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Student Mobility Event Schedule & Script

3.00 pm – 3.15 pm
Dream Catcher
• Opening Speech by Mr. Azrul, Student Mobility Office
• Introduction to Global Network Club
3.20 pm – 3.50 pm
Jom Fly!
• Experience Sharing on Exchange Program at Missouri Science and
Technology (MST), United States of America
• Q&A
3.55 pm - 4.25 pm
• Experience Sharing on Internship Program at Arts et Métiers, Angers
• Q&A
4.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Prize Pool!
• Photography Session
• Quiz and Lucky Draw
2:30 pm
2:55 pm
3.00 pm
rooms to set
up audio
and system
Speakers are
expected to
join the
M: Start share
screen, share the
waiting time slide.
M: Cue songs
Dear participants, we will begin the event
shortly. Please ready yourself before the event
begin. In the meantime, please scan the QR code
on your screen as the materials will come up
during the quiz.
MC delivers
salutation to
MC walks
through the
flow of
events; MC
invites Mr.
Assalamualaikum Wbt. and a very good evening
to our honorable guests and fellow participants.
First and foremost, I’d like to express my thanks
and gratitude to the CENTRE of STUDENTS
DEVELOPMENT (CSD) for giving the
opportunity to organize this event and also to
everyone present in this online platform for
allocating the time to attend this function today.
Hey, I’m Qamariah, your MC for today, u can
call me Q. I hope everyone is well and healthy. I
hope that this session will be beneficial for you
guys and of course, remember to enjoy your time
as well!
A: Write in chatbox
“Scan the QR code
for the pamphlet.
The quiz will be
based on its content.
Thank you!” Use
‘important feature’
in chatbox
M: (same slide but
no waiting time
phrase, just scan the
qr code)
The tentative of this session covers:
1. Segment 1:
a. Opening Speech by Mr. Azrul,
Head of Student Mobility Office.
b. GNC Club Introduction.
2. Segment 2:
a. Sharing session on Exchange
Programme Experiences by our
guests, ____________ at
Missouri Science and
Technology (MST), United
States of America.
b. QnA
3. Segment 3:
a. Experience Sharing on
Internship Program by
___________ at Arts et
Métiers, Angers.
b. QnA
4. Segment 4:
a. Photography session
b. Quiz and Lucky Draw session
Without further ado, I would like to invite Mr.
Azrul, Head of Student of Mobility Office to
officiate the program.”
3:05 pm
Mr. Azrul
3:10 pm
(After the Speech)
A: Can put a little
bit bio about Mr.
Thank you to Mr. Azrul for the opening remarks. Azrul. “Mr. Azrul is
the head of mobility
office in UTP.
Before we jump in, a little bit introduction to
M: Put slides on
what GNC is. GNC, or Global Network Club
(GNC) is a club under Student Support Unit
A: Put in chatbox
(SSU) University Teknologi Petronas assisting
“Global Network
Centre of Student Mobility for overseas
Club (GNC) is a
programmes. Apparently, we’ve done so many
club under Student
great events before such as KERANA
Support Unit (SSU)
Teknologi Petronas
assisting Centre of
Student Mobility
SESSION, GNC KICK-OFF 2019 & FAMILY for overseas
Throughout the
the latest event VIRTUAL GLOBAL
years, we have
know us better, u guys can check out our
hosted kerana
Instagram for more interesting events in the
corona, tohoku-sojo
university summer
Something worth nothing is that we’ll be having exchange
quiz and Lucky Draw session before we end our orientation week
sessions! As we have a total of 3 sessions for this
event, we have ______ altogether to be gifted for
the quiz and lucky draw session. Don’t be shy,
come forth with your questions and win those
prizes! Not to mention, you have to lend us all
ears and attentions that u can do well in out Quiz
session to win those prizes. If you're wondering
how we're going to distribute the vouchers, we
will be emailing them personally to the winners.
It may take some time but please don't worry,
they will get to you eventually.
3:18 pm
Halmeey for
his sharing
Without further ado, I welcome Mr/Ms
__________ to share his exciting Exchange
Programme Experience at Missouri Science and
Technology (MST), United States of America .
I’ll now pass the floor to our first speaker.
(After sharing)
Thank you _________ for such a great sharing
with us. That sounds very thrilling aren’t they? I
even feel like I wanna go there too, don’t you
think guys?
Let’s see a show of hands now, who would want
to try and apply for Exchange Programmes later
on? ……………. If theres any questions that you
would like to ask, you can just drop on the chat
box, and type it there or can open your mic and
give your questions directly to our speakers.
We’ll go over them in the QnA session later on
in a few minutes. Remember, there are vouchers
to be won though and they are very limited
during the last session of Lucky Draw before our
event ends !
I’ll now open the floor for QnA time.
(After QNA)
A kind reminder, please fill the feedback form
provided in the chat. We'll take a minute before
we proceed with the next session.
research attachment
programme (rap) on
boarding session,
GNC kick-off 2019
& family day 2019,
ready for take-off!
and the latest event
virtual global
intergrated camp
A: inform audiences
to scan the QR code
for the pamphlet for
the Quiz later
M: Share halmeey
M: Share QnA slide
after sharing
A: Put in chatbox
on Halmey’s bio
A: Remind
audiences they can
turn on their mic or
type questions in
the chat
A: Attach feedback
form in the chat
3:50 P.M
Invite Farra
for her
Moving on to our next session on Aspirations, a
sharing session on Exchange Programme by
Mr/Ms ______ joined at Arts et Métiers,
Angers to add us more thrills in sharing her
internship experience there. The stage is yours
Thank you to ________ for sharing with us such
a thrilling experience. Lets us all give to both of
our guests round of applause for the experiences
which benefits us all. A saying said, (“Every
experiences in our life is being orchestrated to
teach us something we need to know to move
forward” and“ A mind that is stretched by a new
experience can never go back to its old
dimensions” ) Now, don’t be shy to go catch
your experiences, trust me it’ll worth it!!
M: Share halmeey
M: Share QnA slide
after sharing
A: Put in chatbox
on Halmey’s bio
A: Remind
audiences they can
turn on their mic or
type questions in
the chat.
Now it’s time for QnA! This is the final session
so do give it out your all with your questions
before we start off with the quiz and Lucky Draw
session! I’ll now open the floor.
4.25 pm
Lucky Draw
Before me move on to the Quiz, I would like to
invite all in the platform to join for our
photography session. Let’s us all open our cam
It’s not over yet ladies and gents, we’re now
approaching to the most awaited session of
Quizes and Lucky Draw! Are you guys
excited??!! Could you become the winners to the
prizes for our Lucky Draw sessions ?? Who
knows… Now, I’ll pass the floor to _____ to
lead the session.
(After Quiz)
(Arina’s Part here)
Ahh, I wish we could play somemore quizes!
That’s very exciting and rivalry isn’t it guys?
Somehow it even make me chills by the
questions asked in the quiz just now. Now, I’ll
here announce the winner for the quizes and
Lucky Draw.
4:50 pm
Wow, time surely flew by pretty fast, huh? We
are now approaching the end of our session
today. As a saying goes, “to every beginning,
M: Stop sharescreen
A: Inform
audiences to open
their camera
there is an ending”. Ladies and gents, I would
like to invite all in the platform to join for our
photography session. Let’s us all open our cam
Alright, once again I would like to thank you
everyone for gracing the talk this evening on
GNC’s offered programs. We really hope that it
gives you guys some insightful information that
would be beneficial and of course, we hope that
you had fun! Until next time!!…
Assalamualaikum and goodbye! Stay safe and
take care!