University Of Central Florida Hands On HW 6 Truss Presented By: Milad Elghaly 0M01, 11/23/22, 11:59pm NID: mi625833 Problem: Objective: Approach: ● Calculate centroid, I used the integral method to find the area of both dx, and dy. I got x to equal 1.2 and y to equal 0.825. ● Caculate Mol, I used the shape cutting method and separated them with a rectangle, semi circle, and circle. Then i found the area of all of them and put them into my table and calculated them all up. I got x to equal 38.30 and y to equal 0 because it was multiplied by 0. Calculations: I write small (sorry) Possible Errors: Possible errors when doing this procedure was my cardboard cutout being to small. I didnt have the material for it + it being thanksgiving break i used what i could to be with my family members and did my calculations as needed. Conclusion: For this Hands on Homework assignment I found it to be a little confusing at first. I made a cutout of my model and used it as a demonstration by my side of how I worked to calculate my answers. I then used yarn to lift the model and hang it in the air to demonstrate where the center is. Solving for the answers for the Mol wasnt too difficult but I struggled a little on solving for the y when doing the integral.