14727714 Nutrition for Health and Performance SR4S010 Literature Review – Creatine Word count: 2727 1|Page 14727714 Creatine is a well-researched dietary supplement which is a non-protein, nitrogenous compound (Buford et al,. 2007). It was discovered by French scientist Michel Chevrul whom extracted a substance, now known as creatine, from skeletal muscle in 1832 (Balsom et al., 1994). Due to the area of the body in which it was discovered, the word “creatine” derives from the Greek word “kreas” meaning “meat” (Feldman, 1999). Literature states the association of muscular work and the accumulation of creatine was noticed by Lieberg in the mid-1800s, where the meat in chased wild fox had higher creatine stores than within captive foxes (Balsom et al., 1994). Proceeding into the early twentieth century, speculations were made on creatine being stored within the body, where creatine ingested was more than what was excreted in urine (Seecof et al., 1934; Balsom et al., 1994). In this time period, a phosphorus compound named phosphocreatine was observed in cat skeletal muscle, where Fiske and Subbarow found that with electrical stimulation, phosphocreatine disappeared then gradually regained to its previous levels (Demant and Rhodes, 1999; Cupp and Tracy, 2003). The general understanding of creatine has drastically improved, where it is known that approximately 95% of creatine is stored within skeletal muscle, with small amounts found in the brain and testes (Buford et al., 2007). These stores are two-thirds phosphocreatine, with the remaining being stored as free creatine (Balsom et al,. 1994). Creatine can be synthesised within the body, involving amino acids in the liver and kidneys, or it could be consumed primarily through meat and seafood or via supplementation (Wyss and Daouk, 2000; Brosnan and Brosnan, 2016). 2|Page 14727714 Rationale Creatine supplementation become popular after the 1992 Olympic Games and is now widely used among recreational and professional athletes (Trexler and Smith-Ryan, 2015; Close et al., 2016). It is established that creatine is beneficial for high-intensity anaerobic activities, especially in the form of repeated bouts of physical activity (Kreider et al., 2017). Optimal doses of creatine for physical performance most likely will not be attained through dietary sources, especially in vegetarian and vegan diets (Rogerson, 2017; Balestrino and Adriano, 2019). Therefore, it may be of interest to highlight whether these population types would respond differently to non-vegetarians. In brief, purpose for creatine consumption is to increase phosphocreatine levels to postpone fatigue, enhance performance and recovery (Wallimann et al,. 2011). These aspects and many others have been comprehensively researched by institutions such as the International Society of Sports Nutrition [ISSN] (Kreider et al., 2017). The aim of this review is to approach the research of creatine with the intentions of providing a rationale for its consumption by strength athletes. It will highlight the reasons why creatine has been denoted as most beneficial for anaerobic-based sports by exploring the phosphocreatine system, the biological mechanisms in which creatine influences, the evaluation of the evidence base surrounding the ergogenic value of creatine, risks, the optimal protocol in supplementing creatine and any potential health benefits. 3|Page 14727714 Discussion The Creatine Phosphate (PCr) Energy System (276) As an introduction to the PCr energy system, it is often referred to as the immediate energy system that supplies energy through anaerobic processes, and is predominant in explosive physical activity, which involves fast-twitch muscle fibres contracting for maximal strength and power (Casey and Greenhaff, 2000). Inherently, the PCr energy system is generally available for ten seconds, with it taking around thirty seconds of complete rest to regenerate around half of previous phosphagen stores and between three to five minutes for full replenishment (Morton, 2008). In regards to the reactions that comprise the PCr system, there is the creatine kinase, adenylate kinase and the adenosine monophosphate deaminase reaction which are illustrated in figure 1 (Baker et al., 2010). Figure 1 – The combined reactions that make the creatine phosphate energy system (Baker et al., 2010). In the creatine kinase and adenylate kinase reactions, there is production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy molecule within the body that supplies various cellular and fundamental processes for cell homeostasis (Ferreira-Guimaraes, 2014). Returning to the idea that having sufficient availability of phosphocreatine, possibly 4|Page 14727714 through supplementation, is essential for its optimal effects in strength athletes. This can be demonstrated in the creatine kinase reaction particularly because it involves phosphocreatine within the reaction and that this reaction has a much larger capacity for ATP regeneration in comparison to the adenylate kinase reaction (Baker et al., 2010). During high-intensity activity, phosphocreatine is broken down to form ATP through the pairing of a phosphate molecule to an adenosine diphosphate molecule, this reaction also produces free energy through hydrolysis, therefore acting as a buffer for the resynthesis of ATP, thus providing energy for muscular contraction (Wallimann et al., 2011; Schlattner et al., 2016). This paired with the knowledge that a normal diet consists of around one to two grams of creatine per day, muscle creatine stores are between 60 to 80% saturated, showing that supplementation of creatine could allow for increases of 20 to 40% in muscle creatine stores, thus more availability of creatine and phosphocreatine (Kreider et al., 2017). 5|Page 14727714 Biological Mechanisms behind the Potential Benefits of Creatine (334) Higher muscle availability of creatine and phosphocreatine allows for more rapid ATP regeneration between exercise bouts and also delays the time in which phosphocreatine stores become depleted (Cooper et al., 2012). This delay in depletion could equate to less dependence on the glycolytic system during intense exercise, which would be beneficial to reducing muscular fatigue. An explanation to this is that the process of glycolysis leads to metabolic factors such as hydrogen ions and inorganic phosphates which play a role in muscular fatigue (Wan et al., 2017). It is known that exercise-induced muscular acidosis is due to an accumulation of hydrogen ions, which leads to reductions in muscular force (Metzger and Moss, 1990). In addition, prolonged intense exercise leads to increased inorganic phosphates which impair myofibrillar performance, contributing to decreased muscular activation (Allen and Trajanovska, 2012). It is explained that creatine supplementation reduces reliance of the glycolytic system through inhibition of the activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway (Ponticos et al., 1998), which is consistent with the role of AMPK being a sensor of cellular energy status (Schimmack et al., 2006). It is suggested that due to decreases in the concentration of phosphocreatine, it may be key to regulation of AMPK in short exercise bouts. This has been demonstrated in an animal study, where transport-stressed chickens were given creatine, which revealed reductions in glycolysis within the pectoral muscle (Zhang et al., 2017). In terms of the influence of creatine supplementation on protein synthesis, it is still unclear what mechanisms would be active to cause an effect (Farshidfar et al., 2017). It is speculated that cellular swelling can increase the strain on the sarcolemma, stimulating protein synthesis (Farup et al., 2015). Although a speculation, it does have a suitable rationale for the water retention effect of creatine. This has been tested, where there is no proof of 6|Page 14727714 creatine supplementation effecting protein synthesis and degradation (Louis et al., 2003) however, cellular swelling may be just one factor that is responsible for changes in protein synthesis. Other factors could be shown within the process of forming muscle, where creatine supplementation increases expression of mRNA for insulinlike growth factor, resulting in increased satellite cell activation (Hespel et al., 2001; Deldicque et al., 2005). This evidence indicates the effects of creatine are multifactorial towards changes in protein synthesis. 7|Page 14727714 Ergogenic Value of Creatine Supplementation for Sports Performance (526) It has been established for many years that there is a positive relationship between exercise performance and creatine uptake (Casey and Greenhaff, 2000). With reference to the biological mechanisms that creatine supplementation influences, the main contribution to improvements in physical activity comes from the higher availability of creatine which allows for more work done during training. Currently, there are vast amounts of evidence to show that long-term creatine supplementation leads to greater improvements in gaining strength and muscle mass, leading to improved exercise capacity and training adaptations (Kreider et al., 2017). This is shown throughout the age range, from adolescents, young adults and the elderly (Tarnopolsky, 2000; Juhasz et al., 2009; Claudino et al., 2014). Moreover, earlier research of the ergogenic value of creatine were somewhat conflicted, where some studies reported no benefits of creatine supplementation on exercise performance (Snow et al., 1998; Gilliam et al., 2000; Finn et al., 2001). This could be explained by the type of study, where all employ a cross-sectional design which prevents the opportunity for all participants to receive treatment as would in a crossover design. In addition, other factors could be small sample sizes (Snow et al., 1998), repeated bouts of maximal-intensity exercise with a small recovery periods (Gilliam et al., 2000; Finn et al., 2001) or factors that could have an effect, but are not apparent being non-responders, gender and age. In regards to gender, the majority of creatine research has been conducted in men, despite this it is suggested that men see a larger gain in strength and muscle hypertrophy than women (Johannsmeyer et al., 2016). This may be due to muscle protein catabolism potentially being gender 8|Page 14727714 specific, where indicators of muscle protein catabolism in urine decreased within males who supplemented creatine but not females (Parise et al., 2001; Johannsmeyer et al., 2016). In addition, resting muscle creatine stores may be higher in women, therefore they may not responding to supplementation as well although, generally responders possess more type II muscle fibres (Tarnopolsky, 2000; Cooper et al., 2012). In terms of strength, systematic reviews of upper and lower-limb strength reveal that creatine has beneficial effects in exercise that is less than three-minutes in duration, with improvements in compound exercises shown in the bench press and squat at 5.3% and 8% respectively, with creatine supplementation (Lanhers et al., 2015; Lanhers et al., 2016). In regard to sports performance, the ISSN provides a list of creatine benefits and which sports could benefit including increased phosphocreatine benefitting track or swim sprinting, increased phosphocreatine resynthesis being advantageous for basketball, field hockey and volleyball, with reduced muscle acidosis aiding downhill skiing, water sports such as rowing, combat sports such as MMA, with increased body mass or muscle mass improving American football, bodybuilding, track/field events such as javelin and discus (Kreider et al., 2017). Regarding increases in body mass, an interesting study examined the effects of heavy resistance training alongside creatine supplementation in vegetarian and non-vegetarian, resistance trained men and women over eight-weeks (Burke et al., 2008). In comparison, the creatine group gained 2.2kg where the isocaloric-placebo gained 0.6kg, with the vegetarian group gaining the largest amount of lean mass compared to non-vegetarian by 2.4 to 1.9kg, respectively. A review states that vegetarian diets, or even more restricted diets such as veganism, may find the greatest increases in 9|Page 14727714 creatine stores with supplementation where pre-existing creatine stores would be low, dependant on the time the diet has been followed (Kaviani et al., 2020). Due to the reported benefits, creatine supplementation has been regarded as the most effective ergogenic aid since 2007 by the ISSN, and later by the American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM] (Buford et al., 2007; Thomas et al., 2016). 10 | P a g e 14727714 Protocol for Creatine Supplementation (351) Throughout the literature, the most common researched form of creatine is creatinemonohydrate (Kreider et al., 2017). In order for increased creatine muscle stores, it is advised to start with a loading phase of five to seven days consuming approximately 0.3 grams per kilogram of body mass separated throughout the day, or around 5 grams, four times daily (Hultman et al., 1996; Kreider et al., 2017). This loading-phase will allow for muscle creatine stores to become fully saturated. Following this, maintenance of creatine stores is required where a general recommendation is to ingest 3 to 5 grams daily with some exceptions of larger individuals potentially needing up to 10 grams per day (Kreider et al., 2017). Alternatively, a loading-phase is not necessary to reach saturation of muscle creatine stores, where consumption of 3 grams per day for 28 days is suffice (Hultman et al., 1996). However, this is less effective compared to the loading method, where stores during loading saturate more quickly and thus, more time for the benefits of saturated creatine stores. The cessation of creatine ingestion whilst creatine stores are at full capacity, would generally take 4 to 6-weeks for creatine stores to reach baseline, with no evidence to suggest long term use supresses’ endogenous creatine synthesis, therefore there is no need to cycle on and off of creatine (Hultman et al., 1996; Kim et al., 2011). It can be of use to know that dietary or supplementary components could enhance or hinder the performance benefits associated with creatine. The ISSN state the consistency of findings that show ingestion of carbohydrates or carbohydrates and protein alongside creatine consumption will allow greater retention however, acute effects do not impact performance of anaerobic Wingate tests but long-term 11 | P a g e 14727714 carbohydrate-protein and creatine combined allows for greater muscle hypertrophy (Cribb et al., 2007; Kreider et al., 2017; Theodorou et al., 2017). Additionally, supplementing β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) alongside creatine-monohydrate has been reviewed, with some evidence to show that three-ten grams creatine with three grams HMB could provide greater improvements in strength, anaerobic performance and body-composition instead of consuming either on its own (Landa et al., 2019). Lastly, consideration should be given on consuming caffeine along with supplementing creatine with it being hypothesised that high caffeine doses (more than 5mg/kg of body mass) could be competing with the mechanistic pathways of creatine however, there is a lack of good-quality research (Trexler and Ryan, 2015). 12 | P a g e 14727714 Common Misconceptions and Potential Side Effects of Creatine (470) The ISSN, the American Dietetic Association of Canada and the ACSM have reported the most consistent side effect associated with creatine supplementation is weight gain (Buford et al., 2007; Rodriguez et al., 2009; Thomas et al., 2016). Literature suggests this weight gain is due to water retention, which occurs in the first few days of starting creatine supplementation (Hall and Trojian, 2013). This has led to the acceptance that increased water retention experienced short-term, attributes to long-term increases (Francaux and Poortmans, 2006). It is unclear where water retention resides within the body, with short-term investigations showing that total body water content increases with extracellular body water (Rosene et al., 2015), and through intracellular water (Ziegenfuss et al., 1998). Evidence supporting increased water retention is that creatine is an osmotically active substance (Powers et al., 2003), delivered to the muscle via a sodium-dependent transporter, where sodium needs water to maintain intracellular osmolality (Wyss and Daouk, 2000). However, it is likely that due to the sodium-potassium pumps, intracellular sodium concentration will not be drastically affected through creatine supplementation (Francaux and Poortmans, 2006). Some studies also report no increases in total body water, even with a loading-phase, and were monitoring body water content over 5-weeks of creatine supplementation (Rawson et al., 2011; Jagim et al., 2012; Andre et al., 2016). Therefore, this conflicting evidence does warrant further research with a consideration that total body water measures rely on assumptions (Dasgupta et al., 2019). In summary, there is evidence to show that creatine supplementation may cause an increase in water retention however, there are studies that report no effects which indicates water retention may be an adverse effect for specific populations. 13 | P a g e 14727714 A necessary well-researched anecdotal claim that has been reported is the association of creatine supplementation and kidney dysfunction. Creatine and phosphocreatine are degraded within the body to creatinine, which is transported via the blood and excreted in urine (Wyss and Daouk, 2000). Creatinine is filtrated by the kidneys, where increased blood creatinine levels are a marker of kidney dysfunction. However, creatinine levels are related to lean body mass and creatine intake, where creatine supplementation causes high-levels of excreted creatine, when usually it is not present in urine, this has led to unsupported perspectives that creatine supplementation causes damage to the kidney/renal dysfunction (Hultman et al., 1996; Rawson et al., 2002). This originated in a case study, where the case had pre-existing kidney disease for eight years, when the case began supplementing with creatine, blood creatinine levels increased and despite being in good health, it was concluded that the individual’s kidney health was declining (Pritchard and Kalra, 1998). Since then, investigations in the effects of creatine on kidney/renal function show no evidence of adverse effects in healthy individuals (Perksy and Rawson, 2007; Gualano et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2019). Interestingly, studies that reported renal dysfunction in those supplementing with creatine, also found that affected cases had pre-existing kidney disease, were on additional medications, consumed inappropriate doses of creatine or used anabolic steroids (Gualano et al., 2012). Other unsupported anecdotal reports have associated creatine supplementation with musculoskeletal injury, dehydration, muscle cramping and gastrointestinal upset (Powers et al., 2003; Kreider et al,. 2017; Antonio et al., 2021). These reports have been disproved, which will be discussed further in the health benefits associated to creatine supplementation. In summary, creatine-monohydrate can be deemed safe for consumption in healthy individuals however, the long-term effects of creatine supplementation remains unknown. 14 | P a g e 14727714 Health Benefits of Creatine (176) Continuing from the unsupported claims, it could be argued that much of the peerreviewed evidence involving these aspects of creatine supplementation suggests the opposite. For example, American collegiate footballers reported that creatine supplementation lessened the feeling of dehydration, muscle cramping/tightness and less incidence of injury (Greenwood, Kreider, Melton et al., 2003). Within another study, similar findings were seen where footballers were monitored over a football season (over four months), where creatine users experienced significantly less injuries, feelings of dehydration, and muscle tightness/strain (Greenwood et al., 2003). Moreover, research provides evidence for the use of creatine in treating muscle atrophy, whether it would be for those with injury (Hespel and Derave, 2007) or if it was age-related (Dolan et al., 2019). In immobilised individuals with a leg cast, creatine supplementation has shown to aid rehabilitation over ten-weeks with increases of 10% in cross-sectional area of muscle fibre and a 25% increase in peakstrength alongside knee-extension exercise (Hespel and Derave, 2007). Interestingly, there is some support for creatine consumption improving memory and intelligence tasks (Avgerinos et al., 2018), with a potential for clinical outcomes in neuromuscular diseases such as Parkinson and Huntington’s disease (Kreider et al., 2017). More research is needed in this area, due to conflicting findings (Bender and Klopstock, 2016). 15 | P a g e 14727714 Conclusion (179) Throughout the literature, creatine is a well-established supplement in terms of the consistent reports of associated ergogenic benefits. This is shown within many studies where creatine supplementation alongside resistance training is associated in greater improvements in muscle strength, muscle hypertrophy, and sports performance. There is a vast understanding, beyond the scope of this review, which reveals how creatine supplementation causes these improvements from a mechanistic view. Recommendations for optimal creatine supplementation would be to implement a loading-phase, followed by a maintenance-phase and consume carbohydrate or combinations or protein and carbohydrate to improve creatine retention. Importantly, creatine is proven to be a safe, with most reported side-effects being disproved by research with the exception of weight gain due to water retention. Pairing creatine with HMB supplementation may provide greater improvements that either supplements alone, with consideration needed that caffeine could blunt the effects of creatine. In summary, creatine is safe, has well evidenced benefits for favourable training adaptations and also has associated health benefits, therefore it would be of interest for not only strength athletes but for the general population. 16 | P a g e 14727714 References Andre, L. T. Gann, J. J. McKinley-Barnard, K. S. Willoughby, S. D. (2016) ‘Effects of Five Weeks of Resistance Training and Relatively-Dosed Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation on Body Composition and Muscle Strength, and Whole-Body Creatine Metabolism in Resistance-Trained Males’. International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science, 4(2). ProQuest. [Online]. 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