SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade {3.58/4) Awarded Category- I by UGC Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) PROGRAMME NAME - B.A., LLB. (HONS) & B.B.A., LLB. (HONS) SEM-1 • October - 2018 ,, l<~- SYMBIOSIS INTE_RNAT~ONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) ;:~ (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. l1..._.1..---'---'-----'----'-----' Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) . ... I p·rogramme Name ·• BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch : 2013-18,2015-20,2016-21, 2017-22.2018-23 Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 Semester: I · Course Name : English Course Code : 0101250101/260101/2~0101 Date : 13/11/2018 Day : Tuesday Maximum Marks : 60 Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm INSTRUCTIONS • • Q.l All questions are c~mpulsory. Figures to the right indicate full ~arks. Answer the following questions with reference to context (any three): 5*3 = 15 a) I pray you, think you question with the Jew? You may as well go stand upon the beach And bid the main flood bate his usual height. You may as well use question with the wolf Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb. You may as well do anything most hard, As seek to soften that-than which what's harder?His Jewish heart. b) No allowance must be made because the accused is a woman. Woman bears the grave responsibility of building up the high values of society. 'Nastri swatantryamarhati '. 'Woman is not fit for independence.' c) I'm not saying anything of the sort. But we all know tµe power of passion of rove; and I would ask you to remember, gentlemen, in listening to her evidence, that, married to a drunken and violent husband, she has no power to get rid of him; for, as you know, another offence besides violence is necessary to enable a woman to obtain a divorce; and of this offence it does not .appear that her husband is guilty. ..2.. • ..2.. d) Be as you will; but bury him. It is noble for me to die doing this. I will lie there with him, loved by the one I love, guilty of the crime of holy reverence. I will have to please those below longer than those here, for there I will lie forever. You, if you like to go on dishonoring the laws honoured by the gods. e) I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself. But life itself, my wife, and all the world Are not with me esteemed above thy life. I would lose all-ay, sacrifice them all Here to this devil-to deliver you. Q.2 Answer the following questions (any three): 5* 3= 15 a) Discuss the significance of literature for law students. Substantiate your answer with the help of any one text that you have studied. b) Discuss the treatment of the theme of adultery in the play 'Justice'. c) What changes do we come across in Ms. Benare as the trial progresses? d) King Creon's love for his kingdom reflects in his cruelty towards his own people. Elucidate. e) In what way is Pecola's wish for blue eyes fulfilled at the end of the story? . Q.3 Answer the fpllowing questions (any three): 10*3 = 30 a) Comment on 'Justice' as a social tragedy. b) How does the triaJ of Ms. Benare end up as a witch hunt? c) Critically examine Pauline' s outlook towards her life and her relationship with her family members. d) Discuss how the trial scene in 'The Merchant of Venice' resolves the conflict between justice and mercy. e) Delineate Joseph K.' s relationship with women. SYMBIOSI~ INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No . ._·I_..._ Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch : 2013-18,2014-19,2015-20, Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 2016-21.2018-23 Semester: I Course Name: Law of Torts including MV Accident and Consumer Protection Laws I Course Code: 0101250102/260102/240102 Date : 15/11/2018 Day : Thursday Maxim um Marks : 60 Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm - ! PARTII Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q. l Mar'ks: 40 The law of tort is almost entirely based on case law that has been developed by the courts over hundreds of years. A number of statutes have extended and changed the common law. Discuss the scope and development of torts in India and how have the Indian Courts evolved the common law principles to suit the Indian needs? OR Q. l The courts will not provide a remedy to a claimant who has been guilty of illegal conduct because it would be an affront to public conscience to do so and might encourage others in illegal activities. On what maxim and principles has this been based. Elucidate with examples and relevant case laws. Q.2 The defendant while driving her car, suddenly becomes convinced that God is taking hold of the steering wheel. As the defendant nears a truck, she increases the accelerator in order to become air-borne as she thinks that God has ordered her to do so. She collides with a truck and injures the plaintiff who was driving it.The Plaintiff sues the defendant for compensation. Will the defendant be permitted to take the plea of insanity under the law of torts? Elucidate with the help of case laws. OR Q.2 Critically examine the development of the law relating to remoteness of damages. Which test is preferred for deciding the question of remoteness of damages? Discuss in detail with the help of case laws. Q.3 Mr. Harvey Bang Bang owns the Shoot Up Gun Store. He strictly instructs his employees not to load guns before demonstrating them to customers. One employee, Ms Annie, is having a hard time selling a gun to .a customer, Mr John. She loads a gun and fires at a target on the wall to impress the customer. She accidently shoots Mr. John's leg off in the process. Will Mr. Harvey be liable for Annie's Negligence? OR Q.3 Write short notes on: a) Minors Liability in Tort b) Statutory Authorities Q.4 ..2 .. Actio personalis moritur cum persona was an unfair practice in the common law system. As long as the maxim was applicable, death of a cattle could be compensated for, but not the death of a human person. Has this situation changed? Explain with relevant examples and case laws. OR Q.4 Explain the ''No Fault Liability" and the "Hit and Run Cases" under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 oftheJJGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. I Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) . Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch. : 2017-22 Programme Code : 010125/010126 Semester: I Course Name: Law of Torts including MV Accident and Consumer Protection Laws I Course Code: 0101250102/260102 Date : 15/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 75 Day: Thursday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm PART II Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q.1 Marks: 45 Ram suffered substantial losses due to his unauthorized banquet hall, located in a residential colony, being selectively sealed in compliance with a resolution passed by his political rivals. Drawing distinction between malice in law and malice in fact, examine whether tortuous liability arises in this case, and locate the principle of torts in this case. Whether Ram will succeed in recovery of damages in his suit against the political rivals? OR Q.1 "A tort is an infringement of right in rem of an individual, giving a right of compensation at the suit of the injured party." Discuss this statement and state how tort differs from a crime and breach of contract. Q.2 What is the role of the concept of foreseeability in the context of remoteness of damage and subsequently to impose liability on the defendant. Critically ana.lyse with relevant case laws. OR Q.2 In what circumstances will a employer be liable for his employees? Do you think the principle of vicarious liability is justifiable? Q.3 The Supreme Court has a number of times held that the Motor Vehicles Act is a welfare legislation and the interpretation of the provisions of law is required to be made so as to help the victim. Critically analyze with the help of relevant cases. OR Q.3 Write Short notes on: a) Egg Shell Skull Rule b) Capacity to sue and be sued for Husband and Wife and Corporations 7 ,. SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED ·UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of foe UGC Act 1956) RP-g~crttiited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No.I Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Bons.)/BBALLB(Bons.) Batch : 2013-18,2015-20,2016-21 Programme Code: 010123/010124/010125/010126 Semester: I Course Name : Jurisprudence (Legal Method, Indian Legal System and Basic Theory of Law) Course Code: 0101250103/260103/240103 Date: 17/11/2018 Maximum Marks: 60 Day : Saturday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm PART II Marks:40 Instructions • . AU questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Q. l How does judicial precedent act as a source of law? Discuss the different types of precedents and distinguish between them. OR Q. l What is a custom? What are the different types of custom? Discuss the merits and demerits of custom as a source oflaw. Q.2 What is legislation? What are the merits and demerits of legislation as source of law? Differentiate between legislation and precedent as a source of law. · OR Q.2 Discuss the social contract theory. Q.3 "Object oflaw is justice."- Salmond. Illustrate. What is "legal justice"? How is it different from "natural justice"? What are the advantages and disadvantages of "legal justice"? OR Q.3 Write short notes on the following: · a) Alternative dispute resolution mechanism b) Importance of legal research Q.4 What is jurisdi9tion? What are the different types of jurisdiction? Discuss the hierarchy of.Judicial system in India ac~ording to the jurisdiction allocated to them respectively. OR Q.4 Write short notes on the following: a) Principles of natural justice · b) Functions of law SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED "UNIVERSITY) (EstiiJ;,lished under section 3 of the- UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. lL--...L.---'-1---L--'--__.__ Name of the Institute: SLS (Pone) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010125/010126 · Batch : 2018-23 Semester: I Course Name : Law of Contract Course Code: 0101250103/260103 Date: 17/11/2018 Maximum Marks: 60 Day : Saturday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm PARTII Marks: 40 Instr.:dfons • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Q.l Explain the rule relating to acceptance under English law and Indian law. Also discuss the rules relating to acceptance in instantaneous modes of communication with the help of suitable cases and examples. OR Q.1 Whether intention is a pre-requisite to enter into a contract in Inqia and England. Explain with the help of case laws. Q.2 What are unlawful agreements? When the illegality of object & consideration makes an agreement void? Explain with the help of ease laws. OR Q.2 'Mistake vitiates the consent of the parties and makes the contract void.' Explain and discuss in detail the law relating to Mistake under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Q.3 Explain in detail the consequences of a Minor's contract under English law and Indian law with the help of cases. OR Q.3 'X' contracted to buy a Hillman car from a car dealer, but ultimately refused the performance. The car was sold to another buyer within a week from the refusal. The car dealer sued 'A' for loss of profits. Decide the liability of 'X'. Explain in detail the law relating to payment of compensation in cases of breach of contract. Q. 4 Write short note on (Any two) a) Quasi Contract. b) Anticipatory breach of contract and its effect. c) Circumstances in which the specific performance may be granted by the Court under Specific Relief Act, 1963. d) Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings. \ ., SYM8IOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIYERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. l.___.__.,___-'-'-I_...____.__~ Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010125/010126 Batch : 2017-22 Semester: l Course Name: Law of Contracts Course Code : 0101250103/260102 Date: 17/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 75 Day : Saturday Time: 9.30 am to 12.00 pm Marks:45 PART II Instructions • Q.1 All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks What do you understand by 'capacity to contract'? Also discuss the effect of agreements made by persons not qualified to contract? OR Q.1 'A contract, the consent of which is induced by misrepresentation or fraud is voidable at the option of the deceived ·· party'. Elucidate with the help of relevant cases and provisions. Also, point out the difference between fraud and misrepresentation and remedies. Q.2 Discuss with the help of relevant cases, the validity of agreements which are in restraint of legal proceedings under Indian Contract Act, 1872. OR Q.2 What are standard form of contracts? Discuss the binding nature of such contracts. Q.3 Short Notes (Any Two): a) Wagering Agreements b) Types oflnjunction c) Doctrine of Privity of contract d) Doctrine of Frustration SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED lJNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC wtrn 'A' Grade ( · Seat No.I Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune} Batch : 2015-20,2016-21,2017-22, 2018-23 Programme Code : 010125 . Semester : I Course Name : History I: History of Law & Legal Institutions in Ancient & Medieval India l'rogramme .Name : BAJ...LB(Hons.) Course Code : 0101250104 Date : 20/11/2018 Maximum Marks: 60 Day : Tuesday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm • PART II Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q.l Marks: 40 Explain the nature, origin and development of the State in Ancient India. OR Q.1 Evaluate the King as the final source of all the executive, legislature and judicial powers in Ancient India. Q.2 How did villages continued to remain as a vital part of administration in Ancient India? OR Q.2 Critically analyze the Status and position of Women in Ancient India. Q.3 Critically evaluate the Judiciary system in Ancient India. OR Q.3 Explain the contributions ofKrishnadevaraya and Ramachandrapanta Amatya on State and Society. Q.4 · Estimate the Kingship and Administration of Delhi Sultanate. OR Q.4 Describe the administrative structure under the Mughals. (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) • Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade I_...____.___,___.....__.___ Seat No .... Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BBALLB(Hons.) Batch : 2018-23 Programme Code: 010126 Semester: I Course Name : Business Studies Course Code: 0101260104 Date : 20/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 45 Day : Tuesday Time : 9.30 am to 11.00 am - -~ =-=:ii ~ -- --·· , PARTU instructions • All questions are compulsory • Q. No 1 to Q. No 3 carry 10 Marks each and Q. No 4 carries 5 Marks each. Q. l Training process moulds the thoughts of employees and leads to quality performance of employees in the organisation. Do you agree.Yes or No. Discuss with reasons. OR Q.1 What do you mean by business? List the objectives of business in the context of economic and social objectives? Q.2 "Well planned is half done". Do you agree with the stated phrase? Yes or No. State with reasons OR Q.2 Q.3 Discuss the functional, divisional and matrix structure of an organisation? What do you mean by controlling? Discuss the steps involved in the process of . · controlling? OR Q.3 What do you mean by business risk? Discuss the role of profit in business? Q.4 Discuss-any one a) Limitations of sole proprietorship b) Functions of Retail trade >J .a. .1.•.a.~.&.'-'>J.&.>J .a..1., .A.,JL,i.A.~'11£1.A...l.'-'l.'11£"1.L.I \.A.J.a.:J.a.:J.LT.A..a.:J.A.J <U.L'll..a. 1' .a.:J.A.'-U.A..A. (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. .A.) I.,. Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name: BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010126 Semester: I Course Name : Introduction to Business Studies Course Code : 0101260104 Date : 20/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Tuesday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm - J • PART II Marks :40 Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Q.l What is Business Risk? Explain different types of Business risks with examples. OR Q.1 Write notes on: a) Public Sector b) Co-operative societies Q.2 What is Internal/Home trade? Explain the importance of retail and wholesale trade. Q.2 What is Management? Draw and explain the levels of Managerial hierarchy. Q.3 What is Strategy? Explain the importance of Strategy and the levels of strategy. OR Q.3 Draw and explain the functional and divisional organizational structures. What is Matrix organizational structure? · Q.4 Explain formal and informal communication. Write a note on barriers to effective communication. OR Q.4 What is Training and Development? Explain the methods of training. Give examples. SYMBIOSIS lNTJtRNATIONAL (UEElVlEU UNI V .l:tfilSll l'.J (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat - No.I.____.___.!_..___.____,__ Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) F,o~HUlllU'C Name : oALLo(i:luus.) Programme Code: 010125 Semester: I Course Name : Sociology Course Code: 0101250105 Maximum Marks : 60 . Date : 22/11/2018 Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm Day : Thursday ··r • - ,, PART II Marks: 40 Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q. l Explain the difference between Sociological Research Method in Case study & Questionnaire Method. OR Q. l What is Socialisation? Explain the interrelation between culture & civilization. Q.2 Elaborate on August Comte and Emile Durkhiems Sociological thoughts as pioneers of sociology, OR Q.2 Explain the meaning of the concept of marriage. Describe in detail the various types of marriage in_ lndifl with examples. Q.3 Define class. Illustrate on nature and characteristics of class. OR Q.3 What are the various rural problems and development programmes for rural community oflndia? Q.4 Define social change. Analyze the theories of social change. OR Q.4 Explain in detail the sociology of legal profession & significance of legal. actors in bringing social change. _~ · SYMBIOSIS IN:~:::~,~:~~,~~~:~: UNIVERSITY) / 111 . Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade I -----_---__ s_e_at_N_o_·=='=:::::::=-.-'--__ _ __\t_,jf,,_~"_'IClfl_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010125 Course Name: Sociology Batch : _2015-20,2016-21 Semester: I Course Code : 0101250105 Date: 22/11/2018 Day : Thursday N Maximum Marks: 60 Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm • PART II Marks: 40 1nstrucnons • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q. l Define Sociology. Illustrate the Sociological Thought by Karl Marx & Comte. OR Q.l Illustrate in detail various types of Structure. Q.2 What is 'Urban'? Explain the characteristics of' Urban' in brief. • .• OR Q.2 What is 'Society'? Elucidate some sociological approaches to law by Durkheim & Max Weber. Q.3 Attempt a functional analysis of Religion & its importance in modem society. OR Q.3 Define the term "Juvenile Delinquency". Explain the legislation for Juvenile Delinquency. Q.4 What is 'Revolution'? Analyze the various causes of Movement. OR Q.4 Discuss in brief various Means of Social Control. SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DE]~~MED l]NIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. I Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) ri vgl ~IUWI: :i',ame: BisALL.lilHODS,) Programme Code : 010126 Batch : 2015-20,2017-22,2018-23 Semester: I Course Name : Business Accounting Course Code : 0101260105 L Date : 22/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Thursday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm • Marks: 40 nstructions .-. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks • Use of calculators is allowed Record the following transactions in the proper subsidiary books of Mr. Mehta & take their totals: 2018 April 1 1 2 3 8 10 10 12 12 15 17 18 20 20 25 28 29 30 Rs. Opening balance of cash 2,000 Sold goods to Ram Bros. on credit 1,100 Paid Mr Imran by cash 500 Purchased stationery for office use for cash 100 Purchased from Mr. Imran on credit subject to 10% trade Discount 1,400 Paid advertising charges by cash 300 Returned goods of catalougue price of Rs.140 out of Goods purchased on the 8th April Sold goods to Ram Bros. Rs. 1,600 on credit subject to 5 % Trade discount Cash sales to Hegde 800 Received from Ram Bros. by cash 1,140 Paid printing charges by cash 150 Goods returned by Ram Bros. 200 Sold goods to Hindustan Traders on credit 1,500 Purchased goods on credit from Divya Enterprises 950 Bought furniture from Ashwin Traders on credit 500 Goods worth Rs. 250 were taken for private use. Cash purchases of goods 850 Hindust_an Traders returned goods 250 OR Q. l Write short notes on the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Debit note & credit note Bank overdraft Trial Balance Depreciation Outstanding expenses ..2 .. ,, .. 2 .. · Q.2 From the following balances of Ajay, prepare Trial Balance as on 31 st March 2018. Particulars Amount Rs. Particulars Amount Rs. Opening stock Drawings Prepaid Insuran:::e Creditors Sales Bank Overdraft Wages Trading Expenses Rent Royalty paid Carriage Outward Sales Returns Discount Received Commission Received 22,600 10,000 885 40,625 60,000 24,000 7,000 900 3,560 6,000 2,400 · 1,000 2,000 4,000 Capital Furniture Debtors Purchases Plant & Machinery Investments Salaries Land & Building Reserve for bad debts Postage & Telegrams Purchase Returns Discount Allowed Rent Received 1,50,000 30,000 · 35,000 28,500 25,000 34,000 10,500 70,000 3,000 1,780 4,500 500 1,500 OR Q.2 Journalise the following transactions in the books of Mr. Patkar for the month of September 2018: 2018 Sept l.Mr. Patkar started business with own Cash Rs.2,50,000, Motorvan Rs. 2,75,000, & Loan taken from his brother Anand Rs.2,50,000 in cash. 2. Deposited cash in Bank Rs. 3,75,000 5. Placed an order with Sheikh & Co. for purchase of goods, delivery to be received after one month Rs. 75,000. 8. Purchased goods on credit from Mr, Rohit Agarwal Rs.55,000 at 10% trade discount. 9. Sold goods to Mr. Radhaswami Rs. 75,000 at 5% trade discount & 2% cash discount on credit. 10. Goods worth Rs. 10,000 were given to an orphanage as donations. 11. Recovered Rs. 2,500 from Sunil & sons in cash which were earlier written off as bad debts. 12. Received interest from Bank Rs.2,500 13. Purchased furniture from Deo Bros. Rs.50,000 & half the amount was paid in cash right away. 14. There was a robbery in the godown & uninsured goods worth Rs. 6,000 were stolen overnight. ..3 .. .. ..3.. Q.3 From the following information prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31 st Dec. 2017 in the Books of Mr. X. Rs. 1. Balance as per Cash Book 23,100 2. Cheques issued before 31-12-~017 but not presented for payment 5,500 3. Interest on Overdraft Rs. 300 debited by Bank was not adjusted in the Books of Mr. X 4. Cheques deposited by Mr. X into the Bank but not credited by the Bank till 31-12-2017 8,600 5. Amount deposited by a customer in the Bank Account of Mr. X without informing him 1,800 . . 6. Interest on Government securities collected and credited by the Bankers without informing X 1,000 OR Q.3 From the following particulars of Mr. Mehta prepare a Cash Book with Cash & Bank columns & balance the same. 2017 January 1 Balance of cash in hand Rs. 50,000 and at Bank Rs. 10,000. 2 9 Received a cheque from Mr.Shah Rs. 1,550 in full settlement of Rs. 1,600. Paid cash into Bank Account Rs. 15,000. 10 Paid by cheque to Mr. Patel Rs. 3,500 / 12 Received for cash sales Rs. 3,500 in cash .and Rs. 5,000 by cheque. 13 Drew for father's medical treatment Rs. 5,000 by ch~que. 14 Cheque issued on 10th January 2017 to Mr. Patel was dishonoured. 15 Cheque received on 12th -was deposited in Bank. 17 Received interest on investment Rs. 800 and paid the same into bank. 25 Drew two cheques for petty cash and office use Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively. 30 Cash in excess of Rs. 10,000 should be deposited in the bank. Q.4 What is the meaning of Accounting concepts? What is their importance? Name any eight conce_ots & explain them in detail giving suitable examples. OR ..4.. ..4 .. · . Q .4 From the following Trial Balance of Shri. Dev you are requested to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Ale for the year ended 31 st March 2018 and a Balance Sheet as on that date after taking into account the adjustments given. Trial Balance Particulars Dr. Rs. Capital Cr. Rs. 33,000 Drawings 2,445 Stockon 1-4-2017 20,000 Bill Receivable 2,500 Purchases 27,500 Sales 45,000 Bills Payable 6,000 Sales Returns 500 Purchase Returns 450 Plant & Machinery 10,000 Furniture & Fixtures 2,500 Patents 2,500 Sundry Debtors & Creditors 12,500 Cash at Bank 12,755 Wages 1,900 Salaries 1,750 Rates & Taxes 750 Insurance 300 Printing & Stationery 200 Carriage Outwards 14,000 350 - ., 98,450 98A50 _ .. 5.. , ..5 .. Adjustments 1. Depreciate Plant & Machinery by 10% and Patents by 15%. 2. Provide for Bad & Doubtful Debts at 5% on Sundry Debtors. 3. Prepaid Insurance Rs. 75. 4. Outstanding Expenses a) Salaries Rs. 250. b) Wages Rs. 100. c) Printing & Stationery Rs. 50. st 5. Stock on 31 March 2018 Rs. 13,000. 6. Shri. Dev has taken goods worth Rs. ·500 for his personal use. No entry has been passect'in the Books. :S l'. lVl.HlU~l~ 11'1 I ~Kl"IA l lUl'IAL t1.1.r..r.1nr.,.u un1. v r.-n.:::n 1. (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act I 956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade . I' • .' . ..- Seat No. 1 J .-·- ~ - . . - - - - ~ - ~ - I Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Progrl:\JUTJl.P Nl\in~ ! B'RAT.l ,8 I Programme Code : 010124 Semester: I Course Name : Accounting I Course Code: 0101240105 Date : 22/11/2018 Maximum Marks: 60 Day : Thursday· Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm PART II Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks • Use of calculator is allowed. Q. l Marks: 40 Journalise the following transactions in the Journal of' Amitkumar'for the month of September 2018 September 2.He started business with Cash Rs.15,000. Goods Rs. 4,000, Machinery Rs.10,000 5. Paid into the United Western Bank Ltd. Rs. 10,000. 7. Purchased goods from Kishor Kumar.Rs.8,000 at 10% T.D. on credit. 9. Sold goods to Rajkumar on credit Rs.5,000. 15. Paid salary Rs.300, Rs.200 by cheque and Rs.100 by cash. 1t Drew from Bank for personal use Rs. 700. 25. Paid cash to Pradipkumar Rs.500 on behalf of Anupkumar. 26. Paid for repairs & maintenance Rs. 10,000 by cash. 28. Received commission by cheque Rs.5,000. 30. Goods distributed as free samples Rs.2,500 OR Q. l Write short notes on the following: a) Drawings of a Proprietor/Partner b) Trial Balance c) Concept of materiality d) Goods e) Credit Note Q.2 Write a detailed note giving suitable examples on "Distinguish between Trade Discount & Cash Discount" OR ..2 .. ..2.. Q .2 From the following prepare a Trial Balance as on 31 st March 2018. Rs. Particulars Mr. Patel's Capital 17,500 Mr Patel's Drawings 4,250 Purchases 11,500 Purchases Returns 1,000 Rent (Cr.) 850 Rates & Taxes 100 Sales Returns 750 : ,. Bad Debts . 400 Furniture & Fittings 1,500 Plant & Machinery 2,400 Goodwill 5,000 Cash at Bank 2,600 27,000 Sales Stock (01-04-2017) Carriage 3,750 500 .,, Salaries 1,750 Rent (Dr.,) 600 General Expenses 1,500 Discount received 50 Sundry Creditors 3,600 Discount allowed 100 2,600 Cash in hand Sundry Debtors - 10,700 , .. 3 .. .. 3 .. Q.3 Journalise the following transactions in the books of Mis Salil Associates for the month of October 2018: 1. Mr. Salil started business with cash Rs. 50,000 and Bank balance of Rs. 20,000 2. Purchased furniture Rs. 3,050 and a Computer Rs.13,500. Payment was cheque. 3. Purchased goods from Mis Kamat & Sons on credit Rs. 6,500. 4. Sold goods on credit to M./s Naik and Co. ofRs.2,800. 5. Deposited Rs. 10,000 in Bank. 6. Uninsured goods worth Rs. 5,500 were destroyed by fire. 7. Entered in a rent agreement went landlord Mr. Shah. 8. Paid electricity bill by cheque Rs.1,200. 9. Received interest from Bank Rs. l 000 10. Paid for advertisement by cash Rs.2,500 OR Q.3 Q.4 From the following transactions prepare Salmart's Account in the ledger of Ajay for the month of January 2018 01.01.18 Credit balance in Salman's account Rs. 5,400 08.01.18 Purchased goods from Salman's Rs. 3,000 17.01.18 Returned goods to Salman Rs. 400 31.01.18 Paid to Salman Rs. 3,200 on account by cheque & discount given by Salman Rs. 200 Write a detailed note on classification of accounts. Also explain.the three rules of Bookkeeping in context of the three types of accounts. OR Q.4 From the following Trial balance extracted from the books of Shri. Savant as on 31 stMarch, 2018 prepare his final accounts as on 31 -3-2018, after taking into consideration the adjustments given below the Trial Balance. ..4 .. • ..4 .. Particulars Dr.Rs. Cr. Rs. - Sundry Creditors 92,000 Rent 2,400 Cash at Bank 6,000 Cash in hand 2,800 Opening Stock 32,000 Bad Debts 2,000 Discounts 800 2,000 Purchases & Sales 2,20,000 3,36,000 Carriage outwards 7,200 Plant & Machinery 40,000 Sales Returns 16,000 Purchases Returns 8,000 Carriage inwards 2,000 Furniture & Fixtures 24,000 Insurance & Office expenses Salaries , 6,000 12,000 Bills Receivable 24,000 Drawings 24,000 Wages 24,000 Provision for Doubtful Debts 4,000 Capital 1,00,000 Sundry Debtors 80,000 Commission 16,800 5,42,000 5,42,000_ --- ..5.. .. ..5.. Adjustments 1. Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 10% and furniture & fixtures at 5%. 2. Insurance prepaid Rs. 500. 3. Outstanding Salary Rs. 2,000 and outstanding rent Rs. 400. 4. Maintain R.D.D. at 6% on debtors. 5. Closing Stock Rs. 40,000/-. l SYMBlUSlS ll'iTEKNATlUNAL lUEElVl~U Ul~l V ..l!,K~ll IJ (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC witl<-'A' Grade Seat No. Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) ..... BATT..._,....,. . .,. ,.. B ,,...,.., ) ri·ograuune 'l.~ 1... a111e : LLntt·toils.)' /B'°' oALL trions. .:; l.___...._---J._...J-_~_,__ Hatch : 2Uiis-LJ Programme Code : 010125/010126 Semester : I Course Name : Indian Legal System, Legal Methods and Research Methods Course Code: 0101250106/260106 Date : 24/11/2018 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Saturday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm J • PART II Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q.1 Marks: 40 How does Positive School of Law define Law? What are the attributes of John Austin's definition of law? Discuss its practical application in today's times. OR Q. l Explain the meaning of Ratio Decidendi. How is it distinguished from Obiter Dicta? Discuss with examples the Good Hart te_st with examples that is used to determine the ratio of a judicial decision. Q.2 What is the meaning of Private Law? How is it different from Public Law? Discuss · the various kinds of public Law and their respective scope. OR Q.2 What is the Plain Meaning Rule oflnterpretation? In what situation can the Plain Meaning rule of Interpretation be departed from? Substantiate with cases. Q.3 Discuss the structure oflndian Judiciary. Enumerate the various jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the Indian Constitution. OR Q.3 Discuss the doctrine of Separation of Powers in India with relevant case laws. Q.4 Write short notes on: a) Difference between Precedent and Legislation as sources of Law b)ADR OR Q.4 What is Legal Aid? What is the rationale for provision for legal aid? How is this idea enunciated in the Indian Constitution? Also discuss who is entitled to Legal aid as per the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987. ,, SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) ------------- ; - ..__ __ ~·A (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. l.______,____.I_ - __.___._ _.__ Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch : 2017-22 Programme Code : 010125/010126 Semester: I Course Name : Indian Legal System, Legal Methods and Legal Research Course Code : 0101250106/260106 Date : 24/11/2018 Maximum Marks: 60 Day : Saturday Time : 9.30 am to 12.00 pm J PART II Marks: 40 Instructions • All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Q. l How does Positive School of Law define Law? What are the attributes of John Austin's definition of law? Discuss its practical application in today's times. OR Q. l. Explain the meaning of Ratio Decidendi. How is it distinguished from Obiter Dicta? Discuss with examples the Good Hart test with examples that is used to determine the ratio of a judicial decision. Q.2 What is the meaning of Private Law? How is it different from Public Law? Discuss the various kinds of public Law and their respective scope. OR Q.2 What is the Plain Meaning Rule of Interpretation? In what situation can the Plain Meaning rule of Interpretation be departed from? Snbstantiate with cases. Q.3 Discuss the structure oflndian Judiciary. Enumerate the various jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the Indian Constitution. OR Q.3 Discuss the doctrine of Separation of Powers in India with relevant case laws. Q.4 Write short notes on: a) Difference between Precedent and Legislation as sources of Ul:w b)ADR OR Q.4 What is Legal Aid? What is the rationale for provision for legal aid? How is this idea enunciated in the Indian Constitution? Also discuss who is entitled to Legal aid as per the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.