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Rhizopus: Characteristics, Reproduction & Economic Importance

Systematic position:
Division: Eumycota
Sub-Division: Zygomycotina
Class: Zygomycetes
Order: Mucorales
Family: Mucoraceae
Genus: Rhizopus
Occurrence: Rhizopus occurs worldwide in soil, on decaying fruits, dung
and vegetation as saprophytes. Rhizopus occurs very frequently on moist
bread and is therefore commonly called “bread mould”. It is so frequent
contaminant of laboratory cultures of bacteria and fungi that is considered a
weed of laboratory. Some Rhizopus species behaves parasitically, causing
rot of sweet potato or fruit rot of apple, strawberry and tomato. Some
Rhizopus species cause “mucormycosis” in domestic animals and few are
reported from human lesions.
Laboratory culture: Rhizopus species are saprophytes, the fungus can be
grown on dead organic material such as bread and butter by keeping them
in dark and damp atmosphere. By first exposing a moistened piece of bread
in a Petri-dish for about 24 hours at room temperature and then covering it
for a few days, Rhizopus appears in the form of white tuft of mycelium.
Somatic Structure: Young mycelim of Rhizopus consists of many wellbranched, white, tubular or filamentous hyphae, which are multinucleate and
without cross walls, i.e., “coenocytic”. Hyphae are alike and provide a
cottony appearance to mycelium. But later on the mycelium soon enters the
reproductive phase and becomes differentiated into three different types of
hyphae, i. e., a) Rhizoids, b) Stolons and c) Sporangiophores (Fig).
Rhizoids are the repeatedly branched hyphae that penetrate the substratum.
From each node of the stolon they arise in the form of a cluster towards
lower side. They absorb water and nourishment from the substratum.
Rhizoids are sometimes called holdfast.
Stolons are the hyphae that grow horizontally above the substratum for
some distance and then bend down into the substratum. The part bending
down functions as a node and forms a tuft of rhizoids. The hyphae of the
stolon are therefore aerial and unbranched.
Sporangiophores are the erect, aerial, unbranched and negatively geotropic
hyphae, which grown upward in tufts at the point where the stolons from
rhizoids. They are reproductive in function. Each sporangiophore bears a
terminal sporangium.
Internal structure of hypha:
The hyphae are tubular structures and the hyphal wall is composed of fungal
chitin. The ultrastructure of the hyphal wall shows that it is microfibrillar and
microfibrills run parallel to the surface. It is lined internally by thin plasma
membrane. The protoplast is granular and encloses many nuclei, glycogen,
oil droplets, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and many
small vacuoles. The protoplasm is very dense in the hyphal tips.
Nutrition: Certain enzymes are secreted by the rhizoidal hyphae. These
enzymes convert starch into soluble carbohydrates, which are readily
absorbed by the fungus. Utilization of some inorganic and organic
nitrogenous compounds also helps Rhizopus in synthesizing some proteins.
Reproduction: Reproduction takes place by vegetative, asexual and sexual
reproduction methods.
a) Asexual reproduction: It takes place by
sporanigospores and rarely by chlamydospores.
Sporangiophores are unicellular, multilayered, non-motile spores, produced
in round black bodies called sporangia. Because of their non-motile nature
they are also called aplanospores. A sporangium develops singly and
terminally on the sporangiophores. The sporangiophores are erect positively
geotrophic structures, which develop in tufts from the mycelium. At a stage
when a number of such pin-head-like black-colored sporangia are present
(fig), the entire mycelium appears blackish and hence popular name blackmold is also given to the fungus.
Development of sporangium starts by the swelling of the tip of the
sporangiophore into a knob-like vesicle. The cytoplasm along with many
nuclei from the sporangiophore flows into the swollen vesicle. This increases
the size of the vesicle. The swollen portion represents the young
sporangium. The protoplasmic contents of the young sporangium soon
become differentiated into two zones, i.e., outer peripheral multinucleate
dense region and the central less dense region with comparatively fewer
nuclei. Two portions get separated by a layer of vacuoles. Fusion and
flattening of these vacuoles results in the formation of a cleft in between two
zones. A wall is then secreted in this region of cleft. This wall thus finally
differentiates outer sporangiferous zone and central columella in the young
sporangium. The columella therefore remains in continuity with that of the
protoplast of sporangiophore. Cleavage in the peripheral sporangiferous zone
results in the formation of many multinucleate segments. These segments
secrete wall around each of them and metamorphose into unicellular,
globose or oval, multinucleate, non-motile sporangiophores, called
aplanospores. Germination of sporangiophores starts soon after the dispersal
by the dehiscence of sporangium and developed into new thallus by
producing germ tube.
Sexual Reproduction in Rhizopus:
Rhizopus reproduces sexually by the process of conjugation or
gametangial copulation, which results in the formation of zygospores. A
majority of the species Rhizopus (Rhizopus stolonifer) are heterothallic
oberseved by Blakeslee (1904) known as heterothallism, whereas some
species are homothallic (R.sexualis). In heterothallic conditions zygopsore is
formed by the fusion two different hypha/mycelia/thalli designated as (+)
and (-). In the homothallic species the zygospores are formed in the
mycelium derived from a single sporangiophore or within a same/single
During gametangial copulation in homothallic or heterothallic two copulating
horizontal braches are produced by the hyphae belongs to same mycelium
as in case homothallic or from two different hyphae belongs to two separate
mycelium designated as strains (+) and (-), respectively. The two copulating
branches are called progametangia. These progammetangia of adhere
together by their tips. They begin to enlarge because of the flow of the
cytoplasm and nuclei into them. Later tip of each progammentangia is soon
cut by septum. The small terminal cell so formed is called a gametangium.
The gametangium has densely grandular multincleat protoplast, whereas the
susepensor has more vculated protoplast. The protoplasm of each
gametangium constitutes the aplanogamete. The size of the both the
gametangia and the number of nuclei there in increase. The gametangia of
the fusing pairs are generally equal in size but they may also unequal.
A large pore develops in the adjoining wall of the two gametangia,
which allows both the gametangial protoplasts to fuse and form a zygospore
(aplanospores). The zygospore becomes surrounded by thick, black, warty
wall. The zygospore wall is made up to two layers, of which the outer dark,
thick and warty layer is called exine, and the inner thin layer is called intine.
Germination of Zygospore: After resting period, due crack in its cell wall
layers inner thin intine comes out in the form of hypha-like germ tube, which
is also called promycelium. Meanwhile diploid nucleus of divides meiotically
resulting into a number of haploid nuclei in the protoplasm of germinating
zygospore. The young germ tube functions as a sporangiophore and
develops a germsporangium as its tips and due disintegration of cell of
germosporangium or meiospores later meiospore germinates by producing
germ tube into new mycelium.
Economic Importance of Rhizopus.
1) Majority of species belongs to the Rhizopus genera are saprophytic
causes biodeterioration but few of them are phytopathogens on crops
(Rhizopus oryzae on rice)
2) Few species Rhizopus are pathogenic on human beings and animals in
the form mucaromysis.
3) Rhizopus is used bioremediation process.
4) Rhizopus is biotransformation of steroids.
5) Rhizopus is used in production commercial enzymes and organic acids.
Along with chitin microfibrils the cell wall also contains polysaccharides
(glycogen and mannan), lipids, phosphate and proteins. Plasmalemma is the
limiting membrane of the cytoplasm. It is characteristics in having a series
of shallow invaginations or elongated structure or pits within cytoplasm
known as “Lomasomes“. Inner to the plasma membrane are present almost
all membrane bound cell inclusions in the cytoplasm i. e., mitochondria,
Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid granules in the
form of sphaerosomes and eukaryotic nucleus. Mature yeast cells enclose a
large, well-developed, centrally located vacuole surrounded of single
vacuolar membrane, called tonoplast. The cytoplasm contains various kinds
of inclusions. Examples of stored foods are lipid globules, granules of
glycogen, oils and the carbohydrate trehalose, proteinaceous material and
volutin. The glycogen may occur in vacuoles. Vacuole filled with water, lipid
granules and granules of polymetaphosphate. Nucleus of mature yeast cells
contain chromatin of nuclear material.
Reproduction in Saccharomyces:
Sexual reproduction life-cycles in Saccaromyces:
Saccharomyces exhibit three different types of life-cycle patterns.
Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. It is a haploid and each haploid somatic
cell is a potential gametangium. At the time of sexual reproduction two such
small cells come together due attraction by harmones and send a
protuberance towards each other. The protuberances of both these cells
come in contact with each other and the wall at the point of contact
dissolves to form a common passage called conjugation tube or conjugation
canal. The nucleus of the gametangia moves into this tube. Two nuclei fuse
(karyogamy) in this region conjugation tube and form a diploid zygotic
nucleus. The cytoplasm of the two gamentangial cells mixed to form
common zygote cell. It now functions as an ascus. The zygotic nucleus
divides first meiotically to form four haploid nuclei and them mitotically to
form eight nuclei. All these nuclei organize themselves into ascospores. The
ascospores rupture the ascus wall, come out and develop into individual
uninucleate, haploid somatic cells. Thus the life-cycle is completed. The in
life cycle haploid stages are more or dominated therefore it is called as
haplobiontic life cycle.
b) Diplobiontic life cycle: This kind of life cycle is observed in
Saccharomyces ludwigii. In this yeast four ascospores formed in an
ascus, do not rupture the ascus wall. Ascospores start to behave as
“gametangia” Fusion (plasmogamy and karyogamy) of two ascospores
of the opposite mating types takes place within ascus. This result in
the formation of two diploid zygotic cells within the ascus. Each such
diploid cell starts germination within the ascus. A germ tube develops,
which ruptures the ascus wall. The germ tube becomes multinuclear
and functions as diploid sporut mycelium. From the cells of this sprout
mycelium develop some diploid buds. The diploid bus so formed get
detached from the parent sprout mycelium by the formation of a
septum at the base and function as dipoid sprout cells. Under suitable
conditions this sprout cell functions as an ascus. Its diploid nucleus
undergoes meiosis, and four haploid ascospores are formed within the
ascus. Out of these four ascospores two belong to mating type (A1)
and other two to the mating type (A2). Thus in this type of life-cycle
diploid stage is dominated more whereas haploid phase is
represented only by the ascospores, therefore is it called as
diplobiontic life cycle.
Diplobiontic life cycle in Saccharomyces ludwigii
C) Haplo-diplobiontic life cycle: It is observed in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. It is heterothallic species. Out of the four (4) haploid ascospores
liberated from an ascus, two carry one mating type (α) and other two carry
other mating type (a). Both these mating types develop into independent
cells of their respective mating types. During this life cycle two different
mating types comes in contact with each other in response to hormones.
Cells elongate and enlarge towards each other which bring about two
opposite mating types by fusion through plasmogamy and karyogamy
results in the formation of diploid zygote. Under favorable conditions these
zygote undergoes budding and keeps on forming diploid cells for several
Under unfavorable conditions the diploid cells start to function as
asci. The diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis to produced four haploid
daughter nuclei are formed. Among these haploid ascospores rupture the
ascus wall, come out and develop into fresh haploid cells of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Two of these cells belong to mating type (α) and the remaining
two to the mating type (a). These four haploid nuclei accumulate cytoplasm
around themselves and change into ascospore. These haploid ascospores
rupture the ascus wall, come ut and develop into haploid cells of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two of these cells belong to mating type (a) and
the remaining two to the mating type (α). In this life-cycle of heterothallic
strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicates the existence of independent
haploid and diploid phases of equal importance therefore it is called as
haplo-diplobiontic life-cycle.
Haplo-Diplobiontic life cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisae
Economic importance of Saccharomyces (Yeast):
Systematic Position:
Class: Deuteromycetes
Order: Moniliales
Family: Tuberculariaceae
Genus: Fusarium
Vegetative Structure of Fusarium:
Mycelium is branched, sepate, hyaline or coloured, inter-or intracellular and
uninucleate to multinucleate. Hyphae invade the tracheids and vessels of
xylem, ramify there, produce toxic substances and block them completely.
As a result the plants wilt and die.
Economic Importance of Fusarium:
1) Fusarium oxysporum causes the most important vascular wilt
diseases. It has several specialised forms known as form specialis (f.
sp.) that infect a variety of host plant .
2) Some species of Fusarium produce mycotoxins − Fumonisins and
trichothecenes. It is said that these toxins may cause oesophageal cancer.
Some of these toxins are said to have been used as biological war fare
agents in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
3) Few Fusarium species like F. solani, F. Verticilloides, F. proliferatum, F.
solani infect human nails (dry rot of nails) and eye. Fusarium contaminated
wheat flour when eaten, immune system is weakened (neutropenia).
4) F. graninearum has been used in U.K. to produce a high quality
mycoprotein that can be fabricated into a number of meatless food. F.
venenatum is produced industrially for use as human food quom in Europe
and north America.