Lesson Plan Teachers: Ms. Montegomery Grade Level: 6th Date: August 18, 2014 – August 22, 2014 Stage 1 – Desired Results Content Standard(s): Content Indicator(s): Understanding(s)/goals: (Level Bloom’s Taxonomy) The Students Will Know: ● School-Wide Rules and Procedures ● Classroom routines and Procedures Essential Question(s): ● How can we make this school year a successful one? Student objectives (outcomes): (Level – Bloom’s Taxonomy) The Students Will Be Able To: ● Recite and use school-wide rules and procedures as well as classroom routines and procedures. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): (Level – Bloom’s Taxonomy) ● Teacher Observation Other Evidence: ● Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities: Monday Direct Instruction (Activities): *** NOTE: TTW conduct activities between instruction of rules and procedures.*** 1. What should the students do upon arriving at school? 2. What should the students do when an announcement/the pledge begins over the PA System? 3. Discuss quiet signals. 4. Discuss what students are to do when they want your attention. 5. What are the pencil sharpening procedures? 6. Bathroom procedures 7. What should the students do with trash (when to throw away trash and where) 8. How are papers passed out and collected? 9. Introduce classroom rules/rewards/ consequences 10. Teach desk organization 11. Explain class jobs 12. Procedures for lining up and hallway expectations, 13. Lunch Procedures 14. Playground rules 15. Dismissal Procedures TTW discuss the steps and needed for the students to complete upon arriving to class each day. TTW guide the students in practicing the rules and procedures and provide the students with opportunities for independent practice. Energy Bus: TTW read the book The Energy Bus aloud to the class. TSW then create a message in a bottle containing a letter. Materials ● Two-liter plastic soda bottle or some other unbreakable see-through container ● Construction paper ● Scissors ● Markers, crayons, colored pencils ● Tissue paper ● Glue Directions 1. Tell students that a character in the text wants to share what he or she has learned as a result of his or her experiences through the course of the story. The character has decided to send a message in a bottle or some other appropriate container. 2. Have each student decorate a container with symbols and scenery appropriate to the novel and its theme. 3. Ask students to write a letter from the character's point of view. This letter should express the main character's feelings about the life lessons he or she has learned. At the beginning of the letter, state the theme they think the text conveyed. In the body of the letter, have students incorporate three points that support their ideas. 4. Tell students the bottle they create will be given to a student in another class who will judge if they presented three points that connect to their theme. 5. Tell students to be creative! Be neat! And make sure to write as the character in the novel would. Ice Breaker #1 Math About Me TSW create a math about me. The student must have 5-7 numbers that describe themselves. Students may include pictures that enhance their numbers that describe them. These numbers may represent a variety of different things such as age, number of siblings, number of pets, birthday in numeral form, etc. After completing TS will have the opportunity to share their math about me with their classmates. House Keeping: 1. TTW collect and label all school supplies 2. TTW assign textbooks to students 3. TTW assign agendas and explain the procedure for them. 4. TSW complete a student questionnaire. 5. TSW complete classroom job applications. 6. Go over class schedule with the students 7. TSW brainstorm classroom core values and TTW compile their list into no more than 5 classroom core values. HW : 1. Complete and Return papers sent home in folder Tuesday Direct Instruction (Activities): ***NOTE: TTW conduct activities between instruction of rules and procedures*** 1. Review what students should do when they walk in the room. 2. Review what to do when there is an announcement or the pledge over the PA System. 3. Review quiet signals 4. Review bathroom procedures 5. Review pencil sharpening procedures. 6. Discuss tardy procedures. 7. Discuss where to find assignments if a student has been absent. 8. Discuss Code of Conduct. 9. Discuss making good choices 10. Review classroom rules and expectations 11. Review lining up/hallway procedures. 12. Discuss how the students should head their papers. 13. Discuss procedures for staying on task during independent work 14. Review how to pass in papers. 15. Review lunch procedures. 16. Review recess rules 17. Review dismissal procedures. TTW guide the students in practicing the rules and procedures and provide the students with opportunities for independent practice. Ice Breaker #2 Student Search TSW use the student search sheet to get signatures from students who have done or completed the tasks on the sheet. TSW get 10 minutes to complete the activity. Once the 10 minutes is up TS will calculate their points to see who won the student search. House Keeping 1. TSW define top core values chosen from list created Monday. 2. TTW pose the following questions to the class on paper around the room 1. What do you need from your classmates in order to learn best? 2. What should kids in our class be doing to make sure our class runs a smooth as possible? 3. What do you hope to learn this year? 4. What will you need to do in order to be successful this year? 5. What do I need to do in order for you to be successful this year? 6. What kind of teacher do you want? 3. TSW answer these questions on sticky notes and place them under each question. 4. TSW discuss the answers as a class. HW : 1. Complete and Return papers sent home in folder Wednesday Direct Instruction (Activities): ***NOTE: TTW conduct activities between instruction of rules and procedures*** TTW continue with procedures already put in place with continuous modeling and reinforcement TTW: 1. Discuss procedures for going to the nurse 2. Discuss expectations /behaviors when visitors are in the classroom 3. Discuss expectations/behavior when the teacher is out of the classroom 4. Emergency Drill Procedures 5. Grading and Homework Policies TTW guide the students in practicing the rules and procedures and provide the students with opportunities for independent practice. Ice Breaker #3 The Name Game TS sit in a large circle on the floor. TSW say their name and a word to describe them starting with the same letter for example Gigantic Greg and throw the ball to someone else who will say a word to describe them and their name and then say what was said before them. Play continues until everyone has had a turn. House Keeping 1. TTW discuss note booking practices. 2. TSW decorate their math and science notebooks 3. TSW create their table of contents in both journals 4. Town Hall meeting on digital citizenship HW : 1. Complete and Return papers sent home in folder Thursday Direct Instruction(Activities): ***NOTE: TTW conduct activities between instruction of rules and procedures*** TTW continue with procedures already put in place with continuous modeling and reinforcement. TTW guide the students in practicing the rules and procedures and provide the students with opportunities for independent practice. Ice Breaker #4 Cup Challenge TTW give groups of students 6 plastic cup and a handful of rubber bands and tell them that they need to stack the cups in a pyramid without touching anything but the rubber bands, that everyone must be helping at all times, and without talking. TSW attempt to stack the cups. TTW lead a discussion on the importance in communication when working in teams. TSW then have two minutes to come up with a plan. TSW carry out their plan and stack the cups. House Keeping 1. TTW lead a discussion on organization and study habits with the students and its importance. 2. TSW complete a goal sheet on how they plan to stay organized throughout the school year. HW : 1. Complete and Return papers sent home in folder Friday Objectives/ Indicators: TSW review classroom routines and procedures. TSW be able to communicate classroom expectations Direct Instruction(Activities): ***NOTE: TTW conduct activities between instruction of rules and procedures*** TTW continue to model and reinforce routines and procedures and play a game. TTW guide the students in practicing the rules and procedures and provide the students with opportunities for independent practice. Ice Breaker # 5 Tallest Tower Challenge 6-1.4 Use a technological design process to plan and produce a solution to a problem or a product (including identifying a problem, designing a solution or a product, implementing the design, and evaluating the solution or the product). TTW give groups of students a hand full of uncooked spaghetti noodles, a hand full of marshmallows, and tape. TSW collaborate to come up with an initial design and draw this in their science notebooks. TSW create the tallest tower that they can use these three things. The tower must be able to hold a piece of paper at the top. The group with the tallest tower that can support the paper will receive a prize. TSW write a reflection in their science journal using the following prompts, 1. Draw the final tower that your group created. 2. Why did your group decide to engineer your tower the way you did? 3. Why do you think that your design did or did not work? 4. What would you do differently if you had to design the tower again? 5. How did you contribute to your group in this activity? 6. Give a compliment to one person that was in your group that did a good job. House Keeping 1. Study Habits 2. Organization (Review) 3. TTW review the energy bus rules and TSW create a goal for the year on how they plan to maintain a positive energy bus all year long. These will be put up in the room to remind students of their goals. 4. TSW take a pretest of the 1st nine week standards. Activities: Establish Study Buddy System. Collect phone numbers of classmates to aid in hw help etc… HW : 1. Complete and Return papers sent home in folder Stage 4- Small Groups Stage 5- Reflection ● ●