9 candles

Shane Lanelle B Tecson (1)
The name shane is a hebrew baby name. Which has a special meaning, Gift from God.
And indeed dai you are a gift form God.
You made me go out from my comfort zone which really made me grow as a person. You are the kind of
friend anyone would want to have. In this trying times, despite all the missed chitchats, u never
changed. You still bring out the best to people. Thank you for existing!
Princess Kirsten Sandalo (2)
The name kirsten is also a hebrew baby name. Which has a special meaning, Follower of Christ.
And indeed cess you are a follower of God.
Even when times are tough, even when you’re unsure of things, you always tend to know that God has
plans. Know that God isn’t just going to leave you in the dust.
You are the kind of friend who tends to surrender all worries and struggles to God. Which explains why
(Phil 4:6) is your favorite bible verse "Turn your worries into prayers your favorite bible verse." Thank
you for existing!
Kyri Eleis Uymasuy (3)
The name kyri is derived from the Greek form of the Persian name Kûrush, which could be from khur,
meaning "sun".
And indeed dai, you light up my dark days.
You are the kind of friend who is always there through ups and downs. A friend anyone would want to
have. You light up my days with just your presence and existence. That is why thank you for existing dai!
Serelea Daniel (4)
The name sere means stern which really resembles you as a person because you are strong and lea has
a meaning of Bringer of good news.
And indeed sere, your existence has brought good news for me.
You are the kind of friend who never left me when I was left behind. Throughout my life, everyone could
see the tears in my eyes but only you could feel the pain in my heart. The kind of friend anyone would
want to have because of how genuine and enthusiastic you are. You never fail to make me feel
welcomed and comfortable whenever you are around. Thank you for existing sere!
Rikki Mae Despi (5)
The name Rikki has a meaning of "Strength, warrior, fire inside"
And indeed riks, you are a strong warrior of God
You are the kind of friend who's vulnerable and fragile yet has a strong willpower. You never failed to
encourage me whenever I'm in doubt of succeeding. You always welcome me with a warm smile despite
of what hurdle you're facing. Continue striving for betterment and success, as you are capable of doing
so. Thank you for existing riks!
Jharen Hyacinth Galedo (6)
Hyacinths bloom just once per year but they will happily bloom again in subsequent years if provided
with the proper care.
And indeed dai, with proper self care you will bloom and grow
You are the kind of friend who's generous and caring. You always care about other people first before
yourself. You never failed to welcome me back in your circle with warm smiles. I'll be forever grateful.
Thank you for being my friend, you have filled my life with pleasure and amusement and had spread so
many color around it. Thank you for existing dai!
Kylei Mae Iliot (7)
The name Kylei refers to a boomerang ,a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so that it
will return to the thrower.
And indeed dai, you always give what you get.
You are the kind of friend who's hardworking and kind. You are the kind of friend who makes the
good times even better and the hard times a whole lot easier. Thank you for existing kylei!
Honey Erika Seares (8)
The name Erika has a meaning of 'forever' or 'eternal'
And indeed dae, you will be my friend forever.
You are the kind of friend whom I get along when it comes to spending money. You are the kind of
friend who supports and encourage me to do better. And you are the kind of friend who's really lazy but
is capable of passing on time. I am glad that the love in our friendship is not dependant on mood swings
and bad hair days. Thank you existing dae!
Christine Joy Poster (9)
The name Joy has a meaning of happiness.
And indeed joy, you bring me happiness.
Living life without a friend like you would be like celebrating Christmas without Santa Claus or Easter
without a chocolate bunny. You make happiness worth sharing and you make my dreams worth
believing. Thanks for being by my side and making my life worth living. Thank you for existing!