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IEEE Associations

Chris Gallagher
The IEEE represents a group of engineers or people who dedicate to technological
advancements for humanity’s gain, with more than four hundred thousand members in over 150
countries. A courter of which being students members. This includes publications and
collaborations in the advancements of AI and Robotics. Rooting back to 1884, the organization
was originally called the Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineers but had to be shortened
to IEEE due to the diverse community that is accumulated. This community includes Engineers,
scientists, computer scientists, software developers, physicists, and medical doctors. The website
gives all the information I will mention in this essay, so I would say that the website/association
is helpful in this regard. The association offers continuing education for people looking for work
experience. IEEE allows jobs for people looking to work on projects. People are also able to
communicate and collaborate with others on projects. The IEEE or The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers offers Publications on current events that may be of interest to people in
my major (ECET). These articles are usually kept up to date. People are also able to talk, meet,
work together, and even advise each other on each other’s projects.
Benefits: The IEEE offers events for members such as the international conference on
quantum computing and engineering as well as Future Networks World Forum and the 2nd
international conference on intelligent reality. The IEEE allows people to create a group t share,
collab, and discuss current events. Being a part of this also lets you establish a profile with your
lasting achievements as well as a way to communicate with other professionals in your fields.
However, for people like me who are in college and just hitting the halfway point, there are
benefits for me too. For undergraduates and graduate students, the site lets you keep up with
current technology. The IEEE also has jobs you can apply for that not only help you further your
career, you also have access to career resources and recognition for your work. The Institute also
gives discounts on webinars on a variety of topics. There are also a number of Humanitarian
programs for people who are interested. Members can also have their colleges nominated for
awards, which would be good for colleges.
The question now is if I will get involved with this association. The price for a student is
16 dollars in the USA, which turns makes the IEEE purchases cheaper than without a
membership. For example, the IEEE publications Subscription goes from 490 dollars to 29
dollars. The Conference registration becomes 228 dollars cheaper and the Elearning course is 20
dollars off. So becoming a member seems very good. I would need time to research other
associations. For all I know, there is a better association that may offer all these benefits but for
cheaper. As of right now, I would sign up but not become a member. This way I can see if this is
a good idea, a free trial essentially. The pros of this association are the vast network you are
given access to and the opportunity you are offered in terms of work and education. The con of
this association is that for starters, I don't see anywhere stating that the membership is a one-time
payment. Also, for all this information, I had to search various parts of the website. If I was
creating an about page, I would have put everything I was asked to research on the about page.
That way people who are interested in joining would have an easier time in their
decision-making. While this doesn't have much to do with the association itself, I would say that
having their site formatted this way says that they didn't put as much consideration into their site
as they should have, which does not bode well for the rest of their site.