Home Read Sign in Search in book … Want to create or adapt books like this? Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CONTENTS Defining Academic Integrity What is Academic Integrity? You might be wondering why you are being asked to complete a module about academic integrity. We’re just going to talk about how you shouldn’t cheat, right? Or how plagiarism is bad? Not exactly. Previous: Academic Integrity at the University of Minnesota Academic integrity is a core value for allNext: scholars, whether you are a first-year student or What do you already know about academic integrity? a tenured professor. Having academic integrity means being an honest, trustworthy, and ethical scholar. Yes, you are a scholar. Learning about academic integrity is more than just understanding that you should not cheat on a test or plagiarize a paper. Knowing about and valuing academic integrity helps set you up for success at the University. Being a good group member, creating original work in your course assignments, and knowing what you can and can not use as study aids for your courses are all examples of having academic integrity. It takes time and effort to become a good scholar, so let’s start the process by defining what it means to be a scholar at the University of Minnesota exploring the University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code and the expectations the University has for you, and identifying some core academic integrity skills you will need to be a successful scholar. Next: What you already know about academic integrity → Previous: Academic Integrity at the University of Minnesota LICENSE Next: What do you already know about academic integrity? Academic Integrity at the University of Minnesota by University of Minnesota Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Powered by Pressbooks Guides and Tutorials | Pressbooks Directory | Contact Previous: Academic Integrity at the University of Minnesota Next: What do you already know about academic integrity?