1. PROPOSAL SUMMARY Vaccine Breakthrough infection occurs when someone is infected with an organism they are fully vaccinated against. For SARS-COV-2 vaccine, the test is positive within two weeks of receiving the entire series of the authorized SARS-COV-2 vaccine (1). Researchers are assessing the risk factors for COVID-19 in Sudan. The study will be carried out in Sudan, a country with a population around 40 million that has been hit by COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of the year 2020 causing around 88 thousands cases with 3772 deaths until December 2021 according to the Sudan Federal Ministry of Health. The status of vaccine coverage less than 5% according to Expanded Program of Immunization – Federal Ministry of Health. The federal ministry of health's surveillance department receives COVID-19 test results from Sudan's National Public Health Laboratory and other laboratories. The vaccine was administered to Sudan in April, due to which 60179 COVID-19 tests were conducted between April 2021 and August 2022, 31693 of which were positive, and 1241 of which were breakthrough cases. Breakthrough infections after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination have been reported and the number of cases is increasing (5), (6). Researchers are tracking vaccine breakthrough cases in Khartoum-Sudan in order to identify the risk factors and their association with other demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Currently, the Federal Ministry of Health's emergency operation center has recommended that a study be conducted by the department of surveillance to provide a clue to the extent breakthrough infection of COVID-19 infection in Sudan. No studies have been done in the ministry of health, and the results are urgently needed. A case-control study will be conducted to determine the risk factors for COVID-19 breakthrough infection in Sudan in 2022. Specific Objectives are to assess the exposure odds of cases and controls vaccinated against COVID-19, to determine the risk of COVID-19 following vaccination Based on type, number, and duration of vaccination and to identify socio-demographic and comorbidity characteristics of the case and control groups. Line-list of people who were investigated by National Public Health Laboratory and other laboratories during the months of April 2021 to August 2022 and who were vaccinated and tested positive or negative 1 using COVID-19 test. Vaccinated individuals who test positive are cases; vaccinated individuals who test negative are controls. The sample size was calculated using the Open Epi calculator) and found to be 108 for cases and 215 for control according to Kelsey et al. To cater about the non-response rate, 20% will be added to cases and to control. The final sample will be: 130 for cases and 258 for control. The cases and controls will be selected by simple random sampling using a random number generator. Both cases and controls will be extracted from the line-list using an extraction form. A pre-coded and pre-tested questionnaire will be used to collect additional information through phone interviews with cases and controls. A statistician will code and analyze the data using SPSS version 26. The descriptive data will be presented as graphs or tables. By estimating crude and adjusted Odd Ratio (OR), the researcher will analyze data using univariate and multiple logistic regression. 2 The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine has been shown to be highly effective and safe in clinical trials as well as in clinical settings. 7-13The occurrence of a breakthrough infection, defined as an individual infected with COVID-19 after receiving all-the-doses of an SARS-CoV-2 vaccine with a 14-day lag, is rare among the general population.11,12,14 Approximately 183 million persons had received full vaccination by September 27, 2021 in the US. 15,16However, 22 115 cases of breakthrough infection were reported to the CDC. Due to the absence of symptoms or the mild nature of the disease in most breakthrough cases, 9surveillance data likely underreport underreported cases. According to a recent study, individuals with immune dysfunction, including those with HIV or receiving immunosuppressive medications (such as recipients of solid organ transplant [SOT]), are at a higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.17 An evaluation of the effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine on individuals with weakened immune systems has not been conducted in a large-scale clinical setting. Among HIV-infected persons, marked immunodeficiency, defined by low CD4 count, may indicate antibody responses to vaccines. 18,19Immunosuppressant medications (such as calcineurin inhibitors or mycophenolic acid) that are commonly used for the prevention of allograft rejection among SOT recipients can affect immunity to vaccination. 20,21 In addition, some treatment regimens for autoimmune diseases (eg, monoclonal antibody therapies, corticosteroids, methotrexate) may interfere with vaccine immunogenicity and immune response development. The immune response to vaccination is poor in people with cancer, especially those undergoing bone marrow transplantation and suffering from T-cell deficiency as a result.22,23 Due to a largely exclusion from clinical trials of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, there is a large evidence gap for patients with immune dysfunction. 8.9 The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine demonstrated weakened immune responses in immunocompromised patients.24-29 Immune dysfunction was associated with lower immune responses in some groups of individuals assessed by antibody titers as proxies for post vaccine immunogenicity.24 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are not yet proven to be effective in real-world settings based on these proxies of immunogenicity. Accordingly, researchers conducted this study to determine whether patients with or without immune dysfunction who received SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were more likely to develop COVID-19 breakthrough infection. The cohort study revealed that full vaccination reduced the risk of COVID-19 breakthrough infection, regardless of the patient's immune status. People with immune dysfunction were significantly more likely than those without such a condition to have a COVID-19 breakthrough infection despite full vaccination. It is recommended that vaccination with alternative strategies be given to people with immune dysfunctions despite having already received a full vaccination 3 (e.g., wearing a mask).30 In a study published in New England Journal of Medicine on Covid-19 breakthrough infections among vaccinated health care workers, 1497 (13.1%) RT-PCR tests were performed among 11,453 fully vaccinated health care workers. There were 39 breakthrough cases detected among the workers tested. 18 (46%) of the 39 breakthrough case patients worked as nurses, 10 (26%) as administrative or maintenance employees, 6 (15%) as allied health professionals, and 5 (13) as physicians. Among the 39 infected workers, 42 percent were women, and the average age was 42 years old. During the period between the second vaccine dose and SARS-CoV-2 detection, 39 days were the median (range, 11 to 102 days). An immunosuppressed individual (3% of infected individuals) was the only one.31 3. OBJECTIVES 3.1 General Objective To study the risk factors for COVID-19 breakthrough infection in Sudan in 2022. 3.2 Specific Objective 1. To assess the exposure odds of cases/ controls who were COVID-19 vaccinated 2. To determine the risk of COVID-19 following vaccination based on the type, number, and duration ofvaccination. 3. To identify the socio-demographic and comorbidity characteristics of the control group and the case group 4 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Study design Observational Analytical Case-control study. 4.2 Study setting / data sources The study will be carried out in Sudan, a country with a population around 40 million that has been hit by COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of the year 2020 causing around 88 thousands cases with 3772 deaths until December 2021 according to the Sudan Federal Ministry of Health. The status of vaccine coverage less than 5% according to Expanded Program of Immunization – Federal Ministry of Health. 4.3 Study population 5 Line-list of people who were investigated by National Public Health Laboratory and other laboratories during the months of April 2021 to August 2022 and who were vaccinated and tested positive or negative using COVID-19 test. ● Cases are persons who are vaccinated and tested positive. ● Controls are persons who are vaccinated and tested negative 4.4 Sampling method 4.4.1 Sample size Sampling and Sample size: The sample size was calculated using the Open Epi calculator (https://www.openepi.com/Menu/OE_Menu.htm) and found to be 108 for cases and 215 for control according to Kelsey et al. (attached the screen shot). To cater about the non-response rate, 20% will be added to cases and to control. The final sample will be: 130 for cases and 258 for control. The sample size calculation using Open Epi Calculator. Kelsey et al., Methods in Observational Epidemiology 2nd Edition, Table 12-15 Fleiss, Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, formulas 3.18 &3.19 6 CC = continuity correction Results are rounded up to the nearest integer. Print from the browser menu or select, copy, and paste to other programs. Results from OpenEpi, Version 3, open source calculator--SSCC 4.4.2 Sampling Technique The federal ministry of health's surveillance department receives COVID-19 test results from Sudan's National Public Health Laboratory and other laboratories. The vaccine was administered to Sudan in April, due to which 60179 COVID-19 tests were conducted between April 2021 and August 2022, 31693 of which were positive, and 1241 of which were breakthrough cases. Simple random sampling technique using of random number generator will be used to select 130 cases and 258 controls. 4.6 Data collection An extraction form will be used to extract the data from the line-list of the COVID-19 surveillance COVID-19 data register for both cases and control (attached). Further information will be collected through phone interviews with cases and controls using pre-coded pre-tested questionnaire (attached). Trained data collectors will be recruited to collect the data from the research institutions, total of 6 data collectors. The data collectors will be trained by the research team. 4.7 Data management plan ● Data will be entered, cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS version 26.0. Data analysis: ● Odds ratios are calculated in case-control studies to measure how strongly exposure is linked to outcome. Odds ratios represent the ratio of exposure probabilities in the case group to the odds of responding in the control group. Each odds ratio should have a confidence interval calculated. ● Data will be presented after analysis in form of uni-variable tables, cross tabulation (bi variable tables), figures and narrative illustrations. ● The descriptive data will be presented as graphs or tables. By estimating crude and adjusted Odd Ratio (OR), the researcher will analyze data using univariate and multiple logistic regression. 7 8 4.8 Coordination, monitoring and quality control Setting up a good feedback mechanism and communicating effectively with respondents are key methods for ensuring high data quality during primary data collection. 4.9 Ethical considerations: Research has been approved by the National Ethical Committee Verbal informed consent will be obtained from participant Confidentiality will be obtained through serial number Please describe your proposal: 1. Does this research involve human subjects? Yes € 2. If yes, have you received an ethical approval for this research? Yes € 3. No € No € Is there a research ethics committee or institutional review board at your institution whichreviews research on human subjects? Yes € 4. If yes, has this committee given ethical approval for the conduct of this research? Yes € 5. No € No € Will you ensure that confidentiality of collected information (e.g. medical records, biologicalsamples) obtained from subjects be protected in this research? Yes € 6. No € Have you received any training on ethics of biomedical research? Yes € No € 9 5. TIME FRAME OF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES (Gantt chart) as applicable to your proposal 1st QUARTER Activity M1 M2 2nd QUARTER M3 M4 M5 M6 Research design and planning Finalize sampling plan, Develop data collection Instrument and Pre-test/pilot data collection instrument Carry out data collection Submission of the interim X technical report* Write up data collection Prepare data for analysis Analyze data Draw conclusions/ recommendations Final draft of application Review draft Final editing Submit to extramural funder Submission of the manuscript for consideration for publication and final financial report* *mandatory 6. BENEFICIARIES OF RESEARCH RESULTS 10 COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough risk factors will be better understood through the research. In this research. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors of COVID-19 breakthrough infection in Sudan and fill knowledge gaps. We will be able to discuss the covid-19 vaccine and its recommendations in a far more comprehensive way than ever before. COVID-19 Vaccination campaigns can benefit private and public health personnel. In releasing the information to the general public, it will allow for a broader discussion about the COVID-19 vaccine in the public sphere and consideration of risk factors (both financial and non-financial). 8. REFERENCES CITED 1. Birhane M, Bressler S, Chang G, Clark T, Dorough L, Fischer M et al. COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections Reported to CDC — United States, January 1–April 30, 2021. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021;70(21):792-793. 2. Hamieh, MD C. COVID-19 Vaccines, What do we know so Far? A Narrative Review. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. 2021;04(05). 3. Information about the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine [Internet]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022 [cited 12 January 2022]. 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