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Blockchain Security Attacks, Countermeasures, and Effectiveness

Attacks in Blockchain, its counter measures and effectiveness
Basic Theory
S. Singh et al [1]
Liveliness Attack
Attack used to delay the
confirmation time of a
transaction as much as
possible by going through its
three phases: preparation,
denial and retarder phase.
Two different block
Feasible solution
generation strategies
encoded by Conflux’s
consensus protocol. One
gives an optimal solution
by quick confirmation of
consensus and other
provides a high throughput
and confirmation in
blockchain systems.
A. Begum et al [2]
Double Spending
In this attack, a successful
transaction is duplicated with
the same fund creating a flaw
that no two tokens can be
spent twice in digital ledger.
MSP (Multistage Secure
Pool) framework which
allows the pool to
authenticate the
transactions. The proposed
framework includes four
stages to overcome this
attack are 1) detection
stage, 2) confirmation
stage, 3) Forwarding stage,
and 4) broadcast stage.
Effectively controls
double spending but
other vulnerability
like 51% attack leads
to double spending
problem. Thus, open
to provide solution.
S. Sayeed et al [3]
51% Vulnerability
Applies on PoW based
blockchain when a single
minor hash function occupies
more than 50% of the total
blockchain hash function and
can manipulate and reverse
the transaction, stops others
mining operations and hinder
transaction verification.
Two Phase Proof-of-Work
prevents the pool from
increasing beyond the
alarming size by shrinking
the incentive for miner in
the pool. 2P-PoW prevents
from creating hegemony
by either outsourcing a
major chunk of their hash
rate or exposing the
private keys of pool
Infeasible solution as
by increasing the
block size might be
not sufficient since a
powerful adversary
can still overload the
network by
generating the dust
transaction. Thus,
open to solution.
S. Singh et al [1]
Private Key Security
An attacker detect
vulnerability in elliptical
curve digital signature to
acquire User’s private key to
access funds and verify
transaction of the user.
A public key infrastructure Effective solution in
used to authenticate the
cryptography for
identity ensuring the
secure public keys.
integrity of a blockchain
network and a group key
management to secure
communication to achieve
S. Singh et al [1]
Privacy Leakage
Blockchain is traceable and
even though measures are
taken to ensure privacy, there
are still some leakages of
confidential information that
is acquired by the attackers to
perform malicious operation.
HAWK framework used to
provide privacy for smart
contracts which allows
codeless private contracts
to enhance the security.
Hawk divides a system
into private and public part
which stores financial
information as private and
other codes as public.
Effective solution but
still not used in
overall blockchain
network because
overall change in
structure of
blockchain will be
Attacks in Blockchain, its counter measures and effectiveness
Basic Theory
S. Solat et al [6]
Selfish Mining Attack
Some miners try to waste
other legitimate miner’s
mining power. Attacker
attempt to fork the private
chain and maintain a longer
private chain and hold more
Zero Block, prevents this
attack by using a novel
timestamp-free technique
that exploits the Poisson
nature of the proof-ofwork and the current
knowledge on the
propagation of information
in Bitcoin.
Much effective than
previous solutions
which were
inefficient to
forgeable timestamping techniques.
But still require
feasible solution.
M. Saad et al [4]
BGP Hijacking Attack
Attacker intercepts the
blockchain network by
manipulating the BGP, after
which data can be routed and
modified by the attacker.
The BGPsec protocol is
used to fix vulnerabilities
like fake routing updates
incurring traffic hijacking
and interception by
attesting routing updates.
Infeasible solution as
it is unable to ensure
correct packet
delivery on the
S. Singh et al [1]
Balance Attack
Attacker introduces a delay
between valid subgroups with
the same mining power and
executes the transaction.
These attacks can be easily
countered by patching
vulnerabilities in
programming platform and
using secure programming
Effective solution as
major attack is due to
careless programming
Y. Chen et al [5]
Sybil Attack
Forging an identity in a peerto-peer network of a
reputation system, thus
destroying the reputation.
NetFlow algorithm selects
a credible node of a
network node based on
transaction information to
ensure that the authorized
agent lost part of the
revenue for the block.
Effective solution
[1] S. Singh, A. S. M. S. Hosen and B. Yoon, "Blockchain Security Attacks, Challenges, and Solutions for the Future
Distributed IoT Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 13938-13959, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3051602.
[2] A. Begum, A. H. Tareq, M. Sultana, M. K. Sohel, T. Rahman, and A. H. Sarwar, ‘‘Blockchain attacks, analysis and a
model to solve double spending attack,’’ Int. J. Mach. Learn. Comput., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–6, 2020.
[3] S. Sayeed and H. Marco-Gisbert, ‘‘Assessing blockchain consensus and security mechanisms against the 51%
attack,’’ Appl. Sci., vol. 9, no. 9, p. 1788, Apr. 2019.
[4] M. Saad et al., "Exploring the Attack Surface of Blockchain: A Comprehensive Survey," in IEEE Communications
Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1977-2008, third quarter 2020, doi: 10.1109/COMST.2020.2975999.
[5] Yourong Chen, Hao Chen, Yang Zhang, Meng Han, Madhuri Siddula, Zhipeng Cai, A survey on blockchain systems:
Attacks, defenses, and privacy preservation, High-Confidence Computing, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022,100048, ISSN
2667-2952, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hcc.2021.100048.
[6] S. Solat and M. Potop-Butucaru, “Zeroblock: Preventing selfish mining in bitcoin.” axXiv preprint
Submitted by: Himanshu Gautam (2021IS42)