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Selectivity, Permeability & Osmosis in Marine Organisms

Selectivity and Permeability
Keeps inside safe
Evolve to deal with salinity
Diffusion: letting molecules move like water
Osmosis: diffusion of water across the cell membrane
Cell membrane lets water through it and other small molecules
Organisms are effected by temperature
Animals adapt to amount of Water and salt in their bodies and around them
Osmoconformers: Can tolerate large range of sea water
Osmoregulate: control how much salinity change in their body
Extract oxygen from gills
Most organism can’t live below 0 temp
Too cold effects the cells and metabolic and reproduction and growth and color
Surface to Volume: amount of surface area relative to the total volume. Determine the size of the
organism and how nutrients, waste, and gases move in and out
Group 2
Balance by releasing salt and urine
Balance by use envir from outside and inside
Animals adapt to amount of Water and salt in their bodies and around them
Osmoconformers: Can tolerate large range of sea water
Osmoregulate: control how much salinity change in their body
Group 1
Diffusion: High concentration to low concentration
Cell membrane that allows things to move in and out. Blocks some stuff. Water can pass but other
molecules cannot pass through as easily
Water moving in and out to swell or shrink
Many organisms are sensitive to salinity
Allow to alter metabolism
Org are greatly effected by temp metabolic temp are faster at high temp and are slower at colder temp
Marine organism adapt to temp
Ecotherms: cold blodded
Endotherm: warm blooded
Poalr bears live best in cold temp b/c of enzymes
Homotherms: maintain a stable interanal temp
Polikotherms: body temp change with surrounding temp
Materials like nutrients, waste, gases, move in and out surface of marine organisms
Surface to volume ratio determine how fast heat flows
Size of organism. Sm organism have a high ratio than large animals
Balance cells
Diffusion: molecules move from high to low
Cell membrane seltivly permeable allows some stuff to pass through
Organisms that maintatin interanal envir
Maintain internally by controlling water of asomaitc pressure by controlling water and salt
Maintain salt and water in body
Group 2
Phycological that maintain cell membrane
Group 1
To regulate intake its salt water
Diffusion Net movement of high concentration to low concentration
Movement of water across a semi permeable membrane from an area of low conectration to high
Regulate the transport of material entering and exiting the cell
Have gills
Some animals go through chemosynthesis
Salinity can effect the denisity of ocean water. This can effect the movement of ocean currents and
marine life, which may need to regulate its intake of salt water.
Diffusion: net movemement of anything generally from a region of high concentration to a region of
lower concentration. Med tablet. Alka seltzers dissolve into water
Osmosis: movement of water moleules through a slectivly permable membrane from a region of high
water concentration to a low water concentration
Cell membrane regulates the transport of materials eneting and exiting the cell, provides protection
Group 2
Regardless of envir conditions, able to balance between water and salt materials
Loose water through gills and skin. Fish pump salt to urine
Osmoconfers: Based on the envir. Internal conditions change based on outside conditions
Organism survive in water based on cell nutrients and oxygen
Determines the physiology of animals
Help improve organism chance to envir
Surface to volume ratio is used to help explain the connection between structure and function and
process occurring to surface volume