MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® December 2010 Introduction Purpose This document provides network-specific information for Passport® V8.03 systems using the HPS-Dallas network for ConocoPhillips® sites. Note: Leave this document at the site for the Manager’s reference. Intended Users This document is intended for ASCs who are trained and certified by Gilbarco® to perform installation and service of the Passport POS System. Table of Contents Topic Page Introduction 1 PA-DSS Compliance Notice – Network Data Retention 2 New Features in Passport V8.03 Systems 2 Forecourt Installation 3 Site Configuration Programming 3 Network Reports 16 Hourly Sales Reports 47 Cashier Workstation Network Functions 51 Frequently Asked Questions 53 Appendix A: Network Events Messages 55 Related Documents Document Number Title GOLD Library MDE-3816 Passport Hardware Start-up and Service Manual • Passport • Service Manual MDE-4743 Passport PA-DSS Implementation Guide MDE-4808 Dial Strings for Passport Systems Using MultiTech Modems Passport MDE-4830 Passport V8.02+ POS System Reference Manual Passport MDE-4835 What’s New in Passport Version 8.02+ Passport MDE-4866 Passport Firewall Router Start up and Service Manual Passport MDE-4893 Passport Software Upgrade manual for V6 and Later to V8.02.XX.03F (or Later) or V8.03.XX.01B (or Later) Passport MDE-4894 Passport Software Installation manual for V8.02.XX.03F or Later or V8.03.XX.01B or Later on PX51 and PX52 Hardware Platforms Passport Passport ® MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 1 PA-DSS Compliance Notice – Network Data Retention Help Desk To contact the Gilbarco Veeder-Root® Help Desk, call 1-800-800-7498. To contact the ConocoPhillips Help Desk, call 1-800-I AM DOWN (1-800-426-3696). Abbreviations and Acronyms Term Description ASC Authorized Service Contractor CRIND® Card Reader IN Dispenser CVN Card Verification Number CWS Cashier Workstation HPS Heartland Payment Systems IP Internet Protocol MWS Manager Workstation NACS National Association of Convenience Stores NIC Network Interface Card PDL Parameter Download POS Point Of Sale UDP User Datagram Protocol VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal PA-DSS Compliance Notice – Network Data Retention The Passport system’s network database saves transaction details for 33 days. This network setting is not editable. Besides meeting PA-DSS compliance requirements, it also allows retailers to use the Backup Journals/Reports utility to save one full month of Passport system data on a single CD. For additional information on saving journals and reports to CD, refer to MDE-4830 Passport V8.02+ POS System Reference Manual. New Features in Passport V8.03 Systems The following is a list of new features in Passport V8.03 systems. Review each of these points carefully; they will affect the way you operate your site. • For PA-DSS compliance, the Passport system architecture has changed in many ways beginning with Version 8.02. Simultaneously, several new features were introduced in the Passport system. For information on both PA-DSS compliance and added Passport system features, refer to MDE-4835 What’s New in Passport Version 8.02+. • Two new reports are available on Passport V8.03 (or later) systems, the Hourly Sales Interval Report and Hourly Fuel Sales by Grade Report. These reports provide sales information by time interval - quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour for a calendar day. For more information, refer to “Hourly Sales Reports” on page 47. Page 2 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Forecourt Installation IMPORTANT INFORMATION If this site is currently operating with an existing ConocoPhillips Dealer Number, ensure that all transactions pending in fallback are sent to the network successfully before beginning the upgrade procedures. Transactions left pending in fallback at the time of upgrade may cause communication issues with the ADS-Dallas network. The indicators for the pending fallback transactions are: • Passport system’s POS Network Status button is red with N/W High. • Passport system’s Network Functions screen displays that the network is offline. • Fallback Details Report prints the Store Close or Day Close Report for the G-SITE® or Passport systems. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Before upgrading the Passport system, print and review the Batch Summary Report. If any batch shows a “Not Received” status, the batch must be processed. Failure to process unreceived batches may result in loss of revenue. Call the ConocoPhillips Help Desk at 1-800-IAM-DOWN (1-800-426-3696) for instructions to manually process a batch. Forecourt Installation For assistance in configuring the fuel grades for the site, refer to the “Network Configuration Report” on page 19. After configuring fuel products or grades, exercise care in assigning network codes to fuel products or grades. Assigning an incorrect product code to a fuel product or grade may cause the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network to decline transactions, especially for those tendered with a Fleet Card, as Fleet Cards often apply fuel restrictions to the transaction. Site Configuration Programming IMPORTANT INFORMATION The Enhanced Dispenser Hub must be installed and running before programming in MWS > Set Up > Network. To access the Global Information Editor and for entering site information and network parameters, proceed as follows: 1 From the Manager Workstation (MWS) main menu, select Setup > Network > COP > Global Info Editor. The Global Network Parameters screen appears. 2 Enter the information on each tab, as specified in the following sections. 3 After you have entered all the information, select Save. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 3 Site Configuration Programming Site Configuration Tab Figure 1: Site Configuration Tab Fields on the Site Configuration Tab Page 4 Field Description Disable Manual Entry If set to “Yes”, this field allows the site to override the manual entry value received from the Parameter Download (PDL). Debit Prompting This field allows the CRIND device to prompt the customer “Is this a debit card?” for Credit/Debit dual use cards. Debit Cashback Minimum Minimum fee dollar amount charged for cash back on debit Debit Cashback Maximum Maximum fee dollar amount charged for cash back on debit MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming Connection Tab Programming of the Connection tab varies depending on the Terminal Connection Type selected in the Dealer tab. The Connection tab consists of the following two tabs: • Page 1 - The Page 1 tab contains information used mainly for sites that select 06 - UDP (FortiGate®/Satellite) as the Terminal Connection Type on the Dealer tab. • Page 2 - The Page 2 tab contains information used mainly for sites that select 02 - Dial as the Terminal Connection Type on the Dealer tab. Before you can enter the IP parameters in the Connection tab, you must obtain the IP addresses from the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips Help Desk at 1-800-767-5258. Figure 2: Connection - Page 1 Tab for UDP Connections (FortiGate/Satellite) Enter the Primary, Secondary, and Download IP addresses and IP ports provided by the HPS-Dallas Help Desk in the Page 1 tab (see Figure 2). If the HPS-Dallas Help Desk does not provide specific Download address and port, enter the Primary IP Address and IP Port in the Download fields. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 5 Site Configuration Programming Fields on the Connection - Page 1 Tab (for UDP FortiGate/Satellite Connections) Field Description Download IP Address IP address used by the network for PDLs Download IP Port IP port used for network PDLs Primary IP Address IP address used to communicate financial transaction messages between the Passport system and HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network Primary IP Port IP port used to communicate financial transaction messages between the Passport system and HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network Secondary IP Address Alternate IP address used to communicate financial transaction messages between the Passport system and HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network Secondary IP Port Alternate IP port used to communicate financial transaction messages between the Passport system and HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network Figure 3: Connection - Page 2 Tab for Dial Connections 1 18009501696 18008827139 18009501696 Fields on the Connection - Page 2 Tab (for Dial Connections) Note: Sites that are using Datawire for 02 - Dial Connection Type must obtain information from HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network or Datawire for programming the fields on the Connection Page 2 tab. Page 6 Field Description COM Port This field accepts the communication port to which the modem or Datawire is connected on the Enhanced Dispenser Hub. The default value is 0. The COM Port value must be set to 1. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming Field Description Baud Rate This field accepts the Dial baud rate used by the modem. Valid rates are 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000. The default rate is 1200. Access Code This field accepts the numbers that must be dialed in order to reach an outside phone line for the modem (that is, if you must dial a “9” to reach an outside line). Download Phone Number This field accepts the main phone number used to dial the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network for initial PDL processing (maximum 20 digits). The Download Phone Number may be the same as the Primary Phone Number. Init String This field accepts the 40-character modem initialization string sent to the modem each time a link is established. The default value for the MultiTech modem (PA02960009) is AT&F0V0E0&K0&Q6%CX4S37=5&Z0. For more information on other modems, refer to MDE-4808 Dial Strings for Passport Systems Using MultiTech Modems. Primary Phone Number This field accepts the main phone number used to dial the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network for transaction processing (maximum 20 digits). Secondary Phone Number This field accepts the alternate phone number used to dial the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network for transaction processing, if the Primary Phone Number is busy or not responding (maximum 20 digits). Dial Header This field accepts the dial command to the modem, including tone generation. The default value is ATDT. Dial Trailer This field accepts the five-character string added to the end of the dial string. This field defaults to blank. Enter # if the site’s modem requires it. Complete the “Download Phone Number”, “Primary Phone Number”, and “Secondary Phone Number” fields. Refer to the following table for phone numbers. Download Primary Secondary Alternate 950-1696 (use Alternate if this number does not work) 950-1696 (use Alternate if this number does not work) 1-800-882-7139 1-800-221-2455 1-800-454-6103 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 7 Site Configuration Programming Dealer Tab Figure 4: Dealer Tab Fields on the Dealer Tab Page 8 Field Description Dealer Number This field accepts a 11-digit number that will be used by the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network to identify the site. Notes: 1) Enter the dealer number before receiving the initial PDL. 2) Change the Dealer Number only after Store Close. Terminal ID This field accepts the two-digit terminal identification number assigned to the store by HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network. Notes: 1) This field is editable. 2) Complete this field before requesting the initial PDL. 3) Terminal ID for Dial sites is 01. 4) Terminal ID for UDP (FortiGate/Satellite) sites is 21. Terminal Connection Type The field accepts the Connection type used by the site. The options include the following: • None • 02 - Dial • 06 - UDP (FortiGate/Satellite) Company ID This field displays a three-digit number assigned by HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network to the company handling transactions for the site. The value of this field is 045 and is not editable. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming Site Information Tab Although the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips PDL includes the Site Information, the fields are editable by the user. If the user corrects and saves the information on the Site Information tab, the user must notify the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips Help Desk to avoid reverting to invalid data in a subsequent PDL. Figure 5: Site Information Tab Fields on the Site Information Tab Field Description Name Site name, up to 30 characters Address Site street address, up to 30 characters City City, up to 20 characters State State, up to two characters ZIP ZIP code, 5 digits The HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network PDL contains the Site Name, Address, City, State, and ZIP. The values in the Site Information tab appear on all the receipts for network transactions. The fields on this screen are editable. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 9 Site Configuration Programming Magnum PDL Table Versions Tab Figure 6: Magnum PDL Table Versions Tab Each of the fields are read only, and reflects the version of the table included in the Magnum PDL downloaded to the site. Page 10 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming Call for Auth #s From MWS > Set Up > Network > COP select Call for Auth #s to configure Call for Authorization telephone numbers to be used in Call for Auth transactions. Each card type from the PDL that requires Call for Auth appears on the Call for Auth Phone #s screen, along with a field for programming the telephone number the cashier must dial. The following table lists the default phone number for each card type. Card Type Default Phone Number American Express® 800-528-2121 Discover®/Novus® 800-347-1111 MasterCard® 800-622-3858 Phillips 66, Conoco, 76 Commercial 800-323-2952 Phillips 66, Conoco, 76 Fleet 800-767-1917 Phillips 66, Conoco, 76 MasterCard 800-622-3858 Phillips 66, Conoco, 76 Personal 800-323-2952 VISA 800-622-3858 ® Voyager® Universal Fleet 800-987-6589 Wright Express® (WEX) Universal Fleet 800-842-0071 PDL Download From MWS > Set Up > Network > COP select PDL download to request a PDL from the network. The message, “Do you want to continue with Parameter Download?” appears in the PDL Download screen. Select Yes to initiate a PDL request and to display the status of the request. Select No to return the user to the COP network screen. A success status indicates that the Passport system has successfully sent the PDL request message. To view the final status of the PDL, navigate to the Network Journal or Network POS Events Report. Email Request From MWS > Set Up > Network > COP select Email Request to request E-mail from the network. The message, “Do you want to continue with Email Request?” appears. • Select Yes to initiate an e-mail request and to display the status of the request. • Select No to return to the COP network screen. Watch Dog Reboot Warning To avoid a conflict between Watch Dog Reboot and the nightly 2:00 A.M. Site Oversight message, program the Watch Dog to occur at 2:30 A.M. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 11 Site Configuration Programming Setting Up Back Office To set up Back Office, proceed as follows: IMPORTANT INFORMATION All WAN and Back Office PC IP Addresses are unique for each site. Before you begin the procedure, you must read and understand the following steps for each site. Do not program IP Addresses from another site. Contact the owner/manager 48 hours before the upgrade to allow site management time to notify the Back Office vendor of impending Passport upgrade to version 8.03. 1 Obtain the IP Address for the Back Office PC. You must obtain the FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address from the ConocoPhillips Help Desk (1-800-426-3696) to derive the IP Address for the Back Office PC. When you call the ConocoPhillips Help Desk, provide the following information: • Passport RV042 Firewall Router WAN IP Address • Site Dealer Number Based on this information, the ConocoPhillips Help Desk will provide you the FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address. You can obtain the Back Office IP Address by adding 1 to the value of the fourth octet of the FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address. The following IP Address settings are used as samples in these instructions. These values are samples only; DO NOT use them for configuring a live site. • Passport RV042 Firewall Router WAN IP Address: • FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address: • BOS IP Address (add one to the FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address + 2 If the DMZ port on the Passport router is not used for any device (for example, Loyalty PC), then disable the DMZ port on the Passport router in Port Settings. 3 Plug the Back Office PC into the FortiGate DMZ port using a standard CAT-5 Cable (not a crossover cable). 4 Configure the NIC for the Back Office PC. The Back Office PC has either a single Network Interface Card (NIC) or dual NICs. • If the Back Office PC has a single NIC (not connected to the Internet), you must use the FortiGate DMZ WAN IP Address as the Back Office PC Default Gateway when configuring Network Connections for the Back Office PC. • If the Back Office PC has a dual NIC configuration, leave the Default Gateway blank for the NIC dedicated to the Passport system and add a route (using a Command Prompt). 5 From the Desktop of the Back Office PC, to access Network Connections click Start > Run and type ncpa.cpl. 6 Select the correct NIC (for example, Local Area Connection). Page 12 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming 7 Right-click and select Properties. 8 From the General tab under “This connection uses following items”, scroll the menu and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). 9 Click Properties. 10 From General tab under Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties, select the Use the following IP Address option and type the values for “IP address”, “Subnet mask”, and “Default gateway” fields (see Figure 7). Figure 7: Single and Dual NIC - Sample Only Single NIC Dual NIC 11 For dual NIC, you must add a route for “Passport” traffic using the first 3 octets of the RV042 Firewall Router WAN IP Address and the FortiGate DMZ Port IP Address. Click Start > Run and type CMD. From the Command Prompt, type the following command: Note: Use unique IP Addresses to the site in the route command. The following command is a sample only. Route add mask –p The first three octets of the command (10.80.138) is the WAN IP Address of RV042 and it ends in .0 for the fourth octet. of the command is the exact IP Address for FortiGate DMZ Port. After completing this command, reboot the Back Office PC. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 13 Site Configuration Programming 12 For Back Office systems that require a Passport system to manage pushing sales data files to and pulling price book files from the Back Office PC only! You must replace the new Back Office IP Address in the Pull and Push paths on the MWS > Set Up > Back Office > Back Office Interface > XMLGateway Polling Options (see Figure 8). Figure 8: XMLGateway Polling Options The path directory must include the specific IP Address of the Back Office (for example, Ensure that you do not change the remaining values for paths. 13 For Back Office systems that manage pushing price book files to and pulling sales data files from the Passport system only! • Ensure that the following RV042 Firewall Router Access Rule settings are correctly configured for the Back Office software to communicate with the Passport Server: a Enable the BOSShare rule if the Back office uses File Share. b Set the Source IP Address to the Back office IP Address (for example, c Change Source interface from DMZ to WAN. d Click Save Settings. ~OR~ a Enable the BOSFTP rule if the Back office uses FTP through the WAN port to communicate with the Passport Server. b Set the Source IP Address to the Back office IP Address (for example, c Change Source interface from DMZ to WAN. d Click Save Settings. Page 14 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Site Configuration Programming • Also, change the drive mapping for all drives mapped to the Passport Server from (V8.02) or (earlier than V8.02) to the Passport Router WAN IP (for example, When the Back Office PC prompts for User Name and Password, enter passport as the User Name and pmcs382000 as the Password. Note: Call the Back Office vendor for instructions to change the mapped drives, as they may prefer to connect to the Back Office PC to make these changes. Figure 9 shows a general schematic of all the non-crossover CAT-5 Cable connections that must be considered between the FortiGate device, Hughes® Satellite box, Back Office PC, and Linksys® Passport Router. Figure 9: Schematic Connections Linksys Passport Router Back Office System FortiGate Network Box OR Note: You will find either of the FortiGate boxes installed but NOT both. Hughes Satellite Box MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 15 Network Reports Network Reports Network Reports provide data on transactions that are transmitted to the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network. Some Network Reports provide information on the status of transactions while others list total amounts for transmitted transactions. Each report prints with a heading that includes the name of the report and date and time the report was printed. The following Network Reports are available: • Batch Detail Report • Batch Summary Report* • Card Conflict Report • Day Summary Report • Electronic Mail Report • Fallback Detail Report* • Gift Card Detail Report • Network Configuration Report • Network POS Events Report This report must be printed on each Store Close or Batch Close and read closely. * Report Name Current* Secure Reports Batch Detail Report Shift Close Reports Store Close Reports Y - - - Batch Summary Report - Y - - Card Conflict Report - - - Y Day Summary Report - Y - - Electronic Mail Report Y - - - Fallback Detail Report - - Y Y Gift Card Detail Report - - - Y Network Configuration Report - - Y - Network POS Events Report - Y - Y *The Current column identifies those network reports that are available for the current open period. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Secure reports may contain secure data, such as card account data. These reports are password-protected and available to print on demand only. For more information on secure reports, refer to MDE-4743 Passport PA-DSS Implementation Guide. Page 16 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports Batch Detail Report The Batch Detail Minor Report is available at Shift Close and contains all details required to reconstruct a transaction for the Shift. Figure 10: Batch Detail Report Batch Detail Report Dealer #: 66020003 Terminal Id: 21 Report created: 5/12/2010 12:04:57PM Software: 01 EPOS Type: 02 Batch #: 001 Opening: 5/11/2010 at 7:45PM Batch Status: Pending Closing: 5/12/2010 at 12:04PM Seq# 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Card Type DS VS AX AX AX AX DB DB Tran.Type S s SDF SDR SD SDR S SR Auth Code XCW3LU A0K435 FALLBK MNK3E0 WA348C T41329 Amount $17.00 $17.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $19.29 Category CREDIT CREDIT REFUND DEBIT DEBIT REFUND Count 004 002 001 001 Total $74.00 $-40.00 $20.00 $-19.29 Card Name AMEX DEBIT DISCOVER VISA Count 004 002 001 001 Total $0.00 $0.71 $17.00 $17.00 Date 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 Batch Summary Report The Batch Summary Report prints at Store Close to provide totals for the current batch. Figure 11: Batch Summary Report Batch Detail Report Dealer #: 66020003 Terminal Id: 21 Report created: 5/12/2010 12:04:57PM Software: 01 EPOS Type: 02 Day Seq #: 001 Batch #: 001 Opening: 5/11/2010 at 7:45PM Description Terminal Transaction Count Terminal Total Sales Terminal Total Returns Host Transaction Count Host total Sales Host Total Returns Closing: 5/12/2010 at 12:04PM Count 008 005 003 008 $94.00 $-59.29 $94.00 $-59.29 Settlement Excluding Fees Card Name AMEX DEBIT DISCOVER VISA Amount $34.71 Count 004 002 001 001 Total $0.00 $0.71 $17.00 $17.00 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 17 Network Reports Warning Messages When the fallback file is more than 50% full, a message similar to the following appears at the end of the Batch Summary Report: “WARNING: There are 240 transactions in fallback which is 60% full. Please Call Help Desk for Assistance” When the message “FINAL OUT-OF-BALANCE” appears, call the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips Help Desk for procedures to process the batch manually. Card Conflict Report Conflicts can occur when a card configured for acceptance in Auxiliary Network Card Configuration processes through the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network, or a card configured for acceptance by the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network processes through the Auxiliary Network. This report provides information on transactions affected by card conflicts. The Passport system provides a secure version of the report, which prints the unmasked account number information, and a non-secure version, which prints the account number information masked except for the last four digits. Figure 12: Card Conflict Report Card Conflict Report - Network Shift from 3/29/2010 5:08:22AM to 3/29/2010 5:52:52AM Issuer Name Processing Network Issuer Name Configured Network Conflict Instances (Current Period) NO DATA TO REPORT Fallback Detail Report Figure 13: Fallback Detail Report (Secure) Dealer #: 66020003 Report created: 5/12/2010 12:15:40PM Terminal Id: 21 CONFIDENTIAL AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT. THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SECURED AT ALL TIMES. REPORT MUST BE DESTROYED IN A SECURE MANNER SUCH AS SHREDDING WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED. This report can contain information on fallback transactions and out of balance batches. Batch #: 001 Seq# 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page 18 Batch Status: Pending Card Type DS VS AX AX AX AX DB DB Account Number Exp.Date 98PGM687Q7S81111 46/DP 86JQ49P9S9PP5556 54/99 H8HB8DJMS9P1004 M3/MH DMHB8DMJS9P1004 87/MH 8D8V8DDHMDP1004 65/6Q 7P8VD9RMDP1004 58/6Q G1GG47J5WDHHL9T0128 M3/MH 545M47D8PGHHWMR0128 66/6Q Tran.Type S S SDf SDR SD SDR S SD Tran.Date 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 05/11/10 Invoice# 194531 202412 204709 204745 205123 205152 214709 215133 Amount $17.00 $17.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $19.29 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports Electronic Mail Report The Electronic Mail Report records all electronic mail messages received from the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network during the Day period. Figure 14: Electronic Mail Report Electronic Mail Report Dealer Number: 99999999999 Network Day# 1 03/29/2010 Terminal ID: 1 From: 3/29/10 05:08 to:03/29/10 05:52 DEALER# 05:52:58 999999999 *100329*02\1000\0004711\\ Network Configuration Report The Network Configuration Report provides the settings and dealer information received from HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network by a PDL. Figure 15 on page 20 is a sample of the information recorded for the Current PDL. Note: Blank fields represent settings that do not apply to the particular card type. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 19 Network Reports Figure 15: Network Configuration Report Page 20 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 21 Network Reports Page 22 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 23 Network Reports Page 24 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 25 Network Reports Page 26 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 27 Network Reports Page 28 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 29 Network Reports Page 30 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 31 Network Reports Page 32 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 33 Network Reports Page 34 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 35 Network Reports Page 36 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 37 Network Reports Page 38 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 39 Network Reports Page 40 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 41 Network Reports Page 42 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 43 Network Reports Page 44 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Network Reports MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 45 Network Reports Page 46 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Hourly Sales Reports Network POS Events The Network POS Events Report provides a list of system event responses to significant POS processing events. This report documents the following events: • Network Response Errors • Hot Catch-up Start and End • PDL Messages (Received, and so on) • Out of Balance Batches • Batch Removal • Fallback File Full Conditions Figure 16: Network POS Events Report Hourly Sales Reports The Passport system contains two new reports to provide daily sales totals by a user-selectable time interval of quarter-hour, half-hour, or hourly. The reports provide information for a calendar day (midnight to midnight). If no data apply to a particular time interval, the data appears as zeroes. The Hourly Sales Interval Report contains sales totals categorized by Card/Cash, inside fuel/non-fuel/combined fuel and non-fuel, outside fuel/non-fuel/combined fuel and non-fuel, and site-wide summary totals. In addition, the report provides void and refund counts, average count, and average dollar amount totals by time interval. Figure 17 on page 48 is a sample of the Hourly Sales Interval Report. Note: Rows that are defined in the sample by indicate a break in the report for easy use. The actual report provides a full calendar day of time intervals. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 47 Hourly Sales Reports Figure 17: Hourly Sales Interval Report Hourly Sales Interval Report Merchant 7300 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC Store 001 OPERATOR NAME: Area Manager OPERATOR ID: 91 SOFTWARE VERSION: X.00.XX.XX HPS REPORT PRINTED July 4. 2009 8:18 AM Hourly Sales Report This report is for statistical information only and must not be used for accounting purposes. Inside Non-Fuel Sales Only Time Card Cnt. Card $ Cash Cnt. Cash $ Total Cnt. Total $ Avg $ Voids Refunds 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM 5 7 8 10 12.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 3 9 10 12 9.00 25.00 28.00 34.00 8 16 88 22 21.00 40.00 48.00 59.00 2.63 2.50 2.67 2.68 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 72.00 34 96.00 20 168.00 2.62 2 1 Inside Fuel Sales only Time Card Cnt. Card $ Cash Cnt. Cash $ Total Cnt. Total $ Avg $ Voids Refunds 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM 2 3 4 5 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 2 3 4 5 10.00 21.00 50.00 60.00 4 6 8 10 40.00 66.00 110.00 135.00 10.00 11.00 13.75 13.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 14 210.00 14 141.00 28 351.00 12.06 0 0 Inside Combination Non-Fuel/Fuel Sales Time 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM Totals Card Cnt. 5 10 12 10 37 Non-fuel$ 12.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 72.00 Fuel $ Cash Cnt. Non-fuel $ Fuel $ Total Cnt. Total $ Avg $ VoidsRefunds 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 210.00 3 9 14 12 0 9.00 25.00 28.00 34.00 96.00 10.00 21.00 50.00 60.00 141.00 8 19 26 22 75 61.00 106.00 158.00 194.00 519.00 7.63 5.58 6.08 8.82 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outside Non-Fuel Sales Only Time Card Cnt. Card $ Cash Cnt. Cash $ Total Cnt. Total $ Avg $ Voids Refunds 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Page 48 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Hourly Sales Reports Outside Fuel Sales Only Time 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM Card Cnt. 10 15 25 35 Card $ 200.00 450.00 500.00 700.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. Total $ 10 200.00 15 450.00 25 500.00 35 700.00 Totals 85 1850.00 0 0.00 85 Avg $ Voids Refunds 20.00 0 0 30.00 0 0 20.00 0 0 20.00 0 0 1850.00 22.50 0 0 Outside Combination Non-Fuel/Fuel Sales Time Card Cnt. Non-fuel$ Fuel $ Cash Cnt. Non-fuel $ Fuel $ Total Cnt. Total $ Avg $ Void Refunds 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Inside/Outside All Sales Types Totals (By Hour) Time 12:00-12:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM 2:00-2:29 AM 2:30-2:59 AM Card Cnt. 0 0 0 0 Card $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. Total $ 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Avg $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Voids 0 0 0 0 Refunds 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 The Hourly Fuel Sales by Grade Report contains fuel sales totals categorized by Grade, Card/Cash, inside fuel, outside fuel, and site-wide summary totals. In addition, the report provides fuel sale void and refund counts, average count, and average dollar amount totals by Grade within each time interval. Figure 18 on page 50 is a sample of the Hourly Fuel Sales by Grade Report. Note: Rows that are defined in the sample by indicate a break in the report for easy use. The actual report provides a full calendar day of time intervals. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 49 Hourly Sales Reports Figure 18: Hourly Fuel Sales by Grade Report Hourly Fuel Sales by Grade Report Merchant 7300 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC Store 001 OPERATOR NAME: Area Manager OPERATOR ID: 91 SOFTWARE VERSION: X.00.XX.XX HPS REPORT PRINTED July 4. 2009 8:18 AM Hourly Sales Report This report is for statistical information only and must not be used for accounting purposes. Inside Fuel Sales by Grade Time 12:00-12:29 AM 12:30-12:59 AM 1:00-1:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM Totals Grade REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM Card Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Card $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Avg $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Voids Refunds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 Card Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Card $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Avg $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Voids Refunds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 Outside Fuel Sales By Grade Time 12:00-12:29 AM 12:30-12:59 AM 1:00-1:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM Grade REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM Totals 0 Combined Inside and Outside Fuel Sales By Grade Time 12:00-12:29 AM 12:30-12:59 AM 1:00-1:29 AM 1:30-1:59 AM Totals Grade REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM REG PRM Card Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Card $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Avg $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Voids Refunds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 Card $ 0.00 0.00 Cash Cnt. 0 0 Cash $ 0.00 0.00 Total Cnt. 0 0 Total $ 0.00 0.00 Avg $ Voids Refunds 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 Grand Totals For All Sales By Grade Grade Card Cnt. REG 0 PRM 0 Page 50 0 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Cashier Workstation Network Functions Cashier Workstation Network Functions The Network Functions screen contains the Network Status window and Network Functions buttons. On this screen, you may view the Network Status and access the following tools: • Batch Close • Credit Pre-Auth • Cash Card Balance Request • E-Mail Accessing Network Functions You can access the Network Functions screen in one of the following ways: • Select the Network Status Indicator when it appears on the message bar (for more information, refer to “Checking the Network Status”). • On the main Cashier Workstation (CWS) screen, select More > Network Functions. Figure 19: CWS Network Functions Screen Checking the Network Status The Network Status tool allows you to view a record of network events, such as PDLs received and communication errors that occurred. The Passport system assigns each network event a severity rating (low, medium, or high). For a list of network events and messages, refer to “Appendix A: Network Events Messages” on page 55. When a new event has occurred and added to the list, an indicator box appears on the message bar. The color of the box indicates the severity rating of the event that occurred. • Green: Low rating • Yellow: Medium rating • Red: High rating MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 51 Cashier Workstation Network Functions If multiple events occurred, the message bar will show a box with the color of the highest-rated event. Figure 20: Checking the Network Status Performing a Batch Close A Network Batch Close may occur automatically after a certain number of transactions. You may also perform a Batch Close at any time outside a sales transaction by selecting Batch Close. You can perform a Batch Close whenever you are not in a sales transaction. On the Network Functions screen, select Batch Close. The message, “Processing Batch Close. Please Wait.” appears on the message bar. The Batch Close Report is available through MWS. The Batch Close Report prints at Shift Close as part of the Shift Report if the user has selected it as part of the Shift Close list of reports in Period Maintenance. Checking Cash Card Balance To find out how much money is available on a Cash Card, proceed as follows. 1 On the Network Functions screen, select Balance Request. 2 Swipe the Cash Card. The balance appears and the Passport system prints a customer receipt with the balance amount. Page 52 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Frequently Asked Questions Pre-authorizing Credit Cards You can pre-authorize Credit Cards to verify if the network accepts the card. 1 On the Network Functions screen, select Credit Pre-Auth. 2 Enter Pre-Auth Amount. This amount must be a whole dollar amount entered in dollars and cents (that is, to pre-authorize the card for $5.00, enter “500”). 3 Swipe the card in the card reader and wait for authorization, or allow the customer to swipe the card. Note: If the card reader cannot read the magnetic stripe on the card, you must enter the Credit Card information manually. A message appears on the CWS stating whether the network approves or declines the card. Receiving E-mail from CWS The Passport system notifies you when it receives an electronic message from the network. The Passport system saves all e-mails for 60 days. Note: You can only receive an e-mail. 1 On the Network Functions screen, select E-mail. The prompt, “Retrieve all of today’s mail?” appears. 2 Select Yes to retrieve all of current day’s mail. Select No to retrieve only the unread mail. The mail prints on the receipt printer. Frequently Asked Questions Q: I think Passport system is not connected to the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network. What must I do? A: Check the Network Status screen. If you use a dial connection and the Network Status screen displays Network Offline, check the phone numbers displayed in MWS > Setup > Network > HPS > Global Info Editor > Connection > Page 2 tab. If the phone numbers are not correct, call the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips Help Desk for assistance. Q: Sometimes when the customer gets the Please See Cashier message at the CRIND, the POS Forecourt displays Invalid CVN Code. What is CVN? A: CVN is Card Verification Number, a series of three or four digits that appear on the face or back of a magnetic stripe card that the credit network may require for security reasons. ConocoPhillips controls which cards require the customer to enter the CVN code through the PDL. If a card requires entry of the CVN code, the customer keys the CVN on the CRIND keypad outside. The Passport system allows the customer three attempts to enter a valid CVN code. If the customer keys a CVN that is not long enough, the CRIND displays the customer message Invalid Length. If the customer does not key in the valid CVN code after three attempts, the CRIND displays the customer message Please See Cashier and cancels the transaction. The cashier message Invalid CVN Code displays in the Diag box in Forecourt for the dispenser the customer used. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 53 Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why is the customer prompted for his ZIP code? A: A message prompting for ZIP code is another security measure used by payment networks. ConocoPhillips controls which cards require the customer to enter his ZIP code through the PDL. If a card requires entry of the ZIP code, the customer enters the ZIP code on the CRIND keypad outside. The Passport system allows the customer three attempts to enter a valid ZIP code. If the customer enters an invalid ZIP code, the CRIND displays the Invalid ZIP Code message. If the customer does not enter in the valid ZIP code after three attempts, the CRIND displays the message Please See Cashier and cancels the transaction. The cashier message Invalid ZIP Code displays in the Diag box in Forecourt for the dispenser the customer used. Q: Before the Passport software network version number was XX.XX.31. The new Passport software version number is 8.03.24. Do I have the right software? A: Unless the site is rebranding, you have the right software. Earlier versions of ConocoPhillips Passport software used a network version of 31. Gilbarco is moving ConocoPhillips under its ADS-Dallas network version number of 24. Page 54 MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Appendix A: Network Events Messages Appendix A: Network Events Messages Message Priority Description Network Connection Offline N/A For Dial locations, this message indicates that no modem connection is present. For UDP (satellite) locations, this message indicates that a previous message expired and the site is waiting for confirmation that the Passport system is connected to the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network. The message clears when the network connection is confirmed or re-established. Unread Mail Pending Low This message indicates that mail has been received and is waiting to be printed. The message clears when the mail is printed. Pending PDL Received Medium This message indicates that a new PDL was received. Perform a Day Close to update the PDL. The message then clears. PDL Error - Call Help Desk Medium This message indicates that the system has attempted to request a PDL from the HPS-Dallas ConocoPhillips network, but has failed. Check the network connection, then call the HPS-Dallas Help Desk and ask that the PDL be re-sent. The message clears when the PDL is successfully downloaded. 70-70-79 Data Error - Call Help Desk Medium This message indicates that a data collect error has occurred. Call the HPS-Dallas Help Desk for help. Fallback File Warning - Call Help Desk Medium This message indicates that the fallback file has 200 or more transactions in it. Check the network connection and call the HPS-Dallas Help Desk for help in clearing transactions. When the network connection is established and the fallback file has less than 200 transactions in it, the message clears. Fallback File Full - Call Help Desk High This message indicates that the fallback file is full. Check the network connection and call the HPS-Dallas Help Desk for help in clearing transactions. When the file is no longer full, the message clears. Terminal in Fallback - Requesting PDL High Issue reported during startup points to an issue with network configuration. You must confirm the values with the network. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010 Page 55 American Express® is a registered trademark of American Express Co. ConocoPhillips® is a registered trademark of ConocoPhillips company. CRIND®, Gilbarco®, G-SITE®, and Passport® are registered trademarks of Gilbarco Inc. FrotiGate® is a registered trademark of Frotinet Inc. Hughes® is a registered trademark of The DIRECTV Group Inc. Linksys® is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems Inc. MasterCard® is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Inc. Veeder-Root® is a registered trademark of Danaher Corporation. Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association. Wright Express® is a registered trademark of Wright Express Financial Services Corporation. © 2010 Gilbarco Inc. 7300 West Friendly Avenue · Post Office Box 22087 Greensboro, North Carolina 27420 Phone (336) 547-5000 · · Printed in the U.S.A. MDE-4859B Passport® V8.03 Network Addendum for HPS-Dallas for ConocoPhillips® · December 2010