&RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT A symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards Hilton Head, S.C, 4 June 1980 ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 762 G. T. Castino, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and T. Z. Harmathy, National Research Council of Canada, editors ASTM Publication Code Number (PCN) 04-762000-31 €b 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG Copyright © by A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y FOR T E S T I N G AND M A T E R I A L S 1982 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 81-68807 NOTE The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication. Printed in Baltimore, Md. Marcli 1982 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG Foreword The symposium on Fire Risk Assessment was held 4 June 1980 at Hilton Head, S.C. ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards sponsored the event. The symposium chairmen were G. T. Castino of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and T. Z. Harmathy of the National Research Council of Canada, both of whom also served as editors of this publication. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG Related ASTM Publications Design of Buildings for Fire Safety, STP 685 (1979), $28.00, 04-685000-31 Fire Standards and Safety, STP 614 (1977), $27.75, 04-614000-31 Ignition, Heat Release, and Noncombustibility of Materials, STP 502 (1972), $10.00, 04-502000-31 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG A Note of Appreciation to Reviewers This publication is made possible by the authors and, also, the unheralded efforts of the reviewers. This body of technical experts whose dedication, sacrifice of time and effort, and collective wisdom in reviewing the papers must be acknowledged. The quality level of ASTM publications is a direct function of their respected opinions. On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation their contribution. ASTM Committee on Publications &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG Editorial Staff Jane B. Wheeler, Managing Editor Helen M. Hoersch, Senior Associate Editor Helen P. Mahy, Senior Assistant Editor Allan S. Kleinberg, Assistant Editor Virginia M. Barishek, Assistant Editor &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG Contents Introduction 1 Assessing the Risk of Fires Systemically—w. D. ROWE 3 A Discussion of Fire Risk Assessment—H. J. ROUX 16 Formulating Acceptable Levels of Fire Risk—B. M. COHN 28 Using Fire Tests for Quantitative Risk Analysis—w. c. T. LING AND R. B. WILLIAMSON 38 Legal and Economic Criteria for Test-Based Fire Risk Assessment— V. M. BRANNIGAN AND RACHEL DARDIS 59 Assessment of Fire Risk for Exterior Structural Members— R. G. GEWAIN 75 Summary 95 bidex 99 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG STP762-EB/Mar. 1982 Introduction This Special Technical Publication is the result of a symposium on Fire Risk Assessment held at Hilton Head, S.C, during the June 1980 meetings of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards. This subject has for some time been in the forefront of the interest of several subcommittees of Committee E-5, among them Subcommittee E05.91 on Planning and Review. The symposium and this publication were the primary elements of a project on the assessment of fire risk carried out by Subcommittee EOS.32 on Research. ASTM-sponsored symposia have provided up-to-date information, methodology, and test data for use by the various committees of ASTM and the community in general. ASTM and Committee E-5 have been conducting symposia of this kind since 1%1 and continue to find them to be an effective means of communication between the diverse interests within the fire community. The papers contained in this publication represent the statements of selected experts from various interest groups and cover a range of important and topical subjects relating to the assessment of fire risk; the topics were also designed to provide material that could significantly influence the development and use of fire risk assessment standards and test methods that would qualify for inclusion in fire risk assessment standards developed by ASTM Committee E-5 and other standards organizations. The public perception of fire risk, as with any other risk, depends upon a complex array of factors, including historical, consequential, economic, and societal considerations—all of which play roles of varying importance in establishing "an acceptable level of risk" in any community. Acceptable levels of fire risk can be obtained only through careful examination of the nature of fire risk through systemic assessment (Rowe), specific definition of the risks under consideration (Roux), formulation of new methods for setting risk levels (Cohn), and applying quantitative test-based analyses (Ling and Williamson, Brannigan and Dardis, and Gewain). The papers presented in this publication provide such careful examination. The fire community is made up of numerous interest groups working on one or more aspects of the risks involved and, at the same time, functioning independently and in interrelated programs—all aimed at reducing risks associated with the use of materials, products, and systems and reducing the loss of life and property caused by unwanted fires. Considerable effort has been put forth by Committee E-5, other ASTM committees, and a broad range of interests in the development of a risk assessment protocol. Subcommittees of Committee E-5—Subcommittee EOS.91 on Planning and Review, Subcommittee EOS.35 on Guide Criteria, Subcom1 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 2 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT mittee E05.31 on Terminology, and Executive Subcommittee E05.90—have studied a variety of metiiodologies and treatises on the subject of risk assessment. These studies have led to the statement of certain definitions of terms and general guidelines for use in the process of writing fire risk assessment standards. It is understood that more is needed in the way of specific guidelines before the first comprehensive fire risk assessment standard—one with sufficient end-use applicability to the majority of diverse interests that make up the fire community—can be generated. Some consider that fire risk can be most properly assessed as a scalar quantity; others define it based upon the nature of the consequences, namely, the severity of the loss; still others assess fire risk on the basis of societal preferences; finally, the methodological approach is used in the assessment of fire risk. While the papers presented in this publication deal with these considerations, they are by no means a complete treatise on the subject. Rather, they represent a unique compilation of careful and topical treatments of the assessment of fire risk. With this thought in mind. Subcommittee EOS.32 points to two underlying themes that run through all of the papers: 1. Gaining insight into the relative merits of materials, products, and systems with respect to fire behavior requires a coherent fire risk assessment philosophy, which is prerequisite to the development of sound test standards and building regulations. Understanding of and adaptation to known fire performance characteristics of materials, products, and systems, measured by relevant tests, will permit their use in appropriate environments, commensurate with assigned levels of risk. 2. The illusion of a risk-free society is likely to be dissipated by future needs; cost-benefit analyses and related economic considerations will indicate our ability or inability to afford extensive reductions of fire risks. Awareness of the need for optimizing our fire risk assessments against social or economic realities is essential. These papers deal meaningfully with existing risk issues by describing risk assessment, in relation to fire, as a quantifiable process that can be factored relevantly into standards development and regulatory processes, thereby providing for the future development of standards and regulations that are less arbitrary and that interrelate with other material, product, and system standards and regulations, forming a comprehensive fire risk assessment system. It is the hope of the symposium committee that the information imparted in this publication will prove immediately useful and. at the same time, stimulate further review and study. G. T. Castino Underwriters nderwriters Laboratories Laborat Inc., Northbrook. III. 60062; syniposiuni chairman and editor. T. Z. Harmathy National Research Council of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA, 0R6; symposium chairman and editor. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG W. D. Rowe^ Assessing the Risk of Fires Systemically REFERENCE: Rowe. W. D., "Assessing the Risk of Fires Systemically," Fire Risk Assessment. ASTM STP 762. G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 3-15. ABSTRACT: The risks of fire, from either natural or man-made causes, can never be completely eliminated. The objective of control of risk from fires is to reduce the probability and consequences of events leading to fires to a level where the residual risks are commensurate with the benefits of society's undertakings. Involuntary and inequitably distributed risks must be considered as well as voluntary ones. On a systemic level, the causes of fires may be identified and the risk of their occurrence estimated. This need not be done in detail, but major contributors to accidental and purposeful fires can be identified, especially in buildings. A second step is addressing control through prevention and mitigation during and after occurrence. The costeffectiveness of the risk reduction of these approaches provides a first-level ordering of where to apply resi)urces. The ability to implement such control actions realistically through standards, inspections, building codes, and so on, provides a means for reordering priorities. The impact of acceptable levels of risk, established by societal requirements through the voluntary standard-setting process, is also addressed. Both acceptance and achievement standards are discussed. KEY WORDS: fire, fire risk assessment The risk of fire, from either natural or man-made causes, can never be completely eliminated. The objective of control of risk from fires is to reduce the probability and consequences of events leading to and resulting from fires to a level where the residual risks, which are involuntary and inequitably distributed, are commensurate with the societal benefits of activities leading to exposure to fires. The author, a risk analyst rather than an expert in any aspect of fire safety, believes that a systemic approach to fire safety from a risk assessment point of view may provide an alternative perspective to the problem of fire safety. 'Director, Institute for Risk Analysis, American University, Washington, D.C. 20016. 3 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 4 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Such a perspective may help in focusing on the roles and needs for controls and standards of different types in the area of fire safety. The value of such an approach is considered briefly by examining several aspects of the problem in a sequential manner. First, a brief overview of the fire safety problem as a system made up of subsystems will be given. Next, a brief overview of risk assessment methodologies will be described as a base line for understanding what is meant by risk assessment. Then several important systems and subsystems will be considered in risk assessment terms. Finally, the range of reasonable solutions, in terms of standards and availability of resources, will be considered. Fire Safety from a Systems Viewpoint The problem of fire safety basically involves a set of identifiable systems, loosely connected in what might be called a metasystem. First, there is a dichotomy between technological and human approaches to safety. In the first case, engineering design is used to aid in the prevention, detection, containment, and extinguishing of fires. In the latter, a myriad of "players" are involved with differing objectives and motives [7].^ For example, there are people who are involuntarily at risk from fires who may or may not be willing to invest in increased protection because of occupational considerations, profit objectives, special interests associated with the application of codes, and cost considerations. A second category involves classes of fires characterized by extent, human loss, damage, building use, and construction characteristics. Another category includes fires characterized by the type of combustion, the combustibles involved, and the progression of the fire. Other subsystems involve such characteristics as extinguishment and rescue, early detection and containment, or construction for fire resistance. The risk analyst must put these together in some structured manner in order to achieve a reasonable approach to risk assessment. The objective is to determine the spectrum of risks and degrees of control possible, as well as to determine where resources can best be applied to improve safety to a predetermined level. Since nothing is risk free, the establishment of an objective, in terms of a risk level to be achieved, is an integral part of the process. Therefore, it is important to understand what is meant by risk assessment before one can apply it to fire safety. Tlie Risk Assessment Process Risk is the potential for harm. It may more formally be defined as "the potential for realization of unwanted, negative consequences of an event" ^The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY 5 [2]. The word "potential" refers to the probabilistic nature of risk. It is negative because risk is only one part of a decision process. One only takes a risk to obtain some benefit, that is, one gambles. We gamble all the time as individuals deciding upon risks and benefits for ourselves on a voluntary basis. Evaluating such gambles is an important part of risk assessment. In these cases one takes a risk to achieve a benefit or is willing to undertake effort to reduce one's own risk. However, another major concern for risk assessment is involuntary risk imposed inequitably upon those at risk (risk agents), that is, the risk takers are not the beneficiaries of the risk. Although such risks can never be entirely reduced, the concern is to keep them at a low residual level (an acceptable level of risk) [3]. The term "risk assessment" is used here to describe the total process of risk analysis, which embraces both the determination of levels of risk and the social evaluation of risks. Risk determination consists of both identifying risks and estimating the likelihood and magnitude of their occurrence. Risk evaluation measures both risk acceptance^the acceptable levels of societal risk—and risk aversion—the methods of avoiding risk—as alternatives to involuntarily imposed risks. The relationship among the various aspects of risk assessment is illustrated in Fig. 1. Risk identification and risk estimation are extremely important aspects of risk assessment and involve scientific and technical determinations. These often involve considerable uncertainty, and the interpretation of the impact of uncertainties relies less on scientific consideration than on technical and social value judgments. In regard to risk identification, changes in the levels of risk are identifiable in three circumstances: when a new risk is created, when the magnitude of an existing risk changes, and when perception of an existing risk changes. All three circumstances may occur simultaneously [4]. A new risk is a risk that did not exist previously, not a new identification of an existing risk. Most new risks result from the activities of mankind, usually as a result of a new technology, and often nature has no natural defense against these risks [5]. For example, the sea transport of large volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) represents a new class of fire risks. A new perception of existing risks may occur because the hazard was previously unidentified, because the magnitude of the hazard changes suddenly, or because a slow change in the hazard's magnitude crosses some threshold of societal concern. Alternatively, public perceptions of existing risks may change whether or not the level of risk is changing in an objective sense [6]. This change may occur when a more dominant risk is limited or reduced, such as when the reduction of contagious diseases transfers public concern to chronic diseases. Or public concern with risk may be stimulated by the communications media or by the threat certain hazards pose to particular individuals or groups rather than statistically to the population at large [7]. Individuals satisfied with the status quo may view the hazard as a &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT IS 1" I/) v\ r! .. Ill Q i° t OZ ^ X 111 ^ E ^ z - z ^ ^ i u isis|2|2i ° 0-5*uj"=!ii< C IL V to" U. u. U. lU iS > = Ul ^ im a.' 2 ^ uS &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY 7 threat to their present condition. For example, intentional arson for profit has recently become a national concern; not only has the rate of and insurance value of such fires increased, but the media also have focused on the problem at the national level. One particular problem in risk identification concerns the source of catastrophes. These large, disruptive events result from natural or man-made hazards, as well as a combination of the two. Natural disasters generally result from local and regional changes in energy balance patterns, which result in storms, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, drought, famine, and other occurrences [8]. In many cases, technological approaches to mitigate the impact of natural events have reduced the number of events occurring but increased the magnitude of the consequences of those that do occur [9]. However, in some instances, the impact of large events, those that exceed design limits, are accentuated as a result of "attractive exposure." For example, public auditoriums are designed with a certain level of fire protection built into the structure and with additional procedures for prevention and mitigation. As crowds gather and exceed capacity, both procedures for control and control systems can become ineffective, in which case a fire could be catastrophic [10]. As a result, when an event exceeds its design capacity, the magnitude of the accompanying disaster can be greater. Man-made catastrophes occur as a result of technological systems which meet at least one of three conditions. These conditions address systems that involve the following factors: 1. Stored potential energy—for example, petroleum and natural gas storage, water in dams and tanks, heat in nuclear reactors, combustibles in general. 2. Potential release of toxic materials—for example, chemicals such as chlorine, cyanide, mercury, radioisotopes, pesticides, toxins, or DNA derivatives. 3. Kinetic energy (inertial)—transportation, missiles, satellites, and debris from space aircraft. These, along with some of their properties, are illustrated as three large circles in Fig. 2. Moreover, cases where these systems exist in combination are particularly susceptible to catastrophes. Transportation of fuels is one of the major sources of catastrophic accidents. Transportation of hazardous chemicals and radioisotopes provides unusual pathways for catastrophic exposure. Many perceive the coupling of stored energy systems with toxic materials, such as those found in nuclear reactors or stored nerve gas, explosive shells, and rockets, as a major potential problem. Although the historical record for catastrophes of this type is nil, the concern for potential catastrophes is high [11]. Nuclear war with ballistic missiles is an example in which all three systems are combined. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 8 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Man Made Catastrophles With Delayed Consequences Man Made Natural Catastrophles With Immediate Consequences FIG. 2—Systems prone to catastrophic events. The process of risk estimation has five steps: identifying the cause of risk; measuring its effects; determining the risk exposure; defining the consequences of exposure; and valuing the consequences of exposure. These five steps are illustrated in Fig. 3. The first step in risk estimation is to identify causative events, or events that create a probability of risk occurrence. Each causative event may lead to several possible outcomes. In the second step, these outcomes are defined, and their relative probability is determined. The causative event and outcome do not, of themselves, constitute risk until the exposure of humans, institutions, and the natural environment to the outcomes is considered. The probabilistic relationship between events and their outcomes can be measured through scientific experiments, the statistical design of experiments, and hypothesis testing. In fire prevention, the causative event usually involves an initiator of a fire and its outcome—the many possibilities that might result should a fire start—in a certain situation. The third step in risk estimation defines exposure pathways, the means by which risks are transmitted. Risks cannot occur unless there is some exposure pathway to people. We live with fire and energy all the time. We use it, control it, and make it work for us. The concern is with uncontrolled pathways whereby people and property are exposed. The fourth step is to define the possible consequences of risk exposure and to determine, for each risk, the probability that consequences will occur. The &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY II •4! "s^ 0 1 0 It. t 1t11 / o / ii ! ii ' suoiteiati >isiti - &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 9 10 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT final step in risk estimation considers the value placed by affected individuals on the consequences of risk exposure. Some individuals, for example, may be unconcerned about consuming trace amounts of pesticides in food because they consider the effects remote; others may be sufficiently concerned that they eat only organically grown foods. The probability of risk occurrence and the value placed on risk consequences by affected individuals determines the public's response to risks. Thus, the process of risk estimation requires two basic determinations: a consequence probability determination and a consequence value determination. The steps comprising each determination are bracketed on the right side of Fig. 3; the determinations overlap at Step 4, the consequences. Fire prevention can be considered in this light. First, the causes of fires can be examined (as they already have been) and their probabilities (or attractiveness for purposefully ignited fires) can be estimated from historic records to the extent possible. Various outcomes can be considered, and the probabilities of such outcomes can be controlled by early warning containment systems, extinguishing systems, and response systems. Exposure involves the possibility of exposure to people and property. Warning, protective, and escape systems can reduce exposure to people while protective, containment, and response systems can reduce exposure to property. Consequence mitigation involves a variety of options, including rescue and medical systems, firefighting methods and equipment, insurance for spreading risks, and loans and loan guarantees for recovery from disasters. Consequence values are subjective and can be changed. Fire safety and prevention programs aimed at the public and industry can sometimes increase awareness of safety. Both individual action for increased safety (such as in the home) and community action can result. Risk aversion involves the application of controls to avert risk. However, since risks cannot be eliminated, acceptable levels of risk must be established either formally or by tacit acceptance of specific status quo situations. The risk aversion process is well established in the fire safety area on a subsystem basis. Considerable progress and technical knowledge are available for preventing and mitigating fires. Building design for fire resistance, automatic early warning and response systems, new materials and better equipment for prevention and fighting fires, improved fire codes, and better trained and better equipped fire-fighters are some examples. The problem is that all of these approaches require resources. The major question yet to be addressed involves where resources can be most effectively used and at what level of resources risk aversion should be supported. Should more be put into prevention or into response systems? Who should pay for these? When are mandated controls too expensive? In many respects, the problems within subsystems involve risk trade-offs. The homeowner must decide how much he wants to spend for fire ex- &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY 11 tinguishers, smoke detectors, escape devices, fire insurance, and so on. The commercial or industrial building owner must make the same kinds of decisions, but on a different scale and with different motivation. In the first case, the homeowner is making a purely voluntary decision—his money for his own safety and protection. In the second case, resources must be used nonproductively to achieve some degree of required protection. The decision involves taking the risk of underinvestment, just meeting requirements, or exceeding them. The trade-off involves not only protection but possible future liability. Should more be spent to protect property or life? For methods which are too expensive for individual operation, reliance on municipal, state, and federal organizations becomes necessary. Such organizations can provide funds for support and ensure equitable access to benefits. Since most subsystems for fire prevention are localized, state and federal subsystems are minimal, except for a few states such as Ohio. As a result, each community has its own system of fire codes, fire prevention and fighting, and level of resource balancing. The result is a confusion of codes and applications. Federal or state codes to standardize in this area would have to deal with the differing needs of communities, such as rural versus urban, small versus large, and so on. Acceptable levels of risk are both targets to be achieved and visible measures of residual risk. The existence of specific levels of acceptable risk can often be an embarrassment to public officials, those who are responsible for public safety and those who must balance tax levels against the many sources seeking to use these funds. When stated levels for acceptable risk are not being achieved, for whatever reason, many public officials would like to keep such information in implicit, rather than explicit, form. The problem translates into standards and their application and enforcement. What Is an Acceptable Risk? Unquestionably, some risks are acceptable. Some conditions that support this contention are evident: 1. Threshold condition—a risk is perceived to be so small that it can be ignored. 2. Status quo condition—a risk is uncontrollable or unavoidable without major disruption in life-style. 3. Regulatory condition—a credible organization with responsibility for health and safety has, through due process, established an acceptable risk level. 4. De facto condition—a historic level of risk continues to be an acceptable one. 5. Voluntary balance condition—a risk is deemed worth the benefits by a risk taker. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 12 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT There have been many definitions of acceptable risk, unacceptable risk, unreasonable risk, and so on. Most of these definitions involve the methods of establishing references for comparing risks, such as revealed, implied, and expressed preferences [9], or evaluation of a spectrum of possibilities for different situations [/]. To circumvent all the arguments involved in establishing a precise definition, a working or operational definition may be useful: a risk is acceptable when those affected generally are not. or are no longer, apprehensive about it. As a general statement, this definition does not include all those affected. Nor does it matter by what process the level of acceptability is achieved. It does, however, include the "regulators" and "experts," since they must be satisfied that the risks are low enough. It relates to society's propensity for anxiety aversion as well as its propensity for risk aversion. The statement addresses voluntary and involuntary risks. The broadness of the definition reflects that there is no single, universal method of arriving at an acceptable level of risk. Two variables exist: (1) how much risk is acceptable for an entirely new undertaking, that is, a go-no go decision; and, (2) which alternative should be selected to reduce risk to a residual level. This last variable is most often the consideration in fire safety. A range of alternative controls for reducing risk can be established for any existing or prospective case. Moreover, these controls can be ordered in terms of their cost-effectiveness of risk reduction [12], as shown in Fig. 4 (which assumes that all cost-ineffective solutions, lying above the curve, are ignored). The question that remains is when does one stop spending to reduce risk [13]? By putting a dollar value on life [14], by best practical technology, best available technology, and so on, as shown in Fig. 5? These are societal decisions, which appropriately can be set only by society and its designated representatives [15]. At the present time, acceptable levels of risks have not been set formally other than in an imputed manner through the establishment of fire codes. Acceptable levels of risk may be established tacitly by the voluntary standard process but may be abrogated by the formal consideration of regulatory bodies. Standards in the System Process There are a variety of standards necessary in the fire safety control system. One kind of standard involves specification of an acceptable level of risk, either explicitly or tacitly. This involves a social decision as to what level of fire protection is needed and how and how much to pay for it. A second kind of standard describes the minimum level certain kinds of subsystems must achieve to be considered as meeting a definitional requirement. Different requirement levels can be specified, such as different levels of flame retardant capability for materials. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards are of this latter kind. They are "intended for analysis &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY 13 ORDERED BY VALUE OF AR,/ACi 5i = Risk reduction action. Affi = Changes in risic for Si. ACi = ctiange in cost for S,. AC, ^' SIMOOTHEO COST-EFFECTIVENESS CURVE COST OF RISK REDUCTION FIG. 4—The cost-effectiveness of the risk-reduction ordered relationship for discrete actions. S; = risk reduction action: R; = change in risk for S;,- C; = change in cost for S,. and assessment of the fire perfonnance of materials, products, and systems within their relevant environment" [76]. As such, they represent both a classification system and a specification of the levels to be achieved. Standards of the first kind are called "acceptability standards" while the second kind are called "achievement standards" in order not to confuse them with performance and design standards, which have other meanings in different contexts. Acceptability standards must be set by individuals at risk or by public officials responsible for public safety. These can be set in terms of performance, that is, levels of risk to be achieved, or in terms of designs which specify approaches to be used to meet performance criteria. Models of risk behavior for different designs in different conditions are used to translate design standards into performance standards and vice versa. These models then become critical in determining levels of risk. Who is responsible for evaluating and standardizing such models? At present, there seems to be no particular coverage in this area. Achievement standards are the responsibility of experts for materials, for procedures, for training, and a host of other subsystems. Responsible technical bodies can specify such standards in terms of levels of protection afforded by particular designs; selection of designs to be used to achieve a level of protection at some cost is part of the acceptance standard process. Perfor&RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 14 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT NO RISK REDUCTION AS LOW AS PRACTICABLE RANGE BEST PRACTICABLE TECHNOLOGY I— MEASURED ZERO -ABSOLUTE ZERO COST OF RISK REDUCTION FIG. 5—Some criteria for llie acceptance levels of the cost-effectiveness of risk reduction. mance standards of the achievement type specify levels of achievement in protection to be obtained independent of design. Design standards specify particular designs that can reach the protection level, and, again, models are needed for translation. However, in this area, considerable attention is given to such models. Certainly, more can be done, but organizations such as ASTM provide responsible focal points. Summary There is little that is novel in looking at fire safety from a systems point of view. However, the very process of structuring at a systems level can help in understanding the many component subsystems, their interaction, and their weak and strong points. A view toward systematic use of resources in an effective manner must also consider the scope of responsibility and motivation of the many "players" in the system. Recognition of the different types of standards involved can help provide for a better understanding of the differing objectives and roles involved in each type. The major question left unanswered is whether a substantial analysis at the systems level would be useful and warranted. If one expects final solutions. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROWE ON ASSESSING RISK OF FIRES SYSTEMICALLY 15 the answer is "no." If one is looking for better insight to focus resources more effectively, locate weak points for corrective action, and make the "players" involved aware of their responsibilities, limits of action, and ability to respond to the system, then it might be of considerable merit. If so, the analysis ought to proceed in stages to prevent the obtaining of too much detail too soon. References | / | Lowrance, W. W.. Of Acceptable Risk, Kaufman, Los Angeles, 1976. b i Rowe, W. D., All Anatomy of Risk. Wiley. New York, 1977. |J1 Okrent, D. and Whipple, H., "An Approach to Societal Risk Acceptance Criteria and Risk Management," UCLA-ENG-7746, University of California. Los Angeles, June 1977, [4] Rowe, W. D.. "Government Regulation of Societal Risks." The George Washington Law Review. Vol, 45. No, 5, Aug. 1977. pp, 944-968. [.5] Krutilla. J. V, and Fisher. A, C The Economics oj Natural Environments. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md,, 1975. |6| Kiesler. C. A.. Collins, B. E., and Miller, N,, Attitude Change. Wiley. New York, 1969. [7] Bern, D., Beliefs. Attitudes and Human Affairs, Brooks/Cole, Belmont, Calif.. 1970. \H\ Cochrane. H, C "Natural Hazards and Their Distributive Effects," National Technical Information Service, PB-262-021, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va., 1975. |91 Kates. R. W.. Risk Assessment of Environmental Hazard. Scope fi. Wiley. New York. 1978. [10] Kupperman. R. H., Wilcox. R, A., and Smith. H, A., Science. Vol. 187, 7 Feb, 1945. | / / | Dworkin, Judith. "Global Trends in Natural Disasters, 1947-1973," Working Paper No. 26, Natural Hazard Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., 1974. \I2] Rowe, W. D., "Assessing Risk to Society," presented at the Symposium on Risk Assessment and Hazard Control, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, La., March 1977. [13] Otway, H. J. and Fishbein. M., "Public Attitudes and Decisionmaking." International Institute of Applied System Analysis Research Memorandum, RM-77-54, Loxenburg, Austria, 1977, [14] Otway. H. J., Pahner, P. D.. and Linnerooth, J,, "Social Values in Risk Acceptance," International Institute of Applied System Analysis Research Memorandum, RM-75-54, Loxenburg, Austria, 1975. ]I5] Otway, H. J., "Risk Assessment and Societal Choices," International Institute of Applied System Analysis Research Memorandum, RM-75-2, Loxenburg, Austria, 1975. 1/6] ASTM Directory. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1979, &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG H. J. Roux^ A Discussion of Fire Risk Assessment REFERENCE: Roux, H. J., "A Discussion of Hue Risi< Assessment," Fire Risk Assessment, ASTM STP 762, G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 16-27. ABSTRACT: Fire standards have been characterized in the ASTM Policy on Fire Standards (1979) as either fire risk assessment standards or fire test standards. Although the need for fire risk assessment standards is evident, there is a lack of understanding of what a fire risk assessment standard is and how it is obtained. The role of ASTM Subcommittee E05.91 on Planning and Review, a subcommittee of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards, and its success in answering these questions is described. Related subjects such as definitions of risk, hazard, and safety, the effect of proximity, and determination of the potential for harm are discussed. KEY WORDS: fire risk, fire risk assessment, fire hazard, fire safety In the musical The King and /, by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, there is a song titled "Is a Puzzlement." Fire risk assessment is a puzzlement! It has been said that the impossible takes just a little bit longer. It has also been said that the best wine comes from vines that have struggled to grow and produce the grapes. I have no argument with the validity of these sayings, nor with their application to fire risk assessment. Indeed, it has been many years since the ASTM Board of Directors originally issued the ASTM Policy on Fire Standards [7],^ in which the idea of fire risk assessment (at that time known as fire hazard assessment) was embodied. I have often wondered whether ASTM Subcommittee EOS.91 on Planning and Review of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards would ever develop an understanding of fire risk assessment; but I do believe it has now done so to a measurable degree. The efforts of all of the members of ASTM Subcom'Coordinating manager, Product Fire Performance, Armstrong World Industries, Inc., Lancaster, Pa. 17604. ^The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper. 16 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 17 mittee E05.91 in this regard should be applauded, particularly those of Dr. Clay Hathaway and Dr. Tibor Harmathy. Definition of Risk To forgo a recitation of the history of this development, risk is now defined by ASTM Subcommittee E05.91 as the combination, probably the product, of the expected frequency of the event, the expected degree of exposure, and the potential for harm. Risk = expected frequency of the event X expected degree of exposure X potential for harm In the case of fire risk, the event is the fire itself; the exposure is of the people, property, or operation exposed to the fire; and the potential for harm is the consequences of the applicable products of the fire—for example, heat, flame, smoke, and toxic gases—to those exposed. It is probably correct to assume that the elements of risk are multiplied by each other, as shown in the previous equation, for if any element is equivalent to zero, the risk is then zero. The definition of risk has been rather simply stated; therefore, a few words about a very real application of this definition are in order. The three elements of risk—the expected frequency of the event, the expected degree of exposure, and the potential for harm—were all, on reflection after the fact, included in the 1979 nuclear power plant accident at Three Mile Island (TMI), near Harrisburg, Pa., as evidenced by the subjective response of the people, including me, who live near the plant. It is my perception that before the accident and, interestingly, after it, the risk was presented to these people principally in terms of the expected frequency of the event—not so much as if it were the sole element of risk, but rather with an emphasis that precluded recognition of the other elements. Potential for harm was mentioned, much as the Rasmussen report [2] mentions both the likelihood and the consequence of an event in its definition of risk. True, the expected frequency of the event was declared to be extremely low. However, the occurrence of the TMI accident itself suggested to some the expected degree of exposure ("we live next door, downwind") and of the potential for harm ("a devastated area for 40 years"). And these words were expressed loudly enough that, although quieted by the low expected frequency of the event, these people now have an innate understanding of a level of risk higher than that previously understood. In other words, risk is not just the element of the expected frequency of the event; it also includes the elements of the expected degree of exposure and the potential for harm! For those who wish to apply their scholastic abilities in this area, I purposely used the potential for harm of an operation—that is, "a devastated area for 40 years"—as my example, rather than the potential for harm to &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 18 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT people or property, simply to give a broader frame of reference to the potential for harm and, consequently, the risk. In the continuing response of people to the TMI accident, which now includes a concern about the procedure of repair of the reactor, specifically the venting of radioactive gases from the containment building, there is the further indication that the three elements of risk are not necessarily equal in importance. The equation that was given earlier for risk may consequently need to be modified. However, further study of this idea by using the TMI accident as an example is hampered by the question of proximity, both spatial and temporal, as it applies to risk. For many people, the understanding of risk is a feeling of being included in the risk. The expected frequency of the event and the expected degree of exposure are already total in such cases, and, therefore, their thoughts are focused solely on the potential for harm. This is clearly true for those people near TMI who have been told that venting the radioactive gases will probably occur soon. The apparent emphasis, therefore, on the potential for harm as venting is being considered, is not necessarily an indication of its importance in relation to the three elements of risk, because of the temporal and spatial proximities in this situation. One should be aware that a similar error of perception on this point could well occur in other situations, such as a fire. It is my thought that we should not consider risk from the view of those close to the event. Fire is usually not proximate, in the sense that it is certainly not planned or expected. Rather, there is a finite expected frequency of the event that is less than total, and there is also a finite expected degree of exposure that is less than total. I have found, though, at least one reference that applies to this question of relative importance. The specific statement was offered as a point of common law in the report on the well-known Beverly Hills Supper Club fire in Kentucky. This statement is found in Section G of the report [3] by the state police commissioner: "The gravity of the possible harm and not the probability of the occurrence must be given the most weight in considering whether someone has been negligent, although both factors must be balanced against the burden of adequate precautions." Although the latter part of this statement bears more on the subject of cost-benefit analysis, the first part certainly touches on the idea of relative importance. The same consideration of relative importance is also implied in a news article [4] that appeared in the 27 March 1980 issue of Engineering News Record. The article reported that the Council of Environmental Quality had sharply criticized the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's failure to analyze potential reactor accidents, especially severe accidents, in its environmental impact statements. The council specifically noted that the TMI environmental impact statement exemplifies the deficiencies of a narrow approach to major accidents. One excerpt from the TMI statement, offered as evidence of &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 19 this deficiency, stated that while the consequences of a Class 9 accident could be severe, its probability is so small that the environmental risk is extremely low. Apparently, the council objected to this conclusion because the potential for harm was considered to be equal to or of less importance than the expected frequency of the event. Alternative Definition of Risk So far, I have offered a definition of risk (the combination of three elements), a warning about the confusing aspects of proximity in assessing risk, and the suggestion that the potential for harm may be of greater importance than the other two elements. I have probably been remiss, though, in not offering further evidence of the acceptability of this definition of risk. The British Standards Institution, for one, has been reported-' as having stated that "the integration of the results from testing procedures for flammability, flame spread, smoke obscuration, and heat contribution, together with the degree of usage and probability of fire from past experience, can be used to produce some form of (risk) index." In this statement, the "results from testing procedures" are the equivalent of our potential for harm, "the degree of usage" is similar to our expected degree of exposure, and "the probability of fire" is like our expected frequency of the event. Much earlier, in the beginning of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (1974), Locke [5] had written of risk as being equal to the probability of injury per unit time of exposure times the severity associated with the injury. Here, "severity" is similar to our potential for harm, and the "probability of injury per unit time of exposure" combines our expected frequency of the event and expected degree of exposure. In 1977 at the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) annual meeting in Washington, D.C., W. T. Fine of the U.S. Navy Naval Surface Weapons Center had offered the concept of a "risk score" in evaluating and controlling safety [6]. This "score" was equal to the product of consequences, exposure, and probability. "Consequences" in this case is the same as our potential for harm, "exposure" like our expected degree of exposure, and "probability" like our expected frequency of the event. One fire protection consultant"* has defined risk as the probability of an event resulting in injury, illness, or damage. The "probability of event" is echoed in our definition of risk, while the word "resulting" is equal to our expected degree of exposure. The "injury, illness, or damage" is, in essence, the result of our measure of the potential for harm. The International Standards Organization (ISO), in their Technical ^Loosemore, G. W., Armstrong Europe Services, Ltd., private communication, 25 Feb. 1980. ''Cohn, Bert, Gage-Babcock & Associates, personal communication, 4 Aug. 1977. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 20 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Report No. 6585 [7\ on "Fire Hazard and the Design and Use of Fire Tests," also refers to three elements of hazard: "risk of initiation" (which matches our expected frequency of the event), "consequential hazard" (which matches our potential for harm), and "degree of exposure of property or people" (which matches our expected degree of exposure). Unfortunately, this document does use the term "hazard" instead of "risk," which is our preferred term. Much the same error in terminology, if I may call it this, occurs in the document "Benefits of Environmental, Health and Safety Regulation," which was recently (25 March 1980) issued by the U.S. Senate Committtee on Governmental Affairs [8]. In this document the three elements of risk are identified as an "activity to create the presence of hazard" (which is our expected frequency of the event), "exposure of people or natural systems in the surroundings" (which is our expected degree of exposure), and "damage" (which is our potential for harm). In concluding this section, I repeat that the ASTM Policy on Fire Standards defines fire risk as the probability that a fire will occur and the potential for harm to life and damage to property resulting from its occurrence. This exercise in citing other sources for a definition of risk has permitted a presentation of alternative terms for the three elements of risk, which may be more acceptable to some people than our own terms. There are many more that could be given—for example, "occurrence" in place of our combination of expected frequency of the event and expected degree of exposure. It was not my intention to use a flood of semantics to obtain order out of chaos, although I do believe in the power of dimensional analysis to derive relationships—for example, the earlier observation that the elements of risk are probably multiplied by each other. Definition of Hazard Turning now to another subject, ASTM Subcommittee E05.91 has further identified risk as the qualitative measure for which we are seeking a quantitative dimension. In other words, risk is the scalar quantity that extends from zero risk to total risk. At some level of risk, which can vary for a variety of reasons, it is expected that the authority having jurisdiction, or society's representative, will define the area of risk above this level as hazardous and will accept the area of risk below this level as safe. This, then, becomes our definition of "hazard," and consequently of "safe." It is of extreme importance to note that "safe" does not refer solely to a zero level of risk. Safe can include a very measurable amount of risk. The setting of this level of risk, which differentiates between hazardous and safe, is, I believe, truly a function of the authority having jurisdiction or a representative of society, if not the person or people involved. I do not &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 21 believe it is the responsibility of an organization such as ASTM, for example, although it has been suggested that ASTM should develop the tools to measure risk, and possibly should even offer guidance on how the level between hazardous and safe should be determined. As a matter of fact, there are probably many among us who would wish to offer this guidance if only to preclude "bureaucratic fiat" or "prejudiced opinion." Interestingly, and using the TMI accident again as a very real application of this concept, in more than one survey conducted after the TMI accident a majority of people have expressed a favorable attitude toward nuclear power, provided there are appropriate controls. To me, this indicates an understanding by the people of the level of risk that defines hazardous and safe, and a demand that the risk remain below the hazardous level. If you are beginning to believe that I feel people do understand risk and hazard, even though they may not be able to define these terms in so many words, and that I have confidence in the correctness of their understanding, you are correct. In the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations [9], there is a definition of hazardous substance that complements the concept which I have just expressed. A hazardous substance is defined here as one that is either extremely flammable or just flammable, for which a label of "danger" or "warning," respectively, is required. A nonhazardous substance is one that is combustible but for which there is no requirement of a label. The quantitative dimension of risk, in this case, is the open cup flash point—greater than 27°C (80°F) for the nonhazardous substance, and below 27°C (80°F) for the hazardous substance. Further guidance toward defining hazardous versus safe is found in the work of Starr [10], although the definition in this case is based on the concept of voluntary and involuntary risk (Fig. 1). In this approach, the area above the appropriate curve is deemed to be unacceptable, and consequently hazardous. The reverse is true for what is deemed safe. I have plotted the expected value for death due to fire in the United States (this is for the entire population), which can be seen to be acceptable. Other methods of differentiating safe from hazardous are the comparative method, in which the level of risk for one type of situation is compared with that for another type of situation; the expectancy method, in which the level of risk is compared with the expected length of life of a person in his home (or the working time of a person in his office); and the natural method, in which the level of risk is compared with the risk of death due to disease. Dimensions of Rislc The final area of concern is the quantitative dimension of risk. This is truly a difficult problem to solve, but it is one that must be solved if we are to &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 22 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT o o 1 M t- ro o Q •a t> _> o > c o (A tV Q. \ u c t> m "(5 3 C C O) n > < ( d j n s o d x 3 ^o j n o H - u o s J S d / s s D J i e ^ e j ) I o i^ &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 23 understand risk and, subsequently, fire risk assessment. Lord Kelvin [11] expressed the problem so well: I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of Science, whatever the matter may be. It is in the work of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), specifically their Risk Management Guide, published in June 1977 [12], that I found possible dimensions for risk and its three elements. The ERDA's definition of risk is the probability of an accident multiplied by the consequence of the accident. This fits our definition of risk, "probability of an accident" fits the expected frequency of the event, and "consequence" combines the expected degree of exposure and potential for harm. According to this definition, then, risk is equal to the loss per unit time or unit activity; the expected frequency of the event is equal to the event frequency per unit time or unit activity; the expected degree of exposure is equal to the exposure per event; and the potential for harm is equal to the loss or cost per exposure (Table 1). The key dimension is the last one, potential for harm. As early as 1973, the British Fire Research Station attempted to quantify risk (see Ref 13). The use of a similar statistic for the United States has been contemplated by the NFPA Systems Concepts Committee for their Firesafety Concepts (Decision) Tree [14]. The particular dimension for fire risk in this reference is the number of casualties (fatal or nonfatal) per worker hour of exposure in a given class of occupancy. This takes into account the number of casualties, the number of people at risk, and the length of time they are at risk. It corresponds with our proposed dimension for risk of loss per unit activity. This, by the way, is not unlike the more often seen statistic in the United States of the number of deaths per so many million passenger miles for commercial aviation—again, the loss per unit of activity. TABLE 1—Dimensions of risk. Risk loss = \ unit time / expected frequency ot the event ^ expected degree ot exposure / event frequency \ \ unit time -)/ ^ potential for harm / exposure \ / loss \ \ exposure X event / &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 24 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Potential for Harm The reason I have focused on the dimension of potential for harm is to consider the complete development of fire risk assessment. ASTM Subcommittee EOS.91 has a task group at work trying to develop a recommended practice for a fire risk assessment standard. However, the work has not progressed so far that the following question could not be asked. Should ASTM Committee E-5 limit its efforts solely to developing a value for the potential for harm? Is not the task of developing values for the expected frequency of the event and the expected degree of exposure more appropriately placed with some other body, within or outside of ASTM? I do not have a specific answer to these questions to recommend at this time. I would suspect, though, that other ASTM Committees are interested in the general subject of risk assessment, for whatever purpose. Would we not be better served, in ASTM Committee E-5, as well as in the rest of ASTM, by the creation of a new committee with the scope to develop and provide guidance in risk assessment methods, much as is done for statistical analysis? If we do accept the charge that our role is to develop a value for the potential for harm, there are still many considerations before effective guidance can be given. So far, we have stated that the potential for harm is the result of the applicable products of the fire—for example, heat, flame, smoke, and toxic gases. The dimension for measuring the potential for harm that has been offered is the amount of loss or cost per exposure. How do we get from the products of fire to the loss or cost? One suggestion, which relates to people, is to accumulate the products of the fire within the space in which the object of interest is located and count one loss for that exposure if the accumulation of the products exceeds in any respect the tenability limits for the space. The actual presence of a person in that space is then considered under the expected degree of exposure, which is an entirely independent consideration. Note that a time element might be involved in both of these considerations. Tenability limits could be developed on the basis of resulting injury or death. The space could be defined in relation to the object of interest—for example, a sofa in a living room or a floor in the patient room of a nursing home. I have said that the expected degree of exposure is an independent consideration. What of the expected frequency of the event? In another activity in which I am involved, the Building Firesafety Model [15] and the Firesafety Concepts (Decision) Tree [14] of the NFPA Systems Concepts Committee, it has been proposed that the goal and the measure of success of fire safety is to keep the exposed (people) from ever being in the same space at the same time as the fire and its products (heat, flame, smoke, and toxic gases). This proposal can be extended to our risk definition, if we consider that the combination of the expected frequency of the event and the potential for harm are equivalent to the fire and its products and that the expected &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 25 degree of exposure is the same as the exposed. The expected degree of exposure is, therefore, independent of the other two elements, while the expected frequency of the event and potential for harm are interdependent. This is fine, for it permits us to use the fire scenario as the connecting link between the latter two elements, particularly to design the fire to which the object of interest will be subjected, and all elements are tied together for a given occupancy/given environment/given space. The task group on upholstered furniture of ASTM Subcommittee EOS. 15 on Building Content is proceeding in this very direction of determining risk as a function of occupancy. This idea also allows the use of available fire statistics to estabUsh both the expected frequency of the event and the appropriate scenario. Various concepts have been offered on how we obtain the appropriate products of the fire, which are then used to establish the potential for harm. In an early paper in 1976 [16], I had offered two distinct techniques. The first technique was simply to conduct a room fire test either with or both with and without the object of interest involved. The actual result or difference in results, respectively, in terms of the products of the fire, is a measure of the potential for harm for the object of interest. There is, of course, an expense and encumbrance (complexity, limited testing facilities) involved with this form of testing. Alternatively, one might hope to obtain the potential for harm of the object of interest directly, albeit by induction. This proposed technique would involve the use of an integration equation. In addition to the suggestion I made in the 1976 paper, Herpol of Belgium had offered the same approach earlier [17\. Harmathy has most recently taken a similar approach [18]. In all of these references, the suggested procedure would make use of an integration equation to bring together the results from one or more fire-performance test methods, plus other parameters, in an appropriate order that generates (induces) the potential for harm of the object of interest. The general form of this equation for potential harm (PH) is given in Eq 1. PH = FP," X FP2'' X FPn" X OPi» X OP2'' X O P / (1) where FP is the fire performance parameter, and OP indicates other parameters. Interestingly, this type of equation can be traced back to earlier work done by Harrington in 1965 on the desirability function [19]. The tools of dimensional analysis and empirical integration may well serve us initially in the development of appropriate integration equations, at least until mathematical fire modeling has progressed further. Siunmaiy In summary, I have offered other, matching, definitions of risk; identification of risk as a scalar quantity; a definition of "hazardous" and of "safe" as &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 26 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT they relate to a particular level of risk; a quantitative dimension for risk; and the suggestion of directing ASTM Committee E-5 solely toward developing a complete understanding of potential for harm either by full-scale testing, by integration equations, or by some other technique. This suggestion should be the focus of the future for ASTM Committee E-5. In making this suggestion, I am also stating that this presentation is not a definitive solution to the problem of fire risk assessment. It is only a start. To demonstrate that it is only a start, there is the question, actually more of an item of concern, of whether the control of risk is offered after the risk has been created or before it occurs by controlling the elements of risk. Actually, the answer is a matter of perspective. For example, the use of smoke detectors to warn people of a fire and its potential for harm will reduce the expected degree of exposure because people will react to the alarm by evacuation. Similarly, the use of an automatic extinguishing system will reduce the potential for harm. Therefore, rather than consider these fire protection features as controlling the risk after the fact, it is more helpful to consider them as controlling the elements of risk. In this way, one is able to see more clearly how the elements of risk can be manipulated in a given situation to minimize the risk. A third question, offered here only as an exercise in thinking about the details of risk, is this: should ease of ignition be considered part of the potential for harm or part of the expected frequency of the event? I do not have an answer. References [/] ASTM Policy on Fire Standards, Revised, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 16 Jan. 1979. [2] Rasmussen, Norman C , A Method for Risk Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Accidents, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Jan. 1978. [3] "Investigative Report to the Governor—Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire, May 28, 1977," Commonwealth of Kentucky, 16 Sept. 1977. [4] Engineering News Record, 27 March 1980, p. 19. [5] Locke, John W., Operations Research. Vol. 22, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1974. [6] Fine, William T., NFPA News Report. June 1977. [7] "Fire Hazard and the Design and Use of Fire Tests," Technical Report 6585, International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1979. [8] "Benefits of Environmental, Health and Safety Regulation," U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Washington, D.C., 25 March 1980. [9] Regulations Concerning Hazardous Substances, 105 CMR 650, Department of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 14 Nov. 1979. [10] Starr, Chauncey, Science, Vol. 165, 19 Sept. 1969. [//] Kelvin. W. T., Popular Lectures and Addresses. 1891-1894. [12] Risk Management Guide. ERDA 76-45/11, SSDC-11, U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, D.C., June 1977. [13] "The Estimated Fire Risk of Various Occupancies," Fire Research Note 989, Fire Research Station, Department of the Environment, Borehamwood, England, 1973. [14] Firesafety Concepts Tree. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Mass., 1980. [15\ "Firesafety Systems Analysis for Residential Occupancies," National Fire Proection Association, Quincy, Mass., March 1977. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG ROUX ON DISCUSSION OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 27 [16] Roux, H. J. in Fire Standards and Safety. ASTM STP 614. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1976, pp. 194-205. [17] Herpol, G. A., Ignition. Heat Release, and Noncombustibility of Materials. ASTM STP 502. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1972, pp. 99-111. [18] Harmathy, T. Z., Fire and Materials, in press. [19] Harrington, E. C , Jr., Industrial Quality Control. April 1965, pp. 494-498. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG B. M. Cohn^ Formulating Acceptable Levels of Fire Risk REFERENCE: Cohn, B. M., "Formulating Acceptable LeyeU of Fire Risk," Fire Risk Assessment. ASTM STP 762. G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 28-37. ABSTRACT: Building codes and standards traditionally have set levels of performance based on the experienced judgment of the code writer. Occasionally, a certain level of safety is envisioned, but the objective tends to be expressed in imprecise terms, such as the "minimum" or "reasonable" level of safety. There is a need to set goals for fire safety in terms which can be measured so that they can be specified in building codes and standards. With such quantification, systematic fire safety analyses will be more meaningful. A probabilistic approach can be used to set fire safety goals. Sufficient statistics are available today to set realistic goals, and the state of the art in fire safety systems analysis is sufficiently advanced to develop the methodology needed to calculate the failure probabilities for specific events. Such a methodology is described. It assigns probabilities to events associated with fire development in a building and allows these probabilities for a specific set of conditions to be related to the risk being evaluated (loss of life, property damage, business interruption, and so on). Statistics of industry experience help to relate the relative safety levels to the actual loss forecasts. Similar statistical analysis can be used to establish goals for fire safety in building codes, regulations, and standards. KEY WORDS: fire risk assessment, risk levels, building codes, fire development, fire spread, probabilistic methodology Once upon a time, it was popular to call a steel-and-concrete building "fireproof." That term finally was considered to be sufficiently misleading that the term "fire resistive" was adopted to suggest that nothing is totally impervious to the effects of the most severe fire which can be envisioned. Today, we are making the same mistake by encouraging the use of the terms "safe" and "safety" in connection with the fire-protection features of a building. High-rise buildings are being loaded up with electronic gadgetry called "life safety" systems, which presumably will do wonders to cut down on the horrible risk of being burned alive on the 9th, 19th, or 90th floor of our modem apartment and office buildings. 'Senior vice president, Gage-Babcock & Associates, Elmhurst, III. 60126. 28 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG COHN ON FORMULATING ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF FIRE RISK 29 What is the risk of being killed in a high-rise without these special "life safety" features? What is the risk after the typical building code "high-rise package" has been added? Less? Probably, yes. But safe? No. To the person who promotes high-rise sprinklers and computer-controlled fire management systems, the risk could appear unacceptable without these features. To the enforcing authority it must be unacceptable; otherwise there would be no legal or moral justification for forcing their installation. But what is acceptable? Who decides what is acceptable? How does a person decide that sufficient gadgetry has been added to make the building "safe," if he is foolish enough to make that claim, or "reasonably safe," if he is a little smarter? For the building owner or architect, there is essentially only one measure to use in deciding whether an acceptable level of fire risk has been achieved. This acceptable level is what is "acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction." Codes and standards are the basic tools of the authority that has jurisdiction in deciding the acceptability of a particular construction or arrangement. Experienced judgment may also be used, and more and more often, today, a fire safety analysis may be commissioned by the owner to show that the intent of the code has been met. The degree of safety—the level of risk—obtained when the requirements of a code are complied with is unknown. This is true because (1) we have no tools with which to measure the degree of risk with any kind of accuracy, and (2) even if we had, we would not use them because of a reluctance to admit that there is an acceptable level of risk where the safety of human lives is involved. Codes and standards would be greatly improved if their goals were better defined. While initially the persons preparing a code or standard will have definite objectives in mind and will try to achieve a certain level of safety, the goals often are obscured within a short period of time. Even before its initial adoption, pressures are exerted to ease the impact on a variety of special interest groups, and by the time the code has been through several revisions, it becomes difficult to imagine why certain requirements exist, let alone what their incremental benefit is. Hit-or-miss changes are made which upset the interrelationships between the various sections of the code. Despite the often-heard claim that today's building codes are performance codes, they only permit the construction of a traditional building. The construction types—fire resistive, ordinary, mill, wood frame, and so on—reflect the types of buildings that were popular in the late 1800s. Innovative arrangements and modern construction techniques are difficult to classify and tend to be discouraged. For instance, the atrium building still violates most building codes; it just cannot be fit into a mold which says there can be no unprotected openings between floors. Where they have been built, the codes have been modified after the fact to accommodate them, or variances have been granted, usually after the owner has agreed to some extra protection &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 30 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT which presumably makes the big hole in the middle equivalent to a traditional building. We don't know what the real risks are in an atrium building—some studies Gage-Babcock engineers have made indicate that the big, open space provides better life safety protection than the traditional, enclosed corridor as a path of egress. A true performance code should permit unlimited variations in the construction and arrangement, provided that the end result conforms to some stated goals of safety, property conservation, public access, and energy conservation. Such a code is not practical today because of the difficulties in its administration and enforcement. An easy-to-apply method would have to be available with which to compare the degree of safety attained by the various combinations of materials and constructions to ensure that the intent of the code is met. The authorities who approve the plans for the construction of an innovative building need sufficient guidance to allow them to decide easily and quickly whether the new concept is acceptable under the code. Expressing the level of safety in terms such as "minimum," "reasonable," or "acceptable" is not adequate. Goals for fire safety need to be stated in terms which can be measured. Only with such quantification will a meaningful, systematic fire safety analysis be possible. Without such analysis, it is doubtful that ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards will ever issue a fire risk assessment standard which is worth the paper it's written on. For an obvious reason, assigning real numbers to the results of a life safety probability analysis would be unacceptable. It would lead to the situation of seeming to weigh money spent against lives lost. While people appear willing to accept certain risks for themselves, they seem unwilling to have less-thanperfect safety levels set as a matter of public policy. Setting risk levels in terms such as the number of lives lost, or saved, seems inappropriate. Alternatively, it is practical to agree on a certain building arrangement as fulfilling our expectations of reasonable safety. Other arrangements can then be compared with this standard. As an example, Gage-Babcock recently submitted a proposal for evaluating the deployment of forces of a large-city fire department. In the usual approach, fire stations are located so as to be within an arbitrary travel distance (or travel time) from most buildings, to provide a level of safety which is considered reasonable by the authorities. Any recommendation for closing an existing station is met with opposition because people perceive that they will be getting less protection than before. The analysis we proposed would first analyze the level of protection which the city has been providing and which the citizens consider acceptable. Any proposed changes would be compared with the existing, acceptable arrangement rather than with an arbitrary standard. Most of our modem buildings today provide what we would usually consider to be an acceptable degree of life safety protection from fire. With low &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG COHN ON FORMULATING ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF FIRE RISK 31 flammability and good exiting facilities, fire fatalities in occupancies such as offices, schools, places of assembly, factories, and warehouses are rare. When fatalities do occur, they are often the result of an abnormal, temporary, higher hazard condition, such as construction, cleaning with flammable liquids, a natural gas leak, or flammable decorations. In fact, it appears that in places where practically everyone is awake, mobile, and can escape from a fire environment without assistance, fire fatalities are unusual. The acceptable level of fire risk can be set quite low. A somewhat higher level of risk may have to be accepted where there is a relatively high number of occupants who have physical or mental impairments or who otherwise are restrained from escaping a fire without assistance. Included in this group are the institutionalized, the inebriated, and the drugged. The level of risk appears to be in direct proportion to the level of impairment and in inverse proportion to the number of rescuers potentially available. At the recent Federal Emergency Management Administration/Department of Health, Education, and Welfare/National Bureau of Standards symposium in Washington on fire safety for the handicapped, an early conclusion reached by the panel on detection and alarm was that a higher level of risk appears to be inevitable for the incapacitated, helpless person left alone in a residence. With no one to assist, the very young, the senile, the crippled, and the heavily drugged or inebriated stand comparatively little chance of escape. Fire statistics seem to bear out a preponderance of fire fatalities in this group. The sterility of surroundings needed to lower the hazard effectively under these circumstances is not likely to be acceptable to society. About 4 years ago John CampbelP and I started work on a methodology for systematically tracing the alternative paths of fire development in buildings from incipiency to full-room involvement and, from there, to other spaces. In this critical path technique, the paths radiate out from a point representing the initial contact of a source of ignition with a source of fuel (Fig. 1). In most instances, fire does not result. The igniting source may be too brief or of too low an intensity; there may be inadequate fuel or the fuel may be too difficult to ignite; or somebody may notice the igniting flame or spark and remove the fuel from the danger zone before it can ignite. All of these possibilities can be shown by paths radiating out from the initial point. One of the paths represents the successful ignition of the fuel and the progression of the fire to an incipient stage. A methodology for quantifying the relative probability of the occurrence of each event was then developed. Formulas, tables, and graphs were prepared to show the apparent relative hazard, based on statistical data, observations, test results, handbook information, and other sources. A couple of the ^Manager, Chicago office, Gage-Babcocl« & Associates. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 32 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Ignition Source Contacts Fuel Incipient Fire Occurs Meaningful Fire Occurs FIG. 1—Diagram of the critical path for fire development in a building, for use with the critical path method for fire hazard analysis, developed by Gage-Bahcock & Associates in 1978, graphs which were prepared are shown in Fig. 2, and the type of input needed to complete the worksheet and calculations is given in Table 1. At this time, the methodology is useful primarily to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. Trial applications which have been made were judged to have accurately quantified the relative hazard presented by alternative fire protection schemes, as a tool for justifying equivalencies and trade-offs in code compliance. A probabilistic approach to fire risk analysis is not new. Rating systems for calculating relative fire hazard are more than 70 years old, and the concept of probabilities is inherent in every building code. Probabilities may not be expressed in quantitative terms, but the very fact that codes develop a range of requirements for different loss expectancies is indicative of a thought process which includes consideration of the probabilities of various events occurring. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG COHN ON FORMULATING ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF FIRE RISK 33 Meaningful Fire Occurs Fire Involves Room/Space Fire Penetrates Barrier Ignicion of Fuel In Next Space 7^ FIG. 1—Continued. The critical path method for fire hazard analysis can be expanded to include probabilities of human fatalities at each point in the chain of events. As now conceived, the method considers real time only in relation to the probability of certain interactions occurring in the fire development sequence (such as fire department response time). However, escape from fire is usually thought of in real-time increments. "You have only 2 min to escape" is a &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 34 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT QJ III • ^ ^ E S g §. W (U m [fi ss 52 o s 5 55 535 ( M/qi) P'^o'l 3->TJ &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG COHN ON FORMULATING ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF FIRE RISK 35 ^1 !W - S 3 '*3 .'i* <u -o "5 .s "5 "<. "IK" 1*^ £ g s- j j oc-a s sa Ki •P e VI o u CI, ^ •^ o .> ?0 «a >* H -£ en S ^ u. n H • ^ 3-S o =3•w§ 1 <N ^ N o -^ • ^ &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 36 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE 1—Input required for the critical path method for fire hazard analysis. Variable 1. Room contents (a) Ease of ignition (b) Spatial distribution (c) Class of combustible (A or B) (d) Fire load (e) Flash point of Class B combustibles 2. Physical dimensions (a) Room or space (b) Openings in room/space enclosure 3. Fire behavior classifications (a) Flame spread ratings (b) Fire resistance ratings 4. Human response for fire suppression (a) Percentage of time room is occupied (b) Response time from other spaces (c) Fire department or fire brigade response time 5. Type and quality of fire protection equipment (a) Automatic fire detection (b) Fire suppression (c) Nonfire instrumentation How Obtained" C or M M C C or M C M M C C M M M C C C "Key to abbreviations: C = classified on the basis of existing standards or guides M = measured (or estimated) commonly used warning, but since fire does not develop in any consistent pattern, the probability of having only 2 min to escape in any given fire incident is actually quite low. Relatively consistent with fire development, though, are carbon monoxide (CO) generation and human susceptibility to CO concentrations. It appears to be feasible to develop probabilities for the presence of people in a fire environment coincident with the occurrence of critical CO levels. For the most part in fire hazard analysis, sufficient test data or experience statistics are not yet available to develop reliable probabilities for the occurrence of events. Instead, a subjective, or personalistic, concept of probability is utilized. Under this concept, the probability of an event is the degree of belief or degree of confidence placed in the occurrence of an event by a particular individual based on the evidence available to him. The evidence may consist of relative frequency of occurrence data to the extent available and any other quantitative or nonquantitative information. If the individual believes the occurrence of an event to be unlikely, he assigns a probability close to zero. If he believes that it is very likely to occur, he assigns a probability close to 1. The subjective probability concept is particularly suited to fire protection systems analysis and the development of codes and standards. Probabilities &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG COHN ON FORMULATING ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF FIRE RISK 37 can be assigned for events occurring only rarely and in the future and for which no objective data may be available. The techniques for applying these concepts are available to us today. ASTM standards can help in validating data by standardizing test fires and by developing relationships between test fires and real fires in buildings. As an example, there is a need to establish valid probabilities for the failure of Vi-h, 1-h, 2-h, and 4-h rated wall and floor assemblies under actual fire exposures of varying severities. It is generally known that an assembly that has obtained a 2-h rating under standardized fire test conditions may fail when exposed to a building fire of similar intensity, or it may fail prematurely under shorter exposure to higher temperatures than that of the test fire. Knowing the probability of such failures tends to produce more accurate risk assessment. An analysis method such as the one developed by Gage-Babcock & Associates could be the missing link to formulating acceptable levels of fire risk. Using this approach, a probability rate can be determined for the occurrence of a fatality during a fire event in any particular type of building. This rate can be calculated for a building arrangement which is considered to meet an acceptable level of safety. Using this number as the norm, other building arrangements can be analyzed and a determination made as to whether the fire fatality rate is as low as the norm. Preliminary indications are that this analytical method can be used to verify that codes and standards set minimum requirements, at a level of fire risk which is socially acceptable. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG W. C. T. Ling^ and R. B. Williamson^ Using Fire Tests for Quantitative Risk Analysis REFERENCE: Ling, W. C. T. and Williamson, R. B,, "Using Fire Tests for Quantitative Rislj Analysis," Fire Risk Assessment, ASTM STP 762. G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 38-58. ABSTRACT: Fires can be considered a causa/ chain-of-evenfs in which the growth and spread of fire may cause damage and injury if it is rapid enough to overcome the barriers placed in its way. Fire tests for fire resistance of the barriers can be used in a quantitative risk assessment. The fire growth and spread is modeled in a state transition model (STM). The fire barriers are presented as part of the fire protection model (FPM), which is based on a portion of the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) decision tree. An emergency equivalent network is introduced to couple the fire growth model (FGM) and the FPM so that the spread of fire beyond the room of origin can be computed. An example is presented in which a specific building floor plan is analyzed to obtain the shortest expected time for fire to spread between two points. To obtain the probability and time for each link in the network, data from the results of fire tests were used. These results were found to be lacking, and new standards giving better data are advocated. KEY WORDS: fire protection, fires, fire resistance, fire tests, fire growth, fire spread, fire safety, probability analysis, fire risk assessment, and stochastic processes The quantitative assessment of fire risk requires a rational framework to measure the "fire safety" of a building or other structure. Harmathy [/]^ has defined a fire-safe building as one for which there is a high probability that all occupants will survive a fire without injury and in which property damage will be confined to the immediate vicinity of the fire area. Under certain circumstances, such as for nuclear reactors, the criteria would need to be changed slightly, but, in general, the definition can be applied to many buildings or other structures and systems. Note, however, that this definition is conditional because it assumes that a fire will occur, and it is the impact of such a fire which is being minimized. 'Ph.D. candidate and professor of engineering science, respectively. Department of Civil Engineering and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Calif, 94720, ^The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper, 38 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 39 Friedman [2] starts his analysis of the threat from a rapidly growing fire at an early stage, and he defines his framework as the product of two probabilities: 1. The probability of ignition, for a given ignition exposure specified by the scenario. 2. The probability of being unable to escape or be rescued from the fire before the escape route is blocked by heat, smoke, toxic gases, etc. (This probability clearly depends on detection time and on the degree of mobility of the occupants, as well as on the rate of fire growth. Accordingly, some people will fail to escape even from a very slowly growing fire.) Friedman does not develop the probability of ignition, although he notes that it may be developed in a "straightforward manner." He represents the fire growth with an exponential equation which yields a range of "fire doubling times" for a variety of fuel materials. He then develops a ratio of criticalthreat variables that relate to the manner in which the fire is detected and to the manner in which it reaches the critical condition. One of the essential steps in establishing a quantitative assessment of fire risk is to separate the diverse and complex issues of unwanted fire so that they can be treated individually. Williamson [3] has suggested that every serious fire has two essential characteristics: (1) it can be considered as a causal chain of events, and (2) the element of time is of ultimate importance. "But for the rapid growth of the fire in a particular location" is a typical phrase that almost always marks the difference between a serious fire with a tragic ending and an incidental fire which was easily controlled. This sine qua non (but for the presence) logic and the element of time are important components of a universal fire model. Therefore, in the following section a state transition model (STM) of fires will be introduced which represents the growth of the fire in the room of fire origin and its subsequent spread beyond. The fire resistance tests of walls and floor or ceiling assemblies, as well as of the elements interrupting the integrity of those assemblies, such as doors, windows, and pipe and cable penetrations, are introduced in the risk assessment as quantitative data concerning the ability of those components to contain fire. The fire tests for flame spread and the full-scale fire growth experiments are used to quantify the growth of fire in the room of origin and then, once the containment elements are breached, its spread to other spaces. The quantitative assessment of fire risk is strongly dependent on the quality and completeness of the information provided by the fire tests. State Transition Model Williamson [3] presents a method for combining both deterministic and stochastic modeling techniques for unwanted fire which is based on an STM. This STM is flexible enough to accept theoretical and experimental, as well as subjective, information. Williamson's formulation of the problem is based &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 40 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT on the fact that, though there are a number of distinct aspects to any serious fire, they all have a common time coordinate, and certain events can be identified as being particularly significant. Any complete mode! of unwanted fire development must be able to answer the following four questions: 1. What is the extent of fire growth with time? 2. What is the extent of the spread of combustion products (smoke) from the fire as a function of time? 3. What are the roles of people involved with the fire in causing its ignition, in fighting it, and possibly in becoming its victims? 4. What fire protection techniques can be expected to prevent the spread of fire and smoke? Each one of these questions can be looked upon as a separate issue and can be utilized as a subsection of a complete model. One way to visualize this process is to compare it with the "separation of variables" common to solving many determinisiic problems utilizing differential equations. The complete model thus consists of submodels which are defined by the four questions just listed. The first of these questions can be answered by a fire growth model (FGM), the second by a smoke spread model (SSM), the third by a human response model (HRM), and, finally, the fourth by a fire protection model (FPM). Each of these subsections of the overall model can be formulated as state transition models which are divided into separate states or realms that represent the conditions of the fire appropriate to each subsection of the complete model. The use of state transition models in representing fires was given an important boost by the National Fire Protection Association/Department of Housing and Urban Development (NFPA/HUD) research project in the period 1974-76. In particular, the works of Connelly [4,5] and Berlin [6] were important in spreading these ideas. The FGM can be considered to give a running account of the fire until it is contained by barriers or has been extinguished by manual or automatic suppression. Williamson [7] presents an FGM that is based on dividing the fire growth process as if it were a full-scale experiment in which a given product is exposed to an ignition source, and the growth of the fire is recorded as a function of time. If the initial state before the fire is called "I," the subsequent states can bear the letters that follow in the alphabet, J, K, L, M, and N. If the unwanted fire is inside a building or similar structure, it will proceed in a manner similar to that shown schematically in Fig. 1 for a living room fire. Figure la shows the room before the ignition events which start the fire scenario. A fire could have started in a number of locations, but we have chosen the wastepaper basket, and Fig. lb shows a plume of flame and smoke rising out of that location. This depicts State J, since only the waste container and no other object has been ignited. It is important to note that the flame does not &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 41 (a) FIG. 1—Schematic diagram of flame spread in the room of origin from ignition to flashover. reach the ceiling, although there must be convective heat transfer to the ceiling since heated air and combustion products rise to the ceiling. The black "smoke cloud" above the wastebasket can be considered to represent schematically the buoyant heat plume as well as the smoke per se, and this heat and smoke will "pool" in the upper portion of the room. This pool of hot gases and smoke will be at least as deep as the soffits of the highest door or other opening in the room. In his full-scale experiment, which would correspond in a more general household fire scenario to the ignition of the wall or furniture, Williamson [7] defined the end of State J and the beginning of State K as the ignition of a second object. There may be multiple ignitions in the vicinity of the original ignition source, but if a fire is to become serious, the actual number of burning objects is not as important as the conditions in the zone of hot gases filling the upper portion of the room. At this state of the fire growth, the instant &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 42 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT (b) FIG. 1—Continued. the flames reach the ceiling constitutes one of the most important events, since combustible gases, or the ceiling itself if it is combustible, can ignite and contribute to the burning in the room. The flames shown in Fig. Ic have reached the ceiling and are spreading along its surface. These flames add to the heated zone at the ceiling and reinforce the radiation which is bathing the room. One of the important consequences of this radiation is that other combustible materials can be ignited, as is shown schematically in Fig. Ic by the ignition of papers on the desk and the couch near the windows. Following ignition of the wall or furniture, the moment when the flames first reach the ceiling thus stands out as the next most critical point in the chain of events of fire growth. Williamson chose to denote this moment as the end of State K and the beginning of State L. As more and more heat builds up in the room, there is a point in time, known as flashover, when all of the combustible materials in the room can ignite and &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 43 (c) FIG. 1—Continued. begin to contribute to the fire. From that moment, the fire in such a room is considered "fully involved." The flashover state is schematically shovi^n in Fig. Id, where the windows are broken due to the thermal shock, and flames are shown spreading out through both the windows and the doorways. Fires will rarely cause injury to very many people or cause large property damage unless they reach flashover in at least the room of origin, and, in general, such fires are also characterized by rapid fire spread beyond the room of origin. Williamson shows the flashover event as the end of State L and the beginning of State M, which is the initial state of the fully involved room fire. State M is characterized by an air supply rate which is insufficient to bum completely all of the fuel released by the contents within the boundaries of the room. This ventilation-controlled portion of the fire has ended when enough fuel has been expended or more openings have been supplied to allow most of the burning to take place in the room. That event ends State M and begins State N which, unless new fuel is supplied or the air supply is diminished, will be the final state of the fire. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 44 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Flashover (d) FIG. 1—Continued. The definitions of these states of fire growth in a room are as follows: I—the initial prefire period of time, which ends with ignition of the "source"; J—the period of time from the ignition of the source until the ignition of the wall or furniture; K—the period of time from ignition of the wall or furniture until flames touch the ceiling; L—the period of time from the moment the flames first touch the ceiling until full involvement (flashover) occurs; M—the period of time from flashover until sufficient air enters to bum the fuel in the compartment; and N—the period from the time that enough air enters to bum the fuel in the compartment until the fire has burned out. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 45 An event diagram, such as the one in Fig. 2, can be constructed to represent this fire growth model. The fire can terminate in any state, and generally, until flashover occurs, the fire can be considered confined to the original compartment. It is during State M that the fire is most likely to spread through openings in the walls or ceiling. In the adjacent space, the fire growth process then starts from a new State J in which the flames emerging from the room of origin can be considered the ignition source. This is schematically represented by the symbol (R) in Fig. 2. This paper will concentrate on the FGM and the FPM, and it will not explicitly develop the SSM or the HRM. The FPM consists of three distinct elements: controlling the combustion process; suppressing the fire; and controlling construction, as described in the well-known National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) decision tree under the heading, "Manage the Fire" [8]. That portion of the NFPA decision tree is shown in Fig. 3 for illustrative purposes. This decision tree is a success tree, with the top event denoting the satisfactory management of the fire to prevent injury or loss of property. This type of success tree is the mirror image of a fault tree, in-which the top event would be the loss of fire control leading to fire injury or property loss. The FPM is more appropriately described by a success tree since it is designed to manage the fire rather than to allow its uncontrolled growth. While the FGM focuses on fire growth, the FPM essentially opposes it. c 0 STATE •1_ i'!initi sourc rce burning wall or furniture burning STATE• J fire fully involved STATE , K r iqnition of source fire goes through ^ walls and/or c e i l i n q \ j / flames at ceiling T ignition of wall or furniture STATE L Process terminates /TN \V fire goes through window -0 f i r e contained in t-0 original conipartmen t flames at ceiling 0 © © fire goes through •?oors STATE M r FLASHOVER Fire process starts in room of origin 1_STATE t ' ' switch from ventilation to fuel control Process starts from J in adjacent space FIG. 2—Fire growth model for fire in a room. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 46 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT i iij rm r ^ ^ L ®- i s p k^H ^S^ m in c i &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 47 Applying Fiie Tests to Quantify the State Transition Model (STM) Both the FGM and FPM can be quantified by the use of fire test information. The FGM can be quantified by the use of full-scale fire growth tests [3,7] and tunnel test information [9]. One of the major NFPA decision tree branches, that involving controlling by construction, can be quantified by using fire-resistance test results. It is assumed here that flashover has occurred in the room of origin. It should also be remembered that the containment of a fire depends on the walls, the doors, the ceiling, and perhaps other building elements such as windows or cable and pipe penetrations. The quantitative development of both the FGM and FPM will be presented through the use of an example. Let us suppose that a certain building is being considered for rehabilitation. Figure 4 shows the floor plan of a high-rise of- i _ ^ elevator rv—^ \~7|J lobby L i W ii i , stairway FIG. A—Twenty-third floor of a high-rise office building built in the 1930s. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 48 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT fice building constructed in the late 1930s. The arrows point to the only stairways which provide escape routes from each floor. The many offices on both sides of the dead-end corridor labeled A-B could be isolated if a fire started in an office such as Room 1, and then blocked the corridor between Rooms 1 and 3. Moreover, the corridor doors in the actual building are 90 percent plain glass (as opposed to wire glass), and once a fire has fully involved an office, such as Room 1 in Fig. 4, it would break the glass in the door and spread smoke and fire into the corridor. Not only would this prevent the escape of everybody in other offices served by this corridor, but it would also cause the plain glass in the door of the opposite office. Room 3, to shatter and allow the fire to spread into that space. The fire would then proceed down the corridor from A to B, entering the remaining offices by way of the plain glass doors. More than 30 floors of the building have the same basic floor plan. At the start of our fire risk assessment we can see that the configuration of Rooms 1 through 4 shown in Fig. 4 can be represented schematically by the elementary floor plan in Fig. 5 (left). The rooms are simplified to squares, and the corridor is represented by Segments C) and C2 which are opposite Rooms 1 and 2, respectively. Then, in order to enable us to consider the spread of fire beyond the room of origin, the floor plan is transformed into a network, as shown in Fig. 5 {right). This is similar to the process described by Busing et al [10]. Each link in the network represents a possible route of fire spread for the FGM, and some of the links are exit paths for the HRM. The method [11] to be used in this paper for calculating the expected shortest time for the fire to spread from one compartment to another is based on the premise that the duration of fire resistance of each barrier element, and the time needed for the fire to develop fully in each compartment, have a given independent discrete probability distribution. We shall begin by showing how to construct a discrete probability distribution from fire test data. First, partition the time axis into equal spacing intervals. Then construct a , • Rm 3 Rm 1 ^1 Rm 3 I. - -13 . . 0 Rm 2 Rm 4 Rm 2 Rm 4 • FIG. 5—Illustration of the transforming of a floor plan (left) into a network (right). &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 49 histogram for the duration of the fire resistance of a particular material and element. From this histogram, a discrete distribution can be made by collapsing everything within each interval into the midpoint of that interval. For example, the fire resistance of various 10.16-cm (4-in.) clay tile masonry walls is reported to vary between 10 and 35 min [72]. There are eleven different fire tests on exposed clay tile assemblies which can be used to produce the histogram shown in Fig. 6 {left). This histogram can then be replaced by the discrete distribution shown in Fig. 6 (right). The discrete distribution for this 10.16-cm (4-in.) clay tile wall is Pb(0 Pi = 1/11 = 0.091 at f = 5 P2 = 3/11 = 0.273 at ^ = 15 Pi = 6/11 = 0.545 at r = 25 PA = 1/11 = 0.091 at t = 35 If we assume that Room 1 is the room of origin and that, once a compartment has been burned out, fire cannot return to that compartment, then the network shown in Fig. 5 can be modified to represent the spread of fire and the passage of time. It now becomes the FGM network, and is schematically arranged in Fig. 7 to show a flow of time to the right. The nodes denoted by primes each represent a fully developed fire in the compartment. Three different types of links are identified. The first corresponds to the fire growth in a compartment, the second to the fire breaching a barrier element, and the third to the fire spread along the corridors. To each link i, a pair of num- 4 - 10 20 30 TIME (MINUTES) 40 10 20 30 40 TIME (MINUTES) FIG. 6—Histogram (left) and discrete distribution (right) of 10.16-cm (4-in.) clay tile walls. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 50 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Rni 1 Rni 3 Cl --*•- (Pftf) \ (Pt,.t„) »» • ' » \JPf.tf) Rin 4 Rm 3 ' Rm 4 ' » >^ (p^.tj,) ) \ \ (Pf.tf) (P^,t^) (Pf.tA, 't-b'tb' (P , t \ (n , t ) \ - • i ^ — • «» «« Rm 2 —H fire growth within compartment fire breaches barrier elements fire spread along corridor F I G . 7—Probabilistic network of fire spread of Room I to Corridor C2 bers, (pi,/i), is assigned. In this paperpj represents the distributed probability that a fire will go through Link i, and fj represents the time distribution that it will take for such a fire to go through Link i. The number pair, (pf,^t)< represents the probability and time for the fire in the room to progress from State J through State L, that is, to become fully involved. The flashover time, ?f, in a room varies according to the type of wall and ceiling lining material used, as well as the room's contents. For this example the FGM in each space is simplified by taking the approach of Lie and giving a probability distribution based on flame spread or reaction to fire tests [9]. Figure 8 shows Lie's estimates for the time to flashover of three levels of performance represented by a flame spread classification of 25, 75, and 150 as measured by the tunnel test [ASTM Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (E 84-80)] or the Dutch "flashover" test. It should be noted that the authors doubt the validity of this behavior for plastic lining materials but consider it to be realistic for cellulosic materials [13]. The section of the corridor, C,, opposite Room 1 is treated as a separate fire compartment and is assigned a (pf,ff) for the link from C] to C i ' . The number pair ips^h) represents the probability and time for the preflashover spread of fire along the corridor from C, to Ci. As a first approximation, the probability of preflashover spread of fire in the corridor from C] to C2 could be considered to be governed by the flame spread classification of the corridor's finish materials on the walls and ceiling, as measured by a test method such as ASTM Test E 84-80 (tunnel test). This, again, would be limited to cellulosic materials, although a detailed review of the test results could yield information for plastic lining materials. Once full involvement occurs in Section C1 of the corridor outside Room 1 (that is, Node C\' is reached) the fire spread in the corridor is influenced more by the ventilation in the corridor and by the contribution of Room 1 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS ilRONG CONTRIBUTING 150 TUNNEL IE SI [3.8) ._„1 , 0.05 c FUVSMOVEB IE5I [3.21] sO) MODE RATE CONTRIBUTING 75 TUNNEL TEST [3.8] 0.2 col.'cm' ! FLASHOVER TEST [3.21] 51 NON CONTRIBUTING 25 TUNNEL TEST [3.8] 0.4 col/cm2 t FLASHOVER TEST [3.2l] ^XD 10 FLASHOVER IS TIME, 20 MINUTES FIG. 8—Frequency offires with a certain flashover lime for rooms lined with materials which are strong contributing, moderately contributing, and noncontrihuting factors to the fire growth. than by the material properties of the corridor itself [14]. Thus, there is a separate link, C , ' to C2, which has its own (p^, t^). The number pair (p^,, t^,) represents the probability of failure of the barrier element, with t^, representing the endurance of the barrier element as measured by a standard fire-resistance test such as the ASTM Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials (E 119-80). Barriers may consist of such components as walls, ceilings, and doors. Penetrations such as piping or cables through walls will affect the fire resistance of barrier elements. If not properly protected, the penetration tends to increase Pb and decrease t^,. With regard to doors, an open door would offer no resistance to fire spread, and ?b would equal zero. On the other hand, if the door is closed, t^ would depend on the type of materials that the door is made of. Figure 9 shows some distribution of t^ for doors, based on the authors' subjective judgment. The probability of doors being open would depend on the presence of selfclosing devices and the absence of door stops. Coupling the Fire Growtli Model (FGM) and the Fire Protection Model (FPM) As shown earlier, the FGM and FPM can be quantified by the use of fire test data, but to solve the problem of determining the risk of fire spread it is necessary to couple these models together. We have chosen the use of an emergency equivalent network. This is an abstraction of the given network in which (a) each link has a Bernoulli probability of success, (b) the link delay &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 52 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT OPENED DOORS aASS/IIOLLOW DOORS 20 MINUTES RATED DOORS 20 ONE HOUR RATED DOORS —r— —r- 40 30 TIME —r- 60 50 (MINUTES) FIG. 9—Frequency distributions for fire containment by three types of doors. time is deterministic, and (c) the expected shortest time between two points in the emergency equivalent network is equal to the expected shortest time in the original network. If one link in the original network, say the link between Nodes j and k, has discrete probability distribution 'Pr^iort = <m m = 1,2, . . . r, P\M(') = (1) Po„ = 1 — I ! Pi for t - CO then the transformation into an emergency equivalent network can be accomplished by replacing the (j,k) link by r parallel links (j,m,k), m = 1,2,.. .r, where each link (j,m,k) has an independent probability of success, /?„, and associated time, t^, where Pi P\ 2,3, ...r (2) If we are interested in the expected shortest time for the fire spread between two nodes in the network—call it the source node and the sink node—we have to list all the possible paths between these two given nodes. Many different algorithms are available to find all the paths [15]. Let Pi,P2,.. .Pn be &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 53 all the paths going from the source to the sink node. For each Path Pj, i = 1,2, ... n, find the travel time, Tj, and the probability, P\, where T,= L linkjePi u Pi= n Pj (3) linkjePi Number the n paths so that T^ < Ti < • • • < T„. Let E^ denote the event that Path Pj is connected; that is, with probability greater than zero, fire will spread through each node in Pj. Let Q^ denote the probability that the fire will spread from the source to the sink node by way of one or more of the paths Pi,P2, .. • Pm- That is mathematically expressed Q „ = prob [ £ , U £2 U . . . U E„\ (4) Let the conditional probability that Paths P| or P2 or . . . or Pn,_| are connected, given that Path Pn, is connected, be denoted by Puim- That is Pu|„ = prob[£, U r 2 U . . . U£„_,|rj Let us define Pu|o ~ Puji ~ Qo ~ 0. We then obtain /"uim from Q^-x using Pu|m = [ ( 2 m - l ] / ' . - , (5) where the subscript Pm-i indicates that all the link probabilities associated with P„ are set equal to unity in the subscript expression. Using basic probability theoty, we can then show that <2m = Qn,-.+/'n,[l-Pu|m] (6) Where P^ is the probability that Path Pn, is connected. Equations 4 and 5 can be used recursively to determine expressions f o r P u | i , P u | 2 . ••• PuinThe probability of connectivity, R, is then given by /? = P, + ^2 (1 - Pu|2) + • • • + ^n (1 - PU|„) (7) and the expected shortest time for the fire to spread from the source node to the sink node, given that the two nodes are connected, T. is given by r = [r,p,+ 7^2^2(1-Pu 12) + ••• + r„/'„(i-Pu|„)]/i? (8) Nnmerical Sample Solution Let us go back to the example stated previously involving unrated doors on the corridor. Take the floor plan shown in Fig. 5a and suppose that we want &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 54 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT to find the expected shortest time for a fire to spread from Room 1 to Corridor C2, given that Room 1 has ignited. This would indicate that the fire growth is such as would make the corridor unavailable for either an exitway or route of access for fire suppression in the rooms along the corridor. The following assumptions are made for this illustration: 1. All the paths involving Rooms 3 and 4 are ignored. 2. The room of origin (Room 1), as well as the other rooms, is to have contents and lining materials that are characterized by Lie [9] to be moderately contributing to fire growth and, thus, according to Fig. 8, has a tf of 10 min. 3. The probability that a fire in the room of origin will grow to flashover is 0.50, and in the other rooms it is 1. 4. The initial assumption will be that all rooms have plain glass doors without self-closing devices leading to the corridor. This will be modified later to illustrate a shift to self-closing 20-min doors. It will be assumed that the probability of a door being closed is 0.50. This gives the following formulas p, - yi- 0.50 at f - Omin P2 = '/2 = 0.50 at f = 5 min Using Eq 2 results in having two links between rooms and corridors with (Pi,fi) being equal to (0.50, 0) and (1, 5). 5. The walls between the rooms are 10.16-cm (4-in.) clay tile masonry walls. Using the discrete distribution shown earlier and Eq 2, we have four links between rooms, with {p\,t-^ being equal to (0.091, 5), (0.30, 15), (0.86, 25), and (1, 35), respectively. Notice that the application of Eq 1 results in the fire having a probability of 1 of eventually breaching the wall in 35 min. 6. The differentiation of Cj and C | ' will be dropped for this example. An open door or a plain glass door will cause a very severe fire in the corridor, and transition to flashover in the corridor will be very rapid. To estimate the fire propagation from C, to C2, we will rely on National Bureau of Standards (NBS) corridor test data reported by Fung \16\. Neglecting the inclusion of the initial fire growth, these data give the following distribution Pi = '/2 = 0.50 at t = 7.5 min P2 = '/8 = 0.125 at t = 12.5 min This results in having two links between C] and C2, with {p\,t-^ becoming equal to (0.50, 7.5) and (0.25, 12.5), respectively. An emergency equivalent network to represent the fire growth and the various barriers to its spread can now be constructed for this example, and it is shown in Fig. 10. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 55 L5 ( 0 . 2 5 , 1 2 . 5 ) FIG. 10—Emergency equivalent network with 5-min unrated doors. There are a total of twelve links in the network labeled Xj, L2, L3, ... X12, from which twelve different paths from Room 1 to C2 can be established. These paths are listed in Table 1, and the corresponding P, and T^s (as calculated from Eq 2) are given. The paths are enumerated so that Tj < T2 ... < T\i and the component links are identified in Table 1, thereby enabling the reader to identify the path of the fire. Each of these paths can be described by a fire scenario in words; for instance, Path 1, consisting of Links £ ] , L2, and X4, would be expressed as "The fire flashes over, escapes from Room 1 through an open door into the corridor Cj, and then spreads along the corridor to C2." The probability of that scenario is 0.13 ('/s); it is strongly dependent on the original subjective assignment of the probability being 0.50 that flashover will occur in Room 1, and of the probability being 0.50 that the door will be open. The time, J,, of 17.5 min is the combination of the assigned times of 10 min for Room 1 to flashover and 7.5 min for the fire to spread in the corridor from Cj to C2. If more sophisticated models were incorporated for these links, the final Pj and T^ would be different, but the reader can see the origin of each value in Table 1. One can also see that as the paths begin to include the higher-fire-rated wall between Rooms 1 and 2 the probability increases. For instance. Path 12 consists of Links Zj, X9, L^Q, and X12, which could be described as follows: "The fire in Room 1 breaches the clay tile wall and spreads to Room 2. After having reached flashover, the fire breaches the closed door into the corridor C2." The probability for this scenario is 0.50 with a time of 60 min. The emergency equivalent network can be examined further by finding all the Pu|ni> iTi = 2,3, . . . 12, from Eqs 4 and 5 and then the connectivity, R, can be found from Eq 6 to be 0.50 and the expected shortest time, T. from Eq 7 to be 29.6 min. The origin of the connectivity of 0.50 ('/2) is a direct result of the assumed probability of 0.50 ('/2) for flashover in the room of &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 56 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE 1—Pathways through the example emergency equivalent network assuming 5-min unrated corridor doors. Paths Component Links 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 1-2-4 1-2-5 1-3-4 1-6-10-11 1-3-5 1-6-10-12 1-7-10-12 1-8-10-11 1-8-10-12 1-9-10-11 1-9-10-12 Probability, P, '/8 i/i6 'A 1/44 1/8 '/22 = = = = = = VAO = 3/14 = 3/7 = '/4 = 1/2 = 0.13 0.06 0.25 0.02 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.21 0.43 0.25 0.50 Time, T,, min 17.5 22.5 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 35.0 40.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 origin and the occurrence of unity probabilities in the remaining links which make up certain paths through the network. Let us change the starting assumptions slightly and explore how the network changes. Suppose self-closing 20-min fire-rated doors had been installed in the corridor of our example. We will assume that the reliability of the self-closures is perfect and that door stops had not been allowed. This changes Assumption 4, described previously, but all other conditions remain the same. The emergency equivalent network is shown in Fig. 11 and the P, and Ti for the paths are given in Table 2. Note that the links have been renumbered for this example. For instance, Lq from Fig. 10 has become Xg in Fig. 11. The connectivity remains 0.50 in this case, but the expected shortest time becomes T = 47.1 min. All of the TiS have been increased by the presence of the fire-rated door, which reflects the rationale of model building codes that require self-closing 20-min doors on corridors. Conclusions The interplay of fire growth and fire protection has been modeled in the emergency equivalent network. This model facilitates an evaluation of design changes and affords ready comparison of the different strategies under consideration to effect such changes. The numerical example was necessarily simplistic, but it illustrated how the original assumptions could be clearly traced. The individual fire tests on clay tile, for instance, could be seen in the final pathways of the network. If the original fire in Room 1 had been modeled more completely, the ventilation-controlled phase of the fire (State M) may have ended before the 35-min wall had been breached. This more sophisticated step could easily be added, and this would make the connectivity, R. more meaningful. Looking at this model in detail, we realize that more information is re- &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG LING AND WILLIAMSON ON QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS 57 TABLE 2~Pathways through the example emergency equivalent network assuming self-closing 20-min rated corridor doors. Paths Component Links 1 2 3 4 5 6 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-5-9-10 1-6-9-10 1-7-9-10 1-8-9-10 Probability, P^ 1/4 1/8 1/22 3/20 3/7 1/2 = = = = = = 0.25 0.13 0.05 0.15 0.43 0.50 Time, T,, min 37.5 42.5 45 55 65 75 Rni 2 FIG. 11—Emergency equivalent network with self-closing 20-min rated doors. quired from the fire tests performed on building elements than we now obtain from standard tests. At this time, the furnace fire conditions do not necessarily represent the positive pressure and excess fuel conditions of the ventilation-controlled phase of a fire, which thereby decreases the meaningfulness of the test results. The end-point criteria are features of the standard test which are not rationally based, and many of the tests terminate before these criteria are reached. It is our recommendation that new test standards be established which are rationally based with regards to the fire exposure and the criteria, and which at the same time ensure that passing the new standard would be equivalent to passing the old standard. Such new test standards are essential to the development of more sophisticated techniques for risk analysis. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the discussion and comments of Professor Richard Barlow, Fred Fisher, Joe Zicherman, and Cecile Grant. In addition, the authors wish to thank Claire Johnson and Ann Armijo for their assistance in preparing this manuscript. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 58 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT This work was sponsored by the National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission through Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract W-7405-ENG-48. References [/] Harmathy, T. Z., Wood and Fiber. Vol. 1, 1977, pp. 127-144, and DRB Paper No. 805, National Research Council Canada 17038, Ottawa, Canada. [2] Friedman, R., Fire and Materials. Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan. 1978, pp. 27-33. [3] Williamson, R. B., Fire Safety Journal. Vol. 3, No. 4, 1981, pp. 243-259. [4] Connelly, E. M. and Swartz, J. A., "An Approach to Quantitative Measurement of Fire Safety," presented at the Operations Research Society of America/Institute of Management Science (ORSA/TIMS) Conference, Miami, Fla., Nov. 1976. [5] Connelly, E. M. and Swartz, J. A., "State Transition Model of Fire Growth Presented in a Residence," presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the National Fire Protection Association, May 1977. [6] Berlin, G. N., Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1980, pp. 181-189. [7] Williamson, R. B., Fire Performance Under Full Scale Fire Test Conditions—A State Transition Model. 16th International Symposium on Combustion, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1976, pp. 1357-1371. [8] National Fire Protection Association, Decision Tree, Committee on Systems Concepts for Fire Protection Structures, Boston, Mass., 1980. [9] Lie, T. T., Fire and Buildings. Applied Science Publishers, Ltd., England, 1972. [10] Dusing, J. W. A., Buchanan, A. H., and Elms, D. G., "Fire Safety Design Development of an Analytic Technique," Civil Engineering Department Research Report No. 78-4, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 1978. [//] Mirchandani, P. B., Computations and Operations Research. Vol. 3, Pergamon Press, New York, 1976, pp. 347-355. [12] Williamson, R. B., Grant, C , Zicherman, J., Fisher, F., and Hasegawa, H., and National Institute of Building Sciences, Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials & Assemblies, Vol. 8, HUD-PDR-613-8, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Oct. 1980. [13] Van Volkinburg, D., Williamson, R. B., Fisher, F. L., and Hasegawa, H., "Toward a Standard Ignition Source," Paper No. 78-65, Fall Meeting of the Western States Section, Combustion Institute, Laguna Beach, Calif., 1978. [14] Quintiere, J. G., "A Characterization and Analysis of NBS Corridor Fire Experiments in Order to Evaluate the Behavior and Performance of Floor Covering Materials," NBSIR 75-691-1, National Bureau of Standards, Center for Fire Research, Washington, D.C., June 1975. [15] Sloan, N. J., Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 2, Feb. 1972, pp. 371-390. [16] Fung, F. C , Suchomel, M. R., and Oglesby, P. L., Fire Journal. Vol. 67, No. 3, May 1973, pp. 41-48. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG V. M. Brannigan} and Rachel Dardis^ Legal and Economic Criteria for Test-Based Fire Risk Assessnnent REFERENCE: Brannigan, V. M. and Dardis, Rachel, "Legal and Economic Criteria for Test-Based Fire Risk Assessment," Fire Risk Assessment. ASTM STP 762, G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 59-74. ABSTRACT: This paper defines test-based fire risk assessment as it is used for economic and legal analysis. Its economic use is illustrated by cost-benefit and risk-benefit techniques. Its legal use is discussed in the context of tort liability, contracts, and regulation. In both areas, there is a need for definition of the risks being measured, the confidence in the result, and the type of assessment and data being produced. KEY WORDS: legal, economic, risk-benefit analysis, cost-benefit analysis, tort liability, contracts, regulation, fire risk assessment The purpose of this paper is to give the test designer in test-based fire risk assessment an understanding of the legal and economic use of his output, so that he can incorporate criteria based on those used in economic and legal analysis into the test design. It is the hypothesis of this paper that test-based risk assessment follows a general methodology. For our purpose, the elements may be defined as follows: Test—A technique for measuring a physical phenomenon. Standaid—The acceptance criteria for a physical phenomenon. Risk assessment—A determination of the probability of an occurrence and the consequence (technical, economic, legal) of the occurrences. Risk response strategy—The determination of choices available to an individual faced with risks. It should be noted that these are independent elements of the methodology. Each term may, to a certain extent, be developed independently of the 'Assistant professor and professor, respectively. Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 20742. 59 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 60 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT others. Economics and law play a significant part in risk assessment, because the legal system defines the rights of those affected by a risk, and economics predicts and defines their response to the risk and its consequences. We shall assume that each individual faced with a risk assesses the risk in terms of the consequences to him, or to those to whom he owes a legal obligation, either by contract, tort liability, or his responsibility as a public official. This "actor's" view must be distinguished from a "global" view, which assesses risk from the perspective of society as a whole. This is a more "realistic" view than a global perspective, in which the total loss, as opposed to the allocation of loss, is the only critical factor. This concept of an actor's view emphasizes the role of legal and economic analysis. One of the obligations of the legal system is to apportion property rights which define whose interest is at stake in a situation involving risks. In the real world, actors are assumed to maximize their own perceived "best interest." Economics describes how this is done. As an example, consider the problem of a laundry room fire in a garden apartment. Assume that a tenant negligently starts a fire, and, though the fire is contained to the room, the smoke damages the contents of several apartments. If the landlord has no responsibility for that damage, then it is not part of his "risk" and therefore not part of the risk response strategy of that actor. A test-based risk assessment which ignores smoke damage would be perfectly acceptable to the landlord. This direct impact on the test design of the legal and economic environment of the actor forces us to classify the consequences of a risk into factors affecting the test designer. Primary factors are those which have legal or economic effects and are intimately connected with technical factors which the test designer must either include or exclude from his test. These factors include smoke, heat, toxic gases, and structural stability. Exclusion of a primary factor from a test makes it difficult or impossible for the risk assessor to determine the impact of that factor on the risk. Secondary factors are independent of the test design. They include insurance, risk aversion, cost sharing, litigation, and so on. They focus on the existing social response to loss and are independent of specific physical phenomena. They include a "standard," which, as an accepted or imposed acceptance criterion, represents the chosen risk response strategy and allocation of responsibility. The purpose of this division of factor type is to underscore the problem of risk assessment with partial knowledge. If the test designer, for whatever reason, has ignored or downgraded a primary factor, then each actor is faced with a different confidence in the test result, since he has no way of knowing whether the omitted factor seriously affects him. The secondary factors are outside the realm of the test designer and can be used as part of each actor's own risk response strategy. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 61 There is often no clear-cut, broadly accepted classification of primary and secondary factors, since they depend on each actor's interpretation of his own risk. In this paper we are assuming that risk assessment is being done for a purpose, that is, to decide what, if anything, to do in response to the risk. Risk response strategies are of many types; for our purposes it is sufficient to note that they involve a mix of technical, economic, and legal considerations. The legal and economic concepts are useful in specifying the type of output produced by the test-based risk assessment. The economic analyst uses the output in making quantitative judgments that involve the risk response strategy.This paper will focus on cost-benefit analysis as an example of the economist's use of test-based risk assessment. The legal system, on the other hand, uses qualitative concepts in assigning rights and responsibilities. Legal concepts of negligence and assumption of risk and reasonable risk rarely turn on accurate numerical assessment of risk. Economic Analysis This section of the paper will discuss the role of economic analysis with regard to the assessment of risk and risk response strategies. Data requirements for such analyses are presented in order to demonstrate the role of test-based fire risk assessment in the implementation and evaluation of risk response strategies. Risk Assessment The contribution of economic analysis to risk assessment is the measurement of consequences in dollar terms. The use of a common unit of measurement has two advantages: (1) it permits comparison of risks for different systems and structures, and (2) it permits comparison of the benefits from risk reduction, since risk assessment serves as a basis for estimating the potential benefits from risk reduction. The economic consequences of an occurrence may be classified as direct or indirect. Direct losses include structural damage and medical costs associated with injuries and deaths. Indirect losses include output losses due to disability, losses incurred by business or industry due to business interruptions, and losses to the community from the interruption of services. In general, direct losses are easier to measure than indirect losses. In particular, there has been considerable discussion concerning the measurement of the loss from death. This debate has been tempered in recent years by the realization that all lives must eventually be lost—we cannot postpone death indefinitely. Thus, the loss of life years as opposed to the loss of life is really the outcome which should be measured. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 62 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Regardless of whether all loss components are assigned dollar values, the resulting risk assessment should provide information to the policy maker concerning the need for a risk response strategy. This is important since strategies cannot be undertaken for all hazards because of resource constraints. Assessment of Risk Response Strategies A variety of strategies may be considered, including education, expanded use of fire services, and standards or codes based on fire tests. In all instances, economic analyses may be used to evaluate the impact of the various strategies. Two major techniques which may be used to assess risk response strategies are cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis. These techniques have been discussed extensively in the literature [1-6].^ In cost-effectiveness analysis, the desired goal is first established, for example, a 50 percent reduction in fire losses. The costs of various strategies for achieving this reduction are then compared. Costs are expressed in dollar terms, while goals or objectives are expressed in nondollar terms, such as the number of fire incidents or the number of fire-related injuries or deaths. In cost-benefit analysis, the costs of implementing a particular strategy are compared with the ensuing benefits. In contrast to cost-effectiveness analysis, benefits are expressed in dollar terms, thus ensuring that both program costs and benefits are measured in the same units. This is important in the case of strategies with multiple outcomes, such as the lives saved, injuries avoided, structural damage averted, because some method for aggregating the various outcomes must be used. The degree of protection provided by a particular strategy plays a crucial role in both cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis. It is a function of costs and also affects benefits, which are based on the percentage reduction in existing losses. Cost-effectiveness analysis provides the decision maker with less information than cost-benefit analysis. While it is useful in ranking strategies according to their effectiveness, it does not address the issue of whether or not a particular strategy should be attempted. For example, a comparison of Strategy X with Strategy Y may result in the finding that the former provides the same protection at a lower cost. However, Strategy X may be undesirable when both costs and benefits are considered. A comparison of the two evaluation techniques is shown in Fig. 1. The degree of protection (or risk reduction) provided by a strategy is given on the horizontal axis, while the additional costs and benefits of the strategy are given on the vertical axis. There are two strategies, X and Y, and the two curves, MC(X) and MC(Y), correspond to these strategies. The shapes of the ^The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA MC(Y) Marginal Costs 63 KC(X) Marginal Benefits 0 0.45 0.5 Degree of FIG. 1—Comparison of cost-effectiveness 1.0 Protection and cost-benefit analysis. marginal cost curves reflect decreasing returns to risk reduction, that is, it becomes increasingly costly to achieve higher degrees of protection because of technological and other constraints. In contrast, the marginal benefit curve is relatively unchanged since it is assumed that the benefits from risk reduction are in proportion to the degree of risk reduction. In cost-effectiveness analysis, consideration is only given to achieving the desired objective at the lowest possible cost. According to the diagram, Strategy Y is the preferred strategy as long as the desired degree of protection is less than 50 percent. Beyond this point, Strategy X should be used since its marginal costs are lower. Cost-effectiveness analysis thus permits the attainment of any degree of protection, provided the lowest cost method is used. In contrast, cost-benefit analysis requires a comparison of costs and benefits, so that Point E on the diagram represents the optimal solution. The decision to increase the degree of protection beyond 45 percent results in a net loss since the additional costs are greater than the additional benefits. For similar reasons, a degree of protection less than 45 percent, is also nonoptimal. The determination of a given objective (in this case, the degree of protection) without considering both costs and benefits is a major weakness in costeffectiveness analysis and limits its usefulness. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 64 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Major issues of importance in cost-benefit analysis are the following: (a) identification of relevant costs and benefits, (b) measurement of such costs and benefits, (c) selection of a discount rate to measure future costs and benefits, and id) determination of the appropriate criteria for comparing costs and benefits. Benefits have already been discussed under risk assessment, where it was noted that there are problems in connection with the measurement of the loss from death—that is, the value of a life. This problem may be resolved in cost-benefit analysis by estimating the value of a life implicit in the decision to adopt various risk-reduction strategies. In this procedure the potential benefits are assigned dollar values, with the exception of the lives saved. The difference between the total benefits and the total costs divided by the number of lives saved provides an implicit value of a life. The strategies may then be compared on the basis of implicit life values, with the preferred strategy being the one that possesses the lowest value of a life. Thus, in the case of a proposed standard for upholstered furniture, implicit life values ranging from $611 000 to $1 528 000 were obtained. Since considerably lower values were obtained for smoke detectors, the latter strategy was preferred. The costs of any strategy are basically the resources entailed in implementing the strategy. They may include costs of labor, raw materials, and other inputs needed to implement the strategy. These direct costs are easier to measure than the indirect costs, which include such factors as the reduction in consumer choice (that is, a particular product may no longer be available to the consumer) and reduced competition (that is, some firms may not be in a position to comply with the proposed strategy and may exit). The fact that the strategy may be a voluntary as opposed to mandatory standard does not necessarily prevent this situation, since widespread adoption of a voluntary standard by most firms and product users could reduce the potential sales for a noncomplying firm. A final indirect cost is the impact on innovation; that is, is the proposed strategy likely to encourage or stimulate the adoption of new technology or is it likely to perpetuate the status quo? Identification of the costs and benefits also serves to indicate whether they are borne by the same parties. For example, the costs of the proposed standard for upholstered furniture would be incurred by all purchasing households, whereas the primary benefits would accrue to those households with careless smokers. Manufacturers also complained that their business would be adversely affected. As a result, the proposed standard has still not been implemented. It is important, therefore, to consider the differential distribution of costs and benefits in determining its acceptance. If some groups are adversely affected, then a particular strategy may be protested or &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 65 may become ineffective from lack of support. Cost-benefit analysis can play a role in providing information concerning the economic impact of a strategy on various groups and hence its potential acceptance. The two remaining items are the discount rate and the appropriate cost-benefit criteria. In general, the present value of net benefits is used to evaluate different strategies. This is given by PVB minus PVC where PVB = fi,/(l -I- i) + ^2/(1 + iy + ••• BJ{1 + iT PVC = C,/(l + i) + C2/(l + i? + ... C„/(l + /)" and 5, Q m n / = = = = = benefits accrued in Year t, t = I, 2, ... m, costs incurred in Year t, t = I, 2, ... n, time period over which benefits accrue, time period over which costs accrue, and discount rate. As these terms indicate, the importance of the discount rate pertains to the manner in which benefits and costs accrue. If they are distributed equally over the life of the project, then the particular discount rate selected will have little impact on the resulting evaluation. However, most benefits and costs occur at different points in time. If the costs of constructing a fire-resistant system or structure are incurred in the first year, whereas the benefits are distributed over a 20-year period, then the discount rate can have a significant effect. The higher the discount rate, the lower the present value of future benefits and the greater the possibility that the project will be rejected. Data Requirements Major data requirements for the analysis of any risk response strategy include the following: (a) expected losses due to an existing hazard, (jb) degree of risk reduction achievable by various risk response strategies, and (c) costs of various risk-reduction strategies. Information concerning the first component may be obtained from past data, including frequency of occurrence and severity of fire incidents. Economic analysis may then be applied to the different outcomes, such as structural damage, deaths, and injuries, to estimate the expected dollar losses from the hazard. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 66 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT The second and third components are dependent on the particular risk response strategy. In the case of codes and standards, test-based fire risk assessment may be used to obtain estimates concerning the degree of risk reduction and the associated costs from the implementation of codes and standards. A primary consideration in the case of test data is the ability to translate the results of laboratory tests into "real-life" situations. The decision maker needs to know the consequences of various risk response strategies in order to select the optimal strategy. Unfortunately, test data which may be satisfactory to the engineer are not necessarily of the type useful to the policy maker. This, in turn, limits the use of test-based fire risk assessment in developing appropriate risk response strategies. In the following discussion, consideration is given to the different types of information which may be used by the analyst in evaluating various risk response strategies. Strategies in this instance are confined to codes and standards, and it is assumed that cost data may be estimated based on test requirements and existing technology. Information concerning the degree of protection for the various strategies is then the significant factor. Strategies may be classified as follows: (1) strategies with an unknown degree of protection, (2) strategies with similar degrees of protection, (3) strategies with qualitative differences in the degree of protection, and (4) strategies with quantitative differences in the degree of protection. Each possibility is discussed in the following paragraphs. 1. Strategies with unknown degrees of protection. This information is insufficient to compare strategies. However, it is possible to use estimates of existing losses to determine the maximum benefits from a strategy. If the costs of the strategy exceed the maximum benefits, then the strategy is inefficient. This approach requires quantification of benefits in dollar terms. 2. Strategies with similar degrees of protection. This information may be combined with cost data to compare the cost-effectiveness of various strategies. However, as noted earlier, cost-effectiveness analysis does not address the issue of whether a strategy should be adopted. This decision requires a comparison of costs and benefits which may be estimated from existing losses and the degree of protection provided by the strategy. 3. Strategies with qualitative differences in the degree of protection. In this instance, strategies are ranked according to the degree of protection. For example. Strategy X is more effective than Strategy Y, which is, in turn, more effective than Strategy Z. The costs of the strategies increase with their effectiveness. However, the differences between the strategies are not quantified. This presents a problem, since we do not know if the additional costs from the adoption of Strategy X are justified. One possible solution is to estimate the additional benefits, such as the degree of risk reduction which would be required to justify the additional costs of Strategy X. The required risk reduction could then be discussed with experts in the field to determine whether such a reduction were possible. It should be noted that the decision &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 67 to adopt the superior strategy (Strategy X) is not justified unless there is reason to believe that the additional benefits will exceed the additional costs. 4. Strategies with quantitative differences in the degree of protection. Cardinal, as opposed to ordinal, measures are provided in this instance for the degree of protection. Determination of the optimal strategy is a simple matter since it is only necessary to compare the net benefits from the different strategies. Provision for uncertainty concerning the degree of protection provided by the various strategies may also be made. Thus a range of values for the degree of protection (such as 10 to 20 percent) may be used in place of a single-point estimate. Discussion The preceding section indicates the need for qualitative and quantitative data in assessing risk response strategies. Economic assessment will, in turn, facilitate decisions concerning risk response strategies. However, economic analysis is dependent on the availability of data, and test-based fire risk assessment may not always provide the required information. It is important for test designers to consider the needs of potential users and to recognize the role of test data in increasing the effectiveness of the entire fire safety effort. Legal Analysis The legal use of test-based risk assessment includes data requirements for the legal process and use of risk assessment in the legal process. These are discussed in the following sections. Data Requirements for the Legal Process The type of data produced by a test or a risk assessment can be classified as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Nominal measures of risk assign a name to a particular risk. They simplify a regulatory program since they require no further analysis. Such a test method or standard gives us no way of knowing whether they are "high" or "low" risks, only that the risk exists. Such measures are particularly popular for regulatory purposes since they make determinations very easy. The Delaney Clause of the Food and Drug Act [21USC348(c)(3)(A)] is of this type. It gives the Food and Drug Administration no discretion: if a substance causes cancer, it must be banned. In the "real" world such an insistence would lead to strange results, such as the nineteenth-century case where a buyer was allowed to reject a house because the pipe used was identical to that specified by another brand. Such a result is no longer acceptable in most contract law. Ordinal measures of risk rank multiple risks in terms of various factors, &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 68 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT including their likelihood of occurrence and the consequences. They are useful from a regulatory perspective. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) was faced with a choice of whether swimming pool slides should be located at the shallow end of the pool, with a risk of accidents resulting in paralysis, or at the deep end, with risk of drowning [7]. An ordinal ranking of the risk would be of great help to the regulator, even if no one else can use the information. We commonly accept ordinal assessment in areas such as meat and produce grading. Pass/fail flammability tests are ordinal. The pill test for carpet (FF 1-70) is of this type. A carpet sample either passes or fails. The test method gives no other information. The standard based on the test cannot reconcile two test results, one passing and one failing, on the same roll of carpet. In fact, this standard excludes some of the information available in the test, because it does not define a "passing" carpet but only a "failing" carpet. The CPSC enforcement personnel claimed the right to continue testing the carpet until they achieve a failing result. The same problem would occur in any risk assessment based on the test. How do you cope with conflicting test results [8]? Cardinal (interval) and ratio data can be manipulated mathematically. Clearly, ratio results are more useful than nominal or ordinal results. However, providing such data is both difficult and expensive, and it may not be possible. It is crucial that the test results indicate what type of data are produced. A second data requirement pertains to confidence in the assessment conclusions. How confident are we that the result represents the true state of the world? The risk assessment may be expressed in terms of a statistical confidence interval; a point plus or minus a certain amount; a good estimate provided assumptions A, B, and C are true; or the best judgment of a consensus of experts. Particularly in the regulatory use of risk assessment, an honest explanation of the level of confidence in the risk assessment and the test methodology is crucial. A test is robust when we can alter some of the test conditions and still have some confidence in the test result. It is up to the test designer to determine how robust the test is and to communicate that to the users. For example, can the pill test for carpet be performed on a used carpet with any confidence that it is still viable [8]? The test method does not answer the question. This is particularly important in the regulatory use of test-based risk assessment. Finally, the type of risk assessment must be considered. Fire is a probabilistic phenomenon. However, risk assessment deals with two separate types of assessment. They can be defined as actuarial or projection risk assessments. In actuarial assessments, the key measurement is the rate of occurrence of an event in the past. This rate is then used to estimate the future, with the assumption that the future is similar to the past. Actuarial probabilities are often estimated from test data. Projection is used where there is &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 69 no historical record from which to calculate occurrences. In this assessment, probabilities are based on defined sets of assumptions and data, which are then manipulated according to a theory to produce the projection. Tests provide the data for manipulation. Use of Risk Assessment in the Legal Process Risk assessment may be used as "evidence" either in court proceedings or in administrative hearings. It should be noted that each type of proceeding has "rules" of evidence which define whether the proceeding will accept the evidence. In an area such as risk assessments based on tests, the usual problem is that courts need to be convinced that the evidence is more than speculation. While actuarial methods are accepted rather easily since they are based on past history, projection methods may prove troublesome. The court may insist on both substantial documentation of the risk assessment methodology and assurance that there is a scientific discipline of test-based risk assessment. These legal requirements clearly pose some problems for test-based risk assessment. The determination of what factors are to be measured, the confidence in the test result, and the robustness of the test will all require substantial documentation. Presumably, in the case of consensus standards the documentation must be approved in the same way as the assessment. The three major legal areas which involve risk assessment are tort liability, contracts, and regulation. Tort Liability—The use of test-based risk assessment in tort liability is normally retrospective. Therefore, we are not dealing with a "risk," as such, but an event, usually an injury. The role of tort liability is to determine who will bear the assigned financial loss from injury. The ability of that party to pass on the cost through the marketplace is beyond the scope of this paper. In making this determination, courts find "facts" and apply the appropriate legal standard. The court is often faced with a situation of a "reverse" crystal ball. It must look into the past and determine what the various parties knew or should have known at some past time. The court then determines whether the response to the risk, that is, the risk assessment strategy, was that of a "reasonable man." The tort liability system intends to provide a remedy for all legal wrongs. Therefore, the court will make its conclusions concerning the risk response strategy even if no formal risk assessment has been made. Obviously, those trying to convince a court that their actions are those of a "reasonable man" would be aided by a proper risk assessment. However, an inadequate risk assessment, particularly one which fails to cover a primary factor, can be a major element in assessing liabilities. For example, in the Aretz case, there was a disaster in a Thiokol Chemical Corp. plant which assembles illuminants into night flares [9]. Twenty-nine people were killed and 150 injured by &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 70 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT the rapid spread of fire in the plant and an ensuing explosion. The risk involved was assessed by a test method and standard which defined the illuminants as subject to "deflagration" rather than "detonation." Dissatisfaction with the test method led to a new risk assessment by the government, which determined that the illuminant should be treated as a detonation hazard. Unfortunately, this information was not transmitted to the company. In the ensuing litigation, the government was held liable, since it had not acted as a "reasonable man" in conveying risk assessment and response strategy to the contractor. What is particularly interesting about this case is that the primary question was, "Does the test method accurately assess the risk?" Before 1967, the illuminant was a Class 7 detonation hazard. It was reclassified by the "card gap test" as a Class 2 deflagration hazard. In 1968, two independent researchers reported that the card gap test was inadequate. The U.S. Army confirmed those results and on 16 Nov. 1970 reclassified the illuminant as a Class 7 hazard. The information should have been immediately transmitted to Thiokol, but it was not. The explosion occurred on 3 Feb. 1971. In particular, a Class 2 hazard was defined as . . . items which bum vigorously with little or no possibility of extinguishment in storage situations. . . . Explosions normally will be confined to pressure ruptures of containers and will not produce propagating shock waves or damaging blast pressure beyond the magazine distances specified by this class. There may be a severe hazard of the spread of fire from tossing about container materials. Toxic effects normally will not exist beyond the inhibited building distances specified for this class. This classification is distinguished for the purposes of this case from Class 7 hazards, which include items . . . most of the entire quantity of which will explode virtually instantaneously when a small portion is subject to fire, to severe concussion or impact, to the impulse of an initiating agent, or to the effect of a considerable discharge of energy from without. Such an explosion normally will cause severe structural damage to adjacent objects and the simultaneous explosion of other separated explosives and ammunition placed sufficiently close to the initially-exploding pile. Since the government decided that the illuminant was a Class 7 hazard and had been negligent in transmitting that information, and since the victims were injured outside the building, liability followed almost automatically.-' Certain peculiarities in the tort liability of the federal government made it crucial that the government actually had accepted the charge in risk assessment. A private defendant would be liable if a "reasonable man" would have reclassified the material. ^This opinion was vacated on 15 April 1980, 616 F.2d 254 (5th Cir. 1980) (en Banc) and certified to the Supreme Court of Georgia for determination of the duty of the federal government to classify the material correctly. However, all findings of fact were accepted as supported by the evidence. Aretz v. U.S. 635 F.2d 485 (1981) (5th Circuit) (en Banc). &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 71 For tort purposes, the difference between the primary and secondary factors is vital. A decision that it is cheaper to insure against a risk than to prevent it can virtually guarantee liability. Failure to include a primary factor in the test can make the producer liable if the inclusion of the factor would have resulted in rejection of the product. Certain developing tort theories impose liability for defective products even if the manufacturer could not have prevented the defect. The term "defect" is so flexible that injured parties can now introduce their own test-based risk assessment to illustrate the "defects" in a product. To sum up for tort purposes, the issues are (1) whether a formal test-based assessment should be done, (2) what happens if it is done badly, (3) what happens if it alerts those responsible to a hazard but there is no response, (4) what happens if the risk response strategy concentrates on secondary factors rather than primary factors, and (5) possible use of the assessment by injured plaintiffs. Contracts—Tort law is public law, that is, everyone is bound by the same principles of law. Contract law is mostly private law, particularly between businesses. The use of tests and standards in contract law is far greater than the use of risk assessment. There are exceptions, however, including (1) where the risk assessment is the subject of the contract, (2) where a contract is for the reduction of control of the risk, and the risk assessment is the tool for measurement of success, and (3) where the contract is one of insurance and the risk assessment provides the information necessary for the contract. In these types of contracts, the question is usually "Does the risk assessment promise a result, or is it merely a tool, to be accepted with its limitations?" In the first case, where the assessment is the subject of the contract, the accuracy, confidence, and so on of the methodology are of little importance. The robustness of the test is significant because it can help us determine when the contract has been substantially performed. Documentation of the methodology is also vital. In the second case, where the risk is being measured, the confidence interval of the test is vital. In addition, the type of risk assessment, that is, the actuarial assessment risk or projection assessment, is important since actuarial risk assessment requires substantial time before it can effectively measure a change in risk. Significant liability may attach before the change in risk is known. Risk assessment for insurance purposes (the third case) is normally an internal rate-making device. Here the question is usually "Are there any primary factors affecting our risk which we have not included in the assessment?" In insurance, as in tort law, a severely flawed risk assessment may still be valuable, if it is sufficiently robust; that is, its effectiveness at measuring the risk may be poor, but as long as it is better than nothing the system will use it. Regulation—The regulatory use of risk assessment poses several special problems. The government is rarely under a legal requirement to regulate. When it does regulate, it has the choice of using legislation or delegating the &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 72 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT authority to an administrative agency. Administrative agencies often have a problem. In theory, they should represent the "public interest" in their assessment, but in practice they may feel a responsibility to protect one portion of the public in preference to others. In addition, they include their own institutional problems in the risk response, that is, their ability to enforce the regulation. These agencies may also lack jurisdiction over a primary factor, so they exclude that factor from their risk assessment and response strategy. The CPSC might prefer to regulate cigarettes rather than upholstered furniture, but while they have jurisdiction over furniture, they have none over cigarettes. An agency may make a risk assessment and decide on a risk response strategy, but its primary method of regulating is to promulgate a standard. Obviously, it would be most convenient if the test used in the risk assessment was suitable for enforcement purposes. That may not be the case. For example, if the test method has a significant variation in results due to test variation, it may be suitable for risk assessment if a large number of tests can be performed, but for standard enforcement, such a variation would make use of the test either difficult or irrational if a single test failure was considered indicative of the hazard proscribed by the standard. For example, in the carpet standard, eight specimens are tested and a 7 to 1 result is a pass, a 6 to 2 result a failure. The purpose of permitting occasional failures is to allow for test variation. Imposing substantial penalties based on a test which has such variation raises due process questions. If the "false negative" occurs with some regularity, what is the legal impact if the government conducts a number of tests, until it gets a 6 to 2 result by chance? The robustness of a test must also be documented if it is to be used in enforcement, since the agency may need to test under adverse conditions, such as after a fire. In a hearing on a mattress standard, a respondent argued that the enforcement practice of lighting all 15 cigarettes at the same time failed to test the mattress in accordance with the standard [10]. The CPSC argued that the provision of the standard requiring one cigarette at a time was to protect the operator and did not affect the test. Such a failure to document the test protocol can render the standard useless. Some agencies have argued that risk assessments are so imprecise that they should not have to do them. The Supreme Court decided in the Benzene case [11] that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration must find as a "fact," supported by substantial evidence, that it is more likely than not that 10 ppm of benzene will cause injury. This requirement of at least a "nominal" assessment supported by evidence will put new burdens on risk assessment to meet standards defined by the courts rather than by peers. The Ford Motor Company was criminally prosecuted for an inadequate response to a test-based fire risk assessment. While this is the first such prosecution, it indicates the depth and seriousness of the legal system's interest in risk assessment. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG BRANNIGAN AND DARDIS ON LEGAL AND ECONOMIC CRITERIA 73 Conclusion If test-based fire risk assessment is to mature as a tool for industrial and public application, it is vital that the test designers cope with the user's need for confidence, robustness, and thorough documentation of the test. In addition, its use requires an acceptance on the part of test designers that fire is a special design criterion. All unfriendly fires should be considered hazards. Tests which have no value other than as laboratory research tools can divert test designers from the problem of fire risk. There is no reason to measure fire performance except in terms of risk. Statements such as This standard should be used solely to measure and describe the properties of materials, products, or systems in response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be considered or used for the description, appraisal, or regulation of the fire hazard of materials, products, or systems under actual fire conditions [12]. indicate that test designers prefer to do what they have always done rather than accept the difficult challenge of risk assessment. Even the somewhat less cautious statement. This standard should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials, products, or assemblies in response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard to materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use [13]. does not give us enough useful information since it does not explain what "factors," if any, are assessed by the test itself. It is difficult to include the "other factors" unless we know what this test tells us. These issues must be addressed by involving users in the test design, not ignoring them with disclaimers. It reminds one of the joke where the boy is searching the sidewalk for his lost quarter rather than in the grass where he lost it, because "I could see it on the sidewalk, I can't see anything in the grass." References [I] Anderson, L. G. and Settle, R. F., Benefit-Cost Analysis: A Practical Guide, Heath, Lexington, Mass., 1977. 12] Chase, S. B., Ed., Problems in Public Expenditure Analysis, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1968. [3] Mishan, E. J., Cost-Benefit Analysis, 2nd ed., Praeger, New York, 1976. [4] Prest, A. R. and Turvey, R., Economic Journal, VoL 75, Dec. 1965, pp. 683-735. [5] Sassone, P. G. and Schaffer, W. A., Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Handbook, Academic Press, New York, 1978. [6] Thompson, M., Benefit-Cost Analysis for Program Evaluation, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, Calif., 1980. [7] Aqua Slide & Dive vs. CPSC, 569 F.2d 831 (1978). [8] CPSC vs. Barrett Carpet. Inc., Docket 75-5. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 74 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT [9] Aretz vs. United States, 604 F.2d 417 (1979). [10] CPSC vs. Bay Area Mattress, Docket 75-2. [11] Industrial Union Department AFL-CIO vs. American Petroleum Institute et al, U.S. Supreme Court No. 79-911, 2 July 1980. [12] ASTM Policy Defining Fire Hazard Standards, Limiting the Scope of Properties—Description Standards and Establishing a Committee on Fire Hazard Standards, adopted 18 Sept. 1973. [13] ASTM Test for Flammability of Clothing Textiles [ANSI/ASTM D 1230—61 (1972)] 1979 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 32 Textiles— Yarns. Fabrics, and General Test Methods. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1979. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG R. G. Gewain^ Assessment of Fire Risk for Exterior Structural Members REFERENCE: Gewain, R. G., "Asaessment of Fhe Risk for Exterior Structural Memben," Fire Risk Assessment. ASTM STP 762. G. T. Castino and T. Z. Harmathy, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1982, pp. 75-94. ABSTRACT: The traditional fire exposure in fire tests used to evaluate the performance of construction materials is the standard time-temperature curve specified in ASTM Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials (E 119-80). There is growing concern that the severity of a fire defined by ASTM Method E 119-80 may not be representative of most fires which occur in buildings such as offices, schools, hotels, apartments, and other similar occupancies. Extensive research on postflashover conditions in building compartments supports this concern. However, the heating conditions in ASTM Method E 119-80 are not appropriate for exterior structural members. Therefore, research described in this paper provides a simple method for describing fire exposure of structural members located outside the enclosing walls of buildings. The following procedure establishes the intensity of the fire in the compartment under ventilation-controlled or free-burning conditions, the shape and size of the flame emerging from openings in exterior walls of the fire compartment, and the temperature of the flame, all of which are needed to calculate the heat transfer to structural members outlined by the American Iron and Steel Institute. KEY WORDS: radiation, convection, emissivity, flame shape, fire load density, fire severity, burning rate, fire temperatures, fire compartment geometry, ventilation, forced draft, flame plume, buoyancy, horizontal flame projection, effective flame boundary, natural draft, flame axis, temperature distribution, maximum temperature fire duration, fire risk assessment Fire exposure arises from interior and exterior origins. The evaluation of the exterior exposure can be done only with difficulty in quantitative terms, and the gradual accumulation of data from actual fires will probably continue as the main guidance in providing the proper protection. A s this quote from S. H . Ingberg, t h e n senior engineer of t h e National Bureau of Standards [1]^ implies, t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of fire test and fire protection requirements in building c o d e s , now d e t e r m i n e d by A S T M Fire T e s t s 'Chief fire protection engineer, American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C. 20036. ^The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper. 75 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 76 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT of Building Construction and Materials (E 119-80), focused attention on structural elements located inside a building exposed to a fire inside the building. This is still true today; however, engineering methods for both interior and exterior fire exposure are being developed which will place structural fire resistance on the same basis as seismic design and the design for structural performance when exposed to external loads such as wind and snow. Building codes require fire-resistance ratings for specific portions of a building. These ratings are based on a specific fire exposure period in accordance with ASTM Method E 119-80. Studies in the United States and abroad clearly indicate that the fire exposure in building fires (Fig. 1) may not be the same as the fire exposure in this standard. Little has been done to update the codes except to modify the required fire endurance time for special applications. Exterior fire exposure is not recognized, nor are the variations in fire severity. The conditions of the fire test raise serious questions as to whether proper fire protection measures are being used in buildings. Structural building members located in the interior of a building are surrounded by flames and by heated surfaces (walls, ceiling, and floor) of the fire compartment much as in the standard fire tests of ASTM Method E 119-80. These heating conditions are not representative of the exposure to exterior structural members. Exterior structural members receive heat from two sources in a fire: radiation from nearby windows of the fire compartment and radiation and convection from flames and hot gases exiting from nearby windows. The value of the intensity of the radiation received by the exterior member varies with the relative position of the window and flame (radiator) and the surface of the structural member (receiver). However, structural members may also lose heat by convection and radiation to surroundings at normal ambient temperature. Therefore, depending on the size and location of the structural member and the behavior of the fully developed fire, exterior structural members may not need any fire protection. Early attempts to assess the external fire exposure involved experiments with ASTM Method E 119 furnace tests in which there was a window in the furnace wall [2]. This effort showed that no matter how long the ASTM Method E 119 fire test was conducted, the exterior exposure was generally less severe than that from a more realistic building fire. As a result, there have been full-scale experimental fire tests with exterior structural elements exposed to flames and radiation from "real" fires to obtain code approvals for specific buildings (Fig. 2) [3]. Recently, a design approach has been developed which will permit analysis of the heat transfer to exterior structural members and will enable engineers to calculate the amount of fire protection (if any) that may be needed. For structural steel elements, the design is based on a limiting steel tern- &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 77 2400 2000 - 1600 1200 800 20 10 30 40 Time,Mtnute$ FIG. 1—Effect Test Number Fire Load (PSF) Forced Air (CFM) 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 Windows Number Size, Ft X Ft Areo.Sq Ft 1 1 2 2 2X6 2X8 2X6 2X8 12 16 24 32 of window area on fire temperatures during burnout tests (natural airflow). perature that will result when heat is transferred from the fire to exterior structural members in specific locations. The calculation procedure is well documented {4\. The main problem is to define the external heat transfer. A large body of data on building fire and flame behavior exists. It has been collected and &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 78 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT FIG. 2—One Liberty Plaza. New York City; the exterior surfaces of steel spandrel beams have the web bare and the flanges flame shielded. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 79 analyzed by Margaret Law at Ove Arup and Partners, London, England, and a designers' manual has been prepared to estimate external heat transfer for practical designs in buildings [5]. Correlations have been derived, not only from scale model experiments but also from measurements for a wide range of experimental fires in large-scale building compartments. The principal elements needed to make this design approach useful are the following: L Flame shapes are based on parameters which can be readily identified by the designer. 2. Temperatures of the room fire and the external flame plume are determined by relatively simple equations. 3. Heat transfer equations are simplified to facilitate calculation. Some of the symbols that will be used in this paper are defined in Table L Research It has been generally accepted that most structural damage from fire exposure occurs in the postflashover period. Therefore, this phase of the fire has been studied by many researchers. Dr. Philip Thomas [6] has summarized this work, and important parameters involving the way a fully developed fire bums have been defined by Margaret Law, who has used the large amount of test data available to show how these parameters interact. Ingberg was the first to study the relationships between fire load density and fire severity, and these studies have formed the basis for building code requirements for the fire resistance of structures. Later, Fujita [7] quantified the effect of ventilation in terms of the area and height of ventilation openings (usually windows). Later work on models was carried out cooperatively by the Conseil International du Batiment (CIB) [8], which modified the Fujita relationship on ventilation by introducing the size and shape of the fire compartment (Fig. 3). In addition to using scale models in the CIB program, the various factors were studied in full-scale studies at Borehamwood, England [9], Maisieres-les-Metz, France [10], and Carteret, N.J. [77]. Interior Fire Behavior A number of full-scale experiments have been carried out, using wood cribs as fuel, in still or lightly moving air, although some tests were conducted with additional air supply. Two of the most important factors affecting exterior fire exposure from a fully developed interior fire are the rate of burning, which affects the flame size and the fire duration, and the fire temperature, which affects the rate of heat transfer. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 80 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE 1—Explanation of symbols. Units Symbol Aj ^w D Meaning total room surface area = lA^ + 2H(D X W) window area depth of compartment E <^»^"-J WH e H h base of natural logs height of compartment height of window J I I Q R T u W w X X 1 P T '•p f-o.z English Metric ft2 ft2 ft m2 m2 m Ib/min ft^'^ kg/s m'^^ ft ft m m j ^ ft/min^ m/s^ h ft m lb ft kg m Ib/min/ft kg/s/m Ib/min R ft/min ft ft ft kg/s K m/s m m m ft ft Ib/ft^ min min m m kg/m^ s s fite load distance along flame centerline from window R rate of burning absolute temperature (0°F = 460°R) velocity width of compartment width of window centerline distance of flame tip from window horizontal distance of center of flame tip from window vertical distance of flame above top of window density fire duration free-burning fire duration these subscripts denote fire, window plane, and flame, respectively Rate of Burning In the case of natural draft conditions where the fire behavior and compartment dimensions control the air flow, continuous weighing of the fire load during tests has shown that the rate of weight loss is fairly steady over the fully developed fire period when the weight of the fire load falls from 80 to 30 percent of its initial value. This rate of burning, R, is defined as R = (1) where T is the effective fire duration and L is the total fire load in the fire compartment. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT R 81 [DT'" tb/min.H'l' +n Symbol • W U 10 IS 20 w H D H 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 4 2S n - A,/A,hV> - tr»» Lani«-«cal« data Q Borahamwood -t- Mall C Cartarat FIG. 3—Variations of R/A„h'''^ with compartment size and ventilation, as given by Thomas for CIB data. For a free-burning condition, the value of T is Tp and is determined by the characteristics of the fire load—thin fuels with large surface areas give a smaller value of TpWhere ventilation is restricted, as is generally the case, there is an upper limit for R regardless of how large the fire load may be. It has been shown that the important parameters are the window area, A„, its height, h, the area of the heat-absorbing surfaces of the fire compartment, Aj, and the ratio of the depth, D, to width, W, of the fire compartment (Fig. 4). Thomas has drawn a line through the points in Fig. 3 which include measurements for R which have been reported for large-scale, ventilation-restricted fires. The values for R are in reasonable agreement with the CIB data. The following equation for R results from the Thomas line 1 22 where the ventilation factor is &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG (2) 82 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT (3) and the fire compartment geometry is D hW E = (AJ- (4) For a particular fire load and compartment, R should be calculated for both Eqs 1 and 2 and the lower value used. Fire Temperature There is a maximum temperature developed within the fire compartment, depending on the fire load and compartment dimensions. Thomas gives the correlation of the CIB measurements of the average rise in fire temperature, Sf, over the fully developed fire period as a function of ry, as shown in Fig. 5. The significance of this datum is that the fire temperature rises to a maximum for Tj = 5 to 10 and then declines. The average fire temperature also depends on the fire load, as shown in Fig. 6 for plots of large-scale tests with low fire load densities which fall well below the Thomas curve. There is justification for the assumption that the following equation for a no-draft or natural-draft condition gives a maximum or upper-limit fire temperature (0f or Tf) for a given value of rj Tf = 8025 (Function of yj/) (Function of r;) + 520 (5) where the fire load and fire compartment is L (6) and the function of ^ and TJ are fW = 1 - e-o-^si FIG. 4—Simple fire compartment. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG (7) GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 83 and -0.18:) /w (8) V^ There is limited information on the rate of burning under/orced draft conditions. The results of fire tests using excess air at Underwriters Laboratories show no significant variation of temperature with rj or the air supply, but the fire temperature (6f or Tf) can be related to ^i/, as shown in Fig. 7. The curve shown has the following equation Tf = 2160 (Function of i/-) + 520 (9) where the function of i/' is /(^) = 1 - e-0-20^f (10) Exterior Flame Behavior Yokoi [12] made the first comprehensive study of flame projection from windows to evaluate the risk of vertical fire spread. He demonstrated several influences on the trajectory of the flame plume and temperature of the flame plume. The wall above the window absorbs heat but restricts air from enter- 1 1 2000 /n 1— —h— —1 — t O + < D D •~o^- —1 Mas. e, Eq.iS) —. 1500 ' Thomas '-^*.^,^ c 1000 500 1 1 L a r g s - t e a l * data *°* * + +t ° V Yokoi A Tranton lncr*aaing 4 «r O Dianay World 0 Borahamwood B OUndarwritart + Matz C Carta rat 0- 1 1— 1 15 —1 20 —I — t 1 25 FIG. 5—Variation of the average fire temperature rise with the compartment size and window area, in a natural draft. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 84 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Max.e, 0-2 FIG. 6—Variation of the average fire temperature rise with the fire load, compartment size, and window area, in a natural draft. 2000 »F 10 12 • -L/(A,A,)V-lb/n' FIG. 7—Variation of the average fire temperature rise with the fire load, compartment size, and window area, in a forced draft (Underwriters' Laboratories data). ing at the flame edges, which will force the flame plume away from the wall; the wider the window, the closer the flame plume remains to the wall. Yokoi defined the shape of the window as the ratio of the width to the height of the upper half of the window and derived a series of plume shapes for different window shapes. In checking the results of his experiments against large-scale tests using wood cribs, he obtained good agreement. He also observed that &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 85 where ventilation is restricted, the emerging gases will continue to bum after leaving the window and will affect correlation. Thomas [13] correlated results of model tests by Webster [14-16] using dimensional analysis similar to that used by Yokoi. By assigning a flame-tip temperature of 540°C (1000°F or 1460°R), reasonable agreement is obtained between these data and those of Yokoi. Additional work was done by Seigel [17] on tests conducted at Underwriters Laboratories in which he treated the flames as forced horizontal jets, defined their projection by a temperature of 540°C (1000°F) at the flame tip, and recorded the flame temperature in the exterior flame plume. Other work was conducted at Borehamwood, England, and full-scale tests were carried out in the United States. All of this work was used to establish the relationships defining the flame-plume dimensions outside of windows. These relationships are summarized in Table 2. Flame-Plume Dimensions No-Draft Condition—The flame dimensions are an important factor in calculating radiation from the flame to the receiver or exposed structural member. Thomas and Law [18] analyzed the data of Yokoi and Webster et al, which showed correlations that take into account the dominant role of buoyancy and the turbulent mixing of hot gases in a flame emerging from a window. The recommended correlation shown in Fig. 8 is expressed as follows z + h —r~ = 16 2/3 R (11) This may be written for the flame height, z, as follows = 3.55 R 2/3 -h (12) The distance of the center of the flame tip away from the exterior face of the building, x, depends on the shape of the window and on whether there is a wall above the window. A wall is defined as a vertical surface which retains its integrity, exceeding two thirds of the flame height. A flame will be projected away from the wall surface if air can get behind it. In situations where there is either a narrow window or a wide window with no wall above, air can move more easily between the flame and the wall, thereby deflecting the flame or flames outward. The work of Yokoi was studied, and a regression analysis for flame-tip projection gives ^ = - 5 ^ (13) where n is the ratio of the width to the height of the upper half of the windows. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 86 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Q 3 . ^H« = + i _^ -a. '% 2 x ^^ f1 .i^ i d 1 Q \ X V f N • ^ ^ if it 1 I! i « 1 • " ^ 4» CN 2 1 •5 <^ " • ^ I eg E &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT THoMM snd LBW (z + h)/h A-' Sq.(ll) X y- y X' xD / -^ /-" .'r«x o /^ y y X . IX 1 1 X y D O ^ v'<P 0-02 O'OS o / ^ ^k—\ 87 1 1\ FIG. 8—Flame heights for large-scale tests with a natural draft. (Note: range of n — 0.5 to 18.7.) Data plotted in Fig. 9 indicate the flame decreases with n and is less than half the window height for values of n exceeding unity, which includes most situations. Therefore, the value of x is independent of n and may be represented by the following equation where there is no wall above X = 0.6A [i] 1/3 (14) Where there is a wall above the window, and where h (window height) is less than 1.25 times the window width A (15) 3 Where there is a wall above the window, h is greater than 1.25 times the window width, and the distance to any other window on the same floor exceeds four widths of an individual window, the following equation can be used 0.54 X = 0.3h Lw, J (16) Forced Draft The effect of a forced draft on a fire is to increase the rate of burning of a ventilation-controlled fire. Also, for a given rate of burning, wind or a throughdraft that blows the flames out a window may also affect the flame size and &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 88 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 0-75 • VVokoi A Tr*nton 0[><«n«y World DBorahMTMOod OUnd«fwnt«rs XTranM C C*rttr«l K Kordina 040 Eq. (13) 0-25 V \ . x/h V » 0- FIG. 9—Horizontal projection of flume tip for large-scale tests with a natural draft and a wall above. direction. Experimental data from tests at Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. are plotted in Fig. 10 and indicate that the correlation proposed by Seigel, with /?/v4„y^ raised to the power of unity, is reasonable provided the wind effect, u. is included. The following equation solves for the height of the flame above the bottom of the window 0.43 + h = 17.7 Q (17) where Q = R A^. (18) Analysis of experimental data shown in Fig. 11 shows a correlation between horizontal projection, flame height, window height, and wind speed. Comparison with this correlation shows that, as wind speed increases, flame height decreases, but the horizontal projection increases. The horizontal projection, AT, of the flame tip away from the building is given thus X = 0.077/0-22(2 + h) (19) J = Jil h (20) where The maximum width, w^, of a flame emerging from a window usually exceeds the window width. The angle made by the emerging flame, shown in Fig. 12, averages 11 deg giving &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 2x = 89 0.194 (21) 0.4A: (22) therefore = w + Effective Flame Boundary In order to estimate the heat transfer from a flame plume, the boundaries must be defined. The temperature distribution across a flame section, as shown in Fig. 13, shows that one approach is to define the flame boundary by the 540°C (1000°F) contour. Margaret Law proposed that since radiative transfer will be an integrated effect, which can be made equivalent to a uniform effective temperature, an equivalent step function distribution should be used. Since radiant transfer is so sensitive to the value of temperature, she suggested the adoption of the axial temperature (maximum) for the step function with a defined effective thickness. The problem is to define this effective thickness, bearing in mind an assumption of maximum temperature across the flame thickness. Natural Draft In Fig. 14 the flame emerges above the neutral plane from the upper two thirds of the window. The flame width varies little with the distance from the window plane. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the step function remains the same size throughout the trajectory (w X 2h/3). This assumption is consistent with estimated values of emissivity. Wind may deflect the flame sideways, and it is assumed that the deflection will not exceed 45 deg. 400 J 1 , Suggested corralation ^ Q y* ^ eq.(17) Or/ -^ 200 J u»"(z+h) tt'7iiiin»' 3 Q ^ 100 O OO "•A'"'""' 0 ° 10 20 R / A „ V 4 - lb/f1,min FIG. 10—Flame heights for large-scale tests with a forced draft (Underwriters Laboratories data). [Note: range of u = 0.5 to 1.9 m/s (100 to 367ft/min).] &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 90 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT 100 ( u ' / h l " " («h) 200 lt'"/min°" FIG. 11—Horizontal projection of a flame tip for large-scale tests with a forced draft (Underwriters Laboratories data). (Note: range of u^/h = 1000 to 22 500 ft/min^J FIG. 12—Plan view of the emerging flames with a forced draft. Forced Draft The flame shown in Fig. 14 can emerge from the entire window opening. The width of the flame does increase with distance out from the window. It is also reasonable to assume that the vertical dimension increases; however, the upper vertical increase is already contained in the value for z. It is proposed that the size of the flame at the window opening be A X w, increasing to A X (w + 0.4x) at the flame tip, as shown in Fig. 14. Temperature at Flame Axis Correlation of test data to analyze the temperature distribution in flames for natural-draft or no-draft condition is illustrated in Fig. 15. The line in Fig. 15 has the equation &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 1¥fnp«r«tur« ~lSt«0lunction FIG. 13—Temperature distribution across aflame section. 2h/3 2h/3 2h/3 Jz»-^(x-5)'Natural draught w > O-Sh wall abova Natural draught w < 0-8h wall atxtva or no wall abova Forcad draught wall or no wall abova 1 1 Natural draught Plan IF I *''< w, - w+ 0*4K Natural draught Plan Forcad draught Plan FIG. 14—Assumed trajectories of the emerging flames. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 91 92 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT eo = 1 - 0.33 R (23) A similar correlation for the forced-draft data is shown in Fig. 16, and the line has the following equation IA 1/2 (24) R eo Note in Eqs 23 and 24 that the decrease in flame temperature is in direct proportion to the distance along the center line of the flame. By substituting Q^ or T^ = 940°F (1000°F - 60°F) andl = X in Eqs 23 and 24, the value of GQ or TQ may be derived. For fires with natural draft, this may give values of Go or Jo (at the window) greater than the fire temperature, Gf or Tf, in the fire compartment. This results from ignition of unbumed gases outside the fire compartment. Where/orcec? draft exists, the opposite can be expected. = 1 - 0.33 Conclusion In order to be able to calculate heat transfer to a structural member from flames, it is necessary to establish the shape and size of the flame emerging from the window and the temperature distribution within the flame. The flame height and its horizontal projection from the building can be calculated, as can the temperature at any point on the flame axis. From this information, an "idealized" flame is determined so that heat transfer calculations can be made. The temperature of the fire within the building is determined. Although the fire temperature in a building fire will vary with time, the maximum temperature reached by the fire is used, since this will result in the highest temperature in the material exposed. The assessment of fire exposure using the procedures given in this paper Vvokoi A Tr«nton OoiWMy World K Kordina 9./e. DinMiutontMS p-5 10 l.w/R-M'min/lb FIG. 15—Flame temperature distribution for large-scale tests with a natural draft. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG GEWAIN ON EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS RISK ASSESSMENT 1 —( Dim«nsionl«st Sugg«it«d corralation Eq.(24) o 1 ^ < «Lu 93 1 o s.i(.- -y O'S 1 1 H 0-5 1-0 I.A,**/R-(l'.min/lb 1 50 FIG. 16—Flame temperature distribution for large-scale tests with a forced draft (Underwriters Laboratories data). will provide a conservative basis for calculating temperatures of exterior structural members. In some building fires, the duration of the fire may be sufficiently long that bare or unprotected structural members will be heated to "steady-state conditions." In other words, the material may reach an equilibrium temperature so that the heat falling on the material will be balanced by the heat losses to the surroundings. The steady-state condition assumes the most conservative approach to heat transfer. References [/] Ingberg, S. H., NFPA Quarterly. Vol. 22, No. 1, July 1928, pp. 43-61. [2] Pryor, A. J., Fire Exposure of Exterior Structural Members. Final Report, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Tex., July 1965. [3] Seigel, L. G., Materials Research and Standards. Vol. 10, No. 2, 1970, pp. 10-13. [4] Design Guide for Fire Safe Structural Steel. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C., March 1979. [5] Ove Arup and Partners, Design Guide for Fire Safety of Bare Exterior Structural Steel— Technical Reports and Designers Manual. Report for American Iron and Steel Institute, Ove Arup and Partners, London, England, Jan. 1977. [6] Thomas, P. H., Fires in Model Rooms: CIB Research Programmes. Building Research Establishment Current Paper CP 32/74, Building Research Establishment, Borehamwood, England, 1974. [7\ Fujita, K., Characteristics of Fire Inside a Non-combustible Room and Prevention of Fire Damage. Report 2(2), Japanese Ministry of Construction, Building Research Institute, Tokyo. |5] Heselden, A. J. M. and Thomas, P. J., Fully Developed Fires in Single Compartments. CIB Report No. 20. Fire Research Note 923/1972, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1972. [9] Heselden, A. J. M., Smith, P. G., and Theobald, C. R.,Fires inaLarge Compartment Containing Structural Steelwork—Detailed Measurements of Fire Behavior, Fire Research Note 646/1966, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1966. [10] Arnault, P., Ehm, H., and Kruppa, J., Rapport Experimental sur les Essais avec de Feux Naturels Executes dans la Petite Installation. CECM 3/73-11-FCTICM. Puteaux, France, June 1973. [//] Gross, D., Field Burnout Tests of Apartment Dwelling Units. Building Science Series 10, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., 29 Sept. 1967. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 94 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT [12] Yokoi, S., Study on the Prevention of Fire-spread Caused by Hot Upward Current. Report No. 34, Japanese Building Research Institute, Tokyo, 1960. [13] Thomas, P. H., On the Heights of Buoyant Flames. Fire Research Note 489/1961, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1961. [14] Webster, C. T., Raftery, Monica M., and Smith, P. G., The Burning of Fires in Rooms. Part U. Fire Research Note 401/1959, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1959. [15] Webster, C. T., Raftery, Monica M., and Smith, P. G., The Burning of Fires in Rooms. Part HI, Fire Research Note 474/1961, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1%1. [16] Webster, C. T. and Smith, P. G., The Burning of Fires in Rooms. Part IV. Fire Research Note 574/1964, Joint Fire Research Organization, Borehamwood, England, 1964. [771 Seigel, L. G.,Fire Technology. Vol. 5, No. 1, 1969, pp. 43-51. [18] Thomas, P. H. and Law, Margaret, Fire Prevention Science and Technology. No. 10, Dec. 1974, pp. 19-26. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG STP762-EB/Mar. 1982 Summary The compilation of papers presented in this publication treats the assessment of fire risk through the coverage of two broad subject areas: (1) defining fire risk assessment traditionally and systemically and (2) using analytical methods and test-based quantification to formulate acceptable levels of risk. The first subject area is examined by Rowe and by Roux in papers that attempt to clearly define and simplify fire risk assessment—the terminology and concepts as a whole. The second subject area is treated in papers by Cohn, Ling and Williamson, Brannigan and Dardis, and Gewain, employing various qualitative, quantitative, and test-based analyses. Rowe's paper examines the nature of fire risk assessment and develops bases for assessing these risks systemically. Rowe advises that risks from fire can never be eliminated completely, but, by setting realistic objectives to reduce the probability and consequences of fire occurrences to acceptable levels, control of risk from fire can be realized. Such control requires examination of fire occurrences on a systemic level, including identification of causes; consideration of prevention, mitigation, and cost-effectiveness; and, ultimately, a re-ordering of priorities aimed at establishing specific control action plans. The author's use of a systems approach to assessing and controlling fire risk represents an effective means of examining the interaction among causes, resources, and the strengths and weaknesses of risk-reduction methods. An understanding of traditional and current perceptions of fire risk assessment is provided in Roux's definition, characterization, and conceptual analysis of fire risk. In this paper, various definitions of fire risk are examined in terms of scalar quantification, qualitative levels of acceptable risk, and probabilistic analysis. This treatment of the subject complements Rowe's systemic approach in that both recognize that acceptable levels of risk relate to a variety of factors and that the control of risk can be achieved through the reduction of the probability and consequences of fire occurrences. Cohn's paper presents a differing view of the assessment of fire risk, which is based on the practical recognition that methods for accurately measuring degrees of risk have not been used, and, therefore, the formulation of acceptable levels of risk has lacked both consistency and quantitative substantiation. Rowe and Cohn concur that systematic methods must be applied if effective fire risk measurement techniques are to be developed. Rowe's systemic 95 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright' 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 96 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT approach involves the estimation of risk through the whole range of risk relations, from causative events, through exposure probability, and ending in evaluating consequences. On the other hand, Cohn's systematic critical path approach traces alternatives for fire development in a building emanating from the incipient point of fire occurrence and sets relative probabilities for each alternative; that is, it is aimed at preventing fire development at the ignition stage, rather than reducing the consequences of fires. The role of fire testing and relevant fire test methods in the assessment of fire risk are analyzed by Ling and Williamson. The authors draw upon fire modeling techniques which utilize elements of a "decision tree." A specific building floor plan is studied with respect to fire growth and occupant-egress times. The merits and importance of test-based fire risk analyses are demonstrated by way of probability and time determinations, using data from fire tests on the building materials involved. The overall accuracy and significance of the test-based fire modeling analysis described by Ling and Williamson is largely dependent upon the relevance and end-point criteria associated with the standard fire tests now in use. Some of these fire test methods are not based upon rationally developed exposure conditions and end-point criteria and, therefore, may not qualify as elements of a fire risk assessment standard or protocol. The need for fire test exposures and criteria is indicated by the Ling and Williamson paper, if the challenge of the complexities of the assessment of fire risk are to be successfully met. By way of balance in the treatment of the assessment of fire risk, Brannigan and Dardis describe the output of test-based analyses as input for economic and legal analyses. Economic considerations are related to cost-benefit and risk-benefit techniques, whereas legal considerations are presented in the context of tort liability, contracts, and regulations. These authors reflect the general conclusions of Ling and Williamson—namely, that if test-based fire analysis is to develop as a means for assessing fire risks on the part of building designers, insurance interests, and regulatory authorities, the test methods must: (1) deal with the fire conditions of severity under examination; (2) relate to material, product, and system fire performance in terms of risk; and (3) not serve only as laboratory research tools. Gewain provides a specific example of the assessment of fire risk based upon the results of fire tests in his paper on the full-scale testing of exterior structural steel members. This paper examines the practical application of the test-based analysis of a specific fire risk situation—the identification of the fire exposure conditions, examination of the results of full-scale fire experiments, and the development of mathematical treatments to permit the calculation of heat transfer to structural members during building fire conditions, including the fire temperature and the flame plume shape and size. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG SUMMARY 97 Gewain's paper represents an extension of the conclusions of Ling and Williamson and Brannigan and Dardis to the extent that it presents a basis for assessing a fire risk by using test methods that have exposures commensurate with the severity of the fire conditions under examination and by incorporating risk-related fire performance measurements. This summary has identified the primary messages of six papers covering a broad range of subjects relating to fire risk assessment. It is clear that more comprehensive analysis is needed. Useful information has been produced, but questions remain. What are the unanswered questions; what reviews and studies must yet be carried out? Rowe perhaps has captured the essence of the unanswered questions associated with fire risk assessment in the Summary of his paper, wherein he states: "The major question left unanswered is whether a substantial analysis at the systems level would be useful and warranted. If one expects final solutions, the answer is 'no.' If one is looking for better insight to focus resources more effectively, locate weak points for corrective action, and make the 'players' involved aware of their responsibilities, limits of action, and ability to respond to the system, then it might be of considerable merit." It becomes apparent in summarizing these papers that the difficulties associated with defining and quantifying fire risk assessment and acceptable levels of fire risk serve as testimony to the need for a comprehensive multifaceted approach to the development of a fire risk assessment protocol describing all the techniques treated herein, including systemic, systematic, qualitative, and quantitative test-based analyses. This protocol would find extensive use by a wide variety of interests in the fire community and would represent a major contribution to fire safety. The development of such a protocol should be the highest future priority of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards and other members of the fire community to improve fire standards development, based upon the meaningful fire risk assessment techniques described by Rowe and the other authors in this volume. Test-based assessments require data from accurate, reproducible, and relevant fire test methods that qualify as elements of fire risk assessment standards. Such test-based assessments, in combination with representative fire models, and appropriate probability theory, can, according to these authors, yield prediction of the causal factors in the growth and spread of unwanted fires in buildings. The papers presented in this publication were intended to provide an updated review of techniques, methods, and analytical approaches for quantitatively assessing the risks associated with unwanted fires, while at the same time identifying qualitative and subjective public perceptions of fire assessment which establish acceptable levels of risk. This compilation of papers can serve as an element in a sound foundation for building a comprehensive &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 98 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT protocol for fire risk assessment standards and stimulate the development of standards capable of yielding meaningful risk assessment information. G. T. Castino Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook, 111. 60062; symposium chairman and editor. T. Z. Harmathy National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA 0R6; symposium chairman and editor. &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG STP762-EB/Mar. 1982 Index British Standards Institution, 19 Building codes {see Codes, safety) Building design For fire resistance, 10 For fire safety, 38 Building Firesafety Model, 24 Buildings Construction types, 29 Content of, 25 High-rise, 28 Safety of, 29 Burning, rate of, 79, 80-82, 87 Accidents {see also Three Mile Island nuclear accident), 7 Class 9, 19 Consequences of, 23 Probability of, 23 Actuarial assessment, 68, 69, 71 Aretz case, 69-70 Arson, intentional, 7 ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standards, 30 ASTM Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials (E 119-80), 51, 75-76 ASTM Policy on Fire Standards, 16, 20 ASTM Subcommittee EOS. 15 on Building Content, 25 ASTM Subcommittee E05.91 on Planning and Review, 16, 17, 20, 24 Carbon monoxide generation, 36 Carpet pill test, 68 Casualties of fire, 23 Catastrophes, 7 Systems prone to, 8 Codes, safety, 4, 10, 29, 66 Building, 29, 30, 56, 75, 76, 79 Federal and state, 11 Combustible gases, 42 Combustibles, 4, 7 Combustion, type of, 4 Conseil International du Batiment (CIB), 79, 82 Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 19, 68, 72 Containment, fire, 4, 10, 47 Contracts, 69, 71 Cost-benefit analysis, 18, 61, 62, 63, 64,65 B Benefits (see also Cost-benefit analysis) And risks, 5 From risk reduction, 61, 63 "Benefits of Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation," 20 Benzene case, 72 Beverly Hills Supper Club fire, 18 British Fire Research Station, 23 99 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 Copyright 1982 b y A S T M International www.astm.org 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 100 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Cost-effectiveness analysis, 12, 13, 14, 62, 63, 66 Council of Environmental Quality, 18, 19 D Data, types of, 67-69 Delaney Clause, Food and Drug Act, 67 Design capacity, 7 Detection, fire, 4 Detection time, 39 Disasters, natural, 7 Early warning containment systems, 10 Economic consequences of fire, 6167 Emergency equivalent network, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57 Energy Research and Development Administration, U.S. (ERDA), 23 Escape, 33, 39 Event, fire Frequency of, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 65 Probability of, 36, 37 Exposure "Attractive," 7 Degree of, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24 Exterior structural members, 75-93 Extinguishing systems, 4, 10, 26 Fatalities, 21, 22, 31 Probabilities of, 33 Federal Emergency Management Administration/Department of Health, Education, and Welfare/National Bureau of Stanards symposium, 31 Fire Cause of, 3 Classes of, 4 Consequences of, 3 Death due to, 21, 22 Growth {see Fire Growth) Prevention, 4, 8, 10 Probability of, 3 Products of, 17, 24, 25 Protection (see Fire protection) Resistance (see Fire resistance) Risk (see Fire risk) Risk assessment {see Fire risk assessment) Safety {see Fire safety) Spread of, 48, 49, 50, 51-53 {see also Fire growth) Suppression of, 45, 54 Fire behavior Exterior, 83-88 Interior, 79-83 Fire development, tracing, 31 Critical path method, 32, 33, 34-35 Fire doubling times, 39 Fire event {see Event, fire) Fire exposure Exterior, 76-93 Interior, 76 Fire extinguishers, 11 Fire fighting, 10 Fire growth, 40, 41, 42, 43-57 Experiments, full-scale, 39 Model (FGM), 40, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51-53 Rate of, 39 States of, 44, 45 "Fire Hazard and the Design and Use of Fire Tests," 20 Fire load, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG INDEX Fire management, 45 Systems, computer-controlled, 29 Fire modeling, mathematical, 25 Fire prevention programs, 10 Fireproof, 28 Fire protection, 28 Model (FPM), 40, 45, 47, 51-53 Systems, 36 Techniques, 40 Fire resistance, 4 Duration of, 49 Ratings, 76 Of structures, 79 Tests, 47 Fire resistive, 28 Fire risk Control of, 3 Formulating acceptable levels of, 28-37 Probabilistic analysis of, 32, 33 Fire risk assessment Components of, 6 Definition of, 59 Economic criteria, 61-67 For exterior structural members, 75-93 Legal criteria, 67-72 Methodology, 4 Process of, 4-11 Systemic, 3-15 Fire safety, 3, 10 Analysis, 29 Control system, 12 Goals for, 30 Success of, 24 From systems viewpoint, 4 Firesafety Concepts (Decision) Tree, NFPA, 23, 24 Fire stations, location of, 30 Fire temperatures, 77, 79, 82-83, 89, 90-93 Flame-plume dimensions, 85-88 Flame retardant materials, 12 101 Flame spread {see also Fire growth), 39, 41 Flammability tests, 68 Flashover, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55 Food and Drug Administration, U.S., 67 Forced draft conditions, 83, 84, 8788, 89, 90, 92, 93 Ford Motor Co., 72 Fuels, transportation of, 7 Furniture, upholstered, standards for, 25, 64 H Handicapped, safety for, 31 Harm, potential for, 17, 18, 19, 24-25, 26 Hazard, 7 {see also Risk) Definition of, 20-21, 25 Liability for, 70-71 Quantified, 32 Versus "risk," 20 Hazardous substances, 21 Heat transfer, 77, 79, 89, 92, 93 Convective, 41, 76 Radiation, 76, 89 Heated zone, 41, 42 Human response model (HRM), 40, 45,48 I Ignition Ease of, 26 Event, 40 Of combustible materials, 42, 44 Of unburned gas, 92 Multiple, 41 Probability of, 39 Insurance, fire, 10, 11, 71 International Standards Organization (ISO), 19 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG 102 FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Legal consequences of fire, 67-72 Liability Protection against, 11 Tort, 69-71 Life safety systems, 28, 29, 30 Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 5 Loss Measurement of, 64, 65 Per fire exposure, 24, 61 Postflashover, 79 Prevention, fire {see Fire, prevention) Projection assessments, 68, 69, 71 Protection Degree of, 66-67 Design standards, 13 Requirements of, 76 Public Health, Massachusetts Department of, 21 M Material, duration of fire resistance of, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 Materials, construction, 4 N National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 54, 75 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 19 Decision tree, 45, 46, 47 Systems Concepts Committee, 23, 24 National Fire Protection Association/Department of Housing and Urban Development (NFPA/HUD), 40 Natural draft conditions, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92 Natural gas, storage of, 7 Negligence, 61 Nuclear accident, 17, 18, 21 Nuclear reactors, 7, 38 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 18 Nuclear war, 7 O Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 72 Outcomes, probabilities of, 10 Quantitative risk analysis, 38-57 R Rasmussen report, 17 Regulation, 69, 71-72 Regulatory organizations, 12, 67 Rescue, 4, 10 Response systems (see also Risk, response strategy), 10 Risk Acceptable levels of, 5, 10, 11 Defining, 11-12 Determining, 12, 28-37 Analyst, 4 Assessment (see Fire risk assessment) Aversion, 10 Consequences of, 60 Primary factors, 60, 71 Secondary factors, 60, 71 Control of, 26 Definitions of, 4, 17-20, 23 Dimensions of, 21-23 Elements of, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26 Environmental, 19 Estimation, 5, 8, 9, 10 Exposure, consequences of, 8, 10, 23 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG INDEX Identification, 5 New, 5 Public concern with, 5 Public's response to, 10 Quantification of, 23 Reduction, 13, 14, 61, 63, 65, 66 Response strategy, 59, 60, 61, 62-67, 70, 71 Voluntary versus involuntary, 21, 22 Risk Management Guide (ERDA), 23 Safety (see also Fire safety) Approaches to, 4 Definition of, 20, 25, 28 Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S., 20 Smoke detectors, 11, 26, 64 Smoke spread model (SSM), 40, 45 Standards, fire, 11, 29, 36, 66, 72 ASTM, 16, 17, 20, 30, 37 Definition of, 59 Design, 13, 14 In system process, 12-14 Performance, 13 Voluntary versus mandatory, 64 State transition model (STM), 39-51 Structural damage, 79 Structural fire resistance, 76 103 Technology and fire risk, 5, 7 Test-based quantification, 59-73 Testing methods Fire performance, 25 Standardizing of, 37 Tests, fire, 38-57, 75-93 ASTM, 51, 75-76 Condition of, 76 Definition of, 59 Design of, 73 Thiokol Chemical Corp., 69-70 Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 17, 18, 21 Tort liability, 69-71 Toxic materials, potential release of, 7 Tunnel test, 47, 50 U Underwriters' Laboratory tests, 83, 85, 88, 89 Ventilation, effect of on fire, 43, 50, 81, 85 W Warning labels, use of, 21 Warning systems, 10 Window area, effect of on fire, 77, 83, 84, 85, 88 &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG &RS\ULJKWE\$670,QW O DOOULJKWVUHVHUYHG :HG0D\*07 'RZQORDGHGSULQWHGE\ 0LFKDHO)XUPDQVNL )HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ SXUVXDQWWR/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW1RIXUWKHUUHSURGXFWLRQVDXWKRUL]HG