Uploaded by Weeny Lam Phuong

Extra Credit Big Short

This is your extra credit assignment. This assignment is worth 5% of your final test grade!
(even if you received a 100%, you can still earn these 5%)
Please watch The Big Short movie and answer the following questions
Please type your answers, submit via D2L.
1. How did the filmmakers explain Wall Street collapse of 2008?
2. Where, or on whom, does the movie place blame for the events leading up to the crash?
3. What are the rating agencies and what role did they play in the financial crisis?
4. Why did some outsiders foresee what would happen with the subprimes while neither the
heads of the large financial firms nor government regulators saw what was coming?
5. What happen to those responsible for the financial crisis?
6. What was your favourite part of the movie?
7. Who was your favourite character?
8. How good of a job, in your opinion, filmmakers did explaining financial crisis?
9. What do you wish they explained more? What do you still not understand and would love
to know more about?