Errors_weaken_the_quality_of_research 1. Weakness in reviewing and criticizing previous theoretical literature or being content with summarizing. 2. A large number of pages exceeding the customary limit for the section; Which indicates a filler and duplicate. 3. Exaggerated abbreviation is also rejected and weakens the research. 4. Lack of foreign references compared to Arabic. 5. Too much reliance on old references that are more than 5 years old. In some literary disciplines, it is okay to have old references, but in applied and technological disciplines, it is preferable that most references not exceed 3 years old. 6. Excessive quotation from one reference; Which indicates diarrhea and narrowmindedness. 7. The use of unreliable or biased references, such as encyclopedias that can be modified on the Internet, such as Wikipedia... 8. Increasing the citation percentage beyond the limit accepted by the university may lead to rejection of the thesis. 9. Errors in academic writing; Such as the use of inaccurate terminology and the lack of numbers, and the use of a mixture of methods of documenting quotation, rhetorical tone in writing, or condescension; Like my research is the best and most important... 10. Falling into bias or generalizing results that are not valid for generalization. 11. Not ensuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, or conducting a questionnaire via the Internet in which people who have nothing to do with the study sample contribute. 12. Lack of details of research methodology and procedures. The detail should be sufficient for any other average researcher to be able to repeat the experiments and reach the same results. This publication was prepared by the Graduate Studies Journal page management. Copying and pasting is not allowed. 13. Hiding research determinants in the discussion of results; It is all that limits the application and generalization of the results. 14. Not answering all research questions or not achieving all of its objectives. 15. Writing weak recommendations and suggestions that are not useful to others. 16. Mistakes in arranging the thesis reference list, or following two patterns together. Follow your university's instructions. 17. Not strictly adhering to the technical and printing specifications of your university. 18. There are linguistic and typographical errors. 19. Confused or ambiguous phrases and inaccurate words. 20. Interpreting the results in a superficial, non-in-depth manner. As if only describing tables and figures without explanation.