Note: 1 feet(‘)=30,48 cm.=0,3048 m. Note: Meaning of glossary term of ’kcmil’: MCM is an abbreviation for thousands of circular mils, an old measurement of wire gauge. 1 MCM = 1 kcmil = 0.5067 square milimeters. A mil is 1/1000 inch. A wire 200 mils in diameter is 40 MCM. MCM is generally used for very large-diameter wire. Most wire uses AWG. kcmil—In the North American electrical industry, conductors larger than 4/0 AWG are generally identified by the area in thousands of circular mils(kcmil), where 1 kcmil = 0.5067 mm². A circular mil is the area of a wire one mil in diameter. One million circular mils is the area of a rod with 1000 mil = 1 inch diameter. IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. Note: 1 horsepower=0,746 kW IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. Note: Electrical Parameter Measuring Unit Symbol Description Voltage Volt V or E Unit of Electrical Potential V=I×R Current Ampere I or i Unit of Electrical Current I=V÷R Resistance Ohm R or Ω Unit of DC Resistance R=V÷I Conductance Siemen G or ℧ Reciprocal of Resistance G=1÷R Capacitance Farad C Unit of Capacitance C=Q÷V Charge Coulomb Q Unit of Electrical Charge Q=C×V Inductance Henry L or H Unit of Inductance VL = -L(di/dt) Power Watts W Unit of Power P = V × I or I2 × R Impedance Ohm Z Unit of AC Resistance Z2 = R2 + X2 Unit of Frequency ƒ=1÷T IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. Frequency Hertz Hz Not: Metrik birimi civa, somun, dübel(çap) gibi malzemelerin ölçülendirme boyutudur(mm.). ~1~ Parçaları birbirine sökülebilir şekilde bağlamaya yarayan, gövde kısmına vida dişi açılmış, başı altıgen, dörtgen veya değişik biçimlerde şekillendirilmiş bağlantı elemanlarını açmaya ve kapamaya yarayan anahtar ölçüleri Metrik – cıvata ve somun anahtar ölçüleri. Note: Minimum size equipment grounding conductors for grounding raceway ‘kablo kanalı’ and equipment. ~2~ Table 1– Minimum size equipment grounding conductors for grounding raceway and equipment. Earthing conductor to the earth electrode must be clearly and permanently labelled ‘SAFETY ELECTRICAL CONNECTION – DO NOT REMOVE’ and this should be placed at the connection of conductor to the electrode. For protective conductors of the same material as the phase conductor the cross-sectional area shall be the same size as the phase conductor upto 16 mm2. IMPORTANT: When the phase conductor is above 16 mm2 then the protective conductor may remain at 16 mm2 until the phase conductor is 35 mm2, after which the protective conductor should be half the size of the phase conductor. The protective conductors previously known as earth continuity conductors must also comply with BS 7671(the IEE Regulations) and in general for phase conductors of less than 16 mm2; this means the protective conductors must be the same size as the phase conductors. When the phase conductor is above 16 mm2 then the protective conductor remains at 16 mm2 until the phase conductor is 35 mm2, after which the protective conductor should be half the cross-sectional area of the phase conductor. ~3~ Note: Isolated Grounded Systems: As permitted by NEC250.146(D) and NEC408.40 exception, consider installing an isolated grounding system to provide a clean signal reference for the proper operation of sensitive electronic equipment. Isolated grounding system for branch circuits. Isolated grounding is a technique that attempts to reduce the chances of “noise” entering the sensitive equipment through the equipment grounding conductor. The grounding pin is not electrically connected to the device yoke, and, so, not connected to the metallic outlet box ‘çıkış kutusu, priz kutusu’. It is therefore “isolated” from the green wire ground. A separate conductor, green with a yellow stripe ‘renk’, is run to the panel board with the rest of the circuit conductors, but it is usually not connected to the metallic enclosure. Instead it is insulated from the enclosure, and run all the way through to the ground bus of the service equipment or the ground connection of a separately derived system. Isolated grounding systems sometimes eliminate ground loop circulating currents. ‘Note that the NEC prefers the term isolated ground, while the IEEE prefers the term insulated ground.’ i Note: The substation and electrical network shall be earthed adequately. This is to avoid overvoltages in the system and to limit harmful step and touch voltages(Power transformers and reactors). The selection of neutral earthing method shall be defined in consideration of the grid structure, protection concept and desired service security. IP KORUMA SINIFLARI VE IP KODLARI(IEC VE EN 60529 STANDARTINA GÖRE) Kullandığımız birçok ürünün üzerinde yer alan ve o ürünün hangi dış etkenlere karşı korunaklı olduğunu belirten “IP” kısaltması literatürde iki farklı açılımı olsa da; iki açılım da aynı anlamla karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisi giriş koruma kodu anlamına gelen “Ingress Protection Code”, diğeri ise uluslararası koruma kodu anlamına gelen “International Protection Code” dur. Tüm dünyada aynı anlama gelen ve evrensel olarak nitelendirilebilen IP kodları; merkezi Brüksel’de bulunan “European Committee for Electromechanical Standardization” tarafından yayınlanan IEC-60529 nolu standartına göre belirlenmiş ve tüm dünya tarafından kabul görmüştür. IP kodunda yer alan 1’inci rakam katı cisimlere karşı koruma ~4~ sınıfını belirtmektedir. IP kodda yer alan 2’nci rakamın anlamı ise ürünün sıvılara karşı koruma sınıfını temsil etmektedir. IP kodunda yer alan 1’inci rakamın anlamları şu şekildedir: 0: Ürünün toza karşı korumasız olduğunu belirtir. Ürünün tehlikeli bölümlerine temas edilebilir. 1: Çapı 50 mm yani 5 cm ve üzerindeki katı cisimlere karşı korumalıdır. Çapı 5 cm ve üzerindeki cisimlercihazın içerisine giremez. 2: Çapı 12,5 mm yani 1,25 cm ve üzerindeki katı cisimlere karşı korumalıdır. Çapı 1,25 cm ve üzerindeki cisimler cihazın içerisine giremez. 3: Çapı 2,5 mm yani 0,25 cm ve üzerindeki katı cisimlere karşı korumalıdır. Çapı 0,25 cm ve üzerindeki cisimler cihazın içerisine giremez. 4: Çapı 1 mm yani 0,1 cm ve üzerindeki katı cisimlere karşı korumalıdır. Çapı 0,1 cm ve üzerindeki cisimler cihazın içerisine giremez. 5: Toz girişine karşı korumalıdır. Toz girişi tamamen engellenememiştir ancak ürüne zarar vermesi söz konusu değildir. 6: Toz geçirmez. Ürüne toz girişi tamamen engellenmiştir. IP kodunda yer alan 2’nci rakamın anlamları şu şekildedir: 0: Cihazın sıvılara karşı herhangi bir muhafazası yoktur. Ürün sıvılara karşı korumasızdır. 1: Cihazın muhafazası düşey sıvı damlalarına karşı korumalıdır. Düşey su damlaları cihazın çalışmasına herhangi bir zarar vermez. 2: Cihazın muhafazası 15º’ye kadar eğiklikte düşen sıvı damlalarına karşı cihazı korumaktadır. Cihaza 0º-15º aralığındaki açılarla düşen sıvı damlaları cihaza herhangi bir zarar vermez. 3: Cihazın muhafazası sıvı püskürtmelerine karşı cihazı korumaktadır. Cihaza 0º-60º’lik açıyla püskürtülen sıvılar cihazın çalışmasını etkilemez. 4: Cihazın muhafazası sıvı sıçramasına karşı cihazı korumaktadır. Cihazın herhangi bir bölgesine herhangi bir yönden sıçrayan sıvı cihazın çalışmasını etkilemez. 5: Cihazın muhafazası fışkırtılan sıvılara karşı cihazı korumaktadır. Cihaza herhangi bir yönden fışkırtılan sıvı cihazın çalışmasını etkilemez. 6: Cihazın muhafazası yüksek şiddetle fışkırtılan sıvalara karşı cihazı korumaktadır. Cihaza herhangi bir yönden yüksek şiddette fışkırtılan su cihazın çalışmasını etkilemez. 7: Cihazın muhafazası geçici olarak sıvıya batırılması durumunda cihazı korumaktadır. Cihaz kataloğunda yer alan basınç ve süre değerlerinde sıvıya batırıldığı takdirde çalışmaya devam edecektir. 8: Cihazın muhafazası kalıcı olarak sıvı altında kalması durumuna uygun şekilde cihazı koruyacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Cihaz kataloğunda yer alan değerlerde sıvı içinde çalışmaya uygun şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Elektrikçi eldivenleri(yalıtkan eldivenler) voltaj dayanım testlerine göre class00, class0, class1, class2, class3, class4 olarak sınıflara ayrılır. Sınıf Maksimum Çalışma Gerilimi V AC Test Gerilimi V AC Dayanım Gerilimi V AC 00 500 V AC 2.500 V AC 5.000 V AC 0 1.000 V AC 5.000 V AC 10.000 V AC 1 7.500 V AC 10.000 V AC 20.000 V AC 2 17.000 V AC 20.000 V AC 30.000 V AC ~5~ 3 26.500 V AC 30.000 V AC 40.000 V AC 4 36.000 V AC 40.000 V AC 50.000 V AC Çizelge 1- Elektriksel değerler. Sınıfına göre eldivenlerde kayıtlı gerilim değerleri aşağıda açıklanmıştır: 1- Maksimum Çalışma Gerilimi: Şebeke nominal gerilimidir. 2- Test Gerilimi: Testlerde eldivene uygulanan gerilimdir. 3- Dayanma Gerilimi: 3 dakika ıslak test gerilimine maruz bırakılan eldivenlere 16 saat boyunca kurutulduktan sonra uygulanan gerilim testidir. ‘What Is a Good Ground Resistance Value?’ The goal in ground resistance is to achieve the lowest ground resistance value possible, that makes sense economically and physically, when contacting the earth, also known as the soil/ground rod ‘çubuk’ interface. Ideally, a ground should be zero ohms of resistance, but… Unfortunately, there is not one Standard ground resistance threshold recognized by all certifying agencies. The NFPA and IEEE recommend a ground resistance value of 5 ohms or less while the NEC has stated to “Make sure that system impedance to ground is less than 5 ohms specified in NEC 50.56. In facilities with sensitive equipment it should be 5 ohms or less.” The telecommunications industry has often used 5 ohms or less as their value for grounding and bonding while electric utilities construct ‘inşa etm.; oluşturm.’ Their ground systems so that the resistance at a large station will be no more than a few tenths ‘onda bir’ of one ohm. In general, the lower the ground resistance, the safer the system is considered to be. Note: Factors Influencing Requirements for a Good Grounding System: In an industrial plant or other facility that requires a grounding system, one or more of the following must be carefully considered(see Fig. 8): 1-) Limiting to definite values the voltage to earth of the entire electrical system. Use of a suitable grounding system can do this by maintaining some point in the circuit at earth potential. Such a grounding system provides these advantages: a-) Limits voltage to which the system-to-ground insulation is subjected, thereby more definitely fixing the insulation rating. b-) Limits the system-to-ground or system-to-frame ‘şasi’ voltage to values safe for personnel. c-) Provides a relatively ‘oldukça’ stable system with a minimum of transient ‘geçici’ overvoltages. d-) Permits any system fault to ground to be quickly isolated. Fig. 8: Typical conditions to be considered in a plant ground system. ~6~ 2-) Proper grounding of metallic enclosures ‘muhafaza’ and support structures that are part of the electrical system and may be contacted by personnel. Also to be included are portable electrically operated devices. Consider that only a small amount of electric current — as little as 0.1 A for one second — can be fatal! An even smaller amount can cause you to lose muscular control. These low currents can occur in your body at voltages as low as 100 V, if your skin is moist ‘nemli’. 3-) Protection against static electricity from friction. Along with this are the attendant ‘eşlik eden, bağlı’ hazards of shock, fire and explosion ‘patlama’. Moving objects that may be inherent ‘doğasında olan’ insulators - such as paper, textiles, conveyor belts ‘taşıyıcı bant’ or power belts and rubberized ‘kauçuklanmış’ fabrics ‘dokuma’ - can develop surprisingly high charges unless properly grounded. 4-) Protection against direct lightning strokes ‘darbe’. Elevated ‘yüksek’ structures, such as stacks ‘baca’, the building proper, and water tanks may require lightning rods connected into the grounding system. 5-) Protection against induced lightning voltages. This is particularly a factor if aerial ‘havai’ power distribution and communications circuits are involved. Lightning arresters may be required in strategic locations throughout the plant. 6-) Providing good grounds for electric process control and communication circuits. With the increased use of industrial control instruments, computers, and communications equipment, accessibility ‘ulaşabilirlik’ of low-resistance ground connections in many plant locations — in office and production areas — must be considered. Factors That Can Change Your Minimum Earth Resistance: We will discuss later what value of earth resistance is considered low enough. You’ll see that there is no general rule usable for all cases. First, however, consider three factors that can change the earth electrode requirements from year to year: 1-) A plant ‘tesis’ or other electrical facility can expand in size. Also, new plants continue to be built larger and larger. Such changes create different needs in the earth electrode. What was formerly ‘eskiden’ a suitably low earth resistance can become an obsolete ‘artık kullanılmayan’ “standard.” 2-) As facilities add more modern sensitive computer-controlled equipment, the problems of electrical noise is magnified ‘büyütm.’. Noise that would not effect cruder ‘daha basit’, older equipment can cause daily problems with new equipment. 3-) As more nonmetallic pipes and conduits ‘elektrik tesisat borusu’ are installed underground, such installations become less and less dependable ‘güvenli’ as effective, low-resistance ground connections. 4-) In many locations, the water table ‘yeraltı suyu düzeyi’ is gradually falling. In a year or so, earth electrode systems that formerly were effective may end up in dry earth of high resistance. These factors emphasize the importance of a continuous, periodic program of earth-resistance testing. It is not enough to check the earth resistance only at the time of installation. Lazy Spikes: The latest designs of digital earth testers can operate with very high temporary ‘geçici’ spike resistances and still give reliable and accurate results. Because the current and voltage are measured separately, it enables electrode measurements to be carried out with test spike resistances up to 400 kΩ. The advantage of these instruments tolerating such high spike resistance is generally that tests can be performed quickly on a green field site ‘kısım, bölüm’ because electrodes do not have to be inserted too far into the ground. However, in urban ‘kentsel’ situations, tests can be carried out using street furniture such as sign posts ‘yol işaret direği’, metal fences and bollards ‘direkler’. Where this is not possible, results have been obtained by laying the temporary electrodes on a wet patch ‘parça’ of concrete ‘beton’. Coiled metal chains or metallized ground mats, with water poured over them, make an even better electrode because they conform ‘uyumlu olm.; uym.’ more intimately ‘yakından’ to the earth’s surface than does a rigid spike ‘sivri uçlu ~7~ çubuk’. This technique has led to measured values of “spike” of less than 10 kΩ, well inside the maximum value that will cause an error to the reading. With modern instruments, any problem with the temporary spikes will be indicated on the display to show that a reading may not be valid. A more suitable position for the spike may have to be used such as along the gap between paving stones ‘kaldırım taşı’, a crack ‘yarık’ in concrete, or in a nearby ‘yakındaki’ puddle ‘su birikintisi’. As long as warning indicators do not appear, sufficient contact has been made and a reliable test may be performed. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘A practical guide to earth resistance testing’ Note: Ground Testing Methods Chart TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘A practical guide to earth resistance testing’ Note: How to Bond Metallic Piping. Step 6. Locate an open hole on your ground and neutral bus and insert the ground wire. These holes are large enough to accommodate ‘yerleştirm.’ up to a #4 awg wire(21.20 mm²), but it may be difficult at times ‘bazen’. If you’re having trouble pushing the wire in, trim a little wire off the end and try with a clean cut piece. Secure ‘bir yere sıkıca tutturm.’ the set screw ‘tespit vidası’ at the lug ‘bağlantı noktası olarak kullanılan çıkıntı’. Replace the panel cover and turn the main breaker back on. ~8~ TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘’ Note: 6. Ground Ring: Ground rings made of copper are extensively used at substations and commercial establishments ‘kuruluş’, such as apartments and supermarkets, etc. These ground rings are often supplemented by grounding rods along with water piping encased ‘kılıfa koym.’ in metal, structural steel and electrodes that are encased in concrete ’konsantre, derişinti’. Installing ground rings around your building, a few feet away from the structural ‘yapısal’ blueprint ‘proje’ can ensure maximum protection of the household ‘ev ile ilgili’ electrical equipment. In cases where the ground resistance is high, supplement ‘tamamlam., eklem.’ the rings with deep-driven grounding rods to lessen ‘azal(t)m.’ the impedance. Generally, ground rods having triplex ‘üç ögeli, üçlü’ configuration are to be used for such purposes, as per the code. According to the standards set by the NEC, a minimum of 2 AWG(13.08 mm. çaplı, 67.2 mm² kesitli, 95-130 A) sized ground rings are to be used at the apartments and the commercial sites. But in practice, it is found that ground rings as large as 500 kcmil(253.4 mm², 19.7 mm. çaplı, 320-430 A) are used for grounding purposes, in an attempt to reduce the ground resistance in the future(?). This can prove to be quite an effective grounding system. Note: Ground rings serve as a great place to connect multiple grounding conductors, such as lightning conductors, ufer groundings and vertically designed electrodes. 7. Grounding Electrode System: This is a single grounding system that can replicate ‘benzerini yapm.’ all the other grounding systems such as: a-) Grounding of underground metal water piping, b-) Grounding of the steel used to build apartments and other structures, c-) Grounding of the ~9~ electrode encased in concrete, d-) Grounding of the pipes and deep driven rod electrodes, e-) Grounding of the plated electrodes, f-) Grounding of the copper rings, g-) Grounding of the entire metal piping that cross the ground rings. Using this single grounding electrode system, you can effectively bond all you domestic electrical equipment that need grounding such as television, telephones, antennas and radio towers, etc. 8. Lightning Protecion System: When installing grounding systems, for protecting the electrical equipment during lightning strikes, make it a point to use a copper grounding system. This is because, copper is far more superior compared to other metals and alloys, as far as ‘sürece’ the rate of discharging the fault current into the ground is concerned. This is also prove to be a cost effective alternative, because copper does not corrode quickly and also needs less maintenance when compared to the other metals. 9. Surge Protection Device(SPDS): Using SPDs at critical equipment is always encouraged. They can quite ‘iyice, tam, hayli’ effectively jolt ‘aniden etkinleştirm.’ down the fault currents when properly connected to high quality, low impedance and robust ‘sağlam yapılmış’ grounding electrodes. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘’ IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. Note: Generally, a surge protection device should not be installed downstream from an uninterruptible power supply(UPS). NEUTRAL SYSTEM – SINGLE EARTHED OR MULTI EARTHED? The Neutral System ~10~ In distribution system three phase load is unbalance and non-linear so the neutral plays a very important role in distribution system. Neutral system – Single earthed or multi earthed? Generally, distribution networks are operated in an unbalanced configuration and also service to consumers. This causes current flowing through neutral conductor and voltage dropping on neutral wire. The unbalance load and excessive current in neutral wire is one of the issues in three phase four-wire distribution systems that causes voltage drop through neutral wire and makes tribulations 'dert' for costumers. The existence of neutral earth voltage makes unbalance in three phase voltages for three phase customers and reduction of phase to neutral voltage for single phase customers. * Multi-grounded three-phase four-wire service is widely adopted 'kullanm., kabul etm.' in modern power distribution systems due to having lower installation costs and higher sensitivity of fault protection than three-phase three-wire service. The neutrals play an important role in power quality and safety problems. The multi-grounded neutral system is the predominant 'üstün' electrical distribution system used in the United States. i It allows an uncontrolled amount of electric current to flow over the earth unrestrained ‘kontrolsüz, aşırı’, posing ‘sorun yaratm.’ The potential of harm to the public and to animals causing electric shocks and is presumed ‘kabul etm., varsaym.’ responsible for undetected electrocutions ‘elektrik çarpmasından dolayı ölüm’. The protective grounding used in low voltage, 600-volt and below, applications will be described and used to explain the hazards ‘tehlike, risk’ involved with the present day multigrounded neutral distribution system, used in the United States. This will allow the reader to see the parallels ‘benzerlik’ between the safe low voltage distribution system and the dangerous medium voltage multi-grounded neutral distribution system. The reasons for the development of the three phase, four-wire, multi-grounded systems involve a combination of safety and economic considerations ‘sebep, gözönünde tutulan önemli husus’. The three-phase, four-wire multi-grounded design has been successfully used for many years and is well documented in the standards including the National Electrical Code(NEC). It is crucial decisions to adopt Multi Grounded Neutral System “save money” by the adoption of the multi-grounded neutral electrical distribution system in the cost of the public’s safety. ~11~ Multi Grounded Neutral System(MEN) Three-phase four wire multi-grounded neutral. Figure on left shows the multi-grounded neutral systems commonly used by the electric utilities in North America. The neutral grounding reactor 'reaktör' is used by some utilities to reduce the available ground fault current while at the same time still maintaining 'sürdürm., korum., sağlam.' an effectively grounded system. The multiple earthed neutral(MEN) system of earthing is one in which the low voltage neutral conductor is used as the low resistance return path for fault currents and where its potential rise is kept low by having it connected to earth at a number of locations along its length. * The neutral conductor is connected to earth at the distribution transformer, at each consumer’s installation and at specified 'belirtm.' poles 'montaj direği, direk(telekom)' or underground pillars 'direk, sütun'. The resistance between the neutral conductor of the distribution system and the earth must not exceed 10 ohms at any location. NEC Article 250 Part X Grounding of Systems and Circuits 1 kV and Over(High Voltage) 1. Multiple Grounding: The neutral of a solidly 'iyice' grounded neutral system shall be permitted to be grounded at more than one point. 2. Multi-grounded Neutral Conductor: Ground each transformer, ground at 400 m intervals or less, ground shielded cables 'blendajlı kablo' where exposed to 'maruz bırakm.' personel contact. Single Grounded Neutral Three-phase four wire single neutral grounded. Figure on left shows single grounded neutral which is different from multi-grounded system. Figure shows the neutral also connected to earth, but the neutral conductor is extended along 'uzanm.' with the phase conductors. The configuration shown in figure allows electrical loads, ~12~ transformers to be placed between any of the three phase conductors, phase-to-phase and/or phaseto-neutral. This connection, phase to neutral will force electric current to flow over the neutral back to the transformer. So far, this electrical connection is acceptable, as long as 'sürece, şartıyla' the neutral is insulated or treated ‘davranm.’ as being potentially energized, but modifications will be made in the future that will negate 'hükümsüz kılm., çürütm.' safety for the public and animals. The ground connection would typically be located in the distribution substation 'trafo merkezi, indirici trafo merkezi'. This may appear insignificant, but the differences are significant. Advantages of Multiple Grounded Neutral Systems (1) Optimize the Size of Surge Arrestor 'parafudr': Surge arresters are applied to a power system based on the line-to-ground voltage under normal condition and abnormal conditions. Under ground-fault conditions, the line-to-ground voltage can increase up to 1.73 per unit on the two, unfaulted. * Application of surge arresters on a power system is dependent on the effectiveness of the system grounding. The over voltage condition that can ocur during a ground fault can be minimized by keeping the zero sequence 'ground fault' impedance low. Therefore, optimization in sizing the surge arresters on the system is dependent on the system grounding. An effectively grounded power system allows the use of a lower rated surge arrester. The lower rated surge arrester provides better surge protection at a lower cost. An effectively grounded system can only be accomplished 'başarıyla tamamlam.' using a properly sized, multi-grounded system neutral. With single grounded neutral system require the use of full line-to-line voltage rated arresters. This increases the cost of the surge arresters while at the same time reduces the protection provided by the surge arrester. In addition, if the fourth wire neutral is not multi-grounded, it would be good practice to place surge arresters at appropriate locations on that conductor(?). (2) The zero sequence impedance is lower for a multi-grounded system than the single point grounded neutral system. (3) Freezing and arctic 'çok soğuk' conditions have an adverse impact on the zero sequence impedance. * A multi-grounded system neutral will still lower the zero sequence impedance over a single point ground. In fact, without the multi-grounded system, it is more probable 'olası, muhtemel' that insufficient fault current will flow to properly operate the ground fault protection. * (4) Cost of equipment for the multi-grounded system is lower. (5) Safety concerns 'sorun, mesele' on cable shields 'kablo zırhı, koruyucu ekran'. Medium voltage and high voltage cables typically have cable shields(NEC requirement above 5 kV) that need to be grounded. There are several reasons for this shield: o To confine 'sınırl., tutm.' electric fields within the cable o To obtain uniform radial distribution of the electric field o To protect against induced voltages o To reduce the hazard 'tehlike' of shock If the shield is not grounded, the shock hazard can be increased. With the shield grounded at one point, induced voltage on the shield can be significant and create a shock hazard. Therefore, it is common practice to apply multiple grounds on the shield to keep the voltage limited to 25 volts. ~13~ This practice of multi-grounding cable shields includes the grounding of concentric 'eş-aynımerkezli' neutrals on power cables thereby extending the need for multi-grounding of neutrals on the power system. Disadvantages of Multiple Neutral Grounding (1) Less Electrical Safety in Public and Private Property. With a multi-grounded neutral distribution system it is necessary to have an electrical connection to earth at least 4 times per mile 'mil uzaklık ölçü birimi 1609 m' to keep the voltage on the multi-grounded neutral from exceeding approximately 25 volts making it safe for the linemen 'telefon ve elektrik taşıyan hatları döşemek ve onarmakla görevli kişi' who come into contact with the neutral and the earth. As per NESC Rule 096 C in the section with the multi-grounded neutral conductor connected to earth at least 4 times per mile and at each transformer and lightning arrester 'elektrikli cihazları yıldırımdan koruyan düzen' there are now multiple paths over and through the earth that the hazardous electric current can flow over continuously, uncontrolled. The path that this current flow takes through the earth cannot be determined. We cannot put an isotope ‘izotop’ on each electron and trace its path as it flows uncontrolled through the earth. It is irresponsible 'sorumlu olmayan' to permit stray 'başıboş' uncontrolled electric current to flow into and over private property. The National Electrical Code(NEC) requires the neutral in the service disconnect and over current panel board to be connected to the earth also. Now the secondary neutral is connected to earth a second time. A parallel connection of the neutral to earth now exists permitting hazardous electric current to flow continuously uncontrolled over the earth. (2) Earth Fault Protection Relay setting is complicated. Advantages of Single Grounded Neutral System (1) More Reliable 'güvenilir' and Safe System. (2) Protection Relay Setting is more easy in Single Grounded Neutral: Protective relays need to sense abnormal conditions, especially those involving a ground fault. The single point grounded system, with or without a neutral conductor, current flowing into the ground should be considered abnormal(excluding ‘hariç olmak üzere’ normal charging current). For sensing of ground faults are: Ground fault relay at neutral ~14~ A current transformer in the location where the neutral is grounded can be used to sense the ground fault(zero sequence) current. A zero sequence CT enclosing ‘çevrelem.’ the three phase and neutral conductors. CT residual circuit Four CT residue 'artık' circuit(Three CT residual with neutral CT cancellation). Protecting against ground faults on a multi-grounded neutral system is more difficult than the single point grounded system since both neutral and ground fault currents must be considered. Neutral current and likewise 'benzer şekilde, ve de' ground fault current can flow in both the neutral and the ground. So, we have must calculate both current as the amount of neutral current which may flow in the circuit, and the ground fault setting must be above this neutral current(?). This is self explanatory 'açıklayıcı' from the figure above. (3) Sensing of Ground Fault current: While the sensing of the ground fault current in the single point grounded system is less complex than the multi-grounded system, the amount of ground fault current on the single-point grounded system may be greatly limited due to the fact that all ground fault current must return through the earth. This is especially true where the earth resistivity is high, the soil 'toprak' is frozen or the soil is extremely dry. Not: Yıldız noktasını, yani nötrü sadece yıldızdan topraklama yeterli değildir. Diyelim ki, yıldızdan topraklayıcıya indirilen işletme topraklaması hattı(iletkeni, nakili) koparsa ya da bağlantı yerinde bir gevşeme olursa o zaman koruma devreden çıkmıştır, can ve mal güvenliği kalmamıştır. Bunu önlemek için tek bir yol vardır, o da şudur: Nötr iletkeninin birkaç yerden daha topraklanmasıdır. * INSPECTION AND TESTING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: RESIDUAL CURRENT DEVICES The correct device must be selected for the particular application. Choosing the wrong device could have serious consequences and could result in electric shock or fire. The list in Figure 2 gives examples of particular applications of RCDs and includes references to the relevant Regulations in BS 7671:2008(2013). Figure1- Examples of particular applications of RCDs. RCD, IΔn 10 mA Application Regulation A very sensitive device, sometimes 415.1.1 used to protect socket-outlets of ~15~ laboratory benches in schools. 30 mA 100 mA 300 mA Adjustable ≤2000 mA Mobile equipment used outdoors must be protected by an RCD with 411.3.3(ii) a rated residual operating current 514.1.1 not exceeding 30 mA. In locations containing a bath or shower, all circuits of the location must be protected by the use of one or more RCDs not exceeding 30 mA. 701.411.3.3 Note that the requirement is “of the location”; in reality, this means serving or passing through the bathroom and is not limited to circuits within the zones. Socket-outlets for use by ordinary 411.3.3(i) persons for general use. Where an RCD is installed because the earth fault loop impedance is too high for fault protection, i.e. 411.5.3 disconnection time cannot be met by the over current protective device. Fire protection purposes in agricultural and horticultural 705.422.7 premises. Devices with a residual operating current of 2 A or more are sometimes used in specific 31-02-10 industrial, distribution applications or temporary supply supplies for entertainment related purposes. Advice must be sought from the designer. Any adjustment method or 531.2.10 mechanism should not be accessible to ordinary, non-skilled or non-instructed persons. Note: Amendment ‘düzeltme, bir kanunu değiştirme’ 3 to BS 7671. Chapter 41 Protection Against Shock. Reference to ordinary persons in Regulation 411.3.3 has now been removed. Regulation 411.3.3 now requires ‘gerektirm.’ RCD protection in accordance with Regulation 415.1 for socket outlets up to 20A(and for mobile equipment up to 32A for use outdoors) for all installations. However, there is an exception for RCD protection(for socket outlets upto 20A) for a specific labelled socket outlet or where a documented risk assessment ‘değerlendirme’ determines that RCD protection is not necessary. This means that socket outlets up to 20 A in all types of installations, including commercial, domestic and industrial, will need to be protected by a 30 mA RCD unless a risk assessment can determine that it’s not necessary. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘Amendment Number 3 of BS 7671 2008 WiringMatters’ Note: There are some instances where the use of an RCD should be considered to be obligatory. These include: 1. In socket outlet circuits in TT installations; ~16~ 2. In socket outlet circuits where it is foreseeable(önceden görülebilir) that the socket will be used to power outdoor equipment; 3. Insituations where there is an increased risk due, for example, to the presence of water. This would include the power supplies to power washers; 4. Where 240 V hand tools and power tools are being used. Especially in work environments such as construction sites ‘inşaat alanı’ and workshops ‘atölye, fabrika’. Note: There are a number of devices that may cause leakage. For example any thing that involves a power supply, transformer, heating appliance. Not: İnvertör, klima ve UPS cihazlarının kullanıldığı veya çok fazla harmonik yük üretilen yerlerde A tipi kaçak akım rölesinin kullanılmaması elektrik kazalarının nedenlerinden biridir(?). Note: Type F RCDs are used in the cases where the application may create composite ‘karma’ residual current. For example, single-phase devices containing a motor controlled by a variable speed drive, like a single-phase heat pump or an air conditioner. Type B RCDs are used in cases where the application may create smooth DC residual current or contain frequencies higher than 50 Hz. For example, three-phase devices containing a motor controlled by a three-phase variable speed drive. This is the case for certain types of three phase air conditioners, or pumps, or when supplying and electric vehicle or when medical equipment requiring a high precision ‘doğruluk, kesinlik’ of movement is used. AG İLE ENERJİ ALAN TESİSLERDE YAPILAN SIFIRLAMA HAKKINDA BİLGİLER Arıza sırasında nötr hattı geriliminin tehlikeli değerlere ulaşabileceği olasılığı düşünülerek, sıfırlamalı tesislerde; nötr hattı, aynen faz hattı gibi izoleli çekilir ve kesiti faz hattı kesitine eşit alınır. Sıfırlaması yapılmış arızasız bir tüketicide; şasenin nötr iletkenine bağlı bulunması sonucu bu nötrün kopması ile koruma tehlikeye girmiş ve hata yerinde dokunma gerilimi, şebeke işletme gerilimine eşit olmuştur. Çizim 5- Sıfırlanan bir tesiste nötr hattının kopması ve yarattığı tehlike. ~17~ Peki, şekilde görüldüğü gibi, bir el, su musluğuna dokunmasaydı, o zaman(nötrün kopmasında) yine bir çarpılma olur muydu? Elbette olurdu. Biz biliyoruz ki insanın çeşitli çarpılma durumları vardır: El-el; el-ayak, ayak-ayak; vücut-el, vücut-ayak vs. gibi. O zaman el-ayak çarpılması olur ve akım gövdede kesik çizgiyle gösterilen yolu takip ederdi. Buna göre sonuç şudur; bu kopma olayı sık sık olduğu için kesinlikle önlem almak gerekir. İşte şimdi bu önlemleri sıralamak istiyoruz. Çizim 6- Sıfırlamada tüketiciden dağıtım panosuna kadar nötr ve koruma iletkenlerinin birbirinden ayrılışı. Öncelikle üzerinde titizlikle durulan ve artık uluslararası kabul edilmiş bir yolu izleyeceğiz. O da şekilde görülen ve bir dağıtım şebekesinde uygulanan durumdur. Yani ana panodan sonra beş hattın çekilişidir. Bunu biraz daha açalım. Bir faz-toprak kısa devresinde; nötr iletkenin, faz iletkeni gibi, aynı değerdeki kısa devre akımını taşıması sonucu Çizim 5'de görülen durum oluşacağı için koruma yapılmaz ve bu şekilde de can ve mal güvenliği sağlanamaz. 10 mm² kesite kadar "kopma" söz konusu olduğundan ve bu arada dokunma gerilimi yükseleceğinden bu kesite kadar nötr ve koruma iletkenlerini birbirlerinden dağıtım tablosuna kadar ayırmak ve tabloda tekrar birleştirerek tek hat halinde nötr ile bağlamak gerekir. Faz iletkenleri 10 mm²’den büyük kesitler için bu ayrıma gerek duyulmaz. Aşağıdaki çizelgede, sıfır iletkenlerinin, faz iletkenlerine göre kesit değerleri verilmektedir. faz iletkenleri(mm²) 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 boru içinden çekilen iletkenler(mm²) nakil hatları ve bina içine ya da açığa döşenmiş iletkenler(mm²) 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 16 16 25 35 50 70 70 95 120 150 185 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 50 50 70 70 95 120 150 185 Çizelge 1- Sıfır iletkenlerinin faz iletkenlerine göre kesitleri. Not: Sıfırlama, aslında pek tavsiye edilmeyen bir durumdur. Topraklamanın olmadığı binalarda uygulanır. Kısaca, prizlerdeki toprak ucunun nötr hattına bağlanması şeklinde açıklayabiliriz. Bu durumun tehlikeli olmasının en önemli nedeni, nötr hattına gelebilecek herhangi bir zarar durumunda, nötr üzerindeki gerilimin boşalmamasından dolayı cihaz üzerinde akacak bir yer beklemesidir. ~18~ Not: TN sistemlerde(şebeke) koruma önlemi olarak genelde “Sıfırlama” olarak adlandırılan yöntem kullanılır. Tanımı ise, tam gövde teması gibi bir yalıtım hatasında elektrik devresinin aşırı akım koruma aygıtları ile açılmasını sağlamak için gerilim altında olmayan iletken tesis bölümlerinin sıfır iletkenine ya da buna iletken olarak bağlanmış olan bir koruma iletkenine ayrı biçimde bağlanmasıdır. Note: A TN-C-S system is a PME supply. PME stands for protective multiple earths which means that the REC supply cable is earthed at mutiple points along the line to reduce the external earth fault loop impedance. MULTİMETRE GÜVENLİĞİNİN ESASLARI Yeterince yüksek voltaj seviyeli bir multimetre seçtiğiniz sürece güvende olmayabiliyorsunuz. Multimetre güvenliğini analiz eden mühendisler, başarısız olan ünitelerin kullanıcılarının ölçtüklerini sandıklarından çok daha yüksek voltaja maruz kaldıklarını sık sık tespit etmişlerdir. Sadece nadiren meydana gelen kazalarda düşük voltaj seviyeli metreler(1000 V ya da daha düşük) orta seviyeli voltajın ölçümü için kullanılmıştır. Mesela 4160 V. Sorun hiç uyarısız gelip multimetre girişini vuran ani ya da geçici voltaj yükselmesidir. Ani Voltaj Yükselmesi, Önlenemez Bir Zarar Dağıtım sistemleri ve yükler daha da karmaşıklaştıkça geçici voltaj yükselmesi olasılıkları da artar. Motorlar, kapasitörler ve değişken hızlı sürücü gibi güç dönüşüm ekipmanları ani voltaj yükselmelerinin en önemli kaynaklarıdır. Dış aktarım hatlarına düşen yıldırımlar da son derece zararlı geçici yüksek enerji yükselmelerine sebep olur. Elektrik sistemlerinde ölçümler yapıyorsanız bu geçici yükselmelerin anlamı, “görünmez” ve sık sık önlenemez tehlikelerdir. Düzenli olarak düşük voltajlı güç devrelerinde ortaya çıkarlar ve binlerce voltluk zirve değerlere ulaşabilirler. Bu durumlarda multimetrenizde bulunan güvenlik payının size sağladığı korunmanın insafına kalırsınız. Cihazın voltaj seviyesi, tek başına size bu multimetrenin geçici voltaj yükselmelerinden hayatta kalabilecek tasarıma sahip olup olmadığını söylemeye yetmez. Ani voltaj yükselmelerinin sebep olduğu tehlikelerle ilgili ilk ipuçları, elektrikli banliyö trenlerinin tedarik vagonlarındaki ölçümlerle ilgili uygulamalardan geldi. İtibari vagon voltajı, sadece 600 V’tu. Ama multimetreler tren çalışıyorken ölçüm yaptıklarında birkaç dakikalığına 1000 V ölçtü. Daha yakından incelendiğinde trenin durması ve harekete geçmesinin 10,000 V’luk ani voltaj yükselmelerine sebep olduğu ortaya çıktı. Bu geçici voltaj yükselmeleri, ilk multimetre giriş devrelerine hiç insaf göstermemişti. Bu incelemeden multimetre giriş koruma devrelerinin geliştirilmesine sebep olacak dersler alındı. Geçici Voltaj Yükselmesi Korunması Multimetre devresi korunmasındaki gerçek sorun, sadece en yüksek kararlı durum voltaj aralığı değildir. Hem kararlı durum, hem de geçici yüksek voltaj bileşimine karşı dayanabilme yeteneğidir. Geçici voltaj yükselmesi koruması hayati öneme sahiptir. Geçici voltaj yükselmesi, yüksek enerji devrelerine yüklendiğinde daha tehlikeli olur. Çünkü bu devreler, büyük akımlar aktarabilir. Geçici voltaj yükselmesi bir atlamaya(aşırı ark) sebep olursa yüksek akım, bu atlamayı devam ettirebilir. Bu da bir plazma ~19~ bozulması ya da patlama meydana getirebilir. Bu durum çevreleyen havanın değişerek iyonize ve iletken olmaya başladığında gerçekleşir. Sonuç ise korkunç bir hadise olan bir atlama patlamasıdır. Bu hadise, her yıl daha iyi bilinen elektrik şoklarından daha fazla elektrik yaralanmalarına sebep olur. Aşırı-voltaj Kurulum Kategorileri Yeni standartları anlamak için en önemli tek kavram, aşırı voltaj kurulum kategorisidir. Yeni standartlar, kategori 1 ile 4 arasındaki kategorileri tarif eder. Bu kategoriler, sık sık kısaltılmış olarak CAT I, CAT II vb. gibi belirtilir. Güç dağıtım sistemlerini kategorilere bölmenin temeli, şimşek gibi tehlikeli geçici yüksek voltaj yükselmelerinin sistemin değişken akım direnci içinde yol alırken azaltılacağı ya da bastırılacağı gerçeğine dayanır. Daha yüksek kategori numarası(CAT), daha yüksek güce ve daha yüksek geçici enerji yükselmelerine sahne olan elektrik ortamlara işaret eder. Bu yüzden CAT III standardına göre tasarımlanmış olan bir multimetre, CAT II standardına göre tasarımlanmış olan bir multimetreye kıyasla daha yüksek geçici enerji yükselmelerine karşı dirence sahiptir. Bir kategorinin içindeki daha yüksek bir voltaj seviyesi, daha yüksek bir geçici enerji yükselmesine karşı dirence işaret eder. Mesela, bir CAT III-1000 V seviyeli metrenin koruması bir CAT III-600 V seviyeli metreye kıyasla daha yüksektir. Gerçek yanlış anlaşılma, bir kişinin CAT II-1000 V seviyeli metreyi o metrenin CAT III-600 V seviyeli metreden daha üstün olduğunu sanarak seçmesi ile meydana gelir. Sadece Voltaj Seviyesi İle İlgili Değildir CAT I konumunda ofis ekipmanı üzerinde çalışan teknisyen, aslında CAT III konumunda güç hattı alternatif akım olan motor elektrikçisinin ölçtüğünden çok daha yüksek direkt akım voltajıyla karşı karşıyadır ama voltaj ne olursa olsun, CAT I konumundaki elektronik devrelerde geçici yükselmeler, hatırı sayılır bir şekilde çok küçük bir tehdittir. Çünkü, atlama için uygun olan enerji çok kısıtlanmıştır. Bu CAT I ya da CAT II konumlarındaki ekipmanlarda elektriksel tehlike olmayacağı anlamına gelmez. İlk tehlike, elektrik şokudur. Geçici yükselme ve atlama patlaması değildir. Şoklar, daha sonra açıklanacağı üzere bazen atlama patlaması kadar ölümcül olabilir. Örneğin evden ayrı bir bina olan atölyeye yüksekten çekilen bir hat, sadece 120 V ya da 240 V olabilir. Ama, yine de teknik olarak bir CAT IV konumudur. Neden? Her dış iletken hattı, çok yüksek enerjili şimşek kaynaklı geçici yükselmelere her an için maruz kalabilir. Hatta yer altına gömülü iletken hatları bile CAT IV konumudur. Çünkü onlar, her ne kadar direkt olarak şimşeğe maruz kalmayacak olsalar da yakına düşen bir şimşek, yüksek elektromanyetik alanların var olması sebebiyle geçici bir yükselme yaratabilir. Kablo akım taşıma kapasitesinde, kablonun tek ya da çok telli olması geçebilecek akımı etkiler mi? Farklı kablo firmalarının aynı kablo için farklı akım taşıma kapasite değerleri vermesinin nedeni nedir(VDE TSE standartları belirtilmesine rağmen)? En ideal iletken solid iletkendir. İletken kesiti büyüdükçe, belli bir değerden sonra tek tel/solid iletken ile kesiti sağlamak mümkün olmuyor, mecburen çok telli-örgülü yapılara geçmek gerekiyor. Akım taşıma kapasitelerinin kaynağı standart yönüyle tektir. VDE 0298 ve IEC 287'dir. Tüm firmalar bu değerleri referans değer kabul eder. Firma kataloglarında farklı değerler ile karşılaşılması, tercih edilen/önerilen tesisat koşulları ve ortam şartları ile çok yakından ilişkilidir. Değişkenlikler beraberinde farklı düzeltme katsayılarının kullanılmasını gerektirir, neticesinde de farklı akım taşıma kapasiteleri ile karşılaşılmaktadır. ~20~ ELECTRONIC TRIP UNITS OF THE MOLDED-CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER AND ONE OF THE FUNCTIONS OF A CURRENT TRANSFORMER(CT): Electronic trip units typically consist of a CT for each phase, a printed circuit board, and a shunt trip. The CTs monitor current and reduce it to the required ratio for direct input into the printed circuit board, the brains of the electronic trip unit. The circuit board then interprets current flow information, makes trip decisions based on predetermined parameters, and tells the shunt trip unit to trip the breaker. Not: anma kaçak eşik akımı. Not: 1- İşletmede oluşan harmonik akımları kaçak akım oluşturmaz fakat kaçak akım sistemlerinde ölçümsel hataların oluşmasına sebep olur. Bu nedenle yüksek harmonik üreten kaynak hattı vb. yüklerde kaçak akım sistemi kullanmak oldukça zordur. Harmonik akımlarından etkilenmeden ölçüm yapabilen kaçak akım rölelerinin kullanılması bu sorunu ortadan kaldırır. Kaynak hattı vb. yüklerde bu kaçak akım sistemi kullanılabilir. 2-Toroid mutlaka bağlı bulunduğu noktadaki tüm yükü ölçebilecek bir noktaya bağlanmalıdır. Örneğin faz toroidin üstü kısmından, nötr toroidin alt kısmından alınmış bir sinyal lambası vb. herhangi bir yük bile kaçak akım sisteminde gereksiz açmaya neden olabilir(?). USE OF RCDS WITH VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES Question: Is it possible to install a three-phase RCD between a VSD and a socket outlet supplying a motor to provide RCD protection? Could this result in nuisance tripping, or a lack of functionality ”işlevsellik” because of the waveform of the drives output? Answer: VSDs can cause nuisance tripping, depending on the level of harmonics they send to earth and this depends on the products from the VSD manufacturer concerned. In a variable-speed drive, the inverter section operating with a chopping frequency of, say, 4 kHz will encounter ”rastlam.” Unbalance between phases and neutral thus giving rise to higher frequencies earth loop current. Likewise, transients ”voltaj veya akımda geçici dalgalanma” originating ”kaynaklanm.” upstream can result in unbalanced earth loop pulses and thus cause nuisance tripping. The selection of RCDs for variable speed drives, and other power electronics where EMC filters might be employed, requires great care. In general, for the protection of a motor circuit powered by an inverter, an A type should be selected. The relay provides protection against a phase to earth fault for the inverter and for the motor. Note that the existence of high frequency earth loop current returning via motor bearings “mil yatağı, rulman, yatak” can cause bearing failure. An RCD will not protect in that situation unless it is capable of tripping on high-frequency current components. Note: Chopping frequency: The rate at which a chopper interrupts a signal. Also called chopping rate. Chopper: A device which periodically interrupts a direct current, light beam “ışık huzmesi”, or other signal. This may be done, for instance, to modulate, or to facilitate “olanak tanım., kolaylaştırm.” The amplification of an associated quantity(1). A device which periodically interrupts DC in order to produce AC(2). Residual current protective devices of type B are used to detect smooth DC residual currents. Type B RCDs are recommended for use with drives and inverters for supplying motors for pumps, lifts, textile ~21~ machines, machine tools etc., since they recognise a continuous fault current with a low level ripple ”küçük dalgalanma”. Tripping values defined up to 2 kHz. Reduction of unwanted tripping: RD3M, RD3P and RCQ020 residual current devices perform leakage current measurement through a frequency filtering that allows an increase dimmunity against highfrequency currents not hazardous to man that are typically generated by inverters and the main cause of unwanted tripping of residual current devices. Moreover, some of the models of RD3 range and RCQ020 switchboard device feature a pre-alarm threshold adjustment that signals, through an output contact, when a given residual leakage current is reached. This function indicates that the installation insulation level is decreasing and therefore allows appropriate planning of the required maintenance operations. By removing most of the unwanted tripping of residual current devices, a high degree of safety on the systems can be reached, along with a high level of service continuity(one of the features of ABB’s electronic low-voltage residual current devices for miniature and moulded-case circuit-breakers). Frequency filtering: The measurement of leakage current provides an attenuation of high-frequency components, which are especially due to the presence of inverters in the circuit and are the main cause of unwanted tripping of residual current devices. This ensures a high degree of safety in the systems and a high level of service continuity(one of the features of ABB’s electronic low-voltage residual current devices for miniature and moulded-case circuit-breakers). TOWER CRANE POWER SUPPLIES Before the tower crane arrives on site, checks should be made to ensure that there is an adequate mains electricity supply. Most tower cranes require a three phase supply and the tower crane manufacturer’s instruction manual will specify the type and size of supply required. If a suitable mains supply is not available on site, the alternative is to use an engine driven generator which must be adequately earthed and sized to cope with the potentially high starting currents of the tower crane motors. The use of frequency controlled motors on later designs of crane will reduce starting currents and consequently the required capacity of the power supply, which is particularly beneficial when a generator is used. Not: Otomatik sigorta: Koruma anahtarı. PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS(FUSES, MCCBS AND OVERCURRENT RELAYS SETTINGS) Examples of Power Supply Protection As industrial operations processes and plants have become more complex and extensive ‘geniş’, the requirement for improved reliability ‘güvenilirlik’ of electrical power supplies has also increased. ~22~ Protection And Control Of Industrial Power Supply Systems(Relay Schemes And Settings). - on photoMiCOM protection relays The potential costs of outage ‘hizmet dışı kalma’ time following a failure of the power supply to a plant have risen dramatically as well. The protection and control of industrial power supply systems must be given careful attention. Many of the techniques that have been evolved ‘zaman içinde gelişm., yavaş yavaş gelişm.’ for EHV(Extra High Voltage) power systems may be applied to lower voltage systems also, but typically on a reduced scale. However, industrial systems have many special problems that have warranted ‘gerektirm.’ individual attention and the development of specific solutions. i Many industrial plants have their own generation ‘üretim’ installed. Sometimes it is for emergency use only, feeding a limited number of busbars and with limited capacity. This arrangement is often adopted ‘benimsem., kabul etm., seçm.’ to ensure safe shut down ‘(fabrika, iş yeri vb.) kapatm.’ of process ‘süreç, metot, işlemden geçirme’ plant ‘tesis’ and personnel safety. In other plants, the nature of the process allows production of a substantial ‘önemli, azımsanmayacak(sayı, miktar)’ quantity of electricity, perhaps allowing export ‘dışa aktarım’ of any surplus ‘fazlalık’ to the public supply system – at either at sub-transmission or distribution voltage levels. Plants that run generation in parallel with the public supply distribution network are often referred to ‘değinm., adlandırm.’ as co-generation or embedded generation. In this technical article, the following examples of protection & control of industrial power supply systems are considered: 1. Fuse Co-ordination 2. Grading ‘sınıflandırma, ayırma; düzeltme’ of Fuses / MCCBs / Overcurrent Relays a. Determination of relay current setting b. Relay characteristic and time multiplier selection 3. Protection of a Dual-Fed Substation a. General considerations b. Motor protection relay settings c. Relay B settings d. Relays C settings e. Comments on grading 1. Fuse Co-ordination An example of the application of fuses is based on the arrangement in Figure 1(a). This shows an unsatisfactory scheme ‘şema’ with commonly encountered shortcomings ‘kusur’. ~23~ It can be seen that fuses B, C and D will discriminate ‘ayırt etm.’with fuse A, but the 400 A sub-circuit fuse E may not discriminate, with the 500 A sub-circuit fuse D at higher levels of fault current. Figure 1(a) – Fuse protection: effect of layout ‘yerleşim planı’ on discrimination. – In correct layout giving rise to problems in discrimination. The solution, shown in Figure 1(b), is to feed the 400 A circuit E direct from the busbars ‘bara’. The sub-circuit fuse D may now have its rating reduced from 500 A to a value, of say 100 A, appropriate to the remaining sub-circuit. This arrangement now provides a discriminating fuse distribution scheme satisfactory for an industrial system. Figure 1(b) – Fuse protection: effect of layout on discrimination. – In correct layout and discrimination. Note: Discrimination is the practice of selecting protective devices and adjusting their settings in order to limit interruption to electrical installations under fault conditions. However, there are industrial applications where discrimination is a secondary factor. In the application shown in Figure 2, a contactor having a fault rating of 20 kA controls the load in one sub-circuit. ~24~ A fuse rating of 630 A is selected for the minor ‘tali, ikincil’ fuse in the contactor circuit to give protection within the through-fault ‘baştan sona’ capacity of the contactor. Figure 2– Example of back-up protection. The major ‘asıl’ fuse of 800 A is chosen, as the minimum rating that is greater than the total load current on the switchboard ‘dağıtım tablosu’. Discrimination between the two fuses is not obtained, as the pre-arcing I2t of the 800 A fuse is less than the total I2t of the 630 A fuse. i Therefore, the major fuse will blow ‘sigorta atm.’ as well as the minor one, for most faults, so that all other loads fed from the switchboard will be lost. This may be acceptable in some cases. In most cases, however, loss of the complete switchboard for a fault on a single outgoing ‘giden, çıkan’ circuit will not be acceptable, and the design will have to be revised ‘değiştirm.’. Note: Pre-arcing: Typically the fuse operation is as follows. When a fault current situation occurs, the high level current implies ‘gerektirm.; anlamına gelm.’ the increase of the temperature inside the fuse element due to Joule effect. Thus the electric resistance of the fuse element increases. The temperature increase is especially high in the constrictions where ohmic resistance is higher than in other parts of the fuse element. Due to the energy increase by Joule effect the fuse element constriction is melted ‘erim.’ and hence vaporized ‘buharlaşm.’, thus leading to the ignition ‘ateşleme’ of an electric arc between the two parts of the fuse element. This time range is called the pre-arcing period which ends in the sharp increase of the voltage across the fuse. 2. Grading of Fuses / MCCBs / Overcurrent Relays An example of an application involving a moulded case circuit breaker, fuse and a protection relay is shown in Figure 3. A 1 MVA 3.3 kV/400 V transformer feeds the LV board via a circuit breaker, which is equipped with an Alstom MiCOM P14x numerical relay having a setting range of 8-400% of rated current and fed from 2000/1A CTs. ~25~ Figure 3– Network diagram for protection co-ordination example. – fuse / MCCB / relay. Discrimination is required between the relay and both the fuse and MCCB up to the 40 kA fault rating of the board. To begin with, the time/current characteristics of both the 400 A fuse and the MCCB are plotted in Figure 18.19. 2a. Determination of relay current setting The relay current setting chosen must not be less than the full load current level and must have enough margin to allow the relay to reset with full load current flowing. Note: The full-load amperes(FLA) is the current the motor draws while producing its rated horsepower load at its rated voltage. FLC(full load current) is used when you size breaker size and wire size for motors. Using the FLC tables is not only necessary when calculating branch circuit conductors, the FLC tables are also necessary when calculating ampere ratings of switches, branchcircuit protection, feeder conductors, and feeder protection. * The latter ‘(iki şeyden)sonuncu, son söylenen, sonuncusu’ may be determined from the transformer rating: i With the CT ratio of 2000/1A and a relay reset ratio of 95% of the nominal current setting, a current setting of at least 80% would be satisfactory, to avoid tripping and/or failure to reset with the transformer carrying full load current. However, choice of a value at the lower end of this current setting range would move the relay characteristic towards that of the MCCB and discrimination may be lost at low fault currents. It is therefore prudent ‘tedbirli, sağgörülü’ to select initially a relay current setting of 100%. 2b. Relay characteristic and time multiplier ‘çarpan’ selection An EI characteristic is selected for the relay to ensure discrimination with the fuse. From Figure 4, it may be seen that at the fault level of 40 kA the fuse will operate in less than 0.01 s and the MCCB operates in approximately 0.014 s. Using a fixed grading margin of 0.4 s, the required relay operating time becomes 0.4 + 0.014 = 0.414 s(?). i With a CT ratio of 2000/1 A, a relay current setting of 100%, and a relay TMS setting(Time Multiplier Setting) of 1.0, the extremely ‘aşırı derecede’ inverse ‘ters’ curve gives a relay operating time of 0.2 s at a fault current of 40 kA. This is too fast to give adequate discrimination and indicates that the EI curve is too ~26~ severe ‘kötü’ for this application. Turning to the VI relay characteristic, the relay operation time is found to be 0.71 s at a TMS of 1.0. To obtain the required relay operating time of 0.414 s: TMS setting = 0.414 / 0.71 = 0.583 Use a TMS of 0.6, nearest available setting. The use of a different form of inverse time characteristic makes it advisable ‘tavsiye edilebilir’ to check discrimination at the lower current levels also at this stage. At a fault current of 4 kA, the relay will operate in 8.1 s, which does not give discrimination with the MCCB(?). A relay operation time of 8.3 s is required. To overcome this, the relay characteristic needs to be moved away from the MCCB characteristic, a change that may be achieved by using a TMS of 0.625(?). The revised ‘değiştirm., gözden geçirm.’ relay characteristic is also shown in Figure 4. Figure 4– Grading curves for Fuse / MCCB / relay grading example. 3. Protection of a Dual-Fed Substation As an example of how numerical ‘sayısal’ protection relays can be used in an industrial system, consider the typical large industrial substation of Figure 5 below. Two 1.6 MVA, 11/0.4 kV transformers feeding a busbar whose bus-section CB ‘circuit breaker’ is normally open. The LV system is solidly earthed. The largest outgoing ‘giden’ feeder ‘şebeke hattı, besleme hattı, dağıtıcı’ is to a motor rated 160 kW, 193 kVA, and a starting current of 7 x FLC. ~27~ Figure 5– Relay grading example for dual-fed switchboard. The transformer impedance is to IEC standards. The LV switchgear and busbars are fault rated at 50 kA RMS. To simplify the analysis, only the phase-fault LV protection is considered. 3a. General considerations Analysis of many substations configured as in Figure 5 above shows that the maximum fault level and feeder load current is obtained with the bus-section circuit breaker closed and one of the in feeding ‘besleme, giriş’ CBs open. This applies so long as the switchboard has a significant amount of motor load. i The contribution ‘katkı, destek’ of motor load to the fault level at the switchboard is usually larger than that from a single in feeding transformer, as the transformer restricts the amount of fault current infeed ‘besleme, giriş’ from the primary side. The three-phase break ‘devreyi açma, akımı kesme’ fault level at the switchboard under these conditions is assumed to be 40 kA RMS. Relays C1 and C2 are not required to have directional ‘yön ile ilgili, yönlü’ characteristics(read more about it below) as all three circuit breakers are only closed momentarily ‘geçici olarak’ during transfer from a single in feeding transformer to two in feeding transformers configuration. This transfer is normally an automated ‘otomatikleştirilmiş’ sequence ‘ardıllık, art arda gelme’, and the chance of a fault occurring during the short period(of the order of 1s) when all three CBs are closed is taken to be negligibly small. Similarly, although this configuration gives the largest fault level at the switchboard, it is not considered from either a switchboard fault rating or protection viewpoint. It is assumed that modern numerical relays are used. For simplicity, a fixed grading margin of 0.3 s is used. Application of Directional Relays If non-unit ‘blok, takım, düzen; bir bütünü oluşturan parçalardan her biri’, non-directional relays are applied to parallel feeders having a single generating source, any faults that might occur on any ~28~ one line will, regardless of ‘göz önüne almadan’ the relay settings used, isolate both lines and completely disconnect the power supply. * i With this type of system configuration, it is necessary to apply directional relays at the receiving end and to grade ‘ayırm.’ them with the non-directional relays at the sending end, to ensure correct discriminative operation of the relays during line faults. * This is done by setting the directional relays R’1 and R’2 in Figure 6 with their directional elements looking into the protected line, and giving them lower time and current settings than relays R1 and R2. * The usual practice is to set relays R’1 and R’2 to 50 % of the normal full load of the protected circuit and 0.1 TMS(Time Multiplier Setting), but care must be taken to ensure that the continuous thermal rating of the relays of twice rated current is not exceeded. Note: R₁' and R₂' are directional relays and R₁ and R₂ are non-directional relays. Figure 6– Directional relays applied to parallel feeders. Note: In electrical engineering, a protective relay is a relay device designed to trip a circuit breaker when a fault is detected.[1]:4 The first protective relays were electromagnetic devices, relying on(dayanm., bel bağlam.) coils operating on moving parts to provide detection of abnormal operating conditions such as over-current, overvoltage, reverse power flow, over-frequency, and under-frequency.[2] Microprocessor-based digital protection relays now emulate ‘benzetm.; rekabet etm., yarışm.’ the original devices, as well as providing types of protection and supervision ‘denetim, kontrol’ impractical ‘uygulanamaz, yapılamaz’ with electromechanical relays. Electromechanical relays provide only rudimentary ‘basit, ilkel’ indication of the location and origin of a fault.[3] In many cases a single microprocess or relay provides functions that would take two or more electromechanical devices. By combining several functions in one case, numerical relays also save capital ‘para’ cost and maintenance cost over electromechanical relays.[4] However, due to their very long life span ‘süre, müddet’, tens of thousands of these "silent ‘gürültüsüz’ sentinels ‘koruyucu’ "[5] are still protecting transmission lines and electrical apparatus all over the world. Important transmission lines and generators have cubicles ‘küçük oda, kabin’ dedicated ‘tahsis etm.’ to protection, with many individual electromechanical devices, or one or two microprocessor relays. The theory and application of these protective devices is an important part of the education of a power engineer who specializes ‘uzmanlaşm.’ in power system protection. The need to act quickly to protect circuits and equipment often requires protective relays to respond and trip a breaker within a few thousandths of a second. In some instances ‘bazı durumlarda’ these clearance times are prescribed ‘bildirm.; belirtm.(şartları, kuralları)’ in legislation ‘yasa, mevzuat’ or operating rules.[6] 3b. Motor protection relay settings ~29~ From the motor characteristics given, the overcurrent relay settings(Relay A) can be found using the following guidelines ‘önerge, kural’: Thermal element Current setting: 300 A Time constant: 20 mins Instantaneous element Current setting: 2.32 kA These are the only settings relevant to ‘ile ilgili’ the upstream relays. 3c. Relay B settings Relay B settings are derived from consideration ‘göz önünde tutma, değerlendirme, husus, etmen’ of the loading and fault levels with the bus-section breaker between busbars A1 and A2 closed. No information is given about the load split ‘ayrılma’ between the two busbars, but it can be assumed in the absence of definitive ‘belirli, açık’ information that each busbar is capable of supplying the total load of 1.6 MVA. With fixed tap transformers, the bus voltage may fall to 95% of nominal under these conditions, leading to a load current of 2430 A. The IDMT current setting must be greater than this, to avoid relay operation on normal load currents and (ideally) with aggregate ‘kümelenme, toplaşım; bir araya getirilmiş, toplu’ starting/re-acceleration currents. If the entire load on the busbar was motor load, an aggregate starting current in excess of ‘-den fazla, -i geçen’ 13 kA would occur, but a current setting of this order would be excessively high and lead to grading problems further upstream. It is unlikely that the entire load is motor load(though this does occur, especially where a supply voltage of 690 V is chosen for motors – an increasingly common practice) or that all motors are started simultaneously(but simultaneous re-acceleration may well occur). What is essential is that relay B does not issue ‘bildirm., yayınlam.’ a trip command under these circumstances – i.e. the relay current/time characteristic is in excess of the current/time characteristic of the worst-case starting/re-acceleration condition. It is therefore assumed that 50 % of the total bus load is motor load, with an average starting current of 600 % of full load current(=6930 A), and that re-acceleration takes 3 s. A current setting of 3000 A is therefore initially used. The SI characteristic is used for grading the relay, as co-ordination ‘düzenleme, uyumlu çalışma’ with fuses is not required. The TMS is required to be set to grade with the thermal protection of relay A under ‘cold’ conditions, as this gives the longest operation time of Relay A, and the reacceleration conditions. A TMS value of 0.41 is found to provide satisfactory grading, being dictated ‘zorla kabul ettirm., gerektirm.; belirlem.’ by the motor starting/re-acceleration transient. Adjustment of both current and TMS settings may be required depending on the exact reacceleration conditions. Note that lower current and TMS settings could be used if motor starting/re-acceleration did not need to be considered. The high-set setting needs to be above the full load current and motor starting/re-acceleration transient current, but less than the fault current by a suitable margin. ~30~ A setting of 12.5 kA is initially selected. A time delay of 0.3 s has to used to ensure grading with relay A at high fault current levels. Both relays A and B may see a current in excess of 25 kA for faults on the cable side of the CB feeding the 160 kW motor. The relay curves are shown in Figure 6 below: Figure 6– Grading of relays A and B. Note: A Centre Tapped transformer works in more or less the same way as a usual transformer. The difference lies in just the fact that its secondary winding is divided into two parts, so two individual voltages can be acquired across the two line ends. Note: Generally, the over current relays are differentiating ‘farklılaşm.’ with their time of operation. The most commonly used over current relays are IDMT(inverse definite mean time) over current relays, DT(definite time) over current relays and instantaneous time over current relays. They are designed to sense the over-current. 3d. Relays C settings The setting of the IDMT element of relays C1and C2 has to be suitable for protecting the busbar while grading with relay B. The limiting condition is grading with relay B, as this gives the longest operation time for relays C. The current setting has to be above that for relay B to achieve full co-ordination, and a value of 3250 A is suitable. The TMS setting using the SI characteristic is chosen to grade with that of relay B at a current of 12.5 kA(relay B instantaneous setting), and is found to be 0.45. The high-set element must grade with that of relay B, so a time delay of 0.62 sec is required. The current setting must be higher than that of relay B, so use a value of 15 kA. The final relay grading curves and settings are shown in Figure 7. ~31~ Figure 7– Final relay grading curves. 3e. Comments on grading While the above grading may appear satisfactory, the protection on the primary side of the transformer has not been considered. IDMT protection at this point will have to grade with relays C and with the through-fault ‘hata yoluyla’ short-time withstand curves of the transformer and cabling. This may result in excessively long operation times. Even if the operation time at the 11 kV level is satisfactory, there is probably a Utility infeed to consider, which will involve a further set of relays and another stage of time grading, and the fault clearance time at the Utility infeed will almost certainly be excessive. One solution is to accept a total loss of supply to the 0.4 kV bus under conditions of a single infeed and bus section CB closed. This is achieved by setting relays C such that grading with relay B does not occur at all current levels, or omitting relay B from the protection scheme. The argument for this is that network operation policy ‘prensip’ is to ensure loss of supply to both sections of the switchboard does not occur for single contingencies ‘olasılıklar’. As single infeed operation is not normal, a contingency(whether fault or maintenance) has already occurred, so that a further fault causing total loss of supply to the switchboard through tripping of one of relays B is a second contingency. Total loss of supply is therefore acceptable. The alternative is to accept a lack of discrimination at some point on the system. Another solution is to employ partial differential protection to remove the need for Relay A, but this is seldom ‘az, seyrek’ used. The strategy adopted ‘kabul etm., benimsem.’ will depend on the individual circumstances ‘durum, koşul’. WHAT IS TYPE 2 COORDINATION AND TYPE 1 COORDINATION ~32~ Type 2 coordination ‘bağlantı; düzenleme’ and type 1 coordination are IEC standard for electrical machine starting equipment. Type-2 coordination is an advanced standard of type 1 coordination. While buying the starter materials, you should ensure ‘sağlam.’ the equipment’s coordination. Let us understand what is type 1 coordination and type 2 coordination. What is type 1 coordination: Type 1 coordination is nothing but a machine cannot be started without any maintenance work and it should not create any damage for the installation and personals. For example, take a motor along with the starter ‘marş motoru; yolverici, motoru çalıştırmak için ilk dönüş hareketini veren komponent’. During the short circuit condition, the motor or motor’s starter equipment may get damage during the short circuit. Hence it cannot start immediately after clearing the fault by resetting the starter. The starter material may need to be replaced with the spare ‘yedek parça’. Such a starting arrangement is called type 1 starter. It is an old standard. But any industry wants to get continuous protection from their machine, but by using type-1 coordination starting equipment, may increase the downtime ‘arıza süresi’. In order to overcome such things, type 2 coordination is created. What is type 2 coordination: Type 2 coordination is nothing but an immediate start without any work on the motor on starter under short circuit condition. It is applicable ‘uygulanabilir’ for both moving and fixed contacts. For example, a motor attains ‘elde etm., ulaşm.’ a short circuit; the relay commands the contactor to open circuit. During this, the starter equipment such as contactor, relays, MCCB or MPCB(Not Fuses-Motor Protection Circuit Breaker), Cable, bolts ‘civata’ should not get any damage. In this, only the relay rest flag shall indicate the circuit is opened, by resetting the same, the equipment starts at no minute. Type 2 protective device, should clear peak current or fault current within 8 milliseconds. Why type 2 coordination is recommended? Increase productivity High Safety High initial cost but less maintenance cost. Note: Section 715 Extra-low Voltage Lighting. Extra-low voltage(ELV) is used where the risks are great: swimming pools, wandering ‘başıboş dolaşan’ -lead hand lamps, and other portable appliances for outdoor use, etc. The particular requirements apply to installations that are supplied from sources with a maximum rated voltage of 50 V a.c. rms or 120 V d.c. BS 7671 already includes requirements for: 1) protection against electric shock(SELV); 2) protection against the risk of fire due to short circuit; 3) types of wiring systems, including special requirements where bare conductors are used; 4) the types of transformers and converters; and 5) suspended ‘ertelem.’ systems. Amendment 3 will make a number of notable changes to align the latest IEC requirements with CENELEC requirements, including: 1) the types of wiring systems permitted; 2) voltage drop in consumer’s installations; and ~33~ 3) requirements for isolation, switching and control. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘Amendment Number 3 of BS 7671 2008 WiringMatters’ COORDINATION PROBLEMS IN ELECTRICAL NETWORKS THAT LEAD TO NUISANCE CB TRIPPING Network Examples There are a number of problems that commonly occur in industrial and commercial networks, and some of them are covered in the following paragraphs. Coordination ‘koordinasyon, düzen’ malfunctioning ‘kötü çalışm., arızalanm.’ is leading to nuisance tripping of circuit breakers and unwanted electrical effects. Coordination problems in electrical networks that lead to nuisance CB tripping Let’s discover some of coordination problems in networks: 1. Earth fault protection with residually-connected CTs 2. Four-Wire Dual-Fed Substations 1. Use of 3-pole CBs 2. Use of single earth electrode 1. Earth fault protection with residually-connected CTs For four-wire systems, the residual connection of three phase CTs to an earth fault relay element will offer ‘teklif etm., sunm.’ earth fault protection, but the earth fault relay element must be set above the highest single-phase load current to avoid nuisance tripping. Harmonic currents(which may sum in the neutral conductor) may also result in spurious ‘sahte, aldatıcı’ tripping. The earth fault relay element will also respond to a phase-neutral fault for the phase that is not covered by an overcurrent element where only two overcurrent elements are applied. i Where it is required that the earth fault protection should respond only to earth fault current, the protection element must be residually connected to three phase CTs and to a neutral CT or to a core balance CT. ~34~ In this case, overcurrent protection must be applied to all three phases to ensure that all phaseneutral faults will be detected by overcurrent protection. Placing a CT in the neutral earthing connection to drive an earth fault relay provides earth fault protection at the source of supply for a 4-wire system. * If the neutral CT is omitted, neutral current is seen by the relay as earth fault current and the relay setting would have to be increased to prevent tripping under normal load conditions. Figure 1– CBCT(core-balance current transformer) connection for four-wire system. Not: cable gland: Kablo rakoru. Sheath: Kablo kılıfı. When an earth fault relay is driven from residually connected CTs, the relay current and time settings must be such that that the protection will be stable ‘sürekli, devamlı’ during the passage ‘geçiş, akış’ of transient CT spill ‘boşaltma’ current through the relay. Such spill current can flow in the event of transient, asymmetric CT saturation during the passage of offset ‘telafi etme; öteleme, kaymış’ fault current, inrush current or motor starting current. i The risk of such nuisance tripping is greater with the deployment ‘konuşlanma, yerleştirme’ of low impedance electronic relays rather than electromechanical earth fault relays which present significant relay circuit impedance. Energizing a relay from a core-balance type CT(CBCT) generally enables more sensitive settings to be obtained without the risk of nuisance tripping with residually connected phase CTs. When this method is applied to a four-wire system, it is essential that both the phase and neutral conductors are passed through the core-balance CT aperture ‘açıklık, delik’. For a 3-wire system, care must be taken with the arrangement of the cable sheath, otherwise cable faults involving the sheath may not result in relay operation(Figure 1 above). 2. Four-Wire Dual-Fed Substations The coordination of earth fault relays protecting four-wire systems requires special consideration ‘göz önüne alma; dikkat; husus’ in the case of low voltage, dual-fed installations. Horcher(Overcurrent Relay Coordination for Double Ended Substations. George R Horcher. IEEE. Vol. 1A-14 No.6 1978.) has suggested various methods of achieving optimum coordination. ~35~ Problems in achieving optimum protection for common configurations are described below. 2.1. Use of 3-pole CBs When both neutrals are earthed at the transformers and all circuit breakers are of the 3-pole type, the neutral busbar in the switchgear ‘ana şalter; şalt cihazı’ creates a double neutral to earth connection, as shown in Figure 2. In the event of an uncleared feeder earth fault or busbar earth fault, with both the incoming supply breakers closed and the bus section breaker open, the earth fault current will divide between the two earth connections. Earth fault relay RE2 may operate, tripping the supply to the healthy section of the switchboard as well as relay RE1 tripping the supply to the faulted section. Figure 2– Dual fed four-wire systems: use of 3-pole CBs. If only one incoming ‘gelen’ supply breaker is closed, the earth fault relay on the energized side will see only a proportion of the fault current flowing in the neutral busbar. This not only significantly increases the relay operating time but also reduces its sensitivity to low-level earth faults. i The solution to this problem is to utilise 4-pole CBs that switch the neutral as well as the three phases. Then there is only a single earth fault path and relay operation is not compromised ‘tehlikeli’. 2.2.Use of single earth electrode A configuration sometimes adopted ‘benimsem., kabul etm.; kullanm.’ with four-wire dual-fed substations where only a 3-pole bus section CB is used is to use a single earth electrode connected to the mid-point of the neutral busbar in the switchgear, as shown in Figure 3. i When operating with both incoming main circuit breakers and the bus section breaker closed, the bus section breaker must be opened first should an earth fault occur, in order to achieve discrimination ‘selektivite(seçicilik)’. ~36~ The coordination time between the earth fault relays RF and RE should be established at fault level F2 for a substation with both incoming supply breakers and bus section breaker closed. When the substation is operated with the bus section switch closed and either one or both of the incoming supply breakers closed, it is possible for unbalanced neutral busbar load current caused by single phase loading to operate relay RS1 and/or RS2 and inadvertently ‘yanlışlıkla, istemeyerek’ trip the incoming breaker. Figure 3– Dual fed four-wire systems: Use of single point neutral earthing. Interlocking ‘birbirine bağlam.’ the trip circuit of each RS relay with normally closed auxiliary contacts on the bus section breaker can prevent this. However, should an earth fault occur on one side of the busbar when relays RS are already operated, it is possible for a contact race to occur. When the bus section breaker opens, its break contact ‘kapatma kontağı’ may close before the RS relay trip contact on the healthy side can open(reset). i Raising the pick-up ‘toplama’ level of relays RS1 and RS2 above the maximum unbalanced neutral current may prevent the tripping of both supply breakers in this case. However, the best solution is to use 4-pole circuit breakers, and independently earth both sides of the busbar. If, during a busbar earth fault or uncleared feeder earth fault, the bus section breaker fails to open when required, the interlocking break ‘devreyi açma, elektrik akışının kesilmesi’ auxiliary contact will also be inoperative ‘çalışmayan; geçersiz’. This will prevent relays RS1 and RS2 from operating and providing back-up ‘yedek’ protection, with the result that the fault must be cleared eventually ‘sonunda’ by slower phase overcurrent relays. An alternative method of obtaining back-up protection could be to connect a second relay RE, in series with relay RE, having an operation time set longer than that of relays RS1 and RS2. But since the additional relay must be arranged to trip both of the incoming supply breakers, back-up protection would be obtained but busbar selectivity would be lost. CURRENT AND VOLTAGE UNBALANCE-CAUSES ~37~ What is unbalance? Any deviation in voltage and current waveform from perfect sinusoidal, in terms of magnitude or phase shift is termed as unbalance. In ideal conditions i.e. with only linear loads connected to the system, the phases of power supply are 120 degree apart in terms of phase angle and magnitude of their peaks should be same. On distribution level, the load imperfections ‘düzgünsüzlük’ cause current unbalance which travel to transformer and cause unbalance in the three phase voltage. * Even minor ‘ufak, küçük’ unbalance in the voltage at transformer level disturbs the current waveform significantly on all the loads connected to it. * Not only in the distribution side but through the transformer, voltage unbalances disturbs the high voltage power system as well. Causes of unbalance: Practical imperfections which can result in unbalances are: 1. A three phase equipment such as induction motor with unbalance in its windings. If the reactance of three phases is not same, it will result in varying current flowing in three phases and give out system unbalance. – With continuous operation, motor’s physical environment causes degradation ‘bozulum’ of rotor and stator windings. This degradation is usually different in different phases, affecting both, the magnitude and phase angel of current waveform. – A current leakage from any phase through bearings ’mil yatağı’ or motor body provides floating ’değiş(k)en’ earth at times ‘bazen’, causing fluctuating current. * 2. Any large single phase load, or a number of small loads connected to only one phase cause more current to flow from that particular phase causing voltage drop on line. 3. Switching of three phase heavy loads results in current and voltage surges which cause unbalance in the system. 4. Unequal impedances in the power transmission or distribution system cause differentiating ‘farklılaşan’ current in three phases. How to calculate unbalance: Unbalance is calculated in terms of maximum deviation of current in a phase from the mean of three phases. To calculate the percentage deviation[1], Where Im is mean ‘ortalama’ of currents in three phases(i.e. Im= (Ir+Iy+Ib)/3 Ir, Iy, Ib are phase currents). % voltage unbalance = 100 x (maximum deviation from average voltage) / (average voltage). This formula gives estimated values. Besides ‘ayrıca, üstelik’, an unbalance can also be quantified ‘ölçmek’ by comparing the intensity ‘yoğunluk’ of negative sequence currents in comparison to the positive sequence currents. The permissible limit in terms of percentage of negative phase sequence current over positive sequence current is 1.3% ideally but acceptable up to 2%.[2] Note: Maximum current unbalance limit is 10% and maximum voltage unbalance limit is 2%. ~38~ Note: To calculate unbalance of the system there is an example given below. With phase-to-phase voltages of the system is 430 V, 435 V, and 400 V. The average voltage= (430+435+400)/3= 421 V. The maximum voltage deviation from average voltage= 435-421= 14 V. % voltage unbalance= (14×100)/421= 3.32% Note: Planning Limits for Voltage unbalance: In the European Standard EN 50160(1994) voltage unbalance is measured in relation to the negative phase sequence component of the supply voltage since this is considered the most relevant ‘konu ile ilgili; uygun’ with respect to interference ‘girişim, (radyo)parazit’ to equipment. This standard implies ‘anlamına gelm., ima etm.’ that if the magnitude of the negative phase sequence component is within 2% of the positive phase sequence component then the unbalance is acceptable. In the supply system there may be a background ‘arka plan’ level of unbalance(normally less than 0.5%) and therefore the affect of any new load must be considered in the light of existing levels of unbalance. The UK document Engineering Recommendation P29 states that unbalance caused by individual loads should be kept within 1.3%, although short term deviations(less than 1 minute) may be allowed up to 2%. In summary, the adopted ‘kabul edilen; uygulanan’ limits for unbalance are: (a) unbalance at individual loads / connections: 1.3%, (b) unbalance at pcc(aggregate ‘toplam; bütün; toplu’ affect of several loads): 2% Note: Depending on the rating and impedance of the circuit, excessive current unbalance could be either acceptable or a big problem. If the load current is close to the rated current for the circuit, high level of unbalance can cauce nuisance ‘baş belası’ breaker tripping. Effects of unbalance: 1. The unbalance decreases the motor efficiency by causing extra heating in the motor. Heat generated also effect the equipment life by increasing the operating temperature, which decompose ‘boz(ul)m.’ the grease or oil in the bearing 'rulman, mil yatağı' and de-rate the motor windings. 2. In induction motors connected to unbalanced supply, the negative sequence currents flow along with positive sequence current resulting in ‘sonuçlanm., yol açm.’ decreased percentage of productive ‘verimli, yararlı’ current and poor motor efficiency. Any unbalance above 3% hampers ‘engellem.’ the motor efficiency. 3. Torque(and thus the speed) produced by the motor becomes fluctuating. These sudden changes in torque cause more vibration in the gear box ‘dişli kutusu’ or the equipment connected to it. The vibration and noise produced damages the equipment and also reduces the efficiency of equipment. 4. The variable frequency or speed drives connected to an unbalanced system can trip off. VFD treats ‘davranm.’ high level unbalances as phase fault and can trip on earth fault or missing phase fault. 5. Unbalances cause de-rating of power cables and thus increase I²R losses in the cable. For distribution cables de-rating factor represents the part of total current giving fruitful ‘verimli’ outcomes ‘sonuç’. 6. UPS or inverter supplies also perform with poor efficiency and inject more harmonic currents in case of unbalances in the system. 7. Negative phase sequence current flowing due to unbalance can cause faults in the motor, resulting in, tripping or permanent damage of the electrical equipment. Note: Some types of equipment are more sensitive to unbalance than others, in particular 3 phase rotating machines, where the main affect of voltage unbalance is overheating of stator and rotor ~39~ windings. Also, rectifier and inverter equipment tend to generate more harmonics when subject to an unbalanced supply voltage. Quantifying 'miktarını/niceliğini belirlemek, ölçmek' the losses: An unbalance of 1% is acceptable as it doesn’t affect the cable. But above 1% it increases linearly and at 4% the de-rating is 20%. This implies that 20% of the current flowing in the cable will be unproductive and thus the copper losses in the cable will increase by 25% at 4% unbalance. 1. For motors, an unbalance of 5% will result in capacity reduction by 25%. That means, the motor current will increase to match the equipment’s torque needs which will result in proportional copper losses in motor. The voltage unbalance of 3% increase the heating by 20% for an induction motor. 2. The resistance for negative sequence current is 1/6th of the positive sequence current which means a small unbalance in voltage waveform will give more current and thus losses. Effects on the distribution transformer: Transformer offers high reactance to negative phase sequence currents and thus reduces the level of unbalance on the other side of the system. – Ideally any distribution transformer gives best performance at 50% loading and every electrical distribution system is designed for it. But in case of unbalance the loading goes over 50% as the equipments draw more current. – Following data represents the efficiency of transformer under different loading conditions: 1. Full Load- 98.1% 2. Half Load- 98.64% 3. Unbalanced loads- 96.5% For a distribution transformer of 200 kVA rating, the eddy currents accounts for 'açıklam., izah etm.' 200 W but in case of 5% voltage unbalance they can rise up to 720 W. Control measures: 1. All the single phase loads should be distributed on the three phase system such that they put equal load on three phases. 2. Replacing the disturbing equipments i.e. with unbalanced three phase reactance. 3. Reducing the harmonics also reduces the unbalance, which can be done by installing reactive or active filters. These filters reduce the negative phase sequence currents by injecting a compensating ‘telafi eden, karşılayan, dengeleyen’ current wave. * 4. In case the disturbing loads cannot be replaced or repaired, connect them with high voltage side this reduces the effects in terms of percentage and even controlled disturbance in low voltage side(?). 5. Motors with unbalanced phase reactance should be replaced and re-winded 'çevresine sarılm.'. VOLTAGE IMBALANCE(UNBALANCE) STUDY What is voltage imbalance study? Electric voltage imbalance study is an activity to conduct ‘yürütm.’ a comprehensive ‘kapsamlı’ analysis of the voltage unbalance problem in an electrical power system. Voltage unbalance analysis studies help utility and industrial managers to understand the definition of a voltage imbalance, causes, effect or impact, and identify suitable mitigation techniques. Voltage imbalance can be very dangerous for electrical equipment. The source of the problem must be thoroughly ‘derinlemesine, noksansız/mükemmel bir şekilde’ investigated and corrected. ~40~ Basic Knowledge Definition of Voltage Unbalance Voltage unbalance or imbalance is defined by IEEE as the ratio of the negative or zero sequence component to the positive sequence component. In simple terms, it is a voltage variation in a power system in which the voltage magnitudes or the phase angle differences between them are not equal. It follows that this power quality problem affects only polyphase ‘çok fazlı, çok evreli’ systems(e.g. three-phase). In three phase systems, voltage unbalance or voltage imbalance occurs when the phase or line voltages differ from the nominal balanced condition. Normal balanced condition is when the three phase voltages are identical in magnitude and phase angles are displaced ‘yer değiştirm.’ 120 degree vectorially. The unbalance could be caused due to the difference in magnitude of the voltage or the phase angle or both. From a reliability ‘güvenilirlik’ and power quality aspect having a good voltage balance in the system is paramount ‘çok önemli’. Causes of Voltage Unbalance Following are some of the factors that could contribute to voltage unbalance: Electricity source voltage(either public grid or own generation) which is not balanced, The unequal impedance of a three-phase distribution system, Unbalanced loading of power factor correction capacitors[such as a blown fuse in one phase], Uneven ‘eşit olmayan’ distribution of single-phase loads, The load is unbalanced even though it is connected in three phases(?), Incorrect transformer tapping ‘arabağlantı, bir sargının ara yerinden çıkarılan bağlantı ucu’. Note: What is tapping of a transformer? Although power systems have a rated voltage, they often operate at voltages slightly above or below this voltage. This deviation from the rated voltage on the primary side of the transformer is seen on the secondary side of the transformer. Transformers are normally provided with taps to adjust the turns ratio to compensate for this supply variance ‘değişiklik’. This will allow the output voltage to be closer to the rated output voltage when the input voltage is off rated voltage. Effect of Voltage Imbalance ~41~ Like voltage drop, voltage imbalance is undeniable ‘yadsınamaz, kesin’. The problem is when the difference of magnitude and the angle of the voltage exceeds the tolerance limits or allowable percentage set by the applicable standards. The effects of extensive voltage imbalances on power systems and equipment are broad and serious. A severe imbalance might dramatically decrease the equipment life cycles, considerably ‘önemli ölçüde’ speed up the replacement cycle of equipment, and significantly increase system operation and maintenance costs. Furthermore, for a 3 phase 4 wire system, voltage imbalance leads to bigger neutral wire current and cause relay malfunction. The major effects of voltage imbalance are described as follows: Extra power loss Safety deficiency ‘yetersizlik, açık’ Motor failure Life cycle decrease Relay malfunction Inaccurate measurement Transformer failure Why is Voltage Imbalance Study Important? The impact of excessive voltage unbalance on power systems and equipment is extensive and serious. Severe imbalances can dramatically decrease equipment life-time, greatly speed up equipment replacement cycles, and significantly increase system operating and maintenance costs(?). For 3 phase 4 wiring systems, voltage imbalance results in larger neutral wire currents and causes relay failure. Voltage unbalances will cause extra power loss, reduce system efficiency, reduce motor life cycle, etc. Also some abnormal functioning and maintenance conditions also cause voltage imbalance and result in negative impacts on equipment and systems. These conditions include problems such as poor electrical contact, improper installation of capacitor banks, operation of single-phase motors, etc. These operating and maintenance conditions may not occur frequently. However, if it happens, it will cause very serious problems for the system or equipment. Objective ‘amaç, hedef’ of Voltage Imbalance Studies To determine the magnitude of the existing voltage imbalance and compare it with related standards. ~42~ To determine the causes and consequences of unbalanced stresses ‘basınç; kuvvet; gerilme, gerilim, gerginlik’ in distribution systems and user facilities ‘kolaylık; tesis’. To identify mitigation techniques for distribution systems and for industry. Mitigation of Voltage Unbalance Making a zero voltage imbalance in a distribution system clearly impossible due to, (a) randomness ‘raslantısallık’ of connection and termination ‘son verme, son bulma; sonlandırma’ of single-phase loads (b) uneven distribution of single-phase loads over three phases and (c) inherent ‘doğasında olan’ asymmetry of the power system. However, there are utility system level mitigation techniques as well as industry level(load) mitigation techniques that can be used to correct ‘düzeltm., doğrulam.’ excessive voltage imbalances. Utility ‘kamu hizmeti yapan kuruluş’ Level Techniques Redistribution of single-phase loads equally to all phases. Reduction of the system unbalance that arise ‘oluşm.’ due to system impedance ‘empedans’ such as those due to transformers and lines. Single-phase regulators have been suggested as devices that can be used to correct the unbalance but care ‘bakım, özen’ must be exercised to ensure that they are controlled carefully not to introduce further unbalance. Passive network systems and active power electronic systems such as static var compensator and line conditioners also have been suggested for unbalance correction. Compared to passive systems, active systems are able to dynamically correct the unbalance. Note: A power conditioner(also known as a line conditioner or power line conditioner) is a device intended to improve the quality of the power that is delivered ‘dağıtm.’ to electrical load equipment. The term most often refers to a device that acts in one or more ways to deliver a voltage of the proper level and characteristics to enable load equipment to function properly. In some uses, power conditioner refers to a voltage regulator with at least one other function to improve power quality. Plant ‘tesis’ Level Techniques Load balancing. Use of passive networks and static var compensator. Equipment that is sensitive to voltage unbalance should not be connected to systems which supply single-phase loads. Effect of voltage unbalance on AC variable speed drives can be reduced by properly sizing AC side and DC link reactors. * ~43~ Standart 3 phase variable frequency drive(variable speed drive). Not: Yüzdelik voltaj dengesizliğini 3 fazlı yükler(motor, 3 fazlı doğrultucu, transformatör) için hesapla. Voltaj olarak faz-faz arası değerler hesaplamada kullanılır. * VOLTAGE UNBALANCE STANDARDS Unfortunately, there are different standards regarding the appropriate limits for voltage unbalance. The American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment ANSI C84.1 recommends that “electric supply systems should be designed and operated to limit the maximum voltage unbalance to 3 percent when measured at the electric-utility ‘halka elektrik sağlayan şirket’ revenue meter ‘sayaç’ under no-load conditions.” Pacific Gas and Electric lays out ‘düzenlem.; planlam.’ its own requirements in Rule 2, which states that “the voltage unbalance between phases will be maintained by PG&E as close as practicable to 2 ½ percent maximum deviation from the average voltage between the three phases.” * The National Equipment Manufacturers Association ‘dernek, birlik’(NEMA), which represents ‘temsil etm.’ motor and drive manufacturers, only requires motors to give rated output for 1% of voltage unbalance per NEMA MG-1-1998. By limiting voltage unbalance to 1%, this is more stringent ‘zorlayıcı, bağlayıcı, uyulması gereken’ than either ANSI C84.1 or utility guidelines. Furthermore, some motor manufacturers have tried to require less than 5% current unbalance for a valid warranty. NEMA MG-1 states that 1% of voltage unbalance can create 6-10% current unbalance; thus, these motor manufacturers have requirements that are potentially more restrictive ‘sınırlayıcı, kısıtlayıcı’ than even NEMA MG-1. This inconsistency ‘uyuşmama’ can create disputes ‘anlaşmazlık’ between customers, motor manufacturers, and the utility. Careful consideration should be made in each location to the utility’s ~44~ service guidelines ‘talimatname’ versus the motor manufacturer’s guidelines, to ensure a proper understanding of the two. International standards as EN-50160 and IEC 1000-3-series give limits for the unbalance voltage calculated by the ratio of sequences method up to 2% for LV and MV systems measured as 10minute values with an instantaneous maximum of 4%. More detailed standardization can be found in IEC 61000-2-x, as a part of EMC standardization, and EN 50160 describing the voltage characteristic at the point of common coupling(PCC).[3] Unfortunately there is no standard for current unbalance. But by attention ‘dikkat, uyarı’ to the NEMA MG-1 standard the maximum standard limit of current unbalance due to 3% of voltage unbalance can be advised as 30%. Note: Synopsis ‘özet’: Magnitude: 0.5% - 2.5%(typical) Duration: Steady-state Source: Utility or facility Symptoms: Malfunction or overheating Occurrence: Medium Mitigating Devices: Voltage regulators Note: NEMA definition(LVUR): The NEMA definition of voltage unbalance[5], which is also referred to as the Line Voltage Unbalance Rate(LVUR), is used by motor manufacturers. It calculates unbalance using the line-to-line voltage magnitudes Vab; Vbc and Vca: . To comply with the NEMA MG-1[5] and ANSI C84.I[18] standards, the maximum voltage unbalance, as defined in (2), must not exceed 3% under no-load conditions. For voltage unbalance greater than 1%, the induction motors should be derated by an appropriate factor[5]. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘on the impact of different voltage unbalance metrics in distribution system optimization’ GROUND FAULT PROTECTION A ground fault is a condition in which electrical current unintentionally flows to ground. Because ground faults can cause damage to equipment and can endanger ‘tehlike yaratm.’ lives, ground fault protection is required in some situations. For example, NEC®Article 230.95 requires ground fault protection of equipment for service disconnects rated 1000 Amps or more on solidly-grounded wye services exceeding 150 volts-toground but not exceeding 600 volts phase-to-phase. Refer to the complete article for additional information. Keep in mind that ground fault equipment protection must open a circuit when ground fault current reaches 30 milliamps. In contrast, ground fault circuit interrupters designed to provide life protection must open a circuit at 5 milliamps(plus or minus 1 milliamp). When ground fault ~45~ protection is incorporated ‘katm., dahil etm.’ into a panel board, it is generally through use of circuit breakers with ground fault protection. One way a ground fault protector works is with a sensor around the insulated neutral bonding jumper. When an unbalanced current from a line-to-ground fault occurs, current will flow in the bonding jumper. When the current reaches a set level, the shunt trip opens the circuit breaker, removing the load from the line. Figure 1- Ground fault sensor around bonding jumper. Another way a ground fault protector works is with a sensor around all the circuit conductors. When current is flowing normally, the sum of all the currents is zero. However, a ground fault causes an imbalance of the currents flowing in the individual conductors. When the imbalance reaches a set level, the shunt trip opens the circuit breaker, removing the load from the line. Figure 2- Ground fault sensor around all conductors. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF 'basics_of_panelboards___Siemens' Çizelge 1- Tesislerde karşılaşılabilecek güç kalitesi sorunları. problem hedef Hangi verilere ihtiyaç var? reaktif cezalar ve yüksek elektrik faturaları enerji tasarrufu(Elektrik faturası ve cezaları azaltmak.) tek-hat şeması ~46~ sıklıkla oluşan elektrik kesintileri Teknik problemleri çözmek. Teknik olaylar: sürücüler, sigortalar vb. Kablo, trafo vb. ekipmanda aşırı ısınma(Nötr iletkeni dahil.). Genel verimliliği arttırmak(Bakım maliyetleri, duruşlar, işletme vb.). Uluslararası standartlara uymak(IEEE, IEC, GI4/5 vb.). son birkaç aya ait elektrik faturaları yük tipleri ve yüklenme durumları bilgisi ölçümler(güç kalitesi analizörü cihazı ile) Çizelge 2- Elektrik ile çalışan cihazların harmonik ve yük dengesizliğinden etkilenme düzeyleri. cihaz harmonikler yük dengesizliği sekron motor asekron motor kontaktör değişken hızlı sürücü UPS ? bilgisayar endüksiyon ısıtıcı ? lamba(elektronik balastlı) kompanzasyon sistemi ? transformatör kesici kablo yüksek yüksek orta orta orta yüksek yok yüksek yüksek orta yüksek yüksek yüksek yüksek yok orta orta yok yok yok yok orta orta yok Not: Tabloda endüksiyon ısıtıcılarında harmonik yüksek, yük dengesizliği yüksek olmalı. Çünkü bölücüler(diyot, transistör, tristör, triyak ve CMOS devreler) çoğunlukla kullanılmaktadır. Bölücülerin var olması harmonik doğurur. Bu devrelerde harmonikler çoğunluktadır, dolayısıyla sinüs eğrisinde normalin üzerinde bozulmalar meydana gelir ve harmonik hat safhadadır. Tabloda kompanzasyon sistemlerinde harmonik yüksek, yazılı. Kondansatörler harmonik üretmezler. Yüklerden gelen harmoniklerden korunmak için kondansatörlerin önlerine pasif filtre(reaktör) bağlanır. Bu sırada da maruz kaldıkları gerilimler yükseldiği için daha yüksek gerilimlerdeki kondansatörler seçilir(L ve C seri bağlandığından bağlantı noktasındaki kondansatör gerilimi yükselir.). Bu sebeple kondansatörün harmonik ürettiği anlamına gelmez. UPS'ler en çok harmonik doğuran cihazlardır. Bunun için primeri üçgen, sekonderi ise çift sargılı yapılmalıdır(Birisi üçgen, diğeri ise yıldız sarımlı olmalı. Fazlar arası gerilimleri birbirine eşit olmalı.). Note: What effects do harmonics produce? ~47~ IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. Not: Günümüzde harmoniklerin oluşmasının temel nedeni, modern enerji dönüşüm teknikleri kullanan güç elektroniği cihazlarının sayısındaki hızlı artıştır. Örneğin artık birçok uygulamada verimlilik ve kontrol olanakları gibi nedenlerle elektrik motorları, motor sürücüler tarafından kontrol edilmektedir. Bir güç elektroniği cihazı olan motor sürücü şebekeden harmonik içerikli akımlar çeker. Endüstriyel tesislerde ve işmerkezlerinde en yoğun olarak karşılaşılabilecek, harmonik içerikli akımlar çeken cihazlar şunlardır: Motor sürücüleri(hız kontrol cihazları), kesintisiz güç kaynakları, doğrultucular(redresörler) ve akü şarj cihazları, endüksiyon ocakları, bilgisayarlar(yarı iletken elemanların kullanıldığı cihazlar), elektronik balastlı deşarj lambaları, frekans çeviriciler. Ayrıca fotovoltaik sistemler, anahtarlamalı güç kaynakları, HVDC sistemleri, kaynak cihazları, ark fırınları da harmonik oluşturur(ARAŞTIRILACAK VE ÖNEMİ AZ BİLGİ). Harmoniğe Karşı Kompanzasyon Sistemlerinde Alınan Tedbirler: Harmoniklerin çözümü için genellikle aşağıdaki yöntemlerden biri veya birkaçı uygulanır: 1- Kompanzasyon sisteminin filtreli kompanzasyon sistemine dönüştürülmesi. 2- Aktif harmonik filtre uygulanması. 3- 3'üncü harmonik filtresi gibi pasif harmonik filtre uygulamaları. 4- Elektrik tesisatında yük dağılımları değiştirilerek yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda problemin çözülmesi. 5- Harmonik üreten yüklerde yapılacak çeşitli çalışmalar ile problemin çözülmesi. ~48~ Not: Harmonik bozulmaların sonuçları: 3 fazlı rezonans sistemlerde, aşırı nötr oluşma olasılığının artması; tüm kablo ve donanımlarında, elektrikli makinelerde, haberleşme sistemlerinde hatalar sonucu verimlilik kaybı yaşanması. DOSYAYA KAYIT EDİLMEDİ. Not: Harmonik filtre harmoniklerin neden olacağı rezonansları önler. Not: Harmoniklerin en büyük bozucu etkilerinden biri de rezonans etkisidir. Sistemin rezonansı, harmonik frekanslardan birine yakın bir değerde oluşursa, aşırı seviyede harmonik akım ve gerilimleri ortaya çıkaracaktır. Harmonik seviyelerini etkileyen en önemli etkenlerden biri de rezonansın seri veya paralel rezonans durumunda olmasıdır. Rezonans Önleyici Tedbirler: a- Motor ve kondansatörler birlikte devreye girip çıkıyorsa, rezonans olayı tehlike oluşturmamaktadır. b- Motorun ani olarak devreden çıkması, kondansatörün devrede kalması hâlinde rezonans akımları meydana gelmektedir. Dolayısıyla merkezi kompanzasyon yapılmış tesislerde, motorun devreden çıkarılmasında kondansatörlerin devrede kalmasıyla rezonans olayı meydana gelebilecektir. Enerji kesilmesinde, tekrar enerji geldiğinde kondansatörler direkt devreye girerlerse rezonans olayı meydana gelecektir. O halde kompanzasyon devrelerinin projelendirilmesinde, her kondansatör grubu kontaktörü, start-stop butonu ile devreye girecek şekilde projelendirilmelidir(?). c- Kısa devre gerilim yüzdesi büyük olan trafolarda, rezonansın etkisi büyük olur. Bu tip trafoların kullanıldığı devrelerde, kompanzasyon tesisinin projelendirilmesinde, rezonansa engel olacak tedbirler alınmalıdır. Bu tedbirlerin en önemlisi kondansatörlerin trafolara yakın baralara bağlanmamasıdır. Bir ek kablo ile hatta paralel kablolar ile kondansatörler bağlanmalıdır. ç- Kompanzasyonda az kademe tercih edilmelidir. PRACTICAL DESIGN KNOWLEDGE IN HARMONICS DISTORTION AND POWER FACTOR CORRECTION(PFC) Harmonics And Network Design Nowadays, if you do not consider harmonics distortion when designing a new network, you missed the whole point of the network design. Yes, really. The sooner you realize that harmonics problems are on the rise, the better. Modern power networks are already pretty dirty because of mass ‘kitle, yığın’ non-linear loads installed without any prior ‘önceki, önce’ consultation ‘danışma’ with experts or power analysis. This technical article will shed ‘ışık tutm., dağıtm., yaym.’ some light on practical ways of looking at the problems with harmonics distortion. It will also refresh your knowledge in the basics of harmonics and give you some good practical tips ‘taktik; tavsiye, öğüt’ in designing, installation and protecting PFC(power factor correction) systems and measures. 1. Harmonics Facts And Questions 1.1 What Are Harmonics? Modern low voltage networks increasingly have loads installed that draw non-sinusoidal currents from the power distribution system. These load currents cause voltage drops through the system impedances which distort ‘(biçimini) bozm.’ the original sinusoidal supply voltage. Fourier ~49~ analysis can be used to separate these superposed ‘çakıştırm., üst üste koym., bindirm.’ waveforms into the basic oscillation(supply frequency) and the individual harmonics. The frequencies of the harmonics are integral ‘tam’ multiples of the basic oscillation and are denoted ‘belirtm., simgelem.’ by the ordinal number ‘n’ or ‘v’(Example: Supply frequency = 50 Hz → 5th harmonic = 250 Hz). Linear loads are ohmic resistances(resistance heaters, light bulbs ‘elektrik ampulü-akkor flamanlı’, etc.), three-phase motors and capacitors, and they are not harmful to the power system. The most problematic loads that need attention! Non-linear loads(harmonics generators) are: 1. Transformers and chokes ‘bobin’, 2. Electronic power converters, 3. Rectifiers and converters, especially when controlling variable-speed induction motors, 4. Induction and electric arc furnaces, welding equipment, 5. Uninterruptible power supplies, 6. Single-phase switched mode power supply units for modern electronic loads such as televisions, VCRs ‘Automatic Voltage Regulator’, computers, monitors, printers, telefax machines, electronic ballasts, compact energy-saving lamps. Every periodic signal with a frequency f(regardless of the waveform) consists of the sum of the following: 1. The sine component of the frequency f, known as the fundamental component or h₁. 2. The sine components of the integral multiples of the frequency f, known as the harmonics hₙ. 3. In some cases DC components can also be present. y₍ₜ₎= h₁₍ₜ₎+ h₃₍ₜ₎ … Figure 1- Analysing a periodic signal into its component harmonics. Harmonics can be divided into three categories: 1. Even harmonics(2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) Even harmonics(2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) as a rule only occur due to sudden load variations or faults in converters. 2. Odd harmonics(3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.) Harmonics divisible by 3(3rd, 9th, 15th, etc.) occur due to asymmetrical loads and single-phase sources of harmonics. Typical sources are office buildings, hospitals, software companies, banks, etc., factories with 2-phase welding equipment. The problem they cause: The harmonic currents in the neutral conductor are cumulative ‘biriken, gittikçe artan’. ~50~ Figure 2- Cumulative effect of the 3rd harmonic current in the neutral conductor. 3. Harmonics not divisible by 3(5th, 7th, 11th, etc.) Harmonics not divisible by 3(5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, etc.) occur due to 3-phase sources of harmonics. 5th and 7th harmonics: from 6-pulse converters, 11th and 13th harmonics: from 12pulse converters The problem they cause: The harmonics are transmitted via the transformer! The total harmonic distortion, THD, is the result of the vector addition of all harmonics present and is, as a rule, expressed as a proportion of the fundamental frequency, thus providing a quick overview ‘gözden geçirme, genel bakış’ of network power quality. Each harmonic can be considered as an individual system with its own phase angle! This results in a difference between cosφ(fundamental frequency) and PF(power factor, overall harmonics). Harmonics are generated not only in industrial installations but also increasingly in private households ‘konut’. As a rule, the devices generating these harmonics only feed in the odd ‘tek’ orders, so that it is only the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, etc. harmonics that are encountered ‘raslam., karşılaşm.’. Figure 3- Network current and voltage superposed with the following harmonics: 5% of the 5th harmonic, 4% of the 7th harmonic and 2.5% of the 11th harmonic. ~51~ 1.2 How Are Harmonics Produced? Harmonics are usually produced in a commercial facility’s own low voltage network, especially when variable speed drives are installed. They are also generated in every household: in every television, computer and in compact energy-saving lamps with electronic ballasts. The sheer ‘tam’ number of these loads in the evenings with the currents in phase gives rise to high levels of harmonics in some medium voltage networks. 1.2.1 Level Of Harmonics If No PFC System Has Yet Been Installed a) In A Facility’s Own Low-Voltage System The level of harmonics if no PFC system has yet been installed in a facility’s own LV system depends on the power of the installed converters and rectifiers. If, for example, a large 6-pulse converter is installed in the network and its power rating is 50% of the transformer nominal rating, this gives rise to about: a- 4% of the 5th harmonics(250 Hz) and b- 3% of the 7th harmonics(350 Hz). It is more usual, however, for several small converters that are not linked to each other to be installed in a network. The fact that the currents to the individual rectifiers are not all in phase means that the resulting harmonic voltages are less than in the above case. If, for example, several rectifiers with a combined(toplam., bir araya getirm.) power of some 25% of the transformer nominal rating are installed, this gives rise to some: a- 1-1.5% of the 5th harmonic and b- 0.7-1% of the 7th harmonic. These are approximate values to help in the initial assessment ‘değerlendirme’ of whether a detuned ‘ayarını bozm.; ayarlam.’ PFC system needs to be installed. Figure 4- Current of a power rectifier. ~52~ Figure 5- Line current of a converter for induction motors. b) In The Medium Voltage Supply System Nowadays, most of these systems are affected predominantly ‘genelde, çoğunlukla’ by the devices in private households(mainly television sets) that produce harmonics. This is readily ‘kolayca, güçlük çekmeden’ apparent when the daily curve for the 5th harmonic is examined: Figure 6- Average and maximum levels of the 5th harmonic as %. The level of harmonics in the medium voltage system of a municipal ’belediyeye ait, kentsel’ power supply with industrial loads on weekdays ‘hafta içi, iş günü’. In densely ‘yoğun ölçüde’ populated ‘nüfuslandırm.’ areas in the evenings, frequencies of about 4% 250 Hz and up to 1.5% 350 Hz can be superposed on the medium voltage supply system. The higher harmonics are usually negligible. 1.3 What Effect Does A PFC System Have On A Network With Harmonics? A PFC system with no detuning(Figure 7) forms an oscillatory circuit with reactive line impedances. The resonant frequency is given by a simple rule of thumb ‘başparmak’: ~53~ Figure 7- A PFC system with no detuning. fᵣ= 50 Hz x √ (Sₖ % Qc) where: Sₖ- short-circuit power at the point where the correction ‘düzeltme’ system is connected, Qc- correction system capacitor power rating. The short-circuit power Sₖ at the point where the PFC system is connected is: a- Determined essentially by the transformer(Sₙ/uₖ), b- Reduced by some 10% by the impedance of the medium-voltage system, c- Possibly greatly reduced by long lengths of cable between the transformer and the PFC system. 1.3.1 Example: a- Transformer 1000 kVA, uₖ= 6%. b- Short-circuit power of the medium voltage system 150 MVA, Sₖ≈ 12.6 MVA. c- PFC system 400 kVAr in 8 stages ‘kademe’, no detuned. Table 1- Capacitor power ratings and resonant frequency. When the capacitor stages of the correction system are switched in, the network resonant frequency(fᵣ) changes considerably ‘önemli oranda/ölçüde’ and is repeatedly close to the frequency of a network harmonic. If the natural resonance of this oscillatory circuit is near to a network harmonic that is present, it is to be expected that resonance will increase the harmonic voltages. “Under certain conditions, these may be multiplied by an amount approaching ‘yaklaşm.’ the network Q-factor(in industrial systems about 5-10!): Figure 8- Amplification factor for harmonic voltages in PFC system without detuning in the low voltage network. ~54~ 1.4 When Can Dangerous Network Resonance Occurs? From Figure 8 above it can be seen that it is possible to assess ‘değerlendirm.’ whether resonance problems can occur with harmonics. Simple rules suffice ‘yetm., yetişm.’ for this: 1. If the resonant frequency is: a- 10% below/above a network harmonic, the latter will be amplified in a network with a high Qfactor(e.g. in the evenings and at night) by a factor of up to 4. b- 20% above a network harmonic, the latter will be amplified in a network with a high Q-factor by up to 2.5. c- 30% above a network harmonic, the latter will be amplified only slightly, by a factor of up to 1.7. In a network with no harmonic generator of its own, but with pronounced ‘bariz, belirgin; telafuz edilen’ harmonics present in the medium voltage system, the following can occur: a- At a resonance frequency below 400 Hz- resonance peaks of the 7th harmonic, b- At a resonance frequency below 300 Hz- dangerous resonance peaks of the 5th harmonic(250 Hz). 1.5 What Effect Does The Network Configuration Have On The Problem Of Harmonics? The network short-circuit power determines the resonant frequency and, where harmonic generators are present in that network, the amplitude of the harmonics in the network voltage. * a- If the network short-circuit power at the point where the PFC system is connected is too low, this causes problems. b- If the short-circuit power is changed radically ‘tamamen, büyük ölçüde’ due to altered switching conditions, this causes problems. Example of large commercial facilies In many large commercial facilities, continuity of power supply is achieved by connecting the low voltage distribution points via a ring circuit. This network has a high short-circuit power even with large PFC systems and heavy rectifier loads with hardly any harmonics problems arising since the resonant frequency is high and the harmonic currents are dissipated with low voltage drops into the medium voltage system. If a break is made in the ring circuit, for example for maintenance work, the short-circuit power can decrease considerably under certain conditions, so that the resonant frequency can fall below 300 Hz! 1.6 Voltage And Current Loads On PFC Systems Without Detuning When resonance occurs, the network r.m.s. voltage only increases slightly, but the r.m.s. value of the capacitor current increases considerably. In the case of resonance with the fifth harmonic, this can reach a level of, say, 15% in which case: 1. The network r.m.s. voltage increases by 1%, 2. The crest ‘tepe’ working line voltage increases by 10-15%(depending on phase angle), ~55~ 3. The r.m.s. value of the capacitor current increases by 25%! In the case of resonance with the 11th harmonic, this can reach a level of, say, 10% in which case: 1. The network r.m.s. voltage increases by 0.5%, 2. The peak value of the mains voltage increases by 6-10%, 3. The r.m.s. value of the capacitor current increases by 50%! i For this reason, a high current-carrying capacity is one of the most important quality characteristics for a capacitor! For example, FRAKO’s capacitors can withstand an overcurrent up to 2.7 times the rated current as a continuous load. 2. Designing For Networks With Harmonics What must be done if resonance is possible but rather ‘oldukça’ unlikely ‘olası olmayan’? A considerable ‘önemli’ proportion of installations being designed today fall into this category, e.g.: 1. No internal harmonic generators installed in the network, no harmonics in the medium voltage system, but a resonant frequency below 400 Hz. 2. If changes are made in the network configuration, for example, during maintenance work, the resonant can fall below 400 Hz. Harmonics are present in the medium voltage distribution system. 3. It is planned to build installations with rectifiers at a later date. i To protect an installation without detuning from the occurrence of resonance, even if this may only happen occasionally ‘ara sıra, bazen’, it is highly advantageous to use the Mains Monitoring Instrument. This device monitors all three phases of the power supply system shuts the installation down if a dangerous level of harmonics is exceeded and switches it automatically in ‘devreye girm.’ again when this level falls below the critical value. Figure 9 shows an example of FRAKO’s mains monitoring instrument, type ‘EMA 1101’. The peak values that have occurred are stored, however, and can be retrieved ‘düzeltm.’ via the EMA 1101 bus interface ‘arayüz’. Figure 9- Direct connection of Mains Monitoring Instrument, type ‘EMA 1101’ by FRAKO manufacturer to low voltage system. ~56~ Figure 10- Connection of Mains Monitoring Instrument to medium-voltage system. For distribution systems that are symmetrically loaded, the Power Factor Control Relay can also be installed. This instrument monitors the system to detect any resonance that may occur. For example, FRAKO’s EMR 1100 power factor control relay determines the harmonic voltages in the measured ‘ölçm.’ phase and calculates the r.m.s. current to the capacitors. If a programmed maximum limit is exceeded, the installation is shut down and switched in when the level falls below its critical value. In cases of this description, PFC systems that can be retrofitted ‘sahip olunan donanımı yenileriyle güçlendirm.’ with detuning are often installed. Figure 11- Power Factor Control Relay, type ‘EMR 1100’ by FRAKO manufacturer. 2.1 Planning For PFC Systems In Networks With Harmonics ~57~ The best information on the operational characteristics of a planned PFC system is obtained by a combination of two planning activities: 1. Measuring the harmonic voltages and currents over several days with no PFC system installed. 2. Theoretical calculation of the network resonance characteristics. In the measured network, the following harmonic levels are to be expected with PFC: Maximum value of measurement without power factor correction multiplied by the resonance factor from the network analysis. 2.1.1 Example: An average-size low voltage system with a 1000 kVA transformer. The installation, complete with the PFC system, is connected via two 20 m long cables laid in parallel (equivalent to the impedance of a 10 m cable). Only purely ohmic loads may be taken into account as equipment such as induction motors have no damping effect ‘sönüm/bastırma tesiri’ on harmonics. i With a 400 kVAr installation and all capacitor sections switched in, the 5th harmonic(250 Hz) is amplified by a factor of about 3. At 250 kVAr the 7th harmonic is amplified by a factor of about 4! During the day, with increased network damping, these factors are lower, but in the evenings and at weekends the amplification factor for the 7th can be higher. Figure 12- Amplification of harmonic voltages as a function of the capacitor stages switched in FRAKO – Mains Analysis. 2.2 Measures to Counteract Expected Resonances If harmonics with high voltage levels, such as: 1. 4% of the 3rd harmonic(150 Hz) 2. 5% of the 5th harmonic(250 Hz) 3. 4% of the 7th harmonic(350 Hz) 4. 3% of the 11th harmonic(550 Hz) 5. 2.1% of the 13th harmonic(650 Hz) due to resonance induced amplification ‘kuvvetlendirme; zayıf sinyallerin seviyesini güçlendirme’ are anticipated ‘beklem., sezm., önceden görm.’ when planning a PFC system, serious disruptions ‘boz(ul)ma’ can occur in the low voltage distribution systems with: 1. Problems with IT systems and CNC machines, 2. Damage to rectifiers and/or converters, 3. Uncontrolled tripping of a variable capacitor bank and circuit breakers, ~58~ 4. The shutdown of PFC systems without detuning, 5. Voltage peaks in the distribution system, 6. Increased eddy current losses in transformers and induction motors. If the level of individual harmonics with no PFC system amounts ‘anlamına gelm.’ to more than 1.5%(7th and higher harmonics) or 2%(5th harmonic) and the resonant frequency of the network can be close to these harmonics, then it must be assumed that these permissible limits will be exceeded by resonance-induced amplification. In situations of this type, only detuned PFC systems should be used in order not to jeopardize ‘tehlikeye atm.’ the reliability of the low voltage distribution system. Detuning reduces the resonant frequency to a value below 250 Hz. All harmonics above the resonant frequency of the detuned system are attenuated. Figure 13- Damping of harmonic voltages as a function of the detuned capacitor sections. A detuned capacitor consists of a capacitor in series with a filter reactor. Its series resonant frequency is adjusted by the appropriate design of the filter reactor so that it is below the frequency of the 5th harmonic(250 Hz). This combination, therefore, has an inductive characteristic for all frequencies above the series resonant frequency. The resonance between the capacitors and the reactive network impedances is no longer possible. A detuned system suppresses ‘bastırm.’ some of the harmonic currents. To prevent overloads due to the 5th harmonic still present in the network, it is a present-day practice to adjust the resonant frequency of the detuned circuit to 189 Hz or less. The detuned circuit is characterized either by the capacitor-choke resonant frequency(fr) or by the relative voltage drop(p) at the choke. These two parameters are related by the following: fᵣ= 50 Hz x √ (1/p). Example: p = 0.07 (7%) fr= 189 Hz. Note: Choke: In electronics, a choke is an inductor used to block higher-frequency alternating currents while passing direct current (DC) and lower-frequencies alternating current (AC) in an electrical circuit. A choke usually consists of a coil of insulated wire often wound on a magnetic core, although some consist of a doughnut-shaped "bead" of ferrite material strung on a wire. The choke's impedance increases with frequency. Its low electrical resistance passes both AC and DC with little power loss, but its reactance limits the amount of AC passed(1). An inductor that is used to prevent electric signals and energy from being transmitted along undesired paths or into inappropriate parts of an electric circuit or system. Power-supply chokes prevent alternating-current ~59~ components, inherent to a power supply, from entering the electronic equipment. Radio-frequency chokes (RFCs) prevent radio-frequency signals from entering audio-frequency circuits. The printed circuit boards used in virtually all electronic equipment such as computers, television sets, and high-fidelity audio systems typically have one or more chokes. The purposes of these chokes are the (1) attenuation of spurious signals generated in the equipment itself so that these signals will not be transmitted to other parts of the circuit or beyond the overall system to other electronic devices; (2) prevention of undesired signals or electrical noise generated in other parts of the system from adversely affecting circuit performance; and (3) prevention of ripple from the power supply from degrading system behavior. Waveguide chokes keep microwave energy from being transmitted to the wrong part of a waveguide system(2, the term in electricity). 3. Installation Of Power Factor Correction 3.1 Current Transformer Location A current transformer is necessary to operate PFC systems. This is not included in the scope of supply but can be provided with the system after clarification ‘açıklığa kavuşturma, belirtme’ of user requirements. The primary current in the transformer is determined by the user’s current input, i.e. this unit is designed for the maximum current loading or the installed load connected to the power transformer. i The reactive power control relay current circuit is designed for a …/ 1 to …/5 A current transformer with a 5 VA rating and Class 3 accuracy. If ammeters are installed in series with the control relay, the rating of the current transformer must be increased to suit ‘uydurm.’. Figure 14- Correctly installed current transformer registers load current and capacitor current. ~60~ Figure 15- Incorrect! The current transformer only registers the load current: the capacitor bank is switched in but no out again. The reactive power control relay gives the message “C=0”(No capacitor current can be measured.) If further instruments need to be powered from the same current transformer, this must be taken into account when specifying its rating. Losses also occur in the current transformer wiring and these must also be taken into account if there are long lengths of cable between the current transformer and the reactive power control relay. Power losses in copper conductors from the current transformer with a secondary current of 5 A are displayed in Table 2. Table 2- Power losses in copper conductors. Note! The current transformer must be installed in one of the three phases so that the entire current to the consumers requiring PFC and the capacitor current flow through it(as shown in Figures 14 and 15). Terminal P1(K) is connected to the supply side, to the consumer side, terminal P2(L) to the consumer side(?). Caution! When the primary circuit is broken, voltage surges occur which could destroy the current transformer. The terminals S1(k) and S2(l) must therefore be short-circuited before the transformer circuit is broken. 3.2 Overcurrent Protection And Cables When installation work is carried out, the regulations IEC 60364-6 and IEC 60831 the conditions of supply of the utility company concerned ‘alakadar etm., ilgilenm.’ must be complied with ‘uygun olm.’. IEC 60831 states that capacitor units must be suitable for continuous r.m.s. current of 1.3 times the current that is drawn at the sinusoidal rated voltage and nominal frequency. If the capacitance tolerance of 1.1xCₙ is also taken into account, the maximum allowable current can reach values of up to 1.38xIₙ. This overload capability together with the high inrush current to ~61~ the capacitors must be taken into account when designing protective devices and cable crosssections. 3.3 Ingress Protection The standard EN 60529 specifies the degree of protection for electrical enclosures by means of two letters and a two-digit number. IP stands for ingress ‘hava girişi’ protection, while the first and second numbers specify the protection against solid objects and liquids respectively. Note: Table 1. Summary of power quality variation categories. * Note: Energy Storage Technologies refers to a variety of alternative energy storage technologies that can be used for standby supply as part of power conditioning(e.g. superconducting magnetic energy storage, capacitors, flywheels, batteries). TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘interpretation and analysis of power quality measurements’ Not: Harmoniklerin etkileri: Lineer olmayan bir yüke sıfır kaynak empedanslı gerilim uygulandığında, oluşan akımın dalga şekli gerilimin dalga şeklinden farklı olacaktır. Bu bozulmuş akım; trafo, iletkenler ve devre kesiciler gibi yalnızca yolunun üzerinde bulunan elemanları etkiler. Ancak sıfır kaynak empedansı ideal bir durumdur. Gerçekte, bozulmuş akım kaynak empedansı üzerinde bir gerilim düşümü meydana getirir, bu da kaynak empedansından sonraki bütün yüklere bozulmuş bir gerilim uygulanmasına neden olur. Akım ve gerilim harmoniklerinin güç sistemi içindeki etkilerini dört ana grup altında toplamak mümkündür: • Paralel ve seri rezonans dolayısıyla harmonik seviyelerinin yükselmesi, ~62~ • Elektrik üretim, iletim ve tüketiminde verimin azalması, • Harmonikler elektrik tesislerinde yalıtımı zayıflattığı için tesis elemanlarının ömürlerinin azalması, • Tesislerde arızalar meydana gelmesi. Bu grupların alt maddeleri başlıca şu gibi problemlerdir: • Ek kayıpların oluşması ve gerilim düşümünün artması, • Generatör ve şebeke geriliminin dalga şeklinin bozulması, • Kondansatörlerin aşırı akıma maruz kalarak zarar görmeleri, • Asenkron ve senkron makinelarda aşırı ısınma ve gürültülü çalışma, • Ölçme, koruma ve kontrol sistemlerinin hatalı olarak çalışmaları, • Rezonans olayları sebebiyle güç sistem elemanlarının aşırı akım veya aşırı gerilime maruz kalmaları. Not: Güç sistemlerinde harmoniklerin en önemli etkileri; a- Generatör ve şebeke gerilimin dalga şeklinin bozulması, b- Harmonik seviyelerindeki yükselme olasılığı ile sistemde ortaya çıkabilecek paralel ve seri rezonanslar, c- Elektrik enerjisinin üretim, iletim ve dağıtım gibi tüm kademelerinde ek kayıpların ortaya çıkması ve dolayısıyla sistem verimliliğinin azalması, ç- Elektriksel ekipmanların yalıtımsal özelliklerinde yaşlanmaya sebebiyet vermeleri ve kullanım ömürlerinin kısalması ve delinme *, d- Sistem bileşen ya da ekipmanlarının arızaya uğraması, e- Gerilim düşümünün artması, f- Toprak kısa devre akımlarının daha büyük değerlere yükselmesi, g- Temel frekans için tasarlanmış kompanzasyon tesislerindeki kondansatörlerin harmonik frekanslarında düşük kapasitif reaktans göstermeleri sebebiyle aşırı yüklenmeleri ve yalıtım zorlanması nedeniyle hasar görmeleri, ğ- Koruma sistemlerinin hatalı çalışması, h- Kesintisiz güç kaynaklarının veriminin düşmesi, ı- Aydınlatma elemanlarında, monitörlerde görüntü titreşimi meydana getirmesi, i- Temel frekansta rezonans olayı olmadığı halde harmonik frekanslarında şebekede rezonans olaylarının meydana gelmesi, aşırı gerilim-akımların oluşması, j- Sesli ve görüntülü iletişim araçlarının parazitli ve anormal çalışması, k- Mikroişlemcilerin hatalı çalışması, l- Harmoniklerden kaynaklanan gürültü nedeniyle kontrol sistemlerinin hatalı işletimi, m- Başta motor olmak üzere diğer cihazlarda ek gürültülere neden olması, n- Harmoniklerden dolayı dalga şeklindeki değişikliklerin elektrik sayaçlarının hatalı okumalarına sebebiyet vermeleri olarak özetlenebilir. Not: Typical non-linear loads: 1- Uninterruptable Power Supply(UPS), 2- Induction furnaces ‘endüksiyon fırını’ and welding machines ‘kaynak makinası’, 3- AC and DC variable speed drives, 4- Battery chargers and other DC supplies, 5- LED and fluorscent lighting circuits, 6- Computers and other devices containing uncontrolled rectifiers. - Some typical effects of harmonics are: 1- Overheating of transformers, switchboards, cables, and motors due to increased current flow. 2- Nuisance tripping of thermal protection devices such as overloads and circuit breakers, 3- Poor power factor and premature ‘zamanından önce gelişen’ failure of PFC(Power Factor Correction) capacitors, 4- Failure of PLC, DCS(Distributed Control System), computer, and other sensitive low voltage power supplies. 5- Premature ‘erken, zamansız’ failure of motors and poor motor performance. ~63~ - Harmonics in an electrical system can cause: 1- Degradation ‘bozulma’ of motors, especially the bearings ‘mil yatağı, rulman’ and insulation= higher costs, 2- Significant reduction of the lifespan ‘ömür’ of equipment due to excessive heat= higher costs, 3- Although you get billed ‘faturalandırm.’ for the supplied power, large percentage of that power may be unusable= higher costs, 4- Unusual events such as flickering lights, alarms going off, or MCBs, MCCBs, RCDs and earth leakage devices tripping for no apparent reason= more downtime ‘aksaklık süresi, çalışmama süresi’= higher costs TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘recognizing and solving power quality issues corrected final’ CAUSES OF VOLTAGE FLUCTUATION IN THE ELECTRIC GRID Note: In general: Reactive power variations cause voltage variations(flicker). Note: Voltage fluctuation: Oscillation of voltage value, amplitude modulated by a signal with low frequency. Voltage fluctuations are caused when loads draw currents having significant sudden or periodic variations. The fluctuating current that is drawn from the supply causes additional voltage drops ‘gerilim düşümü’ in the power system leading to fluctuations in the supply voltage. Loads that exhibit ‘gösterm., ortaya koym.’ continuous rapid variations are thus the most likely ‘muhtemel’ cause of voltage fluctuations. Examples of loads that may produce voltage fluctuations in the supply include 1-Arc furnaces ‘ark fırını’, 2-Arc welders ‘kaynak makinası’, 3-Installations with frequent motor starts(air conditioner units, fans), frequent start/stop of electric motors(for instance elevators), 4- Motor drives with cyclic ‘periyodik’ operation(mine hoists ‘ocak vinci, maden asansörü’, rolling mills ‘hadde makinası’), 5-Equipment with excessive motor speed changes(wood chippers ‘ağaç öğütücü’, car shredders ‘parçalama makinası’) Often rapid fluctuations in load currents are attributed to ‘to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing(bir olayı bir başkasına bağlam.)’ motor starting operations where the motor current is usually between 3-5 times the rated current for a short period of time. If a number of motors are starting at similar times, or the same motor repeatedly starts and stops, the frequency of the voltage changes may produce flickering ‘ışık titremesi-sönüp yanma; yanıp sönen’ lighting installations that is perceivable ‘hissedilebilir’ by the human eye. * Note: Consequences of voltage fluctuations: 1-) The most met ‘karşılaşılan’ consequences are common to under voltages ‘voltaj düşmesi’. 2-) Flickering of lighting and screens. ANSI C84.1 ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT - VOLTAGE RANGES ANSI C84.1 is the American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment – Voltage Ratings(60 Hertz). In 1954, the first version of ANSI C84.1 was basically a combination of the Edison Electric Institute Standard that represents utilities, and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association ‘dernek’(NEMA). Currently, the latest version is ANSI C84.1-2011. The standard establishes the nominal voltage ratings and operating tolerances for 60-Hz electric power systems above 100 volts up to a maximum system voltage of 1200 kV(steady-state voltage ~64~ levels only). However, in this post, the focus will be on ANSI C84.1 Voltage Ranges. Refer to this article for standard nominal system voltages and voltage classes: ANSI C84.1 - Voltage Ratings. ANSI C84.1 specifies the steady-state voltage tolerances for an electrical power system. The standard divides voltages into two ranges. Range A is the optimal voltage range. Range B is acceptable, but not optimal ‘en uygun’. ANSI C84.1 Voltage Ranges. Notes: a. The shaded ‘gölgeli’ portions of the ranges do not apply to circuits supplying lighting load. b. The shaded portion of the range does not apply to 120 V - 600 V’s ystems. Please take note that transient voltages(i.e. sags and surges) go beyond these limits and are covered by other voltage standards – ITIC and CBEMA Curves. From the figure above, the following can be deduced ‘sonuç çıkarm.’: For 120 V - 600 V Systems ANSI C84.1 Service Voltage Limits Ø Range A minimum voltage is 95% of nominal voltage Ø Range A maximum voltage is 105% of nominal voltage Ø Range B minimum voltage is 91.7% of nominal voltage Ø Range B maximum voltage is 105.8% of nominal voltage ANSI C84.1 Utilization ‘kullanım, kullanma’ Voltage Limits Ø Range A minimum voltage is 90% of nominal voltage - refer to Note (a) for limitation Ø Range A maximum voltage is 104.2% of nominal voltage - refer to Note (b) for limitation Ø Range B minimum voltage is 86.7% of nominal voltage - refer to Note (a) for limitation Ø Range B maximum voltage is 105.8% of nominal voltage ~65~ For Systems Greater Than 600 V ANSI C84.1 Service Voltage Limits Ø Range A minimum voltage is 97.5% of nominal voltage Ø Range A maximum voltage is 105% of nominal voltage Ø Range B minimum voltage is 95% of nominal voltage Ø Range B maximum voltage is 105.8% of nominal voltage ANSI C84.1 Utilization Voltage Limits Ø Range A minimum voltage is 90% of nominal voltage Ø Range A maximum voltage is 105% of nominal voltage Ø Range B minimum voltage is 86.7% of nominal voltage Ø Range B maximum voltage is 105.8% of nominal voltage In addition, the difference between minimum service and minimum utilization voltages is intended to allow for voltage drop in the customer’s wiring. Moreover, this difference is greater for service at more than 600 volts to allow for additional voltage drop in transformations between service voltage and utilization equipment. The National Electrical Code(NEC) allows up to a 5% drop – up to 3% drop in the main feeder and an additional <3% in individual branch circuits. Therefore, for common nominal system voltages, the recommended range as per ANSI C84.1 for 120 V - 600 V systems will be as indicated below. ANSI C84.1-2006 Service Voltage Range. ANSI C84.1-2006 Utilization Voltage Range. The occurrence of service voltages outside the Range A limits should be infrequent. Range A must be the basis for the utilization equipment’s design and rating in order to give satisfactory performance. Range B necessarily results from ‘kaynaklanm.’ the practical design and operating conditions on supply and/or user systems, which are part of practical operations. However, such conditions should be limited in extent ‘kapsam’, duration and frequency. Corrective ‘düzeltici’ measures shall be undertaken within a reasonable time to bring back voltages within Range A limits, in cases of Range B values occurrence. ~66~ Furthermore, it should be recognized that because of conditions beyond the control of the supplier and/or user, there will be infrequent and limited periods when steady-state voltages exceed Range B limits. Utilization equipment may not operate satisfactorily under these conditions, and protective devices may operate to protect the utilization equipment. Note: All test should be carried out as required in BS 7671, part 7, and an Electrical Installation Certificate given by the contractor ‘üstenici, müteahhit’ to the person ordering the work. Many installations now incorporate ‘katm., dahil etm., içerm.’ rcds and fault current operated protective devices. These also must be tested using appropriate test equipment, full details of which can be found in BS 7671 or for more elaborate ‘ayrıntılı’ apparatus ‘aygıt, cihaz’ in BS 7430 and Guidance ‘kılavuz; yol gösterme’ Notes which are published separately and amplify the requirements in the British Standard. The nominal voltages at present are: 1-) 230 V + 10 % and -6 %, 2-) 400 V + 10 % and -6 %. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘’ IT IS NOT ADDED TO THE OTHER TECHNICAL DOCUMENT. POWER QUALITY BASICS: VOLTAGE FLUCTUATIONS AND FLICKER ‘ışık titremesi’ Voltage fluctuations are described by IEEE as systematic variations of the voltage waveform envelope ‘bir eğri/yüzey ailesinin her bir öğesine teğet eğri/yüzey; kiplenik dalganın en dışındaki şekil’, or a series of random voltage changes, the magnitude of which falls between the voltage limits set by ANSI C84.1. Generally, the variations range from 0.1% to 7% of nominal voltage with frequencies less than 25 Hz. Subsequently ‘daha sonra, sonuç olarak’, the most important effect of this power quality problem is the variation in the light output of various lighting sources, commonly termed as flicker. * This is the impression of instability ‘kararsızlık; dengesizlik’ of the visual sensation ‘his, algılama’ brought about by a light stimulus ‘uyartı’, whose luminance ‘ışıltı; ışıklılık’ fluctuates ‘dalgalanm., inip çıkm.’ with time. Voltage fluctuation and light flicker are technically two distinct terms, but have been erroneously ‘hatalı bir biçimde’ referred to ‘ifade etm., bahsetm.’ the same meaning. Aggravating ‘ciddileştirme; şiddetlendirme’ the confusion ‘belirsizlik, karışıklık’ is the use of the expression “voltage flicker”, which does not actually exist, even though it is often heard. In fact, IEEE has cautioned ‘uyarm.’ on the incorrect usage of these terms. ~67~ Nevertheless, voltage fluctuation and flicker are closely related to each other. This is because flicker is derived ‘kaynaklanma’ from the impact of voltage fluctuation on lighting intensity ‘yoğunluk’ due to large loads that have rapidly changing active and reactive power demand. * In fact, voltage variations as low as 0.5% could result in perceptible ‘algılanabilir, görülebilir’ light flicker if the frequencies are in the range of 6 to 8 Hz. In other words, voltage fluctuation is the response of the power system to fast changing loads. On the other hand, light flicker is the response of the lighting system to such load variations as observed by the human eye. Moreover ‘ayrıca, bundan başka’, international standards have been developed for characterizing ‘tanımlama’ the voltage fluctuations based on the potential effects on lighting and the human perception of the lighting variations. Sources and Causes Equipment or devices that exhibit continuous, rapid load current variations(mainly in the reactive component) can cause voltage fluctuations and light flicker. Normally, these loads have a high rate of change of power with respect to the short-circuit capacity at the point of common coupling. Examples of these loads include: 1-) Electric arc furnaces ‘ark fırını, ark ocağı’, 2-) Static frequency converters, 3-) Cycloconverters ‘doğrudan frekans çevirici’, 4-) Rolling mill drives ‘hadde makinası’, 5-) Main winders ‘a person or device that winds ‘sarm.’, as an engine for hoisting ‘yukarı çekm.’ the cages ‘kafes, asansör’ in a mine shaft ‘maden kuyusu’ or a device for winding the yarn ‘iplik’ in textile manufacture’, 6-) Large motors(starting). Note: A cycloconveter is one such converter which converts AC power in one frequency into AC power of an adjustable frequency. ~68~ Note: A converter is an electrical or electromechanical device purpose-built to convert specific electrical characteristics(voltage, current, frequency) at the input to different values at the output. Examples of converter usage: 1-) Conversion of AC voltage into DC voltage(or vice versa), 2-) Increasing or decreasing input voltage, 3-) Changing the frequency, for example from 50 Hz(Europe) to 60 Hz(USA), 4-) Driving and controlling the speed of synchronous motors, 5-) Stabilizing mains voltage(clean net), 6-) Feeding equipment that is sensitive to power fluctuations(laboratories, lightning, etc.). Classification of converter types: We can distinguish four categories of converters, based on source input voltage and output voltage. 1-) AC to DC converter, or ‘rectifier’, 2-) DC to AC converter, or ‘inverter’, 3-) AC to AC frequency converter, or ‘transformer’, 4-) DC to DC voltage, or ‘current converter’. Note: In underground mining ‘madencilik’ a hoist or winder is used to raise and lower conveyances ‘taşıma aracı’ within the mine shaft ‘maden kuyusu’. Similarly, small power loads such as welders ‘kaynak makinası’, power regulators ‘güç regülatörü’, boilers ‘kazan; buhar kazanı’, cranes ‘vinç’ and elevators, to name a few, may cause voltage fluctuation and flicker depending on the electrical system where they are connected. Other causes include, but not limited to the following ‘aşağıdaki’: 1-) Capacitors switching, transformer on-load tap ‘ara bağlantı’ changers(OLTC), step voltage regulators and other devices that alter the inductive component of the source impedance. 2-) Variations in generation capacity, particularly intermittent ‘kesik kesik, aralıklı’ types(e.g. wind turbines). 3-) Low frequency voltage interharmonics. Furthermore, loose connections may also result to voltage fluctuations and flicker. Lightly loaded loose connections may cause flickers for longer periods as compared to heavily loaded ones that quickly burn out. Note: On-Load Tap-Changing Transformer: The transformer which is not disconnected from the main supply when the tap setting is to be changed such type of transformer in known as on-load tap changing transformer. The tap setting arrangement is mainly used for changing the turn ratio of the transformer to regulate the system voltage while the transformer is delivering the load. The main ~69~ feature of an on-load tap changer is that during its operation the main circuit of the switch should not be opened. Thus, no part of the switch should get the short circuit. It is a normal fact that increase in load leads to decrease in the supply voltage. Hence the voltage supplied by the transformer to the load must be maintained within the prescribed limits. This can be done by changing the transformer turns ratio. * The taps are leads or connections provided at various points on the winding. The turns ratio differ from one tap to another and hence different voltages can be obtained at each tap. Effects Flicker is considered the most significant effect of voltage fluctuation because it can affect the production environment by causing personel fatigue ‘yorgunluk’ and lower work concentration levels. In addition, voltage fluctuations may subject electrical and electronic equipment to detrimental ‘hasara neden olan’ effects that may disrupt ‘bozm.’ production processes with considerable ‘hatırı sayılır derecede, önemli’ financial costs. Other effects of voltage fluctuation include the following: 1-) Nuisance tripping due to misoperation ‘hatalı çalışma’ of relays and contactors. 2-) Unwanted triggering of UPS units to switch to battery mode. 3-) Problems with some sensitive electronic equipment, which require a constant voltage(i.e. medical laboratories). Synopsis: Magnitude: 0.1% to 7%(typical). Spectral Content ‘içerik’: Less than 25 Hz. Duration: Intermittent. Source: Loads that exhibit continuous, rapid variations in load current magnitude. Symptoms: Light flicker and malfunction of electrical equipment and devices. Occurrence: Low to medium. Mitigation Devices: Series Capacitors, Static Var Compensators, STATCOMs. Measurements Presently, the basic parameters that determine voltage fluctuations are the short-term flicker severity ‘derece’(PST) and long-term flicker severity(PLT) index. These factors refer to voltage fluctuation effects on lighting and their influence on humans. Flicker measurements are primarily ‘esas olarak’ performed to evaluate the supply quality by comparing the existing flicker level at the measurement point to the published standard limits. The second is to gauge ‘ölçm.’ the emission ‘dışarı verme, emisyon’ levels of equipment before it is introduced to the market - a type test for certification purposes. The IEC flickermeter is the standard for measuring light flicker. Recently, IEEE has adopted ‘kabul etm.’ the flickermeter method after making necessary modifications for the IEC standard to become applicable to the 120 V electrical systems in the US. Today, many monitoring equipment manufacturers have already implemented the flickermeter design specified in IEC 61000-4-15 and IEEE 1453-2004. ~70~ ABOUT THE VOLTAGE SAGS 'A momentary drop in voltage from the power source.' DUE TO THE SHORT CIRCUITED FAULT Introduction: The classical disruptions ‘boz(ul)ma’ present in the distribution network and inside the industrial plants, the influx ‘kitlesel akın’ of digital computers and other types of electronic controls used by industries to achieve maximum productivity, the increase of the power based on renewable energy and the reduced redundancy ‘fazlalık’ in lines and substations, has a negative impact over the medium and low voltage distribution network power quality, as well as in the industrial customer installations. To improve power quality in both voltage levels, at least for those customers that work with processes ‘süreç’ susceptible to ‘-e açık, -e hassas’ voltage sags and short interruptions, the market offers at present a wide range of products, based on the traditional technology improvement or in the use of techniques of conversion with power semiconductors. However, in the future, economically more attractive solutions will be required ‘gereksinm.’ to face up to ‘karşı koym.’ a competitive and unregulated electric market. Information Technologies will play an essential role on this new scene. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘technical methods for the prevention and correction of voltage sags and short interruptions inside the industrial plants and in the distribution networks’ Sources of Sags and Short Interruptions: Power systems have non-zero impedances, so every increase in current causes a corresponding reduction in voltage. Usually, these reductions are small enough that the voltage remains within normal tolerances. But when there is a large increase in current, or when the system impedance is high, the voltage can drop significantly. * So conceptually 'in a way that relates to ideas or principles', there are two sources of voltage sags: 1) Large increases in current. 2) Increases in system impedance. As a practical matter ‘pratik anlamda’, most voltage sags are caused by increases in current. It is possible to think of the power system as a tree, with the customer sensitive load connected to one of the twigs 'ağaç dalı'. Any voltage sag on the trunk 'gövde' of the tree, or on a branch leading out 'dışarı çıkarm.; lead to sth: to have sth as a result' to the customer twig, will cause a voltage sag at its load. But a short-circuit out 'uzakta' on a distant branch can cause the trunk voltage to diminish 'azalm.', so even faults in a distant part of the tree can cause a sag at customer load. The cause of most voltage sags is a short-circuit fault occurring either within the industrial facility 'tesis' under consideration' üzerinde düşünülen' or on the utility system. The magnitude of the voltage sag is mainly determined by the impedance between the faulted bus and the load, and by the method of connection of the transformer windings. The voltage sag lasts only as long as it takes the protective device to clear the over current condition(typically up to 10 cycles), therefore the duration of the sag is determined by the fault-clearing time of that protection system adopted 'kullanm.'. Moreover, if automatic reclosure 'the act of closing(something that was opened) again' is used by the utility, the voltage sag condition can ocur repeatedly in the case of a permanent fault. Finally, depending on its magnitude and duration, the sag can cause an equipment trip, thus becoming a power quality problem. The most common causes of facility ‘tesis’-sourced voltage sags are: 1) Starting a large load, such as a motor or resistive heater. 2) Loose or defective wiring, such as insufficiently tightened ~71~ box screws ‘vida’ on power conductors. 3) Faults or short circuits elsewhere ‘başka yerde’ in the facility(trees, animals, adverse weather such as wind or lightning). Voltage sags can also originate on the utility's electric power system. The most common types of utility-sourced voltage sags are: 1) Faults on distant ‘uzak; belirsiz’ circuits, which cause a corresponding ‘karşılık gelm.’ reduction in voltage on your circuit. 2) Voltage regulator failures(far less common). Note: Voltage Sags: A decrease of the normal voltage level between 10 and 90% of the nominal rms voltage at the power frequency, for durations of 0,5 cycle to 1 minute. Causes: • Faults on the transmission or distribution network. • Faults in consumer’s installation. • Connection of heavy loads and start-up of large motors. Consequences: • Malfunction of microprocessor-based control systems(PCs, PLCs, ASDs, etc) that may lead to a process ‘süreç’ stoppage. • Tripping of contactors and electromechanical relays. • Disconnection ‘(devrenin) açılması’ and loss of efficiency in electric rotating machines. TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF ‘power quality problems and new solutions’ CAUSES, CONCERNS AND REMEDIATION ‘düzeltme, iyileştirme’ OF STRAY VOLTAGES ON DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Definition of stray voltage: Stray voltage is the occurrence of electrical potential between two objects that ideally should not have any voltage difference between them. Small voltages are often measured between two grounded objects in distant ‘uzakta, mesafeli’ locations, due to normal current flow in the power system. Large voltages can appear on the enclosures of electrical equipment due to a fault in the electrical power system, such as a failure of insulation. Nuisance ‘sıkı verenşey/kimse, baş belası’ shocking — the unpleasant sensation ‘duygu, his’ that a person or animal can experience when they inadvertently ‘dikkatsizlik sonucu, kasıtlı olmayarak’ get between an electrically energized point and ground — can be something of a mystery. Stories are told of cows that won't give milk, dogs that avoid metallic grates ‘ızgara’ and manhole covers, and folks ‘halk’getting an unusual “wake-up call” when they step into their hot tub ‘banyo kuveti’or ~72~ backyard ‘avlu’ pool. However, despite the esoteric ‘olağandışı, anlaşılması zor’ nature of nuisance shocking, the science necessary for understanding it — and mitigating ‘hafifle(t)m., azal(t)m.’ it — has advanced ‘ilerle(t)m.’ significantly in recent years. Also, the various mechanisms that can lead to nuisance shocking are now better recognized. This article provides insights ‘anlayış, kavrama’ on the utility distribution system aspects ‘bakış açısı’ of nuisance shocking, first defining the sources of these voltages and then discussion of both traditional and new techniques for mitigating the problem once it has been identified ‘tespit etm.’. Understanding Stray Voltage To make sense of this sometimes-vague ‘belirsiz, anlaşılmaz’ electrical phenomenon, investigators use the following four terms for describing the sources of nuisance shocking: remote earth, neutral-to-earth voltage, metallic-object-to-earth voltage and stray voltage. Each of these terms is defined in the following paragraphs, along with some insight ‘anlama, kavrayış’ into their most common causes. With an understanding of the terminology and what causes each condition, useful mitigation ‘azaltma’ techniques can be discussed. Remote earth is defined as an earthing or grounding point that is at the same voltage potential as other points on the earth in the surrounding ‘çevrelem., kuşatm.’ area. Electrical current flowing through grounding or neutral conductors, or even through earth itself, will cause voltage variation from point to point. The remote earth point is hypothetically ‘varsayımlı olarak’ “beyond” or outside of the influence of these current paths. Thus, the remote earth point is at zero potential with respect to the voltage source and provides a consistent ‘sürekli, kalıcı’ and repeatable reference point. * Neutral-to-earth voltage(NEV) is a measure of the voltage potential between a neutral-to-ground bonding point and a remote earth point. In essence ‘aslında’, any time current is flowing through a neutral conductor, there will be a voltage potential with respect to the earth. This voltage potential can be metallically ‘metalik olarak’ transmitted over to a remote earth point through code-required grounding and bonding of waterpipes, neutrals and other metallic objects. * It is important to note that NEV is a normal occurrence caused by the intentional grounding of the power system. Metallic-object-to-earth voltage(MOEV) is caused by an accidental or unintentional energization ‘enerjileme’ of a metallic object. The most common scenario for MOEV occurs when an energized electrical conductor comes in direct contact with a metallic object, such as a street lamp ‘sokak lambası’, service box, manhole cover ‘menhol kapağı’ or virtually any type of metallic object, thereby energizing the object as well. MOEV potentials to remote earth can range anywhere from just a few volts to 120 V or more, depending on the source. * MOEV can also ocur when a pipeline ‘boru hattı’ or other insulated metallic object is close enough to an electric field from a power line to receive an induced voltage from that electric field. * Stray voltage from intentional ‘tasarlanmış; isteyerek yapılan’ actions. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Publication 696 defines stray voltage as “A small voltage(less than 10 V) that can develop between two possible contact points.” Contact points are generally considered to be points close enough between the voltage source and a remote earth path that would allow a current to flow through any human, animal or other object that contacts both points simultaneously. Another important note about Publication 696 is that the document summary states: “While stray voltage cannot totally be eliminated, it can certainly be reduced to an acceptable level.” While this ~73~ definition focuses primarily ‘aslında, öncelikle’ on NEV sources, which result from the intentional grounding of the power system neutral conductor, many cases have been identified ‘belirlem, belirtm.’ where improper wiring and load faults on the customer side of the meter ‘ölçme aygıtı, sayaç’ contribute ‘katkı yapm., katkıda bulunm.’ to the measured voltages. Stray voltage from unintentional actions. The New York Public Utility Commission uses the term “stray voltage” to describe the unintentional or accidental energization of manhole covers, street lamps and other urban street-level metallic objects. This definition focuses on MOEV sources such as contact with the power system phase conductor, or in some cases as the result of induced voltages from electric fields. * While the previous two definitions have created some confusion ‘kafa karışıklığı’, the common element is that stray voltage could be considered an undesirable voltage potential across any two points that can be simultaneously contacted by an animal or a human. In summary, to develop a stray voltage we can consider the following sources: 1) currents flowing on primary and secondary neutral conductors; 2) faulted-phase conductors; and 3) induced voltages from currents flowing through power lines. * Remediation There is a distinct difference between the causes of an elevated NEV concern and the causes of an energized metallic object concern. For energized metallic objects, there are obviously no mitigation techniques, as the objective is to identify and isolate the problem and remove or repair the source of the energization. Research is presently underway ‘başlanmış, yolunda, yapım aşamasında’ in this area to develop consistent ‘uygun, kalıcı, tutarlı’ and repeatable measurement protocols to determine where energized objects are present so monitoring and protection devices can detect the problem using new diagnostic ‘hata bulma, teshis’ instruments such as pen lights and electric field detectors. For higher-than-acceptable NEV, the mitigation solutions are well understood but can be challenging ‘zorlu’ to ascertain ‘doğrusunu bulm., saptam.’. Each method has its proven success stories as well as potential shortcomings ‘noksanlık’. Traditional mitigation techniques include: load balancing, resizing neutral conductors, isolation, improved grounding techniques and equipotential planes ‘düzey; seviye’. * Load balancing. On three-phase, grounded-wye ‘yıldız noktası topraklanmış’ distribution systems with equally balanced 60-Hz phase currents, the net neutral current should be zero. That is, the neutral current from the three phases effectively cancels out ‘etkisini yok etm.’. Unfortunately, in the real world, perfect balancing can be upset by many factors such as phase shift, load unbalance and harmonic currents. * These phenomena can cause current to flow in the neutral conductor and into the ground rod ‘çubuk’ at each of the neutral-to-ground bonding points, which creates a proportional ‘orantılı’ NEV. Balancing the phase currents can reduce the 60-Hz component of NEV across the entire distribution system. * Load balancing at a customer's facility can also reduce NEV, but only at their location. Resizing neutral conductors. Currents returning on grounded-wye power systems cause a voltage drop across the impedance of the neutral conductor. * Because the neutral conductor is grounded, the impedance of the earth return path in parallel with the impedance of the neutral return path dictates ‘belirlem.’ the percentage of earth current and the corresponding ‘ilişkin, karşılığı olan’ ~74~ NEV at that neutral-grounding point. A very simplified way to look at this is to examine a circuit with a current source(neutral return current) and two current paths(neutral path and earth path). All else being equal, current will follow all return paths in proportion to ‘ile orantılı olarak’ the conducting path impedances. Therefore, reducing the impedance of the neutral effectively reduces the amount of current flowing through the earth path and lowers corresponding NEV at that neutralto-ground bonding point. * Isolation. A simple and effective means of keeping stray voltage from getting to animal and human contact points would be to not jumper the primary and secondary neutral conductors at the service transformer. * If there is no metallic connection, there can be no voltage and no opportunity for current flow from the primary neutral. The key considerations in removing the primary to secondary neutral jumper would be the adverse effect on protection of the load-side of the transformer in the event of a lightning strike, system fault or wiring error(?). Therefore, isolation is best accomplished through the use of a separate isolation transformer or use of neutral isolation products that allow voltages greater than 10 V to be equalized ‘eşitlem., dengelem.’ via low-voltage clamping devices. * Improved grounding techniques. In terms of NEV and corresponding stray voltages, it is generally accepted that reducing the impedance of all current return paths — neutral or to earth — can reduce voltage levels. * From the stand point of ‘yönünden, … açısından bakıldığında’ reducing the voltage at remote earth, any impedance reduction will provide a corresponding reduction in NEV because of a reduced voltage drop, given the same currents. Equipotential planes. Similar to the ground-reference structures ‘yapı’ used for computer rooms and the ground mats ‘hasır’ that minimize step potentials at utility substations, the equipotential plane is a useful means of minimizing nuisance shocking at animal contact points. An equipotential plane typically consists of a conductive wire mesh ‘ağ, şebeke, ağ gözü’ installed under the area where nuisance shocking has been reported, and attaching ‘bağlam.’ most(if not all) conductive materials in the area directly to the mesh. * The technique does not reduce NEV levels, but rather ‘daha ziyade, daha doğrusu, daha çok’ moves the problem away from areas where animals are likely ‘muhtemel’ to insert themselves into the conducting path. * Innovative ‘yenilikçi, yaratıcı’ Mitigation Techniques While the traditional mitigation techniques discussed above have been successfully and consistently ‘sürekli, düzenli olarak’ applied in specific applications, two experimental techniques are note worthy ‘önemli, mühim, takdire değer’. These include distribution level harmonic filters and insulated five-wire distribution systems. * Passive harmonic filters A recent area of research into NEV concern relates to triple ‘üçün katı’ harmonic currents flowing on distribution system neutral conductors. These odd ‘tek(sayı)’ multiples ‘birçok’ of the fundamental 60-Hz current add instead of canceling out ‘etkisini yok etm.’ on the neutral conductor, thereby creating harmonic NEV levels. * The causes of these harmonic currents include harmonic generating equipment owned by the end user and circuit resonances created by distributed capacitor banks. * Harmonics due to customer loads is expected to increase over time as more equipment such as variable frequency drivewashers ‘yıkama makinası, yıkama ünitesi’ and air conditioning equipment proliferate ‘çoğalm.’ and as more televisions, PCs and other home entertainment equipment use increases. ~75~ While filters for harmonic load mitigation is not necessarily a new concept, applying passive harmonic filters to mitigate NEV impacts on the entire utility distribution circuit is new. In under an ongoing ‘sürmekte olan’ research project, EPRI is working with some U.S. electric utilities to determine how well filters tuned to the third harmonic reduce NEV levels on circuits where the neutral-to-earth voltages have been found to be nearly all harmonic in makeup ‘tertip; yapılış’ (?). The approach used is to convert ‘dönüş(tür)m.’existing distribution capacitor banks to filter banks by employing a combination of capacitors and one or more inductors. * Modeling results demonstrate up to a fivefold ‘beş katı, beş misli’ improvement with installation of harmonic filters in conjunction with ‘ile birlikte, bağlantılı olarak’ grounding modifications ‘değiş(tir)me’. Harmonic filters appear to be a promising ‘umut verici’ way to reduce NEV impacts on the entire utility distribution circuit instead of at the traditional single point of interest. Five-Wire Distribution System The so-called “five-wire design” is a concept that has been demonstrated to evaluate the potential to reduce stray voltages and magnetic fields and also make high impedance faults more easily detectable. * The first four wires of this system are the familiar three-phase conductors plus a neutral. The fifth wire is a new isolated neutral that carries all of the unbalanced return current, relieving ‘rahatlatm.’ the original neutral of this burden ‘yük, sorumluluk’. * The multigrounded ground wire continues to perform the safety functions associated with a multigrounded system. The five-wire system was tested by EPRI at New York State Electric and Gas(NYSEG), which converted a section of a circuit in Cooperstown, New York, U.S., to a five-wire configuration. Benefits included reductions in stray voltages and magnetic fields along with promising ‘gösterm.’ results that high-impedance faults could be detected. Drawbacks ‘dezavantaj, eksiklik’ included lack of ability to convert underground ‘yer altı, metro’ systems to the five-wire topology, concerns that an open neutral would cause over voltages for customer and utility system equipment, and the inability to control stray voltage unless the entire circuit is converted over to the five-wire design. * Ongoing ‘sürmekte olan’ Stray Voltage Research Although utilities, the government and research organizations have accomplished much to minimize undesirable voltages with respect to ‘-e göre, -e ilişkin’ remote earth, additional research and development will promote ‘desteklem., ilerletm.’ a better understanding of the effects of stray voltages and the methods to minimize these phenomena. To help further this research and to supply credible ‘güvenilir’ and unbiased ‘tarafsız’ information on the subject, EPRI has identified a number of different concerns and topics of interest to include: Animal contact areas' health and productivity ‘iş verimi, verimlilik’ concerns Residential ‘yerleşim yeri’ contact concerns for swimming pools, hottubs ‘sıcak su havuzu’ and metallic objects Power-circuit resonance and harmonic conditions creating magnified ‘büyütm.; şiddetlendirm.’ stray-voltage potentials Voltages induced onto insulated metallic pipelines Metallic pipe corrosion ~76~ Questions regarding impacts of power-line-carrier ‘yüksek gerilim iletkeni, enerji hattı taşıyıcısı’ communication technologies Proper specification ‘şartname’ of measurement equipment, measurement protocols and measurement durations Harmonic neutral-current interference with telecommunication circuits and railroad-crossing ‘demiryolu geçidi’ signals Modeling and simulation challenges for complete distribution circuits Contributions of transmission lines to elevated ‘yüksek, yükseltilmiş’ NEV levels at human and animal contact areas Understanding of comparative ‘karşılaştırmalı’ costs and benefit of various mitigation techniques The energization of metallic objects in urban ‘şehre ait’ areas Impacts of nonlinear voltage waveforms and voltage magnitudes on humans and animals Better understanding of the voltage levels that warrant ‘garanti etm.’ investigation and remediation. Of these concerns, the majority can be distilled ‘özetlem.’ down into four areas of research related to: Measurement devices and measurement protocols Modeling and simulation guidelines ‘yönerge, kural’ Testing and demonstration of mitigation technologies Regulatory ‘mevzuata ilişkin’ information and support. Work at EPRI is presently ongoing in each of these areas to supplement and support the needs of utilities and end users. The largest challenges to date are not in understanding the issues but in prioritizing ‘öncelik verme’ the concerns and funding ‘kaynak yaratma’ the research. Stray-voltage issues are analogous ‘benzer’ to power-quality-related concerns ‘sorun; kaygı’ in that when problems are identified, limited resources are applied to investigate and resolve the concerns. The IEEE has started a working group under the power engineering society ‘topluluk’ that will be focused on instrumentation ‘araçların/aletlerin geliştirilmesi ve bilimsel, teknik ve askerî alanlarda etkili bir şekilde kullanılması ile uğraşan mühendislik dalı’ and measurement protocols to standardize efforts in these areas. AUTO RECLOSING SCHEME OF TRANSMISSION SYSTEM The extra high voltage transmission lines transmit huge amount of electric power. Hence, it is always desirable that the continuation of power flow through the lines should not be interrupted for a long time. There may be a temporary or permanent fault in the lines. Temporary faults get automatically cleared, and these do not require any attempt for fault rectification 'düzeltme'. It is normal practice by the operators that after each initial faulty tripping of the line, they close the line. If the fault is transient 'kısa süreli', the line holds ‘devam etm.’ after the second attempt of closing the circuit breaker, but if the fault persists 'kalm., sürm., devamlı olm.', the protection system again trips the line and then it is declared 'açıklam.' as permanent fault. But as the extra high voltage transmission lines carry huge power, if any delay occurs due to manual operation for reclosing the circuit, there will be a big loss of system in the view of cost and stability. By introducing the auto reclosing scheme in the extra high voltage transmission systems, ~77~ we can avoid the unwanted delay due to human operation. We categorize the faults in electrical transmission system in three ways, 1. Transient Fault 2. Semi-permanent 'yarı sürekli, az sürekli' Fault 3. Permanent Fault The transient faults are those which automatically removed momentarily. Semi-permanent faults are also transient in nature but there take few moments to remove. Semi-permanent faults may get occurred due to the falling of things on the live conductors. Semi-permanent faults get removed after the cause of faults is burnt away 'yok etm.'. During both of the above mentioned faults, line is tripped but the line can be restored if the circuit breakers associated with ‘ile ilişkili’ the line are closed. Auto-recloser or auto-reclosing scheme exactly does this. In an overhead 'havai' transmission system, 80% of the faults are transient, and 12% of faults are semi-permanent. In auto-reclosing scheme if the fault is not cleared at first attempt, there will be double or triple shorts 'kısa devre' of reclosing until the fault is cleared. It the fault still persists, this scheme permanently opens the circuit breaker. A prescribed time delay may be imposed 'empose etm., yüklem., zorla benimsetm.' on the auto-reclosing system to permit the semi-permanent fault to remove from the circuit. SHUNT REACTORS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS A shunt reactor is an absorber of reactive power, thus increasing the energy efficiency of the system. It is the most compact device commonly used for reactive power compensation ‘karşılama; dengeleme’ in long high-voltage transmission lines and in cable systems. The shunt reactor can be directly connected to the power line or to a tertiary ‘üçüncü, üçüncü sırada-safhada olan’ winding ‘sargı, bobin’ of a three-winding transformer. Shunt reactors can be an oil-immersed ‘yağa batırılmış’ type with a conservator‘koruyucu’ or a dry type. The shunt reactor could be permanently connected or switched via a circuit breaker. To improve the adjustment of the consumed reactive power the reactor can also have a variable rating. If the load variation is slow, which it normally is(seasonal, daily or hourly), a variable shunt reactor(VSR) could be an economical solution for some customer applications. Shunt reactors are used to compensate for large line charging capacitance of long high voltage power transmission lines and cables. Their major applications are: 1-) Preventing overvoltages that ocur when the line is lightly loaded(Ferranti Effect). * 2-)Providing voltage control. ~78~ 3-) Compensating for line charging reactive power demand of the open-circuit line. 4-) Suppressing ‘zorla durdurm.’ the secondary arc current for successful single pole reclosing ‘yeniden kapatm.’. Shunt reactors increase the energy efficiency of power transmission systems by improving power quality and reducing transmission costs. Why shunt reactors? Shunt reactors are the most compact and cost-efficient way to compensate for reactive power generation in long high-voltage power transmission lines and in cable systems. They can be permanently used in service ‘kullanımda, faaliyette’ to stabilize ‘dengelem.’ power transmission, or switched in ‘devreye girm.’ under light-load conditions for voltage control only. Increasing energy efficiency in overhead lines. Over long transmission lines, reactive power is generated as an effect of the capacitance between the lines and earth. * The reactive power cannot be used for any application and should be balanced to reduce energy losses. Shunt reactors absorb the reactive power, thus increasing the energy efficiency of the system. Improving ‘ilerle(t)m., geliş(tir)m.’ voltage stability at low load. At low loads, the voltage increases along the transmission line. A shunt reactor reduces the voltage increase, keeps the voltage within the desired limits, and contributes to the voltage stability of the system. Time-varying load conditions. Transmission systems are subject to daily or seasonal load variations. Variable shunt reactors allow customers to continuously adjust the compensation, as loads vary over time. They makes witching in and out of fixed-rating reactors unnecessary, which eliminates harmful voltage steps.The variable reactor can always be adopted ‘kabul etm.; seçm.; benimsem.’ to the need, both in today’s operation and in the future grid. In addition, variable shunt reactors can interact with ‘etkileşimde bulunm.’ other systems such as SVC and HVDC links in order to optimize the system operation. Variable shunt reactors are therefore economical means ‘vasıta, yol, yöntem’ to improve voltage stability and power quality under time-varying load conditions. Cables and renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly common in energy systems. However, in both cases, reactive power or unpredictable active power generation are negative side effects. Shunt reactors are playing an increasingly important role to compensate for these variations. Long transmission lines. Shunt reactors are the most compact and cost-efficient 'masrafsız' means of compensating for reactive power generation in long transmission lines. Placed permanently in service to stabilize power transmission, or switched in under light-load conditions for voltage control only, shunt reactors combine high efficiency and low life cycle costs to cut transmission costs. Shunt reactors increase energy efficiency and power quality in both new and existing transmission lines. Cable systems. The increased use of cables is driven by environmental concerns such as the development of offshore 'kıyıdan deniz yönünde açıkta bulunan' wind parks and the difficulty in obtaining the right of way for new overhead lines. Energy trading 'ticaret' and the need for efficient use of generation and reserves 'kaynak, rezerv' between countries drive the demand for interconnections ‘ara bağlantı’, sometimes using AC sea cables. However, cables generate more reactive power than over headlines, which makes shunt reactors even more important for transmitting active power in the grid. * Renewable energy sources. Wind power and solar energy are a growing part of the energy mix in many countries. Compared to conventional large power generation, renewable energy sources generate unpredictable and fluctuating active power. ~79~ Variable shunt reactors provide an attractive solution to compensate for these variations. Auxiliary power in remote areas. By adding a secondary winding, shunt reactors can be used to supply several MVA of power in remotely located substations. These specially designed shunt reactors can also be used to supply power to remote villages 'köy, küçük belediye' located close to the substation 'trafo merkezi', without the need for a high voltage stepdown transformer ‘indirici trafo’. Flexible spare in larger networks. A variable shunt reactor(VSR) can be used as a flexible ‘bükülebilir; kolayca değiş(tiril)ebilir, uyumlu’ spare 'yedek parça', positioned 'yerleştirm.' on different locations along larger transmission networks. Typical example of a shunt reactor is given in figure above. Not: Reaktör: İndüktör. Not: Faz farkı neden oluşur? Resistif saf direnç elektrik devrelerinde gerilim ve akım aynı fazdadır ve reaktif güç oluşmaz. Elektrik devresi tam verimli güç kullanımı ile çalışır. Faz farkı oluşmasına neden olan sistemler kapasitif devreye sahip olan sistemler ve endüktif devrelere sahip olan sistemlerdir. Kapasitif devrelerde akım fazı gerilim fazından ileride hareket eder. Endüktif devrelerde gerilim fazı akım fazından ileride hareket eder. Kapasitif ve endüktif devrelerde oluşan bu faz farkı enerji kullanımında verimsizlik oluşturur. ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDING IEEE 519—1992 addresses even ‘çift’ harmonics by limiting them to 25% of the limits for the odd orders ‘düzen’ within the same range. Even harmonics result in an asymmetrical current wave which may contain a dc component that will saturate magnetic cores ‘çekirdek, nüve’. ~80~ The permissible limits for the various parameters are neutral current: 8—10% of the RMS current and neutral voltage: 2V As per IEEE 519 standards, the recommended limits of harmonics are: Current harmonics: 8% THD, Voltage harmonics: 5% THD Unbalance: Current unbalance: 5%, Voltage unbalance: 4% Power factor should be maintained ‘sürdürm., korum. devam ettirm.’ close to unity ‘bir’ via capacitor banks so that current losses in cables and panels are reduced and there is no penalty ’para cezası’ from the electricity board. CREST FACTOR(Harmonic distortion indicators) In a periodically-varying function, such as that of AC, the ratio of the peak amplitude to the RMS amplitude. Also known as amplitude factor or peak factor. For a sinusoidal signal, the crest factor is therefore equal to √2. For a non-sinusoidal signal, the crest factor can be either greater than or less than√2. The crest fact or for the current drawn by non-linear loads is commonly much higher than √2. It is generally between 1.5 and 2 and can even reach 5 in critical cases. A high crest factor signals high current peaks which, when detected by protection devices, can cause nuisance tripping. Examples: Figure M7 represents the current absorbed by a compact fluorescent lamp. Ir.m.s. = 0.16A, IM= 0.6A, THDi= 145%, Crest factor = 3.75 Fig. M7: Typical current waveform of a compact fluorescent lamp. Figure M8 represents the voltage supplying non-linear loads through a high impedance line, with a typical "flat top" distorted waveform. Flat top: Tepesi düz. Vr.m.s.= 500V, VM= 670V, THDu= 6.2%, Crestfactor = 1.34 ~81~ Fig. M8: Typical voltage waveform in case of high impedance line supplying non-linear loads. ~82~