Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran: Pembelajaran Online | Online Learning | Tanggal | Date: 16 January 2023 Nama Satuan Pendidikan SDK Harapan Bangsa School Mata Pelajaran MATHEMATIC Subject Kelas Class Materi Pokok Content Tujuan Pembelajaran Learning Objective 1. Guru menyapa siswa. 2. Siswa yang menjadi captain memimpin doa pembuka. 3. Guru memberi instruksi agar siswa mengikuti “The Claps game” Opening Presentati on 50’ 70’ Skrip Narasi 1. Hi, class! Good morning. Everyone feel good? 2. Great! Thank you! 3. Now, We need a big circle. 4. Please make a big circle. 5. We will do “The Claps game”, so listen the instruction. 8. 9. 10. Activity 1 Alokasi Waktu Time/Period 6. I will clap my hand and the person who 10 Menit Alokasi Waktu Time Allocatio n Review 1st Semester 1 Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Flashcards 1-4, Freeze dance song. 7. Kegiatan 1 Semester Kemampuan Berpikir Thinking Level 3 Menerapkan 6 Mencipta 2 Memahami 5 Evaluasi 1 Mengingat 4 Analisis 1. Review 1st Semester : Numbers 0-20. 2. Addition and Number Patterns. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran | Teaching Grid Kegiatan Alokasi Alat, Media dan Sumber Pembuka Waktu Tools, Media, and Resources Time Warm-up Allocatio Prosedur | Procedure n 1 Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Prosedur | Procedure 1. Guru menanyakan mengenai materi yang sudah dipelajari saat semester 1. 2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mulai mengulang pelajaran. 3. Guru memimpin Review Number pattern. 4. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam 5 kelompok. stand next to me have to clap also their hand.. and so others.. And also, I will give you the ping pong ball and you have jump if someone give you it. Are you ready? Let’s try! Well, great job! You may have a seat. Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, Connecting cubes. Skrip Narasi 1. Hi, everyone.. Have you remembered about our lesson in the 1st semester? 2. What did we learn? 3. Well, we learn Numbers 0-20, addition, subtraction, number patterns, Ordinal Numbers and Word Problems. 4. So, today let’s review the lesson. 5. First, I will divide you into 5 teams. Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111 5. Guru membagikan beberapa kartu angka kepada siswa. 6. Siswa menyusun kartu angka secara berurut. Dari yang paling kecil – besar dan juga sebaliknya.. 7. Siswa akan melakukan nya 2 kali. 8. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan selanjutnya, yaitu menuliskan sebanyakbanyaknya penjumlahan yang hasilnya sesuai dengan yang tertera di kertas worksheet. 9. Siswa mengerjakan secara berkelompok. 10. Siswa mewarnai worksheet se-kreatif mungkin. Kegiatan 1 Activity 1 Alat, Media dan Sumber Tools, Media, and Resources Alokasi Waktu Time Allocatin Penilaian 1 Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint Prosedur | Procedure 1. Tasks 6. We will arrange the number in the correct pattern. 7. Please listen the instruction well. 8. You will get some number cards. 9. We will see which team is the fastest. 10. Ready..? 11. Please arrange the number in order from the smallest to greatest. 12. 2ND : Please arrange thenumber in order from greatest to smallest. 13. Well, great Job! 14. Now, We will see the Number bonds. 15. Each team will get big paper and some small papers. 16. Look at the question and please write the answer in the small paper. 17. If you have done I will check yours. Than you may color it and decorate it together with your team. Guru mengingatkan mengenai pelajaran besaok hari. . Skrip Narasi 1. Well, everyone tomorrow we will start to learn the lesson in 2nd semester. So, please prepare the Math Book. 10’ Assignments - Refleksi | Reflection Jalan Indrakila No. 99 G - Balikpapan 76125 +62542 8510111