CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, but can be treated and controlled. It is caused by a lack or lack of use of a hormone called insulin. When there is a lack of insulin, or when it does not perform its function effectively, as is the case in a person with diabetes, glucose cannot be used as a fuel for cells. It then accumulates in the blood and causes an increase in sugar level (hyperglycemia). In the long run, high blood sugar causes complications, including eye, kidney, nerve, heart and blood vessel complications (Ignatiev, Reva, Pervov, Kotsyurbii & Yatsenko, 2020; Birham, 2019). There are different types of diabetes: prediabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and other rarer types; Type 1 diabetes, accounts for 10 to 15% of diabetes cases. It occurs most often in a non-obese subject before the age of 30 (Srivastava & Singh, 2013). Diabetes type 2 known as fatty or mature diabetes, noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic excess of blood sugar (hyperglycemia). The peripheral use of sugar in the cells: insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, allows cells to collect and use glucose. Gestational Diabetes affects 3 to 20% of pregnant women. Diabetic is an important non-communicable disease in Nigeria. It is believe that lack of awareness, late diagnosis, less accessibility and higher costs for renal replacement therapy have led to increased morbidity and mortality. Studies conducted by Abdulla, Al-kotany and Mahdi (2012) on renal patients revealed that up to 90% were found to have oral symptoms of uremia like ammonia like taste and smell, stomatitis, gingivitis, decreased salivary flow, xerostomia and parotitis. Diabetes is recognized today, supported by figures like a global epidemic 1 and a tsunami whose human, social and economic consequences are devastating. Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are distinct disorders resulting primarily from either a lack of pancreatic insulin in the former or due to development of insulin’s ineffectiveness to maintain blood glucose within the physiologic range in the latter (Karla, 2012). In genetically pre-disposed persons, the combination of excess caloric intake and less physical activity can lead to obesity which in turn, can induce a state of resistance to the action of insulin (Kahan, 2003). This disease as suggested by Himmelfarb and Ikizler (2010) should be actively addressed to meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal target to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by a third by 2030. Treatment costs for diabetic rose after the 1960s, with availability of renal replacement techniques making possible the long-term application of life-saving but costly treatment for patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). That is what triggered the researcher to evaluate on creatinine, urea and uric acid level in patients with diabetic in specialist hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. However, creatinine test is a measure of how well your kidneys are performing their job of filtering waste from your blood. Creatinine is a chemical compound left over from energy-producing processes in your muscles. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine out of the blood. Creatinine exits your body as a waste product in urine. The Doubling Serum Creatinine (DSC) can be simple to monitor and is almost comparable to a halving of the estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR), and it accounts for the substances of the events containing the composite renal end points (Badve, 2016). Similarly, Mann (2008) pointed that the components of the Doubling Serum Creatinine are wellrecognized and accepted parts of the composites, because of the changes observed in the serum creatinine (SCr) through longer-time, it is implicate to reflect the structural kidney function deteriorations. In this note, some waste product like uric acid are likely to cause infectious of renal 2 disorder especially in aged people. Even Stryer, Tymoczko and Berg (1997) stated that Creatinine is produced after the pyrophosphate cleavage of phosphocreatine to produce energy for muscle activity. Serum creatinine level is one of the markers for renal function examination. Age, gender, protein intake, and muscle mass influence serum creatinine levels. Uric acid is a waste product found in blood. It’s created when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. Most uric acid dissolves in the blood, passes through the kidneys and leaves the body in urine. Food and drinks high in purines also increase the level of uric acid. These include: Seafood (especially salmon, shrimp, lobster and sardines), Red meat, Organ meats (liver, Food and drinks) with high fructose corn syrup, and alcohol (especially beer, including non-alcoholic beer). Urea is the chief product of protein metabolism in the body. The importance of the urea concentration in blood lies in its value as an indicator of kidney function. Relatively, a decrease in the urea plasma level may be associated with acute dehydration, malnutrition, and pregnancy. Overproduction of Uric Acid causes gout. It may also lead to progressive renal insufficiency. Hyperuricemia is also associated with Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertriglyceridemia and Obesity. Additionally, Macias et al., (1978) hinted that it has also been documented a decrease in sodium reabsorption in the thick ascending loop of Hen-le in very old healthy people. This lower local sodium reabsorption, leads to the following alterations: (1) De- creased free water clearance, with the subsequent inability to dilute urine; (2) Reduced medullar tonicity, with the subsequent inability to reabsorb free water by the collecting tubules in a state of antidiuresis (vasopressin release). 3 In line with the contributions of other researchers as highlighted, the researcher intends to evaluate on the study of creatinine, urea, and uric acid level in patients with renal disorder who visits specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Even nowadays the limits that separate the changes considered typical of the normal ageing process of patients who suffer from high prevalent illnesses characteristic of this period are not clear. It has pose vacuum to contributions by researchers and that has interest the researcher to study on diabetic patients with variables creatinine, urea and uric acid level. Pertinent to this note, most patient with diabetic are prone to have a renal dysfunction which is influenced by thyroid status. Changes in routine clinical chemical indicators of renal function in the hypothroid status are not well characterized, and are infrequently discussed in standard internal medicine textbooks. It is believe further that all physiological changes of the aged kidney are the same in both genders (Male and female). As observe by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that high level blood glucose is one of the important risk factors for premature mortality. Currently around 415 million in the world have diabetes and 318 million of adults have an impaired glucose tolerance (i.e. adults who have blood glucose levels higher than normal but not sufficiently to be classified as diabetics) which expose them to a high risk for developing diabetes in the future, which can gradually leads to renal disorder. As pointed by Ford, Giles and Mokdad (2004) the metabolic disease has been identified with some disorders such as mild kidney disease, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. In both developed and developing countries, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality. Looking at the problem in hand, this research work will attempt to answer the following question; what is the level of creatinine in patient with renal disorder in specialist Hospital Jalingo? What is 4 the urea level in patient with renal disorder in specialist hospital? What is the uric acid level in patients with renal disorder in specialist hospital in Jalingo? The researcher will empirically attempt to find out answers to those questions with a view to evaluates the creatinine, urea and uric acid level in patients with diabetes who visits Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State. 1.3 Research Questions The following research Questions are formulated to guide the study: i. What is the demographic variables of diabetic patients who visit specialist hospital Jalingo, Taraba State? ii. What are the symptoms of kidney diseases experienced by the diabetic patients who visits Specialist hospital Jalingo? iii. What is the Creatinine level, Urea level and Uric Acid level of Diabetic Patients in Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State? iv. What is the duration of Diabetes among Patients who visits Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria? 1.4 Objectives of the Study The following are the objectives of the present study: i. Determine the demographic variables of diabetic patients who visit specialist hospital Jalingo, Taraba State. ii. Find out the symptoms of kidney diseases experienced by the diabetic patients who visits Specialist hospital Jalingo iii. Determine the Creatinine level, Urea level and Uric Acid level among Diabetic Patients in Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. 5 iv. Assess the duration of the disease among Diabetes Patients in Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. 1.5 Research Hypothesis At 5% level of significance, the research will test the below hypothesis:HO1: There is no Significant Difference on the duration of diabetes among patients who visits Specialist Hospital Jalingo. HO2: There is no Significant Difference on Creatinine level, Urea level and Uric Acid level among Diabetic Patients in Specialist Hospital Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria. 1.6 Scope of the Study Based on the variables outline and the area of the study, there are three scope view to the present research work that the researcher will used to achieve the objectives. First, the content scope, this will cover creatinine, urea and uric acid among renal disorder patients. Secondly, the geographic scope will be conducted in Specialist Hospital Jalingo. Thirdly, time scope, this research will take a period of six months to achieve the objectives of the study. 1.7 Significance of the Study This study will be beneficial to patients living with diabetes to realize the accurate level of their creatinine, urea and uric acid level in the body. The review of literature in this research work will serves as a referencing material to other scholars/researchers who will conduct similar study elsewhere. It is believe that findings from this research work will suggest relevant information to ministry of health in Taraba State to provide amenities and hospital equipment that will promote a healthy free society in Jalingo and Taraba State at large. The study will contribute to existing literature and that will in turned replicate knowledge among health practitioners in the State. 6 1.8 Operational Definition of Terms Renal Disorder (RO): As used in this study is the inactiveness of the kidney due to diseases. Patients: Someone who is physically not composed (healthy) due to illness. Creatinine: is a chemical compound left over from energy-producing processes in your muscles. Urea: is the chief nitrogenous end product of the metabolic breakdown of proteins in all mammals and some fishes. Uric acid: is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The present study focuses on the conceptual framework and Review Empirical studies. 2.2 Conceptual Framework 2.2.1 Concept of Creatinine Creatinine clearance measured without (CC) or with cimetidine (CCWC), which is almost the same as inuline clearance due to the blocking effect that cimetidine has on the proximal tubular secretion of creatinine, has proved to be significantly lower in the very old healthy people in comparison to that documented on the younger population (Hilbrands, Artz & Wetzels, Koene, 1991; Schuck, 1984): Creatinine Clearance: 43 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (aged) vs 144 mL/mi per 1.73 m2 (young), (P = 0.01); CCWC: 50 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (aged) vs 112 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (young), (P = 0.01). The observed difference in the creatinine filtration between the studied age groups could be justified as a consequence of the decrease in the number of glomerular units secondary to their obliteration due to the glomeruloscrerosis which accompanies ageing (Zhou, Laszik & Silva, 2008). Even though, the above mentioned creatinine renal filtration difference between the age groups, there is no significant difference regarding their serum creatinine value between them. This phenomenon can be explained as the decrease in the creatinine levels due to the senile diminution in lean body mass (tissues from where creatinine comes). 8 When this phenomenon was explored in the context of over hydration, it was observed that there was practically no change in the AC/ACC ratio neither in the young (ratio: 1.26) nor in the oldest old (ratio: 0.87). However, when this phenomenon was explored in the context of dehydration, it was observed that while there was practically no change in the AC/ACC ratio in the young (ratio:1.3), conversely there was a significant reduction in AC/ACC value in the oldest old (ratio: 0.76), P = 0.02. These finding could be interpreted as the fact that the dehydration over expresses the habitual senile creatinine back filtration. It could be hypothesized that the phenomenon of net creatinine tubular reabsorption documented on very old people could be explained due to the senile structural tubular changes (atrophy, etc.) which would make the proximal tubule more permeable and thus more susceptible to present the observed creatinine back-filtration pattern. Something similar was documented in the newborns but in this case it was attributed to tubular immaturity since this finding disappeared as they grew older (Musso et al., 2009). The renal functionnormalized SUA (SUA/SCr ratio and SUA*GFR/100) is studied before as the biomarker of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, metabolic syndrome and higher in the population with high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and T2DM (Garcia-Pachon, Padilla-Navas & Shum, 2007). Because of the many formulas of the eGFR including sex, weight, race and many mathematic numbers were used in the clinical practice and provided the different results. But the SUA/SCr ratio is easier calculation by using the general biochemical markers no any additions. 2.2.2 Concept of Urea and Uric Acid Level It is already known that there is a significant difference between urea and uric acid renal handling in very old healthy people. On one hand, it has been documented that fractional excretion of urea, in volume contraction as well as in volume expansion, was significantly higher than the one reached by the young: 40% vs 24% (P = 0.017) and 65% vs 53% (P = 0.04) respectively. Due to 9 the fact that a reduction in the number of urea channels (UT1) has been documented in the collecting tubules of very old rats, it could be suggested that the senile increase in urea excretion may be the consequence of a lower reabsorption of urea at the distal tubules. Clinical consequences: This increase in the urea urinary excretion, as well as the low protein diet that aged people usually have, both explain the normal serum urea value characteristically found in the elderly, despite of their reduced glomerular filtration rate (Macias-Nunez & Lopez, 2008). Additionally, the high urea urinary excretion documented in the very old could be one of the factors which explains the senile medullar hypotonicity (reduced urea medullar content) and the nocturia (urea osmotic diuresis) usually found in the very old patients (Musso, 2005). 2.2.3 Correlation of Urea, Creatinine and Uric Acid Level In the study conducted by Akagunduz & Akcakaya (2021) found out that mean urea: 30.5±14.8mg/dl, creatinine: 0.7±0.1mg/dl, uric acid: 4.1±1.1mg/dl in the control group. Serum urea level was found to be 35.6±7.1mg/dl in patients with overt hypothyroidism, which was statistically significantly higher than the control group (p=0.002). The creatinine value in patients with overt hypothyroidism was found to be 0.8±0.1mg/dl, and it was significantly higher than the control group (p=0.001). The uric acid level was also found to be 5.5±1.3mg in patients with overt hypothyroidism and was significantly higher than the control group (p<0.001). In patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, urea: 31.5±6.4mg/dl, creatinine: 0.7±0.2 mg/dl, uric acid: 4.3±1.1mg/dl. It was not significantly higher than the control group (p = 0.708, p= 0.934, p = 0.334). 2.2.4 Renal Disorder 10 Renal disorder is defined as a persistent abnormality in kidney structure or function (eg, glomerular filtration rate [GFR] <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or albuminuria ≥30 mg per 24 hours) for more than 3 months, CKD affects 8% to 16% of the population worldwide. In developed countries, CKD is most commonly attributed to diabetes and hypertension. However, less than 5% of patients with early CKD report awareness of their disease. Among individuals diagnosed as having CKD, staging and new risk assessment tools that incorporate GFR and albuminuria can help guide treatment, monitoring, and referral strategies. Optimal management of CKD includes cardiovascular risk reduction (e.g, statins and blood pressure management), treatment of albuminuria (e.g, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers), avoidance of potential nephrotoxins (eg, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and adjustments to drug dosing (eg, many antibiotics and oral hypoglycemic agents). Patients also require monitoring for complications of CKD, such as hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hyperphosphatemia, vitamin D deficiency, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and anemia. Those at high risk of CKD progression (eg, estimated GFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2, albuminuria ≥300 mg per 24 hours, or rapid decline in estimated GFR) should be promptly referred to a nephrologist. Renal disorder is defined by a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, albuminuria of at least 30 mg per 24 hours, or markers of kidney damage (eg, hematuria or structural abnormalities such as polycystic or dysplastic kidneys) persisting for more than 3 months,5 Chronic Kidney Disease is more prevalent in low- and middle-income than in highincome countries.6 Globally, Chronic Kidney Disease is most commonly attributed to diabetes and/or hypertension, but other causes such as glomerulonephritis, infection, and environmental exposures (such as air pollution, herbal remedies, and pesticides) are common in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and many developing countries.4 Genetic risk factors may also contribute to CKD risk. For 11 example, sickle cell trait and the presence of 2 APOL1 risk alleles, both common in people of African ancestry but not European ancestry, may double the risk of CKD (Jha et al., 2013; Genovese et al., 2010) 2.2.5 Effect of Diabetes Disease Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disorder that is associated with cardiovascular complications, renal complications and various types of microangiopathies including metabolic syndrome. The International Federation of Diabetes, reported that around 415 million adults around all over the world are suffering from diabetes, and they estimated that the numbers are likely to reach around 642 million by 2040 (Akhtar & Dhillon, 2017). Evidences show that renal function has been impaired in part of diabetic patients with normoalbuminuria. Recent studies by Ebar and Hassan (2022) found that some renal function parameters between cases and control group, the results revealed that the mean blood urea, serum creatinine levels and blood glucose (random) concentration of the case group were significantly high when compared with the control group (0.000). In Gender-wise correlation of renal function tests (RFT) in the cases, the results showed that male patients had higher blood urea and serum creatinine levels when compared with female patients. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common health problems in affecting about 6-7% of the world’s population (Adeghate, Schattner & Dunn, 2006) According to WHO, diabetes affects more than 170 million people worldwide. Obesity, hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension and visceral adiposity, are the suggestive risk factors that increases the comorbid risk of developing 12 chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have shown that measurement of blood urea and serum creatinine are easily available tests which can assist in detection and prevention of diabetic kidney diseases at an early stage thereby, limit the progression to end stage renal disease (Vargatu, 2016; Zimmet, Alberti & Shaw, 2001) 2.3 Review of Empirical Studies Jose, Bes-Rastrollo, Monedero, Jokin and Francisco (2007) conducted a study on Prognosis and serum creatinine levels in acute renal failure at the time of nephrology consultation: an observational cohort study. The objectives of their study was to: identify and quantify a correlation between acute serum creatinine changes in ARF, measuring them at the time of nephrology consultation, and mortality and recovery of renal function. Prospective cohort study of 1008 consecutive patients who had been diagnosed as having ARF, and had been admitted in the university-affiliated hospital over 10 years. Demographic, clinical information and outcomes were measured. After that, 646 patients who had presented enough increment in serum creatinine to qualify for the RIFLE criteria were included for subsequent analysis. The population was divided into two groups using the median serum creatinine change (101%) as the cut-off value. Multivariate non-conditional logistic and linear regression models were used. Results was shown that A ≥ 101% increment of creatinine respect to its baseline before nephrology consultation was associated with significant increase of in-hospital mortality (35.6% vs. 22.6%, p < 0.001), with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.81 (95% CI: 1.08–3.03). Patients who required continuous renal replacement therapy in the ≥ 101% increment group presented a higher increase of in-hospital mortality (62.7% vs 46.4%, p = 0.048), with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.66 (95% CI: 1.00–7.21). Patients in the ≥ 101% increment group had a higher mean serum creatinine level with respect to 13 their baseline level (114.72% vs. 37.96%) at hospital discharge. This was an adjusted 48.92% (95% CI: 13.05–84.79) more serum creatinine than in the < 101% increment group. Akagunduz and Akcakaya (2021) conducted a research on Evaluation of the Correlation of Urea, Creatinine, and Uric Acid Levels with TSH in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Overt and Subclinic Hypothyroidism. The objectives of the study was to determine the relationship between renal function and different degrees of thyroid dysfunction. The research design was a cross-sectional retrospective study, thyroid and kidney function tests were analyzed in 201 patients of whom 120 were subclinical hypothyroidism and 81 patients were overt hypothyroidism. These were compared with 203 age-and sex-matched euthyroid control group. Results shows that Overt hypothyroid subjects showed significantly raised serum urea, creatinine and uric acid levels as compared to controls but subclinical hypothyroid patients did not showed significant increased levels of serum urea, uric acid and creatinine levels. Divya, Kumar and Ravi (2016) also conducted a study on the Assessment and Correlation of Urea and Creatinine Levels in Saliva and Serum of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetes and Hypertension. A Research Study. The study objective was to assess and correlate the serum and salivary urea and creatinine levels of CKD, diabetes mellitus and hypertensive subjects. A crosssectional study was done on 120 subjects involving 30 CKD, 30 diabetic, 30 hypertensive subjects and 30 healthy controls. After collection of saliva and blood samples, urea was analyzed by enzymatic calorimetric method and creatinine by Jaffe’s method. Kruskal Wallis test and Mann Whitney U test were used for comparison between different groups and correlations between serum and salivary parameters were evaluated by applying Spearman’s correlation test. The pvalue <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The median serum and salivary urea and creatinine levels were highest in CKD group followed by diabetic, hypertensive groups and 14 controls. The correlation coefficient for serum urea and salivary urea was 0.977 and for serum creatinine and salivary creatinine was 0.976, with p-value <0.001. Malekmakan, Khajehdehi, Pakfetrat, Malekmakan, Mahdaviazad, and Roozbeh (2013) conducted a research on Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Related Risk Factors in Elderly of Southern Iran: A Population-Based Study. The objective was to assess CKD prevalence and its related risk factors in elderly population of Fars province. A cross sectional study was adopted with a total of 1190 elderly people were used, and demographic and medical data were obtained. Data were analyzed by SPSS, and Probability of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results shows that Prevalence of CKD stages III–V was 27.5% in the 60–69 years age group, 36.5% in the 70–79 years age group, and 40% in the ≥80 years age group. The prevalence of CKD increased with ageing in both men and women. Female gender was the strongest risk factor for CKD. It was concluded in their reports that Prevalence of CKD in elderly is high in Southern Iran, which has become an important health problem while it can be prevented or delayed in progression. Richard, Augustine, Okafor, Chime, Jide, Francis, Okorie, Nworgu, Adaobi, Ebute (2017) undertook a study on Serum urea, uric acid and creatinine levels in diabetic mellitus patients attending Jos University Teaching Hospital, North central Nigeria. The objective of the study was to compare between urea, uric acid and creatinine concentration in the serum of diabetic (control group). 150 individuals were recruited for this study, seventy four (74) apparently healthy (non-diabetic) subjects were recruited as control and seventy six (76) diabetic subjects. The diabetic consist of thirty eight (38) male and thirty eight (38) females. The non-diabetics consist of equal number of thirty seven (37) females and males respectively. The subjects were enlightened and given informed consents prior to the research. They were fasted overnight (12hr) 15 and 5ml pre-prandial blood were collected from cubital vein in the arm the following morning with a sterile syringe, tourniquet and 75% alcohol and needle and the blood transferred to an Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) bottle and kept at temperature of 20C and later analyzed. The result shows the level of serum (7.9±3.8) and creatinine (200±7.8) uMol/L significantly increased (p<0.05) in diabetic subjects. In male diabetic subjects the serum urea (7.4±3.2) uMol/l and creatinine (218±7.9) were significant. There was also a significant increase (p>0.05) in the female diabetic subjects. Though the serum uric acid level was higher in male diabetic (243±10.6) than the female diabetic (222±10.8), yet there was no significant difference (p>0.05). These values were also higher in male non-diabetic (179±8.4). This study therefore confirms that the assay of serum urea and creatinine concentrations have an important role in the management of diabetic mellitus patients. Simbolon, prianti, Nurahmi and Kuniawan (2020) conducted a study on the Analysis of Serum Uric Acid Level in Patients with and without Diabetic Nephropathy. The study was to analyze serum uric acid levels in patients with and without diabetic nephropathy and determine its correlation with diabetic nephropathy. It was performed at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, by taking the data from the medical record of type 2 DM patients from January to April 2018. Fifty-nine patients with diabetic nephropathy and 150 patients without diabetic nephropathy participated in their study. An independent T-test and Pearson's correlation test was used for statistical analysis. There was a significant difference in uric acid level between patients with and without diabetic nephropathy (9.57±3.42 mg/dL vs. 6.41±2.86 mg/dL, p < 0.001). There was significant correlation between uric acid serum levels with urea (p < 0.001, r=0.585), creatinine (p<0.001, r=0.413) and eGFR (p < 0.001, r=-0.525) in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Uric acid levels in patients with diabetic nephropathy were higher than patients without diabetic 16 nephropathy. Higher levels of urea and the serum creatinine led to higher levels of serum uric acid. Contrastingly, a lower eGFR rate led to higher levels of uric acid. CHAPTER THREE RESESARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The study adopted cross sectional research design for the present research work. A cross sectional research design is a type of observational study design. It measures the outcome and the exposures in the study participants at the same time. The need to consider this design is to evaluate the creatinine level, urea and uric acid level of patients with renal disorder specialist hospital in Jalingo metropolis, Taraba State. Also, the researcher will only consider existing records of patients with renal disorder in the hospital who have also been tested various levels of their creatinine, urea and uric acid. 3.2 Characteristics of Study Population Specialist Hospital Jalingo as at time (year) of this research recorded 2,320 patients with various diseases including those on admission and visitors to the hospital out of which 1,080 are females and 1, 240 are males. It is the only Specialist Hospital in Taraba State located at GRA area of Jalingo local government area of Taraba State, Nigeria. The hospital was established in 2007 and is presently is under the leadership of a chief medical director. The hospital has the following departments thus: head of clinical, Administration board secretary, finance & supply, and Nursing. 17 Like other popular hospitals gives functional roles, specialist hospital Jalingo is not in exception among some of these roles are; specialized medical care and services in various fields; radiology, laboratory medicine, obstetrics and Gynaecology, family medicine, internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, ENT and others. However, the essence of selecting specialist hospital for this research work is geared towards finding out the creatinine level, urea and uric acid of patients with renal disorder. It is believe that the hospital in it capacity have attended to victims of renal disorder in the decades of services render in the state. 3.3 Sampling Techniques In the cause of the research study, the researcher will used Purposive sampling procedure to sought out number of Patients with Renal disorder (diabetes), a sample size of 100 patients will be used for the study. Purposive sampling is also refer to as judgmental or selective sampling. In this sampling procedure, the researcher only rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their surveys. That is, the judgment to be considered here in this research are patients with renal disorder (diabetic). 3.4 Data Collection Instruments The instrument to be used by the researcher in this study is Patient with Diagnosis Check list (PRDCL) and a Questionnaire known also as Diabetic Patients Questionnaire (DPQ) targeted within the sampling size to be used in the research work. The 100 patients will be both male and females who visits specialist hospital Jalingo. This instrument will be presented and subjected to scrutiny for clarity purposes to two Lecturers from Medical Laboratory Department and Public Health within Faculty of Health Science, Taraba State University Jalingo before proceeding to the field for data collection. 18 3.5 Data Presentation The data to be presented in this research are what the respondents choose from the distributed Questionnaires and Checklist obtained from the Hospital. To get the data for the presentation, the researcher will involve health worker of the Hospital especially laboratory attendant of the Hospital after presenting letter of request/introduction to the Chief Medical Officer of the Hospital from the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Taraba State University, Jalingo. Then the researcher will guide the attendant on how the Checklist will be filled and compiled based on the demographic variables of the Patients who visits Specialist Hospital Jalingo. Presentation will be made in a tabular form to structure out results that will enable comparison and major findings. 3.6 Method of Data Analysis The Researcher will used IBM SPSS Statistics 23 license for the findings. This is to provide accurate computing of results using the Computer. 19 REFERENCES Adeghate E, Schattner P & Dunn E, (2006) An Update on the Etiology and Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2006, 1084:1-29. 1196/annals.1372.029 Abdulla H.I, Al-Kotany M.Y & Mahdi K.A. (2012). Assessment of oral manifestations of patients with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis by serum and salivary biomarkers. MDJ. 2012;9 (1):118-29. Akagunduz B, & Akcakaya M. (2021). 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