CASE STUDY ON QUALITY DEFECT Sheet No. 1 QM PILLAR Dept: XYZ QM Coordinators: Presenter: ABC Data collection on defects Collect data of defects occurred during last 6 Months. • • • • • Scratch : Fin: Size: Lap: Crack : Nos. / % Nos. / % Nos. / % Nos. / % Nos. / % Sheet No. 2 Data collection on defects 1st Priority due to high in Nos. Nos. Defectwise status 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sheet No. 3 14 11 8 6 Scratch 5 Fin Size Lap Crack History of Crack Defect Nos. Crack Defect Data 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sheet No. 4 1st Priority due to high in Nos.& increasing & repetitive 14 11 8 6 5 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Defect selected for case study Sheet No. 5 CRACK DEFECT SELECTED FOR CASE STUDY Define & Classify the various Crack defects Sheet No. 6 • List out Various types of Crack defects one by one & define each type of crack defect. • Surface crack • Internal crack • Off corner crack • Star crack • Transverse crack Visual photograph of each type of Crack defect Sheet No. 7 • Show visual photograph / sketch / drawing of each type of crack. (May be one slide for each type of crack defect) Crack Defect Vs Identifying 4M Conditions Sheet No. 8 Crack Defect Defect Mode Material Machine Method Surface crack Internal crack Off corner Crack Star crack Transverse Applicable Not applicable Man Caused by Raw Material Condition ?Sheet No. 9 Crack Material condition Actual Defect Required condition Surface Crack Internal crack Off corner Star Crack Transvers e Gap Analysis Caused by Machine Condition ? Crack Machine condition Actual M/c Defect Required condition Surface Crack Internal crack Off corner Star Crack Transvers e Sheet No. 10 Gap Analysis Caused by Method Condition ? Sheet No. 11 Crack Method condition Actual Method Gap Defect Required followed Analysis Surface Crack Internal crack Off corner Star Crack Transvers e Caused by Man skill Condition ? Crack Defect Surface Crack Internal crack Off corner Star Crack Transvers e Man condition Required (Skill) Actual Man condition Sheet No. 12 Gap analysis Root cause analysis Sheet No. 13 Find actual root causes through Why-Why analysis for each Gap identified. Countermeasure Root Causes Material Machine Method Sheet No. 14 Countermeasure Plan Resp.& Tgt Status Date 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) Countermeasures Root causes Countermeasure Plan Man 1) 2) 3) 4) Sheet No. 15 Resp.& Tgt Status Date Confirmation of Quality CharacteristicsSheet No. 16 Confirm whether all Quality characteristics are within Standard norms / specifications. Furnish the data here or in different slides. Chemical Metallurgical Mechanical Physical Process characteristics EFFECTIVENESS OF COUNTERMEASURESSheet No. 17 Cracks Defect trend after counter measures taken 6 5 5 Nos. 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 'Jun-08 'Jul-08 'Aug-08 0 0 'Sep-08 'Oct-08 Standardization Sheet No. 18 Standardize the activities w.r.t Materials, Machine, Methods and Man Update all concerned W Is , SF Standards, Inspection plans, Inspection standards, Check lists, Process controls …etc. Update Training records Sheet No. 19 ALL FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR CRACK DEFECT ELIMINATED