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Poems on Love, Betrayal & Dissertation Struggles

See the dust-cloud of betrayal coming closer to choke us,
It is filled with infirmity and death,
I don’t want to watch us being orphans of love,
Let not our hearts drown in despair
My face I don’t want it saturated with tears,
In my dreams only nightmares,
When love is being weakened heart grows wild fears.
Why the evil plot to punish me for my innocence?
To defend and care for my love, I suffer for my benevolence,
When the charm of money plan a secret ploy to take away my love,
A bachelor again whose erotic emotion is wounded,
My inspiration lost I’m trembling in dismay,
I wonder tomorrow I won’t see another sunny day,
Nothing to strike back, I lost my chant, my power song,
A bold cry to maker, to fill my heart with power and I will become strong.
Unwelcome guest betrayal knocks at my door and calamity of bachelorhood welcomes me
Forever gone better days like glasses broken,
Chopped into pieces and dreams I dreamt unspoken,
In a contest of love I lost my illuminating torch,
I shy away my only love under siege,
Love is blind and kind but the heart is deceitful you shall find,
I sang hook after hook but she never mind,
Sweet addiction for love now turns soar like a lemon,
I sampled about love and thought it kind,
What a consequence fragments of a heart broken,
Angels dancing like stars in the sky in the middle of the night 12 past,
Coaxing and signing fake vows that never last,
She begs for my mercy to buy a wedding ring,
Like she loves throw to me loving kisses but truth like a snake she hisses,
Seething emotion turned cold, my lips dried and rust,
Don’t take me as poet with injustice, but I hate angels, who fake their purpose,
I see the truth within desperation and a heart totally consumed,
I wish I knew how, but my disability is to choose and conclude,
Don’t hate me for my poem I’m in search of my love.
this poem to my cool dudes Dylan, Wenhira, Taona, Takaz, Redzo, Batsirai, Sox, Justice,
Jobs, Manyange Professor, Wilson Shammila, Ange, Lole, Samantha and Francoise (the
whole Psychology Crew and MISPAT guyz)
Desperate to turn battles into bliss,
Dissertation is a road full of thorns,
All in dire need to wear graduation gowns,
Today is nothing but frowns,
Dissertation is a combination of metaphors, similes and nouns,
To pass or fail is the way it sounds,
Research day after day our pages laden with articles,
A long walk to freedom MANDELA confessed my face was drenched in both blood
And sweat,
I only cry to see my doomsday a breakthrough,
Life is miracle, dissertation is an oracle,
Don’t make the supervisor angry become frustrated,
Work till late a docile servant is never neglected,
Quantitative or qualitative make it perfect,
Follow the protocols thus a fact,
Chapter one, chapter two not a miracle,
Sequence is the best you don’t pass because you wrote first,
All comes to an end but don’t cut and paste,
Don’t rest working hard is a must,
Advice is sweet to wise people,
Fools are always the same worried people,
Dissertation is life long history,
Whether mathematical or descriptive all make a story
I don’t care about love,
I don’t care because I failed to prove,
Down my knees I seek heavens love,
I’m grateful to his saving grace,
Out of danger, out of wicked love,
Relationships like glasses broken,
An angel faked her purpose; she only loved a token,
I don’t care anymore about the red roses,
I imagine all the extreme losses,
A conclusion I doubted without full stop but a question mark???
Description that was starved of diction,
A relationship infested with lies and conspiracy,
A heartbreak that cost my legacy like piracy,
I don’t care about whether you hate me,
I don’t care about whether you date someone,
Loneliness is perfect buddy, a kind friend
You don’t risk tears and pain,
Relationship this days a game of Tom and Dick,
Contracts in the name of white wedding, yesterday they wed Mary and Mike,
Now they hate each other like Zim police and hwindi touts,
Love’s soft hands now rough hits after hits like boxers,
Unpleasant fights,
I don’t care for love that purport to build but later destruction,
I care for love so therapeutic; authentic
I aspire a process called construction,
At this point in time nothing to chat about
Relaxed waiting for a scout.
Forgive me for my cynicism
But my poetry is meant to offer optimism.
Today is your bliss,
Celebrate your day,
Life is a gift a blessing,
Be happy to see a breakthrough,
Stay beautiful and love lord whose mercy is wonderful,
Don’t cry or shed a tear,
Happy birthday my love my dear,
Don’t doubt what you aspire,
Roses shine and everyone admire,
Dreams can be myths, mama
I see the truth within hope,
Like paradise feast the day of your bliss,
Dance in the reign,
I wish I stay forever,
To write poems of eternity
Shine like a bright star
You are a rose amoung thorns.
I got the energy, a gut feeling to talk what I feel,
I’m a poor bachelor who can’t afford to meet a love deal,
Teach me, O, Lord to be a Lady-smith
How can I birth inner strength from inner self?
Inject me with passion to stimulate my Eros,
I don’t want to wed with despair help me make a pair,
Popularity without a lover will make me a laughing stock,
I’m totally consumed with pain a giant crush,
That treat me with disdain,
I got the energy to start the hook like I’m in the studio,
In a contest against other men I rehearse my love with an audio,
Give me reality not a dream I take the hand and nature take its course,
I want her and we a twinned nation connected with passion,
I want uniqueness if I copy I might get a ephorus response,
I don’t want to be called a proxy talker who talk nonsense,
Forgive me for my nonsense readers but this might help bachelors in quest,
This is my love prayer loaded with sense,
Come my love I aspire you admire my poem and my problem you can solve,
I still got stories to tell of us guys lacking proper sleep,
We can’t do nothing with violent emotions that need ecstasy,
I want to take a risk and dive into a sea of love and die in a covenant,
I will suffer for her she is my crush
I will suffer even I receive a tongue lash,
I still persist even if you resist I wish we make a feast.
Psychology theories
The conflicts prime youth rooted in the unconscious channeled who you are,
But inside your body genes inspire what you want to be,
You can choose to be using your mind, you got the free will,
Your passion in humanism they respect what you feel,
Using person centred therapy they allow you to speak what you feel,
How can a psychotherapist make you well again?
They make you draw the positive man or woman,
You dance in existence of who you are and avoid pain,
Deny situations that cause stresses,
All we need in society individual with gaiety faces,
Focus on here and now,
Past is past don’t let it determine who you are if it traumatise,
Come again brother, sister, mother, father we know,
Rooted in psychoanalysis is the philosophy of Sigmund Freud,
Now dead but inspired psychology to what it is now,
The legacy was the psycho-sexual theory,
Romanticizing nonsense to make sense,
Our mind with the id, superego and ego,
I beg to differ with him was he dreaming when he made that theory,
I can’t find any scientific explanation,
And Maslow too drawed our life moving in stages
But the last one self -actualization,
How can we reach saturation?
That one raises debate we got to find the explanation.