Uploaded by Trevor Forbes


What tutor should do …
Emphasise the 4 main topics & Topics under
each main topic. Importance of keeping the
topics together under each main topic for study
Show learners the main topics that will be
assessed in Paper 1 and main topics that will be
assessed in Paper 2 [Page 2]
Issue the pre-test worksheet to learners and
request learners to complete the pre-test based
on content covered in Term 1 [ Pages 3 – 6]
covered in
Topic 1:
 Provide Feedback on the Pre-Test
 Remedial Activities
 Conduct Post Test
Emphasise the topics that is covered in the
Resource Booklets:
 Recent Legislation
 Developing Strategies
 Human Resources Function
 Professionalism & Ethics
 Creative thinking [Pages 7; 14; 20; 28; 32]
Alert learners to the content that will be
assessed in this topic as it appears in the 2020
Examination Guidelines
Encourage learners to use the information
provided as a check list to determine whether
all content has been covered by the teacher
Read through the check list with learners [Page
Explain to learners the use and meaning of
Action Verbs, when formulating questions.
[Page 7]
Introduce learners to concepts in this topic
Ask learners co complete the word search of
concepts [Page 8]
What learners should
do …
Write next to each
main Topic “Paper 1
or Paper 2”
Complete the Pre-Test
on the worksheet
Complete the PostTest
Note the page
numbers of each
topic in the resource
Learners should
indicate 3 things:
 The content
identified was
 Content they
 Content they don’t
understand and
need assistance
Read examples of
questions carefully
and underline key
verbs/action verbs.
Identify what is
required and how the
question should be
Learners complete
word search of
The focus is NOT to teach and catch up on
curriculum backlog. The tutor is the facilitator in
consolidating work covered in class.
Write down the
summaries in the
resource booklet
Make learners feel welcome and ensure that
each session is very DIFFERENT from their own
classes at school!!! Be enthusiastic. Make
learning FUN again without losing focus on the
work at hand. They must want more...
Ask clarity questions
Refer learners to pages 7 – 13. Indicate to
learners that the greyed out text comes from
the 2019 NSC Diagnostic Report. These are
shortcomings that the examiners and
moderators identified and suggestions they
made for improvement
Copy mind-maps
The examination guidelines indicate the
content that will be assessed. Refer learners
continuously to the Action Verbs
Highlight important
factors in notes
Develop own mindmaps
Learners complete
informal assessments
Explain to learners the purpose of the sub
topics. Encourage learners to ask clarity
Summarise the factors pertaining to sub-topics
Explain the content provided in the resource
booklet. Draw mind-map, mnemonic and use
other study memory techniques.
Consolidation Refer learners to concepts on Page 8.
Divide class into 6 groups
Allocate group 4 concepts
In groups learners must indicate:
 The sub-topic each concept refers to
 Meaning of the concepts
 Related concepts
Group work
Feedback to whole
Answer questions from
the class
Repeat the above for:
Page numbers:
Developing strategies
14; 15; 16 - 19
Human Resources Function
20; 21; 22 - 27
Professionalism & Ethics
28; 29; 30 - 31
Creative Thinking
32; 33 34 - 35
Thank you for offering up your time and for sharing your expertise and experience with our
learners, thus providing them with an opportunity to improve their results considerably.