Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran: Pembelajaran Online | Online Learning | Tanggal | Date: 25 July 2022 Nama Satuan Pendidikan SDK Harapan Bangsa School Mata Pelajaran MATHS CHAMPION – CHAPTER 1 Subject Numbers to 10 Kelas Class Materi Pokok Content 1 Number To 10 Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objective 1. Siswa mampu menghitung 0 sampai 10 2. Siswa mampu mengenali, membaca, dan menuliskan angka (0 sampai 10) dan nama bilangan yang sesuai (nol sampai sepuluh) 3. Siswa mampu mengasosiasikan dengan baik antara jumlah objek yang dihitung dengan bilangan dan nama bilangan 4. Siswa mampu mengingat urutan bilangan (0 sampai 10) Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran | Teaching Grid Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber Pembuka Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources Time Warm-up Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure n 1. Siswa memberi salam kepada guru. 2. Guru memimpin doa pembuka. 3. Siswa mengikuti instruksi pada Opening 10 Menit video “Wake Up” yang ditayangkan oleh guru. 4. Guru memberi arahan kepada siswa untuk mengambil beberapa barang sesuai instruksi. Kegiatan 1 Activity 1 Alokasi Waktu Time Allocation Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Presentati on 2. 40’ 3. 4. Guru memberi instruksi kepada beberapa siswa agar mengambil 10 pensil warna, pensil dan penghapus dan meletakkan diatas meja. Guru memilih beberapa siswa untuk maju ke depan kelas. Siswa akan menunjukkan beberapa pensil warna dan siswa lainnya harus menuliskan jumlah pensil warna yg ada ditangan siwa lainnya. Siswa harus menuliskan jumlah pensil warna dan juga 1 Alokasi Waktu Time/Period 60’ Kemampuan Berpikir Thinking Level 3 Menerapkan 6 Mencipta 2 Memahami 5 Evaluasi 1 Mengingat 4 Analisis Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Song “Freeze Dance” Skrip Narasi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Good morning, everyone. How do you feel today? Everyone feels good? Wow It’s great. Now we will learn Mathematics. Than I want all of you to stand up. Let’s warm our body before the lesson. Let’s do “Wake Up” Thank you. You may back to your seat. Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Flas cards, connecting cubes, water bottles, pencil case. Prosedur | Procedure 1. Semester Skrip Narasi KEY TERMS 1: Count ,Number words Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. Comparing Numbers : more,fewer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Well, now Miss Friska will remind about the rules that you have know along the class. Please ask permission when you wanna go to the rest room. Only one boy or one girl may go to the restroom. Raise your hand when you want to say or ask something. Only one person may talk in this class. Sit properly when you’re learning. Are you agree? Well, let’s start! Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111 5. 6. cara menuliskan nya dalam kata di dalam buku tulis. Guru mengajak 2 siswa ke depan kelas dan masingmasing boleh menunjukkan pensil warna yang ada di tangan mereka. Guru mengajak siswa untuk melihat perbandingan jumlah pensil warna dengan mengunakan kata “more”, dan “fewer”. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Kegiatan 1 Activity 1 Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Alokasi Waktu Time Allocatin Tasks Penilaian 1 Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint Prosedur | Procedure 1. Siswa diminta untuk memeriksa hal 12 dan memperbaiki dengan baik. Listen the instructions. Well, Now I will give you one minute to drink. After 1 minute.. Everyone please take your colour pencils, pencil, eraser and writing book. Make sure the colour pencil that you have on the table are 10. The rest of it, please put it in your drawer. In 10 you must back to your seat. Let’s start. I will some of you to come in the front of the class. One student will show his/her colour pencils, and another student will count it. Next everyone you have to write the number and the number in words. Any question? Well, we strat now. Velove, you may come here. You may bring your colour pencils. But the number must be from 010. Please prepare it. Now, come here nicolass. Nicholas will count the colour pencils. Now let’s see. How many colour pencils that Velove show you? Let’s count together. 1..2.3..4..5. 5 colour pencils. WoW GREAT JOB! Now let’s write it in your writing book. 5 = five …….etc Skrip Narasi 1. Well everyone, now please look at page 12 and recheck your answer. 10 Assesment Page 12 - Refleksi | Reflection Disusun oleh (Created by) Disetujui oleh (Approved by) Balikpapan, Juli 2022 Diketahui oleh (Acknowledged by) Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111 Friska Yanti Tobing, S.Pd Guru Matematika Kelas 1 Chelsia Sumendap, S.Pd Wakil Kepala Wakil Kepala Sekolah bid. Kurikulum Hana Sitorus, Kepala Sekolah Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran: Pembelajaran Online | Online Learning | Tanggal | Date: 26-27 July 2022 Nama Satuan Pendidikan SDK Harapan Bangsa School Mata Pelajaran MATHS CHAMPION – CHAPTER 1 Subject Numbers to 10 Kelas Class Materi Pokok Content 1 Semester Number To 10 Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objective 1. Siswa mampu membandingkan 2 set benda (menggunakan metode korespondensi satu-satu) dan mengidentifikasi set yang more (lebih banyak), less (lebih sedikit), atau sama jumlahnya. 2. Siswa mampu menggunakan istilah more than (lebih dari) dan fewer than (kurang dari) ketika membandingkan 2 set benda. 3. Siswa mampu membandingkan 2 bilangan menggunakan istilah greater than (lebih dari) atau smaller than (kurang dari). Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran | Teaching Grid Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber Pembuka Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources Time Warm-up Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure n 1. Siswa memberi salam kepada guru. 2. Guru memimpin doa pembuka. 3. Siswa mengikuti instruksi Opening 10’ pada video “A ram sam sam” yang ditayangkan oleh guru. 4. Guru memberi arahan kepada siswa untuk mengambil beberapa barang sesuai instruksi. Kegiatan 1 Activity 1 Alokasi Waktu Time Allocation Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Prosedur | Procedure 1. Presentati on 2. 30’ 3. 4. Guru memberi instruksi kepada 2 siswa untuk maju ke depan kelas. Guru memberikan beberapa connecting cubes sebagai alat penghitung dan pembanding. Guru memberi beberapa contoh mengenai kata kunci same. More than, fewer than, greater than dan smaller than. Siswa mengeksplorasi perbandingan angka. 1 Alokasi Waktu Time/Period 60’ Kemampuan Berpikir Thinking Level 3 Menerapkan 6 Mencipta 2 Memahami 5 Evaluasi 1 Mengingat 4 Analisis Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Song “Freeze Dance” Skrip Narasi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Good morning, everyone. How do you feel today? Everyone feels good? Wow It’s great. Than I want all of you to stand up. Let’s warm our body before the lesson. Let’s do “a ram sam sam” Thank you. You may back to your seat. Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Flash cards, connecting cubes. Skrip Narasi KEY TERMS 2: Same , More than, Fewer than, Greater than, Smaller than KEY CONCEPT 2: Two sets of objects can be compared using the method of one-to-one correspondence. The number of objects can be the same as, smaller than or greater than another set of objects. 1. Well listen the instructions. 2. I need two students to help me in front of the class. 3. Each student will build a tower as much as you want. 4. And we will compare them. 5. We will start. 6. Please come … and ….. 7. You may build a tower. Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111 8. I will give you 1 minute. 9. Are you ready? 10. 1..2..3…. set go! 11. Wow great, Thank you. 12. Let’s see the tower. 13. Which tower has more connecting cubes? 14. Correct! 15. Now let’s count the connecting cubes? 16. So, .. and … Which one is more, fewer, greater, smaller or same? 17. You’re doing great. 18. Now let’s try another one. 19. Well now everyone pay attention the the picture that I’ll show you. 20. Let’s find which one is smaller,greater, same. Kegiatan 1 Activity 1 Alokasi Waktu Time Allocatin Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Prosedur | Procedure 1. Tasks Penilaian 1 Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint 20 Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan latihan soal pada buku matematika MATH CHAMPION halaman 14-15 secara individual. Skrip Narasi 1. 2. 3. Well, now you may take your Math workbook and open page 14. We will do page 14 and 15. We wiil do it step by step, so listen the instruction. If you are done, you may put your book on the table. Assesment Page 14-15 - Refleksi | Reflection Disusun oleh (Created by) Disetujui oleh (Approved by) Friska Yanti Tobing, S.Pd Guru Matematika Kelas 1 Chelsia Sumendap, S.Pd Wakil Kepala Wakil Kepala Sekolah bid. Kurikulum Balikpapan, Juli 2022 Diketahui oleh (Acknowledged by) Hana Sitorus, Kepala Sekolah Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111