Uploaded by hasan simani

The Mouth of Humour and Sadness: Poetry by Hasan Simani

Hasan simani
My deepest thanks go to the lofty heavens who crafted everything
in this book. The voice, sublime metaphors and uniqueness belongs to
the lord. I also give my parents and teachers thunders of applause;
their critical monitoring was not in vain. I dedicate this book to my
ZIVEZANO HIGH SCHOOL and my parents.
I wrote this book with one aim to cure the maladies devouring the
nation. It is a book that sways the reader or can I say the antidote to
stress. The main themes in this book range from love, justice, greed,
gratitude and perseverance. The writer is a Zimbabwean born writing
from his own perspective.
Hasan garden of poetry
Days and nights watering the metaphors, similes, diction
Together they create a fine art,
Blooming like summer evergreen trees.
A garden made of green ideas,
In this garden no pest baffles the blooming of ideas,
My powerful art drives the onlooker insane,
In poetry I’m a king with an invisible crown,
The passion of poetry
Instills confidence
To those mind gardens consenting brown.
I love my garden
It bring joy and survival,
The burden of stresses feels sluggish
When I start working in the garden, armed with a pen for a hoe,
I dig into the paper
Seeds of hope I sow
It is a garden,
That sways the attention of the reader,
Attention -grabbing like the powerful speech of an orator,
Justice is nurtured in this poetry is nurtured,
The wings of poetry that fly on the paper,
Designed by the inventor,
To laugh human folly,
A wondrous man-made bird,
That can fly through the psyche,
They move with haste.
Magic wings borrowed from the yester-years,
Metaphors, litotes, figurative language bundled together,
Beautiful like feathers
Not hairy like bird‘s wings
Not composed of blood and bones
Not simple like its brother prose
Complicated like the puzzle of life
Poetry with wings
Roaming around the world of minds,
Inculcating its blessings
And those of lubricated minds,
Soften problems
Have you not read about the archaic –pitiable life?
Not marvelous,
Born to suffer living in abject
Not quantified with pleasure
A life in the hands of the weak-boned
Not capable of quelling oodles of troubles,
But despair.
Giants of hunger throttling the doors of hope,
Bleak poetry that unleashes the desperate moments of deep thinking
A silence so tense like a dreary grave
Children drowning in hunger- pangs
Eyes deep-sunk
So thin like biltong
Mothers no longer pumping milk
Flaccid breasts cursed by the dearth of food.
Bleak life composed by the profound sleep of the gods
Enjoying in the macrocosmos, while the servants wait
In the microcosmos
Callous-hearted amused by the poignant cries
Weeping of the disconsolate orphans,
A harvest of skeletons,
The bright star dimmed by the dirges
A shell-shocking anathema
Cemetery huge like baobab fat
Bleak poetry composed of soporific events
Mingled with illness and fatigue
Death fattened with corpses
Anthills made of salvos of stones
Future with no comic relief
Monotonous desperate-dances of death
When is the dawn?
Wretched fate of barren nation
No fresh air to imbibe
Only stinking shit
Unforgettable years…………………
In the dead of the night
I woke up from a profound sleep,
Perturbed by the rising crescendo of the cell alarm
Switched the television on
A programme of the clever fools had just ended
What followed was an African drama
Heralded by the cacophony of screams,
A picture of a black master fat –stomached,
In front of the skeletal human throng
His spell-binding oratory skills reminds me of the noxious
Alas! A dog-life
Of the African fellow men
Living in debased ghetto suburbs
Feeding on dog-pie
Greed gods were milky-dogging the nation at large,
Turned arid and infertile like emasculated bull,
The poor surviving with the smithereens that falls from the high
Lazarus’ tribe survives with the alms,
Unwonted life not expected
Nurtured by the former monster
Oh! They become the caricature of the former
A sudden diminuendo the noise subsided,
Blood oozed in torrents,
The earth rained crimson water
Charlatans armed with a corrosive knowledge
Clapping hands for injustice
I recall Dambudzo Marechera
To match this horror
“Opened with a mafia of jets
Terrorizing humanity
And the sky cried out in a thrombosis of lightning”
Dead daughters of Africa buried on open skies
The drama continues……
No lullaby
for the babies
In the dark middle night,
With a candle burning bright
On a small desk
Armed with nothing but a blue pen
Weaving stories of metaphoric pain
It is the garment sorrow
That blackens the future of morrow
The future in heebie-jeebies’
Shattered dreams ripped to shreds
Memory of an authentic milieu
Not hedged with cruel spying eyes,
Not fashioned with growling dogs
Inducing terror (every gate on the suburbs written a banner
Home sickness
I’m in pursuit of heroism
Alas! All gates of success closed
No music in this God -forsaken land
So dark
Filled with amplified phobias
No resolute stance of the body
So tired
Thrown in the cesspool
Of no returning back
The irony of this place
Whores are plenty
Selling hot clean sex
Shall I see my family again?
Shall they pardon my sins?
In this room
Called life
With a brain for a company
Life’s grief feed on me
Stinking misery
Dire depression
A complex mind exile
Starved of love
Shall the heart pluck up courage?
I work tirelessly using humor
Mine is peevish wooing
I choose that rose
They hasten it from my hands
Zonked now like a tearful orphan
I sank prostrate all my lovely lilies
Refuse to blossom my gaiety
Beauty of the lady
I’m lured with
Countless days I worship her
She watches me cry
Desperate dance of solitude
My psyche reeling with unfathomable confusion
I get sick of her fool moods
Love that profess to secure my heart at first blush
Love not friendly a misfortune!
I’m a loner with no pride
I lost her
Now I search for a perfect-bosom lover
Not a bogus with too much hubris
My love is frozen like a freezer
My love not toothsome to the heart tongue
Not palatable- I’m a desperate-love –seeker
Searching fish in the river dried up
Like Kalahari
Love is the glittering sun pure like milk
Dispel the curtain of darkness
Love stimulates
And sparks of joy
Kindle the passion bright
Love comes when rose beauty
Lures the heart
And the words sweetened pour out
They strangle life’s sorrows
It is love that combines Romeo and Juliet
Two attached together
But the cruelty of distance assails love
Plus the uncomfortable words of the rumor mongers
What is the consequence?
A marital-bust-up
A devastating divorce
It is true love that rage
Against despair
Let it be love of no conspiracy
Love so true that world will marvel
So sweet like sugar
Charming the mental taste buds
Linking two like a pair of compass
Love not to vanish like a puff of smoke
Or play it tricky
Truly attached
Theirs spiced song
Not bitter like sour pills
Not pain struck like death
Love soften life‘s sad pains
Real poetry lost its pleasurable tune
Now painted crimson like blood
Baobab fat like prose
YOU ……
Prolonged talk of the emancipation
Raising the Madzimbabwe
Everything done to treasure the past
But this past perpetrates and traumatize
The born-free
A life garnished with rhetorical gambits
Integrity wrapped in maxims of war
Death dragging the innocent
And culprits left harbor malice in their hearts
The maxims deep-seated
In the new comrades
Claiming of sublime character
Of pious disposition
Man of courage and valor
Research rancid like pork
All books chock-a -block with hyperbolic traditions
Can you predict the heavy downpour?
When no whisper of birds
No happiness
Yoking human brain with war
Maxims-ahoi ahoi
Aluta continua
Pamberi nehondo
I hear a soft low voice
A love whisper
My ear stretches to hearken
The woman of my heart
Tuning the jingles
Singing in vernacular tongue
“Ndadzoka Mudiwa
Mudiwa ndadzoka
Kupokana ndarasa
Upfambi ndarasa
Terera hosho dzangu
Kana dzorira
Dzinodetemba zvandakatadza”
She sings now clothed in ghost attire
Rekindles memories of joy
Crying for the atonement to her grief
Melodious voice of prime youth
Ooh! She sounds like a prosy- talker
Dignity lost in the venom of white magic
Love’s whisper
I approve and listen attentively
But why African tongue not palatable
Weakened by the soft singing piano
Nothing to appreciate
Better blend white and black magic
Thorny crown
Sliding into an orgy of uncontrolled weeping
But no one seeking for succor
A coffin only smiling to swallow
Half smiles, half –frown
All was attained with monstrous roar of the guns
When golden looks dimmed
Crown helplessly cries
Vengeance of the phantoms
Fan the flames of the revolution
Thorn laws softened with uncompromising crowds
No dirges
Prince of corruption
Disguised in bubble-gum gaiety
To die or not to die
Sound the same
Victory, failure sound alike
Brightened paths followed with a
Blanket of darkness
Doomed crown
Is it true?
Wounded like bleeding banks ,
long lines like scramble for Africa ,
connection of frustration mass demonstration,
yelling in silence, but touching noses
the stench of corruption that stinks
swallowing verbs like swallowing T-bone
but empty granaries
sweating palms but no peanut butter
I'm not what you think , I'm
A relapse of yesterday depression
that sent my head spinning
and my child vowed not to comeback
relishing the fruits of the green land,
Can i abandon and rub off my fingerprints ?
Can i reduce the speed of my mouth and stand in front of them
like a scarecrow?
I'm not what you think I’m, I'm me
I'm not impressed with orphans swelling in multiples
where are the hands that used to produce?
no progress but regression,
I'm not insisting to stay mute forever
watching sons and daughters relishing dog pie
i persist to mouth it ,
change is what I'm
and this is me
born solid like my origin was granite
I'm not what you think I'm , I'm me
Silence is a liability but talking is an asset that increase the cash
Born in a confused world
This is not my problem let me make it clear
My mind received evil and socialised when you kill you instill fear
Poverty is a foster mother and hatred my closest brother,
My father died in a battle to rescue my mother,
Left to suffer in a cold world that doesn’t bother
Living in a street where we are sheltered with card boxes
Rushing to and fro in search of smithereens like wild foxes
One thing I marvel is the street art
We are strong, patient no problem is unmet,
We chase dreams but hunger chases us
We wonder who can be us
I was born with burdens
Socialised with burdens
And escaped many burdens
Packed like luggage
Not respected like royal maidens
They call us children of street
Everywhere, even you search on Google we are there on internet,
Tricked with the street
We just marvel the passers –by
Ladies in high heels enjoying fashion crazy
I wonder my father who he was, maybe he was lazy
We love to be loved but our frost tears curse us
NO Jairos Jiri of today they debase us
Calling us street names they mock us
Being bullied with reality
Nothing in it all is vanity
Our hope comes like smoke of a smoker
Quickly vanish into the sky
Who am I?
A street of curses
Born in slum
How can I make fame?
History of where we came from unknown
And wonder like Jeremiah why was I born?
No tear of the heaven
Humanity blubbering and capitulating
Hopes grabbed by the justice of hell
Boiling shafts of the cruel dog- star
Ruthlessly thwarting the crop of survival
Murdered roses sorrowfully in despair
The foes of disaster
No doors to escape
Shell-shocking anathema
No gods to emancipate our tormented souls
Salvos of stones piled on top of each other
No ululations ladies of Africa
Tongue- tied
They can’t even whisper
Demon of hunger
Don’t ask the bull frog for a prophecy?
Don’t fear crocodiles in the river?
No more fish
Wells dried up
This season a plague of death
Above no cloud that can deceive
Above no empathy for throng in
Desperate dance of death
Death’s fist of fury striking everything to dust
In bitter tears they drench
A burden’s murder
Beauty of the nature waning out
Earth’s face saddened by the thick obstacles
Teethed troubles uneasy to surmount
In comfort of thorns
Drawn to the blood –purge
I’m a victim of the burden
A daunting task
I’m given by the chiefs
To seek prophets who bleed rain
The smiling of this sun
A cruel-angel
With bogus sympathy
Humour of sadness
A hyena feeds on stinking shit
Roaring lion asks forgiveness
From the bones of its former prey
Future marvelous only for
Converts of the sun
Blinded by the prowess of beer
Taking pride in greeting the hands of the grave
A night prowler armed with a flesh gun
A deep hole of sweet debauchery
A micro-mini showing glistening thighs
Spell-binding beauty
Coaxing tongue for a bribe
She drags the prey to a profound sleep
Her hands pressing like machine
Oh! It’s a wrestling between laboring life and the grave
Flesh hole a dark macabre place
Throwing the feeble –flesh penis
It imbibes blisters of the grave
Chiding a plastic shield to fortify the walls of health
Against corrupt virus
She is beautiful sex queen
A skillful barmaid
Who is she to inspire my amorous senses?
A swimming –sex- pool
Demented brain is not functioning
Complaining battery low
Sucked and siphoned
Pockets empty
I followed blindly
Hard to say it’s too late
Precious daughters, my bosom wife
Oh! What shall I say?
Later days are marked with regrets
Skeletal body
Thinned by the mass –destroying disease
Bit by bit
I’m drowning
Tomorrow I belong to the cemetery
The clock is reading
Thin minutes left
The close of the chapter
Close of pain
Anathema of sweet debauchery
Fatal blunders of cruel unity
A last word
To world and God
Inching towards grave
A sad wave of goodbye
With salty tears
Suddenly I’m blind
Young and deaf
Drafting nothing but an imbecile’s lie
Nitty-gritties of next episodes to come
Proving them wrong
Grasp the song
I listened with an arrogant twitch at the corner of my lips
But youth flies like a dove
And youthful pleasures waves a goodbye
Nothing in the book of history
All is futile
Stupidity in the dustbin chamber
The singer stops
Melodious voice evaporates
The fingers freeze on the piano
The song fails to prolong
Dead and silent
Audience mouth agape
No compliments
I began to like the song
But the virtuoso performer
Finished his work
Grasp the song
The pleasurable beat of the piano
Clever-fool was I?
Down the bleak tomb
The legion of his audience
Imbibed knowledge
Now they idolize his gift
A sudden rise of the song
The choir dressed in black
I have no words to sing
Only sliding into an orgy of uncontrolled weeping
Staring at the sliding casket
My teacher is going
Grasp the song
Nothing left in my basket
A harvest of tears
Bleak dawn no ray of illuminating hope
Sky walls dark –ghosts bred phobias
Future of no comic relief
The madness of this dawn
Sways no joy
A ziz-zag life
Disordered like an insane mentality
How untruthful is this dawn
No mesmerizing voice of birds
Doves cease to sing
Silenced by the cold-stranger
The sun confined in thick-clouds
No dazzling sunshine to bask in
We tremble and shiver in the forest
Bleak dawn (the road is dark)
Invisible fate waits to engulf future prospects
Shall they be destined hwindi-touts?
Shall they be awarded the medals of infamy?
Shall they fortify themselves with whoredom?
The road is darkened by the passion of laziness
Sleep takes away the briskness of the mind
This night profess to rest the fatigue
Bleak dawn
Where can I borrow the bright torch to see through?
Life is it joy, happiness, sorrow, troubles
Begging, struggling, despairing, victory
What is a fool?
A diviner of empty predictions
What is joy?
The smiling of a girl glancing at mirror,
Complimenting herself
Ooh I’m a beautiful creature!
The victory of a boy who has charmed a difficult girl to woo
What is sorrow?
A home laden with bleak life
Tears falling down from an orphan
Parents’ cold –in- earth
A wife baffled by the gossip that baba Nesta
Has a clandestine love-nest with the neighbour
The prophecy that you’re going to die tomorrow
What is struggling?
Sweating of gweja in desperate need of diamond in Chiadzwa
Everything weird
Shape earth an ugly monster.
Blubbering are brats with no mothers to care
Disconsolate orphans
Calling “kopa- kabana”
And” dollar- for –two”
Death not softening life
Orphans swelling in multiples
Life garnished with sorrow
No sense of decorum
Honesty pastors amusing the world on pulpit
With nothing but the gospel of prosperity
Spiritual charlatans dressed in white robes
Chanting maxims of prosperity
Robbing little they got
A life fueled with anxieties
A land raining misfortunes
Crimson water
And violence
Swash-buckling heroes bragging
Possessed with stingy-character
No drop of the coin
For the laboring begging beggars
A land barren
Nothing to cherish but war
Boom, boom the monstrous roar of the guns
Petals of envy
Rallying converts
Slaves who oblige to the voice
With thick asperity
A glossary of truth
Reconciliation a pitiable doctor in exile
Watching from afar with invisible binoculars
Determined to cure the maladies of injustice
Set aside the private wills of egoism
Bury sophistry like a corpse.
Rhetoric sounding sweet to ears
But the path to reconciliation darkened
How can it be?
What shall they do?
Hindered by the private watchers
Living in a mist of truth
Voices sounding pseudo-like
A state of nature
Where Hobbes’ ideas return back from the grave
Intellectuals behaving so funny
Like psychiatric patients
No quantum of solace
For the dustbin of gods
All placebos
Salivates with greed
And ferocity
Reconciliation a sparkling word like torch
Lightens the world a heaven
Oppression a room
Amplified with phobias
And phantoms
A tribe of tears
Destiny perturbed
With sweet- sorrow
Hastens everything to dust
Ashes…nothing left but blank life
Wishes sweetened in youthful rehearse
Sketchiest gestures of protest
Not willing to fall-prey to maxims of peer-pressure
A conquered virgin land now a ghost on the cemetery
Unconquered youth
Principled to finish the journey
Complex like a cobweb
Ouch! Desperate need for money bought pleasures
Zap-nacks, candies…….an endless list
Swaying youth to oblige
And virginity decline
Dreams sound utopian
It’s too late to grasp when life is hedged with traumatization
And realization
Despair an immense description
Of unbearable pain
Falling and falling like droplets of rain
Tears creating a pool of despair
An ugly farewell vanish in the air
Like a puff-of smoke
Poignant anguish that scratches the mind
With thorn fingers of betrayal
Heartburn for love,
But why the world‘s joy evaporates
Weeping an endless stream of tears
Realisation a process of sliding into an orgy
Of uncontrolled regrets
The world spreading the bruit
Once blazing fire
Ooh! A complete change
A bachelor sitting on a chair
Next to him cold-hearth
Skeletal like a hospice patient
Death evil quiet like a whore
Life’s sorrow stinking like shit
When sweetness mankind to enjoy
But declining nectar
A bumble-bee wanders in sorrow
No one to garnish life’s dreams
No lush of greenery
All turned frost – cold winter spell.
Yes! Dignified daughter-in-law
Bow down knees in Africa
Yes! A dignified son-in law
Salute big testicles
Now it sound like an exaggerated tradition
A son in law
A beggar –in vain –pursuit of love
Flouting speeches of the fathers
Choking like dust.
African mothers intruders who wage war
Teethed like envy
Love dancing in mist
A mother-in-law
Idle parasite lagging behind
Harvesting petals like fruits
No love of the two
In comfort
Of an private watcher
Poisonous glances
Arrogant twitches at the corner of the mouth
Nostrils flare in defiance
Not feeling well
Her life bottled in fear
A dark cloud of slavery
It never rains but pours.
Old wisdom refuses to fade
Passion of laziness
Resist work and afford time to sleep
Laxing like tomorrow never come
Contrary to that, I take pride in struggling
I’m against dire-starvation
I’m against those who promote sorrows
Confidence gathers in the brain
In the heart it bubble like gas
I strive to plaster the walls of troubles
Down knees they bow
To the lord I pursue his saving grace
Waiting for the dreams to bring about
Incorruptible fortunes
No accessed with goblin means
Painful patience shall I regret?
I loathe the passion of a want-wit dreamer
It bred terror and failure
Education’s affection laughter
Add more sweet to my nectared wine
A gutter-fighter
With unflinching courage
The future unleashes good harvest
I take pride in preparing greatness
No matter the twists and turns of this journey
I swear “future belongs to me
I’m the master of my destiny”
The strength of hands
The prowess of the incisive brain
The wounds of this war I’m fighting
Shall cease to quantify hot tears
Transform the archaic walls of Stone Age
The folly of watching
Propel life to the peril of joining
Lazarus’s tribe
“Hamadzangu ndinokumbirawo rubatsiro”
The danger it is
Not all show altruism
Penny-pinchers give a disdainful ignorance
Idolize the passion of deciphering the riddle of life
rather sleep
late now,
than to find
no sleep
Petals of envy
Testicles of the big bulls
Inspire a punch-up
Eyes blood-red
Sharp-pointed horns of no tiny kindness
Who shall triumph today at the dip-tank?
Impressive noise of the herdsman
Cheering starts
Bulls raise dust of war
Heavy sound
Horns locked on each other
Bleeding starts
Walls of the dip-tank
Now painted crimson
I’m the boss
When I roar
All of them retreat
No plaintive cries
My voice sways blisters of praise
Destined to rule
Look I’m cherishing imperishable pride
Now me suffering to liberate
Soft-roar sways happiness
Death of a bull
Painful like adding salt to injury
I don’t perch on your knees
Let it prolong –a fight
Sorrowful days
Greeted the domicile
The tumult of father and mother
Plagued with perpetual terror
Again Eden cried with a cacophony voice
Python of envy
Conjuring up
Galaxy of hocus-pocus
Eyes blood-red
Welling with ire
Preparing to swallow visionsA quick hasty to the village
Big bulls dreading and shivering
A battle I fought with nothing
No shield
Nor a trumpet of Gideon
Who wins the war?
Evil and good
An eye for any eye
Victory in mist
All was attained in faith
Python of envy retreated
With no wound
And vanished into history’s dustbin
Loft heavens watched the tribe of SIMANI
Poetry walks on four legs
The crown in the hands
Of an African poet
A song that springs from
With a mind granary of knowledge
So ancient ZIVEZANO stand beautiful
Stirring the crowd
Holding them captive-audience
Incredible joke
ZIVEZANO gave birth to incorruptible literacy
Armed with unflinching faith
And pious disposition
Zvobgo family
Heralded a superb vision
Of turning empty shells of minds
Into granaries of literacy
I still hear the metallic-singing of the bell
Calling a pool of students to oblige to its voice
And I curse the ghost of bitterness
When forest of notes were traumatizing the brain
And a lavish welcome to the vista of brighter days
Hottest-haunts-of hilarity
My prepared dough
Rising high
The names in my folder
Piccinini-an icon of idiocy
Owen my bosom friend man of sublime character
Shambilo greatest big-time talker
Deeds more my bosom friend an action- thriller
Desmond –a workaholic friend and Belinda a girl of natural wits
AMAI MUTATI were perfectionists inclined in the creation of my
Long-live Zivezano!
Long live Shonganiso mission!
The irony of this darkness
Purports to bring light
By the day
And pretend to vanish for long hours
Without being seen
I hate the coming of evening dimming bright light
Darkness cripples prospects
In darkness confusion reigns
In darkness life turns asleep
The venom of darkness
Devours like Egypt’s evil days
In the middle of this night
Precious hero” Mafundikwa”
Throttled by the coffin
Death an evil-quiet whore
Till I see the light
The world sun is temporary
Moon doesn’t shine forever
Till I see the deathless-bright-torch
I won’t concur with false-speaking-tongues
And won’t admire prolonged agony of the debased!
A mind not plastered with amorous plans
To take up arms against forest of vice
Building confidence and unflinching courage
Oodles of temptations try to obtain
Victory with luring tones (how can they beguile the masters of
Greatness of the brain award my life a victor
Standing up before the throng
All eyes glancing at this miracle
A surprise –a brain a granary of knowledge
Not lethargic
Not ugly
Not a wise fool
Destiny of my future stored in the brain
A brain that never adores fear
Future molded so healthy
Not a futile planner
Shortest song with a little account
Kindles the torch of the heart
A song brief in words
And many are free to offer cynicism
Shortest song that fear to cross
The bridge of another stanza
Another stanza live a life of no company
Solo in solitude
Short song ends here
The pain fails to push it
Shortest song dies so young in words
Like a song good die young.
Conflict subside
What comes next is the fruit of bloodbath
comes in the
In it richness, healthy happiness
We munch crop of our sweat
Long time we nurtured them with the liquid of endurance
Long time the patient of freedom
Suffered in the hospital with no doctors
Unique doctor comes anonymously
With panacea of jubilee
Long time a student suffered sleepless nights (chiding moments of
Eyes walking in the forest of notes
But slugabeds open their mouths wide
Enjoying tiny minutes of bubble-gum gaiety
Long time she suffered weariness of the heart
All her dreams of a good future bespattered
Brightness comes as the new dawn arrive
Laughter of malice evaporates.
Love smiling privately in the heart of a victor
Pain is a hellish path she walked
Full measure of devotion
Eradicating the slander that says
Education is for the Europeans
Crying is no more
Shadow of yesterday
Greatness cripples tasteless evil
Virtue exhibit gigantic steps
Hot tears no longer trouble the psyche
After war jubilee prunes sorrow
The wounds, bruises and tuberculosis of agony
Disappear in the mist of felicity
Horror ceases to instill the chicken-hearted
Darkest hour bids a farewell
His contract is over
Prowess of dirt air
Tiny droplets of hope
Begin to fall.
Closing eyes
Blubbering for the emancipation
A close of pain
A battle we fight with inferior weapons
The bullet harvesting lives……Goliaths of our days
Preparing to make ghosts
The end….the end
Crown of happiness my head prepare to wear
No jinx can hinder my smooth flow
Declining turbulence an end to stinking misery
Out of dire-poverty
Into the house made of fame
Not of hunger like
Of our Dambudzo
The passing away of filthy-air
Freshened with the breeze of joy
Again honey and milk we felicitate
This song is a mockery
To the pitiable past
Bygones are bygones
Cruel-angels dancing in the inferno
Again liberation comes
With another chapter
But hope steaming
A puff of corruption vanishing
Into the uncompromising sky
When another drum sings
Bitter sounds sweet
Liberation of the orphans
And freedom now flows without a sly-spy
Watching it…….the end to suffering
Complimented with a prophecy
Ooh! I see a mass rising from dust of ashes
Another tribe chanting maxims of prosperity
Wearing happy faces
Let go sorrow.