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Monorail Systems & Bridge Design Analysis

Analysis of Monorail
Systems and Conceptual
Bridge Designs
Group Number:
Mech 22
Group Members:
Smit Vaghela, F228559
Bianca Struik, F213919
 Akshay Vadhera, F228235
 Faith Oluwadamilare, F116727
 Imogen Wakeford, F228382
Module Name and Code: Engineering Principles and Professional Skills, WSA508
Date of Submission: Wednesday 16th December 2022
Project Management Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Stakeholders ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Straddle Beam vs Suspended Beam Monorail Bridge Design ......................................................................................... 5
Braking Systems ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Concept Selection of Bridge Components ....................................................................................................................... 7
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Project Management Approach
The current transportation used is the shuttle bus however, due to the increase in students by “3% per year for the
next 40 years” [1], it has become crowded for all commuters. To tackle this issue, and to implement another efficient
mode of transport, a monorail was proposed through this Smarter Campus Project. As a group we researched and
investigated the monorail infrastructure, but also produced conceptual designs of a bridge required to cross a
section of Burleigh Brook to aid in the movement of people, machinery, and materials.
To develop our solution, we split the tasks between group members:
Bianca Struik (F213919) and Faith Oluwadamilare (F116727) – Identify stakeholders; state their roles and
Akshay Vadhera (F228235) – Brake design system research (Figure 8)
Smit Vaghela (F228559) – Considered straddle-beam and suspended monorail designs; proposed the most
appropriate idea. Researched braking systems for the chosen monorail design. Explored two conceptual
deigns of the metal bridge and justified the final design picked.
Imogen Wakeford (F228382) – Initial sketches and conceptual design for the bridge.
Team meetings and communication were vital to achieve a successful outcome. Hence, as a group we decided on a
minimum of meeting once a week to share research and additional information. We also shared ideas by WhatsApp.
Initially, we identified the Stakeholders and considered their relevance at different stages, specifically: conception,
design, implementation, and operation [2, p.5]. We considered the problem statement and separated items into
three categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary. We also had to consider the 6 stations in total [3]. The roles are
stated in figure 1.
The main stakeholders to be considered in the conception phase (in order of relevance)
are the customers, the Loughborough University team (due to the importance and positive impacts of sustainable
designs), the manufacturers, who will provide technical input, and the users.
Secondly, the stakeholders to be considered in the design phase (in order of relevance) are the manufacturers, as
they pertain to the practicality of the project and the Loughborough University Sustainability team, as the material of
the bridge should not have any negative impacts on the environment.
Thirdly, the stakeholders that need to be considered during the implantation phase are Legislators, since a grant
from the council is needed to complete the project [6], the contractors, technicians, and manufacturers who oversee
and ensure that we stick to the sustainability quota we’ve set for ourselves and oversee the building process,
including any testing that might need to be completed.
Lastly, the stakeholders considered in the Operational phase, (in order of relevance) are the users and the public,
who have the power to influence the Stakeholder's views and the Media.
Figure 1
Straddle Beam vs Suspended Beam Monorail Bridge Design
Straddle beam
Straddle-beam monorail bridges are shaped like a ‘T’ which accommodate the monorail on top (figure 2). Rubber
wheels travel alongside the beam to improve traction and help it remain stable. The monorail is elevated from the
ground, hence it “minimises interaction with traffic and pedestrians” [8], making them safer. A conducting material
between the beams supplies electricity to the monorail which is equipped with a series of conductors within its
wheel assembly which then provides power.
Straddle Monorails are fully electric, so they don’t harm the environment. Additionally, they have a “small turning
radius, less land occupation, low noise.” [9]. They transport large amounts of people and take up minimal land area.
The track beam system is made of a reinforced concrete beam, integrated with “structural parts, power supply and
signal facilities” [9] which results in a small volume and compact structure, ideal for complex urban areas and places
with limited space.
Suspended Monorail
Suspended monorails hang under an ‘I’ shaped beam, figure 3. The wheels of the monorail “run along the metal rail
on top of the girder” [11], the most conventional way to run a suspended monorail. In the SAFEGE system, the
monorail has rubber-tyred wheels which “run on laminated wooden tracks all of which is enclosed in the girder”
[11]. With the SAFEGE system, figure 3, the driving mechanism, electric conducting rail which supplies the power,
other cables etc of the monorail are protected from harsh weather conditions. This reduces the need for regular
maintenance which overall makes this suspended monorail system “more economical, more efficient and more
reliable” [11].
Suspended Monorails, like straddle beam, are fully electric hence they do not harm the environment and are
lightweight, compact and reduce congestion from the ground. Due to the monorail being suspended, going around
tight corners makes it very comfortable compared to a mode of transport whose wheels rest on the ground. This is
because the suspended monorail will “swing from the bottom which allows passengers’ bodies to lean into the
corner rather than away, allowing corners to be taken at higher speeds and smaller radii” [11].
Figure 2, Isometric
Figure 3, Isometric
Braking Systems
A monorail train’s braking system must have the ability to bring the vehicle to a complete stop without
compromising reliability. There are several different braking systems which can be used in the monorail train. In
railway vehicles such as the monorail train “two types of braking method are used, which are classified as adhesion
and non-adhesion” [13], figure 5.
Pneumatic air brakes are the most common types of brakes used in monorail systems, figure 6, where a compressor
generates compressed air which is stored in a reservoir [13]. When the driver steps on the pedal the “valve allows
the compressed air to flow to a piston that engages the brake” [14]. When the pedal is released, a spring disengages
the piston hence removing the braking force, figure 7.
The pneumatic air brake system can be combined with dynamic braking systems. In dynamic braking the energy
required comes from the “kinetic energy of the train” [13]. The braking force supplied by this energy acts in the
opposite direction of the motion of the train and creates an additional braking force to the pneumatic braking. As
another brake force is generated, the wear on the brake shoe is much less [13]. An electric traction motor is also
integrated with the braking system of the monorail, and this can be used for regenerative braking, decreasing the
wear of the breaks. Power can also be generated from the electrical energy produced from the traction motor.
Commonly, a shoe type brake system (mechanical braking) is used in trains, these systems are usually used in freight
trains, where they must be able to withstand high thermal energy transfers. In a disc type brake system, the kinetic
energy of the train is transferred into thermal energy through heating between the disc brake and pad, where the
frictional forces oppose the movement of the train. Cast iron is used to resist the heat from friction, where
temperatures reach up to 600ºC [13]. We must consider other features of the system such as friction coefficient
between the pad and the disc (0.4 for cast iron) as well as the surface area of contact, where contact should occur at
the centre of gravity of the disc to maintain even wear. A disadvantage for using this type of brake, is that the brake
pad must be changed often and tested frequently for effectiveness.
Figure 7, Source: Adapted from [14]
Figure 8
Concept Selection of Bridge Components
A range of initial design sketches is presented in the appendix. Many of the sketches use trusses to support the
bridge and some of them use tension cables. Our group decided to not go for a tension cable bridge as they do not
withstand as much load as truss bridges can. Consequently, we decided to have a similar design as initial design 3.
However, the intricate triangulation in the base would increase the manufacturing cost and decrease the amount of
force which can be placed onto the bridge. ‘Concept 2,’ designed on CAD, shows an arched bridge with linear
supports along the roof connecting the ends of the bridge. In concept 2, the truss used is a Pratt Truss which
“reduces the cost of the structure due to more efficient members and reduces self-weight” [15] and another
advantage of a Pratt Truss is that the “diagonal members are in tension, vertical members in compression” [16],
meaning higher loads can be applied on the bridge. The arch helps in the even distribution of the load; however, the
arch will take more manufacturing processes and can be more expensive.
Therefore, we have decided to go for, ‘Concept 1,’ designed on CAD. This bridge also includes Pratt Trusses on both
sides of the bridge. Nonetheless, we added triangulation and truss members on the roof to yet again reduce the
tension applied on the side truss members and to make the bridge structurally stronger so that it can withstand
more load. “A truss bridge distributes its load across a series of small sections fitted together” [15] and the vertical
steel supports help hold up the bridge using compression, while the diagonal truss supports add stability via tension,
allowing the load applied to be directed towards the centre.
The base of the bridge will be made from the 2mm aluminium sheet. The reason to use the 2mm aluminium is
because the load will be placed on the sheet so the base will need to have substantial amount of thickness to resist
the applied load. The side supports and trusses will be formed out of 1.2mm steel sheet because steel is stronger
than aluminium, and so the trusses and the vertical supports will need to bear high amounts of tension and
compression to prevent the bridge from deformation and failure.
Concept 1, CAD
Concept 2, CAD
Collectively, we have produced a conceptual design of our suggested solution to the problem. We would
recommend implementing a suspended monorail and a bridge according to concept 1.
As per the research our group has undertaken, we have put forward a design which prioritises factors such as
comfort and sustainability, which we believe accommodates for the requirements of transport within the campus.
Our concepts allow users to feel both comfortable and safe which is paramount as they travel around the university.
Also, our solution incorporates a bridge which will improve efficiency during the construction process, making the
process much easier.
In terms of the conceptual bridge designs, we decided to go for design ‘Concept 1’ primarily because the bridge is
designed using Pratt Trusses. The diagonal Pratt Truss members add stability via tension and the vertical supports
help hold up the bridge during compression. Essentially, the design allows the load applied on the bridge to be
distributed in such a way that the bridge can withstand heavier loads.
Moreover, both types of monorails are unique and have advantages and disadvantages. For a campus environment,
the suspended monorail design will be the most suitable. Not only is a suspended monorail more aesthetically
pleasing but, it is comfortable which is important since users will be travelling across the campus in this monorail
multiple times daily. Suspended monorails can turn at higher speeds with smaller radii which will reduce the amount
of space the overhead tracks will take and will prevent users from resisting the force of the turn, allowing them to
stand or sit straight. Implementing the SAFEGE system, figure 3, will make the monorail a low maintenance system
and economically sustainable. Therefore, we believe a suspended monorail is an ideal solution.
Figure 3, Source: Adapted from [7]
Figure 4, Source: Adapted from [12]
Figure 6, Source: Adapted from [14]
Initial Design 2
Initial Design 4
Concept 1
Figure 5, Source: Adapted from [13]
Initial Design 1
Initial Design 3
Initial Design 5
[1] C. Ogbonnaya, “The Smarter Campus Project.” Loughborough University.
[2] C. Ogbonnaya, “The Smarter Campus Project brief.” Loughborough , 07-Nov-2022.
[3] “Sprint route: Schedules, Stops & Maps - Loughborough (updated),” sprint Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps Loughborough (Updated). [Online]. Available: https://moovitapp.com/index/en-gb/public_transportation-lineSPRINT-East_Midlands-2103-1832640-28752734-0. [Accessed: 09-Dec-2022].
[4] R. J. Cloutier , “Guide to Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBok), v.2.7.” SEBoK Editorial Board , 31Oct-2022.
[5] C. Rowland, E. Goodman, M. Charlier, A. Light, A. Lui, and T. Igoe, Designing connected products UX for the
consumer internet of things. Beijing: O'Reilly, 2015.
[6] S. Olander, “Stakeholder impact analysis in construction project management,” Construction Management and
Economics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 277–287, Mar. 2007.
[7] stakeholdermap.com, “Stakeholders in construction - list of stakeholders in the construction
industry,” Stakeholdermap.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.stakeholdermap.com/stakeholdersconstruction.html. [Accessed: 01-Dec-2022].
[8] H. I. W. Team, “How monorails work,” How It Works, 26-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available:
https://www.howitworksdaily.com/how-monorails-work/. [Accessed: 01-Dec-2022].
[9] X. He, “Application and prospect of straddle monorail transit system in China - Urban Rail Transit,” SpringerLink,
21-May-2015. [Online]. Available: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40864-015-0006-9. [Accessed:
[10] M. Krueger, “The German city with an incredible upside down railway,” CNN, 16-May-2022. [Online].
Available: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/wuppertal-schwebebahn-suspension-railwaygermany/index.html. [Accessed: 03-Dec-2022].
[11] The Tim Traveller, “Why does Germany build suspended monorails (when almost nobody else does)?,” YouTube,
14-May-2021. [Online]. Available:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeYTtlXywUI&t=218s&ab_channel=TheTimTraveller. [Accessed: 03Dec-2022].
[12] “Suspended - SAFEGE,” The Monorail Society Website. [Online]. Available:
https://www.monorails.org/tMspages/TPSafege.html. [Accessed: 03-Dec-2022].
[13] “An investigation on braking systems used in Railway Vehicles,” Engineering Science and Technology, an
International Journal, 04-Feb-2020. [Online]. Available:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221509861931496X#f0005. [Accessed: 12-Dec-2022].
[14] “Pneumatic brakes information,” Pneumatic Brakes Selection Guide: Types, Features, Applications |
Engineering360. [Online]. Available:
https://www.globalspec.com/learnmore/motion_controls/clutches_brakes/pneumatic_brakes. [Accessed: 12Dec-2022].
[15] BigRentz, “Types of Bridges,” BigRentz, 20-Jul-2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.bigrentz.com/blog/typesof-bridges#truss-bridge. [Accessed: 07-Dec-2022].
[16] “What is a truss? common types of trusses in structural engineering: Skyciv Engineering,” SkyCiv Cloud
Structural Analysis Software | Cloud Structural Analysis Software and Calculators, 21-Nov-2022. [Online].
Available: https://skyciv.com/docs/tutorials/truss-tutorials/types-of-truss-structures/#:~:text=Pratt%20Truss,A%20Pratt%20Truss&text=This%20has%20a%20few%20effects,predominantly%20in%20the%20vertical%20
direction. [Accessed: 09-Dec-2022].