INF4825 Marking Rubric for Assignment 3 Student number: Title Introduction – at least 1 typed A4 page for the entire Portfolio. Make sure that the Introduction covers all 3 RQs. RQ1: What are the underlying concepts regarding project management with reference to software development estimation, activity planning, scheduling, and resource allocation? RQ2: Identify the actors affecting and influencing communication and management of all people aspects during project management. Open Rubric Marker signature: 0 No title, inappropriate or partially appropriate title 0 1-2 3-4 No introduction Very basic Very basic introduction introduction with few with no pointers to the pointers to problem under the problem discussion under discussion 0 RQ1 omitted 1-4 RQ1 vaguely discussed 5-8 RQ1 discussed BUT ambiguous or not logically connected. No golden thread in the discussion. Not well-focused. 0 RQ2 omitted 1-4 RQ2 vaguely discussed 5-8 RQ2 discussed BUT ambiguous or not logically connected. No golden thread in the discussion. Not well-focused. Final mark: 2 Clearly appropriate title 5-6 7-8 9-10 Limited Adequate Clear background background background providing providing an providing an an overview of the overview of the overview of topic and the topic and the the topic research research and the method method research method 9-12 13-15 RQ1 clearly and reasonably RQ1 clearly and discussed, supported by the reasonably literature review. Easy to discussed, follow the golden thread but supported by the some ST1 concepts were left literature review. out. Easy to follow the golden thread. 9-12 RQ2 clearly and reasonably discussed, supported by the literature review. Easy to follow the golden thread but some ST2 concepts were left out. 13-15 RQ2 clearly and reasonably discussed, supported by the literature review. Easy to follow the golden thread. 2 10 15 15 RQ3: Measure and monitor the quality of a project throughout its development cycle. 0 RQ3 omitted 1-4 RQ3 vaguely discussed 5-8 RQ3 discussed BUT ambiguous or not logically connected. No golden thread in the discussion. Not well-focused. 9-12 RQ3 clearly and reasonably discussed, supported by the literature review. Easy to follow the golden thread but some ST4 concepts were left out. Conclusion – at least 1 typed A4 page. Make sure that the Conclusion covers all 3 RQs. 0 No conclusion 1-3 Simply summarises study, no link to research questions or contribution 4-6 Simply summarises study, some link to research questions or contribution 7-9 Reasonable attempt to organise and present research, and to answer research questions, stating contribution. Technical layout & presentation (academic style scholarly writing, English References 0 No principles of academic writing followed, many typographical errors, poor English, poor layout, no captions to figures and tables 1-3 Some adherences to academic writing, some typographical errors and layout errors, some errors in captions to figures and tables 4-6 Principles of academic writing mostly followed, few typographical errors and layout errors, no errors in captions to figures and tables 0 No citations 1-3 Few citations, no consistency, incorrect citations. Several omissions in citations. 4-6 Most citations used correctly and appropriately Some omissions in citations 13-15 RQ3 clearly and reasonably discussed, supported by the literature review. Easy to follow the golden thread. 10 Well-thought through conclusion clearly connecting research questions with the literature, includes reflection on study 7-8 Outstanding academic writing, no typographical errors and layout errors, no errors in captions to figures and tables 7-8 All citations provided, used correctly and appropriately All sources cited 15 10 8 8 Use a Referencing Manager (e.g., Mendeley) and submit your essay with a correctly formatted Reference List at the back. At least 12 articles between 2011 and 2022. Complete (and sign) PortfolioPage 1 and add as the first page of your Portfolio. Final mark: 0 No references 1-3 Poor reference list with errors and inconsistencies, not all references included 0 No referencing manager was used. 1-2 A referencing manager was used but not end result is not acceptable 0 12 articles between 2011 and 2022 not present. 0 Portfolio-Page 1 is absent 4-6 Average reference list with few errors 7-8 Complete and consistent reference list provided All references cited in text 3 Used a referencing manager. Result is neat and consistent 1-3 12 or more articles between 2011 and 2022 present. 1-2 Portfolio-Page 1 is present but not signed or information is not correct 8 3 3 3 Portfolio-Page 1 is present and signed 3 100