negative consemanagement objectsя. quences. 3.Has the ability to analyze Know the tools for predicting the problems of the financial- theя financial- and economand economic state of organi- icя state of an organization. zations and predict their con- Be able to build models for sequences. predicting the financial- and economic state of an organization. 1 To be filled in when the updated Financial University educational standards and federal state educational standards of higher education “3++” are implemented. 2 Skills are described when the Financial University educational standards of the 1st generation and federal state educational standards of higher education “3+” are implemented. 2 UK-6 Ability tomanage a project at all stages of its life cycle. 4.Intelligentеinformation technologies are used to improve the efficiency of knowledge management. Know intelligent information technologies for predicting the state of an organization. Уметь выбирать Be able to choose the application software depending on the tasks being solved.ное программное обеспечение в зависимости от решаемых задач. 1.Applies basicproject planning tools проекта; in particular, forms a hierarchical structure of work, project schedule, necessary resources, cost and budget, plans procurement, communications, project quality and risk management, and more. Know the basic mathematical programming tools, used in project planning. Be able to use software products for project planning and project risk management. 2.Manage project executors, apply tools for monitoring, maintainingя and managing project changes, implement measures to provide resources, distribute information, prepareе reports, monitor and manage project timing, cost, quality and risks. Know the tools for preparing project implementation reportsреализацииproject implementation reports. Be able to apply tools for preparing reports on реализации project implementation. 3. Place of the subject in the curriculum Discipline "Mathematical modeling and quantitative research methods in management" refers to the third module B. 1. 1. 3 of disciplines that are invariant for the direction of training, reflecting the specifics of the University. Discipline "Mathematical modeling and quantitative research methods in management" is based on the knowledge gained in the framework of the basic disciplines:"Economic Theory and Business Management", "Mathematics", "Economic Statistics", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics","Strategic Financial Management". 4. Workload in credits and academic hours, with class work (lectures and seminars) and self-study indicated 3 The data are presented in the form of the table 2. Table 2 Total (in credits and hours) 3/108 32 8 24 76 Control work Exam Type of work Overall workload Class work Lectures Seminars, practicals Self-study Formative assessment Summative assessment Module 3 (in hours) 108 32 8 24 76 Control work Exam 5. Subject content (with the thematic components indicated) 1. Mathematical modeling method in management, economics, and finance. Financialand economic object and its mathematical model. Exogenous and endogenous variables of the economic and mathematicalой model. Descriptive and optimization models. Optimizationproblems were presented in the form of linear and nonlinear programming problems. The Lagrange method. Structural and reduced form of the model. Limit values and elasticity of endogenous variables of the model. 2. Leontiev's input-output model for managing the production sector of the national economy. CFinal, intermediate and final products. Technological coefficients. Cross-industry delivery model. Structural and reduced form of the Leontiev model. Leontiev's animator. Identity and cross-industry balance sheet table. 3. Game-theoretic models making managerial decisions. Participants in the game (conflict) and their strategies. Situation and outcome of the game. A zero-sum game. Payment matrix of the game. Normal form of the game. Axiom of player behavior and algorithm for choosing their optimal strategies. The saddle point game and its solution. Non-zero-sum game and Nash equilibrium. Playing with nature in a situation of uncertainty and risk. 4. Regression models of financial-and economic objects and their construction scheme. 4 Regression model of a financial and economic object and its construction scheme. Linear multiple regression model (basic model) and modelb as a system of simultaneous equations. Evaluation ofthe linearоmodel of multiple aggressions by the least squares method. Onthe estimation of a model as a system of linear simultaneous equations by the two-step least squares method. Forecasting based on the estimated regression model. 5. Structural models of time series and their useе for forecasting financial-and economic indicators of management objects. Time series and the structure of its levels. Additive and multiplicative time series models. Models of t-rendsofthe oth and seasonal component. Estimationof the structuralой model of a time series by the least squares method. Forecasting of financial - and economic indicators of management objects using structural time series models. 6. List of educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline 6.1. List of questions assigned for independent mastering of the discipline, forms of extracurricular independent work Table 3 Itemized subject content Questions the students should answer within the self-study process Types of outof-class activities Work with edTopic 1. Mathemati- 1. The object and itsmathematical model. cal modeling method 2. Specification of the model, itsexogenous and en- ucational literature and disin management, eco- dogenous variables. cuss questions 3. Optimization and descriptive models. nomics and finance. on the topic of 4. Structural and reduced form of the model. Descriptive and opti- 5. Limit values of endogenous variables of the the lesson. Performing mization models. model and the rule for calculating them. Limit values and elas- 6. Elasticity of endogenous model variablesли and home work on the topic of the ticity of endogenous a rule for calculating elasticity values. lesson. 7. Lagrange method of transformation of the optivariables of the mization model to the reduced form. model. 8. The economic meaning of Lagrange multipliers. Topic 2. Leontiev's input-output model for managing the production sector of the 1. Gross, intermediate and final products of the industry. 2. Technological coefficients. 3. Modelof cross-industry deliveries. 4. Structural and reduced form of 5 Work with educational literature and discuss questions on the topic of economy. Calcula- the Leontiev model. Leontiev's animator. tions based on the Le- 5. Identity of intersectoral balance. ontiev model for a 6. Cross-industry balance sheet table. fragment of the manufacturing sector of the Russian economy. the lesson. Performing homework on the topic of the lesson. Topic 3. Game-theoretic models of managerial decision-making. 1. Participants in the game (conflict) and their strategies. 2. Situation and outcome of the game. 3. A zero-sum game. 4. Payment matrix of the game and нnormal form of the game. 5. Axiom of player behavior and algorithm for choosing their optimal strategies. 6. The saddle point game and its solution. 7. Playing with nature in a situation of uncertainty and risk. Work with educational literature and discuss questions on the topic of the lesson. Performing homework on the topic of the lesson. Topic 4. Regression models of financial and economic objects and their construction scheme. 1. Regression model of a financial and economic object and its construction scheme. 2. Linear multiple regression model (basic model) 3. Model in the form of a system of simultaneous equations. 4. Estimation of the linear model of multiple aggression by the least squares method. 5. Estimation of the model as a system of linear simultaneous equations using the two-step least squares method. 6.Forecasting based on the estimated regression model. 1. Time series and the structure of its levels. 2. Plotting a time series. 3. Structuraladditive and multiplicative modelsь of time series. 4. Models of the trend and seasonal components. 5. Estimation of the structural model of a time series by the least squares method. 6. Forecasting of financial and economic indicators of management objects using structural time series models. Work with educational literature and discuss questions on the topic of the lesson. Performing homework on the topic of the lesson. Topic 5. Structural models of time series and their use for forecasting financial and economic indicators of management objects. 6 Work with the educationalliterature and discuss questions on the topic of the lesson. Performing home work on the topic of the lesson. 6.2. List of questions, tasks, and topics to prepare for the current control 1. Financialand economic object and itsmathematical model. 2. Exogenous and endogenous variables of the mathematical model. 3. Optimization and descriptive models. 4. Example of a model in the form of a linear programming problem. 5. Example of a model in the form of a nonlinear programming problem. 6. Structural and reduced form of the model. 7. Limit values of endogenous variables of the model and their calculation rule. 8. Elasticity of endogenous variables of the model and the rule for calculating elasticity values. 9. The economic meaning of Lagrange multipliers. 10. Leontiev's task is to manage the production sector of the national economy. Gross, intermediate and final products of the industry. 11. Technological coefficients. 12. Cross-industry delivery model. 13. Structural form of the Leontiev model. 14. Thegiven form of the Leontiev model. The Leontiev multiplier and the economic meaning of its elements. 15. Identity and cross-industry balance sheet table. 16. The concept of a game (conflict),in private players of the game and their strategies. 17. Situation and outcome of the game. 18. A zero-sum game. 19. Payment matrix of the game and the normal form of the game. 20. Axiom of player behavior and algorithm for choosing their optimal strategies. 21. The saddle point game and its solution. 22. Non-zero-sum game and Nash equilibrium. 23. Playing with nature in a situation of uncertainty. 24. Playing with nature in a risky situation. 25. Regression model of a financial and economic object and its construction scheme. 26. Linear multiple regression model (basic model). 7 27.Estimation of a linear modelusing the least squares regression method. 28. Investigation of the properties of the residues of the linear regression model. 29. Checking the significance of the explanatory variables of the evaluated model. 30. Quality characteristics of the linear model of multiple regression. 31. Forecasting based on the estimated regression model. 31. Time series and the structure of its levels. 32. Plotting a time series. 33. Structural additive and multiplicative time series models. 34. Models of the trend component. 35. Seasonal component model. The concept of fictitious variables. 36. Estimation of the structural model of a time series by the least squares method. 37. Forecasting of financial and economic indicators of management objects using structural time series models. 6.3. Examples of control work tasks Example 1. The structural form of the Baumol-Tobin model for managing a firm's current account is as follows: 𝑟 𝜑 = 𝑐 ∙ 𝑛 + ∙ 𝑚 → 𝑚𝑖𝑛 2 { 𝑚∙𝑛=𝑀 𝑚 ≥ 0, 𝑛 ≥ 0. Here 𝜑 - total costs of the company for the maintenance of accounts, 𝑚 - value of the balance of monetary funds on the account after its replenishment, 𝑛 - number of refills account in the year, 𝑀 - required level of cash funds in the year (exogenous variable), 𝑐 - value transaction costs in the replenishing of account (exogenous variable), r - norm alternative cost (exogenous variable). It is required to determine the level of optimal costs of the company at c=0.1, M=520, r=0.06. Example 2. Using the data from Table 4, plot the quarterly levels of Russia's real GDP (billion rubles in 2008 prices). Like the component is present in quarterly levels Russia’s GDP? Make a specification of the structural model of this time series and evaluate this model using the least squares method. See Table 4. Quarterly levels of Russian GDP Year 1995 I quarter 5355,0 II quarter 5523,1 8 III quarter 6030,0 IV quarter 6000,2 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 5235,1 5212,0 5134,7 5041,7 5617,6 5880,8 6104,2 6567,4 7042,9 7435,6 7978,3 8622,1 9413,2 8547,0 8894,9 9186,1 9620,6 9690,9 9745,8 9527,5 9275,3 9628,8 9758,0 5333,8 5289,7 5237,6 5402,6 5955,4 6256,1 6531,8 7052,3 7618,6 8076,7 8729,5 9481,8 10231,0 9090,1 9544,6 9859,0 10271,4 10390,6 10464,6 9978,4 9921,5 10490,3 10580,9 5698,1 5860,1 5343,0 5955,5 6583,6 6980,5 7289,7 7742,7 8309,8 8805,1 9526,3 10304,9 10965,6 10020,5 10403,9 10930,5 11265,6 11407,0 11504,7 10810,7 10763,5 11261,0 11281,8 5814,7 6024,9 5474,9 6136,3 6643,4 6945,0 7373,2 7942,6 8436,6 9093,0 9900,5 10809,9 10667,0 10391,0 10918,8 11482,2 11712,0 11956,0 12007,5 11284,3 11562,6 11578,9 Example 3. A farmer (player A) can sow one of three crops on his plot of land in the current year: A1 - oats, A2 - rye, A3 – rice. The yield of each of these crops depends on the weather (player B – nature), which can be in one of three states: B1 - dry, B2 - normal, B3 – rainy. Average grain prices and their yield levels (yij) for each weather condition are known and given in the following table. 9 Is required: choose the optimal sowing strategy of the farmer, assuming that there is no additional information about possible weather conditions. A note. A farmer's sowing strategy is considered optimal if it brings the farmer the highest income in a certain sense. 7. Mandatory and optional reading list 7.1. Mandatory 1. Mathematical modeling and quantitative methods of research in management: a textbook / M. Yu. Mikhaleva.М. Ю. Mikhaleva, I. V. Orlova Street. - Moscow: University textbook: INFRA-M, 2018 – - EBS Znanium.com. - URL: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/948489 (accessed: 05.11.2019). - Text: electronic. 2. Mikhaleva M. Yu., Orlova I. V. Practicum on the discipline "Mathematical modeling and quantitative methods of research in management". - Moscow: Financial University, Departmentof Data Analysis, Decision-making and Financial Technologies, 2018. - 213 p. - IOP of the Financial University. - URL: https://portal.fa.ru/Files/Data/fe05984c-32da-4b53-9efc-f6fc1ec51bb1/Pract_Matmodelir_mMen_18.pdf (дата обращения: 05.11.2019). - Text: electronic. 3. Byvshev V. A., Mikhaleva M. Yu. Practicum on the discipline "Modeling of microeconomic processes", Moscow: Financial University, Department of Data Analysis, Decision-making and Financial Technologies, 2019, 51 p. 4. Babeshko L. O., Beach M. G., Orlova I. V. Econometrics and econometric modeling: Moscow, University textbook: INFRA-M, 2018, 385 p – 10 5. Byvshev V. A. Workshop Econometrics in R: Time Series Models: Collection of exercises and tasks for independent work of students in the disciplines "Econometrics", "Econometric research", "Applied methods and models of regression analysis" for students studying in the areas of training 01.03.02. "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" (bachelor's degree program), 38.03.01 "Economics" (master's degree program), 01.04.02 "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" (master's degree program). Moscow: Financial University, Department of Data Analysis, Decision making and Financial Technologies, 2019. - 110 p. 7.2. Optional 1. Fundamentals of mathematical modeling of socio-economic processes. Practicum / M. G. Beach, I. V. Orlova, G. V. Ross [et al.]. – MOSCOW: Kompany KnoRus, 2019. – 292 p. – ISBN 9785406070345. 8. List of IT resources, incl. the list of software, information and reference systems (as appropriate) 8. 1. Software: 1. Windows OS. 2. Microsoft Office software. 8.2. Databases and information and reference systems 1. Information and educational portal of the Financial University http://portal.ufrf.ru/. 2. Digital Resources Library of the Financial University: http://elib.fa.ru/ 8.3. Certified software/hardware used for data protection ESET Endpoint Security antivirus software. 11