Writing a Successful Literature Essay This is Lionel. Lionel prefers to go by his formal title: Lionel the Fantastically Literate Fox Lionel is a wily fox who has a voracious appetite – he does not stop eating! While he is a little cheeky, and a bit of a glutton, he knows how to write an excellent essay. Listen to his advice and you will be writing fabulous literature essays quicker than Lionel can steal your lunch! Let us begin. Yes, yes, we all know what happens in this story… tell me something interesting about it! Please excuse Lionel. He has not had any lunch. However, what he is saying is important. Remember that a literature essay is NOT a recap of the plot of the text, but a response to a specific topic based on an aspect of the text, whether it be a character, theme or another element of the story. It is a formal, structured, and substantiated response. Unless you pay close attention to these key aspects, your ideas, no matter how good they are, will not come across effectively. Your essay must be FORMAL, STRUCTURED, and SUBSTANTIATED! Lionel is right. Let us look at how we can fulfil each of these aspects (and give Lionel a few delicious snacks along the way). FORMAL Consider your literature essay the ‘black tie event’ of the essay world. You need to dress your language up to suit the occasion. Here are Lionel’s rules for proper literature essay style: Formal English Avoid colloquialisms and NO slang Lady Macbeth tunes Macbeth that he needs to man up. ✓Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he is being cowardly. No Contractions Ettie doesn’t run away with Nicolas because she cares too much about Little Miss. ✓Juliet does not run away with Nicolas because she cares too much about Little Miss. Present Tense When Romeo saw Juliet, he forgot all about Rosaline. ✓When Romeo sees Juliet, he forgets all about Rosaline. Third person I think that Dorian Gray is the master of his own destruction. ✓ Dorian Gray is the master of his own destruction. PLEASE! Make it stop! I think that Romeo and Juliet were responsible for the bad stuff that happened to them because they chose to get married without permission from their folks. I also think that Friar Laurence should get some of the blame cause he was an adult and should of known better. Much better! ✓ Ultimately, Romeo and Juliet are responsible for the tragic end to their story because they choose to get married without the permission of their parents. Friar Laurence can also be partly blamed because, as the adult in the situation, he does not behave in a responsible manner. STRUCTURED Poor Lionel really needs a snack! A burger? They are my favourite! Coincidentally, an essay should be structured like a burger. See what I did there? Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion Just like a burger, an essay needs to have all its parts in the right place to be successful. Your INTRODUCTION functions much like the top half of the bread roll in a burger. It provides a solid start as you take the first bite and prevents the fillings from getting all over the place and making a mess. Your introduction indicates the direction of your essay, makes specific reference to the topic, and keeps the beginning neat and focused. Your BODY PARAGRAPHs are where all the ‘meaty’ content is. Like a burger, your essay will not have much flavour if you do not have a complementary selection of ingredients (points) in the middle of your essay. You need to make a series of substantiated points that are closely linked to the topic. Like a burger, these paragraphs need to be logically arranged for the best experience. Your CONCLUSION, like the bottom half of the bread roll, is arguably the most important structural element of your essay. Without it, your points will be left hanging and your essay will be unfinished. This is where you can make your final statement about how your essay has successfully addressed the topic by summing up your main points and leaving the reader with a strong answer to the question. You would not want your burger sauce spilling out all over the place! SUBSTANTIATED That burger was great, thanks. Now while I enjoy a cuppa, we need to cover the part about motivating your points with evidence from the text. There are two ways you can substantiate your points with reference to the text. 1 – CLOSE REFERENCE TO THE TEXT When you make a point, you need to show that you have come to this idea through your interpretation of the text. The simplest way to do this is to give an example using a reference to the text, but you have to be very careful that you do not allow your example to lapse into a recap of the plot. Example If your point and explanation is: Ettie is a master at hiding her emotions so that she is not vulnerable to the people around her. She often refers to the masks she uses to trick people into thinking she is stupid and compliant, or to get what she wants. Yes – you’re in it to win it! You can substantiate it with a close reference: ✓ Handler Xavier asks Ettie to show him what she has stolen from the beach and she lies to him about how much she has so she can keep more of the profits to herself. Here is an example of what it looks like when you let your example go too far and lapse into plot. Ettie and Kitty are part of a game where they steal from the Posh to make money to survive. Handler Xavier runs the Game and, at the beginning of the novel, they trick people on the beach by pretending that there is a monster in the sea. When Ettie gets back to Section O, Handler Xavier asks Ettie to show him everything they stole but Ettie has hidden some of it, so she does not have to give the profits to Handler Xavier. She lies to him and says that what she shows him is all that they got. Then she goes to the market to sell the stolen goods to Cowboy so that she can get money to buy food for herself and Kitty. Sigh… 2 – QUOTATIONS If you feel confident with the text and can remember useful quotations, effectively integrating these into your essay is an extremely effective way to substantiate your points. Example If your point and explanation is: Ettie is a master at hiding her emotions so that she is not vulnerable to the people around her. She often refers to the masks she uses to trick people into thinking she is stupid and compliant or to get what she wants. You could substantiate it with an integrated quotation: ✓At the beginning of the novel, when Handler Xavier is quizzing Ettie about how much she has stolen off the beach, Ettie uses her mask to “hide [her] deceit”. A wellintegrated quotation is heavenly! Do not tack a quotation on to the end of a sentence. Macbeth wants to be king so much that he is willing to kill, “vaulting ambition”. ✓Macbeth’s “vaulting ambition” is so strong, he is willing to kill to become king. Do not use quotation marks unless you are certain your quotation is correct. Lord Henry tells Dorian to “yield to temptation”. ✓ Lord Henry encourages Dorian Gray to give in to his desires by telling him that “the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it”. If you cannot remember the exact wording, paraphrase the quote WITHOUT inverted commas. ✓ Lord Henry encourages Dorian to yield to temptation. If you need to change the tense, concord or case of a word in the quotation to fit your sentence, put it in square brackets to indicate you have done so. Original quotation: “I am a girl of many masks. Integrated into a sentence: Ettie admits that she “[is] a girl of many masks”. You need not learn long quotations. Often, integrating a short phrase can be just as effective. ✓ Dorian Gray uses his “mask of youth” to maintain an air of innocence. ✓Lady Macbeth seems to easily wipe the guilt of murder from her mind saying that “a little water clears us of this deed.” ✓ Romeo and Juliet, the “star-crossed lovers”, are unwitting engineers of their own demise. Whew! That was a lot of information – thanks for sticking with me. There are a few more things you need to know before you are ready to go it alone. Now we are going to examine how to approach your planning and look at what goes into each paragraph of your essay. I hope they were paying attention… PLANNING Although there are no marks allocated to an essay plan, if you do not plan your essay, the finished product will not be as structured and convincing. Imagine that you are given the following essay topic. Ettie lives in an unjust society. In an essay of 250-300 words, discuss the various injustices in the society in The Mark. Step 1 – Unpack the question You cannot embark on an essay unless you know what aspect of the text you will be examining and what point you are trying to make. It is a good idea to highlight key words/phrases in the topic. Remember that you can also be asked to make a judgement about the given aspect of the text (e.g. to what extent). Ettie lives in an unjust society. In an essay of 250-300 words, discuss the various injustices in the society in The Mark. This question is asking you to examine the different ways in which Ettie’s society is unjust. There are many ways you can do your essay planning. You need to find one that works for you. Step 2 – Brainstorm points Some people like using spider diagrams or mind maps, Lionel loves using a table format. First brainstorm what you imagine your main points will be. Also include the example you could use to motivate each point. Point Example People have no personal freedom People who live in slum city are treated as second class citizens The political system is rigged The living environment of those in Slum City is unsanitary The justice system is not fair Their jobs, place in society and fate mates are chosen for them They are tracked by the machine and monitored by Locusts They have to carry passes to get into Mangeria City They are thrown on the dumps when they are no longer useful There are only a certain number of Mangerians to vote for and the candidates are manipulated by those in power Sewerage flows in the streets, there are massive flies and their food is substandard compared to the Posh Accused people are considered guilty and need to prove themselves innocent Step 3 – Group and order points 1 Mmm… Let me see. Yes – I’ve put a number next to each point to indicate in which paragraph I am going to include it. 2 3 2 3 Only once you have decided on your main points, can you decide what to include in your introduction and conclusion. Step 4 – Finalise essay content You do not have to write out your full introduction and conclusion in your plan. Make notes in point form. Introduction: The Mark (dystopian novel by Edyth Bulbring) Ettie is born into a life of drudgery but is determined to escape the system that confines her Ettie’s society (Mangeria and Slum City) is unjust because - They have no personal freedom - Slum City residents have difficult lives (NOTE HOW THE MAIN IDEA OF THE TWO POINTS FOR PARAGRAPH 2 CAN BE COMBINED INTO ONE POINT) - The political and justice system is broken 1 2 3 2 3 Conclusion: Sum up main points - Lack of personal freedom - Poor have horrible lives - System is rigged to benefit the rich and powerful Link to our society (warning) I know what you are going to say… “Lionel! Planning takes too long. What if I do not finish my essay?” I promise you, no, I swear (on all four of my paws and my adorably bushy tail), that spending 10 minutes on making a good plan will save you time in the long run. Plus – your finished essay will be better! WRITING YOUR ESSAY INTRODUCTION As mentioned earlier, your introduction should: ✓ make specific reference to the topic ✓ indicate the direction of your essay You should also take this opportunity to: ✓ indicate which text you are discussing (mention the author and genre of the work) ✓ give a brief contextualisation of the novel (with a link to the topic if possible) The Mark, a dystopian novel by Edyth Bulbring, is set in a post-apocalyptic society plagued by inequality and injustice. The protagonist, Ettie, is born into a life of drudgery but is determined to erase her mark and escape the system that confines her. This essay will examine the various injustices in Mangeria, a place run by an unequal and unfair political and justice system where the poor are destined to suffer, and the rich prosper, but very few have any meaningful freedom. This looks great. Let’s have a look at how I’ve incorporated all the necessary parts of an introduction. The Mark, a dystopian novel by Edyth Bulbring, is set in a post-apocalyptic society plagued by inequality and injustice. = indicate which text you are discussing (mention the author and genre of the work) The protagonist, Ettie, is born into a life of drudgery but is determined to erase her mark and escape the system that confines her. = give a brief contextualisation of the novel (with a link to the topic if possible) This essay will examine the various injustices in Mangeria, = make specific reference to the topic a place run by an unequal and unfair political and justice system where the poor are destined to suffer, and the rich prosper, but very few have any meaningful freedom. = indicate the direction of your essay BODY PARAGRAPHS As mentioned earlier, your body paragraphs should: ✓ make a series of substantiated points ✓ be closely linked to the topic You also need to make sure that your body paragraphs: ✓ flow logically from the previous one and onto the next one ✓ have a logical internal structure Whoops! It looks like Lionel is hungry again. Luckily, we have to PEEL a banana to show you how to write a successful body paragraph. Point – the main topic of your paragraph Explanation – explanation of your point Example – example/s to substantiate your point Link – link back to the topic One of the most obvious injustices in Ettie’s society is the lack of personal freedom of most citizens. Instead of making their own choices, all people are given a number when they are born. According to this number, they are allocated a job and a fate mate. This number is stored in The Machine and is used to keep track of them throughout their lives. Ettie is determined to remove this number so she can decide her own fate. The fact that citizens in Mangeria are not allowed to choose their life partner or profession is a clear illustration of the injustice they suffer as the freedom to choose is one of our most basic human rights. Sometimes I am so good that I even astound myself. Behold the perfect structure of this paragraph! POINT One of the most obvious injustices in Ettie’s society is the lack of personal freedom of most citizens. EXPLANATION Instead of making their own choices, all people are given a number when they are born. According to this number, they are allocated a job and a fate mate. EXAMPLE This number is stored in The Machine and is used to keep track of them throughout their lives. Ettie is determined to remove this number so she can decide her own fate. LINK The fact that citizens in Mangeria are not allowed to choose their life partner or profession is a clear illustration of the injustice they suffer as the freedom to choose is one of our most basic human rights. I always find that a cup of hot chocolate helps me think. Oh! Remember to write your paragraphs so that they flow naturally from one to the next. Note the link between these highlighted phrases You might start your next paragraph with this point: Another obvious indication of an unjust society is the large gap between the rich and the poor, which is evident in the horrible lives lead by those who inhabit Slum City. Once you become more confident in writing literature essays, you will be able to include more than one explanation and example per paragraph – but always make sure they link to topic of the paragraph. If you change to a different aspect of your topic, start a new paragraph. Another obvious indication of an unjust society is the large gap between the rich and the poor, which is evident in the horrible lives lead by those who inhabit Slum City (POINT). People like Ettie and Kitty, who are orphans, live in the most appalling and unsanitary conditions (EXPLAINATION). Sewerage runs in the streets, the river flows with “water the colour of vomit” and they are plagued by flies as big as a human fist (EXAMPLES). The injustice of this is only highlighted when you compare their lives to those of the Posh (EXPLANATION). The Posh live over the river in Mangeria City and those in the slums require a pass to access the Posh areas and have to abide by a curfew (EXAMPLE). The people in Slum City are also considered to be disposable (EXPLANATION). Once they are no longer able to do their job, they are sent to a facility for Past Traders or are thrown on the Reject Dumps to die (EXAMPLES). The Posh treat those from Slum City as if they are less than human and this lack of humanity towards those less fortunate is perhaps the biggest marker of an unjust society. (LINK) CONCLUSION We are almost there! I am so excited! As mentioned earlier, your conclusion should: ✓ sum up your main points ✓ leave your reader with a strong answer to the question You could also take this opportunity to show your insight into the text and the topic by: ✓ linking the ideas in your text to the outside world Oh boy! Lionel has probably had too much sugar. Let him finish off the essay so he can go and run off some of that energy! Ettie’s society is deeply flawed and filled with injustice. The majority of citizens have no freedom to make their own choices. The poor in Slum City live lives of poverty and persecution and are not valued as human beings. All of this is underpinned by a political and justice system that is designed to benefit the wealthy few and leave the underprivileged masses to fight over limited resources. While The Mark is set in a fictional world, it has many of the trademarks of our society as, unfortunately, injustice is something with which most communities are familiar. Ettie’s society is deeply flawed and filled with injustice. = strong answer to the question The majority of citizens have no freedom to make their own choices. The poor in Slum City live lives of poverty and persecution and are not valued as human beings and all this is underpinned by a political and justice system that is designed to benefit the wealthy few and leave the underprivileged masses to fight over limited resources. = sum up main points While The Mark is set in a fictional world, it has many of the trademarks of our society as, unfortunately, injustice is something with which most communities are familiar. = link to our society That’s a wrap, folks! All you need to do is follow my process and advice and you will never have to worry about how to write a literature essay ever again. Lionel, out! Here is the full example essay used in these notes. The Mark, a dystopian novel by Edyth Bulbring, is set in a post-apocalyptic society plagued by inequality and injustice. The protagonist, Ettie, is born into a life of drudgery but is determined to erase her mark and escape the system that confines her. This essay will examine the various injustices in Mangeria, a place run by an unequal and unfair political and justice system where the poor are destined to suffer, and the rich prosper, but very few have any meaningful freedom. One of the most obvious injustices in Ettie’s society is the lack of personal freedom of most citizens. Instead of making their own choices, all people are given a number when they are born. According to this number, they are allocated a job and a fate mate. This number is stored in The Machine and is used to keep track of them throughout their lives. Ettie is determined to remove this number so she can decide her own fate. The fact that citizens in Mangeria are not allowed to choose their life partner or profession is a clear illustration of the injustice they suffer as the freedom to choose is one of our most basic human rights. Another obvious indication of an unjust society is the large gap between the rich and the poor, which is evident in the horrible lives lead by those who inhabit Slum City. People like Ettie and Kitty, who are orphans, live in the most appalling and unsanitary conditions . Sewerage runs in the streets, the river flows with “water the colour of vomit” and they are plagued by flies as big as a human fist. The injustice of this is only highlighted when you compare their lives to those of the Posh. The Posh live over the river in Mangeria City and those in the slums require a pass to access the Posh areas and have to abide by a curfew. The people in Slum City are also considered to be disposable. Once they are no longer able to do their job, they are sent to a facility for Past Traders or are thrown on the Reject Dumps to die. The Posh treat those from Slum City as if they are less than human and this lack of humanity towards those less fortunate is perhaps the biggest marker of an unjust society. In order for a society to be considered just, it must have a stable and fair government. In the novel, the political system in rigged to benefit the Post and the legal system is a disgrace. When it comes to their ‘elections’, The Mangerian families decide on twenty candidates and everyone has twenty votes. This means that the voting system is just for show as the winners are predetermined. When Kitty arrives in court for her trial, it is clear that she has been physically tortured in an attempt to get her to implicate her accomplice. She receives no legal representation and, in their system, is assumed guilty unless her innocence can be proven. A society cannot be considered equal and fair if the people running it are capable of such corruption and disregard for justice. Ettie’s society is deeply flawed and filled with injustice. The majority of citizens have no freedom to make their own choices. The poor in Slum City live lives of poverty and persecution and are not valued as human beings. All of this is underpinned by a political and justice system that is designed to benefit the wealthy few and leave the underprivileged masses to fight over limited resources. While The Mark is set in a fictional world, it has many of the trademarks of our society as, unfortunately, injustice is something with which most communities are familiar.