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Dhwani Dholakia - Fractured Fairy Tale

Dhwani Dholakia
Fractured Fairy Tale
5 - 22 - 18
Beauty & The Beast
You’ve probably heard of the story of the gorgeous girl who fell in love with the ugly, hairy beast.
Well, that’s not how the story goes at all! I actually live in a private island somewhere around Fiji. I also own
a resort as well. The only problem is that I’m the only one that lives there. Probably because I don’t really care
about my personal hygiene much. I haven’t taken a proper bath in years! If you haven’t figured it out already,
I’m supposed to be the Beast.
One day, I was relaxing on the beach when I heard an absurd noise. A rustling sound. I immediately
got up because there weren’t any animals big enough on the island to make a noise like that. After taking a
few small steps, I dashed back to the resort. Outside, I found a decent sized branch. I crept behind a wall
when I saw the shadow of something.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”, I cried out. As the shadow got closer, I braced myself for what might
happen next.
“1, 2… 3!” I slammed the branch down onto what I thought was the creature’s head. I took a quick
glance around the corner to find a human man unconscious on the ground.
“OMG! I just killed him!!!”, I exclaimed. I bent down to find out that he was still breathing.
“Phew!” I stood back up just as I heard someone yelling, “Dad? Dad?” I took a quick glance outside to
see the most ugliest girl ever! That’s not really saying much though because I haven’t met a lot of people in
my life. Using my very intelligent brain, I put together the pieces and figured out that the man I just knocked
out was the girl’s dad. I began to panic because I knew that I couldn’t let the girl see her dad like that. Looking
around, I found a pretty large closet. I quickly stuffed the man into the wardrobe.
I looked out the window again to find the horrendous girl searching through the forest.
“Light bulb!” I had the most amazing idea. After making sure the man was still in the closet, I went
out to the woods to find some mud to cover myself with. I could scare the girl even though her face is scary
“Ooh! Some leaves and twigs might work too.”, I added. Lathering myself with the mud and dressing
myself with the leaves, I was convinced that this plan would definitely work. I walked into the forest and
found a good place to hide. The girl paced around the trees. As if that would help her find her dad. I stood up
to move to another place, but I accidently stepped on a tiny twig.
“Oh crap!”, I yelled out. The girl spun around quicker than a cheetah. I decided that this was my only
chance to make this work, so I got up and began to growl as loud as I could.
“AAAHHH!!!” Her scream was deafening. She began to race through the forest, tripping and
stumbling a few times. I walked back to the resort with a smile on my face. For the first time in my life I felt
accomplished… That was until I remembered that the man was still in my closet.
“Ughhh! How did I forget about that?” I began to run to get back as quick as possible. Somehow the
man had fallen out of the closet. I bent down once more to check if the man was still alive or not.
“Good, he’s still breathing.” I wiped the sweat off of my face. I picked up the man to walk him down
to the shore. When I turned, the ghastly girl was hiding by the doorway. I tried to make my voice sound as
deep as possible.
“Come out. You know I can see you right?” She stepped out with her head held down.
“What do you want? Why are you here?”
“I was just looking for my… my dad.” She stuttered on almost every word. Her vile face made me
want to puke, but I still tried to sound as intimidating as I could be.
“Well, why are you two here?” I was beginning to feel a little sorry for her after hearing the sorrow
in her voice.
“My dad heard that there are exotic flowers that grow here.” The girl pulled out an alluring flower. I
see those flowers everyday, but they looked much more beautiful in the repulsive girl’s hands.
“That’s it?! That’s the only reason you came here and ruined the peace on MY private island! Out of
the hundreds of islands all over the world, you just HAD to pick mine!” I was infuriated. My blood was
boiling inside me, but I told myself to calm down.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t think that anyone lived here. I apologize for disturbing your “peace”, but if you
could give me my father back I’d be on my way.” I could tell that she wasn’t afraid of anymore. I had to do
“Um, what did you say your name was again?” The girl stared at me with eyes that looked like they
were staring into my soul.
“I never told you my name, but if you must know… My name is Belle. It means beautiful!” I looked at
“Belle” in disbelief. I couldn’t believe it! How could have someone named such an ugly girl with a name that
means beautiful.
“Ha ha ha!!! Now that… That is funny.” My laughs kept bursting out of my mouth, and I just couldn’t
hold them in. Belle’s straight face slowly turned into a frown. It looked like there were tears about to flow out
of her eyes, but she was just holding them in.
“I know I’m not that pretty, but it’s not like you look any better.” She pulled out a small mirror to
show me my reflection. I stared at my hairy face. Is that what I always look like? I looked up too see Belle’s
face, and it somehow looked gorgeous then.
“You know what? You can take your dad and leave, but on one condition. You have to let me come
with you. She thought about it for a few seconds and then answered, “Sure!” I grabbed all of my stuff, even
though I didn’t own a lot of things. Her dad woke up after a while, and I had to apologize to him so many
times! We all grabbed our luggage and boarded the yacht.
“Wait! You guys have a YACHT?”
Belle answered, “Yup. My dad is a scientist… well kind of. He studies plants, so that’s why we came to
your island. Also when we get home, we’re going to make you take a good bath. We’ll even make you shave
your face.” Her face began to look more prettier by the second. I had fallen in love with her personality as
well. After a few hours, we finally reached their house. There, I was pampered so much that I felt like a dog!
To make myself not look like a dog, they made me shave and take a real good bath. I stepped out of the bath
and walked up to the fogged up mirror. I couldn’t see my reflection, so I just got dressed. After wearing my
clothes, I went back to see how I looked. I screamed, “AHHH!!!” Everyone came rushing to find me.
“I look so handsome!” Belle and her father stared at my mesmerising face. I took another glance at
Belle, but she didn’t look so pretty anymore. Her face looked horrific again. I guess the feeling only lasted
while I looked ugly too. I knew that I couldn’t stay here anymore with these creeps so I said, “Thank you for
your kind hospitality but I must be on my way now.”
“What? But I love you, you can’t leave me!” I made the most boggled face ever.
“Well, I’m sorry but I just met you a few hours ago. I don’t think it’s possible to fall in love with
someone that fast unless you’re in a fairytale. Now I gotta go so bye!” I rushed out the door, grabbing the
yacht keys on the way out. I climbed onto the boat with Belle and her father still chasing me. I turned the
yacht and drove away, not looking back even for a second.
I still remember Bella yelling out, “Please don’t leave me! I can’t live without you!” All of that
happened 20 years ago, and now she is the most popular woman in the world. Everyone loves her, but I’m
just known as the ugly man that the generous Belle cared for. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t left, but other times
I’m happy I did. She took the whole story and completely changed it!