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Keeper'n Me Analysis: Identity, Family, and Culture

The Missing Pieces and The Lost Soul
In the novel Keeper’n me by Richard Wagamese. Within the first 43 pages, there have been
many developments in the character Garnet and his experiences. What is known about Garnet is
that he was taken away from his parents and reserve at the age of three. Garnet experiences a lot
of racism because of his nationality and how he looks. The pain of not having a proper family
has left many wounds in his chest as he describes them as black holes that the wind blows
through. Not only this, but his pain left him to be a lost soul and wonder. Because of this,
Garnered wanted to be anything but Anishinaabe/Indigenous. Garnet put on many faces which
allowed him to hide his history. The faces Garnet puts on are those of others with fake history
and stories, these faces are made for Garnet to fit in with the rest of society. However, Garnet
was not able to keep the act for long, because people like Lonnie saw right through the act.
Eventually, Garnet started to hang out with Lonnie and lived with him for a while. Then Garnet
started to hang out with bad people and got into prison for 5 years. In prison is when Granet
started to receive letters from his biological family. Garnet did know how to feel are what to say
to them because he does not know what they will think of him. Lonnie reassured Garnet that
everything will turn out fine, and said to write letters back to them.
The next section starts on page 44 when Garnet is out of prison and is ready to meet with his
“He reached out and touched me finally, one soft grab of the shoulder, and then he collapse into
my arms sobbing like a kid while everyone around us moved in a little closer too. “ Twenty-two
years,” he said, sobbing “Twenty-two years, my brother. Twenty-two, years.” I was crying by
this time too.”(Wagamese50)
When I first read this quote was when we had to read the 7 short stories in the class. I still
remember my first reaction to reading this. My eyes started to water and I had goosebumps going
down my back. All I could think about was my brother and how it would feel to reunite after
twenty-two years. I could not even begin to imagine being that many years apart. This quote
reminded me of the brotherly love in a family, and it made me really happy to see this in a novel.
The fact that Stanley started crying is what really got to my emotions. You never really see your
older siblings cry imaging my older brother's cry made me sad.
“You spend time in the bush and on the land, you learn the way of the bush and the way of the
land. The natural way. The Way of the Universe. Spend time surrounded by concrete and steel,
you learn their way too I guess.” (54)
To me, this was an interesting quote because it made me think about society. It made me think
about society because many people from the outside seem so unhappy and dull in the way that
they are living. These people are surrounded by concrete and steel. But in actuality, that is how
feel about my life too. However, what really sparked interest in this quote is how it feels like to
grow up in Indigenous culture and environment. The way Keeper talks about learning the way of
the universe makes me want to go right to him and listen to all the stories he has to tell. It makes
me want to learn more about the Indigenous people and their way of life. Society at times feels
dull which is why I get the feeling of wanting to escape it.
“The very last time you got handed some food and bowed your head and said a quiet prayer of
thanks and asked for the strength you got from that food to be used to help someone around, well
that was the very last time you were an Indyun too”(55)
This quote has 2 meanings for me. First is being amazed at the level of prayers that the
Indigenous people have. Usually, you hear about praying for good fortune or health, sometimes
even good health for their family and friends. But I never heard a prayer about asking that the
energy that you get from eating food be used to help other people. This quote opened my mind in
so many different ways I was amazed. This quote really showed me how spiritual Indigenous
people really are. Then the second meaning is that Indigenous people are all about respect and
truly loving one another. They do deeds without being asked and do not expect anything in
return. However when you stop doing those deeds or when you start to lose respect for others is
when you stop being an Indigenous person.
“Every time those rocks landed in the water you always giggled just like that. I remember. You
always got a big kick out of that sound.”(63)
I think this is a very cute quote, how Garnet still laughs and the rocks since he was three. It made
me think how his sibling still remembers the things that made Garnet laugh. On top of that, how
he is still able to laugh at the sound of the rock since he was three years old. This quote shows
how his siblings still know him after twenty-two years of being apart.
“Ojibways both of them had to spend time getting coached by elders. The elders explained to
them all about the way Ojibway people behaved in marriage. Talked about the roles of men and
women as spiritual, mental, emotional and philosophical equals and how that always had to be
remembered and respected.” (70)
This quote made me think about how people in the western culture before getting married never
get any type of counselling. People just date for a few years and get married. No one is ever
taught how it feels like to be married or what to do. Usually, people do what the next person
does. Being married is a serious thing and I like how the Indigenous people understand that. I
never even thought about counselling before marriage. I believe that this is a great idea and
might even take a mental note for myself in future.
Up to page 87 Garnet seems like he is moving on a straight path after finally meeting his family
again. In 5 years I would imagine Garnet would gain a better relationship with everyone on the
reserver, especially with his family. Gartner would also make some friends and maybe even meet
a special lady. Garnet would also have a way better understanding of the Indigenous culture and
traditions. Earlier in the novel, Garnet was saying that Keeper told him to be a storyteller. I
would imagine that Garnet would teach the youth stories of being lost and give them lessons on
how to find themselves. Garnet would find the missing puzzle pieces and fill up the hole in his
chest. I can see his future being bright from where I'm reading.