Uploaded by Sarah Bacchiochi

Prokaryote Worksheet: Binary Fission & Energy

Name __________________________________________Date_____________________
Start up Questions
Answer the Following Questions:
1. What is Binary Fission?
2. Explain the purpose of conjugation between bacteria.
3. What are the four characteristics of prokaryotes?
Use the word bank below to fill in the chart.
Facultative anaerobes
Obligate aerobes
Obligate anaerobes
Prokaryotes classified by how they obtain energy:
Organisms that carry out photosynthesis in a manner similar to that of
Organisms that obtain energy directly from chemical reactions involving
inorganic molecules
Organisms that take in organic molecules and then breaks them down
Organism that captures sunlight for energy and also need organic
molecules as a carbon source.
Prokaryotes classified by how they release energy:
Organisms that require a constant supply of oxygen
Organisms that must live in the absence of oxygen
Organisms that can survive with or without oxygen