Uploaded by Isaac Black

Kali Linux Setup & Ethics Lab Assignment

ITP-325: Ethical Hacking
Lab 1: Kali Linux Setup and Ethics
Please save this docx file titled as your last name followed by an underscore and hw1. So, if my
first and last name were Tommy and Trojan, I would name the document as trojan_hw1.docx.
These questions are intended to be answered throughout reading the lab. Some of the questions
may require you to provide screenshots. I recommend putting the word documents next to each
other so you can see, read and answer the questions while working your way through the lab.
1. Type whoami in a terminal while logged in as the user account you created
(yourfirstname_yourlastname) and take a screenshot of it precisely like the one
below. Replace the screenshot below with your screenshot.
2. Do you hereby promise to adhere to the 10 Computer Ethics Commandments and the
academic integrity policy outlined in Part 2 of this lab? Please type “I will follow the 10
Computer Ethics Commandments outlined in Part 2 of this lab while I am a student at
USC.” followed by your first and last name as the answer to this question to verify your
commitment to the ethics we’ve outlined in this lab. Your first and last name qualify as
an electronic signature. Failure to do this will result in you being forced to drop this class.
3. Do you hereby promise to submit all commands using sudo permission by typing sudo
before the command and not by typing sudo su and then running the command without
needing to type sudo before it unless explicitly told otherwise? Please type “I will
submit all of my screenshots in this class in the format clearly outlined in Part 3 of this
lab unless explicitly told otherwise, and understand that failing to do so for screenshots
will result in receiving zero credit for said screenshots.” followed by your name.
4. What shell are you using in the account you created? What command can you use to
figure this out? Use the internet to answer these questions. If you end up being a
penetration tester, you’ll have to look up how to do stuff a lot, so this is great practice.
Just ask Stefan how often he googles for his job. You must submit a screenshot of the
command you entered into your terminal to do this in the format we’ve outlined or you
won’t receive credit.
5. What command changes the shell you’re using to zsh? Submit a screenshot of the
command to change your shell to zsh. After you run the command, log out and log back
in and verify you’ve changed the shell to zsh with your answer from the previous
question. Submit a screenshot for this as well. Please submit both screenshots in the
format we’ve outlined.
6. Harry the Heinous Horrible Hacker and his hacker henchmen in crime discovered some
of the Microsoft Exchange Servers belonging to Shameless Insurance Ltd. were
vulnerable to the ms17_010_eternalblue exploit. So, Harry the Heinous Horrible Hacker
used this exploit to gain a reverse shell into Shameless’ servers and deployed ransomware
he coded to hold their data for a ransom of a price of 5 bitcoin. What type of hacker is
Actual GIF of Harry and his hacker henchmen in action^ (you can delete this for the submission)
7. If you’re familiar with the show ‘Mr. Robot,’ you may have seen the following clip:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqknSms8VVI&ab_channel=Mr.Robot What type
of hacker is Elliot from an ethical standpoint? Is what he did illegal? Please answer both
8. Stefan McGregor performed an authorized information security audit (penetration test) on
the network on an aircraft carrier while he was in the United States Air Force. What kind
of hacker was he acting as from an ethical standpoint?
9. A penetration tester has access to the source code of the application he is performing a
penetration test on because he is also one of the developers of the application. What kind
of penetration test is this?
10. A penetration tester has no access to information whatsoever on the enterprise network he
is performing a penetration test on. What kind of penetration test is this?
11. A penetration tester has access to the network layout of the enterprise network he is
performing a penetration test on. What kind of penetration test is this?