Matt Ozalas Senior RF Power Amplifier & Module Design Expert. Keysight EEsof EDA Agilent’s Electronic Measurement Group is now Keysight Technologies. Keysight Technologies Inc. is the world's leading electronic measurement company, transforming today's measurement experience through innovation in wireless, modular, and software solutions. The company's 9,500 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries. Visit us at How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: The Basics Matthew Ozalas, RF Power Amplifier & Module Design Expert Matt received his BSEE from Penn State University in 2001 and his MSEE and MBA from Arizona State University in 2010. From 2001 to 2005, he worked at the Mitre Corporation where he did RFIC and Power Amplifier Design for a variety of high frequency applications. From 2005-2013, he worked at Skyworks Solutions in the Santa Rosa Design Center, designing and developing high volume multiband power amplifier and front end modules for wireless handsets. He joined Keysight EEsof EDA in 2013, where he is currently working as a Senior RF Power Amplifier & Module Design Expert. Video App Notes: How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: The Basics How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class A, AB, B How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class E How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class F Objectives and Topics Objective: Show how to design an RF Power amplifier using concepts and techniques introduced in the YouTube videos (link below) • Define Power and Efficiency in a way which is practical and useful for PA design • Discuss a model for a non-linear transistor, and show how to use this to design a PA • Design a simple Power Amplifier (Class B, using a Device ) • Design some advanced mode PAs (Class J, Class E using a Device) Example workspaces with tools from today’s designs are available for download: Video App Notes: How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: The Basics How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class A, AB, B How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class E How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class F What is power? AN1449-1 To get power in the time domain, integrate the product of voltage and current over one period Power Generation and Dissipation Power Dissipated Pavg Vp I p 2 cos Power Dissipater Power Generator + V - I V=IR Power Generated Conservation of Energy: Pgen = Pdiss (+Pstored) Large Signal Transistor Add large signal effects (nonlinear regions) Transconductance (gm) Start w/ standard small signal model Iout Output I vs. V Iout Saturation Region Iout Iin 1/RL Input Signal Vin gm*Vin Vin RL Vout Current Voltage Vin sweep current time Vknee time Output Signal is also constrained by external load Analysis of Current Generator Waveforms T 1 Pdiss v(t ) i (t ) dt T 0 Pdc v (t ) V p sin(t ) Vdc i (t ) I p sin(t ) Idc Voltage Current Vdc Idc Pdc T 1 Pgen [v (t ) Vdc ] [i (t ) Idc ] dt T 0 Pdc Pdiss Pgen (Output Efficiency) out Pgen Pgen Pdiss Pgen Pdc All values in watts Iout Vout Classical Modes of Operation Large Signal Input Region Vin Output Waveforms Large Signal Output Region Iout Voltage Iout -1/RL Current Vin Voq, Ioq Voq Ioq Viq, Ioq Vin Vout time Class A 50% Efficient Class AB 50-78% Efficient Class B 78.5% Efficient Dissipated Power Idrf ~ 4.7A Vdmax<120V PA Design Techniques The point with the highest efficiency might just be the most compressed or saturated loadline 50 real, 50 imag 10 real, 10 imag 25 powers 35 Voltages 24 Second; 24 Third Sweep size: 50 x 50 x 10 x 10 x 25 x 35 x 24 x 24 = 126 Billion Points Class B Design – Generate IV Curves • Draw a loadline – Present fundamental and harmonic impedances to the intrinsic current generator – Input Match (Conjugate) – Sweep power Class B Design Draw Loadline using interactive utility Sweep and Optimize External Load Internal Device Parasitics bondwire Equation based S1P block Sweep External 2fo from –j50 to +j50 Z2ext~0 (C||L Resonance) bondwire Z2ext=-j*50 Explicitly set harmonic impedances Present harmonic impedance externally which provides a harmonic short internally Z2ext=+j*50 Class B PA Configuration Biased off Adjusted to achieve resistive fundamental, harmonic shorts, inside the device Class B Results Advanced Modes of Operation – Harmonic controls and switching modes can be used to further improve performance through “waveform engineering” to minize I/V overlap regions • Class D, E, F, J • Device and package parasitics can limit ability to operate in these modes: Class J and Continuous Modes – First described by Cripps in 2006 • Relies on harmonic “boost” plus phase shifted fundamental VA / B (t ) V pk * cos Vdc ideal A / B V pk Vdc α=-1 (Class J*) α=1 (Class J) VA / B (t ) Vdc (1 cos ) VJ (t ) VA / B (t ) * (1 sin ) Vdc * 1 sin cos sin cos sin cos α=0 (Class B) 1 sin(2 ) sin 0 2 All of these have the exact same performance! Class J Design – Generate IV Curves • Draw a loadline • Modify the waveforms to have a continuum operator • Derive the resulting frequency domain impedances – Present these impedances to the intrinsic current generator of the device – Input Match (Conjugate) – Sweep power Interactive Design: Class J All other harmonics terminated in the same way as the standard mode of operation (Class B = Shorts) Class J Circuit with Impedances More on realization of physical circuits later… Class J Results Predicted From Interactive Synthesis Tool Class E Topology Voltage and current swings can push device limits Vdc (for 50% Duty Cycle) Short @ 1fo Open @ Harmonics IDC Current Isw T=0 T=π T=2π IPK=2.862*IDC Vc 1 I c dt C (180) Voltage Switch Point I*sin(2πfrest) Switch Closed Current through Switch π VPK=3.562*VDC Switch Open Current through Cap Duty cycle is an important design parameter to ensure reliable operation… However, design equations are not compact! Class E Design Using Circuit Synthesis Approach – Set limits based on reliability and intrinsic device parasitics – Calculate circuit values using first principles – Validate using ideal configuration, and extract fundamental and harmonic impedances – Present fundamental/harmonic impedances to real device – Input Match (Conjugate) – Sweep power Class E Design Using Circuit Synthesis Approach Difficult to realize at 3 GHz … Idealized Validation of Synthesized Circuit Class E using Cree Device Physical Network Realization These impedances are external bondwire Tuned load to achieve LS impedances These become optimization targets… Matching Network Synthesis Output Design Through Optimizer (Random + Gradient) Matching Network Synthesis (plus some additional iteration and tuning) First Cut Physical Class E Circuit What to do with all the time you saved… – Stability: • Standard Small Signal Stability Analysis on Source and Load • Large signal stability analysis: Use Techniques to look for RHP zeros • Bypass Network Design and Feedback Analysis – Product level PA specifications and considerations to think about: • Achieving performance over frequency, corner conditions (Voltage, Temperature) • Performance Robustness, Reliability, and Performance into VSWR • Noise power leakage into adjacent Tx and Rx bands • Electro-thermal Coupling and Memory Effects • Design sensitivity to device and integration process technologies How to Download the Workspaces How to design an RF Power Amplifier: The Basics Class A, AB, B Class E You’re Invited! 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