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Understanding ROI: Money, Time, Energy, and Spirit

1. Best ROI with your money?
After investing money, you can have it saved for economic troubles or emergency
savings. When investing g money in stocks or businesses you could take a chance to
profit from its growth.
2. Best ROI with your time?
When investing time in things that are important to yourself, such as relationships and
family for me. This can help see the future such as having a closer relationship or help
during troubling times.
3. Best ROI with your energy, mind and focus?
Investing time in your energy, mind, and focus can depend on what ur focusing on. Mine
would be my health and school. If I invest myself to go to the gym every day as well as
sports such as tennis and volleyball, I will hope to see an improvement in skill and my
health/endurance. While investing myself in school every night can help me become
less stressed and have better grades helping me work more to help finance school and
build those relationships that are important to me.
4. Best ROI with your spirit?
Investing time in a personal relationship with the spirit and lord would open the door to
many blessings, as well as internal peace. Personally, for me, it would bring more
rational thinking when I’m at peace and serenity. I would invest my time by saying daily
heartfelt prayers before and after sleeping, as well as daily scripture study.
b. What is ROI and why does it matter?
ROI means a return on investing. This means that when you invest in a certain thing,
what are the consequences and results of this investment? This matters when choosing
which investment is worth your effort and time to put in and what the best choice would
be for a better outcome.
c. How could you start to get a better ROI on the things you do in your life?
I can start to get a better ROI, on the things in my life by choosing which things are
worth my time and effort such as Netflix vs. School. When choosing the better choice, I
will have a better Return on Investment.
d. If you were investing $1,000 into a business, what kind of ROI would you be hoping
for and why?
When investing $1,000 into a business, I would hope for a larger sum of money to be
returned for the jump into put that much money into a business. Hopefully the business
would become successful, and I would have my contribution payback plus more.