Uploaded by Rex Dave Mortiz

Ischemic Stroke Discharge Plan

College of Nursing
Cagayan de Oro City
Name: Rex Dave C. Mortiz
Section/ CN: 149
Date: 04/13/22
Discharge Plan #: 1
The patient and family will have adequate knowledge about the etiology of the disease
and able to understand the intervention needed to be done to prevent the
reoccurrence of ischemic stroke and lessened the complications of stroke. And also,
include the family in the plan of care that improve the patient’s well being and able to
achieve total independence. And the patient will able to verbalize the satisfaction of
the course of treatment. And this includes improve mobility, promote comfort and
communication, prevention of aspiration, promote proper defecation and urination,
maintain skin integrity, and absence of complications.
Encourage the patient to follow these guidelines upon taking the medication:
- Take the medication as directed by the physician, adhere to the schedule given by
the physician/
- Ask what side effects could occur, and report it to your physician immediately.
- Do not share your prescription medication.
- Medication can be dangerous when mixed.
Instruct the patient to adhere religiously to the drug regimen to reduce the reoccurrence
of stroke and able to prevent any complications:
• Anticoagulant medication – to thin the blood.
• Antiplatelet medication – to dissolve or prevent clotting that is potential to cause
an emboli
• Antihypertensive – to reduce the risk for stroke which lowers the blood pressure
of the patient.
- Encourage the patient to stay active as possible, cause inactivity can slow or prevent
the recovery, activities that will increase or muscular strength, such exercises are
walking, gardening, cycling and more.
- Instruct the patient to passively exercise the affected extremities to prevent venous
stasis that will prevent venous statis that could lead to venous thromboembolism. This
is will help to maintain full ROM and joint mobility, regain and maintain muscle
strength, prevent contractures in the affected extremity, further deterioration and
promote circulation.
- Encourage the patient to use the Mirror Therapy were using a tabletop mirror to cover
the affected extremity with the function arm, then the patient will perform certain
exercise while looking at the reflection. Study shows, to activate the signals from the
hand to brain, which helps to activate neuroplasticity and slowly improve mobility in
the affected hand.
- Instruct the patient to adhere with the thrombolytic therapy, if prescribed b the
physician, this therapy uses tissue plasminogen activator or tPa, the treatment works
to dissolve the clots that are blocking the blood flow in the arteries in the brain. Take
note that it should be given a window period of 3 hours, and can be extend to 4.5
Professor: Emman M. Parangue, R.N.
Instruct the patient about the warning signs of stroke because reoccurrence might
happen and able to receive immediate treatment and prevent any complications, by
using the acronym BE FAST (B = Sudden loss of Balance; E = Loss of vision in one or
both Eyes; F = Face droops on one side; A = Arm drops when both arms are raised; S =
Speech is slurred or sound different; T = Time to get help immediately)/
- Encourage the patient to make their home safe, such prevent on anything that can
might cause to trip over, put nonslip materials on surface that are slippery.
- Maintain a healthy weight, overweight and obesity increases the risk for stroke, and
able to manage stress efficiently by advising the client ways to relax such as deep
breathing exercise, guided imagery, or listening to music.
- Monitor blood pressure daily or as directed, because high blood pressure increases
the risk for stroke.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle, and this includes avoid smoking because nicotine and
other chemicals present in the cigarette can cause blood vessel damage which
increases the risk for stroke.
- And the patient’s communication is impaired proved various ways to communicate
with primary care provider, the nurse and the family such are using communication
board or allow the patient to speak slowly and keep the language of instruction
- Drink alcohol only in moderation (1-2 drinks per day).
- The first three months is the critical time after stroke, it is important for the patient
to have a follow up checkup, after 30 days the patient would need to return and
need to assess the improvement of the treatment and medications given to the
patient. And the patient will have these follow up appointments: 6 months and 1
year after the incident of stroke, then the patient should have a follow up check up
once a year.
Having a healthy diet is vital ono promoting health and prevention of reoccurrence of ischemic
stroke, this are the following recommendations need to follow by the patient:
1.) Avoid processed foods, salt and sugar
- Processed foods typically contain a lot of sugar and salt that contributes to plaque
build up that can cause ischemic stroke, and also salt is directly related to high blood
pressure. Replacing processed foods and seasoning meals to whole foods.
2.) Eat more Legumes
- Legumes are best sources of proteins and vitamins are tit is low fat.
3.) Eat fish and Poultry instead of red meat
- Study shows that read meat increases the risk for ischemic strike because of the
saturated fats present in red meat, while fish and poultry reduces the risk for heart
diseases and also it contain healthy fats which is called unsaturated fats.
4.) Avoid saturated fat
Professor: Emman M. Parangue, R.N.