GSM/EDGE BSS, Rel. BSC17, Operating Documentation BSC Alarms Excel Document DN09214229 Issue 02 Approval Date 2018-01-30 The information in this document applies solely to the hardware/software product (“Product”) specified herein, and only as specified herein. This document is intended for use by Nokia customers (“You”) only, and it may not be used except for the purposes d agreement between You and Nokia (“Agreement”) under which this document is distributed. No part of this document m copied, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia. If you have not entered into an Agreement applicable to the Product, or if that Agreement has expired or has been terminated, You may not use this document in any manner and You are obliged to return it to Nokia and destroy or delete any copies thereof. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and You assume full responsibility when using it. Nokia welcome Your comments as part of the process of continuous improvement of the documentation. develo This document and its contents are provided as a convenience to You. Any information or statements concerning the suitability, capacity, fitness for purpose or performance of the Product are given solely on an “as is” and “as available” basis in this document, and Nokia reserves the right to change any such information and statements without notice. Nokia has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content of this document is adequate and free of material errors and omissions, and Nokia will correct errors that You identify document. But, Nokia's total liability for any errors in the document is strictly limited to the correction of such error(s). No warrant that the use of the software in the Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IS MADE IN RELATION TO THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL NOKIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY LOSSES, SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OPPORTUNITY OR DATA THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION IN IT, EVE CASE OF ERRORS IN OR OMISSIONS FROM THIS DOCUMENT OR ITS CONTENT. This document is Nokia proprietary and confidential information, which may not be distributed or disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of Nokia. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © 2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Important Notice on Product Safety This product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger. Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product. The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the “Legal, Safety and Environmental Information” part of this document or documentation set. Copyright © 2018 Nokia. All rights reserved. Important Notice on Product Safety This product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger. Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product. The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the “Legal, Safety and Environmental Information” part of this document or documentation set. Nokia is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environ recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their c If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia for any additional information. Product”) specified be used except for the purposes defined in the ibuted. No part of this document may be used, an Agreement applicable ot use this document in ies thereof. personnel, and You he process of continuous development and tion or statements ct are given solely on change any such o ensure that the content will correct errors that You identify in this he correction of such error(s). Nokia does not UT NOT LIMITED TO RINGEMENT, RELATION TO THE NY DAMAGES, OR CONSEQUENTIAL E, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, BUSINESS OR THE INFORMATION IN IT, EVEN IN THE NT. distributed or disclosed ned in this document ation purposes only. sources of e handle this o this product. al, Safety and sources of e handle this o this product. al, Safety and ucts and services. owards a cleaner, safer environment. Please disposal of our products and their components. ronmental services we 1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to assist users in finding alarms, their meanings, effects, and instructions on how to avoid them. The alarms are listed by numbers in ascending order. 2. How to read this excel report The excel report provides a full information on alarms. It shows the full set of alarm attributes. 2.1 Alarm List This section shows the full alarm information including the following items: - alarm number - alarm name - meaning of the alarm - instructions - clearing information 2.2 Field descriptions Field descriptions are provided in the second row of Alarm List section. Use fold (-) and unfold (+) buttons on the left panel respectively hide and show the field descriptions. d instructions on how to avoid d (+) buttons on the left panel to Note: See the How to Read This Report tab for instructions on the usage of Alarm List Field description The name of alarm. Alarm Number Alarm Name 2 OSI INCOMING CALL ROUTING FAILED 4 ACCESS SERVICE REJECT RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED 9 OSI FORCED CONNECTION CLEARING 12 X.25 CALL ESTABLISHMENT FAILED 13 SAME SERVICE ALREADY IN NAMETABLE WITH DIFFERENT PARAMETERS 15 AUTOMATIC RETURN ON RESTART FAILURE ALLOWED 16 SIGNALLING LINK CONGESTION LEVEL EXCEEDED 17 DATABASE INTEGRITY CHECKING COMPLETED 18 DATABASE RECOVERY IS IN PROGRESS 20 AUTOMATIC RETURN AFTER TIME PERIOD ALLOWED 21 CONVERSION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY 26 SIGNALLING LINK LOAD OVER THRESHOLD 27 SOFTWARE PACKAGE FALLBACK COPYING NOTICE 32 FILE SYSTEM NOTIFICATION 33 FILE UPDATES TO DISK PREVENTED 36 FILE UPDATES TO DISK RESUMED 37 PASSIVE WARMING IN USE 48 SEMIPERMANENT CONNECTION MISSING 61 CIRCUIT GROUPS HAVE BEEN UPDATED 70 SIGNALLING LINK REMOTE INHIBITED 71 SIGNALLING LINK REMOTE UNINHIBITED 72 SIGNALLING LINK REMOTE BLOCKED 73 SIGNALLING LINK REMOTE UNBLOCKED 74 REPEATED CHANGEBACK DECLARATION NOT ACKNOWLEDGED 75 SIGNALLING LINK FORCED UNINHIBITING NOT POSSIBLE 88 ETHERNET INTERFACE SWITCHOVER EXECUTED 90 IP ADDRESS FOR HOT BILLING DATA CHANGED 101 SDH PROTECTION SWITCHING EXECUTED 104 SGSN ENDPOINT CREATED 105 SGSN ENDPOINT ADDED 106 SGSN ENDPOINT DELETED 116 LOGGING OF SERVICE TERMINAL COMMANDS IS OFF 125 PCU PROCESSOR LOAD HIGH 132 CIRCUIT BARRED 133 CIRCUIT DEBARRED 136 PCU CONNECTIVITY EXCEEDED 143 IPSEC: AUTOMATIC CERTIFICATE ENROLLMENT SUCCESSFULL 156 NO SYNCHRONIZATION HW CONFIGURED 157 FRU INSERTED OR EXTRACTED 159 SDH PROTECTION SWITCHING EXECUTED IN ATM INTERFACE 169 DUPLICATE MAC ADDRESS USER DETECTED 183 MEASUREMENT REPORT TRANSFER UNSUCCESSFUL 187 AUTOMATIC REALLOCATION ABORTED 208 PIU TYPE HAS BEEN UPDATED IN DATABASE 215 MAXIMUM COLLECTION TIME EXCEEDED 216 PCU2 MEMORY DUMP SUCCESS 217 PCU2 MEMORY DUMP FAILED 218 EVENT TRIGGERED SYMPTOM DATA TRIGGERED 234 BACKUP PHYSICAL MCBSC SYSTEM FALLBACK COPY NOTICE 239 NETWORK RESILIENCY ACTIVITY MODE CHANGED 240 COORDINATED STATE CHANGE NOTICE 247 BLACK BOX SAVE FAILED 248 BLACK BOX SAVE SUCCESS 252 UNIT IS COLLECTING COREDUMP INFORMATION 270 DEFAULT PACKAGE NOTICE 421 UNIT TIME UPDATED 422 TIME UPDATED 430 MML-SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT 554 RADIO NETWORK SUPERVISION MEASUREMENT PERIOD CHANGED 590 PROCESSING OF ALARMS IS STARTED ANEW 599 HEARTBEAT NOTICE FOR ALARM FLOW SUPERVISION 630 SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL CHANGED 660 DATABASE TRANSACTIONS OR DISK UPDATES PREVENTED 661 DATABASE FILE FILL RATIO EXCEEDS THE ALARM LIMIT 689 SYSTEM RESTARTED 690 WORKING STATE CHANGE 691 AUTOMATIC RECOVERY ACTION 697 UNEXPECTED SWITCHOVER 800 O&M CHANNEL CHANGED TO ALTERNATIVE CONNECTION 801 MTU ADDRESSES MISSING OR INCORRECT 804 COMMAND CALENDAR DISK INTERFACE NOTICE 814 ADMINISTRATIVE USER HAS LOGGED INTO NETWORK ELEMENT 817 REPLICATION HAS BEEN STARTED FROM NX GUI 818 REPLICATION HAS BEEN STOPPED FROM NX GUI 819 INITIALIZATION OF REPLICATION HAS BEEN FINISHED 820 PREDEFINED SIZE OF NX DATABASE HAS BEEN EXCEEDED 830 BSC RADIO NETWORK BACKGROUND DATA STATE CHANGED 860 DISK NOTICE 890 Q3 ALARM UPLOAD REQUIRED 930 TCSM SYNCHRONISATION SIGNAL CHANGED 1001 UNIT RESTARTED 1002 RAM FAILURE 1003 PARITY ERROR IN RAM 1004 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN PROGRAM BLOCKS 1005 PLUG-IN UNIT RESTARTED 1007 RESTARTED PROGRAM BLOCK 1008 MML PROGRAM RESTARTED 1010 NO RESPONSE TO UNIT SUPERVISION MESSAGE 1012 EXCESSIVE RESTARTS OF UNIT 1014 PROCESSOR LOAD RATE ALARM LIMIT EXCEEDED 1015 OPERATING SYSTEM ERROR COUNTER INCREASED 1016 MB INTERFACE FAILURE 1018 PROGRAM BLOCK COMMUNICATION ERROR 1019 PROGRAM BLOCK ACTION FAILURE 1020 PROGRAM BLOCK START UP FAILURE 1021 PROGRAM BLOCK REWARMING STARTED 1022 PROGRAM BLOCK WARMUP FAILURE 1023 EXCESSIVE DISTURBANCES IN SUPERVISION 1024 HAND PROCESS ERROR IN PROGRAM BLOCK 1028 RESTARTED PROGRAM BLOCK IN PREPROCESSOR UNIT 1029 SCCP STP MESSAGE PREVENTION 1033 OSI CLNS CONFIGURATION FAILED 1034 MAXIMUM SEQUENCE NUMBER OF OSI CLNS EXCEEDED 1035 UPU MESSAGE RECEIVED 1044 ERROR IN SWITCH COMPARE TEST 1045 ERROR BETWEEN MARKER TABLES AND SWITCH CONTROL MEMORY 1047 NO RESPONSE FROM CONTROLLER OF SWITCHING NETWORK 1048 CONTROLLER OF SWITCHING NETWORK RESTARTED 1049 SEMIPERMANENT MULTICHANNEL CONNECTION MISSING 1055 TCAP TRANSACTION FAILURE 1056 MESSAGE FROM NETWORK TO UNKNOWN SUBSYSTEM 1058 ERROR IN SMUX PLUG-IN UNIT 1061 ERROR IN SWITCH COMPARE TEST 1062 ERROR BETWEEN MARKER TABLES AND SWITCH CONTROL MEMORY 1064 UNIT UPDATE FAILURE 1065 DISK UPDATE FAILURE 1070 CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK DATA ERROR 1071 PROCESSOR TIME SHORTAGE 1072 SIGNALLING LINK OUT OF SERVICE 1076 FORCED LIGHTWEIGHT SCHEDULING 1077 FREE STACK SIZE BELOW LIMIT 1078 PROCESS EXCEPTION 1080 PROCESS STOPPED 1082 HAND USAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED 1083 SEMAPHORE USE ERROR 1089 DYNAMIC LDT SLOTS EXHAUSTED 1090 BUFFER HANDLE ERROR 1092 COMMUNICATION FAILURE IN FIELD REPORTING 1093 OUTPUT FAILURE IN FIELD REPORTING 1095 TRAFFIC MEASUREMENT OUTPUT FAILURE 1098 TOO LONG MESSAGE 1103 SIGNALLING MEASUREMENT REPORT LOST 1105 LINE SIGNALLING RECEIVE OVERLOAD 1125 TRIAL CONFIGURATION DELETED 1128 EXCESSIVE DISTURBANCES IN FILE LOADING 1136 SIGNALLING MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION ERROR 1137 INCORRECT SIGNALLING MESSAGE FROM SIGNALLING TERMINAL 1140 FREE LDT SLOT COUNT BELOW LIMIT 1141 DELAY BUFFER OVERFLOW IN SIGNALLING TERMINAL 1142 FAMILY MEMORY USAGE SUPERVISION LIMIT EXCEEDED 1143 AMOUNT OF FREE MEMORY REDUCED 1144 FREE BUFFER HEADERS EXHAUSTING 1147 MESSAGE QUEUE OVERFLOW 1148 EXCESSIVE TRAPS 1162 FILE SYSTEM COMMUNICATION ERROR 1165 BUFFER ALLOCATION FAILED 1169 FREEZING PERIOD OF SS7 REPORTING LOST 1178 PREPROCESSOR UNIT DISTURBANCE 1182 PREPROCESSOR UNIT RESTARTED 1190 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN SCP 1192 SSCOP TRANSMIT BUFFER OVERFLOW 1200 ACTOR HAS FAILED TO REGISTER TO THE SUPERVISION 1204 WATCHDOG CAUSES UNIT RESTART 1207 UNITS WORKING STATE DATA CORRUPTED IN THE SYSTEM 1210 PHASE ADVANCE OF TIMING SIGNAL CHANGED 1220 HANDLING OF MEASUREMENT DEFINITION FILE FAILED 1221 STATISTICAL MEASUREMENT REPORT OUTPUT FAILED 1222 DATA WRITING VIA VDS DEVICE FAILED 1228 UNIT SUPERVISION NOT FUNCTIONING 1234 UPDATE OF PASSWORD VALIDITY TIME FAILED 1240 SCCP DISTURBANCE 1241 SCCP GLOBAL TITLE TRANSLATION ANALYSIS FILE ERROR 1242 SCCP GLOBAL TITLE TRANSLATION RESULT FILE ERROR 1244 RUNNING OUT OF MESSAGE BUFFERS 1249 DATABASE DISK COPY HAS EXCEEDED MAXIMUM ALLOWED AGE 1250 DATA LINK LAYER PROTOCOL MISMATCH 1251 EXCESSIVE RETRANSMISSIONS ON DATA LINK CONNECTION 1252 EXCESSIVE ERROR RATE ON DATA LINK CONNECTION 1253 NO RESPONSE FROM PRIMARY RATE ACCESS TERMINAL 1254 UNSOLICITED DATA LINK REESTABLISHMENT 1255 PRIMARY RATE ACCESS MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION ERROR 1256 INCORRECT PRD MESSAGE FROM PRIMARY RATE ACCESS TERMINAL 1260 X.25/ETHERNET DATA TERMINAL SPONTANEOUS RESTART 1261 OSI CHANNEL GROUP UNREACHABLE 1262 OSI SERVICE PROVIDER RESET 1263 OSI SERVICE PROVIDER INTERFACE ERROR 1264 OSI INCOMING CALL DENIED 1273 ASP ACTIVATION FAILED 1280 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION CHANNEL FAILURE 1282 ASSOCIATION PARAMETER FAILURE 1293 SCCP GT SCREENING APPLIED 1300 SUPERVISION CONNECTION TO UNIT LOST 1301 PCU DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR RESTART 1302 PAGING OVERLOAD 1334 HW RESTART NOTICE 1338 CLGU RESTART NOTICED 1339 ACTIVE FRAMER UNIT FAILURE 1340 HOTLINK FAILURE 1347 CS PAGING COORDINATION ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION FAILED 1348 ETP SPARE UNIT WARMUP FAILURE 1389 ETP DSP RESTART 1391 PCU POOLING CONFIGURATION MISMATCH 1400 AFS RESTARTED 1407 Invalid MD5 AuthCode 1423 NO RESPONSE FROM MAIN CLOCK 1425 OVERFLOW IN ALARM BUFFERING 1431 MMI SYSTEM OVERLOAD 1432 DISTURBANCE IN COMMAND CALENDAR 1548 MTP CONFUSION MESSAGE RECEIVED 1557 EVENT HANDLER CANNOT WORK PROPERLY DUE TO FILE SERVICE FAILURE 1569 CRITICAL LIMIT IN SECURITY REPORTING REACHED 1570 SECURITY LOG ALARM LIMIT REACHED 1578 CONFUSION IN BSSMAP SIGNALING 1580 GLOBAL RESET FAILURE 1582 CONNECTION OR RELEASE ERROR 1583 LAPD MSG DISTRIBUTION PROBLEM 1585 ABNORMAL A INTERFACE CIRCUIT RELEASE 1590 ALARM SYSTEM MESSAGE SENDING BUFFER FULL 1597 I/O DEVICE FOUND FAULTY BY ALARM SYSTEM 1598 UNIT FOUND FAULTY BY ALARM SYSTEM 1623 ERROR DURING SUPERVISION 1630 RAM FAILURE IN SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT 1660 UPDATE NUMBER MISMATCH 1661 DATABASE MANAGER IN FATAL ERROR STATE 1662 DATABASE LOADING ERROR 1663 HAND RESERVATION ERROR IN DATABASE MANAGER 1682 SCDFLE UPDATE FAILURE 1683 FAULTY UNIT SP-EX 1684 SPARE UNIT WARMUP FAILURE 1685 UNIT RESTART FAILURE 1687 RECOVERY ACTION FAILURE 1688 FAILURE IN CALL CLEARING 1800 SCSI ADDRESS ILLEGAL 1801 MASS MEMORY FILE BACKUP FAILURE 1802 BACKUP COPY LOG FAILURE 1804 IP ROUTING RESOURCE SHORTAGE 1806 PRINTER SPOOLER DISABLED 1809 IP CONFIGURATION INQUIRY SERVICE FAILED 1850 BTS TEST REPORT PRINTOUT FAILED 1860 DISK DISTURBANCE 1881 TAPI FAILURE 1882 DMADI FAILURE 1884 LABEL PARAMETER FAILURE 1885 ERROR IN WRITING DATA TO MAGNETIC TAPE 1886 ERROR IN TAPE OPERATION 1887 BLOCK COUNTER FAILURE 1891 AS7 RESTARTED 1893 O&M CHANNEL SEND OVERLOAD 1894 NO RESPONSE TO AS7 SUPERVISION MESSAGE 1895 DISTURBANCE IN O&M CHANNEL 1900 DEGRADED SLIP FREQUENCY 1901 ET RESTARTED 1910 COMMUNICATION FAILURE WITH TRX 1911 INVALID URGENCY LEVEL IN TRANSMISSION ALARM 1915 TCSM CLOCK DISTURBANCE 2002 FILE SPACE ERROR 2004 FILE BACKUP FAILURE 2005 CHECKSUM ERROR IN LOAD MODULE 2006 FILE UPDATING SYSTEM DATA CORRUPTED 2007 FILE UPDATING ON AUXILIARY STORAGE IS NOT PROCEEDING 2008 ERROR IN FILE INITIALIZATION 2009 ERROR IN USING PRFILE 2010 FILE CHAINING ERROR 2012 ERROR IN FILE OPENING 2013 MODULE STRUCTURE FAULTY 2014 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN FILE TRANSFER PROCESS 2015 MB COMMUNICATION ERROR 2017 FILE DISTRIBUTION ERROR 2018 OVERFLOW IN HANDLING ALARM EVENTS 2022 CLOCK BUFFER ALARM 2023 MAIN CLOCK FAILURE 2024 MAIN CLOCK NEEDS ADJUSTMENT 2025 MAIN CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL MISSING 2026 MAIN CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL MISSING 2027 MAIN CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL MISSING 2028 MAIN CLOCK MANUAL CONTROL 2029 MAIN CLOCK FAILURE 2031 MB CLOCK FAILURE 2033 GSW CLOCK FAILURE 2039 ET CLOCK FAILURE 2040 TG FAILURE 2041 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN SWITCHING 2043 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN SWITCH TESTING MODULE 2044 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN SWITCH COMPARE TEST 2045 EXCESSIVE ERRORS BETWEEN SWITCH FILE AND SWITCH CONTROL MEMORY 2048 FAILURE IN SEMIPERMANENT CONNECTION 2050 PLUG IN UNIT MISSING IN SWITCHING NETWORK 2051 POWER FAILURE IN SWITCHING NETWORK 2052 SWITCH CLOCK FAILURE 2053 CHECKSUM ERROR IN SWCOP PROM 2054 CHECKSUM ERROR IN BOOT PROM 2057 TG FAILURE IN SYNCRONIZATION UNIT 2058 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN SMUX PLUG-IN UNIT 2060 CENTRAL MEMORY FILE ERROR 2061 CENTRAL MEMORY FILE SPACE RESERVED 2062 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN CENTRAL MEMORY INCOMING DATA 2063 DAY CLASS INQUIRY FOR TIME CONTROLLED ROUTING FAILED 2064 ROUTE SET UNAVAILABLE 2065 FILE CONFLICT ERROR 2066 FILE ADDRESSING ERROR 2068 FILE DISTRIBUTION FAILURE 2069 SIGNALLING LINK TEST FAILED 2070 LINK SET UNAVAILABLE 2071 SIGNALLING LINK TERMINAL FAULTY 2072 FAILURE IN SIGNALLING LINK ACTIVATION OR RESTORATION 2073 UPDATE FAILURE IN SPARE CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK 2074 WARM-UP FAILURE IN SPARE CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK 2075 COMMUNICATION FAILURE BETWEEN SIGNALLING TERMINAL AND CCNETM 2076 SS7 UNIT UPDATE FAILURE 2077 CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK DATA FAILURE 2078 SS7 UNIT CHANGE FAILURE 2079 LOOP TEST FAILED IN SIGNALLING LINK TERMINAL 2081 EITHER (EL0 & EL1) OR (EL4 & EL5) HAVE FAILED 2087 LOW TRAFFIC CAPACITY ON CIRCUIT GROUP 2094 WARM-UP FAILURE IN ACTIVE CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK 2114 FR VIRTUAL CONNECTION FAILED 2115 FR USER LINK INTEGRITY VERIFICATION FAILED 2129 NO FREE BUFFERS 2131 ERROR IN CCS FILE 2132 FILE POINTER INITIALIZATION ERROR 2133 SEND BUFFER OVERFLOW IN SIGNALLING TERMINAL 2134 WARM-UP ERROR IN CCSEND PROGRAM BLOCK 2136 CCS CIRCUIT RELEASING FAILURE 2137 PLUG-IN UNIT LOCATION ERROR 2138 PLUG-IN UNIT SOFTWARE PACKAGE CHECK SUM ERROR 2139 PLUG-IN UNIT SOFTWARE PACKAGE LOAD FAILURE 2141 PLUG-IN UNIT INITIALIZATION FAILURE 2142 PLUG-IN UNIT SUPERVISION FAILURE 2145 ERROR IN ASM COMPARE TEST 2146 BUS FAILURE IN SWCOP 2160 PREPROCESSOR UNIT RESTART FAILURE 2165 EXCESSIVE REJECTIONS OF OSI CLNS PROTOCOL DATA UNITS 2166 CORRUPTED OSI CLNS LINK STATE PROTOCOL DATA UNIT 2167 EXCESSIVE REJECTIONS OF OSI CLNS LINK STATE PDU 2168 EXCESSIVE REJECTIONS OF OSI CLNS 9542 PDUS 2169 OSI CLNS LINK STATE PDU LEVEL 1 DATABASE OVERLOAD 2171 NO USER FOR OSI CLNS 2174 OSI CLNS SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE 2175 OSI CLNS LINKAGE NOT AVAILABLE 2176 NO CLNS OBJECT IN OSI DATABASE FOR INITIALIZATION 2177 DISCARDED MANUAL AREA ADDRESS OF OSI CLNS 2178 MISMATCH OF MAXIMUM AREA ADDRESS OF OSI CLNS 2179 INCOMPATIBLE PROTOCOL VERSIONS OF OSI CLNS 2181 MISMATCH OF SYSTEM ID LENGTH OF OSI CLNS 2182 MISMATCH OF AREA ADDRESS OF OSI CLNS 2183 REJECTED OSI CLNS ADJACENCY DUE TO LACK OF RESOURCES 2184 OSI CLNS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CORRUPTED 2185 ROUTING OF OSI OUTGOING CALL FAILED 2188 FR ACCESS DATA UPDATING FAILED 2189 COMMUNICATION FAILURE BETWEEN FR TERMINAL AND FRCMAN 2197 NAMETABLE IS FULL 2200 PCM LINE LOOP 2202 ET FAILURE 2203 AIS COMMAND ACK 2204 EQUIPMENT LOOP 2205 ET2 FAILURE 2224 ERROR IN MSU HANDLING 2226 FILE CONFLICT DUE TO SWITCHOVER 2241 SCCP SUBSYSTEM PROHIBITED 2244 UPDATE FAILURE IN SPARE UNIT 2246 SCCP ROUTING FAILURE 2247 SS7 ERRONEOUS SIGNALLING MESSAGE 2248 OPERATING SYSTEM RESOURCES ARE FAILING 2249 OPERATING SYSTEM RESOURCES HAVE FAILED 2250 FAILURE IN D-CHANNEL ACTIVATION OR RESTORATION 2251 ERROR IN PRIMARY RATE ACCESS FILE 2252 LOOP TEST FAILED IN PRIMARY RATE ACCESS TERMINAL 2254 SCCP NOT DEFINED FOR NETWORK 2258 HARDWARE ERROR OF ALARM LOGIC IN SWITCHING NETWORK 2259 DATABASE IS INCONSISTENT 2260 FILE UPDATING ERROR 2261 CONFLICT BETWEEN TWO FILES 2262 OSI SUBNETWORK INTERFACE OUT OF ORDER 2263 OSI OUTGOING CALL FAILED 2264 OSI ADMINISTRATIVE FILES CORRUPTED 2265 OSI POSSIBLE SECURITY VIOLATION 2267 DATABASE INTEGRITY CHECKING FAILED 2268 DATABASE BACKUP PROCESS IS TERMINATED 2269 ERRONEOUS DISK CACHE SIZE 2271 BOOT LOADING FAILED 2272 BOOT LOADING ERROR 2273 AUTOMATIC RETURN TO SPARE PACKAGE 2274 SOMAFI ERROR 2275 HARDWARE INTERFACE INITIALIZATION ERROR 2284 ILLEGAL VALUE FOR STACK POINTER 2285 SIGNALLING TERMINAL FAULTY 2293 AUTOMATIC RETURN AFTER TIME PERIOD INITIATED 2294 UNCONTROLLED CHANGE OF DEFAULT PACKAGE 2295 CONVERSION FAILURE 2332 CIRCUITS BARRED IN D-CHANNEL 2336 ERROR IN INITIAL LOADING 2337 AUTOMATIC RETURN ON RESTART FAILURE IN FORCE 2339 SP-CIC -> PCM-TSL CONVERSION TABLE UPDATE ERROR 2345 UNAUTHORIZED STP ACCESS 2347 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE IN CPU 2374 FILE SPACE ERROR IN PREPROCESSOR UNIT 2375 DYNAMIC FLAGPOOL FULL IN PREPROCESSOR UNIT 2376 ALARM SYSTEM FILE ERROR IN PREPROCESSOR UNIT 2379 VOLTAGE IN CLOCK CIRCUIT OF CPU HAS FAILED 2380 CPU TIME DIFFERS FROM CALENDAR TIME 2381 AMOUNT OF FREE MEMORY CRITICALLY REDUCED 2383 RBS DATA PATH CUT OFF 2384 MEMORY USAGE OVERFLOW 2385 SUPERVISION IN COMPUTER HAS STOPPED 2386 OVERWRITING UNTRANSFERRED VDSDEVICE DATA FILE 2389 WATCHDOG DISABLED 2390 EXTERNAL CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL MISSING 2391 CPU TYPE DIFFERS FROM EQUIPMENT 2393 FALLBACK COPYING TERMINATED IN ERROR 2394 ERROR IN FINISHING FALLBACK COPYING 2397 DATABASE FILE IS IN DANGER TO GET FULL 2399 DATABASE DISK UPDATES ARE PREVENTED 2402 AFS CONNECTION FAILURE 2403 SERIAL CHANNEL FAILURE 2406 AFS FAILURE 2410 CONNECTION OF A CIRCUIT HAS FAILED IN THE SWITCHING NETWORK 2420 TIMES DIFFER IN EXCHANGE 2424 DISCREPANCY BETWEEN RECORD DATA AND BITMAP 2425 ALARM SYSTEM FILE ERROR 2426 CHECKSUM ERROR IN FILE BLOCK 2427 MMI SYSTEM FILE ERROR 2430 ERROR IN COMMAND CALENDAR 2431 IOLOCO FILE ERROR 2433 DISK FILE HANDLING ERROR 2435 ERROR IN CREATING TEXT FILES FOR MMI SYSTEM 2437 FILE SYSTEM DATA ERROR 2438 HW ERROR DETECTED IN BOOT PHASE 2440 UPDATE ERROR OF FILE SYSTEM CONTROL FILE 2441 DISK UPDATE ERROR OF FILE SYSTEM CONTROL FILE 2445 UNIT TYPE HAS NO REDUNDANCY 2447 DATABASE TRANSACTION SAVING FAILED 2454 TIMES DIFFER IN NET 2455 ISDN CALL FAILURE 2457 ABIS LINK USER CONFIGURATION FAILURE 2458 DECODING OF MESSAGE FAILS 2459 ABIS SETUP FAILURE OCCURRENCE 2460 OVERFLOW IN FILE OF ACTIVE BTS ALARMS 2461 OVERFLOW IN LIST OF ACTIVE ALARMS OF BCF 2463 BTS ALARM SYSTEM OUTPUT BUFFER OVERFLOW 2469 STORING OF CHARGING DATA NOT COMPLETED ON ALL DEVICES 2471 RADIO NETWORK RECOVERY FAILED 2472 BTS SITE TYPE CONFLICTS BETWEEN BTS AND BSDATA 2475 BSDATA READING FAILED DURING TEST 2476 FILE OPENING FAILED 2477 GLOBAL RESET MESSAGE RECEIVED 2478 MOBILE ACCESS CLASSES ABNORMAL 2503 DETAILED CHARGING LOST 2504 CHARGING FILE FILLING UP 2518 NO VALID FALLBACK COPY FOR DEFAULT PACKAGE 2525 FAILURE IN STORING OF DETAILED CHARGING DATA 2530 GLOBAL RESET ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MESSAGE MISSING 2549 FIRST ALARM LIMIT FOR UNAVAILABLE VDS DATA FILES REACHED 2550 SECOND ALARM LIMIT FOR UNAVAILABLE VDS DATA FILES REACHED 2551 OUT OF AVAILABLE VDS-DEVICE DATA FILES 2558 ECHO CANCELLER CONNECTION FAILURE 2566 BCF BUILD DIRECTORY ERROR 2583 BSC MEASUREMENT DISK FILE SYSTEM FULL 2586 BSC MEASUREMENT REPORT COPY ERROR TO DISK FILE 2590 ERROR IN OPENING OUTPUT FILE 2596 SCCP REGISTRATION ERROR 2597 I/O-DEVICE FOUND FAULTY FOR INFORMING I/O SERVICES 2598 UNIT FOUND FAULTY FOR INFORMING RECOVERY SYSTEM 2614 ERROR IN REPORT FORMING 2615 USER ACTIONS DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS REQUIRED 2616 IMMEDIATE USER ACTIONS REQUIRED 2620 OMU CONNECTION FAILURE 2621 FAULTY TIME SLOT IN TESTING OF TIME SLOT BASED UNIT 2630 PHASE METER FAILURE 2631 OPERATION MODE CHANGED TO PLESIOCHRONOUS 2632 OSCILLATOR FAILURE 2633 FAILURE IN THE CHOICE OF SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL 2634 POWER FAILURE IN SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT 2635 ABSENT PLUG-IN UNIT IN SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT 2636 FAILURE IN OUTGOING CLOCK SIGNAL 2637 OPERATION PARAMETER CONFLICT 2638 FAILURE IN BUS BETWEEN SYNCHRONIZATION UNITS 2639 FAILURE IN SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT SWITCHOVER 2640 OUTGOING SIGNALS NOT IN PHASE 2641 FAILURE IN SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL 2642 CHECKSUM ERROR IN SYNCHRONIZATION UNIT ROM 2650 STORING OF THE DATA FAILED ON ONE DISK 2651 STORING OF THE DATA FAILED ON BOTH DISKS 2652 PHYSICAL DISK IS FULL 2653 FAILURE IN THE HANDLING OF CONTROL FILES 2660 DATABASE MANAGER UNABLE TO EMPTY LOG FILE IN DISK 2661 NO CONSISTENT COPY OF DATABASE ON DISK 2662 NO CONSISTENT DATABASE ANYWHERE 2663 DUMPING ERROR IN DATABASE MANAGER 2664 DATABASE COPY STAYS INCONSISTENT ON SAME DISK 2665 DATABASE LOG BUFFER SIZE ERROR 2666 DBSMAN STOPPED IN ACTIVE UNIT 2683 ERROR IN MML COMMAND LOG ACCESS 2687 SYSTEM RESTART IN PROGRESS 2688 UNIT CHANGEOVER IN PROGRESS 2690 POSIX HAS ENCOUNTERED AN UNRECOVERABLE ERROR 2691 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CODE ACCESS ERROR 2692 INCORRECT WORKING STATE 2693 WO-EX UNIT FAULTY 2694 ROUTING FILE ERROR 2696 INCONSISTENT DATA IN EXCHANGE 2697 INCONSISTENT DATA IN SCDFLE 2699 CRITICAL UNIT IN INCORRECT WORKING STATE 2720 TELECOM LINK OVERLOAD 2725 ADJACENT CELL IDENTIFIER CONFIGURATION ERROR 2731 FIRST ALARM LIMIT FOR UNAVAILABLE VDS DATA FILES REACHED 2732 SECOND ALARM LIMIT FOR UNAVAILABLE VDS DATA FILES REACHED 2733 OUT OF AVAILABLE VDS-DEVICE DATA FILES 2735 EVENT BUFFER OVERFLOW 2738 ECHO CANCELLER SELF TEST FAILED 2747 ECHO CANCELLER CLOCK FAILURE 2750 DC/DC CONVERTER FAILURE 2751 PLUG-IN UNIT MISSING 2752 CABLE MISSING 2754 FUSE FAILURE 2755 CARTRIDGE CLOCK FAILURE 2756 CARTRIDGE POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 2757 CARTRIDGE NON-REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 2758 POWER SUPPLY ADAPTER FAILURE 2759 POWER SUPPLY FUSE FAILURE 2760 HWAT FAILURE 2761 CLAB FAILURE 2762 SUPERVISION BUS FAILURE 2763 FAILURE IN BUS BETWEEN CLAB UNITS 2764 CLS FAILURE 2770 PREPROCESSOR UNIT FAILURE 2784 FAULTY LASER IN SDH SIGNAL TRANSMITTER 2788 DYNAMIC ROUTING LEADS TO AN ILLEGAL ROUTING 2792 PREPROCESSOR MESSAGE CONGESTION 2794 HW BLOCK FAILURE IN PLUG-IN UNIT 2798 ERROR IN USING FIFILE 2800 VDU OR LPT FAILURE 2801 O&M NETWORK SYSTEM UNREACHABLE 2802 CTU DISK BUFFERING INTERRUPTED 2804 SCDFLE DISK UPDATE FAILURE 2805 Q3-INTERFACE ALARM EVENT CREATION ERROR 2806 SOMAFI UPDATE ERROR 2808 DXDAT RESTORING TASK INTERRUPTED 2809 MASS MEMORY DEVICE POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 2810 BTS ALARM HANDLING INTERRUPTED DUE TO HEAVY UNIT LOAD 2811 BTS ALARM SITUATION INCORRECT IN BSC 2812 PRINTER SPOOLER ALMOST FULL 2813 PRINTER SPOOLER FULL 2814 COMMUNICATION FAILURE WITH NETWORK PRINTING DEVICE 2816 IP ROUTING CONFIGURATION ERROR 2827 EMT PROTOCOL FAILURE 2828 DIRECTORY ACCESS FAILED 2830 BACKGROUND DATA SWAP INTERRUPTED DUE TO UNIT RESTART 2832 NE HAS INVALID USER ACCOUNT TO LDAP DIRECTORY 2833 LOSS OF CONTINUITY IN ATM LAYER CONNECTION 2836 FEATURE MANAGEMENT MESSAGE VALIDATION ERROR 2841 DISK UPDATE OF BTS ALARM SYSTEM FAILED 2842 BTS ALARM PRINTOUT FAILED 2843 ALARM DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BSC AND OMC 2844 PROCESSOR OVERHEATED 2845 INCORRECT MEMORY CONFIGURATION 2850 BCF BUILD FILE DELETE ERROR 2851 DISK SYSTEM OF BSC IS OVERLOADED 2852 FAILURE IN DISK UPDATE OF SCHEDULED BTS TEST FILE 2860 DISK FAILURE 2861 NO ACCESS TO DISK 2862 DISK CHECKSUM ERROR 2863 UNKNOWN LAN CONNECTION DETECTED 2869 NEMU ALARM DEFINITION ERROR 2870 MASS MEMORY POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 2871 MASS MEMORY POWER SUPPLY ALARM LOGIC FAULTY 2872 NEMU ALARM DATABASE FAILURE 2873 NEMU ALARM AMOUNT OVERFLOW 2874 NEMU EVENT LOG FAILURE OCCURRED 2876 FAILURE ON LB INTERFACE 2877 EMERGENCY LOCATION REQUEST FAILED ON LB INTERFACE 2879 ETHERNET SWITCH POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 2880 FAILURE ON BSC-VNP INTERFACE 2883 TAPE MEDIA FULL 2884 TCSM INTERFACE CARD FAILURE 2885 SCTP CONNECTION TO PRIMARY UNIT FROM H.248 UNIT POOL IS LOST 2886 NO SCTP CONN TO PRIMARY OR SECONDARY UNIT FOR H.248 SIGNALING 2887 FAST BSS RESTART FAILED 2888 EXCESSIVE CRC ERRORS IN WRITING DATA TO MAGNETIC TAPE MEDIA 2891 LAN SWITCH IS RUNNING L2 MODE WHEN ADMIN STATE IS SET L3 2892 O&M CHANNEL OUT OF SERVICE 2893 LAN SWITCH IS RUNNING L3 MODE WHEN ADMIN STATE IS SET L2 2898 DISCREPANCY BETWEEN ACTUAL HW AND HW CONFIGURATION DATA 2899 FAILURE IN O&M CHANNEL 2900 INCOMING SIGNAL MISSING 2902 PCM LINE REMOTE END ALARM 2903 ERROR IN ACTIVATING 2 MBIT/S PROTECTION 2908 CODE ERROR RATE OVER LIMIT 2909 AIS RECEIVED 2910 FRAMING ERROR 2911 EXCESSIVE CODE ERROR RATE 2912 BIT ERROR RATE OVER LIMIT 2915 FAULT RATE MONITORING 2923 CRC BIT ERROR RATIO OVER LIMIT 2924 REMOTE END CRC BIT ERROR RATIO OVER LIMIT 2925 SLIP FREQUENCY LIMIT EXCEEDED 2937 SIGNAL LABEL MISMATCH ON INTEREXCHANGE CIRCUIT 2938 MS-AIS SIGNAL RECEIVED 2943 BLUE ALARM 2944 YELLOW ALARM 2946 UNSUCCESSFUL FLEXIBLE ALERTING DATA DOWNLOAD 2947 INCORRECT FLEXIBLE ALERTING MEMBER NUMBER FORMAT 2948 RADIO NETWORK INITIALIZATION 2949 FAST BSS RESTART RNW UNBLOCKING STARTED 2950 TRCO FAILURE 2951 LOCAL USER LOGGED IN 2952 TRANSCODER PLUG-IN UNIT FAILURE 2953 CHANNEL SPECIFIC AIS RECEIVED 2954 NO TRAU FRAME SYNCHRONIZATION 2955 TRANSCODER CHANNEL FAILURE 2956 PLUG-IN UNIT LOCALLY BLOCKED 2957 CHANNEL LOCALLY BLOCKED 2958 FAULTY TIME SLOT IN TESTING OF TCSM UNIT 2959 THROUGH CONNECTED CHANNEL FAILURE 2960 WIRED ALARM FROM ANOTHER TCSM UNIT 2962 SOFTWARE BUILD MISSING 2969 DISK IN UNSUPPORTED POSITION 2970 LOSS OF SUPERVISION CONNECTION 2973 SUBMULTIPLEXER HIGHWAY FAULT 2974 SUBMULTIPLEXER LINK PLUG-IN UNIT FAULT 2975 TRANSCODER UNIT BRANCHING PLUGIN UNIT FAULT 2976 TRANSCODER UNIT MSC INTERFACE FAULT 2977 TRANSCODER UNIT BSC INTERFACE FAULT 2978 TRANSCODER UNIT TRC15 CHANNEL FAILURE 2979 TRANSCODER UNIT TRAU BUS FAULT 2980 TRANSCODER UNIT CROSS CONNECT PLUG-IN UNIT FAULT 2981 SUPERVISORY SUBSTATION ALARM 2982 TRANSCODER UNIT TRC15 CHANNEL EQUIPMENT OR MEMORY FAULT 2988 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN CBCCONNECTION 2989 UNINTENTIONAL LOOPBACK IN V3 INTERFACE 2990 V3 INTERFACE ALARM 2991 PCM SERVICE STATE UNSOLVED 2992 BTS AND TC UNSYNCHRONIZATION CLEAR CALLS ON A INTERFACE 2993 BTS AND TC UNSYNCHRONIZATION CLEAR CALLS ON ABIS INTERFACE 3011 SCCP DATA MISMATCH 3012 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAILURE 3019 NETWORK SERVICE ENTITY UNAVAILABLE 3020 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION UNAVAILABLE 3021 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION UNBLOCK PROCEDURE FAILED 3022 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION BLOCK PROCEDURE FAILED 3023 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION RESET PROCEDURE FAILED 3024 NETWORK SERVICE ENTITY CONFIGURATION MISMATCH 3025 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION TEST PROCEDURE FAILED 3026 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION PROTOCOL ERROR 3027 UPLINK CONGESTION ON THE NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION 3028 NETWORK SERVICE VIRTUAL CONNECTION IDENTIFIER UNKNOWN 3029 BSSGP VIRTUAL CONNECTION UNBLOCK PROCEDURE FAILED 3030 BSSGP VIRTUAL CONNECTION BLOCK PROCEDURE FAILED 3031 BSSGP VIRTUAL CONNECTION RESET PROCEDURE FAILED 3032 BSSGP VIRTUAL CONNECTION PROTOCOL ERROR 3033 UNKNOWN ROUTING AREA OR LOCATION AREA DURING PAGING 3034 BUS FAILURE IN SWITCHING NETWORK 3038 EVENT FORWARDER SUBSCRIBER LIST OVER FLOW 3045 RECOVERY EVENT SUBSCRIPTION FAILED 3048 NETWORK RESILIENCY ACTIVITY MODE CHANGE FAILURE 3051 NETWORK RESILIENCY DATA SYNCH FAILURE 3052 NETWORK RESILIENCY ERROR 3053 ETHERNET INTERFACE FAILURE 3068 EGPRS DYNAMIC ABIS POOL FAILURE 3069 DATABASE REMOTE COPY UPDATING PREVENTED 3073 FAULTY PCUPCM TIMESLOTS IN PCU 3074 STARTING OF THE MEASUREMENT DATA COLLECTION HAS FAILED 3077 WARMING OF SWITCHING DATA HAS FAILED 3078 ALLOWED AMOUNT OF OBSERVATIONS EXCEEDED 3080 ERROR IN POSIX CONFIGURATION 3081 SEVERE ERROR IN POSIX CONFIGURATION 3086 ERROR IN WORK FILE HANDLING 3089 NO RESPONSE TO ICMP ECHO REQUEST 3092 NO PROXY HANDS AVAILABLE 3093 TC REROUTING FAILURE 3100 SIGNALLING LINK OUT OF SERVICE 3101 INTERNAL FAILURE IN SAAL STACK 3102 DELAY BUFFER OVERFLOW IN SAAL 3103 FAILURE IN SIGNALLING LINK START OR RESTART 3114 HOT BILLING DATA TRANSFER USING IP FAILED 3120 ET CONFIGURATION FAILED 3121 RESET CIRCUIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MISSING FROM MSC 3122 STATISTICAL MEASUREMENT STOPPED 3140 HANDLING ERROR OF DYNAMIC COUNTERS 3141 CONFIGURATION ERROR OF DYNAMIC COUNTERS 3142 BACKUP FAILURE OF DYNAMIC COUNTERS 3144 TRANSFER FAILURE OF DYNAMIC COUNTERS 3146 FAN UNIT FAILURE 3149 CARTRIDGE POWER FAILURE 3155 ERRONEOUS M3UA MESSAGE 3156 ASSOCIATION ROUTING FAILURE 3157 CARTRIDGE CLOCK FAILURE 3159 SCTP ASSOCIATION LOST 3162 LAN CHANGEOVER FAILURE 3164 PCU PROCESSOR OVERLOAD 3174 NO RESPONSE TO ICMP ECHO REQUEST 3183 SDH PROTECTION SWITCHING FAILED 3190 POSITION BASED SERVICES STOPPED BECAUSE OF OVERLOAD 3191 INTERNAL INCONSISTENCY IN DATABASE FILE 3196 DATABASE UPDATE TO STANDALONE SMLC FAILED 3209 SUB NETWORK SERVICE SIZE PROCEDURE FAILED 3210 SUB NETWORK SERVICE CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE FAILED 3211 LAST REMOTE IP DATA ENDPOINT DELETED 3225 SUPERVISED IP ADDRESS UNAVAILABLE 3230 SUPERVISED DEDICATED IP ADDRESS UNAVAILABLE 3231 TCP/IP CONNECTION TO POLICY MANAGER FAILED 3232 COPS CONFIGURATION DATA HANDLING FAILURE 3233 UNTRANSFERRED DATA IN VDS DEVICE 3234 TOO OLD FILES IN VDS DEVICE 3250 NSE PFC PROCEDURES UNAVAILABLE 3252 LAN DEVICE SUPERVISION FAILURE 3253 LAN DEVICE LINK FAILURE 3254 LAN DEVICE GENERAL FAILURE 3258 DATABASE REPLICA STATE TERMINATED BY USER 3260 UNKNOWN POTENTIALLY INTERFERING CELL FOR DFCA 3261 FAILURE IN UPDATING BSC SPECIFIC PARAMETERS TO PCU 3265 UNEQUIPPED A INTERFACE CIRCUIT 3266 POLICY FILE ERROR 3269 LICENCE EXPIRATION WARNING 3270 LICENCE HAS EXPIRED 3271 LICENCE IS NOT VALID 3272 LICENCE CHANGE IS NOT NOTIFIED 3273 GPRS/EDGE TERRITORY FAILURE 3274 NACC FAILURE 3286 INTER BSC CONNECTION FAILURE DISTURBING DFCA OPERATION 3289 ETHERNET INTERFACE CONFIGURATION ERROR 3292 INTERNAL LAN LINK BROKEN 3293 SCTP PRIMARY PATH NOT AVAILABLE 3294 LICENCE CAPACITY WARNING 3295 LICENCE CAPACITY EXCEEDED 3298 PCU DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAILURE 3307 MISMATCH IN SONET APS CONFIGURATION 3315 ALL NETWORK SERVICE ENTITIES UNAVAILABLE 3316 NRI CONFIGURATION ERROR 3317 EXCESSIVE NRI CONFIGURATION ERRORS 3318 NSE OUT OF USE BECAUSE PFC PROCEDURES NOT SUPPORTED 3319 NORMAL LOAD OF SECURITY EVENTS EXCEEDED 3320 HIGH LOAD OF UNSUCCESSFUL SECURITY EVENTS 3322 IP ENDPOINT CONFIGURATION OF NSE HAS FAILED 3324 FAILURE IN UPDATING CONFIGURATION DATA TO PCU 3334 FAR END PROTECTION SECTION FAILURE 3348 IPSEC: CERTIFICATE NOT YET VALID 3349 IPSEC: CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE 3350 IPSEC: CERTIFICATE HAS EXPIRED 3351 IPSEC: AUTOMATIC CERTIFICATE ENROLLMENT FAILED 3352 IPSEC: MALFUNCTION 3353 ERRONEOUS IUA MESSAGE 3373 CHARGING DATA RAM-BUFFER IS FILLING UP 3374 DIAMETER CONNECTION TO THE NETWORK FAILED 3379 SCTP PATH FAILURE 3387 PCU IP CONFIGURATION ERROR 3395 FAILURE IN SYNCHRONISATION SIGNAL IN ATM INTERFACE 3396 INCOMING SDH SIGNAL MISSING IN ATM INTERFACE 3397 LOSS OF FRAME IN SDH SIGNAL IN ATM INTERFACE 3398 LOSS OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT POINTER IN ATM INTERFACE 3399 MULTIPLEX SECTION ALARM ID SIGNAL RECEIVED IN ATM INTERFACE 3400 MULTIPLEX SECTION REMOTE DEFECT ID RECEIVED IN ATM INTERFACE 3401 TRIBUTARY UNIT ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL IN ATM INTERFACE 3402 LOWER ORDER PATH DETECT INDICATION IN ATM INTERFACE 3403 INCOMING SDH SIGNAL DEGRADED IN ATM INTERFACE 3404 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN INCOMING SDH SIGNAL IN ATM INTERFACE 3405 LOSS OF ATM CELL DELINEATION IN ATM INTERFACE 3411 HIGHER ORDER PATH DETECT INDICATION IN ATM INTERFACE 3413 AU PATH AIS SIGNAL RECEIVED IN ATM INTERFACE 3415 GPRS/EDGE LOAD IS VERY HIGH IN PCU OF PSE 3417 XML EVENT FILE BUFFER OVERFLOW 3421 HW BLOCK FAILURE IN PLUG-IN UNIT IN ATM INTERFACE 3422 SSL/TLS PROTOCOL LAYER MALFUNCTION 3425 CRITICAL CPU FAILURE 3426 CPU FAILURE 3427 ABNORMAL FAN SPEED 3428 INCONSISTENT UPA PH3 CONFIGURATION 3430 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE LEVEL REACHED 3431 MINOR VOLTAGE DEVIATION DETECTED 3432 MAJOR VOLTAGE DEVIATION DETECTED 3433 CRITICAL VOLTAGE DEVIATION DETECTED 3434 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 3435 EXCESSIVE INPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION DETECTED 3438 MINOR TEMPERATURE DEVIATION DETECTED 3439 MAJOR TEMPERATURE DEVIATION DETECTED 3440 SNMP TRAP OVERLOAD 3442 FUNCTIONAL FAILURE IN CLGU 3443 HOLDOVER STATE IN SYNCHRONIZATION 3445 SECURITY REPORTING DATA FILE CORRUPTED 3446 MISMATCH IN FRU HW DESCRIPTION 3447 PCI EXPRESS ERROR 3451 MIPC BLOCKS RUNNING OUT IN PCU 3452 ZERO FREE MIPC BLOCKS IN PCU 3455 CALENDAR TIME REFERENCE LOST 3462 SDH PROTECTION SWITCHING FAILED IN ATM INTERFACE 3478 FAULTY CPU TYPE 3479 PREPROCESSOR FLASH SW FAILURE 3481 SHMU COMMUNICATION FAILURE 3482 SUB NETWORK SERVICE ADD PROCEDURE FAILED 3483 PCU RESTARTED 3487 ERROR IN IP CONFIGURATION 3501 PRIMARY SPARE BCSU UNIT IS INVALID 3502 PRIMARY SPARE BCSU UNIT MISSING 3503 DRAM ERROR 3504 DLDC ACTIVATION FAILURE 3506 PSEUDO WIRE FAILURE 3515 ETP ETHERNET INTERFACE FAILURE 3523 PCU ETP SERIAL LINK FAILURE 3524 PCU ETP ETHERNET LINK FAILURE 3525 FAILURE IN UPDATING CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS TO ETP 3529 PSN TUNNEL FAILURE 3530 PSEUDO WIRE CONFIG FAILURE 3536 CIRCUIT SWITCHED DYNAMIC ABIS POOL FAILURE 3541 ABNORMAL A INTERFACE IP RES RELEASE 3542 ETPC U-PLANE IP ADDRESS ENQ FAILURE 3546 FAILURE IN UPDATING CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS TO ETPAC 3569 GATEWAY IP ADDRESS IS UNREACHABLE 3570 WDU NOT REDUNDANT DUE TO WDU FBAN 3571 PROTECTING ETP CONFIGURATION FAILED 3572 SOFTWARE FAILURE 3573 ETP OVERLOAD CONDITION IN DSP 3574 ETP OVERLOAD CONDITION IN OCTEON 3578 NO ACCESS TO ANY DISK 3587 MCTC CLUSTER STARTED OR RESTARTED 3588 MCTC NODE NOT RESPONDING 3589 MCTC DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAILURE 3590 MCTC PLUG-IN UNIT FAILURE 3591 MCTC ETHERNET LINK FAILURE 3592 MCTC POSSIBLE SECURITY THREAT IN NETWORK ELEMENT 3593 MCTC MANAGED OBJECT LOCKED 3594 MCTC PLATFORM ALARM 3597 MCTC FIELD-REPLACEABLE UNIT UNAVAILABLE 3603 COMBINE FORMAT TYPE FAILED 3610 MCTC TCSU NOT AVAILABLE 3613 MCTC SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL CHANGED 3614 MCTC SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL FAILED 3615 MCTC MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR FUNCTION FAILED 3616 MCTC CLOCK DISTRIBUTION FAILED 3641 THE IP OF IUA CONNECTION IS MISSING 3642 BCSU OR BCXU LOAD THRESHOLD EXCEEDED FAILURE 3643 ETPC SUPERVISION FAILURE 3647 SHARED SECRET OR MSISDN FILE ERROR 3649 PRECISE PAGING MISCONFIGURATION 3652 DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION FAILURE 3693 TOO MANY PCUS CONFIGURED TO BCSU OR BCXU 3695 UNIT TYPE HAS NOT ENOUGH MODULE LEVEL REDUNDANCY 3730 CONFLICT IN NEW RECOVERY ACTION DUE TO PREVIOUS RECOVERY 3738 ETH OAM TIMER EXPIRED 3740 TEMPLET FILE CORRUPTION 3742 SUPERVISED IP ADDRESS IS UNREACHABLE 3747 THE ADOPTION OF VIRTUAL UNIT CONFIGURATION FAILED 3748 ETH OAM REMOTE CRITICAL LINK EVENT 3749 CS TRACE REPORT CREATION LIMITED 3753 SYNC UNIT IS NOT ALIVE 3754 SYNC PLL MODE IS NOT LOCKED 3755 SYNC UNIT REFERENCE IS NOK 3757 PLUG-IN UNIT TYPE NOT MATCH 3761 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAILURE OF PCU 3762 ALL A-INTERFACE CONNECTIONS ARE LOST 3763 ALL SGSN(S) DO NOT SUPPORT MOCN 3787 DHT ERROR 3788 EVENT TRIGGERED SYMPTOM DATA OPERATION FAILED 3789 EVENT TRIGGERED SYMPTOM DATA COLLECTION ONGOING 3790 PCU2 MEMORY DUMP ONGOING 3796 DIGIT ANALYSIS FILE CORRUPTION 3800 TRAFFICA CONNECTION LOST 3801 TRAFFICA UNIT OVERLOAD 3804 INTERNAL CONNECTION TO IPDU FAILED 3826 SHMU ABNORMAL 3827 H.248 CONTROLLING UNIT NOT AVAILABLE 3828 LINK LOCAL SUPERVISION FAILURE 3829 CPU BLADE TEMPERATURE EXCEEDS THE LIMIT 3836 STORAGE CONNECTION UNSUCCESSFUL 3837 STORAGE CONNECTION FAILURE 3838 SCTP PEER IP ADDRESS MISMATCH 3839 ACTIVITY CHECK WITH BACKUP ASSOCIATED PRNC FAILED 3842 AOIP USER PLANE FAILURE 3843 EXCESSIVE LEG SETUP ERRORS 3847 EMERGENCY ARP USED FOR NONEMERGENCY SERVICES 3850 MSS UNAVAILABLE 3860 CPU BLADE TEMPERATURE BELOW THE LOWER LIMIT 3864 S1-MME INTERFACE SHUT DOWN 3871 BACKUP PHYSICAL MCBSC SYSTEM FALLBACK COPY TERMINATED 3878 NO BOOTABLE MEDIA 3879 NON-BOOTABLE DISKETTE LEFT IN DRIVE 3880 PXE SERVER NOT FOUND 3881 INVALID BOOT SECTOR 3883 STATIC ROUTE CONFIGURATION ERROR IN PCU POOLING 3888 FREE SPACE IN ROUTE TABLE ALMOST EXHAUSTED 3889 FREE SPACE IN ROUTE TABLE REDUCED 3900 INCOMING SDH SIGNAL MISSING 3901 PATH TRACE IDENTIFIER MISMATCH IN SDH SIGNAL 3902 LOSS OF FRAME 3903 LOSS OF AU POINTER IN SDH SIGNAL 3904 LOSS OF ATM CELL DELINEATION 3905 AU PATH AIS SIGNAL RECEIVED IN SDH INTERFACE 3906 MS-RDI RECEIVED IN SDH INTERFACE 3907 HP-RDI SIGNAL RECEIVED IN SDH INTERFACE 3929 UNDEFINED TRANSMISSION ALARM 3931 LOCATION MEASUREMENT UNIT CONNECTION FAILURE 3941 UNEQUIPPED SDH VC SIGNAL 3942 REG SEC TRACE IDENTIFIER MISMATCH IN SDH SIGNAL 3948 CANCELED LICENSE LIST MISSING 3964 EXCESSIVE ERRORS IN INCOMING SDH SIGNAL 3974 VP/VC LEVEL AIS RECEIVED 3975 VP/VC LEVEL RDI RECEIVED 3976 LOSS OF MULTIFRAME IN SDH INTERFACE 3977 TU PATH AIS SIGNAL RECEIVED IN SDH INTERFACE 3978 LP-RDI SIGNAL RECEIVED IN SDH INTERFACE 3979 INCOMING SDH SIGNAL DEGRADED 3980 TRIBUTARY UNIT-LOSS OF POINTER IN SDH SIGNAL 3982 PATH TRACE IDENTIFIER MISMATCH IN LOW ORDER SDH SIGNAL 3983 SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD TO TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT FAILS 3984 UNEQUIPPED SDH LOWER ORDER PATH SIGNAL 3985 LOWER ORDER PATH SIGNAL LABEL MISMATCH 3986 ATM INTERFACE OPERATIONAL STATE CHANGE TO DISABLED 3990 TR3 DSP FAILURE 3991 TR3 DSP LOCALLY BLOCKED 3992 TCSM CLOCK FAILURE 3993 CONGESTION HANDLING ERROR RATIO EXCEEDED 3994 TCSM OPERATION MODE CHANGED TO PLESIOCHRONOUS 3995 FAILURE IN BUS BETWEEN TCSM SYNCHRONISATION UNITS 3996 FAILURE IN TCSM SYNCHRONISATION SIGNAL 3999 OPTICAL SFP TRANSCEIVER TYPE IS INCORRECT 7001 TRX/FU: CHECKSUM ERROR IN PRIMARY CU-FU LINK 7002 TRX/FU:CHECKSUM ERROR IN REDUNDANT/DIVERSITY CU-FU LINK 7003 TRX/FU: NO DATA FROM FU TO CU 7004 TRX/FU: FORMAT ERROR IN DATA FROM FU TO CU 7005 TRX/FU: CHECKSUM ERROR IN FU-CU LINK 7006 TRX/FU: NO DATA FROM DSPx TO FUCx 7007 TRX/FU: TOO MANY BYTES IN DATA FROM DSPx TO FUCx 7008 TRX/FU: NO DATA FROM CU TO FU IN PRIMARY LINK 7009 TRX/FU: NO DATA FROM CU TO FU IN REDUNDANT/DIVERSITY LINK 7010 TRX/FU: BIE-FUCx LINK A FAILURE 7011 TRX/FU: BIE-FUCx LINK B FAILURE 7012 TRX/FU: BIE-FUCx LINK A AND B FAULTY 7013 TRX/FU: BIE-FUCx LINK A DRIVER FAILURE 7014 TRX/FU: BIE-FUCx LINK B DRIVER FAILURE 7015 LAPD LINK FAILURE RE-ESTABLISHMENT FROM BTS FAILED 7016 TRX/FU: GSM TIMESLOT UNATTAINABLE 7017 TRX/FU: FAILURE IN BASE STATION INTERFACE 7018 TRX/FU: DSP OVERLOADED 7020 TRX/FU: MCLx1-FUCx LINK FAILURE 7021 TRX/FU: MCLx2-FUCx LINK FAILURE 7022 TRX/FU: BOTH MCLx-FUCx LINKS FAILURE 7023 TRX/FU: FUCx INTERNAL CLOCK FAILURE 7024 TRX/FU: PARITY ERROR IN INCOMING FN 7029 POWER REDUCTION IS ABOVE THE THRESHOLD 7030 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU1 7031 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU2 7032 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU3 7033 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU4 7034 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU5 7035 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU6 7036 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU7 7037 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU8 7038 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU9 7039 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU10 7040 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU11 7041 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU12 7042 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU13 7043 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU14 7044 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU15 7045 TRX/FU: DATA TRANSFER ERROR BETWEEN FU AND CU16 7046 SYNC TOO INACCURATE FOR EC-GSM 7047 EGPRS CAPABILITY MISSING 7050 TRX/FU: DISCREPANCY OF THE FRAME NUMBER BETWEEN FUCx AND DSPx 7051 TRX/FU: CIPHERING CAPABILITIES OF DSPxs IN ONE TRX DIFFER 7052 TRX/FU: DSPx, ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM A5/1 CAN NOT BE EXECUTED 7053 TRX/FU: DSPx, ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM A5/2 CAN NOT BE EXECUTED 7054 TRX/FU: TRX DOES NOT SUPPORT HALF RATE (TCH/H) CONFIGURATION 7060 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, NO RESPONSE FROM DSPx 7061 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL SIGN TYPE IN SIM-MESSAGE 7062 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL CHAN COMB IN TSC-MESSAGE 7063 FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL TIME SLOT No. IN TSC-MESSAGE 7064 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL SUBCHANNEL No. IN SIM-MESSAGE 7065 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL SUBCHANNEL No. IN HL1-MESSAGE 7066 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, ILLEGAL SUBCHANNEL No. IN CHC-MESSAGE 7067 TRX/FU: FUCx-DSPx, NO FRAME NUMBER FROM DSPx 7068 TRX/FU: DSPx, NO RESULT FROM DSP BOARD TEST 7069 TRX/FU: TRAFFIC SPEED CABABILITIES OF DSP UNIT DIFFER IN TRX 7070 TOKEN BUS RESET 7071 TOKEN BUS CONTROLLER UNRESETTABLE AFTER ERROR 7073 UNKNOWN ERROR 7074 TOKEN BUS TEST LOOP FAIL 7075 TBUS OM RECOVERED AFTER RESET 7100 BCF/RFTE: HIGH SIGNAL LEVEL (>-70 DBM) IN THE RFTE OUTPUT 7101 BCF/RFTE: SYNTHESIZER NOT LOCKED OR REF FREQ 1&2 MISSING 7102 BCF/RFTE: SELF TEST FAILURE 7103 BCF/RFTE: MCLx1-RFTE CLOCK FAILURE 7104 BCF/RFTE: MCLx2-RFTE CLOCK FAILURE 7105 BCF/RFTE: MCLx1-RFTE OCTAL BIT CLOCK FAILURE 7106 BCF/RFTE: MCLx2-RFTE OCTAL BIT CLOCK FAILURE 7107 BCF/RFTE: MCLx1-RFTE REFERENCE FREQUENCY FAILURE 7108 BCF/RFTE: MCLx2-RFTE REFERENCE FREQUENCY FAILURE 7109 BCF/RFTE: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7110 BCF/RFTE: OMU-RFTE CONNECTION FAILURE 7120 TRX/CU: TXUx - FQHU INTERFACE 1 FAILURE 7121 TRX/CU: TXUx - FQHU INTERFACE 2 FAILURE 7122 TRX/CU: RXUA SELF TEST FAILURE 7123 TRX/CU: DIVERSITY RXUA SELF TEST FAILURE 7124 TRX/CU: HARDWARE FAILURE IN RXUA 7125 TRX/CU: HARDWARE FAILURE IN DIVERSITY RXUA 7126 TRX/CU: RXUA SYNTHESIZER NOT LOCKED 7127 TRX/CU: DIVERSITY RXUA SYNTHESIZER NOT LOCKED 7128 TRX/CU: TXUx - COMBINER CONNECTION FAILURE 7129 TRX/CU: TXUx OUTPUT POWER DECREACED 7130 TRX/CU: TXUx LOWER TEMPERATURE ALARM 7131 TRX/CU: TXUx TEMPERATURE TOO HIGH 7132 TRX/CU: TXUx SYNTHESIZER NOT LOCKED, 7133 TRX/CU: MCLx1 - TXUx FRAME CLOCK FAILURE 7134 TRX/CU: MCLx2 - TXUx FRAME CLOCK FAILURE 7135 TRX/CU: MCLx1 - TXUx OCTAL BIT CLOCK FAILURE 7136 TRX/CU: MCLx2 - TXUx OCTAL BIT CLOCK FAILURE 7137 TRX/CU: MCLx1 - TXUx REFERENCE FREQUENCY FAILURE 7138 TRX/CU: MCLx2 - TXUx REFERENCE FREQUENCY FAILURE 7139 TRX/CU: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7140 TRX/CU: EXTENDED RANGE CELL NOT SUPPORTED 7141 TRX/CU: INVALID RADIUS EXTENSION OF EXTENDED RANGE CELL 7150 BCF/MCLx: 13 MHZ FREQUENCY FROM OVEN OSCILLATOR MISSING 7151 BCF/MCLx: OVEN OSCILLATOR FAILURE 7152 BCF/MCLx: 13 MHZ FREQUENCY FROM REDUNDANT UNIT MISSING 7153 BCF/MCLx: LOSS OF SYNCHRONIZATION BETWEEN MASTER CLOCK UNITS 7154 BCF/MCLx: FAILURE IN LINK BETWEEN TWO MCLx 7155 NOT IN USE, FATAL STATUS INDICATED TO MODE REQUEST 7156 BCF/MCLx: FAILURE IN CLOCK OUTPUT DRIVERS 7157 BCF/MCLx: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7158 BCF/MCLx: MASTER CLOCK OVEN WARMING FAILURE 7159 BCF/MCLx: PCM BASED AUTO TUNING OUT OF RANGE 7160 BCF/MCLx: LOSS OF PCMSYNCHRONIZATION 7161 BCF/MCLx: PCM IS NOT USED TO TUNE MASTER CLOCK 7162 BCF/MCLx: MASTER CLOCK FAST TUNING IN PROGRESS 7163 BCF/MCLx: DIFFERENCE IN FREQUENCIES BETWEEN PCM AND MCLx 7164 BCF/MCLx: MASTER CLOCK UNIT HARDWARE FAULTY 7170 BCF/FQHU: MCLx1-FQHU PARITY ERROR 7171 BCF/FQHU: MCLx2-FQHU PARITY ERROR 7172 BCF/FQHU: SELF TEST FAILURE 7173 BCF/FQHU: MCLx1-FQHU FRAME CLOCK IS MISSING 7174 BCF/FQHU: MCLx2-FQHU FRAME CLOCK IS MISSING 7175 BCF/FQHU: MCLx1-FQHU OCTAL BIT CLOCK IS MISSING 7176 BCF/FQHU: MCLx2-FQHU OCTAL BIT CLOCK IS MISSING 7177 BCF/FQHU: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7178 FHU FAILURE IN Q1-RELAY TEST 7190 BTS/RTC: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7192 BTS/RTC: TUNING IN PROCESS 7193 TRX/RTC: TUNING FAILED 7194 BTS/RTC:TX ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7196 TRX/RTC: CARRIER NOT PRESENT 7197 TRX/RTC: FILTER OUT OF CONTROL 7198 BTS/RTC: POWER SUPPLY 1 FAULT 7199 BTS/RTC: POWER SUPPLY 2 FAULT 7200 BCF/EACB: SELF TEST FAILURE 7201 BCF/EACB: NO PARAMETERS GIVEN TO UNIT 7202 BCF/EACB: OMU-EACB CONNECTION FAILURE 7203 BCF/OMU: FAILURE DURING THE INITIALIZATION 7204 BCF/MCLx: MASTER CLOCK UNIT FAULTY 7205 BCF/OMU: PASSWORD WAS CHANGED 7206 BCF/BIE: USER LOGIN 7207 BCF/OMU: HW DATABASE CHANGED 7208 LOCAL BLOCK 7209 BTS/RTC: NO BCCH TRANSMISSION ACTIVATED 7210 BCF/OMU: NO RESPONSE FROM THE UNIT 7211 BCF/OMU: REINITIALIZATION OF THE UNIT FAILED 7212 BCF/OMU: NO HW DATABASE IN FLASH MEMORY 7214 BCF/OMU: TBUS INITIALIZATION ERROR 7215 BCF/OMU: TBUS SELF TEST ERROR 7216 BCF/OMU: TBUS DRIVER FAULTY 7217 BCF/OMU: TBUS MODEM FAULTY 7218 BCF/OMU: TBUS START OPERATING ERROR 7220 RADIO LOOP OR RX ANTENNA TEST EXECUTION 7221 BTS/ RECEIVER ANTENNA TEST, ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7222 BTS/ RECEIVER ANTENNA TEST, ANTENNA FAULTY 7223 BCF/OMU: FLASH MEMORY ERROR 7224 TRX SWITCHOVER 7225 BCF/OMU: BACKUP DEVICE FAULTY 7226 BCF/OMU: SW DOWNLOAD FAILURE 7251 BCF/BIE: BLOCKED FROM USE 7252 BCF/BIE: LOOP TO INTERFACE 7253 BCF/BIE: LOOP TO EQUIPMENT 7254 BCF/BIE: TEST MODE 7255 BCF/BIE: LOSS OF INCOMING 2M SIGNAL 7256 BCF/BIE: ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL (AIS) 2M RECEIVED 7257 BCF/BIE: LOSS OF FRAME ALIGNMENT 7258 BCF/BIE: LOSS OF MULTIFRAME ALIGNMENT 7259 BCF/BIE: CRC MULTIFRAME ALIGNMENT LOST 7260 BCF/BIE: BIT ERROR RATE (BER) > 1E-3 7261 BCF/BIE: BIT ERROR RATE (BER) > 1E-4 7262 BCF/BIE: BIT ERROR RATE (BER) > 1E-6 7263 BCF/BIE: FREQUENCY ERROR 7264 BCF/BIE: SYNCHRONIZING FAULT 7265 BCF/BIE: SYNCHRONIZING FAULT IN CLOCK RECOVERY 7266 BCF/BIE: FAULT IN EQUIPMENT 7267 BCF/BIE: MEMORY FAULT 7268 BIE FAULT IN AIS OSCILLATOR 7269 BCF/BIE: MISSING UNIT 7270 BCF/BIE: FORCED CONTROL ON 7271 BCF/BIE: INSTALLATION ERROR 7272 BCF/BIE: FORCED INDICATION 7273 BCF/BIE: EQUIPMENT RESET 7274 BCF/BIE: FAULT IN TRANSMITTER 7275 BCF/BIE: RUN DIAGNOSTICS TEST 7276 BCF/BIE: ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL (AIS) RECEIVED ON TIMESLOT 16 7277 BCF/BIE: FAR-END ALARM 1 7278 BCF/BIE: MULTIFRAME ALARM FROM FAR-END 7279 BCF/BIE: FAR END ALARM 7280 BCF/BIE: LOSS OF INCOMING 1.5M SIGNAL 7281 BCF/BIE: AIS 1.5M 7282 BCF/BIE: LOOPED SIGNAL RECEIVED 7283 BCF/BIE: LOSS OF SIGNALLING FRAME 7284 BCF/BIE: EXCESSIVE ERROR RATE 7285 BCF/BIE: FAULT IN INCOMING SIGNAL 7286 BCF/BIE: CONVERTER RESET 7287 BCF/BIE: CONVERTER FAULT 7288 BCF/BIE: YELLOW ALARM 7291 BCF/STM: SELF TEST FAILURE 7292 BCF/STM: INTERNAL I/O-BUS FAILURE 7293 BCF/STM: UNEXPECTED COMMAND FROM OMU 7294 BCF/STM: INTERNAL MEMORY TEST FAILURE 7301 BTS/RXFE: LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER 1 FAILURE 7302 BTS/RXFE: LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER 2 FAILURE 7303 BTS/RXFE: RELAY 1 IS SET TO POSITION 1 7304 BTS/RXFE: RELAY 2 IS SET TO POSITION 1 7305 BTS/RMCx: RMCx FAILURE, ONE AMPLIFIER FAULTY 7306 BTS/RMCx: RMCx FAILURE, BOTH AMPLIFIERS FAULTY 7307 BTS/RMCx: DIVERSITY RMCx FAILURE, ONE AMPLIFIER FAULTY 7308 BTS/RMCx: DIVERSITY RMCx FAILURE, BOTH AMPLIFIERS FAULTY 7309 BTS/TRFE: TOWER FRONT END FAILURE 7310 BCF/CCFU: CABINET COOLING FAN UNIT FAILURE 7311 BCF/SUPx: STATION UNIT POWER SUPPLY MAINS FAILURE 7312 BCF/SUPx: STATION UNIT POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT FAILURE 7313 BCF/BBUx: BATTERY BACK-UP UNIT MAINS FAILURE 7314 BCF/BBUx: BATTERY BACK-UP UNIT OUTPUT VOLTAGE FAILURE 7315 BCF/BBUx: BATTERY FAILURE 7316 TRX/XUPx: POWER SUPPLY MAINS FAILURE 7317 TRX/XUPx: POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT FAILURE 7318 BTS/ WBCx: TX ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7319 BTS/WBCx: TX ANTENNA FAULTY 7320 BTS/MHPA: MASTHEAD PREAMPLIFIER FAULTY 7321 BTS/AFLx: ANTENNA FILTER AND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER FAULTY 7322 BTS/AFLx: DIV.ANTENNA FILTER AND LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER FAULTY 7323 BTS/AMUx: TX ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7324 BTS/AMUx: TX ANTENNA FAULTY 7325 DOOR IS OPEN IN REMOTE CABINET 7326 HEAT EXCHANGER FAULTY IN REMOTE CABINET 7327 HEAT EXCHANGER FAULTY IN LOCAL CABINET 7328 OPTICAL LINK TO REMOTE HEAD FAULTY 7329 OPTICAL LINK FROM REMOTE HEAD FAULTY 7330 OVER TEMPERATURE IN REMOTE HEAD 7331 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLING DEVICE FAULTY 7332 BCF:HEAT EXCHANGER POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT FAILURE 7401 EXTERNAL AL 1 7402 EXTERNAL AL 2 7403 EXTERNAL AL 3 7404 EXTERNAL AL 4 7405 EXTERNAL AL 5 7406 EXTERNAL AL 6 7407 EXTERNAL AL 7 7408 EXTERNAL AL 8 7409 EXTERNAL AL 9 7410 EXTERNAL AL 10 7411 EXTERNAL AL 11 7412 EXTERNAL AL 12 7413 EXTERNAL AL 13 7414 EXTERNAL AL 14 7415 EXTERNAL AL 15 7416 EXTERNAL AL 16 7417 EXTERNAL AL 17 7418 EXTERNAL AL 18 7419 EXTERNAL AL 19 7420 EXTERNAL AL 20 7421 EXTERNAL AL 21 7422 EXTERNAL AL 22 7423 EXTERNAL AL 23 7424 EXTERNAL AL 24 7425 EXTERNAL AL 25 7426 EXTERNAL AL 26 7427 EXTERNAL AL 27 7428 EXTERNAL AL 28 7429 EXTERNAL AL 29 7430 EXTERNAL AL 30 7431 EXTERNAL AL 31 7432 EXTERNAL AL 32 7433 EXTERNAL AL 33 7434 EXTERNAL AL 34 7435 EXTERNAL AL 35 7436 EXTERNAL AL 36 7437 EXTERNAL AL 37 7438 EXTERNAL AL 38 7439 EXTERNAL AL 39 7440 EXTERNAL AL 40 7441 EXTERNAL AL 41 7442 EXTERNAL AL 42 7443 EXTERNAL AL 43 7444 EXTERNAL AL 44 7445 EXTERNAL AL 45 7446 EXTERNAL AL 46 7447 EXTERNAL AL 47 7448 EXTERNAL AL 48 7449 EXTERNAL AL 49 7450 EXTERNAL AL 50 7451 EXTERNAL AL 51 7452 EXTERNAL AL 52 7453 EXTERNAL AL 53 7454 EXTERNAL AL 54 7455 EXTERNAL AL 55 7456 EXTERNAL AL 56 7457 EXTERNAL AL 57 7458 EXTERNAL AL 58 7459 EXTERNAL AL 59 7460 EXTERNAL AL 60 7461 EXTERNAL AL 61 7462 EXTERNAL AL 62 7463 EXTERNAL AL 63 7464 EXTERNAL AL 64 7465 EXTERNAL AL 65 7466 EXTERNAL AL 66 7467 EXTERNAL AL 67 7468 EXTERNAL AL 68 7469 EXTERNAL AL 69 7470 EXTERNAL AL 70 7471 EXTERNAL AL 71 7472 EXTERNAL AL 72 7473 EXTERNAL AL 73 7474 EXTERNAL AL 74 7476 EXTERNAL AL 76 7477 EXTERNAL AL 77 7478 EXTERNAL AL 78 7479 EXTERNAL AL 79 7480 EXTERNAL AL 80 7481 EXTERNAL AL 81 7482 EXTERNAL AL 82 7483 EXTERNAL AL 83 7484 EXTERNAL AL 84 7485 EXTERNAL AL 85 7486 EXTERNAL AL 86 7487 EXTERNAL AL 87 7488 EXTERNAL AL 88 7489 EXTERNAL AL 89 7490 EXTERNAL AL 90 7491 EXTERNAL AL 91 7492 EXTERNAL AL 92 7493 EXTERNAL AL 93 7494 EXTERNAL AL 94 7495 EXTERNAL AL 95 7496 EXTERNAL AL 96 7500 BCF/ : CABINET TEMPERATURE ALARM 7501 BCF/ CABINET DOOR OPEN 7502 BCF/ : CABINET TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM FAILURE 7503 FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF TRX 7504 FAULT IN ABIS INTERFACE OF TRX 7505 FAULT IN TRX CONTROLLER 7506 FAULT IN TRX SERVICE INTERFACE 7507 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION FAILURE IN TRX 7508 RADIO TIMESLOT FAILURE IN TRX 7509 RADIO TIMESLOT FAILURE IN TRX 7510 ABIS TESTLOOP FAILURE IN TRX 7511 RADIO TESTLOOP FAILURE IN TRX 7512 FRAME CLOCK INTERFACE FAILURE 7513 FRAME CLOCK IS MISSING IN TRX 7514 13 MHZ CLOCK IS MISSING IN TRX 7515 FAILURE IN CONNECTION TO FREQUENCY HOPPING 7516 DATA TRANSFER FAILURE IN FREQUENCY HOPPING DETECTED BY TRX 7517 FAILURE IN LOCAL TEST DATA IN FREQUENCY HOPPING 7518 FAILURE IN REMOTE TEST DATA IN FREQUENCY HOPPING 7519 FAULT IN POWER CONTROL MEMORY 7520 FAULT IN WATCH-DOG OF TRX 7521 TRX TEMPERATURE INCREASED 7522 TRX TEMPERATURE HIGH 7523 TRX TEMPERATURE DANGEROUSLY HIGH 7524 TX FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER 7525 TX MAIN FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER 7526 RX FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER 7527 RX MAIN FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER 7528 TEST LOOP TUNING OUT OF ORDER 7529 RECEIVER FAULT 7530 TX OUTPUT POWER LEVEL DECREASED 7531 TX OUTPUT POWER LOST 7532 TRANSMITTER OUT OF CONTROL 7533 TX ANTENNA OR COMBINER CONNECTION FAULTY 7535 RECEIVING FAULT IN BASEBAND MODULE 7536 FAILURE IN MAIN RECEIVING PATH OF BASEBAND MODULE 7537 FAILURE IN DIVERSITY RECEIVING PATH OF BASEBAND MODULE 7538 SIGNALLING ERROR IN ABIS INTERFACE 7539 SIGNALLING ERROR IN DBUS 7540 AIR INTERFACE DUMB 7541 PART OF AIR TIME SLOTS DUMB 7542 LAPD LINK OFF 7543 FRAME NUMBER DISCREPANCY 7544 CONFIGURATION FAILURE IN ABIS AND DBUS INTERFACE OF TRX 7545 SAVING OPERATION IN TRX SUCCEEDED 7546 SAVING OPERATION IN TRX FAILED 7547 INTERNAL SIGNALLING FAILURE 7548 DATA TRANSFER FAILURE ON TRANSCODER CONNECTION 7549 INTERNAL DATA TRANSFER FAILURE 7550 FAILURE IN LOOP TEST OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7551 FAILURE IN RX-ANTENNA SUPERVISION TEST LOOP 7552 FAULT IN TRX NON-VOLATILE MEMORY 7553 MEMORY FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF TRX 7560 E-CELL ADJUSTMENT FAILED 7575 EXTERNAL AL 75 7590 ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7591 ANTENNA FAULTY 7592 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIERS OUT OF ORDER 7593 FAULT IN LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER 7594 ANTENNA TESTLOOP FAILURE 7600 BCF FAULTY 7601 BCF OPERATION DEGRADED 7602 BCF NOTIFICATION 7603 BTS FAULTY 7604 BTS OPERATION DEGRADED 7605 BTS NOTIFICATION 7606 TRX FAULTY 7607 TRX OPERATION DEGRADED 7608 TRX NOTIFICATION 7609 TRE FAULTY 7610 BOOSTER CABINET COOLING FAN 7612 SITE POWERING FAULTY 7613 SITE POWERING OPERATION DEGRADED 7614 SITE POWERING NOTIFICATION 7615 RTS IS IN TEST USE 7616 OSCILLATOR ADJUSTING TEMPORARILY INTERRUPTED 7617 SEVERAL CALLS DROPPED DUE TO PROBLEM WITH TRANSCODER 7620 INCOMING POWER LOST 7621 INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS ON SITE 7622 CABINET OPEN 7623 PEER TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLED SHARED RFM IS DUMB 7624 CS U-PLANE CONNECTION FAILURE 7625 PS U-PLANE CONNECTION FAILURE 7626 MEDIA CONVERTED BTS TRX LINK FAILURE 7627 MEDIA CONVERTED BTS O&M LINK FAILURE 7665 BASE STATION TRANSMISSION ALARM 7700 BTS OMU INITIALIZATION 7701 BCF INITIALIZATION 7702 BCF INITIALIZATION DUE TO BSS RESET 7703 BCSU OR BCXU RESTARTED 7704 PCM FAILURE 7705 D-CHANNEL FAILURE 7706 BTS O&M LINK FAILURE 7708 TRX RESTARTED 7709 UNDEFINED BTS ALARM NUMBER 7710 OBJECT ADMINISTRATIVE STATE CHANGED 7711 WORKING FULL RATE TCH RATIO BELOW THRESHOLD 7712 WORKING SDCCH CHANNEL RATIO BELOW THRESHOLD 7713 SOFTWARE BACKGROUND DOWNLOAD TO BCF FAILS 7714 BCF REMOTE MMI CONNECTION IS IN USE 7715 CONTINUOUS RESTARTS OF BCF/TRX 7716 ACTIVE BCF HW DATABASE DIFFERENCE 7717 WORKING HALF RATE TCH RATIO BELOW THRESHOLD 7718 TRX NOT HOPPING DUE TO FAULT 7719 TRX INITIALISATION 7720 SDCCH ACTIVATION FAILURE 7721 COMMUNICATION FAILURE WITH BCF 7722 ERROR IN BSS RADIO NETWORK DATABASE UPDATE 7723 FAILURE IN SENDING SYSTEM INFORMATION TO BTS SITE 7724 CONFLICT BETWEEN BSS RADIO NETWORK DATABASE AND CALL CONTROL 7725 TRAFFIC CHANNEL ACTIVATION FAILURE 7726 CELL IN MINIMUM CONFIGURATION 7727 TRAFFIC CHANNEL NUMBER DECREASED 7728 OBJECT OUT OF USE BECAUSE OF ERROR IN BTS INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS 7729 RADIO NETWORK RECOVERY FAILED 7730 CONFIGURATION OF BCF FAILED 7731 BCF SW PACKAGE MAY BE DIFFERENT AS DEFINED AS A DEFAULT IN BSC 7732 TEMPORARY ORIGINATING STM TEST CALL FAILURE 7733 COMMUNICATION FAILURE WITH TRX 7734 BCCH IS NOT AT PREFERRED BCCH TRX 7735 TRX TEST FAILED 7736 ABIS LOOP TEST FAILED 7737 INCONSISTENT DATA IN RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STATE FILES 7738 BTS WITH NO TRANSACTIONS 7739 ORIGINATING STM TEST CALL FAILED 7740 BEATING BTS ALARM 7741 MEAN HOLDING TIME ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD 7742 BCF MAINTENANCE MODE 7743 MEAN HOLDING TIME BELOW DEFINED THRESHOLD 7744 EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE 7745 CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD 7746 CH CONGESTION IN CELL ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD 7747 RX SENSITIVITY MEASUREMENT TEST FAILED 7749 E-RACH MISSING 7751 TEST TIME SLOT RELEASE FAILED 7752 TRX TEST FAILED 7753 TRX LOOP TEST FAILED 7754 ANTENNA LOOP TEST FAILED 7755 PHASE 1 BTS IS TRIED TO BE DEFINED AS DUAL BAND BTS 7756 BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION 7757 ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION FAILED 7758 ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION COMPLETED 7759 BTS SYNCHRONIZATION SETTING FAILED 7763 ACCESS CLASS BARRED 7764 DFCA USE PREVENTED DUE ANOTHER BSC UNCONTROLLED INTERFERENCE 7765 DFCA NEIGHBOUR CELL CONFLICT 7766 MOCN PLMN ID MISMATCH IN BTS CONFIGURATION 7767 BCCH MISSING 7768 INCONSISTENT DATA IN DFCA RADIO RESOURCE STATE FILES 7769 FAILURE IN UPDATING CELL SPECIFIC PARAMETERS TO PCU 7770 AUTOMATIC UNLOCK OF BCF FAILED 7777 EXCESSIVE TCH ACTIVATION FAILURES DUE TO BCF OVERLOAD 7785 BCF UNBLOCKED WITHOUT BCF RESTART 7787 SYNCHRONISATION IS MISSING 7788 LONG LOSS OF LMU SYNCHRONISATION 7789 NO (E)GPRS TRANSACTIONS IN BTS 7790 CONFLICTING BTS REGISTRATION ATTEMPT SEEN 7791 NO SCF FILE FOR THE BTS IN BSC 7792 SCF FILE DOWNLOAD TO THE BTS FAILED 7793 ORTHOGONAL SUB CHANNEL ACTIVATION FAILURE 7797 CELL CONFIGURATION UPDATE OF BCF FAILED 7798 HDLC PCM FAILURE 7799 HDLC LINK FAILURE 7801 MMI CONNECTED TO BASE STATION 7802 LOCALLY LOADED SW SAVED TO BASE STATION 7803 LOCAL CONFIGURATION SAVED TO BASE STATION 7804 UNIT TEMPERATURE INCREASED 7805 UNIT TEMPERATURE HIGH 7806 UNIT TEMPERATURE DANGEROUSLY HIGH 7807 FAULT IN MMI-INTERFACE OF BASE STATION 7808 FAULT IN Q1-INTERFACE OF BCF 7809 FAULT IN DBUS DETECTED BY BCF 7810 FAULT IN WATCH-DOG OF BCF 7811 FAULT IN EXTERNAL DIGITAL ALARM LINE 7812 FAULT IN BCF NON-VOLATILE MEMORY 7813 MEMORY FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF BCF 7815 FAULT IN BCF NON-VOLATILE MEMORY PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE 7816 NON-VOLATILE MEMORY PROGRAMMING ABORTED IN BCF 7817 MASTER CLOCK OVEN OSCILLATOR WARMING UP 7818 FAULT IN MASTER CLOCK OVEN OSCILLATOR 7820 2.048 MHZ PCM CLOCK IS MISSING 7821 FRAME CLOCK IS MISSING FROM MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR 7822 TIMESLOT CLOCK IS MISSING FROM MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR 7823 2 MHZ REFERENCE CLOCK IS MISSING FROM MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR 7824 13 MHZ SOURCE CLOCK MISSING FROM DIV.MASTER CLOCK OSCILLATOR 7825 13 MHZ SOURCE CLOCK MISSING FROM MASTER CLOCK OSCILLATOR 7826 13 MHZ CLOCK MISSING FROM MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR 7828 ERROR IN FRAME NUMBER IN MASTER CLOCK GENERATOR 7829 FAULT IN ABIS AND DBUS INTERFACE OF BCF 7830 FREQUENCY HOPPING OUT OF ORDER 7831 ERROR IN BOOT SOFTWARE DOWNLOADING IN FREQUENCY HOPPING 7832 TEST FAILED IN INTERNAL MEMORY OF FREQUENCY HOPPING 7833 FAILURE IN FREQUENCY HOPPING BUS 7834 FREQUENCY HOPPING PROCESSOR RESET 7835 DATA ERROR IN FREQUENCY HOPPING BUS 7836 TEST FAILED IN EXTERNAL MEMORY OF FREQUENCY HOPPING 7838 13 MHZ SOURCE CLOCK ADJUSTMENT REACHING THE LIMIT VALUE 7839 DIFFERENCE IN FREQUENCIES BETWEEN PCM AND BTS MASTER CLOCK 7840 SW DOWNLOAD TO UNIT FAILED 7841 INITIALIZATION OF THE UNIT FAILED 7842 NO BCCH TRANSMISSION ACTIVATED 7850 EXTERNAL FRAME CLOCK IS MISSING 7851 EXTERNAL FRAME NUMBER IS MISSING 7852 BTS HEATER FAILURE 7853 TEMPERATURE DANGEROUSLY HIGH 7854 TEMPERATURE INCREASED 7860 NO CONNECTION TO TRANSMISSION UNIT 7861 SERVICE TERMINAL CONNECTED TO ABIS TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT 7862 FLOATING TRX UNIT NOT INSTALLED 7863 FLOATING TRX SWITCHOVER 7864 BCCH TRX REPLACED BY THE REDUNDANT TRX 7865 TRAFFIC BLOCKED FROM FLOATING TRX 7866 FAULT IN MAIN RX BRANCH OF FLOATING TRX SWITCH 7867 FAULT IN DIVERSITY RX BRANCH OF FLOATING TRX SWITCH 7868 FAULT IN MAIN RX BRANCH OF REDUNDANT TRX SWITCH 7869 FAULT IN DIVERSITY RX BRANCH OF REDUNDANT TRX SWITCH 7870 CABINET DOOR OPEN 7871 FAULTY REDUNDANT TRX 7872 CABINET TEMPERATURE TOO HIGH 7873 CABINET TEMPERATURE TOO LOW 7874 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLING DEVICE FAULTY 7875 EXTERNAL BTS SYNCHRONISATION SOURCE IS MISSING 7876 LMU: EXTERNAL SYNCHRONISATION SIGNALS DISABLED 7878 SERIAL LINK FAULTY IN FREQ. HOPPING PROCESSOR 7879 SW DOWNLOADING TO FREQ.HOPPING PROCESSOR FAILED 7880 CONFIGURATION FAILURE IN FREQ. HOPPING PROCESSOR 7882 SMOKE DETECTED IN CABINET 7890 FAULT IN COOLING FAN 7891 SITE TEST MONITOR OUT OF ORDER 7892 SITE TEST MONITOR CAN NOT FIND BCCH CARRIER 7893 FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7894 FAULT IN INTERNAL BUS OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7895 FAULT IN MEMORY OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7896 FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7897 FAULT IN NON-VOLATILE MEMORY OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7898 SIM-CARD OF SITE TEST MONITOR DOES NOT WORK 7899 MEMORY FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7900 NO CONNECTION TO TRX 7905 SITE TEST MONITOR NOT OPERATING 7906 FAILURE IN RF COUPLING OF SITE TEST MONITOR 7907 +7 V POWER SUPPLY FAULTY IN SITE TEST MONITOR UNIT 7908 +12 V POWER SUPPLY FAULTY IN SITE TEST MONITOR UNIT 7909 -12 V POWER SUPPLY FAULTY IN SITE TEST MONITOR UNIT 7937 UNIT TEMPERATURE DANGEROUSLY HIGH 7939 FORWARD POWER TOO LOW AT TX ANTENNA 7941 TX ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7942 TX ANTENNA FAULTY 7943 FAULT IN MAIN BRANCH LNA OF ANTENNA FILTER UNIT 7944 MAIN BRANCH LNA OUT OF ORDER IN ANTENNA FILTER UNIT 7945 FAULT IN DIVERSITY BRANCH LNA OF ANTENNA FILTER UNIT 7946 DIVERSITY BRANCH LNA OUT OF ORDER IN ANTENNA FILTER UNIT 7947 MAIN BRANCH MAST HEAD PREAMPLIFIER OUT OF ORDER 7948 DIVERSITY BRANCH MAST HEAD PREAMPLIFIER OUT OF ORDER 7950 NO CONNECTION TO REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7952 TUNING FAILED IN CAVITY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7953 TX ANTENNA PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 7954 TX ANTENNA FAULTY 7955 SYNTHESIZER OUT OF ORDER IN REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7956 CONTROLLER OUT OF ORDER IN REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7957 FAULT IN +5V POWER SUPPLY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7958 FAULT IN +12V POWER SUPPLY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7959 FAULT IN -12V POWER SUPPLY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7960 FAULT IN +26V POWER SUPPLY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7961 TUNING CARRIER NOT PRESENT IN REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7962 PERIODICAL CAVITY TEST FAILED, CAVITY NOT AVAILABLE 7963 CAVITY RESET FAILED, CAVITY NOT AVAILABLE 7964 FAULT IN NON-VOLATILE MEMORY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7965 MEMORY FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7966 FAULT IN DBUS INTERFACE OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7967 FAULT IN MEMORY OF REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7968 CONTROLLER FAULTY IN REMOTE TUNE COMBINER 7969 FORWARD POWER TOO LOW AT TX ANTENNA 7970 FAULT IN MAIN BRANCH LNA OF RECEIVER MULTICOUPLER 7971 FAULT IN DIVERSITY BRANCH LNA OF RECEIVER MULTICOUPLER 7972 MAIN BRANCH LNA OUT OF ORDER IN RECEIVER MULTICOUPLER 7973 DIVERSITY BRANCH LNA OUT OF ORDER IN RECEIVER MULTICOUPLER 7980 NO CONNECTION TO SITE TEST MONITOR UNIT 7981 NO CONNECTION TO RADIO RELAY 7990 MAINS BREAKDOWN WITHOUT BATTERY BACK-UP 7991 POWER SUPPLY FAULT 7995 MAINS BREAKDOWN WITH BATTERY BACK-UP 7996 BACK-UP BATTERY VOLTAGE LOW 7997 BATTERY CHARGER FAILURE 7998 BBUE INVERTER OVERLOAD 7999 BATTERY FAILURE 8000 POWER SUPPLY FAULT 8001 TOTAL LOSS OF POWER SUPPLY 8002 LOSS OF BACK UP POWER SUPPLY 8003 LOSS OF REMOTE POWER SUPPLY 8004 UNBALANCE IN REMOTE POWER SUPPLY 8005 INCORRECT RINGING VOLTAGE 8006 FAULT IN CENTRAL BATTERY 8007 FAULT IN CRITERIA VOLTAGE 8008 LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE 8009 FAULT IN CURRENT LOOP 8010 SUPPLY UNIT VOLTAGE INCORRECT 8011 DISTRIBUTION FUSE FAULT 8012 SIGNALLING VOLTAGE FAULT 8013 CHARGER FAULT 8014 AC INPUT VOLTAGE FAILURE 8016 MAIN FUNCTION INHIBITED 8017 SIGNAL LOOPED TO TERMINAL 8018 SIGNAL IS LOOPED TO TRANSMISSION PATH 8019 FUNCTION INHIBITED 8020 BLOCKED FROM USE 8021 LOOP TO INTERFACE 8022 LOOP TO EQUIPMENT 8023 TEST MODE 8024 LOOP IN EQUIPMENT 8025 TEST GENERATOR ON 8026 EXTERNAL TEST MODE ACTIVE 8027 BLOCKED FROM FAR END 8028 TIMESLOT RESERVED 8032 LOSS OF OUTGOING SIGNAL 8033 LOSS OF OUTGOING 64K SIGNAL 8034 LOSS OF OUTGOING 2M SIGNAL 8035 LOSS OF OUTGOING 8M SIGNAL 8036 LOSS OF OUTGOING 34M SIGNAL 8037 LOSS OF OUTGOING 140M SIGNAL 8038 LOSS OF OUTGOING 560M SIGNAL 8039 LOSS OF OUTGOING 0.7M SIGNAL 8040 NO FREE CHANNEL 8042 LOSS OF OUTGOING TRANSMISSION PATH SIGNAL 8043 INCORRECT OUTGOING SIGNAL LEVEL 8044 HIGH REFLECTED POWER 8045 NO OUTGOING SIGNAL 8046 NO OUTGOING LINE SIGNAL 8047 PAYLOAD MISMATCH 8048 LOSS OF INCOMING SIGNAL 8049 LOSS OF INCOMING 64K SIGNAL 8050 LOSS OF INCOMING 2M SIGNAL 8051 LOSS OF INCOMING 8M SIGNAL 8052 LOSS OF INCOMING 34M SIGNAL 8053 LOSS OF INCOMING 140M SIGNAL 8054 LOSS OF INCOMING 560M SIGNAL 8055 LOSS OF INCOMING 0.7M SIGNAL 8056 LOSS OF INCOMING 1.5M SIGNAL 8057 LOSS OF POINTER 8058 LOSS OF INCOMING TRANSMISSION PATH SIGNAL 8059 INCORRECT INCOMING SIGNAL LEVEL 8060 NO INCOMING RADIO SIGNAL 8061 LOSS OF INCOMING LINE SIGNAL 8062 NO CONNECTION 8063 NO REDUNDANT CONNECTION 8064 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS) IS RECEIVED 8065 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 64K) IS RECEIVED 8066 ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL (AIS) RECEIVED 8067 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 8M) IS RECEIVED 8068 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 34M) IS RECEIVED 8069 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 140M) IS RECEIVED 8070 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 560M) IS RECEIVED 8071 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 0.7M) IS RECEIVED 8072 ALARM SIGNAL (AIS 16K) IS RECEIVED 8073 ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL (AIS) RECEIVED 8074 ALARM INDICATION SIGNAL RECEIVED ON TIMESLOT 16 8075 S ALARM RECEIVED 8076 GENERAL ALARM IN NETWORK RECEIVED 8077 LOOPED SIGNAL RECEIVED 8078 MEASUREMENT SIGNAL RECEIVED 8079 TS16 CODE ERROR RECEIVED 8080 FRAME ERROR 8081 LOSS OF FRAME ALIGNMENT 8082 MULTIFRAME ALIGNMENT LOST 8083 LOSS OF FRAME ALIGNMENT OF SUBSYSTEM 8084 LOSS OF LINE FRAME ALIGNMENT 8085 LOSS OF RADIO FRAME ALIGNMENT 8086 LOSS OF CRC MULTIFRAME ALIGNMENT 8087 LOSS OF OCTET TIMING 8088 END TO END FRAME LOSS 8089 LOSS OF SIGNALLING FRAME 8096 EXCESSIVE ERROR RATE 8097 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-1 8098 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-2 8099 RECEIVED BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E3 8100 RECEIVED BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E4 8101 RECEIVED BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E5 8102 RECEIVED BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E6 8103 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-7 8104 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-8 8105 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-9 8106 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-10 8107 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-11 8108 BIT ERROR RATIO (BER) > 1E-12 8109 FADING IN TRANSMISSION PATH 8110 SELECTIVE FADING IN TRANSMISSION PATH 8111 MODULATION ERROR 8112 FREQUENCY ERROR 8113 BUFFER OVERFLOW 8119 SYNCHRONIZING FAULT IN TRANSMITTER 8120 SYNCHRONIZING FAULT IN RECEIVER 8121 SYNCHRONIZING FAULT IN AUXILIARY CHANNEL 8122 SYNCHRONIZING FAULT 8123 SYNCHRONIZING FAULT IN CARRIER RECOVERY 8124 SYNCHRONIZATION FAULT IN CLOCK RECOVERY 8125 LOSS OF SYNCHRONIZATION SIGNAL 8126 UNIT FUNCTION DEGRADED 8127 EQUIPMENT FAULT DETECTED IN AUTOMATIC LOOP TEST 8128 FAULT IN EQUIPMENT 8129 FAULT IN CODEC 8130 FAULT IN MEMORY 8131 INTERNAL BUS FAULT 8132 FAULT IN SUMMING UNIT 8133 FAULT IN MUX 8134 EXCHANGE LINE ALARM 8135 EQUIPMENT IN RESET 8136 AIS OSCILLATOR FAULT 8137 OSCILLATOR FAULT 8138 PRESSURE ALARM 8139 SUBRACK HAS MISSING UNITS 8140 SUBRACK HAS EXCESSIVE UNITS 8141 FORCED CONTROL ON 8142 INSTALLATION ERROR 8143 FAULT IN CHANGE OVER FUNCTION 8144 OPERATING ERROR 8145 TEMPERATURE ALARM 8146 WIND ALARM 8147 LOCAL ALARM CANCEL WITHOUT ANY ALARM 8148 EQUIPMENT RESET 8149 FORCED INDICATION 8150 FAULT IN UNIT 8151 FAULT IN CHANNEL 8152 FAULT IN BLOCK 8153 FAULT IN TRANSMITTER 8154 FAULT IN RECEIVER 8155 LASER BIAS OUT OF RANGE 8156 LASER POWER OUT OF RANGE 8157 LASER TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGE 8158 FORCED LASER CUT OFF 8159 RUN DIAGNOSTICS TEST 8160 INTERFACE UNIT FAULT 8161 CONNECTED TO REDUNDANT SYSTEM 8162 DATABASE FULL 8163 REDUNDANT CONNECTION IN USE 8164 LINE CABLE FAULT 8165 REAL TIME LOST 8166 E1 CONVERTER RESET 8167 E1 CONVERTER FAULT 8168 EQUIPMENT DOOR OPEN 8169 EXTENDED FAULT CODE IN USE 8172 YELLOW ALARM OCCURRED 8173 FAR-END ALARM 4 8174 FAR-END ALARM 3 8175 FAR-END ALARM 2 8176 FAR-END ALARM RECEIVED 8178 MULTIFRAME ALARM FROM FAR-END 8179 FAR-END ALARM 8180 ALARM FROM FAR-END SUBSYSTEM 8181 FAR-END SENDING FAULT 8182 FAULT IN FAR-END RECEIVING 8183 FAR-END SYNCHRONIZATION ALARM 8184 REAL TIME UPDATED 8185 CONNECTION OR SETTINGS HAVE CHANGED 8186 CONFIGURATION ERROR 8190 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FAULT CODE 1 8191 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FAULT CODE 2 8192 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FAULT CODE 3 8193 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FAULT CODE 4 8194 CUSTOMER SPECIFIC FAULT CODE 5 8195 V5 PROTOCOL ALARM 8200 LOSS OF PRIMARY SUPERVISION CONNECTION 8201 LOSS OF SECONDARY SUPERVISION CONNECTION 8202 LOSS OF SUPERVISION CONNECTION 8203 LOSS OF SUPERVISION BUS 8206 CONGESTION 8207 CALIBRATION EXPIRED 8213 REMOTE DEFECT INDICATION (RDI) 8214 SIGNAL DEGRADED 8215 TRACE IDENTIFIER MISMATCH 8216 UNEQUIPPED SIGNAL 8221 VERSION MISMATCH 8222 CORRUPT DATA 8223 PROTECTION SWITCH 8230 THRESHOLD CROSSED 8240 ACTIVE ALARM POINT 8241 UPPER ALARM LIMIT EXCEEDED 8242 LOWER ALARM LIMIT EXCEEDED 8250 INVALID TIME 8254 OPERATOR DISABLED 8256 15 MIN G826 ES THRESHOLD CROSSED 8257 15 MIN G826 SES THRESHOLD CROSSED 8258 15 MIN G826 BBE THRESHOLD CROSSED 8259 24 H G826 ES THRESHOLD CROSSED 8260 24 H G826 SES THRESHOLD CROSSED 8261 24 H G826 BBE THRESHOLD CROSSED 8262 STATISTIC UNAVAILABILITY 8263 STATISTIC RESET 8264 15 MIN T/RLTS THRESHOLD CROSSED 8265 24 H T/RLTS THRESHOLD CROSSED 8266 LICENCE KEY NOT VALID 8267 LICENCE EXPIRED 8268 LICENCE WILL EXPIRE IN THE NEAR FUTURE 8269 LICENCE FOR FEATURE IS NOT AVAILABLE 8270 LICENCE FOR FEATURE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED 8271 LICENCE FOR FEATURE HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED 8272 POSITION NOT LOCKED 8273 LICENCE FOR 2G FLEXI ABIS OVER IP/ETHERNET IS NOT AVAILABLE 8274 LICENCE FOR 2G FLEXI ADDITIONAL 2 E1/T1 IS NOT AVAILABLE 8275 LICENCE FOR 2G FLEXI ABIS TRS GROOMING IS NOT AVAILABLE 8276 LICENCE FOR 2G FLEXI TRS LOOP PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE 8277 ETHERNET PHYSICAL LINK LAYER LOST 8278 PSEUDOWIRE DOWN 8279 PSEUDOWIRE PERFORMANCE DEGRADED 8280 PSEUDOWIRE REMOTE PACKET LOSS 8281 FAULT IN OPTICAL INTERFACE (SFP) 8282 PSEUDOWIRE TUNNEL DOWN 8283 LICENCE FOR IP SECURITY IS NOT AVAILABLE 8284 TRAFFIC SHAPING MISCONFIGURATION 8285 LICENCE FOR TIMING OVER PACKET IS NOT AVAILABLE 8286 LICENCE FOR SYNCHRONOUS ETHERNET IS NOT AVAILABLE 8287 CLOCK RECOVERY IN PROGRESS 8288 FAULT IN CONNECTION TO CLOCK MASTER 8289 SSM HAS LOST TRACEABILITY TO ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL CLOCK SRC 8290 LICENCE FOR PACKET TRS E1/T1 IS NOT AVAILABLE 8291 PMTU BTS TO BSC LESS THAN CONFIGRUED MTU 8292 PMTU BTS TO SECURITY GATEWAY LESS THAN CONFIGURED MTU 8293 ML-PPP BUNDLE ESTABLISHMENT FAILURE 8294 ML-PPP BUNDLE DOWNGRADED 8295 LICENSE FOR ETHERNET RING/PATH PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE 8296 NO LICENSE FOR QOS AWARE ETH SWITCHING 8297 LICENSE FOR PACKET ABIS IP/TDM AGGREGATION IS NOT AVAILABLE 8299 CONFIGURED AND NEGOTIATED PAOTDM PARAMETERS MISMATCH 8300 ETH OAM REMOTE CRITICAL LINK EVENT BTS - LINK FAULT 8301 ETH OAM REMOTE CRITICAL LINK EVENT BTS - DYING GASP 8302 ETH OAM REMOTE CRITICAL LINK EVENT BTS - CRITICAL EVENT 8303 ETH OAM REMOTE ETH-CC 8304 ETH OAM REMOTE ETH-AIS 8305 LICENSE FOR ETHERNET OAM SUPPORT IS NOT AVAILABLE 8307 NO LICENSE FOR FLEXI PACKET RADIO POWER PLUS ETHERNET 8308 POE INTERFACE OVERCURRENT 8309 POE INTERFACE SHORTCIRCUIT 8310 POE INTERFACE UNDERCURRENT 8311 POE NON POWERED DEVICE 8312 ETH OAM LINK LAYER REMOTE LOOPBACK 8313 SYNC RATE MISMATCH FAILURE 8314 LICENCE FOR FAST IP REROUTING IS NOT AVAILABLE 8315 FAST IP REROUTING TRIGGERED 8316 TRUST CHAIN CERTIFICATE STATUS 14003 FTP OR FTAM CONNECTION FAILURE 14009 BLACK BOX SAVE ONGOING 14013 MCMU OVERLOAD PROTECTION REDUCING TRAFFIC 14020 BOX RESTART DETECTED 14021 LINK DOWN TRIGGER RECOVERY ACTION 14023 BROADCAST OR MULTICAST STORM DETECTED 14025 LAN DEVICE INTERNAL FAILURE 14027 ETXA CALL SETUP FAILURE 14028 RESET BUTTON DETECTED 14029 ACTIVE ETHERNET INTERFACE SWITCHOVER DUE TO FAILED PING 14034 BMC WATCHDOG FAILURE 14036 EC-GSM IOT FEATURE UNAVAILABLE Group of alarm that the alarm belongs to. Standardized event type. The default value of percieved severity when raising the alarm. Alarm Group Event Type Default Severity Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM Warning Notices COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM Warning Notices COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM Warning Notices 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Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Notices QUALITY_OF_SERVICE_ALAR Warning M Notices QUALITY_OF_SERVICE_ALAR Warning M Notices QUALITY_OF_SERVICE_ALAR Warning M Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices QUALITY_OF_SERVICE_ALAR Warning M Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Notices COMMUNICATIONS_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Warning Warning Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts PROCESSING_ERROR_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts EQUIPMENT_ALARM Warning Disturbance Printouts 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Names, explanations and lists of possible values of the fields. Meaning Supplementary Information Fields Routing the incoming OSI call set-up request to a local application process fails, and setting up the requested OSI call set-up is inhibited. On the basis of this notice it is possible to find out The notice is caused by the load of the network why the incoming element part call set-up request is inhibited, if the call set-up protected by the ticket service. Rejecting inhibition causes requests for tickets is disturbances in the operation of the system. an essential feature of load restriction, but the The OSI management is forced to initialize a increase in the forced clearing of the OSI rejection ratio indicates that the network element connection. On the basis of this notice it is is overloaded. possible to find out why The load can be reduced by increasing the the OSI connection broke, if the OSI application Establishing anelement, X.25 connection to the object capacity of the does not initialize system fails. or by restricting its amount of incoming traffic. the clearing of the connection. On the basis of this notice it is possible to find out why establishing the connection fails, if the failure of the The name server has been requested to add a connection establishment new service in the causes disturbances in the operation of the nametable, but there is in the nametable already system. a service whose name and provider are the same as those of the Automatic return to another package is allowed service to be added. due to restart failure, The parameters of the service were different. The but the return is not possible from the current nameserver package. A notice is modified the parameters of the service according given when automatic return is allowed with the The congestion level defined for the signalling to the new request. WSA command. link has been exceeded. 1 type of the application process called. If the application process cannot be deducted, the field contains the value 0xFF 1 name of the ticket service 2 reason for the failure of the incoming request. As the 2 calculated rejection percentage request can fail for many reasons, each reason is defined 1 type of of theitsapplication charge of 0x00, the as a bit own. If theprocess value ofinthe field is connection. the reason cannot be located If the application process cannot be deducted, the field Bit 1: state of the terminal which transmitted the has the value 0xFF request 1 index of the plug-in unit providing the OSI subnetworkprevents the call set-up 2 index the of plug-in unit X.25 representing the cannot OSI be Bit 2: ofuser the fixed connection interface subnetwork identified, interface as of thethe fixed virtual circuit service has notaccess been defined 2 number NSAP (network point) 1 first 10 characters of the name of the service to be in address: added. 3 familythe identifier of the program block related to the physical channel gives the NSAP address to group which the X.25 If the name of the service isX.25 shorter than 10 cannot characters, forced clearing of the connection Bit 3: user of the fixed connection be connection was the identified, to be established restreason is filled with spaces 4 thephysical forced clearing. Ifreturn the value of thethe field asof the channel group containing 1 packages which allow automatic is 0x00, it was impossible to locate the reason fixed -> BU' or FB' refusing the call, presented 3 'NWidentifier of 'BU the -> element 2 computer in which thehas service to bedefined added is virtual circuit not been aslocated an in restart of the unit NSAP0x01: the form recommended in the CCITT 3 family of the of the be 0x02: switchover ofprovider the unit Bit 4:identifier the NSAP calling cannot beservice located.toThe Recommendation X.213/84 13.2. 1 destination point code by the signalling link added 0x03: reapplication of indicated OSI process. The third calling remote Possible values are supplementary application cannot be identified 2 number the signalling linkservice 4 identifier ofofthe provider of the to beto added information field identifies thebelong reapplied program Bit NSAP called 00 5:callthe is refused by thedoes user not of the remoteany end block network address network 3 congestion level 0x04: failure ofitthe subnetwork The and thus is impossible tointerface. establish a network Database integrity checking is completed. The 1 identifier of the database; some database applications 01 service congestion level 1 second connection notice is given still 01 call is refused by the network termination called 02 congestion level 2 is locked, supplementary information field identifies Bit or 6: the NSAP called and thus it isthe after the results of the checking have been require this information. Oftennetwork the database is identified the packet switched called 03 congestion level 3 terminal impossible reported in the file. on02 the basis of database name database element refusing the call and cannot be identified equipment which represents the failed interface to establish abynetwork connection occurrence number 63 call is refused local terminal equipment which Recovery based on event log is in progress in the 1 identifier database; some database 0x05: change of the active CLNS user. The third Bit 7: of thethe network address called does applications not belong cannot management still require this information. Often the database supplementary to local 2 any database namethe connection requested, as a field of establish system of the database. is identified on the basis of database name information field identifies active and CLNS application, thus it is the impossible to thedatabase occurrenceand number program establish a 3 database occurrence service request isnumber invalid or as the equipment block network connection lacks a 2 database name 0x06: user has locked the physical channel. Bitname 8: the the local network called is locked, 4 the of the report file establishing inaddress which the results of theThe resource needed for the connection, second and thus integrity checking have been stored either 3 database number supplementary information identifies the it occurrence is impossible to establishfield a connection temporarily or permanently terminal Bit 9: the PAD service is either temporarily or 5 identifier of the disk where the report file is saved. equipment which represents the locked channel permanently values are 0 (W0), 1 (W1) and 90connection, (W0 and 4 Allowed reason for initializing or clearing of the theofdiagnostics of the terminal equipment out use, and thus it is impossible to W1) 0x07: presented in the form recommended in the CCITT initialized. establish a Recommendation The third supplementary information field network connection X.213/84 13.2.2. identifies Bit 10: the NSAP called cannot be located, and thus Automatic return to another package is allowed after time supervision, but the return is only possible after the next OMU restart at the earliest. A notice is given when automatic return A notice about a completed conversion. A more is allowed detailed description with the WSA command. about the operations executed during the conversion can be read in the execution report. The threshold value of SS7 signalling traffic load has been exceeded in the signalling link. The threshold value has been exceeded during the measurement period of five minutes This is a notice about fallback copying of the preceding the issuing of software build (BU => FB). this alarm. It tells you that the fallback copying has started, is in progress, has been interrupted by the user or has been finished This notice is used as the general notification of succesfully. the file system. It tells you, for example, that the state change of When the fallback copying is in progress, you will the disk update get a notice about it that was interrupted earlier has now been The disk updates of however, the files have at regular intervals, otherbeen notices will be completed. The notification prevented. sent only once. is also used when the disk updates of the files This applies only to the disk copies of the have not been completed memory files.of time the fallback copying takes The amount within a certain time. depends on the size theis allowed. It is again The disk updating of of files network element (the size and amount of the files possible to situated on a disk) update memory files on a disk. and the type of the fallback copying. The warming information of a program block's Fallback copying will not affect the activities hands theby the carriedinout spare unit is different the active network element. Thefrom only that sideof effect it has unit. is the This is why natural raisethe onWUPMAN does not warm up the hands of and the I/O load and that certain the CPU A failure has occurred in a semipermanent program block in the normal way by copying procedures pertaining to software connection due to a failure information from the packages will be prevented during the unit. fallback in a PCM circuit or in an unduplicated active unit to the spare unit, but skips the copying. warming. The speech circuit groups to a signalling point have been like this the hands of the program In a situation barred, block or the barring has been released. warm up with so-called passive warming. In other words, This is a notice of a normal change in the next time the reserves a hand signalling link WUPMAN state, synchronically from the performed by the operator of the remote end. spare and of active The traffic the side, the hand is immediately warm. signalling link has been transferred on alternative This is a notice of a normal change in the signalling links. signalling linksystem state, continues to operate as if After this the If a signalling point becomes unreachable, an performed by the operator of the remote end. the warming automatic restart would have been successful. practice passive is performed on the signallingIn link. warming is over when all the hands that were reserved in the WO unit of the program block in question have been released once. 1 packages which allow return after time supervision 'NW -> BU' or 'BU -> FB' 2 time limit of return with time supervision in seconds 1 name of the conversion program 2 error code whose value is either SUCCESS_EC (0), or another other general error code, which does not mean that the conversion failed 1 number of the signalling link 2 direction of the signalling traffic 01 incoming traffic 02 outgoing traffic 1 type of the notice in text format 3 signalling traffic load (in millierlangs) STARTED fallback copying has been started IN PROGRESS fallback copying is in progress 4 signalling traffic load threshold value (in millierlangs) INTERRUPTED fallback copying has been interrupted 1 location unit type of the partner program block. by a user Value FFFF means that the unit type cannot be READY fallback copying has been succesfully identified finished 2 location unit index of the partner program block. If the value of the field is output as two points, the index cannot be identified 3 family identifier of the partner program block. Value FFFF means that the family identifier is unknown 4 file name FFFFFFFF means the fileblock number 1 Value the family identifier of thethat program that cannot neededbe identified passive warming 5 the that message that is connected with the 2 number the handoftype needed passive warming given situation. 1 Value connection FFFF type means that the message number cannot be identified 0 PCM circuit - PCM circuit PCM circuit - subscriber 6 1general error code identifying the reason for the notice 2 subscriber - subscriber more clearly. You can 1 circuit group state check its meaning with a 4 O&Mofconnection command the of speech circuit groups released 00 barring 5 multichannel connectionMRS between external PCM service terminal (see two Service Terminal 01 barring of extension speech circuit groups established circuits Essentials 6 multichannel multipoint connection between or in General Error external 2 in customer signallingdocumentation) point code 1 number PCM circuits Messages of of the signalling link set 8 one-way semipermanent connection in customer documentation. 3 System signalling point index for use within the exchange 2 number of the signalling link 2 incoming PCM circuit of the connection, in subscribersubscriber 1 number of the signalling link set case the number of SUB 2 number of the signalling link 3 incoming time slot of the connection, in subscribersubscriber case connector position of subscriber 4 incoming sub-time slot of the connection. The value is only significant when the connection is in a bit-based switching network (GSWB) It is possible to monitor the state of passive warming by outputting reports with CDPHAN MML that is 5 outgoing PCM circuit of the connection connected to the Operating System Supervision and Statistics A signalling link has been blocked from the remote end. There has been a local processor break in the remote end of the signalling link, or the operator has blocked the Blocking of a signalling link from the remote end signalling has been released. link with a command. 1 number of the signalling link set 2 number of the signalling link 1 number of the signalling link set 2 number of the signalling link The traffic of the signalling link has been No acknowledgement to a changeback 1 number of the signalling link set transferred on declaration has been links, received alternative signalling if such exist. in of repeated TheSIGNALLING changeback 2 number of the signalling link At spite the same time theattempts. alarm 1072 has LINKbeen OUTperformed. OF SERVICE is given.uninhibiting of a signalling link initiated by 1 Forced number of the signalling link set the signalling route management functions has failed 2 number of the signalling link because no acknowledgement to the forced uninhibiting This notice indicates that software has taken the 1 the name of the interface taken out of use in the message has been backing Ethernet switchover received in spite of repeated attempts. interface in use and thus, automatically recovered from an interface 2 the name of the interface taken into use in the failure. In general, there are three possible switchover Hot billing system has been changed to send 1 IP index of the post-processing system that was in use interface failure sources: data to a new IP address. before the change. The real address of the IP index can the interface itself (that is, the interface The system makes the change because it has be equipment on the PIU-side, lost connection to the interrogated with the command GBI for example, the Ethernet chip or the connector), old IP address. The SDH protection switching has been 1 id of the protection group in question the cable, or the 2 IP index of the post-processing system that is taken executed. protection switching equipmentThe on the other end of the cable (for Hot billing system continues to work normally, but into use. is executed to an switch external request or if the example, andue Ethernet data is sent to The real address of the IP index can be interrogated signal of the section or a hub). a different IP address. with where the traffic is selected from has degraded This notice informs that the SGSN has created a 1 the Packet Service Entity Identifier. command GBI (SD) or failed Note that thisIP(SF). notice is used only in computer new remote endpoint Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a units withtransfer redundant for data with SNS-CONFIG PDU. After NSE (Packet Ethernet interfaces which creation of the SGSN IP have been configured Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network to backupaeach others. is configured between the Service Entities endpoint new NS-VC This notice informs that the SGSN has added a 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. BSC and the SGSN. This of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, new remote IP endpoint Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a notice is possible when dynamic IP configuration the value of the field is 0xFF. for data transfer with SNS-ADD PDU. After the NSE (Packet is used. addition of the SGSN Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network 2 Network Service Entity Identifier of the unavailable IP endpoint, a new NS-VL is configured in the Service Entities This notice informs that the SGSN has deleted 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. Virtual BSC. This notice is of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, an existing remote IP Packet Service Entity groups the PCUsthe of a Link. A Network Service Entitytogether groups together possible only when the dynamic IP configuration the value of the field is 0xFF. endpoint with SNS-DELETE PDU. After the NSE (Packet Network Service is used. deletion of the SGSN IP Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the between Network Virtual Links that provide communication 2 Network Service Entity Identifier of the unavailable endpoint, an existing NS-VL is removed from the Service Entities the same NS entities. NSEI is an identifier that has endThe log collector is not collecting service terminal 1 type of service terminal session that is started: Virtual BSC. The of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, to-end commands in the 0 unknown Link. A Network Service Entity groups together the data transfer capacity has decreased. This notice the value of the fieldthe is 0xFF. significance across Gb interface. new service terminal connection indicated in the Network 1 local Service is possible only supplementary 2 remote Virtual Links that provide communication between when the dynamic IP configuration is used. 2 Network Service Entity Identifier the deletedof IPthe address of the added remoteofIP endpoint information field. This means that commands are 3-18 3 IP telnet the same NSPCU entities. NSEI an identifier thatorhas endThis notice gives an early warning on a PCU 1 Index of the where theisprocessor (PQII DSPs) endpoint. SGSN. not logged until the to-end processor load, which load is IP addess A Network Service Entity groups together thefirst Network If the is of the IPv4 type, only the four logging of service terminal commands is set on. significance across the Gblevels. interface. is approaching the overload level. No overload approaching Service bytes containthe theoverload IP address, the other bytes are filled protection actions are Virtual Links/Connections that provide communication with 3-18 IP address of situation the added remote IP endpoint of the taken yet. 2 If the high load occurs in PQII, this field has between zeros. SGSN. thethe value same NS entities. NSEI is an identifier that has If the IP addess is of the IPv4 type, only DSP, the first 0xFF. If the high load situation occurs thisfour is the end-to-end significance across the Gbininterface. For example, in the case of IPv4 the IP bytes contain the IP address, the other bytes are filled index of address with DSP DSP index isremote given only in PCU2ofunits, 3-18 IP (0-7). address thefollowing: deleted IP endpoint of the alarmThe isofthe zeros. the notice is SGSN. If the AC 18 AF 8B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 set with DSP cause onlytype, by PCU2. With thefour PCU this IP addess is of the IPv4 only the first bytes For example, in the case of IPv4 the IP field always has contain the IPin address, For example, the casethe of other IPv6 bytes are filled with address the value 0xFF. zeros. 1122:3344:5566:7788:9900:AABB:CCDD:EEFF the IP of the alarm is the following: address AC 18 AF 00 00this 00index 00 00represents 00 00 00 00 00 ID In of 8B PCUM, the00AI00 core For example, thefollowing: case of ipv4 the ip of case the alarm isinthe One trunk circuit or all the trunk circuits of a PCM 1 error code circuit have been 01 barring of trunk circuit barred after a blocking message has been 02 barring of circuit group due to hardware failure received. 03 barring of circuit group performed by MML command Barring of one trunk circuit or of all the circuits of 1 error code FF not enough data for determining other error a PCM circuit 01 release of trunk circuit barring code has been released after an unblocking message 02 release of circuit group barring due to hardware has been received. failure 2 service information octet 04 release of circuit group barring by using an MML This notice indicates that the number of radio 1index of the BCSU unit hosting PCU, where the (0x0 in case of circuit barredthe in BSC) command time slots connected connectivity has been exceeded. This field is 0xFFFF in 05 release of circuit group barring to a PCU exceeds the PCU radio time slot the of mcPCU. 3 case number of the PCM circuit FF not enough data for determining other error connectivity. code 2 plug-in unit of index the circuit PCU where the connectivity 4 time slot the of PCM in question PKI Certificate was renewed successfully via 1 ascii string identifying the certificate (by name) in the has automatic enrolment. network 2 service information octet exceeded. This in field 0xFF group in the case of 5 been number ofdatabase circuits theiscircuit element (0x0 inkey case of circuit debarred in BSC) mcPCU. The ATCA synchronisation feature has detected that no clock generator units (CLGU) are configured in the system. Synchronisation cannot be used. This is not an error condition in a network A FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) has been element type whose inserted to or removed from configuration does not contain CLGU. a shelf. 3 number of the PCM circuit 4 time slot of the PCM circuit in question Depending on the functional unit(s) configured to The SDH protection switching has been the FRU in question, executed. The protection switching the object unit of the alarm is given in one of the is executed due to an external request or if the following ways: signal of the section - if there is only one functional unit configured to where the traffic is selected from has degraded TCP/IP stack the FRU, it is detected a duplicate MAC address (SD) or failed (SF). used by another IP host. given as the object unit of the alarm MAC address must be unique within a broadcast - if there are more than one functional unit domain. Duplicate MAC configured to the FRU, address indicate possibility for aunit loop inthe the one ofmay them is given thelost object Statistical reports have as been becauseofthe I/O Ethernet switching alarm devices cannot domain, unit switchover timing problem, or the just - if nothe functional unit has been defined output required number of reports orto Report duplicate MAC address FRU, the alarm has Forming Program user the same LAN switching domain. nowithin object Block cannotunit. send data to report forming This notice indicates that some - if the FRU is IO device, usersunexpected need to change situation the state (e.g. spontaneous PCU or ETP restart) happened during Dynamic of the IO device manually from WO-ID to WOPCU2 BU. pooling automatic reallocation. (E)GPRS resources have been This notice is raised if a new PLUGIN replace the restored back to segments old one with the same and PCU pool reallocation was aborted configuration (i.e. BOC-B instead of BOC-A), the PIU type in equipment database needs to be updated to the This notice indicates that due to some new type. When this unexpected situation, the symptom notice occurs, it means that the PIU type has data collection time is exceeded. been updated. Supplementary information fields identify the PIU information and location. 3 00 the FRU has been inserted to the shelf 1 id of the protection group in question 01 the FRU has been extracted from the shelf 5 number of circuits in the circuit group 1 type of the FRU, which has been inserted or extracted 2 index of the FRU, which has been inserted or extracted 2 ingress(rx) traffic selector after protetction switching. Possible values are: 00 working section 1-6 the MAC address, which is suspected to be used by 01 protection section another IP host. 7 IP address of the other IP host using the same MAC address. 1 type of measurement report identical with the report identifier. 8 local network interface that uses the same MAC address shared by 18F Traffic measurement per BSC/RNC another IP host. 1 packet control entity identifier 2 the total amount of reports to be sent in the measurement period. 3 the amount of transferred reports. 1 the detail type of plug-in unit. 2 the detail index of plug-in unit. 3-9 the detail location of plug-in unit. 1 the input dataset file name which shall be used for the execution of symptom data collection This alarm indicates that the PCU2 memory dump is successfully completed. This alarm indicates that the PCU2 memory dump which was already started is failed. No action required from operator for this information alarm. This alarm indicates that fault situation associate with a trigger id is observed. The fallback copying of Backup Physical mcBSC System is in progress, has been interrupted by the user, or has finished successfully. The BSC activity mode of the Network Resiliency When the fallback copying is in progress, there is has been changed. a notice with The Network Resiliency data synchronization, information on phase and Base/Backup software load, build directory on unload, activation or deactivation operation has A report on an occurrence related to a copying. taken place. coordinated state transition of anduration SCCP subsystem. The of the fallback copying depends on the size of the running Backup Physical mcBSC System and the This alarm indicates that the PCUM/ETP/ETM state of the network black box dump has failed. element. This alarm indicates that the black box saving is successfully collected When unit is collecting blackbox information will report this alarm. The status of the default package is not backup (BU), or the package in the OMU is not the default package. The time of the unit has been synchronized to the time of the exchange. The exchange time has been altered. 1 The file name to which PCU2 has created memory dump for an exception event.The file name format is PCU<XX><YY><Z>.BIN,where XX stands for BCSU index,YY stands for PCU2 index and Z stands 1 This indicates the reason for PCU2 memory dump for sequence number collection failure of the dump file. Z can have a maximum value of five since, maximum 2 The file name to which PCU2 has created memory of five dump collection for same unit is possible.The dump for an exception 1 file Domain will be event.The file name format is 01present ETP in ASWDIR/SYMPTLOG directory of the PCU<XX><YY><Z>.BIN,where XX stands for 02 PCU active build directory. BCSU index,YY stands for PCU2 index and Z stands 03 O&M for sequence number 04 telecom 1 of the current thehave Backup Physical value mcBSC the dump state file. Zofcan a maximum of five System fallback since, maximum copying process: of five dump collection for same unit is possible.The file 2 triggering BTS ID Base build is being copied willBASE_COPYING be BACKUP_COPYING Backup build is beingofcopied present in ASWDIR/SYMPTLOG directory the active 1 ID ofIDthe BSC whose activity mode has been 3 the trigger corresponding to the problem scenario for FINISHED fallback copying has finished build directory. changed. which the INTERRUPTED fallback copying has been alarm is raised. Trigger ID is unique within domain interrupted by the user 2 the previous activity mode of the Network Resiliency in the BSC. 1 code 2 thenotice mcBSC ID that identifies the Protected Physical 01 a coordinated state transition has been started by mcBSC related 1 = WAITING FOR SYNCHRONIZATION (value a Backup subsystem of in one of the copying. network'sThis ownfield signalling to the build fallback is possible only in backup BSC) points valid only 2 = BACKUP (value possible only in backup BSC) 02 an SOR message has been received from the is BACKUP_COPYING. 1 3if =safecopy_state PCUM/ETP/ETM black box dump collection failure. LOADED network 4 = ACTIVE 03Base time build supervision setorfor waitingbuild for the SOG that 3 Backup directory 2 thethe file namedirectory to which PCUM/ETP/ETPM has message has is in created memory 3 the new activitydump modeinof the Network Resiliency expired fallback copying. If safecopy_state is FINISHED or exception event. in the the BSC. 1 to which PCUM/ETP/ETPM hasreceived created 04file an name unexpected SOG message has been INTERRUPTED, the file name format is <UNIT><G><XX><Y>.BIN memory dump in this field displays the Base build directory. where 2 = BACKUP (value possible only in backup BSC) 2 exception networkevent. stands for PCUM/ ETPT/ ETPE/ ETPA/ ETPB/ 3the =UNIT LOADED file name format is <UNIT><G><XX><Y>.BIN ETMA/ ETMB, 4 = ACTIVE where 3 signalling point 1 the typefor ofgroup unit which is collecting coredump G unit stands index,XX stands for unit index UNIT stands for PCUM/ ETPT/ ETPE/ ETPA/ ETPB/ imformation and ETMA/ ETMB, 4 subsystem Y stands for sequence number which specify the G stands for group index,XX stands for unit index and 2 thebox. unit index of unit which is collecting coredump black Y stands for sequence number which specify the black imformation The file was created to ASWDIR/SYMPTLOG 1 box. status of the default package: directory under the current The file was created to ASWDIR/SYMPTLOG directory build directory. FBcurrent = fallback under the = backup buildBU directory. NW = new 1 date of the active main clock unit UT = untitled UD = undefined 2 time of the active main clock unit 2 status of the package in OMU: 3 date of the unit checked FB = fallback 4 time of the unit checked BU = backup NW = new UT = untitled UD = undefined Logging into the MML session failed due to a faulty user id or a faulty password. 1 family identifier of the program block which detected the error 2 This notice is generated when the operator changes the length of a measurement period belonging to the supervision of the radio network of the BSC. The notice indicates A centralised part of the alarm system, which supervision functioning in an active the change concerns, the start time of the maintenance computer, has become active in interrupted such a way that it is measurement period, the time used by the starting the processing of the alarms of the The alarm system of the DX 200 network element interrupted network element in sends this notice measurement period, and the new length of the question from the beginning. This situation to the network period. management system, if other measurement occurs when the system alarms have not been restarts, and as a result of an uncontrolled set in the network element within a defined time The current synchronisation signal has been maintenance computer period. The notice changed. switchover. is only sent via the Q3 interface. The notice is sent because the network Database transactions or disk updates are management system supervises prevented in theof the network element's alarm the functioning database management system. system, the Q3 interface and the data transmission connections used to transmit The alarm limit of the database file fill ratio has the alarms to the network management system been exceeded. by monitoring the flow of alarms sent from the network element. The This system notice ishas notrestarted. output on the alarm printer. The user has changed the working state of the unit with an MML command. The system may also have changed the working states of peripheral devices. The working state of the unit has changed due to an automatic recovery action. Unexpected switchover in the unit due to the use of the manual control unit (MCU), or automatic switchover has been performed by the switchover logic of the spare unit because of As a result of an error detected either by the user active unit failure. or the system, or the network's control, a channel of the O&M network's data transmission connection has been changed over to an alternative connection. error code 00 incorrect password given three times in 1 identifies the supervision to which the modified length succession of the measurement period is related to: 3 system identifier - '1' = 'TCH mean holding time supervision' 1 identifier of the active software package - '2' = 'SDCCH mean holding time supervision' 4 process identifier of terminal (MML terminal) - '3' = 'dropped calls supervision' - '4' = 'BTS channel congestion supervision' - '5' = 'High TCH interference supervision' - '6' = 'BTSs with no transactions supervision' 2 start time of the interrupted measurement period, hours and 1 minutes previous synchronisation signal 3 time used by the measurement period in seconds CLS: 01 2M1 4 new 02 length 2M2 of the measurement period in minutes 1 database identifier; this is still required in some 03 2M3 database 04 2M4 applications. Often the database is identified on the 05 FS1 basis 06 FS2 of database name and database occurrence 1 database index; this is still required in some database applications TCSM: even though the current trend is that the 2 database name database 11 SI1 is identified by the values entered in the two12following supplementary information fields, i.e. SI2 3 database occurrence database name and database occurrence 13 SI3 1 restarting of the exchange: 14 SI4 00 object performed the recovery program block 4 of thebyprevention: 2 database name 15 01 SI5 performed by theprevented user 1 transactions 16 FF SI6 no 2 significance disk updates prevented 3 database 17 SI7 occurrence 1 working before the change 18 ESIofstate 2 extent the exchange restart given by the user: 4 identifier of a full file 00 operation and maintenance unit not restarted 2 current working state CLGU: 01 operation and maintenance unit also restarted 01 FF EXT1 no significance 3 address of the computer where the change was 02 EXT2state 1 working before the change activated. 3 code loading type of the units given by the user: If the value of the fieldsignal is not an address, the value is 2 synchronisation 2 current current working state 00 optimal loading 0 01 total loading CLS: 3 address of the computer the recovery action 02 total loading diskwhere 1 working state of from the activated unit preceding the of 4 ID of family that activated the change. If the value 01 2M1 was activated. FF no significance switchover the 02 2M2 If the value of the field is not an address, the value is field is not a family ID, the value is 0 03 2M3 0 4 file loadingoftype of the units given by the the user: 2 condition the activated unit preceding 04 2M4 00 no significance switchover 5 ID of message thatOMI was used to activate the change. 05 FS1 1 number of active 4 family IDthe of the programchannel that activated the recovery 01 virtual in orderloading If the00 06 FS2 action. 02 immediate loading 01 faulty value of field is OMI not achannel message ID, the value is 0 2 number of the theof spare If the value the field is not a family ID, the value is TCSM: 0 5 type of unit restart by the user: 3 working state of thegiven deactivated unit caused preceding 6-8 theSI1 numbers first alarms that thethe 11 00 warm restart switchover change inSI2 the 12 5 ID of 01 hotmessage restart that was used to activate the working state. If the value of the field is not an alarm 13 SI3 recovery action. FF no significance 4 condition of the deactivated unit preceding the number, 14 SI4 If the value of the field is not a message ID, the value switchover the value is 0 is 0 15 SI5 00 16 in SI6order 01 faulty 6-8 17 theSI7 numbers of the first alarms that caused the 18 recovery ESI actions to be activated. If the value of the field is not CLGU: an alarm number, the value is 0 01 EXT1 The MTU Configuration File (MGKONF) is empty, or the TAPEDR has discovered that the units or the SCSI addresses written into the file do not correspond to the actual MTU Updating the control file of the command 1 error identifier configuration. calendar on another 00 update on disk 0 failed disk unit fails. 01 update on disk 1 failed Administrative user has logged into the network element. This alarm will occur if the user starts the replication from NX GUI. This alarm will occur if the user stops the replication from NX GUI. This alarm will occur if the initialization of the replication from the Live HLR has been finished. This alarm will occur if the NX/MVR internal database does not have enough space on the disk. The state of the background data in the BSC radio network has changed due to the background loading of the radio network plan or due to user action directed to the background data. The desired file operation has failed. The cause of the failure is not a hardware failure. The system has detected that the Q3 alarm upload is required. The need for Q3 alarm upload is determined by examining other active alarms or on the basis of detected fault situations, which The current synchronisation signal has been indicate that some alarms changed either with an may not have been sent to the OMC. MML command or automatically by the system. The unit has restarted. 2 identifier of the task in question 1 username of logged-in administrative user 3 error code received from the I/O system. You can 2 type of the session check its 0B MMI system session meaning with a command of the service terminal 0C service terminal session 1 the name of the HLR where the replication has been extension MRS 0D FTP session started or in General Error Messages of System 0F HTTP session 12 FTAM session 14 Q3 session 2 the IP address of the HLR 1 16 theEMT name of the HLR where the replication has been session stopped 19 Service terminal session in OSE unit 1B Transport Pipe session 2 the IP address of administrative the HLR 3 name where has logged 1 unit the name of the HLR where the user initialization has in been finished 4 unit index where administrative user has logged in 2 the IP address of the HLR 1 error code: 58d the file is write protected 64d the file is full 65d no space for the file on disk 1 the number of the alarm that generates the Q3 alarm 184d the file is marked bad upload request 185d the file is locked in BCD format. If the field value is FFFF, the alarm 10030d no such directory on disk number is not defined 1 index thecheck external synchronisation unit in You of can the meaning of otherplug-in error codes 0d...1d General Error Messages of System 2 the consecutive number of the alarm that generates the Q3 alarm 2 previous synchronisation first 8 characters of file signal name upload request. If the field value is FFFF, the 1 working state of the unit consecutive number 2M13 characters of file name extension 3 01 first is not defined 02 2M2 2 type of unit restart indicated by the initial loading 03 file 2M3 4 version number, 0 = default version program 3 not significant 04 2M4 block (e.g. BOLERO): 05 FS1 4 not significant 06 FS2 FF cold restart warmerror restart 5 00 general message of the system. You can check 3 current synchronisation signal hot restart its 01 meaning 02 restart withdiagnostic a command of the service terminal extension MRS 01 2M1 or in the 02 2M2 type of unit restart indicated by the state administration: General Error Messages of System. 03 2M3 If the field value is FFFFFFFF, the error message is not 04 2M4 AA not defined defined 05 FS1 The RAM test program of the computer has observed a malfunction in the RAM memory. 1 address of the faulty memory location 0...FFFFFFFF Parity error in the RAM of the computer. The parity supervision circuit of the CPU has detected the error. 1 address of location where the RAM test was being carried out when the error was detected The partner program block does not reply to the message sent to it within the specified time limit, or the received reply is erroneous. 1 A plug-in unit has restarted. The program block has been restarted. error code 01 no reply 02 identification of reply is erroneous 03 status of reply is erroneous 04 sequence number of reply is erroneous 1 type of plug-in unit See Diagnostics and Testing, Appendices, 2 family identifier of program block setting the alarm Maintenance Manual 3 unit message bus address of the partner program 2 index of plug-in unit 1 family identifier of the program block block 2 code 4 error family identifier of the partner program block 0d: program block has restarted successfully 131d: program block was notsent found 5 identifier of the message to the program partner program The MMI Manager (MMIMAN) has restarted an 1 family identifier of the restarted MML 132d: another program block of the same kind already block MML program. exists program block error 6 133d: subidentifier of thedeletion message sent to the partner 287d: program block has been deleted, or its creation program block The unit has not responded in the allotted time to failed a supervision program block has made a memory protection 7 302d: case-specific additional information message sent by the supervisory unit. error program block did notinformation answer the supervision 8 770d: case-specific additional message The maximum number of restarts set for a unit 771d: program block has acknowledged the supervision has been exceeded. message with a wrong state, i.e the program block is in wrong state The processor load rate exceeds the alarm limit 1 processor load percentage in relation torate the working state of the unit defined for the unit at 781d: state transition of the program block did not intervals of time defined for the unit. The alarm 2 interval in hundredths of a second succeed limit and the interval are defined in BSPARA file. 3 You identifier of theits most loading process. can code: check meaning General Error Messages The alarm informs that the value of the error 1 error identifies thein fault that increased the of System counter maintained by the counter thus 4 processor load rate percentage of the process operating system has increased. causing the alarm. You can check its meaning in identified by field 3. General Error Messages of System. In the test, the message bus interface (MBIF) has 1 message test identifier: 5 name of the bus process identified by field 3. been detected faulty 2 program block that increased the counter or EMB post office has been detected Ethernet 1 message sending does not succeed despite interface faulty. several attempts 3 value of the counter, i.e. amount of errors 2 time supervision of message receiving has The partner program block does not respond 1 family identifier of program block giving the alarm In the message bus interface (MBIF) test, the unit expired within the sends a message to 3 received test message differs from the one sent specified time to the message sent to it, or the 2 number of the message sent to the partner program itself both on the active and passive bus. It also 4 the transmission error counter of the MB has reply block or number of the received message checks the error been incremented is faulty. counters of the message buses, maintained by 5 the reception error counter of the MB has been 3 error code the operating system. incremented 01 no reply 6 time supervision of message sent with a group 02 identification of reply is faulty In the Ethernet interface (EMB), EPOFFI (EMB address has 03 status of reply is faulty Post Office Program Block) expired 04 sequence number of reply is faulty has been received incorrect frame and error 7 time supervision of message sent with a pair code. address has 4 number of missing reply messages expired 8 the supervision error counter of the MB has been incremented Errors detected in the state administration procedures of a program block. When activating a program block an error has been detected which occurred either when creating or activating the program block. The fault may cause disturbances in the system, particularly if a The warming of the program block has been program block creation error restarted. The rewarming is in question. may have been caused by one of the following: the thermometer (THERMO) has detected synchronization errors in the The warming up of a program block has failed. program block, the program The program block has not block has been reactivated, or its warming failed acknowledged the warmup command sent by the on the previous unit state administration occasion. program block (USAPRO), or has acknowledged The system has detected a serious error when it negatively. The fault can supervising the functioning lie in either the active or the spare unit. The of the program blocks of the unit. warming-up manager (WUPMAN) The alarm may have been caused by one of the can also be the detector of the fault. following: several program The requested service could not be carried out blocks have been restarted; or some critical due to the program block does not respond failure of process family resource (hands) to the supervision, or refuses to respond to a management. state transition command. A program block hastobeen restarted. The situation leads a restart of the unit. SCCP has detected at the signalling transfer point a signalling message whose transit is wanted to be prevented or of which an alarm needs to be issued. The configuration of the connectionless OSI network service (CLNS) If the transit message is destroyed, it may cause has failed. This can be caused by either the timedisturbance out of the timer in the function of the user parts of the signalling that controls the approval of the configuration, or The of a connectionless OSI network pointnumber that sent errors in the service (CLNS)Usage has exceeded the message. restrictions for transit configuration data. After a configuration failure, the maximum messages arevalue. usuallyThis set is probably due to a the system uses malfunction in the on exchanges thatOSI function on another operator's the default value attributes for connectionless network IS routing equipment. Connectionless interface. The exchange has received a User Part network services. network service can not Unavailable message (UPU). be used for 20 minutes, during which time it is This message informs the sending end of a not possible to signalling message that transfer routing data or user data. This is to the user part of the destination address is not The comparison ensure that the test of the switching network has available. observed clearing ofan theerror. number does not cause Depending on the unavailable user part (TUP The comparison test compares disturbances in other nodes, the incoming bit and ISUP) the telephone patterns with but it is possible that there will be some traffic and signalling traffic fail. In the case of the outgoing in bitthe patterns interruptions OSI in the connections of the SCCP, used switching services. network. services fail. The problem can be caused by - defective cabling - faulty power supply of the exchange - faulty plug-in unit of the switching network (SWSPS, SWCSM) - faulty control processor of switching network (SWCOP) 1 family identifier of program block 2 program block type in the family table of DXPARA 0 : normal program block <> 0 : program block is essential for unit functioning 3 error code of the recovery block 770d: program block did not answer the supervision 1 family identifier of the detector of the error message USAPRO (A0): the has detector of the errorthe is the state 771d: program block acknowledged supervision supervision THERMO detector the program error is the message(16B): with athe wrong state.ofThe block thermometer is in wrong state in relation to the working state If THERMO of the unit is the detector, a program block synchronization error in question. You canischeck the meaning of other error codes in General 1 of error 2 type identifier of theoffamily to be warmed Error Messages System. 00 error in program block supervision 01 error in the warming-up or synchronization of program blocks 1 ID of the system library service primitive that returned FAM_ID the error code. The field may have the following values: family identifier of the detector of the error 0: creation of hands FAM_ERR_CODE 1: creation of additional hands 1 error plug-in index:by the detector of the error, codeunit returned 2: reservation of hand presented 3: renewal of hand reservation .. : to control plug-inerror unit code according the general 4: expiry of hand reservation other values: line terminal plug-in unit 65535d: no significance 5: restart of hand 1 6: type of access rightgroup violation of the STP function deletion of hand 2 program block ID FAIL_COMP (cause code) message bus address of the unit where the error 2 error code returned by system library service primitive. 3 error code: occurred 01 sourceError pointMessages in question Seethe General of should Systemnot forsend error code FFFF: no significance signalling explanations 1 the name of the CLNS in the configuration 770d : program block used has not responded to messages to the destination point (the message has supervision message FAIL_FAM_ID been 3 type of reserved hand/handobservation to be reserved. 0 if not 2 family the type of the disturbance 771d : program has acknowledged supervision identifier of block the program block that made the transmitted) known 0 typewith data is not available message error 02 the source point in question is not allowed to send 1 FFFF: time-out ofstate, the timer wrong i.e. the program block is in the no significance signalling messages to the destination point (the 4 2number of reserved hand/hand to be reserved wrongan error during the configuration phase message 3 an error the to attribute setting phase state during in relation the unit's working state been 5 lifehas focus of destroyed the hand or sent back) 781d : failure in changing state of program block 03 the incoming link set in question should not be used 3 a287d general error code which the configuration : program block has tells beenwhy deleted, or its to 6 computer address of the customer 1 network of the creation has from which the UPU message came: send signalling messages to the destination point CLNS failed of the OSI failed. You can check its meaning in (the message hasnetwork been transmitted) 7 family ID of the customer network code General 302d : memory protection error by program block 04 the incoming link setnetwork in question is not to be used to 00 national Error Messages ofblock System 131d : program not found0 send 8 process ID of the customer 04 an identical national network 1 already exists program block 1 132d PCM: line of the outgoing circuit signalling to thenetwork destination point (the 08: errormessages 0 133d ininternational deleting program block message 9 life focus of the customer 0C international network 1 2 timebeen slot of the outgoing circuit has destroyed or sent back) 05 the pointer of the global title in the calling party 3 PCM line of the incoming circuit address 2 header code of message global title is not permitted (the message has been 4 time slot oforthe incoming circuit destroyed sent back)received 3 destination point code in message, 06 no analysis can be found for the root of the calling indicating 5 incoming bit pattern partythe destination point of the unavailable user part address global title (the message has been 6 outgoing bit pattern destroyed 4 user or part identifier received in the user_part_info of sent back) the message, indicating the unavailable user part in the 2 destination point signalling network, which can get the destination point (3rd supplementary information, following values: This alarm indicates a temporary defect in the switch control memory. There is a difference between the data of the switch control memory and the data of the switching file. The switch control processor (SWPRO or SWCOP) has not acknowledged the The problem can be caused by supervision message sent by the supervising unit - defective cabling within the specified - faulty power supply of the exchange time limit. The alarm informs - faulty plug-in unit of of an theerroneous switching switch networkcontrol processor (SWCSM) (SWCOP or SWPRO) restart. - faulty control processor of switching network (SWCOP) 1 PCM line of the outgoing circuit 2 time slot of the outgoing circuit The switching data of a semipermanent multichannel connection is erroneous. The data in the files (SMWIBA/SMMUPO - HNCONN/LICONF) is inconsistent. The Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) of the common channel signalling system has detected an error in the management of a transaction. The SCCP has received a message from the network. transaction has been The message's interrupted due to this error. destination is an unknown subsystem. The disturbance has no effect on other transactions. The SMUX plug-in unit test has detected a fault in the plug-in unit. The test is to check that the SMUX plug-in unit multiplexes the 16 kbit/s channels correctly to the 64 kbit/s The comparing test of the switching network channel. (GSWB) has detected an error. The comparing test compares the bit The test is carried out in the switching network by pattern created in the branching switching network by the switchings in the The datatoofand the leaving switching network time switching slots, coming from the SMUX, network to the control memory and the to the SWCOP, bit pattern leaving the switching network. incoming connections filebit is different. and by checking that the pattern contained in the time slots is correct. Failure in the updating of the partner unit or 1 3 PCM line of the incoming circuit in the control 1 type of the controller of GSW. memory received. 4 time slot of the incoming circuit in the control 2 index of the controller of GSW. memory 1 type of the controller of GSW restarted 5 PCM line of the incoming circuit in the reserve table 2 index of the controller of GSW 6 time slot of the incoming circuit in the reserve table type of connection (point-to-point connection PTP/point-to-multipoint connection PTM) 00 multichannel connection between two external 1 type of the error. It can have the following values: PCM circuits 01 multichannel multipoint connection between 01 beginning the transaction has failed in the user's external PCM end, circuits TCAP has not located the SCCP computer unit 1 type of the SCCP message that has an unknown 02 beginning the transaction has failed in the network subsystem as its 2 the connection's incoming PCM circuit, from because the TCAP user has not stated the version of destination. It can have the following values: SMWIBA/SMMUPO TCAP to be used 03 beginning of the transaction has failed in the 01 the CRconnection's Connection Request 3 incoming 1 index of SMUX plug-in unittime slot, from network 02 CC Connection Confirm SMWIBA/SMMUPO for unknown reasons 03 CREF Connection Refused 2 04 PCM circuit coming to SMUX plug-in unitthe hand's transaction has ended abnormally with RLSD Released 4 04the incorrect information, in the HNCONN/LICONF time-out 05 RLC Release Complete files, 3 05 of incoming time slot transaction has ended abnormally for 1 06the outgoing circuit (corresponds to aunknown 4 Mbit/s DT1 DataPCM Form 1 connection's incoming PCM circuit reasons circuit group) 07 DT2 Data Form 2 4 06 PCM circuit outgoingto from plug-in sending a message theSMUX user has failedunit AKincorrect Data Acknowledgement 5 08the information, in the HNCONN/LICONF 07 sending a message to the SCCP has 2 PCM circuit's 8 kbit/s channelfailed 09 outgoing UDT Unitdata files, 5 08 of outgoing slot operationtime automatons have been used up UDTS Unitdata Service connection's incoming time slot to a 4 Mbit/s 1 0Athe outgoing PCM circuit (corresponds 3 0B incoming PCM circuit (corresponds to a 4 Mbit/s ED Expedited Data circuit group) 6-9 four consecutive bit patterns coming 2 computer address ofsamples the partyofthat requested the to circuit group) 0C the EAconnection's Expedited Data Acknowledgement 6 outgoing PCM circuit SMUX plug-in unit. service RSR Reset Request 2 0D outgoing PCM circuit's 8 kbit/s channel 4 PCM circuit's 8 kbit/s channel 0E incoming RSC Reset Confirm 7 the connection's outgoing time bit slot 10-13 four consecutive samples patterns departing 3 family identifier of thethe party thatofrequested service 1 0F family identifierData of program block thatthe detected ERR Protocol Unit Error 3 incoming PCM circuit in the control memory from another unit to be 5 incoming bit Test pattern IT failure Inactivity 8 10the error code: SMUX plug-in unit. process identifier of the party that requested the updated (M, SSU). The file has not been updated 4 11 XUDT Extended Unitdata 4 incoming PCM circuit channel in the control memory service in the unit which 2 number of the message which caused the updating 6 12 outgoing bit pattern XUDTS Extended Unitdata Service 01 connection is missing from HNCONN received the updating input, either. 13 LUDT Long Unitdata 02 connection is missing from LICONF A file modification made in the Central Memory 1 life number ofofthe message that updating 5 incoming PCM circuit thecaused incoming focus the party thatin requested the connections service 3 14 unit to be updated LUDTS Long Unitdata Service has not been file updated onto disk. The data of the file on the disk 2 error codenumber returnedinby the file update (general error 6 the DX Thebe log contains 4 reference error code returned byhave thelog. unit updated 2 network indicator. It can theinto following values: does not message of the system). See General Messages 6 incoming PCM circuit channel theError incoming additional 16d REQMAN does not reply to the disk update correspond to the data in the Central Memory. of System file connections onbefore the error. If the reference number is A program block of the common channel 1 information error code inquiry time-out 00 international network 0 for error code explanations not used in the log, the value of the field is zero signalling system has detected 01 value of data exceeds file error 04106d international network 1 the accepted range an error in the working file of the MTP routing. recordnetwork data are0 in conflict 0802 national 03national value of stored 1data is in conflict with new value 0C network 3 file number received for that point data code 3 4 destination offset from the beginning of the file 2 file number 4 number of the destination subsystem unknown to SCCP. If the 3 message record that number is to be routed does not contain a subsystem number, 4 thesubrecord number field's value is FF 5 originating point code There is not enough processor time for all processes that are fit for running. The operating system kernel has temporarily increased the priority of those processes that have not received A signalling link has failed and changed state running time for from IN SERVICE to some time. The processor has a 100 % utilization OUT OF SERVICE, or its initial alignment attempt rate. has failed. If this signalling link is the only one in the signalling link A lightweight within family has or The situation hand results fromaaprocess computer overload set, the system been a faultrunning in somefor sets also alarm 2070, LINK SET UNAVAILABLE. a period of time that exceeds the limit defined in processes. If there is an alternative the parameter signalling link available in the link set, the system file. The other hands in the family have been The free stack size of the process mentioned in performs a waiting for their the changeover. In this case the signal transmission turn to run. The running of the hand identified in supplementary capacity is also information of this alarm is below the supplementary the threshold decreased. information of the alarm is stopped and the next of 128 bytes. If it continues, the situation may A process, specified hand is allowed to in the supplementary disturb the information of this run, so as not to disturb the functioning of the functioning of the computer. alarm, has caused other hands in the an exception and, as a result, the process has family. been frozen. The exception may result from a A process, defined in the supplementary software or usually results from a fault in the The situation information fields of this hardware fault. functioning ofsituation where it is impossible to alarm, is in a a hand. continue The recovery from the freezing of a process may execution. The process is stopped on purpose. The number of free hands of a hand type in a require The fault situation process familyactions, for instance a process maintenance is usually a result of erroneous packaging or (indicated restart or ain the supplementary information fields functioning. of this computer switchover. alarm) has dropped below the supervision The system detected error maintenance, in a Stopping thehas process mayan require threshold during semaphore routine of for example,handling a the measurement period. the operating system kernel. The error may process restart. disturb the functioning If there are no free hands of a certain hand type, of the erroneous application or the co-operation All local descriptor table slots for the process thatthe type of applications. family's of hands cannot be reserved, and this may thus dynamic use are reserved and the reservation of disturb the a new slot of the computer. functioning has failed. The error disturbs the functioning of A process has called a buffer handling routine the process with an incorrect family and thus possibly the functioning of the buffer handle. A typical situation is a failure in the whole computer. release of the buffer, so that the buffer remains occupied by Reading traffic data from the that statistical The fault of may be in packaging, is, an unit, or the process. back-up insufficient number of copying fielddescriptor reporting table files, slots has temporarily dynamicof local in failed due towith the comparison a fault, or of statistics or the I/O number ofoverloading hand arereport reserved a The output of theprocesses regular field has for failed system. family. The fault because the I/O The next regular or intermediate report may may also in software, too many system is be overloaded, thethat I/O is, device is notslots in therefore contain are reserved. order, the logical information that is inexact. output file used to print the report is not properly The process family indicated in the connected supplementary information to the I/O device, buffer memory for making the fields of this alarm report cannot be is not always the one whose descriptor reserved, or a field reporting file cannot be table is full, because some operating system opened. routines handle tables other than the process family's own local descriptor table. This is especially the case when the family identifier is 108. 1 id number of the processor whose load was disturbingly high. 2 number of processes whose priority was increased by the 1 signalling link number operating system during the last inspection of the ready-to-run 2 signalling link error code queue. 01 stop command received 1 of the where scheduling was 3 identifier the identifier of family the family thatforced preceded the process 02 erroneous BSN received repeatedly executed with 03 erroneous FIB received repeatedly highest priority among the processes whose priority 04 error ratio too high 2 wasprocess identifier of the hand whose running was 05 acknowledgement delay too long stopped in the of queue for processes for stack running. 1 increased family identifier the unsuccessful process whosefit free size is 06 initial alignment Fields below the limit. Fields 1, 2 and 3 consist of the 07 congestion too long 3 3 and focus of the the process identifier the hand whose 4 contain identifier of theoffamily in full. complete 08 SIO received when one is not expected running identifier the process in one question 09 SINofreceived when is not expected stopped 4 was process identifier, see description in field 3. 0A SIE received when one notcaused expected 1 family identifier of the processisthat an 2 identifier of the process which set the expected disturbance, see 0B SIOS received when one is not exception 4 length period, inidentified seconds,inthat the3hand was 5 description priorityof ofthe the process fields and field 1 when one is not expected4. 0C SIPOinreceived running 0D SIB received one is not 2 process identifier ofwhen the process thatexpected caused an 6 of aprocess, family that 3 identifier focus of the seewas fieldfit1for running during the exception whole 1 family identifier the process was stopped 3 number of theofsignalling linkthat terminal inspection period, although it received processor 4 of the free stack size 3 type of exception. Possible values are: time 2 identifier of the process stopped 4 process number of the logical signallingthat linkwas terminal during the in period. If the size disturbance occurred because 5 decrease free stack was detected because: 00 division by zero of 3 thenumber fault was noticed by: PCM circuit 5 of the internal 1 identifier 04afamily overflow process, this process is the probable cause of 1 looped ESP value was below the threshold 05 segmentation fault the 01 LIBGEN library 2 hand values other than zero were detected in the lowest 6 number of the external 2 type identifier 06disturbance. invalid operation code PCM circuit 02 128 code produced by the TNSDL translator bytes of the stack 07 parallel processor missing 03 Launcher (i.e. the Program starter and supervisor 7 previous working state of signalling terminal: 3 minimum percentage of hands in alink given hand 08 double fault Fields 6identifier and 7 contain thefree family identifier in full. 1 family of the process that called the routine in Linux type 09 faulty segment reference in parallel processor where00an computer units) IDLE the supervision period 0Aduring invalid Stateprocess Segment If there isTask no such in the queue for processes error was detected 01 OUT OF SERVICE 0B segment not present fit 4 cause of the failure. Values set by system program 02 MONITORING 4 supervision limitidentifier percentage 0C stack exception for running, the is FFFF that FFFF 2 process identifier of the process called the routine library: 03 WAIT FORofFISU 1 family identifier theerror process that called the routine 0D general protection where04anNOT ALIGNED an error wasof detected 5 minimum number free hands in in a given 0E page fault 7 where process identifier, see field 6hand type error detected 01 master calling fordescription stopping 05 was ALIGNED during 10 error in parallel processor 02 FAMILY_SERVICES_IN_USE attribute missing 06 PROVING 2 the process of the process that called the supervision period FF exception not found in the logdetected. 8 ofidentifier the process identified in fields 6The and 7.routine If 3 priority error code describing the error possible 03 error in buffered message reception 07 LOOP CHECK where an error was detected there 1 family identifierfamily of the READY process that called the routine values 04 incorrect generation 08are: ALIGNED/NOT 6 ofprocess free hands inisa the given hand type at theis end isnumber noan such (that process identifier where 05 no more LDT slots 09 ALIGNED/READY 3 selector part ofexception the call return address of 4 of the address. FFFF FFFF) error was detected 257d error in semaphore name 06 saving the message failed 0A IN SERVICE the supervision period If the value 3use is FF, field has no significance value is of 0 field 258d attempt to thethis semaphore 07 numbers of hand types not valid in a way not 0B EMPTYING 4 offset part of the call return address 2 process identifier of the process that called the routine allowed by 08 hand initialization failed 0C file UPPER LEVEL OUTAGE 1 number: 5 offset of the exception address. 9 tentative return address code segment selector, where where an protection 09 incorrect user for the routine lib_TNSDL_stop_r 0D value LOCAL PROCESSOR OUTAGE the of field 3 is FF, this field has no significance theIf process error was detected 259d illegal attempt tosubscriber initialize the semaphore 0A incorrect user for=the routine lib_TNSDL_create_r 0E5C0000 REMOTE PROCESSOR OUTAGE =the FACILI facilities (indentified by fields 6 and 7) was executing. 260d ENTER_REGION routine call incounters a critical area 0B incorrect user for the lib_receive_msg_r 0F4B0000 BOTH PROCESSORS OUTAGE = SERLEV = service grade 3 selector part of the call MIN_FREE_TIME return address 261d EXIT_REGION routine call outside a critical 0C parameter error, 105940000 INTERNAL LOOP TEST NORELC = service gradereturn clear code Fields 9 andgiven 10= identify tentative function 1 error by I/OSTART_PTR system. area 0D parameter error, 11 code EXTERNAL LOOP TEST counters address, a code 4 offset part of the error, call return address 0E 5930000 parameter TRANSITION_PTR =the DERELC = was service grade counters by address where process executing during cpu General error message of the system. Youfor can check 4 selector part of the call return address 0F internal error in reserving data area clear code group time supervision. its meaning lightweight hand = ACGAPP = service number counters 6500000 in the General Error System 5 offset part of the call return 10 internal error inMessages savingaddress theofstack If the value of the fields 6 and 7 are FFFF FFFF, this 2 code: field haserror no 2 Values observation set bytype: Launcher: significance. Also in near function calls it might not be 1d reading of traffic data failed possible 0020subscriber facilities (FAC) no response to supervision messages 2d back-up failed to identify the(RES) codecopying segment of the process or library. 01 restarts 02 all grade data (SER) Values setcan by of theservice TNSDL translator: You check the meaning other error codes in 1003 tentative return address offset ofofthe process intelligent network (IN) services (ACG) General (indentified 0480number ofcalled calls in the exchange (TRF) master for STOP statement Error Messages ofexecuting. System by81 fields 6codes and 7) was 05 clear all calls (CLR)routine overflow inofuser's encode 06 clear codes of one outgoing number destination The traffic measurement report output on the I/O 1 measurement type device used for printing the report has failed. CGR CIRCUIT GROUPS DEST DESTINATIONS CNTL CONTROL UNITS A message to be received is longer than the area 1 family identifier of the process that received a message SUBS SUBSCRIBERS reserved for to TCAT TRAFFIC CATEGORIES message reception, therefore, receiving the an insufficient reception area BS CELLS message to the SMO SUBSCRIBER MODULES process data area was only partially successful. 2 process identifier of the process that received a The forming or outputting of signalling 1 ANN the lost ANNOUNCEMENT report: CHANNELS message to measurement report CTD CIRCUIT GROUP TO DESTINATION If the process does not check whether message an insufficient reception area in the defined device has failed. The reason may 01 LINK TO AVAILABILITY DTDSIGNALLING DESTINATION DESTINATION reception was be in the 02 LINK PERFORMANCE VANSIGNALLING VOICE ANNOUNCEMENT successful, the process may erroneously read 3 message length definition of the logical file used in the outputting 03 SIGNALLING LINK UTILIZATION REMOTE The receiving of line signals is overloaded. 1 RSS plug-in unit typeSUBSCRIBER STAGE information in the of the 04 POINT STATUS BCHSIGNALLING BEARER CHANNELS data area outside the reception area as the end 4 message sender's computer report, or in the switching, or the reason may be 05 SIGNALLING LINK SET AND ROUTE SET 2 plug-in unit index part of the message, the wrong AVAILABILITY 2 error code 154d is output to this field, if no reply to and interpret that data according to message 5 message sender's family identifier operating state or overload of one of the I/O06 report SIF AND SIOrequest OCTETS HANDLED WITH output is received from the RFGPRB 3 theerror code structure. The recovery 1 error code which devices whichsystem has deleted the trial SIGNALLING POINTindicates the reason for deleting the program 0 the buffer of the signalidentifier receiver in the LST plug-in 6 message sender's process configuration, trial07 the logical file because in question is linked with. SIF AND SIO OCTETS HANDLED WITH SIO unitblock. Otherwise, any of the error codes returned by the a) in connection with the latest OMU restart, configuration. You OCTETS can checkHANDLED its meaning in General 08 SIF AND SIO WITH OPC, said is fullnumber 7 message automatic return Error DPC AND SIO program block is output. You can check their meaning changed the software build to another because of in General Messages System. SCCP of SIGNALLING METERS File loading has been interrupted due to recurring 1 09 general message ofPOINT the buffer system. can check 1 theerror LSPPGM message forYou received signals a fault situation 0A SCCP SUBSYSTEM METERS Error Messages of System errors. itsfull meaning with is or 0B SCCP LOCAL SUBSYSTEM The unit is restarted to recover from the errors. a command of the service terminalAVAILABILITY extension MRS or in b) a system restart occurred in a situation where 0C SCCP SINGLE METERS General 2 Error the LSPPGM message buffer for supervision the OMU (non-redundant) 0D TC PERFORMANCE AND UTILIZATION Messages of System messages The 1 0E error code: was alarm not in is theissued trial when CCRECE receives TRANSMITTED AND RECEIVED FRAMES AND is full from a signalling link OCTETS ONof the family that detected the error 2 identifier a message which it cannot distribute to the user 01 PCMCON file access error D-CHANNEL USAPRO (A0): errorbuffer detected by unit state 3 the message modules part concerned. COSPPC file accessbetween error theSTATISTICAL 0F02D-CHANNEL MISCELLANEOUS administration (RTC85-LSPREC) of the LSPPGM is full 03 CIINTA file access error METERS An erroneous signalling message has been 1 FEMSER error detected in signalling (2A3): error detectedmessage by file server for 10 Q.921 ERROR METERS received from a plug-in unit. memory files all of theservice filteringinformation time counters LSPPGM are in 2 11 4value octetof(SIO) of received TC TRANSACTION METERS There is a failure or a disturbance in the plug-in uselnx-dxfile-loader 01 signalling (705): message isdetected too long by Linux file error message 20signalling LINK INTERVAL LOG unit, or the 02SIGNALLING service information octet is faulty loader 21 MTP SIGNALLING POINT INTERVAL LOGmanager content of the signalling message sent by the The error may also be detected by a database 5value the buffer forcode received signals in the The free dynamic LDT slot count of a process 1 family identifier of the process whose free dynamic 3 22 ofmessage destination point of received SCCP SIGNALLING POINT INTERVAL LOG partner exchange is 2 type of plug-in unitunit is full AS7_U plug-in indicated in the LDT slot countSEGMENTATION signalling message 23 SCCP REASSEMBLY faulty. The incoming signalling message is message bus address of the AND computer where the failed supplementary information fields of this alarm is 3 is below the limit ERRORS INTERVAL LOG deleted, and if the 3 loading indexwas of plug-in unit executed below the 4 24 value of originating point code of received TC INTERVAL LOG disturbance is caused by a faulty signalling supervision limit indicated by the process. 2 25 number of GT family's free dynamic LDT slotsLOG signalling message SCCP TRANSLATION ERRORS The delaythe buffer 1 plug-in unit typeof signalling terminal terminal, call of a plug-in unit is full. 4 load logical number group source Messages are deleted of a single call can be setup or call termination 01 memory limit The fault may be in packaging, that is, an 3 supervision 5 ofunit signalling selection ofif received 2 thevalue value will information belink output inoctet thefield field RFGPRB when the delay buffer is in use, so that the 2 plug-in index affected. 5 02 value service (SIO) of received disk of154d insufficient number of signalling message program block gives no answer to the output request of signalling traffic is signalling message dynamic local descriptor table slots in 4 the supervision interval insome seconds report. Otherwise other general error code disturbed. The overflow situation may be caused 3 logical number of signalling terminal 5 load type The family indicated 1 family identifier comparison with the in the supplementary 6 the value of the circuit identification code field of will by overload or a 6 01 value ofloading destination point code of received virtual information fieldsprocesses of this number of hand are reserved for a such be output. You can check the meaning of error codes failure in the plug-in unit. The alarm is issued signalling message 02 immediate loading alarm the supervision limit set to 2 family's memory use percentage observed by the field, family.has Theexceeded fault a received signalling message that contains with when there its memory supervision may also beuse. in software, that is, too many slots e.g. a command of the service terminal extension is a changeover or controlled rerouting. 7 value of originating point code of received MRS or in 6 load group During start up, the system allocates memory are reserved or the signalling messages the TUP and ISUP user General Error Messages of of System in customer The amount of free memory in the computer is 1 size of the biggest free buffer signalling message areas to the family 3 supervision limit percentage the supervision limit is set to be unnecessarily parts documentation. below the alarm limit 7 identifier of the file whose loading failed based on maximum memory use rate in normal high. such used In in supervision. 2 alarm limit used in supervision 8 value of link selection fieldfamily of received functions. 4 memory, in signalling kilobytes bytes, allocated to label the the case the slot count may fall below the limit even 7-9 next three after the user in theat signalling signalling message The system also supervises that this limit is not time of the supervision. If itthe exceeds 64 MB, the value is in normal operation. message received from signalling link If the computer runs out of free memory, memory 3 total free memory amount exceeded. FFFF allocation fails the limit the is exceeded, this slot alarm is set off.below In case dynamic LTD count falls and may disturb the functioning of the computer. 4 total memory amount in memory administration 5 free memory, in kilo bytes, at the time of the the supervision limit, Memory use of process families is supervised supervision. itThe is highly probable that the number of slots has size of the largest unified memory area is because a faulty family If it exceeds 64 MB, the value is FFFF been significantly used as the free may reserve athe lot reason of memory andshould thus prevent reduced, and for this be memory amount, as its size is more in other 6 memory, in kilo bytes, allocated to the family at the clarified accordance with the available processes from reserving memory. The failure to end of the supervision period. If it exceeds 64 MB, the immediately. free memory amount than the total free memory reserve memory value amount. disturbs the functioning the dynamic processes andslots the is FFFF When the family has no of more LDT The number of free buffer headers is below the alarm limit used in supervision. This indicates an increased risk of running out of free buffer headers. When there are no more The message queue of the process has reached free buffer headers its defined maximum the computer must be restarted. length and the message sent to the process is deleted. The fault may be in packaging or software, The number ofinsufficient traps exceeds the alarm limit resulting in an during overall number of buffer headers or one of the the supervision process familiesinterval. reserving too many headers. It is also possible Traps are produced limit whenhas thebeen program uses that supervision setresponding to be an The the file system program block is not insufficient or faulty memory unnecessarily high, to a message within or, for example, faulty isaddtional plug-in unit. in case analimit alarm too early. thewhich allowed time or itsset answer is erroneous. Traps do not usually disturb the functioning of the If the program program producing block has not answered the message within the A process failedindicate to reserve a buffer because them, but they a disturbance either inthe the allowed time limit, buffer size software or hardware, there may be discrepancies between files in the requested the process is larger in the data by that the program uses. Ifthan the the fault is units. largest related free to hardware, buffer. the system other alarms well. Some of thenormally countersgives or logs of the SS7as statistics 1 number of free buffer headers 2 alarm limit used in supervision 3 total number of buffer headers 1 family identifier of the process whose message queue is full 2 process identifier of the process whose message queue is full 1 number of traps during supervision interval 3 sender computer of the deleted message 2 alarm limit used in supervision 4 sender family identifier of the deleted message 3 identifier of the family that caused the latest trap 1 location unit type of the partner program block 5 sender process identifier of the deleted message 4 identifier of the process that caused the latest trap 2 location unit index of the partner program block 6 deleted message number 5 register's CS value at the moment of the latest trap 3 family identifier of the partner program block 1 family identifier of the process whose buffer detection reservation 4 number of the message sent to the partner program 6 failed register's EIP value at the moment of the latest trap block detection 2 process identifier of the process whose buffer 1 of counters lost: 5 type number of the fileorinlogs connection to which the error was reservation failed are not reported, detected. Buffer reservation failure may prevent the The address formed byorCS EIP in is question an because the counters logand events 01 MTP counters If the value is FFFFFFFF, the file number cannot be execution of a the program 3 requested buffer size address where are lost from the 02 SCCP/TC counters identified task or make slower. execution wasit when the trap was detected, that files. 03 MTP interval logs Functioning of a program block in a preprocessor 4 largest free buffer is, the address 04 SCCP/TC intervalbylogs 6 error code returned the partner program block. is not normal. program's general execution area describes If the alarmthe concerns counter reporting, the You can check its meaning in the General Error Either start-up of the program block has failed or 5 total amount of free memory rather than a 30-minute following two 2 file number of the counter or log file whose counters or Messages of System. the program specific addressing area. freezing memory periods have passedexecution during the report logs block does not send an answer to the supervision A preprocessor has restarted spontaneously or 1 were type not of the restarted preprocessor unit outputting, and thus reported. If the file numberplug-in is not available, the message. executed by the the counters of the first reporting period are lost. value of the field is FFFFFFFF supervision program block due to fault. If the 2 index of the restarted preprocessor plug-in unit The counters of preprocessor is equipped the freezing period in question will not be into a unit which working state is WO-EX, the 3 reset initiator included the following Statisticsto measure the ratio between failed 1-8 SCP global title: restart causes 00 spontaneous, not executed by the supervision reporting period. transactions and all there are two digits in each byte. If there is an odd disturbance to the function of the unit. 01 executed by the supervision program block due to transactions between the SCP and the SSP. The number of digits, the meaningless digit is FH and the fault If the alarm concerns reporting of interval logs, measurement is performed rest FFH (e.g. the global title 123 is printed the 5-minute period finished before on the global freezing titles of the SCPhas with the MML 12 3F FF FF FF FF FF FF). The transmit buffer of SAAL, which is maintained 1 external interface identifier of the signalling link 4 the number of restarts the log events command TDC.of the by the SSCOP layer, previous 5-minute period are reported. In this 9 the number of all transactions in SCP has filled Signalling units, which are 2 the virtual path identifier of the signalling link case, the up. log eventsfailed in message If the ratio between transactions and the during the observation period sent to SAAL, are question are not total number of reported, but they are available lost. SAALcommands. is able to handle normally only MTP-3 3 the virtual channel identifier of the signalling link with MML An actor has exceeds failed to a register to the DMX family identifier of anthat actor that has transactions given limit atactive the end of a 1 10 thethe value of the error ratio caused thefailed alarm management messages. supervision. to register to the supervision period, and the The signalling message transfer of concerned 4 number of signalling units in transmit buffer total number of transactions does not exceed a signalling link is It is possible thatthis the supervision data table has given limit, then disturbed. This situation may be caused by the filled up. Thisfor the global title defined is printed. disturbance A critical actor for the functioning of the unit has congestion in the means that the actor supervisor (SVATOR) failed. signalling data transfer or failure in the SSCOP cannot take more This function has, actors in thee.g. class 9 of thewhich parameter This of actors are QXFPRB, layerkind of SAAL. under the active supervision. The problem has no file, the parameters activates recovery The alarmthe may appear in the signalling link effect on theperiod (15), error ratio alarm limit observation functions andsituations. DAQTOR, which takes care of changeover actor supervision (14), and limit actors. for already activated. starting other the total number of transactions (13). Apart from the active supervision, all actors are Actor Supervisor (SVATOR) stops to feed the supervised watchdog feeder actor passively, i.e. exceptions made by the actors are and this will cause a unit restart. always noticed. If the actor is not supervised actively, the erroneous behaving (e.g. infinite loops) or the total stopping of the Working state data in the memory of the supervised unit is different from the working state data of the supervised unit in the memory of the supervising unit. The system detects this The phase advance setting of a rack has either divergence by itself been changed and begins the actions in order to correct the to default value or updated according to the problem. phase advance measurement result. Handling measurement definition This data of divergence can be causedfile by has message failed. be a transferThere errorsmay during If the default phase advance value was taken into temporary overload the I/O-system. the distribution of theinworking states toThe functional use, the changes, which have possibly units. It may functional units of the rack which are located far been made have not been updated theitfile. cause malfunctioning of the system,toand slows Outputting the statistical measurement report has enough The measurement continues down or may even failed. The report of may have synchronization from the main clock using thethe changed parameters, but in a in possible prevent automatic recovery actions the the measurement, which has caused the alarm problems with restart situation system. may disappear if the the basic timingor, signals. the system will continue the measurement using measurement report is output, the data in it may Data writing via the VDS device has failed. The the old parameters. be faulty. Theadvance third value of the rack was If the phase report of the that measurement This means the schedule of the and fourth supplementary information fields show updated when some that has caused thenot alarm may disappear. The measurement may be correct. the reasonunits for the functional had synchronization problems, second and third supplementary failure. the information fields show the reason for the failure. The third and fourth supplementary information The supervision of the functional is work not synchronization after the updatingunit(s) should fields show functioning better. This because of the reason for the failure. a problem, orwhen the supervision is of the is technical the case especially the difference stopped by the user old and for a phase specialadvance reason. value If the supervision is stopped new is big enough. If the The program block of the user management by the user, difference was (URMANA) has failed the system starts it automatically after a while (in only a fewthe measurement updating updating validity timesunits, of thethe MMI users' may less than one hour). have no passwords. effects on the basic distribution of The validity times of timing the passwords remain Report onofunits SCCP disturbances. The lack supervision does not prevent normal functional unchanged. operation in the rack.of the system, but it slows down or may even prevent the automatic recovery actions of the unsupervised unit. disturbances of the SCCP Report on the analysis 1 working state of the supervised unit in the memory of the system maintenance unit 2 working state of the supervised unit in the unit's own 1 reason for phase update made: memory 00 default phase advance was taken into use because phase advance setting according to automatic phase advance measurement is not possible due to 1 measurement identifier. You can check its meaning by measurement result changing all the time. The using the MML reason command T2C. of measurement failure is typically the last rack where the timing bus is terminated. If the CLAB units 2 measurements object list identifier (from 1 to 999). You 1 measurement identifier of thepower You can check its of the last rack are without or plug-in can check meaning unitsby of CLAB are removed, the automatic phase its meaning by using the MML command T2C. using the MML command T2C. advance measurement fails 3 failed task: 01 phase advance was The difference 1measurement of updated. the report. You can check its 01 Writing ofidentifier measurement definition file failed 2 measurements object list identifier (from 1 to 999). You between the meaning by 02 Passifying of measurement definition file failed can check phase advance value used using the MML command T2C. and measurement value its meaning by using the MML command T2C. was 4specified reason for the error case shown in the third too big and updating was needed. The phase supplementary 1 failureisreason: ERROR_CASE: advance 2 the reason forThis dataiswriting to fail: information field. a general error message of the updated after maintenance concerning the 01 Error intypically I/O system. system. 01 User has stopped the unit supervision thetiming reason for outputting of reportphase failed:advance was in signals orfrom when default 02 Nocheck response I/Owith system You can its meaning astopped command of theof service 02 Unit supervision has been because a 01 Buffer allocation failed use due to automatic phase advance measurement 03 Memory allocation failed terminal technical problem 02 No data writing service provider problems 1 reason MRS for failure the password time extension (see of Service Terminalvalidity Essentials, 03 Error with data writing service provider updating Maintenance Manual) functional unit whose supervision has been stopped: 2 old phase value inadvance writing of memory file Messages 3specified for the error caseError shown in the second or 01 fromerror thereason document thethe General of 02 error in writing of the disk file supplementary System, 0xFFFF Supervision of allsupplementary units stopped 3specified reason whenfailed the third 3 newcreation phase advance 03 of hand information This is value a general error message Supplementary References 1 identifier field. of disturbance. Possible values are: of the information field has system. phys_address_t Physical address of theofunit value 03. This is a general error message the whose system. You check its meaning with a command of the service 01can releasing supervision has connection failed, as no You can terminal acknowledgement has been been stopped or technical problem prevents check its meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS (see Service Terminal Essentials, received the extension 1 error code. Possible values are: Maintenance Manual) 02 (see abnormal release of the time supervision to connection, this unit. MRS Service Terminal Essentials, Maintenance global title or from the document the General Error Messages of supervision of the Manual) or from translation. The global title analysis was not 01 unknown nature of address indicator. There is no System, passive receiving has expired the document General time Error(IAR) Messages of System, completed because analysis Supplementary 03 abnormal References. release of connection, erroneous IT Supplementary the analysed number was not found in the for this nature of address indicator in the GANFIL Report on the output disturbances of the SCCP 1 error code. Possible values are: message References. analysis data. The alarm global title 04 abnormal release of connection, time supervision of may have some effect on the traffic capacity of 02 unknown numbering plan. There is no analysis for translation. The results output record of the record number formed as a result of global title the01 hand the system. this global title translation translation has expiredcauses a file access error when trying to A message that contains the global title in numbering plan in the GANFIL contains incorrect information or global title form an address to the Global Title Result failed, theTranslation time supervision The amount 1 05 sizeestablishing of messageconnection buffers in the message size class question will of notfree getmessage buffer memory in modification cannot be File (GTRFIL) of the one size class in which is to itsmessage destination. 03 unknown translation type. There is no analysis for done to the existing global title number. The connection establishment (CONN_EST) has expired the computer is below the alarm limit used in thisrunning out of message buffers alarm may have an effect 02 global title failed, contains 06 translation establishingofconnection as an theunknown local supervision. The alarm translation type in the GANFIL to the traffic capacity of the system. A message destination point code subsystem has limit is usually set so low that the alarm indicates 2 number of messages allocated in the message size Database dumping index; this is still requiredrequest in some database that contains the has not been successful for a 1 database not responded to the connection a critical class 04 unknowneven encoding scheme. There is noisanalysis long time to applications though thecontains current trend that the for global titledue in question will not get to its 03 translation of global title an unknown 07 subsystem does not respond to local sending reduction in the amount of free message buffers. this a high transaction load and the age of the disk database is identified by no thecounterpart values entered in the destination. subsystem number local of subsystem has 3 08 number free messages the message size class encoding scheme in the in GANFIL copy has reached two followinga supplementary information fields, i.e. 09 sending signalling message to the subsystem When there are no free message buffers, its maximum limit. The dumping is now started database name and database occurrence 04 translation of global title contains a reference to a fails, as the reservation of a message fails 05 unknown global title indicator. There is no analysis with an option to record of the Global Title Modification File (GTMFIL). subsystem has not enrolled for the service and this may disturb the functioning of the for prevent transactions when overloading occurs. 2 0A database name When modifying thetoglobal title using sending message user has failed the values of computer. this global title indicator in the GANFIL This strategy is this0B sending message to MTP has failed followed until the dumping is completed 3 0C number ofthe database record, result isoccurrence ancould erroneous globalthe title (e.g. too SCCP management not locate signalling This alarm does not necessarily mean a fault. 06 unknown global title standard. There is no analysis successfully. many digits are added or removed) unit being The alarm can also be for 4 how much late the disk copy is from the state in distributed an indication of a temporary shortage of free this global title indicator in the GANFIL memory. 2 0D record number of GTRFIL sending signalling message to a subsystem fails, message buffers caused The format of the value is hh:mm as the by a high processor load. 11 GANFIL contains no analysis for the first digit of 3 global title standard, possible values are: standard of the TCAP message is different from the the address TCAP The second layer protocol (LAPD) of the Dchannel of the primary rate access has detected protocol errors. The cause may be a malfunction in the unit or the equipment functioning as the The second layer of the primary rate access Dterminal equipment, or a channel does not faulty connection (loop) in the switching network receive any answers to the command frames it or at some other point has sent. The missing of the PCM connection. answers may be due to a partial or total There are transmission errors in the data link inoperation of the remote end, connection of the or breaks in the data link connection. primary rate access D-channel. The errors manifest themselves in check The alarm usually appears in connection with sum errors of the second layer frames, and/or in The primary access terminal has not short-term orrate permanent overlong answered to the inquiries or breaks in the data link connection. The alarm frames due to the disappearance of frame requests to it.problems may also sent indicate signals. with protocol in the data link connection layer. In other words, the A connection has been re-established on the Dremote doeswhich not, in some situations, respond channel,end during according to the some information may have been lost. The alarm recommendations. usually occurs in 1 number of the channel link set (D-channel) 2 D-channel index within the channel link set: 00 primary channel 1 number of the channel link set (D-channel) 01 back-up channel (in primary rate access only, not in use) 2 D-channel index within the channel link set: 3 type of the channel link set: 00 primary channel 1 number of the channel link set (D-channel) 01 backup channel (in primary rate access only, not in 00 primary rate access channel link set use) 2 D-channel index within (SUB) the channel linklink set: 01 subscriber module channel set 02 exchange terminal (ET) channel link set 3 type of the channel link set: 00 primary channel 03 of functional unit rate channel linkterminal set 1 index the primary access 01 backup channel (in primary rate access only, not 00 primary rate access channel link set in use)number of the D-channel's PCM 4 2 01 channel link setmodule number(SUB) channel link set subscriber 02 exchange terminal (ET) channel link set 3 type of the channel link set: 3 03 D-channel index the link channel link set functional unitwithin channel set(D-channel) 1 number of the channel link set 00 primary rate access channel link set 4 type of the channel link set:PCM of the D-channel's 2 number D-channel index within (SUB) the channel linklink set: 01 subscriber module channel set 02 exchange terminal (ET) channel link set 00 primary rate access channel link set connection with unit restarts, but it can also occur 00 primary channel functional unit channel link set The PXRECE has received a message which it 1 0103 error code module subscriber (SUB) channel link set in data 01 backup channel (in primary rate access only, not cannot distribute to erroneous protocol discriminator. 021dexchange terminal (ET) channel link set transmission connections of poor quality. in 4 use) number of the D-channel's PCM the receiver. can check meaning General Error 03You functional unititschannel linkinset Messages 3 type of the channel link set: of System 5 expected message to which An incorrect message has been received from 1 message an errorthat haswas been detectedorina the message response was the primary rate access 1d primary the message is too long 00 rate access channel link set 2 expected number of the primary rate access terminal terminal. This may be due to a fault or You can check module the meaning other error 01 subscriber (SUB)ofchannel link codes set disturbance in the terminal in Error Messages System 02General exchange terminal (ET) of channel link set 3 indicates discriminator of the statethe of protocol D-channel itself, or to the incorrect contents of the message 6 internal 03index functional channelplug-in link setunit The AC25-S/AC25-A/AS7-U/AS7-V/AS71 the ofreceived the unit reinitialized message sent by the 2 number of the primary rate access terminal A/COCEN plug-in unit has restarted. 7 identifier of D-channel time supervision remote end. number of the D-channel's PCM As a result of the restart of the plug-in unit AC25- 4 4-9 indicates the next six fields of the message S/AS7-U, the OSI administration releases all X.25 connections via The channel group becomes unavailable and this 1 the name of the channel group that has become that plug-in unit. means that remote unavailable The plug-in unit is reinitialized after the applications all of whose labels use unavailable connections have been channel groups released. become unreachable. The channel group An OSI program block restart is caused by an 1 the family identifier indicates which program block becoming unavailable is caused internal faultof the COCEN plug-in unit does not has been restarted. Possible values are 0000 - FFFF The restart by the fact that the group contains no available situation, e.g. when the memory space allocated result in the release channels. to the program 2 the diagnostics field indicates the reason why the of OSI or TCP/IP connections via that plug-in block hasthe been exceeded. program block is restarted. Possible values are: unit, but level An OSI program block has received a message 1 identifies the program block in question. Possible The disconnection of thedecreased. OSI connections of service is been temporarily that has not specified values are 0000 - FFFF maintained by the 01 : memory space request too large in its interface. The sender of the message is program block results in the program block being 02 : memory space exceeded written into the log of 2 the interface field identifies the interface where restarted. 03 : erroneous interface table the unit that accomodates the centralized part of the fault occurred. Possible values are A callmemory has been receivedsituation from theofnetwork to a 1 the part (max. 7 digits) The allocation the program 04first : ASN.1 decoding errorof the address of the OSI administration. local with the calling remote end blockapplication prior 00 : administration interface incoming call is denial. to the restart written into the log of the unit 01 : upper interface 2 the remaining part (8 digits) of the address of where the 02 : lower interface the calling remote end centralised part of the OSI administration is located. 3 number of digits in the address of the calling remote end. The value is between 0x00 and 0x0F 4 OADFIL file record containing the called local address 5 plug-in unit from where the call arrived This alarm indicates one of the following two situations: 1) Application Server Process (ASP) activation failed, in case the network element is working as an Application A failure has been detected in the communication Server. between the 2) Signaling Gateway Process (SGP) activation preprocessors of the system, or between a failed, in case the preprocessor unit and network element is working as a Signaling its host computer. The failure hampers Parameter Gateway. setting has failed concerning communication. Signalling No.either 7 (SS7) Because ofSystem this error, the signaling signalling over Internet (IP). capacity decreased, or Protocol the Application Server or Signaling Gateway is not The MTP3 User Layer (M3UA) available all. Adaptation SCCP hasatdetected at the signalling transfer protocol has failed in setting at point a signalling message least one of the Stream Control Transmission for which this alarm must be set. Additionally, Protocol (SCTP) parameters also the transit of the in the context of the SCTP association signalling message is to be prevented. The unit has not responded in the allotted time to establishment. This conclusion is based on the calling and the a supervision called global message sent bythe thevalue(s) supervisory unit. The This means that of the SCTP titles included in the message. supervisor lost the associationhas parameter(s) connection to the unit waits if the unit has do not change and so and the value(s) of the The digital signal (DSP) has not If thePCU transit message isprocessor destroyed, it may cause restarted or failed. parameter(s) are not answered to a supervision disturbance necessarily thefrom values that the user Quicc has message sent PCU Power in the function of thethe user parts of the signalling Recovery actions have been started at once and configured. When the parameter processor, or the DSP has reported point that sent after a short period operates with the old value of setting fails, SCTP thatmessage. a critical process running on for it has died. the Usage restrictions transit The BSC sends an overload message there will be another alarm, which tells to thethe reason the parameter. messages are usually set MSC overload situations for theinrecovery: Due to the failure, the signalon processor and the on exchanges that function another operator's inside the BSC. At the arrival 1001 UNIT RESTARTED or of this message, data channels interface. the MSC decrease TO UNIT SUPERVISION 1010 NO will RESPONSE handled by it are temporarily out of use. the amount of paging by a certain percentage. MESSAGE The unit restarted. Notificationtries wastoreceived PCUwas Power Quicc processor reload This will help the BSC via andHW-management restart the DSP. to cope with the unusually high amount of paging system. messages. 1 type of the preprocessor unit generating the alarm or suspected faulty. See instructions on Diagnostics and Testing 1 SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier 2 index of the unit generating the alarm or suspected 1 - IUA [RFC3057] faulty; if .. the index is not known 2 - M2UA [RFC3331] 3 - M3UA [RFC3332] 3 channel identifier within the unit: 4 - SUA [RFC2960] 1 type of access right violation of the STP function 5 - M2PA [RFC2960] (cause code) FFFF host computer SBCN: 6 - V5UA [RFC2960] 0000 RSCN (SUB 0) 7 - H.248 [H.248] 01VXCN: the sourceFFFF point behind the calling GTT result host computer 8 - BICC/Q.2150.3 should not 0000 RSCN (SUB 0) [Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3] send signalling messages with the called GT, the RSCN: FFFF host computer 9 - TALI [RFC3094] translation 1...7 index of SBCN unit (SUB 1-7) 10 - DUA <draft-ietf-sigtran-dua-03.txt> of which8 leads to the called GTT in (CLES) question CLxTG-0 (CLSS) or result CLET-0 [Ong] (the message has been transmitted) 9 CLxTG-1 (CLSS) or CLET-1 (CLES) 11 position - ASAP number <draft-ietf-rserpool-asap-03.txt> 1 02 slot of thecomputer plug-in unit in the cartridge. the source point behind the calling result is not CLxTG: FFFF host or GTT RSCN [Ong] 0xFF means the slot position number is not allowed 0 that CLxTG 12 - ENRP <draft-ietf-rserpool-enrp-03.txt> available to send signalling messages with the called GT, the CLET: FFFF RSCN [Ong] translation 0 CLET 13 - H.323 [H.323] 2 plug-in unitleads index the plug-in unitresult in the cartridge of which toofthe called GTT question ATMX: FFFF host computer 1 the count of Overload message that BSCinhas been 14-Q.IPC/Q.2150.3 (the message has been destroyed or sent back) TRCO: FFFF host computer sent to MSC in [Q.2631.1/Q.2150.3] 3 number of1...4 the restarted DSP (0...7) index of ET2x overload situations 2 signalling of the adjacent point from which the HWAT network 0 HWAT 2 4 IUA: 01 Periodic Supervision of DSP failed. processed 2 the count of rejected ps-paging messages (gbassociation number The does notwas get received. an answerSignalling to a periodic signalling network 4 typePQ2 of message the failure: interface) request sent to the caninside get the the BCSU M3UA: DSP forvalues: a preconfigured maximum following 01 connection establishment failednumber of times_ association set, to which the association belongs 02 connection re-establishment 3 the count of rejected cs-paging messages (gbNormally, another restarting alarm (1001 UNIT 02 Failure reported by DSP itself. 0003 international network 0, IN0 message queue overflow The system has detected that the Clock interface) 3 IUA: RESTARTED) will be The Component Manager of the DSP reported 04 international network 1, IN1 04 CRC or some other error ratio limithas of the frame Generator Unitthe (CLGU) The BSC sets alarmhas when a predefined inside the BCSU Not applicable set thereafter. that a critical 08 national network 0, NA0 level restarted. A CLGU restart is an abnormal function threshold of discarded process running on 1, the DSP has died_ NA1 has been exceeded that should not occur paging messages has been exceeded. 4 0C the national count of network rejected paging messages (A-interface) M3UA: 05 protocol error during normal operation. It may cause a inside the BCSU index of the association inside the association set. The system has detected a failure in the active 1 reason 3 00 point code value of the adjacent point from which the 06unknown loop test failed disturbance on the other side of The value is between 0-31 framer STM-1/OC-3 processed 07 error ratio limit of the time supervision has been the 2N redundant synchronisation system. interface unit. The failure was detected in the 01 failure is detected means ofThis heartbeating signalling message wasbyreceived. and the 2nd exceeded 4 identifier of the SCTP association within the computer counterpart unit either supplementary FF other failure unit02 failure is detected by switchover logic circuit by the switchover logic circuit or because of together indicate the signalling point Plug-in unit HOTLink cable or transmission fault 1 information type of the field plug-in unit causing the alarm consecutive failures in from detected. 5 number of the socket corresponding the association the active framer unit supervision. The which the message received, that cannot is, the linkset FFFF means that thewas plug-in unit type be given counterpart unit has taken the from which 6 status of the socket option setting corresponding the role of the active framer unit and recovery actions message was received. 2 the index of the Value plug-in unit causing the of alarm parameters. of the field is one the following The the alarm 1 the reason why activation/deactivation has failed. haveBSC beensets started for when paging values coordination feature the failed unit. 4 FFFF the calling GTT into which analysis the means thatresult the plug-in unitofthe index cannotofbe given or a combination (sum) of some the following values. activation/deactivation has failed. 13028 calling GTSYI_LAPD_FAILURE_EC has no system information acknowledgement The GTT result and the calling GTmessages analysis 3 led. index of calling theRetransmission HOTLink interface 0001 SCTP Timeout parameter setting received from that lead failed. layer 2 that result cancode be checked with thetest. MMLPossible commands 4 to the exact error of the HOTLink Corresponding parameter names are RTI.INIT, 14269 ILLEGAL_BTS_CONFIGURATION_EC ZODL and ZODJ reasons are: RTO.MIN andbts configuration illegal respectively. RTO.MAX. 14270 MANDATORY_SI_NOT_RECEIVED_EC 0040 HOTLink sfp module unplugged all mandatory information messages 5 0080 thenot called GTT fault result system into which the analysis of the are HOTLink 0002 SCTP Peer Address parameter setting failed. received by called has 0100GTHOTLink CRC transmission fault Corresponding trx led. The calledparity GTT error result and the called GT analysis 0200 Hotlink parameter names are HB.INTERVAL and 14277 ILLEGAL_INIT_VAL_CCCH_CONF_EC that lead 0400 Hotlink clock error PATH.MAX.RETRANS. illegal initialization value for ccch_conf sytem to that result can be checked with the MMLincommands information message type 3 The warm-up of the spare ETPT, ETPE or ETPC unit fails during controlled switchover. The reason may be a fault in the active or in the passive unit. The alarm is issued from both units. A digital signal processor (DSP) in ETP plug-in unit has not answered a supervision message sent from the main processor of ETP, or the DSP has reported that a critical process running on it has The system has detected that PCUM which died. belongs to the PCU pool has lost its PCU pooling configuration. Due to the failure, the signal processor and the data channels handled An restart has by itinternal are temporarily outoccurred of use. in the AFS plugin unit. The main processor in the ETP plug-in unit tries to reload and restart the DSP. 1 the exact error code of the unit warmup failure. If the authorized code generated by MD5 on OMU does not match the one in the message from the Shelf manager, the alarm will be triggered. 1 Cabinet row location in the central office 2 Cabinet column location in the central office 3 Vertical position of the shelf in the cabinet No response is obtained from the active unit maintaining the main clock. The alarm system has received more alarm output tasks than it is able to buffer for outputting or for sending to the Q3 core system. However, the alarms that are not output or sent to the Q3 The MMI system is overloaded. core system are saved normally in the alarm system log file (ALHIST), from which they can be output with an MML command. The alarm is A disturbance settemporary after all buffered alarmhas been detected in the command output tasks have been processed and sent calendar operation. forward from the alarm system after a buffer overflow. The command calendar interrupts the execution An MTP confusion message has been received of the calendar in the exchange. task that was being executed and blocks the The signalling point indicated by the originating task. An exception point is made with those command files that are code given in the 3rd supplementary information Event handler save its own attributes in supposed to becannot executed field has not the disk fileonce or and of which execution is not more than identified the signalling network management the file services for saving and reading the interrupted although message. The events failed. some ofhave the commands in the file fail (marked as heading code of the signalling network If the fileinservices are not functioning, they NOINT the The critical limit of a security reporting counter management message prevent or disturbof the execution printout of the CFTYPE has beenincolumn reached. is given the 6th supplementary information the functioning the event handler. MML commandof ICL): field. these calendar tasks are not blocked. The blocked tasks are not executed before the fault has been corrected and the blocking is removed. If the fault is permanent, then also the alarm 2430, ERROR IN COMMAND CALENDAR, is set. 0001 Call Data Warming Failure 0002 Configuration Warming Failure 0003 Other Failure 1 number of the restarted DSP (0...7) 2 01 Periodic Supervision of DSP failed. DSP has not answered to a periodic request sent to the 1 DSP for a preconfigured maximum number of times_ packet Control Unit Identifier. A BSC internal identifier of the logical PCU. System 02 Failure reported by DSP itself. gives this The Component Manager of the DSP has reported identifier when the PCU logical object is created. 1 that type of AFS plug-in unit a critical process running on the DSP has died_ 2 index of AFS plug-in unit 3-18 reserved for future use_ 1 used for buffering theshelf alarms to be output 4 0 buffer Horizontal position of the in the cabinet has overflown for buffering alarms to be formatted 5 1 buffer Slotused number for ATCA the board (if module_type = forboard, sending to the Q3 core system has overflown ATCA AMC or RTM, Otherwise it is set to 0xFF.) 2 6 1 number of alarms not output or sent to the Q3 core system FRU type error specification error:number 7 MMLFRU 01 creation of MML session has failed 02 interruption in session 1 SIO in MTP confusion message error in execution: 2 destination point code in MTP CONFUSION 03 syntax error message 04 semantics error 1 error code 05 command has failed 3 originating point code in MTP CONFUSION You check its meaning 06 can password check error in General Error Messages message of System 07 loading error 08 data transmission error 4 heading code of MTP CONFUSION message 2 disk file identifierauthority 09 security insufficient 1 the reporting counter that has reached its Disk file where attributes cannot 0A OMU state TE orbe SEsaved. criticalimplementation limit: in working 5 level indicator in MTP CONFUSION Value zero indicates thatprogram the file services 0B contradictory MML running for saving and message reading the events have failed 02 - counter for unauthorised users of service terminal COFFER error: - counter for unauthorised of the network 6 04 confusion_msg_id in MTP users CONFUSION message, 3 family identifier not blocked 0C command - counter for use of network: unauthorised i.e.05 a heading Family which fails provide the requested file service 0D command nottodeleted commands code that was not identified 0E either command or control parameters not 07 - counter for unauthorised MML users available 08 - counter for unauthorised MML commands 0F- counter command transferredsaves to execution 10 for not unsuccessful in MML queue log file 11 - counter for unsuccessful MML command checks IOMANA error: 12 - counter for unsuccessful subscriber identifications 10 opening of unidentified logical file has failed 13 - counter for IMSI numbers 11 connection of logical file has 14 - counter for IMEI IDs on black failed list 15 - counter for unidentified IMEI IDs The number of events written in the Security Reporting Transaction Data File (LETTER) during a monitoring period has reached the preset alarm limit. This alarm is issued if a faulty message or a CONFUSION message is received from the partner exchange. 1 alarm limit of LETTER as a percentage 2 length of monitoring period in days 3 starting date of monitoring period 1 layer 3 BSSMAP message type The message type values can be found in 3GPP 4 number of records in LETTER 48.008, chapter Message Type The BSC cannot send an acknowledgment to the 1 signalling point code of the MSC 2 typical causes of refusing the message: Global reset 51H = invalid message contents message. The BSC does not transmit traffic. 2 program family found to be faulty. 52H = information element or field missing FFFF : program family unknown 53H = incorrect value The establishment or release of the connection 1 number the A interface PCM 54H = of unknown message typecircuit has failed. 55H = unknown information element The call fails or a connection may be left in the This is a= PCMCON record index the BSC and the MSC 60H protocol error between marker. 2 Iftime of theisA0, interface circuit exchange the slot direction is, ifPCM thesystem partner The PXRECE (Primary Rate Access Receiving 1 identification of the that D-channel has sent the CONFUSION message, the cause for the Program Block) has (hexadecimal number) 3 number of the external PCM circuit refusal received messages from the D-channel, but it In combined be any ofBSC3i/TCSM3i thethe Cause valuessystem defined in 3GPP has not been able 2 can identification of D-channel ET_PCM means Ater PCM between GSW2KB and 48.008 to route the messages forward. The reason for (name) The GSM speech circuit of the A interface is 1 number of the PCM circuit TR3E/A (chapter this can be that released in an abnormal the message received from the LAPD link is manner, which causes the call to be cleared from 4 this is:ofofthe PCM circuit the alarm 3 number direction thetranscoder message that caused erroneous. The error the speech - self-sent number ofmessage the external PCM circuit, if GSW and 0 = (the partner exchange has situation is not a serious one, but if there are circuit in question. unsubmultiplexed A interface are used 5 time slot of the transcoder PCM circuit sent the A buffer consecutive that is used to supervise the alarm 1 type of buffer several CONFUSIONbuffer message) system's message 01 communication alarms with the same D-channel system - message number ofsent the SMUX PCM, if exchange GSW and 6 number of Abis interface PCM circuit 1 = by the partner traffic requiring acknowledgements is full. Such 02 history buffer identifier, there may be an submultiplexed buffers error in are the PXRECE distribution table or a are used isAainterface PCMCON index signalling point code of the partner exchange used for the in collection history data of both the 4 2 This family identifier ofrecord the sender disturbance the has of The alarm system found, having received 1 type of subobject (of the I/O device) suspected alarm system's LAPD severallink. faulty -slot PCMCON record index, if circuit GSWB is used 7 of identifier Abis interface distributed and centralised part, as well as for 3 time process of thePCM sender different observations to that effect, that the I/O FFFF, subobject not specified communication device is defective. 2 time slot of the PCM 8 external PCMcircuit circuitin question between the distributed and centralised parts. 4 number type ofofthe receiver's computer unit 2 index of subobject (of the I/O device) suspected The alarm system has found, having received 1 typeRecovery of subobject a functional unit) suspected See and(of Unit Working State The I/O system has been informed of the fault in faulty 3 circuit 9 time slot Identification of the externalCode PCM(CIC) circuit several differentof the buffer that collects history faulty The saturation Administration. the device. FFFF, subobject not specified observations to that effect, that a functional unit FFFF, subobject not specified data may 4 PCM circuit part Circuit Identification Code. 10 sub-time theofexternal PCM circuit (not thethe I/Oloss device) is defective. cause of some such data. 5 index ofslot theofreceiver's computer unit 3-8 This the is alarm manual numbers (in BCD format) of 1.544 the 65535d , if the environment is T1 (ANSI 2 index of subobject (of a functional unit) suspected Unit type supervision has been interrupted 1 program block: observations Mbit/s) 11 error code The recovery system has been of the faulty saturation of the buffer thatinformed is used for 6 family identifier of the receiver because the Subscriber first supported the fault hypothesis 61that : unkown messagenot identification faulty unit. FFFF, subobject specified communication Module Testing Program Block (SBTSTP) or the 5 620060 LTMANA_P time slot part of Circuit Identification Code. : unused PCM between two parts (distributed and 7 process identifier of the receiver Time Slotthe Based Unit Test 0064 TSUPRO_P is 255d, if the environment is T1 format) (ANSI 1.544 : the unused circuit 3-863This alarm manual numbers (in BCD of the centralised) may cause Program Block (TSUPRO) is constantly reserved, Mbit/s) 0065 SBTSTP_P 6A : test word test error A failure has been detected in the RAMpart memory observations that first supported the fault hypothesis an imbalance between the centralised of the or the Message Transfer MTSWIS_P 6B0067 : test word swtst status error of the system synchronization alarm and Switching Service Program Block (MTSWIS) 6 6D number of the external PCM circuit. : connection status error unit. and theseize distributed part that is sending. This may 2 cannot the unit error This isspecification: 65535d, if GSW is used in TCSM3i for 6E : connection parity error lead the or the Test Line Management to betotested, combined BSC3i/TCSM3i : connection read error installation loss of some ofa(LTMANA) the setofvalues and cancellations 1 6F01 The LOGSAV, hand the database index (some database applications Program Block is database unit type supervision is between interrupted ET_PCM means Ater GSW2KBstill 70 : HWILIB function callPCM fails of the alarms. management system, has sent needand this unable to reserve the SUB-E minimeter. The 02 supervision of single unit is interrupted TR3E/A (virtual circuit conversions) the DBSMAN althoughisnowadays supervision of an theupdate, unit is the number of which 71information, : data from HWILIB erroneousthe database is (update_seq_number) usually interrupted because theisrequested task is 7 time slotcircuit of theconversions) external PCM circuit. (virtual inconsistent with the DBSMAN's view of what identified based on the incorrect, or because no test This is 255d, if GSW is values used of the following two that should supplementary information resultnumber is obtained forbe. the requested test. 12 failed connection or release fields, i.e. database name One or the other of the processes has failed and and 8 02 sub-time slotfailed of the external PCM circuit. : connection may have lost log occurrence) This is 255d, if GSW is used 05database : release failed buffers. The DBSMAN will now no longer receive 03 : marker does not answer to the connection or log buffers from the 2 database 9 number ofname the transcoder PCM circuit. release message database in question, and the database will be This is 0xFF, if GSW is used dumped, i.e. it is 3 number of database occurence copied from RAM to the disk, thus correcting the 10 time slot of the transcoder PCM circuit. failure automatically. 4 database location This is 255d, if GSW is used An error occurred in the database management system, and the system has been set to the "fatal error" state. In the "fatal error" state, the management system program Loading of the database fails. If several load block acknowledges attempts fail, supervision messages negatively. As the program the management system is set to "fatal error" block is a critical state. Because one, the system resets the database unit. of this, the system resets the database unit. The reservation of a transaction or fastread hand fails in the database management system. 1 database index (some database applications still need this information, although nowadays the database is usually identified based on the values of the following two 1 database index (some database applications still supplementary information fields, i.e. database name need and this information, although the database is usually database occurrence) identified based on the database name and database occurrence) 1 database index (some database applications still 2 database name need this 2 database name information, although nowadays the database is 3 number of database occurrence usually 3 number of database occurrence identified based on the the reason values why of the following two code indicating fatal error The distribution or updating of the Working State 4 1 error error code presented as a commonthe error code. You supplementary information fields, i.e. database name state was entered. You can check its meaning in and Configuration can its for load failure 4 check reason and General Error with a command of the service terminal File (SCDFLE) has failed. meaning databaseofoccurrence) Messages System extension MRSupdating or in 01 the disk system (DBSMAN program block) the General Error Messages of System does A faulty unit is spare. 2 database name not answer when the DBMANA on the WO side asks 2 for consecutive number of distribution 3 number of database occurrence permission to load 3 02 recovery actionon the WO side does not answer the DBMANA error code indicating why the hand reservation failed. The warm-up of the spare unit fails. The reason 4 1 when load the group where the warming failed You can check its meaning in General Error Messages may be a fault in 4 type of theonunit data was DBMANA thewhose SP side asks forchanged permission to load of the active or in the passive unit. The alarm is 2 03 file where the warming failed time supervision expires on the WO side of the System issued from both units. 5 index of the unit whose data was changed database unit the first the loadloading attempt The restarting of the computer unit fails. 1 loadduring group failedhand to be 5 number of thewhere transaction or fastread 6 04 number of SCDFLE record time supervision expires on the SP side of the reserved: database 2 00file ifwhere theside loading failed on WO unit during the first load attempt > 03 if on SP side (the number of the hand to be reserved The recovery actions in the unit have been 1 error code of recovery action. is can known) interrupted or a subfunction You check its meaning with a command of the of a recovery action has failed. The partner program block in the object unit has not responded, or it has returned A clear request sent to release the calls of the an error status. time-slot-based unit such as the SUB, CNFC, ET, etc. has not been acknowledged. service terminal extension MRS or in the General Error Messages 1 type of time-slot-based unit of System See Recovery and Unit Working State Administration. 2 interrupted recovery action There was an attempt to install an I/O device at an SCSI address that was already reserved. 1 number of SCSI bus FAM_ID 2 unit index 0...1 family identifier of the error detector 3 partner program block 2 address of device on bus identified in field 1 FAM_ERR_CODE 0...7 erroridentification code returned error detector. A copy task has failed. The I/O system has used 1 name of by thethe failed copy task. You can check its meaning with a command of the backgroung processing The name is an ASCII string 3 logical unit number (= LUN) to carry out the task but copying some of the files service 0...7 terminal extension MRS in General Error failed. 2 number identification of theorfailed copy task. Messages of The number is a hexadecimal number generated by the Saving the copy task information in the disk's 1 the general of the system. You can check LUN error of themessage master tape drive is always 0, numbers System If alarm 1802, BACKUP COPY LOG FAILURE, is I/O system. copy log has failed its meaning 1...7 are set simultaneously with The name and the number of the task form an explicit at least partly. in General Error Messages of System slave tape drivers FAIL_COMP this alarm, the system has failed to save all the identifier message bus address of the unit where the error information on the The fault may have been caused, for example, by 2 name identifier of the copy task whose recording in the occurred copy task to the copy log. The copy task a disturbance in the copy log execution has been interrupted. I/O system, a fault in an I/O device, or a load failed. The name is an ASCII string FAIL_FAM_ID peak of the unit, family identifier of the program block that made the This alarm has no effect on the operation of the because of which information could not be error rest of the system. recorded within the defined time period. If alarm 1801, MASS MEMORY FILE BACKUP FAILURE, is set simultaneously with this alarm, the background processing of the The IP Routing feature is experiencing an unexpected resource shortage. The IP routing capability of the system is Printing system cannot use the spooler. This temporarily reduced happens, for example, until the routing database has been when the SCSI-bus or hard disks go to TESTreconstructed from neighboring state. The failure does routers. not disable the printing system, but new printing The alarm is set if IP management shared library tasks are handled (YANLIB) cannot The telephony capabilities of the switch are not in non-spoolered mode. Handling printing tasks provide affected.IP configuration inquiry services for in non-spoolered mode is applications. more unreliable than in spoolered mode. Under this situation, the applications will get "no Printing the BTS test report has failed in the service" return reporting The tasks that are in spooler when failure occurs, code when calling the library routines. If the system of the BSC. are executed application has failed when the spooler is in use again. The system to receive IP configuration data, it might make the changes automatically A disturbance has beenfrom detected in the Network Element the non-spoolered mode the spoolered mode Winchester or floppy diskto unable to provide IP calls services. when the spooler is system. The disturbance may be caused by a again in DMASI, use and or allSCSIF non-spoolered tasks are DMADI, completed. plug-in unit, the connecting cable, disk controller, Before giving a command concerning the disk drive, magnetic tape drive, or by a command that is incorrect, insufficient or or when making a state inquiry, TAPEDR checks unnecessary. the functioning of the TAPI plug-in unit. If an error is detected, Before read or write operations TAPEDR checks this alarm the functioning of is issued. the address and byte counters of the DMA channel it uses. If a failure is detected in the operation, this alarm is If no label parameters have been defined for issued. TAPEDR in connection with the preformatting or opening command, TAPEDR tries to use the old parameters stored in the data area. This The error message is a consequence of a failure always entails a in the magnetic tape correctness test based on the check sum. If an unit, very poor condition of the tape, a serious error is detected, malfunction in TAPEDR fetches the constant values and uses the controlling plug-in units (TAPI, DMADI, This anthe error acknowledgement to some other them.isAt same time, SCSIF), or erroneous command thethis alarm. the systemthan issues task parameters sent by the application. write command. The fault is in the equipment or in the storage medium. 1 BCF identifier 2 BTS identifier 1 general error message of the system. You can check its 3 TRX identifier meaning in General Error Messages of System 2 address of the damaged sector of the disk drive, 4 type of main test if 1FFFFFH, the sector address is not valid 3 1 0 = single TRX test with MML first 8 characters of file name 1 = single RAX test with MML 2 = single STM test with MML 3 = single TRX test via Q3 interface 4 = single RAX test via Q3 interface 5 = single STM test via Q3 interface 6 = scheduled TRX test with MML of theSTM magnetic tape unit 7 number = scheduled test with MML 8 = scheduled TRX test via Q3 interface 9 = scheduled STM test via Q3 interface 1 number of the magnetic tape unit 5 type of STM test 2 general error message of the system. You can check 1 = BCCH measurement its meaning 2in General = originating call Errortest Messages of System 1 3 number of the magnetic tape unit = BCCH carrier wave setting = call information request 3 4 block number 2 5 general error code. You can check its meaning in = transceiver sensitivity measurement General 6 =Error STM test cancellation request Messages of System = TRXof test TAPEDR contains a duplicated block number 1 7 number the magnetic tape unit 8 = TRX loop test counter for each of the 9 = antenna test magnetic tape units. The contents of one counter 0A = antenna loop test are continuously 0B = TRX test for MetroSite ,UltraSite ,Flexi EDGE behind the other. If the test indicates that the The processor of the AS7 plug-in unit has 1 number of AS7 (0..n) and relationship restarted. Flexi Multiradio BTSs between the two contents has changed, the block 2 0C state AS7: = Abisdata loopoftest numbering is 0D = Interrupting Abis Loop test started from the beginning, and the system 00 out of TRX service 0E = EDGE test for MetroSite ,UltraSite issues this alarm. 01 working ,FlexiEDGE and testing BTSs Flexi02Multiradio 0xff = not stm test 6 reason for failure (DX error code) DX error code: see General Error Messages of System The send buffer of the data transmission connection of the operation and maintenance network is full, or the X.25 network layer has not granted permission to transmit. The program controlling the AS7 plug-in unit has not responded to the supervision message within the specified time. A disturbance has been detected on the data transmission connection of the operation and maintenance network. 1 number of OMI channel (0...n) 2 number of AS7 or AC25 plug-in unit (0...n) 1 number of the AS7 (0...n) 2 state data of the AS7: 00 out of service 1 number of OMI channel (0...n) 01 working 02 testing FF supervision software does not know the state of the AS7 1 unit type The ET has observed that the clock frequency slips on the incoming E1 or T1 circuit exceed the alarm limit defined for the 2 E1 or T1 circuit number if the unit type is ET ET. The slips are monitored for a 24-hour period. TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit An internal restart has taken place on an 1 unit type type is TCSM exchange terminal. and the transcoder type is TCSM2 2 index of the internal PCM circuit of TCSM, 0..7d Time supervision has elapsed, or the TRX has sent a negative acknowledgement to the BSC, which has interrupted the ongoing message exchange scenario. Transmission equipment has set an alarm with a different urgency level than the one defined in the BSC alarm system. There is an erroneous alarm urgency level definition either in the transmission One of the external synchronisation plug-in units equipment or in of a TCSM3i cabinet the BSC, or there is disturbance in the Q1 has detected a fault and has set an alarm to the service channel. supervising transcoder unit. The reserved a file is smaller of than This space alarm may affectforthe performance thethe space required BSC transmission equipment by the system operation. If the number of the file fault management. (given in the supplementary information) is 7F4, charging data File update on disk failed. As a result, the latest related to a call changes made to have been lost. the file mentioned in the supplementary information field were not updated on the disk. Checksum of the load module of the computer has changed. If a file that was not updated must now be loaded from the disk to the memory, the latest data cannot be updated The request queue of the disk update fromupdate the disk. system has been deleted and a new empty queue has been created to replace it. The system may have lost information depending on what kind of disk update requests were in the queue when it was deleted. E1 or T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or 3 number of ET restarts 1 on ID thenumber Ater of the BTS site interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the 2 ID number of the base transceiver station transcoder type is TCSM3i 3 ID number of the transceiver 1 Q1 address of the piece of transmission equipment 4 general error message of the system. You can check 2 the functional entity number specifies a physical unit its meaning of the with a command of the service terminal extension MRS transmission equipment, for example a plug-in unit or 1 index of the external synchronisation plug-in unit or in a 0d...1d General Error Messages of System. daughter board. The number can be 0...254 2 alarm number of the alarm set by the external 3 the supervision block number specifies the faulty synchronisation 1 partfamily of theidentifier of program block giving the alarm plug-in unit functional entity, for example a certain line interface 2 or error code alarm number can be one of the following 00component space reserved in memory for the file is too small 01 space reserved on disk for the file is too small 1 number 0630 of the file whose diskupdate failed 4 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC, 0...27 1630 3 file number 2 number of the record whose diskupdate failed 5 If the name of the piece of transmissionthe equipment. diskupdate request whole file, the 3-9 alarm data related to theconcerned alarm set by the external Not included if the name is in the alarm object field of value synchronisation plug-in unit 1 start address of the faulty load module the alarm of the field isprintout. FFFFFFFF See Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual 2 first eight characters of the name of the faulty load 3 general error code returned by the I/O system. module 6 number of the piece of transmission equipment. You can check its meaning in the General Error Not included if the index is in the alarm object field of 1 identifier of the update request queue file Messages the alarm (003D0000H) printout. SIMQUE or SEQQUE (003C0000H) of System. See Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual 4 family identifier of the program block that set the 7 alarmoriginal Q1 fault code received from transmission device Updating to OMU's disk the files that are in the file update queue fails. This can be caused by a temporary disturbance The initialization of the general parameter file or a permanent fault. (PRFILE) or its A temporary disturbance can be e.g. a disk unit access table (PMTLIB) has failed. disturbance. A permanent failure can be e.g. that the file does There is an not exist on error disk in the general parameter file (PRFILE), or theunit's memory. or in the source program blocks request for a parameter that does not exist. Restarting an unduplicated unit and restarting the whole network Chaining of files containing semipermanent data element is risky, if there are requests in the disk of the common update queues. channel signalling system has failed or the With restart, queuing requests are lost. retrieval of the chained files has failed. The file opening has failed. The program block that set the If the fault is in the routing files, the routing to the alarm can neither use the file concerned, nor destination specified in the faulty file does not function in a work. normal manner. The therouting load module of the if thestructure fault is inofthe and/or chain channel chain, computer unit is faulty. routing and/or Depending on where the file is used, the channel data cannot be printed with MML consequences of the command. fault may vary from insignificant to very serious Error for theratio counter alarm. LOADER or DUMPER has received functioning ofan program block setting the alarm. It excessive may occur number of invalid command messages or negative that the program block cannot execute some of acknowledgement messages. its services The Unit State Administration Program Block When a new task arrives, automatons that it normally offers, andall it may at worst of affect (USAPRO) has detected LOADER and DUMPER to the that the message communication between the are in service.the entire system. functioning unit and theofcomputer supervising the unit fails on the message bus that The system has partly or completely failed in file is the object distribution. of the alarm. The error occurred because distribution was requested for a The system is unable to use the units into which non-existent or faulty file, the distributed data The alarm system has not been able to process the message does not exist an alarm event, fails because communication on both message buses. in the data area of the file, the distribution failed all the records of the work file that could be used due to the in processing of The alarm supports the activation of the erroneous operation of the object unit, or an error the event are already inthe use. The file is automatic recovery for Failure either in the clock signal coming from the inside the mentioned in the message bus that is the object of the alarm: active distributor occurred during distribution. Supplementary information field 2 of the alarm. clock generator to the CLB generating the alarm, 1. If object of the alarm is an active message or inthe thethe Due to distribution error, contents of files may An alarm event means here the following events: bus, CLB generating the alarm itself. vary in each Clock system sending the alarm has detected a - the notice, disturbance observation or fault automatic recovery unit. failure in thefrom back-up observation the changes the operating state of the If the failure is in the clock generator, itactive causes unit. The failure does application message busprogram into testnot cause immediate harm 1...2 seconds to the functioning - error ratio counter update made by the (alarm 0691 AUTOMATIC clock disturbance to the wholeRECOVERY system. This of the system. application program that ACTION WO-EX -> TE-EX) disturbance can cause requires creating a new error counter - changes the operating state ratio of passive traffic disturbances and starting of arecovery - new fault hypothesis created by the alarm message bus into active actions for system on0691 the basis of (alarm RECOVERY functional units.AUTOMATIC When a switchover has been the support rules ACTION SP-EX -> WO-EX) performed in - issues an alarm 2692 INCORRECT clock system, the units that were possibly When thereSTATE are no about free records, WORKING a faultythe information removed from on the settings ofthat is in test state. See the message bus service because of the failure will be taken new observations, on the updating of the error description of alarm automatically ratio counters that 2692. back to use after diagnostics has found that the are not created, or creating and processing of 1 disk identifier 00 disk 0 01 disk 1 90 disk is both or only one 1 number of the file to be initialized 2 general error message of the system. You can check its meaning 2 number of the access file to be initialized; FFFFH if with a command of the service terminal extension MRS access file is not used (see Service 1 Terminal status:Essentials), or in the General Error Messages (Instead of accessing the access file directly, the 02 requested parameter category does not exist of System PMTLIB accesses the 03 requested parameter number too big PARAMETER_FILE_ACCESS_TABLE. 04 PRFILE access tablethat (PMTLIB) Temporary error situations are resolved The table gives the start point of the class and the (PARAMETER_FILE_ACCESS_TABLE) automatically: if 1 family identifier of program block giving the alarm number of records in the class) is not compatible with PRFILE the error message is PROGRAM BLOCK IN FAILED FF HAS parameter is not included in the data package; FIELDS NO 2 error code 3 code: its value is the basic value RESOURCES REQUESTED TASK, NO FREE 01 chaining FOR has failed DESCRIPTOR SLOT or TIME-OUT 02 initialization direct addressing to thetable nexthas file not withbeen the record 01 access started 1 number the file of that failed to open 2 ERROR, familyof identifier of the program blockThe involved the disturbance is temporary. disk update number 02 of initialization of access table has been interrupted, requestthe previous file has failed errors discovered in file contents 3 remains identifier of queue, the process involved in the the stops and the the record 03 direct addressing to queue the next file with last record the PRFILE 2 familythe identifier of theinprocess familycannot trying be to open operation continues number accessed the file 4 parameter category which is affected by the alarm after the disturbance is over. 1 first characters the name the faulty load which is contained in the dataofon the record of the 04eight parameter classintoo large module previous 5 Theparameter number which isindicate affectedaby the alarm following error messages situation that file has failed 4 family identifier of the trying program blockthe which 3 identifier of the process to open file might 04 search has failed performed require user action. The queue stops and operation the initialization 1 number of the error ratio counter continues 3 file number from which chaining has been attempted 4 only errorwhen codethe received in opening. fault has been corrected. The error 5 process which the 2-4See three last received error codes: General Errorperformed Messages of initialization messages are: 4 record number from which chaining has been System for error code explanations attempted LOADER DUMPER Explanation 1 object unit type 11 21 command message CHECK SUM invalid ERROR MESSAGE 5 file number to whichIN chaining has been attempted 12 22 unknown message TRANSFER 2 DATA object unit indexTIME-OUT 13 VERIFY 23 invalid copy or acknowledgement DATA ERROR message DEVICE NOT IN USE 1 DISK number filenegative whose distribution failed message 15 COMMAND -of the sent acknowledgement ABORTED 16 26 missing copy or acknowledgement FILE WRITE PROTECTED 2 file number message FAILURE IN DISK HARDWARE This have caused distribution failure. 1Bfile may 2B no more freethe automatons ERROR IN DISK MEDIUM It is eitherPROGRAM the distributed file or a control file used EDISKD BLOCK BUSY 1 alarm number of the alarm event that was not by theWRITE distributor (FLLIST, for example) DISK PROTECTED processed as there DMA were TERMINATION no free records ERROR 3 DRIVE generalNOT errorREADY message of the system You can check its meaning with in the General Error END OF DISK FOUND 2 file number of the file that had no free record in order 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains Messages ERROR BURST CORRECTED to data of System. FILE MARKED BAD process an alarm event related COMMAND to this alarmTO THIS DEVICE ILLEGAL In the following, some TO of the error codes are specified: COMMAND DISK FORMAT 3 ILLEGAL further information on theTHIS reason for setting this alarm: 2 INCORRECT unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the DMA ACCESS 1 00 the record numberreserved in the HWTABL file that contains all of the records for handling alarm is 0000 maintenance cannot be defined of HAND CREATION DID NOT unit SUCCEED = resources I/Ofield DEVICE data events having IN INCORRECT WORKING STATE theINCORRECT distribution PARAMETER related to number this alarm the alarm given inIN theTASK first supplementary 3 INVALID sourceCOMMAND index process have run out because of too many information simultaneous 2 LATE unitDMA fromalready which the alarm is wired. If the value of the field are in use distributions MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR field 01 all records in the file are already in use TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED IN unit MESSAGE WAITING is 0000 the maintenance cannot be defined) DISTRIBUTION NO EQUIPMENTTIME-OUT = time-out reserved for distribution FREEhas BUFFER 3 NOsource index expired because of communication disturbance NO RESPONSE FROM DMA between the DIRECTORY ON DISK NO SUCH distributor and theSYSTEM server process OVERLOAD IN I/O PARITY ERROR MESSAGE TIME-OUTCONFLICT = communication problem DISK RESERVATION between the distributor RESET UNSUCCEEDED The phase lock of the clock system needs adjustment, or the frequency of a higher level exchange is not within permitted limits. The 2 MHz synchronization signal coming to the clock equipment Neither one of these reasons does not cause is missing from the CLK2 clock input. The fault disturbances to does not the functioning of the system at the point when have any effect on the functioning of the system The alarm2 MHz synchronization signal coming to the if there clock equipment is generated. Theisreason of this alarm is to is nothing wrong in external synchronising signal missing from the CLK1 clock input or else the inform the of CLK0 corresponding exchange operating personnel that actions need to be or CLK1 clock input. terminal has lost the frame synchronization taken that The 2 MHz synchronization signal coming to the signal. The fault prevent disturbances. clock equipment does not have any effect on the fuctioning of the is missing from the CLK0 clock input or else the system if corresponding there is nothing wrong with the synchronising exchange terminal has lost the frame One inputs (CLKO...2) in the CLG signalofofthe theclock CLK0 synchronization signal. plug-in hasinput. been or CLK1unit clock The fault does not have any effect on the manually set as a synchronization source. fuctioning of the system if there is nothing wrong with the The clock generator synchronising signal (CLG) of the clock system is faulty the or CLK1 clock input. of the or CLK0 frequency of the synchronization signal is not within permitted limits. The alarm starts automatic recovery Failure in the basic timing signal coming to the actions. MBIF plug-in unit, or in the plug-in unit itself. When the alarm is If the failure is in the clock generator, it causes active, the 1...2 seconds plug-in unit does not work or it is not reliable. Failure either in the timingsystem. signal coming to clock disturbance tobasic the whole This the MPTL can cause disturbance plug-in unit of the Mand or GSW generating the traffic disturbances starting of recovery alarm, actionsorforin the MPTL plug-in unit itself.aWhen the alarm is active, functional units. When has been Failure in the basic timingswitchover signal coming to the the plug-in in performed push-button receiver unit does not work or it that is notwere reliable. clock the units possibly the unit orsystem, in the ET1E plug-in unit generating removed from alarm. When the alarm service of the taken is active,because the plug-in unitfailure does will not be work or is not Error in the tone generator or in the timing signal automatically reliable. itback receives. to use after diagnostics has found that the When the alarm is active, the plug-in unit does units are not work faulty.orIf the alarm is caused by a fault in the is not reliable. spare unit, the above mentioned clock This isgenerator an error ratio counter alarm. The error disturbance ratio counter monitors If the not alarm is generated by system a failuredoes in thenot active does exist but the clock the read and write operations of the control tone generator have a memory of the switching and the tone generator thatfault. is acting as a spare spare unit because of is this network. The counter updated according to the This an error ratio counter alarm. The counter unit isisnot acknowledgement monitors the failure test causes problems to the working, the received from the SWIF plug-in unit. events formingofofthe theswitching network. The counter is updated according to tone. If the tone generator acting as a spare unit the acknowledgement received from the SWTST becomes active plug-in unit. because of the automatic changeover of the alarm target unit by the system or if the alarm is targeted to the tone generator of the spare unit, the failure does not cause immediate problems with the forming of the tone but the redundancy of the tone generator is lost. 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains data relating to this alarm 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the field value 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains is data 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined relevant to this alarm. 3 source unit index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relating to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relating to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relevant to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relating to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data related to this alarm 3 index of the unit 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relevant to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000 the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relating to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 the record number in the HWTABL file that contains field is 0000, the maintenance unit cannot be defined data relating to this alarm 3 source index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 number of error ratio counter field is 0000, the maintenance unit cannot be defined 2-4 three most recent error codes: 3 source index 63 unused circuit; the circuit has not been defined 1 number of error ratio counter for any circuit group 2-4 three most recent error codes: 6D status of the SWIF plug-in unit has not become correct 68 impossible to set the state of the SWTST plug-in in sending of SWCM control information unit 6E parity error in sending SWCM control in the compare test of the switching network information 6A impossible to set the state of the SWTST plug-in 6F error detected during switching in the verification unit of in the sending test of the test pattern SWCM control information This is an error ratio counter alarm. The counter monitors the compare test of the switching network. The compare test compares the incoming bit pattern to the outgoing bit pattern in the This is an error ratio counter alarm. The counter connections of the records the network. uniformity of the data in the switching network control memory and in the connection file. The semipermanent connection has failed repeatedly. The semipermanent connection can fail if there are disturbances There is fault which might have caused in any of the resources used by the connection. disturbance in the calls connected in the switching network. The system has detected that a switching network plug-in unit is not available. The system has detected a failure in the cartridge The plug-in power source unit is either disconnected or faulty. As a result, feeding the switching network (e.g. PSC4). As a the call result of this, control computer and switching network are the call control computer and switching network There is fault until which might have caused unredundant are unredundant disturbance thealarm callshas been located and the the cause ofinthe until the cause of the alarm has been located and connected in the switching network. The system fault has been the fault has has detected that corrected. been corrected. there is a fault either in that plug-in unit of the call The PROM memory check sum of the call control control computer's SWCOP computer which controls the switching network plug-in unit has changed. As a result, the call (SWCOP or SWPRO), control computer or in the basic timing signal coming to the and switching network are unredundant until the The checkmemory sum of the computer unit's initial switching fault has been loading program plug-in unit of the switching network (e.g. corrected. has changed. fault does not necessarily SWCSM). As aThe result have of theimmediate fault, the call control computer and consequences, butare it might lead to a situation switching network The system has detected that the tone generator where the unredundant until the or the timing signal cause of the alarm has object unit of the been located andalarm cannot load the software it receives is faulty. from the has been corrected. the fault mass memory when the unit is restarted. As a If the alarm object is the active synchronization The error counter monitors the SMUX plugresult, theratio object unit, the fault in unit unit of test. the alarm is unredundant until the fault has situation is serious as establishing new calls may The beentest is performed to check that the SMUX be prevented. plug-in unit corrected. multiplexes the 16 kbit/s channels correctly to the The system hastone detected an error in operational the files of redundant generator is not 64 kbit/s the central if it is the alarm channel. memory. object. 1 number of error ratio counter 2-4 three most recent error codes: 69 compare-test error in switching network 1 number of the error ratio counter 2-4 three most recent error codes: 6C RAM/SWCM compare test error 0 trunk circuit to trunk circuit 1 trunk circuit to subscriber 2 subscriber to subscriber 4 O&M connection 5 multi-slot connection between two external PCM 1 type of the plug-in unit controlling the switching circuits network 6 multi-slot point-to-multipoint connection between external 2 index of the plug-in unit controlling the switching PCM circuits network 1 of the plug-in unit controllingconnection the switching 8type unidirectional semipermanent network 3 type of the plug-in unit that caused the alarm 2 incoming PCM circuit of connection; SUB 2 index of the plug-in unit controlling the switching (Subscriber Module) FFFF means that the plug-in unit type cannot be network number if connection is controlling subscriber the to subscriber 1 type of the plug-in unit switching determined network 3 type of thetime plug-in that caused the alarm incoming slot unit of the connection; connector 4 index of the plug-in unit that caused the alarm location if 2 index of the plug-in unit controlling the switching FFFF means the plug-in unit type cannot be connection is that subscriber to subscriber network FFFF that the plug-in 1 index means of the SWCOP plug-in unit unit.index cannot be determined determined 4 incoming slot that of the connection. The value 3 type of thesub-time plug-in unit caused the alarm 4 index of the plug-in unit that caused the alarm is significant only thethat connection is on a type bit-based switching FFFFwhen means the plug-in unit cannot be FFFF means that the plug-in unit index cannot be network determined determined (GSWB) 1 4 5 index of the plug-in unit that caused the alarm outgoing PCM circuit of connection FFFF means that the plug-in unit index cannot be 6 outgoing time slot of connection determined 7 outgoing sub-time slot of connection. The value is significant only when the connection is on a bit-based switching 1 number of the error ratio counter. network (GSWB) 2-4 three most recent error codes. They have the fixed value 00H 8 BCD-coded transmission speed of connection 1 (kbit/s)family identifier of the program block that detected the error 9 error code: 2 file number 01 subscriber module or switching service sends The entire memory space allocated to the files of 1 file number 3 record number error the central FFFFFFFF record cannot berepair defined acknowledgement when of connection is memory is in use. The expansion of files is attempted congested. 4 number of the incoming 02 subscriber module ormessage switching service does not Subscriber-activated functions requiring memory respond space fail. to connection request 03 subscriber module or switching service does not respond to state of connection inquiry 04 connection is repaired but contains repeated breaks This is an error ratio counter alarm. The counter monitors the messages coming to the central memory. The counter for unsuccessful events is incremented when the The central memory reading program block parameters of the (CMREAD) does not incoming message conflict with the files of the receive the day class of the current day. Because central of this, memory, or if the message is erroneous or the time controlled calls are directed to an The signalling point cannot be reached because unknown. erroneous none of the signalling destination. routes of the signalling route set can be used. Signalling traffic to the signalling point concerned is totally blocked. The operator has configured the parameters of This might cause the exchange, eg. the a situation where CCS calls to the signalling point signalling network, with MML commands, and the concerned fail modified data has not or where, in the worst case, all outgoing calls, for been updated in all computer units. The alarm is An addressing example, fail error has occurred while a a warning that the program block point is performing (the signalling that cannot be reached is configured data is on in just one computer unit, the read and write of an external file. HLR) or all calls of operations a therefore the data It is possible certain type fail (the signalling point that cannot may be lost if a switchover is performed for the that the opening of the file has failed. The be reached A failure hasisoccurred in the distribution of a file unit in question. program block thatorset for example SCP SMSC). modification In connection with this alarm, the system may the alarm cannot use the file in question, nor can from the CM to other units. The file is not updated also issue alarms 2068, it function in a to disk, either. FILE DISTRIBUTION FAILURE, and 1065, DISK normal way. The alarm is used mainly in The operation of the exchange can be disturbed UPDATE FAILURE. The signalling teststatistics, has failed. Lockout of the connection withlink SS7 as far as the signalling but it is not related to any specific feature. SS7 operation is related to the file in this alarm. link on level has succeeded, but testing the statistics are2not signalling related to link charging. on level 3 has failed and the signalling link is not All signalling links in the signalling link set are brought into unavailable. use. The system restarts the signalling link and There is no direct connection to the partner the signalling exchange to which this link test is repeated. link set is connected. If there is an alternative There is a faulty signalling link terminal in a connection between signalling link set the exchanges, traffic is routed to that whose links are all unavailable. A prepared connection. If the alarm switchover is attempted 2064 ROUTE SET UNAVAILABLE is also on, for the unit serving the signalling link terminal The or restoration of a signalling link thereactivation is no connection to before the alarm fails. the partner exchange or another exchange is issued. The alarm 2070 LINK SET If there are other this available signalling links in the reached through UNAVAILABLE is issued signalling link set. simultaneously to indicate the unavailability of the link set, signalling traffic is transmitted through A program block of the common channel link set. them. There is something wrong with the data signalling system has detected Signalling transmission capacity is, however, transmission connections of an update failure in a stand-by unit. The program decreased. the links of this link set, and/or links have been block of the stand-by The alarm 1072 SIGNALLING LINK OUT OF blocked. The exchange unit attempts to correct the failure by warming up The warm-up ofalso a stand-by unit performed SERVICE hasattempts been automatically to reestablish the by a the dynamically program block of signalling link. issued about this connection by attempting changing data from the active unit. If the the common channel signalling system doesThe not to restart the links thatthe are in state UA-INS. correction succeeds, succeed. If the alarm program block cancels the alarm. If the correction alarm is issued whileLINK starting the stand-byis 1072 SIGNALLING OUTup OF SERVICE fails, the alarm unit, the start-up given for each link which is 2074 WARM-UP FAILURE IN SPARE CCS7 fails. OnUA-INS. the other hand, if the alarm is issued in state PROGRAM BLOCK is issued. from a unit which If the alarm is active during switchover, there will is in state SP-EX, it means that the attempted be disturbances correction of in the operation of the program block that issued dynamically changing data from the active unit the alarm. has failed. In this case the system has also issued the alarm 2073 UPDATE FAILURE IN SPARE CCS7 PROGRAM BLOCK. 1 number of the error ratio counter 2-4 three most recent error codes. They have the fixed value 00H 1 reason for the failure 01 message communication failed 02 response message does not contain the day class 1 2 signalling point code message communication status returned by the operating system. 2 signalling network identifier: You can check its meaning in General Error Messages of System 00 international network 0 (IN0) 1 family identifier of the program block issuing the 04 international network 1 (IN1) alarm 3 status of the reply message. 08 national network 0 (NA0) You can check its meaning in General Error 0C national network 1 (NA1) 2 message bus address of unit 1 (updating unit) Messages of System 1 family ofpoint: the program block that detected 3 type ofidentifier signalling 3 message bus address of unit 2 (spare unit) the error 00 ordinary signalling point 4 number of the file whose data is contradictory with 2 number file where the error was detected 03 groupofofthe signalling points the data 04 adjacent signalling point 1 error of the code: file copy situated in the other units 3 number of the record where the error was detected. Record number 01 no response from which the distributor 5 number of the record contains contradictory zero refers to a file opening error data 02 faulty response from the distributor 03 errors in file distribution carried out 1 number of signalling link by the distributor 04 internal error in file distribution 2 error code 01 no acknowledgement message has been 2 number of the file the distribution of which failed. received from tested 1 number of signalling link setonly whose are The parameter is significant withlinks error code channel within the specified time after the test unavailable values 01, message 02 and 03 was sent 2 number of links in signalling link set 02 test pattern received in the test 3 general message 1 number error of signalling linkreturned terminalby distributor. acknowledgement message 3 signalling pointiscode The parameter significant only with the error code differs from the one sent in the test message value 03, 2 number of logical signalling link terminal 03 signalling link forms a loop 4 signalling network identifier: in which case you can check its meaning in General 04 acknowledgement message received from wrong Error 3 number of signalling link set link 1 number of of signalling link 0 (IN0) 00 international network Messages System. 04 international network 1 (IN1) 4 indicates thelink prepared switchover for the 3 number ofwhether signalling terminal 2 error code 08 national network 0 (NA0) 4 number unit has been of errors that occurred in file distribution. 01 initialization control record signalling link 0C national network 1 (NA1) The parameter isofsignificant only of with error code accepted 4 number of logical signalling link terminal fails value 03 1 error code switchover accepted 00 prepared 02 semipermanent connection of signalling link 01 number of the update message is incorrect FF check prepared switchover not accepted terminal in 02 file reference error switching network fails 03 initial alignment of signalling link fails 2 file number 1 error 04 ETcode is not in state WO-EX 01 reference in active unitlink terminal 05 file signalling link error has no signalling If the value is zero, a file is not involved, but a table 02 no reply from active unit function located on the own data area of the program block 03 file reference error in stand-by unit 04 checkofnumber of warm-up message is incorrect 3 number signalling link terminal 3 record number 2 4 detector of logical the error number of signalling link terminal 00 active side 01 stand-by side 3 file number If the value is zero, a file is not involved, but a table located on the own data area of the program block Message transfer between the signalling link terminal and the CCNETM program block does not function. The signalling links using this signalling link terminal are unavailable. A failure has occurred while updating dynamically changing data into the distributed signalling unit. The failure may be caused by overloading of the unit or the A program block of the common channel message bus, or signalling system has detected by the fact that the updating program block does a logical error in a file containing semipermanent not get data. The enough running time. configuration of the signalling network may be A failure has occurred when the CCNETM partly in disarray. program block performed SS7 signalling traffic can be disturbed due to the As a result, signalling traffic to some signalling tasks failureassociated with the change of the point may be distributed signalling and therefore temporarily disturb the signalling of blocked. unit. calls, A loop test performed by the signalling link and so have also an effect in exchange's ability terminal has failed. Due to the failure the signalling of the call traffic of switching The Signalling Links Management Program Block may be calls. orders the signalling disturbed and therefore affect also the link terminal to perform a loop test if aligning the This double_eth_interface_failure_a is reported exchange's ability of signalling link only whencalls. (EL0 switching does not succeed within two minutes. The test is and EL1) or (EL4 and EL5) has cable failure. used to check the And there shall be ethernet_interface_failure_a operation of the signalling link terminal. The loop reported first. The number of circuits connected to the circuit test is repeated This alarm report is not computer unit state group has changed so periodically until it succeeds or the signalling link related. that the number of circuits available (in the WOis deactivated. But it need (EL0 and EL1) or (EL4 and EL5) EX state) ofeither the in the terminal, in the There is aout fault to be configured in IP management system and total number of circuits circuit group has internal PCM circuit or in the The warm-up of an active unit performed by the set the fallen below the matrix, or these are configured in the switching statistical program administrative UP first. threshold level defined by the MML command incorrectly. blocks ofthe theinterface commonpairs channel signalling system If one of is set to DOWN state, TBS. Inmore case signalling of the One or links are unavailable for fails. The statistical this alarm will not be reported. BSC, the limit is defined with the PAFILE transmitting program blocks repeat the warming attempts of An FR virtual connection parameter ALARM LIMIT has FORbeen taken out of signalling traffic. the SS7 signalling use. The error A-IF CIRCUITS (MML command UNAVAILABLE network in a few minute intervals. The operation code EGP).of the virtual connection reveals why it was of MTP and SCCP taken out of that the traffic capacity of the This indicates or call switching are not affected. use. The channel may have lost some data circuit The FRgroup user has access is unable to function. There packets. decreased. have been too The failure maymany be caused by overloading of the protocol errors in the supervision of the access. partner unit The error code of or a malfunction in the (central memory) the user access indicates the type of the latest message bus. All operating system buffers of a certain size protocol error. have been The error code helps to identify the probably reserved. The fault can stop the normal operation faulty functional part of the of the user access. The system has been unable computer unit. A has beenofdetected in a Common to failure transmit some Channel Signalling (CCS) file. the frames. One of the routing tables contains illogical data: there is at least one signalling link that cannot be reached. The signalling message that generated the alarm has been deleted. The alarm can also be caused by the failure of the CCS work files warm-up or updating. This has caused the work files of the signalling unit to be warmed up again. If warming up the files of the unit fails, the unit is restarted. When the warm-up fails, the alarm 2134, WARM-UP ERROR IN 1 number of signalling link which maintains the state of the signalling link terminal (,when applicable) FF** signalling link terminal is not dedicated to one SS7 link 1 error code: only - i.e. CCNETM maintains the state of 01 unit to be updated has not acknowledged a signalling link record of terminal as a separate entity SS7 routing data 02 unit to be updated has rejected a record of SS7 1 error code: 2 which causes the message transfer between routing data the signalling 03 unit to be updated has not compeleted warm-up 01 of data exceeds accepted range of values link value terminal and the CCNETM program block to be procedure of 02from conflict between record data started SS7 routing data scratch 1 error code: 2 file initialization number 01 request received when one is not 2 file number or expected 01 state ofnot theactual supervision automaton of the unit 13D007F file 13D007F, but the computer 3 record number 02 incorrect answer to state inquiry of a signalling change is incorrect unit specific link 02 message contents are incorrect allocation table of link 1 number of signalling linklogical signalling 03 link terminal answer 03 signalling time supervision for thedoes unit not change has expired functions 04 informs that SS7file terminal cannot be 04 CCSEND conflict in data of SLINKF 2 number of signalling link terminal reached 3 record number 2 additional information, no significance 3 number of logical signalling link terminalthe SS7 signalling link terminal 1 shows if it is el0 & el1 failure or el4 & within el5 failure computer el0 and el1 301 message bus address of unit to be removed from 4 result of internal loop test. The internal loop test can 02 responsible el4 and el5for MTP level 2 traffic only be performed on a one-channel AS7-S plug-in unit. 4 number ofbus signalling link function within 4 message address of terminal unit to group which traffic is the 1 01 receiving direction circuit The loop is then formedofinside the AS7-S plug-in SS7 directed transmitting direction circuit group unit. 02 computer responsible for of MTP level 2 (,when applicable) 2 number of of circuit group in hexadecimal 00 no errors FF restart communication is not caused by failure 04 error ratio too big in 1 family identifier of program block from which the 10 loop connection successful dialogue related tonot particular link SS7 signalling network data hassignalling been interrogated 80 test has not been performed 5 result of external loop test. An external loop means 2 error code: 1 user identifier thatFR the 01 no reply timeslot used by the signalling link is connected in a 2 data link connection identifier loop 3 type of state data of the SS7 signalling network: from the switching 01 signalling link matrix to the signalling link 3 error code, the state of the previous active route terminal. 1 FR02user identifier signalling point 03 SCCP of own exchange a route can have the following states: 00 code: no errors 2 error 04 error ratio too big error internal state shown explanation SIO received when onevalue is 0008 acknowledgement number ofnot theofexpected status 4 data corresponding to the 3rd enquiry 1 code index ofstate overflown buffer with MMLpool 09 SIN received when one is not expected sent by supplementary 0 ... 13SIE received command FWO 0A when is not expected the user device (BSS) isone incorrect information: 0B SIOS received when one is of notsignalling expected 01number no protocol events (status enquiry or statuspoint or signalling link, index 2 8000 number ofof overflown buffers LOP_STATE UA-LOP passivated by 0C SIPO received when one is not expected message) during the SCCP signalling network 0 ... 7FFFFFFFH operator 10 loop connection not successful 1 error type: supervision functionality 4000 LUS_STATE UA-LUS subscriber interface onefrom is not expected 01 file in received disorder 0211 noFISU status enquirywhen received user device (BSS) (FRperformed bearer channel) not 80 test has not been within functioning the routing specified timefiles of the CCS have been chained to 2000 LAC_STATE UA-LUS faulty subscriber line each 03 acknowledgement number of the status message 0000other TES_STATE UA-SYS no error, waiting in such a way that the field number of thefor sent by acknowledgement from next the user device (BSS) is incorrect the remote end file in the chain. filestatus is obtained from the previous 04 no message received from user device 0003The EX_STATE AV-EX transmitting traffic (BSS) withininternal checks of the programs have detected that time specified the device value obtained the previous file in the 05 user (SGSN) from has replied to full status chain enquiry is not feasible. The only record which the value refers of virtual connections with a functionality to supervision doesmessage not contain any data, or the value refers to status Initialisation of the pointer at the beginning of a file failed, or there is an incorrect number of records. The start-up of the process detecting the failure does The send buffer on a plug-in unit is full. not Messages are deleted succeed, which causes a reset of the process or until the situation has been corrected, which the unit. means there can be disturbances in the signalling traffic. The situation The warming-up of the routing data concerned may be caused with common channel by an overload or a failure in the plug-in unit. signalling has failed. The program block tries to perform the warm-up again. If the warm-up is now successful, The release of a trunk circuit that uses common the program block channel signalling acknowledges the alarm. has failed, or no reply has been received to the release message in spite of another attempt. The trunk circuit The locations of the plug-in units do not cannot be brought correspond to the settings back into use before it has been released. of their addresses, or several plug-in units have been given the same The traffic capacity can decrease temporarily if address, the interrupt level of the plug-in unit in A check there is asum lot error has been detected in the the equipment software package to the exchange's capacity of traffic compared database is erroneous, or because the computer loaded theisprogram memory (RAM memory) and thisinto alarm has a hardware defect. of a plug-in unit ontrunk circuits simultaneously. issued for several The plug-in unit or plug-in units concerned do not the DMC bus. The error was detected by the The loading of a software build into the program function properly, plug-in unit's is check No charging lost due to this alarm. memory (RAM) which can disturb different operations, depending sum counting function. of plug-in unitunit. on the DMC bus has failed. onathe plug-in The initialization of a plug-in unit has failed. The system is not using the plug-in unit in any of its functions. The supervision of a plug-in unit has failed. The system is not using the plug-in unit in any of its functions. An error occurred in the switching network when the modified header of a cell picked randomly from a circuit failed to connect to another circuit. A fault has been detected in the control bus of the Switch Control Processor (SWCOP). 1 family identifier of the detector of the fault 2 process identifier of the detector of the fault 3 1 number of file where the fault was detected plug-in unit type 2 plug-in unit index 3 1 logical number of signalling terminal error type: 1 record number in warm-up message does not correspond to the one requested 1 error code 2 warming-up of record in question is unsuccessful 00 no answer received from SWICOP to release attempt 2 number of the file to be warmed up 01 connection-unsuccessful answer or unknown answer message 1 of the of plug-in unit to be warmed up 3 type number the record from SWICOP (see supplementary information field 7) 2 index of the plug-in unit 02 it has not been possible to send a circuit release request 3 type of the last detected error: 1 type of plug-in unit where the check sum error was to the SWICOP detected 08 no answer received from RMAPRB to release 01 error in location of plug-in unit attempt 02 no interruption from plug-in unit 2 index the plug-in unit where the not check sum error FF of cause of connection failure known was detected 1 plug-inofunit typeunits on which loading of 4 number plug-in in wrong locations 2 PCM circuit ofhas connection software build been unsuccessful 5 absolute address of the last plug-in unit whose address 3 number of check sum errors detected by the check time slot of connection 2 does plug-in unit index: identifies the plug-in unit sum counting on which loading softwareorbuild has been plug-in correspond to itsoflocation, where several 1 not plug-in unitoftype function 4 state data call control automaton unsuccessful units have been placed 2 plug-in index 4 check sumunit in the software package 5 PCM of partner exchange 3 this iscircuit a general error message of the system. You can 3 general error code, exchange indicating the reason why 5 sum counted the software package 6 time slot of partner 1 check plug-in type from check itsunit meaning in General Error Messages of the initialization failed. You can check its meaning System. in Generalidentifier Error Messages of System. 7 message 2 plug-in unit index of SWICOP answer message 4 1 first supplementary information field of index of SWCOP initialization failureplug-in unit that detected the error 2 5 index of the ASWI plug-in unit from which second supplementary information field ofthe test was activatedfailure initialization 1 index of plug-in unit controlling the switching network 3 number of incoming line inside SWCOP (SWCOP-S) 4 vpi/vci or vpi address, used when selecting 2 index of switching memory plug-in unit (ASWI or outgoing address on ASWI SW64B) Unit State Administration Program Block 1 general error code returned by the detector of the (USAPRO) or Loading error. 5 number of outgoing line Manager (SLOGAN) has found that a You can check its meaning in General Error preprocessor unit fails to Messages of address in memory of ASWI 6 outgoing restart. The alarm is issued due to either of errors System. in the loading of the unit or in the activation of the software build. 2 if loading error, this field contains the file that The alarm is also issued if the total time caused the error, otherwise 0FFFFFFFFH is output supervision of the restart expires. As a result of the fault, the services of the preprocessor unit that is the object of the alarm are not available to Error ratio counter alarm. An excess of rejections of the protocol data units of the connectionless OSI network service 8473 has occured during the monitoring period due to other factors than The alarm notifies of corrupted state protocol momentary congestion. data units of the links of the connectionless OSI network services. The corrupted state protocol data units may be a result of Error ratio counter alarm. The counter is used to software or hardware monitor the problems. The routing database has been reset receiving of corrupted link state protocol data due to the corrupted units transmitted state protocol data units. This may result in a by the links of the connectionless OSI network Error ratioincounter situation which alarm. The counter is used to service. An excess monitor themight be temporarily unreachable, some links of corrupted link state protocol data units has rejection of cause connectionless OSI network service which may been received during 9542 protocolin the use of OSI services. interruptions the monitoring period, which results in a partial data units. The rejection of a protocol data unit The state database of the connectionless resetlink of the state can be caused OSI service This may result in a situation in which the by defective heading data or defective operation links is overloaded OSI services are due to insufficient memory of the protocol. allocated to state not available. The alarm notifies that an excess of protocol data data. The connectionless OSI network service OSI unitsapplications has been cannot use the connectionless cannot be used before OSI network, since the rejected during the monitoring period. The fault more memory becomes available as a result of network has no user who provides a situation service may lead state data being service onwards to OSIthe OSI services are not to a situation in which outdated. This may result in a situation in which applications. The lack of network service user available. The connectionless OSI network service is not the OSI services may result from a failure available. The are not available. of a computer unit or a failure to set a network situation may result from a failure to configure the service user. This may OSI network result in a situation in which the OSI services are service or from the internal operation of the OSI The unlocked linkage of the connectionless OSI not available. network service. network service is not This may result in a situation in which OSI available. This may result from a failure of data services are not terminal equipment, available. problems in OSI network or the operation of the The OSI database contains no CLNS entity that connectionless network could be used for service. This may result in a situation in which the the initialization of the connectionless OSI OSI services are network service. not available. Either all the CLNS entities are locked or no The connectionless OSI network service has CLNS entities have discarded one area address, yet been created in the database. As a result, the since the amount of the area addresses given connectionless exceeds the maximum amount network service cannot be used and the OSI of area addresses. This results from an error in The connectionless services may not beOSI network service has the configuration of the received available.from another area addresses. This may lead to a situation in nodea protocol data unit in which the maximum which some of the nodes amount of the area cannot be reached and, therefore, the OSI addresses is different from the maximum amount The connectionless network service has services may not beOSI available. of the area received a protocol data unit addresses of the OSI network service. This from another node of the OSI network, in which results from an error the protocol version data in the configuration of the area addresses of the is different from the version data of the OSI OSI network. network. This results from This may lead to a situation in which some of the an error in the configuration of the nodes of the nodes cannot be OSI network, which reached. As a result, OSI services may not be prevents communication between nodes with available. incompatible protocols. This may result in a situation in which some of the nodes cannot be reached and, therefore, the OSI services may not be available. 1 number of the error ratio counter 2-4 three latest error codes indicating the reason for the three latest errors 00 no specific reason 01 error in the operation of the protocol 02 check sum error 1 04 number of in the error counter error the heading data of PDU 05 dividing messages into parts is not allowed 2-406 threedefective latest error codes. They have the fixed value PDU received 00H. 07 duplicated protocol option in PDU destination address cannot be reached 1 80 the number of error counter 81 destination address unknown undefined error in source 2-490 three latest error codes. Theyrouting have the fixed value 91 syntax error in source routing field 00H. 92 unknown address in source routing field 1-16 theallowed system that has transmitted the link 93 identifier route isofnot state A0 PDU's life time ended during the transmission of protocol data unit (link state PDU) causing the message overloading of life time ended while the message was A1 PDU's the compiled database being 1 type of the alarm B0 unsupported optionnetwork service 1 activation of theundefined connectionless B1 unsupported protocol version attribute B2hasunsupported safety option failed B3 unsupported source routing option 2 user of the network service is not in a functioning 1 B4 type unsupported of the alarm route option unit 1 CLNS B5 errornotice in the of compiling of message 3 identification the network service user has failed 2 configuration of CLNS has failed 3 updating of the attributes of the CLNS configuration 2 general error code that indicates why the setting of the has failed 1 network identifierservice of the failed linkage user has failed. You can check its meaning in 2 a general error code that indicates why the 2 General type of the failure Error Messages of System. configuration of the 1 terminal equipment of the linkage has failed OSI CLNS has failed. You can check its meaning in 2 connectionless network service has discovered that 1 type of the failure General Error the 1 the CLNS used for the initialization cannot be found Messages of System linkage is faulty in the 3 error in management information database 4 terminal equipment of the linkage is locked 1-16 the first 16 bytes of the discarded area address. The 2 a general error code that indicates why the retrieval of maximum 3 a general failure code that indicates why the OSI the OSI length of an area address is 19 bytes. If an area CLNS linkage CLNS data has failed. You can check its meaning in address is not available. You can check its meaning in General General Error contains less than 16 bytes, the additional bytes at the Error 1 Messages maximum of amount of area addresses received System end of Messages of System the address have been initialized with the value 00H. 2-16 the first 15 bytes of the system identifier of the sender of the protocol data unit. The maximum length of the 1 version data of the protocol data unit (PDU) received identifier is 16 bytes. If the identifier contains less than 16 bytes, the additional bytes at the end of the address have b een initialized with the value 00H. The connectionless OSI network service has received from another node a protocol data unit in which the length of the system identifier is different from the length of the system identifier of The connectionless OSI network service has the OSI network received a protocol service. This results from an error in the data unit from another node, in which all the area configuration of the nodes of addresses are the OSI network, which prevents communication different from the area addresses of the The creation of awith new adjacent node for the OSI between nodes connectionless OSI network connectionless network identifiers of different length. This leads to a service. This results from an imperfect service failed due to lack of resources of the situationhas in which configuration of the nodes own This cannot be reached and, somesystem. of the nodes of the OSI network, which prevents results from anOSI imperfect configuration of the OSI therefore, the services The management information of the local OSI communication between the nodes network, since the may not be availale. systems management concerned. This leads to a situation in which node has too many adjacent nodes compared to has been corrupted some of the nodes due to a software or a the resources. This may hardware The cannot be defect. reached and, therefore, the OSI result in a situation in which some of the remote corrupted management information partially or services may not be An OSIcannot connection from the exchange to the nodes be reached totally prevents available. destination cannot be OSI network service. This via the connectionless the use of the connectionless OSI network established. situation may prevent The the use of may result from lack of service. This may result valid addresses, OSI services for these nodes. in a situation in which OSI services are not temporary overloading or lack of data The message traffic between a frame relay available. transmission links. The fault terminal (AS7) and the may prevent the transfer of data (e.g. charging FRCMAN program block is down. The frame data) from the exchange relay terminal is not to the administrative computer, but it will not relaying frames. The traffic resultmessage in the loss of between a frame relay terminal charging.(AS7) and the FRCMAN program block is down. The frame relay terminal is not relaying frames. The name server cannot add a new service name to the nametable as the nametable is full. This situation can be corrected by increasing the size of the nametable. If the nametable is full, The PCM trunk circuit is looped in the direction of it may have effects the trunk circuit. on the functionality of the network element, depending on the unit it arises in. The PDH interface unit does not respond to a supervision message or, if the object plug-in unit is ET1E, the alarm data generated by the exchange terminal does not make sense. The exchange terminal is faulty. It keeps sending an acknowledgement signal to an AIS command, although the OMU has not set the sending of the AIS signal. The exchange terminal is set into equipment looping state, that is, the PCM trunk circuit is looped in the direction of the network. 1 the length of the system identifier of the OSI network. The system identifier forms a part of the Network Entity Title (NET). 2-16 the first 15 bytes of the system identifier of the OSI 1-16 the system identifier of the sender of the protocol network node data unit. that has sent the data unit. If the identifier is shorter Maximum length is 16 bytes. If the identifier contains than 15 less bytes, the additional bytes at the end of the address than 16 bytes, the additional bytes at the end of the 1-16 system identifier of the sender of the protocol have the been address data unit. with the value 00H. initialized have been initialized with the value 00H. Maximum length is 16 bytes. If the identifier contains less than 16 bytes, the additional bytes at the end of the address 1 source of the alarm have been 0 unknown source initialized with the value 00H. 1 database error 2 work file error 1 called remote OSI application. The value is the first 2 number of the corrupted file 14 letters 0 file number is not available of the AE name. >0 file number 2 reason for the failure of the outgoing call. Since the 1 type of frame access: 3 number of the relay corrupted record call may FFFFFFFF not available be rejected for more than one reason, each reason is 00 user access described 01 trunk access 4 type of the alarm in one bit. If the value of the field is 0x00, it has not 0 no specifying cause of code 1 message bus address the unit where the frame relay been 2 1frame relay access identifier record cannot be found terminal is located possible to locate the reason. 2 data in the records is inconsistent 3 3message address of the unit where the frame failure tobus read the database 2 number frame relay terminalcannot be found Bit 1: of called OSI application relay 4 access data in the database is inconsistent Bitfirst 2: 16 calling OSI application cannot be found 1 5the of the service name which you is located failure tocharacters write the record 3 error code: Bit 3: called OSI application is locked tried to add thethe nametable. 6 failure to to read record If the name of the Bit 4: iscalling OSI application is locked shorter 16 relay characters, use spaces to fill 4 service number of logicalthan frame terminal 01Bit initialisation request received when 5: network address related to the none calledisOSI up the resterror code that indicates 5 a general why the expected application is not valid 5 error code, state of logical terminal: management 1 03 unit type terminal fails to reply torelated FRCMAN program Bit 6: network address to the calling block OSI information isfails corrupted. You can check its meaning 09 terminal toisreply to FRDMAN program blockin application not valid access awaits permission to update data in General 2 03Bit PCM number in switching network 7: circuit no appropriate calling addresses can be found distributed unit Error Messages of System 4 state of frame relay terminal: for physical terminal used by access has been 3 04no significance the selected transmission link 1 unit type restarted, but no 01Bit not initialisation request received from either 8:even application service element is congested acknowledgement has been received from terminal temporarily or permanently 2 E1 or T1unit circuit number if the unit type is ET distributed 02Bit initialisation message sent to service the terminal 9: producer of the session is congested 05 access has been deleted with an MML command, 03 first access being created on the terminal either temporarily or permanently TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit but nounit type 1 04 load initialised on the Bit 10:level X.25limits data being terminal equipment hasterminal no free type is TCSM acknowledgement has been received from 05 more accesses being created on the terminal virtual and the transcoder type is TCSM2 distributed unit 2 06 PCM circuitonnumber in switching network or ETS accesses terminal, only deletion of access may channels 08 access awaits permission to make the connections index beIn in all progress Bit 11: database error other cases, the index of the active 09when access awaits acknowledgement thatunit thewith PDH unit type ETcallingon 07Bit more accesses created terminal, creation 12: types of is the and the called OSI 1 unit type interfaces connections were activated applicationwith successful 3 no significance MML command match 2 E1 ordo T1not number or ETS index, Signal 3 ET1E : circuit 29H V5.2 linking identification. 08 terminal is empty, nothing progress Bit 13: inconsistent locationin data of the OSI when unit type is ET. received 6 the family that failed to deliver the awaited message 09 firstunits access on terminal, creation application TCSM internal PCMcreated circuit number 0d..7d, when unit Other : no being significance activated with Bit 14: X.25 data terminal equipment not available type is TCSM. MML command 23 virtual connections being created for user of 3 no significance terminal 40 virtual connections being created for trunk circuit of terminal 61 virtual connection being created for user of terminal, creation activated with MML command 62 virtual connection being deleted from user of In the ET plug-in unit a fault has been detected in the RAM or in the hardware. If the fault is in the RAM, the check sum of a load module in the RAM has changed, or the The Message Transfer Part (MTP) is unable to check sum of transmit or distribute a program located in the ROM has changed. a signalling message due to an error in the contents of the message, or because of inconsistencies between the Due to forced switchover, file updatings which routing tables and the were in process have routing information contained in the message. been uncontrollably interrupted. As a result, the Signalling traffic to data in the files the target point is disturbed because signalling of the active and the passive unit and the disk A subsystem of the SCCP is unavailable. messages have been differ from each Signalling deleted. messages cannot other. be transmitted to the subsystem in question. The fault may affect the traffic capacity. A program block has detected an updating error of the spare unit. The program block of the spare unit attempts to correct the updating error by warming up the dynamically changing data The SCCP has failed in routing a message from the active unit. If the received from the user operation succeeds, the program block cancels part of the SCCP. the alarm. The alarm is caused by erroneous configuration The effect of the alarm on depends on the error of the system. code of the alarm. Typically the fault causes a failure of a The fault may affect the traffic capacity of the single system. call. A resource defined in the parameters of the system is failing. The reason for the alarm can be, for example, erroneous configuration, erroneous messages sent by A resource the parameters of the counter enddefined or userinpart system or a set has off offailed. a timer when sender is in As a result, themode objectwith unit of the alarm cannot asynchronous perform its end. the counter functions. The activation of the D-channel has failed, or the The systemofmay this alarm when thein a fault restoration the set D-channel connection common channel signalling situation program block detected anfor erroneous has failed. The has cause may be, example, a message which can be fault in the A logical error message has been that detected in the file any signalling accordant with primary rate access terminal is used by the Dconnected with the SCCP or TC protocol. channel, a fault primary rate access. The D-channel defined in The in question is always lost but in themessage D-channel connections, or a break in the the the fileofcannot be effect it connection activated nor useddepends in signalling. on traffic on the situation. The loop test performed of bythe theremote primary rate itself and capacity non-operation end. access terminal has failed between primary access Signalling in thethe channel in rate question is terminal and the connection impossible. The matrix. There a fault either the terminal, on effects on the is operation of theinexchange depend an on internal what thePCM circuit, or inisthe connection matrix, or their D-channel used for. configuration is faulty. One or several signalling channels cannot be used for transmitting signalling traffic. The faulty channels typically issue alarm 2250, FAILURE IN D-CHANNEL ACTIVATION OR RESTORATION. 1 type of fault: 00 read/write memory error detected by RAM test 01 check sum error in load module of RAM 02 check sum error in ROM program memory 1 error code: 03 daughter board is missing (ET2E) 04 Framer circuit failure (ET2E-TB,ET2E-TCB, 0 message directed to unreachable destination point ET2A-TB,ECE2-B,ECE2-CB and ECE2-AB) 1 message directed to unknown destination point 2 message incorrectly initialised by user part 1 code corresponds the interrupted task: 2 error when thethat functional unit isto TCSM, index of ET 3 message received from network faulty plug-in unit. Otherwise FF 4 no service defined for SIO 01 modification of signalling route set data interrupted 5 no unit found for control message of signalling 02 modification of signalling route set parameters network interrupted 1 6number of the signalling linkunavailable is unable tosubsystem: handle this long a 03 modification of signalling link set data interrupted values 01H - 0FEH message 04 modification of signalling link data interruted 7 message deleted because there is danger of circular 05 modification of signalling link parameters 2 indicator of the network where the subsystem is routing interrupted defined: 8 STPcode message addressed beyond A-interface 1 06 error modification of service information data interrupted 00 IN0, international network 0 9 destination point of of updating the message is a network cluster 01 control number message incorrect 07 modification of MTP statistics indexesisinterrupted 04 IN1, international networkuser 1 parts are blocked A message deleted because 02 no updating message 08 modification of L3PARA and L3RINF files 08 traffic NA0, national network 0 from interrupted 0C NA1, national network 1 of signalling network deleted 2 Bfilemessage number of the filebecause to be updated; if the value is 1 type of error. Possible values are: congestion zero, is 2-4 filethis numbers of the files whose updating was 3 signalling point code of the signalling point where not a file, but a data structure located in the data area interrupted. 01 destination point unknown the unavailable subsystem is located 2 indicates the value ofcode the service information octet of of the If there were less than 3 files, the value of additional 02 destination subsystem is unknown theprogram block fields is FFFFFFFF 03 originating pointmessage code unknown 4 reason why subsystem signalling 1 handled message number of theunavailable erroneous signalling message 04 00 originating unknown subsystem is unknown 3 record number signalling point where the subsystem ismessage located 3 indicates the value the Destination Point Code of the 2 01 group number of theof erroneous signalling 2 type of thebe SCCP message the routing of which failed. cannot reached handled Possible values are: an identifier SSP message prohibited) signalling message 3 02 family of the (subsystem program block which sent the 1 resource that is failing and the number of resources concerning erroneous signalling message which triggers the alarm if resources fallthe 01 CRsubsystem Connection Request the has been received 4 available indicates the value of Originating Point Code of below itConnection (the alarm limit) 02 CC Confirm 03 local subsytem has not "called in" for using thethe handled 4 process identifier of the program block which sent 03 CREF service Connection Refused SCCP signalling message erroneous signalling message 1 ordinary timerstatus record, limit % been RLSD Released subsystem testalarm (SST) has5 not 1 04 resource which has failed 2 alarm record, alarm limit 2 pcsLink Selection Field of 05 RLC Release Complete responded 5 indicates the value of Signalling 5 error (error code) detected in the message coming 3 control record of 1themessage timer service using the 06 DT1 Data Form to after signalling the handled signalling 01 the ordinary timer recordpoint's restart (MTP restart) from userthe timers defined by 2the operator, alarm limitin2 the pcs 07 DT2 Data Form 05 SCCP is unavailable (a UPU 114H received) 02 wake-up record to the transaction portion (TCAP: ITU and 2B6H 4 TNSDL timer, alarm limit 5% 08 AK Data Acknowledgement signalling 6-10 five next post-header bytes in the signalling 03 control record of the timer service using themessage timers ANSI): 1 09 number of the channel link setis(D-channel) UDT where Unitdata point theapplication subsystem located defined by the 0A UDTS Unitdata Service 04 TNSDL timer primitive 7025 unidentified D-channel index within the channel link set:parameters 2 0B number of resources defined in the system ED Expedited Data 7027 rejection in wrong operational state 0C EA Expedited Data Acknowledgement 7028 user has requested sending of "end" message, 0 = primary channel 0D RSRcode: Reset Request 1 error 2 number of resources defined in the system parameters although = backup channel (inavailable primary rate access only, 3 1 number of resources 0E RSC Reset Confirm 00 channels have been defined erroneously no messages have been received from the in counter not in use) 0F ERR Protocol Data Unit Error different end IT Inactivity Test available when the alarm is computer units 3 10 number of resources identifier ofset: the "cancel" primitive not in 3 7029 type ofinvoke theExtended channel link 11 XUDT Unitdata 01 the primary D-channel is missing in the channel issued. use 1 12 number of the primary rate access terminal XUDTS Extended Unitdata Service linkIf set the value is 0, alllength resources are still unavailable 702B error in the of element 0 primaryLong rate Unitdata access channel link set 13=03 LUDT no internal time slots have been defined for the SCCP address too long 2 702C of the channel link system (D-channel) 1 =number subscriber module (SUB) channel link set 14 LUDTS Long Unitdata Service terminal 702E TCAP message too long 2 = exchange terminal (ET) channel link set 04 the terminal index is erroneous (too big) use of D-channel TCAP not permitted 3 7032 of indicator. the within the link set: 3index = functional unit channel link setchannel network Possible values are:is inconsistent 06 the status of D-channel existent 7034 no impulses in the message in user DCLSCO andthe DCHSET files sent primitive in a wrong state primary channel 4 7036 number of has D-channel PCM 00 international network 0, IN0 703A error in the application context 01 international backup channel (in primary 1, IN1 rate access only, not in 2 04 file parameter number network 703B error in the TC2 message use) 08 national network 0, NA0 nationalofnetwork 1, NA1 3 0C number the record containing the erroneous in the message 4 error type detected of the channel link set: coming from the network information to the transaction portion (TCAP: 114H ITU and 2B6H 4 destination code to which a message was (if possiblepoint to define) ANSI): 00 channeltolink attempted be set sentof the primary rate access 01 channel link set of the subscriber module (SUB) 7000 unidentified type 02 channel link setmessage of the exchange terminal (ET) The SCCP has received a message addressed to a signalling point or signalling network for which the SCCP has not been defined. The system might be incorrectly The alarm logic in the switching network does not configured and the function. error can affect the traffic capacity of the system. The fault can be in the cabling, in the SWCOP It is plug-in unit, in the also possible that the configuration problem is in power supply unit of the switching network In theconnection with the database integrity cartridge or in the checking, inconsistencies remote end. switching memory plug-in unit. The fault does not have been found in the database. Because of directly affect the these faults, the traffic capacity of the network element, but it functioning of the database may be disturbed. An updating occurred in the updating prevents the error system operation a file from givingofthe following alarms that are located outside program block. important for thethe operation of the network element: There are inconsistencies between the data of -two 2051, files.POWER FAILURE IN SWITCHING NETWORK (power exists supplybetween alarm ofOSCFIL the Usually the conflict and switching network cartridge) OSCFIL. In this case the starting of a spare unit does not If the initialisation of a plug-in unit fails, or aalarm plug-help. 2052, SWITCH CLOCK FAILURE (clock in gives of unit the switching memory aplug-in notice that unit)it is unable to establish a physical transmission connection, is not possible to establish OSI As result ofitOSI this alarm, the call control An aoutgoing connection cannot be computer connections via the and the established from the exchange. plug-in unit in question. switching network unredundant until the The situation may are be due to a lack of available reason of the alarm addresses, a temporary The system will not attempt usehas thebeen plug-in has been found outof and the to fault overload, or a lack transmission paths. The OSI administration unit when establishing files contain contradictory corrected. record connections. You can correct the fault in the OSI references. situation has arisen from an error subnetwork The interface in bythe performing a switchover, or by forming the internal functioning. Other alarms related to OSI connections via other Several attempts have been made during a management plug-in units in the channel group of the plug-in certain period of are likely to be issued in connection with this unit. time to establish an X.25 connection to the alarm. The exchange from a fault maycheck prevent the transfer of plug-in data (e.g. You can theauthorised cause of the source that is not to do so. unit's The integrity checking charging data) initialisation error from of the database was interrupted because from the exchange toofthe administrative the MUFILE, ATFILE/OETFIL, OPCFIL, or an error. This may be caused by, for computer, but problem itThe disconnection OPHX25 files. example, problems will notphysical result intransmission the with loss of charging. of the connection is caused system files DXPFIL, MAFILE, DBFILS or by a faulty Taking a backup of the database has lasted too DBPARA, or problems within transmission long, and the link. The fault may prevent the the program. This alarm does not mean that the transfer of data management system terminates the process. database is data) from the exchange to the (e.g. charging inconsistent. checks cannot be run until administrativeIntegrity computer, The default of the cache which is the but iterror will notsize result in the loss memory of charging. defined todeleted. be has been reserved for disk units is defined as too large in the parameter file DOFILE. The size either exceeds the size of the free memory in the computer unit or is so large that there is not enough memory for all the files or programs in the unit in the startup or during normal use. In the first case, the system calculates the size of the new 1 type of the SCCP message received: 01 CR Connection Request 02 CC Connection Confirm 03 CREF Connection Refused 1 index of the SWCOP plug-in unit which detected the 04 RLSD Released error 05 RLC Release Complete 06 DT1 Data Form 1 2 wired alarm for which the alarm logic does not 07 DT2 Data Form 2 function 1 08 identifier of the database; AK Data Acknowledgement 00 power supply alarm of the switching network although some database applications still need this 09 UDT Unitdata cartridge information, 0A UDTS Unitdata Service 01 clock alarm of the switching memory plug-in unit it0Bis becoming moreData common that the database can be ED Expedited identified 0C EA Expedited Data Acknowledgement 1 number 3 index of of thefile switching memory plug-in unit by values given in the next two supplementary 0D the RSR Reset Request FF, if the object of the alarm is not the switching information RSC Reset Confirm 2 0E number of plug-in record memory unit fields, thatProtocol is, the name of the database and the 0F0FFFF$FFFFH ERR Data Unit Error = record cannot be specified number the 10 ITof Inactivity Test 1 database of file 1 Unitdata 11 number XUDT occurrence Extended 12 XUDTS Extended Unitdata Service 2 13 record number of file 1 name of the database LUDT Long Unitdata = recordService cannot be specified 140FFFF$FFFFH LUDTS Long Unitdata 3 number of the database occurrence 1 plug-in unit index: indicates in what part of the 3 numbernetwork of file 2 for which the SCCP has not 2 signalling computer 4 been if the results of theunit integrity checking asked to be defined: unit the plug-in representing theare OSI subnetwork 4 reported recordtonumber of file 2 contains the number of the a file, this field interface is situated. Possible values are 0 - 131. = record specified file.000FFFF$FFFFH international network 0, cannot IN0unitsbecreated Values 0-15 indicate plug-in with the 1 In the callingcase, local application. The"NONE" value isin the any other there is the text the field. 04 international network 1, IN1 WTP number of OAPFIL 08record national network 0, NA0 command. 5 0C if the results of theindicate integrity checkingconnections are asked toofbe national network 1, NA1Ethernet Values 128-131 PCI 2 reported the called remote application. The value is theof to a file, this field contains the identifier computers record number ofreport OAPFIL disknumber where the is located. The field 3 destination point code to file which the message wascan 1 the the of the faulty file have values 00 (W0) or 01 (W1). If reporting was attempted to be sent. If the message to be routed 2 diagnostics field that indicates the type of the fault. 3-10 diagnostics table: the reasonpoint whycode, the outgoing call directed into include the destination the 2 does thenot faulty record Possible values are: failed. an MML device, field has the value FF. value in the field the is FFFFFFFF Each marking may contain one of the following 3 diagnostics field identifies the error type. Possible 00 : not specified 1 plug-in unit index: identifies the plug-in unit fromto diagnostics 4 number ofare: destination theOPCFIL message values 01 : plug-in unit notsubsystem. specified inIfthe where the calls originated codes: be routed does not include number of failed subsystem, 02 : initialisation of the the physical layer the value in the field is FF 00 : initialisation not specifiedof the network layer protocol failed 03 2 no significance, the value is FFFF 0x00 : not specified 01 type mismatch (local/remote) 04 : record physical layer disconnected 0x01 : remote address records locked 5 originating point code. Identifies theare signalling 1 identifier of the database; 02 : unallocated record 3 point the BCD-coded alarm number ofsent the observation 0x02 : local address records are locked from which the message was although some database still need this 03 : record key out ofapplications scope that supports suspicions ofinachannel break-ingroups attempt 0x03 : no free channels information, 04 : invalid reference key (unallocated record) 0x04 : no proper local address for selected channel 6 itnumber of originating subsystem. If the message is becoming more common the database can be 05 : invalid reference keythat (record type mismatch) 0x05 : Application Service Element temporarily to be routed does not include the number of identified 06 : invalid reference key (out of scope) 1 subsystem, identifier the of the database; congested value the fieldtwo is FF by the values given in in the next supplementary although some database applications still need this 0x06 : Session Service provider temporarily information information, congested 7 fields, reference in theofDX The logand contains that number is, the name thelog. database the is becoming moretemporarily common that the database 0x07 : X.25 PLP congested theit erroneous message. If the reference number can number of the beisidentified not type usedoccurrence in the log, the value of this field 1 database error is 0by the values given in the next two supplementary information default size of the disk cache memory defined 2 00 name of the database fields, that is, the name of the database and the in the parameter file exceeds the size of the free number of the memory 3 number of the database occurrence database occurrence in the unit 4 cause for the error. You can check its meaning in 2 name of the database 01 size of the cache memory defined so large that General there is Messages of System Error 3 number of the database occurrence not enough free memory for the system. There is not enough 5 identifier of the disk from which the database was cache checked andfor all files when loading or some application 4 location of the database does the inconsistency found. not getvalues the amount memory requires during Allowed are 00of (W0) or 01it(W1) 5 family identifier of the program block which manages normal use. The initial loading of the computer unit fails from all sources because: a) the source computer units' trial or new pack status is Boot loading fails. The Boot Management different from the one in the unit to be Program Block (BOMBER) loaded, or has detected an error in the unit serving as the b) the source computer units contain a source of different software build, the loading. Loading of the computer unit may The orOMU has restarted with other than the succeed later default that is units do not respond c) thepackage, source computer from the same source or from some other source the has fallen a repeated reset with the Theunit loading of the into computer unit may succeed of loading. default package, later from some source. or the loading of the default package failed and Either the Software Configuration Management BOLERO has chosen File (SOMAFI) is out another package because of that. of order on the disk, or the reading of the file from the disk fails, or the file is not identical on both disks. An error has occurred in the initialization of the hardware As a result, the disk moves to TE-state and the interface of the program. The necessary data disk update queues cannot be read are interrupted. The situation generates alarm from the equipment database, or the data is The ESP register value of a process identified in 2007, FILE UPDATING erroneous. the ON AUXILIARY STORAGE IS NOT supplementary this alarm is PROCEEDING.information If only one fields of theof disks Because of this error, the target unit does not illegal. generates this alarm, the fault in question work as This leads to faulty functioning, especially to generates A fault has also beenalarm detected in a plug-in unit that expected. process 2806, SOMAFI UPDATE ERROR. acts as a freezing and, with critical processes, also to signalling terminal of the system. The fault recovery prevents the plug-in unit actions of the unit where the process is located. from functioning. The fault may be in the plug-in Automatic return to another package will be unit itself, in its started after time program build or in the operational environment supervision. The alarm is set at OMU restart. that is in close contact with it. Automatic return to another package, i.e. change of default package, occurred during the latest system restart. The reason for the return was either a spontaneous reset cycle or an The execution of file or database conversion initiation of return due failed. to time supervision. The alarm is set at OMU restart. Due to the failure, the database which was the target of Some B-channels remain barred on the Dthe conversion has lost its integrity and cannot be channel indicated in this alarm. used. This means that not all B-channels are available, The database or the file system used as the and some or all source for traffic to this D-channel is barred. The initial loading thebe CPU plug-in the conversion canofstill used, sinceunit no has failed, because changes were The reason might be, for example, that the the loading controller cannot load the requested made to them. remote end has not responded load module. If to the RESTART message, or that all restarted the alarm is not cancelled soon after it is set, the circuits have not received object unit acknowledgement in the RESTART of the alarm is unable to function. ACKNOWLEDGE message. 1 trial status of the computer unit to be loaded: 0001 (T) = unit is on trial side during changing of the software build 0000 (F) = unit is not on trial side 1 error code. You can check its meaning in General Error FFFF (SCD__ER) = status is not known Messages of System. 2 new pack status of the computer unit to be loaded: 2 load module name 1 status(T) of the = default package thepackage OMU 0001 unit has a new during software 3 message bus address of the computer unit to be restart: during loaded FB = fallback changing of the software build BU(F) = backup 0000 = unit has an old software package 4 trial status of the computer unit to be loaded: NW(SCD__ER) = new FFFF = status is not known 1 general error message of the system. You can check UT = untitled its 0001 meaning (T) = unit is on trial side when changing UD 12 = undefined 3 in the first bytesMessages of the software build identifier General aError software build of System. 0000 (F) = unit is not on trial side 2 status of the package running in the OMU: FFFF (SCD__ER) = status is not known 1 family FB =identifier fallback of the detector of the error BU = backup 2 process identifier of the detector of the error NW = new UT = untitled 3 general error code UD = undefined 1 family identifier of the process where the illegal ESP You can check its meaning in General Error value was detected. Fields 1, 2 and 3 contain Messages of System. the complete process identification 4 additional information 2 process identifier, see description in field 1 1 index thecheck signalling terminalin General Error You of can its meaning Messages of System. 3 process focus, see description in field 1 2 type of fault: 4 illegal ESP value 01 = loop test between the signalling terminal and the 1 packages to and from which automatic return occurs, switching network has failed on several channels unless return is 02 = check sum of the signalling terminal code is denied with an MML command: incorrect NW -> BU or BU -> FB FF = other fault causing malfunction 1 package to and from which automatic return occurred: 2 time limit, in seconds, of return due to time supervision NW -> BU or BU -> FB 1 name of the conversion program 2 error code indicating the reason for the failure of the conversion. You can check its meaning with a command 1 number of the D channel whose circuits remain barred of the service terminal extension MRS (see Service Terminal Essentials, Maintenance Manual) or from the document General Error Messages of System, 1 Supplementary reason for failedReferences loading: 02 controlled interruption by the unit that was being loaded 03 restart of the unit that was being loaded 04 error detected by loading controller during loading 05 time exceeded in the loading attempt 06 failure in creating a loading hand 07 illegal loading state of the loading controller 08 file not found in the loading controller computer 09 file cannot be opened 0A file cannot be closed 0B file reading failed The alarm is set when automatic return is allowed from the package in use. The alarm is also set at OMU restart, if automatic return is allowed and the restart did not cause a return to A fault has been detected while initializing or another package. updating the contents Automatic return to another package occurs if the of the RY9STA, SW9STA and/or CI9FIL file. The system restarts RY9STA, SW9STA and CI9FIL spontaneously three times so that there are less files are used for executing the SP-CIC -> PCMThe transfer part (MTP) has detected than message ten minutes TSL conversion for the an unauthorized between restarts. TUP, ISUP, BICC, and BSSAP signalling signalling message (STP) passing through. messages coming from the signalling network. The CPU -5 V supply voltage is faulty. The voltage needed in the The faultismight cause serious disturbance in the unit switchover traffic since the logic. The fault does not affect the traffic capacity incoming signalling messages can not be of the network element directly, but as a result, processed the problematic The space for reserved for a file is smaller than what the unit's ability circuits. is required to recover from faults that require switchover is for the functioning of the program block. The fault severely decreased. The is in fault the is usually caused by errors in the files or conflicts between software. The alarm system ofisthe preprocessor unitan was the The alarm typically caused error For files. example, if the number of the file isby 5 or 6, all unable to of the in a record alarms are process the setbecause message, orvalues the disturbance or CPCMSP file, of the not transmitted from thethe preprocessor. fault signalling point code (SPC), observation as all the records the FAILFL service information (SIO)of circuitfile A file error has beenoctet detected inand thethe alarm reserved identification code system file for theare observation with the respective number (CIC) read from a CPCMSP record positioned in the preprocessor unit. Thepointed alarm are in use. out by the PCM-TSL. Note system When are no more(SP_INDEX) free records available, that thethere signalling identified software is unablepoint to find the requiredisdata in the When starting the data on the computer unit, the system has by the signalling file, detected thatofthe the settings the observations with(SPC). the network (NET) andnew signalling point code or the desired information is not within voltage in the CPU clock circuit has failed. The same alarm acceptable limits. fault is not number areserious lost until free records are available The may also issue alarm The system reason for the error is that data of an alarm for the operation of the unit. As the result of the due to the conf_between_two_files_error_a The system has updated the CPU clock circuit set by a fault, the CPU cancellation of observations stored. (0x2261) in connection with this alarm. time because program blockitis missing from the file, data has cannot independently maintain the correct time differed been from the system's calendar time. The during possible fault does incorrectly not affect or a program block is setting initialised power failures. However, the system updates the operation of the unit directly, but it may an The both amount the timeofoffree the memory in the computer is prevent the with computer alarm itself incorrect data. A possible but belowclock the alarm CPU circuitlimit and the time of the computer unit from maintaining the correct time during a unlikely used in supervision. The alarm limit is usually set unit from the power failure. reason can also be that the contents of the file so lowclock that main unit of the network element after the However, system updates the time of the has been the the alarm indicates critical reduction in the computer unit starts.a alignment The RBS multiframe been lost computer unit from the due tohas damaged during loading, a transmission amount of free memory between theunit signalling main clock of the network element after the error or a or its fragmentation so that it is unusable. terminal and the ET, or the ET does not respond computer unit starts. faulty RAM memory. to the status When there is no free memory, memory inquiry of the RBS multiframe alignment. A a result of the the system ofThe the A process identified the alarm first two supplementary reservations fail error, andinthis index of the ET in cannot process the alarm that preprocessor unit information of this alarm hascomputer. reserved more may disturb fields the functioning of the question is included in the first additional the program dynamic information field in this alarm's supplementary block mentioned memory thanofisfree allowed in the alarm limit The amount memory indicates the set sizebyof of this alarm. information the largest attempted to set.area, In this case, the alarm in the process. unified memory because it illustrates When thecannot alarm is active, the speech lines which question amount of free use the RBS be output to the alarm If the system does not output cancel the soon of memory more accurately thandevice. thealarm total amount signalling in the ET are out of use, or the system after it has free memory. cannot been set, the memory remains reserved for the supervise the operation of the RBS signalling process. because of the In such a case, there is probably a fault in the problems in the operation of the ET. code implementing the process that should be investigated. 1 packages which allow automatic return NW -> BU or BU -> FB 2 value of reset counter ( 3,2,1 ). The value of reset counter is 1 error code: decreased at spontaneous OMU restart. The value indicates how many restarts are allowed before 00 Addressing of CPCMSP file record failed while automatic return adding circuit occurs. That is, when the value is 1, automatic return 01 Addressing of CPCMSP file record failed while 1 typeafter of STP function's access right violation occurs removing circuit the next restart. 02 Addressing of RY9&SW9&CI9 file chain failed while 01 the originating point in question should not send adding circuit signalling messages to the destination point 03 Addressing of RY9&SW9&CI9 file chain failed while (message has been transmitted) removing circuit 04 Addressing of RY9&SW9&CI9 file chain failed in 02 the originating point in question must not send initialisation phase signalling messages to the destination point 05 RY9STA&SW9STA&CI9FIL file chain corrupted (message has been deleted) SW9STA fileof distribution failed 1 06 family identifier the program block that set 07 CI9FIL file distribution failed thesignalling alarm 03 messages should not be sent to the 08 RY9STA file distribution failed destination point through the incoming link set in 2 error code (message has been transmitted) question 10 Erroneous signalling point code (SPC) while adding 00 space reserved for a file in the memory is 1 alarm number of the observation (BCD coded) not circuit inadequate 04 signalling must not be sent to the processed asmessages no free records 11 Erroneous signalling point were code available (SPC) while destination removing circuit 3 high byte of thethe fileincoming number link set in question point through 2 12 family identifier ofinformation the program block that while set adding Illegal service octet (SIO) (message has been the unprocessed alarmdeleted) circuit 1 code 4 error low byte of the file number 13 Illegal service information (SIO) while 10 unknown disturbance flagoctet 05 signalling messages should not be sent to the removing circuit 11destination unknown point error through ratio counter the outgoing link set (route) 14 circuit identification code (CIC) while 12in Erroneous unknown(message fault flag question has been transmitted) adding circuit Erroneous circuit code (CIC)the while 2 15 family identifier of theidentification program block setting 06 signalling messages must not be sent to the alarm removing circuit A2destination library programs of BANTAM library used to (route) set and point through the outgoing link set 16 Erroneous circuit identification code (CIC) length in cancel an alarm in question (message has been deleted) SEINFI file service specified for the user part in SEINFI file 3 17 file No number 2 the value of the service information octet (SIO) of the 18 Unknown circuit identification code (CIC) signalling message handled Non-existent identification (CIC) after 4 19 family identifier ofcircuit the program blockcode that attempted adding set the alarm 3 to the value of the destination point code of the signalling 1A Circuit identification code (CIC) still exists after message handled 1 size of the largest free buffer removing 5 index that was used when attempting to set the alarm 4 the value ofused the originating point code of the signalling 2 limit in supervision 2 alarm number of outer PCM circuit. The information has no message handled significance 3 with totalerror amount ofvalues free memory code 04, 06, 07 and 08 1 the ET index 5 value of the signalling link selection field in the message handled 4 signalling total slot amount of memory withinThe memory administration 3 of outer PCM circuit. information has no 2 time error code: significance multiframe lost in between ET and 6-801 theRBS 3 bytes coming alignment after the label the signalling with error code values 04, 06, 07 and 08 signalling message 1 family identifier of the process terminal 4 02 signalling point code. The hasstatus no response from ET04, toinformation inquiry the of the 9 thenoerror code is 03 or the linkofset from which the 2 ifprocess identifier significance with RBS signalling message was received error code values 00, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 multiframe alignment 3 the alarm limit set for the dynamic memory usage if the codeinisbytes 05 or 06, the link set to which the theerror process, 5 of service information octet. The information has no signalling message is going to significance with error code values 00, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 6 circuit identification code. The information has no significance with error code values 00, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 7 value of SP-INDEX corresponding to the signalling The process supervision of the computer has stopped due to an interruption in the supervision process. In the unit start phase, also the unit start is stopped. The data file group of the virtual data storing device (VDS) on the hard A stop in supervision leads to a situation where disk or on the removable disk is full and the application system is overwriting failures are not detected as normally. Therefore, untransferred data. The CPU watchdog is not functioning. The fault the computer may prevent therestarted start is automatically after a minute has If the storing target of the VDS device is WDU, of the necessary passed from the unit recovery actions in a fault the normal situation. setting of the alarm. transfer of files to the post-processing system The operating system has detected a fault in the has failed. clock signal of thestoring CLS ortarget CLABofand has taken use the If the theitVDS deviceinto is FDU, the CPU plug-in transfer to the unit's internal synchronization. post-processing is notfrom supported. The CPU plug-in unit system type differs the equipment. media must be changed before the VDS device is full; otherwise data may be lost. The fallback of the software data file copying group contains either build that is being background uncompressed (original) files processed in a network element been or compressed files, or there canhas be two interrupted because of an separate groups error. The fallback buildcompressed cannot be used. for files,copying Oneuncompressed of the finishingand tasks of the fallback depending on the predefined compression mode failed. This does of the VDS device. not always affect the usability of the fallback copy just made, because it is possible that only one part of the The alarm limit of the filling level of a database network element has file has been remained in the fallback copying state, and must exceeded. be released manually. In this case the fallback copy itself can be used. Database disk updates have been prevented with If one of the the MML command necessary finishing tasks has been interrupted DBP. due toDatabase an error, disk the copy is not updated. Updates saved fallback copy is in notmemory completely usable. may be lostsupplementary if the system isinformation restarted. See alarm The AFS plug-in unit has lost the framefields for more information. synchronising signal. No alarms can be transmitted from the exchange terminal. The system has detected a fault in the serial channel of SERO or SCSIF plug-in unit used by VDU or LPT. The terminal device using the faulty plug-in unit is not operational. The restart of the AFS plug-in unit has failed, The fault data transmission has no effect on the operation of the rest of the to the AFS does not function, or the AFS has not system. responded to a supervision message within a defined time. The alarm is also issued if internal resets occur too often in the AFS. Attempts are made to restart the AFS at regular intervals after the alarm has been issued, and if the restart proceeds normally, the alarm is cancelled. If data transmission to the AFS does not function or the AFS 1 family identifier of the supervision process that had the interruption 2 process identifier of the supervision process that had the interruption 1 type of the target disk (either hard disk or removable disk) for example: WDU, FDU 2 index of the target disk for example: 00,01,SB The first and second supplementary information fields can make for example the following combinations: WDU 00, WDU 01, WDU SB FDU 00, or FDU 01 3 number of the VDS device data file that was overwritten first. The alarm also applies to all data files 1 theofphase of the fallback copying where this application that were open whilethe theerror alarm occurred: was active 06 prevention of disk updates 07 interrogation of databases to be dumped 1 the phase of the fallback copying where the error 08 sending the dumping request to the databases occurred: 09 forming of MAFILE-based copy lists 0A dumping of the database 0F updating of the fallback copying data 0B fallback copying of the MAFILE files 10 ending the fallback copying state in the database 1 database index (someofdatabase applications still need 0C fallback copying the ASWDIR files 11 resuming disk updates this0D copying the user's own directories 12 updating the fallback build identifier and the information, although nowadays 0E finishing the copying task the database is usually change delivery identified based on therequired values of the following two 19 copying of other files identifier supplementary information fields, i.e. database name 1 13 database identifier; some applications still changing the status ofdatabase the old and the new fallback and 2 family identifier of the process family that returned the require this builds database error codeoccurrence) information butsecure the tendency is today that database is 14 tasks that the restoring identified 15 informing the event log of the new fallback copy 2 database 3 on type ofbasis thename unit thatvalues is likely to have the ofthe the entered in caused the nextthe twoerror updating build history 1 16 unit type that indicates whether the exchange supplementary 17terminal releasing theET resources is an or an ETS copying: 3 number of status database occurence 4 information execution of the fallback fields, database 1A updating the transfer listname and database occurrence 2 PCM circuit number 4 01 number of the isswitching about to network fill up when unit copying of file the which files in was interrupted 2 number family identifier of theindex process family that returned type is ET,of orthe ETS when unit started type is ETS the 02 copying files has not been 1 always FF, no significance error code 2 name of the database 3 no code significance 5 error describing the error situation that led to the 2 plug-in 3 type of theunit unittype that is likely to have caused the error interruption of the fallback copying. You can check its 3 number of the database occurrence meaning with a command of thethe service terminal 3 plug-in unit track number in subrack 4 code describing 1 error type of AFS plug-in the uniterror situation that was extension returned when or inidentifier: General Error Messages of System, 4 MRS family fallback copying wasunit being finished. You can check 2 theindex of AFS plug-in Supplementary its meaning References C2...D1 (VDU-1...VDU-15) in General Error Messages of or System. E0...EF (LPT-1...LPT-15) 5 fallback usability data: 5 error code: 00 the fallback copy cannot be used SERO plug-in unit 01 114d the fallback copy can bemissing used connecting a testcopying loop failed 0210039d the usability of theinto fallback not known 10041d FIFO write error 10042d FIFO data error 10043d no interrupt caused by incoming data 10050d no interrupt caused by emptying of FIFO The connection of the circuit used in the call failed in the switching network. The reason for the failure may be that the SWICOP program block does not reply to the Times differ over 0.1 seconds in the units connection request maintaining the main sent by another program block. The connection clock of the exchange. If the times differ, the request may also active unit contain erroneous information, or the switching is suspected faulty. File record data does not correspond to the network may have seizure situation a HW fault which causes a failure in the indicated in the bitmap. connection. The validity check carried out by the program block in connection with the restart revealed a file error in an alarm system file. The check sum of a file, calculated over the data Report Forming Program Block (RFGPRB) uses or the load this alarm when detecting module, differs at different times. The file nonconformity in the contents of the files used in contents have changed creating certain uncontrollably. The MMI system has detected that the contents reports. of the disk file Depending on the changes to the file contents itThe uses are can erroneous. alarm be issued also during the normal and where the file operation when the is been used, the consequences of the fault to When Supplementary field points at program block has detected notinformation beenin able find1 the An has been theto operation or the error functioning of the TAUTHO, PAUTHO required data in the file, files unit of the alarm may vary from the object or UPFILE it may not beset possible towhen start an the command data file, is not within the limits or all of the calendar. unimportant to grave. MML session, free records in or the commands of command group IAthe (MMI the have been used up. In addition, alarm Thefile command calendar is unable to continue The IOLOCO file (Logical File Table) is faulty. The System Authority Handling) is used to indicate operating unless the system cannot cannot be used to change the erroneous record that operations connected thefault alarm fault the is corrected. The reasons with for the can use the logical file given in the alarm. in the file infile question. system log (ALHIST) be, for example, Depending the useless logical file, data may have failed.ofonthe corruption command calendar control file be lostSupplementary information field 1 points at When The handling during OMU of a file by the files validity checking JOINUS, it may not immediately after the unit 1. The alarm issued program block switchover oristhe hard disk is so full that the be possible to log intoisthe element has restarted has failed. calendar The alarm notnetwork critical as to the with command remote user account. functioning is unable toof use If the RFGPRB program block has issued the element. Command classes' do not output When points at the CAUTHO file, itto alarm, the the alarm effects ofguidances the MML terminal; may not be possible toon the file, are as follows the fault, depending when theMML first letter of the MML is of execute commands, or thecommand commands (file number given, the in name of command group IA is given the supplementary information field the class is not output, cannot or when a (MMI System Authority Handling) 3 ofcommand the alarm): The file system has detected erroneous be used question mark is given to change the information in the file system after the command the menu of the erroneous record inletter, the file in0x01250000) question. - TEFORMGX number control files. As a(file result of the data error, foror command class (file is not output.0x01E80000): TEOUTPGX number example preventing When the reports alarm at may an MML program, its Those that use data from these files or allowing a diskpoints update fail. A hardware fault has been in a when This iscreated due a failure that detected has occurred loading intoto the memory when computer unit during the the SHOPRO program maycannot fail, and commands of that MML be the created. initialisation phase. The unit cannot operate. block hascannot tried either to form command groupprogram be executed. specific menu files - TEASCFGX (file number 0x01A70000): on the diskreports or to points add group-specific When the alarm at the EYELET file, Those thatcommand use data from this filethe have prompt texts remote user may not be incomprehensible in the file. able toDIPFIL execute any MML commands. layout, because, for example, fixedEYELET headings contains and fixedtemporary character user Missing of are command classes' guidances profile data. strings not output into the report. does not prevent an MML session, but complicates it. 0x01120000): When Supplementary information field 1 points at - AMTEXTGX (file number QWERTY, it may Depending on not the extent of the fault in the file, be no possible alarm textto log into a service terminal session in the unit where is output to either part of the alarms or to all of 1 reason for the connection failure 10 SWICOP does not acknowledge the connection request 49 error detected in the hunting chain 1 date in the active main clock unit (normally CHU) 61 unknown message received 62 unused PCM 2 time in the active main clock unit (normally CHU) 63 unused circuit 64 unused route 3 date in the spare main clock unit (normally CHU) 1 66 file number congestion on the route 67 circuit not free 4 time in the spare main clock unit (normally CHU) 2 6A file version error innumber the test of the test pattern 6B swtst status error of the test pattern 3 6D errorstatus code error of the connection 1 error code 6E01,02 parityrequired error of data the connection was not found in the file 00 According toreading the bitmap record is free, but 6F04,05 connection errorthe file parameter value is not within allowed the record data corresponds to a reserved record. limits 01 According to the bitmap the record is reserved, 06 no record end mark found 1 number but the record data corresponds to a free failed record. 2 file 0000 in alarm which the connection 08 - 0800 writingPCM in the system log file (ALHIST) FFFF located if the value of the 1st supplementary on disk failed 2 file version 4 record number information 09 creation of the alarm system log file (ALHIST) field both is 10 on system and backup disk failed 3 check sum calculated over:record 5 data in the first erroneous 1 erroneous file: 0A opening the logical connection to the alarm 01 Terminal Authority File (TAUTHOGX.IMG) system log file (ALHIST) failed data timeslot in which the connection failed 3 0001 - 1F 02 Command File (MCOMNDG1.IMG) 0C no more Group free records in the file loadifmodule FF00 the value ofAuthority the 1st supplementary 03 MML Command File information (CAUTHOGX.IMG) 2 family identifier of the program block issuing the 1 family identifier ofofprogram 4 linear start address the file block issuing the alarm field is 10error sum of an MML program alarm05 check 06 Forbidden MML Command Combination File 0001 2 typeend ofHWALCO error: 5 linear address of the file and the bitmap (if there is (FORBIDG1.IMG) 0002 ALARMP one) 4 computer controlling the switching network in which the 07 Profile File (PAUTHOGX.IMG) 000A RFGPRB 01 error in creating the command calendar connection 1 number ofPassword the faultyFile file (UPFILEGX.IMG) 08 User 0143 DPALAR command file failed 09 Directory Client Configuration File 00A2 ASYLIB library (.CMD) 2 number of the faulty record (JOINUSGX.IMG) 02 inquiry of a logical file COFFERFILE gives 10 Temporary MMI User Cache File 3 file number erroneous (EYELETGX.IMG) 1 firstvalues 8 ASCII characters of the file name OSEcode ST Authentication File (QWERTYGX.IMG) 4-5 11 - error 01: when the program 03 error in inquiring about a logical block file issuing the 12 Management Interface Configuration alarm is the RFGPRB: 2 3 ASCII characters of the file's extension File COFFERFILE (KAKOLAGX.IMG) typeerror of unit and family identifier the program 04 in opening a logical file of COFFERFILE block sending the data formatting task 3 common error code indicating theor cause of of thea 06 in handling (write, read, inquiry 1 errorerror code: 2 failure ofphysical the disk file) the command calendar control -file error code 02: operation. file (CTRCALGX.MIF) 01 value default language exceeds total with value 03the ofits Supplementary information number ofof alarm, You can check meaning in General Error field 1: offollowing system languages F0 order of the file is erroneous the field has no significance Messages of System. 3 general error code. If there is no I/Olanguages error, the is 02 valueI/O indicating number of system 1 number of the file where erroneous information was value too big otherwise: -isdisk error code 04: detected 4 that was the object of the file operationError 0. addition You can check its meaning in General of text into DIPFIL (RAM) has failed -03 FD erroneous record number, 0 = W0 disk file contents Messages 04 search of text from TXTMENn1 file (on disk) has FE end-of-file character error the following field has no significance 2 number of the 1System = W1 diskrecord or, in the case of a byte string failedof - FF error& in directory data file, the 2 = W0 W1 1 general error message of the field system. You can check 05 reference to MCOMND file (RAM) has failed - other errorfrom codes: significance displacement the neither beginning ofhas theany file where the its meaning with 06 creation of MENUESxn file on disk has failed E0 file creation failed error 4 a command number ofofthe erroneous record in the(on command service terminal extension MRShas or writing inthe MENUESxn file created disk) -07 file writing failed 6 -E1 error code 01, when the program block issuing thein was detected calendar the General failed- alarm FB file reading failed unknown output format is the RFGPRB: control file (CTRCALGX.MIF) Error of System documentation 08 Messages reading from TXTMENn1 file (on disk) has failed 3 general error message of the system. You can check 09 creation of logical file has failed 3 number of the faulty record: -number other error codes: fieldinhas no significance its 5 meaning of the next the record queue with a command of the service terminal extension MRS 2 specified: -error valuecodes FFFFFFFF has no significance or in General value 05 of Supplementary information field 1: Error Messages of System in customer documentation - MCOMND error code valuewhich of default language file01: record, contains the name of error code 02: number of languages the faulty - MML error codes 03 and 04: field value not significant program error code 05: type of file reference error: 1d: file is not found 2d: file is read-protected Updating the file system control file in the own unit, to the co-unit or to some other unit failed. As a result of the updating error, for example preventing or allowing a disk update Updating the file system control file on hard disk may fail. failed. As a result of the updating error, for example, preventing or allowing a disk update may fail. No stand-by unit has been configured for the functional units of the replaceable N+1 redundant unit type which is the alarm object unit. Instead, all the functional units are in the The database events performed by the database WO state or the management system only primary spare unit is in the WO state. have been defined to be recorded in an event log with a parameter If the user has configured recovery redundant in the DBPARA file. The database management Time diversion is over 5 seconds in the systems groups to this unit system sets this belonging to type by UST-MML command then the alarm alarm if it cannot contact the event log the Operations and Maintenance network. The object unit is a member of management program block fault indicated a recovery redundant group which has no standwhen it tries to start recording events. In this by the alarm is not serious, but it is worth fixing unit. ISDN callsystem between the BSC and the TRX failed. case the so that The TRX in question is is necessary for cannot record data that the data gatheredunits fromare systems belonging to the These functional therefore not fault unable to transmit database recoveryGSM and calls. network tolerant. If a in an error situation the state of the database would chronologically comparable. failure be occurs in one of them, the resources cannot be restored This alarm is configured to issued that when the creation of as accurately as in a case where database signalling capabilities towards unit are lost. events have been recorded the Abis interface to the D-channel system link successfully. created to the DCHSET has failed. The signalling capabilities are defined The BSC receives anrecord erroneous O&Mevents message If cannot database in bythe thesystem management sent by thelog, BTS via the the event the of the BSC's radio network. The reason for this Abis interface. The message is rejected. state offailed the database can be databasecan only be restored to the level of the reading, failed signalling in the program blocks or previous backup copy. Updates that have takenof This alarm is issued when the program blocks between them, place after backup the Abis interface failed creation of a hand or an error in forming copying be reloaded to the database. have notcannot succeeded in the attempts to configure the frequency lists. the radio network after the BCSU has been reset. The reason for The BSC buffer reserved for active BTS alarms is this can be a failure full. in opening the DCHSET file or failed signalling Because of this, an alarm may be missing from between the program the active alarms. blocks AOMPRB and ABIPRB. Thus, as the alarm is missing from the active The BCF-specific buffer reserved for active BTS alarms, the cancelling alarms in the of the alarm may be left unprocessed and is not BSC is full. Because of this, an alarm may sent to the OMC. be missing from the active alarms. Thus, the cancelling of the The output buffer reserved for BTS alarms in the alarm may be left BSC is full. unprocessed and is not sent to the OMC. Because of this, some alarms received and their cancelling information is not sent to the alarm printer. 1 type of the unit where the partner program block is located 2 index of the unit where the partner program block is located 1 disk unit where updating failed 00 hard disk 0 3 number of the file whose updating failed 01 hard disk 1 10 both hard disks, 0 first 4 number of the message that caused the update 11 both hard disks, 1 first FFFF the message number cannot be identified 80 system hard disk 81 back up hard disk 5 error code returned by the partner program block or 90 both hard disks the library FF the disk unit cannot be identified can check itssome meaning in General Error 1 program. identifier You of the database; database applications Messages of still 2 number of the file whose disk update failed System need this information although more often the database is 3 number of the record or, in the case of a byte string recognized on the basis of the name and database file, 1 system identifier of the network element supervising occurrence the from the beginning of the file where the displacement time in the network the 2 error namewas of the database detected. If the whole file was updated, the field value is 1 BTS identification 3 number of the database occurrence FFFFFFFF 2 TRX identification 4 number of the message that caused the disk update FFFF the message number cannot be identified 3 reason for call failure 1 signalling type 5 1: error code returned by the disk update system. You Telecom 1 = internal error can2:check O&M its 2 = external error Error Messages of System meaning in General 2 identification of the D-channel system 1 4 identification error code of the D-channel system decimal number decimal number if an internal error caused the call failure: 3 ID number of the BTS-site. Zero is not in use decimal number 1 = connection 1 signalling type request error 2 = connection error 4 1: IDTelecom number of the BTS. Zero is not in use 3 = congestion 2: O&M number on route decimal 4 = call failure 5 = D channel modification 2 ID general error message of theiserror system. You can check 5 number of of thethe TRX. not in use 1 identification BCFZeroerror 6 = D channel activation its decimal meaningnumber 7 = otherError internal error in General 2 reason for the failure presented by the general error Messages of System 6 generaloferror message of the system. You can check message its the meaning You error can check itsthe meaning in General Error if system. ancode: external caused call failure: 1 identification of the BCF 3 with error a command of the service terminal extension MRS Messages failed opening of the DCHSET file or 1: in System of error in the ISDN specification 2 General reason for thevalue failure presented by aSupplementary general error 2: failedcode signalling between the interface program blocks Error Messages of System, message of the AOMPRB and References 5 system. internal Youerror can code, checkno itssignificance meaning in General Error ABIPRB 1 reason for the failure presented by a general error Messages of 7 error code: message of the FFH = internal error code is not significant System 1: failedYou database read;itsget_link_user system. can check meaning in General Error 2: failedofdatabase read; get_bts_data_abi Messages 6 if internal error caused the call failure and the error 3: failed database read; get_trx_data_abi System code is 5 or 6: 4: DCHSET has more than the allowed number of TRX The fault has no effect on the operational state of links to D-channel number the BCSU unit in question the radio 5: DCHSET has more than the allowed number of network or the traffic capacity of the BSC. if not: O&M links to the BCSU unit in question FFFFH = D-channel number is not significant 6: failed signalling in the AOMPRB program block 7: failed signalling between the program blocks 7 PCM circuit number PXRECE and AOMPRB or between the PXRECE and ABIPRB Call-specific charging data could not be saved successfully in all the devices defined in the logical file. Charging data is not lost, as in this case it has The BSC radio network recovery has failed. The been saved at maximum number least in one of the devices. of retransmissions of the fault has been exceeded, or the This alarm is only set in the case that more than GUPDAT has returned the DX error code in its The BTS sitestoring type in the BSDATA (BSS Radio one primary acknowledgment, Network Configuration device have been defined for storing charging or the recovery has been interrupted due to a Database) is different from the actual type of the data, and storing cannot system reset. BTS. be done to all of them. The start-up of the failed duenot to transmit a failure result may be atest cellhas which does If more than one primary storing device have in reading traffic been defined fornecessary storing for the test from the the information because radio network recovery has not received charging data, the data will be stored in all of BSS Radio Network the fault, them at the same time. (BSDATA). Configuration Database or a cell whose capacity is use although The alarm indicates that storing theout fileofdevice opening has it If a primary and a spare have is not failed.defined, The program been the data is faulty, or ahas recovery which could be blockstored that set spare theaction alarm cannot useisnot the only in the device if there a file in terminated. question with and the primary problem cannot therefore function normally. device. The BSC has received the Global reset message from the MSC. Depending on whatfor thedefining file is used for, devices the fault's Recommendations storing for All calls are released. effect on the charging data can be functioning the program that set the found in theofinstructions onblock charging. The alarmMSC can has be sent an overload message, or access have been to very serious. It may anythingclasses from insignificant updated in connection with the Global reset be that the message. The overload program block is no longer able to perform some may concern the or the message of the services it exchange Charging data has been lost because the saving transfer part. Access classes normally offers. This can, at its worst, have an buffer of detailed of the on subscribers are removed from use. effect the charging is full. functioning of the entire system. The saving buffer may be full because the saving The saving buffer of detailed charging is filling up of charging data because the has been unsuccessful or there is an overload in saving of charging data to the devices connected the exchange. to the logical file is unsuccessful. The setup of new calls is The network element does not contain a blocked when sufficiently new backup copy for this alarm is current, if traffic restrictions apply. the default package. The backup copy package may be missing entirely, The saving buffer may be full because the saving may be too old, may not be the backup copy for This alarm indicates a problem that could cause of charging data the default package or loss of charging data. or there is an overload in has been unsuccessful finding out the age of the backup copy package Call-specific charging data could not be stored on the exchange. fails. any of the devices If you have to restore an outdated backup copy defined oncharging the logical file. gets The problem can be in When the buffer full, alarm 2503 The MSC notamount sent an acknowledgment to the package, ahas great the definition of DETAILED CHARGING LOST Global resetinformation message may be lost. of changed the logical file, an error in the I/O system or in the is issued. sent by the BSC. The BSC does not transmit storing traffic. device(s), or the reservation of the system buffer has failed. As long as alarm 2525 is active, storing of the charging data fails. NOTE! If you decide to make a switchover, DO NOT restart the spare charging unit before the switchover. If the spare unit is restarted before the switchover, the data in 1 general error message of the system. You can check its meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS, or in the General Error Messages of System 1 BCSU identification 2 PCM identification 3 BCF identification 1 identification of the BCF 4 BTS identification 5 TRX identification 1 test type. Possible values: 6 time slot (TSL) identification 0 = single test of the TRX by means of an MML 1 = single (DCS) test of the RAX by means of an MML 7 D-channel identification, a hexadecimal 2 = single test of the STM by means of an MML 1 number of the file whose opening failed. Possible 3 = single testfailure of the in TRX the Q3 interface 8 reason for the thethrough recovery presented by values: = singleerror test message of the RAX the Q3 a4general of through the system. Youinterface can check = single test the STM through the Q3 interface its5 meaning with=ofaAMTEXT command of the Text service terminal 0x001120000 (Alarm File) 6 =extension scheduled testor of in the TRX byError means of an MML MRS General Messages of 0x006390000 = BSDATA (BSS Radio Network 1 the MSC 7 =signalling scheduledpoint test code of theofSTM by means of an MML System Configuration Database) 8 = scheduled test of the TRX through the Q3 interface 0x006780000 = BTFILE (BTS Test Data File for 2 A-Interface Reset type through - TDM orthe IPQ3 9 = scheduled testSelector of the STM 9 alarm number Scheduled TRX Test) interface 0x0067C0000 = BTWFLE (BSC TRX Test Result 1 signalling point code of the MSC File) 2 in the case of an STM test, STM test type. Possible 0x0067D0000 = BRWFLE (BSC RX Antenna Test values: 2 01 : File) overload of the MSC Result 02 : overload of =theBTRFIL message transfer part Alarm 0x006D70000 (Radio Network 1 : Global = BCCH measurement 03 reset Definition File) 1 general error message of the system. You can check 2 = originating test call 0x007570000 = GLAHIS (File for BTS Alarms its meaning with carrier 3 = BCCH setting Currently On) of the service terminal extension MRS, or a4command = call status request 0x0075D0000 = GHEHIS (Header File for BTS in the 5 General = receiver sensitivity measurement Alarms Currently On) Error of Systemrequest 6 =Messages STM test interrupt 1 general error message of the system. YouAlarms can check 0x0075E0000 = GEXHIS (File for BTS 0xff = STM test not in question its meaning with Currently On a command of the service terminal (Extension Part)) extension MRS, or 3 general error message of the system. You can check in the General 0x007800000 = GBUHIS (BSC Alarm History File) its Error meaning Messages=ofGBMFIL System (BCF Maintenance Mode 0x008000000 1 reason for the alarm: in the General Error Messages of System File) 0x008060000 = BCWFLE (BSC with TestFB Callstatus Result File) 00 default package is a package 0x008070000 = BBWFLE (BSC with BCCH 01 default package is a package NWMeasurement status Result File) 02 network element does not have a package with FB 1 general error message of the(BSC system. You can check 0x008080000 = BXWFLE RX-Sensitivity status its meaning with Measurement Result File) 03 a package with FB status is not the backup copy of a0x0086E0000 command of the service terminal extension MRS,File) or = TDPFLE (Threshold Parameter BU package in the General 0x0086F0000 = OTCFLE (BTS Test Data File for 04 backup copy package is too old Error Messages of System. Value 143 means that the Scheduled MOC 1 signalling point code ofof the MSC 05 finding outTest) the age the backup copy package reservation 0x008700000 = CITFLE (Scheduled RX Sensitivity fails of Creation the system buffer has failed. Otherwise the status Test has been Information) received from the system.(BSC Abis Loop Test 0x009950000 = I/O BAWFLE Result File) 2 not significant 3 not significant 4 general error message of the system. You can check its meaning in General Error Messages of System The first alarm limit of the usage degree of the data file group in the Virtual Data Storing Device (VDS) on the hard disk or removable disk has been exceeded. The second alarm limit of the usage degree of the data file group in the If the storing target of the VDS device is FDU Virtual Data Storing Device (VDS) on the hard (magneto-optical (MO) disk or removable disk disk), this is a normal functionality. The user has has been exceeded. The data file to prepare to group of the Virtual Data Storing Device on the change (VDS) the media in FDU. If the storing target of the VDS device is FDU hard disks or removable disk is full. (magneto-optical(MO) disk), If the storing target of the VDS device is WDU, this is a normal functionality. The user has to The currentfrom datathe file is followed by an this comes The alarm given the if the Control Program Block prepare to is change untransferred data file (in fact that more data is stored in the VDS than can for Echo media in Canceller FDU. FULL state). The VDS device is used by an be transferred Unit (ECCPRB) fails to connect or to disconnect application that has more criticalThe data than the to the post-processing system. reason may the echo canceller. If the storing target of the VDS device is WDU, application be that the that sets the alarm 2733. this comes from the The program block BCF software builds transfer of files into handling the postprocessing system fact that more data is stored in the VDS than can checks, prior to down If thebeen storing target of the has slowed or VDS device is FDU be transferred starting thethat directories created for to BCF (MO diskup, / or prevented, the amount of data be builds to the post-processing system. The reason may (/BCF_PACK, magneto-optical disk), the user should change stored has increased. be that the /BCF_PACK/PACK_0 ... PACK_39, the media in FDU that The alarm a measurementsystem or transfer of indicates files into the postprocessing /BCF_PACK/HWDATA) on an OMU disk. immediately. The VDS device is used observation reportdown has orby an application that has been slowed If some directories are missing on the disk, the has more critical data been overwritten and Theof writeover occurred prevented, or that the lost. amount data to be program block creates If overwriting untransferred files in the VDS than the data of the application, which sets the in the oldest stored has increased. the necessary newisdirectories. But if the device incyclic question alarm file of a2731. disk file system. The writing of asystem measurement or observation directories cannot be checked forbidden, the stores data on a spare The VDS device is used by an application that report on a disk has failed. or created, this alarm is set. device only thecontains either The data fileafter group has more critical data file in OPEN state has become uncompressed (original) files full (see than the data of the application, which sets the instructions on I/O System). or compressed files, or there can be two alarm 2732. If overwriting files is allowed, system separate groups The Report Forming Programthe Block (RFGPRB) overwrites the next file for uncompressed and compressed has able tocontains either files, The not databeen file group of theadata file the group (usually the oldest file)mode and depending on predefined open logical file from the I/Ocompression Services uncompressed (original) files the data is lost. of the VDS device. (IOESEB). The system or compressed files, or there can be two issues thegroups alarm when an outputting task is sent separate The registration of thestoring SCCPconnections, subsystem or the isis If there are no spare data The system can continuously work and no data to auncompressed logical for and compressed files, TCAP user lost. The time lost for the timebe being. file that cannot opened. Outputs directedmode to depending on thehas predefined compression as user of SCCP failed. sending for fault correction is as longThe as the spareof device thethe erroneous of VDS device. signalling has storing file are lost. messages to the respective subsystem is not capacity. The alarm system has found, received This alarmso is preceded by the having alarm 2549. possible, one or more observations this does not group send any signalling messages The data file contains either to that effect, thatcontinuously the I/O device is defective. The The system can work and no data is either. The uncompressed I/O services is (original) files lost for the time error may influence the there trafficcan capacity of the or compressed be two informed about files, this inororder to activate the being. The alarmgroups system has found, having received system. separate necessary recovery actions. one or more observations to for uncompressed and compressed files, that effect, that the functional unit (not an I/O depending on the predefined compression mode This alarm is not output on the alarm printer, as it device) is defective. of the VDS is used onlydevice. for The recovery system is informed about this in Report forming service is unable to form the producing the alarm system's internal filterings. order to activate the requested report, However, when a necessary recovery actions. because running report is forming code the fails, hypothesis of thisof number confirmed, alarm loading the 1597 I/OofDEVICE FOUND This alarm is not output on the alarm printer, as it code fromBY the disk fails or the service requested FAULTY ALARM SYSTEM, or some other is used only is unknown. alarm that is by itself severe for producing the alarm system's internal enough to cause activation of the recovery filterings. However, when actions of the said a hypothesis of this number is confirmed, the I/O device, is always output. alarm 1598 UNIT FOUND FAULTY BY ALARM SYSTEM, or some other alarm that is by itself severe enough to cause activation of the recovery actions of the said functional unit, is always output. 1 type of the target disk (either hard disk or removable disk) for example: WDU, FDU 1 type of the target disk (either hard disk or removable 2 index of the target disk disk) for example: 00,01,SB for example: WDU, FDU 1 typefirst of the disksupplementary (either hard disk or removable The andtarget second information 2 index of the target disk disk) fields can make for example: for example: 00,01,SB for FDU the example: following WDU, combinations: WDU 00, WDU 01, WDU SB 1 PCM Thenumber first and second supplementary information 2 index00, of or theFDU target FDU 01disk fields can make 2 time number forslot example: for example: limit 00,01,SB 3 percentage of usage degree exceeded when the following combinations: the alarm is 3 indicates with T if the indicated is a quasi circuit WDU 00, WDU SB PCM 1 error sent by01, theWDU function that checks and creates Thecode first and second supplementary information (i.e.set connected to the01MGW) and indicates with an F if it FDU 00, or FDU the BCF fields can make is a build You can check its meaning in General for directory. example the following combinations: WDU 00, example: 50% realpercentage circuit (i.e. itlimit is connected to MSS). In has casebeen the 3 of usage degree that Error WDU 01, WDU SB termination is virtual, you can check the corresponding exceeded when Messages of System 00,of orreport: FDU 01 4 percentage limit of usage degree which the 1 realFDU type circuit value in the MGW by usingunder RCI MML the alarm is set alarm is command cancelled = observation for1example: 80% report 2 = measurement report for example: 40% 4 field indicates thedegree cause under of the which alarm the is limitwhether of usage 1 thepercentage type of report: a request to connect or to disconnect. If the value of alarm is theremoved field 00, the disconnection was unsuccessful; if 1 =isobservation report the 2 = measurement report value FF, the connection was unsuccessful for is example: 70% 1 general error code returned by IOESEB. You can 2 general error code, indicating why the disk check 5 reason why connection failed. The value of the field storage meaning with command the service is aits clear You acan check itsofcheck meaning in terminal wascode. unsuccessful. You can its meaning in extension MRS or in General Error Messages of the instructions on clear codes General System 1 identifier the network to which the user attempted to ErrorofMessages of System. in customer documentation. register PUMPRB has detected the following reasons: 2 name of the logical file that could not be opened 00: IN0, international network 0 04: IN1,5E international network 1 the VIDAST IOMANA program block 1 type of sub object (ofTEOUTP theorI/O device) suspected faulty 3 record number of file 08:not NA0, national network 0 does FFFF, objectname not specified - valuesub FFFF: of the logical file is obtained 0C: NA1, national 1 message respondnetwork to a task either in the task message to RFGPRB E7 no buffer can be 2 index of sub or object I/Oreserved device) faulty from(of thethe report formingsuspected code 2 subsystem whose registration failed or IOMANA E8 the message from VIDAST FFFF, sub object not specified other values: record number of TEOUTP file 1 typebe of sub object (of a functional unit) suspected cannot handled faulty 01 SCMG 2783 size(in of BCD disk file is inadequate 3-8 alarm numbers format) of the observations, sub PUMPRB object not is specified 02FFFF, TUP 2817 unable to transmit a buffer to which first supported the fault hypothesis ISUP the03 disk 2 04 index of sub object (of a functional unit) suspected OMAP fileload system 1 name of the module (without the extension part) faulty 05 CAP that contains the report forming code of which the FFFF, sub object specified 05 MAP thefailed disk writingnot system has detected the following running 06 MAP-HLR reasons: 3-807 theMAP-VLR alarm manual numbers (in BCD format) of the 2 number of report request message observations, 08 MAP-MSC A1 disk storing error, can be caused, among which first supported the fault hypothesis MAP-EIR other 3 09 error code that gives the reason for report forming 0A MAP-AUC by a its missing diskindirectory failure. Youthings, can check meaning General Error 0B ISS of System. Messages 0C INAP other error codes are generated by the disk writing 0D B-ISDN system 0E TC-TEST 20 USN-SSN 90 SMLC_C 91 GMLC_C The alarm system has generated this alarm in order to inform the operator of user actions required during the normal working hours. The alarm is generated when the corresponding The alarm system has generated this alarm in failure hypothesis is order to inform the confirmed. This happens, when there is a operator of immediate user actions required. The sufficient number of alarm is generated failure and/or disturbance observations which when the corresponding fault hypothesis has Connections between the OMU and the unit fail, support the failure been confirmed. This connection hypothesis according to support rules. happens when there are enough fault and/or between the ASS of the OMU and the switching disturbance observations network is faulty, The support rules are rules predefined in the which support the fault hypothesis according to connection betweenbythe GSW and SSW is faulty system, or defined A time slot of the unit has been found to be faulty support rules. or else the SWTST the operator with the MML command ARA. The in two successive or SWCM plug-in unit is faulty. The alarm is system does not is contain tests. The alarm removed when the time slot is Support rules are rules predefined in the system, cancelled as soon predefined rules for generating this alarm and in order again. or defined by the as successful connections to the unit are reached therefore it never operator withhas thedetected MML command The The system thathimself theARA. phase meter of during the issues it, unless the operator defines system does not contain the supervision of which the alarm was issued. rulessynchronization concerning it. unit predefined rules for generating this alarm and is defective. The idea behind this alarm is that if the operator therefore never issues defines the it, thedefect operator himself rules It isunless a major if the alarmdefines is directed at an support rules, he can The operation mode ofinfluence the unit the has alarm been system concerning it. The idea active so that it will changed to alarm plesiochronous either behind this is that if the operator defines synchronization unit; there may slips in the generate this command alarm, classified asoccur requiring with an MML given by the user oruser due the support rules, PCM connections. actions during to a failure in all the he can influence the alarm system so that it will normal hours, assignals. the result of another externalworking synchronization Slips occur generate thishas alarm, The system detected a fault standby synchronization unitinisthe notstate in of alarm or a combination generally in the classified as requiring immediate user action, as the working order if the alarm is of alarms which operation he considers to require actions. plesiochronous mode. The number of the result of another synchronization unit's oscillator. It may be due to directed at it. slips depends on the of alarms which he alarm a combination one ofor the correctness the control word value which is in considers to of besituations: serious. following fault The system has detected that the logic carrying the synchronization out selection unit.the The situationofisthe serious if the control word of - the value of the control word of the oscillator is synchronization signal in the synchronization unit the synchronization approaching is defective. unit has drifted too far from its correct value. the limit The has detected a failuretoincontrol the power - thesystem oscillator does not respond Most it is not aplesiochronous major defect but the If the likely, change operation source voltageto the - the temperature of the oscillator is incorrect exchange cannot follow the mode occurred as a result or in the operation voltagediffers of thesignificantly synchronization - the outgoing frequency from external synchronization source if signals, the alarm is of a failure in the synchronization it may unit. the correct directed an to active either beatdue a onesystem has detected that at least one of the The synchronization complete lack ofunit. signals to aobject change in is itsan It is a major defect if the or alarm unit three plug-in units of frequency. active It is synchronization a major defect ifunit the (CLSU) alarm isisdirected at an the The standby synchronization unit ismissing not in or the synchronization unit; the failure may cause an active wire looporder supervising working if the alarm is The synchronization unit returns in the interruption in unit when synchronization the outgoing the immobility ofoperation the plug-in units is otherwise directed at it. plesiochronous mode The system has detected that the the use of differs the network element. frequency broken. slowly to the nominal frequency if it is able to use synchronization anthere significantly fromunit thegenerates correct one; may the long-term mean incorrect clock signal. ifoccur the alarm object unit is the standby slips in the It isthe a major ifThe the control alarm isword directed at an of controldefect word. is changed synchronization unit, it PCM connections. A significantly different active a few times in a minute It is a major defect ifmay the alarm is directed at an is not in working order. outgoing frequency The system hasto detected that the operation synchronization unit. standby when returning theThe nominal frequency. active even disrupt the functioning the network parameters of the synchronization unit is not inof working synchronization unit. The standby element. synchronization differ. Itatisit.not majorthe order the alarmunits is directed As theifsynchronization unitindoes notaknow synchronization unit is not working defect, however. The absolute frequency of the order if the alarm at it. synchronization If the alarm objectisisdirected the standby system corrects operation parameters of the incoming signal, the it can also reject a signal that unit, it is standby synchronization has the correct not working order. unit in socomplete thatifthey correspond to the parameters of frequency the synchronization unit's own the active unit after the frequency is outside a few supervision rounds. normal control range. However, the alarm is usually cancelled as the synchronization unit returns to the nominal frequency in the plesiochronous mode and detects the signal to be correct in about twenty 1 subobject type value, formed according to the support rule, which defines the group of observations supporting the generating of this alarm in more detail than the alarm number 1 subobject type value, formed according to the support of the observations and the alarm object unit alone. rule, whose The value is usually the supplementary information field purpose is to define the group of observations value supporting the (defined in the support rule) of the supporting generating of this alarm in more detail than on the basis 1 PCM circuit number observation. of the If the support rule gives a default value for this alarm number of the observation and the alarm object 2 field, timeslot on PCM the value in thiscircuit field is FFFF unit alone. The value is usually the supplementary information field 3 family identifier of theformed program block causing 2 subobject index value, according to the support 1 PCM circuit number value rule, the alarm (defined in the support rule) of the supporting 64 TSUPRO which the group of observations supporting the 2 faulty defines timeslot observation. If the 65 SBTSTP generating support rule gives a default value for forming a value for 67 alarm MTSWIS of this in more detail than just the alarm number 3 thiserror code (to CDSU, NDSD and NDSM units) of the observations, the alarm object unit and the 21 received BSS-pcm field,no theanswer value of the fieldforisthe FFFF 4 specification of error subobject type loop test request 10the connections fail the GSW field) alone. (see explanation in in the no answer forprevious the according PSTN-pcmto the support 2 22 subobject indexreceived value, formed 11value connections fail insupplementary the SSW The is usually the information field loop test request rule, whose 40 faulty connection between the ASS and GSW value 23 an incorrect signal received in the BSS-pcm loop purpose is to define theisgroup of observations 41 faulty connection between ASS and SSW (defined in the support rule) of thethe supporting test the supporting 6A connections fail, SWTST plug-in unit faulty observation. 24 an incorrect in the PSTN-pcm generating of thissignal alarmisinreceived more detail than on the basis 6B support connections fail, SWTST unitthis faulty If the rule gives a defaultplug-in value for field, loop of the connections fail, SWCM plug-in unit faulty the6D value in this field is FFFF testnumber observation, the alarm object unit, 1 alarm error code of thefail, 6E connections SWCM plug-in unit faulty 25the no answer is received to theofBSS-pcm loop test and 01 of theincontrol word the oscillator 6F value connections fail, SWCM plug-in 3-826 alarm numbers, BCD-coded form, ofunit thefaulty no answer is received to the PSTN-pcm loop test subobject type alone (see the explanation in the approaching the limit observations supporting signalling (to MFC units only) previous field). 02 oscillatorof out of alarm controlaccording to support rules. the generating this 00 significant The value is usually the supplementary information field 03not incorrect oscillator temperature The value of fields that are not significant is 0000. 8007R2outgoing signalling backwards value frequency of oscillator significantly 90 R2 signalling forwards (defined in the support rule) of one the supporting different the correct If fault wasfrom generated according to the support A0theMFP observation. If the rules of support rule gives a default value for forming a value for alarm system's centralized part (i.e. the alarm output this error code 1 shows that field, the value of the field is FFFF failure in power source voltage the01 ALARMP program block has set the alarm), only 02 failure in operation voltage alarm numbers 3-8 alarm numbers, in BCD-coded form, of the of observations that are still active but not sufficient to observations supporting certify the fault hypothesis corresponding to this alarm, the generating of this alarm according to support rules. are The value of fields that are not significant is 0000. output when the alarm is cancelled. If the alarm was generated according to the support rules of alarm of the fault: 1 detector system's centralized part (i.e., the alarm output shows that the 00 CLS ALARMP block has set the alarm), only alarm 01 otherprogram unit numbers of 1 observations differing operation parameter: that are still active but not sufficient to 01 state of synchronization signal certify the 02hypothesis priority of synchronization fault corresponding tosignal this alarm are output when03 theoperation mode of synchronization unit alarm is cancelled 2 differing synchronization signal, when the differing operation parameter is state or priority of synchronization signal: 01 2M1 02 2M2 03 2M3 04 2M4 05 FS1 06 FS2 The system has detected that the bus between the synchronization units is defective. The other synchronization unit may also be faulty. The fault does not have a direct effect on the The system has detected that the switchover functioning of the network from the passive to the elementbut the defective bus will make the active synchronization unit fails. recovery of the system more difficult in some faults of the synchronization The standby synchronisation unit is not in The units.system has detected that the signals working order. produced by the synchronization units in different If the are alarm appears phases. now and then, in connection with a diagnostics run, It isinnot a major that defect. or a situation is otherwise of the The system has detected that theout incoming 1 synchronization signal ordinary, it is not synchronization signal is serious if itorcan be successfully cancelled. defective missing. The fault does not affect the CLS: traffic capacity 01 2M1 of the network element. 02 2M2 The system has detected that the check sum of 03 2M3 the synchronization unit If the synchronization signal is not the one 04 2M4 ROM memory has changed. according to which 05 FS1 the system is currently synchronizing, the fault 06 FS2 It is not a major defect; if the alarm is directed at The Datathe Storing Device (VDS device) 1 type of the faulty disk (either hard disk or removable doesVirtual not affect the active has failed to store disk) TCSM: synchronization in data any way. synchronization unit, there is a small chance that on one of the hard disk(s) or on the FDU, 11 SI1 slips will occur in depending on what is signal is the one that the for WDU, FDU If the synchronization 12 example: SI2 the PCM connections. defined as the storing target of the VDS device. system is 13 SI3 The Virtual Data Storing Device (VDS) is not able 1 error code of the WDU-0 hard disk. This is a general 2 index of the faulty disk currently using, the system will automatically to store data error 14 SI4 The standby synchronization unit is not in If the storing target is hard disk, the hard disk choose the next 15 SI5 of the system. You can check its meaning on the hard disks. reason message working order if theThe alarm is is a disk operation redundancy has been for example: 00,01 suitable incoming synchronization signal. 16 SI6 failure. at it. in General directed lost. An acknowledgement of a successful storing 17 SI7 Data cannot be stored to the VDS device in Error Messages of System. The Virtual Data Storing Devicesignals (VDS device) typeESI of the disksupplementary (either hard disk or removable is sent to the program The first andtarget second information If all incoming synchronization are faulty, 1 18 question until the fault is cannot create new data request to the VDS disk) block that sentathe storing fields can make the removed. (Note: this field only indicates the situation when the file because there is no room on the diskto(either device. for example the following combinations: WDU 00, system will synchronize itself according the fault NIU: WDU or FDU, depending FDU WDUfor 01,example: FDU 00 WDU, signal generated by 21 STM1 synchronization The VDS device acknowledges the failure in first first occured. The reason for theinput fault may change on the storing target of the VDS device). If the target is FDU then an acknowledgement of or FDU 01. the oscillator of its own clock unit. 22 second STM1 synchronization inputor removable The Virtual Storing Device (VDS device) is 1 storing dataData to the process duringtype of the faulty disk (either hard disk 2 index of STM1 the target disk an unsuccessful storing 23 third synchronization input not handle thatable sentto the storing request to the VDS device. disk) subsequent storing without a separate alarm setting.) If the storing target of the VDS is FDU, is to the block thatdevice sentor the general message of the system. 24 fourtherror STM1 synchronization input You can check itssent control filesprogram TTSCOF or TTTCOF, itsstoring 3 alarm 2650, STORING for example: 00,01,SB request to the VDS its parameter filegroup VIPARA. for example: FDU hard disk. This is a general The data file contains either 2 error code ofWDU, the WDU-1 OF THE DATA FAILED ON ONE DISK, is set and device. meaning in General Error Messages of System. TBU: uncompressed (original) files error The DBSMAN block is unable to delete 1 database index (some database applications still need the VDS deviceprogram will The firstSTM1 and second supplementary information 31 first synchronization input Iforthe storing target of or VDS-device is WDU index of the faulty disk You can compressed files, there can be two there 2 message of the system. check its meaning the disk log and/or cannot inform the application using the VDS device that this fields32 cansecond make STM1 synchronization input The data file group contains either are two separate separate groups Erroralthough nowadays transfer the disk(original) log data files into the database files in General information, database is usually data storing for example thesynchronization following combinations: WDU 00,the uncompressed (Note: this field only indicates the situation when 33 third STM1 input versions of the TTSCOF file (maintained by for example: for uncompressed and compressed files, Messages of 00,01,SB System. on disk. identified based on the values of the following two has failed. WDU 01,first WDU SB or compressed files, or there can be two fault 41 2M synchronization input VIDAST). version dependingOne on the predefined compression mode supplementary information fields, i.e. database name FDU 00, or FDU 01 separate groups first occurs. The reason for the fault may change 42 second 2M synchronization input Neither disk has(.VDS) a consistent the for 1 identifier ofand the database; for its own use and thecopy otherof(.IMG) The first second supplementary information of the VDS device. (Note: this field only indicates the situation when the As a result, the diskand logs mayone become too full and If the storing target is WDU, or both of the for uncompressed compressed files, during database. although some database applications still need this transferring to fields can make fault and database updates database occurrence) local hard adisks indicates whether the recovery attempt succeeded. depending on the predefined subsequent storing without a separate alarm setting.) CLGU: If there properly functioning copy of themode 3 information, the postisprocessing system. Ifcompression saving for example the following WDU 00, first occurred. The reasoncombinations: for the fault may change cannot be recorded on the disk. are full. If storing to one of the hard disks is This field only indicates the situation when of the VDS device. 01 EXT1 database it is 01, becoming more common that the database can be TTSCOF file intended WDU WDU SB during 2 database name successful, alarm theexample: alarm is first set.(= If FAILURE there are several for 10032 IN DISK 02 EXT2 in the the the operation of thefails system isthe not identified for thememory, own VDS device FDU 00oforthe FDU 01. without subsequent storing a separate alarm setting.) Neither diskuse hasof aOF consistent copy of theand 1 identifier database; 2650, STORING THE DATA FAILED ON ONE recovery attempts while the two alarm is active, no new HARDWARE) in immediate danger. by the values given in the next supplementary VDS device onthe database database, and some database applications still needorthis 3 although number of database occurence DISK, is set and storing alarms are set to inform about the success MCBC: However, the is copy of the some database lostget from information the active ifside restarted dataismay number of the file in which the handling the error management system tries unsuccessfully tostoring load 3 information, continues as usual, but only to one disk. If failure of these recovery attempts. 01 EXT1 the memory, fields, that is, the name of the database and the lost. If the saving occurred the database from a it is02becoming more common that the database can be has failedsituation on both EXT2 the fault mayfor prevent the restart of the number of the of TTSCOF intended transferring the files disk. The databse cannot be used. identified 4 type of the unit where thesucceeded database is located disks, alarm 2651, STORING OF THE DATA 00 recovery attempt database. database occurrence. (.IMG) fails it example: 05E30000 (= VIPARA) by for the values given in the next supplementary FAILED ON BOTH DISKS, is set 40 no recovery needed as two the other hard disk is PTUM: 05E40006 (= TTSCOF means that the post processing system does not information variant 6) 5 family identifier of the program block handling the and the VDS device will inform the application in order (only when storing target is WDU) 01 EXT1 2 name of the database(= TTTCOF variant 10) receive the correct 05E5000A fields, that is, theattempt name offailed, the database and database using the VDS 80EXT1 recovery search for anthe existing 02 (up-to-date) information on the state of the data number of the device that data storing has failed. data file failed due occurrence to a disk error 03 INT1 3 number of the database files in VDS device. 4 database failed file operation: occurrence. 81SFP1 recovery attempt failed, no existing data file 04 Post processing system receives the information R = an attempt was made to read from the file If storing has failed, the VDS device attempts to 4 location could be found 05 database that it requires for W =SFP2 anof attempt was made to write to the file 2 name of the database recover from the the transferring, when the TTSCOF is again T = an attempt was made to write the TTSCOF situation by searching the WDU or the FDU for 4 number of the data file ofinput theblock VDS device whose 2 00 frequency of of connected below 3.7 kHz 5 family identifier the program handling the successfully saved on the (.IMG) 3 number of theofdatabase occurrence the next data file which is creation 01 frequency connected input above 4.5 kHz database disk. However, if the fault is not corrected, the used for transmitting files in TRANSFERRED state and created on the disk. failed. This field only indicates the The dumping of a database fails in the database management system. A database copy remains continually (for dozens of minutes) inconsistent on the disk specified in information field 1, without being even momentarily consistent. This is an internal error in database management However, the alarm system. is not given if the number of constantly inconsistent databases The Disk Updating System Management on the disk decreases steadily, for then it may be Program Block (DBSMAN) thinks The database assumed that disk updating system (DBSMAN) there is an error in the size of the database log has intentionally the situation will correct itself. If the alarm is buffer. In the stopped given, it itself in an active unit because of a initialisation phase of the DBSMAN a log buffer is serious faultdatabase in its means that disk updating depends on deemed faulty, functioning (e.g. the problems in handling the no more than one An occurred the MMLsize, Command Log if it error is smaller than while the minimum and also database disk log). disk. Even if the other disk did contain a Program when the Block size of In this case, the normal disk updating of consistent copy (LOMANA) reading for from the MML the work filewas designated handling thecommand log databases is not in possible, of the database, the event of a failure the log or writing to than buffer is smaller databases cannot be dumped on a disk, nor situation could it. that of the log system buffer. After the initialisation, a The recovery sets this failure observation loaded fromwhere a disk.both easily arise copies are inconsistent. possible error in connection The error does not inhibit thehandling execution MML is detected when theoffailure with restart of the the family whole system. If thethe value of information field 2 is 0,The then the commands but database, the DBMANA, requests observation is disk mentioned without MML command log information the DBSMAN to transfer to the disk log a units log in cancelled immediately after all computer in the first field will remain unusable the The recovery system sets failurefrom observation subsequent monitoring andthis buffer whose length is state WO have point of view of after it has supervision ofthe useDBSMAN's is impossible. different from conception of it. started into state WO-EX. System DBSMAN (Disk Updating Management received an input to start unit changeover. The The error prevents When an observation hypothesis becomes Program Block). Then the failure observation database updating on the disk. Automatic certain uncertain, alarm isorgiven for the diskafter in question only once, is cancelled immediately the changeover recovery measures are has taken: The POSIX subsystem gone into a state in the corresponding alarm or its cancellation are without has been executed, or either the unit contains the DBSMAN, or the which it cannot be used. not output on that specifying the database whose copy is the changeover failed. one that has thehas As aalarm consequence, thesole processes the printer. The purposewhich of theare inconsistent, for eventually DBMANA, or both are restarted. In addition to crucial to the of will become hypothesis is functioning to databases the copies of all Whenit is anpossible observation hypothesis becomes this, the unit not network and I/O-devices are filter outdo the output certain and inconsistent onwork; the of disk Loading software build forand aalarms plug-in unitalarm in files the certain orathe uncertain, to modify the DBPARA the DBINFO not visible, for cancellations concerned. If the value of the information field DMC bus has the corresponding alarm or its cancellation are2 on the disk. example. in connection with the unit restart.has not been is greater failed. The on loader of the software not output than 0, then DBSMAN can use the disk able to determine the alarm printer. The sole purpose of the mentioned in field 1, but the the code fileisoftothe programmable logic based on hypothesis filter A unitofbelonging to thespecified equipment of the system copy the database 2 stays for information it of certain out theinoutput alarmsin infield connection is not the normal some other reads from the identification circuit of the plug-in with the changeover. working state WO-EX (spare). reason inconsistent on(in theuse) diskorinSP-EX question. unit. This Because of this the unit information includes the plug-in unit type, variant does not perform its usual functions or the spare An active code, andunit is faulty, and as a sign of this the unit does not supplementary interchangeability. The PILOAD program block function as a spare unit for the unit in use. information FLTY (Faulty unit) is set for it. The loads the software Either the state of the unit has changed because unit in use buildremains and it has detected the fault. As a result of of a fault or it in WO-EX state, because the system cannot the fault Fault has been detected circuit group files, has been changed by theinuser. change its state TE-EX the unit tointo bemay loaded remains usage inoperative. andplug-in a corrupted file prevent of The unit has to be returned to its the normal working for the following reason: this state. circuit group. The switching capacity of the - The spare unit of a 2N or N+1 replaceable exchange This alarmmay has be been preceded by one of the redundant unit is in severely following impaired, notices: if these alarms are generated a working state (e.g. TE-EX) which does not by a number allow it to be taken of different circuit hunting chains/circuit groups. 0691 AUTOMATIC RECOVERY ACTION into use to replace the active, faulty unit. An automatic recovery action has changed the working state - If the unit is N+1 complementary redundant or of the unit because of a fault. The recovery unredundant, the has been activated number of units of this unit type that are out of based on the alarms issued about the fault. use exceeds the The numbers of these level permitted in the minimum configuration. alarms are given in the supplementary 1 identifier of the database; although some database applications still need this information, it is becoming more common that the database can be identified 1 disk on which the copy of a database has by the values given in the next two supplementary remained inconsistent. The field may have information values 0 (W0) or 1 (W1) fields, that is, the name of the database and the number of the 2 if the alarm concerns all databases, the value of this 1 database identifier of the database; occurrence. field although some database applications still need this is 0. Then the DBSMAN is unable to handle the information, 2 name of the database given disk freely. it is becoming more common that the database can be If the value > 0, the alarm concerns the database identified 3 of the database 1 number database index (someoccurrence database applications still corresponding by the values given in the next two supplementary needto this the identifier. The disk indicated in the previous information information, although the database is usually field is fields, the name of the database 4 errorthat thatis, caused the dumping failure. and the identified then in order but the copy of the said database has numberYou of the can check its meaning in General Error based on the database name and database remained 1 alarm code: database occurrence. Messages occurrence). inconsistent on this disk for some reason of System If the alarm does not concern any specific database creating LOMADM hand failed while removing 2 01 name of thethe database (i.e. 3 old name database filesof thewhether 5 information, theinformation alarm originates the 4th supplementary field = from 01 orWO 06),or creating the LOMADM hand failed while removing 3 02 number of the database occurrence SP side of the database unit the valueofofthe thisdatabase field = 0. In this case, also the field 4 old number files when the numberoccurrence of files exceeds the DATABASE_NAME is filled with zeroes. If the value > maximum number 4 the log buffer sizeallowed according to the DBMANA, as 00 WO 0, 5 the ifcreating the alarm database,tothis theconcerns MMLLOGone subdirectory thefield system indicated 0103SP alarm concerns the database corresponding to the indicates the disk failed by its request for a log buffer to be stored on disk. identifier. ofthe the database. Otherwise the value is 0 1 04location the unit activethe before changeover creating MMLLOG subdirectory to the backup Iftype the of DBSMAN gives alarm in connection with its disk failed initialisation, then this field indicates the log 2 database name 6 ifindex the alarm concerns database, this field 2 05buffer of the activeon before changeover creating LOMWRI hand size in unit the DBINFO filefailed prior to the possible indicates the 06change creatingofthe LOMMML hand failed value 3 number of database occurrence identifier ofdirectory the process familyfrom handling the database 07 ASWDIR missing theblock system disk 1 family identifier of theisrunning program (which (DBMANA). 08 ASWDIR directory is missing from the backup disk 5 the log buffer size according to the DBSMAN before has set the alarmthe 4 if the concerns database, this field Otherwise value isa0specific 09 interrogating the system identifier failed receiving alarm) indicates the location of the database. 0Athe interrogating system request to the store a log name buffer failed on disk. If DBSMAN Otherwise, the value = 0. 0B the hand has been restarted due failed refresh gives 2 DMX process identifier of the runningtoprocess 1 0C type ofalarm the plug-in unit for with which loading of then the this interrogating computer unit information failed the in connection itsthe initialisation, 5 software reasonbuild of stopping DBSMAN failed interrogating the active failed field indicates log buffer inunit theprocess DBPARA of 3 0D POSIX process identifier ofcomputer thesize running the0E interrogating the spare computer unit failed 01 of error initialization of DBSMAN 2 0F index theinplug-in unit group interrogating the hand failed RAM 10 the hand has been restarted due to failed 1 working state of logbuffer the unit (TE-EX, BL-EX, BL-ID, SE-OU 02 database error 3 general error message of size the system. supervision 6 the log buffer size in the DBPARA ofYou thecan diskcheck prior to or SE-NH) its 11 meaning the possible hand haschange been restarted the of value due to a faulty 03 database disk log pointer error in General Error Messages of System message 12 the hand has been restarted due to defective 04 database log cleaning 1 working state disk of the object unit error operation 32 opening the LOMWRI logical file failed database dump recovery error 2 3305 address the computer where the impulse caused writing tooffile failed by 34 thecreating fault a file failed 06 stopped by the the field operator cameDBSMAN from. If the value is failed not an address, a logical file to aofalarm physical file 1 35 thelinking file that generated the it is360 the maximum number of daily log files has been created 01 SWOCGR, a file indicating the primary circuits of 3 37 the family IDMMLLOG of the program that informed of the reading directory thethe hunting groups, and thefailed numbers of fault. the 96 Ifopening the permanent logical file MMLLOG failed circuits in the hunting groups of the is not text a family is 0 97value reading the field MMLLOG fromID, theitDIPFIL file failed 98 reading the execution text from the DIPFIL file 02 SCHORD, a file indicating the chained list of failed 4 99 the ID of message that informed of the fault. If writing to the thein permanent logical circuits the hunting groupfile MMLLOG failed theC8 value reading the file listing in removing old data failed of the field the is not ID, it is 0 failed C9 fileaindicating inmessage removing data 03 removing TSLCGR, a file theold numbers of the circuit CA copying the file from the backup disk to the the system group and the hunting group, to which 5-7 disk theoralarm numbers of the first alarms on the basis vice versa failed circuit in question belongs to of which the code. unit was If the of the is 2 the error Youfound must faulty. interpret its value meaning on field the basis 2 record that generated the alarm not value an alarm number, it is 0 information field 1 of the of Supplementary Data in the file situated in several units is inconsistent in different units. Due to the fault, the object unit of the alarm may There is inconsistency between the data in the have maintenance computer erroneous information of the configuration of the and the Working State and Configuration File system and (SCDFLE) of the object therefore the unit in question or units of the same computer of the alarm. The configuration of the A unitmay belonging to the equipping of the system or type SCDFLE file of the a that beunit unavailable to the system. object computer of the alarm is different to the is essential for the operation of the system is not configuration of the in normal maintenance computer or there is some other working state WO-EX (working executing) or SPThe between errorratio in the data. the number of rejected EX (spare executing). measurement results and Because of that, the unit no longer executes its the all measurement As anumber result ofofthe fault, the objectresults unit ofexceeds the tasks or the spare unit the acceptable alarm may havelimit no longer acts as a redundant unit for the set by the user. The is used to supervise wrong information ofalarm the system configuration Adjacent cell The information working unit. state ofhas been defined the traffic loadunit of and thus the incorrectly the BSDATA the unit hasinchanged either due to a fault or due LAPD links or and BCSU units andtype to detect the in question units ofConfiguration the same may be (BSS Network Database). to userRadio actions. possible overload unavailable for the system. Either the MSC or the Immediate actions are required to put the unit situations. The alarm may also be caused by source BSC can detect the error during an back into normal working The alarm of the usage degree of the shortfirst breaks in limit the Abis external handover. When the state. data file group of the interface. error has been detected, the handover attempt is Virtual Data Storing Device (VDS) on the hard interrupted. One of removable the following notices has preceded the disk or disk alarm: has been exceeded. The second limit are of the usage degree of followingalarm counters updated: the data file group of the 0691 ACTION If the AUTOMATIC storing target RECOVERY of the VDS device is FDU Virtual Data Storing Device (VDS) on changed the hard - When the MSC detects the errorhas An automatic recovery action (magneto-optical(MO) disk), disk or removable disk HANDOVER MEASUREMENTS: the state of the this working is a normal functionality. The user has to hasunit been exceeded. 004100 MSC_O_ADJ_CELL_ID_ERR due to a fault. activation the The datatofile group of The the Virtual DataofStoring prepare CLEAR CODE MEASUREMENTS: recovery action is Device (VDS) on the change the media in FDU. Thisbased means that more data is about stored in the VDS M_INVALID_CELL notifying hard 500926 diskson or alarms removable disk is full. the fault. The than alarm numbers of If the storing target of the VDS device is WDU, can be transferred to the the postprocessing system. -The When the BSC detects those alarms are in error theby supplementary current datathe file given is followed an this comes from The alarm issued whenthe thetransfer event queue reasonisfields may be that of fileshas to the HANDOVER MEASUREMENTS: information untransferred (in fact that full. more data data file is stored in the VDS than can become postprocessing 004100 MSC_O_ADJ_CELL_ID_ERR of this alarm. FULL state). The VDS device is used by an be transferred Old events at the slowed beginning of the queue are or system hasCODE been down or prevented, CLEAR MEASUREMENTS: application that has less critical The datareason than the to the post-processing system. may overwritten byADJ_CELL_ID_ERR that the amount ofSTATE data CHANGE 500513 0690 WORKING data of the be that new events. Thisincreased. does not the affect the traffic inofthe to be stored has The user changed working state The self test of into the echo canceller's application that sets thepostprocessing alarm 2551.daughter transfer of files the system network. the unit with board hasslowed detected has been down or The VDS device is used by an application that an MML command. a fault. If the storing target of the VDSof device is be FDU prevented, or that amount data to This alarm may data bethe issued if the connection to the has less critical (MO disk / increased. stored has OMCthe is down, than data ofaffects the application that has set the How alarm the operation of the magneto-optical the user shouldbeen change Thequeue timing ofSECOND thedisk), Echoor Canceller found the is blocked, the OMChas cannot receive alarm 2550, system: the media in FDU The VDS device is used by an application that faulty. any events. ALARM LIMIT FOR UNAVAILABLE VDSimmediately. has less critical data DEVICE DATA FILES REACHED. -than If the state ofofan active unit with 2Nsets or the the data the application that This alarm can concern two event queues: replaceable N+1 redundancy If overwriting untransferred files in the VDS alarm 2459. 1) (the mostthe probable one) This alarm isconverter preceded by theunit alarm 2731, FIRST isalarms no longer WO, spare must be taken The DC/DC faulty. The equipment device in question is is 2) observation reports, if observation reports are ALARM LIMIT FOR into use. receiving power supply Forbidden, the system storeseither data only in a spare The data file group contains sent as CMISE UNAVAILABLE VDS-DEVICE DATA FILES This may cause a loss of tasks that are being from theafter converter is inoperative. device the(original) uncompressed files events REACHED. set upOPEN (calls, state file in has fullbe(see or compressed files, orbecome there can two for example). instructions on I/O System). separate groups Related The dataalarm: file group contains either If overwriting files isand allowed, the system for uncompressed compressed files. This 80% OF THE EVENT USED uncompressed (original) filesBUFFER -2734, If the state of next an active with complementary overwrites the file unitcompression depends on the predefined mode of -or indicates that 80% queue becomes compressed files, of or the there can be two full N+1 redundancy of data file group (usually the oldest file) and thethe VDS device. separate groups is no longer WO, it will cause the separation of the data is lost. for uncompressed and compressed files. This the unit The system can continuously work and no data is depends on the predefined mode from use (from hunting, forcompression example) and the isof If there are no spare storing connections, data lost for the the VDSofdevice. release the tasks lost. time time The being. handled by the unit (calls, for fault correction is as longfor asexample). the spare device The system can continuously work and no data is has storing lost for unit the is non-redundant, the operation of the -capacity. If the 1 file number of the file containing inconsistent data. 1 number of the faulty record 2 unit type in the faulty record 3 index in the faulty record 1 unit working state (TE-EX, BL-EX, BL-ID, SE-OU tai SE-NH) 1 00: BCSU unit overloaded 01: LAPD link overloaded 2 BTS identification of the LAPD link with the largest traffic load. 1 identification of the BTS. Identification of the source Identification of the LAPD link is composed of the BTS BTS of the failed handover attempt. The adjacent cell identification and the TRX identification information of the source BTS is incorrect 1 - 255d : BTS identification 1 type0dof: the disk (either hard disk or removable fieldtarget has no BTS identification 2 event identifier disk) 3 TRX identification of the LAPD link with the largest 0 the MSC has detected an error in the adjacent cell example: WDU, FDU trafficfor load. definitions. Identification the LAPD link is composed the BTS 1 type of theoftarget disk (either hard3,disk orofremovable Supplementary information fields 4 and 5 cannot 2 identification index of the target disk identification and the TRX disk) be defined 1 the BSC has detected an error in the adjacent cell for example: 1 : TRX00,01,SB identification for- 16d example: WDU, FDU definitions. 0d : field has no TRX identification Supplementary information fields 4 and 5 are the 1 typefirst of the disksupplementary (either hard3,disk or removable The andtarget second information 2 index of the target disk identifiers disk) fields can make 4 BTS identification of the LAPD link with the second of the target cell set by the MSC for example: largest for example: 00,01,SB for FDU the example: following WDU, combinations: traffic load. 3 identification of the target cell WDU 00, WDU 01, WDU SBis composed of the BTS Identification of the LAPD link The first and second supplementary information 2 identification index00, of or the target disk identification FDU FDU 01TRX and the fields can BCC make, 0-FF (Base Station Colour Code). The target cell example: wherefor for 00,01,SB 3 percentage limit of usage degree exceeded when 1 - example: 255d : BTS identification the following combinations: handover has been attempted. The value is set by the alarm0d is : field has no BTS identification WDU 00, WDU 01, WDU SB the 1 MSC failure The firstcode and second supplementary information set FDU 00, or FDUis 01 FF information not available 1can the interface program has link failed to the reply several fields make, 5 TRX identification of the LAPD with second times for example, example: the 50%following combinations: WDU 00, largest 3 usage degree exceeded when 4 identification oflimit the of target 2percentage to thecell daughter board does not WDU 01,communication WDU SB traffic load. the alarm is work FDU 00 or FDU 01 4 percentage limit of usage degree under which of LAPD link isand composed of the the BTS 1 Identification the index thethe integrated EC: set 0-FF NCCof(Network ColourET Code). Theeven/odd target cell 3is daughterboard selftest failed alarm identification and the TRX identification Possible values: where4 a component fault has been detected in the 0 cancelled even forhandover example: 80%been attempted. The value is set by daughter board has 1 - 16d odd : TRX identification the1MSC 5 memory ofTRX the daughter board is faulty for ROM example: 40%no 0d : field has identification 4 limitis usage degree under information which the information available 1 FF percentage record number ofofnot the record containing Concerning the EC1P plug-in unit, the value of the alarm is about 6 BTS identification of the LAPD link with the third field is insignificant removed 5 identification theHWTABL target cellfile this alarm inofthe largest traffic load. for example: 70%which of the the target cell iswhere handover 2 1-FFFF source unitBCCH alarm wired. theBTS Identification offrom the LAPD link is composed ofIfthe has been value identification and the TRX identification attempted. setcan by the MSC of the field is 0000,The no value objectisunit be defined FFFF (65535d) frequency information is not available for alarm 1 - the 255d : BTS identification 0d : field has no BTS identification 3 unit index 7 TRX identification of the LAPD link with the third largest traffic load. Identification of the LAPD link is composed of the BTS The plug-in unit is not properly in its place in the subrack, it is missing altogether, it is in the wrong track, or the wiring that is used in checking that the plug-in units are in One of the cables in the rack indicated in the their place alarm print-out has not been short circuited where there is a is not (properly) attached. missing plug-in unit. A power supply fuse has blown. This may have been caused by a fuse that is of the wrong type, or by a faulty plug-in unit or voltage source. There is a fault in the timing signal coming to the cartridge or in the plug-in unit giving the alarm (the red indicator light is lit). When the alarm is set, the functionality of the The voltage source of the cartridge is faulty. plug-in unit may However, the cartridge's be lost completely or its functioning is unreliable. power supply has been backed up with another power source, so the the units equipped in the cartridge remain A cartridge is without power supply. If there is no functional. back-up power supply, its only voltage source is faulty. If the cartridge has access to a backed-up power supply, all its One of the line safety switches of the power power sources supply adapter is open, are faulty. Units equipped in the cartridge are or one of the power supplies of the racks is cut inoperative. The off, or there is voltage alarm requires no actions if another alarm 2759, difference between two PDFU:s. The power One or several cartridge-specific fuses of the POWER SUPPLY FUSE supply has no back-up anymore, power supply FAILURE, thatofconcerns the same cartridge is which means that the units that receive their the has In blown. A wrong fuse, a faulty voltage alsorack issued. this case, power supply from the source or short the voltage source of the cartridge is without faulty power supply remain functional as long as circuit in theispower supply cable may have power and thus unit The HWAT plug-in the remaining power is faulty. When the alarm caused the fuse to blow. inoperative. is on, the supply is working.Alarm will be generated if there When the interruption of power supply concerns functioning is a voltage of HWAT is partly or completely lost. a cartridge equipped The more detailed difference between PDFU:s. with a power source, the alarm 2757, reason for the fault is in the first additional The CLAB plug-in unit is faulty. Either the CLAB CARTRIDGE NON-REDUNDANT information field. does not SUPPLY respond to the POWER FAILURE, is set about that supervision messages sent to it by the control cartridge or the alarm 2756, computer, or the software CARTRIDGE POWER SUPPLY FAILURE, which of the CLAB hasindetected a fault in its interfaces, can be ignored this situation. The SBUS used for the collecting of hardware in the RAM of the alarms between the plug-in unit, in the phase-locked loop, in the HWAT plug-in unit and CLAB plug-in units has power supply, in the become faulty. changeover signal or in the basic timing bus The fault may lie in bus cabling, in the HWAT, or Communication bus between the duplicated interface of the CLAB, or in a CLAB. CLAB unitssum does the check of not the function. program memory of the The traffic between the HWAT and the CLABs When the alarm is on, CLAB has changed, orthe a plug-in unit that is the does not work via the object unitbeen of the fault has or the value of the cabling delay SBUS in question. If also the standby SBUS is alarm or the measured byco-unit CLAB may has not function reliably. faulty, the system changed. When the alarm is on the CLAB does supervises only the hardware alarms of the BCE not function or its rack/cabinet. functioning is unreliable. The changes in the working state of CLAB made by the user (with the MML command USC) do not succeed. 1 record number of the record containing the information about this alarm in the HWTABL file 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the 1 record number of the record containing information field about is 0000, no object unit can be defined for the alarm this alarm in the HWTABL file 3 unit index 2 unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of 1 record number of the record containing information the field is 0000, no object unit can be defined for about the alarm this alarm in the HWTABL file 3 2 1 unit index unit from which the alarm is wired. If the value of the type of the functional unit where the alarm field is 0000, no object unit can be defined for the interface plug-in unit is located alarm 2 3 1 index of functional unit. If the alarm interface unit index plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the type of the functional unit where the alarm index of the even-numbered one interface plug-in unit is located 3 2 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit index of functional unit. If the alarm interface plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the type the functional alarmofinput number unit where the alarm index of the even-numbered one interface plug-in unit is located 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit index of functional unit. If the alarm interface plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the type the functional alarmofinput number unit where the alarm index of the even-numbered one interface plug-in unit is located alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit index of functional unit. If the alarm interface plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the type the functional alarmofinput number unit where the alarm index of the even-numbered one interface plug-in unit is located 3 2 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit index of the functional unit. If the alarm interface plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, the 1 failure specification: 4 index of the power supply adapter giving the alarm index of (0/1) the even-numbered one 00 HWAT does not respond to supervision messages sent by 3 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit the control computer 1 failure specification: 01 failure detected in the testing of HWAT's 4 index of the fuse panel giving the alarm (0/1) interfaces 00 CLAB does not respond to supervision 02 checksum of HWAT's program memory has messages changed 01 failure detected in interface testing 1 faultfault specification: 03 in HWAT's random access memory 02 check sum of program memory changed 04 message traffic is down between HWAT and 03 fault in RAM 00 allmessage CLABs traffic between HWAT and the CLABs 04 configuration contradiction (HCLTBL - SCDFLE) on 05 connection cannot be established from the 05 fault detected in phase-locked loop the bus does not succeed active unit's 1 failure specification 06 fault in 5V power supply HWAT plug-in through thethat SBUS spare unit's 00 CLAB set to thethe alarm has detected 07 fault detectedunit by hardware HWAT that the 08 fault in field changeover signal bustiming to the bus CLAB plug-inof unit 09communication fault in the basic interface thethat is the object CLAB of the delay alarm measured does not function 0Aunitcabling by CLAB has changed 2 number of SBUS; in use only when the value of supplementary information field 1 is 00 00 CLAB is not responding to supervision messages on SBUS-0 01 CLAB is not responding to supervision The clock signal coming to the rack/cabinet (to the CLAB plug-in unit) is faulty. If the object of the alarm is the active clock An error has been detected in the functioning of a generator (CLS), preprocessor or it is possible that the whole network element is the preprocessor configuration is erroneous. The without clock alarm is set in the signals. This means that there is an interruption following situations: The power of the optical transmitter in thetransmission use of - the counterpart family communicating with the laser has been the network element. The field does not work, the Preprocessor decreased, and is not within the required range message bus Supervisor (PS0PRB) has detected an error in anymore. The power does not work, also the operation and start-up or level will continue to decrease, eventually maintenance connections areby and The subdestination selected call control is of supervision of a critical program block in the the transmission of out of use. the wrong preprocessor the signal will not function with the SDH interface type dynamic routing. Theacknowledge subdestination - the for preprocessor does not thehas in question. If the object of the alarm is the spare clock been definedmessage supervision generator, usepreprocessor dynamic routing but it does lead to an -to the configuration is not erroneous, Storage area for the switching the system is used functional butmessage the redundancy ofof external that is, there is the plug-in unit is full. clock route, or it leads to a special route (i.e number discrepancy between the hardware New messages will be lost until there is space generator has been lost. modification configuration and the equipped available in the ofhardware the incoming called subscriber number to a transmission buffer. The message traffic going to The system detected a failure in the hardware desired number) -the theplug-in startup of the unit haspreprocessor takes too long a block of the plug-in which does not lead to an external route. Thus, time or it does stopped, which disturbs the execution of tasks unit. was detected based on two this not The startfailure at belonging to all. the plug-in consecutively subdestinationfailed cannot be used as a routing unit. The situation in question may be caused by supervision tests, based on a serious alternative. Iferror no inorthe There is an either an overload or a feature information malfunction in the alternative subdestinations can be found in the control fileplug-in (FIFILE) fault in a unit.or operating device. The plug-in unit is defective desired the program block has requested a parameter and cannot perform destination, call is released. If other that does notthe exist. all the tasks defined subdestinations can for it. The system hasare detected athe fault in theway. SERO or be found, they used normal Because of this error, theinprogram block that has SCSIF In caseplug-in where unit's the pair unit raises the alarm requested the serial channel used against the other unitby the visual display unit parameter value does not necessarily work in the (VDU) or printer (LPT).when PAIR_OK wired line (the alarm is triggered way it should in The fault wasthe detected when attempting to write goes down) The destination system ofinthe O&M network relation to the parameter question. In these data on the device. supplementary system not information responded fields are set to all FF kinds ofhas error The system will not write data on terminal device (not applicable). to the supervision despite several situations programmessage block works according to the in question until attempts. default value in each the fault has been corrected. Data written when case (program block/parameter). Buffering the data to be written in the cartridge fault was detected tape unit fails is lost. The fault does not affect the operation of on disks due to the working state of the theboth system disks or to disk otherwise. failures, or for some other reason. As a result, The Recovery Program Block (RCXPRO) has tape storing is detected that the disk slowed down considerably, and this may cause update of the Working State and Configuration the charging buffers File (SCDFLE) to fill up. After the buffers have filled up, the has failed. As a result, the data of the object Errors while alarms are being transmitted systemoccur will lose maintenance to Q3 interface. data. computer of the alarm and the data of SCDFLE The alarm parameters related to Q3 interface of the disk may The If thebe I/Oerroneous. system has dedected that the disk has memory are inconsistent. reason this is that the Q3 agent cannot open becomefor faulty, and the file which changed the hard disk's working consequently Due to the fault, the restart of the computer or contains parameters related to Q3 state, thealarm system will system (e.g. interface, because issue alsoor alarm 2692,the INCORRECT WORKING with the MML commands USU or USS C=DSK reading STATE. of the file has failed. The alarm does not parameter) may fail, prevent the because the SCDFLE file is then loaded from the exchange from functioning, but part of the alarm disk. information (object class and/or alarm type) may be erroneous. This fault does not cause loss of charging information or alarms. 1 functional unit type where the fault was detected 2 functional unit index 1 type of the preprocessor plug-in unit 2 index of the preprocessor plug-in unit 3 general error message of the system telling the reason 1 type of the SDH interface plug-in unit whose laser for the alarm. You can check its meaning in General transmission Error power is not within the required range Messages of System. 2 index of the SDH interface plug-in unit whose laser 1 DNSFIL file (destination) which 4 record in casenumber of error of in the start-up or supervision of a critical transmission leads to an illegal subdestination program block in the preprocessor, the family identifier power is not within the required range of 2 the record number of the CMORGR file the (subdestination failed program block. Otherwise field has value 3 the exact error code of the ETS2 optical interface test. alternative) which does not lead to a route or does not FFFF. 1 type of plug-in unit Possible lead to a route via a special route reasons are: 2 index of plug-in unit 3 special route number which does not lead to a route 0002 Optic transmission fault 3 index Laser used for plug-inpower unit'slevel message switching 0004 transmit low is 1 identifies the faulty unit, if the alarm itself addressed 0008 Laser transmit power level high to other Laser bias current unit.0010 Possible unit types are: level low 0020 Laser bias current level high 0000 the faulty unit is included in the alarm header 1 status: 0161 STM-n Interface Unit 02 requested parameter category does not exist 0168 E1/T1 IP Transport Unit 03 requested parameter number too big 020B Ethernet Exchange Terminal 04 FIFILE access table (PMTLIB) 05CD SDH Exchange Terminal (FEATURE_FILE_ACCESS_TABLE) is not 1 always FF, no significance compatible with 2 identifies the faulty unit index. FIFILE 2 family identifier: FF parameter is not included in the data package; its 3the exact error code of the plug-in unit test. value C2...D1 (VDU-0...VDU-15) or Simultaneous reasons ID are 1 destination is the basicsystem value E0...EF (LPT-0...LPT-15) possible to appear. Possible reasons are: 0001 Loss of 8M clock 2 family identifier of the program block involved 0002 Loss of 8k clock 1 0004 general error code which indicates why saving on disk Overheat. 3 identifier of the process involved 0 failed. 0008 Clock synthesizer: Output clock squelch You can check its meaning in General 0010 Clock synthesizer: DPLL A loss ofError lock Messages 4 parameter category which is affected by the alarm of0020 System Clock synthesizer: DPLL B loss of lock Clock synthesizer: External VCXO presented clock loss 1 0040 reason of the failurewhich of the update, 5 parameter number isdisk affected by the alarm 2 0080 general error code which indicates why saving on disk Clock synthesizer: Input clock loss according to the general error code: 1 failed. 0100 Synchronization Transmission Block failure You can check its meaning in General Error Messages 0200 / interconnecting backplane 810d Switchover an error haslogic occurred in the SCDFLE file update, of System cable fault because the disk update did not complete during 1 0400 type of error: theMemory set timetest limitfailure in unit computer 0800 Timing over Packet Block failure 0 = the openingPHY of the ALRFIL file has failed. This error 1000 Ethernet Block In case of other value, youfailure can check its meaning in occurs 2000 LAPD failure General Error Messages of System onlyPrimary if the EHBACK program 4000 flash image failureblock or the OMU is restarted 8000 GSW loop test failure for ET 1 = the reading the ALRFIL file has failed. This 8001 DSP Coreof Failure reading 8002 error Ethernet Switch Failure indicates that Failure the memory of the computer unit may 8003 FE-FPGA not 8004 PCM-MUX FPGA Failure function 8005 Mountcorrectly failure from Flash Bank 0 8006 Mount failure from Flash Bank 1 8007 Unmount failure in Flash Bank 0 8008 Unmount failure in Flash Bank 1 This alarm indicates that the update of the Software Configuration Management File (SOMAFI) on a disk has failed, or the updates made by the BOLERO program Restoring data from the DXDAT tape has been block to the SOMAFI interrupted. This are incorrect. The result may be that a wrong may be caused by a data reading or writing error, build is loaded or the user to the system next time it is restarted. has interrupted the task with MML commands. Mass memory device power supply is faulty. If the power supply has Due to the interruption, the system has not been no redundant unit, the tasks fail that are able to restore positioned in the mass all data from the DXDAT tape. When the fault that memory device that receives its power supply BTS alarm caused the handling has been interrupted from the faulty power because thehas loadbeen of the MCMU the restoring interruption corrected, supply. has exceeded. task been can be continuedThe handling was interrupted to avoid thebe unit normally. Data will not lost. If the mass memory device has a redundant unit, restart and to guarantee the traffic capacity of the The program block handling radio network alarms the saving tasks BSC during the has been restarted. are successful to the redundant mass memory unit overload. As a result of power this, handling of radio network device, if the alarms has momentarily supply of the redundant mass memory unit is After the interruption, the operational state of the been inoperative and radio network alarms may functioning. Spooler is a storage radio network may place in the disk for printing have gone After the I/Ounnoticed. system has detected the fault in the tasks. When thethe printer be incorrect as BTS alarm situation in the functioning device is created to the system, the creator BSC is incorrect. of the mass device, it will issue its own defines how memory much data the spooler alarm concerning can contain. The creator defines the maximum Spooler ismemory the storage place in hard disk for the massfor device in question. number both the number of tasks printing tasks. When printer and the amount of data in the spooler. These device is created to system, the creator defines values can be changed later. how much data spooler can This alarm is set, when the amount of data contain. The creator defines the maximum This alarm is due communication problems and/or number of to tasks is number for both number of tasks and with network printer. 10 per cent from the defined maximum value. amount of data in the spooler. These values can Alarm is set either because connection to printer If the amount of data or the number of tasks be changed later. can not bemaximum established reach the value, all new This alarm is set when the amount of data and/or or eithertasks because printer has rejected printing are rejected until there issome enough The IP Routing number of tasksconfiguration is missing or invalid. printing task twice. space in the spooler. The reach the maximum value. The exact cause for alarm founds out2813 from the In such cases, an until alarm system can notsystem route IPsets traffic the first field ofSPOOLER the alarm. FULL. PRINTER configuration has beenare rejected until there is All new printing tasks corrected. enough space EMT message transfer) If the (external system cannot establish theprotocol connection to in the spooler. connection to an external printer, The telephony capabilities of the switch are not system faulty because of a missing heartbeat possibleisreasons are: affected. signal. ThisIP-address may be or port number is not - printer's caused because of a failure in the external correct A connection to the directory server cannot be system or indisconnection the network network established from connection. The IP address of the external printer power-off the network element. system is shown in the supplementary of thepossible alarm. reasons If printingMMI taskusers isinformation rejected Remote cannottwice, be authenticated; only The background loading of the radio network are: local MMI user accounts plan was interrupted due The impact of the fault depends on the type of - printing task has corrupted can be used until the connection to the directory to a BSCsystem. or MCMU restart. As a result, the radio external problems in printer server is working. network is Typicallydata an external system is some kind of inconsistent. network element The used IP address might be incorrect, or the management application and the failure does not directory server is down. affect the traffic capacity of the network element. 1 reason for the alarm: 00 writing on W0 disk failed 01 writing on W1 disk failed 02 writing on both disks failed 1 general error message of the system that indicates the 03 updates made by BOLERO are incorrect reason for the interruption of data restoring. You can check the meaning of the field value in General Error Messages of System. If the user has interrupted the 2 general error code of the system, tells the reason for task, the field value is 0 1 type of thedisk master computer where theitsalarm interface the failed update. You can check meaning in plug-in unit is located General Error Messages of System. If the reason for 2 number of blocks that were successfully restored the during the task 2 index If the information alarm interface alarm of in the master previoucomputer. supplementary field is plug-in unitthis is located in asignificant doubled computer, then an value 03, field is not 1 significant 3 not sequence number of the block during which the tas even index is is always used 0) (the value was interrupted. This is the first block of the restoring task that the 3 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit system was unable to restore 4 number of the alarm input 4 number of blocks that still remain unrestored in the task. The number of remaining blocks is counted from the 1 for alarm: sizereason of 00 number printing is close taskthe given by theofuser. Thetasks number may to bethe inaccurate maximum value if 01 the amount data in is the close to the value there are fewer of blocks tape thanmaximum the user has 02 both number of printing tasks and amount of data indicated 1 reason for alarm: are 00 the number of printing tasks is close to the close to the maximum values. maximum value 01 the amount of data is close to the maximum value 02 both number of printing tasks and amount of data 1 reason for alarm: are 00 printing task is rejected twice close to the maximum values. 01 network problem 02 printer's address can not be found 03 printer's address type is invalid 04 connection to printer refused 05 unknown failure 2 if alarm is set because some task is rejected twice, this 1 fieldIP address of the external system using the EMT connection. contains rejected task's task id. You need this identification number 2 ifIDyou of the client using the connection in the printing have to remove the EMT rejected task from external system. queue. 1 general error code of the system that indicates the If alarm reason for is caused because connection to printer can notthe be failed directory access. You can check its meaning established this field's value is 0d. with a command of the service terminal extension MRS (see instructions on MASHAN), or in General Error Messages of System 2 LDAP API error code, which gives more detailed error information A connection to the LDAP directory server or to NetAct cannot be established. Network element cannot use its unique account for NetAct. This alarm is raised when ATM layer OAM (Operations, Administrations There is no user account defined in the NE or it is and Maintenance) detects a loss of continuity in incorrect. the ATM connection The NE cannot log into NetAct automatically or where the OAM continuity check is activated. The Error when validating the digital signature of the access the LDAP ATM connection is used, licence directory with its own account. for example, for control channels or transferring management information inquiry message user data. When this between DMX and Chorus unit. alarm occurs, it means that the ATM connection The client actor in the Chorus unit is trying to Updating the in question is BTS out ofalarm use. system file on disk inquire the licence failed. As a result, information from Licence server, but the a BTS alarm may be missing in the alarm history. information in the message is found corrupted. Printing BTS alarms fails. The feature related to the client actor in the Chorus unit or the Licence management system may be not functioning properly. There has been a fault in handling a radio network alarm. As a result of this, the BTS alarm situation is different in the OMC and BSC alarm systems. The main processor of the CPU plug-in unit has reached the maximum recommended operating temperature. Reasons for this can be: the room or cabinet temperature is too high, a broken or DIMM memory configuration on the CPU plug-in unfastened processor unit is incorrect. cooler, or an electrical failure in the CPU plug-in Incorrect configurations may cause some electric unit. components to be overheated. When the operator has given, from the OMC, the command to delete the BCF, this alarm is issued if deleting the files belonging to the software build fails for some The BSC disk system has been overloaded reason even during the downloading if deleting the BCF software build itself succeeds. of BCF software builds, which means that the program block handling the downloading, BTDOWN, cannot Updating the control file of a scheduled BTS test read files from the disk. on the In this case all ongoing downloadings are disk of the OMU unit has failed. interrupted and restarted. 1 general error code of the system that indicates the reason for the failed LDAP directory access. You can check its meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS 1 ATM interface identifier (see instructions on MASHAN), or in General Error Messages of System 2 virtual path identifier 3 virtual channel identifier 1 the identification information of the feature which is based on 4 OAM flow type to identify the OAM level (f3, f4s, f4e, a licence. Feature code is generated by a specific tool f5s, f5e) and it is of the connection for which the loss of continuity was a unique, Nokia -wide number with a decimal value 1 number of file. Possible values: detected between one and 4284967295 0x007800000 = GBUHIS (BSC Alarm History File) 2 general error message of the system. You can check 1BCF number its meaning in General Error Messages of System 2 BTS alarm number 3 consecutive alarm number in alarm history 1 error situation as a result of which alarm information could not be sent to the Q3 interface. 4 BTS alarm state: 0x0 = reading the BSDATA (BSS Radio Network cancel_c =0 Configuration start_c =1 Database) failed disturbance_c = 2 0x1 = forming the alarm for the Q3 interface failed notice_c =3 0x2 = the internal buffer of the radio network alarm system has overflown 5 general error message of the system. You can check 1 error code its 00 meaning The error DIMMmessage memory of modules have contains been configured 2 general the system, with aforcommand of the service terminal extension MRS illegally additional or in the mechanics used. Mechanics cooling is not information on the fault when reading the BSDATA has General Error Messages of System enough for this Youof can its meaning withdirectory a command 1 failed. number the check BCF software build's nameof memory configuration. Therefore some electric the where components may be service extension MRS or in Generaldirectory Error the filesterminal to be deleted are located. Possible overheated. Messages of System names are 'PACK_0 ... PACK_39'. Thus the number of the 01 Some of alarm the installed DIMM are unusable 3 base station See modules Base Alarms directory name cannumber. have values in the Station range 0...39. due to an The incorrect combination of sockets used or 4 base alarm valuesstation are given in state: decimals, so that they correspond incompatible models cancel = 0 directly to the directory name (e.g. 14 corresponds to of the DIMM alarm 1 modules 1 the number of = file. Possible values: directory PACK_14). disturbance = 2 notice 3 = btfile 0x006780000 2 error code =triggered by deleting the files of the BCF software build. You can check its meaning with a 5 BCF number 2 number of record command The system has detected a serious that 1 error code: overloading may be caused by error the updating of the service terminal extension MRS or in General may of thehave BTSbeen alarmcaused 6 BTS number Error Messages of System by the hard disk or the SCSI 69d time supervision expired history, by the buffering of Q3controller events orplug-in by the 3 general error message of the system. You can check unit radiobreaking networkdown. 7 TRX number its meaning in Saving data into theThe hard disk or may reading data database updates. situation occur when 2-4 not in use General Error Messages of System from the hard disk the BSC is restarted. 8 D-channel number (DCS) fails. 9 PCM number A serious fault has been detected in the hard disk system. The fault may partly or totally prevent the read and write operations to the alarm object disk. Even if the The check sum stored in the directory block of operations the hard disk or in are prevented only partly, the fault may cause the block allocation map, differs from the errors in calculated check sum. The the data that is written to the disk or read from directory of the disk drive or the block allocation Connection supervision has detected an the disk. map is in disorder. unknown connection to a LAN switch, that is, be a LAN connection that is not in the The fault may caused by: When saving the directory block or the block LAN topology. allocation map to the disk, -The SCSI interface plug-in unit (DMADI, DMASI, required alarm definition data is not the disk system calculates and adds the found check This can mean that there is an unauthorized SCSIF) from thethe NEMU sum to savedalarm data. connection attempt theSCSI controller has -system CPU plug-in unit (iftothe database. alarm set also Later when readingThe theoriginal block, the diskis system network element. been intergrated with defaultthe definition calculates check sum to CPU) data. of the read data, compares it tosource the stored There a failure in the power of thecheck mass - SCSIiscable sum, and in case the memory (hard disk resistor (SCSIT) - SCSI bus terminal check sums differs, gives this alarm. or the DAT-recorder). - SCSI adapter - a cartridge connected to the SCSI bus The failure can prevent in full or reading partly the writing The failure prevents writing and -The hard disk logic power alarm ofsupply a mass memory's power and reading operations to the mass memory -supply hard disk itself is faulty. operations to the diskunit. serving as the object unit serving as the object A alarm logic does not by itself affect the of faulty this alarm. power supply of a mass memory, but it prevents Writing or reading of the NEMU alarm information possible malfunctions to/from NEMU alarm in the power source from being detected. database fails. 1 error code: 51d hardware missing 186d the read and written data conflict with disk supervision 1 error code 208d writing to the DMA circuit failed 217d check sum error of the disk directory or block allocation map You can check the meaning of other error codes in You can check the meaning of error codes in General General Error 1 extra unit index information Error Messages of Systemof the switch where the Messages of System unknown connection is detected. This unit index is for LDI 2 address of the faulty sector on the disk internal use. For example, if the unit type is MCBC, this index value 1 number of the alarm 3 thefirst 8 characters of thewhose faulty definition directory data is not indicates found. or file name that the unit is main switch (the value is equal to or greater than 100) or extension switch (the value is less than 100). For traditional units, the value is the same as the unit index. 2 plug-in unit type of the switch where the unknown connection 1 faulty is unit detected 00 PSC4 : power source does not activate its 3 plug-in unit index of the switch where the unknown alarm signal connection is 01 SCSIF: there is a fault in the alarm signal 1 detected The reason for database failure. Possible values are: receiving DB operation timeout logic of the power source at the SCSIF 4 DB portconnection number oferror the interface where the unknown SQL execution error connection is 2 ordinal number of power source With it is amaximum HEX value. For the The maximum number of active alarms for a 1 detected. the number of the the AHUB3, alarm whose number of CNW LAN, specified alarm number is simultaneous active 00 - 03 the ordinal number of the power source the porthas name is the value minus 0x7D0. For the EMB exceeded. alarms exceeded. inside LAN, the the SCSI bus specified in field 3 port name is the value minus 0x3E8. For example, the NEMU applications record any significant 1 the7D6 reason for Event Log failure. Possible values are: value 3 Fullnumber of SCSI bus occurrences to Windows Event Application log is port 0/6 for the CNW LAN, and the value 0x3F9 is Application and Nemu Security Log. This alarm is port Full Nemu Security log 1/1 00 for bus 0 of SCSIF created because writing Corrupted Application log0 the01 EMB bus LAN. 1 of SCSIF to this Event Log has failed for some reason. Corrupted Nemu Security0log The Lb interface related settings and operations 1 indicates the 0cause of alarm 02 logbus ofnot SCSIF 1 Some important information Event could be opened 5 00 unit typebus of the related LAN do not allow the sending SCCP Lb+ subsystem 03 1 of SCSIF 1 (0x0F) state is prohibited related to the security data as well as hardware, of location requests to the Lb interface. The 01 SCCP BSSMAP-LE subsystem (0xFC) state is etc. software and system interface between the BSC prohibited problems may have been lost. and the stand-alone serving mobile location 02 SCCP Lb+ subsystem (0x0F) registration has failed An emergency call related location request has centre (S/A SMLC) does not 03 SCCP BSSMAP-LE subsystem (0xFA) registration failed in a case where function correctly and location requests cannot has failed the stand-alone serving mobile location centre be handled in the S/A 04 Unit switchover has lasted too long (S/A SMLC) and SMLC. The S/A SMLC does not allow any 05 S/A SMLC does not accept the BSC connection Lb interface are used for acquiring a location Ethernet switch power supply is faulty. 1 type of the master computer where the alarm interface connections. request(s) estimation. The interface If the Ethernet switch has no redundant unit, the plug-in unit is located between the BSC and S/A SMLC does not tasks that arerequests, positioned Any location for example commercial or function correctly and location in the Ethernet switch, emergency, cannot be which receives its power 2 index of the master computer. If the alarm interface requests cannot be handled in the S/A SMLC. supply theBSC's faulty Lb interface. All of these plug-in unit is located in a doubled computer, there is handledfrom in the power supply, an problems may fail. lead to a Emergency location requests cannot be handled even index situation where location requests are lost. in the BSC's Lb interface. If the Ethernet switch has a redundant unit, the This problem may lead to a situation where saving tasks are successful 3 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit location requests are lost. to the redundant Ethernet switch, if the power supply of the redundant 4 number of the alarm input The alarm is active until the emergency call Ethernet switch is functioning. related location request can be handled successfully in the Lb interface. The BSC-VNP interface is used for transferring 1 indicates which VNP server the failure is related to: real-time road traffic 00 Primary VNP server information to an external Vendor Network Probe 01 Secondary VNP server (VNP) server. 2 indicates the cause of the alarm: The tape in the tape unit is full. The system 1 number of the tape unit The BSC-VNP interface related signalling 00 SCCP BSSTS subsystem (0x10) prohibited closes the tape file, connection control part (SCCP) 01 SCCP BSSTS subsystem (0x10) registration failed rewinds the tape, and sets the tape unit into OFF 2 value of CRC counter which tells how many CRC settings do not allow the normal use of the 02 Incorrect SCCP settings LINE state. errors were detected interface. The interface 03 Connection to VNP server lost during the storing of data on tape. The higher the The system failure the hardware faulty plug-in failed unit type. between thedetected BSC andathe VNPinserver does not 1 identifies 04 Clock the synchronization The system will not store data on tape until the number, the worse block of the TCSMwhich function correctly, 05 VNP stream request failed user has replaced the condition of the tape or the dirtier its read heads interface unit. was detectedresults. based on 2 identifies faulty failed plug-in unit index. either leads orThe mayfailure lead to unwanted 06 Serverthe start-up the tape. If the tape unit is redundant, the system and/or write two consecutively 07 Incorrect net ID automatically heads failed supervision orcause, basedyou on acan serious 3the exact error code ofversion the plug-in unit test. Depending on the tests, failure locate SCTP thethe primary unitequipment. inside a If 1 08 theIncorrect ID of theprotocol MGW for which the connection was lost directsconnection the storing to onto standby malfunction in the at Simultaneous reasons are the problem either H.248 unit pool has been the tape unit operating plug-in is defective possible to appear. Possible reasons are: the BSC ordevice. at the The VNP server.unit lost. It endangers the related 2 the ID of the h248 unit pool is non-redundant, datapossible may benon-call lost. and cannot perform signaling and so can all the or tasks defined for events it. Loss of 8M clock Some all of the data cannot handled 30001 cause inconsistent state MSSbe and the type of the primary unit. Possible values: CCSU or Because theSCTP tape unit is between set into BL-SY state, the There is no connection to either primary or 10002 the ID of the MGW for which the connection was lost Loss of 8k clock in the interface and MGW. SIGU system also sets secondary inside may lead to a situation 0004 Overheat all of these unit problems the alarm unit 2692, INCORRECT WORKING an H.248 pool. Non-call related H.248STATE. 20008 the ID of the h248 unit pool Clock synthesizer: Output clock squelch where data events 4 the index of the primary unit signaling not possible are lost. Ifisevents are lost, the functionality of the 0010 Clock synthesizer: DPLL A loss of lock and so it can cause inconsistent state between 3 the type of synthesizer: the primary or secondary unit toward which Clock DPLL B loss of lock real-time The BSC road restart without radio network restart has 50020 possible values: MSS and MGW. the connection 0040 Clock synthesizer: External VCXO clock loss traffic service becomes unstable. failed. 0 - if connection is closed with SHUTDOWN, or no was lost. Possible values: CCSU orloss SIGU 0080 Clock synthesizer: Input clock response 0100 Synchronization Transmission Block failure for SCTP connection establishment 40200 the index of the logic lost primary or secondary unit Switchover / interconnecting backplane cable 0x1000 - connection is closed because of no The system maintains a CRC counter for each 1 faultnumber of tape unit response tape unit. 50400 possible values: Memory test failure in unit computer for application heartbeat messages The value of CRC counter is printed out each 20800 value counter tells how many CRCor no 0 Timing -ofif CRC connection is which closed with SHUTDOWN, over Packet Block failure other for other error codes please see RFC4960 time the tape unit errors detected response 1000 were Ethernet PHY Block failure is closed. If the error limit is exceeded, the during the storing of data on establishment tape. The higher the for for SCTP LAPD failure The alarm is set for inconsistency of L2/L3 LAN 12000 unit type LANconnection switch system sets an alarm. number, 0x1000 connection is closed because of no 4000 Primary flash image failure switch the worse the condition of the tape or the dirtier the response 8000 GSW loop test failure for ET administrative state and LAN switch runtime 2 unit index for LAN switch The reason for the alarm is either the tape's bad read for application heartbeat messages value. condition and/or and/or write headserror codes please see RFC4960 other - for other 3 the activation status value of L3 licence. The connection of the is able 1 number of error OMI channel (0...n) dirty data read transmission and/or write heads. The system 4-5 the exact code of the plug-in unit interface test. The LAN switch administrative state is set to L3 operation maintenance to continueand storing The reason mode by user, but 0 The license is inactive. network is outbut of use due to a disturbance a data on tape, post-processing the tape or may for physically highest interface is switch. found from the LAN switch is running in L2 mode. Running The switch functions as L2 fault. cause problems. IF_STATUS[0]. The LAN switch in L2 mode for license second highest The cause alarm is for inconsistency of L2/L3 LAN 1reason unit for LANis switch can anset unexpected malfunction in internal 1 type The active.interface is found from The alarm does not require immediate actions IF_STATUS[1] etc. switch LAN and site The switch needs to be reloaded before L3 regarding the system, Simultaneous are possible to appear. Possible administrative and LAN switch runtime 2 unit index forreasons LAN switch connectivity of state a network element. features can be but if the tape is in bad condition and the read reasonsconfigured. are: value. and/or write heads 3 the activation status valueasofL2 L3switch. licence. switch functions This general alarm indicates actual HW 10001 row The of the rackmodule in the hall are may be lost. that Optic sfp unplugged Thedirty, LAN data switch administrative state is set to L2 (information read from 0002 Optic transmission mode by user, but 2 The license is active with advanced L3 features. 4 plug-in LAN fault switch (ASCII form) shelf SDR repository) and corresponding HW 20004 rack Optical in aunit rowtype of aofrack transmit power level low the LAN switch is running in L3 mode. configuration data in 0008 Optical transmit power level high 3 The license is inactive. equipment database mismatch, for example 30010 vertical measure of a shelf inlow a rack Laser bias current Activation or reactivation of the Operations and 1 number of the OMI (00...FF) L3 features are channel still level in use. Automatic comparison of existing 0020 Laser bias current level high Maintenance The switch functions as L2/L3 switch. HW and HW configuration data finds one or more 40040 horizontal measure of a cartridge in a shelf HOTLink module unplugged network's data transmission connection has not The switchsfp needs to be reloaded before L3 conflicts. An alarm is 0080 HOTLink fault succeeded features are set during the comparison process if there is a 5 plug-in-unit track number in cartridge HOTLink CRC transmission fault during five minutes in spite of repeated attempts. 0100 disabled. conflict. Supplementary 0200 Hotlink parity error information fields identify the reason of the 60400 identifies theEthernet type of hardware component. Gigabit Block failure 4 plug-in unit type of LAN switch(ASCII form) conflict. Module type together with module number identifies 0800 GigE loss of signal failure location in Link a cartridge or cartridge track. 1000 GigE down failure 8000 GSW loop test failure for ET 7 module number identifies a particular instance of module type. No information in this field if module_type has value module_type_t_no_info_c. 8 type of the actual plug-in unit The exchange terminal has observed that the incoming signal is missing. The fault situation causes traffic to fail on the 2Mbit/s connection, so the system automatically redirects traffic to The exchange terminal has received a remote connections that are end alarm from the E1 working properly. circuit. This alarm is set when, for example, the remote end has detected one of the following disturbances in the incoming The state change of a 2 Mbit/s protective signal transmission: no connection signal received, AIS received, frame alignment was unsuccessful. lost, or no CRC frame found. If the duration of this alarm exceeds the The terminal has observed that the FRMexchange alarm limit, HDB3 code (FAULT error ratio alarm 2915 RATE MONITORING) is set of incoming PCM circuit exceeds the value 10 as the well. E-3. The exchange terminal has lost the frame synchronizing signal and is receiving the AIS signal. The exchange terminal has lost the frame synchronising signal. The exchange terminal has observed that the HDB3 code error ratio of the incoming PCM circuit exceeds the value 1E-3. The error counter associated with the E1 or T1 circuit has reached its maximum value after the previous clearing, indicating that the error ratio exceeds 1E-3. The trunk network circuit supervision has detected an error situation on the E1 (2Mbit/s) or T1 (1.544 Mbit/s) trunk circuit or in the ET(S) supervision connection. The trunk E1-ET: The ET has detected CRC4-10E-6 bit network circuit supervision errors on the incoming E1 clears the calls that come through the ET(S) in circuit. The error ratio exceeds the notification question and directs new limit set for the ET. calls through trunk circuits which are in order. Events in the error counter are monitored, step E1-ET: The ET has detected a notice sent by a by step, for one minute. remote end indicating If the duration or the frequency of the fault that the CRC4-10E-6 exceeds the value limitbit error ratio on an E1 T1-ET: The ET has detected CRC4-10E-6 bit circuit the limit. set for is it, over the system generates a fault-specific errors on the incoming T1 alarm before issuing The exchange terminal has observed that the circuit. The error ratio exceeds the notification T1 ET: The ET has detected a notice sent by a the FRM alarm (Fault Rate clock frequency slips on theMonitoring). You can limit set for the ET. remote endvalue indicating check the limits incoming T1 circuit have Events in E1 theor error counter are exceeded monitored,the step that theeach CRC4-10E-6 bit with errorthe ratio on acommand T1 circuit set for trunk circuit MML threshold limit by step, for onedefined minute.for is over thethe limit. YEP. Use MML the ET. The slips arecommand observed at one-hour AHO to see the trunk circuit alarms that are on at intervals. present. There are two ways to generate FRM. The supervision issues FRM after the duration of a fault specific alarm has exceeded the time limit set for generating FRM. FRM is also generated if there have been short disturbances more often 1 unit type 2 E1 or T1 circuit number if the unit type is ET TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 1 unit type type is TCSM and the transcoder type is TCSM2 2 E1 circuit number if the unit type is ET E1 or T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 1 on reason the Aterfor state change: type is TCSM interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the and the transcoder type is TCSM2 00 no requests transcoder type 01 return prohibited is TCSM3i E1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or on the 02 controlled by user 1 Ater unit type automatic control 3 03 no significance interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the 04 forced control 2 PCM circuit transcoder type number in switching network or ETS 05 not in use index, is TCSM3i 06 out of order when unit type is ET 1 unit type 3 ET1E : T0 bits of odd frame 2 general DX 200 error code. You can check its meaning 3 Other no units significance : no significance 2 in General E1 circuit number in switching network or ETS Error Messages of System index, when unit type is ET. 3 Mbit/s 1 2 unit typecircuit to be protected, for which a protecting TCSMcircuit internal circuit number 0d..7d, when unit 2 Mbit/s hasPCM been assigned type is TCSM 2 E1 or T1 circuit number when the unit type is ET 4 E1 protecting 2 Mbit/s circuit which a 2 Mbit/s or T1 circuit number if the unitprotects type is ET 3 circuit no significance that needs to be protected 1 unit type TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 5 state of the 2 Mbit/s circuit to be protected: typenew is TCSM 2 PCM circuit number in switching network ETS index, and the transcoder type is TCSM2 unit type is ET 00when in use 01 spare 1 E1 unitortype T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or 3 02 no significance out of use on the Ater 2 interface E1 or T1(16d..31d) circuit number the type unit type is ETand the if theifunit is TCSM 6 new state of protecting 2 Mbit/s circuit: transcoder type TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit TCSM3i 1 is unit type 00 use type is in TCSM 01 spare and the transcoder typedepending is TCSM2 on the frame 3 additional information, 2 02 E1 or outT1 ofcircuit useof number if the unit type is ET alignment mode E1 or circuit number in oncase the Aofinterface (0d..15d) or the ET.T1No significance ET1E plug-in units. TCSM's internal circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 7 quality class of 2PCM Mbit/s circuit to be protected. 1 on theunit Atertype Possible type is quality TCSM class is based on the classification of the The interface (16d..31d) ifplug-in the unitunits type is TCSM and the values with other ETtype and the transcoder is TCSM2(pointing out in which alarms controlling the protection 2 E1 the or T1 circuit number if the unit type is ET transcoder type mode ET is TCSM3i issuing alarm is): on the A interface (0d..15d) or or T1the circuit 8 E1 quality class of number the protecting 2 Mbit/s circuit.if the unit TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) 1 unit type class is based on the classification of the onThe the Ater quality type TCSM 3 CRC4/ESF noissignificance : 11H interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the alarms protection and thecontrolling transcoder type is TCSM2 double frame/SF : the 0H 2 E1 or T1type circuit number if the unit type is ET transcoder is TCSM3i E1 or T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 1 type on unit the Ater type TCSM 3 noissignificance interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the and the transcoder type is TCSM2 2 E1 or T1type circuit number if the unit type is ET transcoder is TCSM3i E1 or T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit on the Ater type TCSM 3 noissignificance interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the and the transcoder type is TCSM2 transcoder type is TCSM3i E1 or T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or on the Ater 3 no significance interface (16d..31d) if the unit type is TCSM and the transcoder type is TCSM3i The SDH interface receives higher-order virtual containers whose path signal label (the C2 byte) does not correspond to the expected one. This means that the payload of the virtual The SDH interface receives an MS-AIS container is not what was (Multiplexer Section Alarm Indication expected. Incorrectly configured SDH Signal) signal. The signal is cut, or faulty frames multiplexing structure or payload have been received on type either at the near or far end of the network the SDH transmission link. There are traffic The exchange terminal element with the SDH has lost the frame disturbances on the SDH synchronising signal and problems. is transmission link causes There are transmission link, or the traffic is completely receiving an disturbances AIS signal. either traffic congested on the link. on the SDH transmission link, or the traffic is completely prevented The exchange terminalonhas received a remote the link. end alarm from circuit T1. TAS raises this alarm if downloading the Flexible Alerting Data from HSS fails. TAS raises this alarm if a member URI in a flexible alerting group cannot be translated into a telephony number. The allowed digits are: 0 .. 9 and A, B, C, D, E. BTS sites have been restarted due to the restart of the entire BSC or the restart of the active MCMU. 1 number of the SDH path in question 1 unit type 2 T1 circuit number if the unit type is ET TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 1 unit type type is TCSM and the transcoder type is TCSM2 2 T1 circuit number if the unit type is ET T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or on the TCSM's internal PCM circuit number (0d..7d) if the unit 1 AterTHE TYPE OF THE ERROR: type is TCSM 00 - NO ANSWER HSStype (GUARD TIMER interface (16d..31d)FROM if the unit is TCSM and the and the transcoder type is TCSM2 EXPIRATION IN TAS) transcoder type 01 - FLEXIBLE-ALERTING-DATA DATAREPOSITORY is TCSM3i T1 circuit number on the A interface (0d..15d) or on the READING FAILED IN HSS 1-16 Ater THE NUMBER OF THE FLEXIBLE ALERTING (THE SERVICE IS NOT PROVISIONED TO GROUP. ONE BYTE CONTAINS TWOis TCSM and the interface (16d..31d) if the unit type SUBSCRIBER) DIGITS. type EG. NUMBER 492012563434 IS transcoder REPRESENTED AS is TCSM3i 2-17 THE NUMBER OF THE FLEXIBLE ALERTING 49 20 12 56 34 34 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF GROUP. ONE BYTE CONTAINS TWO DIGITS. EG. NUMBER 492012563434 IS REPRESENTED AS 49 20 12 56 34 34 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF TRX deblocking phase of the radio network is ongoing after BSC restart. A failure has been detected in the RAM or FLASH memory of the TRCO plug-in unit. A local user has logged in. A hardware fault has been detected in the transcoder plug-in unit. 1 failure identification: 0 RAM test has detected a failure in the read/write memory 1 Check sum error in the program memory 2 Check sum error in exchange terminal software build stored in FLASH memory of TRCO 3 Check sum error in transcoder plug-in unit software 1 in BSC: type of blocked plug-in unit build stored in FLASH memory of TRCO in TCSM: type of blocked plug-in unit 2 in BSC: number of transcoder plug-in unit The signalling processor of the transcoder plug-in 1 number of TCSM internal PCM circuit in A-interface 0d...13d unit 1...7 receives AIS signal. in TCSM: type of blocked plug-in unit 2 PCM circuit time slot in A-interface 0...31 3 in BSC: first time slot of Ater interface to which the faulty plug-in unit is related 3 PCM circuit time slot in Ater interface 0d...31d 0...31 in TCSM:number of transcoder plug-in unit 4 first bit in use of the PCM circuit time slot in the Ater 0d...13d direction 0...7 4 in BSC: length of sub-time-slot in bits 5 number of bits used of the PCM circuit time slot in the 1 half rate (8 kbit/s) Ater The signalling processor of a transcoder plug-in 1 number of TCSM internal PCM circuit in A interface unit is not 1...7 receiving the bit pattern of an idle channel signal nor the TRAU frame synchronizing signal. 2 time slot of A interface PCM circuit 0...31 Maintenance supervision to the signalling 1 number of TCSM internal PCM circuit in A interface processor of a transcoder 1...7 3 time slot of Ater interface PCM circuit plug-in unit is cut off, a memory failure has been 0...31 detected in 2 time slot of A interface PCM circuit the signalling processor, or switching the channel 0...31 A plug-in unit has been blocked with a command 1 of blocked plug-in unit time slot in Ater route 4 type first used bit of PCM circuit's fails. given from the 0...7 3 time slot of Ater interface PCM circuit local user interface. 2 index of blocked plug-in unit 0...31 5 0d...14d number of bits used in time slot of Ater route PCM circuit A traffic channel of the TCSM unit has been 1 first number TCSM internal PCM circuit the Adirection interface 4 usedofbit of PCM circuit's time slot in Ater The following fields are relevant only when the plug-in unit blocked with a command 1...7 0...7 in question is a(8transcoder plug-in unit: 1 half rate kbit/s) given from the local user interface. 2 full rate (16 kbit/s) 2 number time slotof ofbits the used A interface circuit 5 in timePCM slot of Ater direction PCM 3 4firsthigh Ater interface time slot to which the faulty 0...31 speed circuit switched data (32kbit/s) circuit The loop test of the TCSM unit has found a traffic 1 of TCSM internal PCMdata circuit in A interface transcoder 8number high speed circuit switched (64kbit/s) channel faulty. 1...7 plug-in unit is related 3 1time slot of (8 thekbit/s) Ater interface PCM circuit half rate 0d...31d 0...31 2 full rate (16 kbit/s) 2 time slot of A interface PCM circuit 4 high speed circuit switched data (32 kbit/s) 0...31 4 ofofsub-time-slot in bits Maintenance supervision to the signalling 1 8length number TCSM internal PCM circuit A-interface 4 first used bit ofcircuit PCM circuit's time slot Ater route high speed switched data (64inkbit/s) processor of a transcoder 1...7 0...7 3 time slot of (8 Ater interface PCM circuit half rate kbit/s) plug-in unit which includes a through connected 6 1type of failure 0...31 2 full rate (16 kbit/s) channel is cut off, 2 slotof ofbits A-interface PCMslot circuit 5 time number used in time of Ater route PCM 4 0...31 high speed circuit switched data (32 kbit/s) a memory failure has been detected in the circuit 0 failure in program or data memory The host unit of the alarm bus between TCSM 1 of failure: 4 type first used bitcircuit of PCM circuit'sdata time(64 slotkbit/s) in Ater direction 8 high speed switched signalling processor, or 1 maintenance supervision cut off units has observed a fault 0...7 the signalling processor receives AIS signal. 3 1 type half ratechannel (8the kbit/s) 2failure switching channel failsTCSM and BSC failed in one or more units connected to the bus. The LAPD 5 00 bit map of 32 items,between where value of faulty sub time 2 full rate (16 kbit/s) alarm may be issued due 01 TRCO unit 5 number of plug-in bits used in processor time slot offailed Ater direction PCM slots is 1 0 failure in program or data memory to a fault in the service channel, power source, 02 TCSMfrom power source failed or TRCO fuse broken circuit beginning item defined in field The software build of the ET plug-in unit or of the 1 1type of failure: supervision cut off 3 maintenance TRCO plug-in unit transcoder 2 signalling processor receives AIS signal processor or EPROM circuit. A maximum of 20 1 rate (8 kbit/s) plug-in unit is missing from the FLASH memory 0 half software build of E1 exchange terminal is missing TCSM units may be connected 2 full rate (16 kbit/s) of the TRCO. 1 software build of T1 exchange terminal is missing to one alarm bus. 4 speed circuit switched data (32unit kbit/s) 2 high software build of transcoder plug-in is missing The alarm is given if the disk has been installed 1 8type of the connection field replaceable through or highunit speed circuit switched in the unsupported data position. 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is (64 kbit/s) located The transmission device under BSC supervision does not respond. Either the service channel TO the device IS cut OFF OR disturbed OR the settings OF the device itself are defective. There is a fault in the SMHW plug-in unit of the SM2M submultiplexer. There is a fault in the LK2M plug-in unit of the SM2M submultiplexer. 1 NUMBER OF the Q1 service channel IN the BSC 3 the which shelf in which thehas plug-in is located 6 number directionoffrom AIS signal beenunit received 2 transmission equipment Q1 address 4 0slot number of the FRU A interface 1 Ater interface 3 transmission equipment name 1 BSC 5 number of the Q1 slot service in whichchannel the diskinisthe located 4 transmission equipment INDEX 2 transmission equipment Q1 address 5 TRCU INDEX IF the ET IS IN the submultiplexed A 3 transmission equipment name 1 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC INTERFACE 4 transmission equipment index 2 transmission equipment Q1 address 5 fault severity class 3 transmission equipment name bit 0 (A) urgent fault alarm 4 transmission equipment index bit 1 (B) deferred alarm bit 2 (D) reminder switch 5 fault severity class bit 3 (S) service alarm bit 4 (X) alarm situation has changed since the bit 0 (A) urgent fault alarm last clear bit 1 (B) deferred alarm bit 5 (E) external alarm bit 2 (D) reminder switch bit 6 0 bit 3 (S) service alarm bit 7 0 bit 4 (X) alarm situation has changed since the There is a fault in the DB2M plug-in unit of the transcoder unit. 1 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC 2 transmission equipment Q1 address There is a fault in the MSC interface of the transcoder unit's DB2M plug-in unit. There is a fault in the BSC interface of the transcoder unit's DB2M plug-in unit. The channel of the transcoder unit's TRC15 plugin unit is looped, the channel receives AIS signal, or the TRAU synchronisation (a disturbance related to the call or occurring There is a fault in the circuit group interface of randomly) occurring the transcoder in the channel has disappeared. The new signal unit's TRC15 plug-in units, or both TRC15 plug-in in the channel units are is other than the pattern defined for an disconnected. None of the signalling processors There is a fault in the DX2M plug-in unit of the unoccupied channel. of the TRC15 transcoder plug-in units responds. unit. External wire alarm is on in the supervisory substation. There is an equipment fault or a memory fault in the TRC15 plug-in unit of the transcoder unit. An equipment failure is issued if the signalling processor connected to the channel This is an error ratio counter alarm. The error does not respond to ratio counter monitors the supervision message of the DB2M. A memory the quality of Cell Broadcast Center connection. failure is issued if The alarm indicates the signalling processor detects an error in the that the error ratio of the Cell Broadcast Center Exchange (ET) has received an checksum terminal calculated connection has acknowledgement a test run on the RAM. A from the ROM or inofthe exceeded the allowed limit. loopback either causes from line terminal (LT) or network memory failure termination (NT1), although norestarted. loopback the signalling processor to be command has been The system has detected a fault in the V3 given. In case blocks of suchthe unintentional loopback, the The TFHPRB faulty channel. interface in an LT or NT1 ISDN primary access rate, either in the line loops all the time slots transparently back to ET terminal (LT) or but does the network termination (NT1). The fault Abis PCM circuit state is unknown. The in not change their contents in any way. Asservice a result, situations are the exchange traffic on described in detail in the field descriptions of the may suffer. this connection fails and the system redirects all alarm traffic to description. connections that are working properly. The diagram below shows the configuration of The diagram below shows the configuration of the V3 interface the V3 interface between exchange termination and line between exchange termination and line termination in an ISDN termination in an ISDN primary rate access to which the fault situations primary rate access to which the fault situation refer: refers: +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ ! TE !___!NT1 !___! LT !____! ET ! ! TE !___!NT1 !___! LT !____! ET ! 3 transmission equipment name 1 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC 4 transmission equipment index 2 transmission equipment Q1 address 5 TRCU index if the ET is in the submultiplexed A 3 transmission equipment name 1 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC interface 4 transmission equipment index 2 Q1 address 6 transmission fault severity equipment class 5 TRCU index if the ET is in the submultiplexed A 3 bit transmission equipment name 0 (A) urgent alarm 1 number of the Q1 fault service channel in the BSC interface bit 1 (B) deferred alarm 4 bit transmission equipment index 2 (D) reminder switch 2 Q1 address 6 transmission fault severity equipment class bit 3 (S) service alarm 5 bit TRCU if thesituation ET is in has the submultiplexed A 4 index (X) alarm 3 bit transmission equipment name changed since the 0 (A) of urgent fault alarm 1 number the Q1 service channel in the BSC interface last clear bit 1 (B) deferred alarm bit 5 (E) external alarm 4 bit transmission equipment index 2 (D) reminder switch 2 transmission equipment Q1 address 6 bit fault severity class 6 0 bit 3 (S) service alarm bit 7 0 5 bit TRCU index if thesituation ET is in has the submultiplexed (X) alarm changed since A the 3 bit 4 transmission equipment name 0 (A) of urgent fault alarm 1 number Q1 service channel interface last clear 1 (B) deferred 7 bit number of the faulty alarm supervisory block in the bit 5 (E) external alarm index 4 transmission equipment bit 2 (D) reminder switch transmission 2 address of alarm unit 6 bit fault class 6 severity 0 bit 3 (S) service equipment. See thealarm equipment manuals for further bit 7 0 index if the ET is in the submultiplexed A 5 TRCU 4 has changed since the information 3 bit name(X) of alarm alarm situation unit bit 0 (A) urgent fault alarm 1 number of Q1 service channel interface last clear 1 (B) deferred 7 bit number of the faulty alarm supervisory block in the 5 code (E)Transcoder external alarm 8 bit fault number. TRCU, Unit bit 2 (D) reminder switch transmission 2 address of alarm unit 6 bit fault severity class 6 0equipment See manuals for further information bit 3 the (S) service equipment. See thealarm equipment manuals for further bit 7 0 4 number of alarm unit, has changed since the 4 (X) alarm situation information 3 bit bit name of(A) alarm unitfault alarm 0 of urgent 1 number theclear Q1 service channel the BSC corresponds to the number of ETinPCM last bit 1 of(B) alarm 7 number thedeferred faulty supervisory block in the 5 (E) external alarm 8 bit fault code number. SSS, Substation bit 2 Supervisory (D) reminder switch transmission 2 transmission 5 bit TRCU number if Q1 ET address is infurther submultiplexed A 6 0serialequipment See manuals information bitthe 3 equipment (S) service alarm formanuals equipment. See the equipment for further interface bit 7 0 4 number of alarm bit 4 (X) alarm unit situation has changed since the information 3 transmission equipment name 1 index of error counter lastratio clear 0 - 3 of the faulty channel 7 number 5 number of functional block bit 5 (E) external alarm 8 code number. 4 fault transmission equipment index 2-4See three error codes of the ratio counter's bitthe 6 latest 0 equipment manuals for error further information 6 error alarm category 8 fault code number. counter update, substation itself 00 supervisory bit 7 0 5 See TRCU index if the ET is in the A equipment manuals forsubmultiplexed further information 01the - 20 digitalinterface inputs 1 type of exchange unit interface bit 0 (A) prompt maintenance alarm Transport pipe operation not available 21 - 29 inputs block 7 0001 number ofanalogical faulty supervisory in transmission bit There 1 (B) deferred alarm has been a protocol message collision or equipment. 2 theclass PCM trunk circuit connected to the 6 number fault bit severity 2 of(D) reminder switch is on the 6 exchange alarm See thecategory equipment manuals for further information interface unit bit system 3 (S)ismaintenance alarm temporarily out of data transfer credit; bit 0 (A) urgent fault alarm bit 4 (X) alarm situation has changed since the 1 type of exchange interface unit no action needed bit 0 (A) prompt maintenance alarm 8 fault code number. 3 bit data equipment 1 terminal (B) deferred alarm previous resetfrom which the 0002 COTS not responding bit 1 (B) deferred alarm See the equipment manuals for further information acknowledgement 2 5 (D) reminder switch bit external alarm 2 bit number of(E) the PCM trunk circuit connected the not Connection Oriented Transport Serviceto does bit 2 (D) reminder switch is on on is received bit bit 3loopback alarm 6 (S)0service exchange respond bit 3to (S) maintenance alarm bit 4 7 (X) has changed since the bit 0alarm situation interface unit data transfer or situation a connection release has been bit 4of network (X) alarm has changed since the 1 00 index = LT last clearelement specific BTS signalling unit received previous reset 01 5 = NT1 (E) of external alarm 7 number supervisory 3 bit fault situation detected in block V3 interface in severity Bad(E) connection type external alarm 2 0003 listbit of5PCM circuits whose state is unknown bit 6 0 order value theuse most fault pipe user00isequals trying to an severe unknown bit Transport 6(the lowest 0 bit 7 0 36d DX2M, 2 Mbit/s Digital Cross Connect etc.) service bit If7 several 0 alarms are active simultaneously, alarms Board, unitBad 2severity of higher 0004 CEP will displace those of a lower one. 7 Thus number ofone the faulty is channel only active at aincorrect time Transport alarm pipe user is using connection 8 fault code identifiers 8 00 fault code number. supply and remote end alarm have been 0005Voltage OSI management not responding See the equipment manuals 23d test mode isinrequest on simultaneously lost NT1for further information 0006 No resource for frequency error 01112d Voltage supply been cut from NT1 for data Transport pipe has resources areoff not available synchronization failure 02122d The incoming signal from ET to NT1 has been cut transfer 124dIncorrect synchronization off0007 unit state failure in clock restoration 128d equipment fault and NT1 lostinthe entire signal or the frame The unithas is not the WO state 130d memory fault alignment incoming signal from TE 0008 Hand to notthe reachable Calls have been cleared repeatedly on the same 1 number of PCM circuit A interface circuit due to BTS and transcoder unsynchronisation and Indicates: the number of successive - number of external PCM circuit if GSW and releases has exceeded the limit defined in the unsubmultiplexed A interface are in use Calls have been cleared three successive times 1 identifier of the base station PAFILE alarm parameter on the same Abis interface (alarm limit for successive remote tc failures). - number of SMUX PCM circuit if GSW and channel due to BTS and transcoder 2 identifier of the TRX submultiplexed A interface are in use unsynchronisation. 3 identifier of the radio time slot SCCP has failed in routing the SCCP signalling 1 reason for error. record Can have theif following - PCMCON index GSWB isvalues: in use message. The 4 number of external PCM circuit failure is caused by the inconsistency in the values specific SCCPPCM parameters 2 01 time slotofofthe thepoint above-mentioned circuit in TCSM3i for combined BSC3i/TCSM3i installation parameter values in XUDT_USED and ET_PCM means Ater PCM between GSW2KB SCCP parameter file. The fault causing the error 3 UDT_DENIED are inconsistent circuit identification code There is a processor error in the digital signal 1 track andnumber TR3E/Aof the faulty plug-in unit on the cartridge affects processor (DSP) the traffic capacity. The SCCP signalling 2 filePCM number. If file is not identification given, the value in the circuit partnumber ofDSP the circuit code or some other hardware failure in the plug-in unit 4 2 of the faulty (0...31) 5 number time slot of external PCM circuit messages that are not field In T1 (ANSI 1.544 Mbit/s) environment the value is containing related to any connections are not sent to the is FFFFFFFF 0xFFFF. signal processors. 3 error code indicating the fault in the DSP. 6 sub-time-slot of external PCM circuit All virtual connections/links of the Network 1 packet Service Entity Identifier. signalling points The meaning of the error code can be checked in Service are Packet together the PCUs to whichEntity this inconsistent parameter set is 5 time Service slot partEntity of thegroups circuit identification code of a Due to the failure the signal processor and the General unavailable. Cells connected to the PCU have NSE (Packet defined. 3 fileIn number. If file number is environment not given, thethe value in is the T1 (ANSI 1.544 Mbit/s) value data channels Error Messages of System. lost General Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network field 0xFF. handled by it are out of use. Radio Service in single point Gb. In Multipoint Gb Service Entities FFFFFFFF A Network Service Virtual Connection/Link is 1 isPacket Service Entity Identifier. the GPRS service of anumber PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, 6 of external PCM circuit. unavailable. It cannot Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a is not lost if 1 or more NSEs available in the the value of the field is 0xFF. 4 record number. If record number is not given, the value in TCSM3i for combined BSC3i/TCSM3i installation be used for General Packet Radio Service, that NSE (Packet PCU. in the ET_PCM means Ater PCM between GSW2KB is, the data transfer Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network 2 field network Service Entity Identifier. isEntities FFFF and TR3E/A capacity has decreased. Service The system has unsuccesfully tried to unblock a 1 AFrame Relay Bearer channel identifier. Network Service Entity groups together the Network of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, network service virtual A number that identifies the bearer channel that carries Service 7 thetime slot of external PCM circuit value of the field is 0xFF. connection as many times as defined with the the NS Connections (in Frame Relay) orgiven, the Network 5 Virtual record number. If record number is not the value NS-UNBLOCK-RETRIES parameter. virtual connection. Service in the 8 sub-time-slot of external PCM circuit 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. An acknowledgement is not received from the (in IP) that provide communication field is Links FFFF The system has unsuccesfully tried to block a 1 Virtual Relay Bearer channel identifier. AFrame Network Service Entity groups together the Network terminating side. 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. between 9 number of transcoder PCM circuit network service virtual A number that identifies the bearer channel that carries Service The virtual connection remains blocked. System A Network Service Entity groups together NS entities. NSEI is an identifierthe thatNetwork has endIfsame GSW is used, this 0xFF. connection as many times as defined with the thethe NS Virtual Connections (in value FrameisRelay) or the Network can not use it for Service Virtual to-end NS-BLOCK-RETRIES parameter. virtual connection. Service General Packet Radio Service, that is, the data that provide significance the Gbcommunication interface. 10Connections timeLinks slot across of transcoder PCM circuit between the An acknowledgement is not received from the Virtual (in IP) that provide communication The system has unsuccesfully tried to reset a 1 Frame Relay Bearer channel identifier. transfer capacity has same NS entities. If GSW is used, this value is 0xFF. terminating side. 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. between network service virtual number identifies channel that carries decreased. NSEI is Control anthat identifier thatthe hasbearer end-to-end significance 3 A packet UnitEntity Identifier. In spite of the failure, the virtual connection is A Network Service groups the same NS entities. NSEI is an together identifierthe thatNetwork has endconnection as many times as defined with the theANS across theinternal identifier of the logical PCU. BSC marked as blocked at Service Virtual to-end NS-RESET-RETRIES parameter. virtual connection. Gb interface. System givesthat thisprovide identifiercommunication when the PCUbetween logical object the originating side. System can not use it for Connections the significance across the Gb interface. An acknowledgement is not received from the is The Network Service 1 frame Bearer channel identifier General Packet RadioEntity Identifier (NSEI) or same NS Relay entities. terminating side. 2 Network Service Entity 3 created. VirtualIdentifier. Connection Identifier. the Network a number that identifies the channel that carries Service, that Service is, the data transfer capacity has NSEI is an identifier that hasbearer end-to-end significance Packet Control UnitEntity Identifier. The virtual connection remains blocked. System 3 A Network Service groups together the Network The NS-VC is an end-to-end virtual connection Virtual Connection Identifier (NS-VCI) received the Network decreased. across theinternal identifier of the logical PCU. System A BSC can not use it for Service Virtual between the BSS Connection and from the other end do Service Virtual Gb this interface. gives General Packet Radio Service, that is, the data Connections that provide communication between the the SGSN. not match with the identifiers configured locally. in IP casewhen value of PCU this parameter is 0xFFFF identifier logical object is created. The alivecapacity test of ahas Network Service Virtual 1 Packet Servicethe Entity Identifier. transfer same NS entities. Network Service Entity Identifier and Network 3 Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier. Connection/Link has Packet Entitythat groups together thesignificance PCUs of a decreased. NSEI isService an identifier has end-to-end 4 a status that identifies the reason unavailability: Service Virtual 2 The network Service Identifier offor the unavailable NS-VC is an Entity end-to-end virtual connection In (Packet Frame failed as many consecutive times as defined with 4 NSE across the Relay: network Service Virtual Connection Connection Identifier have an end-to-end Virtual between the BSS and Pooling)) and/or the Network Identifier the NS-Alive-Retries parameter. The system Control Unit (PCU2) Gb interface. 01 no acknowledgement to the unblock procedure significance across Connection that is virtual configured locally the SGSN. of the unavailable connection. The NS-VC is marks the virtual Service Entities from the other end The Network Element (SGSN or BSC) has 1 a Packet Service Entity Identifier. the Gb interface. Network Service Entity groups together the Network an end-to-end virtual connection between thein BSS connection/link blocked in the originating side of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not use,and 3 02 Network Service Virtual Connection the bearer channel has become unavailable received notification of be used for General Packet Service Entity groups togetherIdentifier. the PCUs of a The connection can not Service Virtual the SGSN. and initiates the value of is the is 0xFF. The NS-VC anfield end-to-end virtual connection 03 the DLC has become inactive a detected network service protocol error from NSE (Packet Packet Radio Service. Connections that provide communication between In IP: Network Service Virtual Link Identifier of the the a reset procedure. The system cannot use the between the BSS and 04 user side has lost the DLCI from the network the peer. The sending Control Unit virtual (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network same NS entities unavailable link. The NS-VL is a virtual connection/link 2 the Network Service Entity Identifier. SGSN. NE has ignored the received erroneous message Service NSEI Entities is an identifier that has end-to-end significance communication for General Packet Radio Service, that is, the A Network Service Entity groups together the Network and has returned an of a PCU Gb). If Gb over IP is notininSGSN's use, across the from (Multipoint BSC towards remote IP endpoint data transfer Service 4 path A status identifies reason for unavailability: error status message. the valuethat of the field is the 0xFF. Gb interface NSE. capacity has decreased. Virtual Connections (in Frame Relay) or the Network Service 01 no acknowledgement to the reset procedure from 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. 3 network Service Virtual Connection Identifier of the 5 frame relay bearer channel identifier. Links (in IP) that provide communication theVirtual other end A Network Service Entitythe groups together the Network unavailable number that identifies bearer channel that carries between 02 thethe bearer channel has become unavailable Service Connection that is configured locally theVirtual same NS entities. NSEI is an identifier that has end-to03 theConnections DLC has become inactive Virtual (in Frame Relay) or the Network the NS-VC is an end-to-end virtual connection between Network Service Virtual Connection. end 04 user side has lost the DLCI or has not received it Service theInBSS and IP transport mode, the value of this parameter is significance the Gb interface. from the Links across Virtual (in IP) that provide communication the SGSN 0xFFFF. network between The committed information rate of the Network Service virtual connection has been exceeded. The system has discarded uplink LLC frames. 1 Frame Relay Bearer channel identifier. A number that identifies the bearer channel that carries the NS virtual connection. The Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier (NS-VCI) received from the other end is unknown for the receiving party. 1 frame Relay Bearer channel identifier 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. a number that identifies the bearer channel that carries A Network Service Entity groups together the Network the Network Service Virtual service Virtual Connection Connections that provide communication between the in IP case value of this parameter is 0xFFFF 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. same NS entities. Packet Entitythat groups together thesignificance PCUs of a NSEI isService an identifier has end-to-end 2 received Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier NSE (Packet across the of the Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network Gb interface. unavailable Virtual Connection Service Entities 1 the Packet Service Identifier. NS-VC is an Entity end-to-end virtual connection between a PCU Service (Multipoint Gb).Connection If Gb over IP is not in use, 3 of Network Virtual Service Entity groups togetherIdentifier. the PCUs of a thePacket BSS and the value of is theanfield is 0xFF. virtual connection The NS-VC end-to-end NSE the(Packet SGSN between BSS and Pooling)) and/or the Network Controlthe Unit (PCU2) 2 the Network Service Entity Identifier. SGSN. Service Entities 1 APacket Service Entity Identifier. Network Service Entity groups together the Network of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a Service the value of the field is 0xFF. NSE (Packet Virtual Connections (in Frame Relay) or the Network Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network Service 2 Network Service Entity Identifier. Service Entities Links (in IP) thatIdentifier. provide communication 1 Virtual Service Entity APacket Network Service Entity groups together the Network of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, between Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a Service the value field isNSEI an identifier that has endsame of NSthe entities. NSE (Packet Virtual Connections (in Frame Relay) or the Network to-end Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network Service 2 significance Network Service Entity Identifier. across the Gb interface. Service Entities Links (in IP) thatthe provide communication 1 Virtual status that specifies paging area type Aa Network Service Entity groups together theused: Network of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, between Service 3 Base Control Function value of field isNSEI an identifier that has endthe same NSthe entities. 01 Routing Area Virtual Connections (in Frame Relay) or the Network to-end 02 Location AreaStation Service 4 Base Tranceiver 2 significance network service entity across the identifier. Gb interface. Virtual Links (in IP) that provide communication 1 A Network type of the plug-in unit controlling switching network Service Entity groups together the Network 2 the valueVirtual of paging area indicated from the SGSN between 5 BSSGP Connection Identifier. Service 3 Base Control Function same NS entities. NSEI is an identifier that has endThe BSSGP-VC is an virtual connection 2 the index of the plug-in unit controlling switching Virtual Connections (inend-to-end Frame Relay) or the Network to-end between the BSS network Service 4 Base Tranceiver Station significance across the Gb interface. and theLinks SGSN. (in IP)ofthat provide communication 1 Virtual message number theNumber Event which caused the The BVCI is as of the BTSorder (supplementary 3 type ofVirtual theformed plug-in unit causing alarm between 5 BSSGP Connection Identifier. alarm 3 Base Control Function. information the NS entities. is an identifier that has Thesame BSSGP-VC is an NSEI end-to-end virtual connection field 3) +means 10 000. FFFF that the plug-in unitthe type cannot be an end-to-end significance across Gb interface. between 2 Not computer information of subscriber which tried to available in the SGSN, always set to 0d. given the BSS and the SGSN. The BVCI is formed as subscribe event 1 type theidentifies unit, where subscribed recovery 3 a cause that thethe exception condition, defined Number ofof BTS 4 Base Tranceiver Station event 4 (supplementary index of the plug-in unit causing the alarm in information field 3) + 10 000 3 family information of subscriber which tried to is located 3GPP 48.018 subscribe NotFFFF available in that the SGSN, always to 0d. means the plug-in unitset index cannot be event 2 index Virtual of the unit, where the subscribed recovery given 4 BSSGP Connection Identifier. 1 ID Virtual Connection Identifier. 5 BSC BSSGP event is located BSSGP-VC is anofend-to-end virtual connection 4 The process subscriber tried to The BVCIinformation is formed as Number of which BTS (supplementary between the BSS 2 the type of failed operation: subscribe event information 3 andfamily id of subscriber the SGSN. field 3) + 10 000. The BVCI formed as Number of BTSYou (supplementary 09 errorerror inis loading the BSC 5 general message of theconfiguration system. can check 1 BSC ID field 4 process id of subscriber information 10 error in unloading the BSC configuration its 6 a status that specifies the failure reason: 3) + error 10 000 11 in activating the BSC configuration meaning in General 2 type of the failed task: Error Messages of System 5 thethe service subscribed: 12 error in deactivating configuration 01 no acknowledgementthe to BSC the reset procedure from the03 other collecting 01error and in 11data announcements of unit state change end 0402 error transfer and in 12data announcements of unit restart 3 02 the reason for failure. A general error message of the supporting network service entity has become 0503the error in adaptation and 13data announcements of unit switchover system. 06 unavailable error in synchronization termination You can check its meaning with a command of the 07This error when is pending field maysynchronization also get other values, but the effects service terminal of these services to the network element operation, extension MRS or in the General Error Messages of 3 the reason failure. A generalservices, error message of except forfor thethe above mentioned are small System. the system. You can check its meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS or in the General Error Messages of The system has unsuccessfully tried to unblock a BSSGP virtual connection as many times as defined with the BVC-UNBLOCK-RETRIES parameter. An acknowledgement has not been The system has unsuccessfully tried to block a received from the SGSN. BSSGP virtual The virtual connection remains blocked. The connection as many times as defined with the related cell has lost BVC-BLOCK-RETRIES General Packet Radio Service. parameter. An acknowledgement has not been The system has unsuccesfully tried to reset a received from the SGSN. BSSGP virtual In spite of the failure the virtual connection has connection as many times as defined with the been marked as BVC-RESET-RETRIES blocked in the BSC. parameter. An acknowledgement is not received The Network Element (SGSN or BSC) has from the terminating received a notification of side. The virtual connection remains blocked. a detected BSSGP protocol error from the peer. The related cell has The sending NE has lost General Packet Radio Service. ignored the received erroneous message and The system has noticed a paging request for an has returned an error unknown routing area (RA) status message. or location area (LA). Requested paging cannot be executed. This alarm notifies of a fault that may have caused disturbances to the calls connected to switching network. The system has detected a fault in a connection between two Alarm can cause serious problems to the system plug-in units in recovery the switching network. Because of this fault, the service or other service which uses Event call control Forwarding service. computer and switching network are without From the point of view of the operation of EF Recovery event backup until the announcing service cannot service the receive reason for this fault has been found out and alarm is not a serious thing. subscriptions. The reason for this is probably the fixed. filling EFOCEF transmits events to the subscribers up of the data structure used for storing of data. The Network without caringResiliency load, unload, activation or deactivation about their contents. For example recovery The program block whose subscription has failed operation has notorbeen properly executed. announcements is possibly system configuration informations are events not able to react correctly to recovery actions. which can be Resiliency data synchronization has The Network This may forwarded by EFOCEF. failed. lead to a situation, where controlled recovery actions cannot EFOCEF has a subscriber list for Event be performed. Consumers that need Event Forwarding service. When the number of The program block in question may be event responsible for e.g. subscribers exceeds a certain limit, it sets this releasing during switchover a resource in use, alarm. and now it does not receive information about the Program block, which failed subscription, may not switchover. work properly which can lead to uncontrolled operations (for example program block does not get recovery The Network Resiliency user initiated operation has not been properly executed. The Ethernet device is faulty or the Ethernet cable is disconnected. TCP/IP packets cannot be sent to network or received from network through this interface. The initialization of EGPRS dynamic Abis pool has failed. The problem can be caused by a connection error between PCUPCM and Abis ETPCM, or the pool information update to PCU has failed. The The database management system of the PCU's ability to transfer database primary copy sets this EGPRS traffic has been reduced or totally alarm when remote copy updating has been prevented. prevented by the MML command DBT. The resource control has set one or several PCUPCM timeslots out of use While this alarm is on, updates to the database from the PCU plug in unit. The problem can be primary copy are done caused by connection error but the delivery of those updates to remote copy in the group switch (GSWB). BSC's capability to Starting of data collection is prevented. This means for statistical transmit GPRS measurement that the data inhas thefailed. remote copy is inconsistent traffic has been reduced until recovery action is The indicates with alarm the data in the that this measurement does performed. not work.copy. However, updates that should be primary delivered to switching the database Warming of data has failed. As a result, remote copy the switchingare cached and when the remote copy updating resumed statuses of theisspare unit generating the alarm again with the MML and its active unit command DBT, the updates are delivered to the When remotethe alarm has already do not correspond. The alarm system hascopy not been to process copy and the remote will beable consistent with been set, the an observation, the primary copy. possible active status of the spare unit may because all the available records of the work file cause disturbances used in The reasonable time for the duration of links in traffic, for example failure of signalling handling the observations are already in use. preventing the remote copy The alarm is set if executing a command in a and disconnection updating depends onwill therestore database question of POSIX of calls. The system the in functioning After theapplication free records have been used up, the and the configuration file causes an error. The criticality the signalling information onFor the example, if there will be plenty which uses level for links within ait.few minutes. Warming may also fail, settings of new observations in the unit (either all of updates to the line is I (important error). Execution of ifThe thecurrent load falling alarm is set if executing a command in a in observations the database primary copy thetime. application the on the active unit is too big and at the POSIX or only the ones with the alarm number given in the remote unit configuration file continues but there may be configuration causes an error. Thefrom criticality the firstto readfile needs up-to-date information the erroneous level forcopy, information field) are lost until free supplementary remote information left in the system. There is more the current line configuration file isbe C records are updating of in thethe remote copy An error has occurred in work fileshould handling. information (critical again available. prevented for as short Because this, thein the computer log. about theof problem error). The as system sets the POSIX configuration an interval possible. feature using the file in question cannot perform process into its tasks in the error-state. Therefore, the POSIX configuration normal way. The supervision of LAN connections has found cannot the connection from continue in the computer unit. There is more Depending on where the file is used, the the terminal to the destination IP address to be information consequences of the fault faulty. To get a about the problem in the computer log. may vary from insignificant to very serious. The connection to the destination IP address, the fault may prevent LAN supervision program a single program block from executing some of requests the redundant LAN connection in the its services that it IPET program to make a normally offers, or it may at worst affect the switchover to the terminal's other Ethernet functioning of the interface (a terminal has entire system. two LAN ports). If the connection to the destination IP address via the other Ethernet interface is successful, the fault does not prevent the forwarding of IP traffic via the terminal. If not 1 BSC ID 2 the type of failed operation: 01 error in Protected BSC association creation 1handle that the Ethernet device reserves for the user of 02 error in Protected BSC association deletion the device. 08 error in committing Protected BSC configuration This handle is used in the TCP/IP stack to map the 13 error during IP connectivity test operation Ethernet device to the Ethernet interface of the TCP/IP stack 1 Abis identifier 3 dynamic the reason forpool failure. A general error message of the system. You 2 PCI bus number 2 can BCSU unitits index of PCU controlling the of dynamic Abis check meaning with a command the service pool terminal 3 PCI device and function number in the General Messages of 1 extension the name MRS of theordatabase whoseError remote copy 3 plug-in unit index of PCU controlling the dynamic Abis System. updating pool is prevented 4 amount of working timeslots in EGPRS dynamic Abis 2 the occurrence number of the database whose remote 1 PCU plug in unit index pool at the moment copy updating is prevented when this alarm was set 2 amount of faulty 16 kbit/s timeslots at the moment 3 the type of the remote unit where the database remote when 5 amount of working timeslots in EGPRS dynamic Abis copy this alarm was set pool the system 1family identifier of the program block which has updating is prevented. If the prevention is directed to all tried to achieve at moment when this alarm was set requested starting remote units holding the database in question, the valueofofthe data collection 6 cause value: this field is 0000 1 : no resources in PCU 1 2error type : connection error 2 4 00 theactive unit index of thenot remote unit to where the database unit does respond warming request 3 :error information update error code indicating the reason for the failure. You remote 01 warming discontinued 4 : PCU not ready cancopy check its updating is prevented. If the prevention is directed 5 :meaning other in the General Error Messages of System to all units holding the database in question or to all 1 alarm number of the observation that was not units 7 failed PCUPCM processed astype given in the previous supplementary of the unit FFFF : not relevant there were no free records available in the work file information 3type the measurement which data collection starting fieldofholding the database in question, two dots (..) are 8 failed timeslot 2 reasonPCU why there wereofnothis free records for processing failed: displayed as the value field 1 Ifthe name of the file where the error was encountered. the the 7th supplementary information field (failed PCUPCM) observation Measurement type when the value of the has a value amount FFFF then thisobservations is not relevant. 00 allowed of the with the same supplementary 2 the line where the error was encountered. alarminformation 1 (family identifier) is 04: 9 dynamic pool PCM 1 failed the name of theAbis file where the was encountered. number is already active thuserror reserving all the FFFF : not relevant available 00 circuit group measurement (CGR) or 3 the value (can be other than the official DX error records remote subscriber stage measurement (RSS) codes) 1001 failed dynamic Abis poolwas timeslot 2 the line where error encountered. the work filethe is totally full destination measurement (DEST) received trying to execute the command on the If thecontrol 9th when supplementary information field 02 unit measurement (CNTL) 1 type ofdynamic the errorAbis thatpool happened: above (failed PCM) has a value FFFF then 03 subscriber measurement mentioned line or trying to load(SUBS) the file mentioned on this is not relevant. 3 04 the value be other than the official DX error traffic (can category measurement 01 of the work file failed (TCAT) thecreation line. codes) 05 subscriber module measurement (SMO) 02 opening the work file failed received when trying to(BS) execute the command on the 06 cell measurement 03 reading the work file failed 1 destination IP address above 07 announcement channel 04 writing the work file failed measurement (ANN) mentioned line orto trying to load the file mentioned on 08 circuit group destination 05 closing the work file failed measurement (CTD) 2 the index of the inoperative Ethernet interface (DTD) line. 09 destination to destination measurement 10 voice announcement measurement 2 name of the file that the error concerns: (VAN) 11 B-channel measurement (BCH) P2ALAF work file used by the alarm system in Chorus plug-in Measurement type when the value of the unit supplementary information 1 (family identifier) is 6A: 00 load observation of circuit groups (CGR) 02 load observation of control units (CNTL) 13 load observation of destinations (DEST) The POSIX Configuration feature provides means for client programs to request external programs to be run on their behalf (eg. a client may run "ifconfig" program to Rerouting of a TC (Transaction Capabilities) configure message has failed, the a network interface or "mount" to gain access to message is discarded. a file system). TC rerouting is used when signalling relay The signalling link is defected and the state of it function is done at has If thechanged Command Executing Proxy family TC user level. In TC rerouting a TC transaction from IN-SERVICE OUT-OF-SERVICE. The (CEPRXY) has no to free begin message is signalling message transfer hands currently available it raises this alarm. rerouted to a new destination address and the via signalling link in question is not possible. The There has occured TC transaction is a failure in the SAAL stack, system The alarm is cancelled once hands become which transfers locally ended. performs automatically signalling link changeover available signalling again. data. The signalling message transfer to the Because most of the external programs are via signalling TC sets the alarm in the case of a failure alternative signalling in the signalling executed under a not link link in question possible and signalling between TC andisof TC-user. The delay buffer which is maintained network. Ifthe there is ofSAAL, time limit, lack available hands should notby messages which have SCCP (Signalling Connection Control Part) sets the SSCF-NNI no alternative signalling link, the systems sets be a already been sent to the signalling link might the alarm, if the layer, hasalarm filled up. Signalling message units, also the permanent occurrence. have been lost. GT analysis of the new called party address of which are directed 2070, LINK SET UNAVAILABLE. The system message has changed the state of the the relayed to the delay buffer are lost. Signalling message Signalling link start or restart has The failed. Thecase signalling link to leads to the own signalling point. latter tranfser of the signalling messages OUT-OF-SERVICE and it is not possible to could cause a signalling link in question is disturbed. Situation are transferred via other, perform changeover to properly working loop situation. may be a signalling links in the another, replacing link. The system sets consequense of the congestion in signalling data signalling network. The capacity of the signalling automatically the The discarding of defected the rerouted message will Hot billing cannot connect to a posttransfer or system it may message transfer signalling link back to the IN-SERVICE state cause TC user level processing system be caused by a failure in the SSCF-NNI layer of is though decreased. when SAAL dialogue fail. may with anthe IPto protocol, or the connection is lost. As a SAAL. The alarm resources are in order again. result, appear in the signalling link changeover hot billing data cannot be transferred to the postsituations. There has been an error related to the exchange processing. terminal (ET) If Hot Billing data is not included in the normal configuration. The error is related to the file charging data system failure, (bulk data), the Hot Billing data may be lost. communication error between program blocks, or Despite attempts, the MSC has not answered the the ET configuration is circuit reset too big for the system to handle. In the latter messages, which means that the base station case, the system can not circuit in question recover by itself. In other cases, the system tries is not in use. One of the from common to recover the statistics measurements has stopped to an error. failure. Ifdue the recovery does not succeed, the ET The first supplementary in question can not be information field identifies the measurement, used. which has stopped. The third supplementary Either the handling of the dynamic counter files information field shows the has failed or reason for the failure. handling of compiled counter files has failed. As a result, data on some call is missing from This alarm is set to indicate that the system dynamic counter files. cannot offer the desired For example, the file's pulse counters and/or time dynamic counter service. The failure may be due counters may not be to an error in the name up-to-date. server, handling error of control, counter or index files, or the The handling of the counter file may fail because: resource error when reserving a hand for the service. - there is an error in the counter file updating message sent The impact of this fault on the functioning of the by the update service user or in the transfer Dynamic Counters is message sent by the that either counters cannot be collected from transfer service user memory files and backup copied to a disk file, or counters cannot be - there is an error in handling of either Accounting transferred to the post 1 possible values are: 01 incorrect TC-rerouting primitive. TC-user has sent incorrect TC-Reroute primitive to TC. The alarm is set by TC. 1 number of the signalling link 02 pending rejects. TC-user has sent TC-Reroute primitive to TC even if 2 logical number of SAAL there were reject components in the TC-Begin to be rerouted. 3 error code showing the reason for taking signalling link 1 Thenumber alarm isof the signalling link out of service: set by TC. 2 03 logical number of SAAL unexpected TC-rerouting primitive. 01 stop command received TC-user has sent TC-Reroute primitive to TC in an 02 signalling link release request from the remote 3 the external interface identifier of the signalling link incorrect 1 number of the signalling link node state of dialogue. The TC-Reroute primitive is only 03 excessive error rate 4 the virtual path identifier of the signalling link allowed in number 2 04 logical of is SAAL peer SSCOP not responding the state where TC-Begin has been received from 05 mismatching state with the peer SSCOP 5 the virtual channel identifier of the signalling link network and no 3 06 errorexcessive code showing the of reason for dealy buffer congestion 1 number of the duration signalling link other messages are sent or received. The alarm is overflow: 07 too frequent SSCOP recoveries 6 error code showing the reason for SAAL failure: set01 by TC. delay buffer is full outage remote processor 2 08 logical number of 04 GT analysis of SAAL the called of thehas rerouted 02 saal memory allocation theaddress delay buffer failed 09 stack failure orfor CCM repair 01 mismatch in states in SSCF, SSCOP and LM message leads 03 Out_Of_Service message buffer is full 3 external of the signalling link 02 the SSCF defect identifier the layer own interface signalling point. 04tomemory allocation for the Out_Of_Service 03 SSCOP layer defect The distribution of this message to the user could message buffer 4 the path identifier of the signalling link 04 LMavirtual is defected cause loop. has failed 05 AAL5 layer is defect The alarm set by SCCP 5 virtual channel delivery identifierhas of the signalling link 06 the SAAL parameter failed (timer delivery 1 the user service block where the The errorvalue was detected: error) 2 TC computer address. of the field is 01 6 errorTrunk codeNetwork showingMaintanance the start error: FFFF 02 Layer Management 01 SSCOP connection has failed (alignment failed) if thePhysical field is not used 02 too many errors during proving (proving failed) total family. time forThe proving expired (timer 3 03 TCexternal user valuehas of the field is FFFF 1 PCM information of the circuit to T2 be expiry) 2 04 reason foristhe failure: congestion during proving if the field not used restarted 01 file handling error 02 user process communication error 4 process id. The value of the fieldtoisbe FFFF 2 TCexternal TSL information of the circuit restarted 03 resource error if theconfiguration field is not used 1 measurement identifier. You can check its meaning by 3 number of restart attempts (it is obtained from using the 5 TCthe user focus.file) The value of the field is FFFF PAFILE command T2C 3 MML thatisisnot behaving iffamily the field used faulty or that is frozen. This field is valid only if the value of the supplementary 2 stopped measurements object identifier (from 1 to fieldupdating 2 isin02. In other cases, thethe value of this 6 reference number thefailed. DX loglist written by same 1 information the file whose 999). field is always 0000 program blockof the field is FFFFFFFF, the field is not If the value You can its meaning using the MML command which setcheck the alarm. The logbycontains more information significant T2C 4 on physical the error.address of the computer where the family given inrequested the referenceservice numberwhich is notfailed. used in the log, the value 2 Ifthe 1 the service which cannot beinformation offered 3 reason why the measurement has stopped: the supplementary fieldthe resides. of this Youprevious can check the service information with MML 01 Buffer allocation failed This field is 0.GSI The same reference number is in the field command 2 the reason service cannot be offered 02 TEXT Measurement hand creation field is validofwhy only the if the value of thefailed supplementary USER 1 registration error into the name server 03 Measurement definition file does not exist information field 2 is 02 the log 3 reason why the handling of dynamic counter files failed 204 fileMeasurement handling errorconfiguration of the C2PARA file does not exist 01 error in the counter updating message 305 fileData handling error of the definition DCYFIL file is corrupted in measurement 02 error in the handling of the AXFILE 406 fileReading handlingoferror of the DCBFIL measurement definition file failed 03 error in the handling of the AGFILE 507 hand creation error Writing of measurement definition file failed 04 error in creating or increasing AGFILE 08 Measurement definition file could not be activated 05 error in deleting AGFILE If the value of this field is 1 or 2 it means 06 error in service request that no services are offered 10 error in indices of C2PARA 4 specified reason for the error case shown in the third 11 error in indices of AGFILE 3 supplementary general error message of the system. can check information field. This isYou a general error FF no significance its message meaning with of the system. You can check its meaning a command of the service terminal extension MRS (see with a This alarm is set to indicate that collecting dynamic counters from memory files or backup copying to disk file has failed. The failure may be due to an error in the counters' updating This alarm is set to indicate that transferring process, an error dynamic counters to in I/O system, an incorrect state of disk units, or the storing device(s) and on to the post an error in the processing system has failed. seizure of memory. The failure may be due to an error in the I/O Fan unit has been damaged. The plug-in units system or in the storing located NOTE! inIf this the value of supplementary device(s), missing or an incorrectly defined cabinet might get4damaged as a consequence of information field is 2, logical file via the counter risingand temperature the wholeinsystem or the active unit that blocks have been transferred, or an error in the the cabinet. is the object source of the cartridge is faulty. The The voltage seizure of memory. unit cartridge'sof the alarm is restarted, all dynamic counters, which power supply has not data beencan backed uptransferred with Although this counter not be have not been stored to a disk file are lost. another power source, so the there is no need to the units equipped in counter the cartridge does worry about that any data will benot lost. The M3UA (MTP3 User Adaptation Layer) is remain functional. unable to distribute a signalling message to the MTP3 (Message Transfer Part, level 3) due to an error in the contents of the message. The The user adaptation layer (e.g. MTP3 User signalling message has come Adaptation Layer (M3UA) or over an SCTP (Stream Control Transmission ISDN Q.921 User Adaptation Layer (IUA)) is Protocol) association. unable to route a signalling message to the SCTP (Stream Control There is a faultmessage in the timing signal coming to the The signalling is deleted, which means Transmission Protocol) association cartridge or traffic that signalling because routing information is missing from the in the plug-inThis unit may giving the alarm (the red is disturbed. cause further disturbances routing file. indicator is lit). e.g. in calllight set-up When the alarm is set, the functionality of the or in location update. A SCTP association abnormally, If the alarm concernshas theterminated M3UA protocol, the plug-in unit may i.e., not bymessage a normalhas abort signalling come be lost completely or its functioning is unreliable. or shutdown procedure of Transfer SCTP. SCTP from the MTP3 (Message Part, has level 3). terminated association If the alarmthe concerns the due to the lack of SACK chunksmessage or HEARTBEAT ACK IUA theof signalling has found come The protocol, supervision LAN connections has chunks from the peer from the ISDN Q.921 that the connection endpoint, soMGW), the reason for the termination is(in protocol Q.931 protocol from the (in terminal to the the ISDN destination IP address is either in the underlying MSS), or the SCTP (in MGW faulty via both IP network or in the peer endpoint (e.g. reset). or MSS). Ethernet interfaces. The fault prevents the A packet control unit (PCU) activated If this association is used forhas M3UA, this the forwarding of any overload protection andinis deleted, which means association is included The signalling message IP traffic via the terminal. raised the alarm. protects the 2nd PCU against an setThis specified in the thatassociation signalling traffic processor overload and concerns supplementary information field. M3UA, this is disturbed. If the alarm There are lots of possible reasons for the fault, maintains the service foronly the available current active If thissupervision association is the in theusers may cause further The for example the of LAN connections has found served by the PCU. association set, disturbances e.g. in call set-up or in location the connection terminal may befrom broken, the LAN, to which the the sets also alarm 2070, LINK SET to be update. Ifisthe the system terminal toalarm the destination IPv6 address terminal connected UNAVAILABLE. If there remains concerns IUA, this indicates disturbances faulty. The or fault is broken, the destination IP address is in Davailable associations in the association set, theof channels using this prevents partially or SCTP even totally the forwarding unknown. SDH protection failed. There are traffic signalling traffic switching to association. the IPv6 traffic disturbances in the reachable via the the network element via the terminal using Ethernet interface protection group, or the traffictohas completely association set is first distributed mentioned in the failed. the remaining associations in the set. In this case supplementary information field. the signal transmission capacity mayreasons be somewhat There are many possible for the fault, for decreased. example the If this association is usedthe for LAN, IUA, this alarmthe terminal may be broken, to which means that the terminal is connected D this association are out of is channels broken, orusing the destination IPv6 address is use. unknown. 1 the service, from which the counters backup failed 2 the file, from which the counters were collected 3 the unit, from which the counters were collected 1 identifier of the service in which counter transfer failed 4 the reason why this alarm was set 2 index of the logical path through which the counters 1 an error occured while collecting counters from were memory file transferred. You can check the information about the 1 2 an type of the functional where the alarm error occured whileunit backup copying counters to logical path interface plug-in unit is located disk file and the used logical file with the MML command GSI 2 index error of functional unit. If the alarm You interface 5 general message of the system. can check 3 general error message of the system. You can check plug-in with unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the its meaning 1 meaning type ofwith the functional unit where the alarm its index of the oneextension MRS (see a command of even-numbered the service terminal interface plug-in unit is located a command of the service terminal extension MRS, or Service in the General 3 Terminal alarm Essentials) group in theoralarm plug-in fromIf interface the Errorunit 2 Error index of functional unit. the General alarm interface Messages of System Messages of System plug-in unit is in a duplicated functional unit, then the 1 typeinput of the incoming erroneous M3UA message. 4 error alarm number index of the even-numbered one Possible values are: 3 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit 01 M3UA version is illegal 1 Payload Protocol Identifier 4 SCTP alarm input number 02 M3UA message class is illegal 1 - IUA [RFC3057] 03 M3UA message type is illegal 2 - M2UA [RFC3331] 04 M3UA message length is erroneous 3 - M3UA [RFC3332] 05 M3UA protocol data length is erroneous 4 - SUA [RFC2960] 1 06 type of protocol the functional unit where the alarm M3UA data does not exist 5 - M2PA [RFC2960] interface plug-in unit is located 6 - V5UA [RFC2960] 2 number of the SCTP association. 7 - H.248 [H.248] 2 index of functional unit. If the alarm interface 8 - BICC/Q.2150.3 plug-in unitofisthe in aincoming duplicated functional the 3 the number signalling linkunit, set. then The link 1 SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier [Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3] of the even-numbered one set index 1 IUA [RFC3057] 9 - TALI [RFC3094] is an level concept and corresponds[RFC3331] the SCTP 2 --MTP3 M2UA 10 DUA <draft-ietf-sigtran-dua-03.txt> 3 alarm group in the alarm interface plug-in unit association. [RFC3332] [Ong]3 - M3UA 4 -- SUA [RFC2960] 11 ASAP <draft-ietf-rserpool-asap-03.txt> 4 M3UA alarm input number version. Possible values are: [RFC2960] [Ong]5 - M2PA 6 --V5UA [RFC2960] 12 ENRP <draft-ietf-rserpool-enrp-03.txt> 01 Release 1.0 [H.248] [Ong]7 - H.248 8 --BICC/Q.2150.3 13 H.323 [H.323] 5 M3UA message valuesalarm are: is activated 1 index of the PCUclass. wherePossible the overload [Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3] 14 - Q.IPC/Q.2150.3 9 - TALI [RFC3094] [Q.2631.1/Q.2150.3] 0010Management (MGMT) message - DUA <draft-ietf-sigtran-dua-03.txt> 01 Transfer message 2 iftype the overload situation occurs in PQII, thisare: field has [Ong] of the routing failure. Possible values 02 SS7 Signalling Network Management (SSNM) the value 11 ASAP <draft-ietf-rserpool-asap-03.txt> 1 index of the inoperative Ethernet interface message 0xFF. [Ong] 01 M3UA association set does not exist 03 Server Process State this Maintenance If the situation occurs is the index 12Application -overload ENRP <draft-ietf-rserpool-enrp-03.txt> 02 no association exists the DSP, M3UA setof 2 reference number of the in computer logassociation record in the (ASPSM) message the [Ong] 03 IUA association does not exist (IUA message to computer unit sending this alarm. The log record 04 overloaded DSPServer (0-7). Process Traffic Maintenance 13Application - H.323 [H.323] SCTP) containing this reference number in the USER DATA (ASPTM) message 1 The id14-Q.IPC/Q.2150.3 ofD-channel the protection group in question. DSP indexdoes is given only in PCU2 units, that 04 not exist (IUA message fromis, the field (written at the same time with this alarm) 09 Routing Key Management (RKM) message alarm is [Q.2631.1/Q.2150.3] SCTP) contains the destination IP address 2the whycause the SDH setreason with DSP onlyprotection by PCU2.switching With PCUhas thisfailed. field 6 M3UA message type. The meaning of the message Possible reasons are: always has thestatus 2 3 IUA: file access of the routing file. The value is a type depends 00 protection can not carry traffic value 0xFF. group association number general on the message Possible values for message 01 APS defect ofclass. error message the system. You can check its class 0 are: 02 channel mismatch In case PCUM, this index represents the AI core ID M3UA: meaning inofthe value association set, to which association belongs General Error Messages of the System 00 Error (ERR) Notify (NTFY) 3 01 IUA: 4 file number of the routing file Not applicable Possible values for message class 1 are: 5 IUA: M3UA: D-channel number 01index Payload data (DATA) inside the association set. of the association The value is between 0-31 The Position Based Services (PBS) in the BSC are stopped because there is overload in the MCMU unit. These services cannot be utilised until the load in the MCMU is decreased. An inconsistency has been detected in an internal data structure of a database. In most cases the incosistency is caused by the fact that disk image of the database is corrupted as result BSC fails to update modified positioning related of operating error. radio network (RNW) data Physical memory errors may have corrupted the to Standalone Serving Mobile Location Center memory image of the (SMLC) beyond Lb interface. database. Because of these faults, the This occurs, when posiotioning related data in A Sub Network Service size procedure failed. functioning of the database RNW database (DB) in BSC, The cannot be may NSE be disturbed. which is needed also in Standalone SMLC, has configured with a certain SGSN, and data been modified and BSC transfer through NSE and should be The database is this corrupted couldn't successfully inform Standalone SMLC is not possible. repaired. A Sub that. Network Service configuration procedure about failed. The NSE cannot be with a certain to SGSN, and data Thisconfigured may cause inaccuracy posiotion transfer through thisfaulty calculation or even NSE is not possible. functioning in theIPStandalone SMLC. The last remote data endpoint is deleted by the SGSN with SNS-DELETE PDU. Data transfer through this NSE is not possible. Cells connected to the PCU have lost General An IP address under supervision became Packet Radio Service. unavailable, which means that the specified number of allowed lost replies have exceeded. The system remains functional but this alarm A dedicated IP address under supervision has means that the IP become unavailable for the destination is not reachable thus any active computer unit in such a way that it is communication towards this address unavailable from the unit will probably fail. after Ethernet interface switchover attempts. Network element's COPS client process is However, the spare unit of unable to establish a the computer unit in question has a working connection to both backup and primary Policy connection to this Manager. supervised IP address. The is set ifwill thebe COPS (common open A unitalarm switchover initiated to establish As a result, until the connection is re-established, policy service protocol) connection to this IP the whole remote client process, located in OMU, cannot access address. policy management is disabled from the NE, and the feature remote policy the Policy Manager is management configuration details file This alarmexplicitly. is meantIntoorder be used whentothe informed to return theVDS policy (P0LICEGX.XML). device is usedstate, as a spare management storing target inmust data be transfer and storing chains. the connection in faultless condition. The alarm is also set if policy management By default, the configurations are setting ofof this alarm is disabled, the user can The loss causes abut remote policy This alarm isconnection set when the Virtual Data Storing inconsistent. enable the alarm management cancellation Device (VDS) contains with the(policy MML command IFA.point) The user solely at PEP enforcement level. This is files that arefor not transferred into postThe causes the alarm may bethe following: responsible for the correct means that each device processing system within the usage of thisitsalarm. starts using local configurations or threshold age policy limit. By default, the setting -given remote policy management startup fails due to maintains the current of this alarm isfile configuration If the(policy settinginformation of the alarm is enabled, the alarm is PIB base) statethe instead disabled, but the user can enable alarmofwith failure set if the data forced Policy Manager the MML command IFA. file group of the Virtual Data Storing Device management. The incarnation data The user policy is solely responsible for thespecifies correct - remote management startup fails due to (VDS) onthese the hard disk or which of policies usage of this alarm. inconsistenet on disk contains untransferred data theremovable PEP will follow. configuration file data (any file in state open or If the setting of the alarm is enabled, the alarm is full). Thistomeans storing has not state, In order restorethat thethe policy management if themanagement data -set policy interrogation fails due to succeeded to the primary the connection must be file group of the configuration fileVDS on the hard disk or on storing target. However, the system can continue re-established. removable disk failure contains read or access 1 the current limit of the processor load, when the PBS stopped. The value is in percents 1 database indentifier of the database containing the detected. inconsistency 2 file variant of the database file containing the detected 1 reason for setting the alarm inconsistency. For chained data structures the file refers always 0 update not acknowledged by standalone SMLC to home area 1 other reason 1 Service of Entity Identifier. 3 Packet record number the record inconsistency containing Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a thePacket detected NSE (Packet inconsistency. For chained data structures the record Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network number Service Entities always to Entity the home record of the chain 1 refers Packet Service Identifier. of a PCUthe (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, containing Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a the value of the field is 0xFF. detected NSE (Packetinconsistency Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network 2 network Service of the unavailable 4 estimated length Entity of the Identifier chain containing the detected Service Entities 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. Virtual inconsistency of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, Packet Link. Service Entity groups together the PCUs of an the value of the field is 0xFF. NSE (Packet Network Entity groups together the Network 5 Akind of theService inconsistency: Control Pool) list and/or the Network Service Entities of a Service 1 = Broken 2 network Service Entity Identifier of the unavailable PCU Virtual Links object that provide communication the 2the = Invalid 1-16 destination IPreference address that becamebetween unreachable Virtual (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, same NS 3 = Cyclic list Link. the valueAn ofNSEI the field is identifier 0xFF. entities. is an that has end-to-end A Network Service Entity groups together the Network significance across the Gb interface. Service 2 Network Service Entity Identifier of the unavailable Virtual Links that provide communication between the 1-16 the destination IP address that has become Virtual 3 a status that identifies the reason for unavailability: same NS unreachable Link. entities. NSEI is an identifier that has end-to-end A Service groups the together thetype Network 01Network the SGSN doesEntity not support offered of significance across the Gb interface. Service (IPv4 / IPv6) Virtual Links that provide communication between the IP address 3 a status that identifies the reason for unavailability: same 02 NS the SNS-SIZE operation of the BSS is attempted entities. NSEI is an identifier that has end-to-end SNS-SIZE-RETRIES times without 01 the total sum of signal / data weights are equal to significance acknowledgement from zero across the Gb interface. the peer NSE entity SNS-CONFIG operation of the BSS is 1 02 01 the configuration file is data invalid 03 local IP address notisconfigured or it is attempted 02 configuration file read, write or access invalid misconfigured SNS-CONFIG-RETRIES times without 04 invalid number of NS-VCs sent in SNS-SIZE PDU acknowledgement from the peer NSE entity 4-19 IP address of the preconfigured IP endpoint. 1 03 type of total the target disk hard disk or removable the number of (either IP4 / IP6 endpoints is greater If the IP addess is of the IPv4 type, only the first four disk) than the bytes contain the IP address. The other bytes are filled number of IP4 / IP6 endpoints sent by the PCU with for example: WDU, FDU zeros. 4-19 IP address of the preconfigured endpoint. 1 type of the target disk (either hard IP disk or removable 2 Ifindex ofaddess the target disk the IP is of the IPv4 type, only the first four disk) For example, in the case of IPv4 the IP bytes contain the IP address. The other bytes are filled address of for example: 00, 01, SB with for WDU, FDU the example: alarm is the following: zeros. 18 AFof8B 00 file 00 found 00 00 that 00 00 00 00 00 00alarm 00 3 AC number the00first activated the 2 index of the target disk For example, in the case of IPv4 the IP For example, in the case of IPv6 address for example: 00, 01, SB 1122:3344:5566:7788:9900:AABB:CCDD:EEFF the IP of the alarm is the following: address of the alarm 18 AFof8B 00 file 00 found 00 00 that 00 00 00 00 00 00alarm 00 3 AC the00first activated the isnumber the following: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 AA BB CC DD EE FF thelimit case of IPv6 4 For the example, threshold in age when files are considered too 1122:3344:5566:7788:9900:AABB:CCDD:EEFF the IP old. 20 UDP port number of the preconfigured IP endpoint address alarm There of is the at least one file that is older than AGE_LIMIT is the following: compared to current time. AGE_LIMIT is presented in The Enhanced Packet Scheduler feature is activated and supported by the BSC but the BSS PFC procedures cannot be enabled on the Gb interface. Either the BSS PFC procedures are not Periodical supervision of LAN device has failed. supported by the SGSN or the PFC Host reachability test using ICMP echo request negotiation with the SGSN has failed during the (ping) has failed for BVC signaling reset a particular LAN switch. procedure for the NSE. The supervised LAN switch might be faulty, the Link down SNMP trap has been set to the LAN IP connection to the LAN device. device might be faulty, or the IP settings of the AND LAN switch might be One port of the LAN device may be faulty or the incorrect. cable to another LAN Something exceptional is detected in the LAN device may be faulty or another LAN device may device supervision be faulty. system. The LAN devices might have been configured incorrectly or the configuration files might be lost or User has terminated database replica state with corrupted in the system. MML command DBY. Database has resumed normal operation. A neighbouring cell that is controlled by another BSC is causing interference in the serving cell. Due to problems in contacting the neighbouring BSC, the serving BSC cannot verify A failure has occurred in updating the BSC if the interfering cell is specific parameters to the using DFCA frequencies and if there really is any PCU. interference caused to the DFCA connections of the serving cell. BSC does not recognise the Circuit Identification Code (CIC) of a message it has received, or the destination point acknowledges that it does not recognise the CIC of a message it has received The content of the file related to the password from the BSC. policy is corrupted. Password policies are out of use if the file name in the supplementary The licence is due to expire. The alarm is set if information field is PPFILEGX. the licence expires within the given warning period. Licence Password history is out of use if the file name in expiration date the supplementary is near. If the licence is of capacity type then the The licence field has expired. The alarm is set if the information is PWHISTGX. possible licence's endtime expiration of the licence would reduce the is date.changing New licence has to be installed. If In current both cases, the password is amount of capacity the licence is new passwords are possible, but available for the operator by a value stated in the of capacity type thenthe thepassword capacity available for not checked The licence isagainst not valid. This alarm policy is set iforthe licence. the operator has history. licence file is been reduced by a value stated in the expired tampered or corrupted. The invalid licence has to licence. Changes in password history data or password be removed and a This alarm is licence specific; it is specific to one policy that are done after new one installed. Feature associated with the active licencebackup are lost when the corrupted the previous invalid licence can increment. file is replaced not be used. with the old version of the file from the backup build. 1 network Service Entity Identifier of the NSE_ in which the NSE PFC procedures are unavailable. NSEI is an identifier that has end-to-end significance across the 1 the reason of the failed supervision. You can check its Gb interface. meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS (see instructions on the service terminal) or in General Error 1 version of ip address of LAN device Messages defines version of ip address of System. 00 ipV4 01 ipV6 0x36C0 1 supposed thenot failure are as follows: the LANcauses switchof has responded to an ICMP echo 2-17 ip address of LAN device 01 Unauthorized Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol request (ping) in case of ipV4 only 4 first bytes are used (DHCP) request 0x0065 18 the number of the link 02 Internet Protocol of Simple No response from(IP) theaddress supervising unit Network 1 database 1,..,9999 index (some database applications still need Management this Protocol (SNMP) manager cannot be set to Local other information, although nowadays the database is usually Area Network Somebased other error status identified on the values of the following two (LAN) device supplementary information fields, i.e. database name 1 location area code; with error cannot code 9 be theconfigured field contains 03 IP address of LAN device 2 andextra unit index information. The unit index is for LDI exceptionally the segment id be of the serving cell device 04 Configuration file cannot loaded to LAN internal use. database occurrence) 05 SW package cannot be loaded to LAN For example, if the unit type is MCBC, this device index value 2 BCCH number ofSNMP the interfering cell 06 LANcarrier devicefrequency has sent high level trap indicates 2 database name 07 Mismatch of LAN device data in system that the unit is main switch (the value is equal to or 1 the task in which the error occurred 3 network colour code of the interfering cell configuration greater thanof 3 number database occurence 08 Wrong of(the LAN device in topology 100) or extension switch value is less than 100). For 09 restart password of the PCU/BCSU 4 base station colour code of the interfering cell index. management data traditional units, the value is the same as the unit 0A restart of the BTS site 09 Outdated software version in LAN device 0D configuration change done by means of an MML 1 Code IP-address (CIC) 5 circuit level ofIdentification possible interference (dB) caused by the 10 DHCP client released command unknown 11 DHCP client declines IP-address 22 update of feature state to PCU 2 neighbouring PCM circuit part Circuit Identification Code. cell of the incorrect 12 SNMP settings 23 blocking due toare RNW plan activation This is 0x65535d, if the environment is T1 (ANSI 1.544 24 deblocking due to RNW plan activation Mbit/s) 6 signaling Point Code for be theeither other aBSC involved in the 2 actual error code. It can DMX error code or 1 26 erroneous file: updating plan parameter changes error; a third party error code, for example, the number of 27 updating MOCN objects and parameters 3 timetrap slot part of9the Identification Code. with error code theCircuit actual SPC SNMP PPFILEGX Password Policy Fileis not known and This is 255d, if the environment is T1 (ANSI 1.544 therefore the PWHISTGX Password History File Mbit/s) field contains a summary of fields 2, 3,index and 4, it is 3 extra unit index Theprocess unit is and forupdate LDI 2 family identity ofinformation. the application whose 1 licence code identifies the licence and it is returned by used to use. internal failed the licence 4 distinguish number of between PCM circuit. alarms to separate For example, if the unit typerelated is MCBC, this index value management. unknown reportedMaximum length of the licence code is indicates ABATOR in the PCU plug-in unit 18434 alphanumeric This is: unit is main switch (the value is equal to or cells that the 663 CEKTOR in the PCU plug-in unit characters ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z') - number the external circuit, if GSW greater than 1 licence codeofidentifies typePCM of the licence and itand is unsubmultiplexed A interface are used 100) or extension switch (the value is less 100). returned by address of the BCSU where thethan 3 the logical PCU 2 Error licence expiration warning period. In other words,is 7 codes: For thelicence the management. Maximum length of the first located. number ofLAC theunits, days - number of PCM, ifsame GSW and 0001 is the not specified LAC to SPC traditional theSMUX value is to the as themapping unit index. supplementary This field is 0xFFFF, in case of mcPCU. the licence is due to expire. Default value of this submultiplexed infobefore info field is 18 alphanumeric characters ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z') 1 licence code identifies the and it to is by returned by field isA interface are 0002 SPC for theused LAC is licence not specified LAC to SPC 4 additional error Error code returned another 4 the PIU index ofcode. the PCU. the30 licence days. Operator can change length of the expiration mapping program 2 This the second supplementary info field uniquely identifies field is the actual PCUM index, case ofcode mcPCU. management. Maximum length of theinis licence is warning period - PCMCON record index, if GSWB used info thefamily. licence 18with alphanumeric W7E mml command 0003 Unknown cell ID 0000 It is an initial value and is not modified by another typeerror is given in theof first infocheck field. 5 whose a general message thesupplementary system. You can characters ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z') - 65535d, ifnot thespecified PCM circuit partto ofSPC the Circuit (SPC is to LAC mapping info) program Maximum its meaning Identification Code is unknown. Ininfo this case the 0004 Relation Initiation timer expired 8198 Unit (SWU) unit topology information length ofMeasurement the second supplementary field is 14 with a Switching command of the service terminal extension MRS supplementary information fields 5 to 10 are (Tbbi) missing alphanumeric or in irrelevant Initiation 8449(Relation DHCP message isprocedure). corrupted characters ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z') General Error Messages of System 0005 Measurement Relation Initiation timer expired 8450 DHCP packet sending failed 5 time of the PCM circuit in question (Tbbi) 8451slot DHCP sequence timeout procedure). 8452(Reset Incorrect or missing values in the SWU unit 6 numberSCCP of theregistration external PCM circuit. 0006 failed topology This is 65535d, if GSW is used. 0007 Destination address unknown (SPC) information in TCSM3i for combined BSC3i/TCSM3i installation 0008 Connection establishment to other BSC failed ET_PCM means Ater PCM between GSW2KB Licence management has not been able to deliver a notification of the change in the licence or feature data to the application. Thus the system cannot utilise the updated GPRS/EDGE territory size in the normal area of licence or feature BTS is below the limit information. specified by the BTS specific radio network parameter 'default GPRS capacity (CDEF)' or the number of connected A failure has occurred in updating the Network GPRS/EDGE channels Assisted Cell Change (EGTCH) in the extended or super extended area feature related SI/PSI messages or neighboring of the BTS is smaller cell configuration in than the number of EGTCHs configured by the BSC. The BSC has noticed an inter-BSC connection operator. failure leading to excessive The BSC has not been able to add more radio Network assisted cell change cannot be uncontrolled interference channels to the territory in the DFCA TRXs of executed. The packet data the cellthe due to the lack within informing delay of this alarm (180 transfer outage during the cell reselection is of up-to-date knowledge on some of the remote seconds). The BSC's ability In orderwhen to achieve longer the MSthe best system performance, interfering cells. to transfer GPRS/EDGE traffic in the BTS has Ethernetbecommunication cannot assisted by the network. been reduced or totally parameters (speed & duplex mode, for example, prevented. "100 mbps full duplex") 1 feature code associated to the changed licence. Feature code identifies the feature. Feature is owned by application. Application is notified of the change in feature 1 identification of the BCF information. Feature code is generated by a specific tool and it is a 2 identification of the BTS unique Nokia wide number (any value between 1 and 4284967295). 3 indicates whether the alarm is active in normal (0), 1 the task in which the error has occurred extended (1) 2 status of the notification attempt. It is a general error or super extended (2) area of the BTS 01 of Request to encode rejected NACC-related SI code messages. the system set by either licence or feature 4 identification of the TRX 02 Request to encode rejected NACC-related PSI management. 1 signaling point code that has become unreachable messages. You can check its meaning with a command of the 5 territory type used in the BTS 03 System Information message update of the failed service terminal 2 number of DFCA hopping BTSs that are experiencing PCU. extension MRS (see Service Terminal Essentials in excessive 6 index of the BCSU controlling the PCU 04 Packet System Information message update of the customer uncontrolled interference from a remote neighbour cell 1 thePCU. 0-based index of theGeneral Ethernet interface whereofthe failed documentation) or from Error Messages behind 7 PCU's plug-in unit index.This field is 0xFF in the case communication 05 Neighbouring celldocumentation. configuration request has been System in customer a broken inter-BSC connection of mcPCU. parameters could not be restored rejected. 3 numberamount of DFCAofhopping TRXs that are experiencing 8 GPRS/EDGE channels in the 2 current the error that occured during setting of the logical address the BCSU where is link 1 function unit type ofofthe first endpoint ofthe thePCU broken excessive territory or current configuration. located. uncontrolled interference from a remote neighbour cell amount of connected GPRS/EDGE channels in Possible This field values: is 0xFFFF, case PCUM. of the broken 2 function unit index ofinthe firstofendpoint behind extended or super extended 1 - invalid LAN interface (LAN interface not installed) linka broken inter-BSC connection area the BTS, depending on the cell area for which 2 PIU -of illegal configuration 3 the index of the PCU.(configuration exceeded the alarm is 1 SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier capabilities) This fieldunit is the index. 3 plug-in typeactual of thePCUM first end of the broken link 4 active number of STANDBY DFCA BTSs that would 0 - SGsAP [3GPP TS 29.118] experience excessive 1 - IUA 4 the segment identification (SEG_ID) of[RFC3057] the segment 4 plug-in unit index of the first end ofinthe interference from a remote neighbour 9 uncontrolled amount of GPRS/EDGE channels thebroken defaultlink cell 2 - was M2UA [RFC3331] which behind territory or amount of 3 - M3UA [RFC3332] 1 feature code identifying the feature be 5 processed. interface number inconnection the first endpoint of theswitched broken link a if they were configured GPRS/EDGE channels in(application) extended ortosuper 4broken - SUA inter-BSC [RFC2960] notified. to DFCA hopping extended area of 5 - M2PA [RFC2960] This is generated byfirst a specific toolis and it is a the If thefield plug-in unit type of endpoint AHUB3_A, the the alarm is 6 - BTS, V5UAdepending on cell area for which [RFC2960] unique, complete active 7 - H.248 [H.248] Nokia -wide number a decimal value name between of possible value and mapping of(application) interface 5 number of TRXs thatreceiving would experience excessive 1 list feature code identifying the feature to be 8 - BICC/Q.2150.3 1 and 4284967295 can be found uncontrolled 10 cause value notified. [Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3] from thisnot list:found interference from a neighbour cell behind a it 1 The feature code is remote generated by a specific tool and 9:-TRX TALI [RFC3094] 2 the maximum limit0/1 value defined as a sum of installed 07D1 FI interface broken 2 : TRX blocked is a10unique, - DUA <draft-ietf-sigtran-dua-03.txt> capacity 07D2 FI interface 0/2receiving inter-BSC connection if the theaBTS where they reside 3 : BCSU switchover Nokia -wide number decimal value [Ong] 1 slot position number of the plug-in unit the in the type licence increments. Thefaulty licence is identified by the 07D3 FI interface 0/3received were 4 : ABIPRB has not an answer from between 1 and 4284967295 11 - ASAP <draft-ietf-rserpool-asap-03.txt> PCU cartridge. first07D4 FI interface 0/4 switched to DFCA hopping 5 : RRMPRB has not received an answer from ABIPRB [Ong] 0xFF means that the slot position number is not supplementary information field. The second FI has interface 0/5 6 : PCU not found applicable PCUPCM 2 07D5 the limit value defined as a sum ofchannels installed 12 - maximum ENRP <draft-ietf-rserpool-enrp-03.txt> available supplementary 07D6 FI interface 0/6 7 : PCU has not received an answer from RC0PRB capacity type [Ong] information field can receive, inanprinciple, any value as 07D7 FIincrements. interface 0/7 8 : RC0PRB has not received from 1 identifier of the protection group in question licence The licence isanswer identified bySWICOP the first - H.323 [H.323] 2 13 plug-in unit index of the faulty plug-in unit in the specified capacity units starting from 1, the highest 07DA FI interface 0/10 9 has notinformation found applicable DSP resources supplementary field. The second 14: PCU - Q.IPC/Q.2150.3 cartridge value being 07DB FI interface 0/11 10:reason RC0PRB received aofconnection error from 2 the for has the mismatch the SONET APS supplementary [Q.2631.1/Q.2150.3] 4284967295. The second supplementary information 07DC FI interface 0/12 SWICOP configuration. information field can receive, in principle, any value as 254 - IWFof the 3 number faulty DSP (0...7) field will have 07DD FIreasons interface 0/13 11: Possible are: specified 1 a Packet Service Entity Identifier. value only if each of the possible increments of this 07DE FI interface 0/14 12: architecture capacity units mismatch starting from 1, together the highest 200 M3UA: Packet Service Entity groups the value PCUsbeing of a licence has 07DF FI interface 0/15 13: 01 switching mode mismatch 4284967295. NSE (Packet a maximum limit value 07E0 FI interface 0/16 14: PCU has tried to reserve a PCUPCM channel from The second supplementary will contain the association set toPooling)) which information theand/or association belongs Control Unit (PCU2) thefield Network 07E1 FI interface 1/1 the EDAP area a value only Service Entities 3 07E2 capacity warning 1/2 limit set by the application process. FIofinterface 15: ifH248: each the possibleGb). increments of IP thisis licence has a Note that if the PCU belongs to a Packet Control This of a PCU (Multipoint Gb over not in use, field 07E3 FI interface 1/3 16: EDAP connections notIfready maximum Pool the whole pool the value of the is 0xFF. indicates that thefield capacity usage level has reached a 07F3 FI interface 2/3 17: limit value MGW index in MSS. Virtual MGW index in MGW may be out of use. critical 0801 18: FI interface 3/1 2 value Packet Unit in Control the network element. The capacity usage level 0804 FI interface 3/4Identifier. 19: IWF: A BSC internal identifier values 03E9 BI interface 0/1 of the logical PCU. System 20: can, gives this in principle, receive any value 03EA BI interface 0/2 21: Unsupported territory type starting from 1, the IWF connection priority identifier when the PCU logical objectoverstepped is created. in the highest value 03EB BI interface 0/3 22: Maximum GPRS/EDGE capacity being 03EC 4284967295 BI interface 0/4 PCU SGsAP: 03ED BI interface 0/5 during PSW territory upgrade 23: Invalid data noticed must be set to optimum values using MML Connection supervision has detected possibly commands from QH command group. broken link between Once these values are set they must be internal LAN elements. Setting and cancellation automatically restored each of this alarm during time a computer unit is restarted. restart phase is normal behaviour. The alarm is Establishing a connection using the SCTP set when SNMP LinkDown primary path has failed. If the communication parameters cannot be TRAP is sent by SWU if some port went down, restored, the performance of and it is cancelled when SNMP The use of a secondary path causes a distorted the exchange might be reduced because the LinkUp TRAP is sent by SWU if the port is up traffic load in thespeed site might be communication Warning limitare concerning capacity licence usage again. Ports going down and backbone network elementsiscompared less than optimal. This situation caused byto the has been reached. and up in unit restart phase. designed load profile. some hardware problems The application process which uses the licenced (for example, failure of the Ethernet device, capacity type That's why it isfeature not necessarily real fault when the Ethernet cable failure, has observed that the capacity usage level has alarm is set for The maximum capacity value a critical Ethernet replaced with of another onefeature with reached adevice critical a link whose other end is connected to a host unit has been reached. lower capabilities). value. Asfunctional a result, the application process raises and The the application process which uses licenced this alarm. is host is not WO-EX or SP-EX. In unit state ofItthat capacity type feature has parameters cannot be When the communication an indication thatfault the operator should increase other cases real observed that its capacity usage level has restored after the restart of The PCU2 has not been able to link recover a the available capacity. is possible and the broken LAN may from prevent reached theunit, maximum value a computer this alarm is generated. digital signal processor or reduce the traffic in as defined by the associated licence. As a result, (DSP) failure. the LAN. the internal application process raises this alarm. This alarm indicates Due to the failure, the signal processor and the The system has detected a mismatch in the that the operator data channels configuration of the should increase the available capacity. handled by it are out of use. synchronous optical network's (SONET) automatic protection switching (APS). There may be disturbances in the All Network Service Entities of a multipoint Gb automatic protection switching or PCU are unavailable. the automatic protection switching is completely Cells connected to the PCU have lost General prevented. Packet Radio Service. The PCU cannot select an SGSN based on the NRI masked out from a local TLLI. The NRI is missing from the PCU's Network Service Entity In Multipoint Gb configuration NRI is masked out configuration. PCU dumped the received uplink from local TTLI to LLC frame. select a correct SGSN. This is a summary alarm of previous NRI configuration error alarms. A Network Service Entity of a Multipoint Gb PCU There has been over 16 unknown NRIs. The is out of use NRIs are missing from because SGSN side does not support EQoS. PCU's Network Sercie Entity configuration. PCU will not select this SGSN during load sharing. Normal load of security events exceeded. PCU has dumped the received uplink LLCThis means security frame(s)that because it has not The SGSN does not support either the Packet reporting exceptionally highPCU loadwill of security been ablegets to select the SGSN. not set Flow Context (PFC) events. Reason more NRI procedures or Packet Flow Context (PFC) flow for that can beerror eg. some misconfiguration configuration alarms until the amountorof Security reporting has received unsuccessful control procedures security less active alarms events or both.over defined limit. than 16. This means that security reporting gets exceptionally high load of unsuccessful security events. Reason for that This alarm indicates that one PCU of the Packet can be eg. some Service Entity (PSE) has misconfiguration or security threat. not responded to the BSC after the SGSN has a changed IP endpoint configuration in the NSE. When this alarm is A failure has occurred in updating feature specific displayed, the performance data to the packet of the Gb interface may have decreased, control unit (PCU). Load balancing with network because the PCU in question may controlled cell not be working properly. reselection (NCCR), Packet Control Unit (PCU2) The system has received an indication that the Pooling, and/or data far end of the protected transfer in inter-PCU cell reselection are/is not transmission network is no longer receiving the functioning in automatic protection the cells connected to the PCU. switching related request that has been sent, or The PKI Certificate used by IPSec has not the far end considers reached its validity period the received request to be invalid. An invalid yet. The system will block IP traffic to and from code is either an unused remote peers code or one that is irrelevant for the specific authenticated with this certificate. The PKI Certificate used by IPSec will expire operation or mode of within timeThere limits defined operation. may be disturbances in the to guard the validity of this certificate. automatic protection switching, or the automatic protection switching is When a certificate expires, the system will block completely The PKI Certificate used by IPSec has (already) IP traffic to and from prevented. expired. remote peers authenticated with this certificate. The system blocks IP traffic to and from remote peers authenticated with Renewing PKI Certificate via automatic this certificate. enrolment failed. When a certificate expires, the system will block IP traffic to and from remote peers authenticated with this certificate. 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a NSE (Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network Service Entities 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier. of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a the value of the field is 0xFF. NSE (Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network 2 Packet Control Unit Identifier. Service Entities 1 APacket Serviceidentifier Entity Identifier. BSC internal of the logical PCU. System of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, Packet gives this Service Entity groups together the PCUs of an the value of the field is 0xFF. NSE (Packet identifier when the PCU logical object is created. Control Pool) and/or the Network Service Entities of a 2 Packet Control Unit Identifier. PCU 3 Logical Identity. 1 Temporary threshold limit forLink event per second, which AisBSC internal identifier of load the logical PCU. System (Multipoint Gb). If Packetidentifier Control which Pool and Multipoint The received temporary unambiguously causes alarm, gives this Gb are identifies when exceeded identifier when the PCU logical object is created. notlogical in use,link thebetween value of GPRS the fieldmobile is 0xFF. the station and serving GPRS 1 name of the security counter, which causes 2 support Network Service Entity Identifier of the unavailable node (SGSN) within one routing areaalarm. in the NSE. logical link 2 control threshold for unsuccessful event load per half NSEI is(LLC) anlimit identifier that has end-to-end significance level. minute, across which causes alarm, when exceeded the interface. 4 Resource Identifier. 1 Network PIUGb index of the PCU Identifier of the unknown NRI. 3 the optional feature not supported by 2 Status networkindicates service entity identifier the NSE. 1 the in which the errorProcedures occurred and explanation: 01 task Packet Flow Context notits supported 02 PFC Flow Control Procedures not supported 01 load reportFlow distribution delivery failed 03PS Both Packet Contextlist Procedures and PFC Flow Load balancing with NCCR is not working correctly Control Procedures supported 1 identifier of thenot protection group in question 02 Send PS load report command failed Load balancing with NCCR is not working correctly 03 PCU IP address delivery failed 1 ascii identifying the certificate (by name) Load string balancing with NCCR, Packet Control Unitin the network (PCU2) Pooling, and element key database data transfer in inter-PCU cell reselection are not working 1 correctly ascii string identifying the certificate (by name) in the network 04 Data transfer inter-PCU cell reselection specific element key database information delivery failed Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling and 1 ascii string identifying the certificate (by name) in the data transfer in inter-PCU cell reselection are not network working element correctlykey database NS-VL's failed one PCU(by of the packet 105ascii stringcreation identifying theincertificate name) in the service entity network (PSE). Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling is not element key database working correctly 2 error code indicating why the operation failed: 06 MOCN Operator object delivery to PCU failed. 0x0001 = IP Security not activated in the unit executing 07 MOCN Operator pool object delivery to PCU failed. the automatic enrolment 0x0002 = No response from certificate enrolment point 2 the plug-in unit (PIU) index of the PCU. This field is 0xFF 0x0003 = CMP pre-shared key not valid in the case of mcPCU. 0x0004 = Key update to network element internal key The IP Security feature has encountered an unrecoverable malfunction. 1 ascii string containing implementation-level information of the reason for the malfunction The IUA (ISDN Q.921 User Adaptation Layer) is unable to distribute a signalling message due to an error in the contents of the message. The signalling message has come over an SCTP The saving buffer of charging data is filling up. (Stream Control Transmission The saving buffer Protocol) association. may be full because the charging data cannot be sent to post-processing The signalling message is deleted, which means or because there is a telecommunication line The Diameter connection has failed or the that signalling traffic overload. connection is disturbed.isIflost. the alarm concerns IUA, this The resultdisturbances depends on in the interface type. The indicates network element D-channels usingwill this SCTP association. automatically try to re-establish the connection. Two paths to each SCTP association are normally created in the SCTP association establishment. If either of the paths fails, this alarm is set. If the primary path fails, The Packet Control Unit has detected an error in the traffic is automatically transferred via the the IP configuration. secondary The Network Service layer of Gb-interface could path and the traffic is not affected. If the not be configured secondary path fails, between the Packet Control Unit and the SGSN. The system has detected the incoming the traffic continues via thethat primary path normally synchronisation signal is and only the defective missing. The fault does not affect the redundantorconnection is lost. traffic of When capacity the first supplementary field indicates the network element. M3UA, IUA or SGsAP: The incoming signal with this particular SDH This alarm can beThere set and is on only if the interface is missing. If all the incoming synchronisation signals are association are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH faulty, the system is active at link the in SCTP layer, i.e. the state of the transmission question, will synchronise itself according to the signal association or the traffic has been completely prevented. The receives frames which have generated by the is SDH otherinterface than down when checked with MML an incorrect frame pattern oscillator of the ATM interface board. commands such as OYI (A1 A2That bytes). There are and and OYV. is because thedisturbances path state is in the traffic of theinside SDH an supervised transmission link, or the traffic has been active association SCTP. The SDH interfaceby receives frames which have completely prevented. If the SCTP association goes down, alarm an incorrect AU 3379 is canceled. (Administrative Unit) pointer. There are When an association disturbances in the trafficgoes of down abnormally, then alarm 3159 the SDH transmission link in question, or the The SDH interface an MS-AIS alarm (SGsAP 3751)completely isreceives set and meanwhile traffic has been (Multiplexer Section Alarm 3379 is canceled. prevented. Indication Signal) signal.procedure, The signalno is cut, or In graceful shutdown alarms faulty been shouldframes remainhave for the received on once the SDH transmission link. There are association alarm 3379an is MS-RDI canceled. The SDH interface receives traffic disturbances on becomes active again When the association (Multiplex Section-Remote Defect the SDH transmission link, or the traffic is later on, this Indication) signal. The signal is cut on the SDH completely congested on the alarm is set again transmission link, or if there is a failure for a path link. with the faulty frames are received. There are new association. disturbances in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or the traffic The alarmcompletely indicates a failure in the working SCTP has been association. The prevented. system possibly takes into use an alternative path or the alternative path is lost. 1 error type of the incoming erroneous IUA message. Possible values are: 01 Invalid IUA version 02 Invalid interface identifier 03 Unsupported IUA message class 04 Unsupported IUA message type 05 Unsupported interface identifier type 1 06 theInvalid destination index. Each destination has one unique stream identifier index. 07 Erroneous IUA message length 08 Erroneous IUA protocol data length 2 09 theIUA connection protocolindex. data does not exist 1 SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier: 3 the interface of the connection 2 00 number of thetype SCTP association SGsAP [3GPP TS 29.118] 1 = Rf interface for transferring offline charging data 01 IUA between 3 02 number of the D-channel M2UA the network element and the post-processing 03 M3UA 1 Packet Service Entity values Identifier. system. 4 04 IUASUA version. Possible are: Packet Entity UsedService by SGSN onlygroups together the PCUs of a 05 M2PA NSE 2 =(Packet Sh interface for transferring subscriber-specific 01 06 Release V5UA 1.0 Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the Network information 07 H.248 Service Entities between application server andare: the IP multimedia 5 IUA message Possible values 1 08 interface idthe of class. the SDH/ATM interface BICC/Q.2150.3 of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, register. 09 TALI theUsed valuebyofSGSN the field is 0xFF. only (MGMT) message 2 00 portManagement number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface 10 DUA 4 = S6a interface between MMEState and HSS or HLR 03 Application Server Process Maintenance board 11 ASAP 2 Service Entity Identifier. 8network = S13message interface between MME and EIR (ASPSM) ENRPid of the SDH/ATM interface 1 12 interface The Service Entity groups together 16 =Network S6d interface between SGSN and HSSthe or HLR 04 Server Process Traffic Maintenance 13 Application H.323 Network Service 32 = SLg interface between MME and GMLC (ASPTM) message Q.IPC/Q.2150.3 2 14 port number of the interface in the interface Virtual Links that provide communication between 64 =Q.921/Q.931 Ro interface forSDH/ATM transferring online charging data 05 Boundary Primitives Transport 15 Diameter board the same NS entities. NSEI is an identifier that has endbetween (QPTM) message 254 IWF to-end the network element and the online charging system 1 interface id of the SDH/ATM interface 3 fault is detected on:the significance across Gb interface. 6 IUA message type. The meaning of the message type 2 01 path identifier. This parameter indicates which path has the optical module of the SDH interface Note! If the connection is for multiple interface types, depends 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface failed: 02 themessage framer the Identifier. SDH interface 3 packet ControlofUnit the values on the class. Possible values for message board A BSC internal of the S6a logical PCU. system are summed up.identifier For example, and S13The together class 0 are: primary path failure 1 01 interface gives will bethis 12. id of the SDH/ATM interface 02 secondary path failure identifier 00 Error when (ERR)the PCU logical object is created. 2 01 portNotify number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface (NTFY) 3 first additional information field. This field contains the board 4 02 A status that identifies the reason for unavailability: TEI Status Request following information protocol by protocol: 4 this is a system-level error 03 TEI Status Confirm 1 interface id of the SDH/ATMmessage interfacedisplaying the 3 number ofcannot the Indication path on which the loss of by AUthe pointer 01 PCU resolve the IP address host cause of the 04 TEI Status for SGsAP protocol: occurred name of the Network transfer path change. You can check its meaning with a 2 port number ofindex the SDH/ATM interface in the interface association Service Virtual Link. command of Possible values for message class 3 are: board the service terminal extension MRS (see Service for IUA protocol: 1 interface id (ASPUP) of the SDH/ATM interface Terminal Essentials, 01 ASP Up association number Maintenance or in General Error Messages of 02 ASP DownManual) (ASPDN) 2 03 portHeartbeat number of(BEAT) the SDH/ATM interface in the interface System, for M3UA protocol: board Supplementary References 04association ASP Up Acknowledgement (ASPUP ACK) set index 05 ASP Down Acknowledgement (ASPDN ACK) 06 Heartbeat Acknowledgement (BEAT ACK) for H248 protocol: MGW index in MSS. Virtual MGW index in MGW Possible values for message class 4 are: for IWF protocol: 01IWF ASPconnection Active (ASPAC) priority 02 ASP Inactive (ASPIA) 03 ASP Active Acknowledgement (ASPAC ACK) for Diameter protocol: 04PATH ASP Inactive Acknowledgement (ASPIA ACK) ID in Diameter. The SDH interface receives an TU-AIS (Tributary Unit - Alarm Indication Signal) signal. Frames with a faulty TU pointer have been detected on the SDH transmission link. There are The SDH interface receives an LP-RDI (Lower disturbances in the Order Path-Remote Defect traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or Indication) signal. There are disturbances the traffic has in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in been completely prevented. question, or the traffic Associated data has degraded in the sense that has been completely prevented. the signal degrade (SD) condition is active in the SDH transmission. There are disturbances in the physical layer traffic flow of the SDH The threshold for errors in the SDH signal has transmission. been exceeded. There is a Signal Fail (SF) condition in the SDH If SD is detected on the multiplex section level transmission link in question and and multiplex section the traffic has been completely prevented. The The network interface receivesswitching frames whose protection is in use, protection should Bit Errors Ratio (BER) ATM cells cannot be take place if threshold for SF can be checked with MML recognized. Thererequests are disturbances no higher priority are the traffic command. of the SDH transmission link in question, or the traffic has The SDH interface has received an HP-RDI been completely (Higher Order Path-Remote Defect prevented. Indication) signal. Frames with a faulty AU (Administrative Unit) pointer have been detected on the SDH transmission The SDH interface receives an AU-AIS link. There are disturbances (Administrative Unit - Alarm in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in Indication Signal) signal. Frames with a faulty AU question, or the traffic pointer have been has been completely prevented. detected on the SDH transmission link. There are The alarm indicates that the GPRS/EDGE load of disturbances in the PCU in Packet Service traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or Entity (PSE) has risen over the threshold defined the traffic has by the user. been completely blocked. The Dynamic Abis pool (DAP) and segment The eXtensive Markup Language (XML) event resources in the PSE need to be file buffer is full. The BSC reallocated by adding a new PCU into the PSE or buffers the XML event files if it is not possible to by using manual send them to NetAct reallocation or by using automatic reallocation. fast enough or if the connection between the The system has detected a failure in the BSC and NetAct is down. hardware block of the plug-in If a connection cannot be established after unit in an ATM interface. The failure was detected several retries and there is on the basis of two an overflow in the xml event file buffer, this alarm consecutively failed supervision tests, or on the SSL/TLS protocol layer implementation has is set. basis of a serious encountered a malfunction. malfunction in the operating device. The plug-in When this alarm is issued, the event files stored unit is defective and to the buffer are lost, cannot perform all the tasks defined for it. which means radio network CPU has beenthat damaged. When configuration the alarm is set, upload is needed to restore the respective FRU is the synchronisation between the BSC and NetAct probably faulty. Radio Access Configurator (RAC). 1 interface id of the SDH/ATM interface 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface board 1 interface id of the SDH/ATM interface 3 number of the SDH high order path corresponding to the 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface lower order path board 1 of the interface 4 interface number ofidthe pathSDH/ATM from which the TU path ais signal 3 number of the SDH high order path number was received corresponding to the 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface lower order path board 1 interfaceofidthe of the SDH/ATM interface 4 number SDH Low order path in question 3 indicates the level where the defect has been detected 01 multiplex section 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface 02 higher order path board 1 of the SDH/ATM interface 4 interface number ofidthe higher order path in question 3 errors are detected in: 01 multiplexer section 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface 02 path level board 1 of the SDH/ATM interface 4 interface number ofidthe SDH path in question 3 number of the path on which the loss of cell delineation occurred. 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface This is valid only if the transmission link is based on board SDH 1 interface id of the SDH/ATM interface 3 number of the SDH path in question 2 port number of the SDH/ATM interface in the interface board 1 packet service entity identifier 3 number of the path on which the loss of the AU pointer occurred 2 logical address of the BCSU. This field is 0xFFFF in the case of mcPCU. 1 the connection type (FTP/FTAM) used in file transfer between NetAct 3 PIU index of the PCU. This field is the actual PCUM and the BSC. index in the case of mcPCU. 1 interface id of the SDH/ATM interface 4 indicates use of automatic reallocation. 2 This port field number of is the SDH/ATM the interface value TRUE when interface automaticinPCU pool board reallocation in use while alarm raised and automatic PCU 1 isascii string containing implementation-level information 3 the hardware block in which the failure was detected: reallocation can of the take thisfor PCU account in its execution. Field value reason the pool malfunction 01 SAR hardware FALSE means 02 STM-1reallocation hardware was not active that time or this automatic 1 type of field replaceable unit PCU pool 4 requires the exactmanual error code the reallocation. hardware block test.PCU PCUofpool Check 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is Possible pool typereasons with MML located for STM-1 FXL. hardware HW_BLOCK are: command 3 01 number the shelf inunplugged which the plug-in unit is located Opticofsfp module 02 Optic sfp module fault 4 slot number of the FRU 5 module type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 6 module number for ipmc OR index of amc 7 sensor number CPU does not work properly. When the alarm is set, the respective FRU is probably faulty or unreliable. On BMPP2-B plug-in unit, this alarm can be also set Fan unit has been damaged. The FRUs located due to the unexpected flash bank switchover. in this cabinet might be damaged due to a rising temperature in the cabinet. 1 type of field replaceable unit This alarm indicates if the UPA PH3 configuration provides different results on the ICA legs of the same parallel alerting service. 5 module type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located Temperature of a FRU is not within the permitted range. The FRU which detected the fault might get damaged due to the rising temperature. Alarm can also be set if the Voltage supplied to the unit is not within the temperature is too low. permitted range. The unit detected with the fault might be faulty. When the When the alarm is set, the FRU is possibly faulty alarm is set, the FRU or unreliable. is possibly unreliable. Voltage converted in the FRU is not within the permitted range. The FRU detected with the fault might be faulty. When the alarm is set, the FRU is possibly faulty or unreliable. Voltage converted in the FRU (field replaceable unit) is not within the permitted range. The FRU detected with the fault may be faulty. when the alarm is on, FRU is possibly out of A power supply does not work properly. Possibly order or unreliable. a fuse is blown or a plug-in unit or voltage source is faulty. 7 sensor 1 of number field 5 type module typereplaceable of the FRU (unit e.g. AMC ) Voltage (-48 V) supplied to the FRU (field replacement unit) is not within the permitted range. The FRU detecting the fault may be faulty. When the alarm is on, FRU is possibly out of Temperature of a FRU is not within the permitted order or unreliable. range. The FRU which In this case, other HW alarms concerning voltage detected the fault might get damaged due to the problems might occur. rising temperature. This alarm can also be set if Temperature of a FRU is not within the permitted temperature is too low. range. The FRU which When the alarm is on, it is possible that the FRU detected the fault might get damaged due to the does not work at all rising or it works unreliably. temperature. Alarm can also be set if the LAN device integration SNMP mediator has temperature is too low. detected too many TRAPs of the When the alarm is set, the FRU is possibly faulty same type created continuously by the same IP or unreliable. address. Incoming TRAPS are filtered out from the particular IP address. A malfunction or a configuration error in the unit sending SNMP TRAPS might exist. 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is located 1 type of field replaceable unit 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is 4 slot number of the FRU located 6 module number for ipmc OR index of amc 4 slot number of the FRU 8 identification for in thewhich sensor 2 of thename cabinet the of plug-in 6 number module number for ipmc OR index amc unit is located 7 1 sensor type of number field replaceable unit 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located. In DX this fieldname is notfor filled 8 thewhich sensor 2 identification number of the cabinet in the plug-in unit is located 4 slot number of the FRU. In DX this field is not filled 1 type of field replaceable unit 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 5 module type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is 4 slot number of the FRU located 6 module number for ipmc OR index of amc 1 of field 5 type module typereplaceable of the FRU (unit e.g. AMC ) 3 of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 7 number sensor number 2 of the cabinet in which the of plug-in 6 number module number for IPMC or index AMC unit is 4 slot number ofname the FRU 8 identification for the sensor located 7 1 sensor type of number the replaceable unit 5 module typefield of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located. Itidentification is possible that thisforinformation is not available in DX 8 thewhich sensor 2 of thename cabinet in the of plug-in 6 number module number for IPMC or index AMC unit is located 4 slot number of the FRU. 7 1 Itsensor type of number field replaceable unit is possible that this information is not available in DX 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 8 name for in thewhich sensor 2 identification number type of theof cabinet the plug-in unit is 5 module the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 4 slot number of the FRU located 6 number for IPMC or unit index of AMC 1 module type of the replaceable 5 module typefield of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located. Itsensor is possible that this information is not available in DX 7 number 2 of the cabinet in which theofplug-in 6 number module number of IPMC or index AMC unit is located 4 number ofname the FRU. 8 slot identification for the sensor 7 1 Itsensor type of number field replaceable unit is possible that this information is not available in DX 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 8 name of the sensor 2 identification number type of theof cabinet in (which the plug-in unit is 5 module the FRU e.g. AMC ) 4 slot number of the FRU located 6 for ipmc OR index of amc 1 module number number of TRAP type 5 module type of the FRU (e.g. AMC) 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located. 0 Cold Start In this number 7 DX sensor 1 Warm Start of IPMC or index of AMC 6 module number field is not filled 2 Link Down 8 identification 3 Linknumber Up name for the sensor 7 sensor 4 slot number of the FRU. In DX this field is not filled 4 Authentication Failure 5 EGP Neighbor 8 identification name Loss for the sensor 5 module type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 6 Enterprise Specific 6 module number for ipmc OR index of amc 2 IP address of LAN device in ASCII format 7 sensor number 8 identification name for the sensor The clock system supervision has detected a functional failure in the CLGU unit. The failure may prevent the network element from being synchronised to the incoming timing signal or The operation mode of the unit has been from distributing the shelf changed to holdover either with level synchronisation signal. an MML command given by the user or due to a failure in all the synchronisation references. Security reporting data file changed. Checksum is not updated. Holdover means that the frequency of the clock It occurs if a reporting event file is compromised. generator unit phase locked loop is set to a value based on the The supervision has detected a mismatch in FRU frequency information HW description. integrated over a long time that simulates the The of the equipped plug-in unit is different best type possible frequency than used described without incoming reference. Pointer in the equipment database or the plug-in unit is adjustments andhas slips generally The supervision detected excessive PCI missing. occur in holdover operation mode. The number of Express errors. pointer adjustments and slips depends on the correctness of the output frequency of the clock This alarmunit. indicates a momentary high ifGPRS generator The situation is serious the load. packet control outputThe frequency of the unit (PCU) is freeingunit message queue IPC clock generator has drifted too far(MIPC) from its message blocks slower than it correct value. is reserving them. Normally the situation clears All GPRS traffic through this network service by itself, but it may If the change holdover operation mode entity identifierto(NSEI) also lead as to aa network virtual connection occurred result of service a is blocked. The packet control unit (PCU) has no group (NSE) level GPRS failure in the synchronisation references, it may free internal message outage in the PCU. be due to either a queue IPC (MIPC) message blocks. The PCU Calendar time of check against calendar time complete signals has failed lack to make any or a change in reference Calendar The alarmfails. is raised when the amount of free frequency. automatic recovery actions. A manual BSCU time of drops network element does not follow blocks under 70 per switchover must be performed reference¿s calendar time. cent of all the blocks.the The alarm is cancelled The system cancels alarm when themanage to clear the fault if the system does not when the amount of the operational mode clock SDH protection switching failed. Traffic to cancel the alarm This alarmunit is set every time when calendar time free blocks has increased over 80 per cent of generator changed disturbances inisthe within about one minute. to synchronised or to query fails. If operational all the blocks. free-run. The protection group occur, or the traffic has redundant calendar time references are defined, mode change to synchronised is automatic when completely failed. the network element a valid synchronisation CPU typeautomatically fault detected. switches to use the reference reference becomes available. Thenext operational in the list. alarm to mode can This be changed is cancelled theMML time command. stamp is received free-run onlywhen with an from reference. When the alarm is set, networkprimary element cannot receive The preprocessor's flash memory is not calendar time from working or is corrupted. the the from currently used Bootreference or FPGAand SW thus is used the secondary calendar time cannot be flash image. The preprocessor compared the reference may not bewith working properly. time. One communication path to the IPMI shelf manager unit (SHMU), given as the object unit of the alarm is not functional. The communication with IPMI shelf manager is working via redundant communication path but this alarm means that the redundancy of the system is not at designed level. There are several reasons, which may cause communication not to be functional via communication path: - Ethernet LAN failure 1 type of the error: 01 communication error 02 hardware error 03 CLGU SW supervision error 2 cause of the hardware error: 08 ARTM1A board is absent 10 main CLGU frequency out of range 20 parent CLGU frequency out of range 1 40 name ofBITS a file,output whoseloss checksum was incorrect EXT 80 system clock not oscillating File descriptions Several failures may be indicated in the field at the ROISESGX.DAT same 1 HW module type identifies the type of a hardware Includes service time. In that case, terminal the valuelog of data. the field is the sum of component. Check file data using ZIRO:TYPE=SET; command theModule type is part of the hardware component location ROILOGGX.DAT (hexadecimal) valuesblade that correspond information in ATCA hardware. to these Includes service terminal and MML user log writing failures 1 device name of PCI Express port failure data. 2 HW module number identifies a particular instance of a Check file data using ZIRO:TYPE=MLO; command 3 module general error message of the is system. can check type. Module number part of You hardware 2 device status of PCI Express port ROIMMLGX.DAT its meaning component Includes MML command log information about MRS with a command of the service terminal location information in ATCA Blade HW. extension Module number 3 uncorrectable error count of PCI Express port security related or in the 1 together MIPC Message spacetype ID with the decreased number with module (hw_module_type_t) defines commands. file data using ZIRO:TYPE=MCO; General ErrorCheck Messages of System of free message a 4 correctable error count of PCI Express port command blocks detailed location of the hardware component in a ROINETGX.DAT 0A = Abis cartridge or Pool Includes network access log data. 0B = PCUtrack. Pool cartridge 1 MIPC ID with zero free message CheckMessage file data space using ZIRO:TYPE=NET; command blocks ROILDEGX.DAT 2 type number of free message blocks 3 of error: 0A = Abis Pool Includes login delay log data. 1 = wrong piu type 0B = PCU Pool Check file data using ZIRO:TYPE=MDE; command 3 2identification oftype the message queue that has most of = missing piu ROISUBGX.DAT 1 Noinaddress for calendar time reference defined. the0001 blocks 2 number ofsubscriber free message blocks Includes security logifdata. Address case ofcan the PCU Irrelevant the alarm is for the 4 plug-in unitbe type pool. in equipment database Check file data using ZIRO:TYPE=SUB; defined using MML-command DCW command Abis pool. 3 ROICRYGX.DAT identification of the message queue that has most of 00d = PCU 5 unitMIPC type in hardware theplug-in blocks Includes cryptographic data handling log data. 0002 No answer from calendar time reference 01d = FR UL 1 in idCheck of the protection group in question. case of the PCU Pool. Irrelevant if the alarm is for the file data using ZIRO:TYPE=CRY; command 02d = FR DL Abis ROIAUTGX.DAT 0003=NTP packet received. Received error GBNkiss-o-death 2 03d the reason why the SDH protection switching has pool Includes code can be authentication handling log data. 04d = RLC failed. 00d = PCU MIPC Check file data using ZIRO:TYPE=AUT; found from computer log if the version command number of 05d = MAC Possible reasons are: 01d = FR UL ROISSHGX.DAT 1 06d the status of the faulty CPU type. Possible NTP in exact server = CHM 00 protection group can data. not carry traffic 02d = FR DL Includes SSH session reasons is=4are: 07d HDLC 01 APS defect 03d = GBN Check file LOG data using ZIRO:TYPE=SSH; command 08d = PCU 02 channel mismatch 04d = RLC ROIMSEGX.DAT 01 SCSI circuit missing time stamp differs more than 0004 09d =Received PCU TSTcalendar 05d = MACMML access log data. Includes 1024 s from 10d = PCU CONFIG 1 06d type the preprocessor plug-in unit =ofCHM Check file data ZIRO:TYPE=MSE; command calendar time using of network element 11d = REN 07d = HDLC = DAM 2 12d index of theLOG preprocessor plug-in unit 08d = PCU 0005 13d =Response CEK CHMpacket fails integrity check. The packet 09d = PCU TST is 14d = CEK MAC 3 corrupted cause of the failure = PCU CONFIG 1 10d IP address of the SHMU which is not reachable via 15d = CEK code RLC 00 FPGA loaded from backup 11d = REN one communication 0006 of SNTP failed 16d =Initialization CEK CONFIG 01 Boot code loaded fromclient backup 12d = DAM path 17d = PNF 02 Both FPGA 13d = CEK CHMand Boot code are loaded from backup 0007 Query sending of SNTP client failed 03 CPLD 14d = CEK code MACis not loaded from flash 4 amount of blocks in the worst PCU pool queue. 15d = CEK RLC Irrelevant if the 16d = CEK CONFIG alarm is for the Abis pool. 17d = PNF 4 amount of blocks in the worst PCU pool queue. Irrelevant if the alarm is for Abis pool Sub-Network Service add procedure(s) (SNSADD) has failed in the network service entity (NSE). The packet control unit (PCU) cannot add its IP endpoint to the SGSN and data transfer through A logical PCU is restarted either by system or this NSE is not possible. user. In PCU hot restart only dynamic Abis configuration and GPRS territory are reconfigured. Instead, in PCU cold restart whole PCU is The alarm is set for an incomplete unit IP restarted including address or Network Interface software download. configuration. Usually the IP address has been configured to a nonexistent Network Interface. Erroneous PCU configuration of primary spare BCSU unit is Network Interface invalid. Primary spare configuration will cause problems to the unit IP BCSU unit does not have enough PCU PIUs to connectivity. replace the active BCSU unit during a BCSU switchover. PCU configuration of BSC is asymmetrical and primary spare BCSU unit definition is missing. The supervision has detected excessive DRAM errors. Downlink Dual Carrier (DLDC) has not been correctly activated for DLDC temporary block flow (TBF) in the PCU. Using Downlink Dual Carrier TBF may not be Pseudo wire (PW) is transferred into the failure possible. state. This alarm is raised if a configured and enabled PW goes into the failed state. In this state the traffic of the PW is partially or The Ethernet device is faulty or the Ethernet completely prevented. cable is disconnected. IP packets cannot be sent to network or received from network through this interface. 1 Packet Service Entity Identifier Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a NSE (Packet Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the NSEs of a PCU (Multipoint 1 logical index of the PCU, which is restarted. Gb). 2 PCU object id. If there is not PCU object for 2 Network Service Entity Identifier the PCU the field is set as 0xFF. Network Service Entity groups together the Network 1 unit type identification Service 3 type of restart: Virtual Links that provide communication between the 2 unitNS index identification same 01 PCU HOT restart entities. An NSEI is an identifier that has end-to-end FF PCU COLD restart 3 significance plug-in unit type identification across the Gb interface. 4 source of restart: 4 index identification 3 plug-in Packet unit Control Unit Identifier A BSC-internal identifier of the logical PCU. The system 00 System, if recovery actions have taken place 5 network interface name generates 01 User, if an MML command is used this idenfifier when it creates the PCU logical object. 02 User, DAP configuration, 6 the error code indicating the reason for the failure of System, restart requested due to PCU HW failure. the IP 03 User, RNW modification due FbPP Plan activation configuration. You can check its meaning in the General 04 User, RNW modification due Send To Network Error 1-405 error rate ofrestart every DRAM DIMM System, requested due to PCU in PCP Messages of the System. mismatch 5-6 address of the last two DRAM errors For CP816-A,ACPI5-A, alarm definition should as follow: 1 index of the BCSU controlling the PCU 1 sum of correctable errors in the DIMM 2 plug-in unit index of the PCU where uncorrectable errors happened 2-3 the date when the last correctable error happened 1 wire identifier 4,6pseudo DIMM number where uncorrectable errors happened 5 sum of uncorrectable errors happened in that DIMM 2 PSN tunnel identifier 3 PCM circuit number 1 Name of the Ethernet interface. 4 TSLs of PCM in bitmap form EL0 - External Link connects the unit to Packet Abis or AoIP (the SFP GigE interfaces of the front panel). 5 the exact error information of the alarming PW. There IL0 - Internal Link 0 connects the unit to other Serial link between packet control unit (PCU) and 1 unit index of the PCU canplug-in be several computer units and PCU (Back plane Ethernet interface). Exchange Terminal different errors set for a single PW at the same time, in IL1 - Internal Link 1 connects the unit to other for Packet Transport (ETP) has failed. Cells other computer units and PCU (Back plane Ethernet interface). connected 2 digital Processorvalue Identification words,Signal the error_data can be combination of the IM0 - Back plane Ethernet interface connecting the to the PCU have lost General Packet Radio following Ethernet link between packet control unit (PCU) 1 plug-in unit of the PCU ETPE/T/C unitindex pair together Service. states (hexadesimal values): and Exchange Terminal for Packet Transport (ETP) has failed. Cells 2 The exact error code. Possible reasons are: 0x01 Loss of OfETP Packet Synchronization (LOPS) state connected 2 IP address 0x02 Local Defect (LDEF) state to the PCU have lost General Packet Radio 0001 SPI4.2 Source - SrcOof State A failure has occurred in updating the BCF or 1 identification the BCF. If alarm is set for BSC level 0x04 RemoteofDefect (RDEF) state Service. 0002 SPI4.2 Source SrcDIP2Err State BSC specific Packet Abis parameters 0x08 Overrun (ORUN) state 0004 SPI4.2 Source SrcPatternErr State parameters to the Exchange Terminal for Packet the field has value 65535d. 0x10 Underrun (URUN) state 0008 PL4_RDCLK DCM Not Locked Transport (ETPE,ETPT or ETME). 0x20 Remote end RDI (RDIS) state 0010 PL4_REF_CLK Not Locked Either one or all of the BCFs attached to the 2 identification of receiving the ETPDCM group. shall be set to 0x40 No traffic (NRXS)This state 0020 SGMII RX_LOS ETPE/T or ETME unit are not able 0xFF in Destination case of McETP. 0x80 Address Unreachable (DAUR) state 0040 SGMII - TX_FAULT to serve traffic. 0080of Ethernet MAC Not in shall Syncbe set to 0xFF in case 3 type thelist ETP This Complete of group. possible error bit combinations can be 0100 SPI4.2 Sink SnkOof State of McETP. found 0200 SPI4.2 Sink - SnkBusErr State directly from this list: 0400 SPI4.2 Sink - FIFO Error 4 154 0800 QUAD PHY RESET 01 * * * * * * * LOPS 1000 ARPinresponse missing from ETP 02Timeout * * * waiting * *a response * LDEF * 03 * * * * * * LDEF LOPS Note: The error cause can also be a "or" combination of 741 04 * * * * * RDEF * * PSN (Packet Switched Network) tunnel failure. If this alarm occurs, it means that there are alarms on all enabled PWs inside the tunnel and all these PWs are in the same error condition. This An error in pseudo wire configuration handling of alarm indicates that the ETIP1-A plug-in unit. origin of the problem is tunnel-related rather than a single PW-related In the BSC3i and Combined BSC3i/TCSM3i, this one. alarm means that either the CSDAP has encountered a malfunction and it alarming unit PW configuration is not has been taken out of use for synchronized with the OMU a penalty period. configuration file or the PW configuration IP stack-related part of the BSC sets penalty for a certain CSDAP in case of The BSC sets this 2N alarm if aofcall releasedunit from co unit (protecting unit) theisalarming consecutive remote the A interface (active 2N unit)because is transcoder failures and hunting error(s). of RESET IP RECOURCE message, notasynchronized with the alarming unit.received from the MSC. In thesets TCSM3i, this alarm means that either the BSC this alarm if ETPC IP address enquiry alarming unit PW from ETPC fails after configuration is not synchronized ETPSIG-c interface is configured.with the co unit and the TR3E/A unit backup configuration file or the PW configuration A has occurred IPfailure stack-related part in updating the BSC or BCF of thespecific co unit parameters (protecting 2N unit) of the alarming to unitETPA/ETPC/ETMA/mcTC/ETPB/ETMB (active 2N unit) is not synchronized with the alarming unit. of the Gateway is unreachable. The IP address 1 PSN tunnel identifier 2 the exact error information of the alarming PSN tunnel. This error information is in a bitmask format and is a combined 1 type of an error. error status 01 Error in configuration file parsering sequence of all PWs included in the particular tunnel. There can 02 Error in configuration file synchronization sequence be several 03 Time out in configuration file synchronization different errors set for a single tunnel at the same time, sequence 1 identification of CSDAP in BSC (in HEX) in other 04 Time out in configuration file check sum request 0 the = No ID words, error_data value can be a combination of from OMU, 1 = Min Value the following co unit or TR3E/A 1000 = Max valuevalues): states (hexadesimal 05 Configuration check sum conflict between two units 1 06 signalling code of the MSC Check point sum not right 2 0x01 identification BCF Synchronization (LOPS) state Loss Of of Packet 10 Time out in tunnel IP data updating to 2N unit = Not used 0x020xFFFF Local Defect (LDEF) state 11 Error in tunnel IP data updating to 2N unit 0x04 Remote Defect (RDEF) state 3 0x08 penalty period(ORUN) time in seconds (0...255 s) Overrun state 1 0x10 D-Channel Number of the Failed ETPC. Underrun (URUN) state 4 0x20 causeRemote code for telling reason why alarm is set end RDI the (RDIS) state 0x40 No traffic receiving (NRXS) state 0 = Success 0x80 Destination Address Unreachable (DAUR) state 1 = Several remotewith transcoder 1 identificationconsecutive of the BCF (used ETP- failures are detected Complete list of possible error bit combinations can be A/ETMA/ETPB/ETMB). on CSDAP. found if alarm is set for BSC specific parameters 2 =field Several hunting errors are detected on directly from this list: the has consecutive value 0xFFFF. CSDAP. 1 3 from which piu unit is unreachable = *Several activation failure 01 * *consecutive *the gateway *channel *unitLOPS 2 identification for*ETP/MCTC type. The because 02 * of* * * * * LDEF * If one ofcan the not 2N route related system IPerror trafficsituations until the is active, 2 03 from unit *index gateway is unreachable CSDAP * which * error. *piu * the LDEF 3 identification for*ETP/MCTC unit. LOPS itconfiguration is not is 4 resource 04= *Missing * *CSDAP * *configuration. RDEF * CSDAP * recommended to perform a 2N switch-over corrected. 3 unreachable gateway IPv4 address allocation attempt 05 * * * * * RDEF * LOPS WDU FBAN set to theofdisk that is not in 1 WDU index 4 identification for number update operation where failure because the has PW been configuration CSDAP attached. 06for * BCF * not * having * * any RDEF LDEF * WO-BU state. 2N Theunit diskmay be invalid and the occured. the protecting 4 5 unreachable gateway IPv6 address = Circuit Switched Dynamic Abis Pool feature is not 07 * * * * * RDEF LDEF LOPS with FBANunit canmay not change 0x2B = ETP restart protecting not be working state active. 08 *CSDAP * *level * parameter ORUN *modification * * anymore. It causes no redundant 0x2C = BSC ready to transmit traffic correctly. attempt while the feature is 09resource * = BCF * *allocation * parameter ORUN *modification * LOPS disk system in this NE. 0x2D level A failure has occurred in updating the BCF or inactive. 0A (used * * with * ETP-A/ETMA/ETPB/ETMB) * ORUN * LDEF * BSC specific parameters 0B *= BCF * unlock * * (used ORUN * ETPLDEF LOPS 0xC with to protecting Exchange Terminal for Packet 0C * * * * ORUN RDEF * * A/ETMA/ETPB/ETMB) Transport (ETP). 0D *= TRX * unlock * * (used ORUN RDEF 0x1F with ETP- * LOPS 0E * code * for * software * ORUN RDEF LDEF * ETME/ETMA/PCUM has encountered severe 1reason failure A/ETMA/ETPB/ETMB) Update to ETP is triggered when user makes 0F * * * * ORUN RDEF LDEF LOPS errors in software. modifications into radio 10 * * * URUN * * * * failure occured. 2core where fault foroccurred update phase where network which effect to ETP. Update can also be 5 identification 11 * * * URUN * * * LOPS 1 = PRFILE parameter reading failed triggered due to 12 * * message * URUN * * to LDEF * = Update ETP failed ETPx raises thecases. ETP OVERLOAD CONDITION 1 213 this is applicable onlysending for ETPT/E different restart * * * URUN * * LDEF LOPS 3this = Update message sending to Resource control IN DSP alarm when any of the is the PCU index of *the RDEF PCU affected 14 * * * URUN * * when the Program block failed ETPx's DSP core is highly overloaded. All the alarm is 15(used * *with* ETP-A/ETPB/ETMB) URUN * RDEF * LOPS HDLC pipes raised. first (maximum of four) PCU 16 * only * *the URUN * RDEF LDEF * IDs (towards PCU2D) in the overloaded DSP core in affected by* * URUN * RDEF LDEF LOPS 17 * ETPx raises the alarm when any of the ETPx's ERROR_CODE ETPT/E are blocked. the are listed. 18 ETP * * overload * URUN ORUN * * * Octeon core group is In case of ETPC, all the new CS calls on the the field is set to all FF ifORUN that PCU affected, 19 * * * URUN * is* notYou LOPS highly overloaded (i.e. HIGH OVERLOAD LIMIT aorgeneral error message of the system. can check overloaded DSP core are if the field is not applicable 1A * * * URUN ORUN * LDEF * exceeded). its meaning rejected. 1B a * * * URUN ORUNterminal * LDEF LOPS MRS ofonly the for service extension In case of ETPA, the overloaded DSP is not used 2 with this*iscommand applicable ETPT/E 1C * * URUN ORUN RDEF * * or in for new calls. this logical ORUN addressRDEF of the PCU affected 1D is * the * BCSU * Messages URUN * LOPS General Error of System when 1E * * * URUN ORUN RDEF LDEF * Note that the supplementary info fields are the onlyORUN the firstRDEF (maximum four) 1F alarm * * is *raised. URUN LDEFof LOPS relevant only if ETPE/T PCU 20 * * RDIS * * * * * has HDLC based PEP links towards PCU2-D. IDs by the* ETP listed. 21 *affected * RDIS * overload * * are LOPS the to all* FF*if that is not 22 field * *is set RDIS * PCU LDEF * affected, or is not *applicable 23 if*the *fieldRDIS * * LDEF LOPS 24 * * RDIS * * RDEF * * 3 25 this* is applicable * RDIS only * *for ETPT/E RDEF * LOPS A fault has been detected in the HW. RTM module is not in active state, which makes the system lose RTM functionality during that time. * The whole cluster is starting or restarting. The fault may be caused by the RTM module that * has been hot swapped. ******************************************************** ***************** A physical computing node does not restart 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number despite several attempts to restart it. ****************************************************************** ***** It is possible that the node may be broken, is A digital signal processing core is found to be 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number unable to restart, or is faulty because stuck. a) The core is crashed. ****************************************************************** b) The connection to the core is lost. ******* ******************************************************** c) Some internal DSP (Digital Signal Processor) A fatal failure in the plug-in unit hardware has 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number ***************** non-fatal error. been detected. d) Some internal DSP fatal error. ****************************************************************** e) The core did not startup within the specified ********* time after being unlocked. ******************************************************** The redundancy of Ethernet Programming is lost because of an 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number f) A general API (Application ***************** Ethernet failure. Interface)link error is returned. The error might have been caused by a hardware ****************************************************************** failure, that is, a A DSP CPU is found faulty incase any of its cores ****** potentially broken Ethernet port, by an unplugged is found faulty. The alarm is raised when there is a reason to 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number cable on the front ******************************************************** suspect that someone is panel of the gateway (GW) node, or if some ****************** trying to intrude on a network element. This program or user has issued condition emerges if there a command shutting down the Ethernet interface. are too manysubsequent failed login attempts. The administrative state of the named managed 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number object (MO) which can be a ******************************************************** ******************************************************** cluster, a node, or a recovery unit (RU) has ****************************************************************** **************** **************** changed to LOCKED as a result ****** of a user action graceful shutdown or lock The alarm is raised when there's any mcTC 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number operation). platform problem which is not associated to any specific alarm. mcTC platform ******************************************************** speficic problem is number ******************* is indicated in the additional field The FRU (field-replaceable unit) has been 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number removed from the system or is not healthy. ****************************************************************** ******************************************************** ****** **************** FRU is a hardware component that can be The system cannot combine the format type from 1 number of the service used removed and replaced on-site. DDFI00 with DFMFIL. 00 CDR service Typical field-replaceable units include cards, If the first supplementary information field value is power supply units, and 00 2 number of the formatting type used chassis components. and the value of the third 01, combined failed Supervision of the TCSU functional unit has 1 Index of the TCSU unit, which supervision has failed. reason is the the 3 detailed description of an error: failed. ******************************************************** format's filed ID in DDFI00 can't be found in 01 no matched field ID ***************** DFMFIL. 02 DDFI00 record open failed As a result of this situation, the operation If the value of the third supplementary provided by TCSU in question information field is is not available, or the operation is unreliable. 02, it means that the format type record in DDFI00 can't read. This alarm will cancel when the format record combined successful. During the operation of clock synchronization system, the status of each clock input reference may change, such as the priority, the current valid status and so on. In this case, During the operation of clock synchronization the clock system, some synchronization system will do the clock unexpected condition may occur on the system, reference selection such as the locked again and re-lock to the best reference. The reference is lost, all input reference become MCG(master system raisesclock this generator) plays a major role invalid or operator in the hardware clock alarm just to make the announcement that clock forbade the use of locked reference. In this case, synchronization. synchronization It will lock to the input reference the locked with best system has just been locked to another reference will get lost. As loss of synchronization quality which is determined by the parameters reference. During the operation of clock synchronization signal will provided by clock system, hardware bring negative impact on the system business, synchronization software. Therefore the clock synchronization software will lock to a this alarm will be connectivity and reference generatedand immediately to report the problem.. communication with MCG should be ensured. If distribute the signal to backplane. The blades If IP ofreasons, one active IUA connection missed, this forthe some which is in need alarm there'sraise. a problem in connecting with MCG or of the clock signal will try to lock to the signal and command sent to MCG use this failed many times, then this alarm will be raised signal for their own business. This procedure is to report BCSU or this BCXU Load has exceeded the called clock error.. threshold value. distribution. If there's an error in clock distribution, such as BSC updated somehas blades haveBTS failedMeasurement to lock to theAveraging distributed to value 2 for all or clock signal, Master or remote BSC sets this alarm if ETPSIGsome of the of thetoBCSU or BCXU. this alarm willTRXs bean raised c supervision of ETPC report the error.. fails. 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number ****************************************************************** ***** 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number ****************************************************************** ***** 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number ****************************************************************** ***** 1flexi Platform specific Problem Number ****************************************************************** ***** 1 unit type identification 2 unit index identification 3 IP of the IUA connection 1 identifies the BCSU or BCXU the load of which has exceeded the threshold. 2 indicates the configured threshold. 1 D-Channel Number of the Failed ETPC. 3 indicates the time for which BCSU or BCXU has exceeded the threshold. As a result of this situation, the operation BSC has detected that the license for Local 1 the error which caused the alarm: provided by ETPC in question Switching is enabled, but error code '0' - SharedSecret is not available is not available, or the operation is unreliable. either the SharedSecret or the MSISDN file is not error code '1' - MSISDN file is not available available. There is some misconfiguration related to Error Code '0' - SharedSecret is not available repaging delay values in MSC/SGSN Error Code '1' - MSISDN file is not available when precise paging feature is active. 1 MSC/SGSN REPAGING DELAY SET IN BSC Dynamic memory allocation for a feature has failed. The feature will not work. 1 feature allocating memory dynamically. Too many PCUs configured to gateway or Hosting signaling unit. 1 functional unit type 2 functional unit identifier There is conflict with BCSU or BCXU configuration compared to Creating Not enough stand-by units are configured for the and Managing BSC Hardware documentation. functional units of BSC signalling units may be loaded unequally. the alarm object unit type. The alarm object unit is replaceable N+1 redundant and is configured as a child unit of the module_type, and the module_type is classified as module level redundancy, which means the NE configuration shall include enough stand-by units so that all child units in any module can be switched over without traffic degradation in case of module failure. If the user has configured recovery redundant 2 EXPANDING DELAY SET IN BSC 3role of BCSU or BCXU unit for PCU: 1 unit type of the module 01 Gateway 2 number of stand-by units needed 02 Host 3 currently configured number of stand-by units Conflict situation in BSC application due to new recovery action before completing the previous recovery action 1functional unit type 2functional unit identifier ******************************************************** ****************************************************************** Failure in OAM link due to Local Lost Link Timer 1 identifies the unit type **************** ***** expiration or failed discovery process in ETPE. 2 identifies the unit index This alarm is raised if the templet file corrupts when the process receives a specific message. When this alarm occurs, it means that the templet file has one or some problems. The supervised ip address is unreachable. The Supplementary information system cannot route ip traffic to the supervised ip fields identify the name of templet file and address erroneous type. until the configuration has been corrected. The error can be, for example, the checksum was This alarm by is raised if the adoption of calculated software virtualization configures routine is not unit consistent with the packed failed wheninthe checksum filetemplate header. is found and the updating of the configuration file is finished. When this alarm occurs, it means Ethernet OAM Critical Event exists with remote that the adoption of node on Link Layer configuration file has one or more problems. Supplementary information fields identify the unit information and erroneous BSC this alarm type. sets The error can when the simultaneously traced be, for and/or example, the checksum was calculated by observed connections software routine is not at a time is above the configured PRFILE parameter consistent with the packed checksum in file "MAXSIMULCSTRACES". header. Sync unit is not alive. Operations for sync unit will time-out. Units or NE will lose clock source and become unlocked. 1-15 the detail name of templet file. 3 the reason for raising the alarm for instance: VMATMPGX.IMG 00 - Local Lost Link Timer Expired 01 - Discovery Timeout Timer Expired 16 error code indicating the fault reason. error detected: 1 type of plug-in unit 01 the templet file doesn't exist 02 the checksum mismatch 2 index of plug-in unit etc. 3 unreachable supervised IPv4 address 1-15 the detail name of configuration file. for instance: VMAxxxGX.IMG 4 unreachable supervised IPv6 address 16 the detail type of unit 1 port number. 17 the detail index of unit 2 the critical link event type reported by the remote node 18 error code indicating the fault reason. 00 - Link Fault error detected: 01 - Dying Gasp 1 01the count of simultaneous CS L3 MESSAGE and configuration file load failure 02 - Critical Event radio reporting 02 measurements checksum mismatch in BSC. 03 configuration failed 04 internal data error. 05 time out etc. Sync unit pll mode lost lock. Units or NE become unlocked. Sync unit reference becomes NOK when this reference has been set priority. Unit or NE may lose clock signal reference. 1 the reference id with priority that becomes NOK The alarm is set when the plug-in unit type detected in DHCP message is different from that configured in HW equipment database. The alarm is set when one of following The PCU2 has not been able to recover from a operations is done. digital signal processor 1. Replace BMPP2_A and BMPP2_B card (DSP) failure. with each other. 2. Replace BOC_A card with BMPP2_A/B Due to the failure, the signal processor and the card. data channels 3. Replace BMPP2_A/B card with BOC_A handled by it are out of use. System has blocked card. the failed DSP and the PCU continues to serve traffic with decreased capacity 1 plug-in unit type in DHCP DISCOVER message 2 unit type in HW equipment database 3 unit index in HW equipment database 1 slot position number of the faulty plug-in unit in the cartridge. 0xFF means that the slot position number is not available 2 plug-in unit index of the faulty plug-in unit in the cartridge 3 number of the faulty DSP (0...7) All Operators' A-Interface Signaling Connections are lost. All Operators' SGSNs do not support MOCN.If the MOCN feature is not enabled in the SGSN, then GBADMI raises alarm 'ALL SGSNS DO NOT SUPPORT MOCN'. This alarm is set when Distributed Data Storage (DHT) framework encounters one of the following errors: * Invalid or inconsistent DHT configuration files (RIGFIL) This alarm indicates that the event triggered * DHT manager could not open, initialize or symptom data collection is distribute fragment failed. allocation file (DHFFIL) * DHT resolver error (DHFFIL cannot be This alarm indicates that the event triggered accessed) symptom data collection is Already started and it alarm is ongoing. This alarm is a 3-star since any of the listed problems may lead to serious functional errors DHT client This alarm indicates that in the PCU2 memory applications or database dump is already started and it inconsistency. is ongoing. Integrity check of the Digit analysis files has found corruption in the file structure. The Digit analysis file structure has broken due to some interruption or an unexpected failure The traffica connection lost. UDP Connection lost in configuration between GISU and IPDU. change. A part of the configured Digit analysis is not available in call The traffica unit iscongestion overloaded. set-ups. Thishandler may cause for calls In caseuse VLRU, GISU is overloaded only which the Digit the affected reports ofAlso the some specific unitanalysis will be analysis in question. Digit suspended. configuration commands In case IPDU is overloaded traffica may work if the faulty filethose locations arereports This not alarm indicates that the internal singlebelong to handled. homed SCTP association traffica connection handled by unit in question will between signaling unit and IP director unit is not be suspended. available. Either new internal connection could not be established The unit has not responded to a supervision or working internal message sent by connection has failed. the supervisory unit in the specified time. When this alarm is active the services provided Alarm setbalancer when IPD unit cannot select a H.248 by the is load controlling unitin forthe a alarm fields may be severely type indicated given MGW. Controlling unit selection or redisrupted. selection may be needed due to following reasons: * MGW has established SCTP association to MSS * GRSD flag is set for the current controlling unit * connection lost towards the current controlling unit due to H.248 load balancer application heartbeat failure * MAC address of current controlling unit could not be resolved after controlling unit SWO 1 network Service Entity Identifier. 2 packet Service Entity Identifier Packet Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a NSE (Packet 1 indicates the event during which the alarm is triggered. Control Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/or the NSEs of a Possible PCU (Multipoint values: Gb). 1 - DHT config file (RIGFIL) could not be opened. CAUSE_CODE 1 this indicates the Profile XML file name contains reason (used for debugging) 2 2 - DHT fragment allocation file (DHFFIL) could not error code for the failure be opened. 1 this indicates the profile XML file name. CAUSE_CODE contains reason (used for 3 debugging) profile status when the error was encountered 2 unit whichmanager trigger was met 3 in- DHT could not initialize DHFFIL ring 4 computer unit in which the error occurred record. 1 unit address of BCSU where the PCU is located CAUSE_CODE contains reason (used for 5 plug-in unit index for which error was encountere. 3 identification of the trigger which was met as specified debugging), INFO 2 piu index Relevant onlyofifPCU in the XML contains ring ID operation is related to a plug-in PCU unit file 1 location of the first detected fault:CAUSE_CODE 4 - DHFFIL distribution failed. 6 plug-in unit type for which error was encountere. 00 ALYSPO 4 identification of the plug_in unit index for which which contains reason. Relevant only if the 01 between ALYSPO and DGANAT operation is related to a plug-in PCU unit 02 trigger occurred 5 -DGANAT DHT resolver could not open DHFFIL fragment 03 between DGANAT and DSNFIL allocation 1 of the IPDU unit during which which was not available for Traffica 7 id 04 profile operaton error was encountered. DSNFIL 5 identification of the plug-in unit type for which which file. CAUSE_CODE contains reason (used for reporting 05 between DSNFIL and QOBALT the debugging) 06 QOBALT trigger occurred 07 for other 2 used debugging purpose. Meaning/value depends 1 of the reporting unit which noticed the overload on type OPERATION. 2 Possible highest severity values: of the fault(s) 2 id 00 of the reporting unit which noticed the overload minor 0xffff - not defined 01 major 02type notof classified 3 for debugging purpose. Meaning/value depends 1 used the the affected Load-Balancing service. on OPERATION. 3 Possible total count of the values: Possible value is: detected faults - not 1 -0xffff H248 LBSdefined 5 - Diameter LBS 1 type of the unit which has failed to acknowledge the supervision. 2 description of the failure situation. If the object unit of the alarm is different from the unit given in Possible values are: this field, it means that the defect is in the object unit of 1 the ID of- the MGWinternal for which controlling unit selection 0x0000 working single-homed SCTP the alarm has failed to IP association director unit has failed. 2 index of the unit which has failed to acknowledge the 2 type of the original controlling unit. Possible values: supervision. SIGU (0x15C) 0x0001 - internal single-homed SCTP association to IP If the object unit of the alarm is different from the unit CCSU (0x7) director given in undefined (0xFE, initial selection failure case) unit could not for be established. this field, it means that the defect is in the object unit of the alarm 3 index of -the original primary unit. Possible values: a 0x0002 listening point for internal single-homed valid SCTPunit association 3 current_active_with_no_backup =0x01; index ifcould re-selection has failed or director 0xFFFFunit. (undefined) in not be opened at IP [0] - The current shelf manager is active with no backup case current_active_with_backup = 0x02; of initial selection failure 0x0003 - no internal listening IP address of the [1] - The current shelf manager is active with a backup referenced type of current_is_backup = 0x04; 4 indicates event in which triggered controllingfor unit LBSthe is found the LBS's configuration the The link local supervision failed. The supervised link-local address cannot receive the supervision until the configuration has been corrected. When CPU temperature or ambient temperature The alarm may be reported on different interfaces has exceeded the upper of DMX units. limit, the CPU p-state will be tuned automatically For WO-CMM unit, EL0 works as the heartbeat by system so that engine. the temperature will be kept within a reasonable This alarmDMX indicates iscsiare initiator For other units,that the native interfaces underhas range. initiator connection supervision. related fault, in most of the cases can't Some operations described belowthis canalarm help for be recovered by troubleshooting. itself, and need operator to check the This alarm indicates that native iscsi initiator has configuration and reconfigure it. network connection related failure. In most cases it should be Note: This alarm is caused by target rejecting the recovered when the network connection or backbone is online. Set of addresses provided byfrom the SCTP initiator getting authorization target peer side. during the initial transport The recoverable layer handshake procedure does not strictly situation is caused by interface down. match the configured set of peer addresses. This alarm indicates that activity mode check of RNC SERVICE with The affected SCTP association and the associated peer PRNC is failed. application which uses it might not function correctly, even the association might Activity mode check is performed in the following RTCP DL connection lost is detected in Abe rejected by the situations: interface overperformed IP u-plane. system. The action depends on the 1) Backup PRNC perform activity check on value of PRFILE 2:2239. system restart spontaneously, if activity mode of any created RNC SERVICE is If the reported leg setup error ratio exceeds the active. threshold set with the UFUTIL service terminal activity extension fromonthe 2) Protected PRNC perform check WO-EX CACU spontaneously, or RSMU system restart within an 1-minute this alarm reported. if activity mode ofwindow, RNC SERVICE is is active. This alarm is related to commercial support of IMS emergency call. If the leg setup error ratio drops below the The alarm is raised when the UE is establishing a threshold within an non-emergency PDN 1-minute window, this alarm is canceled. Connection (and default bearer) with the Attach This alarm is related to MSS failure in pool for or Packet Data Network SRVCC feature. Connectivity activation procedure for the This alarm is raised when all the IP addresses emergency Allocation Retention configured towards Priority (ARP) level value and the IMS an MSS are unavailable. When CPU call temperature ambient(imsEmeCall temperature emergency feature isorenabled has been below lower feature status is the True). limit, the CPU p-state will be tuned automatically by system so that the temperature will be kept within a reasonable This alarm is related to the S1 interface and only range. used after the S1 interface has been configured. This alarm is raised when the S1 interface is shut down by the fns interface delete CLI command. 1 EL0 EL1 2 01 - Interface status is incorrect 1 00 CPU temperature 02 - Supervision unreachable 01 ambient temperature 3 reserved for future use. 2 the upper limit temperature of given temperature zone 1 configuration profile name for failing iscsi initiator 3 the lower limit temperature of given temperature zone 2 general error message of the system. You can check 4 the temperature of given temperature zone which its meaning with trigger the alarm a command of the service terminal extension MRS or in 1 raising configuration profile name for failing iscsi initiator the General Error Messages of System 2 message of thebefore system. canwas check 5 general the CPUerror p-state information theYou alarm its meaning with raised a command of the service terminal extension MRS or in the General 6 the CPU p-state which has been tuned by thermal Error Messages of System management module in given unit after the alarm was raised 1 RNCSRV ID of the RNC SERVICE 2 PRNC ID of the associated peer PRNC 1 MGW termination point IP address. 3 reason of the alarm 01 = No RNC Cluster O&M Interface established 1 the02 last= leg errorfrom peer PRNC No setup response 03 = Nack received from peer PRNC 2 error ratio threshold 3 the error ratio in 1 minute 1 the ID of the MSS of which all IP addresses are unavailable 1 00 CPU temperature 01 ambient temperature 2 the upper limit temperature of given temperature zone 1 the cause used to indicate the shutdown type 3 the lower limit temperature of given temperature zone 1 permanent shutdown 4 the temperature of given temperature zone which 2 temporarily shutdown trigger the alarm 3 limited shutdown raising 5 the CPU p-state information before the alarm was raised 6 the CPU p-state which has been tuned by thermal management module in given unit after the alarm was raised The fallback copying of the Backup Physical mcBSC System that is being background-processed in the mcBSC was interrupted because of an error. The fallback Backup Physical mcBSC system There is no bootable media. cannot be used. OR Local boot error is detected while executing from flash (on BMPP2-B plug-in unit). Non-bootable diskette is in drive. OR Network boot error is detected (on BMPP2-B plug-in unit). The PXE Server is not found. OR Activation of backup image and boot failure is detected (on BMPP2-B plug-in unit). When there is invalid boot sector,the alarm will be set. On BMPP2-B plug-in unit, when permanent boot failure is detected and no more images to try, this alarm Automatic configuration of the static route has will also been failed for PCU2-D be set. in PCU2 pooling. Logical PCUs within the same PCU2-D PIU cannot transfer PDUs to each The free space in the route table of SWU unit other within the PCU pool if static route is not (Radisys AHUB3_A and created for both PCUs. DASAN AHUB3_B) has been critically reduced, If PDU transferring to target PCU fails, that might and the route table causes GPRS outage is almost full. The free space in the route table of SWU unit in BSC. (Radisys AHUB3_A and The usage of route table is higher than the DASAN AHUB3_B) has been reduced. default critical limit. The usage of route table is higher than the The incoming signal with this particular SDH default disturbance limit. interface is missing. There are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or the traffic has been completely prevented. The incoming SDH signal has a different path trace identifier than expected. This should mean that the SDH path is not originating from the expected source. The traffic on that SDH path The SDH interface receives frames which have does not work. an incorrect frame pattern (A1 and A2 bytes). There are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH transmission link, or the traffic has been The SDH interface receives frames which have completely prevented. an incorrect AU (Administrative Unit) pointer. There are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or the traffic has been completely prevented. 1 the phase of the Backup Physical mcBSC System fallback copying where the error occurred: 01 fallback copying of the Base build 02 fallback copying of the Backup builds 1 type of field replaceable unit 2 the mcBSC ID that identifies the Protected Physical mcBSC related 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is to the Backup build in fallback copying. This field is located 1 type of field replaceable unit invalid when error occurs at the phase of Base build copying 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located 2 the cabinet which the build plug-in unit is that 3 number the Baseofbuild directoryinor Backup directory located is in 1 type of field replaceable unit fallback copying when the error occurred 4 slot number of the FRU 3 number of the shelf in the which thesituation plug-in unit is 4 code describing error that ledlocated 2 error number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit isto the interruption of the Backup Physical mcBSC System located 5 module typereplaceable of the FRU (unit e.g. AMC ) 1 type of field fallback copying. 4 You slot can number of its themeaning FRU check with a command of the 2 number of the cabinet in which the plug-in unit is service terminal 3 number of the shelf in which plug-in unit is located 6 module number for ipmc OR the index of amc located extension MRS or in the General Error Messages of 5 type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) System 1 module Packet Service Entity Identifier. 3 number of the shelf in which the plug-in unit is located Service Entity groups together the PCUs of a 4 slot number of the FRU 7 Packet sensor number NSE (Packet 4 slot number of the 6 Control module number forFRU ipmc OR index amc Unit (PCU2) Pooling)) and/orofthe Network Service Entities 5 module type of the FRU ( e.g. AMC ) 8 identification name for the sensor 1 threshold critical routing usage 5 the module type ofofthe FRUalarm ( e.g.for AMC ) of a PCU (Multipoint Gb). If Gb over IP is not in use, 7 the sensor number value of the field is 0xFF. 6 module number for ipmc OR index of amc 6 module number ipmc OR index of amc 2 the amount offor total routing 2 Logical index of the PCU. 7 number 8 identification name for the sensor 1 sensor the threshold of disturbance alarm for routing usage 3 Control Unit Identifier. 7 Packet sensor number 8 identification name for the sensor A BSC internal identifier of the logical PCU. System 2 the amount of total routing gives this identifier whenname the PCU logical object is created. 8 identification for the sensor 1 fault detected: 01 on the optical module of the SDH interface 4 02 Cause code: on the framer of the SDH interface 01 Automatic static route creation has failed 02 Automatic static route deletion has failed 1 03 number of the SDH path in question. Routing PCU configuration error 5 General error code of the system. 1 number of the path, on which the loss of AU pointer occured The network interface receives frames whose ATM cells cannot be recognized. There are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH or PDH transmission link in question, or the traffic has The SDH interface receives an AU-AIS been completely (Administrative Unit - Alarm prevented. Indication Signal) signal. Frames with a faulty AU pointer have been detected on the SDH transmission link. There are The SDH interface receives an MS-RDI disturbances in the (Multiplex Section-Remote Defect traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or Indication) signal. The signal is cut on the SDH the traffic has transmission link, or been completely prevented. faulty frames are received. There are The SDH interface receives an HP-RDI (Higher disturbances in the traffic of the Order Path-Remote Defect SDH transmission link in question, or the traffic Indication) signal. Frames with a faulty AU has been completely (Administrative Unit) pointer prevented. have been detected on the SDH transmission Transmission equipment has set an alarm which link. There are disturbances is not defined in in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in the BSC alarm system. A disturbance in the Q1 question, or the traffic service channel may has been completely prevented. also have caused the alarm. The connection to Location Measurement Unit (LMU) is lost. Either the Q1 This alarm may affect the performance of the service channel to LMU is not functional or the BSC transmission equipment settings of LMU itself fault management. are defective. There may also be erroneus The signal of the SDH VC-3 or VC-4 path is information in the unequipped. The path signal transmission equipment file (Q1EQUI). label byte (C2) and the path trace byte (J1), and BIP-8 byte (B3) in the The location requests to this LMU area can't be SDH path overhead (POH) all have the value The incoming SDH signal has a different performed. zero. The path is unusable regeneration section trace for the traffic transport. identifier than expected. This should mean that the SDH signal of the interface is not originating from the expected The alarm is set if the canceled license list file is source. The traffic missing when on the interface does not work. the system starts up. It means the file is corrupted or has been removed. After setting the alarm, the system The threshold for errors in the SDH signal has creates a new empty been exceeded. There is canceled license list file, and cancels the alarm Signal Fail (SF) condition in the SDH automatically. transmission link in question and the traffic has been completely prevented. The This alarm is raised when ATM-layer OAM BER threshold for SF can (Operations, Administrations be checked with command YAI. and Maintenance) is receiving a VP- or VC-level alarm indication signal (AIS). When this alarm occurs, it means that the This alarm is raised when ATM-layer OAM ATM connection in (Operations, Administrations question is out of use. Supplementary and Maintenance) is receiving a VP- or VC-level information fields identify the remote defect indication erroneous connection. The error can be, for signal (RDI). When this alarm occurs, it means example, in the physical that the ATM connection link. in question is out of use. Supplementary information fields identify the erroneous connection. The error can be, for example, in the physical link. 1 number of the path, on which the loss of cell delineation occurred. This is valid only if the transmission link is based on SDH. 1 number of the path, from which the AU path ais signal was received 1 number of the SDH path in question. 1 Q1 address of the piece of transmission equipment 2 the functional entity number specifies a physical unit of the transmission equipment, for example a plug-in unit or 1 identifier of the affected LMU area a daughter board. The number can be 0...254 2 identifier of the BCF where the affected LMU is located 3 the supervision block number specifies the faulty 3 identification of BTS 1 partnumber of the of the path, on which the signal is unequipped functional entity, for example a certain line interface 4 identifier of the TRX containing the affected LMU or component 5 type of the affected LMU 4 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC, 0...27 6 index of the affected LMU 5 name of the piece of transmission equipment. Not included if the name is in the alarm object field of the alarm printout. For more information, see the Alarm Structure reference manual 6 number of the piece of transmission equipment. Not 1 errors included detected:if the index is in the alarm object field of the alarm printout. For more information, see the 01 in multiplexer section Alarm Structure reference manual 02 in path level 7 original Q1SDH faultpath codeinreceived 2number of the question.from the 1 ATM interface identifier transmission equipment 2 virtual path identifier 3 virtual channel identifier 1 ATM interface identifier 4 OAM flow type to identify the OAM level (f3, f4s, f4e, 2 virtual path identifier f5s, f5e) of the connection for which the RDI signal is received: 3 virtual channel identifier 01 Segment VP level 4 OAM flow type to identify the OAM level (f3, f4s, f4e, 02 End-to-end VP level f5s, f5e) 03 Segment VC level of the connection for which the RDI signal is received: 04 End-to-end VC level 01 Segment VP level 02 End-to-end VP level 03 Segment VC level 04 End-to-end VC level The SDH interface receives frames which have an incorrect multiframe pattern (H4 byte). There are disturbances in the traffic of the SDH transmission link, or the traffic has been The SDH interface receives an TU-AIS (Tributary completely prevented. Unit - Alarm Indication Signal) signal. Frames with a faulty TU pointer have been detected on the SDH transmission link. There are The SDH interface receives an LP-RDI (Lower disturbances in the Order Path-Remote Defect traffic of the SDH transmission link in question, or Indication) signal. There are disturbances the traffic has in the traffic of the SDH transmission link in been completely prevented. question, or the traffic Associated data has degraded in the sense that has been completely prevented. the signal degrade (SD) condition is active in the SDH transmission. There are disturbances in the physical layer traffic flow of The SDH interface receives frames which have the SDH an incorrect TU transmission. (Tributary Unit) pointer. There are disturbances in the traffic of If SD is detected on multiplex section level and the SDH transmission link in question, or the The incoming SDH signal has a different lower multiplex section traffic has been completely order path is trace identifier protection in use, protection switching should prevented. than expected. take place if This should mean that the SDH path is notpriority originating from are active. no higher requests the expected source. The traffic on that SDH path Software download to a group of transmission does not work. equipment has failed. The result is that new software build is neither downloaded nor activated in the transmission equipment group. The signal of the SDH lower-order virtual container path (VC11/VC12) is unequipped due to the zero values in relevent SDH lower-order path overhead(POH) bytes.Due to this effected lower The SDH interface receives frames, which have a order path is unusable signal type identifier for the traffic transport. (Asynchronous, Bit synchronous and Byte synchronous) that does not correspond to intended signal.The signal label The operational state of the ATM interface has mismatch happens at the changed to disabled. lower order path signal.There is either traffic The ATM interface cannot work normally because disturbances on the SDH there are defects in the transmission link, or the traffic is completely physical link, for example, loss of signal. A fault has on been in a DSP unit of a congested thedetected link. TR3E or a TR3A plug-in unit. 1 number of the high order path, from which loss of multiframe received 1 number of the SDH high order path number corresponding to lower order path 1 number of the SDH high order path number 2 number of the path, from which the TU path ais signal corresponding to was received lower order path 1 indicates the level where the defect has been detected 2 number of the SDH Low order path in question 01 multiplex section 02 higher order path 2 number of the higher order path in question 1 number of the SDH high order path number corresponding to lower order path 1 number of the SDH high order path number(VC3/VC4) 2 number of the SDH Low order path in question corresponding to lower order path 2 number of the path, on which the Trace mismatch 1 network element group identification. detected 2 general error message of the system. You can check its meaning with a command of the service terminal extension MRS or in 1 number of the SDH high order path number(VC3/VC4) General Error corresponding to Message of System. lower order path 3 BCF identification number of the Q1 bus. 2 number of the path, on which the signal is unequipped 1 Ifnumber of the SDH high orderby path the equipment is supervised thenumber(VC3/VC4) BSC, the BCF corresponding number is not to lower order path relevant. 2 number of number the lower path in question 4 tranceiver oforder the Q1 bus. 1 ATM interface identifier If the equipment is supervised by the BSC, the TRX number is not relevant. 1 type of the plug-in unit 5 number of the Q1 service channel in the BSC, 0...27. If the equipment is supervised by the BTS, the channel 2 index of the plug-in unit number is not relevant 3 index of the failed DSP unit A DSP unit of a TR3E or a TR3A plug-in unit has 1 type of the plug-in unit 6 Q1 address of the piece of transmission equipment. been blocked with a 4 first bit in the Ater interface that is connected to the command given from the local user interface. 2 index of the plug-in unit failed DSP unit 3 index of the blocked DSP unit 5 last bit in the Ater interface that is connected to the 4 the first bit in the Ater interface that is connected to the failed blocked DSP unit DSP unit 5 the last bit in the Ater interface that is connected to the 6 failure type: blocked DSP unit 0 loading of program code fails 1 signalling message traffic to DSP unit blocked 2 switching of channels fails One of the external synchronisation plug-in units of a TCSM3i cabinet has detected a fault and has set an alarm to the supervising transcoder unit. Congestion percentage exceeds the limit. The value of the limit is defined in General Parameter File (PRFILE) parameter CONGEST_ALARM_LIMIT (002:1197). The operation mode of the unit has been changed to plesiochronous either with an MML command given by the user or due to a failure in all the external synchronisation signals. Slips occur The system has detected that the bus between generally in the the synchronisation units plesiochronous operation mode. The number of is defective. The other synchronisation unit may slips depends on the also be faulty. The correctness of the control word value which is in fault does not have a direct effect on the The system has detected that the incoming the synchronisation functioning of the network synchronisation signal is unit. The situation is serious if the control word of element. However, the defective bus will make defective or missing. The fault does not affect the the synchronisation the recovery of the system traffic capacity unit has drifted of too far from its correct value. more difficult in some faults of the the network element. The type of the optical synchronisation units. Small Form Factor If the change to the plesiochronous operation Pluggable (SFP) transceiver is In caseoccurred the synchronisation is not the one mode as acause result a signal incorrect. This may traffic cut-off or according of a failuretoinwhich thethe synchronisation signals, it may disturbances in the system is currently synchronising, the fault either be due to a traffic. For this reason the optical SFP transceiver The frame unitof(FU) has detected a dataintransfer does not affect the complete lack signals or to a change its in question has to check sum error in the synchronisation in any way. frequency. be replaced with a correct type of an SFP data which comes in from the carrier unit (CU). transceiver. This alarm the returns In case the concerns synchronisation signal the one that The synchronisation unit inisthe redundant or diversity datamode link between the CU the system is plesiochronous operation The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer and thetoFU, which goes currently using, the system will automatically slowly the nominal frequency if it is able to use check sum error in the via the redundant or diversity FQHU or DFHU. choose the next suitable the long-term mean data which comes in from the carrier unit (CU). incoming synchronisation signal.word is changed of thealarm control word. The This concerns the control This alarm has two categories: non-fatal (no a few times in a minute redundant or diversity data link between the CU The carrier unitincoming has detected that no datasignals is effect onallservice) and In case synchronisation when returning to the nominal frequency. and the FU,the which goes coming in from the frame fatal (an effect on service). This alarm is fatal in are faulty, the system via the redundant or diversity FQHU or DFHU. unit (via the FQHU or the DFHU) to the carrier the following cases: will synchronise itself according to the signal As the synchronisation unit does not know the unit. The frequency carrier unitof the generated by absolute This alarm hasthe two categories: non-fatal (no reports this alarm to the frame unit. -oscillator The number of the data transfer sum of its own clock unit. incoming signal, itand can also reject acheck signal that of The carrier unit has detected a wrong number effect on service) errors in the primary link has the correct bytes in the data fatal (an effect on service). This alarm is fatal in This alarmifaffects the provided service. exceeds the specified limitframe and there is athe fatal frequency the synchronisation unit's which is coming in from the unit own (via the following cases: alarm in the frequency is outside FQHU or the DFHU) the FU diversity/redundant link. normal controlunit. range. However, the alarm sum is the carrier Thedata carrier unit reports this -to The number the transfer The carrier unit of has detected a datacheck transfer usually cancelled as the alarm to the redundant/ errors in check sum errorincludes inthe the The frame unit all transfer control baseband -synchronisation The number ofunit data check sum returns to the and nominal frame unit. diversity link exceeds the specified limit(via and data which comes in from the frame unit the functions errors in the primary frequency in the there is a fatal alarm FQHU or DFHU) toand related to the each speech connection. The frame link exceeds the specified limit and the plesiochronous mode detects the signal to This alarm does not affect the provided service. the primary link.carrier theincorrect carrier unit. The unit reports this alarm unit diversity/redundant link board be about twenty The consists frame in unit controller (FUCx) has to the frame unit. of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and is not equipped. minutes or so. detected that noofdata is transfer FU - The number the data check sum two coming inthe from the digital signalling processing errors in redundant/ This alarm has two categories: non-fatal (no identical digital signal processing units. The fatality limits can be found in document unit (DSPx) to the The frame unit includes all control and baseband diversity link exceeds effect on service) and the specified limit and Digital BTS FUC FUCx. functions the linkon is service). The fatality depends fatalprimary (an effect FUCx Monitoring Interface, B61 S60005CE related to each speech connection. The frame not equipped. on the number of (C3_FHI_A_ERR). This alarm affects the provided service. unit consists alarms during SACCHboard, multiframe. The frame unitan controller FUCx, handles of three digital boards: a found frame in unit controller and The fatality limits can be document the signalling FU FU two Digital BTS FUC The fatality be found in document between thelimits basecan station controller and the identical digital signalB61 processing units. Monitoring Interface, S60005CE Digital BTS FUC mobile station. The frame unit includes all control and The frame unit includes all control and baseband baseband (C3_FHI_B_ERR). Monitoring Interface, B61 S60005CE The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE functions functions FUCx (C3_FHI_A_ERR). and theto DSPxs related each related to each speech speech connection. connection. The The frame frame FU and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. unit consists unit consists The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles FU of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and of three digital frame unitand controller and the signalling The frame unit boards: includesaall control baseband 1 index of the external synchronisation plug-in unit 0d...1d 2 alarm number of the alarm set by the external synchronisation 1 virtual MGW identifier in the MGW where congestion plug-in unit occurred alarm number can be one of the following 2 current total congestion percentage (congestion events' 1 index 2040of the external synchronisation plug-in unit relation to total number of events) exceeds the limit 0d...1d 2057 configured with PRFILE parameter 2603 CONGEST_ALARM_LIMIT (002:1197) 2631 2632of the external synchronisation plug-in unit 1 index 2633 0d...1d 2634 2635 2636 1 index 2637of the external synchronisation plug-in unit 0d...1d 2638 2639 2 synchronisation signal 2640 2641 1 the identifier of the plane in which the optical module 012642 2M1 exists. 02 2M2 The possible values are: 2M3data related to the alarm set by the external 3-903 alarm 04 2M4 synchronisation 00: front plane plug-in unit 1-605 FS1 XX XX XX XX XX XX 01: back plane 2 3 4 5 6 061FS2 rack (cabinet) number input 4) below type of3.7 unitkHz 3 001)frequency of connected 2 the index of the incorrect optical SFP transceiver 2)frequency shelf number 5) unitover number 01 of connected input 4.5 kHz 1-6 XXThe XX XX XX XX XX module. slot 6) subunit number 023) frequency of connected input over 3.7 kHz and 1 2 3index 4 5 values 6 module begin from 00, which is the below 4.5 kHz, uppermost module. See document Alarm Alarm Reference but itthe differs from the rightStructure, frequency 1)module rack (cabinet) type of module unit The with thenumber index 01 is4)the next placed Manual. 102)synchronisation input of NIU or TBU is faulty shelf number 5) unit number under the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot00, and so on. 6) subunit number module 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The frame unit controller board has detected that the digital signalling processing unit attempts to send too much data to the carrier unit (via the FQHU or the DFHU). The frame unit has detected that no data is coming in from the carrier This alarm does not affect the provided service. unit (CU) to the frame unit (FU). This alarm concerns the primary data FU link between the CU and the FU, which goes via The frame unit has detected that no data is the primary FQHU or DFHU. coming in from the carrier The frame unit includes all control and baseband unit (CU) to the frame unit (FU). This alarm functions This alarm affects the provided service. concerns redundant or related to the each speech connection. The frame diversity data link between CU and FU, which unit consists The FU data clock signal from the BIE 1 (Base goes viadigital the redundant of three boards: aorframe unit controller and Station Interface Equipment) diversity FQHU or DFHU. two is missing. If theincludes clock signal is missing, data The frame unit all control and baseband identical signal processing units. cannot bedigital transferred functions This alarm affects the provided service. between FUCx and connection. BIE 1. related tothe each speech frame The data clock signal from the BIE 2The (Base FUCx unit consists Station Interface Equipment) FU The fatality of this alarma depends oncontroller whether and a of three digital boards: frame is missing. If the clock signal is unit missing, data The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles redundant BIE is two cannot be transferred The frame unit includes all control and baseband the signalling installed. identical digital signal processing units. between the FUCx and BIE 2. functions base station controller The data clock signals from the BIE1and andthe BIE2 related to each speech connection. The frame mobile station. (Base station Interface FU FUCx The fatality of thisall alarm depends on whether a unit consists FUCx relays traffic between the are BIE Equipment) are missing. If data the clock signals redundant BIE boards: is of three digital a frame unit controller and and the DSPxs missing, data The frame unitcannot includes control and baseband controllerall board, FUCx, handles installed. two and between the DSPxsthis andframe the carrier unit.and be transferred between unit (FU) functions the signalling An error is detected in the testing of the driver identical digital signal processing units. BSC. related to each speech connection. frame between the base station controller The and the circuits of BIE's FU DSPx unit consists mobile station. link A. Data can not be transferred between the FUCx This alarm affects thetraffic provided service. of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and The relays all between the BIE BIE and the FUCx The 1FUCx frame unit includes all data control andDSPx, baseband digital signalling processing unit, two and the DSPxs iffunctions theframe driver circuits of linkboard, A are faulty. The controller FUCx, performs allunit An is detected inprocessing theand testing of thehandles driver FU error identical digital signal units. and between the DSPxs the carrier unit. related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling baseband operations for traffic data, for example, circuits of the The fatality ofbase this alarm depends onand whether a unit consists between the station controller the encryption, BIE's link B.unit Data can not transferred between The frame includes allbe control and baseband FUCx DSPx redundant BIE is decoding of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. decryption, coding, and demodulation the BIE 2 and functions installed. two The FUCx all traffic data the BIE and combining of the FUCx ifrelays the controller driver circuits of between link BDSPx, are faulty. related to each speech connection. The frame The frame unit board, FUCx, handles digital signalling processing unit, LAPD link to the BSC was disconnected due to identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. unit consists the signalling performs allLink link failure. FU and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. and The fatality ofbase this alarm oncontroller whether a of three digital boards: a depends frame unit between the station controller and thealarm baseband operations for traffic for example, re-establishment from the BTS data, failed. The FUCx CU redundant BIE is two mobile station. encryption, is of frame unit includes all control and baseband The DSPx installed. identical digital signal processing units. The FUCx relays alldecoding traffic data between decryption, coding, and demodulation the event type, and the LAPD linkradio is the re- BIE functions The frame unit controller board, carrier unit (CU) isconnection located inFUCx, the The speech and data to thehandles specified and the DSPxs combining of established right after related toineach connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, interface GSM time slot isspeech faulty FU FUCx and between the the carrier unit. RF signals inbase case of and antenna diversity. receiving the DSPxs SABME message from unit consists between the station controller and the performs all the BTS. The main function of the CU is tothe in the base station interface. The frame unit BSC, containing the correct of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations forall traffic data, forbaseband example, convert the baseband controller (FUC) tries to The frame unit includes control and controller board, FUCx, handles DSPx CU SAPI and TEI values. Disturbances in the Atwo The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, signal to the radio frequency signal and vice recover the fault situation by reinitializing the functions the signalling Recovery ofCU the FUCx HDLC and (8071) link bis interface of the BSC identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding demodulation versa. The time-slot-specific related tothe each speech connection. The frame between base station controller and the The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, carrier unit (CU) is located the radio controller has failed. The HDLC may also cause this alarm. between the and theinand carrier and combining of DSPxs consists of a transmitter (TXUx) oneunit. or twonot part of the interface. If the reinitialization does unit consists mobile station. performs all interface in link controller handles both signalling and traffic FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. receivers (RXUAs) succeed to of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and The FUCx relays allfunction traffic data between the BIE baseband operations for traffic data, for the BTS. The main of the CU is example, to data between the DSPx depending on situation, whether diversity is used. clear thethe fault this alarm is activated. two and the DSPxs encryption, convert baseband BSC and the Due to this alarm, thehandles frame The frame unitFU. controller board, FUCx, CU Baseband DSP has detected one orand more identical signal processing units. and between the DSPxs and signal the carrier unit. decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation signal to digital the radio frequency vice unit controller (FUC) is the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FQHU overload occurrence(s) in the past This alarm affects the provided service. If this and combining of versa. The CU reset. The alarm can reoccur after the reset. between the base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit is located inEGPRS the radio monitoring period. It may impact KPIs. GSM time slot is(CU) used FUCx DSPx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two mobile station. baseband operations for traffic for example, interface incalls, The frequency hopping performs The monitoring period isunit for mobile the calls do (FQHU) notdata, succeed when receivers (RXUAs) This alarm affects the provided service. The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, the BTS. The main function of the CUDSPx, ishandles to baseband frequency roughly 30 minutes. this alarm is active. The frame unit controller board, FUCx, digital signalling processing unit, depending on whether diversity is used. and the the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation convert baseband hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial the signalling performs all FU and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. combining of signal to the radio frequency signal and vice link between BSI between the base station controller the baseband operations for traffic data,and for example, FQHU RF signals in the case antenna versa. the FUThe and CU the CU. Theoffast serialdiversity. link carries out mobile station. encryption, The frame unit includes all control and baseband DSPx consists ofstation acoding, transmitter (TXUx) and one or two data transmission The base interface (BSI) isdemodulation the interface FUCx relays alldecoding traffic between the BIE decryption, and The frequency hopping unitdata (FQHU) performs functions receivers (RXUAs) between the FU and the CU. The FQHU connecting the frame and the DSPxs combining of baseband frequency related to the each speech connection. The frame The digital signalling processing DSPx, depending on whether diversity isunit, used. connects to the CUs unit controller (FUC) and the base station and between the DSPxs and the RF signals in FUs case of antenna diversity. hopping. The FQHU is located in carrier the fastunit. serial unit consists performs all according to the frequency hopping law by interface equipment (BIE). link between of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and baseband operations for example, FQHU switching the serial for traffictodata, All telecommunications or link from the TRX DSPx the FU and the CU. Thetraffic fast serial carries out two encryption, links. goes transmission through the data identical digital signal processing decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation The hopping unit (FQHU) base station interface. The frequency digital signalling processing unit,performs DSPx, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1 number of DSP that detected the overload condition 3) slot 6) subunit number 2 total count of overload occurrences in the past See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference monitoring period Manual. 3 total count of channel activation NACKs with NACK cause 'processor overload' for DSP overload scenario in the past monitoring period The incoming clock link from the MCLx 1 is faulty. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 The fatality of this alarm depends on whether a redundant MCLx is 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit installed. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The incoming clock link from the MCLx 2 is faulty. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 MCLx The fatality of this alarm depends on whether a See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference redundant MCLx is 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the Manual. installed. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The incoming clock 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX synchronization andlinks the from both MCLxs are 3) slot 6) subunit number faulty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 timing of the cell site. The clock signals are MCLx essential for the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference This alarmofaffects the provided service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit operation the cell site, and it is possible to The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number double the master The internal GSM timing synchronization and the signals of the FUCx are 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FU 3) slot 6) subunit number clock unit in order to ensure the redundant missing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 timing of the cell site. The clock signals are control of the essential for the The frame unit includes all control and baseband See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference synchronization. This alarmofaffects the provided service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit operation the cell site, and it is possible to functions Manual 2) shelf number 5) unit number double the master There istoaeach parityspeech error inconnection. the incoming frame 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX related The frame FU FU 3) slot 6) subunit number clock unitfrom in order to ensure the redundant number the MCLx. 1 2 3 4 5 6 unit consists control of the of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and The frame The frame unit unit includes includes all all control control and and baseband baseband See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference synchronization. This alarm affects the provided service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit two functions functions Manual 2) shelf number 5) unit number identical digital signal processing units. related to each speech connection. The frame This alarm indicates thatconnection. the backoffThe applied by related to each speech frame FU FU 3) slot 6) subunit number unit Radio module is unit consists consists FUCx of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and above the power reduction threshold. of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and The frame The frame unit unit includes includes all all control control and and baseband baseband See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference two two functions functions Manual. The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles identical digital signal processing units. identical digital signal processing related to speech connection. The frame unit (FU) has detected units. a The dataframe transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX related to each each speech connection. The frame the signalling unit consists error between the FU 1 2 3 4 5 6 unit consists between the base station controller and the FUCx FUCx of digital a unit controller and and thestation. carrier unit (CU). The data the FU of three three digital boards: boards: a frame frame unitfrom controller and mobile two has torelays a wrong CU board, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit two gone The FUCx all traffic data between the BIE frame unit controller FUCx, handles The frame unitreceived controller board, handles identical digital signal processing units. or the FU has data fromFUCx, a wrong CU. 2) shelf number 5) unit number identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs the signalling The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the signalling 3) slot 6) subunit number and between the and the carrier unit. between the base station controller and error between theDSPxs FU 1 2 3 4 5 6 between the base station controller and the the FUCx This alarm affects the provided service. FUCx mobile and thestation. carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU mobile station. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference DSPx The FUCx all data the has gone torelays a wrong CU board, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The FUCx relays all traffic traffic data between between the BIE BIE Manual. frame unit controller FUCx, handles FU the The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles and DSPxs or the FU has received data from a wrong CU. 2) shelf number 5) unit number and the DSPxs the The frame (FU) has detected a data transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the signalling signalling digital unit signalling processing unit, DSPx, and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. 3) slot 6) subunit number and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. between the base station controller and the error between the FU 1 2 3 4 5 6 The frame includes allcontroller control and between the base station andbaseband the performs allunit This alarm affects the provided service. mobile station. and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, for example, DSPx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference DSPx The FUCx relays all data the has gone a wrong CUconnection. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit related to to each speech The frame The FUCx relays all traffic traffic data between between the BIE BIE Manual. encryption, FU and the DSPxs or the FU has got data from aand wrong CU. 2) shelf number 5) unit number unit consists and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding demodulation The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. 3) slot 6) subunit number of three digital boards: frame unit controller and between and the carrier unit. and combining of DSPxs performs all error between the FU aall 1 2 3 4 5 6 The frame unitthe includes control and baseband performs all This alarm affects the provided service. two RF signals in the case of traffic antenna diversity. baseband operations for data, for and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions baseband operations for traffic data, for example, example, DSPx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference identical digital signalCU processing units. DSPx encryption, has gone to a wrong 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit related to each speech connection. The frame encryption, FU Manual. decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. 2) shelf number 5) unit number unit consists decryption, coding, decoding andunit, demodulation The digital signalling processing DSPx, The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FUCx digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, and combining of 3) slot 6) subunit number of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and and combining of performs allunitthe error between FU ofallantenna 1 2 3 4 5 6 The frame includes control diversity. and baseband performs RF signals in case This alarmall affects the for provided service. two RF signals in the the case of traffic antenna diversity. baseband operations data, for example, and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles baseband operations for traffic data, for example, See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference identical digital signalCU processing units. encryption, has gone a wrong 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit related to to each speech connection. The frame the signalling encryption, FU Manual. decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation or the FUthe has got data from aand wrong CU.the 2) shelf number 5) unit number unit consists between base station controller and decryption, coding, decoding demodulation The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FUCx and combining of 3) slot 6) subunit number of three digital the boards: frame unit controller and mobile station. and combining of FU aall error between 1 2 3 4 5 6 The frame unit includes control diversity. and baseband RF signals in the case of antenna This alarm affects the provided service. two The FUCx relays all(CU). traffic datadata between theFU BIE RF signals in the case of board, antenna diversity. and the carrier unit The fromhandles the functions The frame unit controller FUCx, See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference identical digital signalCU processing units. and the DSPxs has gone to a wrong 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling FU Manual. and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. CU or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. 2) shelf number 5) unit number unit consists between the base station controller and the FUCx 3) slot 6) subunit number of threestation. digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile The frame unit all control andradio baseband DSPx carrier unitincludes (CU) isprovided located the This alarm relays affects thetraffic service. two The FUCx all data in between the BIE functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles interface in See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs related toThe each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing DSPx, BTS. main function ofthe theunit, CU is unit. to FU Manual. and between the DSPxs and carrier unit consists between the base station controller and the performs allbaseband convert FUCx the of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, forbaseband example, signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The frame unit includes all control and DSPx two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, versa. The CU functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles identical digital signal processing units. and theto DSPxs decryption, decoding andand demodulation consists of acoding, transmitter (TXUx) one or two related each speech connection. The frame the Thesignalling digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. combining of receivers (RXUAs) unit consists between the performs all base station controller and the FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. depending on whether diversity is used. of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, for example, The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer error between the FU and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU has gone to a wrong CU or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer error between the FU This alarm affects the provided service. and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU has gone to a wrong CU FU or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer error between FU all control and baseband The frame unitthe includes This alarm affects the provided service. and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions has gone a wrong CUconnection. The frame related to to each speech FU or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. unit consists The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer of three digital the boards: frame unit controller and error between FU aall The frame unit includes control and baseband This alarm affects the provided service. two and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions identical digital signalCU processing units. has gone a wrong related to to each speech connection. The frame FU or the FU has got data from a wrong CU. unit consists The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer FUCx of three digital the boards: frame unit controller and error between FU aall The frame unit includes control and baseband This alarm affects the provided service. two and carrier unit (CU). board, The data fromhandles the FU functions The the frame unit controller FUCx, identical digital signalCU processing units. has gone a wrong related to to each speech connection. The frame the signalling FU or the FUthe hasbase got data from a wrongand CU. unit between station controller The consists frame unit (FU) has detected a datathe transfer FUCx of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. errorframe between FU all control and baseband The unitthe includes This alarm relays affectsall thetraffic provided service. two The FUCx data between the BIE and the carrier unit (CU). The data from the FU functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles identical digital signalCU processing units. and theto DSPxs has gone to a wrong related each speech connection. The frame the signalling FU and between the DSPxs andathe carrier or the FU hasbase got data from wrong CU.unit. unit consists between station controller The framethe unit (FU) has detected a and datathe transfer FUCx of three digital the boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. error between FU The frame unit includes all control and baseband DSPx This alarm relays affectsall thetraffic provided service. two The FUCx datadata between theFU BIE and carrier unit (CU). The fromhandles the functions The the frame unit controller board, FUCx, identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs has gone a wrong CUconnection. related to to each speech The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU and between the andathe carrier or the FUthe hasbase gotDSPxs data from wrong CU.unit. unit consists between station controller and the performs all The frame unit (FU) has detected a data transfer FUCx of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations traffic data, forbaseband example, error between FU for The frame unitthe includes all control and DSPx This alarm relays affectsall thetraffic provided service. two The FUCx data between the BIE encryption, and the carrier unit (CU). board, The data fromhandles the FU functions The frame unit controller FUCx, identical digital signal processing and theto DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation has gone to a wrong CU related each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU and between the andathe carrier unit. combining of DSPxs or the FU has got data from wrong CU. unit consists between the base station controller and the performs The frameallunit (FU) hasofdetected a data transfer FUCx RF signals in the case antenna of three digital boards: a frame unitdiversity. controller and mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, forbaseband example, error between the FU The frame unit includes all control and DSPx This alarm relays affectsall thetraffic provided service. two The FUCx data between the BIE encryption, and the carrier unit (CU). board, The data fromhandles the FU functions The frame unit controller FUCx, CU identical digital signal processing and theto DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation has gone to a wrong CU related each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU and between the andathe carrier unit. combining of DSPxs or the FUthe has got data from wrong CU. unit consists between base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio The frame unit (FU) hasofdetected a data transfer FUCx RF signals in the case antenna of three digital boards: a frame unitdiversity. controller and mobile station. baseband traffic data, forbaseband example, interface inoperations error between FU for The frame unitthe includes all control and DSPx This alarm affects the provided service. two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, the BTS. The main function of the CU is to and the carrier unit (CU). board, The data fromhandles the FU functions The frame unit controller FUCx, CU identical digital signal processing and theto DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation convert the baseband has gone to a wrong CU related each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU and between the andasignal the carrier unit. combining of DSPxs signal to the radio frequency and vice or the FU has got data from wrong CU. unit consists between the base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio This alarm indicates that EC-BCCH is configured FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna versa. The CU of three digital boards: a frame unitdiversity. controller and mobile station. baseband for traffic data, forbaseband example, interface inoperations for the BTS and The frame unit includes all control and DSPx consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two This alarm affects the provided service. two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, the BTS. The main function of the CU is to the BSC provided clock time is more than 3 functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles CU receivers (RXUAs) identical digital signal processing and theto DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation convert the baseband seconds compared to exact related each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, depending onthe whether diversity used. unit. FU and between and signal theiscarrier combining of DSPxs signal to the radio frequency and vice GPS time. unit consists between the base station controller and the performs allindicates The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio This alarm that the EGPRS and ECFUCx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. versa. The CU BTS compares BSC time to exact GPS time, of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, for example, interface in FQHU GSM capabilities has been lost The frame unit includes all control and baseband DSPx consists of relays a transmitter (TXUx) and one the or two when it receives BTS two The FUCx all traffic data between BIE encryption, the BTS. The main function of the CU is to from the GPRS enabled BCCH TRX, which is functions The frame unitmessage controller board, FUCx, handles CU receivers (RXUAs) configuration from BSC with clock info. identical digital signal processing units. and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation convert the baseband The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs under EC-GSM Enabled BTS object related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, depending on whether diversity is used. and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. combining of signal to the radio frequency signal and vice baseband frequency in legacy Abis BCF. unit consists between the base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. versa. The CU hopping. The FQHU isfor located the fastexample, serial of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile station. baseband operations traffic in data, for interface in FQHU DSPx consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or link between two The FUCxThe relays allfunction traffic data between thetwo BIE encryption, the BTS. main of the CU is to The frame unit board, FUCx, handlesout CU receivers (RXUAs) the FU and the controller CU. decoding The fast serial link carries identical digital signal processing and the DSPxs decryption, coding, and units. demodulation convert the baseband The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, depending onthe whether diversity used. unit. data transmission and between and signal theiscarrier combining of DSPxs signal to the radio frequency and vice baseband frequency between the base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio between the FU and the CU. The FQHU FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. versa. The CU hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial mobile station. baseband operations for CUs traffic data, for example, interface in FQHU connects the FUs to the DSPx consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or link between The FUCxThe relays allfunction traffic data between thetwo BIE encryption, the BTS. main of the CU ishandles to according to the frequency hopping law by The frame unit controller board, FUCx, CU receivers (RXUAs) the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation convert the baseband The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs switching the serial the Thesignalling digital signalling processing DSPx, depending onthe whether diversity isunit, used. data transmission and between DSPxs and the carrier unit. combining of signal to the radio frequency signal and vice baseband frequency links. between the base station controller and the performs all The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio between the and the CU. The FQHU RF signals inFU the case of antenna diversity. versa. The CU hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, for example, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. 1 identification of BTS The frame numbers of the FUCx and the DSPxs differ. This alarm affects the provided service. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number The ciphering capability of one DSPx differs from 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FU 3) slot 6) subunit number that of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 other DSPx in the FU. The DSPxs in the FU are The frame unit includes all control and baseband See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference not of the same type. 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF functions Manual. This alarm can only be issued during the startup. UNIT The DSPx is notspeech able toconnection. execute theThe GSM 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX related to each frame 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER encryption algorithm A5/1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 unit consists This information concerns an unsupported 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER Wrong of the DSPx included in the FU and or of threetype digital boards: a is frame unit controller feature. there 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF two is a failure in See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference the DSPx. This signal alarm can only beunits. issued during UNIT identical digital processing The 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FU DSPx is not capable to execute the GSM Manual. the startup when there 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER encryption algorithm A5/2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The frame unit includes all control and baseband is BTS software which is able to execute the 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER FUCx Wrong type of thetoDSPx is included in the FU or functions related A5/1. there is a failure in 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit each speech connection. The frame unit consists See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference The frame This unit controller FUCx, handles the DSPx. alarm canboard, only be issued during 2) shelf number 5) unit number of three digital There has been an attemptan tounsupported configure the half 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX This information concerns Manual. the signalling the startup whenunit there 3) slot 6) subunit number boards: a frame controller and two identical rate channel (TCH/H) 1 2 3 4 5 6 feature. between the base station controller and the is BTSsignal software which is able to execute the digital to the FU which does not support half rate mobile station. A5/2. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference processing units. channels. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit FU The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The frame unit includes all control and baseband and the DSPxs No response from the DSPx. is a 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX This information concerns an There unsupported FUCx This alarmrelated affects the provided 3) slot 6) subunit number functions and between the to DSPxs theservice. carrier unit. connection failure in the and 1 2 3 4 5 6 feature. The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles each speech connection. The frame unit consists interface between the FUCx and the DSPx. Due the signalling between FUthree See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of digitalthe DSPx to this alarm, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit FU the station controller the and mobile station. Manual. Thebase frame unit includes all and control baseband boards: a frame unit controller and two identical frame unit controller (FUC) is reset.and Thebaseband alarm 2) shelf number 5) unit number The frame unit includes all control The FUCx relays There is an illegaltosignalling typeunit, in the signalling 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX functions related digital signal The digital signalling DSPx, can recur after 3) slot 6) subunit number functions related to processing all traffic data between theThe BIEframe and the DSPxs message from 1 2 3 4 5 6 each speech connection. unit consists processing performs allunits. the reset. each speech connection. The frame unit consists and between the DSPxs thethree FUCx to the DSPx.for traffic data, for example, of digital baseband operations See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of three digital and the a carrier 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit boards: frameunit. unit controller and two identical FUCx encryption, This alarm affects thecontroller providedand service. Manual. boards: a frame unit two identical This alarm affects the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number digital signal The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation There is an illegal channel combination in the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX digital signal DSPx 3) slot 6) subunit number processing units. the signalling between and combining of time slot configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 FU processing units. The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU the base station controller and mobile station. RF signals in the case of to antenna diversity. message from the FUCx the the DSPx. performs all base band See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference FUCx Theframe FUCxunit relays 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The includes all control and baseband FUCx operations for traffic dataall e.g. Thetraffic frame unit includes control and baseband Manual. controller board, FUCx, handles all data between the BIE and the DSPxs This alarm affects the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles encryption/decryption, There is an illegal time slot number in the time 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX functions the signalling between and between the DSPxs 3) slot 6) subunit number related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling between coding/decoding, demodulation and combining of slot configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 related each unit. speech connection. The frame the base station controller and the mobile station. and theto carrier FU unit consists the base station controller mobile station. RF in the case message the FUCx toand the the DSPx. unit consists Thesignals FUCxfrom relays See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and The FUCx relays antenna diversity. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit of three digital boards: athe frame and unit controller all traffic data thebaseband DSPxsand Manual. DSPx The frame unitbetween includesthe all BIE control and two all traffic data between BIE and the DSPxs This alarm signalling affects theprocessing provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number two and between the DSPxs The digital unit, DSPx, There is an illegal subchannel number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX functions identical digital signal processing the and between the DSPxs 3) slot 6) subunit number identical digital signal units. and theto carrier unit. performs all base bandprocessing signalling message 1 2 3 4 5 6 related each speech connection. The frame and the carrier unit. FU operations for traffic e.g. from the FUCx to thedata DSPx. unit consists FUCx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference FUCx DSPx encryption/decryption, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit of three digital boards: a frame unit controller and DSPx The frame unit includes all control and baseband Manual. digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, coding/decoding, demodulation and combining of This alarm affects the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number two The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, There is an subchannel in the HL1 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX functions Thesignals frame controller board,number FUCx, handles performs allunit base band RF inillegal the case 3) slot 6) subunit number identical digital signal processing units. the signalling performs all base band message 1 2 3 4 5 6 related to from each speech connection. The frame the signalling operations for traffic data e.g. of antenna diversity. FU between the base station controller and the operations for traffic data e.g. the FUCx to the DSPx. unit consists between the base station controller and the encryption/decryption, See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference FUCx station. mobile encryption/decryption, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit of threestation. digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile coding/decoding, demodulation and combining of Manual. The frame unit includes all data control and baseband FUCx relays all traffic between the BIE coding/decoding, demodulation and combining of This alarm relays affects thetraffic provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number two The FUCx all data between the BIE RF signals in the case There isDSPxs anunit subchannel the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX functions The frame controller board,number FUCx, in handles and the RF signals inillegal the case 3) slot 6) subunit number identical digital signal processing units. and theto DSPxs of antenna diversity. channel configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 related each speech connection. The unit. frame the signalling and between the DSPxs and the carrier of antenna diversity. FU and between the theDSPx. carrier unit. message from theDSPxs FUCx and to the unit consists between the base station controller and the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference FUCx 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit of threestation. digital boards: a frame unit controller and mobile DSPx The frame unit includes all control and baseband Manual. DSPx This alarm affects the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE functions The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles 3) slot 6) subunit number identical digital signalprocessing processingunit, units. and the DSPxs The digital signalling DSPx, related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, FU and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. performs all base unit consists between the station controller and the performs all See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference FUCx baseband operations traffic data, for example, of threestation. digital boards:for a frame unit controller and mobile baseband operations for traffic data, forbaseband example, The frame unit includes all control and Manual. DSPx encryption, two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, functions The frame unit controller board, handles decryption, coding, decoding andFUCx, demodulation identical digital signal processing and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation related to each speech connection. The frame the signalling The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, and combining of and between the and the carrier unit. combining of DSPxs unitsignals consists between the base station controllerdiversity. and the performs all RF in the case of antenna FUCx RF signals in the case of antenna of three digital boards: a frame unitdiversity. controller and mobile station. baseband operations for traffic data, for example, DSPx two The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption, The frame unit controller board, FUCx, handles identical digital signal processing and the DSPxs decryption, coding, decoding and units. demodulation There is no response from the DSPx to the frame 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX number (FN) poll. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A connection failure has occurred in the interface between the FUCx 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit and the DSPx. Due to this alarm, the frame unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number The FUCx does not get the DSP board test result 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX controller (FUC) 3) slot 6) subunit number from the DSPx. This 1 2 3 4 5 6 is reset. The alarm can reoccur after the reset. alarm can only be issued during the startup. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm affects the provided service. Manual. This alarm affects the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The traffic speed capability of one DSPx differs 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number from 1 2 3 4 5 6 FUCxthat of the FU other DSPx in the FU. The DSPxs in the FU are The frame unit includes all control and baseband See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference not sameunit type. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Theof frame controller board, FUCx, handles functions related to Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number the signalling The busconnection. link is switched, and aunit reset is eachtoken speech The frame consists This alarm can onlystation be issued duringand thethe startup. 3) slot 6) subunit number between the base controller given to digital the token bus circuit. of three mobile station. The link areselection caused by a two missing boards: frame unitiscontroller and identical FU See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference The FUCx relays all data between the BIE logical connection totraffic the OMU. digital signal Manual. and the DSPxs processing units. The token circuit is being reset andbaseband frame bus unitthe includes all control and and between DSPxs and the carrier unit. initialized, functions but these FUCx procedures fail. speech The TBC duplex testThe failure also related connection. frame DSPx to each The frame controller board, FUCx, handles causes theunit alarm. unit consists the signalling between of three digital boards: frame unit controller The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, and This alarm is caused bya the following reasons: an the base station controller and the mobile station. two performs all empty bufferrelays or frame The FUCx identical digital signal processing units. baseband operations trafficreselection, data, for example, descriptor pool, token for bus all traffic data between the link BIE and the DSPxs encryption, modem error, the transmission and between DSPxs FUCx decryption, decoding demodulation fault,the buscarrier orcoding, address error, lostand address order, and unit. Error in message reception or transmission and combining of duplicate MAC address queue during The frame unit controller FUCx, handles RF signals in the case of board, antenna diversity. detected, message sending failure, or bad status DSPx the token bus test loop. signalling poll from application The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, between the base station controller and the layer. performs all base band mobile station. Resetting offor the token buse.g. circuit failed. operations traffic data The FUCx relays all traffic data between the BIE encryption/decryption, and the DSPxs coding/decoding, demodulation and combining of and between the DSPxs and the carrier unit. RF signals in the case of antenna diversity. line of the RFTE has The signal detecting 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX DSPx measured a higher signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 level than -70 dBm in the RFTE output. The time The digital signalling processing unit, DSPx, slots which 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit performs allare not used for the RFTE tests are supervised. 2) shelf number 5) unit number baseband operations for traffic data, for example, The RFTE's synthesizers are not locked and the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number encryption, RFTE is not functioning 1 2 3 4 5 6 This alarm affects the provided service because decryption, properly. coding, decoding and demodulation normally it indicates See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference and combining of 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit that there isinan interfering leaking signal from the Manual. RF signals the case of antenna diversity. This alarm does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The alarm logic monitors the operation of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX RFTE to the BTS 3) slot 6) subunit number RFTE. there is a 1 2 3 4 5 6 receiverIf path. RFTE selftest (runtime) failure, the alarm is activated. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit RFTE The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is Manual. This alarm does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The from the MCLU1 is missing. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX usedframe to testclock the operation 3) slot 6) subunit number The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is 1 2 3 4 5 6 of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and RFTE used to test the operation This alarm does not affect the provided services. receiver antenna See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at The radioantenna frequency test equipment (RFTE) is Manual. receiver RFTE 2) shelf number 5) unit number the cell site or used test the operation (RAX)totests. These tests can be started locally at 3) slot 6) subunit number remotely from the OMC/BSC. Because the test of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and the cell site or The frequency test loopsradio are made inside theequipment (RFTE) is receiver antenna remotely from OMC/BSC. Because the test used thethe operation See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference BTS, to thetest RFTE's main task is to convert the test (RAX) tests. These tests be started locally at loops are made inside thecan of the BTS. Thetransmit possible tests are radio loop and Manual. signal from the the cell or BTS, thesite RFTE's main task is to convert the test receiver antenna band to the receive band. remotely from the OMC/BSC. Because the test signal from the transmit (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at loops arethe made inside the band to receive band. the cell site or BTS, the RFTE's main task is to convert the test remotely from the OMC/BSC. Because the test signal from the transmit loops are made inside the band to the receive band. BTS, the RFTE's main task is to convert the test The frame clock from the MCLU2 is missing. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 This alarm does not affect the provided service. RFTE The octal bit clock from the MCLU1 is missing. The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is This alarm does not affect the provided service. used to test the operation of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and RFTE The octalantenna bit clock from the MCLx2 is missing. receiver (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is This alarm the cell sitedoes or not affect the provided service. used to test the operation remotely from the OMC/BSC. Because the test of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and RFTE loops areMHz made inside the The 2.6 reference frequency from the receiver antenna BTS, the RFTE's main task is to convert the test MCLx1tests. is missing. (RAX) These tests can be started locally at The radio test equipment (RFTE) is signal fromfrequency the transmit the cell site or used to test the operation band the receive band. This alarm does affect the Because provided the service. remotely from thenot OMC/BSC. test of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and loops are made inside the The 2.6 MHz reference frequency from the receiver antenna RFTE BTS, theisRFTE's main task is to convert the test MCLx2 missing. (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at signal from the transmit the cell site or The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is band to the receive band. This alarm does affect the Because provided the service. remotely from thenot OMC/BSC. test used to test the operation loops are made inside the The RFTE received initialization of the BTS.has Thenot possible tests are radio loop and RFTE BTS, the RFTE's main task is to convert the test parameters from the OMU. receiver antenna signal from the transmit (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is band to the receive band. This alarm the cell sitedoes or not affect the provided service. used to test the operation remotely from the OMC/BSC. the test There is an RFTE failure in theBecause Q1-relay test. The of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and RFTE loops are made inside the RFTE has receiver antenna BTS, the RFTE's task is to convert the test disconnected itselfmain from and locally does not (RAX) tests. These teststhe canQ1 belink started at The radio frequency test equipment (RFTE) is signal from the transmit respond to any the cell site or used to test the operation band the given receive band. commands the OMU Because unit. remotely from the by OMC/BSC. thebeen test Errors have occurred when theare TXUx has of the BTS. The possible tests radio loop and loops are made inside the testing the frequency receiver antenna This alarm does not affect provided BTS, theinterface RFTE's main taskthe is to convertservice. the test hopping (FHI1). (RAX) tests. These1 tests can be started locally at signal from the transmit the cell site or RFTE band to thedoes receive band. This alarm affect the Because provided the service remotely from thenot OMC/BSC. test if Errors have occurred when the TXUx has been both FQHU unitsinside the loops are made testing thefrequency frequencytest equipment (RFTE) is The radio are installed. BTS, theinterface RFTE's main task is to convert the test hopping 2 (FHI2). used to test the operation signal from the transmit of the BTS. The possible tests are radio loop and CU band to thedoes receive This alarm notband. affect the provided service if receiver antenna The alarm logic monitors the operation of the both FQHU (RAX) tests. These tests can be started locally at RXUA. The unit alarm is is located The carrier (CU) in the radio units aresite equipped. the cell or activated in if there is a selftest (runtime) failure. interface remotely from the OMC/BSC. Because the test the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU loops are made inside the The fatality of this alarm depends on whether convert thelogic baseband The alarm monitors theisoperation thetest BTS, the RFTE's main task to convertofthe diversity is used. Iffrequency signal to the radio signal and vice RXUA. The unit alarm is is located The carrier (CU) in the radio signal from the transmit the CUThe hasCU been equipped with a diversity versa. activated if there is a selftest (runtime) failure. interface in band to the receive receiver, then alarmband. 7122(TXUx) and one or two consists of a transmitter the BTS. The main function of the CU is to does not stop the operation of the TRX/CU. receivers (RXUAs) This alarm does not affect the provided service. convert baseband The RF the amplifier in the diversity RXUA is isfaulty. depending onare whether used. The services signal to the radio frequency signal and vice CU maintained by the primary unit. versa. The CU The fatality of this alarm depends on whether consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two diversity is used. The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio CU receivers (RXUAs) If the CU in is equipped with a diversity RXUA, then interface depending on whether diversity is used. alarm 7124 does not the BTS. The main function of the CU is to The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio stop thethe operation of the TRX/CU. convert baseband interface in signal to the radio frequency signal and vice the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU versa. The CU convert the baseband consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio receivers (RXUAs) versa. The CU interface in on whether diversity is used. depending consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two the BTS. The main function of the CU is to receivers (RXUAs) convert the baseband depending on whether diversity is used. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The RF amplifier in the RXUA is faulty. This alarm does not affect the provided service. The service is maintained by the primary unit. The RXUA synthesizer is not locked. CU The fatality of this alarm depends on whether diversity is used. The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio If the CU is equipped with a diversity RXUA, then The diversity interface in RXUA synthesizer is not locked. alarm 7126 does the BTS. The main function of the CU is to not stop the operation of the TRX/CU. This alarm not affect the provided service. convert thedoes baseband The service signal to the isradio frequency signal and vice CU maintained by the primary unit. versa. The CU The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) in the consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two TXUxcarrier powerunit output The (CU)toisthe located in the radio CU receivers (RXUAs) combiner exceeds value 3. The alarm occurs, for interface in depending on whether diversity is used. example, when the function cable the BTS. The main of the CU is to The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio between thebaseband TXUx and the combiner unit is not convert the The TXUxinoutput power has decreased to half of interface connected. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice the original BTS. The main function of the CU is to versa. The CUThere is a hardware failure in the value (-3 dB). convert the baseband This alarm affects the provided consists of a transmitter (TXUx)service. and oneAlarm or two TXUx. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice 7128 stops receivers (RXUAs) versa. The CU of the TXUx mechanics has Theoperation temperature the the TXUx. depending on of whether diversity service. is used.Alarm This alarm affects the provided consists transmitter reached of thealower alarm (TXUx) and one or two 7129 stops the receivers (RXUAs) level. CU operation the TXUx. diversity is used. dependingofon whether This alarm does not affect the provided service. The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio The CU temperature of the TXUx mechanics is too interface in high. CU the BTS. The main function of the CU is to The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio convert theaffects baseband This alarm the provided service. Alarm interface in The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio signal to the radio frequency signal and vice 7131 stops the the BTS. The main function the CU is to The TXUx is notoflocked. interface insynthesizer versa. The CU operation the TXUx. convert theofbaseband the BTS.of The main function of the CUone is to consists a transmitter (TXUx) and or two signal to the radio the frequency signal and Alarm vice This alarm affects provided service. convert the baseband receivers (RXUAs) CU versa. The CU 7132 stops the signal to theon radio frequency signal and vice depending whether diversity is used. consists ofofathe transmitter operation TXUx. (TXUx) and one or two versa. The CU The frame clock fromisthe MCLx1 missing. carrier unit (CU) located in is the radio receivers (RXUAs) consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two interface in depending on whether diversity is used. CU receivers (RXUAs) TheBTS. fatality of main this alarm depends a the The function of the on CUwhether is to depending on whether diversity is used. redundant convert theMCLx baseband The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio is installed. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The frame interface inclock from the MCLx2 is missing. versa. The CU the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU consists of a transmitter or two The fatality this alarm (TXUx) dependsand on one whether a convert the of baseband receivers (RXUAs) redundant MCLx signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The carrier on unitwhether (CU) is diversity located in radio depending is the used. is installed. versa. ThebitCU The octal interface in clock from the MCLx1 is missing. consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU receivers (RXUAs) The fatality this alarm depends on whether a convert the of baseband depending on whether diversity is used. redundant MCLx signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio is installed. versa. ThebitCU The octal interface in clock from the MCLx2 is missing. consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU receivers (RXUAs) The fatality this alarm depends on whether a convert the of baseband depending on whether diversity is used. redundant MCLx signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio is installed. versa. The CU interface in consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU receivers (RXUAs) convert the baseband depending on whether diversity is used. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice The carrier unit (CU) is located in the radio versa. The CU interface in consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two the BTS. The main function of the CU is to receivers (RXUAs) convert the baseband depending on whether diversity is used. signal to the radio frequency signal and vice versa. The CU consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The reference frequency (2.6 MHz) from MCLx1 is missing. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 The fatality of this alarm depends on whether a redundant MCLx The reference frequency (2.6 MHz) from the is installed. MCLx2 is missing. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 CU The fatality of this alarm depends on whether a redundant MCLx The CU hasunit not(CU) received initialization parameters carrier is located in the radio is installed. from the OMU. interface in the BTS. The main function of the CU is to CU This alarm the provided service. Alarm convert theaffects baseband 7139 stops the signal to the radio signal and vice notfrequency support the The TXUx carrierdoes unit (CU) is located inExtended the radioRange operation ofCU the TXUx. versa. The Cell feature. interface in The alarm consists of a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two is when the TXUx does not recognize theissued BTS. The main function of the CU is to the CU receivers (RXUAs) transmitting timing convert the baseband depending on command. whether diversity is used. advancement Thissignal could be the signal to the radio frequency and vicecase The radius parameter the Extended carrier extension unit (CU) is located ininthe radio when the version of the versa. The CU Range Cell interface in concept is TXUx is old. consists of aThe transmitter and one or two not alarm is (TXUx) issued when the correct. BTS. The main function of the CU this is to receivers (RXUAs) parameter sent to the convert theisbaseband This alarm affects service. It stops the operation depending whether is used. TXUx and iton is out of thediversity accepted signal to the radio frequency signalrange. and vice The master of the TRX. clock unit's oscillator is unable to versa. The CU send the This alarm the service. stops theor two consists of affects a transmitter (TXUx)It and one correct frequency. CU, TXUx and RXUA operation of the TRX. receivers (RXUAs) Carrier Unit (CU) is located in the radio interface depending on whether used. The of the alarmdiversity dependsison whether a in thefatality BTS.oscillator The oven of the master clock unit is CU, TXUx and RXUA redundant master clock The main function of the CU is to convert the alarming. Carrier Unit (CU) is located in the radio interface unit (MCLx) is installed. If this alarm is active and base band signal to The control of the oven oscillator in thetemperature BTS. the redundant radio frequency signal and vice versa. The may be faulty, or less The main function of the CU is to convert the MCLx unit is of not installed, the whole cell site is CU consists than 5band minutes have passed after the power-up base signal to oscillator The redundant oven frequency is without a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two receivers and the operating the radio frequency signal vice versa. The missing independing the master clockand synchronization and on timing, and this cell site is (RXUAs) temperature clock unit's oscillator is CU consists of the master unit. The redundant master clock unit is faulty or unable todiversity transmitis used. whether not reached. a transmitter (TXUx) and one or two receivers the connection between any traffic. In these cases, the OMU can not set the unit in (RXUAs) depending on the master clock units is faulty. If the redundant The master clock units are not synchronized. any working mode. whether diversity master clock unit is is used. MCLx absent, this alarm is always off. This alarm does affect the provided services. The fatality of thenot alarm depends on whether a The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the redundant master clock The fatality of theand alarm synchronization the depends on whether a MCLx unit (MCLx) is installed. this alarm active and One clock unit isIffaulty, theiscommon redundant master clock timingmaster of the cell site. The clockor signals are the redundant status linkfor isthe unit (MCLx) installed. If this alarm is active and essential The master unit (MCLx) thesite is MCLx unitthe isclock not installed, the controls whole cell between master clockand units is possible faulty. the redundant operation of the cell site, it is to synchronization and the without MCLx unit is not installed, the whole cell site is double the master timing of the celland site.timing, The clock signals synchronization and this cellare site is This alarmindoes not affect the provided service. without clock order Not inunit use. essential for the to ensure the redundant unable to transmit This alarm means synchronization and timing, and this cell site is control of the operation of the cell site, and it is possible to any traffic. that thetocommunication and the synchronization unable transmit synchronization. double the master between the master any traffic. clock unit in order to ensure the redundant MCLx clock units is faulty and the clock signals from the control the of the master clock unit are The lineof drivers master clock MCLx synchronization. The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the unable toasynchronous. drive units are synchronization the clock lines. clockand The master unit (MCLx) controls the timing of the cell site. The clock signals are MCLx synchronization and the essential for the The fatality thesite. alarm depends on whether timing of theofcell The clock signals are a operation ofmaster the cell site, and itcontrols is possible redundant clock The master clock (MCLx) the to essential for the unit double the master unit (MCLx) installed. this italarm is active synchronization and the Ifand operation of is the cell site, is possible to and clock unit in order to ensure the signals redundant the redundant timing ofthe the cell site. The clock are double master control of for the MCLx unit not installed, thethe whole cell site is essential the clock unit inisorder to ensure redundant synchronization. without operation of the cell site, and it is possible to control of the synchronization and timing, and this cell site is double the master synchronization. unable to transmit clock unit in order to ensure the redundant any traffic. control of the synchronization. MCLx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The master clock unit has not received initialization parameters from the OMU. The fatality of the alarm depends on whether a The master clock unit's oscillator has not reached redundant the master the clock unit (MCLx) is installed. If this alarm is operating temperature. active and the redundant MCLx unit is not installed, the whole cell site is The fatality of the alarm depends on whether a The margin between the actual tuning of the without redundant master clock frequency and the upper or and this cell site is synchronization and timing, unit (MCLx) is installed. If this alarm is active and the lower of the range of tuning is less than unable to limit transmit the redundant 5% the PCM-based any in traffic. MCLx unit is not installed, the whole cell site is auto-tuning function of the master clock unit. This alarm is used only when the type of the without MCLx used master clock unit synchronization and timing, and this cell site is This alarm does not affect the provided service. is MCLP. reference frequency from the unable to The transmit The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the transmission any traffic. equipment to MCLx synchronization the master clockand unitthe is missing. The master unit The (MCLx) does not use timing of theclock cell site. clock signals are the MCLx incoming 2Mclock PCMunit signal The master (MCLx) controls the essential for the This alarm does not affect the provided service. to tune theofoscillator of the MCLx. This alarm synchronization the operation the and cell site, and it is possible to is The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the possible only in site. timing ofthe themaster cell The clock signals are double unit cannot tune and the oscillator, otherwise the synchronization the clockbut the MCLP type of master essential for the clock unit in order to ensure theunit. redundant Fast tuning thesite. master (MCLx) master unit timing ofclock theofcell The clock clockunit signals are is in operation of the cell site, and it is possible to control of the progress. is functioning normally. If the MCLP is without essential for the This alarm double the affects master the provided service. synchronization. reference frequencies, operation of the cell site, and it is possible to clock unit in order to ensure theservice. redundant This alarm affects provided the accuracy of thethe generated frequencies is double the master MCLx control of the poor. clock unit in order to ensure the2M redundant The frequency of the incoming signal differs synchronization. MCLx control of the from the frequency The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the MCLx synchronization. generated by theand master synchronization the clock unit (MCLx). This The master clock unit (MCLx) controls the alarm timing is ofactivated the cell site. The clock signals are synchronization the The clockand unit (MCLx) controls the ifessential themaster frequencies of the PCM and the MCLP for the hardware The master is faulty. timing of theclock celland site.the The clock signals are synchronization deviate more than operation of the cell0.05 site,ppm and it is possible to essential for the timing of the cellfive site. The clock signals are for longer than minutes. double the master The fatality thecell alarm on whether operation ofofthe site,depends and it is possible to a essential for the clock unit inmaster order to ensure the redundant redundant clock double theofmaster operation the cell site, and it is possible to This alarm does not affect the provided service. control of the unit (MCLx) is installed. If thisthe alarm is active and clock unit order tofrom ensure redundant double theinnumber master The frame the MCLx1 is missing, or synchronization. the redundant control of the clock unit in order to ensure the redundant a parity error MCLx MCLx unit is not installed, the whole cell site is synchronization. control of the has been detected in the frame number data without synchronization. from the MCLx1 The master clockunit. unit (MCLx) controls the synchronization and timing, and it is unable to synchronization and the The frame number transmit any traffic. from the MCLx2 is missing, or This alarm affects the The provided only the timing of the cell site. clock service signals ifare a parity error has been MCLx1 is for used. essential the detected in the frame number data from the MCLx operation of the cell site, and it is possible to MCLx2 unit. FQHU double the master The master clock unit (MCLx) controls thedetected The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) has clock unit inaffects order to ensure theservice redundant This alarm thethe provided if only the synchronization and a failure during The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs control the MCLx2ofof isthe used. timing cell site. The clock signals are the selftests, or it has detected a fatal failure baseband frequency synchronization. essential for the during its The operation. hopping. FQHU is located in the fast serial FQHU operation of the cell site, and it is possible to link between The frame from the MCLx1 is missing. double the clock master This alarm provided service if only one the FU andaffects the CU.the The fast serial link carries out The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs clock unit in order to ensure the redundant FQHU is used. data transmission This alarm affects the provided service if only the baseband frequency control of the between FU and the CU. The FQHU MCLx1 isthe used. hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial synchronization. FQHU connects the FUs to the CUs link between according to the frequency hopping law by FQHU the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs switching the serial data transmission baseband frequency links. The frequency performs between the FUhopping and theunit CU.(FQHU) The FQHU hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial baseband frequency connects the FUs to the CUs link between hopping. FQHU is located in thelaw fastbyserial accordingThe to the frequency hopping the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out link between switching the serial data transmission the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out links. between the FU and the CU. The FQHU data transmission connects the FUs to the CUs between the FU and the CU. The FQHU according to the frequency hopping law by connects the FUs to the CUs 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The frame clock from the MCLx2 is missing. This alarm affects the provided service if only the MCLx2 is used. The octal bit clock from the MCLx1 is missing. FQHU This alarm affects the provided service if only the The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs MCLx1 is used. baseband frequency The octalThe bit clock from the MCLx2 missing. hopping. FQHU is located in theis fast serial FQHU link between This alarm provided service if only the the FU andaffects the CU.the The fast serial link carries out The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs MCLx2 is used. data transmission baseband frequency between thehas FUnot andreceived the CU. initialization The FQHU The FQHU hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial FQHU connects the FUs to the CUs parameters link betweenfrom the OMUx. according to the frequency hopping law by the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs switching the serial This affects the provided service. data alarm transmission baseband frequency links. between the FU and thetest CU.ofThe FQHU A failure in theFQHU Q1 relay the FHU. hopping. The is located in the fastThe serial FQHU connects the FUs to the CUs FHU has disconnected link between according to the frequency hopping law by to itself from link andfast does notlink respond the FU andthe theQ1 CU. The serial carries out The frequency hopping unit (FQHU) performs switching the serial any commands. dataO&M transmission baseband frequency links. between the CU. The FQHU The RTC the hasFU notand received initialization hopping. The FQHU is located in the fast serial connects the FUs to the CUs parameters link betweenfrom the OMU. according to the frequency hopping law by the FU and the CU. The fast serial link carries out switching the serialthe provided service. The BTS This alarm affects data transmission links. sector of the FU and the CU. The FQHU between The RTC gives this alarm while still tuning the BCF is notthe working. connects FUs to the CUs cavity. according to the frequency hopping law by RTC switching serial This alarmthe does not affect the provided service. links. The BTS sector One of the RTC is not tuned the The remote tunecavities combiner is used to to combine of the BCF is not working. correct frequency. and filter several transmitter outputs of the BTS into one RTC This alarm affects the provided service. This TRX antenna. is not The standing wave ratio (SWR) at the output of remote tune combiner is used to combine working any more. the andRTC filter exceeds the level 1outputs value. of the BTS into one several transmitter RTC antenna. This alarm does not affect the provided service. The RTC does not find any is carriers the remote tune combiner used toduring combine initialization. and filter RTC several transmitter outputs of the BTS into one This alarm affects the provided service. This TRX antenna. The remote tune combiner is used to combine of the BCF The control of the cavity of the combiner was and filter is not working. lost. Thetransmitter tuning of outputs of the BTS into one several this cavity is impossible. antenna. RTC The RTC also supervises the condition of the Tx This alarm affects the provided service. This TRX antenna One of the two +5V power supplies the RTC is The remote tune combiner is used toincombine is not working the reflected power from it. by monitoring missing. and filter any more. several transmitter outputs of the BTS into one This alarm does not affect the provided service. antenna. RTC The RTC also supervises the condition of the Tx RTC antenna The remote tune combiner is used to combine by monitoring the reflected power from it. and filter The remote tune combiner is used to combine several transmitter outputs of the BTS into one and filter antenna. several transmitter outputs of the BTS into one antenna. The RTC also supervises the condition of the TX antenna by monitoring the power reflected from it. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. One of the two +18V power supplies in the RTC is missing. 1-6 This alarm does not affect the provided service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 An EACB failure in the selftest of the EACB. RTC This alarm does not affect the provided service. The remote tune combiner is used to combine and filter EACB The EACB has not outputs receivedofinitialization several transmitter the BTS into one parameters antenna. from the OMU. The external alarm and control board is used to The RTC also supervises the condition of the Tx connect This alarm does not affect the provided service. antenna internal and external alarms of the ON/OFF type. by monitoring it. The A failure in thethe Q1reflected relay testpower of thefrom EACB. EACB EACB has disconnected itself from the Q1 link and does not The external alarm and control board is used to respond connect to any O&M commands. The initialization of the BTS unit has failed. The internal and external alarms of the ON/OFF type. alarm is sent to This alarm affects the provided service. the BSC at the end of the initialization of the BTS. EACB A faulty master clock unit was detected as a This alarm affects the provided service. result of the correlation The external alarm and control board is used to of the alarms. connect OMU internal and external alarms of the ON/OFF type. The fatality of the alarm depends on whether a The alarm is sent the BSC every the is local operation andtomaintenance unittime (OMU) redundant master clock password offor thethe responsible unit (MCLx) is installed. If this alarm is active and BTS's OMU-MMI has been changed. operation and maintenance functions Ifofthe theBTS BTS. the redundant is equipped with the OMUB, The main functions MCLx unit is not installed, the whole cell site is the local password can be the used. When the OMUof the OMU loading BTS file The alarm isare sent to the of BSC every timepackets the user without MMI is started without from the BSC to the has successfullyand timing, and this cell site is synchronization the command line of switch, which disables the BTS, initialization the BTS, continuous logged BTS with OMU-MMI. unable into to transmit password the supervisionchecking, of the BTS any traffic. password is requested from the user. OMUequipment, BSCThe and If the BTS isreporting equippedfaults with to thethe OMUB, the local The BTS hardware database stored in the flash MMI is activated only testing and operating password can be used. MCLx memory of the operation iffunctions. the OMU accepts the given password. When the OMU-MMI is started without the and maintenance unit (OMU) has been changed. command line switch, which controls the The master unit (MCLx) alarm isclock activated This is an informative alarm. disables the password checking, the password is synchronization and the every time the HW database is stored into the The alarm is cell sent touser. the BSC when the FU, requested from the timing of the site. The clock signals are CU flash memory. OMU ,TRX or BTS object is The OMU-MMI is activated only if the OMU essential for the locally blocked a BTS MMIitcommand. accepts the given password. operation theby cell site, and is possible to This operation is an of informative alarm. The and unit (OMU) is Typically, are maintenance blocked double theunits master responsible for the when faulty units are changed the site. When This isunit an in informative alarm. control clock to ensure theatredundant The carrier oforder the broadcast channel OMU operation and maintenance functions of the BTS. the localofblock control the (BCCH) has not been The main functions command is given, the following operations take OMU synchronization. detected by are theand combiner. transmission of The operation maintenance unitfile (OMU) is of the OMU loading of The the BTS packets place: the BCCH carrier isoperation responsible fortothe from the BSC the - The BTS sends a cancel message to those The operation and maintenance unit (OMU) faulty. The alarm situation is detected only byisthe and maintenance BTS. The main BTS, initialization ofreceive the BTS, continuous The OMU does not a reply to thefunctions polling blocked unit alarms responsible for the RTC combiner. of thethe OMU of are: supervision the BTS from whichtoken havemaintenance been reported to the BSC before operation and functions of the BTS. loading of the BTS filefaults packets from theand BSC to equipment, reporting to the BSC bus or Q1 bus equipment. the block command The main functions This alarm affects the the BTS, initializing theprovided service. If this testing and operating was given. of the OMU are loading of the BTS file packets alarm is active, BTS, continuous supervision of theservice. BTS functions. This alarm can thealarms provided - The BTS sends the of the blocking from theto BSC toaffect the the cell which the alarming equipment, reporting faults to object belongs is function to the BSC. BTS, initialization of the BTS, continuous without BCCH carrier BSC and testing and operating functions. OMU - The BTSofdoes not send alarms of the supervision the BTS and cannot transmit traffic. blocked unitreporting to the BSC equipment, faults to the BSC and The operation and maintenance unit (OMU) is any longer. testing and operating responsible functions. for the operation functions of the BTS. This alarmand canmaintenance affect the provided service. The main functions of the OMU areand loading of the BTS packets The operation maintenance unitfile (OMU or from theisBSC to the for BCFA) responsible BTS, initialization the BTS, continuous the operation and of maintenance functions of the XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) sub unit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. When this alarm is sent to the BSC, the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX reinitialization of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 faulty unit is stopped. This minimises the appearing of this 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit alarm and the initilisations of the faulty unit. 2) shelf number 5) unit number No BTS hardware database in a flash memory of 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number the Operation and 1 2 3 4 5 6 This alarm affects the provided service. Maintenance Unit(OMU). See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF OMU Manual. This is an information message. UNIT The initialization of the OMU's TB controller has 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER failed. The token 1 2 3 4 5 6 The operation and maintenance unit (OMU) is The OMU is responsible for Operation and 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER bus controller the OMU is initialized at the responsible forofthe Maintenance functions of the initialization phase 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit operation and maintenance functions of the BTS. BTS. Main functions of the OMU are loading of Look DX200 BASE STATION ALARMS Alarm Printof the OMU, or when run time errors of token bus 2) shelf number 5) unit number The main functions The selftest of the OMU's token bus controller 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the BTS file packets out manual (GSM): controllers (alarms 3) slot 6) subunit number of the OMU loading of the BTS file packets has in are the 1 2 3 4 5 6 OF A BTS ALARM. fromfailed the BSC to the BTS, initialization of the STRUCTURE 7216, 7217, 7219) occur. from the BSC to the initialization phase of the OMU. BTS, continuous See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference BTS, initialization of the BTS, continuous 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit supervising of the BTS equipments, reporting of The token bus is used between the OMU and the Manual. supervision of the BTS The tokentobus is used between the OMU and the 2) shelf number 5) unit number the faults BSC, The transmitter of the busand controller 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FUs. The OMU and 12OMU's FUsto token equipment, reporting the BSC FUs. The OMU and faults 3) slot 6) subunit number testing and operating functions. is faulty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 can be and connected to the bus. testing operating 12 FUs can be connected to the bus. This is a run time error. functions. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm does not affect the provided service. This alarm does not affect the provided service. Manual. The token bus is used between the OMU and the 2) shelf number 5) unit number The modem of the OMU's token bus controller is 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FUs. The OMU and 3) slot 6) subunit number OMU faulty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 OMU 12 FUs can be connected to the bus. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference The maintenance unitOMU (OMU) is the The operation token bus and is used between the and 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit operation and maintenance unit (OMU) is This alarm does not affect the provided service. Manual. responsible for the FUs. The OMU and 2) shelf number 5) unit number responsible for the The initialization of the OMU's token bus XX XX XX XX XX operation and the BTS. 1-6 3)XX 12 FUs can bemaintenance connected tofunctions the bus. of slot 6) subunit number operation and maintenance functions of the BTS. controller has failed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 OMU The main functions The main functions of thealarm OMUdoes are loading of the BTS file packets This not affect provided service. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of the OMUbus areisloading of the BTS file packets The used between the and 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit operation and maintenance unitOMU (OMU) is the fromtoken the BSC to the Manual. from the BSC to the FUs. The OMU and 2) shelf number 5) unit number responsible for the BTS, initialization of the BTS, continuous The test of the radio loopBTS, or the BTS receiver 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX OMU BTS, initialization of the continuous 12 FUs can bemaintenance connected tofunctions the bus. of the BTS. 3) slot 6) subunit number operation and supervision of the antenna (RAX) hasBTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 supervision of the BTS The main functions equipment, faults theunit BSC andMMI been startedreporting orand stopped by to using the BTS The operation maintenance (OMU) is equipment, reporting faults to the BSC and This does not affect provided service. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference of thealarm OMU are BTS, loading of the BTS file packets testing and operating interface to the 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit responsible for the testing and operating Manual. from the BSC to the functions. or from theand OMC/BSC (automatic supervision). 2) shelf number 5) unit number operation maintenance functions of the BTS. functions. As a result of the RX antenna test (RAX), the OMU BTS, initialization of the BTS, continuous 3) slot 6) subunit number The main functions standing-wave ratio (SWR) supervision of the the time BTSslot employed are The TRX and of the OMU are loading of the BTS file packets has reached the comparison 1. (OMU) The operation and maintenance equipment, faults tolevel theunit BSC and is indicated to reporting the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference from the BSC toBSC. the The responsible for the testing and operating time slot cannot beofused for call functions during Manual. BTS, initialization the BTS, continuous This alarmand indicates that thefunctions performance of the operation maintenance of the functions. As atest. result of antenna test (RAX), theBTS. the supervision ofthe theRX BTS receiver antenna The main functions standing-wave ratio (SWR) equipment, reporting faults to the BSC and has degraded. of the OMU are loading oflevel the BTS has reached comparison 2. file packets RAX testing and operating from the BSC to the The RX antenna test can be executed by using functions. RAX BTS, initialization of BTS, continuous ThisBTS alarm affects thethe provided service. the interface Saving toMMI the flash memory has failed. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX supervision ofOMU's the BTS to the BTS, or from the OMC/BSC. An automatic The flash memory in the 1 2 3 4 5 6 RX antenna test can betoexecuted by using equipment, reporting faults the BSC and RAX supervision period OMU board is used for non-volatile saving of the the OMU-MMI interface testing and operating can also befile defined from the OMC/BSC. BTS's SW 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit to the BTS, or packets, from the OMC/BSC. An automatic functions. The RX antenna test can be executed by using HW database files and passwords. 2) shelf number 5) unit number supervision period The OMU has started the transfer of the TRX 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the OMU-MMI interface 3) slot 6) subunit number can also be defined from the OMC/BSC. functions from the primary 1 2 3 4 5 6 to the BTS, or from the OMC/BSC. An automatic This alarm affects the provided service. TRX to the spare supervision periodTRX. The TRX is faulty and See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference incapable ofdefined performing 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit can also be from the OMC/BSC. OMU Manual. the TRX functions. If the TRX switchover 2) shelf number 5) unit number succeeds, the state of the 3) slot 6) subunit number The operation and maintenance unit (OMU) is alarming object is enabled after the switchover. responsible for the During the switchover See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference operation and maintenance functions of the BTS. procedure, the state of the alarming object is Manual. The main functions disabled, but if the of the OMU are loading of the BTS file packets state of the object remains disabled, the from the BSC to the switchover has failed. BTS, initialization of the BTS, continuous supervision of the BTS This alarm affects the provided service. equipment, reporting faults to the BSC and The redundant TRX is faulty and the primary TRX 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is without a backup. 1 2 3 4 5 6 This alarm does not affect the provided service. During the startup phase of software The redundant TRX is the backup device of the downloading one of the BTS units primary TRX. has failed. The diagnostic info field of the When the primary TRX is damaged, the BTS_ALARM message redundant TRX substitutes indicates which BTS unit's software downloading Two units of the BIEprimary have been the functions of the TRX.configured to use was not successful. the same time slot internally. To prevent a collision, the time slot has This alarm does not affect the provided service. been blocked The unit of the BTS from use by one of these units. A the interface is loopback not in the to running mode. is used in the testing line section and This alarm affects the provided services. The BIE the STMsignal cabling. The incoming 2.048 Mbit/s is not working PCM signal has been looped properly and the entire cell site may be blocked. back to the interface output, andunit the(STM) incoming The site testto and is A loopback themeasurement equipment is used in testing signal oftest the the BTS BS used to the BIE equipment, the interface isofreplaced by thepossible AIS signal. The operation the the BTS. The tests are from line section and signal cabling. The data normal operation of the radio loop tests, the 2.048 Mbit/s interface equipment (BIE) is the The base station interface isreceiver not possible until the loop has been test calls, tests BCCH PCM linkPCM has beensensitivity looped back to and the BIE before 2 Mbit/s A hardware test initiated by the operator is removed. carrier signal itequipment arrives to of thethe PCM BTS. It carries speech and data running inmeasurements. the strength testsAbis can be link. The outgoing signal These of the BTS traffic, signalling transmission unit. This alarm affects services. The started locally at thebyprovided interface replaced thetowards the BSC or and O&Miscommunication interface is not working from the OMC/BSC. the cell site or remotely AIS signal. other BTSs.affects Usually This alarm thethere provided The unit normally, and the entire cell siteservices. issignal blocked. The incoming 2.048 Mbit/s the is one BIE per cell site. ThePCM option of a to separate, is notSTM working The is one of the BTS units which can corresponding interface This alarm affects the provided services. The redundant BIE the test, and the entire cell site properly during BIE cause this is lost. interface isalarm. not working also may beavailable. blocked. normally, and the entire cell site is blocked. The base interface equipment (BIE) is the Thistypes: alarmstation affects the provided services. The BIE point-to-point multidrop The incoming 2.048 Mbit/s(BIU2M) signal is AIS. The AIS BIE 2 Mbit/s PCM connection to at least BIE (BIUMD) signal is detected equipment of the BTS. carries andbedata one site is lost, and theItentire cellspeech site may ifThe thebase data is 1111interface 1111 in every time slot (TS0 station equipment (BIE) is the traffic, signalling blocked. The base interface equipment (BIE) is the 1 stationSMHW board 1 DB2M board TS31). 2 Mbit/s and O&MPCM communication towards the BSC or 2 Mbit/s1PCM orof2 the SMBS boards 1 DX2M equipment BTS. carries speech andboard data other BTSs.alignment Usually there The frame ofIt the incoming PCM signal BIE equipment of the BTS. It carries speech and 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS This alarm affects the provided services. Thedata unit traffic, signalling is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, of the corresponding traffic, signalling boards in theO&M far end is and communication towards the BSC or redundant BIE T1 interface is lost. There0,1 are disturbances in The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the and O&M communication towards the or or 2 LK2M boards not working properly, and the entire cellBSC site may other BTSs. Usually there is also available. signal path, or 2 Mbit/s PCM other BTSs. Usually there be blocked. is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, theone timing network is faulty. The alarm equipment ofthe the BTS. carries and can data is BIE of per cell site. ItThe of amultiframe separate, The multiframe alignment is option lost.speech The redundant BIE BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop also besignalling caused by a traffic, redundant BIE (MF) is not used BIE is also (BIUMD) fault in available. thecommunication alarming unit or in the far unit. and theend BSC or is available. in also theO&M far end, or there aretowards disturbances in the other BTSs. Usually there signal path. The base interface equipment (BIE) is the BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop 1 station SMHW board 1 of DB2M board This alarm affects the services. The unit is one BIE per cell site.provided The option amultidrop separate, BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) 2 Mbit/s PCM (BIUMD) 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board The check is not used in the far end, or is notCRC working properly redundant BIE (BIUMD) This alarm affects the provided Thedata unit equipment of Itboards carriesservices. speech 0,1 or the 2cellBTS. LK2M 1 or 2 and SMBS there are disturbances and the entire site may be blocked. is also available. is not working traffic, signalling 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board boards in the signal path. 1 and SMHW 1 the DB2M board properly, entire board cell site beBSC blocked. and O&M communication towards or 1 or 2 the SMBS boards 1 DX2M board 0,1 or 2may LK2M boards BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board other BTSs. Usually there 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS This alarm affects the provided services. The unit (BIUMD) 0,1ratio or 2cell LK2M boards 1oforMbit/s SMBS The error of the incoming 2.048 PCM BIE is one BIE per site. The option a 2separate, boards is not working boards signal is worse redundant BIE 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards properly,1 and theSMHW entire board cell0,1 site be blocked. DB2M board or may 21LK2M boards than the set threshold value 1E-3. The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the is also available. 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board 2 Mbit/s PCM BIE 0,1 affects or the 2 BTS. LK2M 1 or 2 and SMBS This alarm the provided services. Thedata unit equipment of Itboards carries speech BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop boards is probably working traffic, signalling (BIUMD) The base station interface0,1 equipment (BIE) is the or may 2 LK2M boards properly, the entire celltowards site beBSC blocked. and O&Mbut communication the or 2 Mbit/s PCM other BTSs. there 1 ofUsually 1 DB2Mand board equipment theSMHW BTS. Itboard carries speech data BIE is one BIE per cellSMBS site. The option1ofDX2M a separate, 1 or 2 boards board traffic, signalling redundant BIE 0,1communication or 2 LK2M boards orBSC 2 SMBS and O&M towards 1the or The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the is also available. boards other BTSs. Usually there 2 Mbit/s PCM 0,1option or 2 LK2M boards is one BIE per cell site. The of a separate, equipment the BTS. It carries speech and data BIE types: of point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop redundant BIE traffic, signalling (BIUMD) is also available. and O&M communication towards the BSC or 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) sub unit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The error ratio of the incoming 2.048 Mbit/s PCM 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX signal is worse 1 2 3 4 5 6 than the set threshold value 1E-4. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm affects the provided services. The unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number The error ratio of the incoming 2.048 Mbit/s PCM 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is probably working 3) slot 6) subunit number signal is worse than 1 2 3 4 5 6 properly, but the entire cell site may be blocked. the set threshold value 1E-6. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit BIE Manual. This alarm does not require immediate action. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The frequency of the synchronizing signal is not 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX The unit and the entire 3) slot 6) subunit number correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the cell site are working properly. The bit error rate The synchronization frequency going to other 2 Mbit/s PCM (BER) is good enough See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference BTSs is also 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit equipment of incorrect. the BTS. It carries speech and data for normal operation, and the default setting of Manual. None of the external clock sources on timing 2) shelf number 5) unit number traffic, signalling The clock signal to the synchronizing output 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX this alarm is disabled priority listcommunication are valid 3) slot 6) subunit number and O&M towards the BSC or interface of BIE the DX2M 1 2 3 4 5 6 among the units. and internal clock is taken into use. other BTSs. Usually there or the SMHW unit is disconnected automatically See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, due 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit BIE to a fault in the This alarm BIE affects the provided service. The Manual. redundant selected source-RX signal. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The external MHz synchronization input 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX network is not2.048 working is also available. 3) slot 6) subunit number The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the clock signal, which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 properly. The alarm can be active also when the master 2 Mbit/s PCM provided with a priority on(BIU2M) the synchronization BIE types: point-to-point multidrop clock (the internal clockIt carries speech See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference equipment of the and data list, isBase missing or BTS. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The Station Interface Equipment (BIE) is (BIUMD) of the DX2M or the SMHW unit) has been Manual. traffic, signalling faulty. 2) shelf number 5) unit number the 2 MBit/s PCM The unit has detected a fault in itself. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX selected tocommunication the synchronizing and O&M towards the BSC or 3) slot 6) subunit number equipment BTS. Itboard carries theDB2M traffic board 1 of theSMHW 1 2 3 4 5 6 outputBTSs. connection of there the DX2M or1the SMHW other Usually This alarm affects the provided service. Theboard unit (speech/data), signalling 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M This alarm affects the services. The unit unit. This done all option is one BIEisproperly, per cellwhen site.provided The of a separate, is working See document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference and O&M communication towards 1the or 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards orBSC 2 SMBS is not working 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit the clock sources with a higher priority in redundant BIEcell site may be blocked. the but the entire Manual. other BTSs. Usually there is boards properly, and the entire cell site may be blocked. 2) shelf number 5) unit number syncronization list is also available. The unit per has cell detected a fault during the RAM, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX one BIE site. Option for 0,1 or a 2ofseparate, LK2M boards 3) slot 6) subunit number are faulty,orand the internal clock the unit is EPROM EEPROM test. 1 2 3 4 5 6 BIE redundant BIE is also BIE taken into use. types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop available. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference (BIUMD) This alarmstation affectsinterface the provided services. The 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The base equipment (BIE) is unit the The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the Manual. This alarm affects the provided service. The is nottypes: working 2) shelf number 5) unit number 2 MBit/s PCM BIE point-to-point (BIE) multidrop An error1PCM has detected in the1AIS oscillator. 2 Mbit/s network is notbeen working DB2M board properly, and entire cell site may be blocked. 3) slot 6) subunit number equipment of theSMHW BTS. Itboard carries speech and data (BIUMD) equipment of2 the SMBS BTS. Itcell carries speech andboard data properly,1 and entire site may be blocked. or boards 1 DX2M traffic, signalling traffic, signalling 0,1communication or 2 LK2M boards 1 orBSC 2 SMBS BIE See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference and O&M towards or 1 communication SMHW board 1 the board and O&M towards theDB2M BSC or BIE boards Manual. other BTSs. Usually there 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M other BTSs. Usually there 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards The tributary ofsite. the BIE (DX2M, or base equipment is the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is one BIEstation perunit cellinterface The option ofSMBS a(BIE) separate, board is one BIE per cell site. Theequipment option of a(BIE) separate, The base station interface is the LK2M) has been 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Mbit/s PCM redundant 0,1 BIE or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS redundant BIE 2 Mbit/s PCM disconnected. equipment of the BTS. It carries speech and data is also available. boards is also available. equipment of the BTS. It carries speech and data 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit traffic, signalling 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards traffic, signalling This alarmcommunication affects the provided services. The BIE 2) shelf number 5) unit number and O&M towards the BSC or BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop A forced control, provided(BIU2M) with time supervision, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX BIE point-to-point multidrop and O&M communication is nottypes: working 3) slot 6) subunit number other BTSs. Usually there towards the BSC or (BIUMD) has been activated 1 2 3 4 5 6 (BIUMD) other BTSs. Usually there properly, and the entire cell site may be blocked. is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, by the BIE operator by site. means ofoption a service is one per cell The of amanual separate, If the missing See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference redundant 1 BIE SMHW board 1 DB2M board command. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board redundant BIE unit is the DX2M or the LK2M, of Manual. is also available. 1 or 2 SMBS boardsthe1operation DX2M board 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board is available. The BIE is not equipped. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX thealso network be 0,1 ormay 2properly LK2M boards services. 1 or 2 SMBS This alarm affects the provided It is 3) slot 6) subunit number 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 endangered. BIE types: (BIU2M) multidrop boards possible thepoint-to-point unit boards BIE types: (BIU2M) multidrop The locationpoint-to-point of each tributary unit of the BIE (BIUMD) 2 LK2M and boards is not working properly at0,1 theoror present, the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 0,1 2 LK2M boards (BIUMD) (DX2M, SMBS, LK2M) has 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit BIE entire cell site may Manual. been stored in the memory of the1master unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1 SMHW board DB2M board The forced control of theboard maintenance LED is 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX be blocked. 1 11DB2M board (DB2M oror SMHW). The master 3) slot 6) subunit number The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the 1 2 SMHW SMBS boards DX2M board activated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board unit has0,1 noticed that the actual configuration 2 Mbit/s PCM or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS BIE or the 2 with LK2M 1 or 2 SMBS does not0,1 match theItboards See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference equipment of BTS. carries data boards This is an informative alarm and speech does notand cause 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit boards configuration in the memory. There should be Manual. traffic, signalling 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards any 2) shelf number 5) unit number The problems base station interface0,1 equipment (BIE) is the or 2 LK2M boards another type of unit and O&M communication towards the BSC or with the unit. 3) slot 6) subunit number 2 Mbit/s PCM at some location. other BTSs. Usually there equipment of the BTS. It carries speech and data is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, BIE signalling See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference traffic, This alarm BIE affects the provided services. The BIE redundant Manual. and O&M communication towards the BSC or is not working also available. The base station interface other BTSs. Usually there equipment (BIE) is the properly, and the entire cell site may be blocked. 2 PCM is Mbit/s one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, BIE types: of point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop equipment redundant BIEthe BTS. It carries speech and data BIE (BIUMD) traffic, is also signalling available. and O&M communication towards the BSC or The base interface equipment (BIE) is the 1 station SMHW board 1 DB2M board other BTSs. Usually there BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop The processor of the unit has been reset, for example, when switching the power on, during a supply voltage drop or some other similar malfunction. The 2 Mbit/s signal coming from BIE to the converter in the This alarm affects the provided service. The unit corresponding interface is faulty or lost. does not work properly, and the entire cell site is blocked. This alarm affects the provided services. The The unit has detected a fault in itself. Further connection to at least information is BIE one site is lost, and the entire cell site may be obtained by a command of the service terminal. blocked. The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the This alarm affects the provided services. The unit 2 Mbit/s PCM The BIE incoming 2.048 Mbit/s has the AIS signal in may not work equipment the BTS. It carries speech and data the TS16 ofofthe properly, and the entire cell site may be blocked. traffic, signalling PCM circuit. The AIS signalequipment is detected(BIE) if theis the The base station interface and O&M data communication towards the BSC or incoming is 2 Mbit/s PCM BIE other BTSs. there 1111 1111 inofUsually the time slot in question. equipment thehas BTS. It carries speech and data A been received from the is far oneend BIEalarm per cell site. The option of a separate, traffic, signalling incoming Mbit/s The base 2.048 station interface equipment (BIE) is the redundant BIE This alarmcommunication affects the provided services. The and O&M towards the BSC orunit PCM signal. 2 Mbit/s PCMThe unit which detects this alarm is is also available. is not BTSs. working other Usually there the DB2M or equipment of the the SMHW, BTS. It carries speech and data properly, and entire cell site may blocked. is one peristhe cell site. The option ofbe a separate, and theBIE fault in the main signal path. traffic, signalling BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop A multiframe alarm from the far end (F0/TS16/B6 redundant BIE and communication towards the BSC or (BIUMD) 1) O&M has been BIE is also available. This alarm affects thethere provided services. The unit other BTSs. Usually detected from the incoming 2.048 Mbit/s PCM is working properly one BIE per cell site. The option a separate, 1 SMHW board 1 of DB2M board signal. The base station interface equipment (BIE) is the BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop in the far end, butSMBS the entire cell site may beboard redundant BIE 1 or 2 boards 1 DX2M 2 Mbit/s PCM (BIUMD) A far end beenboards received1from blocked. is also available. 0,1alarm or the 2 has LK2M or 2the SMBS This alarm affects the provided Thedata unit equipment of BTS. It carriesservices. speech and incoming 2.048 Mbit/s boards is not working traffic, signalling 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board PCM signal.point-to-point The unit which detects this alarm is BIE types: (BIU2M) multidrop 0,1 or 2may LK2M boards properly, entire boards cell site be blocked. and O&M communication towards BSC or 1 and or 2 theSMBS 1the DX2M board the LK2M and (BIUMD) other BTSs. there 0,1 orUsually 2 tributary LK2M boards 1 or(BIE) 2 SMBS the fault isstation in the signal path. The base interface equipment is the The incoming signal the corresponding BIE is one BIE perPCM cell site. Thetooption of a separate, boards 2 Mbit/s PCM 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board T1 interfaceBIE redundant 0,1 or services. 2speech LK2M boards This alarm affects the provided Thedata unit equipment of2isthe BTS. Itboards carries and 1 or SMBS 1 DX2M of the SCUA lost. The base station interface equipment (BIE)board is the is also available. is working properly traffic, signalling 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS 2 Mbit/s PCM SCUA in theO&M far end but the entiretowards cell sitethe may be or and BSC boards Thistypes: alarmcommunication affects the provided services. Thedata equipment of the BTS. carries speech and BIE point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop The incoming signal to It the corresponding T1 blocked. other BTSs. Usually there 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards connection to at contain least two independent E1/T1 traffic, signalling (BIUMD) The SCUA card interface of the SCUA is is one BIE per cell site. The option of amay separate, one site iscommunication lost, and entire cell site and O&M towards thedata BSCisbe or1111 convertors. With thethe AIS. The AIS signal is detected if the BIE redundant BIE blocked. other BTSs. Usually there 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board SCUA it is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to 1111 in available. every is also is one BIE per cell site. The option of a separate, 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board operate in T1 1.544 time slot. station interface equipment (BIE) is the The base A loop is0,1 activated in a converter's SCUA redundant BIE or 2 LK2M boards 1T1orinterface. 2 SMBS Mbps standard. 2 Mbit/s PCM BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop is also available. boards This alarm affects the provided Thedata unit equipment of the BTS. It carriesservices. speech and (BIUMD) This alarm affects the provided services. The The SCUA card contains two or independent E1/T1 0,1 2 LK2M boards in the far end is traffic, signalling connection to at least converters. With the BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop not working properly, and the entire cell site may and O&M towards the BSC or 1iscommunication SMHW board 1site DB2M board one site lost, and theconvert entire cell may be SCUA it possible to 2 Mbit/s PCM to (BIUMD) The multiframe alignment is lost. The multiframe be blocked. other BTSs. Usually there 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board blocked. operate in T1 1.544 (MF) not per used is oneisBIE site. The option1ofora 2separate, 0,1 ot 2cellLK2M boards SMBS Mbps standard. 1 end, orSMHW board 1 DB2Minboard in the far there are disturbances the SCUA redundant BIE boards SCUA 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board signal is also path. available. 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 0,1 card ot 2 contains LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS The SCUA two independent E1/T1 error ratio the incoming signal from the The SCUA cardofcontains two independent E1/T1 boards This alarm affects the provided services. The unit converters. With the BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) multidrop corresponding T1the converters. With 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards is not working SCUA it is possible to convert Mbit/s to (BIUMD) interface the SCUA is higher2 thePCM SCUA it isofpossible to convert 2than Mbit/s PCM to properly, and the entire cell site may be blocked. operate in T1 1.544 threshold 1E-3. operate invalue T1 1.544 Mbps standard. 1 SMHW board 1 DB2M board Mbps standard. SCUA 1 or 2 SMBS boards 1 DX2M board This alarm affects the provided services. The unit 0,1 ot 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS is probably working The SCUA card contains two independent E1/T1 boards properly, but the entire cell site may be blocked. convertors. With the 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards SCUA it is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to SCUA operate in T1 1.544 Mbps standard. The SCUA card contains two independent E1/T1 converters. With the SCUA it is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to operate in T1 1.544 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) sub unit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The 2 Mbit/s signal coming from the converter to 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the BIE in 1 2 3 4 5 6 corresponding interface is faulty but not lost. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm affects the provided services. The 2) shelf number 5) unit number The converter is performing a startup self-test. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX connection to at least 3) slot 6) subunit number This may be indicative 1 2 3 4 5 6 one site is lost, and the entire cell site may be of a crash and watchdog reset. blocked. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. SCUA 2) shelf number 5) unit number The 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX BIE converter is faulty, or the connection 3) slot 6) subunit number between the BIE 1 2 3 4 5 6 The SCUA card contains two independent E1/T1 and converter is faulty. equipment (BIE) is the The the base station interface converters. With the See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2 Mbit/s PCM SCUA it is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to BIE 2) shelf number 5) unit number equipment of the BTS. It carries speech and data A far endinalarm (yellow alarm) has been received 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX operate T1 1.544 3) slot 6) subunit number traffic, signalling from 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mbpsthe standard. The base station interfacetowards equipment (BIE) is the and O&M communication the BSC or corresponding T1 interface of the SCUA. 2 Mbit/s PCMUsually there See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference other BTSs. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit equipment of the BTS. ItThe carries speech and data Manual. is one BIE per cell site. option of a separate, This alarm affects the provided services. The unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number An error is BIE detected in the start-up test of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX traffic, signalling redundant is working properly 3) slot 6) subunit number STM test equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 and O&M communication towards the BSC or is also available. in the far end but the entire cell site may be The areUsually alwaysthere carried out at the start-up of othertests BTSs. blocked. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference the STM. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit is one BIE per cell site. The option of amultidrop separate, BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number redundant BIE (BIUMD) The internal serial I/O bus of the STM is faulty. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX SCUA This alarm does not affect the provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number is also available. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The STM tests SMHW are 1 board 1 DB2M board This alarm does not affecttwo theindependent provided service. The SCUA card contains E1/T1 not working any more. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference BIE types: point-to-point (BIU2M) 1 DX2M multidrop 1 or 2 SMBS boards board The STM tests are 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit converters. With the Manual. (BIUMD) 0,1 or 2 LK2M boards 1 or 2 SMBS not working any more. 2) shelf number 5) unit number SCUA it is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to The STM test equipment has received an 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX STM boards 3) slot 6) subunit number operate in T1message 1.544 from unexpected 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 SMHW board DB2M board 0,1 or 2 1LK2M boards STM Mbps standard. the The message is impossible for the TheOMU. site1test measurement unit is or 2and SMBS boards 1 (STM) DX2M board See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference STM in its state. boards 1 or 2 SMBS 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit used to 0,1 testcurrent the or 2 LK2M SCUA The site test and measurement unit (STM) is Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number operation of the BTS. The possible tests are boards An error is detected in the memory test of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX used to test the This alarm does contains not affecttwo theor provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number radio loop tests, 2 LK2M The SCUA independent E1/T1 STM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 operation ofcard the BTS. The0,1 possible testsboards are test calls, receiver sensitivity tests and BCCH SCUA converters. With the radio loop tests, STM See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference carrier SCUA itsignal isreceiver possible toaffect convert 2provided Mbit/s to Thiscalls, alarm does not thetests service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit test sensitivity and PCM BCCH Manual. strength measurements. These tests can be The SCUA card contains two independent E1/T1 operate in T1 1.544 The STM tests are 2) shelf number 5) unit number carrier signal The low noise amplifier 1 (LNA 1) of (STM) the RXFE site testWith and measurement unit is is 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX started locally at converters. the Mbps standard. not working any more. 3) slot 6) subunit number strength measurements. These tests can be broken. The LNA 1 2 3 4 5 6 used to test the the cellitsite or remotely from the OMC/BSC. SCUA is possible to convert 2 Mbit/s PCM to started locally at amplifies RFBTS. signalThe coming in from the operation of the possible tests are operate inthe T1 STM See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference the cell site or1.544 remotely from the OMC/BSC. receiver antenna. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit radio tests, Mbps loop standard. Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number test calls, receiver sensitivity tests and BCCH The low amplifier 2 (LNA2)unit of the RXFE site noise test and measurement (STM) is is 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX This alarm does not affect the provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number carrier signal broken. The the LNA 1 2 3 4 5 6 used to test strength measurements. These tests can be amplifies RFBTS. signalThe coming in from the operation the of the possible tests are RXFE islocally the receiver front end used in the Omni See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference started at receiver antenna. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit radio loop tests, BTS cabinet. Manual. the cell site or remotely from the OMC/BSC. 2) shelf number 5) unit number test calls, receiver sensitivity tests and BCCH Information on the position of the receiver front 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX This alarm does not affect the provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number carrier signal end relays. 1 2 3 4 5 6 strength measurements. These tests can be According to the fault message, the first relay is The RXFE is the receiver front end used in the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference started set to locally at 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Omni BTS cabinet. Manual. the cell site or remotely from the OMC/BSC. position 1. 2) shelf number 5) unit number Information on the position of the receiver front 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number end relays. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The faults do not cause the alarm at the According to the fault message, the first relay is initialization phase. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference set to 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. position 1. 2) shelf number 5) unit number During normal operation, this alarm without alarm 3) slot 6) subunit number RELAY ALARM 2 The faults do not cause the alarm at the indicates a fault in the controller of the RXFE. initialization phase. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. During normal operation, the appearance or During normal operation, this alarm without alarm disappearance of this RELAY ALARM 1 alarm and the RXFE RELAY ALARM 2 indicates indicates a fault in the controller of the RXFE. that the used LNA has been changed, and that there is probably a During normal operation, the appearance or failure in the previously disappearance of this alarm The amplifier of the receiver multicoupler (RMCx) 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is faulty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The RMCx includes two amplifiers. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number Both amplifiers of the receiver multicoupler 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number (RMCx) are faulty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The RMCx is used to amplify the RF signal coming in from the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference If diversity is not used, the cell cannot provide 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit receiver antenna. Manual. service any longer. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The amplifier of the diversity receiver 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX If it is used, service is maintained by using the RF 3) slot 6) subunit number multicoupler (RMCx) 1 2 3 4 5 6 signal coming in is faulty. The RMCx includes two amplifiers. from the diversity antenna (diversity RMCx is See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit used). Manual. This alarm does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The amplifiers of the diversity receiver 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number multicoupler 1 2 3 4 5 6 The RMCx is(RMCx) used to amplify the RF signal The diversity RMCx is used to amplify the RF are faulty. The RMCx includes two amplifiers. coming in from the receiver signal coming in See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit antenna. from the diversity receiver antenna. Manual. This alarm does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The power to the TRFE is fed via the antenna 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX The service is 3) slot 6) subunit number feeder, and this alarm 1 2 3 4 5 6 maintained by using the RF signal coming in from indicates problems either in the feeding unit the primary antenna, See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference inside the BTS rack 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit which has its own RMCx. Manual. (MPFU or TMCx) or in the tower low noise 2) shelf number 5) unit number A cabinet cooling fan unit (CCFU) failure. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX amplifier (TLNA) unit inside 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 The diversity RMCx is used to amplify the RF the TRFE, or in the antenna feeder between the This does signalalarm coming in not affect the provided service. TRFE and the BTS. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit from the diversity receiver antenna. Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The alarm is given in the case of a power failure, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX TRFE 3) slot 6) subunit number or if the input 1 2 3 4 5 6 voltage is below thefront minimum level inisthe The tower receiver end (TRFE) anstation See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference unit power supply 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit optional BTS unit which is Manual. (SUPx). This alarm indicates problems in the cell2) shelf number 5) unit number located in the antenna mast. The alarm is given if the voltage of one or several 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX site power-feed system 3) slot 6) subunit number output powers 1 2 3 4 5 6 to the BTS cabinet. of the station unit power supply (SUPx) exceeds See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference the accepted range. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit This alarm does not affect the provided service. Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The mains has been disconnected and the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX This alarm affects the provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number battery 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUPx back-up unit (BBUx) has been taken into use. SUPx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit The station unit power supply (SUPx) generates Manual. This alarmvoltages does not affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number operating The alarm given if thesupply voltage level of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX stationisunit power (SUPx) generates 3) slot 6) subunit number for the power units located output of the in the subrack of the BTS's 1 2 3 4 5 6 operating voltages BBUx station unit. battery back-up unit in (BBUx) exceeds for the units located the subrack of the BTS's See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference accepted range. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit station unit. The purpose of the battery back-up unit (BBUx) Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The is the given if the battery voltage of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is to alarm convert 230VAC This alarm does not affect the provided service. 3) slot 6) subunit number battery back-upfor unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 to the -48VDC the supply units that use the (BBUx) is low or theSUPB), batteries are not connected. CD voltage (XUPB, BBUx See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit the heat exchanger control board (HECA) and Manual. This alarm does anot affect the provided service. 2) shelf number 5) unit number the LTE. During mains The alarm is given the case of a power failure, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX purpose of the in battery back-up unit (BBUx) 3) slot 6) subunit number breakdown, the converter switches its outputs or to if the voltage 1 2 3 4 5 6 is convert the 230VAC BBUx over to the battery voltage. is below the minimum level inunits the transceiver to the -48VDC for the supply that use the See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Disappearing of the mains (TRX) power(XUPB, supply unit power does not cause 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit CD voltage SUPB), The purpose of the battery back-up unit (BBUx) Manual. breaks at the converter (XUPx). alarm indicates problems in the 2) shelf number 5) unit number the heat This exchanger control board (HECA) andcell is tooutput. convert the 230VAC DC site's power feeda mains 3) slot 6) subunit number the LTE. During to the -48VDC for the supply units that use the system to thethe BTS cabinet.switches its outputs breakdown, converter CD voltage (XUPB, SUPB), See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference over to the battery voltage. the heat exchanger control board (HECA) and This alarm does not affect the provided service. Manual. the LTE. During a mains breakdown, the converter switches its outputs XUPx over to the battery voltage. The XUPx generates operating voltages for the units located in the TRX subrack and to the common busbar inside the The alarm is given if the voltage of one or several output powers of the transceiver (TRX) power supply unit (XUPx) exceeds the accepted range. The standing wave ratio (SWR) at the WBCx output exceeds alarm This alarm affects the provided service. The level 1. associated TRX is blocked by the BSC. This alarm does not affect the provided service. The standing wave ratio (SWR) at the WBCx output XUPx is over 3. WBCx This alarm generates affects the operating provided service. BTS The XUPx voltagesThe for the The wide band combiner (WBCx) is used to sector of the BCF units located in the TRX The mast-mounted preamplifier combine and filter the maximumis faulty. is not working. subrack and to the common busbar inside the of two transmitter outputs of the BTS into one BTS. The busbar voltages are service. This alarm affects thealso provided antenna. The WBCx WBCx not provided by the station unit power supply supervises the condition of the TX antenna by (SUPx) and they feed, for MHPA monitoring the reflected One or both the amplifiers is faulty in the The wide band combiner is used to example, theofremote tune(WBCx) combiner (RTC or power from it. the normal path combine andoffilter the maximum NRTC). The masthead amplifier is a receiver front-end antenna filter and outputs low noise of two transmitter of amplifier the BTS unit into (AFLx). one device located in the antenna. The WBCx also antenna mast. If diversity is notcondition used or of if the diversity path of supervises the antenna One or boththe of the amplifiers is TX faulty in the by the AFLx isthe faulty, monitoring reflected diversity path of the the cellfrom cannot provide service any more. If power it.and antenna filter low noise amplifier unit (AFLx). diversity is used, service is maintained by using the RF signal coming in If the normal path of the AFLx is faulty, the cell The standing wave ratio at the antenna fromvoltage the diversity antenna. cannot provide monitoring unit exceeds service any more. If the normal path is not faulty, the minor alarm threshold. AFLx service is maintained by using the RF signal coming in from the normal This alarmisaffects thefilter provided service. The AFLx used to and amplify RF The voltage standing wave ratio at thethe antenna antenna. signal coming in from the monitoring unit exceeds AMUx receiver antenna. level AFLx2. The antenna monitoring unit (AMUx) supervises This alarm affects thefilter providedamplify service. RF The AFLx used in to The door isisopen one ofand the remotethe cabinets. the condition of the TX signal coming in antenna by monitoring the reflected power from AMUx from the receiver antenna. This alarm doesofnot affect the provided service. the connection the antenna. The antenna monitoring unit (AMUx) supervises There is a fault the the condition of in the TXheat exchanger in one of the remote antenna by cabinets. monitoring the reflected power from the connection of This alarm does not affect the provided service. the antenna. There is a fault in the heat exchanger in one of the local cabinets. This alarm does not affect the provided service. There is problem in the optical link to the remote head. This alarm affects the provided service. The optical link connects the local and the remote head cabinets. All signals between the cabinets are carried via this link. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. There is a problem in the optical link to the remote head. 1-6 This alarm affects the provided service. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 The temperature in one of the remote head The optical link connects the local and the cabinets has exceeded remote head cabinets. the 60 C threshold. All signals between the cabinets are carried via this link. This alarm does not affect the provided service. The air conditioning or TECA unit is faulty or without power supply. Due to this fault, the cabinet internal temperature can exceed the operational limits. The alarm is given if the output voltage (nominal 48VDC) of the heat exchanger power supply unit (HEPC) exceeds the accepted range. This is an external user-defined alarm. XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number The alarm is activated if: For instructions on how to define the alarm for 1. the input power switch on the front panel See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference MetroSite BTS, is in the zero Manual. UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This position is an external (OFF);user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding 2. the input voltage (nominal 230VAC) an external input and output text (MetroSite, For instructions on howrange; to define the alarm for exceeds the specified UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite 3. theBTS, load exceeds the specified range and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi (there example, This isis, anfor external user-defined alarm. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7401 EXTERNAL Multiradio see a shortBTS, circuit in "Adding the load); AL 1 is mapped into an external input line and is outputconnected, text (MetroSite, 4. the alarm or the For instructions how not to define the alarm for ENVABTSE-0 inon LMT. UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, HEPC unit is faulty. MetroSite BTS, and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS,types, Flexi EDGE BTS define or Flexithe alarm For you should Thisother is an site external user-defined alarm. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7402 EXTERNAL HEPC Multiradio BTS, see "Adding in a HW database. AL 2 is mapped into an external input and output text (MetroSite, For instructions how to define alarm for ENVABTSE-1 inon LMT. The heat exchanger power supplythe unit (HEPC) UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, gives the operating voltage and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTSindefine orthe Flexi For other types, youlocated should the alarm for exchanger mini This is heat an site external user-defined alarm. Forthe BTSplus site type, ALARM 7403 EXTERNAL Multiradio BTS, see "Adding in a HW basic database. outdoor cabinet AL 3 is mapped into an external input11, and output text1)(MetroSite, (HEP1: cabinet shelf slot or the mini For instructions how to5,define the alarm for ENVABTSE-2 inon LMT. UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, outdoor extension cabinet MetroSite BTS, and Flexi Multiradio only)". (HEP2: cabinet 21, shelf 8, BTS slot 1). HEPC is UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE or The Flexithe For site types, you should define alarm Thisother is an external user-defined alarm. needed only when Multiradio BTS, see "Adding in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7404 EXTERNAL AC supply isinput used. an external and output text (MetroSite, For AL 4instructions is mapped on intohow to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS,in LMT. ENVABTSE-3 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7405 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For AL 5instructions is mapped on intohow to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS,in LMT. ENVABTSE-4 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7406 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For AL 6instructions is mapped on intohow to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS,in LMT. ENVABTSE-5 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7407 EXTERNAL an input and output text (MetroSite, in aexternal HW database. AL 7 is mapped into UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, ENVABTSE-6 in LMT. and Flexi Multiradio only)". For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7408 EXTERNAL in a HW database. AL 8 is mapped into ENVABTSE-7 in LMT. For other site types, you should define the alarm This is an external user-defined alarm. For instructions on how to define the alarm for MetroSite BTS, UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding an external input and output text (MetroSite, For instructions on how to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7409 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, For AL 9instructions is mapped on intohow to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS,in LMT. ENVABTSE-8 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7410 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 10 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS,in LMT. ENVABTSE-9 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7411 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 11 is mappedon into UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-10 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7412 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions on how AL 12 is mapped into to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-11 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7413 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 13 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-12 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7414 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 14 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-13 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7415 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 15 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-14 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7416 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 16 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-15 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7417 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 17 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-16 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7418 EXTERNAL an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. For instructions how to define the alarm for AL 18 is mappedoninto UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-17 and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7419 EXTERNAL an input and output text (MetroSite, in aexternal HW database. AL 19 is mapped into UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, ENVABTSE-18 in LMT. and Flexi Multiradio only)". For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7420 EXTERNAL in a HW database. AL 20 is mapped into ENVABTSE-19 in LMT. For other site types, you should define the alarm This is an external user-defined alarm. For instructions on how to define the alarm for MetroSite BTS, UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. Multiradio BTS, see "Adding an external input and output text (MetroSite, For instructions on how to define the alarm for UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, MetroSite BTS, and Flexi Multiradio only)". UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm Multiradio BTS, see "Adding is defined by site type, ALARM 7421 EXTERNAL For BTSplus an external input and output text (MetroSite, the user in an HWinto database. AL 21 is mapped UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, ENVABTSE-20 in LMT. and Flexi Multiradio only)". This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7422 EXTERNAL in a instructions HW database. For how to define the alarm for AL 22 is mappedoninto MetroSite BTS, in LMT. ENVABTSE-21 UltraSite BTS, Flexi EDGE BTS or Flexi This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm Multiradio BTS, see "Adding For other site is defined by types, you should define the alarm an external input and output text (MetroSite, in a HW database. the user in an HW database. UltraSite, Flexi EDGE, and Flexi Multiradio only)". For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7425 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 25 is mapped into is defined For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7424 EXTERNAL ENVABTSE-24 in LMT. by user in an HW AL the 24 is mapped into database. ENVABTSE-23 in LMT. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7426 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 26 is mapped intoyou should define the alarm For other site types, is defined by the ENVABTSE-25 in LMT. in a HW database. user in an HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7427 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 27 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-26 in LMT. the user in an HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7428 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 28 is mapped into is defined by the ENVABTSE-27 in LMT. user in an HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7429 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 29 is mapped into is defined by the ENVABTSE-28 in LMT. user in an HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7430 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 30 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-29 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7431 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 31 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-30 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7432 EXTERNAL AL 32 is mapped into ENVABTSE-31 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7433 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 33 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-32 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7434 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 34 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-33 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7435 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 35 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-34 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7436 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 36 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-35 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7437 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 37 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-36 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7438 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 38 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-37 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7439 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 39 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-38 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7440 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 40 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-39 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7441 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 41 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-40 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7442 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 42 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-41 in LMT. the user in a HW database. This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7444 EXTERNAL AL 44 is mapped into ENVABTSE-43 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7445 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 45 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-44 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7446 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 46 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-45 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7447 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 47 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-46 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7448 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 48 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-47 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7449 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 49 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-48 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7450 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 50 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-49 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7451 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 51 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-50 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7452 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 52 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-51 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7453 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 53 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-52 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7454 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 54 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-53 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7455 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm AL 55 is mapped into is defined by ENVABTSE-54 in LMT. the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7456 EXTERNAL AL 56 is mapped into ENVABTSE-55 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. The alarm is defined by the user in a HW database. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7457 EXTERNAL This is an external user-defined alarm. AL 57 is mapped into ENVABTSE-56 in LMT. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7458 EXTERNAL AL 58 is mapped into RACK-01 ENVABTSE-00 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7459 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 59 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-01 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7460 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 60 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-02 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7461 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 61 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-03 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7462 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 62 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-04 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7463 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 63 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-05 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7464 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 64 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-06 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7465 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 65 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-07 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7466 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 66 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-01 ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7467 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 67 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-00 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7468 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 68 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-01 in LMT. For other site types, you should define the alarm in the BTS via the Element Manager. This is an external user-defined alarm. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7469 EXTERNAL AL 69 is mapped into RACK-02 ENVABTSE-02 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7470 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 70 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-03 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7471 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 71 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-04 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7472 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 72 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-05 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7473 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 73 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-06 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7474 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 74 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-02 ENVABTSE-07 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7476 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 76 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-00 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7477 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 77 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-01 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7478 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 78 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-02 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7479 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 79 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-03 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7480 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 80 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-04 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7481 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 81 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-05 in LMT. For other site types, you should define the alarm in the BTS via the Element Manager. This is an external user-defined alarm. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7482 EXTERNAL AL 82 is mapped into RACK-03 ENVABTSE-06 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7483 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 83 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-07 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7484 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 84 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-03 ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7485 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 85 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-00 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7486 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 86 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-01 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7487 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 87 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-02 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7488 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 88 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-03 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7489 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 89 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-04 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7490 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 90 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-05 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7491 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 91 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-06 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7492 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 92 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-07 in LMT. This is an external user-defined alarm. For other site types, you should define the alarm For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7493 EXTERNAL in the BTS via AL 93 is mapped into the Element Manager. RACK-04 ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. For other site types, you should define the alarm in the BTS via the Element Manager. This is an external user-defined alarm. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7494 EXTERNAL AL 94 is mapped into RACK-05 alarms from ENVABTSE-00 to This is an external user-defined alarm. ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7495 EXTERNAL For other site types, you should define the alarm AL 95 is mapped into in the BTS via RACK-06 alarms from ENVABTSE-00 to This is an external user-defined alarm. the Element Manager. ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. For BTSplus site type, ALARM 7496 EXTERNAL For other site types, you should define the alarm AL 96 is mapped into in the BTS via RACK-07 alarms from ENVABTSE-00 to The temperature in the outdoor cabinet is too 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the Element Manager. ENVABTSE-08 in LMT. high. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The temperature in the All Climate (Street Level) For other site types, you should define the alarm Outdoor Cabinet is 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit in the BTS via too high or too low. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The door of the outdoor cabinet is open. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX the Element Manager. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 A fault in the heat exchanger or in the air conditioner depending on which one is used in the cabinet. This alarm does not affect the provided service. The TRX processor is not able to communicate with the D-bus. This is a fatal alarm. The TRX is blocked. A fault in the CHDSP-BSIA loop. The contents TRX and/or size of the looped TRAU frame are incorrect. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air interface of the GSM (DCS) This is a fatal alarm. The loop test is re-executed, The processor of the is not between able to basemain station, it handles theTRX signalling and if it fails, operate the baseproperly. station the TRX is blocked. controller and the mobile station and it relays all This a fatal alarm. trafficisbetween the The TRX is blocked. TRX abis-interface and It also A failure in the loopthe testair-interface. of the RS-232 service TRX performs all baseband interface. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air operations traffictodata, for example, The TRX of isfor unable communicate with the interface the GSM (DCS) The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, service interface. base station, it handles the signalling between interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and the base station of the TRX are not available. The RF modules base station, it two handles the signalling between combining the branches in This is a non-fatal alarm. station controller and the mobile and it relays all the base station case of antenna diversity. traffic the The RF module is not able This isbetween a fatal controller and alarm. the mobile station and it relays all TRX Abis interface and the radio interface. It also to report traffic between the performs alland baseband any alarms thethe status the RF module Abis interface and radioofdetected interface. It some also is An error has been The TRXsituation has main tasks. It is theinair operations forfour traffic data, for example, unknown. performs all baseband EQDSP ofofthe interface theTRX. GSM (DCS) encryption, decryption, operations for traffic faults data, are for example, All EQDSP timeslot indicated with this base station, it handles the signalling between coding, decoding and demodulation and TRX encryption, decryption, alarm. the base station combining the two branches in coding, decoding and demodulation and controller and the mobile station and it relays all the case antenna diversity. The TRX of has tasks.inIt is the air combining thefour two main branches This a fatal alarm. trafficisbetween the interface the GSMdiversity. (DCS) the case of antenna Abis interface and the radio interface. It also base station, it handles the signalling between EQDSP performs all baseband the base station operations for traffic data, for example, controller and the mobile station and it relays all The equalizer digital signal processors (EQDSP) encryption, decryption, traffic between the are in charge of and demodulation and coding, decoding Abis interface and the radio interface. It also the equalization functions within combining the two branches in the TRX performs all baseband receiver. equalization the case The of antenna diversity. operations for traffic data, for example, functions include DC-offset cancellation, receiver encryption, decryption, signal level See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. An error situation has been detected in some CHDSP of the TRX. All CHDSP timeslot alarms are mapped to this alarm. A fault has been detected in the TRX - TRU loop This is a fatal alarm. test. If alarms 7516 and 7517 are also active, the TRX CHDSP is probably faulty. Otherwise the TRU is probably faulty. A fault in the TRXprocessor loop test. for the channel The digital signal coding and decoding This is a fatal alarm. This is a non-fatal/fatal (CHDSP) is in charge ofalarm. the coding, decoding, encryption and TRX TRX decryption of theclock trafficisbetween The TRX FCLK broken. the A-bis and air interfaces. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air This is a fatal interface of thealarm. GSM (DCS) interface of the GSM (DCS) TRX base station, it handles the signalling between base station, it handles the signalling between TRX the base The TRX station has detected failureIt in the base station four mainatasks. is the the FCLK. air controller and the mobile station and it relays all controller and the mobile station and it relays all interface of the GSM (DCS) The TRX has four traffic between themain tasks. It is the air This isstation, a fatal italarm. traffic between the base handles the signalling between interface of theand GSM Abis interface the(DCS) radio interface. It also Abis interface and the radio interface. It also the base station base station, it handles the signalling between performs all baseband TRX performs all baseband controller and the mobile stationinand relays The TRX station has a failure theit13 MHzall the base operations fordetected traffic data, for example, operations for traffic data, for example, traffic between the clock. controller and the mobile station and it relays all encryption, decryption, The TRX has four main tasks. It is the Itairalso encryption, decryption, Abis and the radio interface. trafficinterface between theand coding, decoding demodulation and interface of the GSM (DCS) coding, decoding and demodulation and performs all baseband This is a fatal Abis interface and the radio interface. It also combining theitalarm. two branches in base station, handles thefor signalling combining the two branches inexample,between operations for traffic data, performs all baseband the case of antenna diversity. The DSPof is decryption, unable todiversity. send data to the F-bus. the base station case antenna encryption, TRX operations for traffic data, for example, controller and the mobile station andand it relays all coding, decoding and demodulation encryption, decryption, This isbetween a non-fatal traffic thealarm. combining the two branches in The TRXdecoding has fourand main tasks. It is the air coding, demodulation and Abis interface and the radio interface. It also the case of antenna diversity. interface ofthe thetwo GSM (DCS) in combining branches TRX performs all baseband Thecase DSP has corrupted databetween from the Fbase station, itreceived handles the signalling the of antenna diversity. operations for traffic data, for example, bus. the base station The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, controller and the mobile station and it relays all interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and This isbetween a non-fatal traffic thealarm. base station, handles the signalling between combining theit two branches in Abis interface and thelooped radio interface. It also An in the F-bus data. the error base station case of antenna diversity. TRX performs all baseband controller and the mobile station and it relays all operations for traffic data, for example, This a non-fatal trafficisbetween thealarm. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, Abis interface and the radio interface. It also interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and TRX performs all baseband an error in the looped The TRX has base station, handles the signalling between combining theitdetected two branches in operations for traffic data, for example, database on the F-bus. the station case of antenna diversity. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, The sender of the the mobile alarm isstation remote theit TRX (the controller and and relays all interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and hopping algorithm traffic between the base station, handles the signalling between combining theit two branches in may be illegal). Abis interface and the radio interface. It also The TRX flash memory checksum power control the base station case of antenna diversity. performs all baseband invalid. The stored controller and the mobile station and it relays all This is an informative notification. operations for values traffic data, for example, power control traffic between the are corrupted. encryption, decryption, Abis interface and the radio interface. It also TRX coding, and demodulation and This is adecoding fatal alarm. performs all baseband The watchdog is unable to reset combining the two branches in the TRX. operations for traffic data, for example, The TRX of has four main tasks. It is the air the case antenna diversity. TRX encryption, decryption, This is a non-fatal alarm. interface of the GSM (DCS) coding, decoding and demodulation and base station, it handles the signalling between The TRX has tasks.inIt is the air combining thefour two main branches TRX the base station interface the GSMdiversity. (DCS) the case of antenna controller and the mobile station and it relays all base station, it handles the signalling between The has four trafficTRX between themain tasks. It is the air the base station interface of theand GSM Abis interface the(DCS) radio interface. It also controller and the mobile station and it relays all base station, it handles the signalling between performs all baseband traffic between the the base station operations for traffic data, for example, Abis interface and the radio interface. It also controller and the mobile station and it relays all encryption, decryption, performs all baseband traffic between theand demodulation and coding, decoding operations for traffic data, for example, Abis interface radio interface. It also combining the and two the branches in encryption, decryption, performs allantenna baseband the case of diversity. coding, decoding and demodulation and operations for traffic data, for example, 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual. The temperature inside the TRX unit is higher than 60 C. Cooling is necessary. This is an informative notification. The temperature inside the TRX is higher than 75 C.The TRX is running TRX too hot. Either the outside temperature has increased and the fans The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air cannot compensate it or the TRX is broken. The temperature inside the TRX unit is higher interface of the GSM (DCS) than C. it handles the signalling between base 80 station, This alarm is a non-fatal alarm. The TX power must be switched off to prevent the base station damage thethe mobile station and it relays all controllertoand TRX components. traffic the lock synthesisers (PLL1 or One ofbetween the TX phase Abis interface and the radio interface. It also PLL2) is out order. The TRX hasoffour main tasks. It is the air This is a non-fatal alarm. performs all baseband The TRX of is the still GSM operative if the mode is noninterface (DCS) operations for traffic data, for example, hopping mode base station, it or handles the signalling between TRX encryption, decryption, baseband-hopping mode. If the other synthesiser the base station The TRXdecoding reference frequency synthesizer coding, and demodulation and is not is not locked either, controller and the mobile station and it relays all locked. The TRX has four main tasks.inIt is the air combining the two branches this alarm is fatal traffic between theand the TRX must be blocked. interface the GSMdiversity. (DCS) the case of antenna In the case of and the Abis interface radio interface. It also This a fatal italarm. baseisstation, handles the signalling between synthesiser-hopping mode, this alarm is always performs all baseband the station Onebase of the RX traffic phasedata, lock for synthesizers fatal. operations for example, is out of TRX controller and the mobile station and it relays all order. encryption, decryption, traffic between The TRX is still the operative if the modeand is nonThis is adecoding non-fatal/fatal alarm. coding, and demodulation The TRX has four main tasks. It is the Itairalso Abis interface and the radio interface. hopping mode or combining the two branches interface of GSM (DCS) in performs allthe baseband baseband-hopping mode. If the other synthesizer TRX the case of antenna diversity. The RX reference frequency synthesizer is not base station, ittraffic handles thefor signalling operations foreither, data, example,between is not locked locked (PLL3). the base station encryption, this alarm isdecryption, fatal the TRX Itmust beradio blocked. The TRX has fourand main tasks. is the controller and the and mobile station andand it relays all coding, decoding demodulation In the case of interface of the GSM (DCS) This isbetween a fatal traffic the branches in combining thealarm. two synthesizer-hopping mode, this alarmbetween is always base station, it handles the signalling Abis interface and the radioisinterface. also may the case of antenna diversity. Thebase TRX station loop synthesizer not lockedIt and fatal. the TRX performs all baseband be faulty. and the mobile station and it relays all controller operations for traffic data, for example, This isbetween a non-fatal/fatal traffic themainalarm. The TRX has four tasks. It is the air encryption, This alarm isdecryption, non fatal. Abis interface and the radio interface. It also interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and TRX performs allindicates baseband This alarm a failure in one ofbetween the RX base station, handles the signalling combining theit two branches in TRX operations for traffic data, for example, module synthesizers. the base station case of antenna diversity. The TRX four main tasks. It is the radio encryption, decryption, The main has receiver branch or the diversity controller and the mobile station and it relays all The TRXdecoding has four main tasks. It is the air interface of the GSM (DCS) coding, and demodulation and synthesizer is out traffic between theof order. interface ofthe the GSM (DCS) base station, it handles the signalling between combining two branches in The unit is operational if one of the receivers abis-interface and the air-interface. It alsothe still The TX power has decreased from base station, it level handles the signalling between the base station case of antenna diversity. operates. performs all baseband given value because the base station controller and the mobile station and it relays all (This also depends on the for antenna configuration, operations for traffic data, example, of an HW-fault in the RFU.station controller and the mobile and it relays all traffic between the namely whether encryption, decryption, traffic betweenand the the radio interface. It also Abis interface diversity is connected or not.) coding, decoding and demodulation and This is a non-fatal alarm. abis-interface and the air-interface. It also performs all baseband This alarm the is generated by the combining two branches in TRX software if performs allfor baseband operations traffic data, for example, the Thismeasurement is a non-fatal/fatal alarm. case of antenna diversity. TRX operations for traffic data, for example, encryption, decryption, of the transmitter power indicates a power-off encryption, decryption, coding, decoding and demodulation and although the transmission TRX The TRXdecoding has four main tasks.inIt is the air coding, and demodulation and combining the two branches should be active. This alarm isantenna generated by the interface the GSM (DCS) combining the two branches in TRX software if the case of diversity. Themeasurement TRX has four of main tasks. It is the air base station, it handles the signalling between the case of antenna diversity. This is a fatal alarm. interface of the GSM (DCS) transmitter the base stationpower indicates power-on base station, transmission it handles the signalling between although controllerthe and the mobile station and it relays all TRX the base station shouldbetween be off. the traffic controller and the mobile station and it relays all Abis interface and the air interface. It also The TRX has four traffic themain tasks. It is the air This isbetween a fatal alarm. performs all baseband interface of theand GSM Abis interface the(DCS) air interface. It also operations for traffic data, for example, base station, it handles the signalling between performs all baseband TRX encryption, decryption, the base station operations for traffic data, for example, coding, decoding and demodulation and controller and the mobile station and it relays all encryption, decryption, The TRX has tasks.inIt is the air combining thefour two main branches traffic between theand demodulation and coding, decoding interface the GSM (DCS) the case of antenna diversity. Abis interface the air interface. It also combining theitand two branches in base station, handles the signalling between performs allantenna baseband the case of diversity. the base station operations for traffic data, for example, controller and the mobile station and it relays all 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number Alarm Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. This alarm indicates that the SWR level in the TRX TX interface is too high. It is caused by the cabling or the combiner fault. If diversity is used, both EQDSP receiving paths This is a fatal alarm. are faulty. If diversity is not used, the only path is faulty. TRX This is a fatal alarm. The TRX normal EQDSP receiving is faulty. has four main tasks. path It is the air NOTE: This alarm can(DCS) occur only when diversity interface of the GSM TRX is used. Otherwise base station, it handles the signalling between alarm 7535 is issued. the base station The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air controller anddiversity the mobile and it relays all The EQDSP pathstation is faulty. interface of the GSM (DCS) This isbetween a non-fatal alarm. traffic the NOTE: This alarm can occur only when diversity base station, it handles the signalling between Abis interface and the air interface. It also is theused. base station TRX performs all baseband controller and the mobile station and it relays all operations for traffic data, for example, This isbetween a non-fatal traffic thealarm. A failure the TRX in the telecommunication The TRXathas four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, Abis interface and the air interface. It also signalling message interface of the GSM (DCS) coding, decoding and demodulation and TRX performs all baseband transfer. base station, handles the signalling between combining theit two branches in operations for traffic data, for example, the base station case of antenna diversity. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, This is a non-fatal alarm. station and it relays all controller and the mobile A failuredecoding at in(DCS) the internal D-bus interface of the the TRX GSM coding, and demodulation and traffic between the message transfer. base station, it two handles the signalling between combining the branches in TRX Abis interface and the air interface. It also the base station case of antenna diversity. performs all baseband This is a non-fatal alarm. station and it relays all controller and the mobile The TRX has main tasks. It is the air operations forfour traffic data, for example, traffic between the The BCCH has reported interface of TRX the GSM (DCS) that the TS 0 is not encryption, decryption, TRX Abis interface and the air interface. It also working. base station, it handles the signallingand between coding, decoding and demodulation performs all baseband the base station combining the two branches in The TRX has main tasks. It is the air operations forfour traffic data, for example, This is a fatal alarm. controller and the mobile station and it relays all the case of antenna interface of decryption, the GSMdiversity. (DCS) encryption, traffic between theor the CH/EQ DSPs are not The CH/EQ DSP base station, it handles the signallingand between coding, decoding and demodulation TRX Abis interface and the air interface. It also working. the base station combining the two branches in performs all baseband controller and the mobile station and it relays all the case antenna diversity. The TRX of has main tasks. It is the air operations forfour traffic data, for example, This a fatal alarm. trafficisbetween the interface of decryption, the GSM (DCS) encryption, Abis interface the air interface. It also The LAPD linkitand is released. base station, handles the signallingand between coding, decoding and demodulation TRX performs all baseband the base station combining the two branches in operations for traffic data, for example, This is an and informative notification. controller the mobile station and it relays all the case antenna diversity. The TRX of has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, traffic between the interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and TRX Abis interface and theaair interface.inItframe also The TRX has difference base station, handles the signalling between combining theitnoticed two branches in performs all baseband numbers. the base station case of antenna diversity. The TRX has main tasks. It is the air operations forfour traffic data, for example, controller and the mobile station and it relays all interface of decryption, the GSM (DCS) encryption, This non-fatalthe alarm. trafficisbetween base station, it handles the signallingand between coding, decoding and demodulation Abis interface and the airininterface. The DBIAstation ASIC is faulty theinTRX.It also the base combining the two branches TRX performs all baseband controller and the mobile station and it relays all the case of antenna diversity. operations for alarm. traffic data, for example, This a fatal trafficisbetween the The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, Abis interface and the air interface. It also interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and TRX performs all baseband A successful operation in memory base station, it two handles the signalling between combining theburn branches in the flash operations for traffic data, for example, has base takenof place the station case antenna diversity. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, in the TRX. controller and the mobile station and it relays all interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and traffic between the base station, it two handles the signalling between combining the branches in This an informative Abis is interface and the notification. air interface. It also the base station case of antenna diversity. performs all baseband controller and the mobile station and it relays all TRX operations for traffic data, for example, traffic between the encryption, decryption, Abis interface and the air interface. It also The TRXdecoding has fourand main tasks. It is the air coding, demodulation and performs all baseband interface thetwo GSM (DCS) in combiningofthe branches operations for traffic data, for example, base station, it handles the signalling between the case of antenna diversity. encryption, decryption, the base station coding, decoding and demodulation and controller and the mobile station and it relays all combining the two branches in traffic between the the case of antenna diversity. Abis interface and the air interface. It also 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number Alarm Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. A failure in the burn operation in the flash memory in the TRX. 1-6 This is a non-fatal alarm. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 This alarm indicates a programming failure error TRX in the SW. The TRX has four main tasks. It is the radio This is a non-fatal alarm. interface of the GSM (DCS) The bursts from the are baseTRAU station, it handles thetranscoder signalling between TRX erroneous. the base station controller and the mobile station and it relays all The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air This an informative notification. trafficisbetween the interface of the GSM (DCS) Abis interface and the interface. It also A communication errorradio between the I960 and the base station, it handles the signalling between TRX performs all baseband DSP. the base station operations for traffic data, for example, controller and the mobile station and it relays all The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, This a non-fatal trafficisbetween thealarm. interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and Abis interface and the air interface. It also A faultstation, in the BSIA-CHDSP-CUBA-RFU-STMbase it two handles the signalling between combining the branches in TRX performs all baseband RFU-EQDSP-CHDSP-BSIA the base station case of antenna diversity. operations for trafficvalues data, for loop test. The areexample, tooand high, controller and BER the mobile station it relays all The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air encryption, decryption, compared to thethe limit values. traffic between interface of the GSM coding, decoding and(DCS) demodulation and Abis interface andtest the of airthe interface. It also A fault in the loop RX base station, it two handles the signalling between combining the branches in antenna This is a non-fatal alarm. performs all baseband supervision, in whichdiversity. the base station case of antenna operations for traffic for example, the STM loop is data, performed controller and test the mobile stationtwice and itwith relays all TRX encryption, decryption, different values.the traffic between coding, decoding and demodulation and Abis interface and the interface. It also The backup version of air the TRX TRX has four tasks. is the airis combining the two main branches inItsoftware This is a non-fatal alarm. performs all baseband invalid. check sum of interface of antenna the GSM (DCS) the caseThe diversity. operations for traffic data, for example, the memory code is invalid, and between the stored baseflash station, it handles the signalling TRX encryption, decryption, code is corrupted. the base station coding, decoding and demodulation and controller and the mobile station and it relays all A memory test failure. The TRXIt processor The TRX has main tasks. is the air is not combining thefour two branches This isbetween a non-fatal alarm. TheinBCF loads the traffic the ablecase to communicate interface the GSMdiversity. (DCS) the of the antenna software to TRX. Abis interface and the air interface. It also with the D-bus. base station, it handles the signalling between performs all baseband the base station TRX operations for alarm. traffic data, forblocked. example, This is a fatal TRX station is controller and mobile it relays BCF sends thethe e-cell adjustmentand request to allall encryption, decryption, traffic between the TRXs and waits for The TRX has four main tasks. It is the air coding, decoding and demodulation and TRX Abis interface and the airwaits interface. It also ACK or NACK. The BCF interface ofthe thetwo GSM (DCS) combining branches in for the response performs all baseband for 10 seconds. base station, it handles the signalling between the case antenna diversity. The TRX of has main tasks. It is the air operations forfour traffic for example, After receiving ACK, data, the BCF continues normally the base station This is anofexternal user-defined alarm. interface the GSM (DCS) encryption, decryption, by sendingand thethe mobile station and it relays all controller base station, it handles the signallingand between coding, decoding and demodulation dynamic configuration TRXs. traffic between thetype, to For BTSplus site ALARM 7575 EXTERNAL the base station combining the two branches in If NACK is received or air timer is expired, the Abis interface andinto the interface. It also AL 75 is mapped controller and the mobile station and it relays all the case of antenna configuration of that diversity. performs all baseband RACK-02 ENVABTSE-08 LMT. traffic between the ratio ofinthe The standing antenna TRX is stopped and this is sent toexceeds the BSC operations forwave traffic data,alarm for example, Abis interface and the air interface. It also the lower alarm level. and MMI after encryption, decryption, For other all sitebaseband types, you should define the alarm performs The antenna adjustment is unbalanced. the configuration. coding, decoding and demodulation and Calls can in the BTS via operations for traffic data, for example, still be maintained. combining the two branches in the Elementdecryption, Manager. encryption, the of antenna diversity. Thecase standing wave ratio of the antenna coding, decoding and demodulation andexceeds BTS antennas E-CELL the higher alarm level. combining the two branches in The antenna adjustment is unbalanced. the case antenna diversity. The BTS of has two similar antennas. Both Dynamic cell radius extension. Based on a antennas have the receiving solution with one BCCH If one of the antennas is faulty, the BTS and transmitting function. two TRXs.disables automatically the Different TRXs serve normal area downlink and uplink diversity. The and BTSextended uses the area. The TRX which working antenna and serves theantenna normal area normally configured the faulty is no is longer used. Calls can with BCCH/SDCCH and TCHs. still be maintained. The timing of receiver of the TRX which serves the extended area (E-TRX) If both antennas are faulty, calls cannot be has been delayed so that it can serve an area maintained. beyond 35 kilometres. BTS antennas XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF Manual, UNIT Alarm Reference Manual. 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER See document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF UNIT 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 2) shelf number 5) unit number Manual, 3) slot 6) subunit number Alarm Reference Manual. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual Both of the low noise amplifiers are faulty. The BTS does not work and calls are not available. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF Low noise amplifier UNIT One or both of the low noise amplifiers are faulty. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 The low noise amplifiers are located in the duplex 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER The fatality of the alarm depends on whether one filter. They amplify or both of the low 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF the signals received from the antennas. See the document Structure of Alarm Reference noise amplifiers is faulty. UNIT The antenna testloop fails. The antenna is faulty 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER if the alarm 7591 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. If one of the low noise amplifiers is out of order, 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER is active. RX diversity is 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF disabled. The BTS RF receiving capability is See the document Structure of Alarm Reference The antenna testloop does not operate correctly UNIT Critical fault (orare faults) XX XX XX XX XX XX reduced. Calls still has occurred in the base 1-6 Manual, if external antennas are 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER station. 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 available. Alarm Manual. used and the attenuation between antennas is 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER greater than specified. This alarm blocks the base station. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit If both of the low noise amplifiers are out of order, See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 2) shelf number 5) unit number the BTS does not A major fault (or faults) has occurred in the base 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, The fault reason can be read from the 3) slot 6) subunit number function. station. Calls are not available. 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. supplementary text field of the amplifier alarm. For more information, see Alarm Structure Low noise Check the fault reason from the supplementary 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit text field of the alarm. 2) shelf number 5) unit number A minor faults) has in the the duplex base 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX The low fault noise(or amplifiers areoccurred located in 3) slot 6) subunit number station. 1 2 3 4 5 6 filter. They amplify the received signals from antennas. For more information, see Alarm Structure The fault reason can be read from the 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit supplementary text field of the 2) shelf number 5) unit number A critical fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX alarm. 3) slot 6) subunit number units) that 1 2 3 4 5 6 belong to the sector indicated in the alarm. For Flexi EDGE BTS's fault reasons "Incoming 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit reference clock This alarm blocks the alarming sector. 2) shelf number 5) unit number Major fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or 1-6 has XXstarted XX XX to XXdeviate XX XXrapidly" and "Difference 3) slot 6) subunit number units) that 1 2 the 3 4 5 6 between Check the fault reason from the supplementary belong to the sector indicated in the alarm. current and last stable DAC words", the rack and text field of the alarm. See alarm instructions. rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit shelf 1) values The fault reason can be read from the 2) shelf number 5) unitinnumber indicate the nominal DAC word hexadecimal A minor fault (or faults) has occurred in a unit (or 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX supplementary text field 3) slot 6) subunit number format. units) that 1 2 3 4 5 6 of the alarm. belong to the sector indicated in the alarm. For more information, see Alarm Structure 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Check the fault reason from the supplementary Critical fault has occurred in a TRX. text field of the alarm. This alarm blocks the TRX. The fault reason can be read from the Critical fault has occurred in a TRX. supplementary text field of the alarm. The fault reason can be read from the supplementary text field of the alarm. Minor fault has occurred in a TRX. The fault reason can be read from the supplementary text field of the alarm. 1-6 2) shelf number 5) unit number XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 For more information, see Alarm Structure 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-21 faulty TRX ids 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 for XXmore XX XX XX XX XX information, see Alarm Structure 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 For Flexi EDGE BTS 's fault reason RSSI detected 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Rx signal difference exceeding threshold: 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1) Absolute RSSI difference in dB (in Hex, e.g. 3) slot 6) subunit number '1A' = 26 dB) 2) Faulty Antenna ID (in Hex e.g. '0A' = Antenna ID 7-21 Faulty TRX ids 10) See alarm instructions. 7-21 Faulty TRX ids For more information, see Alarm Structure Critical fault (or faults) that affects the transmission unit has occurred. This alarm blocks the transmission unit object. One or more fans have stopped. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number The fault reason can be read from the supplementary text field For more information, see Alarm Structure of the alarm. (i) The site power system has a critical hardware 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX failure. If the 1 2 3 4 5 6 failure is not corrected, it may cause additional damage to the 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit site power system and/or it causes the power 2) shelf number 5) unit number (i) The site power system has a major hardware 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX supply to the 3) slot 6) subunit number failure which degrades 1 2 3 4 5 6 hardware reliant on it to be disrupted or fail. the performance of the site power system. For more information, see Alarm Structure. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit (ii) Critical site power system parameter(s) are (ii) Major site power system parameters are out 2) shelf number 5) unit number (i) site power outThe of limits. If theysystem has a minor hardware 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX of limits which degrades 3) slot 6) subunit number failure which may degrade 1 2 3 4 5 6 are not corrected, this causes damage to the the performance of the site power system. performance sitethe power system of the site power system For more information, see Alarm Structure. under some conditions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit and/or causes the power supply to the (iii) The mains supply to the site power system 2) shelf number 5) unit number hardware reliant on it Internal O&M software has failed. Note that is testing time slots during 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX (ii)to Minor site power parameters are out 3) slot 6) subunit number be disrupted or system fail. thethis TRX loop test. 1 2 3 4 5 6 condition may be alternatively indicated by of limits which may the "Mains degrade the supply performance of the site power For more information, see Alarm Structure. (iii) The toslot thetested site power system to The TRXmains and the time arealarm. reported 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Breakdown With Battery Backup" system under some has failed and the the BSC. The 2) shelf number 5) unit number The Abis frequency isare toonow highalmost or toodischarged. low, or it 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX conditions. back-up batteries time slot cannot be used for call functions during 3) slot 6) subunit number fluctuates so much 1 2 3 4 5 6 If mains the test. power is not that the master clock tune is the unreliable and tends restored quickly it causes power supply to See alarm instructions. to oscillate tooreliant 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit the hardware Flexi EDGE and Flexi Multiradio: much. Another reason for this alarm can be or that 2) shelf number 5) unit number on the site power system to be disrupted There is an the connection between 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Radio TS is error in testwith use. Radio Time Slot(s) of the oven adjustment 3) slot 6) subunit number fail. the base and 1 2 3 4 5 6 EXxx TRXstation module are scenario has tuned the oven too near the edge. the transcoder. undergoing a TRX (loop) test started from When the tune is For more information, see Alarm Structure 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit (remote) BTS Manager. stopped, the master clock can go by itself out of 2) shelf number 5) unit number The base station 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX specification and power supply unit has lost its 3) slot 6) subunit number main power. 1 2 3 4 5 6 therefore calls may drop after several hours or days. See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference NOTE: When this alarm is active, it is not sent to 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual the BTS Manager. 2) shelf number 5) unit number This is a non-fatal alarm but it indicates The environmental conditions of the base station 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX However, the alarm cancelling can be seen on 3) slot 6) subunit number decreased traffic capacity are intolerable. 1 2 3 4 5 6 the BTS Manager. in the base station. See alarm instructions. Check the fault reason from the supplementary 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit NOTE: If the power loss is very short and power text field of the alarm. 2) shelf number 5) unit number The door is open or the cabinet cover 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX is oncabinet again within 3) slot 6) subunit number has removed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1500been ms, the alarm is cancelled automatically and no actions are See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit required. 2) shelf number 5) unit number A shared Radio Module has gone offline. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Alarm Structure, Alarm Reference Manual Packet Abis BTS has detected that 3 consecutive 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX dummy packets are lost 1 2 3 4 5 6 in CS U-plane. BSC blocks the base station. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number Packet Abis BTS has detected that 3 consecutive 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number dummy packets are lost 1 2 3 4 5 6 in PS U-plane. BSC disables GPRS use of TRXs For more information, see Alarm Structure under the BTS by sending 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number The TRXLINK between of the Converter base SYS INFOs with GPRS disabled information via 3) slot 6) subunit number station and Legacy bts is BTS to mobile stations. not in operating state. For more information, see Alarm Structure The alarm concerns the D-channel of the TRX. The O&M link of the Converter base station and Legacy bts is not in operating state.This prevents the O&M functions of the base station. A minor transmission fault (or faults) has occurred in the base station. The fault reason can be read from the supplementary text field of the alarm. The OMU of the BTS has been started up. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 3) slot 6) subunit number For more information, see Alarm Structure The BCF has been started up. The alarm is a BCF-specific notification of the start-up of the BSS. The alarm indicates the start-up of the BCSU or BCXU. Only internal use. The alarm concerns a PCM containing BCF links. The radio network objects whose LAPD links are part of this particular PCM are not functioning. Significance The alarm concerns the D-channel of the TRX. of this alarm depends on the number and nature of LAPD links connected to this PCM. The O&M link of the base station is not in operating state. This prevents the O&M functions of the base station. The alarm indicates the start-up of the TRX. The BTS has sent an alarm that is not defined in the BSC. This alarm does not affect the RNW recovery system actions for the accused object i.e. the recovery for the accused object is The administrative state of an object has been executed as it changed. would if the alarm was defined. The additional information field displays the old and new state. 1 the BTS alarm system of BSC does not have definition for this alarm number 2-15 if the undefined alarm has additional information, it is placed here. The additional information is cut after 14 bytes The radio network configuration and failure 1 N = normal TRX management has E = extended range TRX detected that the ratio between the number of full rate traffic channels in the cell in normal working state The radio network configuration and failure 1 N = normal TRX (UNLOCKED-WORKING) and management E = extended range TRX the number of unlocked full rate traffic channels has detected that the ratio between the number in the cell is of SDCCH below the defined threshold. channels in the cell in normal working state The background download of the BCF software (UNLOCKED-WORKING) build has failed. Only one alarm per cell is possible. Object of the and the number of traffic channels in the cell in The information field is divided into the alarmadditional is the BTS normal working state following which has the BCCH timeslot. (UNLOCKED-WORKING) is below the defined text-format subfields which are filled in order to The BCF remote MMI connection is in use. threshold. identify the alarm: The additional information field is divided into the following Only one alarm per cell is possible. Object of the PACK_STAT text-format which are filled in order to alarm is thesubfields BTS status to which the attachment whose identify thethe alarm: which has BCCH timeslot. The O&M unit of the BCF or TRX is caught in a background download failed circle ofwas resets made. The values can be NW,BU or CONNECTION_TYPE (the FB BCF has received at least 3 resets within type of the created connection. The values 30 minutes). If the alarm 7767 (BCCH missing) is are: alsoFAULT_PHASE set, TheOWN HW database in theDX200 base station BSC, OTHER NE anddiffers the circle of resets the download whole BCFinsite. phase theconcerns background from the activeofHW database allocated to the NMS/2000 which the download error BCF in question took place. The values be QUEUING, inSYSTEM_ID the management system of can the BSC's HW DOWNLOADING or databases. system identification of the system that The radio network and failuremade 1 N = normal TRX SAVING TOconfiguration FLASH the external management E = extended range TRX (DW) hasconnection detected that the ratio between the number DX_ERROR of half rate DX 200 error code indicating the cause of traffic channels in the cell in normal working state the error. Because of a TRX reset the alarms of the TRX (UNLOCKED-WORKING) anderror the number of in Thisremoved field is filled if the took place object are unlocked half rate the QUEUING or from the active alarms of the BSC, but the TRX traffic channels in the cellphase is below the defined DOWNLOADING has remained threshold. blocked and is not baseband hopping. TheNACK_REASON TRX is being initialised. The situation can also result from a BCSU Only one alarm per cell is possible. Object of the restart.BTS NACK cause code, if the error took alarm is storing the place in the BTS which has the BCCH software build to thetimeslot. flash memory Activating the control channel has failed a number of times. 1 subtime slot identifier of the radio time slot Time supervision has expired or the BCF has sent a negative acknowledgement to the BSC, thereby cancelling the ongoing message transfer sequence. The recovery or configuration management system of the BSS radio network has failed to update the BSS Radio Network Configuration Database (BSDATA)according to the fault situation affecting A failure has occurred in sending the system the radio network. information to the BTS site after the recovery measures or configuration changes of the BSS Moreover, the correct radio network configuration radio network. The TRX in question or the whole or the operational cell may be unable to transmit traffic. The configuration management statefault has recovery not been or updated to the BSC's call system of the BSS control program radio network has be updated theinBSS Radio blocks. Calls may blocked the cell in Network question.Configuration Database (BSDATA) according to the fault situation in the The system has blocked the radio time slot radio network. because the call control has failed a number of times in the However, the update of the operational state of activation of the radio a radio channel. The cell has been set to network or the update of the the minimum reconfiguration of configuration due to the radio a failure to in clock setting clock synchronisation. network the BSC's callorcontrol program block Only failed.the BCCH-TRX is functioning. Some traffic channels have been lost in the Due to the failed update, there is a conflict in configuration because of a This means that the number of working traffic radio network data TRX or TCH swap made by the radio network channels in the cell has between database and the call recovery. the Theradio loss network is possible decreased because only one TRX is functioning control program. Because of in the following situations: this, calls may be Fault recovery and others in received a diagnostic block blocked in are has request from the BTS. BL-CLK state. the in question. Thecell faulty control channel (BCCH, SDCCH, If the objects that the request applies to were in ERACH) TRX does not support the state, fault ThisWO is the result of the fact that several TRXs half rate channels and the control channel recovery hasinblocked them. cannot work a The BSC radio network fault functionality is swapped to recovery failed. The non-synchronised mode in the same cell and so cause thehas failure a TRX of that half rate or dual rate channels in The BTSTRX has is notleft stopped internal runtime just one is of the following: itsone configuration. diagnostics automatically. to WO state. -Inreading thethe radio network configuration data this case, number of traffic channels may You can check the operational state of the object failed decrease. Configuring the radio network object from the with the MML command Synchronised handovers may be unsuccessful - the BCF-specific recovery buffer in the alarm if BSC failed. The object is of the object under EEI. The operational state cell is in minimum system is full The traffic channels transferred to the faulty not transmitting traffic. runtime diagnostics configuration TRXs commanded - re-sending abecause fault been are attempted the to control channel TRXhas have is BL-DGN. Alarm is set when the operational internal clock mode. maximum number of times to be classified as NOTUSED, because the state of the object is build (package) has not BCF software -subslots the default recovery system sent a DX error code in its for the sign parameter BL-DGN. the object TRX, the has the BTS_ID inWhen theSoftware alarm is the is BTS which been acknowledgement of thesolved. faulty control channel TRX indicate that the operational state can also be BCCH timeslot. download request has beenbecause sent to BCF with MF - recovery was interrupted of a system time slots in BL-RSL. name filled as no Abis allocation. restart. question have ********.***. SW build in the BCF may be different than the one The may be a cellrun which does not If theresult BCSU resources out during thetransmit TRX defined as default in the BSC. traffic because recovery ofathe TRX build or TCH radio recovery hasare notalso received the to fault, swap,network the traffic channels changed or a cell whose NOTUSED channels. The capacity is out of the usechannel although it isfrom not faulty, system changes type CH7 or a recovery downwards. action which could not be terminated. The number of channels is observed for each BTS separately. 1 reason for the failure (DX error code) general error message of the system. See General Error Messages of System for error code explanations.You can check its meaning with a command of the service terminal 1 type of error extension MRS or in the General Error Messages of System, 01 error in updating the operational state of the radio Supplementary network References 02 error in updating configuration of the radio network 1 task in which the error occurred object (BCF/BTS/TRX) INTERRUPTED TASK 03 error in updating the frequency hopping parameters 03 in the Thefailure task that gotTRX interrupted. 05 error in updating the GPRS related parameters of 04 of the TRX failure 01- cancelling BTS RESET BTS sent by 05 specific failure 02- cell configuration 1 type ofBCF the error PCU 06 of a cell-specific 03- cancelling TRX Administration Statefailure Change 06 error in unlocking BTS/TRX due to automatic TRX 07 siteTRX failure 04Power control command 01 error in updating the operational state of the radio unblock 08 failure 05- cancelling Precise of ULsite Interference Measurement network 09 restart of the BCSU 02 error in updating TRX configuration 2 task inofwhich the errorthe occurred 1 0A Type theofchannel restart the BTSwhose site TCH activation failed. 03 error in updating the frequency hopping The achannel typerequest can beof"TCH", "SDCCH", "Packet 0B correction the TRX configuration from parameters 01 TCH" failure in the TSL Data the call 02 cancelling or control "DTM TCH".of the TSL failure 2 03 taskfailure in which theTRX error occurred in value the The BTS/TRX number "0" command indicates "TCH", "1"means indicates 0C Unlock given by of an 04 cancelling of the TRX failure "SDCCH", MML command 01 failure in thefailure TSL 05 cell-specific "2" indicates "PDTCH" (Packet TrafficofTCH) and 0D configuration change done Data by means an MML 02 cancelling of the TSL failure failure 06 cell-specific "6" indicates command 03 failure in the TRX failure 07 BTS-site-specific "DTM TCH"backup (Circuitrecovery switchedof TCH DTM 0E battery the of BTS siteconnection). 04 cancelling TRX failure thatfailure 08 BTS-site-specific 1 10 The numberofofthe TCHH lostininthe the spontaneous restart ofchannels the TRX or awere change 05 09 cell-specific restart of thefailure BCSU cell state of 06 cancelling of aBTS cell-specific failure 0A configuration restart of the site the Gb interface 07 BTS-site-specific failure 0B acorrection request for the TRX configuration from 12 sending of periodic system information cancelling ofofa TCHD BTS-site-specific failure the call control 2 08 number channels that were lost in the 13 The updating of access classes 09 restart of the BCSU 0C BTS/TRX unlock given by means of an MML cell 14 restart of the TRX 0A configuration restart of the BTS site command 18 system HOT restart 0B request of the of TRX from 0E correction battery backup recovery theconfiguration BTS site 1A TRX/BTS/BCF temporary block/deblock task due to the call control 0F testing of the TSL 3 The number of TCHF channels that were lost in the BTS diagnostic 0C BTS/TRX Unlock 14 restart of the TRX command given by means of an 1 PCM identifier cell or BTS internal recovery MML command 18 configuration hot reset 23 blocking due to RNW plan activation 0D object modifiedtemporary by MML block/deblock task due to 1A TRX/BTS/BCF 24 deblocking due to RNW plan activation 0E battery backup recovery of the BTS site BTS diagnostic 2 DCS identifier as a hexadecimal 4 26 The number of parameter EGTCH channels updating plan changesthat were lost in 0F testing of the TSL or BTS internal recovery the cellTRX error manual power down 1 27 general message 14 restart of the TRX 19 MCMUof the system. You can check configuration 28 TRX automatic power down its18 meaning system HOT restart 20 blocking due to RNWaction plan activation 3 2A number of theRestart recovery being processed Fast BSS withblocking a command of the service terminal extension MRS 23 due to RNW plan activation 21 deblocking due to RNW plan activation 5 The number of LRTCH channels that were lost in the 2B ETP unit restart or24 in the deblocking due to RNW plan activation 22 updating GPRS related parameters in BTS sent by cell 2E HDLC link Messages failure General Error of System, Supplementary 26 updating plan parameter changes the PCU 1 general error message of the system. can check 4 2F identifier oflink's the alarm system's filteringYou buffer configuration HDLC PCM failure References TRX manual down 23 blocking due power to RNW plan activation its27 meaning 30 Configuration data sending to BTS 28 automatic down 24 deblocking due to RNW plan activation withTRX a command of power the service terminal extension MRS 255 UNSUCCESSFUL_EC 2A Fast BSS Restart 25 updating the GPRS related parameters in BTS sent or in the 5 generalerror errormessage messageof ofthe thesystem. system.You Seecan General 2 general other malfunction between the BSC and thecheck BTS its 2B ETP Error unit restart by PCU General Messages of System, Supplementary Error Messages of meaning 593 ILLEGAL_BTS_SUBTYPE_EC 2E HDLC failure 26 updating plan parameter changes References System forlink error code explanations. with a command of thesubtype serviceisterminal extension MRS defined BTSPCM site 2F HDLC link's failure 27 TRX manual power down not suitable for BTS or in the software 30 Configuration sending 28 TRX automaticdata power downto BTS General Error Messages of System 1276 BTS_VLAN_ID_CONFLICT_EC 29 O&M link fault cancel VLAN ID for and process secured whose M-plane traffic 3 32 family identity of unsecured theunblocking application update automatic TRX is different failed 2A Fast BSS Restart BTS 2B in ETP unit restart 2113 INVALID_TRE_ID_EC 1B3 Radio link Connection 2E HDLC failure Supervisor Program Block TRE_ID in LMU Area when BSSBlock 1B4 Radio link's Resource Program 2F Incorrect HDLC PCM Management failure Synchronization is indata 1BF Abis-interface Program Block 30 Configuration sending to BTS An originating test call has failed due to lack of resources during scheduled testing. Time supervision has expired or the TRX has sent a negative acknowledgement to the BSC which has interrupted the ongoing message exchange scenario. The BTS has at least one TRX defined as the The TRX O&M link may not be working and preferred BCCH TRX but therefore, the ongoing the BCCH channel is not on such a TRX so the recovery action has been interrupted. The TRX BCCH coverage may functionality is not have decreased. The TRX test has failed. The test outcome is reliable. concluded by comparing the This alarm is not set if the BCCH MISSING alarm test results to the threshold values. The traffic is active. capacity is likely to be decreased. The Abis Loop test has failed. The quality of the transmission path has been decreased substantially. The Abis transmission is probably faulty. The alarm is set if even one of the tested BSC's radio resource management state files are subtimeslots exceeds the faulty and as a result, threshold value. the BTS's traffic capacity may have decreased. The system has attempted to return the state files back to The BTS has had no successfully terminated normal by means of calls or SDCCH transactions an automatic procedure. during the supervision period. The alarm is used for supervising the BTS traffic capacity. An originating test call has failed during scheduled testing. 1 BCF number of the main test object. The number indicates the BCF where the STM used in the test is located 2 BTS number of the main test object 1 general error message of system. See General Error Messages of 3 BCCH channel frequency number. Channel number System for error code explanations. indicates the BCCH frequency of the test object 2 task in which the error occurred 4 reason for failure (DX error code). If the value is 01 failure in the TSL 11477 (SIGNALLING BETWEEN THE STM AND THE 02 cancelling of the TSL failure NETWORK FAILED), 03 failure in the TRX fields 5-8ofmay have additional information 1 04 number theof radio time slot used for the on testthe cancelling the TRX failure failure. 0...7cell-specific failure 05 The fields are filled if the data is available at the base 06 cancelling of the cell-specific failure station 2 07 transmitted power failure BTS-site-specific range 0...50 dBm 08 cancelling of transmission the BTS-site-specific failureradio 1 of the Abis concerning 5 state reason for rejection in the failed call. If thetovalue is 255, 09 restart of the BCSU timeslot 0 valid it is not 3 0A standing ratio restartwave of the BTSwas sitetested and the result of testing 00 means that RTSL range 10...100.request The actual SWR is configuration 0.1 * the given 0B correction for the TRX from is 'FAILED' 6 reason for release in the failed call. If the value is 255, value. the call control FF that the field is not significant itestimate ismeans not valid 1 0C on BTS's traffic capacity after BTS/TRX unlock given by means ofthe an restoration MML 0 test255 alarm, capacity Value (hexnormal 0xFF) traffic indicates that SWR is not command 2 state ofofthe Abis transmission concerning to radiois 255, 7 the alarm in the failed call. Iftothe value 1cause traffic capacity has been returned normal measured 0E battery timeslot 1 validbackup recovery of the BTS site it2 istraffic not capacity has decreased 0F testing of the TSL 01 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing 3bit traffic capacity has substantially decreased 4 error rate value of the diversity branch 1 14 restart of the TRX 1 reason forstage the alarm is 8 'FAILED' signalling in the failed call. If the value is is255, The value is BCD coded and the decimal point after 15 blocking due to background parameter update 1 =means no successful seizures FF that the SDCCH field is not significant it is not valid 2 number of SDCCH channels working the fourth 16 deblocking due to background parameter update 2 = no successful TCH seizures byte: XXXX.XXXX background changes 3 = updating noof successful SDCCHparameter norconcerning TCH seizures 3 17 state the Abis transmission to radio 3 18 number of full rate TCHs working 00000 ... 1000000 hot reset timeslot 2 1 19 BCF number of the main test object. The number restart of the MCMU 02 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing indicates 4 number of RX half rate TCHsvalue working 5 20 measured sensitivity of the diversity branch 1 blocking due to RNW plan activation is 'FAILED' the BCF where the STM used the test islevel. located Indicates the absolute value ofinthe signal 21 deblocking due to RNW plan activation FF means that the field is not significant 5 22 number of blocked radio time slots range (-)85...(-)118 updating GPRSdBm related parameters in BTS sent by 2 BTS number of the main test object the PCU The same radio network alarm has changed its 1 the alarm of the beating BTS alarm 4 state of thenumber Abis transmission concerning to radio 6 number of radio time slots removed service 0 (the receiver sensitivity is less thanfrom can be measured) 23 blocking due to RNW plan activation alarm state (start/cancel/ timeslot 3 3 24 BCCH channeldue frequency number. Channel number deblocking to RNW plan activation disturbance/notice) 20 times consecutively, 03 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing indicates 7 detector 254 (could not be measured) the GPRS related parameters in BTS sent always during informing 2-15 ifupdating the beating alarm has any additional information, it is 25 'FAILED' the BCCH frequency of the test object C channel search algorithm by PCU or cancelling delay, and has thus been filtered by is FF means that the field is not significant The mean holding time on the channel specified 1 26 subchannel identification 255 (sensitivity is better than minumum updating plan parameter changes the alarm system. indicated here. Additional information is TXLEV) cut after 14 exceeds the 00: TCH/H subchannel 0 (OSC-0) 4 reason for failure (DX error code). Ifwas thedetected value is 8 execution phase at which the fault 27 TRX manual power down The same radio network object is the object of bytes and it is represented in hexadecimal 5 state of(SIGNALLING the Abis transmission concerning toformat. radio operator-defined threshold during the 10: TCH/H subchannel 0 (OSC-1) 11477 BETWEEN THE STM 6 bit error rate value of the diversity branch 2 AND THE 28 TRX automatic power down both this alarm and timeslot 4 measurement period. 01: TCH/H subchannel 1 (OSC-0) NETWORK FAILED), 9 totalvalue count errors detected in state filespoint is after The isofBCD coded and the decimal the beating alarm that caused this alarm. 04 means that subchannel RTSL was tested and the result of testing The alarm is used to supervise the functioning of the 11: TCH/H 1 (OSC-1) fields 5-8 may have additional information on the fourth The BCF has been set in maintenance mode. is 'FAILED' the traffic and 02: XXXX.XXXX TCH/F subchannel (OSC-0) failure. byte: Alarm handling in the object FF means that the field is data not significant signalling channels. It reveals unreleased calls. 12: TCH/F (OSC-1) The fields are subchannel filled if the is available at the base 00000 ... 1000000 is limited. C0 - C7: SDCCH subchannel station 6 state of the Abis transmission concerning to radio 7 measured RX sensitivity value of the diversity branch 2 timeslot 5holding Mean holding time on a channel is below the 1indicates if the the mean holding time is signal below the defined 2 mean time on the channel in Ifminutes 5 Indicates reason for rejection in value failed call. thelevel. value is 255, absolute of the 05 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing operator-defined minimum threshold itrange is not(-)85...(-)118 valid dBm is during the measurement period. The alarm is in time slot 3 'FAILED' number of 0 seizures on the channel during the means the field is not significant used to supervise the 00: threshold (no alarm) measurement period 6 FF forthat release in the failed the be value is 255, 0reason (theabove receiver sensitivity is lesscall. thanIfcan measured) functioning of traffic channels and to detect the 01: below threshold (alarm) it is not valid 7 of the Abis transmission concerning possible faulty 4 state shortest seizure the channel during theto radio 254 (could not beon measured) timeslot 6 channels. 2indicates the mean in holding timecall. is below defined measurement period 7 cause ofif the alarm the failed If thethe value is 255, 06 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing threshold in it255 isseconds not valid (sensitivity is better than minimum TXLEV) is 'FAILED' in time slot 1 FF means that theinfield is not significant above threshold alarm) 8 00: signalling stage the(no failed call. If the value is 255, 01: below it is not validthreshold (alarm) 8 state of the Abis transmission concerning to radio timeslot 7 if the mean holding time is below the defined 3indicates 07 means that RTSL was tested and the result of testing threshold is 'FAILED' in time slot 2 During the supervision period, the TCH time slot has suffered excessive interference in idle mode that is equal to or higher than the operator-defined alarm threshold percentage. The rate of calls terminating in failure on a That is, the channel is above the interference in the time slot has lasted longer threshold value set by the operator. The alarm is than is acceptable. used to supervise The interference level classified as excessive is the functioning of traffic and signaling channels, The percentage defined by the of rejected channel seizure and to detect requests congestion operator. due The to alarm is used to supervise the BTS the possible faulty channels. as opposed to all channel seizure requests in the traffic capacity. base station is above the operator-defined alarm threshold. In A scheduled RX sensitivity measurement test the segment environment failed. A test fails when this alarm describes the congestion situation of one of the threshold values for errors in the result the whole cell although parameters is it is only given to the BCCH BTS. exceeded. The cell's or super extended alarmextended is used to(ETRX) supervise the traffic capacity cell coverage of the base has been lost. The E-RACH ETRX or STRX is faulty and station. the BTS cannot find a TRX that could be reconfigured. Releasing the channel reserved for testing failed. The time slot in question is not available for The alarm is also set if the BCCH TRX is faulty traffic. and the E-RACH ETRX or STRX is reconfigured as the BCCH TRX. It is A scheduled single TRX test failed. The test only possibleor toahave one fails an TRX type of the cell. alarmwhen per the error rate value of the result parameter is exceeded. The object of the alarm is the BTS with the BCCH The TRX's traffic capacity has probably time-slot. A scheduled or a single TRX loop test failed. The decreased. test fails when an error rate value of the result parameter is exceeded. The TRX's traffic capacity has probably A scheduled or a single antenna loop test failed. decreased. The test fails when an error rate value of the result parameter is exceeded. The TRX's traffic capacity has probably Dual band definition in the database is faulty, decreased. because the phase 1 BTS does not support the Dual Band feature. 1-8 the percentage (per each TRX time slot) that the channel has spent in excessive interference during the supervision period. The number is a hexadecimal, 0 - 64 %. 1 indicates if the alarm is on the TCH or on the SDCCH If the time slot is not a TCH time slot, the value is 0 channel 01: TCH 9 the threshold level of excessive interference. The 02: SDCCH values are 1 0, object congestion 1, 2, of 3 and 4 2 indicates if the channel failure rate is above the defined 1001 theSDCCH TCH channel's alarm threshold percentage of the threshold in time slot 0 02spent TCH time 00: below threshold (no alarm) 03 extendedinterference, cell SDCCH1 - 100 %. The alarm is in excessive 1 01: number of the radio time slot used for the test above threshold (alarm) 04 extended cell TCH generated if 0...7 05 super SDCCH at least oneextended TRX timecell slot reaches the threshold 3 indicates if the channel failure rate is above the defined 06 super extended cell TCH 2 threshold calculated value in RX timesensitivity slot 1 (-)90 below ... (-)110 dBm (no alarm) 00: threshold 1 extended range TRX when congestion was last 2 E the= time (hours, minutes) 01: aboveextended thresholdrange (alarm) S = super TRX observed during 0 = sensitivity is less than with the test the measurement period equipment be measured 4 indicates if the can channel failure rate is above the defined 255 = sensitivity is better than with the test threshold in time slot 2 3 number of channel seizure requests during the its 1 00: general error message ofalarm) system. You can check equipment can be(no measured below threshold measurement period meaning 01: above threshold (alarm) a command of the service 3 with measured RX sensitivity value terminal extension MRS 4 percentage of rejected SDCCH or TCH (depending on or in (-)85 ... (-)110 dBm 5 indicates if the channel failure rate is above the defined theGeneral Error Messages of System, Supplementary in the timediversity slot 3 branch tested 1 threshold number of congestion object) seizure requests due to congestion References 0 = sensitivity is less than with the test 00: below threshold alarm) 1 = diversity branch 1(no in all equipment can be measured 01: above threshold (alarm) 2 = diversity branch 2 channel seizure requests during the measurement 255 = sensitivity is better than with the test period. The equipment can be measured 6 ifofthe channel failure rate is above the defined 2 indicates identifier radio time slot tested TCH percentage includes all half rate, full rate and rate 1 threshold number of the diversity in time slot 4 branch tested 0 .. 7 recommendation channel seizure requests 1bit= error diversity branch 4 00: rate value. 1(no alarm) below threshold 2 = diversity branch 2 (alarm) The value isthreshold BCD coded and the decimal point is after above 3 01: bit error ratio. 5 percentage of rejected half rate channel seizure theThe fourth value BCD coded and a decimal point is after the requests dueofis radio 2 identifier time slot tested byte: XXXX.XXXX 7 indicates if the channel failure rate is above the defined 1 number of the branch tested fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX to congestion indiversity all seizure requests during the 0 .. 7 ... in 00000 1000000 threshold time slot 5 1 = diversity branch 1 00000000 .. 01000000 measurement period; 00: below threshold (no alarm) 2 = diversity branch only significant, if the2 congestion object is a TCH 3 01: ratio. 5 bit error rate value in second class bits. above threshold (alarm) 4 bit error ratio for 2nd class bits. The value is BCD coded and a decimal point is is after the the decimal point after 2 identifier time slot tested valueofis radio BCD coded and a decimal is after the 6 The percentage of rejected full rate channelpoint seizure fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX the fourth 8 indicates if the channel failure rate is above the defined 0 .. 7 digit: fourth XXXX.XXXX requests due 00000000 01000000 byte: XXXX.XXXX threshold in.. slot 6 00000000 ..time 01000000 to congestion in all seizure requests during the 00000 ... 1000000 00: below threshold (no alarm) 3 bit error ratio. measurement period; 4 01: bit error ratio for 2nd class bits. above threshold (alarm) value BCD coded is after the 5 The number ofisthe invalid CUand a decimal only significant, if the congestion object point is a TCH The value is BCD coded and a decimal point is after the The operator has unlocked a site (BCF) or a fourth 1 ... 16digit: XXXX.XXXX fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX 9 indicates if..the channel failure rate is above the defined transceiver (TRX) that is 01000000 7 00000000 this new field is significant only if the congestion object 00000000 01000000 threshold in..time slot waiting for Abis autoconfiguration. 6 result of the first LNA7 (Low Noise Amplifier) PATH. is a TCH. 00: below threshold (no alarm) 4 The bit error ratio class bits. result mayfor new field isbe: a2nd percentage value and indicates how 5 frame error ratio. 01: above threshold (alarm) The BCF or TRX in question cannot carry traffic bigThe value is BCD coded and a decimal point is after the 0 = not used a portion The operator has started the Abis 1 information whycoded the autoconfiguration has failed The value isonBCD and a decimal point is after the before the BSC has fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX 1 = good of the refused TCH requests (field autoconfiguration but it has failed. fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX slot problem with the highest failure rate allocated the Abis circuits for signalling and traffic 10 00000000 .. 01000000 2time =pool radio refused_calls_percentage) have The is not found 00000000 .. 01000000 channels, 3 = transmission been refused dueerror to is lack of traffic handling capacity in The BSC's C-number wrong i.e. the autoconfiguration has been completed. 5 frame error ratio. the BCSUs. The BCF has not been created in the BSCcoded 6 RX quality parameter. TheTCH: value is BCD 11 subchannel identification The value is BCD coded and a decimal point is after the 7The result ofisthe second LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) PATH. BCF not waiting for autoconfiguration 0 .. 7. 00: TCH/H -subchannel 0 fourth digit: XXXX.XXXX The result may be: The TRX is not waiting for autoconfiguration 01: TCH/H 1 00000000 .. -subchannel 01000000 0 =TRX not used The has already been autoconfigured 02: TCH/F -subchannel 1 = good There are no TRXs to autoconfigure 6Links quality parameter. The value is BCD coded 2RX = radio problem cannot be combined subchannel identification SDCCH: 0 .. 7. 3 = transmission error Allocation optimised 0 - 7 00 - 07: cannot SDCCHbe-subchannel There is no room for circuits in the pool 7 standing-wave 8The result the testratio. BCFofcannot beequipment. reserved for autoconfiguration 12The proportion of TCH SDCCH value is between 100 subchannel in the alarm.releases The real result may be: or 10 Modifying the OMUSIG has.. failed due to failure SWR 0 = not used Activating the OMUSIG has failed The operator has started the Abis autoconfiguration and the operation has been completed successfully. 1 status of the commission tests The interference that a BTS is experiencing from a remote cell behind a broken inter-BSC connection has become significant. This prevents the use of the DFCA algorithm in the BTS. The BSC has noticed that a DFCA cell has a neighbour cell with the same BCCH frequency or that a DFCA cell has two neighbour cells which have the same BCCH and BSIC combination. BTS PLMN ID parameter does not match against the primary and secondary PLMN IDs of the configured operators. This causes loss of traffic in the cell. The base station system has become faulty and the BSC recovery has not been able re-configure a working BCCH to the BTS. The system also sets this alarm if the BTS in Radio resource management has detected data question is in the inconsistency in normal working state but no BCCH-TRX has the BSC. Some data concerning interfering and been configured to the BTS interfered neighbour or if the BCCH-TRX of the BTS is locked by the cells that are examined in the Dynamic A failure has occurred in updating the cell specific user. Frequency and Channel parameters to the Allocation feature is faulty. As a result, the PCU. The base station cannot transmit traffic without a efficiency of the working BCCH. DFCA algorithm in the cell may have decreased. Failure in BCF The system hasunlock by system. attempted to correct data back to normal by means of an automatic procedure. 1 signaling Point Code that has become unreachable 0000 SUCCESS_EC All tests passed 34AC ACM_BTS_TEST_FAILURE_EC The setting of BTS synchronization has failed. 1type of Location Measurement Unit the fault is Some test(s) failed BTS synchronization associated with 34AB ACM_BTS_PARTLY_TESTED_EC may be lost. In the synchronized BSS the LMU Not all tested equipment is used as a 2 identification of Location Measurement Unit the fault is synchronization source for BTS. associated This alarm indicates the operator the starting and 1 MS class not allowed to access the cell This alarm may affect the provided services. with ending moments of access class control involving access class 12, 13, or 14. 2 number of remote neighbour cells that can cause excessive interference 1 1 = modified BCCH of the serving cell is conflicting with the BCCH 3 the lowest C/I value among the lost neighbour cells of an interfering cell meaning the 2 = modified BCCH of an interfering cell is conflicting worst possible interference with the BCCH of the serving cell 3 = BCCH-BSIC conflict between two interfering cells at the relation initiation 4 = BCCH-BSIC conflict between two interfering cells at the cell information change 2 frequency number thatthe hasalarm beenbelongs used 1 BCCH in casecarrier of Detector D: BTS in which too frequently to 3 in with alarm types 1 and 2, NCC_1 is the NCC of thehad case of Detector B: BCCH BTS of segment that serving cell, problems 1 with the task which3the occurred alarmintypes anderror 4, NCC_1 is the conflicting NCC in BIM 03 failure intypes the TRX 4 alarm 1 and 2 inwith case of Detector D: 2, BCC_1 is the BCC 04 cancelling of the TRX failure of the serving cell, interfering or interfered neighbour whose radio resource 06 of 3 a and cell-specific failure withcancelling alarm types 4, is the conflicting BCC 1 state Reason thefound failure error code) dataforwas to(DX beBCC_1 inconsistent 09 restart of the PCU/BCSU General error message of the system. You can check 0A restart of the BTS 5 alarmInternal types 1 DFCA andsite 2,cell NCC_2 its with 1..2100 indexis the NCC of the 0B a correction request of thetypes TRX3configuration from neighbouring cell, with alarm 4, NCC_2 meaning with a command of the terminal 2101..5000 External DFCA cell service indexand the call has no meaning extension MRS TCH activations have failed during call setups 1 Count of failed TCH activations/call setups due to CPU control or the of General Error This notice can be triggered in two different ways in in case Detector B: Messages of System, and/or during handovers load 0C BTS/TRX Unlock command given byBCC means of an 6 with alarm types 1 and BCC_2 isinthe of the Supplementary which can be DFCA cell index that had2,problems BIM due to overload in BCF. BSC may have 1)retried MML in the BCF. command neighbouring cell, with alarm types 2 and 3, BCC_2 References seen from the detector. TCH activations after 0D change which is delivered to the has no configuration meaning -five Detector The DFCA channel search 3 of the radio resource manager secondD:delay in call setup, 2)cancelled 2 detecting Count ofinstance TCH activation retries for call setups due to PCU The alarm indicates that algorithm faultthe TRX deblocking D load DFCA channel search algorithm handovershas andfound 3) avoided CPU and done by an MML command 7 signalling Point Code for a BSC involved in the conflict phase of theresource BCF is completed from radio Bin BIM table inconsistency checking non-urgent handoverstables. because BCF has the BCF. 0E battery backup recovery of the BTS site and BCF isB:restored to normal functional state -indicated Detector Cyclic BIM consistency check has CPU overload situation. 14 restart Point of theCode TRX for a BSC involved in the conflict 8 signalling after foundBSC errorrestart. from 4 execution at which the fault was 3 17 Count of phase failed TCH handovers due to detected CPU overload update of PCU background parameter changes BIM table. BSC issues the alarm once per 30 minutes per in the BCF. which 5 in case of Detector D: BCF when predefined threshold are delivered to the PCU of segment channel for for supplementary field 1 or 3 has been 4 number of neighbour avoided TCH allocations for records non-urgent 18Count hot reset which the exceeded. handovers dueoftothe MCMU 19 restart information on the used frequency has been corrected CPU overload. 23 blocking due to RNW plan activation 24 deblocking due to RNW plan activation 6 inCPU casecongestion of Detectortime D: on level 1 in the BCF during last 5 26 updating plan parameter changes number of neighbour segment channel records that 3027 minutes. TRX manual power down have been cleared 28 TRX automatic power down of an illegal pointer to the radio 6 because CPU congestion time on level 2 inDFCA the BCF during last resource table The synchronisation of the chain or a BCF in the chain is lost. The synchronisation status of the chain or the BCF is set to unsynchronised by the system. The LMU synchronisation of a BCF chain has been lost for too long. In a synchronised BSS either the LMU equipment This alarm warns that the BCF has worked on or external 1PPS ToD BSS synchronisation, which has equipment or ToP phase is used as a been maintained by Abis, for too long a period of No succesful (E)GPRS synchronisation source transactions for the BCFshave in time (more than 1 hour). occurred supervision of the clock the chain.within If the the synchronisation period chain is lost, the alarm affects the master clock BCF of the chain. If theregistration synchronisation of a in thenot chain BTS is seen onslave BSCBCF but could is lost, then the alarm been solved because of affects onlyOMUSIGs to the slave BCF. This alarm may conflicting of BCFs. affect the provided services. 1 identifies the BCF in the chain, the synchronisation of which is lost. If BCF_ID is same as the id of the master clock of the chain, the synchronisation of the all BCFs in the chain is lost. 2 identifies the first BCF in the chain. The chain 1criteria used to (E)GPRS is identified bydetect the id the of the master Inactivity. clock BCF. 0 = Alarm disabled 1 = No Successful UL TBFs only 2 = No Successful DL TBFs only 3 = No Successful UL nor DL TBFs 1 the number of BCFs in the list 4 = No Successful UL or DL TBFs 2-4 other BCFs that are attached to the same conflicting OMUSIG BTS has sent requesting message to BSC but no 1 OMUSIG D-channel number of the BCF (activated) SCF exists in BSC. BSC has delivered the request to NetAct. 2 type of the error BSC has started SCF file download to BTS but download fails. 01 SCF not found 1 OMUSIG D-channel number of the BCF 02 SCF not activated 2 type of the error Several consecutive OSC multiplexing attempts have failed due to channel activation failure in a TCH or due to the target AMR FR channel preparation failure in DFR multiplexing in 8k Adjacent cell updating failed during BTS TRAU mode. configuration update, or the cell configuration updating to the BTS Site failed. 01 BTS not answered to download start request 1 Identifies the radio channel of the TRX related to the 02 SCF download started but BTS not acknowledged multiplexing it problems special values for channel to separate OSC-0 03 SCF download started but BTS acknowledged with and OSC-1 are error status supported in this field. 1 Identification of BCCH BTS 3 error reason for the failure (DX error code) returned 2 0 = Preparation phase 2 by Type of(in thecase errorof error type 03) BTS 1 = Activation phase The BSC has interrupted OSC multiplexing 01 error in updating the adjacent cells The alarm concerns activity in the TRX. a PCM containing BCF links. 3 0 = Downlink AQPSK modulation has not been 02 error in updating the parameter involved in any of the 03 error in updating the full configuration The radiodue network objects whose Abis HDLC Failures to CSDAP problems excluded. failed consecutive OSC multiplexing attempts that links are part of this triggered the 3 Task in which the error occurred particular PCM are not functioning. Significance OSC channel activation failure alarm This BCF-specific alarm is active, when BCF is in 1 Information of Abis HDLC link failure in BCF. You can of 1 = Downlink AQPSK modulation has been involved at unlocked state and one check 01 its error in updating the GSM adjacent cell parameters this alarm depends on the number and nature in one with of a command of the service terminal or more Abis HDLC link(s) of the BCF is faulted. least meaning 02 error in updating the WCDMA adjacent cell of Abis HDLC links connected to this PCM. the failed consecutive OSC multiplexing attempts extension parametersMRS or that in triggered General Error Messages of System error updating the control parameters The MMI-PC is connected to the front-panel 1-603the XX XXinXX XX XXactivation XX handover OSC channel failure alarm. 04 error in updating the power control parameters connector of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 05 error in updating the transceiver parameters BCF unit. ============================================ 061)error updating the base station rack in (cabinet) number 4) typeparameters of unit ============================ 07 error in updating the DAP parameters This alarm does not affect normal operation. 2) shelf number 5) unit number OSC Half Rate channel numbers This informative alarm is sent to the BSC after 1-608 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3)error slot in TRX unlock6) subunit number ============================================ locally downloaded 1 error 2 3 in 4 BTS 5 6 unlock 09 MMI ============================ SW has been saved to the flash memory 0A error in BTS reset The man-machine interface (MMI) is a software See alarm Half Rate 0instructions. | Half successfully. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4)Rate type 1of unit 0B error in BCF reset used in the PC. ============================================ shelf in number 5) unit number 0C2) error updating plan parameter changes It can be connected to the BCF and it enables ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ============================ BCF 3) error slot in TRX swap 6) subunit number 0D doing several Fault reason: Local MMI connected OSC-0 | OSC-1 | OSC-0 | OSC-1 0E error in BTS realtime update is connected to the local operations to the BCF. Description: Local BTS Manager ============================================ The base control function (BCF) unit is theindocument Structure of Alarm Reference 0FSee error BCF modification BTS ============================ responsible for the Manual, BCF 0Alarm 10 Reference | D0Manual. | 18 | D8 operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main TSL 4 general error message of the system. See General The base control function (BCF) unit is Fault reason: Remote MMI connected TSL 1 11 | D1 | 19 | D9 functions of Error MessagesRemote of responsible for the Description: is| connected to the 2 12 | D2 BTS| Manager 1A DA the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file TSL System for error code explanations operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main BTS TSL 3 13 | D3 | 1B | DB packets from functions of via4 NetAct TSL 14 | D4 | 1C | DC the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file TSL 5 15 | D5 | 1D | DD continuous supervision This informational alarm is sent to the BSC after a change in the configuration (new HW database) has been saved to the flash memory successfully. The temperature inside the BCF unit is higher than 60 C. HW database The cooling fans have been activated. The HW database is a file that describes the BCF This is a non-fatal alarm of the BTS. The temperature inside the BCF unit is higher environment than 75 C. settings. and default BCF The cooling fans have been activated. BCF The base control function (BCF) unit is This is a non-fatal alarm of the BTS. The temperature inside the BCFA unit is higher responsible for the The control function (BCF) unit is than base 85 C.and operation maintenance of the BTS. The main BCF responsible for the The BTS is functions of switched off to prevent damage to the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main components. the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file The base of control function (BCF) unit is functions packets from loop failure. The MMI UART is An MMI UART responsible for the of the BTS operational file the loading ThisBCF is a are: fatal of the BTS.the BTS, the BSC tosend thealarm BTS, unable data initialising operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main packetstofrom continuous supervision or toBSC loopto sent data. functions of the the BTS, initialising the BTS, BCF of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file continuous supervision BSC and testing BCF packets from of the BTS equipment, reporting faults the A Q1-bus testloop failure. The Q1unit UART The base control function (BCF) is to is and operating functions. the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, BSC and testing unable to send data responsible for the The base control function (BCF) unit is continuous supervision and functions. or tooperating loop is sent data. The control ofBTS. the units operation and maintenance the The main The BCF also the source of main clock pulses responsible for the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the connected to the functions of of the BTS. operation and maintenance the BTS. main BSC andis is testing The BCF also the source of main clockThe pulses Q1 bus out of order. the BCF are: loading ofthe thefrequency BTS operational The BCF also hopping The BCF does not receive anything from anyfile functions of controls and operating functions. of the BTS. packets from operations of unit the slave plug-in the BCF are: loading ofthe thefrequency BTS operational The BCF also controls hoppingfile BCF the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, BTS. The connection of the BTS's interface during the poll sequence. Theuser BCF can not packets from The BCF isslave also the source of main clock pulses operations of the continuous supervision is at the front control the the BSC toconnection the BTS, initialising theuser BTS,interface of the BTS. BTS. The of the BTS's The base control function (BCF) unit is to the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults panel of the BCF plug-in units of theunit. BTSthe connected to the D-bus, continuous supervision The also is at BCF the front The watchdog cannot resetfrequency the BCF. hopping responsible forcontrols the BSC and testing or receive of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the operations of the panel of the BCF unit. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main and operating functions. anything these plug-in BSC and testing BTS. Thefrom connection of the units. BTS's user interface BCF functions of and operating functions. is atBCF the front loading the of the BTS operational file The BCFare: is also the source of main clock pulses BCF panel of the BCF unit. The base control function (BCF) unit is packets from of the BTS. A digital input failure. The clock alarmpulses status The BCFalarm is also the line source of main responsible forcontrols the the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, The BCF also the(BCF) frequency hopping of this The base control function unit is the BTS. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main continuous supervision operations of line is unreliable. responsible forthe the The BCF also controls the frequency hopping functions of theThe BTSof equipment,ofreporting faults the BTS. connection the BTS's usertointerface operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main operations of the the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file BSC and testing is at the front BCF functions of BTS. Thefrom connection of the BTS's user interface The check sum calculated a memory block packets and operating functions. panel of the BCF unit.of theover the BCF are: loading BTS operational file is at the front in flash thethe BSC to memory the BTS, initialising the BTS, The base control function (BCF) unit is packets from panel of the BCF unit. is invalid, orsupervision the stored check corrupted. continuous The BCF is also the source ofsum mainisclock pulses responsible for BTS, the the BSC tointhe initialising the BTS, The code the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the BTS. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main continuous supervision inspected block is probablyfrequency corrupted.hopping BSC and also testing The BCF The BCF notcontrols able to the control thefaults unitsto the functions ofequipment, of the BTSis reporting and operating functions. operations of the connected to loading the D-bus. the BCF are: of the BTS operational file BSC and testing BCF BTS. Thefrom connection of the BTS's user interface packets and operating functions. The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses is at the front BCF the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, The base control (BCF) unit is of the BTS. panel of the BCF function unit. continuous The BCF is supervision also the source of clockmemory pulses The programming operation ofmain the flash responsible forcontrols the BCF also the frequency hopping The base control function (BCF) unit is of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the BTS. was unsuccessful operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main operations offorthe responsible the BSC and testing The BCF controls thevoltage. frequency hopping due to an also illegal program functions of BTS. The connection of the BTS's user interface operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main and operating functions. operations of the the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file is at the front functions of BTS. The connection of the BTS's user interface BCF packets panel of from the BCF unit.of the BTS operational file theatBCF are: loading The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses is the front the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, packets from of the BTS. panel of the BCF unit. The base control function (BCF) unit is continuous supervision the BSC thecontrols BTS, initialising the BTS, The BCFto also the frequency hopping responsible for the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the continuous supervision operations of the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main BSC and testing of theThe BTSconnection equipment,ofreporting faults the BTS. the BTS's usertointerface functions of functions. and operating BSC andfront testing is at the the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file and operating functions. panel of the BCF unit. packets The BCFfrom is also the source of main clock pulses the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, of the BTS. The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses continuous supervision The BCF also controls the frequency hopping of the BTS. of the BTS of equipment, reporting faults to the operations the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number Alarm Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. The operation of the flash memory was unsuccessful due to an improper command sequence. BCF The oven oscillator is in the warm-up condition. The clocks The base control function (BCF) unit is are not distributed while this alarm is on. The responsible for the warming of operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main the oven oscillator takes normally appr. 5 min. The oven of oscillator is faulty. functions the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file BCF BCF packets from the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, The base control function (BCF) unit is The base control function (BCF) unit is continuous The 2.048Msupervision PCMA/PCMB clock signal is responsible for the responsible for the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the missing. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main BSC and testing functions of functions of functions. and operating the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file packets from The frame signal is missing the packets BCFfrom isclock also output the source of main clock from pulses the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, master clock the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, of the BTS. continuous generator ofsupervision the BCF. the frequency hopping continuous supervision The BCF also controls of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the of the BTS of equipment, reporting faults to the operations the BSC and testing BCF BSC and testing BTS. The connection of BTS's user interface The operating timeslot clock outputthe signal is missing from and functions. and operating functions. is at the front the master clock The base control (BCF) unit is panel of the BCF function unit. generator. The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses responsible for the The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses of the BTS. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main of the BTS. BCF The BCF also controlsclock the frequency The 2MHz for the RF hopping unit is functions ofreference BCF also controls the frequency hopping operations of the missing. the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file operations of the function (BCF) unit is The base control BTS. Thefrom connection of the BTS's user interface packets BTS. The connection of the BTS's user interface responsible for the is atBSC the front BCF the to the BTS, initialising the BTS, is at the front operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main panel of thesupervision BCF unit. continuous panel of the BCFpulse unit. has been detected in the A missing clock functions of The base function (BCF) unit is to the of the BTScontrol equipment, reporting faults redundant 13MHz the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file responsible for the BSC and testing clock pulse input. This alarm is relevant only if packets from operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main and operating functions. the redundant BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, functions of clock generator (BCF unit) is installed. continuous supervision A missing detected in BTS themain 13MHz input. If the BCF loading of the operational file The BCFare: ispulse also the source of clock pulses of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the the redundant BCF unit packets from of the BTS. BCF BSC and testing has been installed, alarm isthe notBTS, important. the thecontrols BTS,this initialising TheBSC BCFto also the frequency hopping and operating functions. continuous supervision operations of the The base control function (BCF) unit is BCF of theThe BTSconnection equipment, faults the BTS. ofreporting the BTS's usertooutput. interface A missing detected in of themain 13MHz responsible for the The BCF ispulse also the source clock pulses BSC andfront testing is at the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main of the BTS. The base control function (BCF) unit is and operating functions. panel of the unit. BCF functions of BCF The BCF also the frequency hopping responsible forcontrols the the BCF are: of the BTS operational file operations of loading the operation and maintenance the BTS. The main The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses The base control function (BCF) unit is interface packets from BTS. The connection of the BTS's user A missing frame number signal output from the functions of of the BTS. responsible for BTS, the initialising the BTS, the to the is atBSC theThe front MCLG. TRX unitsofthe the BCF are: loading thefrequency BTS operational file The BCF also controls hopping operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main continuous supervision panel of the BCF unit. generate frame numbers automatically if the packets from operations of the functions ofequipment, reporting faults to the of the BTS frame clock pulse is initialising the BSC toconnection the BTS, theuser BTS,interface BTS. The of the the BTS BTS's the BCF are: loading of operational file BSC and testing still available. continuous supervision is at the front The operating BCFfrom unit isfunctions. not able to control other BTS packets and of theconnected BTS equipment, reporting faults to the panel of the BCF units tounit.initialising the BSC to the BTS, the BTS, BCF BSC and testing the D-bus. is an operational the continuous supervision The BCF isThere also the source of mainfailure clock in pulses and operating functions. D-bus interface of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the BTS. The base control function (BCF) unit is BSC and also testing The BCF the frequency hopping responsible forcontrols the The BCF also the of main clock pulses This operating alarmisaffects thesource provided services. and functions. operations of the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main of the BTS. BTS. The of connection of the BTS's user interface functions The BCF also controls the frequency hopping BCF The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses is at the front the BCF are: of the BTS operational file operations of loading the of the of BTS. panel the BCF unit. packets BTS.base Thefrom connection of the BTS's user interface control function unit is The BCF also controls the(BCF) frequency hopping the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, is at the front responsible the operations offorthe continuous panel of thesupervision BCF unit. operation maintenance of the BTS. The main BTS. The and connection of the BTS's user interface of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the functions of is at the front BSC and testing the BCF are:BCF loading panel of the unit.of the BTS operational file and operating functions. packets from 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number Alarm Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. The initialisation of the frequency hopping processor has failed. The BTS is unable to provide service. BCF Frequency hopping is not available, because the memory test of the The base control function (BCF) unit is frequency hopping processor failed. responsible for the The BTS is unable to provide service. operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main The frequency hopping controller has executed a functions of BCF self-test the BCF on are:the loading of the BTS operational file internal A failure has been detected in packets memory. from The base control function (BCF) unit is the self-test. BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, responsible for the Frequency hopping is not available. continuous supervision A data failure the frequency operation andinmaintenance of hopping the BTS.self-test. The main of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the Frequencyofhopping functions BCF BSC and testing is available. thenot BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file and operating functions. packets from The base control function (BCF) unit is BCF the BSC to the hopping BTS, initialising the BTS, The frequency processor stopped. responsible for the BCF is also the source of mainhas clock pulses continuous supervision Frequency hopping operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main of the BTS. The base function (BCF) unit is to the of the BTScontrol equipment, reporting faults is not available. functions of controls the frequency hopping The BCF also responsible for the BSC and testing the BCF are: of the BTS operational file operations of loading the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main and operating functions. BCF packets from BTS. The connection of processor the BTS's does user interface The frequency hopping not functions of the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, is at the front receive appropriate frame the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file The BCF is also the source of main clock The base control function (BCF) unit is pulses continuous supervision panel of from the BCF numbers from theunit. frame number generator. From packets of the BTS. responsible for the of theon, BTS equipment, reporting faults to the now processor the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, The BCFthe also the frequency hopping operation and controls maintenance of the BTS. The main BSC and testing generates frame numbers by itself (clocked by continuous supervision operations of the The frequency hopping controller has executed a functions of functions. and operating thethe frame clock). of BTS equipment,ofreporting faults the BTS. The connection the BTS BTS's usertointerface self-test on the BCF are: loading of the operational file BSC and testing is at the front the external memory. A failure has been detected packets from The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses BCF and operating functions. panel of the BCF unit.initialising the BTS, in self-test. the BSC to the BTS, of the BTS. Frequency hopping is not available. continuous supervision The BCF controls the(BCF) frequency hopping controls thesource frequency of the 13 pulses MHz base also control function unit is The BCF is also the of main clock of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the operations of the oven oscillator responsible for the of the BTS. BCF BSC and testing BTS. The connection thecontrol BTS's user interface within a certain range.ofThe adjustment operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main The BCF also controls the frequency hopping and operating functions. is at the front has reached a certain functions of operations of the The base control function (BCF) unit is panel of the BCF unit.ofvalue limit (not the maximum but operational near it). Thefile the BCF loading BTS BTS. Theare: connection of the the BTS's userfrequency interface The BCFA SW the MHz responsible for compares the BCF is also the source of13 main clock pulses control value must packets from is at the front and the PCM operation andreference. maintenance of the BTS. The main of BTS. bethe within thethe range 5initialising % ... 95 %, otherwise an the BSC BTS, the panel of BCF unit. There is the ato step between theBTS, frequencies. functions ofsudden The BCF also controls the frequency hopping alarm is activated. continuous supervision The BCFare: uses the of the BTS operational file the BCF operations of loading the of the BTS equipment, reporting instead faults toofthe internal 13 MHz oven of frequency the packets from BTS. The connection the BTS's usertointerface The software download from BCF unit some BCF BSC and testing external PCM reference. the BSC to the BTS, initialising the BTS, is at the front otheroperating unit of the base and functions. The PCM line is usually more unreliable. continuous supervision panel ofhas the BCF unit. station failed. The reason forunit the is failure is: an The base control function (BCF) of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the incorrect responsible for the The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses BCF BSC and package, testing a transmission failure between software operation and maintenance of the BTS. The of the BTS. The BCF unit has failed to initialize some unitmain of and operating functions. units, or an error functions of The BCF also controls the(BCF) frequency hopping the Thebase basestation. control function unit is in the memory operations the faulty unit. file the BCF are: loading of theofBTS operational operations offor the responsible the The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses packets from BTS. The connection of the BTS's user BCF operation and maintenance of the BTS. interface The main of the BTS. The complete software packages the BSC to thebase BTS,station initialising the BTS, is at the front functions of The BCF also controls the frequency hopping The carrier of the unit. broadcast control channel are downloaded continuous supervision panel of the BCF The base control function is the BCF are: loading of the(BCF) BTS unit operational file operations ofnot the (BCCH) has been from the BSC and stored in the non-volatile of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the responsible for the packets from BTS. The connection of the BTS's user interface detected by theBCF combiner. memory the unit. BSC andof testing operation of the the BSC toand themaintenance BTS, initialising theBTS. BTS,The main is the has front If aatunit downloadable software, the software and operating functions. functions ofsupervision continuous panel of the BCF unit. This of thealarm affects the provided service. If this the BCF are: loading ofreporting the BTS operational of the BTS equipment, faults to the file alarm is active unit is downloaded the of non-volatile The BCF is alsointhefrom source main clockmemory pulses packets from BSC and testing thethe current BCCH of BCF to the TRX, the cell which the BTS. the BSC to thefunctions. BTS, initializing the BTS, and operating alarming belongs to frequency non-volatile memory of the the unit. The BCF object also controls hopping continuous supervision is without BCCH carrier and cannot transmit any operations of the of the BTS equipment, reporting faults to the traffic. BCF BTS. The testing connection of the BTS's user interface BSC and is at operating the front functions. and The control (BCF) unit is panelbase of the BCF function unit. responsible for the The BCF is also the source of main clock pulses operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main of the BTS. functions of 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See alarm instructions. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Alarm 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Reference XX XX XXManual. XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Alarm 2) shelf number 5) unit number Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. The clock oscillator of the BTS generating the master clock is faulty or the clock interface of the slave BTS is faulty. If the external frame clock is missing, then the The clock oscillator of the BTS generating the BTS uses its internal master clock is faulty clock signals for synchronization. Calls can still or the clock interface of the slave BTS is faulty. be maintained. If the external frame number is missing, then the The BTS is faulty. Cell or siteheater synchronization BTS uses its internal clock signals for synchronization. Calls can still BTS heater The BTS generating the master clock controls be maintained. the synchronization of The heater maintains BTS-internal the BTSs oninside thethe cell dangerously Theother temperature theorBTS Cell or site synchronization temperature on a sufficient high. The BTS is level for operation. automatically switched to prevent The BTS generating theoffmaster clockdamages controls to components. the synchronization of Calls are not available. the other BTSs on the orhas site.risen to first Temperature inside thecell BTS temperature alarm level. The BTS restarts after the temperature inside the Calls are still available. BTS has decreased sufficiently. The transmission unit (TRU) or a redundant TRU 2 does not respond to the poll command from the BCFA unit on the Q1 bus. Connection to the TRU is broken or unit is not inserted. The service terminal is connected to the TRUx front panel connector. This alarm can affect the provided service of the This disconnects the BTS Q1 bus and thus BTS or of the blocks the alarms from the transmission network. The current status of the TRUx and the RRxx. Indicates thatunit the is floating TRX switch is not transmission This alarm affects to provided services. installed. is not knownThere and obviously the commands to the an FTS in BTS TRU do mentioned not reach the TRU.database, but it is not found during the BTS start-up. unit (TRU) is the PCM equipment Transmission The floating TRX switchover operation is going of the BTS.It connects on. The floating TRX The redundant TRX featuresnetwork. are not available. the the transmission The TRU or has BTS beentoconnected to replace a faulty BCCH its redundant unit TRX. FTS carries all speech, data and signalling traffic of This alarm indicates that there is a faulty BCCH the FTSBTS towards TRX at the The floating tranceiver the BSC or site. other BTSs.switch (FTS) is used to However, tasks of the broken TRX are switch thethe redundant The floating tranceiver switch (FTS) is used to handled by to thereplace redundant transceiver the broken BCCH switch the redundant TRX. This alarm is usedtowhen the redundant transceiver. It is similar The floatingto TRX has been connected to replace transceiver replace the broken BCCH TRX does not belong the to a that connects a relay broken BCCH TRX. tonew TRX to the same transceiver. It is similar the activethat configuration, that is, the redundant antenna the All active calls arebroken disconnected, and BSC a relay that connects the new TRX to the same TRX has no Abis had been using. updates the antenna that the broken allocation of its own, but it uses the Abis configuration because there is less capacity in TRX had been using. A receiver amplifier failure in the FTS's main allocation of the the base station. antenna branch. broken TRX. If diversity is not connected, this is a fatal failure. FTS FTS FTS The floating tranceiver switch (FTS) is used to The floating tranceiver switch (FTS) is used to switch the redundant The floating tranceiver switch (FTS) is used to switch the redundant transceiver to replace the broken BCCH switch the redundant transceiver to replace the broken BCCH transmitter. It is similar to transceiver replace transceiver. to It is similarthe to broken BCCH a relay that connects the new TRX to the same transceiver. It is similar tonew TRX to the same a relay that connects the antenna that the broken a relay that the new TRX to the same antenna thatconnects the broken TRX had been using. antenna the broken TRX hadthat been using. TRX had been using. 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF UNIT 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF See the document Structure of Alarm Reference UNIT 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF Manual, UNIT 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF See the document Structure of Alarm Reference UNIT 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX Manual, 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual. For more information, see instructions on Alarm 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Structure. 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number 1 2 3 4 5 6 See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit Manual, 2) shelf number 5) unit number Alarm Reference Manual. 3) slot 6) subunit number See the document Structure of Alarm Reference Manual, Alarm Reference Manual. A receiver amplifier failure in the FTS's diversity 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX antenna 1 2 3 4 5 6 branch. If the main RX branch is also broken, this is a fatal failure. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number A receiver amplifier failure in the FTS's redundant 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FTS 3) slot 6) subunit number TRX main branch. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The main branch in the redundant TRX is broken. The floating tranceiver switch (FTS) is used to See the document Structure of Alarm Reference If diversity is not connected, the whole redundant 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF switch the redundant Manual, TRX is out of use. UNIT A receiver amplifier failure in the FTS's XX XX XX XX XX XX transceiver to replace the broken BCCHredundant 1-6 Alarm Reference Manual. If diversity is connected, the diversity branch 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER TRX diversity 1 2 3 4 5 6 transceiver. It branch. is similar to replaces the 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER The diversity branch in the redundant TRXsame is a relay that connects the new TRX to the main branch. broken. 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF antenna that the broken See the document Structure of Alarm Reference UNIT TRX had been using. The 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX FTS cabinet door is open. Manual, FTS 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 Alarm Manual 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER The Floating Transceiver Switch (FTS) is used to The Floating Transceiver Switch (FTS) is used to 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit switch the redundant switch the redundant See the document Structure of Alarm Reference 2) shelf number 5) unit number transceiver to replace the broken BCCH Failure in the redundant TRX. The main 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX transceiver to FTS's replace the broken BCCH Manual, 3) slot 6) subunit number transceiver. It is similar to branch and diversity 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 transceiver. It is similar to Alarm Manual. a relay that connects the new TRX to the same branch in the redundant a relay that connects theTRX new are TRXbroken. to the same See the document Structure of Alarm Reference antenna that the broken 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF antenna that the broken Manual, TRX had been using. FTS UNIT TRX had been using. The cooling system of the BTS is not able to 1-6 Alarm XX XX XX XX XX XX Reference Manual. 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER maintain the appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Floating Transceiver Switch (FTS) is used to 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER temperature level in a cabinet. Temperature in switch the redundant the cabinet is above 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF transceiver to replace the broken BCCH See the document Structure of Alarm Reference the range of the operating temperature.. UNIT The heating Itsystem of the 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX transceiver. is similar to BTS is not able to Manual, 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER maintain appropriate 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 a relay that connects the new TRX to the same Alarm Manual The heat exchanger control unit (HCU) is an air 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER temperature in the cabinet. Temperature in antenna that level the broken conditioning device the is using. 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF TRXcabinet had been for keeping the temperature of the BTS cabinet See the document Structure of Alarm Reference below the range of the operating temperature. UNIT The heat unit (HCU) is fatally faulty due to 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX within thecontrol operational Manual, 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER a HW failure 1 2 3 Reference 4 5 6 limits. Alarm Manual. The heat exchanger control unit (HCU) is an air 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER in unit. conditioning device 1) RACK (CABINET) NUMBER 4) TYPE OF for keeping the temperature of the BTS cabinet See the document Structure of Alarm Reference This alarm does not affect the provided services UNIT BTS that the external clock signals 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX withinhas thedetected operational Manual, of the base station. 2) SHELF NUMBER 5) UNIT NUMBER from 1 2 3 4 Reference 5 6 limits.a master BTS or LMU are Alarm Manual. 3) SLOT 6) SUBUNIT NUMBER missing. The HCU is an air conditioning device for 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit keeping the temperature See the document Structure of Alarm Reference This situation will cause an immediate system 2) shelf number 5) unit number The Location Measurement (LMU) has 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX of the BTS cabinet within theUnit operational limits. Manual, outage. 3) slot 6) subunit number reported that the clock 1 2 3 4 Reference 5 6 Alarm Manual. synchronisation signals to the BTS are about to For more information, see Alarm Structure. be disabled. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number A fault was detected in the serial input/output line 1-6 XX XX XX XX XX XX 3) slot 6) subunit number of the frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 hopping processor in the BCFA unit during the For more information, see Alarm Structure. self-test of the processor. 1) rack (cabinet) number 4) type of unit 2) shelf number 5) unit number The software downloading to the frequency The alarm affects the provided services of the 3) slot 6) subunit number hopping processor cell site because in the BCFA unit has failed. The BTS is unable to the BCF unit is faulty. See the document Structure of Alarm Reference provide service. Manual, BCF Alarm Reference Manual. This alarm affects the provided services if frequency hopping The base control function (BCF) unit is is used. responsible for the operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main BCF functions of the BCF are: loading of the BTS operational file The base control function (BCF) unit is packets from responsible for the the BSC to the BTS, initialising of the BTS, operation and maintenance of the BTS. The main continuous supervision functions of The frequency hopping processor has noticed that the parameters received for the frequency hopping are not correct. Smoke is detected in the BTS cabinet. This alarm affects the provided services if the frequency hopping This alarm may indicate an urgent situation on is used. the cell site. One of the fan units in processor the coolinghandles fan chain The frequence hoping thefails to operate. hopping sequences of the The BTSBTS. unitsThis are still able to is operate, hopping