Program 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.5xx 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.1 9.2 10.2 10.4 Name Pritchett Clock Repair Shop Pritchett Clock Repair Shop Expected Value and Variance Source Excel QM Excel QM Excel Content Breakeven Analysis Goal Seek Expected Value and Variance Binomial Probabilities Normal distribution F Distribution Exponential Distribution Poisson distribution Thompson Lumber Bayes Theorem for Thompson Lumber Example Triple A Construction Company Sales Jenny Wilson Realty Jenny Wilson Realty MPG Data MPG Data Solved Problem 4-2 Triple A Construction Company Sales Wallace Garden Supply Shed Sales Port of Baltimore Midwestern Manufacturing's Demand Midwestern Manufacturing's Demand Midwestern Manufacturing's Demand Turner Industries Turner Industries Sumco Pump Company Brown Manufacturing Brass Department Store Hinsdale Company Safety Stock Flair Furniture Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch High note sound company Flair Furniture Win Big Gambling Club Management Science Associates Fifth Avenue Industries Greenberg Motors Labor Planning Example ICT Portfolio Selection Top Speed Bicycle Company Goodman Shipping Whole Foods Nutrition Problem Low Knock Oil Company Top Speed Bicycle Company Transportation Example Fix-It Shop Frosty Machines Transshipment Problem Transportation Problem - Birmingham Fix-It Shop Assignment Executive Furniture Company Birmingham Plant Harrison Electric IP Analysis Bagwell Chemical Company Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel Excel Excel Excel QM Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel QM Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel Excel Binomial Probabilities Normal distribution F distribution probabilities Exponential probabilities Poisson probabilities Decision Table Bayes Theorem Regression Multiple Regression Dummy Variables - Regression Linear Regression Nonlinear Regression Regression Regression Weighted Moving Average Exponential Smoothing Expo. Smoothing with Trend Trend Analysis Trend Analysis Multiplicative Decomposition Multiple Regression EOQ Model Production Run Model Quantity Discount Model Safety Stock Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Linear Programming Transportation Assignment Transportation Transportation Integer programming Integer programming 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 12.1 12.2 12.extra 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 15.3 15.4 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Module M1.1 M5.1 Quemo Chemical Company Sitka Manufacturing Company Simkin, Simkin and Steinberg Great Western Appliance Hospicare Corp Thermlock Gaskets Solved Problem 10-1 Solved Problem 10-3 PERT - General Foundry Example Crashing General Foundry Problem Crashing General Foundry Problem Arnold's Muffler Shop Arnold's Muffler Shop Golding Recycling, Inc. Department of Commerce Harry's Tire Shop Generating Normal Random Numbers Harry's Tire Shop Port of New Orleans Barge Unloadings Three Hills Power Company Three Grocery Example Accounts Receivable Example Box Filling Example Super Cola Example ARCO Red Top Cab Company Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel QM Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel Excel Excel QM Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM Excel QM AHP Matrix Multiplication Excel Excel Integer programming Integer programming Integer programming Nonlinear programming Nonlinear programming Nonlinear programming 0-1 programming Nonlinear programming Crashing Crashing Crashing Single Server (M/M/1) system Multi-Server (M/M/m) system Constant Service Rate (M/D/1) Finite population Simulation (inventory) Random #s and Frequency Simulation (inventory) Simulation (waiting line) Maintenance Simulation Markov Analysis Fundamental Matrix & Absorbing States Quality = x-bar chart Quality = x-bar chart p-Chart Analysis c-Chart Analysis - Regression Rate (M/D/1) ix & Absorbing States Pritchett Clock Repair Shop Breakeven Analysis Enter Enter the the fixed fixed and and variable variable costs costs and and the selling price in the data area. Rebuilt Springs 1000 5 10 Fixed cost Variable cost Revenue Results Breakeven points Units Dollars $ Graph Units Cost-volume analysis 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 2,000.00 Costs 0 400 $ Data Costs Revenue 1000 3000 0 4000 2 4 Revenue 6 Units 8 10 12 Pritchett Clock Repair Shop Breakeven Analysis Enter Enter the the fixed fixed and and variable variable costs costs and and the selling price in the data area. Data Fixed cost Variable cost Revenue Volume (optional) Rebuilt Springs 1000 5 10.71 250 Results Breakeven points Units Dollars $ 175 1,875.00 Volume Analysis@ Costs Revenue Profit 250 2,250.00 2,678.57 428.57 Graph Units $ $ $ Costs 0 350 Revenue 1000 2750 0 3750 X 5 4 3 2 1 P(X) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 E(X) = ΣXP(X) = XP(X) 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.1 2.9 (X - E(X))2P(X) 0.441 0.242 0.003 0.243 0.361 1.290 1.136 To see the formulas, hold down the CTRL key and press the ` (Grave accent) key X))2P(X) = Variance = Standard deviation press the ` (Grave accent) key The Binomial Distribution X = random variable for number of successes n= 5 number of trials p= 0.5 probability of a succes r= 4 specific number of successes Cumulative probabiliP(X < r) = 0.96875 Probability of exactlyP(X = r) = ### X is a normal random variable with mean, μ, and standard deviation, σ. μ= 100 σ= 20 x= P(X < x) = P(X > x) = 75 0.10565 0.89435 F Distribution with df1 and df2 degrees of freedom To find F given α df1 = 5 df2 = 6 α= F-value = 0.05 4.39 To find the probability to the right of a calculated value, f df1 = df2 = f= P(F > f) = 5 6 4.2 0.0548 Exponential distribution - the random variable (X) is time Average number per time period = μ = 3 per hour t= 0.5000 hours P(X < t) = 0.7769 P(X > t) = 0.2231 Poisson distribution - the random variable is the number of occurrences per time period λ= x 0 1 2 2 P(X) 0.1353 0.2707 0.7293 P(X < x) 0.1353 0.4060 0.6767 urrences per time period Thompson Lumber Decision Tables Enter Enter the the profits profits or or costs in the main body of the data table. Enter probabilities in the first row if you want to compute if you want to compute the the expected expected value. value. Data Results Favorable Unfavorable Profit Market Market EMV Minimum Maximum Hurwicz Probability 0.5 0.5 coefficient 0.8 Large Plant 200000 -180000 10000 -180000 200000 124000 Small plant 100000 -20000 40000 -20000 100000 76000 Do nothing 0 0 0 0 0 Maximum 40000 0 200000 124000 Expected Value of Perfect Information Column best 200000 0 100000 <-Expected value under certainty 40000 <-Best expected value 60000 <-Expected value of perfect information Regret Probability Large Plant Small plant Do nothing Favorable MUnfavorable Market Expected Maximum 0.5 0.5 0 180000 90000 180000 100000 20000 60000 100000 200000 0 100000 200000 Minimum 60000 100000 Bayes Theorem for Thompson Lumber Example Fill in cells B7, B8, and C7 Probability Revisions Given a Positive Survey State of Posterior Nature P(Sur.PosPrior Prob. Joint Pro Probability FM 0.7 0.5 0.35 0.78 UM 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.22 P(Sur.pos.) 0.45 Probability Revisions Given a Negative Survey State of Posterior Nature P(Sur.PosPrior Prob. Joint Pro Probability FM 0.3 0.5 0.15 0.27 UM 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.73 P(Sur.neg. 0.55 Triple A Construction C Sales (Y)Payroll (X) 6 3 8 4 9 6 5 4 4.5 2 9.5 5 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple 0.8333 R Square 0.6944 Adjusted 0.6181 Standard 1.3110 Observat 6 ANOVA df SS MS Regressi 1 15.6250 15.6250 Residual 4 6.8750 Total 5 22.5 F 9.0909 1.7188 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Intercept 2 1.7425 1.1477 0.3150 Payroll (X 1.25 0.4146 3.0151 0.0394 Significance F 0.0394 Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% -2.8381 0.0989 6.8381 -2.8381 6.8381 2.4011 2.4011 0.0989 Jenny Wilson Realty SELL PRICE 95000 119000 124800 135000 142800 145000 159000 165000 182000 183000 200000 211000 215000 219000 SF 1926 2069 1720 1396 1706 1847 1950 2323 2285 3752 2300 2525 3800 1740 AGE 30 40 30 15 32 38 27 30 26 35 18 17 40 12 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.8197 R Square 0.6719 Adjusted R Squa 0.6122 Standard Error 24313 Observations 14 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept SF AGE SS 2 1.3E+010 11 6.5E+009 13 2.0E+010 MS F Significance F ### 11.262 0.00217877 ### Coefficients Standard Errort Stat ### ### 5.7543 43.819 10.2810 4.2622 -2899 796.5649 -3.6390 P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% 0.0001 90545.2073 ### 0.0013 21.1911 66.4476 0.0039 -4651.9139 -1145.4586 Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0% ### ### 21.1911 66.4476 -4651.9139 -1145.4586 Jenny Wilson Realty SELL PRICE 95000 119000 124800 135000 142800 145000 159000 165000 182000 183000 200000 211000 215000 219000 SF 1926 2069 1720 1396 1706 1847 1950 2323 2285 3752 2300 2525 3800 1740 AGE 30 40 30 15 32 38 27 30 26 35 18 17 40 12 X3 (ExcX4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 (Mint Condition 0 Good 0 Excellent 0 Excellent 0 Good 1 Mint 1 Mint 1 Mint 0 Excellent 1 Mint 0 Good 0 Good 0 Good 0 Excellent 1 Mint SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.9476 R Square 0.8980 Adjusted R 0.8526 Standard Er ### Observation 14 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept SF AGE X3 (Exc.) X4 (Mint) SS MS 4 2E+010 4E+009 9 2E+009 2E+008 13 2E+010 Coefficients Standard Errort Stat ### ### 6.981 56.43 6.95 8.122 -3962.82 596.03 -6.649 33162.65 ### 2.723 47369.25 ### 4.448 F Significance F ### ### P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% 0.000 ### ### ### 0.000 40.71 72.14 40.71 0.000 ### ### ### 0.023 5610.43 ### 5610.43 0.002 ### ### ### Upper 95.0% ### 72.14 ### ### ### Automobile Weight vs. MPG MPG (Y) Weight (X1) 12 4.58 13 4.66 15 4.02 18 2.53 19 3.09 19 3.11 20 3.18 23 2.68 24 2.65 33 1.70 36 1.95 42 1.92 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.86288 R Square 0.74456 Adjusted R 0.71902 Standard E 5.00757 Observatio 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total SS MS F Significance F 1 730.909 730.909 29.14802 0.000302 10 250.7577 25.07577 11 981.6667 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Intercept 47.6193 4.813151 9.89359 1.8E-006 36.89498 Weight (X1 -8.24597 1.527345 -5.398891 0.000302 -11.64911 Significance F Upper 95%Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 58.34371 36.89498 58.34371 -4.842833 -11.64911 -4.842833 Automobile Weight vs. MPG MPG (Y) Weight (X1) 12 4.58 13 4.66 15 4.02 18 2.53 19 3.09 19 3.11 20 3.18 23 2.68 24 2.65 33 1.70 36 1.95 42 1.92 WeightSq.(X2) 20.98 21.72 16.16 6.40 9.55 9.67 10.11 7.18 7.02 2.89 3.80 3.69 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.9208 R Square 0.8478 Adjusted R 0.8140 Standard E 4.0745 Observatio 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total SS MS 2 832.2557 416.1278 9 149.411 16.60122 11 981.6667 Coefficients Standard Error Intercept 79.7888 13.5962 Weight (X1 -30.2224 8.9809 WeightSq.( 3.4124 1.3811 t Stat 5.8685 -3.3652 2.4708 F 25.0661 P-value 0.0002 0.0083 0.0355 Significance F 0.000209 Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 49.0321 110.5454 49.0321 110.5454 -50.5386 -9.9062 -50.5386 -9.9062 0.2881 6.5367 0.2881 6.5367 Solved Problem 4-2 Advertising ($100) Y 11 6 10 6 12 Sales X 5 3 7 2 8 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.9014 0.8125 0.7500 1.4142 5 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept Sales X SS 1 3 4 MS 26 6 32 F 26 2 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat 4 1.5242 2.6244 1 0.2774 3.6056 Significance F 13 0.036618 P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0% 0.0787 -0.8506 8.8506 -0.8506 0.0366 0.1173 1.8827 0.1173 Upper 95.0% 8.8506 1.8827 Triple A Construction Forecasting Regression/Trend analysis IfIf this this isis trend trend analysis analysis then then simply simply enter enter the the past past demands demands in in the the demand demand column. column. IfIf this this isis causal causal regression regression then then enter enter the the y,x y,x pairs pairs with with yy first first and and enter enter aa new new value value of of xx at at the the bottom bottom in in order order to to forecast forecast y. y. Data Period Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Intercept Slope Next period Demand (y) Period(x) 6 3 8 4 9 6 5 4 4.5 2 9.5 5 2 1.25 10.75 Forecasts and Error Analysis Forecast Error Absolute 5.75 0.25 0.25 7 1 1 9.5 -0.5 0.5 7 -2 2 4.5 0 0 8.25 1.25 1.25 Total 0 5 Average 0 0.833333 Bias MAD SE Squared Abs Pct Err 0.0625 04.17% 1 12.50% 0.25 05.56% 4 40.00% 0 00.00% 1.5625 13.16% 6.875 75.38% 1.145833 12.56% MSE MAPE 1.311011 7 Correlatio 0.833333 Wallace Garden Supply Forecasting Weighted moving averages - 3 period moving average Enter Enter the the data data in in the the shaded shaded area. area. Enter Enter weights weights in in INCREASING INCREASING order order from from top top to to bottom. bottom. Data Period January February March April May June July August September October November December Demand Forecasts and Error Analysis Forecast Error Absolute Squared Weights 10 12 13 16 19 23 26 30 28 18 16 14 Next period 15.3333333 Abs Pct Err 1 2 3 12.1667 14.3333 17 20.5 23.8333 27.5 28.3333 23.3333 18.6667 Total Average 3.8333 3.8333 14.6944 23.96% 4.6667 4.6667 21.7778 24.56% 6 6 36 26.09% 5.5 5.5 30.25 21.15% 6.1667 6.1667 38.0278 20.56% 0.5 0.5 0.25 01.79% -10.3333 10.3333 106.7778 57.41% -7.3333 7.3333 53.7778 45.83% -4.6667 4.6667 21.7778 33.33% 4.3333 49.0000 323.3333 254.68% 0.4815 5.4444 35.9259 28.30% Bias MAD MSE MAPE SE 6.79636 Port of Baltimore Forecasting Exponential smoothing Enter Enter alpha alpha (between (between 00 and and 1), 1), enter enter the the past past demands demands in in the the shaded shaded column column then then enter enter aa starting starting forecast. forecast. IfIf the the starting starting forecast forecast isis not not in in the the first first period period then then delete delete the the error error analysis analysis for for all all rows rows above above the the starting starting forecast. forecast. Alpha Data Period Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 5 Quarter 6 Quarter 7 Quarter 8 0.1 Demand 180 168 159 175 190 205 180 182 Next period 178.595856 Forecasts and Error Analysis Forecast Error Absolute 175 5 5 175.5 -7.5 7.5 174.75 -15.75 15.75 173.175 1.825 1.825 173.3575 16.6425 16.6425 175.0218 29.97825 29.97825 178.0196 1.980425 1.980425 178.2176 3.782382 3.782382 Total 35.95856 82.45856 Average 4.49482 10.30732 Bias MAD SE Squared Abs Pct Err 25 02.78% 56.25 04.46% 248.0625 09.91% 3.330625 01.04% 276.9728 08.76% 898.6955 14.62% 3.922083 01.10% 14.30642 0.02078232 1526.54 44.75% 190.8175 05.59% MSE MAPE 15.95065 t. IfIf the st. the starting starting Midwestern Manufacturing Forecasting Trend adjusted exponential smoothing Enter Enter alpha alpha and and beta beta (between (between 00 and and 1), 1), enter enter the the past past demands demands in in the the shaded shaded column column then then enter enter aa starting starting forecast. forecast. IfIf the the starting starting forecast forecast isis not not in in the the first first period period then then delete delete the the error error analysis analysis for for all all rows rows above above the the starting starting forecast. forecast. Alpha Beta Data Period Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 0.3 0.4 Forecasts and Error Analysis Demand 74 79 80 90 105 142 122 Next period Forecast Smoothed Including Forecast, Smoothed Trend, Ft Trend, Tt FITt Error Absolute 74 74 0 0 74 0 74 5 5 75.5 0.6 76.1 4.5 4.5 77.27 1.068 78.338 12.73 12.73 81.8366 2.46744 84.30404 23.1634 23.1634 90.51283 4.950955 95.46378 51.48717 51.4872 109.4246 10.5353 119.9599 12.57535 12.5754 120.572 10.78011 131.3521 Total 109.4559 109.456 Average 15.63656 15.6366 Bias MAD SE Squared 0 25 20.25 162.0529 536.5431 2650.929 158.1395 3552.914 507.5592 MSE 26.65676 Abs Pct Err 00.00% 06.33% 05.63% 14.14% 22.06% 36.26% 0.103077 94.73% 13.53% MAPE Midwestern Manufacturing Time (X) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demand (Y) 74 79 80 90 105 142 122 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.89491 R Square 0.800863 Adjusted R 0.761036 Standard E 12.43239 Observatio 7 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept Time (X) SS MS F Significance F 1 3108.036 3108.036 20.10837 0.006493 5 772.8214 154.5643 6 3880.857 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 56.71429 10.50729 5.397615 0.002948 29.70445 83.72412 29.70445 83.72412 10.53571 2.349501 4.484236 0.006493 4.496131 16.5753 4.496131 16.5753 Upper 95.0% Midwestern Manufacturing Forecasting Regression/Trend analysis IfIf this this isis trend trend analysis analysis then then simply simply enter enter the the past past demands demands in in the the demand demand column. column. IfIf this this isis causal causal regression regression then then enter enter the the y,x y,x pairs pairs with with yy first first and and enter enter aa new new value value of of xx at at the the bottom bottom in in order order to to forecast forecast y. y. Data Period Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Demand (y) Period(x) 74 1 79 2 80 3 90 4 105 5 142 6 122 7 Intercept Slope 56.7142857 10.5357143 Next period 141 Forecasts and Error Analysis Forecast Error Absolute 67.25 6.75 6.75 77.7857 1.2143 1.2143 88.3214 -8.3214 8.3214 98.8571 -8.8571 8.8571 109.3929 -4.3929 4.3929 119.9286 22.0714 22.0714 130.4643 -8.4643 8.4643 Total -4.263256E-014 60.0714 Average -6.090366E-015 8.5816 Bias MAD SE Squared 45.5625 1.4745 69.2462 78.4490 19.2972 487.1480 71.6441 772.8214 110.4031 MSE 12.43239 Correlatio 0.89491 8 Abs Pct Err 09.12% 01.54% 10.40% 09.84% 04.18% 15.54% 06.94% 57.57% 08.22% MAPE Turner Industries Forecasting 4 seasons Data Period Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Multiplicative decomposition Enter Enter past past demands demands in in the the data data area. area. Do Do not not change change the the time time period period numbers! numbers! Demand (y) Time (x) 108 1 125 2 150 3 141 4 116 5 134 6 159 7 152 8 123 9 142 10 168 11 165 12 Average 131 133 135.25 137.5 140.25 142 144 146.25 149.5 132.000 134.125 136.375 138.875 141.125 143.000 145.125 147.875 Average Ratios Season 1 Average 0.8506 0.8475 0.8491 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 1.1364 1.0513 0.9649 1.1267 1.0629 0.9603 0.9626 1.1315 1.0571 Forecasts Period Unadjusted Seasonal Adjusted 13 155.240 0.849 131.810 14 157.583 0.963 151.687 15 159.927 1.132 180.959 16 162.270 1.057 171.535 Ratio 1.136 1.051 0.851 0.965 1.127 1.063 0.848 0.960 Seasonal Smoothed 0.8491 127.1979 0.9626 129.8589 1.1315 132.5660 1.0571 133.3841 0.8491 136.6200 0.9626 139.2087 1.1315 140.5199 1.0571 143.7899 0.8491 144.8643 0.9626 147.5197 1.1315 148.4739 1.0571 156.0878 Intercept Slope 124.7753 2.3434 Forecasts and Error Analysis Unadjusted Adjusted Error |Error| Error^2 Abs Pct Err 127.1187 107.9327 0.0673 0.0673 0.0045 00.06% 129.4621 124.6181 0.3819 0.3819 0.1458 00.31% 131.8056 149.1396 0.8604 0.8604 0.7403 00.57% 134.1490 141.8086 -0.8086 0.8086 0.6538 00.57% 136.4924 115.8917 0.1083 0.1083 0.0117 00.09% 138.8359 133.6411 0.3589 0.3589 0.1288 00.27% 141.1793 159.7461 -0.7461 0.7461 0.5567 00.47% 143.5227 151.7175 0.2825 0.2825 0.0798 00.19% 145.8662 123.8507 -0.8507 0.8507 0.7236 00.69% 148.2096 142.6641 -0.6641 0.6641 0.4410 00.47% 150.5530 170.3526 -2.3526 2.3526 5.5346 01.40% 152.8965 161.6265 3.3735 3.3735 11.3807 02.04% Total 0.0107 10.8547 20.4014 07.14% 0.0009 0.9046 1.7001 00.59% Bias MAD MSE MAPE SE 1.84397092 Year Quarter 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 1 Sales X1 Time PeriodX2 Qtr 2 X3 Qtr 3 X4 Qtr 4 108 1 0 0 0 125 2 1 0 0 150 3 0 1 0 141 4 0 0 1 116 5 0 0 0 134 6 1 0 0 159 7 0 1 0 152 8 0 0 1 123 9 0 0 0 142 10 1 0 0 168 11 0 1 0 165 12 0 0 1 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.99718 R Square 0.99436 Adjusted R 0.99114 Standard E 1.83225 Observatio 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 4 7 11 SS MS F Significance F 4144.75 1036.188 308.6516 6.0E-008 23.5 3.357143 4168.25 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat Intercept 104.104 1.332194 78.14493 X1 Time Pe 2.3125 0.16195 14.27913 X2 Qtr 2 15.6875 1.504767 10.4252 X3 Qtr 3 38.7083 1.530688 25.28819 X4 Qtr 4 30.0625 1.572941 19.11228 P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 1.5E-011 100.954 107.2543 100.954 107.2543 2.0E-006 1.92955 2.69545 1.92955 2.69545 1.6E-005 12.12929 19.24571 12.12929 19.24571 3.9E-008 35.08883 42.32784 35.08883 42.32784 2.7E-007 26.34308 33.78192 26.34308 33.78192 Sumco Pump Company Inventory Economic Order Quantity Model Enter Enter the the data data in in the the shaded shaded area area Data Demand rate, D Setup cost, S Holding cost, H Unit Price, P 1000 10 0.5 (fixed amount) 0 200 200 100 5 Cost ($) Inventory: Cost vs Quantity Results Optimal Order Quantity, Q* Maximum Inventory Average Inventory Number of Setups 12 10 8 Holding cost 4 Total cost Holding cost Setup cost $50.00 $50.00 6 Unit costs Total cost, Tc $0.00 2 $100.00 0 COST TABLE Start at 25 Increment Q 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250 265 280 295 310 325 340 355 Setup cost Order Quantity (Q) 15 Setup cost Holding cosTotal cost 400 6.25 406.25 250 10 260 181.8182 13.75 195.5682 142.8571 17.5 160.3571 117.6471 21.25 138.8971 100 25 125 86.95652 28.75 115.7065 76.92308 32.5 109.4231 68.96552 36.25 105.2155 62.5 40 102.5 57.14286 43.75 100.8929 52.63158 47.5 100.1316 48.78049 51.25 100.0305 45.45455 55 100.4545 42.55319 58.75 101.3032 40 62.5 102.5 37.73585 66.25 103.9858 35.71429 70 105.7143 33.89831 73.75 107.6483 32.25806 77.5 109.7581 30.76923 81.25 112.0192 29.41176 85 114.4118 28.16901 88.75 116.919 370 27.02703 92.5 119.527 Brown Manufacturing Inventory Production Order Quantity Model Enter Enter the the data data in in the the shaded shaded area. area. You You may may have have to to do do some some work work to to enter enter the the daily daily production production rate. rate. 10000 100 0.5 (fixed amount) 80 60 0 12 10 Setup c Holding cost Total co 8 6 Results Optimal production quantity, Q* Maximum Inventory Average Inventory Number of Setups 4000 1000 500 2.5 Holding cost Setup cost 4 2 0 250 250 Unit costs 0 Total cost, Tc COST TABLE Inventory: Cost vs Quantity Cost ($) Data Demand rate, D Setup cost, S Holding cost, H Daily production rate, p Daily demand rate, d Unit price, P 500 Start at Q 1000 1333.333 1666.667 2000 2333.333 2666.667 3000 3333.333 3666.667 4000 4333.333 4666.667 5000 5333.333 5666.667 6000 6333.333 6666.667 7000 7333.333 7666.667 8000 8333.333 8666.667 1000 Increment 333.3333 Setup cost Holding cosTotal cost 1000 62.5 1062.5 750 83.33333 833.3333 600 104.1667 704.1667 500 125 625 428.5714 145.8333 574.4048 375 166.6667 541.6667 333.3333 187.5 520.8333 300 208.3333 508.3333 272.7273 229.1667 501.8939 250 250 500 230.7692 270.8333 501.6026 214.2857 291.6667 505.9524 200 312.5 512.5 187.5 333.3333 520.8333 176.4706 354.1667 530.6373 166.6667 375 541.6667 157.8947 395.8333 553.7281 150 416.6667 566.6667 142.8571 437.5 580.3571 136.3636 458.3333 594.697 130.4348 479.1667 609.6014 125 500 625 120 520.8333 640.8333 115.3846 541.6667 657.0513 Order Quantity (Q) aily aily production production rate. rate. ry: Cost vs Quantity uantity (Q) Setup cost Holding cost Total cos t Brass Department Store Inventory Quantity Discount Model Data Demand rate, D Setup cost, S Holding cost %, I 5000 49 20% Range 1 Minimum quantity Unit Price, P Range 2 0 5 Range 3 1000 4.8 2000 4.75 Results Range 1 Q* (Square root formula) Order Quantity Holding cost Setup cost Range 2 Range 3 700 714.4345083118 718.18484646 700 1000 2000 $350.00 $350.00 $480.00 $245.00 $950.00 $122.50 Unit costs $25,000.00 $24,000.00 $23,750.00 Total cost, Tc Optimal Order Quantity $25,700.00 $24,725.00 1000 $24,822.50 minimum = $24,725.00 6.4 Inventory Safety stock - Normal distribution Select aa model and then the data inshaded the area. The onbottom the left the model andenter then enter enter thein data the shaded shaded area. The model model the bottom bottom left represents represents the Select aa model and the the area. on left the SelectSelect model and then then enter the data data in thein shaded area. The The model model on the theon bottom left represents represents the 33 models models described described in in the the textbook textbook under under Other Other Probabilistic Probabilistic Models Models 33 models models described described in in the the textbook textbook under under Other Other Probabilistic Probabilistic Models Models Model: Demand during leadtime and its standard deviation given Data Average demand during lead time, µ Standard deviation of σdLT Service level (% of demand met) Results Z-value Safety stock Model: Daily demand and its standard deviation are given 350 10 95.00% 1.64 16.45 Data Average daily demand Standard deviation of daily demand, σd Lead time days Service level (% of demand met) Service level (% of demand met) Results Z-value Average demand during lead time Standard deviation of demand during lead time, σdLT Safety stock Reorder point 25 0 Enter 0 if demand is constant 6 3 Enter 0 if lead time is constant 98.00% 2.05 150 75.00 154.03 304.03 344787981.xls 3 4 97.00% Results Z-value 1.88 Average demand during lead time 60 Standard deviation of demand during lead time, σ 6.00 Safety stock 11.28 Reorder Point 71.28 Models: Either daily demand, lead time or both are variable Data Average daily demand Standard deviation of daily demand Average lead time (in days) Standard deviation of lead time, σLT 15 Flair Furniture Variables T (Tables)C (Chairs) Units Produced 30 40 Objective functi 70 50 Constraints Carpentry Painting 4 2 Profit 4100 LHS (Hours used) 3 240 < 1 100 < RHS 240 100 Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Variables Brand 1Brand 2 Units Produced 8.4 4.8 Objective functi 2 3 Constraints Ingredient A Ingredient B Ingredient C 5 4 0.5 Cost 31.2 LHS (Amt. of Ing.) 10 90 > 3 48 > 0 4.2 > RHS 90 48 1.5 High Note Sound Company Variables CD PlayerReceivers Units Produced 0 20 Profit Objective functi 2400 50 120 Constraints LHS (Hrs. Used) Electrician Hour 2 4 Audio Tech Hour 3 1 80 20 RHS < ### < ### 7.7 Enter Enter the the values values in in the the shaded shaded area. area. Then Then go go to to the the DATA DATATab Tab on on the the ribbon, ribbon, click click on on Solver Solver in in the the Data DataAnalysis Analysis Group Group and and then then click click SOLVE. SOLVE. IfIf SOLVER SOLVER isis not not on on the the Data Data Tab Tab then then please please see see the the Help Help file file (Solver) (Solver) for for instructions. instructions. Linear Programming Signs < = > less than or equal to equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.) greater than or equal to x1 x2 Data Objective Constraint 1 Constraint 2 70 4 2 50 sign 3 < 1 < Results Variables Objective 30 40 RHS 240 100 4100 Page 52 Results LHS Slack/Surplus 4100 240 0 100 0 A 1 B C D E er X2 5 8500 Radio 30 sec. X3 6.2069 2400 Radio 1 min. X4 0 2800 Win Big Gambling Club 2 3 4 5 6 Variables Solution Audience per ad TV X1 1.9688 5000 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Constraints Max. TV Newspaper radio radio Cost Radio dollars Radio spots 1 1 1 800 925 290 290 1 1 380 380 1 F G H < < < < < < > RHS 12 5 25 20 8000 1800 5 1 2 3 4 Total Audience 6 67240.3017 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LHS 1.9688 5 6.2069 0 8000 1800 6.2069 A 1 B C D E F G H I J > > > > < RHS 2,300 1,000 600 0 0 Management Science Associates 2 3 4 5 Variable Solution Min. Cost X1 0 7.5 X2 600 6.8 X3 X4 X5 X6 140 1000 0 560Total Cost 5.5 6.9 7.25 6.1 15166 6 Constraints 1 8 Total Househo 1 9 30 and Younge 0 10 31-50 11 Border States 0.85 12 51+ Border St 0 7 1 0 1 0.85 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.85 -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 0.8 0 0 -0.2 LHS 2300 1000 600 395 0 A 1 3 5 6 C D E F G Fifth Avenue Industries 2 4 B Variables Values Profit All silk All poly. Blend 1 Blend 2 X1 5112 16.24 X2 14000 8.22 X3 16000 8.77 X4 8500 8.66 Total Profit 412028.88 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Constraints Silk available 0.125 available available 1 Maximum silk polyester 1 2 1 Minimum silk polyester 1 Minimum blend 2 LHS 0.066 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.044 1 1 1 1 1 1 1200 1920 1174 5112 14000 16000 8500 5112 14000 16000 8500 < < < < < < < > > > > 20 21 22 23 Calculations to determine the profit per tie. Polyes Silk ter Blend 1 Blend 1 25 Selling Price per ti 19.24 8.7 9.52 10.64 Cost of material per yard Yards of silk used 26 in tie 0.125 0 0 0.066 24 Yards of polyester 27 used in tie 0 0.08 0.05 0 6 24 Yards of cotton used in tie 0 3 29 Material cost per t 30 Profit per tie 16.24 28 0 0.48 8.22 0.05 0.75 8.77 0.044 1.98 8.66 9 H I J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RHS 1200 3000 1600 7000 14000 16000 8500 5000 10000 13000 5000 20 21 22 23 24 f material25per yard 26 27 28 29 30 Slack/Surplus 0 1080 426 1888 0 0 0 112 4000 3000 3500 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Greenberg Motors Variable Solution Min. Cost A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 IA1 IA2 IA3 IA4 IB1 IB2 IB3 IB4 ### 223.1 ### 792.3 ### ### 77.8 ### ### 0 ### 450 0 ### 0 300 20 20 22 22 15 15 16.5 16.5 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 Demand Constraints Jan. GM3A 1 Feb. GM3A 1 Mar. GM3A Apr. GM3A Jan. GM3B Feb. GM3B Mar. GM3B Apr. GM3B Inv.GM3A Apr. Inv.GM3B Apr. Labor Hour Constraints Hrs Min. Jan. 1.3 Hrs Min. Feb. 1.3 Hrs Min. Mar. Hrs Min. Apr. Hrs Max. Jan. 1.3 Hrs Max. Feb. 1.3 Hrs Max.Mar. Hrs Max. Apr. Storage Constraints Jan. Inv. Limit Feb. Inv. Limit Mar. Inv. Limit Apr. Inv. Limit -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A B C D E 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 GM3A Units GMBA Units GM3A Inven GM3B Inven Labor Hours Jan Feb Mar Apr ### 223.1 ### 792.3 ### ### 77.8 ### 476.9 0.0 757.7 450.0 0.0 ### 0.0 300.0 ### ### ### ### F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 1 2 3 4 Total Cost ### 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 LHS SignRHS 800 = 800 700 = 700 1000 = ### 1100 = ### 1000 = ### 1200 = ### 1400 = ### 1400 = ### 450 = 450 300 = 300 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2560 2560 2355 2560 2560 2560 2355 2560 > > > > < < < < ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 476.92 1322.22 757.69 750 < < < < ### ### ### ### 27 28 29 30 31 32 Slack/Surplus 320 320 115 320 0 0 205 0 R 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 S T U V W A 1 B C D E F G H P3 2 32 P4 5 32 P5 0 32 Total Cost 1448 I J Labor Planning Example 2 3 4 5 6 Variables Values Cost F 10 100 P1 0 32 P2 7 32 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Constraints 9 a.m. - 10 a 1 10 a.m. - 11 1 11 a.m. - noo 0.5 noon - 1 p.m. 0.5 1 p.m. - 2 p.m 1 2 p.m. - 3 p.m 1 3 p.m. - 4 p.m 1 4 p.m. - 5 p.m 1 Max. Full tim 1 Total PT hours 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 LHS 10 17 14 19 24 17 15 10 10 56 Sign RHS > 10 > 12 > 14 > 16 > 18 > 17 > 15 > 10 < 12 < 56 K L M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Slack/Surplus 0 5 0 3 6 0 0 0 2 0 N O A 1 B C D E F G H < < < < > > < RHS ### ### ### ### 0 0 5000000 ICT Portfolio Selection 2 3 4 5 Variable X1 X2 X3 X4 Solution 750000 950000 2E+006 2E+006Total Return Max. Return 0.07 0.11 0.19 0.15 712000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trade Bonds Gold Construction Min. Gold+Con Min. Trade Total Investe 1 1 1 -0.55 0.85 1 -0.55 -0.15 1 0.45 -0.15 1 1 0.45 -0.15 1 LHS 750000 950000 1500000 1800000 550000 0 5000000 Goodman Shipping Variables X1 X2 X3 Values 0.333 1 0 Load Value 22500 24000 8000 Constraints Total weigh 7500 % Item 1 1 % Item 2 % Item 3 % Item 4 % Item 5 % Item 6 7500 3000 X4 X5 X6 0 0 0 Total Value 9500 11500 9750 31500 3500 4000 1 1 1 1 LHS Sign RHS 3500 10000 < 10000 0.333333 < 1 1 < 1 0 < 1 0 < 1 0 < 1 1 0 < 1 A 1 B C D E F G Sign > > > > = RHS 3 2 1 0.425 0.125 Whole Foods Nutrition Problem 2 3 4 5 6 Variable Solution Minimize Grain AGrain BGrain C Xa Xb Xc 0.025 0.05 0.05 0.33 0.47 0.38 Total Cost 0.05075 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Constraints Protein 22 Riboflavin 16 Phosphoru 8 Magnesiu 5 Total Weig 1 28 14 7 0 1 21 25 9 6 1 LHS 3 2.35 1 0.425 0.125 H I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Slack/Surplus 0 0.35 0 0 0 Low Knock Oil Company Variable Solution Cost X100 ReX100 EcoX220 ReX220 Econ X1 X2 X3 X4 15000 26666.67 10000 5333.33 Total Cost 30 30 34.8 34.8 1783600 Constraints Demand Regula 1 Demand Economy Ing. A in Regul -0.1 Ing. B in Economy 1 1 1 0.15 0.05 -0.25 LHS 25000 32000 0 0 Sign > > > < RHS 25000 32000 0 0 Slack/Surplus 0 0 0 0 Top Speed Bicycle Company N.O. to N.O. to N.O. to Omaha to Omaha to Omaha to NY Chicago LA NY Chicago LA Variables Values Cost Constraints NY Demand Chi. Demand LA Demand N.O. Supply Omaha Supply X11 10000 2 X12 0 3 X13 8000 5 1 X21 0 3 X23 7000 Total Cost 4 96000 1 1 1 X22 8000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LHS 10000 8000 15000 18000 15000 otal Cost Sign = = = < < RHS 10000 8000 15000 20000 15000 Shipping Cost Per Unit From\ToAlbuquerque Boston Cleveland Des Moines 5 4 3 Evansville 8 4 3 Fort Lauderdal 9 7 5 Solution - Number of units shipped Albuquerque Boston Cleveland Total shipped Supply Des Moines 100 0 0 100 100 Evansville 0 200 100 300 300 Fort Lauderdal 200 0 100 300 300 Total receive 300 200 200 Demand 300 200 200 Total cost = 3900 Cost for Assignments erson\Project Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Adams 11 14 6 Brown 8 10 11 Cooper 9 12 7 Made Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Total pSupply Adams 0 0 1 1 1 Brown 0 1 0 1 1 Cooper 1 0 0 1 1 Total assigne 1 1 1 Total workers 1 1 1 Total cost = 25 Frosty Machines Transshipment Problem From\To Toronto Detroit Chicago Buffalo Shipping Cost Per Unit Chicago Buffalo NYC Phil. St.Louis 4 7 5 7 6 4 5 2 3 4 Toronto Detroit Chicago Buffalo Total receiv Demand Solution - Number of Chicago Buffalo NYC 650 150 0 300 0 450 650 450 450 450 Total cost = 9550 units shipped Phil. St.Louis Total shipped Supply 800 800 300 700 350 300 650 0 0 450 350 300 350 300 9.4 Birmingham Transportation Enter Enter the the transportation transportation data data in in the the shaded shaded area. area. Then Then go go to to the the DATA DATATab Tab on on the the ribbon, ribbon, click click on on Solver Solver in in the the Data DataAnalysis Analysis Group Group and and then then click click SOLVE. SOLVE. IfIf SOLVER SOLVER isis not not on on the the Data Data Tab Tab then then please please see see the the Help Help file file (Solver) (Solver) for for instructions. instructions. Data COSTS Origin 1 Origin 2 Origin 3 Origin 4 Demand Shipments Shipments Origin 1 Origin 2 Origin 3 Origin 4 Column Total Total Cost Dest 1 73 85 88 84 10000 Dest 2 Dest 3 Dest 4 Supply 103 88 108 15000 80 100 90 6000 97 78 118 14000 79 90 99 11000 12000 15000 9000 46000 \ 46000 Dest 1 Dest 2 Dest 3 Dest 4 Row Total 10000 0 1000 4000 15000 0 1000 0 5000 6000 0 0 14000 0 14000 0 11000 0 0 11000 10000 12000 15000 9000 46000 \ 46000 3741000 Page 75 9.4 lver in olver in the the Data DataAnalysis Analysis Page 76 9.5 A 1 B C D E F Fix-It Shop Assignment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assignment Enter Enter the the assignment assignment costs costs in in the the shaded shaded area. area. Then Then go go to to the the DATA DATATab Tab on on the the ribbon, ribbon, click click on on Solver Solver in in the the Data DataAnalysis Analysis Group Group and and then then click click SOLVE. SOLVE. IfIf SOLVER SOLVER isis not not on on the the Data Data Tab Tab then then please please see see the the Help Help file file (Solver) (Solver) for for instructions. instructions. Data 9 COSTS 10 Adams 11 Brown 12 Cooper 8 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 11 14 6 8 10 11 9 12 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Assignments Shipments Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Row Total Adams 1 1 Brown 1 1 Cooper 1 1 Column Total 1 1 1 3 20 21 Total Cost 25 22 Page 77 G Harrison Electric Integer Programming Analysis Variables Values Profit Chandeliers Fans X1 X2 5 0 7 6 Constraints Wiring hours Assembly hours 2 6 3 5 Total Profit 35 LHS 10 30 Sign < < RHS 12 30 Bagwell Chemical Company Xyline (bags)Hexall (lbs) Variables X Y Values 44 20 Total Profit Profit 85 1.5 3770 Constraints Ingredient A Ingredient B Ingredient C 30 18 2 0.5 0.4 0.1 LHS 1330 800 90 sign < < < RHS 2000 800 200 Quemo Chemical Company Catalytic Conv. Variables X1 Values 1 Net Present Val 25000 Constraints Year 1 Year 2 8000 7000 Software X2 0 18000 6000 4000 Warehouse Expan. X3 1 NPV 32000 57000 12000 8000 LHS 20000 15000 sign < < RHS 20000 16000 Sitka Manufacturing Company Baytown Variables X1 Values 0 Cost 340000 Constraints Minimum capacity Maximum in Baytown Maximum in L. C. Maximum in Mobile Lake Charles X2 1 270000 Mobile X3 1 290000 Baytown units X4 0 32 1 1 -21000 -20000 -19000 L. Charles units Mobile units X5 X6 19000 19000 33 30 1 1 1 1 Cost 1757000 LHS 38000 0 -1000 0 Sign RHS > 38000 < 0 < 0 < 0 ` Simkin, Simkin and Steinberg Variables X1 Values 0 Return ($1,000s) 50 Constraints Texas 1 Foreigh Oil California $3 Million 480 X2 0 80 1 540 X3 1 90 X4 1 120 X5 1 110 1 1 X6 1 40 X7 0 75 1 680 1000 700 1 510 1 900 Return 360 LHS 2 1 1 2890 Sign > < = < RHS 2 1 1 3000 Great Western Appliance Variables Values MicroSelf-Clean X1 X2 0 1000 Terms X1 Calculated Values 0 Profit 28 Constraints Capacity 1 Hours Available 0.5 X2 1000 21 1 0.4 X22 ### 0.25 Profit 271000 LHS 1000 400 Sign RHS < 1000 < 500 Hospicare Corp Variables Values X1 ### Terms X1 Calculated Values### Profit Constraints Nursing X-Ray Budget 13 X2 ### X12 X1*X2 X2 X23 1/X2 ### 0 ### ### Total Profit 1 ### 2 1 8 ### 6 ### 5 4 1 -2 LHS 90.00 75.00 40.33 Sign RHS < 90 < 75 < 61 Thermlock Gaskets Variables Values Cost Value Constraints Hardness Tensile Stre Elasticity X1 3.325 5 X2 14.672 Total Cost 7 119.333 X1 X12 X13 X2 X22 3.325 11.058 36.771 14.672 215.276 3 13 0.7 0.25 4 1 1 0.3 LHS Sign ### > 80 > 17 > RHS 125 80 17 Solved Problem 10-1 Variables Values Maximize Constraints Constraint 1 Constraint 2 Constraint 3 Constraint 4 X1 1 50 19 22 1 1 X2 1 45 27 13 1 -1 X3 0 48 Total 95 34 12 1 0 LHS Sign RHS 46 < 80 35 < 40 2 < 2 0 < 0 Forecasting - Exponential Smoothing Ft+1 = Ft + α(Yt-Ft) Time Period (t)Demand (Yt) Forecast (Ft) Error = Yt - F |error| α = 0.3478 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 110 156 126 138 124 125 160 110 110 125.999999781 125.9999998571 130.1739128932 128.0264649597 126.9737815099 138.461161697 0 46.000 0.000 12.000 -6.174 -3.026 33.026 MAD= 46.000 0.000 12.000 6.174 3.026 33.026 16.704 F1 is assumed to be a perfect forecast. MAD is based on time periods 2 through 7 ` General Foundry Project Management Precedences; 3 time estimates Enter Enter the the times times in in the the appropriate appropriate column(s). column(s). Enter Enter the the precedences, precedences, one one per per column. column. (Do (Do not not try try to to use use commas). commas). Data Activity Optimistic Likely Pessimistic Mean A 1 2 3 B 2 3 4 C 1 2 3 D 2 4 6 E 1 4 7 F 1 2 9 G 3 4 11 H 1 2 3 Precedences Immediate Predecessors (1 per column) Activity Time Pred 1 Pred 2 A 2 B 3 C 2 A D 4 B E 4 C F 3 C G 5 D E H 2 F G 2 3 2 4 4 3 5 2 A Std dev Variance B 0.333333 0.111111 0.333333 C 0.111111 0.333333 0.111111 D 0.666667 0.444444 1 E 1 1.333333 1.777778 F 1.333333 1.777778 0.333333 G 0.111111 H 0 2 4 6 Slack Early Start Early Finish 0 0 2 0 4 4 8 13 Project Early start computations A B C D E F G H Late finish computations A B A 15 B 15 C 2 D 15 E 15 Late Start Late Finish 2 3 4 4 8 7 13 15 15 0 12 2 4 4 10 8 13 0 0 2 0 4 4 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 13 Variance 0.111111 0 12 0 4 0 6 0 0 0.111111 1 Project C 15 15 15 15 15 Slack 2 15 4 8 8 13 13 15 D 15 15 15 15 4 E 15 15 15 15 15 F 15 15 15 15 15 G 15 15 15 15 15 1.777778 0.111111 3.111111 1.763834 H 15 15 15 15 15 8 Time Noncritical Activity Results Activity A B C D E F G H Gantt Chart 15 15 15 15 15 1 C F G H Graph A B C D E F G H 15 15 15 2 0 0 2 0 4 4 8 13 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 4 15 8 15 8 15 8 15 8 Critical Act Noncritical Slack 2 0 0 0 3 12 2 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 3 6 5 0 0 2 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 15 13 13 Graph H G F E D C B A 15 15 13 13 15 15 15 15 13 8 4 4 0 2 0 0 Critical Acti 2 5 0 4 0 2 0 2 t try ot try to to use use Gantt Chart 2 6 lack 4 8 Time Noncritical Activity 10 12 Critical Activity 14 16 Noncritical Slack 0 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 12 0 Crashing A 3 4 5 B C Project Management 8 E F G H I J K L M Crashing Enter Enter the the data data in in the the shaded shaded area. area. Then Then go go to to the the DATA DATATab Tab on on the the ribbon, ribbon, click click on on Solver Solver in in the the Data DataAnalysis Analysis Group Group and and then then click click SOLVE. SOLVE. IfIf SOLVER SOLVER isis not not on on the the Data DataTab Tab then then please please see see the the Help Help file file (Solver) (Solver) for for instructions. instructions. 6 7 D Data Project goal 12 Results Normal time Minimum time 15 7 Minimum crash cost to meet project goal $ Project time 5,000.00 12 9 Immediate Predecessors (1 per column) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Activity A B C D E F G H Normal Normal Time Cost 2 ### 3 ### 2 ### 4 ### 4 ### 3 ### 5 ### 2 ### Crash Time 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 Crash Cost $23,000 $34,000 $27,000 $49,000 $58,000 $30,500 $86,000 $19,000 Pred 1 Pred 2 A B C C D F E G 20 344787981.xls Pred 3 Pred 4 Crash days 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 Intermediate Computations Crash cost/da y Crash limit 1000 1 2000 2 1000 1 1000 1 1000 2 500 1 2000 3 3000 1 0 0 Crashing N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Computations 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 344787981.xls Crashing General Foundry Problem Values Minimize cost A crash max. B crash max. C crash max. D crash max. E crash max. F crash max. G crash max. H crash max. Due date Start A constraint B constraint C constraint D constraint E constraint F constraint G constraint 1 G constraint 2 H constraint 1 H constraint 2 Finish constraint YA YB YC YD YE YF YG YH XST XA XB XC XD XE XF XG 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 3 7 7 6 10 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 500 2000 3000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 XH 12 XFIN 12 1 1 1 -1 1 Totals 5000 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 12 0 2 3 2 4 4 3 5 5 6 2 0 < < < < < < < < < = > > > > > > > > > > > 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 12 0 2 3 2 4 4 3 5 5 2 2 0 Arnold's Muffler Shop Waiting Lines M/M/1 (Single Server Model) The RATE and service RATE both rates and use same Given aa time The arrival RATE and service RATE both must rates and use the same time unit. The arrival arrival RATE and service RATE both must must be ratesbe and use the the same time unit. Given time The arrival RATE and service RATE bothbe must be rates and usetime theunit. same time unit. Given Given aa such 10 convert to 66 per hour. such as as 10 minutes, minutes, convert ititconvert to aa rate rate such such as persuch time such as it a time such as 10 10 minutes, minutes, convert it to toas a rate rate such as 66 per per hour. hour. Data Results Arrival rate () Average server utilization() 2 0.66667 Average number of customers in the queue(L Service rate () 3 1.33333 Average number of customers in the system(L 2 Average waiting time in the queue(Wq 0.66667 Average time in the system(Ws) 1 Probability (% of time) system is empty (P 0.33333 Probabilities Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probabi lity ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### e Probabilit y 0.333333 0.555556 0.703704 0.802469 0.868313 0.912209 0.941472 0.960982 0.973988 0.982658 0.988439 0.992293 0.994862 0.996575 0.997716 0.998478 0.998985 0.999323 0.999549 0.999699 0.999800 unit. unit. Given Given aa Arnold's Muffler Shop Waiting Lines M/M/s The The arrival arrival RATE RATE and and service service RATE RATE both both must must be be rates rates and and use use the the same same time time unit. unit. Given Given aa time such as 10 minutes, convert it to a rate such as 6 per hour. time such as 10 minutes, convert it to a rate such as 6 per hour. Data Results Arrival rate () Average server utilization() 2 0.33333 Average number of customers in the queue(L q) 0.08333 Service rate () 3 Number of servers(s) Probabilities Number 2 Average number of customers in the system(L) 0.75 Average waiting time in the queue(W q) 0.04167 Average time in the system(W) 0.375 Probability (% of time) system is empty (P 0) 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Probability 0.500000 0.333333 0.111111 0.037037 0.012346 0.004115 0.001372 0.000457 0.000152 0.000051 0.000017 0.000006 0.000002 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (lam/mu)^nCumsum(n-term2 1 0.666667 1 0.222222 1.666667 0.049383 1.888889 0.00823 1.938272 0.001097 1.946502 0.000122 1.947599 1.2E-005 1.947721 9.7E-007 1.947733 7.2E-008 1.947734 4.8E-009 1.947734 2.9E-010 1.947734 1.6E-011 1.947734 8.3E-013 1.947734 3.9E-014 1.947734 Computations n or s Cumulative Probability 0.500000 0.833333 0.944444 0.981481 0.993827 0.997942 0.999314 0.999771 0.999924 0.999975 0.999992 0.999997 0.999999 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 P0(s) 2 0.3333333333 0.0634920635 0.0098765432 0.0012662235 0.0001371742 0.000012835 1.05569378546059E-006 7.74175442671098E-008 5.12020795417393E-009 3.08313597240581E-010 1.70369367459144E-011 8.69753527569206E-013 4.12575391282828E-014 0.33333 0.5 0.5122 0.51331 0.51341 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.7E-015 7.3E-017 2.9E-018 1.1E-019 3.7E-021 1.2E-022 3.9E-024 1.2E-025 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.947734 1.82757648408783E-015 7.59282983727312E-017 2.96998446015785E-018 1.09750556974159E-019 3.84311714656988E-021 1.27871411410371E-022 4.05275511573853E-024 1.22628006974231E-025 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 0.51342 Rho(s) 0.666667 0.333333 0.222222 0.166667 0.133333 0.111111 0.095238 0.083333 0.074074 0.066667 0.060606 0.055556 0.051282 0.047619 Lq(s) 1.333333 0.083333 0.009292 0.001014 0.0001 8.8E-006 6.9E-007 4.9E-008 3.2E-009 1.9E-010 1.0E-011 5.1E-013 2.4E-014 1.1E-015 L(s) 2 0.75 0.675958 0.667681 0.666767 0.666675 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 Wq(s) 0.666667 0.041667 0.004646 0.000507 5.0E-005 4.4E-006 3.5E-007 2.5E-008 1.6E-009 9.4E-011 5.1E-012 2.6E-013 1.2E-014 5.3E-016 W(S) 1 0.375 0.337979 0.33384 0.333383 0.333338 0.333334 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.044444 0.041667 0.039216 0.037037 0.035088 0.033333 0.031746 0.030303 4.4E-017 1.7E-018 6.2E-020 2.2E-021 7.2E-023 2.3E-024 6.8E-026 2.0E-027 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 0.666667 2.2E-017 8.5E-019 3.1E-020 1.1E-021 3.6E-023 1.1E-024 3.4E-026 9.8E-028 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 Garcia-Golding Recycling Waiting Lines M/D/1 (Constant Service Times) The RATE and service RATE both rates and use same Given aa time The arrival RATE and service RATE both must rates and use the same time unit. The arrival RATE and service RATE bothbe must be rates and usetime theunit. same time unit. Given Given The arrival arrival RATE and service RATE both must must be ratesbe and use the the same time unit. Given time such as 10 itit to aa rate as per a time as 10convert minutes, it to such as 6 per hour. assuch 10 minutes, minutes, convert toconvert rate such such asa66rate per hour. hour. asuch Data Arrival rate () 8 Service rate () 12 Results Average server utilization() 0.667 Average number of customers in the queue(L 0.667 Average number of customers in the system(L 1.333 Average waiting time in the queue(W 0.083 Average time in the system(Ws) 0.167 Probability (% of time) system is empty 0.333(P Department of Commerce Waiting Lines M/M/s with a finite population The The arrival rate is for each member of the population. they go for service every 20 minutes then enter enter 33 (per (per The arrival arrival rate rate is is for for each each member member of of the the population. population. IfIfIf they they go go for for service service every every 20 20 minutes minutes then then hour). hour). then enter enter 33 (per (per hour). hour). Data Results Arrival rate () per customer Service rate () 0.05 0.5 Number of servers 1 Population size (N) 5 Average server utilization() 0.436 Average number of customers in the queue(L 0.2035 Average number of customers in the system(L 0.6395 Average waiting time in the queue(W 0.9333 Average time in the system(Ws) 2.9333 Probability (% of time) system is empty 0.564(P Effective arrival rate 0.218 Probabilities Number, n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Probability, P(n) 0.5639522 0.2819761 0.1127904 0.0338371 0.0067674 0.0006767 Cumulative Probability Number waiting 0.56395218 0.84592827 0.9587187 0.99255583 0.99932326 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 Arrival rate(n) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 31 Term 1 Sum term 1 Term 2 1 1 1 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.06 0.012 0.0012 1.7732 Sum term Decum 2 term 2 P0(s) 1 0.7732 1.5 0.2732 0.563952 1.7 0.0732 1.76 0.0132 1.772 0.0012 1.7732 0 Harry's Tire Shop Probability 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.15 NOTE: The random numbers appearing here may not be the same as the ones in th Probability Range (Lower) 0 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.65 0.85 Cumulative Tires Probability Demand 0.05 0 0.15 1 0.35 2 0.65 3 0.85 4 1 5 Results (Frequency table) Tires Demanded Frequency Percentage Cum % 0 0 0% 0% 1 2 20% 20% 2 1 10% 30% 3 2 20% 50% 4 3 30% 80% 5 2 20% 100% 10 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Random Simulated Number Demand 0.449176 3 0.572293 3 0.338668 2 0.881313 5 0.787202 4 0.077921 1 0.700836 4 0.081046 1 0.923639 5 0.783819 4 Average 3.2 not be the same as the ones in the book, but the formulas are the same. Generating Normal Random Numbers Random number 35.66217706 43.4541210475 30.9997808372 39.9841791973 33.9599191774 38.0507262478 39.4126226815 41.6584858903 35.3366608808 38.3847299047 45.7094588485 43.0334214104 43.4415082129 39.2490803259 43.1336798745 38.3049433749 42.5800331792 41.7288995074 40.6773544585 41.8763848974 40.8345128271 45.1887589042 43.6570248457 44.2625120011 42.9724933155 36.5383682642 26.2505138431 31.2225714125 38.1135966805 37.9581972212 39.8997401042 36.4921817379 38.7180210312 38.3623987397 34.8027000158 46.6073142417 41.6343524839 54.1012330859 39.1086150687 42.5744691587 39.2129381568 43.2118977598 42.353608553 46.2890184771 43.0296486927 42.4460874494 52.3155323844 NOTE: The random numbers appearing here may not be the same as the Value 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Frenquency Percentage 0 0.0% 2 1.0% 3 1.5% 9 4.5% 9 4.5% 12 6.0% 24 12.0% 31 15.5% 36 18.0% 29 14.5% 19 9.5% 11 5.5% 8 4.0% 2 1.0% 2 1.0% 3 1.5% 200 35.5923846141 34.9932454573 37.1689602802 29.6145236177 41.1177530643 36.3092534493 40.5170367891 39.1796352761 33.9545351361 30.8584053987 38.415004549 32.7954472803 37.1403855814 46.3594106276 49.2193389159 41.2899619769 38.0816743249 54.8581024177 50.0418283515 36.8188921655 30.8735303765 35.7582161763 36.6767120171 38.0121050781 34.3666147531 29.5810750591 40.4374777304 48.3660368738 45.6292837245 35.8088828152 39.2633515927 39.7306688246 39.2341007536 31.5738994359 42.3997806629 45.2499887843 41.5171822923 33.2874514651 39.0765634783 30.094892767 36.8958895142 40.9014310506 45.6729809924 42.1224653374 37.4920543039 31.4109352909 41.285195843 42.602684259 43.4748279927 32.4683215 40.5806186595 42.4786300634 39.0472866491 45.651830371 48.7841820432 42.4312503067 40.1865630393 41.9683261549 43.8482496906 47.0771658999 38.6028206609 41.8630447419 37.6025940189 41.6283737496 45.5281081134 40.9280745546 40.7726313266 39.8234645921 45.1943822201 49.2426216956 35.3124112917 33.9936590816 41.1265867744 49.1292858781 45.0868178565 39.738677419 38.5557929013 46.3600971566 46.4383018845 40.2577030067 38.3859498488 43.9387537922 36.2960875488 33.8285064034 31.6075871977 27.3843298459 46.7638188995 39.4173314397 44.8242463459 28.1929171102 48.1738825527 31.0741621374 45.8710376998 40.1986664824 45.559721804 42.343034699 47.8401692327 46.7182708109 37.2917470546 36.1064605769 42.7435790251 41.8541329641 37.554476295 44.3046112576 42.3946592738 36.6802059419 40.2710462285 41.3794589387 51.1166284813 32.0686330505 41.7848287758 36.3232268837 35.7626995839 40.0657947913 42.2607490588 34.8478840083 44.0981643574 42.5652300974 36.1927075118 44.3196810757 41.0868619387 46.3011533903 47.2267852579 36.7188017193 38.8519132653 36.1934612567 49.6029103598 41.334447226 40.6266067372 49.4014768024 44.2172741182 38.9060442782 42.751476354 40.6263771405 53.9016501819 42.8697492759 36.6298976656 44.9862230482 42.5213835647 34.0155427788 37.6638640275 43.7070881191 37.1967743087 37.8872884314 40.2536279818 39.3881045531 41.2544234875 40.736369335 54.239675664 44.5716652578 40.6530315606 39.3338354007 33.0779366473 ay not be the same as the ones in the book, but the formulas are the same. Harry's Auto Tire Enter you Enter the the values values and and the the requencies requencies in in the the top top table. table. Press Press F9 F9 to to run run another another simulation. simulation. IfIf you you like, like, you may enter the random numbers in the column labeled "Random number". you may enter the random numbers in the column labeled "Random number". may enter the random numbers in the column labeled "Random number". you may enter the random numbers in the column labeled "Random number". Simulation Data Random Number Sorter Category name 0 Category 1 5 Category 2 15 Category 3 35 Category 4 65 Category 5 Expected Value Value 85 Category 6 Total Simulation trials Trial Random Number Value 1 22.8900237009 2 70.3702027211 3 71.4120813878 4 90.894848574 5 56.255218084 6 14.3627001438 7 49.3072967511 8 40.8398482716 9 86.3991524791 10 6.0743131209 11 80.7928047841 12 44.799211924 13 93.8955886755 14 18.9728558296 15 97.3265731707 16 18.8319931272 17 72.5881911581 18 23.485507234 19 88.9919940149 20 17.0039511984 21 91.8881825637 22 74.69147956 23 99.4226894109 24 73.5060438048 25 19.0859120572 26 77.1607221104 27 58.6619689828 28 78.8606178248 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 4 5 3 1 3 3 5 1 4 3 5 2 5 2 4 2 5 2 5 4 5 4 2 4 3 4 Frequency 10 20 40 60 40 30 200 Cumulative Value * Probability Probability Frequency 0.05 0.05 0 0.1 0.15 20 0.2 0.35 80 0.3 0.65 180 0.2 0.85 160 0.15 1 Expected 150 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 68.5886266408 17.9254049901 18.8293419313 38.1274621701 22.8036499582 15.7862418797 61.2161038909 15.201445506 13.7213571463 3.0067386106 86.8577451911 33.4866090911 19.7712074034 25.6976653123 95.5655977828 74.9597870279 1.2430545408 52.9916756554 55.4621624062 73.0321761221 48.59406834 88.2621139754 54.0364086162 67.1644056216 26.2794302776 95.1684745261 29.157937807 65.1450897101 37.4737669248 8.8827905478 2.8544727713 84.9805137375 99.5820469456 81.1015354702 99.182711821 32.3291743174 34.8162844079 86.8591265054 57.7946602833 73.5104673542 87.2502506012 39.9015814066 65.2849586448 89.7253899369 80.1764891483 19.1533505684 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 0 5 2 2 2 5 4 0 3 3 4 3 5 3 4 2 5 2 4 3 1 0 4 5 4 5 2 2 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 2 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 52.2505224217 44.1956240917 45.5989846028 93.2668151567 46.8185584294 23.8823801512 98.3112802263 64.2099103425 32.2139839409 20.4450122546 34.5314383507 74.3251680396 0.0500658061 95.2479100088 31.2648780411 8.964074566 10.7813088223 64.4238760928 0.3198517254 22.6206715684 32.5894006295 7.6591262361 65.2365585091 95.4842021922 93.5619320953 72.5847069873 54.0295996936 83.7285606889 11.0218179412 52.2487533046 43.5149635887 95.5267214682 76.4233416179 92.0931770001 87.9557676846 20.0083405711 0.5574464565 75.9208671981 50.528338179 78.1940029236 35.7695176499 1.2391780969 64.0809280099 72.4709199509 74.2071215529 87.4271171167 3 3 3 5 3 2 5 3 2 2 2 4 0 5 2 1 1 3 0 2 2 1 4 5 5 4 3 4 1 3 3 5 4 5 5 2 0 4 3 4 3 0 3 4 4 5 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 20.8654625108 42.2588814981 90.4488344444 17.6485036965 52.4875628529 39.9065654725 24.1868208628 55.2028777543 46.4802255621 40.8364770701 57.3154730257 10.7205542503 38.6630218709 22.76611696 60.5356013402 69.6791257244 66.9041987276 97.4071971374 35.7183869695 57.4116867268 72.1197341802 65.8680128632 99.0398705238 85.2428071899 95.7474360941 38.2660532836 33.7398207048 72.6344193798 70.3811890678 75.4429384368 33.2980142441 61.2077435711 86.4855042426 46.6657841345 19.2036100896 50.6395783741 20.0543286512 56.6374006914 84.4483341323 48.938318342 91.15736268 7.9124493757 45.0878832024 98.9690010669 15.5556295533 87.5270802993 2 3 5 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 5 1 3 5 2 5 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 24.4515901199 17.4784969771 29.7331007896 9.1989770066 30.9250849765 53.784429864 15.9133591224 4.3543504085 2.7481737547 39.6302024135 27.888119407 67.983404221 98.6363616539 32.6203250326 44.498590799 20.231256634 84.8455259111 76.5323361149 88.2226668298 50.4917829297 39.0589143848 73.4208649723 52.2085150238 60.2563095512 65.4621685157 17.909296602 52.6507224888 42.3929086421 18.2651501615 60.7217872282 38.268987136 11.1037781695 95.6373346271 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 0 0 3 2 4 5 2 3 2 4 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 5 200 97.6083526621 5 other you other simulation. simulation. IfIf you you like, like, you ". mber". ". mber". Simulation results Simulation Occurrences Value Totals 0 1 2 3 4 9 12 46 55 40 5 38 200 Occurences * Percentage Value 0.045 0 0.06 12 0.23 92 0.275 165 0.2 160 0.19 1 Average 190 619 3.095 Port of New Orleans Barge Unloadings Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Previously delayed 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Total to Random be number Arrivals unoaded 0.40506 2 2 0.012574 0 0 0.310235 2 2 0.06141 0 0 0.398153 2 2 0.762375 4 4 0.732746 4 5 0.3762 2 3 0.708391 4 4 0.692791 3 3 Barge Arrivals Demand Probability Lower CumulativeDemand 0 0.13 0 0.13 0 1 0.17 0.13 0.3 1 2 0.15 0.3 0.45 2 3 0.25 0.45 0.7 3 4 0.2 0.7 0.9 4 5 0.1 0.9 1 5 NOTE: The random numbers appearing here may not Random Possibly Number unloaded Unloaded 0.772695 4 2 0.314004 3 0 0.100185 2 2 0.942721 5 0 0.440008 3 2 0.272945 3 3 0.895601 4 4 0.933073 5 3 0.813173 4 4 0.935232 5 3 Unloading rates Number Probability Lower 1 0.05 0 2 0.15 0.05 3 0.5 0.2 4 0.2 0.7 5 0.1 0.9 numbers appearing here may not be the same as the ones in the book, but the formulas are the same. CumulativeUnloading 0.05 1 0.2 2 0.7 3 0.9 4 1 5 Three Hills Power Company Breakdow n number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Random number 0.1752 0.4306 0.0822 0.5608 0.5267 0.3154 0.4012 0.8527 0.8936 0.3312 Demand Time Table between breakdow ns Probability 0.5 0.05 1.0 0.06 1.5 0.16 2.0 0.33 2.5 0.21 3.0 0.19 Time Time of Time between breakdown repairperson is breakdowns s free 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 3.5 4.5 1 4.5 5.5 2 6.5 6.5 2 8.5 8.5 2 10.5 11.5 2 12.5 13.5 3 15.5 15.5 3 18.5 18.5 2 20.5 20.5 Random Number 0.9045 0.2455 0.1960 0.0326 0.9869 0.7180 0.1775 0.9581 0.4937 0.1613 Repair time 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 Repair times Lower 0 0.05 0.11 0.27 0.6 0.81 Cumulative 0.05 0.11 0.27 0.6 0.81 1 Demand 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time 1 2 3 NOTE: The random numbers appearing here may not be the same as the ones in the book, but the formulas Repair ends 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 11.5 13.5 14.5 18.5 20.5 21.5 Repair times Probability Lower CumulativeLead time 0.28 0.00 0.28 1 0.52 0.28 0.80 2 0.20 0.80 1.00 3 in the book, but the formulas are the same. Three Grocery Example Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 State Probabilities American Food S Food Mart Atlas Foods #1 #2 #3 Matrix of Transition Probabilities 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.41 0.31 0.28 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.415 0.314 0.271 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.4176 0.3155 0.2669 0.41901 0.31599 0.265 0.419807 0.316094 0.264099 0.4202748 0.3160663 0.2636589 Accounts Receivable Example P= I:0 A:B = I-B= 1 0 0.6 0.4 0 1 0 0.1 0.8 -0.3 -0.2 0.8 F = (I - B) inverse 1.37931 0.344828 0.517241 1.37931 FA = 0.965517 0.034483 0.862069 0.137931 0 0 0.2 0.3 0 0 0.2 0.2 Box Filling Example Quality Controlx bar chart Enter Enter the the population population standard standard deviation deviation then then enter enter the the data data from from each each sample. sample. Finally,you you may may change change the the number number of of 1 Finally, standard deviations. standard deviations. 36 Number of Sample siz Populatio n standard deviation 2 Data Results Mean Sample 1 16 Average 16 x-bar va 16 z value 3 Sigma x 0.3333 Upper c Center Lower c 17 16 15 Super Cola Example Quality Controlx bar chart Number of Sample si 1 5 Enter Enter the the mean mean and and range range from from each each sample. sample. Data Results Mean Range Sample 1 16.01 0.25 Average 16.01 0.25 Xbar Range x-bar valu 16.01 R bar 0.25 Upper con 16.1543 0.52875 Center li 16.01 0.25 Lower con 15.8658 0 Table Sample size, n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Upper Lower Mean Range, Range, Factor, A2 D4 D3 1.88 3.268 0 1.023 2.574 0 0.729 2.282 0 0.577 2.115 0 0.483 2.004 0 0.419 1.924 0.076 0.373 1.864 0.136 0.337 1.816 0.184 0.308 1.777 0.223 0.285 1.744 0.256 0.266 1.716 0.284 0.249 1.692 0.308 0.235 1.671 0.329 0.223 1.652 0.348 0.212 1.636 0.364 0.203 1.621 0.379 0.194 1.608 0.392 0.187 1.596 0.404 0.18 1.586 0.414 0.173 1.575 0.425 0.167 1.566 0.434 0.162 1.557 0.443 0.157 1.548 0.452 0.153 1.541 0.459 ARCO Quality Control p chart Number o Sample s 20 100 Enter Enter the the sample sample size size then then enter enter the the number number of of defects defects in in each each sample. sample. Data # Defects 1 6 2 5 3 0 4 1 5 4 6 2 7 5 8 3 9 3 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 8 1 7 1 5 1 4 1 11 1 3 1 0 2 4 Graph information Sample 1 0.06 Sample 2 0.05 Sample 3 0 Sample 4 0.01 Sample 5 0.04 Sample 6 0.02 Sample 7 0.05 Sample 8 0.03 Sample 9 0.03 Sample 1 0.02 Sample 1 0.06 Sample 1 0.01 Sample 1 0.08 Sample 1 0.07 % Defects 0.06 0.05 0 0.01 0.04 0.02 Upper Co 0.05 Center L 0.03 Lower Co 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.11 Above UCL 0.03 0 0.04 Mean Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Results Total Sam Total Def Percenta Std dev o z value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 2000 80 0.04 ### 3 ### 0.04 0 p-chart 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample 1 1 1 1 1 2 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.03 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 0.09879 chart Sample Quality Controlc chart Number of 9 Enter Enter the the number number of of defects defects for for each each of of the the samples/items. samples/items. Data Results Total un 9 Total De 54 Defect rate, 6 Standard2.4495 z value 3 # Defects Sample 1 3 Sample 2 0 Sample 3 8 Sample 4 9 Sample 5 6 Sample 6 7 Sample 7 4 Sample 8 9 Sample 9 8 Graph information Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9 3 0 8 9 6 7 4 9 8 Upper C 13.35 Center 6 Lower C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 13.34847 Mean Red Top Cab Company c-chart 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Sam c-chart 5 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sample 7 8 9 AHP n= 3 Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Priority Sys.1 1 3 9 Sys.1 0.6923 0.7200 0.5625 0.6583 2.0423 3.1025 Sys.2 0.3333 1 6 Sys.2 0.2308 0.2400 0.3750 0.2819 0.8602 3.0512 Sys.3 0.1111 0.1667 1 Sys.3 0.0769 0.0400 0.0625 0.0598 0.1799 3.0086 Column Total 1.4444 4.1667 16 Hardware Software Wt. sum vector Consistency vector Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Priority Sys.1 1 0.5 0.125 Sys.1 0.0909 0.0769 0.0943 0.0874 0.2623 3.0014 Sys.2 2 1 0.2 Sys.2 0.1818 0.1538 0.1509 0.1622 0.4871 3.0028 Sys.3 8 5 1 Sys.3 0.7273 0.7692 0.7547 0.7504 2.2605 3.0124 Column Total 11 6.5 1.325 Vendor Wt. sum vector Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Sys.1 Sys.2 Sys.3 Priority Sys.1 1 1 6 Sys.1 0.4615 0.4286 0.6000 0.4967 1.5330 3.0863 Sys.2 1 1 3 Sys.2 0.4615 0.4286 0.3000 0.3967 1.2132 3.0582 0.1667 0.3333 1 Sys.3 0.0769 0.1429 0.1000 0.1066 0.3216 3.0172 Column Total 2.1667 2.3333 10 Sys.3 Factor Wt. sum vector Hard. Soft. Vendor Hardware Software Vendor Priority Hardware 1 0.125 0.3333 Hardware 0.0833 0.0857 0.0769 0.0820 Wt. sum vector 0.2460 3.0004 Software 8 1 3 Software 0.6667 0.6857 0.6923 0.6816 2.0468 3.0031 Vendor 3 0.3333 1 Vendor 0.2500 0.2286 0.2308 0.2364 0.7096 3.0011 Column Total 12 1.4583 4.3333 n RI Hardware Software Vendor Priority 2 0.00 Sys.1 0.658 0.087 0.497 0.231 3 0.58 Sys.2 0.282 0.162 0.397 0.227 4 0.90 Sys.3 0.060 0.750 0.107 0.542 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 Consistency vector Lambd 3.0541 CI 0.0270 CR 0.0466 Lambd 3.005543075 CI 0.0028 CR 0.0048 Lambd 3.0539 CI 0.0269 CR 0.0464 Lambd 3.0015 CI 0.0008 CR 0.0013 Matrix Multiplication A= 1 1 2 2 3 0 B= AxB = 2 1 3 1 1 2 13 4 9 3 -0.5 1 Matrix Inverse A= 2 4 1 3 A-inverse= 1.5 -2 4 2 det(A)= -10 Matrix Determinant A= 3 4