CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS CONSTRUCTION DRAWING : SWAP-39718 SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal SITE ID: _OV 5119 A SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Target config.: LowCap+ Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator Document No: Description: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Titelpagina / Front page Ligging site / Site location Foto's / Pictures Inplantingsplan (Bestaand) / Implantation plan (Existing) Inplantingsplan (Nieuw) / Implantation plan (New) Technische ruimte (Bestaand) / Technical room (Existing) Technische ruimte (Nieuw) / Technical room (New) Technisch vooraanzicht (Bestaand) / Technical front view (Existing) Technisch vooraanzicht (Nieuw) / Technical front view (New) Antenne bovenaanzicht (Bestaand) / Top view antenna (Existing) Antenne bovenaanzicht (Nieuw) / Top view antenna (New) Zijaanzicht antenne details (Bestaand) / Side view antenna details (Existing) Zijaanzicht antenne details (Nieuw) / Side view antenna details (New) Bekabelingsschema / Cabling diagram Veiligheidspictogrammen / Safety pictograms CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Titelpagina Front page no scale print size A3 Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. 00 N CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 07A_08A_09A/18A_21A/26A (10°) SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID Ligging site Location site _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal 07C_08C_09C/18C_21C/26C (250°) 07B_08B_09B/18B_21B/26B (160°) VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Ligging site Location site Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Ligging site Site location no scale print size A3 Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. 01 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM foto1 photo1 foto2 photo2 foto3 photo3 Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - foto5 photo5 SEC. N° X: 095 447 Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date foto4 photo4 DIV. REV. DWG Foto's Pictures foto6 photo6 no scale print size A3 Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. 02 Feeders GU9 Radio configuration: GU9 sector GU4 GU5 GU6 Ant. model K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 nr of ant. 1 1 1 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Azimuth Mech.tilt Elekt.tilt 10° 0° RET RET 0° 160° 0° RET 250° Radio configuration: L8 L4 L5 L6 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET TMA Feeders L8 TMA size Site Link AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm OV 5113 A +29.60m 16.75° 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Length - +/-25.00m +/-25.00m +/-25.00m 2 2 2 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ GU4/L4/U7 (10°) standaard veiligheidspictogrammen en labels voorzien. standard safety (warning signs) pictograms and labels installed. SITE ID 3x antennes G9/L8/U21 hergebruikt door TBA GU9/L8/U21. 3x antennas G9/L8/U21 reused by TBA GU9/L8/U21. +/-20.00m +/-20.00m +/-20.00m _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal GU6/L6/U9 (250°) Feeders U21 1 1 1 N CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS GU5/L5/U8 (160°) VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature EGLANTIER n° dish 2 2 2 Type F.O F.O F.O Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen STRAAT handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem GU4/L4/U7 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: 93 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 Radio configuration: U21 U7 U8 U9 RRU 1 1 1 aarding en bliksemafleiding antennes aangesloten aan bestaande aardingcircuit v/d site. earthing and lightningprotection antennas connected to existing earth circuit of the site. bestaande / existing 93 D1 +29.40 80 Toegang site Access site 125 aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator GU6/L6/U9 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE noodstroomstekker emergency socket noodstroomstekker emergency socket Telenet sleutelkluis / key box Proximus + Orange A AT sleutelkluis key box Telenet 1 Ondergrondse leidingen underground ducts p. K07 - SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Inplantingsplan (Bestaand) Implantation plan (Existing) IN voetpadkast PSN meter Telenet PMC: 3x230+N / 63A E EPL ERK voetpadkast / PSN meter Proximus NUK R KE U N R ST E K GU5/L5/U8 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET voetpadkast / PSN meter Orange DIV. 1/750 0.........5...............................20.............................35m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 03 Antenna CONFIG Sector G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 Detailed information equipement Equipment Model 3x RRU 700/800/900 R2479 3x RRU 1800/2100 R2279 3x RRU 2600 3x multi-fiber box 1x GPS (GNSS) Technology 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 Reference K800372966 K800372966 K800372966 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Az. 10° 160° 250° dish Dimensions Cables Length 553x398x190mm 3xDC - 10mm² 447x398x138mm 3xDC - 10mm² R2217 351x298x128mm 3x DC - 6mm²+booster FTTA 255x180x65mm 3x multi-fiber cables KRE 101 2395/1 Ø78 x H95 mm 1x 1/4" Feeder RRU 3 3 3 TMA BOX FO 1x 1x 1x microwave site Link N AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm ACQ +29.60m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D2 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D3 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m D4 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 07A_08A_09A/18A_21A/26A (10°) SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal 07C_08C_09C/18C_21C/26C (250°) 07B_08B_09B/18B_21B/26B (160°) VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North 6x (Clamps KIT 85010096 Offset kit 85010104 ) for 3x antenna / antenne K800372966 9x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 For ( R2479 , R2279 , R2217) _OV5119A EGLANTIER handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen STRAAT handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 07A_08A_09A/18A_21A/26A handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter D2 Legende / Legend: Toegang site Access site 93 85° 93 D1 +29.40 85° D4 D1 bestaande / existing 80 125 85° aanpassen / to change D3 nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator 07C_08C_09C/18C_21C/26C CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE noodstroomstekker emergency socket noodstroomstekker emergency socket Telenet sleutelkluis / key box Proximus + Orange AT A TR sleutelkluis key box Telenet - Ondergrondse leidingen underground ducts p. K07 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Inplantingsplan (Nieuw) Implantation plan (New) IN voetpadkast PSN meter Telenet PMC: 3x230+N / 63A 1 E EPL ERK voetpadkast / PSN meter Proximus - SEC. X: 095 447 07B_08B_09B/18B_21B/26B NUK R KE U N S KE voetpadkast / PSN meter Orange DIV. 1/750 0.........5...............................20.............................35m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 04 Feeders GU9 Radio configuration: GU9 sector GU4 GU5 GU6 Ant. model K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 nr of ant. 1 1 1 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Azimuth Mech.tilt Elekt.tilt 10° 0° RET RET 0° 160° 0° RET 250° Radio configuration: L8 L4 L5 L6 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET Number 1 1 1 TMA Feeders L8 2 2 2 1 1 1 Radio configuration: U21 U7 U8 U9 RRU 1 1 1 n° dish size Site Link AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm OV 5113 A +29.60m 16.75° 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Length - +/-25.00m +/-25.00m +/-25.00m N SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ GU4/L4/U7 (10°) standaard veiligheidspictogrammen en labels voorzien. standard safety (warning signs) pictograms and labels installed. 3x antennes G9/L8/U21 hergebruikt door TBA GU9/L8/U21. 3x antennas G9/L8/U21 reused by TBA GU9/L8/U21. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SITE ID GU6/L6/U9 (250°) 2 2 2 1 1 1 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" +/-20.00m +/-20.00m +/-20.00m _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal Feeders U21 TMA K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 Type F.O F.O F.O aarding en bliksemafleiding antennes aangesloten aan bestaande aardingcircuit v/d site. earthing and lightningprotection antennas connected to existing earth circuit of the site. GU5/L5/U8 (160°) VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen kabelladder / cable ladder Orange coax Orange VOB50mm² handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider 100 shelter Orange TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: verplaatsbare ladder movable ladder Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator 190 390 TL licht TL light kooiladder hooped ladder kastje met beschermd mechanisme verplaatst naar niveau Proximus cabinet with protected mechanism moved to level Proximus 31 65 13 60 10 CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 60 roostervloer / gridfloor PC 8910 + batterijen / batteries 100 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU 4x coax MW VOB50mm² AC kast AC cabinet 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date BC 8910 boven op / on top of PC 8910A +Tx radio verplaast / moved + power distribution unit REV. DWG Technische ruimte (Bestaand) Technical room (Existing) roostervloer geïnstalleerd / grid floor installed 1x RBS 2116 G9 verwijderd / removed BS 8900A + power supply + power distribution unit 390 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 05 Antenna CONFIG Technology 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 Sector G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 Detailed information equipement Equipment Model 3x RRU 700/800/900 R2479 3x RRU 1800/2100 R2279 3x RRU 2600 3x multi-fiber box 1x GPS (GNSS) Reference K800372966 K800372966 K800372966 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Az. 10° 160° 250° dish Dimensions Cables 553x398x190mm 3xDC - 10mm² 447x398x138mm 3xDC - 10mm² R2217 351x298x128mm 3x DC - 6mm²+booster FTTA 255x180x65mm 3x multi-fiber cables KRE 101 2395/1 Ø78 x H95 mm 1x 1/4" Feeder RRU 3 3 3 TMA BOX FO 1x 1x 1x microwave site Link N AGL azimuth Length D1 Ø30cm ACQ +29.60m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D2 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D3 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m D4 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ 07A_08A_09A/18A_21A/26A (10°) SITE ID 07C_08C_09C/18C_21C/26C (250°) Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal 07B_08B_09B/18B_21B/26B (160°) 6x (Clamps KIT 85010096 Offset kit 85010104 ) for 3x antenna / antenne K800372966 9x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 For ( R2479 , R2279 , R2217) _OV5119A VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen kabelladder / cable ladder Orange coax Orange VOB50mm² handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider 100 shelter Orange TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: verplaatsbare ladder movable ladder Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator 190 390 TL licht TL light kooiladder hooped ladder kastje met beschermd mechanisme verplaatst naar niveau Proximus cabinet with protected mechanism moved to level Proximus CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE roostervloer / gridfloor 800 650 1x B154 Kast/Cabinet +batterijen / batteries on UPN 100 on UPN 120 1 - N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date 700 100 - SEC. X: 095 447 200 652 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 3xMultiFO Kabel / cable reuse 3x DC 6mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2217 - 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2279 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable +6x FO forRRU2479 3x coax minilink 1x coax minilink 1x 1/4" GPS feeder ±50m VOB 50mm² DIV. AC kast / AC cabinet reuse 3x32A breakers existing 2 new 40 CB 2 1x 5G10mm² (BTS6150) REV. DWG Technische ruimte (Nieuw) Technical room (New) roostervloer geïnstalleerd / grid floor installed 1x 6150 Kast/Cabinet +ODF router +TX Equipement on UPN 100 on UPN 120 390 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 06 Feeders GU9 Radio configuration: GU9 sector GU4 GU5 GU6 Ant. model K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 nr of ant. 1 1 1 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Azimuth Mech.tilt Elekt.tilt 10° 0° RET RET 0° 160° 0° RET 250° Radio configuration: L8 L4 L5 L6 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET Radio configuration: U21 U7 U8 U9 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 RRU 1 1 1 Number 1 1 1 TMA Feeders L8 1 1 1 TMA n° dish size Site Link AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm OV 5113 A +29.60m 16.75° 1 1 1 2 2 2 Type F.O F.O F.O 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Length - +/-25.00m +/-25.00m +/-25.00m CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS aarding en bliksemafleiding antennes aangesloten aan bestaande aardingcircuit v/d site. earthing and lightningprotection antennas connected to existing earth circuit of the site. SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ standaard veiligheidspictogrammen en labels voorzien. standard safety (warning signs) pictograms and labels installed. SITE ID 3x antennes G9/L8/U21 hergebruikt door TBA GU9/L8/U21. 3x antennas G9/L8/U21 reused by TBA GU9/L8/U21. Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal Feeders U21 2 2 2 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" _OV5119A +/-20.00m +/-20.00m +/-20.00m VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 300 3x TBA GU9/L8/U21 Telenet 1x Mw Ø30cm Telenet 253 1x RRU GU9 (type:R8862) / sector bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm Service provider AGL Mw:+29.60m waarschuwingstape op balken en kokkenmechanisme warning tape on beams and clock mechanism 288 ladder ladder platform platform antennes ORANGE 23.50m Noter / Note: kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU 4x coax MW VOB50mm² 23.30m antennes Proximus 288 ladder ladder TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM ladder + luik ladder + hatch houten platform wooden platform leuning handrail handtekening/signature AGL TBA GU9/L8/U21 Telenet : +30.90m 19.55m Technisch uitrusting Technical equipment Orange Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator Technisch uitrusting Telenet Technical equipment Telenet 14.58m roostervloer gridfloor Technisch uitrusting Technical equipment Proximus 10.88m kastje met beschermd mechanisme verplaatst naar niveau Proximus cabinet with protected mechanism moved to level Proximus noodstroomstekker emergency socket Telenet sleutelkluis / key box Proximus + Orange sleutelkluis key box Telenet 0.00m CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Technisch vooraanzicht (Bestaand) Technical front view (Existing) voetpadkast PSN meter Telenet 1/200 Toegang site Access site 0...............2.......................5.......................................10m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 07 Antenna CONFIG Sector G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 Detailed information equipement Equipment Model 3x RRU 700/800/900 R2479 3x RRU 1800/2100 R2279 3x RRU 2600 3x multi-fiber box 1x GPS (GNSS) Technology 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 Reference K800372966 K800372966 K800372966 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Az. 10° 160° 250° dish Dimensions Cables Length 553x398x190mm 3xDC - 10mm² 447x398x138mm 3xDC - 10mm² R2217 351x298x128mm 3x DC - 6mm²+booster FTTA 255x180x65mm 3x multi-fiber cables KRE 101 2395/1 Ø78 x H95 mm 1x 1/4" Feeder RRU 3 3 3 TMA BOX FO 1x 1x 1x microwave site Link CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm ACQ +29.60m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D2 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D3 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m D4 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 6x (Clamps KIT 85010096 Offset kit 85010104 ) for 3x antenna / antenne K800372966 9x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 For ( R2479 , R2279 , R2217) handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels 1x RRU 2479 / sector 1x RRU 2279 / sector 1x RRU 2217 / sector 1x Multi-fiber box / sector 2600 3x K800372966 Telenet 1x MW Ø30cm Telenet Service provider D1 AGL :+29.60m 288 TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM ladder + luik ladder + hatch waarschuwingstape op balken en kokkenmechanisme warning tape on beams and clock mechanism ladder ladder platform platform handtekening/signature AGL G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//N7 Telenet : +30.90m houten platform wooden platform antennes ORANGE 23.50m 23.30m antennes Proximus 288 ladder ladder Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 3x minilink Ø30cm Telenet bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm D2;D3 & D4 AGL:+31.43m leuning handrail Service provider 19.55m Noter / Note: kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 3xMultiFO Kabel / cable reuse 3x DC 6mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2217 - 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2279 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable+6x FO forRRU2479 3x coax minilink 1x coax minilink 1x 1/4" GPS feeder ±50m VOB 50mm² Technisch uitrusting Technical equipment Orange Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator Technisch uitrusting Telenet Technical equipment Telenet 14.58m roostervloer gridfloor Technisch uitrusting Technical equipment Proximus 10.88m kastje met beschermd mechanisme verplaatst naar niveau Proximus cabinet with protected mechanism moved to level Proximus noodstroomstekker emergency socket Telenet sleutelkluis / key box Proximus + Orange sleutelkluis key box Telenet 0.00m CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Technisch vooraanzicht (Nieuw) Technical front view (New) voetpadkast PSN meter Telenet 1/200 Toegang site Access site 0...............2.......................5.......................................10m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 08 Feeders GU9 Radio configuration: GU9 Ant. model K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Azimuth Mech.tilt Elekt.tilt 10° 0° RET RET 0° 160° 0° RET 250° Radio configuration: L8 L4 L5 L6 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET 1 1 1 +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m 10° 160° 250° 0° 0° 0° RET RET RET Radio configuration: U21 U7 U8 U9 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 K 800 10699 RRU 1 1 1 Number 1 1 1 TMA Feeders L8 1 1 1 TMA n° dish size Site Link AGL azimuth D1 Ø30cm OV 5113 A +29.60m 16.75° 1 1 1 2 2 2 Type F.O F.O F.O 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" aarding en bliksemafleiding antennes aangesloten aan bestaande aardingcircuit v/d site. earthing and lightningprotection antennas connected to existing earth circuit of the site. Length - +/-25.00m +/-25.00m +/-25.00m 3x antennes G9/L8/U21 hergebruikt door TBA GU9/L8/U21. 3x antennas G9/L8/U21 reused by TBA GU9/L8/U21. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS N SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ GU4/L4/U7 (10°) standaard veiligheidspictogrammen en labels voorzien. standard safety (warning signs) pictograms and labels installed. SITE ID GU6/L6/U9 (250°) 2 2 2 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" +/-20.00m +/-20.00m +/-20.00m GU5/L5/U8 (160°) GU4/L4/U7 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal Feeders U21 VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 1x RRU GU9 (type:R8862) / sector bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM lege paal empty pole kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU 4x coax MW VOB50mm² 93 sector GU4 GU5 GU6 nr of ant. 1 1 1 GU6/L6/U9 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: +29.40 D1 93 TL licht TL light 80 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU 4x coax MW VOB50mm² leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels bestaande / existing houten vloer wooden floor nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator 1x MW Ø30 Telenet 12 5 op paal on pole Ø76.1mm L = 2000mm ladder + luik ladder + hatch aanpassen / to change CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 19 SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date 0 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU 4x coax MW VOB50mm² - DIV. REV. DWG Antenne bovenaanzicht (Bestaand) Top view antenna (Existing) GU5/L5/U8 1x RRU 2x TMA 1x RET 2x RET 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 09 Antenna CONFIG Sector G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 Detailed information equipement Equipment Model 3x RRU 700/800/900 R2479 3x RRU 1800/2100 R2279 3x RRU 2600 3x multi-fiber box 1x GPS (GNSS) Technology 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 Reference K800372966 K800372966 K800372966 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Az. 10° 160° 250° dish Dimensions Cables Length 553x398x190mm 3xDC - 10mm² 447x398x138mm 3xDC - 10mm² R2217 351x298x128mm 3x DC - 6mm²+booster FTTA 255x180x65mm 3x multi-fiber cables KRE 101 2395/1 Ø78 x H95 mm 1x 1/4" Feeder D1 RRU 3 3 3 TMA BOX FO 1x 1x 1x microwave site Link N AGL azimuth Ø30cm ACQ +29.60m ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D2 Ø30cm ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D3 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ D4 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ 07A_08A_09A/18A_21A/26A (10°) SITE ID 07C_08C_09C/18C_21C/26C (250°) Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal 07B_08B_09B/18B_21B/26B (160°) 6x (Clamps KIT 85010096 Offset kit 85010104 ) for 3x antenna / antenne K800372966 9x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 For ( R2479 , R2279 , R2217) K800372966 Telenet Az. : 10° AGL. : +30.90m VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 0° = Geographical North handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels 2x (Clamps KIT 85010096 + Offset kit 85010104 ) for antenna / antenne 800372966 / sector 3x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 for (RRU2217 - RRU2479 - RRU2279) / sector _OV5119A handtekening/signature 1x minilink Ø30cm Telenet bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm 28 85° 0 Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature D2 Service provider lege paal empty pole TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM D1 ° 280 85 K800372966 Telenet Az. : 250° AGL. : +30.90m Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: +29.40 93 TL licht TL light leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels houten vloer wooden floor 1x GPS module on long bracket D4 280 1x minilink Ø30cm Telenet bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm D3 ladder + luik ladder + hatch bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings ° 85 date 0 19 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 3xMultiFO Kabel / cable reuse 3x DC 6mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2217 - 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2279 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable+6x FO forRRU2479 3x coax minilink 1x coax minilink 1x 1/4" GPS feeder ±50m VOB 50mm² Noter / Note: 1x MW Ø30 Telenet op paal on pole Ø76.1mm L = 2000mm 93 1x RRU 2479 / sector 1x RRU 2279 / sector 1x RRU 2217 / sector 1x Multi-fiber box / sector REV. DWG Antenne bovenaanzicht (Nieuw) Top view antenna (New) K800372966 Telenet Az. : 160° AGL. : +30.90m 1x minilink Ø30cm Telenet bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 10 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen 3x TBA GU9/L8/U21 Telenet leien vervangen door RF panelen slates swapped by RF panels handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 1x RRU GU9 (type:R8862) / sector bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Noter / Note: 253 300 AGL TBA GU9/L8/U21 Telenet : +30.90m Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter 1x TMA U21 / sector Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing 1x TMA L8 / sector verplaatst / moved aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE houten platform wooden platform ladder + luik ladder + hatch 1 kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 6x coax 1/2" G9 verwijderd / removed 6x coax 1/2" U21 6x coax 1/2" L8 3x optische vezelkabel / optical fibre RRU GU9 3x voedingskabel / power cable RRU GU9 4x coax MW - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Zijaanzicht antenne details (Bestaand) Side view antenna details (Existing) 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 11 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen 1x GPS module on long bracket not visible handtekening/signature 546 2x (Clamps KIT 85010096 + Offset kit 85010104 ) for antenna / antenne 800372966 / sector Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem 3x minilink Ø30cm Telenet bevestigd op L-steun / fixed on L-support Ø60.3mm ; L:300mm 504 280 handtekening/signature Service provider D2;D3 & D4 AGL:+31.43m 434 TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM 280 AGL G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//N7 Telenet : +30.90m Noter / Note: 398 2600 3x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 for (RRU2217 - RRU2479 - RRU2279) / sector 280 419 MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter 1x RRU 2479 / sector 1x RRU 2279 / sector 1x RRU 2217 / sector 1x Multi-fiber box / sector Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator 351 289 3x K800372966 Telenet Bemating in : D1 AGL :+29.60m CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE houten platform wooden platform 1314 1x MW Ø30cm Telenet ladder + luik ladder + hatch 1 - SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date kabelladder / cable ladder Telenet 3xMultiFO Kabel / cable reuse3x DC 6mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2217 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable +3x FO for RRU2279 3x DC 10mm² Kabel / cable+6x FO forRRU2479 3x coax minilink 1x coax minilink 1x 1/4" GPS feeder ±50m VOB 50mm² DIV. REV. DWG Zijaanzicht antenne details (Nieuw) Side view antenna details (New) 1/25 0.........0.20....................0.60.....................................1.25m Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. print size A3 12 Antenna CONFIG Technology 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 700_800_900/1800_2100/2600 Sector G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 G9//U9//L8L18L21L26//NR7 Detailed information equipement Equipment Model 3x RRU 700/800/900 R2479 3x RRU 1800/2100 R2279 3x RRU 2600 3x multi-fiber box 1x GPS (GNSS) Reference K800372966 K800372966 K800372966 AGL +30.90m +30.90m +30.90m Az. 10° 160° 250° dish Dimensions microwave site Link SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ AGL azimuth D1 ACQ +29.60m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D2 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m D3 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m/±50m/±50m ±50m D4 Ø30cm ACQ +31.43m ACQ Length R2217 351x298x128mm 3x DC - 6mm²+booster FTTA 255x180x65mm 3x multi-fiber cables KRE 101 2395/1 Ø78 x H95 mm 1x 1/4" Feeder CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS TMA BOX FO 1x 1x 1x Ø30cm Cables 553x398x190mm 3xDC - 10mm² 447x398x138mm 3xDC - 10mm² RRU 3 3 3 SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES 6x (Clamps KIT 85010096 Offset kit 85010104 ) for 3x antenna / antenne K800372966 9x Single ERS bracket SXK 109 2006/1 For ( R2479 , R2279 , R2217) handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Sector 1 Sector 2 K800372966 Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen Sector 3 K800372966 K800372966 handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider 2600 Noter / Note: 2x jumpers 2x jumpers 1800_2100 700_800_900 700_800_900 4x jumpers 2600 2x jumpers 2x jumpers 1800_2100 700_800_900 700_800_900 2x jumpers 4x jumpers 2600 1800_2100 700_800_900 2x jumpers 4x jumpers 700_800_900 TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change MULTI- FIBER BOX RRU 2217 2600 F.O. 2 x F.O. RRU 2479 700/800/900 RRU 2279 1800/2100 F.O. RET cable RRU 2217 2600 F.O. 2 x F.O. RRU 2479 700/800/900 RRU 2279 1800/2100 F.O. RET cable RRU 2217 2600 F.O. RRU 2279 1800/2100 F.O. 2 x F.O. RRU 2479 700/800/900 RET cable nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator MULTI- FIBER BOX CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE MULTI- FIBER BOX GPS - DC Booster DC Booster 1x multi-fiber cable DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² GPS cable 1x multi-fiber cable DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² 1x multi-fiber cable DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² DC cable - 6mm² 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Bekabelingsschema Cabling diagram DC Booster cabinet 6150 no scale print size A3 Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. 13 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SWAP: -39718 Target config.: LowCap+ SITE ID _OV5119A Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk Nukerkeplein 9681 Maarkedal VERANTWOORDELIJKEN RESPONSABLES handtekening/signature Bouwheer / Owner Telenet Group NV Liersesteenweg 4 2800 Mechelen handtekening/signature Service provider Ericsson nv Airway park Lozenberg 20 1932 Zaventem handtekening/signature Service provider TerUsus bvba Minervastraat,18 B - 1930 ZAVENTEM VEILIGHEIDSPICTOGRAMMEN STANDARD WARNING SIGNS Telenet Noter / Note: Bemating in : MM Dimensions are in : CM +33.00 Nivo's in meter Levels in meter Legende / Legend: bestaande / existing aanpassen / to change nieuwe / new andere operator / other operator CADASTRE KADASTER CODE LAMBERT LAMBERTCODE 1 - DIV. SEC. X: 095 447 N° Y: 165 476 - 07.12.2022 Construction drawings date REV. DWG Veiligheidspictogrammen Safety pictograms no scale print size A3 Datum Date 30.12.2022 TEK. n° Dess. / DWG. 14