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Healthcare management HC

Healthcare management
Informatie uit de workshops nodig voor opdrachten, daarna eraan werken. Wednesday after the
workshop 1 am hand in assignment
3 turtorials
What is health?
Absence of disease in physical and mental
New definition: more individual, the ability to adapt and to self-manage, in the face of social
mental and physical challenges of life
Positive health perspective:
Multiple functions
o Mental
o Meaningfull
o Quality of life
o Participation
o Daily functioning
o Bodily function
Different perspective then the previous, looks at what can we do, on some domains you can score
high and on some there are balances
Quadruple aim:
Control cost
Satisfied providers: important after covid, there are still a lot of departments with burn out
and leaving
Improved population health
Does management make a difference in Healthcare?
There are a lot of people doing hand on work
In research they say management does help
A lot of people in healthcare management have a healthcare background and not a business
What can we do? Challenges for healthcare management:
(demographic issue in 2030 there will be more people old and less to take care of them, if 1/3 people
need to work in healthcare after the peak there will be no jobs anymore)
Instead of focussing on the best care a 7 or 8 should be enough
Staff cannot grow
Demographic shift: increasing people that need care less people working in healthcare
Pace of technological innovation
Changing expectation
Financial pressure
Health crisis: covid (acute), obesity, a lot of them will be difficult
What can we do? (examples)learn from other industries
Aviation safety: when somebody is scared to speak up even though they think it is a bad
Car manufacturing: lean system
Telecommunication: six sigma
Hospitality: patient experience, Disney makes waiting fun
car racing: reducing waiting time
we can also learn from healthcare domain:
not only focussing on short-term, if I like surgeries but I should also tell the risks
client relationship based on trust, the patients cannot do it themselves
seek the evidence and follow it, physisians wont believe you without evidence
stimulating working environment: there is also altruism to work in this field
lifelong learning as a core value to be allowed to work in this field
evidence based management (EBHC):
stronger then opinion
this has been going on for 20 to 30 years
o in the 90s there was a high variety in psycological outcomes
trhee things that hinder EBHC
literature: not always ecxesible
education: you learn it now but it becomes outdated, it takes a year to finish a report so the
information you read today might be outdated already
practice and academia: academia want to build a theory which takes more time
framework for evidence:
theoretical: how and why it works
empirical, actual use, why does this intervention work? What are they doing
experiential: experience of actors
practical important steps:
demand evidence: I found a new way …, then you would like to see evidence
examine logic: what are they explaining? Am I following this? Criticize. Does it makes sense
encourage experimentation: experiment, difficult in HC, there are ethical issues
reinforce continuous learning: kind of build in, refresh education
quite easy to follow but why doenst it happen:
obsolete to knowledge
personal experience: own experience are highly valued
hype: lean HC, total quality etc.
people in field
external evidence
key barriers:
difficult to find, students have experience with this
side effects: something you didn’t consider
Not apply to setting, “this is for car manufacturing, not for HC”
Psychological factors, own experience highly valued
Simply too much information, relates to the first point
Delay in application
Patient is not population, statistics mean nothing to one person
Reduces autonomy physician, this is normally high in HC “niet pluis” I feel something is
wrong with patient
Values vs evidence: values are more important (American elections)
Hoorcollege 5 Week 50
Video about hospital prices
Paying for healthcare
Who pays for your healthcare?
5000 per person in Netherlands
11% of our GDP spend on healthcare
This has also grown trough the years
During covid costs for care could be less because surgeries are postponed
We spend a lot of money on healthcare – who pays for this?
Most recent numbers
5000 per inhabitant
But actual is 120-135 with 385 personal risk
But when you have a small care it can quickly be 1000,-
Revenue collection:
How do we get the money
o Individuals or employers
o Mechanism> indirect vs direct
o Voluntary, mandatory, ..
o …
Funding pooling
Let us share the money
How do we spend money
Ethical issues
Care needs to happen
What kind of ethical considerations can you think of?
Everybody needs care
…. A whole list
Health technology assessment
We do something in the healthcare domain and what do we get
QALY: if we want to invest it needs to change this
80.000 is the value of a high quality life year
If you gain 1 year of healthy life then you are allowed to spend that money
If you are above that then you are too expensive and might only be treated in a trial
This is how we value life
Example: Rules to have cost control, providers make them exactly for the price accepted
How do we pay
Fee of service
Case-based payments
No best way, pros and cons
Global budget:
Fixed amount to serve people
Prospective, not looking back
Maximium of money
Predictable, simplifies things
Efficiency, incentive to cut cost
Fee for service:
Retrospective. Things happen in a year and we ask for the money
Might do more then you are supposed to
Use of the service
For patients it is attractive “give me everything”
Incentives for physicians to perform health services
High administrative cost
General paticinar: fixed amount of money for the people being there
Restrictive but very controlled
Health prevention: if people are healthy they won’t come
Select low-risk clients: they cost less, only works if you can choose the patients
Case based reimbursement
You pay for what happens
No deviation
Unless you make a lot of mistakes
Bundled payments:
You pay 1 time for a patient
Advantage: incentive to collaborate and function well in network. You wont receive
additional money if the patients comes back
Now there is fee for service
Everywhere it is expensive
There is no best choice
Value based healthcare
Different way of thinking
A lot of hospitals have adopted this idea
Video of porter didn’t watch
Basic aspects of value based healthcare
What is value?
eigen idee: Quality healthcare that helps the patient to get better
van lecturer:
patient value= health outcome/ costs
what happens to patient
proms and prems: outcomes and experience
in the past the focus was on throughput time, number of mistakes…
now you can make a mistake and a patient might still be happy
healthcare providers don’t know the prices of care, costs are not really considers. Costs can be
Example: giving everybody an eierbal when entering low cost and high experience
Paradigm shift, level shifts from how many patients to value to patients.
To obtain this system the yellow thing
a lot of the hospitals are divided in departments to parts of the body, maybe switching to a
department for broken legs
Bundle payment system: more attractive to be efficient and make less mistakes. Paying once
Facilities are not that far apart in the Netherlands, in the usa this is different
If healthcare is good in Utrecht then the traveling there is agreeable
Building blocks ^
Fictitious example video
In Netherlands:
Shared disicion making