DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ISLAMIC VALUES DUCATION I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Know their basic duties as a follower of Islam Religion. 2. Show cooperation in class discussion. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Hadith #3 (The Five Pillars of Islam) Materials: Laptop, TV (Powerpoint), Tarpapel, Chalk, Board Reference: ISLAMIC VALUES EDUCATION 6 (SLM) Methodology: Explicit Instruction III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity A. Preliminary Activity 1. Prayer 2. Greetings - Assalamo alaicom warahmatullahi wa barakatuho - Masaon Nur 3. Opening Activity - Muhadaratol Islamiya - Ma Sha’ Allah! Takbeer! - Wa Alaicomussalam Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuho - Masaol Khayr - The pupils will listen to the speaker - Allahu Akbar!! 4. Checking of the Attendance - Are all present today? 5. Setting of the Classroom Standard - What will you do if the class is going on? - Opo Ustadza! - Sit properly and listen to your teacher. Minimize your voice when someone is talking Actively Participate during class discussion Raise your right hand when you want to speak Treat others as you want to be treated. CLAYGO!!! 6. Review - Who can tell what we have discussed last meeting? - Our lesson last meeting was about التوحيد األلوحية (Oneness of Worship) B. Developmental Activity 1. Motivation - The teacher will show a picture and the pupils will tell what is it - Giving Charity Mosque Ka’abah 2. Presenting the Topic - Our lesson for today is about the Five Pillars of Islam 3. Discussion - Who can tell what are the 5 basic duties of a Muslim which needs to be performed. - Very good! C. Closure Activity 1. Values Integration - Al Shahada Iqamos Salah Itao Zakat Sawmo Ramadhan Hajja - Have you all understood our five basic duties as Muslims? - Very well - Yes Ustadza! - Because it helps the Muslims to put their faith into Action 2. Generalization - Can you explain why do we have to comply or perform the five pillars of Islam? IDENTIFY ME 3. Application Rubrics of the Group Activity Criteria: Correctness Presentation Cooperation 5 points 5 points 5 points 15 points Direction: Identify each photo and arrange them accordingly. 4 Sawmo Ramadhan 2 Iqamos Salah c IV. 3 Itaol Zakat 1 Al Shahada 5 Hijja EVALUATION Instruction: Answer the following question. Do this in a ¼ sheet of paper. 1. Give me one benefit we, Muslims, get from fasting during the month of Ramadan? 2. Enumerate the obligatory prayers Muslims must perform? 3. What is the first basic duty of a Muslim? 4. What do Muslims perform during the 12th month of Islamic calendar? 5. Where do we perform the Hajj? V. Assignment Innumerate the six (6) Pillars of Iman. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prepared by: AIDA B. KANDALAYANG ALIVE Teacher Observed by: FEBBY U. CASTRO Ed.D Teacher In-Charge